Laser Stretch Mark Removal Mn? Trust The Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “laser stretch mark removal mn“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Can stretch marks be removed permanently by laser?

During the procedure, beams of light are used in concentrated amounts to encourage new growth. While it can’t get rid of stretch marks completely, laser removal may help make striae smoother, thereby reducing their appearance.

How much is it to remove stretch marks with a laser?

Stretch mark treatment typically costs at least $300 to $750 per treatment for five or six treatments, or at least $1,500 to $3,750 for fractional laser treatments, such as Fraxel, Starlux or Active FX that can fade the color and possibly lessen the depth of stretch marks.

Can laser treatment reduce stretch marks?

Can Laser Treatment help in reducing Stretch Marks? Yes, laser stretch is very effective in treating stretch marks or striae. It is a laser resurfacing procedure which works by removing the outermost layer of the skin and restructuring the overlying skin.

Can stretch marks come back after laser?

The answer is no. Since stretch marks represent a permanent change in the dermis (the deeper layer of skin beneath the surface layer known as the epidermis), there is no amount of resurfacing that can erase them.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are an unavoidable and uncomfortable side effect of pregnancy for many women. They can also affect bodybuilders, as well as anyone else who has gained or lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. Some people are even unlucky enough to acquire them during the growth spurts of puberty. While maintaining a stable weight and taking good care of your skin are certainly steps in the right direction, the sad truth is that heredity and hormonal changes play a significant role in the development of stretch marks.

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There are many oils, creams, and lotions that are designed to improve or even prevent stretch marks. While Retin-A has been shown to be marginally effective at reducing the apparent depth of stretch marks, and there are those who swear by treatments involving other lotions and potions, most medical experts agree that the claims are mostly true are hyped.

However, with the advent of the use of lasers for cosmetic purposes, hope for treating this cosmetic problem seems to have been renewed.

Can lasers remove stretch marks?

So can lasers really remove stretch marks?

The answer is no. Because stretch marks represent a permanent change in the dermis (the deeper layer of skin beneath the surface layer known as the epidermis), there isn’t a lot of resurfacing that can erase them.

However, studies have shown that laser treatments can reduce the depth of stretch marks in some patients with an improvement rate of between 20 and 60% Elastin in the dermal (deeper) layer of the skin where stretch marks form.

When lasers can be effective for treating stretch marks

Lasers are most effective on immature stretch marks (those that still have a red color), and many doctors say they are almost useless on more mature (white) stretch marks. In addition, laser treatment of stretch marks is intended for darker skin types Generally not considered advisable, mainly due to the risk of causing hyperpigmentation changes in the skin.

Final Thoughts

In short, there is no “cure” for stretch marks. Worse, preventing stretch marks is not entirely within your power, especially during times of major hormonal swings like pregnancy and puberty. If your mom has stretch marks, there’s a good chance you will too.

Only you can decide if a 20-50% improvement in your appearance is worth making multiple visits to the cosmetic surgeon’s office (not to mention shelling out a few thousand dollars).

How many sessions does it take to remove stretch marks?

You will need 3 to 5 treatment sessions to achieve desired results, although some patients may require fewer or more appointments. During your treatment, we will apply a cooling gel to the treatment area to help protect your skin and ensure your comfort while the laser is being used.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

You see them every time you change your clothes or look in the mirror, but they never seem to go away no matter how many miracle creams you try. Stretch marks are a plague on the skin of many women and men, serving as an unwelcome reminder of weight gain or other body changes — but like any other scar, there is a way to make stretch marks a thing of the past. At Le Reve Skincare & Laser Center in Fort Worth, TX, we believe stretch mark removal treatment is the right solution for any patient looking for a way to perfect their appearance.

How can you get real results for stretch mark removal?

The first thing many patients ask about stretch mark removal is how effective the treatment is. We may all be nervous about failed over-the-counter product promises to reduce the appearance of scars, but it’s still a wise question to ask.

Can You Get Real Results With Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks? The short answer is yes, you can. The long answer is finding the right treatment that works for you, your skin type, and the severity of your stretch marks.

Find the right treatment

Finding the right treatment for laser stretch mark removal is not something you have to do on your own. Because there are several treatments that can reduce or remove stretch marks, it’s best to let a professional decide what works best for your particular case.

A board-certified cosmetic doctor can examine the condition of your skin and easily determine the treatments that work best for you. But although there are several treatments for stretch mark removal, many professionals agree that the most reliable treatment is the Icon Aesthetic System.

Icon aesthetic system

The Icon Aesthetic System is a trusted treatment known for effective, long-lasting results. Icon is a system developed by Cynosure, one of the leading brands for laser-based cosmetic treatment systems. Icon is recognized as a versatile system that can significantly improve skin’s appearance, renew skin’s surface and reduce the appearance of all types of scars, including stretch marks.

How does the icon work?

Icon is a fractional laser system that penetrates the subdermal layers of the skin to stimulate new cell production. Fractional lasers are a light-based treatment that shatters a laser beam into thousands of microscopic fragments to treat each skin cell individually, one fraction at a time.

Icon’s fractional laser penetrates deep enough into the skin to induce the body’s natural regenerative properties without thermally damaging the skin’s surface. Icon is a laser skin treatment that uses the body’s natural abilities to rejuvenate and improve the skin’s appearance.

When can you see results?

When potential patients talk about results, they usually want to hear that the results are immediate, or at least show themselves very quickly. The fact is that with most energy-based treatments, the results depend on the speed of the body’s natural regenerative abilities, and for most people this means that the first results can be seen after a cycle of new cell transformation, which lasts between 3 and 4 weeks for adults.

The majority of patients can see an initial improvement with Icon treatments between 4 and 6 weeks after the first appointment. Most patients require a series of 3 to 5 treatment appointments to achieve the desired flawless result. The appearance of laser stretch marks and other scars can be completely removed or greatly reduced in just 6 months.

Are the results permanent?

You can think of the Icon Aesthetic System as an eraser for scars on the skin. If patients attend all required appointments and follow treatment instructions, stretch mark removal is permanent.

However, this treatment does not prevent the formation of new stretch marks. It is important for patients to maintain a healthy weight and take care of their skin to prevent new stretch marks from forming on the body. If your skin is prone to scarring, please speak to one of our experienced staff to determine the skin care products that are right for you to protect your skin.

Is Icon suitable for all skin types?

Icon is a treatment suitable for both sensitive and normal sensitive skin. However, as with most laser treatments, not all skin tones are compatible with this treatment as darker complexions are more at risk of pigmentation or leaching of pigment from the skin which can result in lighter skin patches. Icon is generally approved for light to medium skin tones as well as very dark skin tones. If you have a darker complexion, please speak to our staff to determine if Icon treatment is right for you.

stretch marks 101

While stretch marks can be the bane of your aesthetics and a nuisance to your skin, most patients still don’t know that much about this type of scarring. Before you seek treatment, learn everything you need to know about stretch marks, from why they happen to how to prevent them from coming back.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are long, narrow lines on the skin that develop as a result of weight changes throughout life. New stretch marks can be red or pink, while older stretch marks can appear very pale and sometimes almost blend into the skin. Stretch marks can be lines, streaks, or streaks on the skin—some even call them “tiger stripes.” Recognizing and diagnosing stretch marks can be done independently by a skin specialist; If you have stretch marks, you know without being told.

