How To Manifest Winning Something? The 13 New Answer

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20 Expert Sweepstakes Tips to Help You Win More Prizes
  1. Have a Realistic Idea of How Long It Takes Prizes to Arrive. …
  2. Use a Dedicated Email Address to Enter Sweepstakes. …
  3. Set Aside Time to Enter Daily. …
  4. Focus Your Time. …
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How do you manifest something successfully?

Eight ways to manifest anything
  1. Be clear about what you want. …
  2. Figure out how what you want makes you feel. …
  3. Create a plan – and stick to it. …
  4. Practice gratitude and radical kindness. …
  5. Address limiting beliefs. …
  6. Trust the process. …
  7. Raise your vibration. …
  8. Don’t be afraid to receive and acknowledge signs from the universe.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

What does it mean to manifest?

In order to manifest, intentionally think, act and live in ways that ultimately lead to what you want. You can manifest love, money, your perfect home, a dream job – anything you desire! In order to manifest your dreams and work toward your goals, you must trust the process, stay positive, and perhaps practice the Law of Attraction.

The law of attraction seems simple enough: by visualizing your desires and focusing your mind on what you want, the universe will present those desires to you. There are many conflicting thoughts about whether the law of attraction is helpful or harmful, but it all boils down to the fact that you just can’t wait for the universe to show you what you want; You must actively play a role in manifesting what you desire most.

The good news is that it is absolutely possible! Manifest works, though maybe not in the way you expect.

Eight ways to manifest anything

1. Be clear about what you want.

This is the basis of your manifestation journey. To get what you want, you need to know exactly what you want! And the key word here is accurate – be really specific about what your desired outcome is.

For example, if your desired outcome is a new job in a field you’re passionate about, outline all the details, including roles and responsibilities, salary, and even whether you want to work in an office or remotely. You can also think about what kind of team structure or environment you want to work in. Would you like a team to report to you? Are you looking for flexible working hours? The more detailed the better! You will know when you have reached your goal because it will look exactly how you wanted it.

2. Find out how what you want feels like.

In addition to visualizing all the details of your desired outcome, determine how you want that manifestation to feel. This is an important step as it helps you clarify the why behind your goals. Through this practice, when you are manifesting something that does not improve your life or increase your well-being, it becomes very clear.

Let’s stay with the new job example. Aside from that awesome new job that pays the salary you want and deserve, how do you want this job to make you feel? Would you like to feel freedom and autonomy in your work and schedule? Would you like to be inspired by the people around you? Would you like to be in another city or place? What kind of experiences would you like to have as part of this job, such as travel, networking or other?

Figuring out these kinds of details will take longer than just specifying what you want. So remember to be patient. Some of the best ways to manifest this full picture are to create vision boards, meditate, and journal these feelings.

3. Make a plan – and stick to it.

Creating a plan to manifest your dreams will not only hold you accountable, but will serve as a roadmap for any future manifestation process!

To land your dream job in the city you’ve always dreamed of, you’ll need to work backwards from that goal to figure out the steps that will get you there. The first step might seem like just moving to town, and if you’re spontaneous and have the means, that’s amazing! But even this step requires some planning, which might seem like analyzing your finances to create a budget for your move, making changes to your current schedule to make time for apartment/house hunting, and dealing with Connect with friends or family at your eventual destination. Start building a foundation of support.

Stick to the plan as best you can, but don’t be too discouraged if a hiccup in your life necessitates a change of plan (that’s life, after all!). The great thing about planning things ahead is that you can try to predict those hiccups and make contingency plans.

4. Practice gratitude and radical kindness.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moves necessary to manifest and achieve your goals, and it can sometimes lead to frustration and the need for a morale boost. Cultivating a daily practice of gratitude and showing radical kindness to yourself can help revitalize you on your manifestation journey.

Gratitude can help you shift your mindset from “lack” to “abundance,” meaning choosing to focus your energy on everything you have versus what you don’t have. This is incredibly powerful in the manifestation process because in order to focus your long-term energy on a positive outcome, you must remain positive in the short-term. Even if you are manifesting something you don’t currently have, rely on what you have to get you there.

Practicing gratitude on your journey of manifestation can look like this:

Each day, write down one thing you’re grateful for, such as your ability to stay calm, cool, and collected during a job interview

Thanking someone for their unconditional support, e.g. B. if a friend helps you to optimize your CV

Show radical kindness to yourself, such as B. Regular self-care to promote your mental health

5. Address limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts floating around in your head that say you can’t achieve your goals! These beliefs form the story you tell yourself when you fail at something, as if you weren’t smart enough, determined enough, or skilled enough to achieve your goals. The remarkable thing about these limiting beliefs is that if you continue the same story enough times, they become truth – our thoughts have immense power over our well-being!

Limiting beliefs can make you (accidentally) stop working toward your goals, whether it’s procrastinating on a to-do list or letting your doubts dominate your inner conversations and decisions. One of the best ways to prevent these limiting beliefs from holding back your manifestation progress is to address these thoughts as they arise.

For example, you’ve often told yourself that you don’t deserve the salary you want, resulting in you never asking for a raise, keeping you in roles with the same salary, and perpetuating that belief. When that thought comes up—“I don’t deserve it…”—reply to it, “I’m qualified and I deserve the salary I want.” You can also write these positive thoughts on sticky notes and leave them lying around in plain sight to constantly remind yourself of your limiting beliefs to challenge.

6. Trust the process.

Even when you’re actively working to manifest your dreams, part of the process actually requires a bit of letting go. This can be difficult, especially for those who love to plan from A to Z, but practicing trust in the universe can go a long way toward realizing your desires.

Much like your limiting beliefs, distrust of the manifestation process can create undesirable experiences or situations. You create distrust in the process by focusing on what can go wrong instead of what can go right, creating stress, tension, frustration and disappointment that realizing your dreams is taking much longer than you would like.

To trust the process, you must trust that everything you are doing is working toward your greater goal and that every block, hiccup, or curveball thrown your way is destined to give you resilience and determination to teach.

7. Raise your vibration.

Everything in the universe is made of energy or the vibration of molecules constantly colliding with each other. We all also give off energy, which you can tell by a person’s body language, tone, attitude, and demeanor. Similar to the concept of karma – “what goes around comes around” – raising your vibration and radiating positive energy sends signals to the universe that you are open to new possibilities, which is central to the manifestation process.

In order to raise your vibration, it is important that your attitude, thoughts, and behavior are all aligned with your ultimate goal. It’s difficult to trust someone when they say one thing and do the other, and the same goes for manifesting. In order to manifest your dreams, the energy you put into everything you do must be consistent and aligned with your manifestation plan.

8. Do not be afraid to receive and acknowledge signs from the universe.

As you do all of these things to manifest, don’t be surprised if you receive signs from the universe that your plan is working. If you are skeptical of the universe’s ability to send you signs, you are likely to attribute everything to chance. But what do you have to lose if you change your mindset to believe you are receiving signs that you are on the right path to manifestation? That’s the basic idea – realizing that anything is possible and that you are capable of achieving anything.

Important souvenirs

How long it will take for your dreams to manifest depends a lot on what those dreams are about. However, following these steps can reduce the time it takes to manifest exactly what you want. Remember, the more clear you are about what you want and how you will get there, the better placed you are to achieve your dreams.

Part of manifesting is acknowledging signs, and perhaps you were shown this very post just when you needed it! Here at IIN, we believe that such signs can be vital to someone’s health. Learn more about IIN’s Health Coach Education program and how we help people achieve their dreams every day.

How do you manifest things quickly?

How to Manifest Your Desires More Quickly
  1. Know What You Really Want. Living in a capitalist society, there is a lot of “you need this to be happy” thrown at us. …
  2. Align Your Belief System to Your Desires. …
  3. Make a Vision Board. …
  4. Take Action. …
  5. Send Your Order to the Universe. …
  6. Shift Your Energy. …
  7. Make Physical Space. …
  8. Practice Gratitude.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Manifestation can be easy for some but more difficult for others. For those who fall into the latter category (I certainly do sometimes), I will help you learn how to manifest faster using these techniques. Once you convert these methods into habits, manifestation becomes effortless.

In order to manifest something quickly, you need to be crystal clear about what you want, and then you need to align your belief system with your desire by removing whatever blocks you have, if it’s possible for you. Next you must shift your energy and clear your physical space to make room for your manifestation. Then you must be willing to take action and get your wish.

I know it’s really hard to wait for what you want to achieve, especially when you’ve been trying to manifest something for a while. Inside, part of us is the spoiled girl in Willy Wonka screaming we want a golden goose, NOW!

The universe has its own divine timing, but you can work to be ready for the amazing things it has in store for you. The truth is that sometimes we think we’re ready to manifest something before we really are, but we actually have to work a little to get across the finish line.

The following tips will help you quickly manifest your desires, because we remove all blockages and make room for what we want. You can use these methods to manifest just about anything faster.

If you need it, here’s a refresher on the key steps of manifestation.

How to manifest your desires faster

1. Know what you really want

When we live in a capitalist society, we are confronted with a lot of “you need this to be happy” stuff.

Buy this product to be happy look like this squirt that oh wait throw that away and buy this instead be more like him/her that’s what happiness is that’s what love is , Success looks like this, don’t be too much, don’t be too little.

We are bombarded with things we need to have, be, and do in order to achieve that coveted state of happiness. Of course you will want to manifest something immediately because you “need” it to be happy.

But how can we manifest something when there are so many different targets to hit? No wonder it’s so hard to manifest what feels right to us.

Finding what you really want in life, what aligns with your highest good, what brings lasting joy to your heart will help you manifest things faster.

You can know what you really want by connecting with your intuition. Your intuition is guided by your higher self, which is not being pulled back and forth by trends and marketing. Your ego is driven by the whims of the world because it wants to conform, but your higher self knows what’s really best for you.

Defining your values ​​is another important step in figuring out what you want. Your values ​​tell you that this is important, that is not. Being a good person is important, being trendy to be accepted by others is not.

Once you learn to distinguish between what the world wants for you and what you really want, you will be sending a clearer signal to the universe. Then the universe knows exactly what ideas and opportunities to send you to help shape your desire.

Learn 6 simple methods to set an intention for what you want to manifest.

2. Align your belief system with your desires

In order to attract or create what you want, you must completely align your belief system with your desire.

If you don’t think you can have it, you will prevent yourself from getting it.

You can desire a loving relationship, but if you don’t believe you’re worthy of being loved, you won’t attract it. You might attract a relationship but it can end up with the wrong person and be very toxic.

You may want more money (we all want that), but if you believe that people who have money are bad, making money is difficult, wanting money makes you greedy, etc., then you will create your own blocks. to attract more money.

If you don’t think you’re worth it someone could offer you all the money in the world and you either wouldn’t take it or you would just take it for self sabotage and lose it all.

What you believe determines what action you take (we’ll talk about action soon).

When I started high school, I was so excited to go to college that I even took extra classes during the summer so I could graduate a year early, which I did. I dreamed of having a great career and making something of myself. But over the next three years, I was told many times, “If you don’t know how to do X, you’re not going to make it in college” and “if you don’t know how to do Y, you’re going to fail college.”

Being constantly warned that I might fail college eventually led me to believe that failure was a certainty, and I didn’t go to college until a few years after high school. When I finally started taking classes at my community college, I was doing really well, but part of me still believed I was going to fail, so I didn’t settle for a major.

All the beautiful dreams I had about my future in high school never materialized because I didn’t believe in myself.

The wrong belief system will completely erode your ability to manifest the things you really want because you will not take the necessary actions to co-create with the universe.

If you change your belief system and clear those mental blocks, you will start manifesting things much more quickly.

Think about what you want and ask if there are any fears or resistances to it. Ask “why can’t I have this” and “what am I afraid will happen if I get this?”

