How To Remove Tiger Seal? Best 51 Answer

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Registered. I would probably use a good sharp blade to get the majority off then use a bonding and adhesive remover (Innotec do a good one) on the rest. Toffee wheels are great but can heat up and melt the plastic beneath very quickly.30-60 mins. To skin. 3mm/24 hours to cure through at 23ºC and relative humidity of 50%. TIGERSEAL may be over-painted with most paint systems once fully cured.(as others have said) tiger seal sets flexible, but surely that’s what you want. If it set hard / brittle, the vibration of the car would possibly work the lens loose, whilst a flexible seal would merrily shake around as the car moves.

How long does Tiger Seal take to go off?

30-60 mins. To skin. 3mm/24 hours to cure through at 23ºC and relative humidity of 50%. TIGERSEAL may be over-painted with most paint systems once fully cured.

Does Tiger seal set hard?

(as others have said) tiger seal sets flexible, but surely that’s what you want. If it set hard / brittle, the vibration of the car would possibly work the lens loose, whilst a flexible seal would merrily shake around as the car moves.

How long does Tiger seal need to set?

This powerful product typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes to dry and 0.25″ per 24 hours to cure when placed at 72°F and relative humidity of 50%.

What can you use Tiger seal for?


A one component ready to use polyurethane sealant and adhesive that bonds to most materials including steel, aluminium and most plastics. Ideal for sealing and bonding body panels, trims and seams.

Is Tiger seal any good?

As strong as you’ll ever need

I’ve used tiger seal many times over the years to fit car body kits, spoilers etc etc. It’s as strong as steel, I’ve never known it to fail.

TIGER SEAL Polyurethane Sealant and Adhesive

As strong as you’ll ever need

I have used Tiger Seal many times over the years to attach body shells, spoilers etc. It’s as strong as steel, I’ve never seen it fail. What you stick, stays sticky.

My only downside is that I wasted way too many tubes because it was hard inside the tube after opening it. I’ve tried a few ways to prevent this, but it always seems to work.Read the full review…

Verified Purchase: Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: mdabitec

Is Tiger seal fuel resistant?

thanks, Tigerseal it is then, don’t worry it won’t be sitting in petrol, it’s just got to withstand the fumes from the standoff.

TIGER SEAL Polyurethane Sealant and Adhesive

Author: Topic: Is Tigerseal (PU adhesive) resistant to petrol?

Is Tigerseal (PU glue) resistant to petrol?

Is Tigerseal (PU glue) resistant to petrol? The reason for this is that I need to find a flexible adhesive for the construction of my airbox. Silicone just dissolves


[Edited 10/16/06 by givemethebighammer]

I used Texflex for my airbox which I believe is very similar to Tigerseal and still airtight.

– Jim

Tigerseal will be fine for this dude, although I wouldn’t trust him if he’s permanently in gas.

I used it to seal my fuel gauge and it was fine


Is sealant a glue?

Adhesives vs.

Sealants have lower strength and high elongation/flexibility and are not used to bond materials together while adhesives are meant to stick two things together by adhesion. Sealants have a paste like consistency which allows filling of gaps between substrates and has low shrinkage after application.

TIGER SEAL Polyurethane Sealant and Adhesive

Sealants are polymers with a fixed molecular structure that do not allow penetration. They contain quick-drying epoxies that create a smooth finish. Adhesives are a much more complex structure designed to grip and bind at the cellular level.

Post your required product for purchase: * Quantity: < Select unit area. foot square. meter foot meter piece cartons kilogram unit set ton KW (kilowatt) watt Where do you need it?: * Locate phone: * Adhesives vs. sealants Sealants are designed to close gaps between surfaces and prevent things like dust, water or dirt from getting in. Adhesives are generally made to hold two surfaces together so that the surfaces cannot be separated. Sealants have lower strength and high elongation/flexibility and are not used to bond materials together, while adhesives are intended to stick two things together through adhesion. Sealants do not always have the tack needed for long-term adhesion, and adhesives do not dry properly when used on an exterior surface Sealants have a pasty consistency that allows filling gaps between substrates and has low shrinkage after application. Adhesives are in liquid form that solidify after application and are then used to join materials together. Adhesive feels and looks stiffer and more durable unlike caulk which has lower strength and is much more malleable. We have deals of these door hardware (door closers, door handles, door hinges, door locks, cylinder locks, mortise locks) with deep discount. You can choose several types of door hardware from top brands.

What is polyurethane sealant?

