How To Prepare For Eyebrow Tattoo? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to prepare for eyebrow tattoo“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

It is advised that you don’t wax, thread or pluck your eyebrows for at least ONE week before your appointment. Do not consume any caffeine or alcohol the day of your appointment. This includes coffee, energy drinks, pre-work out, coca cola and tea.EYEBROW AFTERCARE

Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your procedure. Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. During the shower, keep your face away from the shower head or take a bath.Therefore, the answer to whether you need to shave your eyebrows before tattooing is an unequivocal no. The same applies to the laser tattoo removal procedure. It is not allowed to traumatize the skin before the removal. Pluck extra hairs can go only after fully recovered skin 3-4 weeks after the session.

  1. It is recommended to eat something before your appointment to make sure your blood sugar levels stay stable during the procedure.
  2. Avoid alcohol for 24 hrs before your appointment. …
  3. Avoid blood thinning medications for 72 hrs before your appointment. …
  4. Make sure your face is not sunburnt.

Table of Contents

Can I drink coffee before eyebrow tattoo?

It is advised that you don’t wax, thread or pluck your eyebrows for at least ONE week before your appointment. Do not consume any caffeine or alcohol the day of your appointment. This includes coffee, energy drinks, pre-work out, coca cola and tea.

When can you wash your face after eyebrow tattoo?


Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your procedure. Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. During the shower, keep your face away from the shower head or take a bath.

Do you shave your eyebrows before getting them tattooed?

Therefore, the answer to whether you need to shave your eyebrows before tattooing is an unequivocal no. The same applies to the laser tattoo removal procedure. It is not allowed to traumatize the skin before the removal. Pluck extra hairs can go only after fully recovered skin 3-4 weeks after the session.

How long does it take for eyebrow tattooing to heal?

In total, it should take about 3-4 weeks for your new eyebrow tattoo to shed completely and the pigment to resurface to its true color. DURING THE FIRST 2 WEEKS OF HEALING: The days following the procedure, as your skin heals, it may feel itchy.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions


Proper aftercare is a very important aspect of the long-term success, effectiveness, health, and overall satisfaction with your new eyebrow tattoos. It is very important to follow these instructions to get the best possible results from your permanent makeup procedure. Included here are general permanent makeup aftercare instructions to help limit any infection or problem and ensure a healthy and successful healing as quickly as possible.


Immediately after your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo procedure, you will feel tingling and tenderness and likely a slight swelling in the tattoo area. This is because the numbing cream/anesthetic you applied to your brows before applying the tattoo will wear off and the newly exposed wound will immediately begin the healing process.

Also, it is very likely that you will experience some skin sensitivity, redness and swelling for about 1-2 days. You might consider an over-the-counter pain reliever to help you get through. During the initial healing period, make sure to give the browbones about two (2) weeks to heal and set, and limit any physical activity (such as swimming or saunas) or direct sun exposure, which could cause premature fading. All tattoos carry an inherent risk of infection and/or allergic reaction. If pain or tenderness persists for more than a few days, consult your doctor immediately.


You will receive an aftercare ointment (Aquaphor healing cream). Be sure to use these. It is recommended to use the ointment continuously during this healing process until the scab formation is complete (about 2 weeks). To clean, simply take a cotton swab and use it to wipe away any existing ointment on your brows, dampen another cotton swab with some water and gently wipe clean. Pat dry with a towel or handkerchief and apply the ointment again. This happens twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. For the first few days, gently clean the eyebrows, being careful not to scrub them. In the first week, cleaning with a little water is sufficient, after that a mild detergent or antibacterial soap is sufficient for light cleaning. On average, 4-5 days after the first appointment, your new brow skin will start to harden and become itchy. On the 4th day, clean it and let your eyebrows air out for about 2 hours. Once that time is up, a more thorough cleaning can be done, up to a little better cleaning between the hairs, but avoid scrubbing the browbones, then continue using the ointment until it’s fully caked and peeled off .


Once the scab has completely come off, you can stop using the ointment. If you are unsure when the scabbing will stop, use the ointment for 2 weeks after the procedure. You can go back to your daily skin care routine with a few exceptions. Avoid using abrasive or exfoliating properties in your facial cleanser on your brows (around your brows is fine). Be sure to use sunscreen on your brows if your daily moisturizer doesn’t include SPF. If your daily moisturizer contains retinol, anti-aging, skin lightening or whitening properties, please avoid using on your eyebrows, it’s fine around your eyebrows.


Swelling, redness, skin sensitivity, and some minor bruising are normal side effects of the eyebrow tattoo procedure, but shouldn’t last more than a day or two. How easily a person swells and bruises depends on factors such as age, skin type, and blood flow. Swelling and bruising can spread to larger surface areas of the face, such as the B. the forehead. On average, cosmetic tattoo eyebrows are the least affected by swelling or bruising (compared to eyeliner and lips) and should have very little if any problems. If swelling or bruising lasts for more than a few days, it may be a sign of an infection. So contact your doctor immediately.


Be aware that the brand new ink from a fresh tattoo will most likely appear extremely dark and much thicker than expected, while others might appear overly light (e.g. blondes and redheads) so don’t be surprised. Usually after a week or so, the area and top layer will begin to flake and peel in certain areas. This process is called shedding. In comparison, these sections can appear extremely bright next to the unshed segments. Don’t worry, this pigment will eventually soften and take on the appropriate shade when the detachment is complete and the pigment reappears. Overall, it should take around 3-4 weeks for your new eyebrow tattoo to fall off completely and for the pigment to return to its true color.


In the days following the procedure, your skin may be itchy as it heals. This is a normal part of the process and a good sign that you are healing properly. You may feel tempted to soothe the brows with cold products. While they don’t necessarily minimize swelling, a cold compress (NOT frozen) or washcloths (not wet) placed lightly on the eyebrows will help relieve the discomfort. Only do this for a day or so, as repeated attempts to cool already traumatized tissue could increase the chances of skin cell damage and infection. Never put pressure on your new tattoo and be careful not to rub, scrape, scrub or exfoliate the area of ​​the new eyebrow tattoo as this may result in premature pigment loss and/or scabbing.


The average healing time varies from person to person and depends on several physiological factors, including age, skin type, circulatory system, hormonal cycles, and how easily and/or severely you swell and bruise. In general, as with any type of skin trauma, older, looser skin takes a little longer to heal than younger skin. Other factors that can affect healing time include diet, excessive physical activity, exposure to direct sunlight, and any medications you may be taking.


After approximately two (2) weeks, your eyebrows will have mostly healed during the “shedding” or “scab.” As a result, the initial intensity and thickness decreases and after the first 3 weeks the desired shade sets in. After around 6-8 weeks you should do your “touch up” procedure, especially if you want to make changes to the shape of your eyebrows or fill in areas that need correction or modification. During this “touch up” procedure, the eyebrow tattooist will go over your eyebrows again and exactly repeat the first session. This repetition helps the tattoo last longer and promotes more permanent embedding of the ink into the skin.

For the next few weeks after your “touch up,” the follow-up care will be the same as the first appointment, so take great care not to wash your brows directly and be very gentle with them. Rubbing, scratching, or scrubbing can actually facilitate premature ink removal and cause scarring. If you love your new brow shape, don’t touch them until they’ve healed and set!

After all, your follow-up appointment is free. Depending on how well you follow these aftercare recommendations and how quickly the semi-permanent ink fades, you should not need to make another appointment (for color sharpening) for another 1-2 years (depending on the color). If additional touch up is required, please discuss with me.


Any surgeries such as botox, facial laser treatments or chemical peels will affect the pigment of the procedure and the overall appearance. Please notify your doctor before performing these services.

Why can’t you have caffeine before a tattoo?

For 48 hours prior to getting a tattoo, ensure that you don’t drink any alcohol or caffeine. Since both substances are known to thin the blood, they could lead to increased bleeding during the process and make it a lot more bloody than it needs to be.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

So you thought long and hard and finally decided to get inked. But the journey doesn’t end here. On the contrary, once you have decided to get a tattoo, it all starts. Getting a tattoo can be an exciting, if nerve-wracking, experience, so make sure your body is ready for the process too once you’ve finalized your design and its placement. These 8 skincare tips go a long way in ensuring you have a comfortable color experience both before and after application.

Before getting a tattoo, here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Restrict certain substances

Make sure you don’t drink alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before tattooing. Since both substances are known to thin the blood, they could increase bleeding during the process, making it a lot bloodier than it needs to be.

2. Refuel

A week before inking, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water daily. Before you brush this off like a run-of-the-mill skincare tip, know that a hydrated body keeps skin supple and resilient to withstand the pressure of the needle, especially if you have a long session. On D-Day, eat a full meal and drink plenty of water before nerves kick in. Low food intake can cause dizziness and low blood sugar, making the experience more painful. Together, coupled with nervousness, this can detract from an experience that should remain unforgettable.


3. No aspirin

Avoid taking pills like aspirin for 24 to 48 hours before getting inked. Again, such pills tend to thin the blood and ease bleeding, so it’s best to avoid them before your tattoo appointment unless absolutely necessary.