Keep asking “why do I feel/believe this” until you think you’ve gotten to the root of your limiting belief.

3. Create a vision board

A vision board is a great way to express what you want in the physical world without actually having those things already.

Vision Boards help accelerate your manifestations by reminding your conscious and subconscious of what you wish to create. Our brains are constantly absorbing information, every time you see your vision board it sends you a signal to create and/or receive it.

You can create vision boards annually or quarterly. It’s good to pick up a few things you’ve already manifested because it reminds you that manifestation works so future manifestations will come even faster.

An amazing way to manifest money even faster is to write yourself a check for the amount you want, and I’ve created these beautiful checks for you to print out and fill out. Use the date you fill it in to send a signal to your brain that it’s already done. When you think it’s done, you solve resistance, which makes the money come that much faster!

Learn more tips for creating a vision board that actually works.

4. Take action

The universe isn’t a magical spirit doing all the work to make your wish come true, it’s a co-creator! It wants to work with you to create your dreams.

When you act, you show the universe that you mean business.

Sitting around waiting for it to fall into your lap will only attract more waiting.

I’ve been waiting and it doesn’t work!

You must also realize that waiting is a choice. It feels like everything is out of our control and that our only option is to wait for another path to appear, but sometimes we have to create our own path.

The internal work also counts. My journey from lost and stuck to my purpose began with being willing to work on myself. This form of action meant learning to look inward and change my beliefs.

This gave me ideas that I could react to externally.

So whatever you have to do, do it!

Even if it’s just a small step, taking action will speed up your manifestation.

When I decided to start this website, my first action was to do research. I gave myself a schedule and a weekly task. I didn’t set my expectations too high, I just made a commitment to do one thing each week that would move me forward.

That doesn’t mean you can’t jump big, if you feel compelled to jump into something, by all means, do it!

just do something

5. Send your order to the universe

Place your order on Universe just like you order on Amazon.

Writing down a wish amplifies it for your subconscious, telling it to look for ways to make it come true.

I have created this Manifestation Order Form so that you can write down your desire, then put it away (send it to the Universe) and trust that it is already yours.

When you order something online, don’t call them every day to make sure they’re processing your order, trust them to fulfill and ship it to you.

Assume this attitude when you ask the universe for something. Trust is a powerful part of the manifestation process and when you truly let go of control what you wish to manifest will come to you even faster.

Of course, the universe wants you to be a co-creator, so watch out for prompts from the universe to take action!

6. Shift your energy

Everything in the universe is made of energy, including your thoughts and feelings. This energy has its own vibrational frequency.

Feelings of lack and need have a low vibration, while feelings of joy and abundance have a high vibration.

One of the most important parts of manifestation is that like attracts like. So if you always feel like you’re missing what do you wear? More feelings of lack.

When you shift your energy away from scarcity and toward abundance, you attract more abundance.

You’re probably thinking this sounds good, but how do you shift your energy? Well, all of the previous steps we talked about automatically create this shift! Yay, you’re making progress.

Here are 26 ways to raise your vibration so you can try those things too. It really just comes down to finding ways to be happy every day.

However, you don’t have to be “high vibe” all the time, fluctuating thoughts and feelings are part of the human experience and experiencing negative emotions shows you what you want instead.

Maintaining a neutral energy is also an important part of manifestation.

Trying to be high all the time puts way too much pressure on you. You don’t always have to be happy or sad, you can just be. Just existing without having to be this or that is a great energetic place.

Are you ready to heal your relationship with money? Check out Magnetic Money Manifestor

7. Make physical space

Creating space is one of the keys to instant manifestation.

If you haven’t made room for something new in your life, it won’t manifest itself very quickly.

A potted plant can only grow so much before it needs a larger pot to continue thriving.

This can be mental space, energetic space, physical space, or all of the above.

If you are not willing to break through your mental blocks, you cannot create a life that expands beyond them.

If you remain in a low frequency energetic space, you will not attract high frequency manifestations.

The same thing happens when we don’t make room for the physical things we want.

You can’t expect to achieve the car of your dreams when your garage is so full of junk you can barely fit in it, let alone a car.

Want to manifest a career as a Power Suit Wearing Boss Babe? You need to make room in your closet for these suits.

Do you want to manifest a new house? Respect your current living space by making it as beautiful as possible. Stop holding on to the clutter you don’t want to take with you to a new place.

There is a relationship between your inner reality and your outer reality. Sometimes you need to work from the inside out, but sometimes you need to make an external shift as well.

Look around, where is the stagnant energy? Is there room for what you want? Where do you need to make changes? What do you need to share?

When you create this space, you will manifest faster because you are sending a signal to the universe and your subconscious that you are ready for what you want.

8. Practice gratitude

When you feel gratitude for the good things you already have, you attract more things to be grateful for.

Gratitude brings you to the energetic level of what you wish to create.

Even if you only have $50 in your bank account, feeling grateful for that $50 takes you to the “money is great!” energetic level. instead of “having no money sucks”.

Since feeling lack attracts lack, practicing gratitude energizes you to create more reasons to feel gratitude.

If someone is never satisfied with the good things they receive, do you want to give them more? No, it’s chilling to see someone not appreciating something.

Manifesting is like this, not because the Universe is spiteful or judging you, but because your attitude is always “nothing is good enough,” then the next thing that comes along is still not going to be good enough for you.

Make gratitude part of your daily routine. Every night before bed, I think about the things I’m grateful for that day. It makes it easier to fall asleep with a good mood.

I have a mini-course and seven-day challenge, Manifesting Through Gratitude, that will teach you more.

9. Be receptive

A big part of manifesting is acting inspired and co-creating with the universe, but sometimes we feel like we need to rush around the clock when we really need to let go of a little control and relax.

Sometimes we want it so badly that our actions are motivated by fear that it won’t happen. We constantly ask ourselves what to do next, because if we don’t do anything, we don’t get anything. Or we fear that the universe won’t deliver it “right”.

You may not be ready to get what you want because of your belief system, but you may also be overly attached to a particular outcome when what the universe is offering you is so much better!

Be open to other possibilities.

Don’t come into manifestation with the attitude that things are only meant to happen that way. That might not be what you really need.

I know this is easier said than done for those who like to be in control.

Just know that something even more perfect could be waiting for you.

Trust the universe, trust yourself.

10. Talk to your future self

This may sound a little crazy, but listen to me.

What if you could talk to the version of you that has already manifested what you want? I bet they could offer you a lot of wisdom.

Pretend your future self exists right now and you can talk to them in your head, you can treat it like a game.

Get advice if you want to know what the next step should be and which way to go.

Ask them how you can manifest what they have. Ask how you can better align yourself with their goal. Talk to them like they are your best friend.

You can use this dialogue to get clarity, encouragement, advice, and alignment to what you really want.

This is a great way not only to speed up the manifestation process, but also to get in touch with your higher self. In fact, I have a free Higher-Self meditation that you can try.

11. Enjoy the journey

Most of our thoughts revolve around the past or the future. We are rarely here in the now.

The problem is that always living in the future and waiting for it to get here only makes the wait longer.

Remember that the law of attraction states that like attracts like, so waiting attracts more waiting, which obviously isn’t helpful if you want to quickly manifest your desires.

That doesn’t mean you can’t dream about your future and make plans about how to get there, but you need to devote more time and emotional energy to being present in the present moment.

It’s not just about the destination, it’s also about appreciating the journey. Think about everything you learn about yourself. Appreciate the breakthroughs and revelations you’ve had. Put what you’ve learned into practice.

One of the most important steps of manifestation is feeling like you already have what you want. This will help you stop those feelings of lack and despair that can only attract more of it.

When thinking about the past or thinking about the future, bring your thoughts to the present moment. Instead of thinking, “I wish I had more money,” imagine that you already have it and how great it feels to see it in your bank account.

Look forward to your wishes as if they were already there!

I hope you found this guide to manifesting faster useful! Really the most important thing is to be patient and listen to prompts from the universe.

Manifestation can happen in ways you don’t expect, so trust that what you want is on the way and that you are on the right path as long as what you want is for the highest good of all involved serves.

Still need help? Read 7 reasons why manifestation isn’t working for you and why you aren’t manifesting money

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What’s the strongest way to manifest?

Here are some ways to get started:
  • Make a vision board. …
  • Start journaling. …
  • Say positive affirmations. …
  • Give the pillow method a try. …
  • Go outside the box. …
  • Surround yourself with positivity. …
  • Practice the 369 manifestation method. …
  • Walk the walk.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

If you believe you can, you can. You’ve probably heard that from a well-meaning supporter at some point in your life. There’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it.

The question is: do manifestation methods work?

These platitudes are well-intentioned, intended to help. Especially when we’re young, her simple, positive message can help us overcome fears and self-doubt that can limit us.

This type of encouragement has gained popularity as a mantra in an idea known as manifestation or manifestation. Manifesting is based on the idea that you can turn your dreams into reality. By having a clear vision and focusing on it through a variety of manifestation methods, you can draw your dream into your life.

That’s the idea.

In fact, we know that just thinking about — or singing about — something we want will get you where you want to go. Yet in life we ​​tend to go where we focus. Our mindset shapes our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our behavior.

If you believe you can, you can. This type of mantra is sometimes called the Law of Attraction. While it won’t bring your dream to life, visualizing what you want is a simple yet effective method of manifesting to help you achieve your goals.

The power of positive thinking is no joke. The way we think determines how we see the world and seize opportunities.

Knowing how to manifest your goals can be a first step in making those dreams a reality. We will examine how it works.

collapse of the law of attraction

How does it work?

Like attracts like. What you send out into the world, you get back. Your mind is like a magnet and the energy you give off will come back to you. That’s the idea.

How does that actually help? It’s hard to hide your mood. If you’re gloomy and pessimistic or cynical, it shows in your face, your body language, and your decisions. This applies to both positive and negative thoughts. If you’re excited, engaged, and optimistic, it shows too.

In general, people choose to spend more time with others who evoke positive emotions in them. And research shows that people with a positive attitude are more productive, creative, and problem-solving than their peers.

In other words, when you radiate positive vibes you are ready to perform better, and you attract other similarly well-endowed people who may prove to be useful allies, mentors, or colleagues.

This does not mean that you should overdo it with optimism and optimism. Be authentic. It’s not easy being optimistic 24/7.

It is possible to achieve your dreams – first you have to believe in it.

What things do I have to consider?

Your mind is your most powerful tool. Reprogramming your conscious and subconscious takes work. The more you practice thinking positively, the more natural it becomes.

At BetterUp, we believe that physical well-being, mental fitness and everyday performance go hand in hand. It takes daily practice and some determination to make a change. Our coaches can help you revise your automatic thought patterns and let go of your limiting beliefs.

How can I start manifesting?

Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead, especially when we’re constantly preoccupied with work, bills, family, and our thoughts. But planning and looking forward to the future is good for our mental health. When the world seems unpredictable, all we have to do is keep our vision flexible and be ready for change.

Luckily, many effective manifestation techniques will help you focus on where you want to be in the future. Here are some ways to get started:

1. Create a vision board

Putting your goals together with pictures and words on a vision board is a great way to let your mind wander. Hang your board somewhere where you will see it every day. Seeing your vision board is a great reminder to keep going.

2. Start journaling

Journaling gives you a safe place to record your thoughts, concerns, and goals without judgment. You can always be yourself on paper. You can keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of what you are grateful for or a manifestation journal to focus on what you want to achieve.

Also, you can always go back to your journal and reflect on how far you’ve come and what goals you’ve achieved.

You can also try scripting. It tricks your brain into thinking you’ve already gotten what you want. Write a journal entry from your future self’s point of view. Describe how you feel like you’ve landed your dream job, met your soulmate, or won a six-figure salary.

