How Long Can A Snail Go Without Eating? The 68 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how long can a snail go without eating“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

Garden snails can survive for many weeks without food, provided that they are kept dry and are able to seal themselves to a surface. It is called “aestivation”. They shut down in dry conditions; they do the same in winter (hibernation), but only if it is cold. Indoors, this is unlikely to happen.Snails can exist without food for quite a long time, possibly even months in some cases. You shouldn’t start worrying until your snail hasn’t eaten for a few days. Your snail may be eating when you are not around.Snails that are at least a week from the water are usually safe, but otherwise, you’ll effectively have to starve them for as long as seven to 10 days.

How long can a snail not eat?

Snails can exist without food for quite a long time, possibly even months in some cases. You shouldn’t start worrying until your snail hasn’t eaten for a few days. Your snail may be eating when you are not around.

How long does it take for a snail to starve?

Snails that are at least a week from the water are usually safe, but otherwise, you’ll effectively have to starve them for as long as seven to 10 days.

How often does a snail eat?

A good starting place is to feed aquatic snails as much food as they can consume in about 3 minutes, twice daily. Some snail species may need additional food sources, such as fish food or bottom feeder tablets.

Can snail live without food?

Most snails will survive a few weeks without food. The longest time a snail was observed surviving without eating was 8 months. However, this is very exceptional. In most cases, snails will eat until they are full every day.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

What a snail eats depends mostly on the species of snail and its habitat. There are thousands of different snail species in the world. In general, the different types of snails can be divided into three categories:

Land Snails – Also called land snails

freshwater snails

Saltwater Snails – Also called sea snails

Most snails, whether terrestrial or otherwise, are herbivores. This means that they only eat plants, vegetables, fruits, etc. Most people know this because they see snails in their garden feeding on leaves and plants. These snails are usually referred to as garden snails.

Other species of snails can be omnivores, meaning they eat plant-based foods but also animal foods. There are also carnivorous snails, meaning they only eat meat.

What do snails eat in the wild?

Different species of snails have different eating habits. A study has shown that not only do they eat a variety of foods, some of the snail species are actually picky about what they eat. Some species will “work” harder to find food they like, and others will be more “lazy” and just eat whatever is around them.

Most snails like to eat different types of green leaves, dead or living plants, fruits and vegetables. Mushrooms, tree bark, and stalks are other types of food they can eat.

Slugs eat eggshells as part of their diet due to the high calcium content in eggshells. They will also eat their own baby eggs in an act of cannibalism.

What can you feed a pet snail?

If you have a pet snail and are wondering what to feed it, the best thing to do is toss different pieces of food into the terrarium and see what it likes. Start with some cucumbers, apples, lettuce, cabbage,

You can choose a mix of fruits, vegetables, and others from the recommendations below. Just make sure you stay away from the foods that they can’t eat and that are dangerous to them.

Being picky about what you eat isn’t the only “human trait” snails can have. Studies show that snails can even get bored of food if they are given the same food over and over again. In addition, other research has shown that snails prefer company when feeding. This research testifies that snails reach for the same pieces of food even though other pieces were available.

The importance of calcium for snails

One of the most important “food ingredients” for snails is calcium. Regardless of whether they consume plants around them or you offer them food, it should contain calcium. If you feed your pet snail and the food does not contain calcium, you can add powdered calcium to the soil.

Calcium helps the snail shells grow and prevents their shells from cracking. A lack of calcium can lead to the development of a thin shell. You can also provide calcium in a feeding trough or bowl.

Snails can get calcium from:

calcium powder

Natural chalk

Ground eggshells

Shells of dead snails


What vegetables do snails eat?

There are many types of vegetables that snails can and will eat. Whether in nature or in the terrarium, the vegetables from the list below can be suitable for most species of snails. The best choices for vegetables are:








What fruits do snails eat?

Similar to vegetables, snails like to eat fruit. This can be a positive thing when trying to feed your pet snail, but it’s also one of the reasons snails are considered pests.

Fruits that slugs eat include:




ripe pears




Solid foods that snails can eat

In addition to fruits and vegetables, most snails also eat other types of food such as:


sunflower seeds

pumpkin seed




What is a snail’s favorite food?

As mentioned earlier, there are many types of snails, which means they can have different types of favorite foods. In general, many snail species prefer cucumbers, apples, lettuce and cabbage.

How long can snails survive without food?

How long a snail can survive without food depends on the species and specific factors of that snail. Most snails survive a few weeks without food. The longest observed time a snail survived without food was 8 months. However, this is very unusual. In most cases, slugs will eat until they are full every day.

How do snails eat?

Snails have a mouth that, due to their unique anatomy, is constructed differently than the mouth of a human or any other animal. Our mouth has two rows of teeth, one on top of the other. Before the food enters our throat, these two teeth grind the food.

Snails’ mouths are called radula and have thousands of very small teeth. They don’t use their teeth to chew. Instead, they scrap the food, turning it into small bits of food that they can swallow.

In addition, snails also have jaws that are used primarily to cut large pieces of food into smaller pieces that can be scraped off by the radula.

How much do snails eat?

Snails eat until they are full. With that in mind, if you keep a pet snail, you don’t have to worry about overfeeding them. You can offer them some food options in their container. Just make sure you replace it before it goes bad.

Most snails eat about 10% of their weight in food in one day. This amount may be increased depending on the condition and as hibernation (winter) season approaches.

What food can slugs not eat?

Snails can be picky eaters, but there are a lot of things they can eat. There are even things they shouldn’t eat but like eating cartons. You should also avoid eating processed foods like pasta, rice, bread, etc. They should also avoid eating foods that contain sugar.

However, there are some things that they must not eat as they can harm them. First on the list is salt. Salt can seriously harm snails. It destroys their body moisture and makes them die quickly.

You should also not eat or try to eat onions and citrus fruits.

Do snails drink water?

