How Long Can A Chinchilla Go Without Water? Top 50 Best Answers

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Do chinchillas need water?

But just because chinchillas don’t like warm climates and taking water baths, doesn’t mean they don’t drink water. In the wild, these rodents get most of their water from cacti and other plants but as pets, chinchillas need water bottles to stay hydrated.

How long can chinchillas not eat?

Not eating for more than 12 hours is always an emergency! Chinchillas are herbivores, meaning they eat only plant material. Herbivores must have food moving constantly through their digestive system to avoid health problems.

Do chinchillas need a water bottle or bowl?

It’s obviously to say, but chinchillas need access to an unlimited amount of fresh water. This should be provided in your chinchilla’s cage with a water bottle. Do not give them water in a bowl or crock.

What kind of water should I give my chinchilla?

The best kind of water you can give to your chinchilla is bottled water. It has no chlorine in it, and no parasites that can be found in tap water(please make sure it is spring water.). If you do use tap water, always boil it the night before giving it to your chinchilla.

Why can’t you wash a chinchilla?

Your chinchilla has 80 hairs in each follicle — quite a lot more than your one hair per follicle. If you were to get your chin’s dense fur wet, it could clump up and mat. On top of that, if your chinchilla gets wet, he could lose body heat quickly and easily become chilled, leaving him vulnerable to getting sick.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Your chinchilla will happily groom itself on a regular basis, but you need to provide the right materials for a proper bath. Dust baths are chinchillas’ way of cleaning their fur. Two or three times a week, place about an inch of chinchilla dust in a box or other open container large enough for your chin to roll around in, then let it get to you. Of course he knows what to do and spends about 10 to 15 minutes in his dust bath. Remove the shell after your chinchilla is done grooming in it. Bathing in dust more than a few times a week can dry out the skin on your little chin.

Does water hurt chinchillas?

No Water for Chinchillas

Chinchillas and water just don’t mix very successfully. The rodents are notable for their extremely thick coats. If these coats come into contact with water and become damp or fully wet, the fur can become tightly compacted together, creating a big, uncomfortable mass.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

If for any reason your chinchilla pet gets a little wet, don’t panic. Act instead. Dry her body yourself with a towel or with a hair dryer. Just make sure the dryer setting is on “low” as you don’t want to risk overheating your pet. Also, keep the dryer about 2 feet away from your chinchilla’s body. In the event that you have reason to believe your chinchilla is having water contact issues, contact your veterinarian immediately and without hesitation.

Can chinchillas have Cheerios?

Cheerios are a popular, healthy breakfast cereal that many people enjoy, but can chinchillas eat this famous cereal? Yes, chinchillas can eat Cheerios, but they should only be given in moderation. Cheerios have a higher concentration of phosphorus than chinchillas need, so too much can cause a nutritional imbalance.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Cheerios are a popular, healthy breakfast cereal that many people enjoy, but can chinchillas eat this famous cereal? Yes, chinchillas can eat Cheerios, but they should be given in moderation. Cheerios have a higher concentration of phosphorus than chinchillas need, so too much can lead to a nutritional imbalance.

Read on to learn more about Cheerios for chinchillas and what foods you should and should not feed your chinchilla for optimal health.

What are Cheerios?

Cheerios are a whole grain cereal made with oats, cornstarch, salt, sugar, tripotassium, phosphate, and vitamin E. While all of these ingredients are safe for chinchillas, too much can pose a problem.

One of the best aspects of Cheerios, both for humans and pets, is that they are low in calories and fat. They also have many essential nutrients, including iron, fiber, and vitamin D.

Here’s the nutritional value of one cup (28 grams) of plain, no-dairy Cheerios:

Should Chinchillas Eat Cheerios?

Cheerios are perfectly safe for chinchillas. There is no ingredient that is toxic or dangerous to chinchillas on its own.

However, chinchillas require a balance of calcium and phosphorus in a 2 to 1 ratio. These two essential minerals are necessary for good health and numerous physiological functions.

Without the right balance, a chinchilla can develop muscle and bone problems, muscle cramps, and brittle bones. A calcium-phosphorus imbalance detected early can be corrected with mineral supplements under veterinary supervision.

Cheerios have a 1:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which doesn’t provide enough calcium that chinchillas need. For this reason, Cheerios should be limited to a treat and not an addition to regular meals.

What about flavored Cheerios?

Your chinchilla can have a few Cheerios every now and then without causing any harm. However, this should be considered a treat and not a normal part of the meal. Treats specially designed for chinchillas should be the preferred option, but there’s nothing wrong with an occasional Cheerio.

However, you should only feed your chinchilla original, plain Cheerios. Avoid flavored varieties like Honey Nut or Multigrain Cheerios as they have higher sugar content.

What foods are toxic to chinchillas?

Several foods are toxic or dangerous to chinchillas, including:

Chinchillas are herbivores and native to South America. In the wild, chinchillas eat grass, leaves, and twigs. Because of this, chinchillas need a diet high in fiber and protein but low in moisture and fat.

The foods mentioned either contain unsuitable nutritional profiles for your chinchilla that can affect their health, or are toxic to your chinchilla. It’s also best to avoid foods high in fat, which can make chinchillas sick or overweight.

When in doubt, avoid feeding your chinchilla anything unfamiliar and consult your veterinarian for proper nutrition and treats for your individual pet.

What is the ideal diet for chinchillas?

Chinchillas need a high-fiber diet consisting of grass hay such as timothy hay, orchard grass, oat hay, or meadow hay. You can occasionally add some alfalfa hay as well, but it shouldn’t be the only hay on offer. Alfalfa hay is high in calcium and can contribute to bladder stones.

You can add a small amount of commercially available pelleted chinchilla food to your chinchilla’s diet. A tablespoon or two a day is adequate for most chinchillas.

When fed properly, chinchillas do not require any vitamin or mineral supplements. As a treat, you can offer small portions of high-fiber fruit, such as apples, or low-calcium green vegetables. There are many commercial chinchilla treats that are safer for your chinchilla than offering “human food.”

Your chinchilla needs a low-moisture diet, but should still have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Depending on the mineral content of your tap water, you may only want to give your chinchilla bottled spring water or distilled water. You should clean your chinchilla’s water tank with soap and water every day.