3. Say positive affirmations

Ever heard of the Wonder Woman pose? It’s when you stand in a superhero position and sing positive things to yourself. I have this. I am worthy of my dreams. I’m constantly learning. I will succeed.

It may sound cheesy. But for people who struggle with self-criticism and automatic negative thoughts, it’s an effective way to retrain thought patterns.

Repeating these affirmations on consecutive days, superhero position or not, trains your mind to automatically think positively. It will help you boost your confidence. You can practice repeating affirmations every morning or before your stressful events – like tests, presentations, or difficult conversations.

4. Try the pillow method

This transfers your positive affirmations into your sleep. Write your dreams down and put them under your pillow before bed.

The theory behind the pillow method is that your final thoughts of the day help shift your subconscious beliefs in a gradual but powerful way. Your dreams will improve and you will feel better.

Is there anything special about putting them under your pillow? no But writing things down before bed can help clear your mind, and a positive bedtime ritual can shift your mindset.

5. Think outside the box

There’s nothing wrong with staying in our comfort zones. But if you become curious and push those boundaries, you will grow and learn. You will discover new possibilities. Start with small steps and work your way up to bigger ones.

Thomas Jefferson said, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” Those words ring true. Action ensures progress.

6. Surround yourself with positivity

Being around like-minded and supportive people can help you maintain a healthy mindset.

When you fail or make a mistake, you have a safety net ready to meet you with open, loving arms. This is better than being greeted with negative energy.

While a positive support system is great, forced positivity isn’t helpful. Toxic positivity is when people force an optimistic attitude and refuse to see negative or negative sides regardless of what is happening around them.

Real life has ups and downs. Ups and downs. Some days you will be scared or unhappy. Unexpected obstacles and setbacks will happen. Surround yourself with people who can be with you and help you find your way back up.

7. Practice the 369 Manifestation Method

This numerological method is popular and simple. Write down what you want to manifest. You will do this:

3 times in the morning

6 times distributed throughout the day

9 times in the evening

If you believe in numerology, then by all means use this simple trick. Inventor Nikola Tesla believed these numbers were divine and could unlock the mysteries of the universe.

For everyone else, the 369 Method is a reminder to get in touch with our intentions and goals throughout the day. Consistently writing what is important to you can help solidify your sense of purpose and direction. Your intentions determine the direction of your thoughts and actions.

8. Go for a walk

There is some truth to the phrase fake it till you make it when you manifest your dreams. It takes courage to believe in yourself and keep going despite obstacles, but it’s always worth it.

The final result

Manifesting and the Law of Attraction are easy ways to work toward a vision and build the life you desire. It doesn’t matter which method you prefer. It is important that you are convinced and persevere.

How you think and feel affects what you do. Manifesting will be challenging some days, but that’s okay. Keep going. And don’t be afraid to ask for help.

At BetterUp, we believe everyone deserves to live alive. We can help you realize your infinite potential and find your purpose.

Personal growth, social connections and mental fitness work together for positive transformation. Change is hard work. But if you can dream it – and you put in the work – you can do it.

Is there a secret to winning sweepstakes?

1. Patience. The first of the Three Ps is patience, a trait that is absolutely critical if you want to win. Entering sweepstakes is frustrating if you’re impatient — finding out that you’ve won a prize takes time.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Do you wonder how some people consistently win sweepstakes while you never seem to win at all? If you attribute it to someone else who is just luckier, you are making a mistake. The real secret to being a winner is a philosophy that sweepstakes fans call “The Three Ps.”

There is nothing magical about the three Ps and anyone can use them. They simply stand for:

Patience Perseverance A positive attitude

Here’s a look at how the three Ps relate to sweepstakes and how you can use them to help you win more prizes.

1. Patience

The first of the three Ps is patience, a trait that is absolutely crucial if you want to win. Entering sweepstakes is frustrating when you’re impatient – finding out you’ve won a prize takes time.

Think of it this way: even if you’re lucky enough to win a sweepstakes prize on day one of your participation, the following things need to happen before you know you’ve won:

The participation period for the sweepstakes must come to an end.

The entries must be checked.

Your name must be drawn as the winner.

Sponsor must contact you to notify you that you have won.

Each of these steps can take a while – like weeks or even months

Most people have to wait at least three months before they know they’ve won an award.

But patience isn’t just important for your first win. Even the luckiest sweepers go through dry spells where they enter tons of sweepstakes, follow all the recommended winning tips, and still don’t get a win notification for quite a while.

That’s why patience is an important part of winning sweepstakes. If you don’t have the patience to wait for prizes, entering the sweepstakes won’t be fun and you won’t stay long enough to win the prizes.

Here are some tips that may help:

2. Endurance

The second of the three Ps is endurance. You must enter sweepstakes regularly, whether the prizes are rolling in or not. If you give up, you’ll never win.

That doesn’t mean that you should spend every waking moment of the day entering freebies — but you should plan an achievable amount of time to muster each day. If you are a busy person like most of us, it could mean half an hour or even 15 minutes. Whatever time you can spare, commit to it.

More important than the time you put in is that you invest that time every day whether you’re lucky or not.

Here are some tips that will help you persevere and get a good number of daily entries, no matter the time you have:

3. Positive attitude

The third of the three Ps is having a positive attitude towards your gambling hobby which makes it so much easier to be patient and get through tough times.

It is important to remember that entering sweepstakes is not a job or a way to make money that you can rely on. If you’re doing it out of desperation, you’re probably better off passing the time in a side job that provides regular income.

Remember that winning isn’t just about winning prizes, it’s also about making friends, dreaming of where your prizes could take you, learning about interesting products, and sharing the joy of your winnings with others.

How you do that? Try having a little fun with sweepstakes by decorating your sweep area with lucky charms, creating a scrapbook of the prizes you’ve won so far, or coming up with a winning mantra.

Here are some helpful tips:

Even if you’re not lucky, with a little time and dedication you can win great prizes – and you can have a lot of fun doing it! These links will help you take the next step and win fantastic prizes.

Where to find sweepstakes

Now that you have the key to winning sweepstakes in your hands, it’s time to get started. Here are some great places to look out for trustworthy sweepstakes with great prizes up for grabs.

How do I win?

Here you go – 9 killer tips to become a winner in life.
  1. Set up specific goals, you need to know where you are going. …
  2. You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions. …
  3. Form a winning habit. …
  4. Don’t be afraid to fail. …
  5. Be eager to learn every day. …
  6. Take risks. …
  7. Stay focused. …
  8. Visit every day (joking) !

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

This article was last updated on April 27, 2022

How and why you should become a winner in life!

Since ancient times, society has always praised winners. Winning is and has become at the core of society and everything we do revolves around that one dynamic. And I just want to add a favorite quote: “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.

The Perks of Winning

Victory tastes very sweet and there are many benefits to gain because the harder the victory was, the sweeter the taste of victory. You start to feel better and your confidence increases, your morale increases, and your desire to win outweighs the fear of losing.

So you’re asking how to become a winner?

Here you go – 9 killer tips to become a winner in life.

1. Set yourself specific goals, you need to know where you are going.

Imagine you are in a race but you don’t know where the finish line is, would you be able to win? No you wouldn’t. That’s why you need a specific goal, you need to know exactly which direction you are going and where the finish line is. And learn to work towards something instead of working aimlessly.

2. You must learn to take responsibility for your actions

You cannot blame others for your mistakes and you cannot make excuses. Winners are people who are aware of their own mistakes, they understand that it’s their choices and choices that got them there. Winners don’t use excuses, they find solutions.

3. Form a winning habit

Strange right? But that’s what you have to do. You need to develop a winning habit, and habits are hard to develop. To develop a winning habit you have to start looking at things from a different perspective, you have to see them as challenges. You should try to challenge yourself daily, make it a habit to do something every day that you couldn’t do before.

4. Don’t be afraid to fail

You shouldn’t be afraid of failure, what you should do is learn to accept your mistakes as a lesson. You shouldn’t let failure demotivate you, you should make the best of it and that’s the lesson and you should use that lesson as a guide so you win next time.

5. Be eager to learn every day

Try to learn something new every day, read a book or meet new people or do something else. Because when it comes to winning, more knowledge is power.

6. Take risks

Don’t be afraid to take a risk. Because if you are too careful, you may miss the opportunity and you may not have a second one.

7. Stay focused

The important thing is that you focus on the finish line. Don’t slack off, always keep your sanity and focus on your goal. Because if you’re not focused, you’re not doing things seriously! And if you don’t take things seriously, you can’t be a winner, folks. It’s easy!

8. Visit every day (joke) ! Be committed

The main difference between losers and winners is that winners are committed to winning. Winners know what they want, so they’ll do whatever it takes to get there. You must stay committed to become a winner in life.

9. You must be willing to work harder than others

And in the end it comes down to working hard. Let me give you an example with exercise – if your competition is doing 200 push-ups every day, you need to be able to do 300. Do not forget that with more effort you will achieve better results, and not only in sports, it applies to all areas of life.

A mix of hard work and determination can get you anything in life.

Photo source: Kreg Steppe

Is manifesting a sin?

Manifestation is not wrong or sinful if your intentions are good. It’s a way to focus on gratitude, improve your circumstances, help others, and build confidence in yourself and your abilities. As long as you manifest in good faith and you’re willing to work for what you want, good things will come your way.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

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Does manifesting actually work?

In general, research has shown that positive thinking, one of the core concepts of manifestation, can be beneficial to your overall mental well-being—it can lead to lower instances of depression and better coping skills during stressful situations, according to the Mayo Clinic.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Another potential downside to be aware of: when you’re trying to manifest something important and things don’t go your way, it can be detrimental to your mental health. “The concern I have with manifesting, or any mental exercise that makes us feel like we can actually control or direct life’s outcomes if we just try or think hard enough, is that some people feel that they didn’t do enough or that they weren’t good enough, and that’s why life brought them disappointment,” says Dr. Ng. It’s not a healthy attitude because there is so much that is out of our control, especially in such an uncertain world, and part of mental wellbeing is finding effective ways to cope with things we don’t change be able.

How to practically manifest something

The manifestation may not suit you depending on your situation. And again, looking into your metaphorical crystal ball and wishing for something to happen is unlikely to change your circumstances overnight. But if you want to give it a try, there are some guidelines for trying the practice in a way that may support your mental well-being.

Remember that there is no one exactly right way to manifest, so your strategy can be whatever you want as long as it is consistent with inner reflection (to become clear about what you really want for your future) and practical action (to help get you there), says Bartz. Some people perform a formal ritual such as lighting a candle on a full moon and speaking a specific intention, while others incorporate these positive intentions into their daily meditation practice. It might even take a brief moment while you’re journaling to write down a specific goal you’ve set. Here are some expert-approved suggestions to get you started.

1. Recognize that manifesting is not the same as wishing.

It’s not like blowing out the candles on your birthday cake. “Rather than thinking of manifestation as a form of magic, think of it as a practice of becoming aware of where your attention is going, noticing the nature and quality of your thoughts, and realizing the power you have over your own inner experiences and actions have,” says Dr. Fournier. Going back to the healthy relationship example, this might seem like intentionally putting yourself in a group (anything from a book club to a softball league) where you could meet new people, rather than just finding a significant other and waiting for it to show up at your doorstep one day. Being aware of what your intentions are — and how to get there — is one small way to make meaningful changes in your life, she adds.

2. Try saying your goal out loud.

Saying your goal out loud, even if it’s just a whisper (perhaps every morning when you wake up), is one way to focus on it and make sure it aligns with your self-reflection. For example, if you’re trying to get back together with a toxic ex, saying it out loud can be the gut test you need to realize that the intention doesn’t align with your true desire to be in a loving relationship.