Water is essential for every living organism. It keeps you hydrated to get stronger and retain energy. They don’t give snails water to drink. They can get enough water from the food they eat. But more importantly, they get it from their environment. Therefore, the habitat of the snail should be as humid as possible. The snail breeder needs to keep their snail in a very humid environment with 75% – 95% humidity.

If you decide to give your pet snail water, consider offering clean drinking water in a shallow container to limit the risk of drowning. If you are on a good budget, you can install an irrigation system where you kept your snails. These systems have different functions such as spraying water to keep humidity at a suitable level.

What to feed in a snail farm?

Feeding snails at a snail farm differs in many ways from feeding a pet snail or watching what a snail eats in the wild. The main purpose of a snail farm is to get the snails to grow as fast as possible. To do this, you need to provide them with as many of their favorite foods as possible. In addition, you must provide them with the best possible growth environment. Read more about this in the snail farming guide.

When do snails grow and eat?

The feeding time of the snails falls between April and October, this is the time of their growth. Also, their diet is highly dependent on the weather. This is why snails eat a lot on some days and nothing on other days. However, if you want to improve their diet, try moistening the soil to make it easier for the snails to move around.

Although snails love to eat, they become inactive when the atmosphere is extremely hot and dry. Because of this, they are dormant until the weather turns damp and cool. When the time comes, they become active and move along walls, posts or tree trunks.

Snails hibernate in winter. This is the main reason why they overconsume other months of the year. They need to build up a fat reserve that can help them survive hibernation.

In addition, snails stop eating completely during the mating season, usually in mid-June. But that’s no cause for concern. When they lay eggs, they start eating again.

Related article: How do snails reproduce?

When are the snails most active?

You may not have seen extremely active snails during the day. This is because these creatures love dark and humid places. Also, they are most active after the few hours of sunset when the temperature is low and dew is appearing. However, snails seek shelter under plants during the day.

You also need to understand that not every snail has the same pace. Some grow faster while others age. Even if you kept all snails in the same environment and conditions, you would find that some would take twice as long to mature.

Factors to consider for the growth of the snail

Several factors determine the growth of the snails. You need to keep the following things in mind if you want to make your snail healthy and mature.

quality of the food




population density

Also, you must always keep them away from too much touching, noise, vibrating light, unsanitary conditions and irregular feeding.

What do snails eat?

The feeding behavior of snails is very similar to that of snails. Like snails, the diet of snails depended on their species. There are herbivores that eat only plant food. The carnivores who eat meat. The omnivore that can survive by eating both plant and animal foods. There is also the detritivorous type. These can feed on decomposing plants and leaves, dead and rotting animal parts, and feces (ugh). Although they are somewhat gross, they play a huge role in the world’s ecosystem.

Read other interesting articles:

How often do snails drink water?

While they do require feeding and watering at least every other day, they are easy to take care of if you understand what they need. It is possible to keep a snail alive for anywhere between five to several years as a pet providing you take care of them.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

I’m interested in how best to meet his calcium needs as of course I want to make sure his shell is healthy and strong as he grows. I love Maxi already, he’s surprisingly fast despite his small stature. I will make his mini vivarium as natural as possible and only feed him high quality vegetables and fruit. It will be interesting to chart its growth rates. Many Thanks. ”


“This article has given me a more confident approach to caring for my new baby garden snail Maxi. I was special

Why is my snail not moving?

High levels of Nitrite and/or Ammonia

The most common reason why a nerite snail will stop moving is due to chemicals found in water or due to poor water quality. If there are higher levels of nitrite or ammonia, they will stop moving.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

Why isn’t my Nerite snail moving?

Here we see a common but usually easy to solve problem. Some people ask, “Why isn’t my snail moving?” and today we’re going to give you the answers to keep in mind.

These snails are great for beginners as they move around a tank and consume algae in large quantities. They are easy to breed and can be kept in small tanks. However, you can stop moving at any time. No, they’re not dead. They just need your help.

High nitrite and/or ammonia content

The most common reason a snail stops moving is due to chemicals in the water or poor water quality. At higher nitrite or ammonia levels, they stop moving. These chemicals can actually kill them! You need to replace at least 75% of the water and make sure the nitrite and ammonia levels are low. Nitrite must not exceed 20 mg/L. Also make sure there is no chlorine in the water.

The pH is too high or too low

Also check the pH. It should be a little over 8.0. If it’s lower, add sandstone, shell, or limestone to raise it. After that, your snail should be more agile. This applies to almost all types of snails.

How long does it take for a Nerite snail to get used to a new tank?

In some cases, you may encounter the nerite slug not moving issue when adding it to a new tank. Keep in mind that adding them to a completely new tank is not a good idea. You need nitrifying bacteria. Without them they will not be able to survive. The water parameters will be different than the snails need.

You need to place them in a mature tank with live plants that have been in the water for at least a couple of days. You can also add green zucchini, blanched lettuce, and seaweed waffles. If everything is done well and correctly, your nerite nails will need a few days to 2 weeks to get used to a new aquarium. Sometimes this happens in less time. Nerite snails have a higher need for perfect aquarium conditions, so they need more time to adapt. Make sure there is natural food in the tank and of course using the right water temperature can make the transition easier.

Nerite snail tank conditions

The best thing you can do to avoid the nerite snail not moving problem is to provide them with the same tank conditions as they have in their natural habitat. There are two main differences here. Nerite snails live in coastal habitats in nature (most of them). There are many rocks that have algae growing on them and there are many places to hide. You need to replicate that in a saltwater pool. The reason for smooth rocks is the fact that they have 4 delicate tentacles. You can easily get scratches. A calcium substrate is strongly recommended. It also means that snails have high levels of calcium.

Tank conditions should be properly maintained at all times. The water temperature must be between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH must be between 8.1 and 8.4. Water temperature and pH relate to both saltwater and freshwater pools.

Some species are found in streams in forests. As such, they can be placed in freshwater aquariums. The tank conditions are relatively the same. You also need to add hiding places and smooth rocks. Adding driftwood is also an appealing choice. Plants do not have to be added, but are welcome.

