How To Remove Blockages From Your Life? Best 51 Answer

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Take some deep breaths in and get into a meditative state. Take a step back from everything that’s going on in your life. Yvonne revealed that meditation is important to help get rid of all these blocks in your life. And says her life was changed because of meditating.To clear this love block, you need to find peace with being alone. This means spending time with yourself, practicing self care and getting to know yourself on a soul level. When you spend time with yourself in this way and take care of yourself you will begin to feel a sense of completeness.

How do you remove a love block?

To clear this love block, you need to find peace with being alone. This means spending time with yourself, practicing self care and getting to know yourself on a soul level. When you spend time with yourself in this way and take care of yourself you will begin to feel a sense of completeness.

What is blocking my abundance?

Abundance blocks, or limiting beliefs, become self-fulfilling prophecies due to how you act or don’t act according to your beliefs. The catch to clearing your abundance blocks is that you have to be able to identify them first.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

Most of us desire abundance in all walks of life and view success as happiness, health, and prosperity. My ideal life would consist of the freedom to spend time with family and friends, the ability to work from anywhere, the means to travel and explore, living debt-free, and buying a cabin by the lake.

The problem is that for many of us, our actual experiences in one or more areas of life don’t match what we want to experience. And unfortunately, desire, knowledge and hard work are not always enough to achieve the results we so desperately want. If you’re a personal development junkie like me, you might be wondering why even though you’ve been practicing visualization and affirmations daily, you still haven’t created your ideal life. If you seem like you have what it takes to succeed but aren’t achieving your goals, it’s most likely an abundance block or subconscious belief holding you back.

Now let’s talk about what these blocks are and where they come from…

Abundance blocks are negative unconscious beliefs that we hold about a certain concept and they have been ingrained in our minds since childhood. Suppose Steve grew up with parents whose relationship was troubled. They constantly argued about everything and eventually divorced. Now, as an adult, Steve has relationship problems. He knows that happy relationships are possible, but no matter how hard he tries to be a good partner, his relationships always end badly after a few months. Because he grew up seeing his parents constantly complaining about each other and making negative statements about love and relationships, these are the beliefs ingrained in his own subconscious. These subconscious beliefs are “blocking” him from a lasting relationship and will do so until he clears them.

As another example, suppose Sara grew up in a household where money was tight. Her parents had a lot of debt and always struggled to pay the bills. Sara grew up hearing things like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer,” and all of her parents’ worries about there never being enough. These ideas became blocks of wealth for Sara. Now, in her adult life, she’s falling into the same patterns as her parents, and she can’t seem to get out of debt no matter how hard she works.

Recognizing and dissolving blockades of abundance:

Abundance blocks or limiting beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies because you act or don’t act according to your beliefs. The catch with clearing your blocks to fullness is that you need to be able to identify them first. The reason you might try everything that should work but not see positive results is probably because you have an abundance block that you haven’t identified yet. Here are three steps to identify and remove blockages to prosperity:

Step 1:

Identify your blocks. Pick an area of ​​life you want to improve, e.g. B. Relationships, career, money, weight loss, adventure, etc. Write down your experiences in this area of ​​life, positive and negative. Then look back on your childhood and write down what your parents/guardians experienced in this area. Notice if there is any connection between your childhood or other times in your past and what you are experiencing now. Also note any feelings you may have in this area, such as guilt (the economy is bad, other people are kidding me), unworthiness (I don’t deserve to be successful/happy. I’m not smart enough, not creative enough, etc.), scarcity (there is not enough ____ to get around: money, nice men/women, jobs in this field) and doubt (I don’t think I can ever really get what I want). Write them all down.

Step 2:

Be clear about what you want in your chosen area of ​​life. Write down in detail what you would like to experience. Now compare your desires to your list of beliefs from Step 1. Do they work harmoniously together, or can you now see that there are certain unconscious beliefs that have been holding you back?

Step 3:

Reprogram your mind and restate those negative beliefs. Now that you have identified both your desires and your obstacles, start replacing those negative beliefs with positive ones. Read through your list of blocks and question each one by asking yourself if it’s true – is it a thought or a fact? Then come up with stronger alternative ideas until you no longer believe the limiting idea. If you no longer believe your blockage, then it can no longer hold you back.

Step 4:

Take action, remembering that repetition is key. It takes time to change beliefs you’ve held on to for years. Repeat your new, empowering beliefs daily and practice taking actions that support those beliefs. With new beliefs come new actions, and you need to keep reminding yourself of the positive intentions behind your new actions.

I recently started reading the book The Abundance Code: How to Bust the 7 Money Myths for a Rich Life Now by Julie Ann Cairns to work on better identifying and clearing my money blocks. (I realize I’ve held onto a lot of negative ideas about money!) If money is an area you’re feeling stuck in, I highly recommend the book and may do an update once I’ve finished it.

I hope this has helped you in your quest to identify and clear your blocks to abundance to create a life you love!

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How do I find my blocks?

  1. Identify your mental block. Mental blocks often masquerade as things they’re not: writer’s block, lack of inspiration, inability to innovate, lack of creativity and more. …
  2. Take control of your state. …
  3. Focus on the present. …
  4. Recognize the signs of a breakthrough. …
  5. Reprogram your mind. …
  6. Calm your environment.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

Overcome mental blocks

If you’ve never felt stuck because of a mental block, you’re in a lucky minority. Whether they’re stuck in a career, unfulfilled in relationships, or unhappy with everyday life, most people have reached a plateau at some point. Feeling trapped in a mental block is extremely frustrating and can affect your professional life and personal relationships. Many factors can make you feel stuck in your thinking, from overanalyzing everything to overloading your plate with too many responsibilities. When you are blocked by your own way of thinking, understanding how to overcome a mental block can help you finally make progress. What is a mental block and how to overcome it? By learning to take control of your mind and emotions, you empower yourself to create forward momentum in your life.