3. Write down your intention or set up calendar reminders.

The goals or milestones you hope to achieve should be front and center, as should your to-do list and events on your calendar. Maybe that means putting your goals down on paper, either on a post-it where you can see it daily, or in a journal if you want more privacy, suggests Dr. Fournier before. You can also set calendar reminders (e.g. weekly) that prompt you to review your vision for just 10 minutes – to reflect on the actions you have taken (or not taken) to reach your goal as a form of accountability . “Effective manifestation relies on keeping intention and vision consistently in focus so that we can align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with it,” she reiterates.

4. Consider making it a meditation ritual.

Manifesting can be a spiritual practice in its own right if you choose to use it in this way, but you can also incorporate it into a regular mindfulness practice. “Some people like to meditate and imagine how they would feel once they’ve achieved their goal,” says Bartz. It’s a way to focus your positive energy on the reality you’re hoping for and the steps it takes to get there. (How to meditate when you don’t know where to start.)

She also recommends writing your goal on a candle (on the jar) with permanent marker—or simply thinking of a candle as a visual symbol of your goal—and lighting it each day as part of a morning meditation ritual. Will the candle magically burn down all your student debt or slip your soulmate into your DMs? Maybe; maybe (probably) not. But again, if you keep your goal at the forefront, you’re more likely to direct your thoughts and actions towards achieving it. (And at least candles create a relaxing atmosphere.)


What is the 369 method?

The 369 method involves writing down what you’d like to manifest three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening. This method rose to popularity on TikTok (naturally), with videos under the hashtag “369method” amassing over 165 million views combined.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

With the 369 Method, you write down what you want to manifest three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening.

This method grew in popularity (of course) on TikTok, with videos tagged “369method” garnering over 165 million views combined. You don’t have to look far to find people on the app claiming technology has helped them manifest new relationships, large sums of money, and more.

It was the famous inventor Nikola Tesla who first thought that three, six and nine were powerful numbers for manifestation in the 20th century. “He believed these divine numbers were the key to unlocking the universe,” spiritual advisor Diana Zalucky told mbg.

Numbers aside, the 369 practice tracks feature the Law of Attraction, which states that we tend to attract what we put our attention on.

Hypnotist and Wishcraft author Shauna Cummins adds that if you focus on what you desire, you could help your brain “find what it’s looking for and therefore be more likely to act on what you want.” especially in such a consistent way.

How do you manifest in 17 seconds?

How To Manifest In 17 Seconds By Abraham Hicks
  1. Step 1: Pick One Thing To Manifest. The first step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to pick one thing to manifest. …
  2. Step 2: Visualize Your Desire. …
  3. Step 3: Focus On The Thought For 17 Seconds. …
  4. Step 4: Focus On The Thought For 68 Seconds. …
  5. Step 5: Let Go and Allow.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

It only takes 17 seconds to start a manifestation. Read this blog post to learn how to manifest in 5 steps with the 17 Second Manifestation Method.

What is the 17 second rule?

The 17 second rule states that when you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of thought. And if you focus on one thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest in real life.

This method is great for new manifesters because it gives you a specific time to aim for when manifesting.

Follow these 5 steps below to learn how to manifest in 17 seconds.

Who invented the 17 second rule?

The 17 Second Rule was developed by Abraham-Hicks, a group of non-physical entities channeled through Esther Hicks.

Esther Hicks is a Law of Attraction teacher and author of the bestselling book Ask and It Is Given.

Step 1: Choose one thing to manifest

The first step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to choose one thing to manifest.

You may have a million things you want to wear right now.

But as I teach in my manifestation course, the best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

Being crystal clear about a specific desire helps you cultivate the feeling of that experience and draw it into your reality.

Step 2: Visualize your desire

The second step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to visualize how good it feels to experience your desire.

As I discuss in my manifestation book, Feeling Good, your energy creates your reality.

Therefore, it is important to remember that when it comes to manifestation, it is the emotion that attracts.

Of the 22 manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into the feel of what you wish to experience is through visualization.

Close your eyes and imagine how good it feels to experience your desire. Allow your mind to create visions of what you wish to manifest. Surrender to the creative power of your imagination.

You know your visualization is working when it feels good.

Allow this positive vibration to flow through your body, mind and spirit.

Allow your emotion to scale the Emotional Guidance Scale and vibrate with feelings of joy, love, and appreciation.

Step 3: Focus on the thought for 17 seconds

The third step in using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on that good feeling thought for 17 seconds.

Once you are in your comfort zone, start a timer on your phone for 17 seconds.

Close your eyes again and focus on all the positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come to mind.

You will find that it becomes easier and easier to reach for better feeling thoughts.

The law of attraction works here. When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought. This means that the vibration of the thought is strong enough to attract similar thoughts.

But your work is not done here! Abraham-Hicks says it takes 68 seconds for the vibration of thought to become strong enough to manifest into physical reality.

Step 4: Focus on the thought for 68 seconds

The fourth step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on the positive thought for 68 seconds, which means 3 more cycles of 17 seconds.

Set a timer for 51 seconds and bring your attention back to your desire.

Close your eyes and surrender to any positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come up.

Every 17 seconds you spend focusing on a thought amplifies its vibration even more.

By focusing on thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest on the physical plane.

Step 5: Let go and allow

The fifth step to manifesting in 17 seconds is to let go and allow the universe to do its thing.

After spending 68 seconds with the positive vibration of your desire, you are now in vibrational alignment with what you want.

This means that the Universe is conspiring to provide you with people, objects and situations that are vibrationally compatible with you.

Your only job is to be patient and receive what the universe has in store for you.

Be open and receptive to new opportunities that come your way.

Trust that your energy will do for you what you cannot do yourself.

Keep taking action while maintaining positive and high vibrational energy.

As you await your manifestation, keep your vibration high by using these I AM affirmations, prayers to the universe, or affirmation cards to detach from the outcome and keep your vibrational alignment with what you want.

Does Abraham-Hicks’ 17-second rule work?

Yes. Abraham-Hicks’ 17-second method works for manifesting.

It only takes 17 seconds of concentration to align with a thought, and it only takes 68 seconds of concentration on that thought to begin drawing its essence into your reality.

However, remember that this rule also applies to negative thoughts.

It only takes 17 seconds of doubt to align with and 68 seconds to attract the absence of your desire.

All in all, what you focus on continuously, you will attract. No exceptions.

Can you really manifest in 17 seconds?

Yes. Your manifestation can begin in 17 seconds. The key word here is begin.

All manifestation first began with a thought. That thought attracts similar thoughts, and those thoughts attract other thoughts.

As those thoughts become more and more powerful, they turn into a belief, and that is where you will begin to attract experiences that match your beliefs.

But remember, this rule also works in the opposite direction. It only takes 17 seconds of doubt to stop your manifestation.

How long does it take for the 17 second rule to manifest?

It takes exactly 17 seconds for the 17 second rule to take effect.

When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought.

And if you focus on one thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest in real life.

Can manifestation happen overnight?

Realistically, anything can happen overnight, and chances are, there are people who have manifested their desires overnight and got them. So, it’s not impossible, but there is a lot of work to do if you want to be one of these people.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

What is manifestation?

Is it possible to manifest something overnight?

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction has become a popular self-improvement tool for many people who long for a meaningful change in their lives. You will find stories upon stories of people declaring their successful manifestations that changed their lives. And whether you believe it or not, something must have happened for them to get the results they want. We know that hard work and alignment with your mission will lead to success over time. But what if you want a change now? Can you manifest something overnight? Manifestation comes from the Law of Attraction – that you receive and attract the energy you put out into the world. Although it has spiritual roots, many self-proclaimed manifesters today do not ascribe any deeper, spiritual meaning to the manifestation of their goals. In fact, there is a lot of conflicting information out there about how best to manifest, but they all have one basic principle: in order to manifest something, you must direct your life, actions, and energy toward it so that it can come true.

So how do we manifest something overnight, and is it even possible? This is a complicated question. Realistically, anything can happen overnight, and chances are there are people who manifested their desires overnight and got them. So it’s not impossible, but there’s plenty to do if you want to be one of those people.

Before we get into the steps you should take if you want to manifest something overnight, there is something fundamental to consider. Big changes don’t come overnight, so you need to be realistic about your expectations of an overnight manifestation.

For example, if you’ve never run more than a mile in your life and you’re trying to run a record-breaking marathon overnight, I hate to tell you, but it’s just not plausible.

So before you begin the manifestation process, you need to manage your expectations.

With that caveat out of the way, now comes the fun part.

Six effective tips for overnight manifestation

1. Be specific about your intentions

2. Write it down

3. Practice visualization

The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to manifest it. You have to think carefully about what you want and why you want it. The manifestation theory states that if you are not specific enough, you will get what you asked for, but it might not be what you hoped or expected. Think of it like a genie granting a wish, taking you literally. So if you want to manifest money overnight, be specific about how much money you want to manifest and what you want it for. is much clearer than, “I want more money so I can buy something.” What better way to make your intentions known than to write them down? So grab your manifestation journal and, without skimping on the details, write down the specifics of what you want. Writing it down will also help you visualize what you want and make a plan for how you’re going to get it. Not to mention that it offers a clear statement of intent to the universe that you are ready to take whatever you want into your life.

Now that you have the details sorted out and written in your journal, it is time to envision this new reality that you desire.

Imagine you have the thing you are trying to manifest. What feeling does that evoke in you? How does it change your life? Think about it as if it has already happened.

As you begin to imagine that you have what you want, you begin to radiate the energy that you are ready to receive it.

4. Listen to mantra audios while sleeping

5. Faith

Mantras are a core practice in the Law of Affirmation and Manifestation. This is because mantras are statements of intent which, as we have seen, are essential to manifestation. However, if we want to manifest something overnight, we need to turn up the heat. This means that these mantras work even when we are asleep. A great way to do this is to find an audio recording of manifestations and play it while you sleep. Alternatively, you can record yourself saying mantras specific to you, which you can loop while you sleep. The idea behind this is that playing informative audio while you sleep allows the brain to store more information. It is a practice that has been used in a variety of applications, including study and hypnosis. When your brain keeps the mantras while you sleep, it means you are waking up with strong intention and will for your manifestations to take place.

You must believe with every fiber of your being for your manifestation to work.

It doesn’t just boil down to believing that it will happen. You have to believe that you are ready for this. That you want it and understand how it will change your life.

If you are in doubt as to what you want, you will not be in a place of alignment to obtain what you desire and therefore this is unlikely to happen.

6. Align your actions

Final thoughts on manifesting something overnight

Once what you have manifested comes about, your life will never be the same. Whether you aim for a small change or a big one, the way you live your life will also change. Therefore, in preparation, you need to make sure that from the moment you are clear about what you want, you act on it. For example, when trying to manifest a new job opportunity, sitting around and being unproductive will likely help . Manifesting something overnight is a huge challenge and certainly not a guarantee no matter how hard you try. But if you follow the six steps with this post, you will put yourself in the best position to try. But whether it happens overnight or not, never stop pursuing the things you want in life!

What is the 555 method?

The formula is to write what you desire 55 times for 5 consecutive days. That’s a total of 275 times in 5 days. This manifestation technique is not complicated and easy to understand. 555 method rationalizes the thoughts of your subconscious mind.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

luxury vehicles! Branded clothing and accessories! Weekend in the Maldives!

Sounds like a dream right?

However, did you know that you can make this dream a reality? You can have it all, including the man of your dreams.

With the power of manifestation, you can have everything you desire and more in just 5 days.

5 days! Is that possible?

Yes it is possible if you know how to use the 555 manifestation method.

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Speaking of manifestation, we cannot exclude the discussion of the Law of Attraction (LOA).

According to the principle of LOA, our thoughts have the power to manifest whatever we desire in life.

The principles of the Law of Attraction define its relationship to manifestation.

define manifestation

If you look up the dictionary, there are many definitions of manifestation. The best I’ve come across is that manifestation is “the evidence of the reality of something.”