We must add that in fresh water the snails come to the surface at night. This is common due to the tides in these waters. You should try to repeat the same situation. Drain the tank an inch to two inches to allow the snails to do this. You can keep 1 or 2 snails in a 10 gallon tank. Ideally you have 1 snail for every 5 gallons of water. Don’t forget to consider other fish and their numbers in your tank.

Nerite Snail’s tankmates

When it comes to gang snails, you don’t have to worry about tank mates. While most Pisces have strict and complicated mate requirements, these Slugs have none. In fact, they can be kept in a tank with most fish. All you have to remember is that tankmates have to be small and peaceful. Ideal partners are:




In addition, you can equip aquariums with other animals with nerite snails. You can also keep them with ghost shrimp, for example. Adding other types of nerite is possible. One benefit here is the ability to see different behaviors in your tank. Just remember that snails love peaceful tank communities, and as such you should provide them with just that.

Nerite snail care requirements

Yes, you should groom your gangster snails. The good thing is that most problems are easy to solve and far from complicated. On the other hand, some are complex. The most common problem is a stunted shell. This happens when they don’t have enough food or when the water temperature is low. If they are in a healthy tank, this is not a problem. If they eat too much, the shell can become discolored. This happens because the shell is growing faster than recommended.

If the shell is dark, it means your snails don’t have enough food. You can see this problem in nature where there is not enough food.

A shell can become weak or even crack if there is not enough calcium in the water. If this is the case, make sure to add calcium-based supplements. If you see white spots, these are not weak spots on a shell. These are parasites that should be treated immediately.


If your snail isn’t moving, it’s usually not a big deal and something you can solve by changing the water temperature and making sure there aren’t any chemicals in the tank. Look for nitrite and ammonia. Be extra careful when adding them to your tank for the first time.

Is my snail dead or sleeping?

Examine the Shell

If the body of the snail is no longer inside the cell or if the snail hangs out of the shell and does not move, then the snail may have died. If the snail does not respond to you picking up the shell and falls out, it is dead.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

In general, snails tend to remain dormant for long periods of time.

There can be many reasons for this – it could be the water conditions in the aquarium or they just feel tired after a hearty meal.

And yes, a possible reason could also be that your snail is dead.

If the snail doesn’t move for a long time or starts to swim, it can be a cause for concern.

Before we give you a clear picture of how to distinguish if it’s dead or dormant, let’s briefly understand why snails stay static/float.

Reasons why the snail becomes static/floating

Here are most of the reasons snails might not move and/or start swimming.

It tries to travel faster

If you see a snail swimming, it may or may not be dead. There are many reasons why the snail floats on the water surface.

It is a common behavior of aquatic snails (apple snails), just like sleeping. In the wild, especially in flowing streams, snails swim to move faster.

In order to move faster, they often come to the surface and store some air in their shells. This makes them buoyant enough.

This saves them energy and also helps them to go to another location with the current.

While there isn’t much flow or space in a home aquarium, snails are sometimes prone to it.

water has gone bad

Bad water can also cause it to remain static/floating in the aquarium water.

For example, there are snail breeds such as apple snails that prefer to climb out of the tank. And there are others, such as the predatory snails, that retreat into their shells.

This is because poor water conditions can potentially kill snails.


Sometimes when the snail is hungry, it swims upside down so the food floats to the surface.

After the meal

Snails also tend to get static or levitate after a large meal.

If you’ve been feeding it recently and it then becomes static, it’s just resting.

In most cases, after a few hours of sleep, they start moving again.

Certain species of snails, such as predatory snails, eat their prey and then hibernate for about two to three days and then become active again.

Changes in water parameters

Certain changes in water parameters such as temperature fluctuations, less oxygen, pH changes can stress the snail and it will stop moving.

How to check if the snail is dead or alive

There are a few easy ways to tell a live snail from a dead one.

Smell the snail!

When a snail is dead, it quickly begins to decompose, creating ammonia. This ammonia has a really pungent smell.

So if you’re wondering if your hover snail is dead or alive, here’s a quick test to check.

Take the snail out of the tank and smell it. If your snail has died and taken long enough to decompose, it will smell pretty bad (you can’t help but notice that).

The body will smell of putrefaction.

If it doesn’t smell pungent, your snail is most likely alive. The shell also appears weightless if the snail is dead.

Check if the auger moves

Place the suspected snail in a small container of aquarium water for a day or two.

Check if it has moved. Keep an eye on the snail, especially at night, as some are known to be nocturnal.

Check if the body has shrunk

When a snail dies, its body shrinks.

If the shell appears weightless, your snail is most likely dead.

If it’s been dead for a while, the body decomposes and the shell is empty.

Examine the shell;

Examine the water snail shell carefully.

If the snail’s body is no longer in the cell, or if the snail is hanging out of the shell and is not moving, the snail may have died.

If the snail doesn’t respond to you picking up the shell and falls out, it’s dead.

See if it sticks to the glass or decoration

The snail cannot hold on to wall decorations in the aquarium and usually lies upside down.

If the snail is still stuck to the tank glass, it is most likely sleeping or resting.

Tap on the aquarium wall / drag near the shell’s opening / tap on the shell

For larger snail species like apple snails, there is another way to check if it is dead or alive.

Gently pull the snail’s trapdoor. If you feel resistance, your snail is alive.

Tap the shell of the snail. If it is out of its shell and alive, it retreats into the shell.

Watch Fish Behavior

Check to see if other fish are bugging the snail’s shell.

This can also cause the snail to retreat into its shell, indicating that it is alive.

How long do snails sleep?

Famous for being slow and a good eater of algae, aquatic snails are also known for their sleeping habits.

Snails spend a lot of time standing still, which can cause concern for their new owners. Basically, snails can sleep pretty much anywhere and anytime.

