Helping A Friend In Trouble Essay? The 68 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “helping a friend in trouble essay“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

How do you help a friend in trouble?

13 Ways to Support Your Friends If They Are Struggling
  1. Listen and Don’t Panic. …
  2. Don’t Judge Them or Their Issues. …
  3. Be There for Each Other – You’re Not Alone. …
  4. Be Honest. …
  5. Talk to a Trusted Adult. …
  6. Phone a Helpline. …
  7. Help Your Friend Feel Better. …
  8. Visit a Doctor or Health Worker.

How can you help your friends?

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need
  1. Be Specific in Your Offers of Help. …
  2. Don’t Force Your Help on Them. …
  3. Only Offer Help That You Are Genuinely Able to Give. …
  4. Don’t Assume You Know What’s Best For Them. …
  5. Remember That Small Thoughtful Gestures Go a Long Way. …
  6. Be Someone They Can Trust. …
  7. Listen More Than Talk.

Why is helping a friend isn’t always good?

And when it comes to helping a friend , most of us wouldn’t even think once for that and will do anything to help him in his problem . But helping friends is always not good . Many times it makes them dependent on us. They tend to think that we shall be there to help them always and hence they turn lazy and careless.

What is the narrative essay?

A narrative essay tells a story. In most cases, this is a story about a personal experience you had. This type of essay, along with the descriptive essay, allows you to get personal and creative, unlike most academic writing.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

A narrative essay tells a story. In most cases, this is a story about a personal experience you had. This type of essay, along with the descriptive essay, allows you to get personal and creative, unlike most academic writing.

Narrative essays test your ability to express your experiences creatively and persuasively, following an appropriate narrative structure. They are often used in high school or in university composition classes. You can also use these techniques when writing a personal statement for an application.

What is narrative text for?

When you receive a narrative essay, you may be wondering: why does my teacher want to hear this story? Topics for narrative essays can range from important to trivial. It’s usually not so much about the story itself as it is about how you tell it.

A narrative essay is a way to test your ability to tell a story in a clear and interesting way. You are expected to think about where your story begins and ends and how to convey it with eye-catching language and a satisfying pace.

These skills differ significantly from those needed for formal academic writing. For example, in a narrative essay, the use of the first person (“I”) is encouraged, as is the use of figurative language, dialogue, and suspense.

Choosing a topic

Narrative essay assignments vary widely in the amount of direction you get on your topic. You may be assigned a very specific topic or selection of topics to work with.

Specific Prompts Write a story about your first day of school.

Write a story about your favorite vacation destination.

You may also get prompts that give you a much wider range of topics to choose from.

Open Prompts Write about an experience that taught you something about yourself.

Write about an achievement that you are proud of. What have you achieved and how?

In these cases, you may need to think more carefully about what story you want to tell. The best type of story for a narrative essay is one that lets you talk about a specific topic or lesson, or that takes a surprising turn somewhere along the way.

For example, a trip where everything went according to plan is a less interesting story than one where something unexpected happened that you then have to act on. Choose an experience that might surprise or teach the reader something.

Narrative essays in college applications

When you apply to college, you may be asked to write a narrative essay that expresses something about your personal qualities.

For example, this Common App job challenge requires you to respond with a narrative essay.

College Application Prompt Tell about a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you and what did you learn from the experience?

With this in mind, choose a story that is not only interesting but also expresses the qualities the prompt is looking for—here, resilience and the ability to learn from failure—and design the story to emphasize those qualities.

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Interactive example of a narrative essay

An example of a short narrative essay that responds to the prompt “Write about an experience that taught you something about yourself” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how the structure works.

Sample Narrative Essay Ever since elementary school, I have always preferred subjects like science and math to humanities. My instinct has always been to think of these subjects as more solid and serious than courses like English. If there was no right answer, I thought, why bother? But recently I had an experience that taught me that my academic interests are more flexible than I thought: I took my first philosophy class. Before entering the classroom, I was skeptical. I waited outside with the other students, wondering what exactly philosophy would entail – I really had no idea. I envisioned something rather abstract: long, stilted conversations reflecting on the meaning of life. But what I got was something completely different. A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones – “but you can call me Rob” – was a far cry from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I half expected. And instead of dragging us into pedantic discussions on obscure philosophical points, Rob engaged us at our level. To talk about free will, we looked at our own choices. To talk about ethics, we looked at dilemmas we faced ourselves. By the end of the class, I had found that questions with no correct answer can turn out to be the most interesting. The experience taught me to look at things a little more “philosophically” – and not just because it was a philosophy class! I’ve learned that when I let go of my prejudices, I can actually get a lot out of issues I previously dismissed. The course taught me – in more ways than one – to look at things with an open mind.

Frequently asked questions about narrative essays

What do you say to a friend in trouble?

Instead, listen to what they are going through: ‘Can you tell me more about what’s going on for you?’ ‘If you want to tell me more, I’m here to listen’ ‘It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot at the moment’

Don’t try to solve their problem
  • ‘It’s not that bad’
  • ‘Things will get better’
  • ‘How could you be so selfish?’

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

When someone is feeling down or going through a difficult time, it’s important to take them seriously. Give the person space to explain what they are going through. Let them tell you how they feel.

Avoid dismissing the person’s experiences and feelings. Try not to diminish their feelings. Don’t try to change her feelings or point of view.

Don’t tell the person they are wrong

When someone speaks about their experiences and emotions, there is no wrong. You may not experience the same situation in the same way.

You don’t listen when you say things like:

“You shouldn’t feel so bad”

“You are overreacting”

‘it’s not as bad as you think’

Don’t talk too much

Try to refrain from offering too much advice or your own experience. Try to listen to their understanding and experience. Don’t try to change your friend’s mind. The first step is to listen.

Don’t try to solve their problem

Knowing that someone else heard you may be more important than someone suggesting solutions.

Ask your friend if they know what they want to do next. We often have resources within ourselves just waiting to be tapped.

Examples of what not to say:

‘It’s not that bad’

‘Everything will be better’

‘How could you be so selfish?’

These reactions can leave the person feeling misunderstood and more isolated than ever.

Instead, listen to what they’re going through:

What to say to a friend who is going through a hard time?

Ideas to consider include:
  • “Thank you for all you do for us, but now is a time to take care of yourself as well.” …
  • “I’m proud of you.” …
  • “I hate that you’re going through this, but I know that you’ve got this.” …
  • “Remember when you were there for me? …
  • “Here’s how we’re going to take care of your work while you’re away.”

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

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The important people in your life will sometimes experience challenges and heartbreak. As a family member, friend, or even co-worker, you probably want to let these people know that you care about them when they have problems. You want these people to know that you are there for them, even if you can only offer a little comfort.

Jump to these sections:

Think about these ideas on how to comfort someone when you know a friend or loved one is going through tough times. Your message might be just what that person needs to hear. Here are some ideas on what to say to someone who is going through a difficult time.

Tip: If someone you know recently lost a loved one, our post-loss checklist can help them organize the complicated tasks and challenges they may face.

How to support a family member during a difficult time

Family members need each other, and saying the right words is one of the most important things you can do when your loved one is struggling. Ideas to consider include:

1. “Thank you for everything you do for us, but now it’s time to take care of yourself too.”

Family members are often responsible for looking after one another in a variety of ways, and these include chores and important chores.

When a family member is going through a difficult experience, he or she may not be able to justify a much-needed break. Help your family member by letting him or her know that you would like to take on some chores while your family member attends to his or her own needs.

If you are far away from your family member and cannot be there in person, consider sending a care package with groceries or some of their favorite things in addition to your message.

2. Remind your family member of something very nice he or she did for you.

Your family members were probably there for you when you were going through tough times. Remind them if they’re in the same boat. They’ll be glad to know they made you feel better. More importantly, hearing about how they’ve helped you will make them feel a little better.

3. “I’m proud of you.”

Depending on the nature of your relationship with a family member, there’s a good chance that that important person would like to hear that you’re proud of how he or she is handling a painful experience.

For example, parents might tell a child that they are proud of how they handled a very difficult breakup.

4. “My job is to make your life easier now. That’s how I’m gonna do it. It works?”

Family members need to support each other when you are in pain. However, if you ask just one family member, “How can I help?” If he or she is struggling, your loved one may not let you know. Instead, offer to do something to make his or her life easier during this painful time.

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What to say to a friend who is going through hard times?

Friends aren’t just people to have fun with. They are also the people we can turn to when life is difficult. If you know a friend wants to hear from you right away, contact us to share one of these messages:

5. “I hate that you’re going through this, but I know you have.”

People want to know that their friends not only like them but also admire them. Tell a friend who is going through a difficult time that you know he or she has the strength to get through it.

