How To Straighten Your Smile? The 127 Detailed Answer

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Two of the most popular ways to straighten teeth in the modern day are braces and Invisalign. Both of these orthodontic options are a solution for underbites, overbites, crossbites, oral pain, impacted teeth, spacing and protruding teeth.The ideal treatment for a crooked smile varies based on the patient’s oral health issues and other factors. Braces, a mouth guard, and other dental treatments can be used to straighten the teeth. Or, surgical procedures may be required to correct crooked teeth.Start by smiling as wide as you can while keeping your mouth closed. It can help to visualize that your smile is extending from ear to ear. While smiling, try wiggling your nose until you feel your cheek muscles engaging. Hold the pose for about five seconds, and repeat 10 times.

Here are some facial exercises you can perform to make your lips appear more balanced:
  1. Tighten your lips as if you are going to attempt to whistle. Hold that position for 10 to 15 seconds. …
  2. Stretch your lips with your lips closed as if you are trying to touch the corners of your mouth to your ears. …
  3. Purse your lips.

How can I straighten my crooked smile?

The ideal treatment for a crooked smile varies based on the patient’s oral health issues and other factors. Braces, a mouth guard, and other dental treatments can be used to straighten the teeth. Or, surgical procedures may be required to correct crooked teeth.

How can I straighten my mouth?

Here are some facial exercises you can perform to make your lips appear more balanced:
  1. Tighten your lips as if you are going to attempt to whistle. Hold that position for 10 to 15 seconds. …
  2. Stretch your lips with your lips closed as if you are trying to touch the corners of your mouth to your ears. …
  3. Purse your lips.

How can I even out my smile?

Start by smiling as wide as you can while keeping your mouth closed. It can help to visualize that your smile is extending from ear to ear. While smiling, try wiggling your nose until you feel your cheek muscles engaging. Hold the pose for about five seconds, and repeat 10 times.

Why is my smile not straight?

The most common reasons for a crooked smile are: An uneven gum line: Sometimes, one side of your gum tissue can drop down lower than the other side, giving the appearance of asymmetry. Misaligned teeth: If your teeth are crooked, tipped, or rotated, your smile can appear jagged and uneven.

Why does my mouth look crooked in pictures?

Paskhover and colleagues explain in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery that the distortion happens in selfies because the face is such a short distance from the camera lens. In a recent study, they calculated distortion of facial features at different camera distances and angles.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

Selfies — or selfies — can distort the face and make the nose look bigger than it is, according to plastic surgeons, who say they’ve seen a surge in requests for cosmetic procedures from people who want to look better in selfies.

“Patients under 40 pull out their phones and tell me they don’t like the way they look,” said Dr. Boris Paskhover from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark.

“They literally show me a selfie of themselves and complain about their noses,” he told Reuters Health by phone. “I have to explain that I understand that they are not happy, but what they see is distorted.”

According to a survey by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 42 percent of surgeons have seen patients who want procedures to enhance their selfies and pictures on social media platforms.

At this standard portrait distance of five feet [1.5 meters], everything evens out. – dr Boris Paskhover

Paskhover and colleagues explain in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery that the distortion in selfies occurs because the face is so close to the camera lens.

In a recent study, they calculated the distortion of facial features at different camera distances and angles. They found that the perceived width of the nose increased the closer the camera got to the face. For example, at a distance of 30 centimeters, selfies increased nose size by 30 percent in men and 29 percent in women. However, at 1.5 meters, the proportion of features corresponds to the real scale.

photographers know

“At this standard portrait distance of five feet [1.5 meters], everything evens out,” Paskhover said. “It’s a classic portrait distance that fascinates. Photographers have known this for decades.”

Similar formulas can be created for other facial features as well, Paskhover said. Men who want to emphasize a stronger chin or a square jaw, for example, could position the camera in a specific close-up position. Likewise, women who want to emphasize their eyes, for example, or who want to de-emphasize their chin or forehead, should tilt the camera to compensate for the distortion.

“Some people offer advice and tips about these kinds of angles just because they’ve taken thousands of pictures,” he said. “Now there’s a model that can explain that.”

dr Cemal Cingi of Eskisehir Osmangazi University in Turkey, who studies selfies and trends in rhinoplasty but was not involved in this new study, told Reuters Health: “I talk to patients about asymmetries before surgery and I literally let them hold a mirror up to your hands before we agree on a procedure.”

“As camera phones continue to improve, maybe it will be possible for people to take photos a little further away from the face,” he said over the phone. “It can help people who are unhappy with their noses looking bigger in the selfies they take.”

Why is my face uneven?