Sleep duration varies from breed to breed. Some sleep 2 to 3 days, most sleep over 13 hours in seven small bouts.

If sleep deprivation occurs for some reason, snails can carry on as normal until the next set of seven bouts.

What happens when a snail dies?

Like all living organisms, when a snail dies it immediately decomposes as soon as that happens, releasing a lot of ammonia which makes the aquarium water cloudy.

You should be able to smell ammonia. It smells very strong and quite disgusting.

This smell gets stronger about 24 hours after the snail’s death.

Aside from decomposition, the body shrinks and may fall out of the shell.

What to do with a dead snail?

The first thing you should do after confirmation is to remove the snail and change the water.

If you leave the dead snail in the aquarium, it will release ammonia, which in turn will increase the ammonia level of the entire aquarium.

Since ammonia is toxic to snails, it can cause more damage to existing snails in the tank.

Some aquarists advise leaving them in the tank if the aquarium has scavengers like hermit crabs that will feed on anything, including snails.

Before leaving a dead snake in your tank, make sure you have enough hermit crabs and they have started eating the snail.

Because the decomposing body will most likely fuel the nitrogen cycle and algae growth aside from the spike in ammonia levels.

It is important to remember that the lifespan of popular aquarium snails is very short (one to three years, up to three years for apple and hare snails).

So if you took good care of him, it’s not your fault if he dies.

How do you dispose of the dead aquarium snail?

Take out the dead snail, put it in a ziplock bag and freeze it until the day you dispose of the trash.

Throwing it in the trash right away might not be the best idea because of its awful smell.

Try not to touch the snail with your bare hands, instead use a shovel to get it out of the tank and put it in the bag.

If the body is disassembled and not in its shell, check the shell. Clean with a pocket knife and throw back into the aquarium.

Another alternative is to put it in a bag with some water and leave it in the tied bag for a month.

Then take out the shell, rinse it and throw it back into the aquarium behind the rocks for a hermit or other snail interested in a shell.

How to improve aquarium snail health?

People usually tend to keep more than one snail in the aquarium.

Snails need calcium to build their shells. To supplement calcium, try cuttlebone, available at most pet stores. Briefly boil the squid in boiling water and allow to cool.

Next add it to the aquarium. It will sink with ease.

Another great way to supplement calcium is by adding goldfish vacation blocks. These blocks are designed to provide nourishment over a longer period of time.

The calcium slowly dissolves, exposing the food.

Aside from calcium supplements, your snail needs clean water and good filtration.

I hope the article solved your question and gave you all the necessary knowledge about snails in the aquarium. All the best.

Other aquarium related items you may find useful:

Is my snail dead?

Smell the shell carefully. If the shell smells rotten or foul, the snail has died. Examine the water snail shell carefully. If the body of the snail is no longer inside the shell or if the snail hangs out of the shell and does not move, then the snail may have died.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

Warnings Never take snails out of the water for long periods of time as they will die if all the moisture dries up.

Tips Remove dead snails from the water immediately and dispose of them.

Freshwater snails may appear dead in aquariums but often remain dormant for many days. Sometimes the snails float to the surface of the water through the air in their lungs. If you suspect the snail has died, you must carefully remove it from the water to examine it. Leaving a dead snail in an aquarium can lead to the spread of disease. Before discarding the snail, carefully inspect it to make sure it is actually dead and not dormant.

Take the snail out of the water. Locate the opening near the case body. Sniff the peel carefully. If the shell smells putrid or foul, the snail has died.

Examine the water snail shell carefully. If the snail’s body is no longer in the shell, or if the snail is hanging out of the shell and is not moving, the snail may have died.

Find the trapdoor on the snail’s body. The opening stays closed if the slug stays alive, but it stays open if the slug dies.

Hold the snail shell in front of a light source such as a flashlight. Look at the heartbeat to determine if the snail is still alive. The heartbeat can only be seen in young and thin-skinned snails.

Is it cruel to keep snails as pets?

The Giant African Snail, a popular pet, attacks many crops, may spread plant (and human) diseases, and damages stucco buildings by eating them. So invasive snails cause widespread ecological and economic damages, and can even harm human health.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

Last Saturday, NPR’s weekend edition ran a story about keeping snails as pets, and I wish they hadn’t. Apparently snails are the trending new pet (really!), and the story quotes happy snail owners extolling the virtues of their pets. Most of what NPR said in the piece was true. Snails are interesting animals that are fun and easy to hold. But I’m afraid the Weekend Edition story will encourage more people to get snails as pets, and that could be a bad thing.

What on earth could be wrong when more people have pet snails?

Snails are among the most harmful invasive species in the world (three species of snails are on the list of “The World’s 100 Worst Invasive Alien Species”). For example, the invasive Midwestern faucet snail carries a parasitic flatworm that kills thousands of ducks and other waterfowl each year. The golden apple slug was spread from South America to Asia, where it causes such damage to wetlands and paddy fields that farmers are now using dangerous pesticides to control the slugs, resulting in several human deaths. A popular pet, the African giant snail attacks many crops, can spread plant (and human) diseases, and damages stucco buildings by eating them. Invasive snails cause widespread ecological and economic damage and can even damage human health.

But having that adorable little snail in your terrarium won’t hurt, right? Well, not unless it comes out. And when people have pets, they always get out. Their cousin Dizzy decides it would be cool to let their snails out in the garden (aren’t they cute about the petunias?), or their hyperactive dog knocks over the terrarium they keep on the patio, or they just will tired of having a terrarium and throw it on the compost heap with snails and all. Almost all pet owners I know are very responsible and would never do such a thing. But it only takes 1 Dizzy in 100 pet owners to ensure many pets are released into the wild. Then we have Burmese pythons in the Everglades, snakeheads in the Potomac, and feral cats eating the world’s last Stephen’s Island wren.