4. Be comfortable

When inking, make sure your clothing is loose, breathable, and your tattoo area is easily accessible. If it’s on your hands or legs, sleeveless tops or shorts will do. For more difficult areas like your back or midriff, make sure your t-shirt can be easily pinned up.


Once your tattoo is complete, these tips will help you take best care of it.

1. Keep it covered

Tattoos are an indentation in your skin and are therefore very susceptible to infection. Ensure extremely hygienic storage. Until you get home from the salon, keep your tattoo covered with bandage or plastic wrap. After a few hours, wash your hands and area with antibacterial soap and water, then pat dry

2. Moisturize

Follow your tattoo artist’s aftercare instructions and apply the prescribed lotion, cream, oil, or petroleum jelly to the tattoo exactly as directed. The healing process takes a few weeks, so it needs moisture and protection during this time.

3. Do not soak

While the tattooed area needs to be cleaned, it should not be completely submerged in water. So when it comes to bathing, a shower is fine, but bathtubs, jacuzzis, and swimming pools are a total no-no for a few weeks. Your tattoo artist will determine when you can immerse yourself again.

4. Wear the right clothes

Absolutely no tight clothing for a few weeks once you get a tattoo and make sure you cover it with an umbrella when you get out. If you find your clothing rubbing the area, cover it with a bandage to prevent rubbing.

All the best for your tattoo – now make sure to take good care of it.

What should you eat after you get a tattoo?

To speed the healing process of the skin, you should consume foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, such as omega-3. Foods with the most antioxidant properties include tomatoes, red fruits, citrus fruits like orange, and herbs such as garlic, onion and saffron.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Unhealthy foods (e.g. foods high in fat or sugar) should be avoided after tattooing. as they can cause skin inflammation and disrupt the healing process. Examples are fresh sausage, smoked sausage and ham.

This recommendation applies to anyone undergoing treatment for skin problems or suffering from acute dermatitis (which is common after a tattoo).

In addition to a healthy diet, it is also important to provide proper tattoo aftercare, such as: B. Protecting the skin, avoiding scratches and avoiding direct sunlight. Both together promote better healing and a more beautiful tattoo.

List of foods to avoid

Examples of the staple foods to avoid are:

Ready made juices and lemonades; Fried and fast foods such as french fries, pastries, and french fries Fast foods Pork and processed meats such as fresh and smoked sausage, ham, bacon, mortadella, and salami; candies, filled biscuits, cakes, ready-made cakes, pralines, muesli bars; instant noodles, bouillon cubes, frozen ready-to-eat meals, ice cream; Alcoholic drinks.

Excessive consumption of these foods increases inflammation and hinders the skin’s healing process. This type of diet can also lead to other health problems such as headaches, high cholesterol and diabetes. Ideally, these foods should not be eaten and should not be consumed for at least 1 week after an operation, piercing or tattoo.

What to eat to speed healing

To speed up the skin’s healing process, consume foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds like omega-3. Foods with the strongest antioxidant properties include tomatoes, red fruits, citrus fruits like oranges, and herbs like garlic, onions, and saffron.

Anti-inflammatory foods are those high in good fats, like nuts, avocado, salmon, tuna, sardines, olive oil, peanuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds. In addition, drinking 1 to 2 cups of anti-inflammatory tea can aid in the healing process, and you can use herbs like chamomile, ginger, and rosemary.

Tattoo Aftercare Considerations

In addition to maintaining a healthy post-tattoo diet, there are also aftercare considerations that you need to be aware of to ensure your tattoo heals properly. These include washing the area with a gentle soap for at least 2 weeks and avoiding sun exposure and swimming. Learn more about tattoo aftercare and what you can do to promote healing.

Finally, you should have the tattoo done in a reliable place that is certified and where the material used during the procedure is fully sterilized. This is important to avoid transmission of diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS.

How do you shower after eyebrow tattoo?

For the first 2 days, do not wash your hair at all or in a traditional manner in the shower (salon washes or dry shampoos are great alternatives). For days 3-10, you can wash your hair in the shower but be sure to put Vaseline on your eyebrows to provide a protective barrier while in the shower.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Important considerations for your new cosmetic tattoo

The most important thing to understand is that cosmetic tattooing is a process. It requires a follow-up application to perfect the initial procedure, which can be done after 6 weeks (once you are fully healed). Because of the many variables that affect our skin, each person is unique and heals differently. Please keep this in mind as we work together to achieve your cosmetic tattoo goals.

There are many factors that can affect the healing outcome of your procedure. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand that what YOU do with YOUR skin during the healing process can have a direct impact on YOUR bottom line. Failure to follow these guidelines can result in pigment loss, discoloration, or distortion. I want you to look your best, so please read this information and follow it as best you can. Your face will thank you!

It is normal for 30-50% of the implanted color to be lost during the healing period. Immediately after the procedure, your new brows may appear much darker than you are used to, and after 2 weeks they may appear lighter than expected. Please rest assured that as your skin cells naturally regenerate, the color will return around the 3 week mark and continue to clear during the first 6 weeks. Be patient and take care of your skin while it does its job during this important phase!

Some residual swelling and redness is normal after the procedure. Dry skin, itching and sensitivity are also common during the healing process – after all, the treated area is a wound. When these symptoms appear, they should go away every day. You can take Tylenol or Ibuprofen within the first 2 days to relieve minor symptoms, but avoid aspirin as it is a blood thinner. Allergic reactions to the cosmetic tattoo pigments I use are rare, however if you experience severe symptoms that do not clear up within a day or two please let me know.

Recommendations for long-term care of your cosmetic tattoo include avoiding the use of strong chemicals (bleaching, tinting, exfoliating), skin care products such as glycols, Retin-A, acne and lightening agents, and exfoliating and tanning. Your cosmetic tattoo is different and less permanent than a traditional body art tattoo; Since the cosmetic tattoo pigments are designed to fade over time, you must be careful not to rush the process. The longevity of a cosmetic tattoo is individual, however, the average person typically needs a color refreshment every 1-3 years.

If you need to undergo MRI or laser treatment in the future, please inform your technician that you have been tattooed with iron oxide pigments as there may be discomfort or discoloration of your tattoo.

healing guide

The #1 rule for microblading hairline eyebrows is a dry cure. If you get them wet, sweat excessively, or use anti-aging/acne products on the treated area during the healing process, you may end up with blurry or faint hair lines. Salt and chlorine can cause your tattoo to fade or change color – so avoid sweating and swimming at all costs. Please follow the instructions below to protect your cosmetic tattoo and promote a beautifully healed result.

DRY HEALING FOR 10 DAYS! You need to keep your brows free of water, sweat, and products.

You need to keep your brows free of water, sweat, and products. For the first 2 days, don’t wash your hair at all or wash your hair in the conventional way in the shower (salon wash or dry shampoo are good alternatives).

On days 3 to 10, you can wash your hair in the shower, but make sure to apply petroleum jelly to your eyebrows to create a protective barrier while you shower. Once it comes out, immediately pat the petroleum jelly dry completely (do not forcefully wipe as this can pull the scab off).

Do not rub, scrape or scrape the treated area – this can cause scarring or pull out pigment leading to premature fading. If you must be prone to itching, gently blot the area.

Remember that your cosmetic tattoo is a healing wound – treat it with care like any other wound. Clean hands are a must!

Do not apply any products to the treated area (except temporarily petroleum jelly) during the 10-day healing period. This includes makeup, moisturizers, ointments and cleansers.

Do not scrub or exfoliate the treated area for the first month. Allow any crusts to fall off naturally.

For the life of the tattoo, never use the following products on the treated area: anti-aging, anti-acne, retinol, renewal, skin whitening, chemical peels, and heavy oil moisturizers. You can still use these products on the rest of your face, but be sure to avoid the eyebrows. The better you take care of your new brows, the better they look and the longer they last!

Healing Plan / Typical Effects

Days 1-2 Eyebrows are much darker and stronger than after healing. The hairlines will lighten and shrink during the healing process. There may be slight swelling. Day 3 Eyebrows may start to itch and appear a little thicker (this is a scabbing condition). The natural peeling begins – do not pluck or scratch! Days 4-7 Skin begins to flake, peeling from outer edges first – resist picking crusts and allow them to fall off naturally. Be careful not to sleep on your face as this can rub off scabs. Days 8-14 Any scab that forms will continue to flake off and appear softer. The first part of the healing process is complete when there are no more scabs and the skin texture is smooth again (usually after about 10 to 14 days). After that, you can exercise again, shower normally, and use makeup and gentle products on your eyebrows. Days 15-45 During these several weeks, the color will gradually come back darker and clearer. Continue to avoid exfoliation, excessive tanning, and harsh chemicals. Plan your follow-up session after 6 weeks!

What to expect when getting eyebrows tattooed?