Most people provide water through a drinking bottle attached to the side of the cage, but you can use a bowl as well. Remember that bowls are more likely to get dirty or spill, so you need to be careful when changing the water and washing the bowl. Never leave water standing even if it looks clean as it can harbor dangerous bacteria.


Cheerios can be a fun treat for your chinchilla every now and then, but they should not be included in your daily diet. A single Cheerios or two occasionally can be a tasty and harmless treat for your chinchilla, as long as you remember moderation.

Selected image source: PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay

How do I know if my chinchilla is happy?

A chilled chinchilla who has bonded with you will prefer you to sit on the floor and let them hop all over you, while they make little chattering sounds along with some excited tiny squeaks. Some may even enjoy a little snuggling. A really happy chinchilla will popcorn and bounce around excitedly all over the place.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

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How to know if you have a happy pet

With some pets, it’s pretty easy to tell if they’re happy. Dogs, for example, are such a giveaway with their wagging tails and big, sloppy smiles. With other pets, signs of happiness can be a bit more difficult to spot.

Enthusiastic Dogs

Along with a tall, wagging tail, a happy dog ​​will have soft eyes and floppy, relaxed ears that aren’t tense or pressed flat against the head. A relaxed posture is also a good sign that he’s cold, as is leaning on your hand when you pet him. Happy dogs are playful dogs and will play “bows,” where your dog will lie on his elbows with his back higher than his front to tell you he’s feeling good and wants to have fun. Try bowing and see your dog’s face light up.

Happy cats

Cats are much harder to read than dogs. Genetically predisposed to be lonely hunters who must rely on themselves, cats tend to hide their emotions. Of course, as any cat owner will know, a purring kitten squeezing your lap shows that your pet is quite content. Another way cats show that they are feeling happy and relaxed is by putting their feet under their body with their eyes closed, or by turning around and showing their tummy. Be warned though, unlike a dog asking for a tummy tickle, this isn’t an invitation from your cat for a tummy rub – claws may come out if you try. A slow blink from your cat is a sign of true affection – in the feline world, closing your eyes in the presence of another is a sign of trust. You can return the affection by slowly blinking back.

Happy Bunnies

Gentle, gentle grinding of teeth, almost like a cat’s purr, conveys contentment. The ears are like a rabbit’s radar, used to adjust to what’s going on around them. Flattening both ears is the rabbit’s relaxed way of saying, “It’s all good and I can give my radar a break.” Two bonded rabbits will groom each other, and the licking is your rabbit’s way of saying, “Me.” like you”. To communicate that they are feeling very happy and playful, rabbits use the “binky”. This is an amazing acrobatic hare jump accompanied by a twist of the body or kicking of the legs. A rabbit that is sitting still or grooming itself may suddenly fall on its side and lie still. This can look pretty disturbing, but it actually means, “I’m just so relaxed.”

Happy guinea pigs

Chatty little creatures, guinea pigs let you know how they’re feeling using a variety of sounds, including the familiar “wheek-wheek” call — a sign of excitement or to find a friend — and a low “purr” that they say when they feel content and relaxed. They also make a series of short “putt-putt” sounds when they’re happily exploring. When really excited, guineas can jump up and down straight, often turning 90° in the air and performing a neat little move known as “pop corning.”

Radiant rats

Once rats trust your company, they’ll happily perch on your lap or shoulder and grind their teeth to show they’re quite content – this is known as “bruxing” and is similar to a cat’s purr. And just like humans, rats laugh when they’re happy. This was discovered in the 1990s by neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp, who used a bat detector to make their ultrasonic chirps audible. Rats laugh when they play with each other and when they are tickled. Laughing rats playfully seek tickles from humans, just as dogs urge their humans to play.

Exuberant ferrets

When ferrets are feeling happy, they often perform the “Dance of Joy.” This includes blowing up your tail, showing your teeth, tossing your head back and hopping in all directions. When your ferret paws at the ground, he’s inviting you or another ferret to wrestle him. Happy, excited ferrets also produce barking noises and chirping noises known as “dooking.”

Happy chinchillas

It is important for happy chinchillas to let them sleep undisturbed for a long time during the day. As nocturnal creatures, they are likely to be more sociable at night. However, shy chinchillas prefer to interact with people on their own terms and are generally averse to being picked up. A chilled chinchilla that has bonded with you will prefer it if you sit on the floor and let them bounce you all over the place while they make little chattering noises along with some excited little squeaks. Some even like a little snuggling. A really happy chinchilla will make popcorn and hop around excitedly.

Happy hamsters

If you’re wondering if your hamster is happy, look at their body language. A yawning hamster is pleasantly sleepy and comfortable. Relaxed grooming, stretching, burrowing, foraging, and lively acrobatics in the cage are signs that life is good for your hamster pal. A jump in the air signals a good mood and shows that he or she is in a really good mood.

Funny gerbils

When your gerbils jump in the air, it’s a sign they’re excited – you’ll notice they’re doing this when they see you first thing in the morning, or when you play with them to let you know they are are happy to socialize with you. Burrowing, tunneling, or burrowing are positive signs in gerbils, showing they are happily going about their gerbil business. A comfortable, laid-back gerbil uses its tongue to brush or wash its paws, tummy, face, and tail—doing this while being held by you shows that it is feeling happy and calm. If your gerbils vibrate or purr when you pet them, this signals that they are very happy and relaxed.

Fine and dandy degus

Degus show affection for one another by grooming each other – so don’t worry if your degus start gently nibbling your skin – it’s their way of showing their care. When you pet your degus and they make a trilling or chirping sound, it means they are feeling very happy and content.

Did you know?

In fact, in the UK, it is a legal obligation for pet owners to ensure that their pets are happy and healthy. The Animal Welfare Act 2006 (England and Wales) and Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) 2006 make a pet keeper legally responsible for ensuring that all domesticated animals in his care meet their five animal welfare needs. All pets have the legal right to:

Live in an appropriate environment Eat an appropriate diet Display normal behavior patterns Be housed with or apart from other animals Protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease

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Do chinchillas like to be held?