You might think that you couldn’t buy noxious snails (or other noxious pets) at all because government regulations or voluntary pet industry reviews would ensure that all commercially available species were benign. In fact, here in the United States, animal imports are rarely checked to see if the species is harmful, disease free, or even correctly identified. We also generally have no plans for detecting or controlling released pets when they start causing problems in the wild. Until then, we count on Dizzy’s discretion and care to protect our natural resources from her escaped pets. That’s reassuring, isn’t it?

What we really need is better federal (or industry) control of the non-native species entering the United States through the pet trade and other routes. But that probably won’t happen anytime soon, in part because of opposition from the lucrative “Big Pet” industry, which doesn’t want to eat into their bottom line, no matter what the cost to the rest of us. In the meantime, let me say what NPR and other responsible news outlets would say if they ran a story on the latest fad in trending pets: Be really careful not to let these pets go.

How do I know if my snail is getting enough food?

If your snail doesn’t have enough food it will go hungry, but with too much food the water quality will quickly deteriorate. Most snails enjoy having plants in the tank to graze on. They also eat algae, whether it is found naturally on the tank’s walls or provided in the form of store-bought algae wafers.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

bought from a crowded tank and the snail had fungus everywhere and died shortly after I got it.”


“This article is very helpful, I wish I would read it more carefully before buying a snail because I have my first snail

Do snails sleep?

Snails will sleep on and off for several hours at a time. Once they’ve rested though, they can stay awake for around 30 hours. You may even know a few people with similar sleeping patterns. Snails don’t tend to pay attention to the day and night cycles.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

How long do snails sleep? by Cameron Holland

It may not be the most pressing question that needs answers, but here we are. How long do snails sleep?

Stop for a second contemplating your own existence or wondering if life exists beyond Earth. For now, we’re going to learn about gastropod sleep cycles.

Do snails sleep for 3 years?

Some are very big, some are very small. Some people despise them and some love to eat them. When you think about it, snails really are very different creatures. And the same principle applies to their sleeping habits.

If you’ve already searched for the question, “How long do snails sleep?” You may have discovered that the answer is said to be 3 years. Unfortunately this is inaccurate. Making such a statement is hardly half an answer.

We have already mentioned that there are many different types of snails. From the common garden snail to the African giant land snail. Sleeping habits can vary drastically depending on factors such as species and environment.

Like many other creatures, some snails hibernate during the winter months. They can also estivate in particularly warm and dry seasons.

Hibernation and estivation are not the same as sleeping. While creatures are dormant in these states, their bodies also undergo extreme physiological changes.

Sleep mainly changes psychological aspects. However, hibernation and estivation are more focused on physical changes such as changing body temperature.

So how long do snails sleep? Technically, it’s less than 3 years. They can hibernate for up to 3 years in some cases, and this is where the misconception arises.

How long do snails really sleep?

The average sleep cycle of a snail isn’t all that amazing. Snails fall asleep and sleep for several hours at a time. However, once they have rested, they can stay awake for about 30 hours. You might even know a few people with similar sleeping habits.

Snails usually do not pay attention to the day-night rhythm. Instead, they sleep as they see fit.

Why is this even a topic of discussion?

It’s actually quite a funny story. You’re probably familiar with Google and perhaps aware of their efforts to continually improve user experiences.

If you type a question into Google these days, you’re much more likely to get an answer right away. These answers are typically pulled from higher-ranking content for the search term in question.

Anyway, a Redditor named “Unidan_nadinU” must have wondered about the question we covered today one day. They Googled “how long do snails sleep” only to get the incredibly accurate answer of…three. No unit of measure to compare with just “three”.

This person then took to Reddit to share a screenshot in a post titled “Units of measurement are for suckers.” The post drew a lot of attention and several memes based on the original post also surfaced.

So there we have it! We didn’t just give you an answer to the question of how long snails sleep. We even went so far as to share with you why people even cared.

How long can snails sleep?

Snails need moisture to survive; so if the weather is not cooperating, they can actually sleep up to three years. It has been reported that depending on geography, snails can shift into hibernation (which occurs in the winter), or estivation (also known as ‘summer sleep’), helping to escape warm climates.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

Let’s learn exactly how some snails sleep

At first glance, one might not think that land snails lead a very fascinating life. However, these gastropods live a rather unique lifestyle. These animals are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. They don’t have hearing, and salt is potentially toxic to them. However, one of the most interesting aspects of their lives is how they sleep. Exactly how long can certain snails sleep? You may be surprised by the answer.

How long can snails sleep?

Certain land snails can hibernate or hibernate for up to three years. Yes, it is true! While this extended nap may sound tempting at first, it’s actually caused by less than ideal conditions.

Why do snails sleep so long?

Snails need moisture to survive; So if the weather doesn’t cooperate, they can actually sleep for up to three years. It has been reported that depending on geography, snails can enter hibernation (which occurs during winter) or hibernation (also known as “summer dormancy”), which helps them escape warm climates. During this time, the snails secrete mucus over their bodies to protect themselves from the dry, hot weather. As glamorous as it sounds, snails don’t always sleep in their own slime for three years. When the weather is just right, snails tend to follow a fairly regular sleep schedule.

Is a snail sleep schedule different from humans?

Unlike humans, snails don’t obey the rules of day and night. Generally, snails fall asleep and sleep between 13 and 15 hours. After that, they experience a sudden burst of energy for the next 30 hours doing all their snail chores!

How can you tell if a snail is sleeping?

It can be quite difficult to tell if a snail is sleeping or not considering they don’t show any obvious signs like closed eyes or snoring. However, there are still a few simple ways you can tell if a snail is sleeping or not:

The shell may slightly detach from her body

relaxed foot

Tentacles appear somewhat withdrawn

It might be easy to assume the snail is dead, but don’t jump to conclusions if you see a stationary snail in the garden – it might just be napping.

Do snails need water to drink?

Water. Like most living creatures, both land and water snail species need to drink water to survive. Land snails drink from small puddles formed on leaves or on the ground, but they also get their water from the juicy leaves they eat.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

Snails are a group of shelled mollusks with species found in many habitats such as freshwater, marine and terrestrial. Terrestrial snails, while better known than other species, represent only a small group. Sea snails are the most numerous and species-rich group.