Polyurethane sealers are flexible and versatile construction sealants appropriate for a number of surfaces like wood, metal, plastic, masonry, aluminum, stucco and much more. They’re water tight and flexible under any weather condition, making them perfect for sealing gaps and joints on the exterior of structures.

TIGER SEAL Polyurethane Sealant and Adhesive

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When sealing gaps around windows, doors, trim, garage frames, moldings and rocker panels, use Loctite PL S40 Polyurethane Window, Door and Trim Sealant. This durable and flexible polyurethane sealant resists tearing and does not lose its function when exposed to UV rays. It is waterproof, paintable and compatible with all common building materials.

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How big is a tiger seal?

The overall length of adults is 2.4–3.5 m (7.9–11.5 ft) and weight is from 200 to 600 kilograms (440 to 1,320 lb) making them the same length as the northern walrus but usually less than half the weight.

TIGER SEAL Polyurethane Sealant and Adhesive

species of mammals

The leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx), also known as the leopard seal,[3] is the second largest seal species in Antarctica (after the southern elephant seal). Its only natural predator is the orca.[4] It feeds on a wide variety of prey including cephalopods, other pinnipeds, krill, birds, fish and penguins. It is the only species in the genus Hydrurga. Its closest relatives are the Ross seal, the Crabeater seal, and the Weddell seal, collectively known as the tribe of Lobodontini seals.[5][6] The name Hydrurga means “water worker” and Leptonyx is the Greek word for “thin-clawed”.

Taxonomy [ edit ]

The French zoologist Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville described the leopard seal in 1820.


The skull of the leopard seal

The leopard seal has a strikingly long and muscular body shape compared to other seals, but it is perhaps best known for its massive jaws, making it one of the top predators around.[7] The front teeth are sharp like those of other carnivores, but their molars interlock in a way that allows them to sift krill out of the water like the crabeater seal. The coat is counter-shaded with a silver to dark gray mix and a distinctive spotted “leopard” coloring pattern on the back and a pale white to light gray color on the ventral side. Females are slightly larger than males.[8] The total length of adults is 2.4–3.5 m (7.9–11.5 ft) and weight is 200–600 kg (440–1,320 lb), making them the same length as the northern walrus, but usually less than half the weight. [10] The whiskers are short and clear.

As “true” seals, they do not have external ears or pinnae, but rather an internal auditory canal leading to an external opening.[11] Their aerial hearing is similar to that of a human, but scientists have found that leopard seals use their ears along with their whiskers to locate prey underwater.[11]

Distribution[ edit ]

Leopard seals are pagophilic (“ice-loving”) seals that primarily inhabit the Antarctic pack ice between 50°S and 80°S. Sightings of vagrant leopard seals have been reported on the coasts of Australia, New Zealand (where individuals even occur on the coasts of major cities such as Auckland,[12] Dunedin[13] and Wellington[14]), South America, and South Africa.[11] In August 2018, a person was spotted in Geraldton on Australia’s west coast. Higher densities of leopard seals are observed in West Antarctica than in other regions.[15][16]

Most leopard seals remain in the pack ice year-round and remain solitary for most of their lives, with the exception of one mother and her newborn pup.[17][11][18] These matrilineal groups may migrate further north to sub-Antarctic islands and the coasts of southern continents during the southern winter to care for their pups.[11] While individual animals may be found in areas of lower latitudes, females rarely breed there. Some researchers believe this is due to safety concerns for the puppies.[19] Solitary male leopard seals hunt other marine mammals and penguins in the pack ice of Antarctic waters. The estimated population of this species ranges from 220,000 to 440,000 individuals, making leopard seals “of least concern”.[11] Although leopard seals are plentiful in Antarctica, they are difficult to survey using traditional visual techniques[20] as they spend long periods of time vocalizing underwater during the southern spring and summer when visual surveys are conducted. The property of vocalizing underwater for long periods means they can be the subject of acoustic study, allowing researchers to gather most of what is known about them.[21]

behavior [edit]

A leopard seal showing its teeth.