Having an asymmetrical face is both normal and common. Often it is the result of genetics, aging, or lifestyle habits. While a person may notice their own facial asymmetry, other people will probably not be aware of them.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

Features that don’t perfectly mirror each other on either side of a face are called asymmetry. This is normal as almost everyone has some degree of facial asymmetry. Natural asymmetry is probably not a cause for concern. In fact, some research suggests that natural asymmetry is both normal and desirable. Some people may have more noticeable asymmetry than others. Factors such as aging, trauma, and lifestyle choices such as smoking or sun exposure can contribute to the asymmetry. If a person has always had asymmetrical characteristics, there is no need to worry. However, a new and noticeable facial asymmetry can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, such as a stroke or Bell’s palsy. Read on to learn about some possible causes of an asymmetrical face, along with treatments and home remedies.

Causes Share on Pinterest Genetics help determine a person’s face shape. Possible causes of facial asymmetry can be: Genetics Sometimes an asymmetrical face is the result of a person’s genetics. People with asymmetrical traits may notice that other members of their family share similar traits. Asymmetric traits due to genetics are usually not a cause for concern. Some genetic health conditions, such as cleft lip and palate, can cause facial asymmetry. Age imaging studies, such as a 2018 study involving nearly 200 volunteers, suggest a link between increasing age and facial asymmetry. This is a natural part of aging. While bones stop growing during puberty, cartilage does not. As a result, a person’s ears and nose continue to grow, leading to changes in the face. The soft tissues of the face also begin to relax. Lifestyle Choices Some lifestyle choices can contribute to an asymmetrical face. For example, smoking exposes the face to toxins and can cause vascular problems. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can also cause an asymmetrical face. Sun damage rarely occurs evenly across the face and can affect one side of the face more than the other. A 2014 study of 147 pairs of twins showed that factors such as sleeping position and smoking are significant risk factors for facial asymmetry. Other lifestyle factors that can contribute to asymmetry include: sleeping on your stomach or with your face on a pillow

have bad posture

Leaning a face on a person’s hand Trauma Injuries to the face in childhood or in adulthood can cause asymmetries to appear. Trauma such as a broken nose, a deep cut, or being involved in a vehicle accident can cause damage to the face. Dental work The use of dentures or the application of dental veneers can change the contours of a face. Tooth extraction can also change the appearance of facial muscles. According to the aforementioned 2014 study examining identical twins, tooth extractions are a significant risk factor for facial asymmetry. Stroke Drooping of the face can be a sign of a stroke, which is a medical emergency. Strokes can occur when blood flow to the brain is reduced, and people can develop sudden facial asymmetry as a result. Other symptoms of a stroke may include: Difficulty speaking

sudden severe headache

Numbness or Weakness in Arms or Legs If a person’s smile is suddenly uneven or they experience numbness on one side of their face, they should see a doctor right away. Learn more about what a stroke feels like here. Bell’s palsy Bell’s palsy is a paralysis of the facial nerves that usually causes one side of the face to droop. The asymmetry is due to one side of a face being able to move less or not at all. The cause is currently unknown but may be related to trauma, nerve damage, or complications of a viral infection. Torticollis Torticollis, also known as twisted neck or wry neck, refers to abnormal positioning of the neck muscles that causes the head to tilt. Sometimes torticollis occurs in the womb, resulting in facial asymmetry when a baby is born. Some sources report that it affects 3 babies out of 100. Eye weakness can also cause a person to tilt their neck to see better, causing the muscles on one side of the neck to become stronger. Many cases of torticollis are temporary and the signs will go away over time.

How common is it? According to a 2015 study, facial asymmetry is common in the general population. The same article references previous studies that reported that 12-37% of orthodontic patients in the United States had an asymmetric face. When the researchers evaluated the patients’ X-rays, they found that the prevalence increased to over 50%. This could indicate that asymmetry is more common than people think, and many people may not even realize that they have asymmetric traits.

Treatment An asymmetrical face does not usually require treatment or medical intervention. This is especially true if the asymmetry is due to genetics or aging. In many cases, asymmetrical features can even be a defining feature or make a face unique. However, if a person is concerned about their appearance due to an asymmetrical face, there are some cosmetic procedures they can consider. Fillers Injecting fillers into a face can help with asymmetries caused by tissue imbalance or muscle weakness. However, their effect is not permanent and will eventually fade. Botox is a popular non-surgical option. People have Botox injections to raise eyebrows that may not be even or to prevent wrinkles that only appear on one side of the face. Botox is a muscle relaxant composed of toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The effect usually lasts 3-4 months. Facial Implants If a person has an asymmetrical face due to their skeletal structure, facial implants can be considered. Surgeons use implants to give a face the appearance of balance. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, surgeons perform this procedure to enhance the cheeks, chin, and jawline. Facial implants are meant to be permanent and usually contain: Silicone




Protein Rhinoplasty Also known as a nose job or “rhinoplasty,” a corrective rhinoplasty can give a nose a symmetrical appearance. Surgeons typically perform this procedure to do one of the following: Help a person breathe

Correct a broken nose that is misadjusted

Change the look of a person’s nose if they don’t like the shape. The results of a rhinoplasty are usually permanent. However, over time, a nose can begin to regain some of its previous shape.