Within a few hours, the tattooed area will feel a little tender and you may experience some minor swelling/redness for the first 24 hrs. The pigment colour will look very dark for the next 2-3 days and the shape of your brows may appear thicker than desired due to swelling.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Your new brows will look amazing on the day of the procedure. This is the best way to prepare yourself for what the healing process will bring over the next 4 weeks to avoid unnecessary stress/disappointment. We’ve put together a daily timeline that follows a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo procedure and why you need to properly follow your aftercare advice. Repeat after me – my brows will look amazing, all good things take time.

DAY 1 Your cosmetic tattooist has completed your treatment

Within a few hours the tattooed area will start to feel a bit tender and you may notice some swelling/redness for the first 24 hours. The pigment color will look very dark for the next 2-3 days and the shape of your brows may appear thicker than desired due to puffiness. As the healing process begins, the tattooed area begins to ooze with lymph (a normal wound healing response). It’s best to keep the area from developing a scab at this stage, so we recommend patting it dry with a clean cloth until the lymph subsides.

You will also receive a special aftercare cream that you apply twice a day. First, clean the area with dampened cotton ball and gently pat dry. You should not pull or rub the area as the pigment is delicate and has not yet set into the skin. Apply a small amount of the cream with a cotton swab tip (it should look like a very light sheen on the skin). If too much is applied it will look greasy like petroleum jelly and the excess should be removed with a dry cloth or cotton pad. Using a minimal amount of aftercare cream allows airflow to aid in faster healing while protecting the area from infection. This twice daily routine should be followed for at least 7-10 days or until the flaking/peeling process is complete.

DAY 2 Your brow tattoo will still look ridiculously dark! Don’t worry – this will not be the final color.

Before and immediately after the treatment – ​​combo brows

The redness and swelling should have gone down. Once the tattoo pigment has set in the skin it will go through a few stages of color variation before the healed results are available in 4 weeks. Rest assured that after a few days this dark pigment will settle and the healed result will be up to 60% lighter than your eyebrows look today. PHOW!

DAY 3-5 Your brows may start to flake/flake and itch!

These are all expected signs of healing. Don’t pick or peel smaller crusts prematurely, let them come off naturally. You may notice some color on the cotton pad when cleaning your brows, this is also normal. As the skin heals, the excess pigment is squeezed out as it naturally flakes off. You will also experience some itching during this time. As much as the urge to scratch pushes you, refrain from scratching as it can lead to infection and a patchy healing result. Some tips for relieving the itch – Use a clean tissue and gently but firmly press the area or lightly massage the itch away with a cotton swab tip.

DAY 6-10 Your brow tattoo is nearing the end of the healing process.

There may be times when something peels off and your brows look blotchy at this stage.

Most of the peeling/peeling should be complete and the pigment color will look much lighter. You may also notice some unevenness in color and a white haze over the area. This is the skin’s natural response to form a collection of skin cells over the brow tattoo. This will gently peel off in about another week, revealing the true healed color of your eyebrow tattoo.

It is to be expected that not all pigments will remain after the first session. Some minor adjustments to shape, color or consistency need to be considered at the touch-up appointment. Don’t worry if your tattoo looks like it’s partially gone. Your brow tattooist will correct this at your follow-up appointment, which should always be scheduled 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure.

4-6 week touch-up appointment

Healed results before touch up.

The touch-up appointment is a repeat of the first procedure. You must follow the same aftercare to ensure the best pigment retention and results. A second application allows the pigment to bond with the skin, ensuring an even look and longevity of the eyebrow tattoo. Be sure to discuss any areas you would like to change with your cosmetic tattoo artist at this appointment. It’s your opportunity to tweak the shape, color or gaps you’ve noticed in the last 4 weeks.

Depending on how minimal the touch-up work was, the healing time of this procedure can sometimes be shortened. However, it is important to follow the same aftercare requirements that are recommended for your first eyebrow tattoo procedure.

Very rarely, some factors such as skin type, particularly oily skin, or clients taking medication may have problems retaining pigment. In these cases, more than one touch-up appointment may be required. These customers may also need to have maintenance appointments earlier than the recommended 12 months. Your brow tattooist should point out these obstacles to you during your initial consultation.

Healed Results

You should expect your eyebrows to be fully healed within 4 weeks of the touch-up. You can now flaunt your fabulous low maintenance brows for the next 12-18 months. I say low maintenance for the following reasons: Tattooing your brows won’t stop unwanted hair growth – you’ll still need to maintain your usual wax/thread or tweezers regimen if necessary. If you normally get your brows tinted, you may decide that the color of the tattoo is appropriate enough for the tint to be overlooked. However, if you have blonde or gray brow hairs, you can still get inked without affecting your eyebrow tattoo.

If you chose Feather Touch / Microblading for your brow tattoo style, it is designed to mimic natural hairs, not fully powdered brows. You can still stipple your brows with pencil or powder to complement your more glamorous makeup looks. If you want your brows to look like makeup 24/7, we suggest you choose ombre or combination eyebrow tattoo as a more suitable choice. If you are still unsure which style is right for you, please read our article here – Which Brow Tattoo Style Is Right For You?

Now that you know exactly what to expect after an eyebrow tattoo, you can take all the stress out of those first few days when your brows are looking bolder than you want them to be! Follow the aftercare provided and you can patiently and confidently await your perfect bows to be magically revealed!

With love,


What happens if you get tattooed eyebrows wet?

Water. Getting the Eyebrows wet during the healing/scabbing process is not recommended. Water will loosen and lighten the pigment and will not allow the microblading to retain in the skin. I recommend washing your face in the sink.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Rachael Bebe is a specialist in natural effect brows, brow microblading, feathering or hairline brow tattoos based in Mt Eliza, Victoria.

The look we’ve created looks like real hair and is great for enhancing faded, smudged and thinning eyebrows or creating the designer brows you’ve always wanted.

What should I avoid before tattooing eyebrows?

Do not pluck, wax, thread or tint your brows for up to 3 days before your brow treatment. Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face. Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks prior to treatment. Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one month prior to treatment (these treatments thin the skin considerably).

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Preparation & aftercare for your eyebrow treatment

You will get much better results if you prepare your skin for your permanent makeup. The area must be healthy, strong, not tender and not irritated.

Anticoagulants increase blood clotting time. Antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen prevent blood from clotting, causing the treatment area to bleed more, pushing the pigment out of the skin, causing skin congestion and less comfort.

Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before tattooing

Do not drink coffee before the procedure

Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood)

Avoid oily fish, garlic and herbal teas to prevent blood thinning

*Please check with your GP if you are taking any medications that may cause blood thinning*

To prepare your skin for your procedure:

Exfoliate your brow area the night before your treatment to remove dead skin that contributes to pigment retention.

Do not pluck, wax, thread or dye your brows up to 3 days before your brow treatment.

Do not tan two weeks before and do not sunburn your face

Do not have any facials/scrubs for 2 weeks prior to treatment

Discontinue vitamin A/retinol products one month prior to treatment (these treatments significantly thin the skin).

Do not exercise on the day of the procedure (excessive oils in the skin can prevent pigment from remaining).

No botox 3 weeks before (may cause symmetry).

To minimize complaints:

Try to get a good night’s sleep before the treatment so you can relax and make the treatment more comfortable.

Drink plenty of water – before and during the session – this allows the skin to absorb the ink better without thinning the blood.

On that day:

Eat a hearty breakfast on the day of your treatment, this increases your stamina, since treatments such as permanent makeup burn a lot of calories.

Paracetamol relieves pain and helps reduce inflammation. So if you’re concerned, take two before or after your treatment.


A variety of products come into contact with the skin during treatment, including wax stick, baby wipes, cling film, nitrile gloves, numbing cream, pigment. I have never seen an allergic reaction to any of these products but please be prepared to state any allergies prior to your treatment as I can then use an alternative product if possible.

Numbing Products

I use pre-numb creams and numbing products throughout the treatment to relieve discomfort, this only takes about 20-40 minutes. The area may feel tender or bruised shortly after treatment. I recommend applying a dry ice pack or ice wrapped in paper towels or a dishcloth to reduce swelling and soothe the area. Acetaminophen relieves any discomfort, but avoid ibuprofen for about 6 hours as it could cause swelling of the area.

Other things to note:

Pigment Stains – I use protective hairnets and cover you and all my gear and couch with tissue and protective sheeting, but occasionally tiny droplets of pigment could splatter onto clothing and cause stains. I recommend wearing dark colored tops whenever possible.

I don’t have a lot of space in my treatment room so please limit yourself to 1 friend or family member accompanying you if possible. Due to the equipment I use and contaminated waste, I do not allow children in my treatment room.

My treatment room is cleaned before and after each procedure. I consider it a sterile environment so no pets are allowed (except service dogs for the disabled).

After your brow treatment

The day of treatment:

Gently blot the area with a clean cloth to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this every 5 minutes throughout the day until the oozing stops. Removing this fluid will help minimize hardening of the lymph (scabbing). Apply the specially formulated After Care Balm (I stock all Tattoo Goo products) with a clean cotton swab (don’t dip twice!), 3-4 times a day. Avoid using products that contain lanolin, petroleum, or acids.