Even better, relate a specific story or life event that proves your friend is as strong as you say they are.

6. “You’ve got a lot on your plate. Can we set a time to chat each week?”

You may be wondering what to say when someone has a sick family member who needs care. If so, let your friend know that you’re impressed with how well she’s doing her caring responsibilities and suggest a specific time each week that she can call you to vent. You can also send her coffee and sweets to enjoy while you chat.

7. “Remember when you were there for me? It’s my turn to do the same for you.”

Like family members, friends who are going through hard times often feel better when someone reminds them that they have been of great help in the past.

Let your friend know that you want to support her by reminding her of a specific time she did the same for you. This increases your friend’s chances of actually accepting your offer of help.

8. “You are my best friend. Helping where I can is my top priority at the moment. Please believe that.”

Sometimes saying “Sorry about your loss” isn’t enough to show a friend how much you care when a loved one dies. Go the extra mile by wearing your heart on your sleeve. Tell your friend what their friendship has meant to you and why it is very important to you to help in any way you can.

» MORE: Honor a loved one with an online memorial. Create one with Cake for free. Honor a loved one with an online memorial.

What should you say to an acquaintance or colleague who is going through a difficult phase

The people we want to comfort are not always close family and friends. Throughout your life, you are also likely to have colleagues and casual acquaintances who are going through difficult times. Here are some things you could tell them if this happens:

9. “This is how we take care of your work while you’re gone.”

A colleague going through a rough patch may need to take a break from work for a period of time to attend to other needs. This may be the case when your colleague is grieving, struggling with an illness, or otherwise facing a life challenge that is taking up a lot of their time.

Your co-worker might be stressed about work and wondering who will take all the responsibility until they come back. You can greatly help your colleague by coordinating with supervisors and peers to share responsibilities. Get in touch and show your co-worker that you’re on top of your job responsibilities.

10. “If you need a reference, networking help, or anything like that, let me know. Happy to help!”

A colleague may be going through a difficult time because he or she was unexpectedly fired. There’s a good chance you can help by serving as a reference or introducing your peers to others in your industry.

Offering your help in this important practical way could make your colleague (or former colleague) feel a lot better.

11. “I know we don’t know each other very well, but I’ve had a very similar experience, and if you ever need advice, I have a lot to share.”

In some cases, it makes sense to reach out to a little acquaintance when you hear he or she is struggling with a difficult life experience. This is especially true if that person’s life experience is very similar to yours.

Perhaps an acquaintance was diagnosed with a previous illness, for example. If so, you could reach out to her and tell her that you understand what she’s going through.

12. Share a positive memory you have of a friend.

As you’ve probably guessed, this is another way to comfort someone you only know through friends. A friend of a friend might be going through a tough time, but let’s assume you really have a positive memory of that person.

Consider reaching out and letting that distant friend know. It’s always nice to hear when you’ve made a positive difference.

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Offer support – it is appreciated

Again, you won’t always know what to say to someone going through a difficult time. Everyone has this experience at some point. If this is how you feel, keep these ideas in mind.

How do you help someone who is struggling emotionally?

11 ways to help someone struggling emotionally
  1. Validate their emotions. Letting someone know that they are not alone and being open to what they want to share is an important step. …
  2. Just show up. …
  3. Be a good listener. …
  4. Keep things confidential. …
  5. Keep the door open. …
  6. Spend time with them. …
  7. Offer praise. …
  8. Offer practical help.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

Someone experiencing emotional distress may exhibit the following signs and symptoms that indicate mental or physical exhaustion:

What are common signs someone is struggling emotionally?

What are common signs someone is struggling emotionally?

What should I do if I’m in emotional pain?

Once you’ve identified the cause of your pain, try to find solutions yourself. In terms of general health management and stress management, taking care of yourself can include:

Get enough rest

Eat a nutritious diet

Exercise regularly

Maintain contact with people who can support you both practically and emotionally

Ask family, friends, or religious or community groups you belong to for help

If you have symptoms of emotional distress and haven’t found relief through self-help strategies, seek professional help. Counselors and psychotherapists are trained to help you find strategies to manage your feelings.

Is helping a friend a good thing?

Giving helps keep things in perspective

Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help to put things into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

Volunteering your time, money, or energy to help others not only makes the world a better place — it makes you better, too. Studies show that the mere act of giving back to the community increases your happiness, health, and well-being.

Here are 10 benefits of helping those in need. Remember, before beginning any type of volunteer work, you should read the student body’s Advice on Safe Volunteering During COVID-19.

1. Helping others feels good

There is evidence that helping may promote other physiological changes in the brain associated with happiness. This increased sense of well-being could be the by-product of getting more physical activity as a result of volunteering, or because it makes us more socially active.

2. It creates a sense of belonging

Helping others can help us make new friends and connect with our community. Personal activities like volunteering at a food bank can also help reduce loneliness and isolation.

3. It gives you purpose

Studies show that volunteering strengthens a person’s overall purpose and identity. This is because you can feel rewarded, fulfilled, and empowered when you help others.

4. Giving helps keep things in perspective

Helping others, especially those less fortunate than yourself, can help put things in perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances.

5. It’s contagious

One study found that people are more likely to perform acts of generosity after watching others do the same. This effect can spread throughout the community, inspiring dozens of individuals to make a difference.

6. Helping others can help you live longer

Regular volunteering can improve your ability to cope with stress and ward off illness, as well as improve your attitude towards life. This could be because volunteering alleviates loneliness and enriches our social lives.

7. It will give you a sense of renewal

Helping others can teach you to help yourself. If you’ve had a tough experience or are simply suffering from depression, the Activism Cure is a great way to feel like yourself again.

8. You increase your self-esteem

It has been found that people who volunteer have higher self-esteem and overall well-being. The benefits of volunteering also depend on your persistence. So the more regularly you volunteer, the more self-confidence you will gain.

9. You will create stronger friendships

When you help others, you radiate positive vibes that can rub off on your peers and enhance your friendships. Being a force for good in a friend’s life can help form a lasting bond.

10. You become a half full glass person

Being a positive influence on someone else could help you change your own perspective and attitude. Experts say that kind acts improve your mood and ultimately make you more optimistic and positive.

Why is support important in a friendship?

It is important to surround ourselves with family and friends for support and comfort in both times of joy and distress. Studies have shown that having supportive relationships is a strong protective factor against mental illnesses and helps to increase our mental well-being.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

As the saying goes, “No man is an island” – everyone needs company and a shoulder to lean on. It is important to surround ourselves with family and friends to support and comfort us in both our times of joy and in times of need. Studies have shown that supportive relationships are a powerful protective factor against mental illness and help increase our mental well-being.

What does it mean to have a supportive network of family and friends?

Having a supportive network of family and friends doesn’t mean you should try to find as many friends as possible to do this with. Instead, an effort should be made to focus on and strengthen the various important relationships with a handful of people in their social circle.

It’s about building and nurturing a network of people you trust and who you can fall back on when times get tough.

Why is it important to have a supportive network of family and friends?

After our basic physiological (air, water, etc.) and security needs (safe neighborhood, job security, etc.) are met, the next stage is to meet our social needs. We need to feel part of a larger social group and feel socially connected to our family and friends.

In addition, we need people to turn to for advice and encouragement in difficult times.

Having just one person in your support network is not enough as you may over-rely on that person and wear them out. It can also be devastating when the only person you counted on can’t be with you. Therefore, it is wise to have a strong set of relationships in your social circle.

In addition, different people bring out different aspects of our personality and fulfill different roles in our lives. For example, an outgoing friend can bring out the party animal in you when you’re in the mood to have fun and celebrate, while another friend who’s calm and loyal can be a good listener when you need to talk about your problems . Different people can also help us see the same problem in different ways. This gives us a more complete picture of the situation.

Build this network!

Stay in regular contact with friends and acquaintances. Make an effort to catch up over a cup of coffee or even a simple phone call to ask how they are doing. They will feel your concern and sincerity from the time you spend with them. Read more about how to spice up your family life, make new friends, and maintain good relationships.

Show appreciation for your loved ones from time to time to remind them how important they are to you. Very often a simple “How are you?” is enough. or “I’m glad you’re in my life” shows that you care and value them.

By investing time and effort in nurturing your relationships, you will enjoy the positive results of the strong connections you have with the people in your life.

Take up a new hobby and meet like-minded people who enjoy the same activities. Join an interest group or take part in community activities. Sharing your experiences with people you meet can be the start of new and fulfilling friendships.

A supportive network of family and friends can also help us be positive as we go about our daily lives.

Read these next:

Is helping a friend good?