Where do stretch marks form?

Stretch marks can form on virtually any part of the body. Where there is skin, there is a chance of stretch marks. However, some areas of the body are more prone to developing stretch marks, including:






The back


How common are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are very common. In fact, stretch marks are considered “normal” for the skin, especially when stretch marks form during puberty. An estimated 80% of Americans have stretch marks, and not even celebrities are immune to it – Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Hudson and Brittany Spears have all spoken out in the media about their stretch marks.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Why do stretch marks form in the first place? While skin is fairly elastic and can heal itself, rapid stretching of the skin can disrupt the production of collagen, a protein responsible for supporting skin structure. When collagen is disrupted, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes overstretched, revealing stretch marks. Put simply, stretch marks are caused by the skin stretching too much. Regarding the causes of stretch marks, there are a few factors that can be blamed for the development of these lines on the skin, including:


weight gain


increase in muscle size

side effects of medication

Can stretch marks go away naturally?

For some, stretch marks fade naturally. Small stretch marks, which occur due to puberty, for example, can almost match the natural skin tone within 1 to 2 years after they appear. However, most stretch marks don’t go away naturally for very long, with some people having new-looking stretch marks for several years or even decades. Moderate to severe stretch marks require treatment to remove them.

Can You Prevent Stretch Marks From Forming?

While genetics play a role in how easily you can develop stretch marks, there are some things you can do to prevent new stretch marks from forming. The first is to maintain a healthy weight with regular exercise and a balanced diet, as a healthy weight will ensure that you are not stretching your skin quickly from weight gain. The second thing you can do is keep your skin properly hydrated, as maintaining supple moisture on the skin’s surface helps protect the collagen and elastin in your skin from over-stressing.

What to expect from a stretch mark removal treatment

When patients hear about laser treatments, they sometimes get nervous about what to expect from laser treatment. For your safety, here are a few steps that you can anticipate before treatment with the Icon Aesthetic System:


A consultation will help us determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment. The consultation includes an assessment of your skin condition, specifically your skin type, skin tone and the severity of your stretch marks. We may also collect information about you such as B. Your lifestyle and your aesthetic goals. We will discuss your expectations for the treatment and also review other treatment options that may be available to you.


Each treatment appointment with the Icon system takes about 30 minutes. You will need 3 to 5 treatment sessions to achieve the desired results, although some patients may need fewer or more appointments. During your treatment, we apply a cooling gel to the treatment area to protect your skin and ensure your comfort while using the laser. Most patients experience no significant sensation beyond a gentle warming of the skin.


After the first 7 to 10 days after the treatment, your new skin cells will begin to regenerate and will only heal completely after another 10 to 20 days. This means that recovery from a treatment takes around 2 to 3 weeks. During this time you can go about your normal daily activities, but you also need to keep your skin moisturized and protected from the sun.

Are You a Good Candidate for Stretch Mark Removal?

If you have stretch marks on any area of ​​your body and are concerned about maintaining a consistent weight, then you are probably a good candidate for Icon stretch mark removal treatments. Good candidates are those who have ideal skin tones and types for laser treatment, as well as those who do not have medical restrictions for laser treatments. They can be a good candidate if you want to remove or reduce the appearance of stretch marks anywhere on the body, including:





Leave your worries behind with stretch mark removal!

It’s time to stop staring at your reflection with fear and hiding your body behind clothes. With a stretch mark removal treatment, you can leave your worries and uneasiness about your appearance behind! If you think you might be a good candidate for Icon Aesthetic System treatments, contact Le Reve Skincare & Laser Center in Fort Worth, TX to schedule your initial consultation. Our compassionate staff is here to help you love your looks again!

Can old stretch marks be removed?

The difference in color distinguishes how old the marks are. Though they may never disappear completely, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks fade away on their own. Newer, red-tinged stretch marks (striae rubra) are easier to treat.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

White stretch marks (striae alba) are older and more difficult to treat. Over time, your blood vessels will constrict, making it difficult to stimulate collagen production. Treatment results may not be as drastic compared to red stretch marks, but there are options that can help them fade more naturally and faster.

Newer, red-tinged stretch marks (striae rubra) are easier to treat. They start out red because there are blood vessels under the skin. The presence of functioning blood vessels makes red stretch marks more responsive to treatment.

Stretch marks often begin as red or purple spots and slowly fade to white or silver over time. The difference in color distinguishes how old the markings are. Although they may never completely go away, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks will fade on their own.

Stretch marks are colored lines or streaks that appear on your skin as a result of weight gain or growth. They are essentially tears on the skin, but are not indicative of a health problem.

1. Exfoliation

An easy way to treat white stretch marks is to exfoliate regularly. This will remove excess dead skin from your body and new skin from your stretch marks.

Exfoliation along with other treatment methods can also improve your results. By removing dead skin from your stretch marks, other skin treatments can penetrate deeper and work faster.

2. Topical treatments

Topical creams and ointments are cheaper ways to reduce the appearance of white stretch marks. Some creams are available over the counter, while others are prescribed by a doctor.

Used regularly, topical creams can lighten the tone of stretch marks, but they may not completely remove them. Before using any topical treatment, discuss your risks with your doctor. Some creams can cause an allergic reaction or may not be strong enough to treat your condition.

3. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a painless procedure to reduce the appearance of white stretch marks. This procedure targets the top layer of skin (epidermis) and stimulates the skin to tighten collagen and elastin fibers.

The procedure involves spraying tiny exfoliating crystals onto the affected area or rubbing a special wand over the area. Using a wand-like device, the crystals are gently removed, taking away dead skin from the epidermal layer. For effective results, microdermabrasion must be repeated over a period of time.

After the procedure, your skin may feel tight and dry. The peeling can cause redness. It usually takes 24 hours for your skin to heal. While this procedure is effective, it is not guaranteed to completely remove stretch marks. The severity of your stretch marks will affect your results.

4. Microneedling

Microneedling targets the dermis, the middle layer of skin where stretch marks form. In this procedure, tiny needles are inserted into your skin to trigger collagen production. Increased collagen and elastin promote skin regeneration, which can improve the appearance of your skin and reduce stretch marks.

To treat stretch marks effectively, you need to have more than one treatment over a period of months. Microneedling has proven to be an effective treatment for reducing stretch marks, particularly in those with darker skin.

5. Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a common treatment option to remove white stretch marks. Lasers penetrate the skin and trigger regeneration. This stimulates the tissues around your stretch marks to heal faster.