I recommend Tattoo Goo Balm, Tattoo Goo Aftercare Lotion which contains Healix Gold and panthenol which accelerates healing and moisturizes without suffocating the skin, Tattoo Goo Cleansing Soap and Tattoo Goo Revive with SPF50 for all tattoos and micropigmentation.

Days 1-7:

Wipe daily with damp cotton ball or tissue to remove bacteria and dead skin. (Don’t worry… THIS WILL NOT REMOVE THE PIGMENT!) After 3 days, gently wash your eyebrows every morning and evening. I recommend using Tattoo Goo’s specially formulated cleaner, which is antibacterial, antimicrobial and pH balanced.

With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently clean the eyebrows. Apply gently to the area in a gentle, stroking motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water, being careful to wash away all the soap. Pat gently with a clean cloth to dry. DO NOT use cleaning products that contain acids (glycolic, lactic acid or AHA) or exfoliants. Apply Tattoo a Goo Pantanol Lotion after cleansing and Tattoo Goo Balsam 3-4 times throughout the day.

Have your Tattoo Goo Balm ready to apply if your brows become dry or itchy while healing. It also helps preserve the pigment and make the treatment last longer.

Additional tips to support a quick healing:

Use a fresh pillowcase

Naturally exfoliate scabby or dry skin. Plucking can result in scarring or loss of pigment and patchy healing results.

No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after treatment.

Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for a week

Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after the procedure.

Wear a hat outdoors.

Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.

Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days

Avoid swimming, lakes and hot tubs for the first 10 days

Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area until it has fully healed.

DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area.

Take a shower:

Limit your showers to 5 minutes so you don’t create too much steam. Keep your face out of the water while you wash your body, and then wash your hair at the end of your shower. Your face shouldn’t get wet until the very end of the shower. Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.

What to expect:

Your eyebrow treatment will appear darker for the first few days, as the top layers of skin peel off, the pigment can appear much lighter, but will then come through. As the pigment ages it is common to notice the color change, sometimes the tone can appear cooler, sometimes it can appear warmer, it is important to return after 12-24 months for a color enhancement treatment to restore colour.

But remember that everyone heals differently!

The second part of your procedure should be booked between 4-6 weeks after your first.

Once healed, your micropigmentation should last 12-18 months, depending on your skin and lifestyle.

REMEMBER: You cannot donate blood for up to 12 months after the micropigmentation procedure

How painful is eyebrow tattooing?

An eyebrow tattoo is painful.

On a scale of one to ten, it was about a five,” Parkes asserts. “It felt like a bunch of little paper cuts and was an uncomfortable feeling.” However, clients are often given the option of using a numbing agent during the process.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Eyebrows have become one of many beauty obsessions for women worldwide—however, trying to draw a perfect arc every time can be frustrating, not to mention time-consuming. Because of this, women have increasingly started getting eyebrow tattoos, a simple and effortless solution to maintaining beauty. “Microblading is a semi-permanent brow technique that uses natural pigments to create hair-like strokes for naturally fuller brows,” explains NY/NJ-based makeup artist Nina Ramirez. “Not only does this reduce the hassle of having to apply makeup every day, but it also benefits women who are suffering from hair loss due to medical conditions.”

Famed makeup artist Danielle Parkes, who lost her eyebrows to trichotillomania (fear-related hair pulling), found solace in microblading. “When I found out about microblading, I knew I had to make an appointment,” she explains. “I used to draw on my brows every day, but eyebrow tattooing changed that immediately. I didn’t have eyebrows, so being able to change what I felt insecure about for so many years was something I will forever be grateful for. It has boosted my confidence and made me feel like the best possible version of myself.”

Before you head out to book your appointment, here are a few things to check.

Be prepared.

Preparation is everything, which is why scouring the internet for information is always a wise choice. “Look for an artist whose technique you are obsessed with and who has received proper training,” Ramirez recommends. “In the hands of a microblading professional, the process is virtually painless and minimally invasive, while giving you long-lasting results.” It’s important to consider your allergies as well; If you’re still uncomfortable after reading the tattoo, take it as a signal that you’re not ready to get one just yet.

Once you are comfortable with microblading, the next step is to compose your queries; Make a list and bring it with you to your pre-procedure consultation. Writing down your questions and concerns allows you to address anything during the meeting without forgetting talking points.

Book a consultation beforehand.

It’s best to talk to your artist before you take the dive; In fact, most beauticians require that they advise their clients on their suitability and test out the new eyebrow shape before the procedure. By sketching the arc, you can “see into the future” and tweak everything if you want.

A conference also gives you the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like, whether it’s about the price, the procedure itself, or the consequences. “I specifically asked about the healing process,” explains Parkes. “I also checked that it was suitable for my oily complexion and whether that would affect the longevity of the tattoo. I found it lasted six months on my skin type before it started to fade.”

Eyebrow tattoos are not permanent.

There are two types of eyebrow tattoos to choose from: permanent and semi-permanent. For a permanent eyebrow tattoo, the artist uses ink and inserts it deep into the skin. However, a semi-permanent tattoo uses pigment instead of ink and is not injected as deeply as a regular tattoo.

Additionally, unlike pigment, ink fades, developing an artificial-looking, blue-green hue as it fades. Microblading pigment is designed to blend beautifully into a lighter shade and provide a more natural look. However, pigment has the potential to turn into a “volatile” color (pink, purple, orange, green, or blue) based on several factors, including the artist choosing the wrong color or implanting the hue too deeply into the artist Skin. It is best to find a practitioner with extensive color theory and experience to minimize this risk; Asking for pictures of his/her healed tattoos (not just fresh ones) will give you a better idea of ​​the quality of the work.

Regardless of what type of tattoo you decide to get, taking precautions and following a solid facial skin routine (cleanser and moisturizer are key) will help the imprint last longer; Factors affecting its longevity include sun exposure, skin type, and application technique.

An eyebrow tattoo is painful.

Imagine needles repeatedly piercing your skin, and then think about how painful it is when you pluck your eyebrows. The skin in the brow area is very sensitive, which increases the pain. “On a scale of one to ten, it was about a five,” Parkes says. “It felt like a bunch of little paper cutouts and was an uncomfortable feeling.”

However, clients often have the option of using an anesthetic during the process. This application makes the experience more comfortable and painless, but it can also cause the skin to become “buttery” and therefore difficult to work on.

Aside from being painful, an eyebrow tattoo takes time to heal. Artists advise the client to treat the area like a wound. As with a typical injury, your tattoo should not be rubbed, plucked, or exposed to makeup or sweat while it is healing. Ask your beautician about additional care that is specially tailored to your needs and can be carried out afterwards.

Eyebrows will not be identical.

Eyebrow tattoos are expected to differ slightly from one another – even natural eyebrows don’t look the same. Remember to be realistic in your expectations: bows will not be 100% identical. “Eyebrows aren’t always sisters,” says Parkes. “After microblading, my left arch is still higher than my right arch.”

Feeling uncomfortable about your freshly tattooed eyebrows is a normal reaction after microblading. It may take some time to get used to: your hair will be darker, stronger and sharper immediately after the procedure, but will soften as it heals over several weeks. Patience is key when adjusting to your new look.

Scar formation is possible.

Like normal wounds, tattooed eyebrows can scar, especially if you are in them for the long term. Your first time may not leave a lasting mark, but subsequent dates may leave imprints.

Because of this possibility, the touch-up work should be approached differently (perhaps more gently) by the artist than the first time. If possible, stick to only one beautician so that they know your specific skin type and needs.

Note that most people need two microblading sessions as the skin tends to push out some ink; The average person goes to their doctor four weeks after the first session for a touch up. Processes are often repeated one to three years later to refresh the color and shape. Regardless, the artist’s knowledge of your eyebrow history is important for a proper approach.

take that away

Eyebrow tattoos are a popular trend among women, but before proceeding, you need to know what to expect during and after the procedure. Thinking about whether the pain and expense is worth it will be a game changer. And remember, whatever you choose, all brow shapes are beautiful, unique, and always on-fleek.

Additional reporting by Lexi Harper.

Are brow tattoos worth it?

As mentioned earlier, the longevity of eyebrow tattoos are definitely one of the more desired aspects of the procedure. That’s why many people choose this option as a method of enhancing their look. You can expect your results to last from several months to up to three to five years for some methods.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Risks and Benefits of Eyebrow Tattooing – The feathered eyebrow trend is firmly established. But is it worth it?

Thinning eyebrows — or eyebrows that have turned gray or white and “wiry” with age — are a common problem for many men and women. This can make many people think about the potential benefits of brow tattooing. Before we cover risks and benefits in general and remind you that results will vary from patient to patient and think through this decision carefully, let’s talk about why people need to enhance their brows in the first place. For some, it’s after losing brow hair due to cancer treatments or other conditions that reduce facial hair. For others, it’s more of a cosmetic nature, an enhancement to brows after over-plucking or being born with less shapely brows than one would like. But there are other causes of thin brows, or “thin or almost invisible eyebrows.” These should be examined prior to tattooing the brows as you could actually be amplifying the problem.