But friendship is more than just laughter and having fun, it is about actually trying to be a good friend. One of the most important ways to be a good friend is to help them when you notice something is wrong. It may sound like a big responsibility, but it doesn’t have to be.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

help a friend

Friendships are one of the most valuable relationships we have and they are essential to protecting our mental health. We care for our friends and we love them, even through trouble and strife. But friendship is about more than laughing and having fun, it’s about actually trying to be a good friend. One of the most important ways to be a good friend is to help them when you notice something is wrong. That may sound like a big responsibility, but it doesn’t have to be.

To know if something is wrong, you must first recognize the signs. It’s normal to feel sad or upset during difficult times, but prolonged periods of it can mean something more serious is happening. Some signs to look out for are: self-harm, severe mood swings, refusal to eat, repeated use of alcohol or drugs, drastic behavior changes, extreme difficulty concentrating, or suicidal thoughts.

As soon as you notice something is wrong, the next step is to let her know that you are concerned and that you care about her. Saying things like, “I’ve noticed you’re not being yourself lately, is there something going on?” is especially helpful. Make sure you are compassionate, understanding, and non-judgmental. Your friend may not respond to your questions, and that’s okay, they may not be ready to talk just yet. You can’t force anyone to get help, so just offer your support. You can even ask things like, “What’s the best way for me to support you right now?” or “Would you like me to take you to a support group or meetup?” Let them know you’re there.

Finally, do what you can to keep them in your life. Write or call your friend regularly and invite them into your plans, even if they don’t always go. Try to learn more about mental health so you can better understand what your friend is going through. Remember not to say dismissive words like “You’ll get over it” or “tougher” as it doesn’t make anyone feel better.

When your friend is suffering from a mental illness, this is the time when he needs you the most. Sometimes your friend may be too scared to seek help or say anything. This is where you can come into play. A simple conversation can be extremely therapeutic and make a huge difference in someone’s life. Wouldn’t you want the same for yourself?

Written by Alessandra Merino

NAMI. (n.d.). How to help a friend. Retrieved from

How do you write a good short essay?

Six Tips For Successful Writing
  1. Choose a topic you’re interested in. This is key to crafting an interesting, thoughtful essay that all readers will enjoy. …
  2. Know target audience. Don’t forget who your audience is. …
  3. Read. …
  4. Avoid distractions. …
  5. Don’t give up. …
  6. Use online editing/proofreading services.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

Whether you are a high school student or a freshman at Harvard, your teachers will definitely give you plenty of writing assignments. If the assignment involves a short essay format, you may feel happy at first. It seems like an easy task, doesn’t it? An hour or two and that’s it. But the truth is that writing short essays can be a lot more complicated than long paperwork.

Learning how to write a short essay is important because it helps you express your thoughts concisely and clearly. In real life, even in the classroom or in the performance of professional functions, few of us have the opportunity to become poetic. Knowing how to speak briefly and directly, both on paper and orally, is just as important as fully responding to a prompt in as few words as possible. In this way, you will become a perceptive communicator, which is an essential skill in any profession. So how do I start a short essay?

What is a short essay format?

The main feature of writing short essays is that students have to fit all their ideas and arguments into a limited space. Typically, short essays are between 200 and 500 words, depending on the topic and the teacher’s needs. So first, choose a good topic and find relevant sources. In general, your essay should only contain between two and five paragraphs. However, despite this short length, it is important to clearly convey the essence of Prompt.

For example, the topic “Should the death penalty be abolished in the USA?” was chosen. It’s very common that there are tons of materials out there on the subject, but instead of being helpful, it just complicates everything. You should focus on choosing the most relevant information to make your short essay understandable. This means that you should learn to filter and sort any data you come across and to structure it properly.

Fortunately, there are easy ways on how to write a short essay.

Write a short essay

Whether you’ve been commissioned to write a short-sized descriptive, argumentative, or narrative essay, there are some basic requirements to keep in mind. Let’s take a look at all the steps involved in writing short essays.


Finding relevant sources is one of the most important tasks. The good news is that since the essay is short, you usually only need a few sources, like two or three. These may be articles from reputable US journals or books such as those published by Sage Publications. Pay close attention to their dates – the more up-to-date all sources are the better, and make sure they are peer-reviewed. Read an abstract or synopsis of the work you found. Does it sound like something that will be useful? Remember that each source must actually contribute something to a short essay.


How to write a short essay without understanding all the ideas first? It’s impossible, so think about what you want to explore in particular. For short essays, stay as focused as possible. Each of your sentences must be precise and on topic. For this it is important that you have a clear idea of ​​what you are going to write about.


The outline is the next logical step after brainstorming. You have all the ideas, now it’s time to write them down so as not to lose direction when you start typing. An outline is a must, especially if you’ve been assigned a broad topic. The threat of chaotic thoughts is very real here, so write down all arguments and possible counter-arguments before you start work. Dwell on your final goal and decide what information you will cover in each paragraph.

Also Read: How to Make an Essay Longer


If you have completed the previous steps, the writing will not be difficult. You have an outline, you have sources that you will use, now just follow the former and add the latter! But don’t forget to write a short essay. Keep it short and concise, cover all points quickly but concisely.


Editing and proofreading are an essential part of your short essay writing. You should read what you’ve written to make sure it sounds good and nothing is rushed or unclear. The writing process is first and foremost the process of creation, and even if your ideas are perfectly expressed, a large amount of grammatical and spelling mistakes will result in you getting a bad grade. Prevent this by proofreading your essay. If possible, check it with grammar checkers. Since the essay is mini-length, you won’t have to read for a long time, so be extra meticulous.

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Now that we have seen how to write a short essay, there is one more question that needs to be answered. What is a mini essay structure?

Components of a short essay

The standard five-paragraph short essays have a specific structure: introduction (1 paragraph), thesis, body (3 paragraphs), and conclusion (1 paragraph). This will make your work clearer and clearer.


First impressions count, even if you’re writing a short essay. The purpose of the introduction is to grab your readers’ attention and interest them, so your goal here is to create a hook that will captivate the audience. Introduction to short essays should be within 5 sentences – you need to make them concise, informative and memorable. In the first sentence, assert the urgency of the problem; Convince the audience that your essay is worth reading. Now you know how to start a short essay.


It’s the last sentence of the introduction. It must focus on the main issue you want to investigate and contain a claim that you will prove. So if your topic is too general or too simple, focus on something more specific. The thesis must be debatable and should motivate opponents to argue with your position. Furthermore, everyone should be able to figure out your central idea just by reading this argumentative claim. So if it’s unclear, rephrase it until it is.

main body

A good standard mini essay structure has a specific 5-paragraph format. Three of these must be devoted to the main body, which contains your key ideas along with supporting evidence or facts. It is easier to read a work in which the main points are divided into paragraphs by microtopics. Put your strongest argument in the first paragraph and back it up with the relevant facts.

Arguments where supporting information is less effective should be placed in descending order. It will give your short essay a great advantage, even more so if your evidence includes citations. But don’t forget to quote them according to the formatting requirements! Use conjunctions and connecting words to make your text coherent. This will make the flow of your narrative logical as all the ideas appear gradually and flow smoothly from one to the other.


Present the results of the analysis in the last paragraph. Show how ideas from the body support the thesis statement you were asked to rewrite. The conclusion is not a simple summary of the work, it is a synthesis. You must answer the question asked in the introduction. Their goal is to offer the target group a new perspective on the topic. So if the first sentence of the introduction should have caught the reader’s attention, the last sentence of the conclusion should satisfy them with what they read.

Six tips for successful writing

Writing can be difficult in general, but scholarly writing is a separate sphere with a number of specific quirks. There are different rules like how to create a great fictional story for everyone and how to write a short essay for your professor. Let’s check out the list of six tips for effective academic writing.

Choose a topic that interests you. This is the key to creating an interesting, thoughtful essay that will please all readers. If you want to know something and have a personal interest in a topic, you will definitely succeed because you are part of your own audience. You will surely choose the most interesting facts. Passion is always evident in writing, even if it’s an academic paper, and it will get you better results than choosing something just because you know it’s popular.

This is the key to creating an interesting, thoughtful essay that will please all readers. If you want to know something and have a personal interest in a topic, you will definitely succeed because you are part of your own audience. You will surely choose the most interesting facts. Passion is always evident in writing, even if it’s an academic paper, and it will get you better results than choosing something just because you know it’s popular. know the target group. Don’t forget who your audience is. It depends on the task, so make sure you identify people who will read such an essay before you start writing. If a professor is this primary audience, then they already have an idea of ​​your topic, which means there’s no need to repeat the basics. Other times, it’s better to start with something broader so as not to confuse target readers.