Destroy the limiting beliefs that are causing your mental block. Download the guide

What is a mental block? It depends who you ask. “Mental block” is a lay term that encompasses a range of experiences associated with feeling disabled in one’s thinking. Depending on who you ask, you might hear terms like “mental fatigue” used instead — particularly by medical professionals, who use it to describe a condition caused by prolonged cognitive activity. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary uses related terms such as “brain fog,” “writer’s block,” and “stumbling block” to describe various states of reduced mental capacity. All mental blocks share the same conundrum: an inability to concentrate, think clearly, or reason, resulting in listlessness. Forbes reports that uncontrolled mental exhaustion can even affect your physical health. If you don’t learn how to overcome a mental block, it can really take a toll on your productivity and attitude to life.

What Causes Mental Blockages? No matter what you call them, all thought blocks are ultimately caused by the same thing: limiting beliefs. Here are a few common types of mental blocks that actually limit belief in disguise: The need for certainty Certainty is one of our six human needs. A little bit of it is essential to live a comfortable and fulfilling life. But many people let certainty rule their lives rather than complement it. Sometimes all it takes to overcome a mental block is to get out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to feel the excitement and anxiety that comes from doing something new – and mastering it. Perfectionism If you believe that everything you do has to be perfect, it’s easy to fall into the trap of mental blocks. They get stuck in a pattern of perfection where nothing is ever good enough – and therefore nothing is ever done. You can even get to the point where you don’t bother to start a task because you’re like, “What’s the point? It’s not going to be perfect.” But as Tony Robbins says, “Perfection is the lowest standard in the world.” It’s always better to keep moving, allow yourself to fail, and learn a lesson. Self Doubt A deep belief in yourself is the best indicator of success – not money or luck. This is because we become who we think we are. When you believe that you are not skilled enough, not smart enough, do not deserve success, or have any set of other negative beliefs, this becomes your reality. Instead, you must adopt a growth mindset — the belief that you can do anything you put your mind to.

How to Overcome a Mental Block The most effective strategies for getting rid of mental blocks focus on the root of what is holding people down.

1. Identify your mental block Mental blocks often disguise themselves as things they aren’t: writer’s block, lack of inspiration, inability to innovate, lack of creativity, and more. To overcome them, you must learn to recognize mental blocks and the limiting beliefs that underlie them. Are you letting your six human needs or a rigid mindset hold you back? Has something happened that caused you to lose faith in yourself? Identifying the source of your mental block and restoring your confidence is the first step to being productive again.

2. Take Control of Your State Understanding how to overcome a mental block is akin to conquering a plateau—those places in life where the mind, body, and emotions grind to a halt. To regain your momentum, harmonize your mind and body to reach your peak. A little activity is often enough to break through a mental block. Your state is ultimately the framework from which you operate in life, so use it to your advantage to unblock your thinking.

3. Focus on the present When you’re experiencing a mental block, chances are something from the past is bothering you. In other cases, it can be a worry about the future that keeps you busy and blocked in your thinking. To gain some traction, take a few minutes to sit down and reflect on the present moment. Focus on your breathing until your mind becomes calm. From this peaceful state, you can think more clearly and find proactive problem-solving strategies.

4. Recognize the Signs of a Breakthrough As you work to overcome mental blocks, it helps to recognize the signs of a breakthrough. As unlikely as it sounds, the more frustrated you feel, the closer you get to your breakthrough. You may experience a vague sense of dissatisfaction with life, as if you are reaching your limit and something needs to give way. You may have already reached the point where you feel full, like you’ve had enough. Realize that these feelings are normal as people grow and evolve to overcome obstacles in their lives. These feelings signal your breakthrough around the corner.

5. Reprogram your mind To take the first step in understanding how to overcome a mental block, all you have to do is decide to reprogram your mind. With this decision, you have the focus you need to develop a sense of mindfulness. Write down exactly what you are thinking and feeling. When self-limiting beliefs arise, practice replacing them with empowering beliefs. Visualize where you want to go and surround yourself with people and an environment conducive to clarity.

6. Calm those around you When your surroundings are cluttered or uninspiring, it becomes all the more difficult to learn how to overcome mental blocks. Your environment is more than just your physical surroundings – it also includes the sounds, people and activities that surround you in your daily life. If you’re overworked with too many responsibilities on your plate, you’ll find it difficult to muster the extra energy necessary to break through a mental block. The same goes for not getting enough sleep or holding yourself to impossible standards. To overcome mental exhaustion, stay organized and set realistic expectations for yourself and others. Rethink how you spend your energy and create a schedule that you will thrive on. If you take on too much work, learn to delegate and adjust your workflows for optimal efficiency. By taking control of your environment, you can make massive strides in overcoming a mental block.

How do you react when someone blocks you?

How to React When Someone Blocks You
  1. 1 Confirm they actually blocked you.
  2. 2 Take some time before you reach out to the person who blocked you.
  3. 3 Let it go if you just broke up.
  4. 4 Forget about them if you never met IRL.
  5. 5 Wait for them to reach out.
  6. 6 Resist the urge to get revenge.
  7. 7 Ask a mutual friend to talk to them.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

If someone you care about has blocked your number, unfriended you on social media, or ghosted you on Whatsapp, it’s reasonable to be upset. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you’re angry or sad – it’s a perfectly normal reaction to someone who just shuts you out. That’s why we’re here to show you what you can do to get them back. In case they don’t change their minds, we also show you what you could do to keep going. That says more about her than you do, so try not to be too hard on yourself here.

Why do men block you?

He is afraid of you, your actions, or your words

One of the most frequent reasons why a guy blocks you is this one, especially if you two don’t know each other well. Women are physically weaker than men, that’s a fact, but some women can have astonishingly strong energy.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

It’s really easy to completely delete someone on social media; All it takes is a few clicks. It’s a pretty rude move, but the real question is why did a certain person block you in the first place? “He blocked me. What did I do?” This is one of the most confusing questions when something like this happens. “Did he block me because he cares?” That’s a much better question because someone really took the trouble to do it. There must be a good reason for this. Yes, it can mean he cares about you, but it doesn’t have to be the case. Let’s talk about the six possible reasons why he blocked you on social media.