And, with gentle handling from a young age, most chinchillas can become quite tame and bond closely with their owners. But don’t expect them to like being held and cuddled like many dogs and cats. They usually don’t, though they’ll often express their affection for you in other ways.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Chinchillas are small rodents native to rocky, arid regions of South America. As pets, they are typically active and playful. And with gentle handling from an early age, most chinchillas can become quite tame and bond closely with their owners. But don’t expect them to like being held and cuddled like many cats and dogs. They don’t usually do this, although they often express their affection for you in other ways. Chinchillas as pets require a moderate level of care as they have some specific housing and dietary needs.

Species Overview Common Names: Chinchilla, Long-Tailed Chinchilla Scientific Name: Chinchilla lanigera Adult Size: 9-14 inch body, tail adds an additional 3-6 inches Lifespan: 10+ years

Chinchilla Behavior and Temperament

Chinchillas are largely nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. They are sometimes referred to as “crepuscular,” meaning their activity peaks at dawn and dusk. In any case, they should be kept in a fairly quiet area during the day. And while they’re mostly quiet animals, their nocturnal movements can keep some people awake if their enclosure is near your bed.

Pet chinchillas don’t often bite, especially if handled from an early age. You must be gentle and consistent to gain a chinchilla’s trust. It can take a chinchilla some time to get used to your hands. And some chinchillas will never really like to be held. They would rather explore or climb on you than hold on. But if you move slowly and are patient, you can often get even the most timid chinchilla used to being handled.

Chinchillas can be kept individually and usually do well with same-sex couples, especially if the two chinchillas are littermates or are introduced at a young age. Keep chinchillas away from other pets to avoid stress or injury.

1:32 Watch Now: Are chinchillas good pets?

size info

Chinchillas are typically about 9 to 14 inches long with their tail a few inches longer. They typically weigh less than 2 pounds, with females being slightly larger than males.


Chinchillas are perhaps best known for their incredibly soft, thick, luxurious fur. In the wild, this coat protects them from the elements. But in captivity, it makes them somewhat prone to overheating. This needs to be considered when deciding where to place your chinchilla in the home. The temperature should stay between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. While chinchillas are cold tolerant, heat stroke can occur in warmer temperatures.

For your chinchilla’s cage, choose a multi-story home with platforms, solid-floor ramps, and perches. The cage should be at least 4 feet by 4 feet by 3 feet. But the bigger the cage, the better. Wire cages are the best material to allow for ventilation. Choose one with a solid bottom that is easy on chinchilla feet.

Inside the cage, add a chinchilla exercise wheel (solid floor, no bars), pet-safe chew toys, a nest or some type of shelter, and food and water bowls. Additionally, a “chinchilla block” or pumice stone can be provided to chew on, which will help keep the chinchilla’s teeth in good condition.

Specific substrate requirements

Line the cage with a few inches of dye-free paper bedding. Avoid pine and cedar shavings as they can irritate a chinchilla’s respiratory system. Spot clean soiled bedding daily and change full bedding weekly when washing everything in the enclosure with mild soap and water.

The Spruce / Anastasiia Tretiak

The Spruce / Anastasiia Tretiak

The Spruce / Anastasiia Tretiak

The Spruce / Anastasiia Tretiak

Melanie Dawn Harter/Getty Images

Melanie Dawn Harter/Getty Images

What do chinchillas eat and drink?

Chinchillas are herbivores and have specific dietary needs. They require a lot of roughage, so their diet should consist primarily of high-quality grass hay, such as grass hay. B. timothy grass hay exist. Feed an unlimited amount of hay every day and make sure there’s always some available. You can use a special feeder called a hopper or just stack them on the enclosure floor.

Offer a commercial pelleted chinchilla food to supplement the hay. Discuss the best amount with your veterinarian, as this can vary based on factors like size and activity level. Place pellets in a ceramic bowl in the chinchilla’s enclosure for a day. Discard any uneaten pellets after 24 hours before adding the next day’s portion.

You can also offer certain fruits and vegetables as occasional treats, but you should have your vet check the types and amounts of food first. Place all fresh food in a separate bowl in the enclosure and remove after a few hours to prevent spoilage.

Finally, you should always provide your chinchilla with fresh water. You can use a small water bowl, but a water bottle is easier to keep sanitized. However, make sure the chinchilla is using the bottle before removing the shell. Refresh the water daily.

The Spruce / Nusha Ashjaee

Common Health Problems

Chinchillas are subject to some common health issues, including:

respiratory infections

digestive problems


skin problems

Overgrown or impacted teeth

Bite wounds and other injuries

If your chinchilla is showing any signs of illness, seek medical attention immediately. Meanwhile, keep it in a quiet place and avoid handling it to relieve stress.

Tip Not all veterinarians accept chinchillas as patients. So before you buy, make sure there is a veterinarian in your area that specializes in this animal.


The most common training people do with chinchillas is hand taming. To do this, always move slowly around your chinchilla, as sudden movements can startle them. You can lure it to your hands by holding a favorite treat. Get your chinchilla used to being gently petted before attempting to pick them up. To try to pick it up, let it run onto your hands. (It helps if you hold a treat.) Then gently lift it with both hands so it feels secure.


Chinchillas need plenty of exercise to keep them mentally stimulated, physically fit, and to ward off health problems like obesity. This means you need a variety of toys for chinchillas to keep them busy and active. And most importantly, you need safe chews to keep those ever-growing teeth busy. In addition to toys marketed specifically for chinchillas, some wooden parrot toys are good for them, as are wicker balls and rings that you can often find for rabbits. Make sure the toy does not contain any small and/or plastic parts that could be a choking hazard.

Additionally, running wheels for chinchillas can be excellent for burning off some energy. Look for a 15-inch wheel (anything smaller is too small for most adult chinchillas) with a firm tread and one open side with no cross braces like spoked wheels, which are dangerous for feet and tails could be.

Time outside the cage is also key to training. However, avoid the plastic exercise balls you often see on other small animals like hamsters, as these pose a risk of overheating for chinchillas. Instead, chinchilla-proof a small space by removing electrical cords and other dangerous objects, and ideally let your chinchilla explore the space under your supervision for a few hours a day.

personal hygiene

Chinchillas should never be bathed in water. As natives of dry climates, chinchillas need access to a dust bath to maintain a healthy coat and skin. The sand mixture absorbs excess oils and removes dirt. Purchase commercially available chinchilla dust and place a few inches in a container that your chinchilla will easily fit in. Place the container in the enclosure for about 10 to 15 minutes a day. Change the dust weekly to keep it hygienic.

maintenance costs

The most important regular expenses for a chinchilla are its diet and bedding. Expect to pay around $25 a month depending on the strains you choose and the size of your enclosure. They also need to regularly replace chew toys and other worn-out items for about $10-$20. Also, make sure you budget for routine veterinary care and emergencies.