Home remedies An asymmetrical face is common and often doesn’t indicate underlying health issues. However, in some people, asymmetrical traits can lead to a lack of confidence or low self-esteem.

People with slightly asymmetrical facial features may be able to use home remedies to give their face a more symmetrical look. Some options are: Makeup If someone is concerned about uneven facial features, they might consider using makeup to achieve a balanced look. Makeup techniques like contouring and highlighting can help reduce asymmetry. Makeup artists and online tutorials can provide guidance on this. Certain hairstyling techniques can also draw attention away from a face. Eyelid Band Uneven eyelids are a common occurrence. Using eyelid tape or eyelid glue on a droopy eyelid can lift the skin and give the appearance of symmetry. Can facial exercises help? Some may argue that online evidence suggests certain facial exercises can help a face look more youthful and symmetrical. However, there is no clinical research to prove this. The thinking behind these exercises is that they can help with facial asymmetry caused by muscle weakness or uneven muscle tone.

How do I get a perfect smile?

Perfecting Your Smile
  1. Boost your confidence. The perfect smile doesn’t need Hollywood teeth or a certain shape of lips. …
  2. Find a mirror and relax. …
  3. Think of something happy. …
  4. Adjust your eyes. …
  5. Practice a formal smile. …
  6. Make a friendly smile. …
  7. Show off a giant smile. …
  8. Floss every day.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

Looking for your perfect smile? Don’t get too attached to a gap in your tooth or a thin lip. The truth is that there is no look that is better than any other. Practice finding a smile you love so you have the confidence to show it to the world. Teeth whitening treatments are available, but don’t fall into the trap of damaging your oral health with over-treatment. Healthy teeth lead to the most beautiful smile in the long term.

perfect your smile

Boost your self-confidence. The perfect smile doesn’t need Hollywood teeth or a specific lip shape. Smile to make others feel happy, open, and comfortable. People care more about the reason behind your smile than what it looks like. The following advice will help you customize the look of your smile, but that’s the icing on the cake.

Find a mirror and relax. Look in the mirror and relax your facial muscles and shoulders. If you are tense, gently rub your cheeks and forehead. Clench and relax your jaw a few times.

Think of something happy. A real smile is the most beautiful smile. Think of a fun memory or a recent event, your friends or your crush. Even an embarrassing story from your childhood can make you smile.

Customize your eyes. One of the main differences between a real smile and a fake smile is a change in the muscles around your eyes. Any of these can work:

Try squinting your eyes or blinking a little. This can happen even if you have a big smile.

Try opening your eyes a little and raising your eyebrows.

Even a slight tilt of the head can make a smile look better.

Practice a formal smile. Start practicing a formal smile for a work or school photo. Keep your teeth closed. You can keep your lips closed or flash a lot of teeth, whichever you prefer.

Try to put your tongue behind your upper front teeth. This will make your lower lip appear fuller and gaps in your teeth will be less noticeable. This is usually a feminine look, but anyone can try.

Smile friendly. This is a subtle little smile that you would use at a social gathering to get someone’s attention. Squeeze your lips and pull them wide. Hold the smile for just a second, long enough for the other person to notice. Here are a few variations on this:

Curl your lips by keeping the center still while the outer corners move up.

Try the curve again, but keep stretching the corners until you flash your teeth for a moment.

Smile by raising one side of your mouth higher than the other and raising an eyebrow. This can come across as cheeky or sarcastic, so be careful.

Show a huge smile. Open your mouth so your teeth aren’t touching and give yourself a huge, wide smile. Raise your eyebrows as you do so. That smile says, “I’m having a great time!”

care for your mouth

floss every day. Floss once or twice a day just before brushing your teeth. This removes plaque between the teeth and prevents accumulation of yellow or off-white plaque.

If you have braces, ask your orthodontist about “threaders” that you can use to thread dental floss between the wires.

Brush your teeth twice a day. For clean, healthy teeth, brush twice a day for at least two or three minutes. For best results, use a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Brush gently, especially around the gum line. Rough brushing doesn’t make your teeth cleaner and can even damage your gums.

Whitening toothpastes are abrasive, so long-term use can damage your tooth enamel. Consider using one every other day or just until obvious surface stains are gone.

Try at-home whitening treatments. If simple flossing and brushing isn’t enough to whiten your teeth, you may want to try a whitening treatment. These home remedies are a good first step as they are much cheaper than the drug store options.

Add a small amount of baking soda to your toothpaste and brush for two minutes. Only do this once a week as overuse can damage your teeth.

Swish a small spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth for a few minutes, then spit it in the trash. Dentists disagree on whether this “oil pulling” works, but it shouldn’t hurt and has many fans.

Don’t use home remedies with strawberries, vinegar, or other acidic foods. While these can remove some stains, they can quickly eat into your tooth enamel.