NOTE – Although we don’t actually do eyebrow tattoos at Coco Ruby Skin (but we know who does). We can help you with facial injections and eyelid surgery (see below)

What causes thinning eyebrows or wiry eyebrows?

Eyebrows turn gray or white due to aging factors that are often genetic in part. White or gray eyebrows often look stringy or wiry—and by the time they turn that color, there are often few of them left (or patches of missing brow hair, or bare eyebrows).

In fact, there are many things that can cause eyebrow thinning, such as:

Excessive eyebrow plucking or overzealous waxing

Tweezers and excessive eyebrow waxing are often the most common causes of eyebrow loss; and while it’s most preventable, it happens to almost all of us who care for our eyebrows.

While plucking may seem like a great option at this point, plucking can actually damage the hair follicles and lead to permanent eyebrow hair loss.

Aging and your eyebrows: wiry and white

Another very common cause of thinning eyebrow hair is simple aging, which cannot be avoided.

As we age, our hair becomes thinner and hair growth slows down.

Hair that goes gray or white often has a different texture than darker hair and can result in wiry, out-of-control eyebrow hairs.

Nutrient deficiencies and hair growth

You can experience hair loss, including facial hair loss (eyebrow hair loss if you are deficient in biotin, vitamin B12 and vitamin D (a common deficiency that is usually easily corrected).

Even iron and zinc can help hair follicles produce hair faster.

Adequate protein is also needed to promote healthy hair growth.

As always, your APPEARANCE depends on your general health, which depends in no small part on your food intake.

It remains important to eat a healthy, nutritious diet to help your hair grow faster and healthier.

Solutions for thinning eyebrows or eyebrows that have turned gray or white: Brow tattooing

Many people are looking for ways to combat the appearance of thinning brows or brows that just don’t frame their eyes in a comfortable way.

A popular option for stronger looking eyebrows is brow tattooing.

Eyebrow tattoos are a great way to define the shape of your face and enhance your facial features.

There are various techniques and methods used for eyebrow tattoos but below are the most common ones.

Eyebrow tattoos: methods

3D eyebrow tattoo technique for eyebrows

3D eyebrow tattoo is one of the most popular methods of eyebrow beautification and beautification.

The “3D” tattooing method uses delicate strokes applied in small sections to replicate natural hair.

Your doctor will ideally use a mineral pigment in a complementary shade to your natural eyebrow hair color.

This technique helps define the thinner areas of your eyebrow.

If done well, it can really offer a natural and 3D-looking look.

Powder filled eyebrow cosmetic tattooing technique

With this technique, areas in the eyebrow are filled in with a soft, darker color that varies in transparency

Instead of creating strokes that resemble hair, the tattoo artist fills in areas of your brow to shape and enhance the look of your eyebrow.

Soft hair stroke technique to enhance eyebrows with brow tattoo methods

This popular method is ideal for those who have very little to no natural eyebrow hair.

This method uses very fine hair strokes to visually recreate individual hairs.

Some light shading is also used to give the eyebrows a more natural look through dimension. This technique requires fine skill and artistry to ensure the brows look natural. So be sure to do your research before committing to anyone who applies permanent makeup.

What Are the Benefits of Eyebrow Tattoos – and Is Tattooing Your Eyebrow Safe?

Instant Results: The great thing about eyebrow tattoos is that unlike many other cosmetic treatments that have to wait for the body to heal and swelling and bruising to go down, you will see instant results.

Long Lasting Results: Although eyebrow tattoos are not technically permanent, they can last for several years! Some people might see this as a disadvantage, but the fact that the color can fade over time can actually be an advantage as your style and hair color change over time.

Hassle Free: You don’t have to worry about smudging or smearing your brows like with traditional makeup, and it saves you time when you’re used to filling in makeup on thinning brows or shaping them as part of your beauty routine.

It Saves Time: As mentioned above, you can save so much time in your daily routine by not having to use makeup to apply or fill in your eyebrows.

Boost Confidence: Great results can really give you great confidence.

What are the risks of eyebrow tattoos? Are tattoos safe?

All tattoos carry risks. Some risks are only an issue during the process, while others may arise over time.

There are some people who claim that the ink might not be good for your skin. So do your homework to assess security. Most importantly, do your homework about your tattoo artist or clinician and what tattoo equipment and inks they will be using.

Some other risks with eyebrow tattoos are:

It can be painful:

It’s simple – a tattoo is a tattoo, so the procedure itself can definitely be a bit painful. Your individual pain tolerance plays a role, of course, and most technicians use a numbing cream beforehand to relieve pain.

Annoying healing process:

If you’ve ever had a tattoo, you’ll know that tattoos are sometimes painful to heal. The healing time takes about two full weeks and your skin will become scaly and flaky during this time. You can use an antibiotic ointment during the healing period, which will reduce itching and speed healing.

Financial investment:

Your initial investment can be a bit expensive – several hundred dollars upwards. You will also need annual or semi-annual “touch ups” that will set you back about $100.00. It’s important not to try to find a good “deal” when looking for someone to tattoo your face permanently. You should do your own research to make a good decision and ensure you have made a sound investment with an experienced professional.

Infection or reaction to colors:

You must choose a reputable tattoo artist who is knowledgeable about medical sterilization if you want to get your eyebrows done.

You risk infection if the equipment is not sterile or if you have a reaction.

Immediately after tattooing your brows, the look is VERY strong and over the top. It may take a few days for your brows to settle down, and it’s best not to apply makeup to newly tattooed brows.

You must wait at least a few days before wearing makeup. And you should carefully follow your doctor’s instructions on how to care for newly tattooed brows. Especially those who avoid sun exposure or harsh chemicals.

As mentioned earlier, the longevity of eyebrow tattoos is definitely one of the most desirable aspects of the procedure. That is why many people choose this option to improve their appearance.

You can expect your results to last anywhere from several months to three to five years with some methods.

Eyebrow tattoo care

Most brow tattoos need to be repeated within 12 to 36 months for best results.

You should never use regular tattoo ink to tattoo the eyebrows as it can change color over time.

If you want to know how to get the BEST out of your skin – to keep your skin looking its best – or ask us about eyebrow tattoo professionals in Melbourne – contact us on (03) 8849 1400.

A great site for information on eyebrow tattooing in Melbourne is at:

If you have a drooping eyebrow or eyelids, you may also consider a blepharoplasty or eyebrow lift from one of our leading plastic surgeons, including our experienced plastic surgeons Drs. Geoff Barnett and Dr. Richard Sackelariou

Download our free 20-page guide to injectables today to learn everything you need to know about treatments in Melbourne

Should I put Vaseline on my eyebrow tattoo?

Generally, there’s no need for Vaseline on a new tattoo whatsoever. Once your bandages are off, you’ll want to stay away from Vaseline during the healing process, too. You may be able to use Vaseline on a newer tattoo only after it’s completely healed.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

We include products that we believe will be useful to our readers. If you make a purchase through links on this site, we may receive a small commission. Here is our process.

Overview Getting new ink is an exciting time—you probably can’t wait to show off your new body art. However, it is important to remember that the process of getting a tattoo involves literally injuring your skin. Just like other wounds, fresh tattoo wounds need dryness and air to heal properly. Improper tattoo aftercare can cause numerous problems for your new ink. The tattoo itself can be distorted with some of the colors looking washed out. A tattoo that doesn’t have a chance to heal properly can also scar. They can even be prone to infections that can mess up your tattoo and potentially lead to other health complications. It’s important to follow your tattoo artist’s recommendations for proper aftercare. Contrary to popular belief, tattoo aftercare does not involve the use of petroleum jelly (petroleum jelly). Learn why this ordinary medicine cabinet item does more harm than good to new tattoos.

Is petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly good for tattoos? Petroleum jelly products, like branded petroleum jelly, work by locking moisture into your skin. These are most useful for extremely dry skin issues, especially if they are seasonal. However, petroleum jelly is not a good option for tattoos. This is because the hygroscopic effect also prevents your new tattoo wound from getting air. Air flowing over a wound aids the healing process. You may even be more susceptible to infection if you use petroleum jelly on fresh tattoo wounds. Signs of an infected tattoo include redness, swelling, and pus. An infected tattoo requires immediate treatment, usually with topical antibiotics, to prevent the infection from spreading. Unfortunately, scar tissue can form and ruin your new tattoo. It’s best to prevent infection altogether. Make sure your tattoo gets enough air to reduce such risks.

When is petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly allowed to be applied to a new tattoo? The first 24 hours after getting a tattoo are crucial for your aftercare. Your tattoo artist may recommend wearing special bandages for extra protection. After a few days, it may be safe to shower, but you still need to avoid submerging the tattoo in water while bathing. While your tattoo is bandaged, this can also allow for a very small window for petroleum jelly to be used since your tattoo is already covered. However, you should check this with your tattoo artist first. In general, a new tattoo doesn’t need petroleum jelly at all. Once your bandages are off, you should also stay away from petroleum jelly during the healing process. You may not be able to use petroleum jelly on a newer tattoo until it has fully healed. The only use for petroleum jelly on your tattoo is for extremely dry skin around the area.