1. He cares about you

That sounds contradictory, but there are many facts that can support it. First, think about what you usually do when you’re hurt and want to forget someone. It hurts you to see their photos and posts, so try to avoid them as much as possible. That may be the reason why he blocked you. Maybe he got mad at you about something and is trying not to see your photos or posts because it hurts him. It’s really impulsive and impetuous, but people don’t think that rationally when they’re hurt. Try to think of all the possible things that could make him angry or talk to your mutual friends. If you’ve known each other for a long time and he just disappears, you can even approach him and ask him what the problem is.

2. He got what he wanted from you and doesn’t want to see you anymore

This can also be a reason why a guy blocks you. If you were dating a guy and he just disappeared, chances are he just wanted physical contact and nothing else. Don’t feel bad if this happens to you. You don’t need a man like that, trust me. Just forget he ever existed in your life just like he blocked you on social media. Only reckless and arrogant people can use people and throw them away like they are nothing. He doesn’t even deserve your attention. You should keep in mind that life sometimes gives us lemons to make us grow mentally and emotionally, so take this opportunity to reflect a little on yourself.

3. He’s confused about his own feelings and takes a break from you

Men are just as emotional as women, although they usually don’t want to admit it. When an emotional outburst happens to a man, he literally doesn’t know what to do, so it’s easier for him to run away until he decides what to do. If he blocked you because of this reason, rest assured that he will unblock you and send you a message soon. If he really likes you, he won’t be able to resist talking to you, even if it seems scary to him. Let him calm down and wait a while. However, don’t check your inbox every two minutes. You will lose a lot of your precious time. If he shows up again, great. If not, he’s either too cowardly or he doesn’t want any contact with you.

4. He is afraid of you, your actions or your words

One of the most common reasons a guy blocks you is this, especially if you don’t know each other well. Women are physically weaker than men, that’s a fact, but some women can have surprisingly strong energies. You’re probably too much for him, so he needs a break. Think of yourself. Are you a sociable, confident woman who knows what she wants and is always unafraid to speak her mind out loud? Well, you might seem creepy to your guy. Of course, I don’t think all men fear strong women, but some of them do. It’s easier to control a pleasant woman. Don’t follow him, but you can try to reach him somehow and ask him to be frank about why he blocked you. If he flees again, let him go. You don’t need a man like that.

5. You insulted him in some way

We all think differently, and so different things offend us. Some people are so easily offended that you literally feel like you’re walking on a minefield while talking to them. Maybe he misunderstood you or something and he now has a completely wrong and distorted picture of your personality. Read your past messages and look out for clues. If you find something that may have offended him, you should reach out to him somehow and apologize. It’s best if you speak in person. Tell him that it’s not what you said that matters, it’s your intention. Don’t let a potentially beautiful relationship end over a trivial misunderstanding before it even begins.

6. He doesn’t know how to reject you

It’s always easier to just disappear than to have an awkward and awkward conversation. Guys don’t usually know how to reject a girl, so they end up acting that way. Don’t judge him, even if he cowardly escaped and left you wondering what actually happened. Trust me, his conscience is eating him alive right now. Blocking you just to avoid rejection can tell you a lot about his personality. He’s not the one you can trust, so if that’s the real reason he blocked you, just focus on finding a new man.


Why is a guy blocking you out of nowhere? These are the six most accurate answers to this question. Whatever happens, don’t try to justify his actions and don’t forget your worth. Things like this can lower your confidence, but you are not the real reason he blocked you. His insecurities are Just try to find a better man who respects you and don’t think about it much.

What does blocking mean in a relationship?

We block. In theater improvisation the cardinal rule is YES AND, which means accepting and building on your partner’s offers. The opposite of accepting these offers is called blocking your partner’s offers. We do this by negating our partner’s reality, stalling, or not listening.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

Source: Pixabay

We don’t like being called when we’re doing something wrong. We like being right. We like to be seen as good, competent and loving partners. What happens in conflicts? What happens when our partners call us on our BS?

We block. In theatrical improvisation, the basic rule is YES AND, which means accepting the partner’s offers and building on them.

The opposite of accepting these offers is known as blocking your partner’s offers. We do this by negating, delaying, or not listening to our partner’s reality. (Click here to read how you can use your aggression positively in your relationships.) We block a partner’s offers by acting surprised, offended, or disappointed. I call these three behaviors the Holy Trinity of Blocking.

Why are we blocking like this?

It shifts heat and conflict (a form of stalling). It keeps you both acting “nicely.” (Click here to learn more about the price of kindness.) It casts your partner in a negative light. The three responses position you as the righteous, innocent victim: Your partner is wrong. It negates your loved one’s opinion/narrative. Offense is the highest form of blocking. It frees you from actually responding to what your partner says because you’re inciting drama or a smokescreen, which helps you avoid talking about the difficult issues or valid criticisms of your behavior.

What are the prices for using the holy trinity of blocking?

You position yourself as a small, reactive victim. These tactics essentially get you into a victim and follower dynamic that is detrimental to your relationship. Your partner will start faking it or distancing themselves from you. This behavior teaches your partner that you essentially cannot accept criticism or remain in the heat of the intimate crucible. So they will either fake it or not tell you what they really think about you or the relationship. Their relationship falters. These blocking techniques prevent both of you from being honest and giving constructive feedback to grow. You will become bored and bored. Because you’re blocking the Heat, you’ll suffer from shallow, boring superficial relationships.

Surprise. When you act surprised, you’re basically sending a message that what was just said isn’t normal or expected: “I can’t believe you’re saying that to me!” Are you really surprised? We often implicitly sense the general direction of our partner’s thoughts and feelings. Surprise can often be a form of not owning your shit and not taking responsibility. And the surprise sends the message, “How could you do that? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” This is indeed defensive and distracting behavior.