Be careful with professional whitening treatments. All of the following can be very painful for people with tooth decay or sensitive gums, or anyone who uses them excessively. However, they can hide stains on the teeth very effectively. Here are some options:

Teeth Whitening Strips: These are available at drugstores and can help with superficial and deeper stains, but may have limited effect on darker stains. They can cause temporary tooth sensitivity.

These are available at drugstores and can help with superficial and deeper stains, but may have limited effect on darker stains. They can cause temporary tooth sensitivity. Teeth whitening trays: These use a stronger whitening gel than the strips. For best results, ask your dentist about a splint custom-fitted to your teeth.

These use a stronger whitening gel than the strips. For best results, ask your dentist about a splint custom-fitted to your teeth. Tooth Whitening Procedures: Your dentist can perform ultra-high intensity teeth whitening while protecting your gums. This is usually not paid for by health insurance.

Reduce contact with coloring substances. Coffee, black tea, and wine can all stain your teeth. Try drinking these through a straw or reducing the amount you ingest. Smoking can also stain your teeth, so you should break the habit of switching to an e-cigarette or vaporizer. These do not cause stains due to lack of smoke, but their long-term effects are unknown.

Keep your lips smooth. Don’t forget that your smile also characterizes your lips. Take care of your lips with these techniques:

Exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub or toothbrush. If your lips are severely chapped, only do this after a shower.

Apply the lip balm after exfoliating or whenever your lips feel dry. Use a lip balm with sunscreen before going outside in the morning or afternoon.

Stay hydrated with water. If your lips feel dry, drink water and dry them with a towel. Avoid licking them.

Consider getting dental work done. In most cases, the shape of your teeth is not an obstacle to a bright smile. Crooked teeth or missing teeth can even look adorable. However, if you can’t stand your teeth, your dentist or orthodontist has many tools to reshape them.

If you’re getting braces, retainers, or any other treatment, ask your orthodontist how they keep them clean. A dirty retainer can sabotage your smile and your breath.

If you want a radical change, ask about veneers, implants, bridges, or dentures. These add false teeth or the appearance of teeth to your mouth to completely transform your smile.


We love our patients and are happy to help them create a healthy dental life that will accompany them for a lifetime. For more information, give us a call today to answer all your questions, so make an appointment.

How do I get a cute smile?

7 Tips to Get a Beautiful Smile
  1. Tip #1 – Practice Good Oral Hygiene. …
  2. Tip #2 – Eat and Drink for Beautiful Teeth. …
  3. Tip #3 – Don’t Skip Routine Cleanings and Checkups. …
  4. Tip #4 – Ask your Dentist About Whitening. …
  5. Tip #5 – Consider Crowns or Veneers. …
  6. Tip #6 – Replace Missing Teeth with Implants.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

A beautiful smile is your most important accessory. In fact, it’s often the first thing people notice about you. If you’re unsure about your smile because of your teeth, you’re not alone. However, today there are many cosmetic dental procedures available to help you get the beautiful teeth and gums you desire. Here’s a closer look at some tips that can help anyone enjoy a beautiful smile.

Tip #1 – Practice good oral hygiene

A beautiful smile starts with beautiful teeth, and one of the best tips to keep your teeth looking good is to practice good oral hygiene. You should brush at least twice a day, and it’s also important to floss daily. Using a dentist-recommended mouthwash can also help remove germs and prevent bad breath.

Tip #2 – Eat and drink for beautiful teeth

To keep your nacre looking its best, you need to watch what you eat and drink. Tooth-healthy foods include yogurt, cheese, crunchy vegetables and fruits, leafy greens, and nuts. And instead of sipping on sugary sports drinks, juices, or sodas, sip on water to help prevent tooth decay. Rinsing with water when you can’t brush can also help you wash away food debris until you can reach your toothbrush.

Tip #3 – Don’t skip routine cleaning and checks

If you want a beautiful smile, don’t skip your routine teeth cleaning and regular check-ups. With regular teeth cleanings, a dental hygienist can remove surface stains from your teeth and leave you with a brighter smile. Regular cleanings also help prevent gum disease. These six-monthly dental check-ups are also important. Your dentist will be able to spot early signs of oral problems. That way, they can be addressed before they become more serious problems.

Tip #4 – Ask your dentist about teeth whitening

Have you noticed that your teeth look dull, yellowed or stained? Unfortunately, that happens with age. Certain foods and habits, such as red wine, coffee, tea, and smoking, can contribute to stains. If you’re concerned about stained, discolored teeth, ask your dentist about whitening options. There are many in-office whitening options available that can provide quick and significant results.

Tip #5 – Consider crowns or veneers

There are a number of cosmetic options available to improve the function and appearance of your teeth for a better smile. Crowns, sometimes called caps, are used to strengthen damaged teeth. Because they cover the entire tooth, they not only improve function but also improve the appearance of the tooth. Dental veneers can also give you that gorgeous smile you are looking for. These thin porcelain shells are bonded to your teeth and can improve tooth color or correct the appearance of misshapen teeth.