Pros and cons of keeping a chinchilla as a pet

Chinchillas make interesting pets that are fun to look at and friendly when properly socialized. They’re also pretty quiet and don’t take up much space. However, many chinchillas require a lot of patience and effort when it comes to taming them. And they sleep during the day, so they wouldn’t be a good companion for someone who wants to interact with a pet during the day.

Similar exotic pets like the chinchilla

If you are interested in chinchillas as pets, check out the following:

Otherwise, check out other exotic animals that can be your new pet.

Buying or adopting your chinchilla

You can find chinchillas at many pet stores. However, it’s usually better to acquire one from a reputable breeder or rescue group. They often have better information about the animal’s health, history, and temperament. Expect to pay between $50 and $200 on average, although this can vary depending on factors like the animal’s age.


Check with local exotic animal vets for recommendations on a good chinchilla breeder or rescue group. The main advantage of going to a breeder is that you are more likely to have a larger selection of younger animals. However, chinchillas are often already tame in rescue groups.

Ask to see the animals before selecting one to ensure they are being kept in a hygienic environment and appear to be in good physical condition. And if you bring home more than one chinchilla, make sure they are of the same sex to avoid accidentally becoming the breeder.

Can chinchillas bite?

With no escape route available, the chinchilla may bite the threat (often the owner’s fingers). This type of biting is most common if the pet owner tries to reach in suddenly to grab the chinchilla. Chinchillas have long and extremely sharp front teeth. A bite can be severe, deep and painful.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles


Why do chinchillas bite?


In the wild, chinchillas are prey. They are hunted and killed by predators. The chinchilla’s first reaction to danger is to run or flee. Chinchillas generally live in rocky areas, so they retreat to a safe burrow in the rocks whenever possible.

This behavior changes when a chinchilla is in a cage. The confines of a cage can trick the chinchilla into believing there is no escape route. If no escape route is available, the chinchilla may bite the threat (often the owner’s fingers). This type of biting is most common when the pet owner tries to suddenly reach in to grab the chinchilla.

Chinchillas have long and extremely sharp front teeth. A bite can be severe, deep, and painful. If you are using some type of “chinchilla house” in the cage, make sure it has a front entrance and also a rear or side “escape entrance”. With no way to escape, the chinchilla may feel trapped and more likely to bite if an owner reaches into the “house.” If the owner provides an environment where the chinchilla does not feel threatened, chinchillas very rarely bite.

Gain your chinchilla’s trust

To avoid being bitten, take some time to gain the chinchilla’s trust. Put your hand and fingers right inside the cage door and leave them there for a few minutes. Get a chair so you can sit down. Most chinchillas are naturally curious and in time will stop by, sniff your hand and probably nibble some of it on your hand. Chinchillas will also nibble on jewelry, fingernails, and anything else that protrudes above the skin, such as scars or scabs.

Once the chinchilla comes to your hand willingly, try gently rubbing or scratching the chinchilla under the chin or on the side of the neck. At first the chinchilla can run further back into the cage, but in a short time the chinchilla will come forward again. Gaining that trust can take a few weeks. Over time, most chinchillas get used to being touched and are able to enjoy the scratching sessions.

Once the chinchilla is more relaxed around you, you can try lifting the chinchilla up by reaching under it. Some chinchillas don’t mind being picked up, but many never want to be picked up. If picking the chinchilla up is absolutely necessary, for example to examine an injury or to give the chinchilla a supplementary food, there may be a bit of a struggle reaching in and grabbing. However, if you have established a good level of trust beforehand, the chinchilla is not usually resentful and will come to scratch and pet after a while.

Other reasons for nips or bites

taste test

When a chinchilla smells a particularly delicious scent on your fingers, they may nibble gently on a “taste” or bite down harder, believing your finger is a delicious treat. This type of bite is not performed out of fear or anger. To prevent this, always wash your hands before handling your chinchillas.

personal hygiene

Sometimes chinchillas will gently nibble your hand, arm, or fingers. This is a type of grooming behavior that chinchillas usually do to each other. Usually one chinchilla will groom the other for a few minutes and then they’ll swap back and forth. Your chinchilla may nibble a bit and then stop. He’s waiting for you to return the favor. Often you can make some gentle scratches under the chin, between the front paws, around the neck, down the back or even around the face.


Occasionally, when a chinchilla doesn’t want to be held anymore or needs to urinate, it might nibble your hand gently a few times and might even emit a squeak or two. To make the point, if you ignore these nips, your chinchilla may nibble harder, or there may be an “accident” on your lap.

By: Marty Hull

Featured image: Courtesy of Marty Hull

How do chinchillas drink in the wild?

Because chinchillas are from very dry arid habitats, they do not drink much water. In the wild, their water consumption is done mostly by drinking morning dew that has condensed on rocks.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Chinchillas are native to the Andes of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, most are actually found in areas cold enough to be above the snow line. That’s why they’ve developed such a lush, thick coat. In the wild, chinchillas live in crevices, between rocks and in burrows. They are very social animals and live in colonies of up to 100 chinchillas. This gives them added protection from natural predators and helps to have a community in which to raise their young and keep the population diverse enough to continue on their own.

Chinchillas are amazing climbers/jumpers. Their powerful legs allow them to jump from rock to rock, while their stiff, solid tail helps them balance. In the wild, chinchillas are not the colors you will see in captivity. They are light gray in color, which helps them blend in with their natural habitat so they can be more easily concealed. Their dense fur not only keeps them warm from the harsh cold temperatures, but is also thick enough to help them avoid common parasites like fleas. Their fur also serves another purpose – chinchillas can “slip” their fur when they are frightened and need to escape. This fur gets in the eyes and mouths of predators to give chinchillas time to escape their enemies.

Because chinchillas come from very dry, arid habitats, they don’t drink a lot of water. In the wild, their water consumption is primarily from drinking morning dew condensed on rocks. They also keep their fur clean by rolling in sand and dust (much like in captivity). Due to their nocturnal nature, their eyesight is not wonderful. They rely primarily on their long whiskers and their own innate sense of their surroundings to get around.