Insult. Offense is the highest form of blocking because it sends the message that your partner is a bad person. Shame on you. When we act offended, we say, ‘How could you say that?’ But what we are actually saying is, ‘You have no right to say that. And you’re a bad person for saying that.” And then you don’t really have to listen to what your partner is saying because you’re so hurt. We hide behind our insult without responding to the actual content. In addition, we establish a negative value judgment about our partner, which means that we not only block them, but also belittle our partner and make ourselves an innocent martyr.

Disappointment. So your partner says something like, “That joke you told about me at the party was really embarrassing.” If we choose to disappoint, we create a little drama that acts as a smokescreen to avoid that the content of our partner’s feelings “lands” in us. Over time, a partner learns that they can’t be honest with you because you keep feeling attacked. You are basically blackmailing your partner not to be direct in order to avoid your disappointment.

Credit: Jim De Ramos/Pexels

How do you let go of the holy trinity of blocking?

Reflect and watch your heated conversations to see if you or your partner tend to use the blocking holy trinity. Share this post with your partner so you have a common language. Remind yourself and your partner that you are making these changes because you want a more authentic connection. Make a conscious decision to minimize these techniques. Remind yourself that these intimate melting pots actually help the relationship grow. Create a code word for the blocking trinity. Use a code word or physical hand gesture when you sense that either you or your partner is blocking — and call out to yourself if you’re getting defensive. A code word makes this admission softer and more playful. Accept the sign and stop. If your partner reflects that you are blocking, take a moment and breathe. Accept influence. Rewind a little and say something like, “Sorry, I was offended or disappointed by what you said. Let’s try again.” Or, “The truth is, I was surprised at first, but actually I’m not that surprised. I knew you were upset. Let’s move on.”

Stay in the heat and over time you will find that standards for authentic communication will rise. There will be more truth, more authenticity and more differentiated conflicts. When push comes to shove, there’s less “checking out” to do.

So step out of the Holy Trinity of blocking and step into the heat of life.

How does a guy feel when you block him?

He Will Feel Sad That You Blocked Him

It’s not what you think. Yes, he will feel sad about losing you, and he will miss you. He might even reflect on some of his behaviors he knows were wrong. But all that sadness will be heavily overshadowed by his wounded pride and shattered ego.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

Photo by Jonas Leupe

How Do Guys Really Feel When You Block Them?

Does it make them sad and regretful? Is it like a wake up call to realize your true worth and that they made a mistake in letting you get away with it?

Or do they just feel rejected, offended, and want nothing more to do with you? Does it just make them more distant and unavailable?

Unfortunately, there are no simple answers to these questions. Human emotions are complex, as are our relationships.

However, one thing is certain:

If you’ve thought about blocking, or have recently blocked, a guy you like, chances are you’re very hurt.

Maybe he did something that really broke your heart.

Or it was his complete lack of effort and the fact that he didn’t care about losing you that made you take that step.

Anyway, in this blog post, I’m going to help you understand how a guy feels when you block him, what effect it will have on him, and when to do it.

Will a guy care if you block him?

Before we get into how a guy feels when you block him, let’s quickly address one of the first concerns you might have about this:

Will that interest him at all?

Don’t get me wrong. A guy who likes you will surely take care of it if you block him.

He might not show it to you and might try to make it look cool.

But don’t believe it. It’s a bluff.

He is just pretending and hiding his true feelings from you.

This is especially true if your guy is emotionally unavailable. These types of men tend to be extra distant and pretend they don’t care.

However, they will try to send you subtle signs when they miss you.

Blocking a guy will almost always have a very big impact on him. But whether it’s the kind of effect you’re hoping for is another question…

Here I would like to take a moment to share a very important message with you.

I know that blocking contact is a very popular method of getting your ex back and blocking is often recommended as part of it.

The thing is, hundreds of women have shared their stories with us in our comments, emails, and in coaching sessions, and not a single one of them has gotten their ex-boyfriend back by blocking him.

Additionally, it can seriously backfire and even completely sabotage your chances of getting him to want to talk to you again.

With this post I want to explain why blocking a man is such a risky move and how exactly it can unfold.

The best way to do that is to first describe the 5 things a guy will feel when he realizes you’ve blocked him:

1. He will feel hurt because you block him

First and foremost, a guy will feel hurt when he realizes you blocked him. Blocking someone on social media or even unfriending them is an act of active rejection.

And being rejected hurts.

If a person he cares about rejects him, it will hurt him even more.

So be careful if you decide to do this because it will have some very serious repercussions on this relationship. I will explain this in more detail later in this post.

2. He will be confused as to why you did it

If you think blocking a guy will finally make him realize how he hurt you, sorry to be the bad news bearer here…

…that will not happen.

Hardly anyone intentionally hurts other people.

If a guy knows he hurt you, he will feel guilty and try to make it up to you.

But if you’re about to block him, he’s probably been oblivious to your pain for some time.

If he has treated you badly in any way in such situations, he most likely does not realize that he has done it.

Maybe he’s blind to his own behavior. Maybe he finds it normal and even good.

Either way, he doesn’t know he did anything wrong and the simple act of blocking him won’t make him see it.

On the contrary, once he realizes that you blocked him, he will remain confused as to why you took that step and will most likely rationalize it with the fact that you were unreasonable or overreacted.

3. He will be angry about it

Now you know that in most cases a guy won’t understand why you blocked him.

But he will feel hurt and rejected if you put him through this.

I know this can be very frustrating to hear. After all, he is the one who has been hurting you all this time. Unfortunately, he doesn’t see things the way you do…

No matter how unfair his reaction to you may seem, he will most likely just be mad at you for doing this to him.

4. He will be sad that you blocked him

Perhaps this headline brought you some consolation.

Finally, a reaction to what you were hoping to achieve!

Well, don’t get your hopes up just yet. It’s not what you think

Yes, he will be sad to have lost you and he will miss you. He might even reflect on some of his behaviors that he knows were wrong.

But all that sadness is greatly overshadowed by his bruised pride and shattered ego.

You see, most people don’t respond well to rejection.