So what does it mean?

It means that everything tangible and intangible in my life is a manifestation.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is based on the philosophy that reality is the product of our thoughts. In this case, everything we are in the present is the product of our thoughts in the past. Whatever seed we have planted in our mind, it will manifest in the future.

How can the Law of Attraction manifest money, love, or anything we desire?

LOA works according to three rules:

Like attracts like

Nature abhors emptiness

Our present is always perfect

Like attracts like. Although the principle of polarity says the opposite, it is not always the case.

Have you noticed that you tend to be friends with people who have similar traits to yours? An athletic person tends to hang out with other athletic people.

Nature abhors empty space. We have learned in science that it is not possible. Atoms jump around to instantly fill any vacuum. This is the law of thermodynamics.

Our present is always perfect. Many would disagree, but that’s true. You have the power to transform your present through gratitude.

The world may be full of troubles but we have many things we can still be thankful for like the air we breathe, the flowers and trees, the family we have and more.

When you apply LOA in your life, you can manifest anything you desire.

The 555 manifestation method

You can use any powerful manifestation technique. The most traditional manifestation techniques include visual boards, intention journals, focus wheel, sensory visualization, and many more.

The recently introduced Modern Method of Manifestation includes the 369 Manifestation Method inspired by Nikola Tesla and the 555 Manifestation Formula, which is very popular with LOA devotees.

555 method has become more and more popular due to its simplicity, short time frame, quick results and effectiveness.

You want to know more.

What is the 555 Manifestation Formula?

The formula is: Write what you wish for 55 times in 5 consecutive days. That’s a total of 275 times in 5 days.

This manifestation technique is not complicated and easy to understand. The 555 Method rationalizes the thoughts of your subconscious.

Our subconscious cannot filter all the information that goes through our heads. The subconscious absorbs all information and stores it until it becomes habit.

The goal of this method is to transform your thought patterns and align them with the energy frequency of your highest desire.

The meaning of the number 5

You are probably wondering why the number 5. What is the meaning of this number?

The number 5 is associated with transformation, change and realignment. Those associated with the number 5 are somewhat temperamental but adaptable to change.

They have a higher sense of perception, which allows our energy frequencies to work efficiently. The number 5 can signify letting go of the past and welcoming future possibilities. This increases the power of our intention.

Well, the next question is how to manifest?

With the 555 method

Many say it’s just a 3 step process. Not for me. The method is simple and easy to follow, but manifesting is not magic.

If you want your desire to manifest, you must work for it.

You must act.

Step 1 Set your intention.

Your intention is what you desire most.

Do you remember the principle of goal setting?

Don’t start with something big to set your goal. Set small goals at first until you reach your ultimate goal. You apply the same principle when setting your intent.

Make a list of all your desires if you have many.

Be precise.

Pick one from your list and focus on it.

For example, your intention is to have wealth. That’s too wide. Think about how you define wealth. Do you have a specific thing in mind that will help you manifest wealth?

So how do you do it specifically? Start with a smaller intention. Some examples of positive manifestations:

I aim to make a million by the end of the year.

I will bring my business a 15% increase in profits.

I will expand my target market by next quarter.

I will expand my sales channel in the region.

Don’t you think making a million in a year is more realistic than saying you want to manifest wealth in your life?

Your desire should inspire you to bring happiness to yourself and others. Don’t choose ones that would simply boost your ego or out of fear.

Step 2 Choose your diary

This may not matter that much to some, but choosing the right one does matter.


The diary is your book of records. There you write your chosen intention 55 times for 5 days. You can choose to use a single journal or a full journal.

A single diary is like an ordinary record book. All you can write there is your intention following the 555 manifestation formula.

A full journal has space to write down your intentions as well as a section that would help you express appreciation, gratitude, and love.

The additional section contains the gratitude list to show gratitude for things you have. It contains questions or phrases that evoke appreciation.

There should also be space to make a list of people and things you love. Your manifestation journal should make you feel grateful and appreciative.

When your energy vibrates at a positive frequency, you can harness the positive vibration of your desire all the more.

Step 3 Intent in Affirmation

Turn your intention into a positive affirmation. Your affirmation is your mantra. Your affirmations should attract the positive energy of what you desire. It should include the following criteria:

Short and on point.

It should express gratitude and appreciation.

It should be written in the present tense.

Recite it as if you already have it.

In our example, you want to make a million at the end of the year. Try these examples of wealth affirmations.

I am grateful that my business is doing well.

I’m thankful for the opportunities that knock on my door.

I appreciate my customers for their continuous support.

I am happy to live in abundance of wealth.

Incredibly, my income keeps increasing.

I’m not saying to use all of these affirmations. Just pick one that appeals to you.

Step 4 Scripting

In LOA, scripting is about writing what you want to manifest as if you already own it. It’s like a journal or a script of your future life, but live it in the present. You write the script repeatedly in a diary.

This is where you apply the 555 manifestation formula. Write your chosen affirmation in your journal 55 times for 5 days.

Writing down your affirmation is similar to the traditional manifestation meditation technique, except that you write it down instead of reciting it.

A point to remember. Find a quiet place to write, as if you were meditating. This will help you be more focused. You can also recite the affirmation as you write it.

Step 5 Let it go

Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or giving up on your affirmation. Letting go means not obsessing about the outcome.

Trust in the power of the universe to grant what you want. Negativity kicks in the more you think about the outcome. Remember that you must maintain positive thoughts and eliminate negative thoughts.

Keep your mind clear to see opportunities that come your way. Don’t ignore signs of new opportunities because they come at you for a reason.

Thinking too much about the outcome can create doubt. You would start to feel lacking and become anxious. These feelings negatively affect your manifestation.

If your desire manifests itself 5 days ago, do not stop. Just keep going until you’re done. A much bigger thing could be coming your way.

Don’t get stressed if your craving doesn’t manifest itself after 5 days. just let it go The universe works by itself.

Some afterthoughts

The principle of the 555 manifestation method is no different from the other manifestation tools. They work on the principle that positive energy frequencies are sent to our subconscious to attract the positive vibrations of our desire.

However, this is not magic where you simply write your affirmations 55 times and they manifest in 5 days. That will not do.

This manifestation technique is just a tool. It is a tool that can help you transform your subconscious and change your beliefs.

You cannot manifest anything out of nothing. You must act. You have to invest time and energy.

If you want to make a million dollars by the end of the year, you can’t just make a wish by writing it down. You have to react to it.

You have to work harder for your business to increase profits. Accept all opportunities that come your way.

You can’t just write it down and then sit in a corner and wait for something to happen. That’s not how it works.

Remember the words of Thomas Edison: “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.”

Increase your chances of success and get on the fast track with the following proven manifestation programs:

How do you do the 333 manifestation method?

Follow these 5 steps and use the 33×3 Manifestation Method to manifest what you want.
  1. Step 1: Pick One Thing To Manifest.
  2. Step 2: Clarify Your Intentions. …
  3. Step 3: Choose A Positive Affirmation. …
  4. Step 4: Write The Affirmation 33 Times For 3 Days. …
  5. Step 5: Be Patient With Your Manifestation.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Would you like to use the 33×3 manifestation method to manifest what you want? Follow this blog post to learn how to use the 33×3 method in 5 steps.

The 33×3 manifestation method requires you to write an affirmation 33 times for 3 days to manifest your desire.

Through the Law of Attraction, energies that are vibrationally aligned are drawn to one another like a magnet.

So by repeatedly writing down a positive affirmation, you become a vibrational partner for what you want and draw it into your life.

Follow these 5 steps and use the 33×3 manifestation method to manifest what you want.

Step 1: Choose one thing to manifest

The first step to using the 33×3 manifestation method is to write down one thing that you want to manifest.

As I teach in my manifestation course, the first step to manifesting is to be clear about what you want.

Being crystal clear about what you want helps you cultivate the feeling of that experience and draw it into your reality.

Take out your manifestation journal and write down exactly what you wish to manifest at that time.

For example, if you want a new job, write “I want to manifest a new job.” at the top of your page.

Knowing what you want will help you choose an affirmation that is relevant and specific to your situation.

Step 2: Clarify your intentions

The second step in using the 33×3 Manifestation Method is to clarify your intentions.

Why do you want to manifest this desire?

As I explain in my book on manifesting, Feeling Good, affirmations work best when tied to a positive feeling or emotion.

Since your energy creates your reality, it is important to remember that when it comes to manifestation, it is the emotion that attracts.

Go back to the previous example and ask yourself: how do you feel when you manifest a new job?

Refer to the Emotional Leadership Scale to select emotions that have a high vibration.

Do you feel good? Or are you feeling inspired? Maybe you’re feeling passionate?

Write down all the positive emotions your desire evokes in you.

For example, if you’re looking for a new job that aligns with your passion, write “I want to manifest a new job so I can get excited about what I do” at the top of your page.

Step 3: Choose a positive confirmation

The third step to using the 33×3 Manifestation Method is to choose a positive affirmation that connects your desire to your positive emotions.

You can search my affirmation archive and choose an affirmation that resonates with you, or you can create your own affirmation.

It’s entirely up to you.

If you’ve followed steps 1 and 2, you’re basically halfway to creating your own affirmation.

Connect your desire to the positive emotion you want to feel and you have validation!

I suggest you put feeling before desire so you can emphasize the energy you want to cultivate.

Instead of writing, “I want to manifest a new job so I can get excited about what I do.”

You can write, “I’m excited about what I’m doing at my new job every day” or “I feel so lucky to be doing what I love about my new job.”

The more positive energy you channel into your affirmation, the closer you are to achieving vibrational alignment with your desire.

Through the Law of Attraction, energies that are vibrationally aligned are drawn to one another like a magnet.

So the more you feel the emotion you want to manifest, the closer you are to manifesting it in your reality.

Step 4: Write the affirmation 33 times for 3 days

The fourth step to using the 33×3 manifestation method is to write your affirmation 33 times for 3 days in a row.

This may seem like a lot, but it is a powerful way to raise your energetic vibration.

Each time you write the affirmation down, you become more vibrationally aligned with your desire.

So if you write it down 33 times, you’re 33 times more aligned than when you started.

But the secret to getting the most out of the 33×3 method is to not only write your affirmation, but to feel it.

Let the positive message boost your energy. Imagine how good it feels like the affirmation is already true. Allow high-vibrating emotions to take over your body, mind and spirit.

You can draw more positivity from your affirmation by saying it out loud after you’ve written it, or by closing your eyes to think about it.

You can also follow your 33×3 method with a visualization meditation. The visualization will help you channel your affirmation as if it has already come true.

Step 5: Be patient with your manifestation

The last step to using the 33×3 manifestation method is to be patient with your manifestation.

After writing your affirmation 33 times for 3 days, you are now in vibrational alignment with your desire.

Which means that your desire will manifest itself in the near future.

So all you have to do is let go and allow the universe to provide the result that is right for you.

Don’t make the mistake of continuing to write your affirmations! The whole point of the 33 × 3 method is to help you achieve vibrational alignment with your desire quickly.

If you feel the need to keep writing, it is a sign that you are manifesting manically, which is one of the four main blocks of your power of manifestation.

Trust that the work you have put in over the past 3 days is enough to inspire your desires.

To avoid manifestation burnout, you can try other manifestation practices like I AM affirmations, prayers to the universe, or affirmation cards.

When you change your practice of manifestation, the journey of manifestation becomes so much more fun and enjoyable.

And when you feel good, you become a magnet for miracles.

How can I increase my chances of winning an Instagram giveaway?

Tips for winning giveaways on Instagram
  1. Select the best giveaways. This tip is basic and we even talked a little about it above, but it must be added that it is important to filter the draws and choose the best ones. …
  2. Follow the rules to win giveaways on Instagram. …
  3. Be careful when tagging friends. …
  4. Make the right comments.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Sou formed in Letras português e Inglês. Atualmente trabalho como redator em Alguns sites e, eventualmente, dou aulas de português para strangers. Já ministrei aulas de Inglês para os cursos de extended da Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais e já atuei em escolas como estagiário e servente escolar. A educação e a escrita são minhas grandes paixões.