Laser therapy stimulates melanin production in the affected area and activates pigment cells in your skin. This will help your stretch marks blend into your normal skin tone. Although laser therapy is effective, it takes more than one session to notice results.

There are a number of different laser therapies used to treat stretch marks and other skin problems. Discuss your options with your dermatologist.

6. Cosmetic Surgery

When other treatments are unsuccessful, cosmetic surgery is an option. This expensive but effective option can permanently remove white stretch marks from your body. However, it is important to understand that surgery itself can leave scars.

A tummy tuck, medically called an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that not only removes stretch marks but also removes excess skin and fat from your abdomen. This procedure gives the skin and abdomen a flatter and tighter appearance. However, surgery carries a number of health risks. Before undergoing this treatment, discuss your options with your doctor.

How do dermatologists remove stretch marks?

Dermatologists can remove stretch marks using laser treatments. The highly-focused, intense energy of the laser enables precise targeting of tissues responsible for stretch marks, promoting the development of new collagen so stretch marks are diminished and skin looks and feels firmer, smoother and more resilient.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, also called striae, are a type of scarring that occurs on the dermis of the skin. Stretch marks form during periods of rapid growth of the body, such as puberty, pregnancy or rapid weight gain.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Healthy, young skin has a degree of elasticity that allows it to stretch and accommodate some degree of growth and expansion. However, it has its limits. When the skin becomes overstretched, it can change the texture of the skin and leave stretch marks that appear darker than the surrounding skin or appear shiny or “silver”. Patients who are rapidly gaining and losing weight, pregnant women, adolescents and young adults experiencing “growth spurts,” and older people whose skin has lost some of its natural elasticity are more likely to develop stretch marks. Hormonal changes can also contribute to the development of stretch marks, particularly fluctuations in cortisone levels, which can weaken collagen fibers, one of the main components of skin that helps support firmness and elasticity.

Can I Treat Stretch Marks With Over The Counter Products?

There are dozens of products on the market today that claim to reduce or even eliminate the appearance of stretch marks, but for most patients, these methods yield little to no results. That’s because over-the-counter products are designed to penetrate the top layers of skin to superficially soften the skin and do nothing to correct the underlying causes of stretch marks.

How does my dermatologist perform stretch mark removal?

Dermatologists can remove stretch marks with laser treatments. The laser’s highly concentrated, intense energy allows precise targeting of tissue responsible for stretch marks and promotes the development of new collagen, reducing stretch marks and leaving skin looking and feeling firmer, smoother and more resilient. The Cynosure ICON laser system uses state-of-the-art technology for more consistent results, regardless of skin tone, texture, or thickness.

How many treatments do I need?

While some initial benefits may be visible after a single treatment with the laser system, most patients achieve maximum benefit with a series of four treatments spaced approximately four to six weeks apart to continue collagen remodeling and achieve healthier looking skin over time support financially.

If you’re interested in treating and removing stretch marks, make an appointment with your dermatologist today!

Is laser treatment for stretch marks worth it?

This promotes the growth of new skin by inducing collagen production and cell renewal, which results in new skin being formed. Benefits Of Laser Treatment: Laser treatment is by far the most effective way of dealing with stretch marks. It has a low downtime and is not invasive.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

From muscular exertion to weight fluctuations to pregnancy, stretch marks can be very common in most people. Statistics show that they are more common in women than men. Of course, this isn’t the most desirable skin texture, and while they can be treated, each case is unique.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a type of scarring that occurs when areas of the skin go through a state of overgrowth, or “stretching.” These usually appear in areas such as the stomach, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms and lower back. Stretch marks first appear as red or purple lines and then eventually fade to thin, white-silver lines with a zig-zag texture.

Read more: Safe and Effective Stretch Mark Removal

Causes of stretch marks

Pregnancy – Stretch marks are very common in women. This is directly related to the large weight gain during the period. Small tears are caused in the support skin which appear as shiny and white streaks.

Stretch marks are very common in women. This is directly related to the large weight gain during the period. Small tears are caused in the support skin which appear as shiny and white streaks. Rapid Weight Change – Gaining weight in the abdomen, thighs, and hips can lead to the development of stretch marks. These can also occur or increase in frequency with extreme weight loss due to stretching of sagging skin.

Weight gain in the abdomen, thighs and hips can lead to the development of stretch marks. These can also occur or increase in frequency with extreme weight loss due to stretching of sagging skin. Corticosteroid Creams, Lotions, and Pills – One effect of most corticosteroid creams and lotions is to break down collagen in the skin. Collagen is responsible for the skin’s elasticity and texture, and its deficiency can be directly linked to the increase in stretch marks.

Areas of the body that can be affected by stretch marks

Common areas for stretch marks are abdomen, breasts, buttocks, thighs and hips. These are usually the first areas to accept weight gain and therefore tend to be the most susceptible to changes in elasticity. The combination of weight and wear and tear on areas from general exercise and muscle strain makes it easy for stretch marks to form.

Read more: Remove Stretch Marks

How do you get rid of stretch marks?

Stretch Mark Removal Treatment (for both men and women)

As with most skin treatments, stretch marks can be treated effectively. While lifestyle changes supplemented with creams and lotions are a conventional way to address the problem, microdermabrasion and chemical peels can target stretch marks at a superficial level. By far the most effective method of treating stretch marks is laser treatment.

Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks How does it work? This treatment uses Pixel Erbium-YAG Fractional Resurfacing Lasers that create microscopic wounds. The stretch marks begin to fade over time by breaking down the underlying tissue. This encourages the growth of new skin by stimulating collagen production and cell renewal, resulting in the formation of new skin. Benefits of Laser Treatment: Laser treatment is by far the most effective method of treating stretch marks. It has low downtime and is non-invasive. Compared to other solutions (such as surgery), laser treatments are cheaper and do not involve any major risks. Laser Treatment Side Effects: Laser treatments for stretch marks have minimal side effects. Typically, there may be slight redness, itching, or swelling at the target sites, but this will last a few days at most. Something serious will happen only in clinics with low safety standards. Before and After Results: Surface level stretch marks may resolve within a month of treatment, with deeper stretch marks gradually improving in texture and diminishing over three to six months.

Other Treatments for Stretch Marks (For Men and Women) Microdermabrasion for Stretch Marks: The process of removing dead cells from the top layers of skin through exfoliation is microdermabrasion. This can fade stretch marks by removing the same layers. However, this could lead to pigmentation and further scarring. Chemical Peels: A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to remove the top layers of damaged and dead skin to reveal the bottom layers, where stretch marks and scars aren’t as noticeable. Their success rate on stretch marks only results in fading and not complete removal.

Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks Cost in India

The cost of stretch mark removal in India ranges from Rs 3,500 to Rs 5,500 per session. However, the total cost will vary depending on factors such as the area of ​​skin being treated, skin type, the severity of the stretch marks, the dermatologist’s experience, and the underlying medical condition.

While stretch marks can affect a person’s aesthetics, laser treatments can be effectively used to address the issue, putting you back on track for flawless skin.