Acoustic behavior[ edit ]

Leopard seals are very vocal underwater in the southern summer.[21] The male seals produce loud calls (153 to 177 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m) for many hours each day.[22] When singing, the seal hangs upside down and rocks back and forth under the water. Your back is arched, your neck and cranial thoracic region (the chest) are inflated and what you call your chest pulses. The male calls can be divided into two categories: vocalization and silencing, where vowelization means they make sounds underwater, and silencing, referred to as breathing time at the air surface.[23] Adult male leopard seals have few stylized calls, some being bird- or cricket-like trills while others are low, insistent moans.[24] Scientists have identified five distinctive sounds made by male leopard seals, including: the high-pitched double trill, the mid-single trill, the low-descending trill, the low double trill, and the cry with a single low trill. This cadence of calls is thought to be part of a long-distance acoustic display for territorial purposes or to attract a potential mate. The leopard seals have age-related differences in their call patterns, just like birds. While the younger male seals have many different types of variable calls, the adult male seals have few, highly stylized calls.[25] Each male leopard seal makes these individual calls and can organize its few call types into individually distinctive sequences (or songs).[26] The leopard seal’s acoustic behavior is thought to be related to its breeding behavior. For male seals, vocalizing coincides with the timing of their breeding season, which is between November and the first week of January. Female seals in captivity make vocalizations when they have elevated reproductive hormones.[24] Conversely, a female leopard seal can also match calls to its surroundings; however, it is usually to get a puppy’s attention after it has returned from a foraging trip.

Breeding habits[ edit ]

A mother leopard seal with her pup.

Because leopard seals live in an area difficult for humans to survive, not much is known about their breeding and breeding habits. However, their breeding system is known to be polygynous, meaning males mate with multiple females during the mating season. A sexually active female (3–7 years) may give birth to a single pup with a sexually active male (6–7 years) on the floating ice floes of the Antarctic pack ice in summer. Mating occurs from December to January, just after the pups are weaned, when the female seal is in heat.[27] In preparation for the pups, the females dig a circular hole in the ice as a home for the pups. A newborn puppy weighs around 66 pounds and is usually with its mother for a month before being weaned. The male leopard seal does not participate in pup care and reverts to his solitary lifestyle after the breeding season.[11] Most leopard seals breed on pack ice.[28]

In 1985, 1987, and 1997–1999, five expeditions to Antarctica were undertaken to observe leopard seals.[28] They sighted seal pups from early November to late December and found that there was about one pup for every three adults, and they also noted that most adults kept away from other adults during this season and when observed in groups, they showed no signs of interaction.[29] The mortality rate of leopard seal pups within the first year is almost 25%.[30]

Vocalization is believed to be important in breeding as males are much louder around this time. Mating takes place in the water, and then the male leaves the female to care for the cub, which the female gives birth to after an average gestation period of 274 days.[27]

Research shows that the aerobic dive limit for young seals averages around 7 minutes, meaning young leopard seals do not eat krill, which makes up a large part of older seals’ diets, during the winter months as krill is found deeper during this time.[ 31] This can occasionally result in a cooperative hunt. Cooperative hunting of Antarctic fur seal pups by leopard seals has been observed, which could be a mother helping her older pup, or interactions between females and males to increase their hunting productivity.[32]

Foraging behavior[edit]

The killer whale is the leopard seal’s only natural predator.[4] The seal canine teeth are up to 2.5 cm long.[33] It feeds on a wide variety of living things. Juvenile leopard seals typically feed primarily on krill, squid, and fish. Adult seals are likely to switch from krill to more vigorous prey, including king, Adélie, rockhopper, gentoo, emperor and chinstrap penguins, and more rarely, Weddell, crabeater, Ross and young southern elephant seals. Leopard seals are also known to ingest fur seal pups.[34]

Around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) is the main prey. Other prey are penguins and fish, including chondrichthyans.[35] Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), and seabirds other than penguins have also been taken as prey.[36]

When hunting penguins, the leopard seal patrols the waters near the edges of the ice, almost entirely submerged, waiting for the birds to enter the ocean. It kills the swimming bird by grabbing its feet, then vigorously shaking the penguin and repeatedly banging its body against the water surface until the penguin is dead. Previous reports of leopard seals skinning their prey before feeding have been shown to be incorrect. Lacking the teeth necessary to cut its prey into manageable pieces, it twirls its prey from side to side, tearing it into smaller pieces. Krill, on the other hand, is eaten by sucking and is sieved through the seal’s teeth, allowing leopard seals to switch to other feeding styles. Such generalizations and adaptations may account for the seal’s success in the challenging Antarctic ecosystem.[37]

Physiology and research[edit]