Don’t forget who your audience is. It depends on the task, so make sure you identify people who will read such an essay before you start writing. If a professor is this primary audience, then they already have an idea of ​​your topic, which means there’s no need to repeat the basics. Other times, it’s better to start with something broader so as not to confuse target readers. Read. Academic writing means that you must have certain knowledge. Research your chosen topic before writing the first paragraph. Read at least part of the text from the sources you have chosen to get in-depth suggestions for your own short essay.

Academic writing means that you must have certain knowledge. Research your chosen topic before writing the first paragraph. Read at least part of the text from the sources you have chosen to get in-depth suggestions for your own short essay. Avoid distractions. It might seem tempting to write essays while watching a TV show to add a little interest to the process, but unless you’re a very experienced writer, don’t do it. Concentrate on writing an essay. This way you can get it done fairly quickly as nothing will distract you and your content will be specific and to the point.

It might seem tempting to write essays while watching a TV show to add a little interest to the process, but unless you’re a very experienced writer, don’t do it. Concentrate on writing an essay. This way you can get it done fairly quickly as nothing will distract you and your content will be specific and to the point. Do not give up. It might feel like writing is getting too difficult and it is simply impossible to finish this essay. There are no ideas left to use, all inspiration has long gone, and many much more interesting and exciting tasks are waiting to be approached. Taking a break is great at this point, but giving up altogether? Definitely not. Relax for some time if needed to restore balance, but then keep working. Being proud and accomplished at the end of such work will be the best reward. The same applies in situations where the essay comes back badly graded. It’s annoying, sure, but it doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. Sooner or later, persistence will pay off and will be reflected in all future grades you receive.

It might feel like writing is getting too difficult and it is simply impossible to finish this essay. There are no ideas left to use, all inspiration has long gone, and many much more interesting and exciting tasks are waiting to be approached. Taking a break is great at this point, but giving up altogether? Definitely not. Relax for some time if needed to restore balance, but then keep working. Being proud and accomplished at the end of such work will be the best reward. The same applies in situations where the essay comes back badly graded. It’s annoying, sure, but it doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. Sooner or later, persistence will pay off and will be reflected in all future grades you receive. Use online editing/proofreading services. Students are often confident that their short essay writing is error-free, but they probably still made some mistakes. Typos can be awkward, and when someone has just finished writing an essay, these little issues can be easy to miss even when re-reading. That’s why it’s better to entrust your text to online grammar checkers. Another option is to use EduBirdie’s editing and rating services so you don’t miss a thing.

Also read: Process Analysis Paper: Writing Rules

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How do we start an essay?

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:
  1. An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  2. Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  3. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

A good introductory paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay. It builds your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

The main goals of an introduction are:

Grab your reader’s attention.

Provide background information on your topic.

Present your thesis – the central point of your essay.

This introductory example is taken from our interactive essay example on the history of Braille.

Essay Introduction The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The raised dot writing system used by the visually impaired was developed by Louis Braille in 19th-century France. In a society that generally did not value people with disabilities, blindness was particularly stigmatized and lack of access to literacy was a significant barrier to participation in society. The idea of ​​tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed to meet the needs of blind people, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. Not only did it offer practical benefits, but it also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This paper begins with a discussion of the situation of blind people in 19th century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance in education for the blind. The far-reaching impact of this invention on the social and cultural life of blind people is then examined.

Step 1: Plug in your reader

Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so take some time to write an effective hook.

Avoid long, condensed sentences—start with something clear, concise, and catchy that will pique your reader’s curiosity.

The hook should lead the reader into your essay and give a sense of the topic you are writing about and why it is interesting. Avoid overly broad claims or simple statements of fact.

Examples: Write a good hook

Check out these examples of weak hooks and learn how to improve them.

Braille was an extremely important invention.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

The first sentence is dry fact; The second sentence is more interesting and makes a bold statement about why the topic is important.

The Internet is defined as “a global computer network that provides a variety of information and communication facilities”.

The spread of the Internet is having a world-changing effect, not least in the world of education.

Avoid using a dictionary definition as a hook, especially if it’s an obvious term that everyone knows. The improved example here is still broad, but it gives us a much clearer idea of ​​what the essay will be about.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a famous nineteenth-century book.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a clumsy cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific progress.

Rather than just mentioning a fact the reader already knows, the improved hook here tells us something about the mainstream interpretation of the book, implying that this essay will offer a different interpretation.

Step 2: Provide background information

Next, give your reader the context they need to understand your topic and argument. Depending on the topic of your essay, this may include:

Historical, geographic or social context

An overview of the debate you raise

A summary of relevant theory or research on the topic

Definitions of Key Terms

The information here should be broad but clearly focused and relevant to your argument.

Don’t give too many details – you can make points that you will come back to later, but save your proofs and interpretations for the main part of the essay.

The amount of background space you need depends on your topic and the length of your essay. In our Braille example, we’ll take a few sentences to introduce the topic and outline the social context the essay will address:

Example: Background Information The raised dot writing system used by the blind and partially sighted was developed by Louis Braille in 19th-century France. In a society that generally did not value people with disabilities, blindness was particularly stigmatized and lack of access to literacy was a significant barrier to participation in society. The idea of ​​tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use.

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Step 3: Present your thesis

Now it’s time to narrow your focus and show exactly what you want to say about the topic. This is your thesis – a sentence or two that summarizes your overall argument.

This is the most important part of your introduction. A good thesis is not just a statement of fact, but a statement that requires evidence and explanation.

The aim is to clearly convey one’s position in a debate or the central point on a topic.

Example: Thesis Statement As the first writing system designed to meet the needs of blind people, Braille was a breakthrough new tool for accessibility. Not only did it offer practical benefits, but it also helped change the cultural status of blindness.

Step 4: Draw out the structure of your essay

Especially with longer essays, it is helpful to end the introduction with a note of what is covered in each part. Be brief and give your reader a clear idea of ​​the direction your argument will take.

Example: Signage This paper begins by discussing the situation of blind people in 19th century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance in education for the blind. The far-reaching impact of this invention on the social and cultural life of blind people is then examined.

Step 5: Review and revise

As you research and write, your argument may change focus or direction as you learn more.

For this reason, it’s often a good idea to wait until later in the writing process before writing the introductory section—it may even be the very last thing you write.

When you have finished writing the body and conclusion of the essay, you should return to the introduction and check that it is consistent with the content of the essay.

It is especially important to ensure that your thesis accurately reflects what you are doing in the essay. If your reasoning went in a different direction than you planned, adapt your thesis statement to what you are actually saying.

You can use the following checklist to ensure your launch is doing everything it’s supposed to.

Checklist: Essay Introduction 0 / 5 My first sentence is engaging and relevant.

I introduced the topic with necessary background information.

I have defined all important terms.

My thesis statement clearly states my main point or argument.

Everything in the introduction is relevant to the body of the essay. Well done! You have a strong introduction – now make sure the rest of your essay is just as good. Learn more about writing essay paragraphs

More examples of essay introductions



Literary Analysis This introduction to an argumentative essay introduces the debate about the Internet and education and then clearly states the position for which the essay will argue. Argumentative essay introduction The spread of the Internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is increasing and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who didn’t grow up with this technology, its implications seem alarming and potentially damaging. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The disadvantages of using the Internet are outweighed by the significant advantages for students and teachers – as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible source of information; a means of engaging and engaging with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment. This introduction to a short explanatory essay introduces the subject (the invention of the printing press) and gives the main point that the essay will explain (the impact of this invention on European society). Expository Essay Introduction In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages in Europe are often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Before the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of printing in the 15th century allowed a much less restricted spread of information in Europe and paved the way for the Reformation. This introduction to a literary analytical essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein begins by describing a simplified popular view of the story, and then explains how the author will provide a more complex analysis of the text’s literary devices. Introduction to a Literary Analytical Essay Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale. The plot of what is probably the first science fiction novel can be read as a warning against the dangers of scientific progress without ethical considerations. In this reading, and in popular culture depictions of the character as a “mad scientist,” Victor Frankenstein represents the callous, arrogant ambition of modern science. Far from providing a stable picture of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to gradually alter our impression of Frankenstein, portraying him in an increasingly negative light as the novel progresses. While he appears at first as a naïve but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative, Frankenstein resembles—even in his own narrative—the thoughtlessly cruel character the creature portrays him as.

Essay Introduction Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a story essay?

Try one or more of these strategies.
  1. Strategy 1: Begin with action or dialogue. …
  2. Strategy 2: Ask a question. …
  3. Strategy 3: Describe the setting. …
  4. Strategy 4: Begin with background information. …
  5. Strategy 5: Have the main character introduce himself or herself.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

The beginning of a story sets the tone for everything that will happen next. An opener is like an appetizer that offers a tasty bite of what’s to come.