Chinchillas are now listed as vulnerable and legally protected from hunting; However, their habitat continues to be destroyed. Grazing animals, logging and mining are damaging the last known habitat of this endangered species. The chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) was first described in 1782 by Moline, the pioneering naturalist of Chile, and was widespread in the Andes of northern Chile and Argentina, and southern Peru and Bolivia until twenty or twenty-five years ago. Here, then, was their home—many miles from the people and their works. They held their ground, as God intended, against the predations of their natural enemies, the quiques or weasels, foxes, wildcats, and birds of prey. Having no means of defense against these enemies, their safety lay in flight and in holes and crevices between the rocks. God equipped them to propel themselves over uneven ground, giving them long hind feet and legs so they could leap from rock to rock and a long, feathered tail to act as a balance and rudder as they flew through the air sailed.

In some hole or crevice under a pile of boulders, each pair gave birth to one to three young to a litter, and is said to have had two litters a year. God also provided them with a thick, warm, gray cloak, for the mountain winds are cold and piercing, and the same cloak was the cause of their downfall. When M’Lady expressed her desire for the chinchillas’ fur, Mann and his dogs invaded their rocky homes. Wild dogs’ faces peered into their burrows and Man brought their worst enemy, the Quiqui, whom he had defeated and trained to work for him, to drive them away. Where the chinchilla had found safety under overhanging boulders, they now found death in the form of a trap four. This pursuit lasted only a few months of the year when their cloaks were heaviest and thickest, but once begun it never stopped until only a few shriveled corpses remained to speak silently of what had been.

Are chinchillas nocturnal?

Chinchillas are crepuscular and nocturnal, which means they are very active at dawn or dusk and sleep during the day. They make their homes by burrowing in underground tunnels or nestling in rock crevasses. They are very social and live in colonies that consist of hundreds of chinchillas.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Chinchillas are rodents native to the Andes mountains of northern Chile. Often kept as pets, chinchillas are also prized for their luxuriously soft fur, and have been near-extinct due to demand.

According to The Merck Veterinary Manual, originally in the wild, chinchilla fur was mottled yellow-grey. However, through selective breeding, other colors have also become established, including silver, yellow-grey, blue-grey, white, beige, and black. Each hair ends in a black tip, no matter what color the chinchillas are.

The chinchilla’s ancestors, which first appeared about 41 million years ago, were some of the first rodents to invade South America. Chinchilla fur became popular in the 1700s, and the animals were hunted to near extinction by the 1900s. Around this time Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru banned the hunting of wild chinchillas.

However, according to the Chinchilla Chronicles website, in 1923 an American mining engineer named Mathias F. Chapman received special permission from the Chilean government to bring chinchillas to the United States. Almost every pet chinchilla in the United States today is a direct descendant of 11 chinchillas that Chapman brought to the country.

Physical Properties

Chinchillas are related to guinea pigs and porcupines. With short front legs and long, muscular hind legs, chinchillas resemble rabbits, but their ears are much shorter and rounder. They have big black eyes and bushy tails. They have four toes on each foot, and stiff bristles surround the thin claws on each toe.

Chinchillas are typically 9 to 15 inches long, but the tail can add an additional 3 to 6 inches to their length. They generally weigh 1.1 to 1.8 pounds. (0.5 to 0.8 kilograms).


Chinchillas are covered in thick fur for a reason. In the Andes, they can live at altitudes of about 3,000 to 5,000 meters (9,800 to 16,400 ft). It can be very cold at these altitudes – 23 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 5 degrees C) is the average minimum temperature in some locations. Chinchillas can tolerate freezing temperatures, but they cannot survive in temperatures above 27°C. High temperatures and humidity can cause these rodents to suffer from heat stroke.

Chinchillas are crepuscular, meaning they are very active at dawn or dusk and sleep during the day. They burrow in underground tunnels or nest in rock crevices. They are very social and live in colonies made up of hundreds of chinchillas.

Females tend to be aggressive towards other females. When females are ready to mate, they can also be aggressive towards males and are the dominant of the two sexes. Females are mostly monogamous; You only have one partner your whole life. Men, on the other hand, can have many female partners. This is especially true for domesticated males. Often a male will be bred with many females to create many offspring for sale.

(opens in new tab) Shutterstock (opens in new tab) ) (Image credit: Brian Kinney


The breeding season for chinchillas is November to May in the northern hemisphere and May to November in the southern hemisphere.

Once a female chinchilla becomes pregnant, she carries her young for about 111 days before giving birth. Females have babies twice a year. They have one to six babies at each birth. These groups of babies are called litters. Individual babies are called kits.

Newborn kits are born with hair and eyes open. They weigh only 1.2 ounces (35 grams). The babies are breastfed for six to eight weeks and by the time they are around 8 months old, the babies are ready to have offspring of their own. Generally, chinchillas live eight to ten years, although some lived up to 20 years.


Chinchillas are omnivores; They eat both plants and meat. They primarily eat grass and seeds, but occasionally insects and bird eggs. To eat, they hold their food in their front paws and nibble on it.


There are two types of chinchillas: the long-tailed chinchilla and the short-tailed chinchilla. According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), the taxonomy of chinchillas is:

Kingdom: Animalia

: Animalia Phylum : Chordata

: Chordata Subphylum : Vertebrates

: Vertebrates Class : Mammals

: Mammal order : Rodentia

: Rodentia family: Chinchillidae

: Chinchillidae Genus : Chinchilla

: Chinchilla species: Chinchilla chinchilla (short-tailed chinchilla), Chinchilla lanigera (long-tailed chinchilla)

state of preservation

Although chinchilla fur is highly prized for use in clothing and coats, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species has restricted the sale and trade of wild chinchillas since 1975. Many chinchillas are bred commercially for their fur.

Both chinchilla species are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources’ list of endangered species. Both the short-tailed chinchilla and the long-tailed chinchilla are listed as critically endangered. Short-tailed chinchillas are believed to be extinct in Bolivia and Peru, but are thought to be recovering in other areas. In 1996 there were only 42 long-tailed chinchilla colonies, and the population has since declined and continues to decline.