What is the probability of winning big ticket?

If the six numbers on a ticket match the numbers drawn by the lottery, the ticket holder is a jackpot winner—regardless of the order of the numbers. The probability of this happening is 1 in 13,983,816.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Lottery mathematics is used to calculate probabilities of winning or losing a lottery game. It is primarily based on combinatorics, in particular the twelve-fold path and combinations without substitutes.

Probabilities of winning or losing a lottery game

Choice of 6 out of 49 [ edit ]

In a typical 6/49 game, each player chooses six different numbers from a range of 1-49. If the six numbers on a ticket match the lottery numbers drawn, the ticket holder is a jackpot winner, regardless of the order of the numbers. The probability of this happening is 1 in 13,983,816.

The chance of winning can be demonstrated as follows: The first number drawn has a 1 in 49 chance. When the second number is drawn, there are now only 48 balls in the bag because the balls are drawn without being replaced. So there is now a 1 in 48 chance of predicting that number.

Thus, for each of the 49 ways to choose the first number, there are 48 different ways to choose the second. This means that the probability of correctly predicting 2 numbers drawn out of 49 in the right order is 1 in 49 × 48. When drawing the third number, there are only 47 ways to choose the number; but of course we could have reached this point in 49 × 48 ways as well, so the probability of correctly predicting 3 numbers drawn out of 49, again in the correct order, is 1 in 49 × 48 × 47. This lasts until the 6th number has been found is drawn, giving the final calculation, 49 × 48 × 47 × 46 × 45 × 44, which can also be written as 49! ( 49 − 6 ) ! {\displaystyle {49! \over (49-6)!}} or 49 factorial divided by 43 factorial. This gives 10,068,347,520, which is much larger than the ~14 million given above.

However; the order of the 6 numbers is not significant. This means that if a ticket has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, it wins as long as all numbers 1 to 6 are drawn, no matter what order they come out in. Accordingly, given any set of 6 numbers, there are 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 6! or 720 orders in which they could be drawn. Dividing 10,068,347,520 by 720 gives 13,983,816, also written as 49! 6 ! ∗ ( 49 − 6 ) ! {\displaystyle {49! \over 6!*(49-6)!}} , or more generally than

( n k ) = n ! k! ( n − k ) ! {\displaystyle {n \choose k}={n! \over k!(n-k)!}} binomial coefficient and multinomial coefficient.

This function is called the combination function. For the rest of this article we will use the notation ( n k ) {\displaystyle {n \choose k}} . “Combination” means the group of numbers selected, regardless of the order in which they were drawn.

An alternative method of calculating the odds is to note that the probability that the first ball will match any of the six balls chosen is 6/49; the probability that the second ball corresponds to one of the remaining five chosen is 5/48; etc. This gives a final formula of

( n k ) = ( 49 6 ) = 49 6 ∗ 48 5 ∗ 47 4 ∗ 46 3 ∗ 45 2 ∗ 44 1 {\displaystyle {n \choose k}={49 \choose 6}={49 \over 6}* {48 \over 5}*{47 \over 4}*{46 \over 3}*{45 \over 2}*{44 \over 1}}

The range of possible combinations for a particular lottery can be referred to as a “number space”. “Coverage” is the percentage of a lottery’s number space that is in play for a particular draw.

Chances of other choices when picking 6 out of 49[edit]

One must divide the number of combinations that produce the given result by the total number of possible combinations (e.g. ( 49 6 ) = 13 , 983 , 816 {\displaystyle {49 \choose 6}=13,983,816} ). The numerator equals the number of ways to pick the winning numbers multiplied by the number of ways to pick the losing numbers.

For a score of n (for example, if 3 choices match 3 of the 6 balls drawn, then n = 3), ( 6 n ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose n}} describes the probability of choosing n winning numbers from the 6 winning numbers. This means that there are 6 – n loser numbers, which are chosen from the 43 loser numbers in ( 43 6 − n ) {\displaystyle {43 \choose 6-n}} ways. The total number of combinations giving this result is, as stated above, the first number multiplied by the second. The expression is therefore ( 6 n ) ( 43 6 − n ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose n}{43 \choose 6-n} \over {49 \choose 6}} .

This can be written in general terms for all lotteries as:

( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {K\choose B}{N-K\choose K-B} \over {N\choose K))

where N {\displaystyle N} is the number of balls in the lottery, K {\displaystyle K} is the number of balls in a single ticket, and B {\displaystyle B} is the number of matched balls for a winning ticket.

The generalization of this formula is called the hypergeometric distribution.

This gives the following results:

Scoring Exact probability Approximate decimal probability Approximate 1/probability 0 ( 6 0 ) ( 43 6 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 0}{43 \choose 6} \over {49 \choose 6}} 435,461/ 998,844 0.436 2.2938 1 ( 6 1 ) ( 43 5 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 1}{43 \choose 5} \over {49 \choose 6}} 68.757/166.474 0.413 2.4212 2 ( 6 2 ) ( 43 4 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 2}{43 \choose 4} \over {49 \choose 6}} 44.075/332.948 0.132 7.5541 3 ( 6 3 ) ( 43 3 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 3}{43 \choose 3} \over {49 \choose 6}} 8.815/499.422 0.0177 56.66 4 ( 6 4 ) ( 43 2 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 4 {43 \choose 2} \over {49 \choose 6}} 645/665,896 0.000969 1,032.4 5 ( 6 5 ) ( 43 1 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 5}{43 \choose 1} \ over {49 \choose 6}} 43/2,330,636 0.0000184 54,200.8 6 ( 6 6 ) ( 43 0 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 6}{43 \choose 0} \over {49 \choose 6}} 1/13,983,816 0.0000000715 13,983,816

If a bonus number is included, the adjusted odds are:[1]

Point calculation Exact probability Approximate decimal probability Approximately 1/probability 5, bonus not won ( 6 5 ) ( ( 43 − 1 ) 1 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 5}{(43-1) \choose 1 } \ over {49 \choose 6}} 0.0000180208 55,491.33 5, bonus won ( 6 5 ) ( ( 43 − 1 ) ( 1 − 1 ) ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 5}{(43 -1 ) \choose (1-1)} \over {49 \choose 6}} 0.0000004291 2,330,636

Win the jackpot[edit]

There is only one known way to ensure winning the jackpot. This means buying at least one lottery ticket for every possible combination of numbers. For example, you have to buy 13,983,816 different tickets to win the jackpot in a 6/49 game.

Lottery organizations have laws, rules and safeguards in place to prevent players from conducting such an operation. Furthermore, simply winning the jackpot by buying all possible combinations does not guarantee a break even or a win.

If p {\displaystyle p} is the probability of winning; c t {\displaystyle c_{t}} the cost of a ticket; c l {\displaystyle c_{l}} the cost of purchasing a ticket (e.g. including logistics); c f {\displaystyle c_{f}} One-time costs for the operation (such as setting up and running the operation); then the jackpot should contain at least m j {\displaystyle m_{j}}

m j ≥ c f + c t + c l p {\displaystyle m_{j}\geq c_{f}+{\frac {c_{t}+c_{l}}{p}}}

to at least break even.

The theoretical “chance to break even” point above is easily offset by the sum of the small wins that are also included in all lottery tickets:

m j ≥ c f + c t + c l p − ∑ i m i {\displaystyle m_{j}\geq c_{f}+{\frac {c_{t}+c_{l}}{p}}-\sum _{i }{ }m_{i}}

However, even if the above relationship is satisfied, it does not guarantee a breakeven point. The payout depends on the number of winning tickets for all prizes n x {\displaystyle n_{x}}, which results in the relation

m j n j ≥ c f + c t + c l p − ∑ i m i n i {\displaystyle {\frac {m_{j}}{n_{j}}}\geq c_{f}+{\frac {c_{t}+c_ {l}} {p}}-\sum _{i}{}{\frac {m_{i}}{n_{i}}}}

In what are probably the only known successful operations[2], for reasons unknown, the threshold to perform an operation has been set at three times the ticket cost alone

m j ≥ 3 × c t p {\displaystyle m_{j}\geq 3\times {\frac {c_{t}}{p}}}


n j p c t ( c f + c t + c l p – – ∑ i m i n i ) ≪ 3 {\displaystyle {\frac {n_{j}p}{c_{t}}}\left(c_{f}+{\frac { c_{t}+ c_{l}}{p}}-\sum _{i}{}{\frac {m_{i}}{n_{i}}}\right)\ll 3}

However, this does not eliminate all risks of not making a profit. The success of the operations still depended on a bit of luck. In addition, the logistics failed in one process and not all combinations could be procured. This increased the risk of not even winning the jackpot.

Powerballs and bonus balls[ edit ]

Many lotteries have a power ball (or “bonus ball”). If the Powerball is drawn from a number pool other than the main lottery, the odds are multiplied by the number of Powerballs. For example, in the 6 out of 49 lottery, if there were 10 Powerball numbers, the odds of getting a score of 3 and getting the Powerball would be 1 in 56.66 × 10, or 566.6 (probability would be divided by 10 to get an exact number receive). value of 8815 4994220 {\textstyle {\frac {8815}{4994220}}} ). Another example of such a game is Mega Millions, albeit with different jackpot odds.

If more than 1 Powerball is drawn into the main lottery from a separate ball pool (e.g. in the EuroMillions game), the odds of the various possible Powerball matching outcomes are calculated using the method described in the Other Outcomes section above (with in other words, the Powerballs are like their own mini lottery) and then multiplied by the odds to reach the required main lottery score.

If the Powerball is drawn from the same number pool as the main lottery, then the number of winning combinations for a given target score will include the Powerball. In games based on the Canadian Lottery (e.g. the UK Lottery), after the 6 main balls have been drawn, an additional ball is drawn from the same ball pool, which becomes the Powerball (or “Bonus Ball”). . An additional prize is awarded for 5 matching balls and the bonus ball. As described above in the Other Scores section, the number of ways a single ticket can get a score of 5 is ( 6 5 ) ( 43 1 ) = 258 {\textstyle {6 \choose 5}{43 \choose 1}=258} . Since the number of balls remaining is 43 and the ticket has 1 unmatched number remaining, 1/43 of those 258 combinations will match the next ball drawn (the Powerball), leaving 258/43 = 6 ways to match this. Therefore, the odds of a score of 5 and the Powerball are 6 ( 49 6 ) = 1 2 , 330 , 636 {\textstyle {6 \over {49 \choose 6}}={1 \over 2,330,636}} .

Of the 258 combinations that match 5 of the 6 main balls, in 42/43 of them the remaining number does not match the Powerball, which is odds of 258 × 42 43 ( 49 6 ) = 3 166 .474 ≈ 1.802 × 10 − 5 gives {\textstyle {{258\cdot {\frac {42}{43}}} \over {49 \choose 6}}={\frac {3}{166.474}}\approx 1.802\times 10^{ -5} } for getting a score of 5 without hitting the Powerball.

Using the same principle, the odds of a score of 2 and the Powerball are ( 6 2 ) ( 43 4 ) = 1 , 851 , 150 {\textstyle {6 \choose 2}{43 \choose 4}=1,\ ! 851,\!150} for the score 2 multiplied by the probability that one of the remaining four numbers matches the bonus ball, i.e. 4/43. Since 1 .851 .150 ⋅ 4 43 = 172 .200 {\textstyle 1.851.150\cdot {\frac {4}{43}}=172.\!200} , the probability of getting the score 2 and the bonus ball is 172 , 200 ( 49 6 ) = 1025 83237 = 1.231 % {\textstyle {\frac {172.200}{49 \choose 6}}={\frac {1025}{83237}}=1.231\%} , approximate decimal odds of 1 in 81.2.