All snail species need oxygen, food, water, and appropriate temperature and humidity to live. Many land snails that have been present in human life since ancient times are considered garden pests. Eating snails is common in some cultures and the creatures can be farmed as gastronomic delicacies.

snail food

Snails are omnivores, which means they can eat both plant and animal food. Snail food can come from a variety of materials, e.g. B. from decomposing plants and invertebrates and from all kinds of leaves or algae.

However, different snail species may have different food preferences.

The giant African land slugs (Achatina fulica) — which are popular pets in some countries but are also serious agricultural pests and are kept illegally in the US — can eat any food crop, including lettuce, cucumber and cabbage.

The wood snail feeds primarily on decaying organic matter, nettles and buttercups, while aquatic snails eat small invertebrates and algae.


Like most animal species, snails need oxygen to survive. Most land snails and some marine and freshwater species have a single lung where the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.

Aquatic life must come to the surface to breathe to absorb atmospheric oxygen. Pond snails, bladder snails, ram’s horn snails, the common land snail, and freshwater snails are examples of lung-breathing snails.

Some snails, such as water snails, bithynia snails and mud snails, have gills instead of lungs and can only take in the oxygen dissolved in the water.


Like most living things, both terrestrial and aquatic snail species need to drink water to survive.

Land snails drink from small puddles that form on leaves or the ground, but they also get their water from the succulent leaves they eat.

Marine species ingest saltwater when feeding, but have an excretory mechanism to excrete excessive amounts of salt they ingest.

Adequate temperatures and humidity

Optimum temperatures vary by species, but most land snails prefer warm temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and high humidity environments. Sphincterochila boissieri, which is found in Egypt and Israel and can withstand temperatures of up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, this species lives in a dormant state most of the time and only becomes active after the rains. Some species of the genera Arion and Deroceras are found in temperate climates, but are also adapted to life in polar climates.


Land snails, as their name suggests, live on land, but that land must be able to accommodate the snail’s needs. Forest floors, gardens, and swamps all provide moist conditions for land snails to thrive. By hiding under foliage or at the base of leafy plants, slugs can avoid the sun’s drying effects.

Freshwater snails can live in lakes, rivers and even artificial ponds. The bottom sediments or substrates of these bodies of water affect which snail species can survive there. When preparing a habitat for pet snails, make sure the substrate is appropriate for your species of snail.

From tropical coral reefs to the dark, cold depths of the oceans, sea snails are found in a variety of saltwater habitats. Here they can feed on algae and decaying seaweed. Some are even carnivores.

Do snails bite?

Snails can’t bite or chew on you like a dog, but they can run their toothed tongue over your skin which might feel like a bite. A snail can’t break your skin or draw blood like this, and it isn’t trying to attack you. It just thinks your hand is food and wants to taste it to make sure.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

If you’ve picked up a snail and felt a pinch, or want to pick up a snail but are afraid it will hurt you, then you’re probably here to find out if snails can bite…

Snails can’t bite or chew on you like a dog, but they can rake your skin with their serrated tongue, which might feel like a bite. A slug can’t break your skin or suck blood like that, and it won’t try to attack you. It just thinks your hand is food and wants to taste it to make sure.

Snails are fairly harmless to humans, with the exception of one dangerous slug to avoid. Understanding how snails bite and how their mouths work can take a lot of anxiety when it comes to dealing with snails.

Where’s a snail’s mouth?

A snail’s mouth is on the underside of its body, forward, near its tentacles. If you look closely under a snail’s body, you should be able to see the opening to the mouth.

Do snails have teeth?

All snails have teeth. Snail teeth are tiny and made of chitin, the same material found in a crab’s shell. The teeth are arranged in rows in the mouth on a tongue-like band called the radula. The radula can move inside the snail’s mouth, allowing a snail to control and move its teeth back and forth.

Depending on the species, snails have between 1,000 and 20,000 teeth in their mouths at the same time. A snail grows teeth at the back of its mouth. As the front teeth wear down, the rows of teeth move forward to replace the old teeth. This makes room for more new teeth to grow on the back.

This is how a snail keeps so many teeth healthy and strong.

A magnified image of rows of microscopic teeth forming a radula.

Original Magicians with thanks from ©Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

Plant-eating snails have more teeth than meat-eating snails because it takes more teeth to crush plant material than animal material.

Snails need their teeth to eat or they will starve: Click here to learn how snails use their teeth to eat.

Why snails bite

Snails are designed to crawl around and graze for food most of the time, especially as they prepare to hibernate. As they move, slugs smell food with their lower tentacles and scrape or grate with their serrated tongue to taste the food.

Snails have many reasons for biting and rasping like this:

Snails bite people when they are hungry. A snail thinks human flesh might be a vegetable peel or something good that snails like to eat, so it grates the person’s skin with its tongue as a taste test. This usually happens when the person has touched food or plants before touching the snail, leaving their hand smelling like food to the snail.

. A snail thinks human flesh might be a vegetable peel or something good that snails like to eat, so it grates the person’s skin with its tongue as a taste test. This usually happens when the person has touched food or plants before touching the snail, leaving their hand smelling like food to the snail. Snails can also bite humans if they are lacking protein in their diet and they are trying to get something out of the person’s hand.

in their diet, and they’re trying to get something out of the person’s hands. Snails bite plants and other foods to break off small pieces and swallow the food.

. Snails will bite other snails when fighting over food.

about food. Snails are known to bite quite aggressively when mating.

It’s safe to let a snail crawl on you, even if it’s trying to bite you. The best way to pick up a snail is to put your hand in front of the snail and let it crawl on you.

Do snail bites hurt?

Snail bites don’t hurt — they feel more like a cat’s tongue licking you or a pinch. Although snails have thousands of tiny teeth, their teeth aren’t big enough or strong enough to hurt you. But there is one underwater snail that gives painful, venomous bites: the cone snail.