Pet the chinchillas

The Michigan Humane Society recommends keeping domestic chinchillas in a solid-bottomed wire mesh cage. The cage should be well ventilated and kept dry and cool in temperatures of 60 to 70 F (16 to 21 C). Chinchillas do not get along well when caged together and should be kept in individual cages.

Chinchillas can eat food pellets available at pet stores, as well as hay, dried fruits and nuts, and carrots and green vegetables in moderation, or about 10 percent of their daily diet. A bottle fitted with a drinking tube is the best way to provide water.

To stay clean, these rodents give themselves dust baths. It is recommended that domestic chinchillas take dust baths in fine volcanic ash, available at pet stores, once or twice a week.

Chinchillas are considered smarter than rabbits and can be taught to play with humans. However, they do not make good pets for young children as chinchillas are hyperactive and over-excited.

Other Resources

Do baby chinchillas drink water?

As a general rule, baby chinchillas should be fully weaned and separated from their mother at 8 to 12 weeks old. Nursing should die down naturally, with the kits taking interest in solid food and water instead. Make sure that the kits are healthy and energetic before moving them to a new cage.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles


A large litter may also require more milk than the mother can provide on her own.

If one of your kittens is not getting heavier, supplement the milk they get from their mother with kitten milk as needed.

If your baby chinchillas are housed with their mother, she will take care of their primary feeding for the first few weeks of life. Check the young’s weight regularly to ensure that this milk is sufficient to keep them healthy. It is possible for a chinchilla mother to reject and not feed a baby, or for a baby to be hurt or bullied by its siblings and not receive the same amount of food.

Can chinchillas eat timothy hay?

Chinchillas require a high fiber diet and should be offered grass hay (such as Timothy hay or other low calcium hays such as orchard grass, oat hay, or meadow hay) free choice (available 24 hours a day). Hay should be the main component of their diet.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

What Do Pet Chinchillas Eat?

Chinchillas require a high-fiber diet and should be offered their choice of grass hay (such as timothy hay or other low-calcium hay such as orchard grass, oat hay or meadow hay) (available 24 hours a day). Hay should be the main part of their diet. Although alfalfa can be offered occasionally, it should not be used as the sole source of hay as it is too high in calcium and could lead to the formation of calcium-containing bladder stones. Additionally, chinchillas can be fed a small amount (1-2 tablespoons per day) of a commercially available pelleted chinchilla diet.

“Alfalfa hay is too high in calcium and could lead to the formation of calcium-containing bladder stones.”

Because chinchillas have relatively delicate digestive tracts, any necessary dietary changes should be made slowly over several days to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal problems.

Do I need to give my chinchilla vitamins?

With proper feeding, chinchillas do not need additional vitamins.

Can I offer treats to my chinchilla?

Usually, chinchillas do not require treats, but they do occasionally require a variety of fresh, low-calcium green vegetables or the occasional piece of high-fiber fruit (such as a slice or apple). Do not offer food to anyone without first consulting your veterinarian.

What water requirements do chinchillas have?

Fresh, clean water must be available at all times. Depending on the quality of your tap water, you may want to consider using bottled water. Water tanks must be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water daily. Most owners choose to offer water through a drinking bottle suspended in the cage, since water bowls are easily soiled and often spill. Wash and rinse the bottle when you change the water (at least daily) and check that the sipper tube isn’t clogged with food. Fresh water should be offered daily, even if water is left in the water bottle, as bacteria and yeast can build up in bottles if the water is not changed.

Can chinchillas live alone?

If you keep your chinchilla alone, you’ll need to give them companionship by interacting with them everyday. Chinchillas who’ve been well handled by people from a young age can see humans as friends and companions, so get them used to this by handling them everyday from an early age.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Keep chinchillas together

Chinchillas are social animals by nature and live in groups in the wild. For this reason, unless a veterinarian or clinical animal behaviorist advises otherwise, you must keep your pet chinchilla with at least one other friendly chinchilla.

Here’s what you need to know about keeping chinchillas together.

Keep boy and girl chinchillas together

Chinchillas can be kept as male/female pairs or in same-sex groups. However, you should not keep chinchillas with the opposite sex unless you intend to breed with them and have plans to care for both parents and babies.

Alternatively, you can keep them together if one or both animals are neutered. Male chinchillas can be spayed, but it is not common to spay females.

Introducing chinchillas to each other

Chinchillas can be aggressive, especially when first introduced or during breeding. Introduce new chinchillas to the group one at a time and keep an eye on them. Always house new chinchillas side by side for at least a week before properly introducing them.

Make sure each chinchilla has what it needs

If you are keeping more than one chinchilla together you will need to make sure each chinchilla has enough of what it needs such as: B. Food, water, nesting boxes and hiding places.

Chinchillas can be bullied and suffer when they cannot escape from others. Hideouts are important to ensure they can escape their mates or hide when they are frightened. Make sure there are enough nesting boxes and hiding spots for at least one at a time, and give them at least one box big enough for them all to rest together.

If you keep your chinchilla alone

If you keep your chinchilla alone, you will need to keep him company by interacting with him every day. Chinchillas, who have been treated well by humans from a young age, can see humans as friends and companions, so get them used to this by handling them every day from a young age.

Chinchillas will come to pet you, but even friendly chinchillas tend to resist being held and will resist. You can interact with them by letting them come towards you for a pet or a small treat. If you must pick them up, do so gently but firmly so as not to damage them or their fur if they struggle.

If your chinchillas received little handling when they were young, or if they were handled roughly at some point, they may find human contact distressing. This can show up as anxiety, attempts to escape, loss of fur or aggression.

Keep your chinchillas happy with other pets

Chinchillas need constant supervision when they are with another animal or person who might hurt or frighten them (whether intentionally or accidentally). Never let chinchillas out of their enclosure with a dog, cat, ferret, or large bird, as chinchillas will view them as predators or threats and will become stressed around them.

Keep in mind that chinchillas can develop abnormal behavior and suffer if left alone or with nothing to do for long periods of time. Consult a clinical animal behaviorist for advice if you are unsure or have problems.

How often do chinchillas need dust baths?