Tip #6 – Replace missing teeth with implants

Missing teeth can leave gaps. And those gaps can cause you to cover up your smile in embarrassment. Gaps are not only unsightly, they also make normal speaking and chewing difficult. Dental implants offer one of the best ways to replace missing teeth. They don’t require the care that comes with dentures and function like normal teeth. Plus they look totally natural.

Tip #7 – Get straighter teeth with Invisalign

Crooked teeth can keep you from having the smile you want, but wearing traditional metal braces might not sound very appealing either. Invisalign offers the solution for many people with:

· Overbites

· Crowded teeth

· Crooked teeth

· Open bite

· Underbites

The great thing about Invisalign is that the clear aligners are barely visible, so you can smile with confidence. They also often work quicker than traditional braces, so you don’t have to wait as long for your straight, beautiful teeth.

Whether you’re dealing with crooked teeth, missing teeth, tooth decay, or malformed teeth, Dr. Langley and our dental team can help. With a wide range of cosmetic services, we work with you to help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.

What kind of smile is attractive?

To be considered conventionally attractive, your smile should have the same midline (vertical line that splits the face perfectly in half) as your face. If your smile’s midline isn’t directly between your two central front teeth, it might look unattractive.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile. After all, this is why cosmetic dentistry has become so popular. However, most people cannot put into words exactly what makes a smile attractive. Some people might say teeth are straight and white, but it actually goes beyond that. There are several other aspects of a person’s smile that our brain evaluates without us being aware of. Here are six of them.

tooth color

The color of a person’s teeth is often the first thing we think of when determining whether a smile is attractive. Unfortunately, many habits can leave yellow stains on teeth, such as smoking or drinking wine, tea, or coffee.

Chewing Gum Ad

The intricate combination of muscles that move to create your smile determines how much gum tissue you show when you grin. If too much is visible, your teeth will look small. People might say you have a “gummy smile.” On the other hand, under-gums can give the impression that your gums are receding and make you appear older.

rubber paint

Your gums should be the right shade of pink to contrast nicely with your teeth. If your gums are red and inflamed, you may have gum disease, which can lead to serious oral health problems like tooth loss if not treated right away.


When the teeth are properly spaced, they should touch lightly. Crowded teeth or teeth with significant gaps between them can appear unattractive. Not to mention, misaligned teeth are often more difficult to keep clean, increasing the risk of tooth decay.

bite alignment

An overbite is when your upper teeth protrude beyond your lower teeth, and an underbite is just the opposite. Ideally, your top and bottom teeth should be in roughly the same place. Over or underbites can also contribute to chronic teeth grinding and clenching.

Dental midline

Symmetry has always been one of the central factors of beauty, and that includes your smile. To be considered conventionally attractive, your smile should share the same midline (vertical line that perfectly bisects your face) as your face. If the center line of your smile isn’t directly between your two middle front teeth, it may look unattractive.

While beauty is entirely subjective, these are some of the most common aspects we think of when thinking about what makes a smile attractive. If your grin isn’t quite as stunning as you’d like, don’t be afraid to explore cosmetic dentistry. Most dentists offer a variety of services to help you achieve your dream smile.

About the author

dr David Rosenfeld received his PhD in Dental Surgery from Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery in New York City. In addition to being a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, he is also a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. His dental practice in Edison, NJ offers several cosmetic services including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and Invisalign clear braces. To learn how you can improve your smile today, contact Rosenfeld Dental Associates at 908-668-7838.

Why is my smile crooked all of a sudden?

Sometimes, a person’s smile is uneven due to normal variations, and it isn’t usually anything to worry about. But sometimes, a lopsided smile can be a sign of a serious medical issue, such as a stroke or an infection. It’s important to get prompt medical attention for any sudden change in facial appearance.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

A crooked or uneven smile is fairly common – most people don’t have complete symmetry in their face. However, some medical issues can cause a crooked smile, and this can be a sign of a medical emergency. There are many possible reasons for a crooked smile, and most are not dangerous. However, a sudden change requires urgent medical attention.

This article discusses the causes of a crooked smile, what a sudden crooked smile means, and when you should see a doctor.

Halfpoint Images/Getty Images

Causes of crooked smiles

The causes of an uneven smile vary and include issues such as dental problems, nerve damage, stroke and more. In addition to a crooked smile, the various causes are usually associated with other symptoms.


A stroke is severe brain damage that occurs when the blood supply to an artery in the brain is cut off. In addition to other symptoms, one-sided weakness of the face and body can occur.

The symptoms of a stroke come on suddenly and it is a medical emergency. The acronym “FAST” stands for Facial Sagging, Arm Weakness, Speech Difficulty and 911 Call Time.