The heads and front flippers of leopard seals are extremely large compared to other phocids. Their large front flippers are used to steer themselves through the water column, making them extremely agile when hunting. They use their front fins similar to sea lions (otariids)[38] and female leopard seals are larger than males.[39] They’re covered in a thick layer of blubber that helps keep them warm in the frigid temperatures of Antarctica. This layer of flab also helps tighten their bodies and make them more hydrodynamic. This is essential when hunting small prey like penguins as speed is required. Scientists measure the thickness, circumference, weight, and length of blubber from leopard seals to learn more about their average weight, health, and population as a whole.[40] These measurements are then used to calculate their energetics, which is the amount of energy and food they need to survive as a species. They also have incredible diving skills. Scientists can obtain this information by attaching transmitters to the seals after they have been calmed on the ice. These devices are called satellite-linked time depth recorders (SLDRs) and time depth recorders (TDRs). Scientists typically attach this device to the animal’s head, and it records depth, bottom time, total dive time, date and time, surface time, recovery time, pitch and roll, and total dives.[41] This information is sent to a satellite where scientists from anywhere in the world can collect the data. This is how we are currently learning so much about the diet and foraging of leopard seals. With this information we can calculate and better understand their diving physiology. They are mainly shallow divers, but dive to depths of more than 80 meters in search of food.[41] They can complete these dives by collapsing their lungs and reinflating them at the surface. This is possible by using more surfactant covering the alveoli in the lungs for re-inflation. They also have a reinforced trachea to prevent collapse at great depth pressures.[42]

Relationships with people[edit]

Leopard seals are large predators that pose a potential risk to humans. However, attacks on humans are rare. Most human perceptions of leopard seals are shaped by historical encounters between humans and leopard seals that took place during the early days of Antarctic exploration.[43]

Negative interactions with people[edit]

Examples of aggressive behavior, stalking and attacks are documented.[44] Notable incidents include:

A large leopard seal attacked Thomas Orde-Lees (1877–1958), a member of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914–1917, while the expedition was camping on the sea ice. The “Seal Leopard”, about 3.7 m long and weighing 500 kg, hunted Orde-Lees on the ice. He was only saved when another member of the expedition, Frank Wild, shot the animal. [46]

The “Seal Leopard”, about 3.7 m long and weighing 500 kg, hunted Orde-Lees on the ice. He was only saved when another member of the expedition, Frank Wild, shot the animal. In 1985, Canadian-British explorer Gareth Wood was bitten twice in the leg when a leopard seal tried to drag him off the ice and into the sea. His companions were able to save him by repeatedly kicking the animal in the head with the spiked crampons on their boots. [45] [44]

On September 26, 2021, three spearfishers encountered a leopard seal while spearing about 400m offshore near the Spaniard Rock dive site in Simon’s Town, South Africa. The seal attacked them and, as they swam back to shore, disarmed them from their flippers and harpoons and harassed the men for half an hour, suffering multiple bite and stab wounds.[47]

Deadly Interactions[ edit ]

In 2003, British Antarctic Survey biologist Kirsty Brown was killed by a leopard seal while snorkeling in Antarctica. This was the first recorded death in a leopard seal.[45][44] Brown was part of a team of four researchers taking part in an underwater survey at South Cove, near the British research station Rothera. Brown and another explorer, Richard Burt, snorkeled in the water. Burt was snorkeling 15 meters away when the team heard a scream and saw Brown disappear into the water. She was quickly rescued by her team but they were unable to revive her. It was later revealed that the seal held her under water at a depth of up to 70 meters for six minutes. She suffered a total of 45 separate injuries, most of which were concentrated around the head and neck. As she was snorkeling at the time, she may have seen the seal approach her.

In a report read at the inquest into Brown’s death, Professor Ian Boyd of St Andrews University stated that the seal may have mistaken it for a fur seal, or been frightened by its presence and charged in defense. Professor Boyd claimed that leopard seal attacks on humans are extremely rare but warned that they could potentially become more common due to the increasing human presence in Antarctica. The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death by drowning from a leopard seal attack.[48]

Interactions with human property[ edit ]

Leopard seals have shown a penchant for attacking the black, torpedo-shaped pontoons of rigid inflatable boats, prompting researchers to outfit their boats with special protections to prevent them from being punctured.

Positive interactions with people[ edit ]

Paul Nicklen, a photographer for National Geographic magazine, took pictures of a leopard seal bringing him live, injured, and then dead penguins, possibly in an attempt to teach the photographer to hunt.[50]


From a conservation perspective, killer whales and sharks are the only known predators of leopard seals. Because of their limited subpolar distribution in Antarctica, they may be endangered as polar ice caps decrease with global warming. In the wild, leopard seals can live up to 26 years.[51] Leopard seal hunting is regulated by the Antarctic Treaty and the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS).[30]

Notes and references[edit]

General references[ edit ]

What is PU adhesive?