When you start writing a story, you may not know where it is going. That’s okay. Play with possibilities! Try one or more of these strategies.

Strategy 1: Start with action or dialogue.

I squatted down to the starting position, hands on the track and back coiled like a spring. “On your mark! Set!” The starting gun rang. I threw myself forward, trying to get ahead of the pack.

Strategy 2: Ask a question.

Why is trouble always following me? Do I have a “kick me” sign on my back or something?

Strategy 3: Describe the environment.

I was snuggled into three branches on top of an old oak tree behind my house. I could see over the roof, could see for miles. Above them planes lined the sky, heading for O’Hare Airport to land one by one.

Strategy 4: Start with background information.

Tommy is my little brother and he is in the first grade. He is fearless. One day he wore a cape to school. I told him everyone would laugh at him. The next day five other boys with cloaks came.

Strategy 5: Have the main character introduce themselves.

I am Tabitha. I just turned 13 and I’m here to tell you a secret.

Your Turn Practice each starting strategy. Think of a time when you recently accomplished something important. Try each strategy to start a narrative about that time. Then trade your story starters with a partner. Find out which starter makes your partner most interested in reading your story.

How do you comfort your best friend?

Best 10 Ways To Comfort Someone
  1. Acknowledge Their Feelings.
  2. Repeat Their Feelings.
  3. Draw Their Emotions Out.
  4. Don’t Minimize Their Pain.
  5. Be There For Them, Right At That Moment.
  6. Offer Physical Affection, When Appropriate.
  7. Express Your Support.
  8. Tell Them They’re Special.

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

It’s never easy to see someone cry or grieve, let alone someone you love.

Most of us find ourselves speechless for good reason, as interacting with someone who is sad and hurt can be uncomfortable.

You want to be there for her and show your empathy, but it’s hard to know how to act and what to say.

Many of us end up sitting uncomfortably and offering a few awkward back pats while saying, “It’s okay.”

Why do we know how to celebrate someone’s joy but have no idea what to do when they’re hurting?

If you can relate to the situation of not knowing what to do when someone close to you bursts into tears, then this article is for you.


The best way to comfort someone

The best way to cheer someone up and make them feel better

But before I share with you the top 71 ways to comfort someone, cheer them up, and make them feel better, we need to be clear about our goals.

The main purpose of consolation is to relieve someone’s burden and suffering.

How do you comfort someone?

There are many tips online on how to give emotional support and comfort to someone.

However, it is important to note that not all comforts are the same for everyone.

What might work for you might not work for your partner.

McKay and McKay (2019) describe some of the best steps one can take to comfort someone. For example:

You can comfort someone by letting them know that you care about them or that you love them.

Another proper way to comfort someone going through emotional pain is to help them understand their feelings (McKinzey, 2021). Only then can you cheer them up and make them feel better.

Remember that words are powerful tools. When used properly, words can effectively comfort and ease a person’s pain.

dr Sue Johnson, a clinical psychologist and arguably one of the top relationship experts in the world, has some excellent tips in her latest book:

Hold me tight: Seven conversations for a life full of love


For those of you who are short on time to read, I have split this article into 2 parts:

Comfort someone (10 tips)

How to cheer someone up and make them feel better (61 tips)

The 10 best ways to comfort someone


Acknowledge her feelings

“I understand you… it seems like you’re upset because… I know this is a tough time for you… I know you’re hurt…”

To comfort someone, acknowledge and describe what you see, hear, and feel.

By witnessing and corroborating what you see and restating what they say, you help them know you’re on the same page and not misinterpreting their situation.


Repeat their feelings

“Of course you’re upset; I was also upset when… happened to me.”

Validate their feelings by using the same emotion-infused word they use (e.g. disappointed, heartbroken, etc.).

Sometimes past personal experiences allow us to show that we can identify.

Make sure not to shift the focus of the conversation to you, but share to show you empathize.

Avoid comparing your experiences to theirs, instead focus on the other person’s story.


Draw out their emotions

“Tell me what happened… How did that make you feel?”

Most of the time, people just want to be heard.

By asking them how something made them feel, you will elicit an answer from them.

It’s not about what they felt, it’s about how they felt so you can gain deeper meanings of their world.

By asking someone “how” instead of “what,” you avoid getting trapped in one-word answers.

Avoid asking “why” questions as these may come across as critical rather than encouraging the other person to better understand their condition.


Don’t minimize their pain

Don’t just focus on cheering her up.

People find it difficult to focus on the future when they are in pain in the present.


Be there for her right in this moment

If they burst into tears and you respond with, “Don’t cry…”, “You’ll feel better,” or “Cheer up,” it will come off as if you’re trying to downplay their feelings.

Instead, be a good listener and let them talk!


If necessary, offer physical affection

If they don’t want to talk, they may not be willing to share.

If so, and only when appropriate, hug him/her.

Physical affection should match the level of love you show on a regular basis.

If you have never hugged this person, then maybe a hand on their shoulder would be enough.

But if the person is your partner, a hug or a cuddle would be more appropriate.


Express your support

Let your friend know that you care and that you’re sorry for what they’re going through. This is very important.

Even if they feel better after the conversation, keep reiterating your support and let them know you’re there for them.


Tell them they are special

We all feel good when we know that we are that special person to someone. Let your boyfriend know how much he means to you.

Nothing beats a handwritten note, so write down how grateful you are to have a friend like him/her in your life.


Give positive reinforcement

Science has shown that for every negative thought we need three positive thoughts to counteract the negative.

“Negativity affects us more than positivity. It marginalizes us and makes us unhappy.”

says dr Erin Stair, a physician and health consultant who runs Blooming Wellness in New York.

It might not have been you who put those negative thoughts in your boyfriend’s mind, but he can negate them with three positive statements at once!


Keep things simple

Keep in mind that most people would not share easily, even if they need help.

However, you should at least try by asking them if they want to talk.

Just asking this question will put that person’s feelings at ease.

The 61 best ways to cheer someone up

And make them feel better


Surprise her with a nice dinner

“Cooking and eating with family and friends promotes bonding, and studies also show overall happiness,” says Danielle Hamo, a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist.

If you can, choose a nutritious, healthy meal to feed your friend—with foods that relieve stress.

“When people are down, low energy affects their bodies and makes them reach out for support. But that often equates to a lot of sugar and junk food,” adds Dr. Watts added.

Why not try a fried chicken? It’s a lot easier than it sounds, and you’ll both feel a great sense of accomplishment when this beautiful golden bird comes out of the oven.

Add brown rice and hop-fresh veggies to the mix, and you have a satisfying and healthy meal!

Or turn it into a homemade wok curry dish with a sprinkling of turmeric.

Turmeric and the fiber found in vegetables, which are often found in these dishes, regulate serotonin.

Fish have healthy omega-3 fatty acids and animal proteins are high in tryptophan, which triggers serotonin production.

Also, there is a bonus when sharing food with another person; it gives them a chance to relax and maybe share their problem more comfortably.

A good dinner can be calming, soothing, and relaxing, helping to take the person’s mind off their worries.


Start an interesting project together

Starting an exciting project is the best way to get involved with something productive.

This would heal that person internally and also help lift their spirits.

You can do many things together, but doing something the person loves would help the most.


Organize a movie night

Watching a movie alone isn’t always as fun as it is with a friend.

Make popcorn, collect some favorite snacks and share a movie that will make your funny bone.

Find something on Netflix or Amazon Prime (light comedy is a good choice) and watch it together.

If tears are okay, grab a box of tissues and find a sad story.

Sometimes tears can be as cathartic as laughter.

Or choose a movie that has the right mix of comedy and drama.

Anyway, a movie is an excellent way to help someone who is struggling to take their mind off the problem for a while.


Take her for a swing ride

It may sound strange, but this trick always works when your friend is feeling down.

Have her sit on the swing and swing her away.

Then watch all the stress go away; that always works wonders.


Organize an ice cream date

There’s nothing ice cream can’t solve.

It would be great if you knew your friend’s favorite ice cream flavor so you can grab it specifically for him.


do what they want to do

Set aside at least an hour each week for an activity that you enjoy very much.

“Coping mechanisms that deal with life stressors are crucial because chronic stress leads to depression,” says Dr. Igbokwe.

Help your boyfriend feel better by making time to do something he loves, even if it’s video games.


Arrange a spa day

A spa day can be a real treat for both of you, and most importantly, it’s not that expensive.

Treat a friend or loved one and yourself to a spa and “stop the hamster wheel” for a day.

Relax, relax, talk and just enjoy each other’s company.