Bell’s palsy

This type of facial weakness or paralysis affects one side of the face. Common symptoms affecting the mouth are that one corner of the mouth droops and the laugh line (nasolabial fold) disappears. There will also be weakness in the forehead, eyelid, and cheek on that side of the face.

Bell’s palsy develops over a few hours and gets worse over a few days. After a few weeks, it gradually begins to improve, often taking three to six months to return to normal.

The causes of Bell’s palsy are not known. It often gets better on its own, and sometimes oral steroids can help speed recovery.

facial paralysis

Facial movements can become paralyzed (weak) due to nerve or muscle damage. Aside from Bell’s palsy, stroke, and nerve injury, some other causes of facial weakness include:

Myasthenia gravis: A condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks receptors needed to activate muscles

A condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks receptors needed to activate muscles. Multiple sclerosis: A condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective myelin sheaths around the nerves in the brain, spinal cord, and eyes

: A condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective myelin sheaths around the nerves in the brain, spinal cord and eyes. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A disease that attacks the nerves that control movement

mismatched teeth

Many people naturally have slightly or moderately uneven teeth. This doesn’t usually cause a crooked smile. Sometimes teeth are naturally very uneven or become severely uneven due to dental diseases such as tooth decay. This can cause a smile to appear crooked.

Jaws misaligned

Jaw structure can cause a crooked smile when the bones or movements of the jaw are unevenly shaped or damaged due to trauma or disease (such as cancer invading the bone).


Surgery can damage the nerve branches that control mouth movements. This can occur when surgery is needed to remove a tumor or abscess that has grown into the facial nerve. And sometimes, a surgical error can result in the accidental severing (severing) of a nerve or nerve branch.


For some people, aging can cause an uneven smile. This can occur as a result of wrinkles, dental problems, nerve damage, or stroke.


Smoking can lead to oral diseases such as severe tooth decay, gum disease or oral cancer. This can lead to a crooked smile.


A facial injury can result in damage to nerves, muscles, bones, or other tissue. Swelling can also be significant. This can lead to a crooked smile and an uneven appearance of the face.

After the swelling has gone down and healing is complete, the face and smile may partially or fully return to normal. In the case of severe trauma, a crooked smile can remain permanently.


Torticollis is a movement disorder that causes involuntary (not intentional) spasms and twisting of the neck. Muscles can cramp for long periods of time, sometimes leading to a crooked smile. This condition can be present from birth and can be associated with certain birth defects.

Associated Symptoms Symptoms associated with a crooked smile may include: flattening of the nasolabial fold (the angled crease on the underside of your cheeks near your nose)

slurred speech

Difficulty chewing or swallowing

A droopy eyelid

An eyelid that does not close completely

Sudden crooked smile

A sudden crooked smile can be a sign of a stroke, a brain aneurysm (a bulge in the wall of an artery), or an infection. This can develop over hours. In rare cases, a new and rapidly worsening crooked smile can be a sign of a tumor, cancer metastasis (spreading of cancer), or a seizure (uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain).

What to do if you think someone is having a stroke? If possible, describe what you experienced when emergency medical personnel arrived.

When to see a healthcare provider

If your face or mouth suddenly feels numb, or if movements appear uneven, it means you should see a doctor right away.

Symptoms associated with an uneven smile that require urgent medical attention include:

Sudden, severe headache

weakness on one side of the body

loss of balance

Seeing changes

Drooping face on one side

slurred speech

traumatic injury

swelling of the face or neck

Inability to control facial movements

Spasms in the face or neck

Pain in the eye or an infection in the eye


There are several techniques that can be used to treat a uneven smile. Immediate treatment differs from delayed treatment.

In an emergency situation, such as a stroke or severe facial trauma, immediate treatment is to prevent serious damage and reduce long-term effects. This can include procedures such as blood thinners to treat stroke or surgery to treat facial trauma.

After a crooked smile has stabilized, treatment may include exercises to work the muscles. This can be aimed at improving facial appearance as well as preventing complications such as choking.

In some situations, botox (botulinum toxin) injections can paralyze certain muscles to prevent a crooked appearance of the mouth.

And sometimes, surgery may be needed to reconstruct facial nerves, muscles, bones, or other structures. This can help even out the appearance of the face. This type of surgery can also be effective in reducing the risk of certain complications, such as: B. Eye damage due to an improperly closing eyelid.


A crooked smile can be the result of various medical problems. Sometimes a person’s smile is uneven due to normal fluctuations and it’s usually nothing to worry about. But sometimes a crooked smile can be a sign of a serious medical problem, such as a stroke or an infection.

It’s important to seek immediate medical attention for any sudden change in facial appearance. Other causes, such as Bell’s palsy or a misaligned jaw, may require medical intervention and treatment to prevent complications.

A word from Verywell

An uneven or crooked smile can be imperceptible or severely impact safety, self-esteem, and quality of life. Your feelings about your appearance are important, and there are ways to deal with a uneven smile, including physical rehabilitation, medication, and surgery.