What You Can Use to Heal a Tattoo Properly It’s important to get new ink from a licensed tattoo artist. Not only do they have the knowledge and experience to provide you with a work of art to be proud of, but they are also knowledgeable about the proper aftercare techniques to avoid complications after your session. The exact aftercare techniques differ slightly depending on the stage of the healing process. A fresh tattoo is bandaged for one to two hours. Your tattoo artist can apply a small amount of aftercare ointment, but you’ll need to remove your bandage to allow the wound to breathe. At this point, you must carefully wash the tattoo wound with antibacterial soap. Pat gently to dry. Most tattoo artists recommend an ointment called A+D. It contains a combination of petroleum jelly and lanolin that can protect your skin for the first few hours after tattooing. After the first few days, you can switch to a lighter, fragrance-free moisturizer like Lubriderm or Eucerin. This will also help relieve the itching that often occurs during the healing process. Other tattoo aftercare tips include not exposing your wound to the sun or water. Also, avoid picking at an itchy tattoo – this can lead to infection and scarring. It can take up to three months for a new tattoo to fully heal. You will know your tattoo has healed when all the scabs go away on their own and your skin is no longer red. Up to this point, you should follow all of your tattoo artist’s aftercare instructions.

Which is better microblading or tattooing eyebrows?

Tattooed brows tend to have more of a solid look, and appear as brow filler more so than your natural brow. Microblading creates a more natural end result compared to eyebrow tattooing, which results in brows that appear “drawn on” and flat.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Microblading vs Eyebrow Tattoo: What’s the Difference?

Originally published February 23, 2018. Updated February 23, 2021 with additional information and comments from professional makeup artists

The eyebrows play an important role in the aesthetics of the face. The shape, fullness, and symmetry of the brows all work together to highlight the eyes and frame the upper face. If you have thin or patchy eyebrows, there is a non-invasive treatment that can instantly improve the eyebrow area: microblading.

Microblading is a popular eyebrow correction technique that improves the shape, definition and thickness of the brows. The microblading technique uses a special hand tool with a unique blade to deposit dye into the skin’s second layer of skin, creating very fine strokes that mimic the look of natural eyebrow hairs.

People often think microblading is a type of tattoo. While the techniques may sound similar, microblading and eyebrow tattooing are very different. This post compares the main differences between microblading and eyebrow tattoos.

What is microblading?

Microblading is a technique performed by an esthetician that results in natural-looking, fuller eyebrows. After applying a numbing cream, small incisions are made in the eyebrows that mimic your natural hair. These incisions are then filled with pigment.

Microblading is relatively painless due to the anesthetic cream applied beforehand and the flat incisions made during microblading. You should have little to no bleeding. A minimal amount of pigment is used, which allows the color to stay in the incisions without bleeding outwards.

Microblading fades over time and results from microblading can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years. However, patients may choose to prolong their results longer by undergoing regular “maintenance” treatment sessions.

Chanel Flores, LA Before After

What is eyebrow tattoo?

Tattooing eyebrows is like any other tattoo. Your tattoo artist uses a tattoo needle that is supplied with ink and plugged into a power source. The needle repeatedly penetrates your skin with a rapid tapping motion to apply ink to the deeper layers of the dermis.

Tattooing is permanent, although colors may fade over time and lines may become blurred. Once you have an eyebrow tattoo, it is very difficult if not impossible to remove.

Microblading vs. Eyebrow Tattoo

When considering which one is best for you, it helps to understand the differences between these two eyebrow augmentation techniques.

Persistent vs. Impermanent

For most people, the most significant difference between microblading and eyebrow tattoos is the longevity of the results achieved.

Eyebrow tattoos are permanent. Once the ink is tattooed onto the skin, it stays there for life (although unwanted ink fading is possible, as mentioned above). Once you have an eyebrow tattoo, it is permanent unless it is removed through tattoo removal treatments.

This is very different from microblading where results typically last around 6 months to a year. Because the pigment doesn’t penetrate as deeply, it fades as your skin cells naturally rotate. Simple touch-up treatments can be performed annually if the microblading patient wishes to keep their improved eyebrow. The semi-permanent nature of microblading allows patients to change the look of their eyebrows as trends and styles change.

Microblade pigment vs tattoo ink

Microblading pigments come in organic or inorganic varieties in a number of different colors. As the microblading ink slowly fades, it gets lighter but the hue stays the same. The microblading pigment is specially formulated to blend into a lighter version of the color used, allowing the patient to retain a natural look. This way the result will keep a natural look until it fades completely.

Tattoo ink is used for eyebrow tattooing while microblading uses a special pigment. Ink differs greatly from pigment in the way it fades over time. As the tattoo ink fades, it often develops a blue-green tint, especially around the edges of the tattoo. Black tattoo ink is notorious for turning blue or green due to the faster fading of the red pigments that keep it dark. This can leave people with oddly colored eyebrows that often look like they were created with a sharpie. This can lead to very unnatural looking eyebrows.

Blades vs Needles

Microblading is performed with a hand tool that only cuts into the top layer of skin. Not only is this far less painful than tattooing, but it also causes less skin damage and results in a faster recovery process. Also, less pigment is needed, which prevents color from “bleeding” into adjacent skin cells.

Tattooing is done with a machine that penetrates deeper into the skin. This generally makes tattoos more painful than microblading. The depth of the punctures encourages the use of more ink than necessary, resulting in ink “bleeding” into the surrounding area. Recovery time is also longer as your skin needs to heal from the injury caused by the deep needle sticks.

Fine lines vs. filled eyebrows

Trained microblading artists are skilled at hand-drawing fine lines that mimic the natural look and shape of each individual eyebrow hair. These lines blend into your natural eyebrows to create a look that is often indistinguishable from reality.

Even the most highly trained tattoo artists struggle to achieve the fine lines of microblading with a tattoo needle. Tattooing just doesn’t lend itself to the same precise technique. Tattooed brows tend to look more solid and act as more of a brow filler than your natural brow.

Natural looking result

Microblading produces a more natural end result compared to eyebrow tattooing, resulting in brows that appear “puckered” and flat. This is because the microblading technique creates individual hair-like strokes that are identical to the hair growth pattern of the surrounding eyebrow hairs. A good microblading technician can make treated areas look like a denser version of the natural brow hair.


Getting a tattoo can be relatively painful, especially when placed on a sensitive area like the face. The microblading technique involves much less discomfort, especially if the brow area is numbed with lidocaine prior to treatment. Most patients describe the feeling of microblading as similar to plucking.

Microblading pros and cons

✅ Less painful

✅ Fast recovery

✅ Natural looking

✅ Does not change color

❌ Semi-permanent

❌ Requires touch-ups

❌ Generally more expensive

Eyebrow tattoo pros and cons

✅ Good for fullness in the middle of the brows

✅ Usually cheaper

✅ Lasting result

❌ Looks more like makeup than a natural eyebrow

❌ Requires longer recovery

❌ Ink may bleed or change color over time

Which one should I choose?

Both microblading and eyebrow tattooing have their pros and cons. A review of each method can help you choose the best eyebrow correction method for you.

Once you have made your decision, choose a beautician who specializes in microblading or a tattoo artist who focuses specifically on eyebrows and permanent makeup. Ask to see before and after photos from their past clients and familiarize yourself with their reviews before committing to the procedure.

About the Author WD Staff A united group of skincare professionals from Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Austin’s premier dermatology and plastic surgery company. Articles published among WD employees are created through combined contributions from our entire team, including plastic surgeons, dermatologists, estheticians, physician assistants, aesthetic nurses, and patient coordinators. A united group of skincare professionals from Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Austin’s premier dermatology and plastic surgery company. Articles published among WD employees are created through combined contributions from our entire team, including plastic surgeons, dermatologists, estheticians, physician assistants, aesthetic nurses, and patient coordinators.

Do permanent eyebrows look natural?

Due to changes being made to your brows, any form of tattooing will never look ‘natural’. As microblading blurs over time and can be more traumatic to skin, I chose to specialise in the powder/ombre technique.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

One question I hear more than any other as an eyebrow tattoo artist is “Will it look natural???”. That’s a perfectly understandable question! This is your FACE and any form of cosmetic tattooing should enhance your facial features, not distract from them. However, there is a difference between reinforcement and a natural look…

What does natural really mean?

When we ask if “it will look natural,” it’s important to know what we mean when we say “natural.” Totally natural brows are usually asymmetrical and often don’t emphasize facial features. For a tattoo to look truly natural, it would need to be barely noticeable from what your eyebrows normally look like. Most people who want to go down the eyebrow tattooing route aren’t happy with how their eyebrows normally look, so a barely noticeable change won’t help! Rather than saying a tattoo will look “natural,” I’d rather say it will look like perfect subtle makeup that balances and lifts your face.