Cone snails are typically found in warm seas and oceans, but they also inhabit the cooler waters of Southern California. Most are brightly colored with patterns on their shells, and all are cone-shaped.

The cone snail has an antennae that protrudes from one end of its shell. This feeler is supposed to attract fish that want to eat it.

But when a fish (or a human) touches a cone snail’s antennae, the snail uses a hollow tooth to quickly shoot venom into the fish. This venom paralyzes or kills the fish for the cone snail to eat.

This cone snail is patiently waiting for a fish to touch its antennae, which protrude from the right side of the shell. If a fish accepts the bait, the snail injects poison into the fish with a hollow tooth. This will paralyze the fish and the snail will eat it.

People who have been stung by a cone snail say it is as painful as being stung by a bee or wasp, but there is often great pain in the bite area afterwards and sometimes more serious health problems.

How do I get my snail to eat?

Blanch and cool overly hard vegetables like carrots before you feed them to your snails. Clean and peel veggies. Attaching your produce to the side of the tank with a clip makes eating easier for these slow-moving creatures. Pet stores sell special clips designed for aquarium use.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

If you only have snails in your tank, you don’t need to feed them much more than fish-dwelling snails. Eat only as much food as you can before the food goes bad. Store-bought groceries last longer than produce. Start small when feeding produce and gauge how quickly your snails eat the fresh treats. A tank with only a few snails will take a while to process many products, especially when plants and algae are available. If you have multiple slugs in the tank, anchor your products to different locations in the tank so the slugs in multiple locations can access them.

How long can snails be out of water?

Aquarium snails can not survive outside of the water for long because their body dries out. If a water snail is placed on land, it would survive just a couple of hours. Some snails go out of the water to eat or lay eggs, but quickly return afterwards. As long as a snail is wet it’s able to survive.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

Just 20 minutes before writing this I was looking at some of the beautiful hare snails in my tank. One crawled to the surface and I wondered if they can live outside the aquarium. Instead of trying it out, I went online and did some research. Here’s what I found.

Aquarium snails cannot survive long out of water as their bodies dry out. If you put an aquatic snail on land, it only survives a few hours. Some snails leave the water to feed or lay eggs, but return quickly afterwards. As long as a snail is wet, it can survive.

Not all snails like to explore beyond the surface of the water. In fact, there are few who do. In this article, I’ll briefly cover what you need to know to better understand aquatic snail behavior.

Can aquatic snails live outside of an aquarium?

There are a few snails that rely on their lungs to breathe, so they can get their oxygen from the air. Examples of these snails are pond snails and ramshorn snails, both of which are common in the hobby.

Pond snails are often viewed as pest snails as almost nobody buys these snails as ornamental snails. Instead, these tiny snails hitchhike into our aquariums through plants we buy. Either snails or snail eggs are attached to the plants when they leave the yard or camp.

The snails, which rely on their lungs, can breathe outside of the water, but still cannot survive. The reason for this is that their body dries out when exposed to the air for a long time. As long as an aquatic snail can stay wet or moist, its chances of survival increase.

There are other snails that sometimes leave the aquarium (or the water in general) to lay eggs. The best examples are apple or mystery snails, which are extremely popular in our aquaristics. If you keep these snails, you will eventually find a clutch of eggs stuck above the waterline. Below is a picture of what that looks like.

These snails need to get out of the water to lay eggs (by the way, this article explains what you should do if your snail has laid eggs), but they will always return immediately, so they don’t risk drying out.

Other people’s experience with snails leaving the water

In order to answer this question correctly, I have collected stories and experiences from other people. For example, I found this information mostly scattered in forum posts like this one.

All the stories add up, aquarium snails don’t leave the water for long. An interesting thing is that aquatic snails like to (partially) leave the water from time to time. There are stories of snails that like to sit half in and half out of the water.

Other people have often seen their aquatic snails slowly crawl to the surface and suspect that their snails are breathing through their lungs. Articles on the internet support these stories as there are many popular aquarium snails that have lungs.

To name just a few of these species, I visited and read an article that talked more about how snails “work”. The design of the site made it very difficult to read, but the information is definitely relevant to this question. I will not link to the article as the page looks sketchy and I don’t want to put you at risk.

The four types of snails that have lungs are pond snails, ram’s horn snails, freshwater snails, and bladder snails. If we combine this information with other forum answers stating that snails can live out of water for several hours, I believe we have the answer.

Can land snails survive underwater?

The only logical next question is how is the situation reversed? Can “normal” land snails survive or even thrive under water? To answer this question I turned my attention to this page of a website called “” which appears to be a very reliable and almost academic source.

Sir Gary Rosenberg of the Academy of Sciences at Drexel University took the liberty of answering this question in some really difficult (borderline confusing) academic language.

To quote Mr. Rosenberg, pulmonary land snails usually drown in less than 24 hours. Lid snails can survive much longer in the water if the lid seals well. In addition, some land snails, for example Geomelania (Truncatellidae), do not drown, but can remain under water indefinitely. Spread on floating plant material is possible but difficult to quantify.

To clarify the answer, we must first understand what “lung land snails” are. The definition of the word “pulmonate” is, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a mollusc of the group Pulmonata, which includes the terrestrial snails and snails and many freshwater snails.

Normal snails drown under water within 24 hours. In the next part of the answer, Mr. Rosenberg talks about “operculate” snails. That’s simple: snails using a lid or cover to close their shell. So as long as their lid covers the main entrance, they can survive much longer. When the seal is tight, no water can get in, and some snails can stay submerged indefinitely.

The next type of snail are true water snails, which brings us back to the beginning of the circle. Isn’t that interesting.

How to deal with pest snails

Many people consider tiny aquarium snails undesirable and try to get rid of them. I actually like my snails, but I can understand how annoying it can be to have hundreds of tiny snails that you don’t want in your tank. Luckily, there are ways to remove and get rid of them that don’t involve chemicals.