Especially men, who are often spoiled by women who endlessly stalk them, trying to get through their walls of emotional unavailability.

Because of this, instead of reflecting on his own mistakes and the part he played in them, he will be sad that you didn’t truly love him and regret that you didn’t care about him more.

5. He will get angry at you for blocking him

I can imagine that by now you’ve got the feeling that it can’t possibly get any worse. How is it possible that we are so fat and self-centered!

The thing is, rejection often brings out the worst in us.

All the grudges and sulks are his self-defense mechanisms. It’s his way of protecting himself from feeling broken and unwanted.

I know that probably doesn’t feel fair to you. And it’s not! It’s all just his emotional reactions.

So, finally, bringing this awkward and most likely utterly disappointing journey to an end…

Once his initial reaction has finally cooled a bit, it will give way to deeper and more enduring feelings.

Since he doesn’t understand your reasons for blocking, he will most likely annoy you if you reject him in this way.

But unlike all the other feelings that might wear off and go away over time, this one is here to stay.

Even if you get back together after blocking him, his grudge remains an unresolved issue between the two of you.

He will see it as a breach of trust.

Rebuilding trust in a relationship after it’s broken isn’t easy. So it’s best to tread carefully and really think.

What is the psychology behind blocking someone?

Now that you know how a guy feels when you block him, let’s talk about the other side of the story.

What are you feeling and where are you from?

So there are two main reasons women choose to block a man they once cared about:

1. You’ve had enough and you really want to move on from this relationship.

2. They want him to take care of him and make him come back.

In either case, blocking tends to have the opposite effect of what the person doing it is trying to achieve.

I know this must be frustrating, but let me explain…

If you really want to get out of a relationship, chances are you’ve already distanced yourself from your ex.

So if you block him, he knows you mean business.

That’s why it might actually make him panic and panic.

He will likely try to reach you through other channels to explain himself. He might even beg and do anything to convince you to change your mind.

But if you’re blocking him to get him back after he broke up with you or ignored you, you were probably stalking him and trying to get through to him even before that step.

Because of this, he’ll assume you’re blocking him for an effect.

In this case, he will most likely act like he doesn’t care and will not try to contact you.

Will he miss me if I block him?

Now that you have a general picture of all the psychological effects blocking has on a man, let me address some common questions you’ve asked me in your comments and in our coaching conversations:

Will he miss me if I block him?

Will he get in touch if I block him?

Should I block him to get him back?

The thing is, our intentions come through in the actions and decisions we make.

This is how a guy will know where you are from if you block him and if you really mean it or not.

So again if you really want to move on he will miss you if you block him he will most likely try to reach out and get you back.

But if you’re just doing it to get him to care and get back with you, it’s likely to backfire.

He will remain distant and cold, he will act like he doesn’t care and he will not contact you.

Should I block him or just ignore him?

I can imagine that after reading all this you are quite disappointed. But I finally want to offer you some reassurance.

There is a way to play this off so you can get your point across!

If your intention is to get him to take care of you again, it might be a lot safer to just ignore him.

You actually have to interrupt him to some extent to make him realize there is a problem and he needs to do something about it.

However, there is no need to resort to such drastic measures as blocking or unfriending him.

It is enough not to text him for a couple of days.

Plus, there are many better ways to get his attention and send him subtle signals to make him want you.

When to block a guy

If you want to walk away from a guy, you’ll find it easier to block him.

Blocking someone helps you get over them.

You don’t have to wonder if he’s going to get in touch or not. You have made your decision and closed this chapter yourself.

It’s all over.

By blocking him, you are sending him a very strong message that you are no longer interested.

Although he may rebel at first, try to find other ways to contact you and get you to reconsider your position. All you have to do is stay strong and not let him push past your limits.

Eventually he will get the message and leave you alone.

Don’t worry about being rude to him.

Especially if you block him because he hurt you.

Yes, blocking someone is a bit rude, but hurting someone is too.

You have every right to set boundaries and defend yourself in a manner that is best for you. You have to put yourself first, that’s okay!


If you’re considering blocking a guy or just unfriending him, chances are you’re hurt about something he did or how he treated you.

You’re probably hoping that if you go this far, he’ll finally understand you and why you’re doing this.

Unfortunately, blocking people tends to have the opposite of the desired effect.

If you’re hoping to get him to come back this way, beware, it will most likely only drive him further away.

And if you try to move on and get him to see that you’re over him, prepare for his initial resistance.

Regardless of where you are from and what you are trying to achieve by blocking him, you know he will feel hurt, confused, angry, sad and resentful towards you.

It will have a long-term impact on your relationship, so don’t take it lightly and really think it through before you do it.

At the same time, there is no need to wait or worry about being rude to him.

It’s okay to block a guy to protect yourself from him hurting you again!

If you need more help to understand your situation, if there is a chance of getting him back, or if you are better off just moving on, I can help you with that in a coaching conversation.

Here I listen to your story and help you understand your ex’s mixed messages and confusing behavior.

I also give you tips on what to do to get him to do what you want.

Click here to view our coaching conversations

If you need more tips on how to get out of a relationship, be sure to read my husband’s post: How to Stop Caring About Someone Who Don’t Caring About You

And if you want to know how to actually get back with an ex, check out my other article: How I got him back – 5 ways to make your ex want you again

Thanks for reading and if you have any comments or questions leave them below and I’ll get back to you!


Will blocking someone help you get over them?

“Blocking your ex on social media after a breakup — particularly a very painful breakup — can certainly help you move on,” Dr. Brown tells Elite Daily. “Breakups can be traumatic for both partners, no matter who ended it.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

Once you’ve made the decision to end it, deciding whether or not to remove your ex from your life entirely can be a difficult decision. If you’re wondering if blocking your ex on social media after a breakup is the right move, you’re definitely not alone. Although everyone may have a different opinion on the subject, the truth is that there is no right or wrong answer. In most cases, the decision to distance yourself from an ex’s social media activity will likely depend on the situation at hand.