Another unique way to elevate a spa day is with at-home Tucson IV treatments.

Many IV formulas are designed to naturally lift your mood and leave you feeling refreshed.

Combined with a Spa Day treatment, your friend will feel pampered and cared for.

You’ll both feel relaxed, refreshed and just plain spoiled.

A spa day is just a great way to recharge.

However, if money is an issue, invite your friend over for an afternoon of self-care.

Gather face masks, nail polishes, and whatever else you need to create your relaxing at-home spa session.

Sure, the pampering will be great, but the time you spend together will be even better—and just what your boyfriend might need to start smiling again.


volunteering together

Research shows that volunteering builds confidence and self-esteem.

When your friend needs a lift, volunteering for others can be both rewarding and a positive distraction from their emotional distress,” says Helen D’Angelo, a Los Angeles-licensed senior social worker.

Go volunteer together at a local charity.

Find something that helps them connect with others who are going through worse times than they are.

Volunteer at a soup kitchen or work with seniors.

check online; There are several options for people who want to volunteer and help others, in your country or abroad.


Bake together

Baking has a therapeutic effect that relieves depression and anxiety.

Because measuring, mixing and following a recipe requires full attention.

Indirectly, they will create “peace” in their mind and push away all negative thoughts and emotions.

The delicious smell of baked treats also triggers feelings of happiness.

However, if calories are a problem, share what you’ve baked with other close friends or donate it to a charity or local fire department.


Do a tech detox

Get her out of her bedroom and electronics for a day.

It can get harder to motivate them when they’re holed up in a cave in their pajamas, binge-watching Netflix, or obsessively checking Instagram.


Send them a cute animal picture

There is nothing more satisfying than looking at cute and funny animal pictures.

Make someone’s day by sending a random SMS with a photo that will put a smile on their face.

Bonus: While you’re looking for the perfect pic to send to your friend, you can check out as many as you like!


Arrange a group game night

It’s hard to cheer someone up when you’re confined to the virtual world.

Luckily, some classic feel-good activities can take place online.

Gather a crew for a game night of classics like Monopoly, Bingo, Trivia and play with your friends via a Zoom call.


Meditate together

Organize a meditation day with your friend and surprise them by asking them to think of someone who has harmed them.

Then, with your eyes closed, ask them to send you good wishes, thoughts, and vibrations.

“Wish them health, happiness, etc. and even forgive those who have mistreated you. There is a lot of power and positivity in forgiveness,” says Dr. stairs “If you don’t know how to meditate, there are many apps that make meditating fun and easy,” adds Dr. Jackie Kibler, Kansas City psychiatric health professional.


Offer them flowers

Go to the flower shop, raid your father’s garden, “borrow” something from a park and make your friend a nice bouquet.

If you want to improve your game, you can even send them an original bouquet of origami flowers!


Practice yoga together

Yoga brings a multitude of mental health benefits.

Whether you sign up for a class or find a tutorial on YouTube, yoga is a great way to find your way back to happiness.

In addition to helping individuals step out of their comfort zone safely and therapeutically, yoga also lowers physiological arousal in the body.

Things like heart rate, breathing, and cortisol production are reduced by practicing yoga.

By lowering these physical stress markers, yoga helps reduce anxiety while stimulating serotonin production.

Thus, the benefit is two-fold by relieving stress while promoting positive emotions.


swipe her

Scare them and make them laugh!

“You know your friend best, so use that knowledge and experience to tailor your approach to their sense of humor,” says Dr. watts

They might be a difficult audience at first, but once you crack the shell, it could be the best giggle you’ve had in a long time.

A quick search for pranks on Instagram will help you find some really creative jokes.

Here are a few pranks I found in less than a minute:

Draw a spider on the toilet paper.

Deep chocolate cheese balls and present them as authentic sweets.

Have a friend dress up as a ghost and appear in the garden while you have dinner.

Since the goal is to make them laugh, make sure your friends find your pranks funny too.


Go driving/dancing

Invite your friend into your car and drive around while listening to their favorite music.

Dance in the car to soothe the soul, or find some ridiculous videos on Youtube to inspire your little dance party.

Don’t hold back though; Challenge your loved one to make a move wherever you are!


Jump rope together

You can do any exercise you want, but if you want to be extra silly, try skipping.

Exercise is a fun way to build endorphins, increase oxygen, get you moving, and take your mind off a bad mood.

“It’s hard to remain somber when skipping,” says Dr. Stair, so find a rope and keep going.


Tag them in a hundred funny Instagram posts

Sometimes being annoying can also be endearing.

If it makes her smile, it’s worth it.

Find all the silly videos of babies dancing, awkward moments, crazy cats and dogs that are dogs.

Tag your friend in any post that might make them laugh.


Send them a motivational text

It’s always nice to know that someone cares for you.

Whether you’re sending a simple “Thinking of you – hang in there!” or browse Pinterest for a great quote/graphic combo, a little inspiration is appreciated.


Send a handwritten letter/card

It’s always exciting to receive snail mail!

Make some cards or buy printable cards online (ideally from a small business or Etsy shop).

Write about your best memories together, draw a picture or tell them how much they mean to you.


Get them a gift card

Money is tight for most of us these days.

But if you have some extra cash, give it to your friend as a gift card that he/she can use.

Grab dinner, pizza, or even a few drinks – the local cafe may offer pickup.

Or a virtual gift card you can save up for a treat once places reopen.

You will feel loved and have a reason to leave home and even a small business will benefit so everyone wins!

And if you want to take it a step further, you can always gift them an anxiety ring!


Send a story of kindness

Many sad things are happening right now, and yet some people are rising up to help each other.

When you see a story that gives you hope, share it with your friend and pass on that feeling.


Take a day trip into nature

“Natural therapy is a big deal for improving mood,” says Dr. stairs “Science has shown that just being in nature (or even just looking at nature photos) naturally improves mood.”

Whether you’re in the heart of a metropolis or lucky enough to live a stone’s throw from a national park, you’ll find something to do outside.

Even if it’s just 15 minutes of fresh air outdoors, it can boost your friend’s spirits.

In addition, the combination of fresh air, nature and sunshine will boost your vitamin D and serotonin levels.


Find (or fake) some happiness.

Maybe your friend just needs a little more confidence.

Perhaps scouring the street for a lucky penny or combing a field for a four-leaf clover is the antidote to their doldrums.

Maybe they can’t find one, so you secretly give a dime and let them pick it up because you’ve read Harry Potter and remember the old Felix Felicis Switcheroo who worked on Ron.


Choreograph a dance to her favorite song

Want a fun activity that is sure to take everyone’s mind off their worries?

Make up a dance to your friend’s favorite song or try to copy the existing choreography.

Better yet, get some of your friends to help and get ready for a big music show.


Do a random act of kindness together

When we do things for other people, we are often the ones who benefit the most.

Do a random act of kindness together; Even the smallest things count.

Start by answering someone’s door, paying for someone’s coffee or dinner at a restaurant by smiling and saying “good morning” to a stranger, and watch your days change for the better.


Visualize a brighter future

Helping people reflect on being a product of their past, present, and future by emphasizing the future can help them see where they are going.

Remind your friend that, by and large, this small hurdle won’t stop him from getting that Miami yacht he always dreams of.


Build a fort or tree house

That’s pretty much a no-brainer – everyone loves a tree house or a good fort.

Meet, make plans, draw schematics on paper and enjoy building because you will feel like kids again!


Smash some plates

Some people just need to find a way to release their aggression, right?

After the pandemic, remember that there are special places where you can pay to break plates as a stress reliever!

Plate breaking as a form of anger management and stress management has become very popular in recent years.

“Of course, only if this is done in a safe, non-violent and controlled environment!” says Dr. Eliza Belle, the director of the Psychology and Behavioral Service for the Alabama Department of Mental Health.


Challenge your friend to a noodle fight

Grab some pool noodles and eat them.

Try to avoid getting hit by dodging, crouching, weaving and any other means necessary.

Remember, the more endorphins you release, the happier you will BOTH be.

This is one of our favorite things to cheer someone up!


Have some deep rest

When people are going through a hard time, they get a lot less sleep.

Less sleep causes irritability, depression and makes them prone to anxiety, so sleep is vital to their physical and mental health.

Help balance your buddy’s mental and physical health by telling him to take time for a nap.


Give them a cute nickname

Make up a nickname; the more ridiculous the better.

Not only is it a great way to make her laugh now, but it will also be your secret weapon to make her laugh in the future.


Make friendship bracelets

This throwback activity is sure to put a smile on your friend’s face.

It will work wonders while it is being made and whenever you look at it.