How to Correct Your Smile And Make Your Mouth Symmetrical

How to Correct Your Smile And Make Your Mouth Symmetrical
How to Correct Your Smile And Make Your Mouth Symmetrical

See some more details on the topic how to straighten your smile here:

How to Straighten Your Smile with This Hack – Poosh

First, place the straight-edge pencil or metal straw behind your canine teeth, double-checking that it is straight. Then you move your neck to the left, right, …

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Date Published: 4/7/2022

View: 3375

The Complete Guide to Straightening Your Smile | Las Vegas

ClearCorrect is a very popular way to straighten the teeth, because the aligners are comfortable and hard for other people to detect. Most won’t …

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Date Published: 2/3/2021

View: 286

4 Ways to Straighten Your Smile – Andler Dental

Dental veneers may also help straighten teeth that are a bit more overcrowded or crooked than those that can benefit from contouring or bonding.

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Date Published: 3/25/2021

View: 8943

The Best Ways To Straighten Teeth, According To Experts …

Dental surgery is usually reserved for cases with severe bite problems. Transform your smile with Clear Aligners. See if you qualify today! WebMD …

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Date Published: 3/7/2022

View: 9563

Ways to Straighten Your Smile Without Braces

Ways to Straighten Your Smile Without Braces. Although many choose to not pursue straightening their teeth out of the fear of looking silly or that they are …

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Date Published: 9/20/2022

View: 5879

How Can I Straighten My Smile? – Chapman Road Dental Clinic

Braces apply gentle force to slowly shift teeth into straighter positions over time. As well as traditional metal braces, your dentist or …

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Date Published: 2/9/2022

View: 3840

Straighten Your Smile with a Set of Orthodontic Braces

Learn how to straighten your smile with a set of orthodontic braces. Click or call Ricci Orthodontics today at 678.647.9741 to make an appointment.

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Date Published: 6/30/2022

View: 8914

How to straighten your smile without braces

How to straighten your smile without braces | Access Dental Care offers Invisalign, Invisalign Teen and Clear Correct clear aligners, …

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Date Published: 2/14/2022

View: 2673

How to Effectively Straighten Your Smile Using Invisalign

Invisalign, also referred to as clear aligners, is an orthodontic treatment used to straighten crooked and misaligned teeth. They are made of …

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Date Published: 2/26/2021

View: 330

What Is The Best Way To Straighten Your Smile?

We don’t blame you for wanting a straighter smile. With perfectly aligned teeth, you can not only look and feel good, but also improve your chewing and eating function. For many people, the question is not “if” they should have their teeth straightened, but “how” they should do it.

Honestly, there is no one way or right way to smooth a smile. Everyone is different, so the most suitable solution for them depends on their individual budget, time frame and desires. Luckily, our Gosford clinic has a range of cosmetic dentistry options for people wanting a smoothing, whitening, restoration or repair.

How to straighten teeth?

Two of the most popular methods of straightening teeth today are braces and Invisalign. Both orthodontic options are a solution for underbite, overbite, crossbite, mouth pain, impacted teeth, gaps and protruding teeth. They can allow you to straighten your teeth over time and eventually have a permanently straight smile that will help you experience supreme confidence.

Our teeth whitening dentist can provide both braces and Invisalign as part of our orthodontic services, allowing you to choose either option to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. While braces are a more traditional method of straightening teeth, Invisalign is certainly growing in popularity. Because Invisalign includes clear aligners to reposition your teeth, they are essentially invisible when worn. The smooth material of the clear aligners is often more comfortable in the mouth and offers the same effectiveness as braces treatment.

Depending on which Coastal Dental Clinic you visit, Invisalign can also be a more affordable dental option compared to braces. When you visit our Emergency Dentist Central Coast, our team of professional dentists can discuss the relevant options available and then create a workable plan for your circumstances.

What other cosmetic dental treatments are there?

The Coastal Dental team prides itself on offering a wide range of cosmetic dentistry solutions. We have the most innovative and modern technology. In addition, we can offer our patients the most effective and proactive treatments possible.

Just a few of our popular cosmetic and restorative dental treatments include:

Tooth whitening – for a radiant smile

CEREC (Same Day Crowns) – for a long-lasting crown in just one dental appointment

Veneers – to cover up your existing tooth and enhance your smile

Crowns, bridges and implants – to cover damaged or decayed teeth

Fillings – to restore decayed teeth

Root canal treatment – ​​to restore an infected or damaged tooth

Orthodontics – to smooth your smile

If you are interested you can contact the Coastal Dental team on (02) 4322 6617 or visit our dental clinic in Gosford today. When looking for a quality dentist in my area with extensive experience and a solid reputation. Look no further than our dentist in Gosford.