Is Microneedling or laser better for stretch marks?

Microneedling. Dr. Emer’s go-to treatment for stretch marks is radiofrequency microneedling because “lasers are more expensive, have more downtime, and higher risk of pigmentation and redness,” he says. “Radiofrequency microneedling has less risk for discoloration or scarring from energy-based treatments.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can happen to anyone. The conversation usually revolves around pregnancy (since women are most prone to it), but the reality of those streaky lines is that they don’t know gender, age, or body type. The good news is that there are different ways to deal with them if you prefer. We have the state-certified dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer, MD, to weigh up the most effective treatments for stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a type of scar caused by the rapid stretching of your skin. These conditions are often the result of teenage growth spurts, pregnancy, or weight gain. Rapid changes in skin size break down collagen and elastin components in the skin, forming scars.

Less commonly, stretch marks result from prolonged repeated use of corticosteroids on your skin. Anyone can develop stretch marks, but they are more common in women and often appear on areas such as the hips and breasts, as well as the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms. Stretch marks will fade over time but will not go away completely without treatment. They are not dangerous, but some people don’t like the way they look, which is the main reason patients seek treatment for stretch marks.

Treatment costs vary widely based on the different areas that can be treated, but on average, each treatment costs $2,000. We spoke to dr. Emer on treatment options for patients looking to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, how these treatments work, and what to expect from the procedures themselves.


Stretch marks can be treated with either ablative or non-ablative lasers. By destroying the top layer of skin, ablative lasers such as CO2 and Erbium YAG trick the body into creating a new layer of skin that is smoother and more uniform in color. Non-ablative lasers like Alexandrite and Fraxel target the deeper layers of skin to promote collagen formation. Multiple sessions of both forms of laser treatment are often required to see the full effect.

The number of sessions varies from patient to patient, but the process itself is quick and non-invasive. Patients should expect to take time off on the day of treatment, which can last anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half for ablative laser treatments, or half an hour for non-ablative laser treatments. Skin is often sensitive and slightly pink after treatment, but the effects usually wear off within a week. Ablative lasers cause slightly more serious side effects that can include rough skin and mild pain. The skin is covered with a scab before it heals to reveal the new skin underneath.

Patients are usually offered numbing creams during the procedure, and when these wear off, they may feel like they have been sunburned. People often report that their skin feels a little rough for a few days, but soon returns to normal. The number of sessions required to treat stretch marks depends on a number of factors, including the age of the scars, the area being treated, and the patient’s skin tone.

They can also be combined with other treatments. “A new form of medical dermabrasion called salt facial (combined with) deeper skin heating with microsecond YAG lasers such as Aerolase and Lasergenesis has been used in our practice to provide improvements for those desiring minimal downtime,” says Dr. Emer. “But these require a series of treatments to see initial results.”


dr Emer’s preferred treatment for stretch marks is radiofrequency microneedling because “lasers are more expensive, have more downtime, and have a higher risk of pigmentation and redness,” he says of the treatments. Peels, creams and microneedling have minimal risk, but many more treatments are needed to see results.”

Microneedling creates tiny punctures in the outer layers of skin and affects the skin below the surface. It works by boosting elastin and collagen production during the wound healing process, just as this treatment can help fine lines and acne scars on the face. The procedure is growing in popularity, with some consumers even buying at-home derma rollers to improve the appearance of the skin itself. However, these at-home options can be more painful and carry a higher risk of infection than treatments performed in-office by an American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)-registered dermatologist or esthetician.

Microneedling treatments are performed after a local anesthetic is applied to the treatment area to reduce discomfort during the procedure. It usually takes about an hour for the cream to numb the area. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the procedure usually takes around half an hour.

One of the most appealing features of microneedling for stretch marks is that the results last indefinitely after the treatment is complete. “Once you make an improvement, you’ll keep that improvement forever,” says Dr. Emer. “However, hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, or the use of corticosteroid creams over the improved areas or oral corticosteroids can cause the stretch marks to worsen or return.” It is important for patients to consider whether they are likely to be exposed to additional risk factors for stretch marks. For example, women planning future pregnancies should wait until after to treat stretch marks that may otherwise return.

It usually takes more sessions to microneedle stretch marks than lasers, and your doctor can give you an accurate estimate of how many sessions you will need. Downtime is minimal compared to other treatments.

Topical creams and ointments

For years there have been a large number of topical treatments such as ointments, gels and serums that promise to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The ability of these treatments to produce significant and lasting results has been thoroughly debated and researched. “Researchers have studied many of the creams, lotions, and gels that are sold to treat stretch marks,” says Dr. Emer. “While no single product seems to help all of the time — and some don’t seem to help at all — researchers have discovered some helpful hacks.”

As with any other form of skin care, the key to finding the right product is in the ingredient list. dr Emer says vitamin A is the key ingredient when it comes to treating stretch marks. Vitamin A is a group of organic compounds that includes retinol, retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids such as beta-carotene. “Researchers found that stretch marks didn’t fade when people massaged almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, or vitamin E into their skin,” he says. “However, topical vitamin A (tretinoin, retinol, etc.) is popular and often applied to the skin at home for greater improvements than just daily use.”

There are ingredients to look out for if you want to prevent stretch marks from developing during pregnancy. “The safety of one component, Centella asiatica, during pregnancy has been questioned,” says Dr. Emer. “The evidence for treatments to reduce the appearance of scars after pregnancy is limited. Most women avoid retinol and tretinoin (vitamin A) during pregnancy, so moisturizers containing shea butter or vitamin E are often used.” Other options considered safe during pregnancy include glycolic and lactic acid, both of which have exfoliating properties and stimulate collagen production in the treatment area.

If you choose to treat at home, Dr. Emer these tips to get the most out of them. “If you want to try any of these creams, lotions, or gels to fade stretch marks, be sure to start using the product early,” he says. “These treatments appear to have little effect on mature stretch marks. Gently massage the product into your skin. Use the product daily for weeks. If you see results with these treatments, it will take a few weeks.”

Realistically, the only way to significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks is with a more comprehensive treatment plan. Although they tend to fade over time, microneedling and lasers offer the best long-lasting results for patients.

Is stretch mark laser removal painful?

Laser therapy for stretch mark removal usually lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, so you won’t be in the office for long. You might feel some slight discomfort during the procedure, but the treatment isn’t painful for most patients. Laser treatments require little recovery time, but you may experience some side effects.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are completely natural and often appear after pregnancy or weight change. These marks can fade over time, but you might feel insecure about their appearance. Luckily, a cosmetic dermatology provider can reduce the appearance of stretch marks with laser therapy.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can appear when the skin stretches or shrinks. This is because a sudden change in the skin can be too much for the elastin and collagen to handle, which can cause these bonds to rupture. Stretching or shrinking of the skin can occur during or after pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, muscle growth, and growth during puberty.