The general formula for B {\displaystyle B} matching balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery with a bonus ball from the N {\displaystyle N} pool of balls is:

K – B N – K ( K B ) ( N – K K – – B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {\frac {{\frac {K-B}{N-K}}{K \choose B}{N-K \choose K-B}}{N \choose K}}}

The general formula for B {\displaystyle B} matching balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery with zero bonus ball from the N {\displaystyle N} pool of balls is:

N − K − K + B N − K ( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {N-K-K+B \over N-K}{K\select B}{N-K \select K-B}\ over { N \choose K}}

The general formula for matching B {\displaystyle B} balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery with a bonus ball from a separate pool of P {\displaystyle P} balls is:

1 P ( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {1 \over P}{K\choose B}{N-K \choose K-B} \over {N\choose K))

The general formula for matching B {\displaystyle B} balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery without a bonus ball from a separate pool of P {\displaystyle P} balls is:

P − 1 P ( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {P-1 \over P}{K\select B}{N-K \select K-B} \over {N \select K }}

Minimum number of tickets for a game [ edit ]

It is a difficult (and often open) problem to calculate the minimum number of tickets one must purchase to guarantee that at least one of those tickets will match at least 2 numbers. In the 5 out of 90 Lotto, the minimum number of tickets that can guarantee a ticket with at least 2 games is 100.[3]

Results of information theory[edit]

As a discrete probability space, the probability of a given lottery outcome is atomic, meaning it is greater than zero. Therefore, the probability of an event is the sum of the probabilities of the event’s outcomes. This makes it easy to calculate quantities of interest from information theory. For example, the information content of any event can be easily calculated using the formula

i ⁡ ( E ) := − log ⁡ [ Pr ( E ) ]] = − log ⁡ ( P ) . {\displaystyle \operatorname {I} (E):=-\log {\left[\Pr {\left(E\right)}\right]}=-\log {\left(P\right)}.}

In particular, the information content of the result x {\displaystyle x} is a discrete random variable X {\displaystyle X}

I X ⁡ ( x ) := − log ⁡ [ p X ( x ) ]] = log ⁡ ( 1 p X ( x ) ) . {\displaystyle \operatorname {I} _{X}(x):=-\log {\left[p_{X}{\left(x\right)}\right]}=\log {\left({\ frac {1}{p_{X}{\left(x\right)}}}\right)}.}

For example, winning in the example § Choosing 6 out of 49 above is a Bernoulli distributed random variable X {\displaystyle X} with a chance of winning 1/13,983,816 (“success”). We write X ∼ B e r n o u l l i ( p ) = B ( 1 , p ) {\textstyle X\sim \mathrm {Bernoulli} \!\left(p\right)=\mathrm {B} \!\left(1,p \right)} with p = 1 13 , 983 , 816 {\textstyle p={\tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}} and q = 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 {\textstyle q={\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}} . The information content of winning is

I X ⁡ ( win ) = − log 2 ⁡ p X ( win ) = − log 2 1 1 13 , 983 , 816 ≈ 23.73725 {\displaystyle \operatorname {I} _{X}({\text{win} })=- \log _{2}{p_{X}{({\text{win}})}}=-\log _{2}\!{\tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}\approx 23 .73725}

I X ⁡ ( lose ) = − log 2 ⁡ p X ( lose ) = − log 2 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 ≈ 1.0317 × 10 − 7 Shannons . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\operatorname {I} _{X}({\text{lose}})&=-\log _{2}{p_{X}{({\text{lose}} ) )}}=-\log _{2}\!{\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}\\&\approx 1.0317\times 10^{-7}{\text{ shannons}}. \end{aligned} }}

The information entropy of a lottery probability distribution can also be easily calculated as the expected value of the information content.

H ( X ) = ∑ x − p X ( x ) log ⁡ p X ( x ) = ∑ x p X ( x ) i X ⁡ ( x ) = d e f E [ i X ⁡ ( x ) ] {\displaystyle {\ begin {alignedat }{2}\mathrm{H}(X)&=\sum _{x}{-p_{X}{\left(x\right)}\log {p_{X}{\left(x \right) }}}\ &=\sum _{x}{p_{X}{\left(x\right)}\operatorname {I} _{X}(x)}\\&{\overset {\ underset {\ mathrm {def} }{}}{=}}\ \mathbb {E} {\left[\operatorname {I} _{X}(x)\right]}\end{alignedat}}}

Often the random variable of interest in the lottery is a Bernoulli trial. In this case the Bernoulli entropy function can be used. Using X {\displaystyle X} representing winning the 6-of-49 lottery, the Shannon entropy of 6-of-49 is above

H ( X ) = − p log ⁡ ( p ) − q log ⁡ ( q ) = − 1 13 , 983 , 816 log 1 13 , 983 , 816 − 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 log 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 ≈ 1.80065 × 10 − 6 Shannons. {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathrm{H} (X)&=-p\log(p)-q\log(q)=-{\tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}\log \!{ \tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}-{\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}\log \!{\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}\\&\about 1 .80065\times 10^{-6}{\text{ Shannons.}}\end{aligned}}}

Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨

Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨
Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨

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How To Manifest Winning A Competition In 3 Powerful Steps

Winning a competition takes both skill and luck. Even if you are the perfect candidate to win the contest, you may not win it. You can use the Law of Attraction to easily win such contests. In this article, we will examine how to manifest winning a contest using Law of Attraction techniques.

The most important question when using the Law of Attraction is, can you win a Law of Attraction competition? The answer is simple, you can win any contest or contest using the Law of Attraction by hardwiring your brain and consciousness with thoughts of winning the contest.

How to win a competition using the law of attraction

The basic concept of the Law of Attraction is that probable thoughts attract probable outcomes. So if you are able to generate such thoughts, you are the winner, then manifesting competitive victory is very easy.

So we have to find ways that generate winning thoughts, right?

How can you do that? How can you generate winning positive thoughts?

There are a number of ways you can rewrite your thought process. Visualization, Scripting, Affirmations, Dream Boards, Gratitude, Letting Go are some ways you can do this.

So what if we combine these methods of manifestation?

In this way, you can win a competition effortlessly.

I have combined 3 of these manifestation methods to create 1 perfect manifestation process to manifest to win any competition.

Remember that the first step in any manifestation process is believing that the method will work perfectly.

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How to manifest winning a competition with 3 simple manifestation methods

The 3 methods we will use to manifest a contest win are scripting, visualization and affirmations.

These 3 methods are the most commonly used manifestation methods and they are easy to use and can be very powerful when used correctly.

Method 01: Use fonts to manifest winning a contest

The first step to any manifestation is to identify what you want.

Scripting can help you with this. This first method of winning content involves figuring out what, why and when you want to win the contest.

First you need to take a piece of paper and write the headline because I win [contest name].

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Now write all the details about this competition, you have to write when you want to win it, how you want to win it and how you would feel if you won this competition.

Be honest with yourself and write why you really want to win this competition?

You have to write about the feelings you get when you win this contest. But for that you need to start with the second method on how to manifest winning a contest.

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Method 02: Use Visualization to Win Any Competition

Yes! You’ve undoubtedly heard about the power of visualization, and we strongly advise you not to underestimate it.

Visualization is used by all great athletes and winners.

When asked about their preparation, athletes almost always answer, “I strive to imagine myself as a winner” or “I visualize every moment of the game,” and they’re right.

Not only does visualization help you focus on your goals, but it also helps you prepare for unforeseen scenarios that may arise.

As part of the visualization process, you need to imagine what you want to achieve and what the intended outcome will be.

Make an effort to notice every detail. Feel the surge of excitement, exhilaration and adrenaline coursing through your veins. This may be difficult at first, but the more you introduce yourself, the better you become.

And the more you imagine, the more focused you’ll be on that goal, and eventually you’ll attract it.

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Method 03: Using Affirmations to Manifest Winning a Competition

Positive affirmations are very effective when it comes to manifesting competitive victory because they help you rewire your brain to achieve your goals.

Do you want to be confident? Do you want to be more successful or become even more successful? Positive Affirmations Help!

For example, the more often you repeat affirmations out loud, the more likely your brain will recognize them as a regular pattern.

You will experience tremendous effects over time.

You will naturally speak to yourself in a pleasant and inspiring tone.

This will lead to more comfortable feelings, and happy emotions promote the strength of the law of attraction.

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Affirmations for winning competitions

I’m ready to win this competition.

i play to win

This challenge is easy for me to master.

I am the ultimate winner.

I am a born champion and will lead my team to victory.

My intentions are clear, I’m here to win.

I have everything to win.

I’m a strong creative person reaching my full potential. I also create the life I want.

If you’re not sure how to use this collection of affirmations to win the contest, check out our in-depth positive affirmations tutorial.

The way you should think about it is that it will benefit you in the long run. There is no quick way to success or victory.

You will reprogram your brain for victory and success by using these affirmations. You can also check out our collection of life affirmations for success.

3 simple methods to manifest something that seems impossible

Completing the manifestation of a contest win

If you want to win a competition, you can use the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. Even if you are the most experienced competitor you still need some help from the universe, the universe is the key to unleashing the power of our mind.

You can follow the 3-step process above to easily manifest victory in any competition. All you have to do is believe in the method, devote yourself to the course and trust the universe.

With this method you can win your dream competition.

Good luck and happy manifesting!

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How To Manifest Winning A Giveaway

Learning how to manifest winning a giveaway consists of picking a “small” prize that you don’t have an emotional attachment to, then using the creative process to set an intention and build the image of already having won .

Many people try to use the law of attraction to win the lottery.

Most fail.

It’s not that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, but the means they have chosen to obtain the abundance they desire are incredibly limited.

Winning the lottery is probably the worst way to try to manifest financial wealth.

The idea behind using conscious manifestation to win prizes, giveaways, and contests is to take your mind off the money fixation.

It is almost impossible to imagine winning the lottery.

It’s very easy to picture yourself winning a free meal, a vacation to Cancun, or a lifetime supply of toilet paper.

My approach to manifesting freebies isn’t so much about collecting free stuff as it is about consciously attracting things into my life—things that I don’t have “big” emotional attachments to.

The hidden reality behind manifesting money

One of the most popular topics that attracts most people to manifest and the law of attraction is money.

I’ve been interested in the subject for more than 20 years and have read almost everything I can get my hands on about it.

Most people who say they want more money or are trying to manifest “a lot” of money don’t. In fact, for most, it actually leads to the opposite result.

Whatever you make “big” in your life and whatever becomes important, you almost automatically charge it emotionally.

This emotional charge causes you to focus energetically on the opposite of what you really want.

You can say you want more money and you really think you do. In reality, your thoughts about having more were just a reminder that you don’t have it.

Instead of directing your energy and attention to what you want, you subconsciously drift towards what is missing and what you DON’T want.

Therein lies the only real problem in manifesting whatever you want.

Manifest Money vs. Manifest Things

One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned about this money manifestation problem is to remove money from the equation.

Trying to manifest money can be one of the hardest things to do when you are focused on manifesting money.

Money is an abstract concept. It’s NOT the dollar bills you put in your wallet.

Money is a means to an end.

As long as you focus on the means to an end, you focus on the wrong thing. The mind has a very hard time imagining the abstract concept of money.

The hidden reality behind wanting to manifest more money is that you really only want more money because you think you can start making it and how it will ultimately make you feel.

If you can take your energy and attention away from “the money” and focus it on what you really want – what you think the money will buy you, or even better, how you will feel, if you have it, then you will eliminate most of the resistance.

So that’s a lot of theory to get me to this idea of ​​manifesting giveaways, contests and prizes.