You might also like our top 3 hidden secrets to teeth whitening

Uneven Lips: 4 Ways to Even Them Out

Every face is somewhat asymmetrical, so slightly uneven lips are not very noticeable to others. But uneven lips can be a frustrating cosmetic problem that can affect your emotional health. However, severely uneven lips can affect how you eat and speak. If you’re interested in making your lips look more even, there are several at-home and surgical treatments available. Here are four common treatment methods. Facial Exercises If your lips are uneven, it may be because your facial muscles are underdeveloped or weak. This can be the result of a condition like Lyme disease or it can be present from birth. Here are some facial exercises you can do to make your lips look more balanced: Purse your lips as if you’re trying to whistle. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat 10 to 20 times a day.

With lips closed, stretch your lips out as if trying to touch the corners of your mouth to your ears. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Next, stretch your lips further with your teeth slightly exposed. Hold the position again. Then stretch your lips out as far as you can with bared teeth. Hold the position and then relax.

Purse your lips. Draw your cheeks in so they almost touch (commonly called fish face). Then move your lips up and down in the pucker position.

Lip augmentation Lip augmentation is achieved with lip injections to balance or plump the lips. The most common dermal filler used to be collagen, but it has been replaced by products that are considered safer and longer lasting. Hyaluronic acid and polyacrylamide are currently the most commonly used dermal fillers. Fat injections are also available but involve liposuction to remove fat from another area of ​​your body. Sometimes fillers can cause an allergic reaction on your face or lips. Make sure you take professional advice to understand the different filler options available and get a qualified recommendation on the best option for you. The advantages of lip augmentation are: Fast outpatient treatment

The treatments can be done gradually until the desired lip volume is achieved

Lip volume can be controlled by the amount of substance injected. The disadvantages of lip augmentation are: it only lasts about 6 months

Cold sores or cold sores could be reactivated

possible swelling and bruising

Lip Tattoos Cosmetic tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years. Tattooing for the purpose of fixing skin color is called micropigmentation. If you have uneven lips, a permanent tattoo can cosmetically smooth them out. As with any tattoo or permanent procedure, you should fully understand how it works. You should also rate each cosmetic tattoo artist by looking at their past work and reading reviews. Before committing to micropigmentation, speak to your doctor for insight and a recommendation.

Lip surgery In severe cases, your uneven lips may need surgery. Lip reconstruction is usually performed by a plastic surgeon. Sometimes lip surgery is challenging due to the central role your lips play in your life. Lip surgery is performed from both a functional and an aesthetic perspective. Sometimes extra skin needs to be removed from other parts of your body to reconstruct the lips. If you are considering lip surgery, be sure to consult your doctor for a referral.

Mouth Exercises To Improve Smile, AB Dentists

Many people assume there is nothing they can do to improve their smile. On the contrary, exercising a few key facial muscles can actually change how a smile appears on your face. Edmonton dentists at Azarko Dental Group have compiled a list of three great exercises you can do to train your facial muscles to improve your smile. If you feel that your smile is not conveying your feelings the way you would like, you can try these exercises.

Exercise #1 – The whistle

Begin this exercise by pursing your lips as if you are about to whistle, only instead of leaving a small hole like you would when you whistle, make sure you press your lips together firmly. As you tighten your lips and push them further outward, you should feel a slight tension in the surrounding facial muscles. Hold the pose for 10 seconds and do 10 reps at a time. After about a week or two, you may notice a difference in the width of your smile.

Exercise #2 – The Rabbit

“The Rabbit” is a great exercise to tone the cheek muscles and improve smile flexibility and control. It may be helpful to have a mirror handy while trying as the steps can be difficult to master at first.

Start by smiling as wide as you can while keeping your mouth closed. It can be helpful to imagine your smile stretching from ear to ear. While smiling, try wiggling your nose until you feel your cheek muscles tighten. Hold the pose for about five seconds and repeat 10 times.

Exercise #3 – The Big Smile

Unlike the previous exercise, this time you want to smile as wide as possible with parted lips, hold the pose for at least 15 seconds, and repeat 10 times. You’ll know you’re smiling wide enough when you feel a slight tug in your cheeks. If you don’t feel anything, try smiling a little wider. If you continue this practice for several days, you will quickly notice an improvement in your big smile.

Don’t forget that your teeth are important too

The appearance of your teeth can play a big part in how you feel about your smile. Visiting your dentist in Edmonton for regular checkups and cleanings will ensure that unsightly plaque is removed and your pearly whites can shine. If you are struggling with deeper discoloration, you can also opt for professional teeth whitening.

Visit one of our dental clinics in Edmonton

At Azarko Dental Group’s Edmonton Dental Clinics, we offer comprehensive teeth cleaning and teeth whitening treatments from highly qualified Edmonton dentists. If you are interested in incorporating your teeth into your brand new smile, then you can make an appointment with us today.

Azarko west


14938 Rocky Plains Rd.

Edmonton, AB T5P 3X8

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