Stretch marks are generally red, pink, purple, or reddish in color, although the exact color depends on your skin tone. These marks can be itchy at first and result in a slight indentation where the line is located. While stretch marks may never fully fade, cosmetic dermatology services can significantly reduce the appearance of these lines.

How can laser therapy help?

Laser therapy is one of the most effective treatments for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. As with other types of laser scar removal, this skin treatment for stretch marks works by removing the outer layer of skin. This removal causes the skin to regenerate and the stretch marks to fade.

Most people need multiple sessions to see a noticeable improvement in their skin. However, this depends on the severity of the marks. Treatment is generally more effective for newer stretch marks, and treating severe stretch marks requires more sessions.

What can you expect from the treatment?

Laser therapy for stretch mark removal usually takes between 30 and 90 minutes, so you won’t be in the office for long. You might experience some discomfort during the procedure, but the treatment is not painful for most patients.

Laser treatments require a short recovery time, but some side effects can occur. Your dermatologist will tell you what side effects to expect. Many people will experience redness and mild stinging for up to eight hours after treatment. Swelling is also common in the treated area. Your dermatologist will likely tell you to apply ice packs to reduce pain and swelling.

How can you get the best results?

The most important step you can take to get better results is to attend your follow-up treatments. You may not see results right away, but don’t be discouraged. It may take five or more sessions before you notice smoother skin. This is especially true for people with severe stretch marks.

You should also be sure to follow your dermatologist’s aftercare instructions to keep skin healthy after treatment. This includes keeping your skin hydrated and avoiding sun exposure. Your dermatologist will tell you what types of lotions are safe to use and which ones might irritate the treated area.

If you are interested in a stretch mark skin treatment, the team at Pacific Dermatology Specialists offers laser therapy from our wide range of cosmetic dermatology services. With locations in Seal Beach, California and the surrounding communities, we also offer surgical and medical dermatology treatments. Contact us today to take the first step towards healthy, glowing skin.

Can old stretch marks be removed?

The difference in color distinguishes how old the marks are. Though they may never disappear completely, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks fade away on their own. Newer, red-tinged stretch marks (striae rubra) are easier to treat.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

White stretch marks (striae alba) are older and more difficult to treat. Over time, your blood vessels will constrict, making it difficult to stimulate collagen production. Treatment results may not be as drastic compared to red stretch marks, but there are options that can help them fade more naturally and faster.

Newer, red-tinged stretch marks (striae rubra) are easier to treat. They start out red because there are blood vessels under the skin. The presence of functioning blood vessels makes red stretch marks more responsive to treatment.

Stretch marks often begin as red or purple spots and slowly fade to white or silver over time. The difference in color distinguishes how old the markings are. Although they may never completely go away, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks will fade on their own.

Stretch marks are colored lines or streaks that appear on your skin as a result of weight gain or growth. They are essentially tears on the skin, but are not indicative of a health problem.

1. Exfoliation

An easy way to treat white stretch marks is to exfoliate regularly. This will remove excess dead skin from your body and new skin from your stretch marks.

Exfoliation along with other treatment methods can also improve your results. By removing dead skin from your stretch marks, other skin treatments can penetrate deeper and work faster.

2. Topical treatments

Topical creams and ointments are cheaper ways to reduce the appearance of white stretch marks. Some creams are available over the counter, while others are prescribed by a doctor.

Used regularly, topical creams can lighten the tone of stretch marks, but they may not completely remove them. Before using any topical treatment, discuss your risks with your doctor. Some creams can cause an allergic reaction or may not be strong enough to treat your condition.

3. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a painless procedure to reduce the appearance of white stretch marks. This procedure targets the top layer of skin (epidermis) and stimulates the skin to tighten collagen and elastin fibers.

The procedure involves spraying tiny exfoliating crystals onto the affected area or rubbing a special wand over the area. Using a wand-like device, the crystals are gently removed, taking away dead skin from the epidermal layer. For effective results, microdermabrasion must be repeated over a period of time.

After the procedure, your skin may feel tight and dry. The peeling can cause redness. It usually takes 24 hours for your skin to heal. While this procedure is effective, it is not guaranteed to completely remove stretch marks. The severity of your stretch marks will affect your results.

4. Microneedling

Microneedling targets the dermis, the middle layer of skin where stretch marks form. In this procedure, tiny needles are inserted into your skin to trigger collagen production. Increased collagen and elastin promote skin regeneration, which can improve the appearance of your skin and reduce stretch marks.

To treat stretch marks effectively, you need to have more than one treatment over a period of months. Microneedling has proven to be an effective treatment for reducing stretch marks, particularly in those with darker skin.

5. Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a common treatment option to remove white stretch marks. Lasers penetrate the skin and trigger regeneration. This stimulates the tissues around your stretch marks to heal faster.

Laser therapy stimulates melanin production in the affected area and activates pigment cells in your skin. This will help your stretch marks blend into your normal skin tone. Although laser therapy is effective, it takes more than one session to notice results.

There are a number of different laser therapies used to treat stretch marks and other skin problems. Discuss your options with your dermatologist.

6. Cosmetic Surgery

When other treatments are unsuccessful, cosmetic surgery is an option. This expensive but effective option can permanently remove white stretch marks from your body. However, it is important to understand that surgery itself can leave scars.

A tummy tuck, medically called an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that not only removes stretch marks but also removes excess skin and fat from your abdomen. This procedure gives the skin and abdomen a flatter and tighter appearance. However, surgery carries a number of health risks. Before undergoing this treatment, discuss your options with your doctor.

What surgery gets rid of stretch marks?

Stretch marks that are below your belly button can be surgically removed in a tummy tuck procedure. This surgery removes the skin below the belly button permanently and uses the upper skin to create a tighter abdomen and a smoother appearance.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a type of scar on the skin, sometimes referred to as “marks” by doctors. They are caused by a tear in the dermis, or the deeper layer of skin, often due to abrupt stretching of the tissue. This rupture of collagen and elastin leaves a permanent scar as it heals, and from the surface this develops into a visible stretch mark as we know it.

Stretch marks are very dark when they first appear, often purple or red. They may be raised above the skin and be slightly swollen and itchy. The good news is that the appearance of stretch marks improves over time. Over the course of a year, the color fades from red to paler in color, and the spots flatten out or appear slightly sunken below the level of the surrounding skin.

Who is at risk for stretch marks?

Everyone has the ability to develop stretch marks, but those with extreme hormone levels (e.g., pregnant women) or those with a family history of stretch marks may be more susceptible. I’ve heard many women call them their “tiger stripes,” a physical representation of what their tummy did to accommodate their growing baby.

Outside of pregnancy, many teens develop stretch marks during puberty in response to their growing and changing bodies. Excessive muscle building and fluctuations in body weight can also cause stretch marks to appear as body contour changes. Prolonged use of some medications that can thin the skin, such as corticosteroids, can also cause stretch marks to appear.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

Unfortunately, like any other scar on your body, stretch marks are permanent. But scar massage can help improve the appearance of your stretch marks if started early in the course. Putting pressure on your scar or stretch marks can speed up the maturation of your scar and help improve its appearance. Massages are recommended at least once a day once the stretch marks or scars appear. After a year, the scar is typically fully mature.