Contests, giveaways and win what you REALLY want

If money is a big deal to you, if you struggle with money and have beliefs that confuse you when it comes to having real wealth, then you need to take your mind off money completely.

There are many ways to manifest wealth and prosperity other than winning the lottery.

Learning how to manifest winning a giveaway is a great way to divert your energy and attention from the idea of ​​money that blinds so many people.

The amount of stuff I’ve won in the last 10 years is overwhelming. In fact, I’ve been winning stuff since I was young.

Most of what I won when I was younger was done through this very process of manifesting gifts of gain—although I was doing it completely unconsciously at the time.

Over time, I realized just how effectively I was using the law of attraction.

There are 3 main reasons why learning how to manifest winning a giveaway is such a great “exercise”.

It takes your mind off “the money” and onto something real, concrete, and achievable

It’s something small and often insignificant enough that you don’t emotionally hang yourself

It’s easy to imagine and see how to have it or win

As humans, we are all wired to have emotions associated with different things. For most of us, winning the lottery is a “big deal” and we believe it to be difficult or almost impossible.

Winning a book, a gift certificate or an iPhone, on the other hand, seems to be much “easier” – partly because we attach less monetary value to it.

According to the Law of Attraction, there is no difference between $1 and $1 million.

Learning to manifest winning a $1 giveaway is the exact same process that will enable you to manifest winning $1 million.

The real difference is within you. The real difference is how you use your mind and your emotions.

4 steps to manifest winning a giveaway

Attracting something small by using your conscious intention and consciously using the law of attraction can be a very powerful thing.

It’s not so much about what you manifest. It’s about the process and experience of manifesting something where the odds are against you.

Step #1: Choose a giveaway to win

It almost goes without saying, but you have to choose something you want to win. I suggest you choose something small and something you don’t care about.

In many ways, this is a process that you must learn and experience firsthand to become good at.

In reality, all you really need to learn is that you need to learn to TRUST.

Whatever you put your energy and attention on WILL come into your life.

What’s also great is that there are so many giveaways and prizes up for grabs that you’ll never run out of the next opportunity to practice.

Step #2: Create an Intent

Creating an intent is about making it really clear what exactly you want. To manifest winning a giveaway, you can easily see yourself in possession of the prize.

It’s something concrete. It is something real and something that is easy to describe.

It’s really important.

Do what you can to make it happen. collect pictures. If it’s something you can see or hold in a store, do it.

The more you can do to make it come true, the more clarity you will have.

Step #3: See You Already Have It

Visualization is often something that most people overcomplicate. We all visualize all the time. In many ways, your mind works through images.

The line between imagination and memory is actually very blurred.

Remembering a memory from 2 years ago and imagining it doesn’t feel all that different.

To manifest winning a giveaway is to see that you already have it. It’s about winning and imagining yourself as a winner.

Can you imagine having it, using it and enjoying it in your life?

The ability to imprint it in your mind and get emotional (excited) about already having it is the key to manifestation.

Once you’ve reached the point where you’re grateful you already have it, you’ve moved beyond mere visualization and excitement.

You internalized it and your subconscious accepted it as yours.

Most of the time and “effort” in manifesting anything should be put into focusing your thoughts and attention on already having what you wish to manifest.

An affirmation that has helped me a lot is this (which I got from Neville Goddard):

Now isn’t it wonderful that I [insert what you want to win]

Step #4: Let go and allow

This is where most people fall down. They become confused about their role in the creative process.

Your only job is to be clear about what you want and focus on having it.

The instructions and the details are not your responsibility. You don’t need to weigh the odds, figure out how to win, or enter 50 times to improve your odds.

These actions tend to generate resistance because they are based on NOT winning.

If you feel inspired to do something, then do it, but don’t try to force it in any way. Focus intensely on already having it, and then let it go completely.

You almost want to forget it between those times when you consciously focus your energy and attention on having it.

7 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want — Including Love or Money

Klaus Vedfelt // Getty Images

Helping you live the life you want is a big part of Oprah Daily’s goals — and Oprah’s. The Insider-exclusive Life You Want courses and events teach our community of readers how to live consciously, from creating a vision board to learning forgiveness. Another way to live your best life? manifest it.

Manifestation – or the Laws of Attraction – may be a concept you are familiar with. The trial was the focus of a 2006 bestseller that sold more than 30 million copies — and it’s something thought leaders like Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Gabrielle Bernstein, Iyanla Vanzant, and Oprah have talked about. (For the record, everyone agrees that you can actually manifest things.)

Remember: It doesn’t happen overnight. Although manifesting is about turning your dreams into reality, you must take proactive steps to achieve what you desire. You shouldn’t expect it to happen right away — but while it’s a long process, that time is a small price to pay for a (hopefully) profound impact on your life.

In our The Life You Want planner—which is a tool that can help with goal setting and conscious living—Oprah writes, “Having a vision creates a path for the future. In 2015, she also spoke about Jeff Weiner on Manifestation. “You control a lot with your thoughts,” Oprah said. “When I started to figure this out… I was like, ‘What else can I do? What else can I manifest? Because I’ve seen how it works. I’ve seen it happen over and over again.”

Want to try Manifestation for yourself? Here are the steps experts suggest to try to manifest anything you desire – money and love included.

Let’s go back. What exactly is manifestation?

Essentially, manifestation means bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief, i.e. if you think it will come. However, there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. As Angelina Lombardo, author of , says, “Manifesting is making everything you want to feel and experience become reality through your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions.”

To start manifesting, you should be clear about your goals.

While everyone approaches manifestation differently, Lombardo believes most follow the same basic principles. First – and perhaps most importantly – you need to know exactly what you want. “You’re the only one dreaming your dreams, so whether it’s a new partner and healthy relationship or a better job, know it and own it,” she says.

Whatever your desire, one thing is important: make your intention as specific as possible. Lombardo says, “The clearer and more concise, the better.” Instead of saying, for example, “I want to meet my soulmate,” develop a detailed picture of what that person would be like (think: qualities, traits, values, etc. ).

Once you’ve set your intention, ask for what you want – and write it down on paper.

When you have determined exactly what your hopes, dreams and goals are, you need to ask the universe for what you want. This can be done in a number of ways – prayer, meditation, visualization, speaking your intentions out loud, a vision board and/or a “future box” which is a container full of images of things you wish to manifest – but you yourself must be specific what you want

Make living well a daily practice with Oprah’s The Life You Want™ planner $30 at Credit: .

You can also write down your intention on paper. If you’ve been on TikTok for some time, you might be familiar with the 369 method, which involves writing down your desires in the following order: three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening for 33 or 45 days — but it can be as simple as that like a letter to the universe.

And start working toward your goals.

According to Gabrielle Bernstein, author of and , “Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the universe.” For that very reason, knowing what you want—without action—is only half the battle you will not see any results. Take a little time to think about steps you can take yourself to reach your goals, and then build them into your routine. For example, if you’re looking to make a major career change, start networking with people in your new field and practice for an interview.

“Another way to be ‘in action’ when manifesting is to ask yourself: What would my future self think?” says Lombardo. The reason? If you refocus your mind, you can (and will) be successful. “Being the person who already has, does, and feels your goals, dreams, and desires helps you become that person,” adds Lombardo.

The next step is to be mindful and grateful for what you receive.

While you may not get everything you envision in the order and timeframe you want, you should receive and appreciate what you receive—no matter how big or small it may be. According to Lombardo, gratitude is key.

To do this, consider keeping a gratitude journal. Spend five to ten minutes before bed writing down a few things you are grateful for and everything that happened that day to bring you closer to what you are trying to manifest. Maybe you’re trying to save enough money for retirement and you get a call from your cable company asking you to lower your monthly bill, or you come across an informative podcast that inspires you to a money-making side hustle idea.

And let go of any resistance and limiting beliefs.

In addition to changing the way you think and behave, you must remove any obstacles or limiting beliefs that can cloud your vision, including fear and negative self-talk. “Telling yourself you’re not good enough, you’re not worthy enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not enough — that’s a tape that plays for a lot of people,” Oprah said during an episode of Oprah’s life class . “If you are not aware of this, then you end up acting from that belief system and not from what you know is the truest or wants to be the truest for yourself. You don’t become what you want because wanting is so much about living in the space of what you don’t have.”

In order to overcome your limiting beliefs, it is important that you first identify what they are. To do this, ask yourself: What beliefs do I have about myself that might be impeding my progress? “Write down your answers,” Bernstein recommends in . “Cross out the limiting beliefs and write your new affirmations in their place. Write down your responses, and then replace any negative feelings with positive ones. If your limiting belief is “I’m incomplete without a man,” invert it with “I am complete just the way I am.” If your limiting belief is “I’m not good enough,” invert it with “I am am wonderful just the way I am today.'”

To take it a step further, the next time you question your worth or say, “I don’t deserve this,” stop and think of all the reasons you deserve it, Lombardo says.

Make sure to check (and change) your energy.

Is there one thing Oprah knows for sure? energy is everything. “The energy we put out into the world is the energy we get back,” she says in . That means if you’re constantly sending out negative energy — either through your thoughts or feelings — you’ll draw that same energy back to you, according to Oprah’s Super Soul Conversation with Michael Bernard Beckwith. On the other hand, when you are able to shift your energy (a practice sometimes referred to as raising your vibrations), you will also attract more positivity, which will help you achieve your goals.

Luckily, boosting your energy is actually quite simple: just focus on activities that encourage feelings of joy and happiness — whether it’s doing something good for someone else (helping a friend or family member, joining a worthwhile organization (e.g. donate, volunteer), start each morning with B. a meditation session or a short yoga class, spend some time in nature, or treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care.

In addition, you can also focus on how you want to feel. Oprah says, “If you want more love in your life, set your intention to be more loving. If you seek kindness, focus your energy on empathy and compassion.”

But be flexible – and trust the process.

All in all, the process is fluid. The steps you take aren’t as important as your beliefs, so “trust your actions, your vision, and your clarity and the ‘powers that be,'” says Lombardo. Faith is a powerful motivator and guiding force.

Yes, you can manifest love.

The best thing about the Manifestation is its wide range of applications. The Law of Attraction knows no bounds. “Once you start dialing into your manifestation process, there’s no limit to what — or how often or much — you manifest,” explains Lombardo.

“This includes new friendships and romantic relationships.” However, it’s important to only manifest individuals who will help you achieve your goals. “You’re only going to want to attract people who are attracted to the person you’re becoming,” she says. “Of course, this could mean shutting out some exciting prospects, but I’m sure you’d agree that you’ll be happier with someone who matches the ‘you’ that makes big strides.” And as we’ve said, requires manifesting love, like anything else, takes some effort. Need a starting point? Here are some suggestions to help you meet new people.

The same applies to money.

The process of manifesting money follows the same steps mentioned earlier; However, Marla McKenna, the author of , emphasizes that financial manifestation is rooted in gratitude (well, and it works). “The trick to manifesting money is to look at the wealth you already have and express your gratitude for it,” says McKenna. “Even if you are struggling to pay bills, raise your vibration and block any limiting beliefs by embracing the money and prosperity that is on the way. In short, focus on what you have, not what you don’t have.”

McKenna also suggests using visual tools to stay motivated and focused. “Buy a bigger wallet, imagine swimming in a pool of cash, make a money tree out of monopoly money until you can replace it with real money, or write yourself a big check knowing that you will actually redeem it one day.”

What’s the fastest way to manifest something you want?

If you see it and feel it, you will achieve it, at least according to McKenna. “The easiest way to manifest something is to be clear about what you want. Don’t give the universe mixed signals… and take action. Working toward your goals is imperative.” You should also remain receptive.

Ask the universe what you want and look for signs of achievement or success. “The only thing stopping you from achieving your dreams is you,” says McKenna. “What you can visualize in your head, you can hold in your hands. So get to work! You must manifest!”

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