Train together

“Research shows that every 60-second exercise adds a whopping seven minutes to our overall lifespan,” says Joshua Duvauchelle, a British Columbia-based health journalist and certified personal trainer.

There’s a lot of information out there about how exercise makes us happier, but the anti-stress and mood-boosting effects kick in in less than the first five minutes of exercise.

So, get up and shake something!


Go on a text scavenger hunt

The text scavenger hunt works like this: you send your friend a list of things they need to find throughout the day.

Make sure it’s doable, but also fun and playful.

For example, have them find a pair of yellow shoes, a palm tree, and a car that is older than yours.

They can send you pictures back if they find any thing.

This is a great way to upset someone and give them a healthy challenge.

A completed challenge will help people feel uplifted, hopeful, and very capable.


play dress up

Dress up like in the good old days.

Whether it’s in costumes, your mom’s 80’s clothes, or some cute outfits you bought especially for the occasion, this is an excellent opportunity to have lots of fun.


Braid her hair

You can do it in a chic French braid or just give them a flower child side braid.

Maybe you’re a straight boss who knows how to work a fishtail braid.

Regardless, braiding someone’s hair is a great way to show that you care.

If your friend is a boy, offer to cut his hair or dye his hair.

What could go wrong?


Plan an overnight stay

They’ve probably been doing this for years, but grab some rom-coms, pizza, magazines, and ingredients to bake some cookies, and your night is guaranteed to be fun.


Practice positive affirmations

Recent studies show that when young people who are not as self-confident regularly repeat self-empowerment statements, their brain changes permanently.

Ask them to write down five to ten things they love about themselves and let them keep yelling them until you see a smile creep across their face.

Or have them make a list of positive self-statements and ask them to repeat them daily: I feel pretty, I’m smart, I’m confident, and so on.

Even if they can’t believe these self-compliments at first, they decide to do so in good time.

Make sure you leave messages reminding them to keep practicing.


Have a Smile Contest

Start telling jokes, make funny noises, make your best impression and so on.

The only catch is that you have to keep your face as straight as possible.

Whoever smiles first loses.

Or try a compliment fight.


run errands together

Studies show that people report difficulty with daily tasks when they are depressed or anxious.

Many people often report that they have trouble asking for help when they are depressed.

Deciding to surprise your friend with a favor can be a great way to provide help without your friend having to bother asking for it.


Take a guided tour

Download one of these audio tours to your phone, lace up your tennis shoes and grab your friend.

It will get those endorphins flowing; Plus, you might be surprised at how cool your hometown is.

If you can’t find an audio tour, create your own; there is also an app for that.


Practice gratitude

The best way is to create a “gratitude sandwich.”

Ask your friend to name ten good things in their life right now.

Ask them to put one thing that is going wrong between two things they are grateful for.

Saying it out loud helps them realize that there is always something positive to focus on.

You can also make a list for each other of all the things you both think you and they should be thankful for.


Help your friend clean his car or room

Being surrounded by a mess doesn’t do much to her mental state.

A tidy space can help them feel more in control and calm.

Offering to help your friend clean their room or car shows that you care and gives you something productive to do together.

Also, later when they are alone, they can relax in a tidy, quiet room.


Cheer them up with word associations

Say words like “amused” or “joy” and have them say five other words that come to mind.

Studies show that this use of priming causes the person to feel the words and emotions they are naming.


Stretch it out

Deep stretching relieves the tension in muscles that is usually caused by stress.

Good stretching also promotes healthy blood flow.

Also, you don’t need your own yoga class, just your living room and a blanket.


Make them a healthy breakfast

Make some protein pancakes with dark chocolate topping and have them delivered to your door.

Pair it with freshly squeezed orange juice, because squeezing the juice by hand makes them feel loved while also getting a healthy dose of vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Overall, this tasty treat reduces cortisol, releases both endorphins and serotonin, and is an excellent source of antioxidants.


Go barefoot on the grass or on the beach

If you live near a beach or park, “grounding” or reconnecting with the electrons in nature has proven benefits to promote better sleep and reduce anxiety.

Make them a soundtrack of soothing sounds

Ein Wasserfall, Meereswellen, Regen auf einem Blechdach oder Wind, der Blätter raschelt, sind alles beruhigende Geräusche, die helfen können, selbst den unruhigsten Geist in den Schlaf zu wiegen.


Fordern Sie sie heraus, Rätsel und Kreuzworträtsel zu lösen

Unser Gehirn liebt es, Probleme zu lösen.

Kritisches Denken fördert auch die kognitive Funktion und hilft, das benebelte Gefühl zu beseitigen, das mit Traurigkeit einhergeht.


Pflanzen Sie einen Baum, einen Terrassenkräutergarten oder pflanzen Sie eine Zimmerpflanze um

Die leichte Übung, die Verbindung mit der Natur und der Abschluss eines Projekts sind perfekte Kombinationen, um die Stimmung aufzuhellen.

Außerdem hilfst du gleichzeitig der Umwelt.


Fordere sie zu einem Fitness-Wettbewerb heraus

Jeder gesunde Wettbewerb wird ihnen einen Stimmungsschub geben.

Selbst wenn sie nicht „gewinnen“, ist es eine Gelegenheit, Stress abzubauen und zu entgiften, während der Dopamin- und Endorphinspiegel erhöht wird.


Nehmen Sie sie mit zu einem Mal- oder Töpferkurs

Wählen Sie etwas Kleines aus, damit sie die Zufriedenheit spüren können, an nur einem Abend etwas zu schaffen.


Füllen Sie ihr Haus mit Luftballons, während sie schlafen

Die Dummheit, überall Ballons zu sehen, wird sie zum Lächeln bringen.

Haben Sie noch mehr Spaß damit und lassen Sie sie knallen, während Sie beide durch das Haus gehen!


Verstecken Sie eine Notiz, die sagt, was Sie an ihnen lieben, in ihrer Handtasche oder Brieftasche

Zu wissen, dass Sie sich alle Mühe gegeben haben, sie zum Lächeln zu bringen, wird ihr Gehirn mit der warmen, liebevollen Wirkung von Oxytocin überfluten.


Veranstalten Sie einen Lesetag

Studien zeigen, dass glückliche Menschen mit 21 % höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Zeitung oder ein Buch lesen als fernzusehen.


Nimm sie mit auf eine Achterbahn

Während die meisten Menschen dies mit Endorphinen und Adrenalin in Verbindung bringen, hilft Ihnen der Rausch von Fahrgeschäften im Vergnügungspark auch dabei, eine Bindung zu der Person neben Ihnen aufzubauen, wodurch Oxytocin gesteigert wird.


Falsches Lachen

Serious! Allein die Vorstellung scheint albern, aber viele PTBS-Programme und Therapeuten empfehlen tägliches Lachen als „Hausaufgabe“, um sich besser zu fühlen.

Wir wetten, sobald Sie Ihren Liebsten zum falschen Lachen auffordern, wird er am Ende wirklich lachen!


Vereinbaren Sie eine Akupunktursitzung

Wenn Akupunktur auf bestimmte Triggerpunkte am Körper angewendet wird, werden Endorphine in dem Bereich freigesetzt, wodurch Anspannung, Schmerz und Stress gelöst werden.


Geben Sie ihnen einen sicheren Raum

Das Aufstauen Ihrer Gefühle kann zu chronischem Stress und stressbedingten Gesundheitsproblemen führen.

Unterstütze deinen Freund oder geliebten Menschen, indem du ihn wissen lässt, dass er sich in deiner Gegenwart wohlfühlen kann.


Wisse, wann du Verstärkung anfordern musst

Verstehe, dass es an der Zeit ist, professionelle Hilfe zu rufen, wenn dein Freund eine dunkle Phase durchmacht, die länger als ein paar Wochen anhält, ohne zumindest einige gute Tage zu haben, oder den Wunsch zeigt, sich selbst zu verletzen.

Beratung kann unglaublich hilfreich sein, wenn es darum geht, jemandem dabei zu helfen, seine Gefühle zu verstehen und mit ihnen umzugehen.

Wenn dein Freund wirklich depressiv ist, übersteigt es höchstwahrscheinlich deine Fähigkeit, ihm zu helfen, egal wie sehr du es versuchst.

Dennoch haben sie das Glück, einen Freund wie Sie zu haben, der ihre Eltern oder einen Spezialisten auf ihre Schwierigkeiten aufmerksam macht, damit sie ihre Behandlung und Genesung so schnell wie möglich beginnen können.

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Now it’s your turn…

Was ist diese eine Sache, die du tust, um jemanden zu trösten, den du liebst?

Wie munterst du jemanden am besten auf, wenn du ihn niedergeschlagen und deprimiert siehst?