Because that is the goal of any cosmetic tattoo. To improve your functions. As we improve your features, we highlight the best parts of it. Whether you choose microblading or powder brows, the goal of tattooing is to enhance your natural eyebrows so they better match your facial structure. Better eyebrow shape can give you an instant lift and increase facial symmetry, which is more visually attractive.

Does Microblading Look More Natural Than Powder Brows?

There is a misconception about the different eyebrow tattooing techniques, leading consumers to believe that microblading looks more “natural” than powder brows. This is because microblading is created to simulate eyebrow hair while powder brows simulate makeup. But healed microblading blurs over time, so it no longer looks like fine eyebrow hairs and more like soft, blurred lines on the skin. Since these lines are literally on your skin, they can never really resemble hair growing out of your skin in different ways. In my experience, healed microblading doesn’t look “natural,” it just looks different.

No eyebrow tattoo will ever look “natural”.

Any form of tattooing will never look “natural” due to changes to your brows. Since microblading blurs over time and can be more traumatic to the skin, I have specialized in the powder/ombre technique. This type of tattoo makes it appear like you’ve subtly powdered your brows, making it look like perfect makeup. Unlike microblading, which uses a hand tool to make incisions in the brows, the powder technique uses a cosmetic tattoo machine to precisely implant fine dots of pigment. This is much gentler on your skin and actually lasts much longer. It’s also suitable for all skin types, while oily skin actually can’t keep microblading incisions.

See “5 reasons why you don’t want microblading”.

No matter what technique you choose, it’s important to remember that a tattoo will never truly look “natural.” It may look like the best makeup you’ve ever worn, but it will still look like makeup! As a woman who has never had eyebrows to speak of and has powdered her brows every day, I can tell you that my Powder Brows tattoo beats my natural brows by a mile!

See the healed Soft Powder Brow Tattoo here.

Want to learn more about the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo? Register here for a free and non-binding consultation with me! Let’s talk BROW!

Elise Louise

Elise Louise is the customer certified “Eyebrow Sorceress”. Seriously, she has the certificate her client gave her to prove it.

You’ll find her at her Melbourne salon, which specializes in Soft Powder Brow Tattoo, Keratin Lash Lifting and expert brow services.

Check out more from her blog here.

Get your free consultation!

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Can you drink coffee before eyebrow microblading?

We require our clients to avoid any blood thinners for a minimum of 48 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen. Do not drink any alcohol or caffeine 48 hours prior to your appointment. That includes decaf coffee, teas, and kombucha.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

Questions? We have answers…

If you have a desired shape and color in mind, please bring some reference photos with you to your appointment. You can fill in your eyebrows as usual so we can accommodate the shape you’re most comfortable with. If you regularly have your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded, or tinted, please refrain from having them for at least a week after your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that are outside of our final shape, we will remove them.

If you are planning a sunny vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip at least 30 days after the procedure.

We require our clients to refrain from taking blood thinners at least 48 hours before their appointment. These include vitamin E, aspirin, niacin, fish oil supplements, and ibuprofen.

Do not drink alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before your appointment. These include decaffeinated coffee, tea and kombucha.

Dolls we love to do our best but please no botox for 2 weeks before microblading. Our browlologists recommend that it’s ideal to wait until after your enhancement session has healed to get Botox, as a knowledgeable injector will take your new brows into account when choosing where to inject.

If you have received Accutane by prescription in the past, please wait at least a full year (12 months minimum) before considering this procedure. Doxycycline users are also urged to wait up to 6 months before getting microblading.

Please avoid sun and solarium for 2 weeks before and one month after the procedure. If you show up to your appointment with freshly tanned or sunburned skin, you will have to reschedule and your deposit will be forfeited. When your skin regenerates after a sunburn, it takes the pigment with it. Sun exposure can also cause excessive bleeding and sensitivity leading to healed results in the pool.

Can I have a cup of coffee before microblading?

DO NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure. DO NOT drink coffee or anything with caffeine before the procedure.

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

The following restrictions are designed to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition for an amazing procedure. Please read carefully:

4 weeks before your appointment:

DO NOT receive the following treatment:

Botox or other fillers Chemical peels Laser treatments

7 days before your appointment:

DO NOT expose to strong sunlight, especially sunburn. Your skin should not be in the healing process before the procedure. DO NOT pluck, wax, thread or use any other hair removal services. This can also trigger the healing process of the skin and should be avoided! DO NOT use Retinol/Retin-A or any other anti-aging/acne creams. DO NOT apply acidic serum

48 hours before your appointment:

DO NOT take aspirin, niacin, vitamin E and/or ibuprofen, omega-3 unless medically necessary (Tylenol or acetaminophen is fine!) Any lip treatment requires you to STOP using Valtrex. With any lip treatment, always keep lips moist before appointment

24 hours before your appointment:

3D Eyebrows – Semi Permanent Makeup – Eyebrow Tattooing – Tutorial

3D Eyebrows – Semi Permanent Makeup – Eyebrow Tattooing – Tutorial
3D Eyebrows – Semi Permanent Makeup – Eyebrow Tattooing – Tutorial

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Eyebrow Tattoo Before & Aftercare — A HINT OF INK



It is recommended that you eat something before your appointment to ensure your blood sugar levels remain stable during the procedure

Refrain from alcohol 24 hours before your appointment. Alcohol can thin the blood, which can cause the skin to become sensitive and bleed easily.

Avoid taking blood-thinning medication 72 hours before your appointment. These include ibuprofen, aspirin, and fish oil pills. Please consult your doctor if this is a problem.

Make sure your face isn’t sunburned

Do not wax or tint the eyebrows 2 weeks before your appointment

If you are considering Botox, it is best to get your brows tattooed first. If you will receive Botox before your treatment, please do so at least 2 weeks before your appointment

If you’ve taken acne medications like Accutane or Retin-A within the past year, you have an altered skin condition that won’t heal well after the procedure. It is very important to wait one year before skin tattooing. Retinol and vitamin A are very similar and should be discontinued a month before the procedure.


After the procedure, gently blot the area with a damp cloth to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this every hour or as often as you can for the rest of the day. Draining this fluid prevents hardening of the lymph fluid. Do not apply aftercare cream until the next morning, as the wound has to heal naturally first.

Gently wash your eyebrows twice a day for the first 7 days to remove bacteria, product build-up, oils and dead skin. Do this every morning and evening with water and a gentle soap like Dial Soap, Cetaphil, Neutrogena, or QV. Use your fingertips to rub the area very lightly and gently in one gentle motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water to ensure all soap is washed away. Pat gently with a clean cloth to dry. DO NOT use cleaning products that contain acids (glycolic, lactic acid or AHA) or exfoliants.

Once your eyebrows are completely dry, apply a small amount of conditioning cream with a cotton swab and spread over the treated area. Be careful not to apply too much as this will smother your skin and delay healing. The cream should be barely noticeable on the skin. NEVER apply conditioning cream to a wet or damp tattoo.

Important reminders

Brows by Beatrice — Cosmetic Tattoo FAQ

About cosmetic brow tattoos

If you are considering getting any form of cosmetic eyebrow tattoo, please read this page before booking an appointment!

Feather Touch Brows

Feather touch brows, also known as “microblading,” is a form of semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing. Small, delicate hair strokes are carefully and artistically drawn onto the skin with fine needles on a manual hand device. The goal is to make these hair strokes look as natural as possible to blend the cosmetic tattoo with the client’s existing hair! This treatment is also great for those who also don’t have brow hairs as the cosmetic tattoo gives the appearance of realistic eyebrows. The shape and color of the brows are carefully chosen to highlight and accentuate the client’s facial structure, creating a much more youthful appearance. It saves customers time on makeup every day and is ideal for those who lead active lifestyles by using the gym or swimming at the beach.

Ombré & combination brows

Ombré and combination brows are a more solid style compared to feathering. If you prefer a more defined and filled look, these two styles are the best for you!

Ombré Brows shades the entire brow and is artistically carefully tailored for each individual client. It can be lighter and powderier or darker and more defined.

Combination Brows combines the shading technique of Ombré Brows and the Feather Touch hair strokes to create a more natural looking, bold brow.

Ombré and combination brows are done with a cosmetic tattoo machine. This tends to last longer and doesn’t require regular touch-ups compared to Feather Touch Brows.

nano brows

Hairlines are tattooed onto the skin using a machine with a “nano” (thin) needle. This is a very similar style to Feather Touch Brows with the natural fluffy hair strokes, however these machine strokes last much longer and heal to a nicer quality over time. It is ideal for oily, combination and mature skin types as it causes less trauma/damage to the skin.

Nano Brows can be done in two styles: hairline only or combination. The Hairline Only style is very similar to the Feather Touch Brows (Microblading) with the fluffy natural hairlines. It’s perfect for those who like that natural look or want to accentuate their already natural eyebrows by filling them in with more tattooed “hair”. The combo style is similar to the combo brows, with the hairline in the front and shading throughout the rest of the brow. The only main difference is that these hair strokes are done with the nanoneedle and not the microblade (which is used in Feather Touch Brows).

What is the process?