Over-bathing can cause chinchillas’ skin, feet, and ears to dry out, so it is important to limit bath-time to 2 – 4 times a week based on each individual chinchillas’ needs. In very hot, humid weather or climates, chinchillas often need access to their dust baths closer to 4 times per week.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

August 20, 2019

Dust Til Dawn: Chinchillas and Their Dust Baths

Written by Dianne Cook, LVT

Chinchillas are one of the most fascinating (not to mention adorable) exotic companion mammals we’ve ever brought into our homes. With thick, ultra-plush fur, a squirrel-like tail, and big, soulful eyes, it’s almost impossible not to fall completely in love with these docile little creatures. Adding a chinchilla (or better yet, two) to your furry family will surely provide years of entertaining company, but there are a few unique facets to their care that are necessary to keep them healthy. One of the most misunderstood aspects of pet chinchilla parenting is a chinchilla’s need for regular access to dust baths.

Chinchillas retain their enviable, luscious locks thanks to sheer density. They have an average of 60-70 hairs sprouting from each follicle, giving them the title of having the densest coat of any land mammal. In comparison, most mammals, including humans, only produce one hair per follicle! As you can imagine, this thick, luxurious coat performs several key functions, but doesn’t dry easily. Therefore, it is best to avoid letting chinchillas get wet, as moisture can become trapped near the skin, which can lead to several types of skin diseases, including pyoderma (skin infection) and dermatitis (skin inflammation). Instead of soap and water, chinchillas “bathe” in fine dust that helps evenly distribute natural oils, removes dirt and debris, and keeps their fur silky soft.

In their native, arid habitats in the mountainous regions of South America, chinchillas use volcanic ash to keep themselves clean. Although most chinchilla parents don’t live in an area that offers natural access to this particular type of ash, prepackaged products are available. However, just like with diet, it is important to choose a product that not only meets your chinchilla’s needs but is also of high quality. It is important to find a product that is made from 100% volcanic ash and has been sourced and manufactured without the use of chemicals. There are many different quality chinchilla dust products on the market. Some have a coarser consistency, similar to sand, but it’s important to choose a quality product with finer, silky particles. Sand isn’t nearly as effective at absorbing the natural oils that chinchillas produce, and the grains can get stuck to the hairline, potentially causing skin irritation and/or infection. Because of this, it’s important to only use high-quality chinchilla volcanic dust and never use sand or dust-like products that are packaged for other exotic pets, no matter how similar they look.

Chinchillas are naturally active and agile creatures, and when given a dust bath, they instinctively twist, roll and flutter, kicking up generous feathers as they work the dust from hair tip to root. They are so efficient at their dusty dance that an inch of dust in the bottom of a suitable dust bath enclosure is enough to ensure complete coverage. Many pet parents use bowls or litter boxes for their little ones’ dust baths, while others opt for enclosed plastic or wooden bathhouses to contain some of the dust. When choosing a dust bath container, the most important thing is that it’s both strong and slightly larger than the chinchilla itself, leaving enough room for its dust-wielding acrobatics.

Excessive bathing can cause chinchillas’ skin, feet and ears to dry out, so it’s important to limit bathing time to 2-4 times a week, depending on the needs of each individual chinchilla. In very hot, humid weather or climates, chinchillas often need access to their dust baths about four times a week. In cold weather or otherwise dry environments, they may only need to bathe twice a week. It’s also important to control the amount of time your chinchilla has access to their bathroom. Usually 3-5 minutes at a time is sufficient. If left in a chinchilla’s enclosure for too long, a dust bath will often be mistaken for a litter box, so it’s best to remove the dust container as soon as your fur baby is done bathing. It’s perfectly acceptable to reuse dust for multiple baths, but it should be discarded once it starts to clump or becomes dirty.

Aside from the hygienic reasons above, dust baths also provide a great source of mental and physical enrichment for our fun little friends, and offer pet owners a great way to strengthen that all-important animal-human bond. It’s also important to remember that every pet is unique, and should your chinchilla ever develop any skin or coat problems, it’s always best to consult a trusted veterinarian. Have fun bathing and let the dust fly!

Do chinchillas smell?

Unlike many household pets, chinchillas are pretty much odor-free. If your chinchilla does leave a smell, either he’s sick or you’re not cleaning his cage as often as you should. If your pet’s body develops an odor, take him to the vet as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

Chinchillas were prized for their beautiful fur long before they became pets. Water doesn’t really penetrate the extremely dense fur, so getting a chinchilla wet to clean it isn’t a good idea.

These naturally clean animals need dust baths to keep their coats in good condition and to avoid tangles or odors. Only use dust specifically marketed for chinchillas and available at pet stores. Place a few inches of the dust in a large pan, then let your chinchilla get to work. Let your pet use their dust bath about three times a week for 15 to 20 minutes each time.

Too much dust bathing can irritate their eyes and dry out their fur. Also, you would have even more dust in your house. There is no getting around the dust when keeping chinchillas.

NO WATER : How Long Can You Go Without Water

NO WATER : How Long Can You Go Without Water
NO WATER : How Long Can You Go Without Water

See some more details on the topic how long can a chinchilla go without water here:

How long without water? | Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

I wouldn’t leave them more than 24hrs without water but they drink so little it can take a few days to tell if they are drinking out of a bottle …

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How long can chinchillas last without water? –

How long can chinchillas last without water? How long can chinchillas go without water? They were still alive and fine, although very thirsty.

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How long can a chinchilla live without eating here or drinking …

For example, the common wisdom is that you can go three days without water, and three or four weeks without food. So you naturally think, “Ah! Three weeks?

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Can Chinchillas Drink Water…?

Owners don’t know how long pet chinchillas can go without water, but periods of longer than 24 hours are not recommended. They likely can survive a while, …

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How Long Can Chinchillas Go Without Food?

One week is too long to leave your chinchilla completely alone. Even with adequate food, water, and play materials to keep them active, 72 hours is the maximum …

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How Long Can a Chinchilla Live Without Water – Marlie-oHuerta

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Why Is My Chinchilla Not Drinking? How to Tell If a Chinchilla …

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How Can You Tell If A Chinchilla Is Dehydrated? (7 Useful Tips)

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Date Published: 10/8/2022

View: 5704

How long without water?