Was ist Ihrer Erfahrung nach der schnellste Weg, damit sich jemand besser fühlt?

Bitte teilen Sie unten Ihre Erfahrungen, damit andere von Ihnen lernen und ihre Lieben ebenfalls aufheitern können.

Help a Friend in Trouble

Help a Friend in Trouble
Help a Friend in Trouble

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Can you narrate a story when you helped your friend … – Quora

I had a friend from my city. One day he came to me and sa that he is in a deep trouble. He is trapped in the viscous web of betting.

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Tag: helping a friend in trouble essay. Top 6 ways to help a friend without involving money. General, Life, Moral, Opinion, Students Tips No Comments.

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6 simple ways you can help a friend going through a tough time

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Can you narrate a story when you helped your friend who was in trouble?

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13 Ways to Support Your Friends If They Are Struggling

1) Listen and don’t panic

The first step to being okay is to talk about how you’re feeling, and your boyfriend will need someone to listen to when he’s ready to open up. You don’t have to try to “fix” her problems, just let her know that you care and that her feelings are important, heard, and valid. Remember they need a quiet atmosphere to talk to you, so don’t panic!

2) Don’t judge them or their problems

It’s so important not to judge each other. Fear of judgment can be a major obstacle for someone trying to voice their feelings, meaning their feelings and concerns could go unheard. Let them know you support and understand them.

3) Be there for each other – You are not alone

Make sure your friend knows he’s not alone and doesn’t have to deal with this on his own. It’s important for them to understand that there will be people (like yourself!) who will be there to support them every step of the way. Reassure them that everyone is anxious at times, but they can handle it, and remind them that they’ve gotten through every bad day so they can get through this one too.

4) Be honest

If you’re worried about your friend, explain why in a direct way. Ask them if they’ve talked to anyone else about how they’re feeling. If you think they need it, or if you are unsure, you can suggest that they seek additional help and support.

5) Talk to a trusted adult

Ask your friend if there are any adults they trust to talk to, and encourage them to talk to them about how they’re feeling. Suggest people like family members, teachers, and youth workers, as these trusted adults may be able to offer more support than you can. Let your friend know that this isn’t as intimidating as they might think and that you are there to support them to help get the help he needs.

6) Call a helpline

If your friend is uncomfortable talking to an adult they know or just needs extra support, you can encourage them to call a hotline. There are many free hotlines that are there to listen to your concerns and allow you to talk about your difficult feelings. Some of these are available 24/7, others are aimed specifically at young people. You might want to suggest Samaritan, Childline, Breathing Space hotline or others you know. Childline also offers online chat rooms with counselors if you don’t want to make phone calls, as well as message boards where you can get advice from other young people.

Samaritans: 116 123 (open 24 hours)

Children’s Helpline: 0800 1111 (open 24 hours) /

Respite: 0800 83 85 87: Monday-Thursday 6pm-2am / Friday 6pm-Monday 6am

7) Help your friend feel better

Encourage your friend to do the things that help them feel better and remind them of the importance of taking care of themselves. Make sure they’re still eating, sleeping, and staying hydrated, and encourage them to do other helpful things like: B. Taking time off social media and writing down how they are feeling. Do something with them, e.g. B. Go for a walk, watch a movie, or play a game to direct their thoughts.

8) Visit a doctor or health worker

Sometimes your friend’s concerns get so overwhelming that you can’t help them enough on your own, and they should speak to a doctor for professional help. Help your friend make an appointment and remind him that the doctor can help him and that it is better to seek help now before it gets worse.

9) Get advice online

There are many websites and youth forums on the internet dedicated to helping young people get through difficult times, such as Young Minds, Young Scot, Childline and Papyrus. Be careful with the websites you use or suggest to your friends and make sure they are safe and reliable like the ones mentioned above.



Young minds:

Young Scot:

10) Don’t keep it a secret

If you’re worried that your friend might hurt himself or if he’s talking about suicide, you can’t hide it. Encourage them to speak up about it themselves, but if they don’t, you need to find the balance between their privacy and security. It can be difficult to do this when you know they might be angry at first if you tell someone, but you need to remember that they are also safe and alive and that they came to you because they wanted help and support.

11) Avoid drugs and alcohol

While it can be tempting to turn to alcohol or drugs when you’re feeling down, it’s important to remind your friend that, in most cases, doing so will only make the situation worse.

12) Distract them

Spend time with your friend and help distract him from what is upsetting him. But make sure you give them space when they need it, and make sure they know you’re still there to listen whenever they need it.

13) Know that things will get better

No matter how bad things get, they will get better, make sure your friend knows they can do it and that they have access to all the help they need to do it. There are so many people who have made it through their difficulties and struggles, make sure your friend knows they are strong enough to make it too.

We also made an animated series with #13Ways which you can watch on YouTube here: Watch the introductory video here:

You can follow and share #13Ways on social media

Facebook: /NAYouthServices

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YouTube: North Ayrshire Youth Services

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

When a friend is going through a difficult time, it’s natural to want to help, but it’s not always easy to know how. Think of situations in which you have been in need yourself – what have your friends done? What did you find most helpful? Some friends may have kept their distance and it may have made you feel hurt, but it could be that they really didn’t know what to say or do, or they just assumed you were asking if there was anything you needed. It can be difficult which side you are on, whether you are the one who needs help or the one who is offering it.

Here are eight ways you can really help a friend in need.

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1. Be specific in your offers of help

Vague comments like “let me know if there’s anything I can do” are unlikely to be picked up. Most people find it difficult to ask for help. So if you tell them to let you know if they need something, it puts the burden on them to ask. When people are going through difficult times, even mundane tasks can often feel like too much. Aside from offering them a shoulder to cry on, think about what practical help you can offer and suggest specific things. For example, “I’m going to the supermarket now, would you like to give me your list and I can get some things for you while I’m there?” Such concrete offers are more likely to be accepted.

2. Don’t force your help on them

Offer to help, but if they refuse, accept it. If you keep insisting, they may feel worse. It may be that they have never really needed help or were raised to believe that they should be able to get by no matter what. Or maybe they really don’t want or need your help. That doesn’t mean you won’t offer your help again, it’s just about being sensitive and respecting what they are saying about their needs at the time.

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3. Only offer help that you can actually provide

Think carefully about the help you offer. In a rushed moment when your friend is very upset, it’s normal to make things right for him, but think a little about the reality of your offer before you open your mouth. Not accepting the offer or doing something reluctantly is worse than not offering it at all; Your friend will feel abandoned and you will feel miserable.

4. Don’t assume you know what’s best for them

However they fight, your afflicted friend is still an adult and must make his own decisions. When people are going through difficult times, they may feel that a lot of what is happening to them is out of their control. If you try to take over everything, you contribute to their loss of control. What might have been best for you when you were going through a difficult time isn’t necessarily best for her. Let them guide you, if they want you to take responsibility or make decisions for them, that’s fine, but that’s their choice, not yours. The exception to this is when you are concerned that you may harm yourself or others. In that case, you probably need to seek appropriate help for them, even if they don’t want to.

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5. Remember that small thoughtful gestures go a long way

Your ability to help is limited due to your own commitments, or for financial or geographic reasons, but don’t underestimate the value of small gestures. A card in the mail to let him know you’re thinking of him can mean a lot, or a voicemail message to remind him that you’re on the end of the phone if he wants to talk is for him friend great. Perhaps you could do a little research on organizations or support groups that might be able to help and email those details to your friend. Whatever your own situation, there are small thoughtful things you can do to help that are likely to be of greater value than you can imagine.

6. Be someone they can trust

Avoid sharing details about your situation with other friends unless they have given you permission. Your intentions may be good when you discuss it with others, but your friend may have told you things in confidence and then feel like you broke their trust. They don’t need the added burden of feeling hurt and let down by you on top of everything else they’re going through.

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7. Listen more than talk

If you’re usually more of a speaker than a listener, now is the time to back off. Avoid repeatedly voicing your opinion about her situation unless she asks for it. Let them guide you, they may just want to dump on an open ear, or they may want you to offer suggestions. It’s best when you can control your own emotions, you may be upset or angry about what your friend is going through, but you’ll help them more if you can stay calm while you listen. This will make them feel like you are reliable and a rock to them.

8. Help them see a brighter future

Depending on their situation, your boyfriend may have a hard time imagining a time when he won’t feel the way he currently does. Gently help them look beyond by giving them things to look forward to, simple things like a night out. When you feel they are ready, start talking positively with them about future plans. Again, let your friend be your guide, if he seems open to what you’re saying then go along with it, if he shuts down then back off and try again another time. The most important thing is that they know you are there for them now and in the future.

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Featured image credit: Talk/Matus Laslofi via

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