Cosmetic eyebrow tattooing includes a full consultation, tattooing, and a month-long touch-up visit. This is a two part process that will require an additional touch up tattoo after a month to fill in and perfect any areas where the pigment may have faded. This touch up is included in the price. It must be completed within 6 weeks of the initial treatment, otherwise additional fees will apply.

A numbing cream will be applied to the area before the procedure to help numb the area. A gel anesthetic is also applied throughout the process to reduce any irritation and inflammation that may occur.

Depending on how you follow aftercare recommendations, as well as your skin type and lifestyle, the tattoo will last anywhere from 12 to 36 months.

It is recommended that you maintain your eyebrow tattoo with annual touch-ups. Please remember that a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo still needs to be waxed/plucked. If you have blonde hair and have it tattooed darker than your natural hair color, you will still need to have it dyed or hennaed.

Does it hurt?

A topical numbing cream will be used before and during the procedure to reduce irritation and swelling. Everyone’s pain tolerances are different, so please keep this in mind!

What do I need to know BEFORE my appointment?

This information is provided to ensure minimal bleeding occurs during the tattooing process. Failure to follow the instructions below may result in poor healing results.

It is recommended that you do not wax, thread, or pluck your eyebrows for at least ONE week prior to your appointment.

Do not consume caffeine or alcohol on the day of your appointment. This includes coffee, energy drinks, pre-workout, Coca Cola and tea. Avoid taking fish oils and vitamin E oils for a week before your treatment. Caffeine, alcohol, and fish oils act as blood thinners, which can cause you to bleed during the process. This prevents the cosmetic tattoo pigment from settling into the skin.

Blood-thinning medications should be discussed with a doctor before your appointment. It must be stopped 1 day before your appointment as you will bleed more heavily during the tattooing process!

You will not be able to exercise vigorously (make your face sweat), go to the sauna, swim, or tan for ONE week.

You can bring reference pictures of eyebrows.

Facial and skin peelings should be avoided for a week before tattooing.

Botox should be performed 1 month before or 2 weeks after your eyebrow tattoo appointment.

If you are using a high vitamin A, retin-A or tretinoin, this must be stopped at least 2 weeks before your appointment.

What is the aftercare?

Following the care instructions is extremely important to ensure good color retention during the healing process. Follow-up care accounts for over 60% of healing outcomes.

Apply medicated cream or healing balm as recommended by your technician. Aftercare cream can be purchased at your appointment for $30.

Avoid getting the area wet for up to 10 days, which includes keeping your face dry while showering. Use a damp facial tissue or facial cleansing tissue to clean your face.

Use a damp cotton pad to gently wipe the area for the first two days. This reduces the accumulation of lymphatic fluid as the brows heal and reduces the likelihood of scabbing.

Do not apply makeup to your brows or forehead for at least 10 days. This is because the pigments are still settling into the shallow cuts in your skin made by the blade. Applying makeup to the brows increases the risk of infection.

Do not pick at scabs, pull or itch the eyebrow area. Again, this increases the likelihood of infection and can potentially cause skin damage and scarring.

Avoid saunas, swimming, and excessive sweating until the area has fully healed, which can take up to two weeks.

Keep your hair away from your eyebrows. Don’t touch your brows with bare hands when they’re freshly done. Simple hygiene!

Long Term Aftercare: Apply SPF-50 to the healed browbone daily. Prolonged exposure to sunlight will fade the tattoo. Do not use strong chemical acids/peels (salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid), IPL or laser on the healed cosmetic tattoo as these will fade the tattoo over time.

What to expect while the brows are healing?

Your brows will appear much darker and more intense than they will appear after healing. They will be darkest in the first few days. They may scab and flake off, this is perfectly normal. As they heal this will fade to show a much lighter color. Please keep in mind that every skin heals differently! The true color of the tattoo only shows after 4 weeks. The touch up is then completed after 4-6 weeks to perfect any areas that need extra attention.

Hypopigmentation in darker skin tones

Hypopigmentation refers to areas of skin that are lighter than your overall skin tone. The pigmentation or color of your skin is based on the production of a substance called melanin. When your skin cells don’t produce enough melanin, the skin can lighten. This can happen with Fitzpatrick Scale 4, 5, and 6 clients.

As the brows heal, hypopigmentation can occur, in which the skin that is healing under the tattoo turns a lighter color (white, gray, or milky) before returning to normal skin tone. The tattoo color may also completely disappear during this time and will reappear once the brows are fully healed in 6-8 weeks.

Please trust the healing process. This doesn’t happen to all darker skinned customers, but it can happen!

Who is NOT eligible for this treatment?

Post Care & Microblading Aftercare Instructions

The follow-up treatment with microblading and semi-permanent make-up is very important for the appearance and longevity of your new eyebrows. Please read the following eyebrow aftercare carefully as it applies to all of our eyebrow treatments: Microblading, Powder Brows and Combo Brows


Do not let water, lotion, soap or makeup touch your eyebrow area for the first 7 days after the procedure.

Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. Keep your face away from the shower head while showering or taking a bath.

Itching and flaking may occur in the first seven days after the procedure. Avoid scratching or scraping as this can prematurely peel off scabs and cause blotchy results or scarring. However, experience has shown that these symptoms can quickly disappear if these aftercare instructions are followed.

After 4 days, make sure your hands are completely clean and gently apply the care ointment with a cotton swab and clean hands. This can be done twice a day, at night and in the morning, but use the ointment sparingly as your skin needs to heal itself. Please keep applying the ointment for 7 days.

The following must be avoided during all 14 days after the procedure:

Increased sweating

to do sports

To swim

Hot sauna, hot bath or whirlpool

Sun tanning or salon tanning

Exposure to UV/UVA rays or chemicals as they are known to cause color shift and premature fading

Any laser or chemical treatments or peels and/or creams containing Retin-A or glycolic acid on the treatment area

Plucking, peeling, or scraping the micropigmented area to avoid scarring the area or removing the pigment

Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning, such as garage or basement cleaning, where there is a lot of dirt in the air

Excessive alcohol consumption, as this can lead to slow wound healing

Driving in open vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles or motorcycles

Touching the eyebrow area with a cotton swab except when rinsing and applying the care cream

If you have any unexpected skin healing issues, please contact Microblading LA immediately to discuss further instructions.

Contact a doctor if signs or symptoms develop, such as yellow, foul-smelling discharge.

What to expect during and after your eyebrow session

The entire healing process takes 4-6 weeks depending on body regeneration and age. Your new eyebrows will go through several stages during the healing cycle.

The pigment looks very unnatural immediately after the procedure. The color of the pigment appears much darker the next day.

Note that the brows may appear lighter than the original due to natural skin regeneration after the recovery period (peeling). This could give the impression that the color is fading too quickly. Even with proper care, clients can often experience more fading in some areas, causing the brows to look uneven. It’s totally normal. Because of this, most customers require a touch up after 6 weeks.

Once the skin begins to heal, it looks like dandruff or dry skin. However, this is just superficial color and dry skin naturally removed from your eyebrows. The final look of your eyebrows will be visible approximately 30 days after the procedure.

Never rub the treated area as this will interfere with the skin’s natural healing process.

Once fully healed, always apply a layer of SPF 30 to SPF 50 sunscreen to your eyebrows whenever you are out in the sun. Sun exposure can cause the color pigment to fade faster.

When using foundation, avoid the area of ​​your healed eyebrows. When foundation covers over healed brows, your brows will appear lighter.

Now you can enjoy your beautiful new eyebrows. You will simply love your new gorgeous fresh look!

Here is an example of what the healing process can look like:

BEFORE – Client’s eyebrows before the procedure

IMMEDIATELY AFTER – The brows appear bold and also have redness, the intensity of the redness can vary individually. They can feel tender and appear uneven. Keep clean and dry, do not touch eyebrows!

DAY 3 – The brows will start to develop a scab layer, keep your brows dry and clean.

DAY 4 – The scab starts to feel and itch on the thigh, start applying a light layer of ointment. Using a cotton swab and clean hands, apply a grain of rice amount of aftercare ointment (Aquaphor) to each eyebrow and spread a VERY THIN layer of the ointment over the treated area each morning and evening. Eyebrows shouldn’t appear greasy, shiny, or shiny if you’ve applied too much, as this can smother the skin and delay healing. Never apply the ointment to wet or damp tattoos. Continue using the ointment until your eyebrows are no longer scabby.

DAY 7 – The initial stages of scab shedding, don’t touch scab! Avoid scratching or scraping as this can prematurely peel off scabs and cause blotchy results or scarring.

DAY 12 – Crusts are finished peeling, eyebrows look light after peeling process. The brightness can vary individually

DAY 14 – Eyebrows are protected from water. Clients can return to normal skincare routines. The brows appear very light, for up to 6 weeks each week after the scab falls off, color comes to the surface and the brows darken.

DAY 40 – At this stage, the eyebrows are fully tinted and all redness is gone. Eyebrows are fully healed. Now enjoy them!

Some customers require touch-up to make necessary adjustments.

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