To better understand when blocking your ex is for the best and if it can actually make you feel better, I spoke with renowned couples therapist Dr. spoken to Gary Brown. “Blocking your ex on social media after a breakup — especially a very painful breakup — can certainly help you move on,” says Dr. Brown to Elite Daily. “Breakups can be traumatic for both partners, no matter who ended them. It helps not to be constantly reminded about your ex, and one of the best ways to do that is to block them.” So if moving on as soon as possible is your main goal, removing it from your feed can certainly help help with.

While not all breakups end badly, blocking your ex may be absolutely necessary if you did. If your ex was abusive in any way (during the relationship or after it ended), Dr. Brown on the importance of cutting the umbilical cord. There’s no reason to engage mentally with someone (online or otherwise) who has proven to be a threat to your mental or physical health.

Even in less extreme situations, one of the hardest parts of ending a relationship is knowing that you may have to see your ex with someone else at some point. If you’re still longing for them and know you’d be devastated if you saw them with a new love, then blocking them may be in your best interest, explains Dr. Brown. “It’s not always easy to know how this may affect you, so feel free to make any decisions you need to make when faced with this possibility,” urges Dr. Brown.

It’s important to recognize that not every breakup ends horribly. according to dr Brown, while blocking an ex will likely make it easier to move forward, there are times when blocking them doesn’t feel entirely necessary. For example, if you plan on staying friends, then going out of your way to exclude them could be counterproductive. “If you still want to be friends and you no longer have romantic feelings for her, you probably don’t need to block her,” says Dr. Brown. “Why give up a good friendship even if the love relationship didn’t work out?”

In the end, it’s up to you to decide on the best course of action when it comes to blocking an ex. While it’s not easy, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with making your need for distance a priority. However, if you and your ex are still good friends and really want to know what’s going on in each other’s lives, then it’s perfectly fine to keep up with social media.

When should I block my ex?

If this is your ex, be kind to them. Tell him / her firmly that the relationship is over and that there’s no chance to get back together. If they still insist, block them. Blocking them is the clearest way possible for you to communicate that a relationship is not an option.

Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

“Should I block my ex’s number and social media?”

It’s a good question and some people would say just block the ex and be done. But it’s not that easy.

Many couples have weathered a painful breakup only to get back together and end up in a very happy and committed relationship. Some say people never change and that may be true. But what is also true is that people (usually) learn from their experiences.

Maybe you and your ex were a good match but just weren’t mature enough to make it work. Now that some time has passed and some lessons have been learned, perhaps things could be different.

On the other hand, it is also possible that your ex was a royal jerk who needs to be excluded from your harmonious existence.

In any case, you now have at least some emotional space to think things through and figure out your next move.

4 reasons NOT to block your ex

You want to try again, but the ex needs to show they want it

Overall, you believe the relationship had potential and, in general, your ex was a good person who you may still be compatible with.

The biggest stumbling block, however, is that your ex either didn’t want to commit, kept doing something that rubbed you the wrong way, just took you for granted, or a combination of all of these reasons and others.

As of today, you’re fine if the breakup is permanent. However, you would be willing to give the ex and the relationship another try if he approaches you and at least promises to work on the things that broke you up last time.

Being in this situation doesn’t mean you play games and try to manipulate the ex. The issues that separated you and the ex are real relationship deal breakers for you that make it impossible for both of you to be a couple. But if you eliminate these problems, a happy relationship could be within reach.

In the end, even the happiest and most fulfilling relationships hit dangerous bumps that need to be sorted out first. Perhaps this is the difficult period that you and the ex are facing.

You play mind games with your ex

Relationships are a fun business and the people involved can often engage in an ego war to see who has the upper hand in the whole thing. As the saying goes: “He who cares the least has more power”.

This can often lead to situations where the two people involved use breakups as a weapon to punish the other person, make concessions, and win the ego war. Sometimes the next step in this conflict of pride is to completely block the other person (and watch them crawl back).

Unfortunately, anyone can enter this type of relationship dynamic. Even two perfectly normal and good people can become like that. There’s just something about their personalities that drives each other to the wall.

If you think this could be you, consider stepping back and seeing if this dynamic applies to you and the ex.

If so, don’t block the ex. Try to break the cycle of misunderstanding and pride and talk to them directly. Maybe it works. When this is the case, you can embark on a long cycle of rebuilding trust, setting healthy boundaries, and finding communication patterns that work for you.

In the end, there are other, better ways to rebuild a broken relationship rather than blocking the ex outright.

Just as likely, however, is that the relationship is too far away and impossible to rebuild. But at least you tried one more time to fix it.

You need some alone time to figure things out

Sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time. In this case, the breakup was a necessary step to leave the emotional turmoil, clear your head, and figure out what went wrong.

You don’t know if you want to come back with him/her. But you know 100% that you need alone time to process the wounds of the breakup.

Who knows? Maybe you are the reason why the relationship broke up in the first place. Or maybe it’s mostly the ex’s fault. Or maybe you’re both equally responsible.

Other times, you might have real chemistry but are just plain incompatible when it comes to personality values. This is why so many dating apps like eHarmony use personality tests to bring people together.

That time alone allows you to calmly learn from your experiences and become a better romantic partner. If your ex did the same, then you can give them another chance and treat this breakup as a reset.

Not blocking your ex in this case leaves the door open to telling your ex that you are not bitter enough to cut all communication and that maybe, just maybe, things can be worked out.

It was a clean breakup and you want to stay friends

Some breakups happen because two people don’t work well as a couple but are compatible as friends, maybe even good ones. It would be a shame to block an ex’s phone number or social media when a promising friendship could form.

Sometimes both people find this out at the same time. At other times, one person has been more emotionally involved than the other and takes more time to adjust to just being friends.

If you think this could be you and think your connection with your ex is going in the direction of friendship, you need to ask yourself a few questions first:

Do you think deep down that a romantic relationship with your ex would ever work out? If the answer is yes, you are not ready for friendship with them. The potential for a new relationship with the ex will always be in the back of your mind and you will treat them more as a crush than a friend.