I have discussed all the options in detail in this article here on my website and I strongly encourage you to read it. It has a lot of information but is lacking in one area: fish-eating snails. For that, I wrote a separate article that looks at the fish you can add to your tank to help fight the snails.

How do I know if my snail is getting enough food?

If your snail doesn’t have enough food it will go hungry, but with too much food the water quality will quickly deteriorate. Most snails enjoy having plants in the tank to graze on. They also eat algae, whether it is found naturally on the tank’s walls or provided in the form of store-bought algae wafers.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

bought from a crowded tank and the snail had fungus everywhere and died shortly after I got it.”


“This article is very helpful, I wish I would read it more carefully before buying a snail because I have my first snail

How often should you feed a slug?

Spritz your slug’s habitat with water 2 times a day to provide moisture. Feed your slug fresh fruit or vegetables once a day.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

set up a little home for him, thanks for the advice in the article!”


“I found a tiny snail on a walk. I think it’s a baby because it’s very small (3/4 inch long). I will do it

How Long Can Animal Go Without Food | Animals That Can Survive Without Food the Longest | Comparison

How Long Can Animal Go Without Food | Animals That Can Survive Without Food the Longest | Comparison
How Long Can Animal Go Without Food | Animals That Can Survive Without Food the Longest | Comparison

See some more details on the topic how long can a snail go without eating here:

How Long Can a Snail Go Without Eating? – Animals HQ

Most snails can survive for weeks and up to a couple of months without eating. Scientific studies on snails have shown that specific species can live up to …

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Date Published: 6/11/2021

View: 3980

How Long Can Snails Go Without Food – Fun In The Yard

Some species of snails can go an astounding 8 months without food. The Giant African Land Snail can survive up to 5 months without food in harsh conditions, …

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Date Published: 11/3/2022

View: 3010

How Long Can Snails Go Without Food? Up To A Year!

The duration a snail can go without eating varies from species to species. However, on average, most snails can live without food for about a …

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Date Published: 12/14/2021

View: 2607

How long can a snail go without food? | PetSnails Forum

With the correct long lasting foods and setups mine are happy to be left for up to two weeks, they could probably do longer but i am not happy …

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Date Published: 10/26/2021

View: 7456

How long can snails go without eating? –

Most snails will survive a few weeks without food. The longest time a snail was observed surviving without eating was 8 months. However, this is …

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Date Published: 3/11/2022

View: 7692

How long can a snail go without eating?

But as to your querry, Snails can survive for up to a week without food. And no, they do not only eat algae. I guess if you starvethem by not …

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Date Published: 7/6/2022

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How many days can snail live without eating?

Some species of snails can go an astounding 8 months without food. The Giant African Land Snail can survive up to 5 months without food in harsh …

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Date Published: 8/3/2021

View: 1958

How long can a garden snail go without eating? Is it required to feed them daily?

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Snail Problems


Problems with your snails can arise from time to time. Very little is known about what these diseases are, what causes them, and even less about treatments. Unfortunately, it seems like more time is being spent killing them with increasingly sophisticated ways.

For this reason the following information is a mixture of all possible and available research, theories and hypotheses, logical thinking and the result of various discussions with a large group of snail owners. With the help of the community in general, these problems can at least be documented. Where possible I have tried to link examples of incidents.

Hopefully we can find some effective solutions to most of these problems, but I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for various suggestions and discussions for now.

How to Clean and Prepare Fresh Snails for Cooking

From French snail recipes to Greek favorites like bourbouristi (deep-fried snails to pop), all fresh snail recipes require that the main ingredient be cleaned and prepared for cooking. Luckily, cleaning fresh snails for cooking is a relatively easy process.

Although snails are typically associated with France, Greece has around 700 different species of snails across the country that love to eat! In fact, the town of Vlaheronitisa on the Greek island of Crete hosts a snail festival every first Saturday in August, during which residents and visitors alike can eat as many of the local garden snails as they like.

No matter what type of snail you eat, there’s a lot to like about them — they’re healthy, nutritious and delicious, low in carbs and fat, and even considered by some to be an aphrodisiac and antidepressant.

A word on fresh fresh snails

Depending on where you bought the snails, they may have been bred for sale or fed a special diet of vine leaves, which is good since their preferred diet in nature doesn’t always match the human digestive system. If you bought a fresh catch rather than a batch from a fish market, ask the vendor when it was harvested so you have an idea of ​​when the snails last fed.

Snails that are at least a week away from the water are usually safe, but otherwise you’ll have to starve them out for seven to 10 days.

Alternatively, you can feed them something human-compatible to remove the toxic old food from their system, like bits of lettuce, apples, flour, bran, or grape leaves – your goal is to remove all traces of their natural diet from them before They cook and eat them.

After enough time has passed, place the snails in a pot of cold water with a little salt and a touch of vinegar where their droppings will leave them, and you can then proceed with the following cleaning steps.

Granted, this isn’t a task for someone with a sensitive stomach or a fondness for all animals, whether they’re in shell or fur, but you can skip this prep step unless you harvested your own snails or straight from the boat Bought .

The Spruce Eats / Chelsea Damraksa

How to properly prepare fresh snails

It takes you about 30 minutes to clean and prepare 50 snails for cooking, which should be enough to serve eight to 12 people, depending on the snail recipe you’re making. However, all you need to get started is a large pot or pan, a sharp knife and 50 snails. Then follow these simple steps:

Use a sharp knife to remove the membrane covering the opening in the shell. Place the snails in a large pot or pan and fill with plenty of fresh water. Throw away any snails swimming at the top. Pick up two to three snails at a time and rub them with your fingers. Set them aside and continue with two or three more, working your way through the entire batch. Discard the water after the snails have been cleaned in this way once. Fill the pot with fresh, clean water and repeat the process. Rinse snails well. Enjoy them in your favorite recipe!

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