If your stretch marks appear red, there is limited research showing that the ingredients hyaluronic acid and tretinoin may have a small benefit in improving the pigmentation of your stretch marks. Vascular laser treatments can improve the redness or pigment changes in your stretch marks. While some of these modalities can help improve the appearance of your stretch marks, none of them will make them go away completely

Is there anything you can do to prevent stretch marks?

The quick answer to this question is maybe. Keeping your skin well hydrated and avoiding excessive weight gain may be your only chance to avoid permanent skin damage. While research has yet to find the perfect product to prevent stretch marks, managing changes to our body and weight may be our best bet to keep our skin looking healthy and smooth.

Are there surgical options?

If your post-pregnancy stretch marks are on your lower abdomen, you’re in luck. Stretch marks below the navel can be surgically removed with a tummy tuck. This surgery permanently removes the skin below the belly button and uses the epidermis to create a tighter abdomen and a smoother appearance.

It’s important to meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss realistic expectations for this type of surgery and to understand how this type of surgery removes damaged skin and relocates upper stretch marks to a more hidden location near the bikini line.

What is the fastest way to get rid of stretch marks?

  1. Makeup (concealing): Using makeup is one of the easiest and fastest options to hide stretch marks. …
  2. Creams, gels, or lotions: There are many of these on the market, and manufacturers frequently claim that they can remove stretch marks. …
  3. Massage: …
  4. Topical creams: …
  5. Microdermabrasion: …
  6. Microneedling: …
  7. Laser treatment:

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Although you can’t completely remove stretch marks, certain treatments can significantly reduce their appearance.

You cannot completely remove stretch marks as they are a type of superficial scar.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are ways to help them look better, but no single treatment or product works for everyone; Some products don’t work at all.

Treatment must meet the following criteria to have a visible effect on the appearance of stretch marks:

Increase collagen and elastin production

Support fibroblast activity and blood circulation

Promote overall cell renewal in the affected area

Although no treatment can completely remove stretch marks, those who meet the criteria can significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks so that they are no longer visible.

Makeup (Concealing): Using makeup is one of the easiest and quickest ways to hide stretch marks. There are various products available on the market that can help hide stretch marks.

Creams, gels or lotions: there are many of these on the market and manufacturers often claim that they can remove stretch marks. However, they are unlikely to prevent or remove stretch marks. If your stretch marks are still red or purple, you should use them. It is best to use this on the skin before the spots develop.

Massage: Massage the skin daily with a moisturizer or massage mitt to improve blood flow to the area. This in turn promotes the growth of new tissue.

Topical creams: Ceramides, almond oil, grape polyphenol, topical vitamin E cream, topical hyaluronic acid, or tretinoin are effective in treating stretch marks, although longer treatment times may be required. To renew skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks, you can try prescription retinoid creams or over-the-counter retinol.

Microdermabrasion: It is a painless procedure to reduce the visibility of stretch marks. This procedure stimulates the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers to tighten the top layer of skin. Tiny exfoliating crystals are sprayed onto the affected area or rubbed over the area with a special wand during the procedure. The crystals are gently removed with a wand-like device, bringing dead skin from the epidermal layer with it. Microdermabrasion needs to be repeated over time to achieve effective results. Your skin may feel tight and dry after the procedure. Redness may occur due to peeling. It takes about 24 hours for your skin to heal. Despite its effectiveness, this procedure cannot guarantee that stretch marks will be completely removed. Your results will be affected by the severity of your stretch marks.

Microneedling: The dermis – the middle layer of skin where stretch marks form – is treated in a targeted manner. During this procedure, tiny needles are inserted into your skin to stimulate collagen production. Increased collagen and elastin promote skin regeneration, which can improve the appearance of your skin and reduce stretch marks. In order to treat stretch marks effectively, you need to attend multiple treatments over a period of months. Microneedling is an effective treatment option for reducing stretch marks, especially in people with darker skin.

Laser Treatment: The procedure uses lasers to penetrate the skin and stimulate regeneration. This stimulates the tissues surrounding your stretch marks to heal faster. Laser treatment activates pigment cells in your skin by stimulating melanin production in the affected area. This will blend your stretch marks into your natural skin tone. Although laser therapy is effective, it takes more than one session to see results. Various laser therapies are available to treat stretch marks.

Natural ingredients and their benefits include:

Cocoa Butter: Cocoa butter adapts naturally to the skin’s structure as it melts at skin temperature and adapts to the skin’s lipid balance. It contains polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants with numerous skin benefits such as: B. Combating skin regeneration, increasing collagen production and improving skin elasticity and skin tone.

Shea Butter: Containing naturally occurring vitamins A and E, shea butter is known to help with various skin conditions including blemishes and wrinkles, as well as dermatitis and stretch marks. Shea butter has been linked to an increase in collagen production.

Argan Oil: Due to its non-greasy texture and quick absorption, argan oil is another popular skin care product. Argan oil is naturally high in vitamin E and fatty acids, which means it increases skin elasticity, hydrates the skin and aids in moisture retention.

Collagen and Elastin: Look for stretch mark cream with collagen and elastin. Found in the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin, these naturally occurring proteins are essential to skin health and healing, promoting soft, supple skin. Although many influencers swear by its benefits, no scientific studies have been conducted to prescribe collagen and elastic ointments for scar reduction.

Lutein: Lutein is a nutrient found in green leafy vegetables and egg yolks. It improves skin’s health and appearance by increasing moisture and elasticity.

When natural remedies to remove stretch marks don’t work, professional procedures are available. Many of these are more invasive and expensive than at home, but they’re a great option if your stretch marks are negatively affecting your self-esteem and body image.

How do you get rid of deep stretch marks?

Medical treatments for stretch marks
  1. Laser therapy. Lasers deliver focused light to the skin. …
  2. Microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion involves exfoliating the skin in a way that at-home remedies can’t. …
  3. Microneedling. Microneedling uses a device that creates tiny pricks in the skin. …
  4. Radiofrequency therapy. …
  5. Chemical peel.

Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, also called striae, occur when your skin deforms rapidly due to growth or weight gain. They are not usually a sign that something is wrong with your health. Anyone can get stretch marks, regardless of gender. Pregnancy and puberty are the two most common times in life to get them. Initially, a stretch mark appears as a thin red or purple line with a different texture than the skin around it. Most stretch marks will fade on their own over time. They may become less noticeable after fading. Faded stretch marks usually look lighter than the surrounding skin and a little shiny, like a scar. Research tells us that there is no secret cure-all for stretch marks — at least not yet. But some home remedies can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and make them fade faster. Newer stretch marks are more likely to respond to treatment.