Polyurethane adhesives are a thermoplastic glue or a polymer that contains replicas of organic chain units linked to urethane links. The chemical reaction between the polymers results in the creation of the adhesive. This glue can be extremely strong and resistant most forms of degradation.

TIGER SEAL Polyurethane Sealant and Adhesive

What is a polyurethane adhesive?

Polyurethane adhesives are a thermoplastic adhesive or polymer containing replicas of organic chain units linked to urethane linkages. The chemical reaction between the polymers leads to the formation of the adhesive. This glue can be extremely strong and resist most forms of degradation.

Polyurethane sealants are different from adhesives. For more information on our range of Action Sealants please visit our Sealants website.


Polyurethane adhesives are typically brown or clear in color. Pigments such as green and red can be added for those using it in applications such as spraying where it is important to make it visible on the area of ​​application.

It can be purchased as a polyurethane spray for applications where quick application over a large area is required. It is also available as a polyurethane resin that can be applied with a brush or roller. The final application method is with a hand roller. This is perfect for applying an even layer of adhesive to a substrate.


Polyurethane adhesives have a very wide range of applications. These uses can include flooring where it is often used as a carpet glue, or in joinery where it is a perfect wood and fabric glue. The industrial applications for polyurethane adhesives are just as diverse:







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Polyurethane adhesives are available as either one-part or two-part adhesives. The 2 part glue usually cures much faster with the 1 part variant taking up to or around 30 minutes depending on your needs.

At Action Adhesives we can supply you with the polyurethane adhesive that best suits your business needs. Once cured, polyurethane adhesives provide a permanent bond that is flexible and offers excellent temperature flexibility. These bonds can be sanded, stained and painted after curing. Here you will find our range of adhesives.

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Disadvantages of polyurethane adhesives

Polyurethane adhesives are excellent all-round adhesives that can be used in a wide variety of applications. However, there are some scenarios where an alternative adhesive might be better.

Polyurethane adhesives are not as strong on metal as epoxy adhesives

They require a tight fit for a strong connection. If the adhesive foams as it sets or has a gap to fill, it is less strong.

Setting times vary depending on formulation and environmental conditions.

Limited Shelf Life – Polyurethane adhesives typically have a shelf life of 6 to 12 months. (Be sure to check if you’re buying it for infrequent use.)

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how do you remove tiger seal? | Forums

Can cut it off VERY carefully with a very sharp blade, hold it virtually flat on the body work, and slowly slice it off. Some tiger seal will be …

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How Strong Is Tigerseal? – Page 2 – VX220 Discussion

Posted Mar 06, 2013 – 10:57 am

The key to any PU adhesive/sealant like Tigerseal is good surface contact. Given the viscosity, there’s a chance it will sit on the surface without really bonding to it. For this reason, a primer is used on screens, crash boxes, etc. The primer is a low viscosity version of the PU glue that penetrates into any texture on the surface and gives a good bond. Without good surface preparation there is a risk of lenses etc coming loose, especially if you apply it slowly and the bead of glue has a chance to spread. If you’re just using the sealer, make sure the two surfaces are spotless and then don’t hang around. Alternatively, you can obtain a primer from a screen fitter. I bought a bottle for about £20 a few years ago. I wouldn’t trust silicone too much as it has a high peel strength and therefore doesn’t have the same bonding properties as PU. If you want super strong then acrylic or epoxy would do, but again they are very rigid.

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This strong one-part adhesive in a 310ml cartridge is perfect for permanently fixing and bonding body panels. You can use it to seal areas around different parts of the car like windows, doors and lights. It is designed to adhere to various materials such as steel, aluminium, brass, iron, fiberglass, most plastics, glass, wood, ceramics and paint.

It is only necessary to ensure that the application surface is clean, dry and free of grease. Apply the adhesive/sealant with a caulking gun for best results. After curing, you can apply one or more coats of paint as needed. This high performance product typically takes between 30 to 60 minutes to dry and 0.25 inches per 24 hours to cure when placed at 72°F and 50% relative humidity.

Please follow the specific storage instructions to keep the quality of the product for a long time. With ideal storage, this product should remain as good as new for 9 months after first use. It is recommended to store the adhesive at temperatures between 41°F and 95°F. Anything over 95°F can affect the quality and durability of the product.

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A ready-to-use, one-part polyurethane sealant and adhesive that bonds to most materials including steel, aluminum and most plastics. Ideal for sealing and bonding body parts, decorative strips and seams.

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