Can your ex just treat you as a friend and nothing more? You need to be as sure of this as you can or you risk being ambushed by a phrase, “I never stopped loving you,” and finding out it’s not going to be fun.

Do you actually like this person as a friend?

If you are 100% sure the answers to all the questions are no-yes-yes, don’t block your ex and enjoy your newfound friendship.

8 reasons to BLOCK your ex’s phone or social media

Block your ex for your own wellbeing and inner peace

The final stages of many breakups can often seem like some sort of competition to see which person cares the least. In these cases, blocking can make it seem like the ex somehow “won” the contest.

Basically, popular belief says that by blocking your ex, you are indirectly admitting that you were the one more affected by the loss, the one more emotionally invested in the relationship.

On the other hand, the ex supposedly got off quite well. So the ex somehow “won” this invisible war of emotions.

Of course that doesn’t make sense. By pretending someone can win the breakup, you’re still trapped in the relationship’s bad habits — to see who’s prouder, who’s better, who’s right, who cares more, etc.

That goes against the purpose of separation. Ultimately, a breakup is about removing every single negative element of a relationship from your life—the mind games, annoying habits, bad routines, everything.

By pretending there’s some kind of competition to see who wins the breakup, you’re essentially still living by the rules of the relationship.

In these cases, the solution is to just block directly and not worry about how you are perceived. Not blocking your ex (even if deep down you want to) means you are essentially still prioritizing the past relationship rather than your own well-being and recovery.

If you feel like this is you and that you need blocks to get over the relationship faster, then do it. Your own well-being and happiness are the first things you should be concerned about.

You cheated


The ex is trying to rip your heart out

Some ex-boyfriends engage in toxic behavior even after the breakup. You post things on social media that obviously concern you but don’t actually say your name, such as:

On other occasions, they may even post photos of their new relationship very soon after you broke up.

Of course they know what they are doing. Through their actions, they are basically sending the world that they are over you and happy, and may also be trying to make you jealous of the new person they are dating.

If your ex engages in this type of behavior, it’s safe to say it’s okay to block him. At least you can unfollow them or remove yourself from Facebook. By doing so, you stop them and all their attempts to get under your skin.

The ex is toxic but charming

Some people have that rare gift of being charming and assholes at the same time. In the first phase of the relationship, you only get to see the charming and innocent side of them.

But then the mask falls off and they reveal their true selves: abusive, indifferent, high maintenance, controlling, jealous, possessive, demeaning, etc.

Rationally, your mind knows full well that the person is doing you a great deal of harm. But they have that irresistible charm that gets under your skin and makes you feel like the bad guy (or girl) in the whole thing.

When you break up, they know how to torment you with guilt and push your buttons to get you back in a relationship.

If your ex is like this, the best approach is to just block. Don’t give them the opportunity to caress you, make empty promises, express guilt, or poison you.

Stop the cycle of breakup – back together – breakup

Some people have exceptional physical chemistry, but their personalities just don’t lend themselves to a long-term relationship. On their own, they can both be decent people, even good people. But when put together, they bring out the worst in each other instead of the best.

What often happens is that they embark on this very long cycle of separation only to get back together. This happens so often that they lose count.

Then why are they getting back together? The chemistry is just right. At times, the drama and emotional rollercoasters can be addicting themselves.

However, there comes a point when the bad times far outweigh the good. You’re just burned out. The best solution in this case is to just block the ex. It’s not because they’re bad people, it’s because any relationship the two of you are involved in is sure to become toxic.

They want closure

Your relationship has fallen apart, and there seems to be little to no contact between you and the ex. And yet you can’t stop reliving the past and wondering where it all went wrong. You know it’s over, but the memory of the relationship still haunts you.

In this case, blocking the ex on social media and even their phone number is your way of getting closure to avoid seeing updates on their life and to prevent you from asking “what ifs.” ” to have. It can be difficult to forget and walk away from a past relationship if you continue to visit your ex’s social profiles.

Ultimately, the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” applies here.

The ex needs closure

Maybe you realized the relationship wasn’t right for you and decided to end things. Emotionally it was pretty painless and within a week you’re back to normal.

However, the ex is not so lucky. Maybe they thought you were the one and keep trying to win you back. They frequently call you, message you, tag you on social media profiles, ask your friends about you, etc.

It’s not a dignified situation for either of you, but love causes us to drop our normal standards.

If this is your ex, be nice to him. Tell him/her firmly that the relationship is over and there is no chance of getting back together. If they still insist, block them.

Blocking them is the clearest way to communicate that a relationship is not an option. The ex will probably understand that it’s not possible to have a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to communicate.

It may sound cruel, but it isn’t. On the contrary, blocking a heartbroken ex is when their healing process really begins. They finally close and can move on.

You want to block, but feel guilty doing so

Deep down you know that you want to block your ex and that doing so will greatly aid in your healing process.

However, you feel guilty about blocking your ex. They wonder what they’re going to think and imagine that they feel hurt or that they might want to contact you again but can’t.

If you’ve been in a bad relationship where most of the fault was with the ex, think of all the times they failed and hurt you. You broke off the relationship for a reason: to put yourself first, and you owe the ex no consideration or regard for their own feelings.

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Intuitive Life Coach Shares Her Tips To Remove Blockages In Your Life

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. While we might want to achieve something, we might get in the way ourselves.

Whether it’s romance, money, or career goals, we might have blocks in our lives that prevent us from fulfilling our potential. EVOKE spoke to Yvonne Power, Intuitive Life Coach, Tarot Reader and Jewelry Designer.

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What is a block you might ask? Well, as Yvonne describes it, “No matter what you seem to do, you always experience the same thing. The lack of experience. So the lack of love, the lack of money etc.’

She shared her top tips on clearing those blocks in our lives. And they all start with something very simple.

1. Self Love

Yvonne revealed that the most common thing she saw in her clients was a lack of self-love. And even those who appear to be the most confident can struggle with that, because “they’re only confident when other people confirm them. They need other things to validate themselves, which is not true love. It is conditional as it is based on the outside world.