Medical Treatments for Stretch Marks Medical procedures for stretch marks are performed in the office by trained professionals. You’ll likely be treated by a doctor — a dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon, or plastic surgeon — or a licensed professional, depending on which state you’re in, the procedure, and the potential risks. Further research is required. However, studies – like one from 2017 and another from the same year – suggest that stretch marks can be visibly improved with the medical treatments listed below. It’s best to have realistic expectations of the results. Even medical treatments cannot completely eliminate or prevent stretch marks. 7. Laser Therapy Lasers deliver focused light onto the skin. Depending on what type of laser is used, the treatment could have the potential to boost collagen production and help stretch marks fade to blend with the surrounding skin, according to a 2017 study. Some laser treatments require multiple sessions before you see any effects. Laser therapy is also used to reduce skin texture and redness caused by scars and rosacea. So it makes sense that laser therapy could potentially improve the appearance of stretch marks. 8. Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion exfoliates the skin in a way that home remedies cannot. Using a hand stick, a professional applies an abrasive substance to your skin to gently remove dead skin cells. Research on microdermabrasion for stretch marks is limited, but a 2017 research review suggests it can reduce the severity of the marks. 9. Microneedling Microneedling uses a device that creates tiny punctures in the skin. This treatment causes the skin to produce collagen and elastin, which can help loose skin appear tighter. Unlike at-home devices, in-office microneedling penetrates deeper into your skin to more effectively and safely target the skin’s healing function, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Microneedling is a minimally invasive method of treating the texture of stretch marks, even older ones, and can help even out skin tone. 10. Radio Frequency Therapy Radio frequency treatments send waves of energy into your skin that stimulate collagen production. The result can be tighter skin. Recently, radio frequency treatments have been combined with microneedling treatments to send the energy waves even deeper into the skin. The needle penetrates the skin and delivers radio frequency into the ducts, which stimulates deeper layers of collagen, according to a 2019 study. Additional research from 2019 suggests that radiofrequency therapy can improve the appearance of stretch marks, but more studies are needed to understand how it compares to other available treatments. 11. Chemical Peel In chemical peels, an acid such as glycolic acid is applied to the skin’s surface. Professional chemical peels are stronger than the at-home versions and are used in the office. According to a 2018 review, peels deeply exfoliate the skin and promote collagen production. This may help stretch marks appear smaller, but the evidence available is limited. In general, clinical methods are more effective than home remedies for stretch marks. However, these procedures are not usually covered by insurance and can be costly. Not all options are right for all skin types, so it’s important to consult a dermatologist to find out which one is right for you.

Who Gets Stretch Marks? Stretch marks can happen to anyone, but some people are more likely to get them than others. Genetics is one of the strongest predictors. If people you are related to have stretch marks, you are likely to develop them too. Pregnancy is a common cause of stretch marks. Research published in 2015 suggests that up to 90 percent of pregnant women will develop stretch marks. Other risk factors include: Use of a corticosteroid medication

lose or gain weight quickly

have breast augmentation surgery

rapid increase in muscle size, for example, through bodybuilding



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Laser Stretch Mark Removal Cost

Laser Stretch Mark Removal Laser stretch mark removal consists of removing striae (stretch marks) by laser treatment. It removes the outer layer of skin to restructure the overlying skin. During the procedure, rays of light are used in concentrated amounts to encourage new growth. Although stretch marks cannot be completely removed, laser removal can help smooth the marks, thereby reducing their appearance. Two types of lasers are used for skin resurfacing treatment: ablative and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers (CO2, Erbium YAG) treat stretch marks by destroying the top layer of skin. The newly created skin tissue becomes smoother in texture and appearance. Non-ablative lasers (Alexandrite, Fraxel) do not destroy the top layer of skin. Instead, they target the underlying areas of the skin’s surface to promote collagen growth from the inside out.

How much does laser stretch mark removal cost? According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS), skin resurfacing treatments of this type have a huge cost range of $500 to $8,900. Each ablative laser treatment costs an average of $2,681. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), non-ablative laser treatments cost an average of $1,410 each. In addition to these estimated provider fees, there are often other hidden costs. Your total cost may depend on: Anesthetics


laboratory costs

office fees

Post-treatment pain medication (if needed) The good news is that each procedure is relatively quick in terms of time. Ablative lasers can take around an hour and a half, while non-ablative treatments can be performed in as little as 30 minutes each. What is the time cost of stretch mark laser removal? | Recovery Time Laser therapy is classified as a non-invasive treatment, which means that no surgical incisions are used. This significantly shortens the recovery time compared to conventional surgery. Nevertheless, you should plan a break at least on the day of your treatment. Depending on the type of laser used, the total treatment time can last between 30 and 90 minutes. This does not include time spent filling out paperwork, as well as pre-procedure preparation time. You may notice that your skin is slightly pink or red after each treatment. This is normal and should subside within a few weeks. Ablative lasers are the most effective at treating striae, but also have the most side effects due to their aggressive nature. Such effects include rough skin and slight discomfort. Your skin will also scab over before new tissue is exposed around the stretch marks. Depending on the area being treated and the type of laser used, some people choose to take several days off after the procedure. It can also take several months to see full results, especially with non-ablative lasers, ABCS says.

Is it insured? Stretch mark removal using laser therapy and other treatments is considered a cosmetic (aesthetic) procedure. Laser therapy can be adopted in cases deemed medically necessary, such as: B. for pain treatment. However, health insurance does not cover laser therapy to remove stretch marks.

Are there ways to reduce costs? Laser removal of stretch marks can get quite expensive considering insurance doesn’t cover it. Still, there are a few ways you can potentially reduce your out-of-pocket costs. First, talk to your provider about payment plans and discounts. Many offices offer interest-free financing for this type of procedure. Some medical spas even offer discounts for multiple sessions. Such offers vary by provider, so you may need to shop around. There is also the possibility of manufacturer discounts. This can help offset a small portion of the overall cost of treatment. Ask your provider if they are aware of current discount offers.