2-3 ounces per day on a 16-32 ounce bottle is still only maybe an inch more headroom for a healthy adult. If you don’t mark the bottle, you can’t tell if it was that full yesterday and how much can drip out and dry in 24 hours. Then when you do the math for a 10 week old, it becomes such an insignificant amount on the bottle. It’s not like guinea pigs and rabbits, who each drink 1/3 or 1/2 of a 32-ounce bottle a day. Even the hedgehogs drink more than the chins. Overall, I fill the gallon jug for the hedgehog room twice a day. 256 oz for 6 adults plus offspring. The 4 rabbits plus a small litter in each empty their gallon jug once a day. If we’re not throwing away and replacing a lot of water, we might fill a bottle for a pair of chins twice a week. Hachiro and her triplets drank less than half a 10-12oz hamster bottle per day. That’s about 45 ounces or less per day for 9.

Can Chinchillas Get Wet?

Chinchillas are rodents originally from the Andes in South America. They tolerate colder temperatures and like to lounge on cool granite, but are also very sensitive to heat. Many animals would choose to cool off with a bath, but chinchillas do their own thing. Instead of water baths, chinchillas take dust baths. These dust baths may seem counterproductive to those who don’t understand these rodents’ skin and coat care, but chinchillas know what they’re doing. Water baths can actually do more harm than good to these incredibly soft pets, so understanding their unique needs is vital to their health.

Why do chinchillas take dust baths?

Chinchillas take dust baths because they naturally secrete a lot of oils from their backs. If a chinchilla cannot take a dust bath, its fur will become greasy and matted. Chinchillas have extremely fine and dense fur, so moisture and oil can easily collect and cause skin infection. The dust bath absorbs this excess oil and keeps the coat dry and soft, preventing excess moisture build-up and infection. Dust baths are recommended at least twice a week, and fuller’s earth or commercial dust bath products are most commonly used to keep chinchillas clean. Chinchillas love to take dust baths and will spend all of their time in their dust bath houses or bowls if allowed. For this reason, unlike a bottle of water, the dust bath house or bowl should only remain in your chinchilla’s enclosure for 10-15 minutes each time you wish to bathe it.

Why don’t chinchillas like water?

Chinchillas instinctively know to roll in the dust to keep their fur clean and fluffy. A dip in the water is simply not for chinchillas as they have other means of cooling off and staying clean. The Andes are rocky and dry in many parts, including where chinchillas naturally live. They’re built to withstand cool, dry climates, so excessive moisture and heat will only cause them problems. Chinchillas can’t pant or sweat, so they rely on their large ears, which don’t have much fur to cool off. But just because chinchillas don’t like warm climates and water baths doesn’t mean they don’t drink water. In the wild, these rodents get most of their water from cacti and other plants, but as pets, chinchillas need water bottles to stay hydrated.

What happens when a chinchilla gets wet?

When a chinchilla gets wet, the fur is so dense that it is excellent at retaining moisture. The coat therefore takes a long time to dry and if the moisture stays in it long enough, fungus can multiply and cause skin infection. This infection should not be confused with the other coat problems that chinchillas can experience, such as coat shedding and fur chewing. Coat fungus is the result of leaving your chinchilla’s fur wet for too long; Fur-slipping is a defense mechanism where your chinchilla releases its fur to evade capture. and fur chewing occurs when a chinchilla chews on its own or another chinchilla’s fur. In addition, if the coat stays wet and your chinchilla gets too cold, it can develop a respiratory infection. Fur fungus requires antifungal treatments and can cause hair loss, itching, and crusting of the skin. Plus, your chinchilla can even spread the infection to other animals and humans.

What should you do if your chinchilla gets wet?

If your chinchilla accidentally gets wet, gently towel dry them as best you can. Place your chinchilla on towels in front of a fan on low or a hair dryer on a cool setting to ensure a constant, cool flow of air. This can take a long time depending on how wet your chinchilla was. However, be careful not to let your chinchilla get too cold during this slow drying process. Once your chinchilla feels dry, let them take a dust bath to absorb the excess moisture on their skin.

Is it ever okay for a chinchilla to get wet?

While a drop or two of water won’t cause a problem, you should avoid drenching your chinchilla’s coat if possible. Occasionally there are emergency situations when a chinchilla needs to be given a water bath. These situations usually involve your chinchilla getting urine, detergent, or other potentially harmful products that need to be flushed.

Best Chinchilla Water Bottles

It’s obvious to say, but chinchillas need access to an unlimited supply of fresh water. This should be provided in your chinchilla’s cage with a water bottle. Do not put water in a bowl or pot for them. Water in a bowl can easily spill as your pet chinchilla hops around the cage, or it can become contaminated with food, debris, or hair. A chinchilla water bottle is the best way to keep your chin hydrated.

Glass bottles are recommended as they cannot be chewed, but a plastic water bottle can be used if it is hung in a way that the chinchilla cannot chew on. The bottle should be hung on the outside of the cage with only the spout protruding through the bars. Some owners recommend having two water bottles on hand in case the first one fails so the chinchilla always has access to water. Here are some recommended bottles to try.

Chinchilla Water Bottles

Lixit 8 oz. Glass water bottle

Lixit makes some of the best pet water bottles out there. It’s what we’ve been using for our exotic pets for years. The chinchilla water bottles are made of durable glass, which is absolutely the best buy. The glass is extra thick and our bottles have survived multiple falls without cracking or breaking.

The 8 oz. The size is perfect for chinchillas. The Lixit water bottle comes with a pen holder with metal clips to easily attach to the outside of your chinchilla’s cage. Since it is metal, the holder is also buyable.

Kay tea 6 oz. Chewable glass water bottle

Kaytee offers another chew-safe glass bottle option, this time in a 6 oz. Size. The bottle attaches to the side of your chinchilla’s cage with a stainless steel spring hanger. The cap is also made of stainless steel and is therefore 100% buyable.

The spout is equipped with a double ball bearing, making it drip-proof and creating a vacuum seal.

Also available in 12 oz., 16 oz. and 26 oz. Sizes so you have enough water available no matter how many Chins are in a cage.

Lixit 16 oz. Glass water bottle

Here’s another great glass water bottle from Lixit. The big difference with this one is that it has a rubber stopper to connect the drinking tube to the bottle. The mounting hardware is also stainless steel and is more secure than the regular spring mounts.

This water bottle is marketed for birds but works perfectly for chinchillas. All components can be sterilized in the dishwasher or in boiling water to keep the bottle clean and bacteria-free.

To make sure you have all the cage accessories you need to keep your chinchilla happily fed, be sure to check out our articles on cage ledges and shelves and food bowls.

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