“In Ireland in particular, we are conditioned not to be overconfident or ‘too selfish’. So we lay down,” she told us.

So she tells us that loving and supporting yourself is the most important thing if you want to live a long, happy and prosperous life.

“When you love yourself, the outside world doesn’t matter anymore. Once you have it yourself, you attract it like a magnet. So build a relationship with yourself. Make yourself your best friend!’

So by being negative to yourself, you attract negativity. So start thinking of yourself as your best friend and compliment yourself just like you would compliment other people!

Yvonne says you can gain self-love by looking in the mirror every day and telling yourself, “I love you.” I’m really proud of you.’

2. intentions

Another tip to generate positivity and clear blockages is to state your intentions daily! This includes being nice to yourself.

Yvonne tells us that every time you have a negative thought about yourself, you need to examine yourself. “You’d be surprised how often that happens, it’s like you’re on autopilot.” Say something nice instead!

When you replace negativity with positive thoughts, your background thoughts become, “You are good. You’re smart. You’re worth it’. And you start to feel better and more confident.

3. Meditate

Take a deep breath and get into a meditative state. Take a step back from everything that’s going on in your life.

Yvonne revealed that meditation is important to get rid of all those blockages in your life. And says her life has changed as a result of the meditation. In an interview with us, she revealed that she wouldn’t be where she is today without her.

“It will only take a minute or two. Take a few deep breaths for four and then you’re relaxed,” she told us. But it’s not always easy. You have to practice every day, even if it’s only for two minutes.

Then you can go from two to five, from five to ten. And before you know it, meditation is as easy as breathing! While Yvonne admits it took months to get into, she couldn’t imagine her life without meditation.

4. Affirmations

Yvonne believes in the power of meditation and with meditation comes affirmations.

“I have my clients write down affirmations and then record them on their phones. These include: I am worthy and I am enough. I love myself unconditionally. I’m my own best friend,” she told us. She added that you can make affirmations about anything you want — love, finances, or your career.

“You have to say it like you’re embodying it and experiencing it now. That’s how it works. You have to convince your subconscious that you have it now.’

She explained that it’s important to listen to these affirmations in a meditative state because this is where you “reprogram the subconscious.”

As you meditate, listen and recite these affirmations as a daily practice for yourself. Because repetition is really important to get those positive thoughts into your psyche.

“Consistency is the key! You have to do it every day! If you stick to it, it can change your life.”

5. Consider your problem areas

It may sound harsh, but sometimes you have to sit down and look at the problems in your life and why they are there. We all have certain beliefs about our problems, how we can’t do something or aren’t good enough.

“Sit down and ask yourself questions like, ‘Why do I have this belief? Where does she come from? Or who did it come from?” Because once you start unraveling this about your belief system, you actually start to see that it doesn’t make sense. And then you can see why you have a blockage.’

“Once you are aware of these belief systems and see that they are not true, it helps to heal.”

6. Manifest

If you want something, get it! Imagine you already have it and bring that energy into your life.

The problem many of us have is that we keep telling ourselves we can’t do things and we’re not good at them. Yvonne explains that the reason we can’t attract things is because we unconsciously push them away.

“Even if things aren’t true, you have to say it like it’s real,” she explained of manifesting.

“Visualize yourself in the life you want and who you want to be. And that’s another daily exercise that only takes a minute or two.”

The 6 Most Common Love Blocks and How to Clear Them

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Remove Blockages and Transform Your Life

Spiritual blocks are the result of past life mistakes as well as current life mistakes. These are “te” or bad karma; Harmful actions and even thoughts you create will add to your bad karma.

All aspects of one’s life are recorded in the Akashic Record, or Book of Life, which contains the story of every soul in the universe since creation.

Services that benefit humanity and the universe are categorized as good karma and those that harm as bad karma. A person with good karma will receive divine blessings. However, bad karma is at the root of blockages and disasters.

You may or may not believe in karma. I’m just sharing my personal knowledge and views on the subject. As humans in the physical world, we are subject to the laws of our country, state, and city.

If we break these laws, we can get involved with lawyers and judges. They may not realize that every soul is subject to the spiritual laws of the universe.

And just as there are lawyers and judges in the physical world, there are (so to speak) lawyers and judges in the spirit world. The effects of karma can be immediate or take years or even lifetimes.

If you are disciplined and determined to serve humanity, you will be rid of bad karma. Its effects are erased or mitigated/postponed. Possible catastrophes in a person’s life can be delayed or even averted.

The more you serve, the more blessings you will receive. Think of yourself. Evaluate every aspect of your life. Some parts of your life are clearly blessed, others may not. Correct your mistakes.

Provide pure service to change your life. From my personal experience and my open spiritual channels it should be obvious that I believe deeply in reincarnation. You may not believe in reincarnation and that’s okay.

But I am convinced that when we die, our soul goes into the universe and later returns. Up down, up down – every soul goes up and comes back to start a new life.

The law of karma is embodied in this Chinese proverb: “Heaven is the most beautiful”. For example, parents who greatly honor, respect, and love their own parents will generally have children who love and honor them.

The converse also applies. Karma is why the Golden Rule is found in a wide variety of cultures and spiritual traditions. Treat others as you would like them to treat you because if you give love to others, you will get love back.

If you argue with others, treat them with disrespect, abuse them, or hate them, you will experience conflict, disharmony, and mistreatment in return. Spiritual blocks or bad karma are the root blocks in life.

Think about your own life and the lives of your loved ones and friends. Do some of them make the same mistakes or keep hitting the same blocks in their personal lives, careers, or family and romantic relationships?

Why are they “stuck” in the same patterns? Why are some of them so “unlucky”? The answer is karma. When you are on a spiritual journey, you seek deep soul wisdom.

Wisdom about karma is a key to any spiritual journey. Learning how to cleanse bad karma and clear spiritual blocks with your soul, mind and body will absolutely transform your life. Forward from an email.

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