How long does it take? In general, the ABCS says skin resurfacing treatments can “last for years.” The catch, however, is that this can depend on how well you take care of your skin. Sometimes stretch marks only require ablative laser treatment. However, non-ablative treatments are not as aggressive. ASAPS estimates that on average you will need between one and six non-ablative laser treatments. Each treatment usually costs the same as the first session. The exception might be if your particular provider offers discounts for multiple sessions. You have to wait three or four weeks between each session. Once your skin is fully healed and you’re done with all your sessions, the results can last for years, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Laser Treatments vs Microdermabrasion vs Surgery vs Microneedling Laser skin resurfacing is just one of the options available for stretch mark treatment. Surgery is the most invasive, but it can also provide the longest-lasting results. Consider the differences and similarities of laser treatments versus microdermabrasion, surgery and microneedling below. Laser Treatments Microdermabrasion Surgical Removal Microneedling Type of Procedure Non-Invasive Non-Invasive Includes Surgery Non-Invasive Total expected cost depends on the type of laser used: On average, each ablative laser treatment costs $2,681 while non-ablative lasers cost $1,410 per treatment, $139 per treatment American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery depends on the region to be treated e.g. For example, a tummy tuck can cost around $5,339, plus hospital and anesthesia fees ranging from $100 to $700 per session. Number of treatments required. Ablative lasers are used one or more times depending on the desired result. Non-ablative lasers can be used up to six times, three to four weeks apart multiple, usually once per month an average of one, four to six treatments are required Expected results Noticeable changes after several weeks as new skin regenerates and changes are visible immediately are , but they don’t last long Changes are meant as permanent instant results, but these aren’t drama assured? no no no no recovery time 10 to 14 days, depending on the size of the treatment area no significant recovery time an average of two to four weeks no significant recovery time

Cost of Stretch Mark Removal

Creams: $40-$100 Laser treatments: $1,500-$3,750 Tummy tuck: $3,000-$8,500

Although most plastic surgeons say stretch marks should be considered permanent, there are some options for fading or removing them in certain cases. Typical costs:

Stretch mark treatment typically costs $40 to $100 per tube or bottle for creams or oils designed to fade and soften stretch marks. For example,[1] offers products in this price range. However, these treatments have not usually proven effective, and many plastic surgeons on[2] say they are ineffective.

per tube or bottle for creams or oils designed to fade and soften stretch marks; For example,[1] offers products in this price range. However, these treatments have not usually proven effective, and many plastic surgeons on[2] say they are ineffective. Stretch mark treatments typically cost at least $300 to $750 per treatment for five or six treatments, or at least $1,500 to $3,750 for fractional laser treatments like Fraxel, Starlux, or Active FX, which fade the color and possibly the depth of Can Reduce Stretch Marks.

to per treatment for five or six treatments or at least to for fractional laser treatments such as Fraxel, Starlux or Active FX which can fade color and potentially reduce the depth of stretch marks. And stretch mark treatment typically costs $3,000 to $8,500 for a tummy tuck, which is the only method of actually removing stretch marks since the marked skin can be cut away.

for a tummy tuck, which is the only method to actually remove stretch marks as the marked skin can be cut away. The treatment of stretch marks is considered cosmetic and is usually not covered by health insurance. Related Articles: Skin Tightening, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Scar Removal

What should be included:

Creams or oils are usually applied daily at home according to the package directions.

Laser treatments are usually performed in a clinic with topical or local anesthesia; The laser penetrates the layers of the skin and stimulates the growth of new collagen, which can fade but not remove stretch marks. . The cosmetic surgeon Dr. Brooke Seckel[3] provides an overview of laser treatments for stretch marks.

With a tummy tuck, the surgeon makes incisions in the skin, tightens the abdominal muscles and stitches them in place, then removes excess skin — which can also be a way to remove some abdominal stretch marks, particularly those resulting from pregnancy — and sew the incisions closed. It takes two to five hours. Discounts:

Some clinics offer online vouchers. For example, Ageless Remedies[4] in North Carolina had a $100 off coupon on laser stretch mark treatment.

Off-laser treatment for stretch marks. Plastic surgeons usually offer discounts for multiple procedures. Shopping for stretch mark removal:

It’s important to realize that stretch marks are caused by tears in the dermis, or deeper layers of skin, resulting in deep scars, so most plastic surgeons agree that there are few effective ways to treat them.

It is best to consult a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to discuss your specific case and your options. The American Academy of Dermatology[5] provides a list of board-certified dermatologists by location. Alternatively, both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons[6] and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery[7] offer referral services.

The risks of stretch mark treatment vary depending on the treatment. With creams and lotions, the risk is dissatisfaction with the results. Risks with laser treatments include minor wounds, scarring, skin discoloration, and dissatisfaction with the results. The risks of a tummy tuck include infection, skin necrosis, excessive bleeding, scarring, and reaction to anesthesia.

The material on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist about any medications or medical procedures.

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Cloudnine BlogCan Laser Treatment help in Reducing the Post-pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Pregnancy can throw a lot of curve balls at the moms-to-be, and post-pregnancy stretch marks are just one of them. Stretch marks are nothing more than fine, shiny, white streaks that form in areas prone to fat accumulation, such as the buttocks, chest, hips, abdomen, arms, abdomen, and thighs. Although they are very common, they can make you feel conscious and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there are aesthetic treatments that take care of it.

‍What causes stretch marks?

‍Stretch marks occur when your tummy suddenly expands to accommodate the growing baby. This stretching leads to the breakdown of the elastic fibers that exist under the skin to improve the skin’s elasticity, causing the shiny, white streaks.

Apart from that, there are many reasons for the formation of stretch marks, they are:

The rising levels of progesterone during pregnancy lower protein levels in the body, leading to pigmentation of the mother’s skin during pregnancy.

The sudden weight gain during pregnancy causes the skin to stretch, which leads to stretch marks.

causes the skin to stretch, resulting in stretch marks. The accumulation of fat under the dermis during pregnancy leads to the formation of stretch marks.

Excessive pulling or stretching of the skin due to hormonal changes during pregnancy causes breakage or tearing of the dermis, which develops into stretch marks.

Do you want to know the “expected date of birth of your baby”? Check out Cloudnine’s Pregnancy Due Date Calculator now!

Can Laser Treatment Help Reduce Stretch Marks?

Yes, laser stretching is very effective in treating stretch marks or striae. It is a laser resurfacing procedure that removes the outermost layer of skin and restructures the overlying skin. A concentrated amount of light is used to stimulate new cells to grow.

There are two types of lasers used for skin resurfacing treatment; they are:

Laser Ablative (CO2, Erbium YAG): This procedure destroys the entire (targeted) top layer of skin and the newly growing skin tissue becomes smoother in appearance and texture.

Non-ablative lasers (Alexandrite, Fraxel): This treatment process leaves the top layer of skin intact, while the underlying areas of the skin’s surface are aimed at promoting collagen growth.

Keep in mind that laser treatment won’t help you completely get rid of stretch marks, but it will make the striae smoother, reducing their appearance.

‍How long does the effect last?

‍The effect of the treatment will last depending on how well you take care of your skin. Also, there are different cases; Sometimes stretch marks only require a single ablative laser treatment, while other cases require multiple treatments (between one and six non-ablative laser treatments). However, once the skin looks completely smooth and normal (after completing all the necessary sessions), the result can last for years.

‍Is laser treatment safe?

‍Yes, laser resurfacing is a non-invasive method of stretch mark removal that is very safe with no or minimal potential for injury. It’s also an easy, fast, long-lasting, and effective way to get rid of those ugly stretch marks.

So if you are not satisfied with these lines, you just need to google “beauty clinic near me” or “aesthetic treatment near me” to solve your problem.

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Information related to the topic laser stretch mark removal mn

Here are the search results of the thread laser stretch mark removal mn from Bing. You can read more if you want.

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