How Many Rakats For Laylatul Qadr? Top Answer Update

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How do you pray on Laylatul Qadr?

Things to do on Laylatul Qadr
  1. Offer duas or supplications. During the holy night of Laylatul Qadr, Allah is merciful, and all the sincere supplications are accepted by him. …
  2. Attend Dua in Masjid. …
  3. Recite the holy Quran. …
  4. Perform Sadaqah or Charity. …
  5. Have Iftar with your family. …
  6. Perform Itikaf.

When should I start Laylatul Qadr prayer?

Laylat Al-Qadr, as the Prophet, on him be peace, informed us, is one of the last odd nights of Ramadan. So people should strive in their ritual prayer (salah) and other worship most on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th nights of Ramadan.

What surah should you read on Laylatul Qadr?

2) Surah dedicated to laylatul qadr

It’s called Surah al-Qadr. The Surah talks about the majesty of the night, the time when the Quran was first revealed. It is the 97th chapter of the Quran, consisting of five verses, and was revealed in Makkah. The word ‘laylatul qadr’ is mentioned three times in the Surah.

How do you maximize Laylatul Qadr?

10 Ways to Make the Most of the Last 10 Nights
  1. Dedicate your time to dhikr. …
  2. Limit digital distractions. …
  3. Give extra charity. …
  4. Spend nights at the mosque. …
  5. Seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT) …
  6. Start a hajj/umrah fund. …
  7. Visit the sick and elderly. …
  8. Share the gift of education.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

The last ten nights are the holiest time of Ramadan. They offer us an opportunity to get close to Allah and insha’Allah – especially when we catch the blessed Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) – to feel the mercy of Allah (SWT), the All-Forgiving.

That’s why we all want to make the most of these holy nights, so here are ten top tips for a blessed, productive end to Ramadan!

1. Devote your time to dhikr

Offer plenty of dhikr in remembrance of Allah (SWT) and reap the rewards! Here are some of the ways you can reach Allah (SWT):

Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest)

SubhanAllah (Glory to God)

Alḥamdulillah (All praise be to God)

Astaghfirullāh (I ask forgiveness from Allah)

Lā ilaha illAllāhu waḥdahoo lā sharikalahoo, lahul mulku wa lahul ḥamdu wa Huwa ‘alaa hulli shai’in qadeer (There is no god but Allah, alone, without partner. He is the Sovereign and His praise, and He has power over everything)

SubhānAllāhi wa biḥamdihi, SubhānAllāhi al-‘Aẓeem (Glory to Allaah and glory be to him, glory to Allaah Most High)

Lā ilaha illā Anta, subḥānaka inni kuntu min al-ẓālimeen (There is no god but Allah, glory be to Thee, verily I was one of the wrongdoers)

With these holy words you can approach Allah (SWT) and feel the benefits, insha’Allah.

2. Limit digital distractions

Ramadan is a special time so limit your use of social media, television and phones. When the last ten nights are over, they’re gone for a whole year! So make the most of these blessed nights and put away the remote and phone (unless you’re reading the Quran, of course!).

3. Give extra charity

Sadaqah – no matter how small – is such a blessing, so why not strive to give extra alms during the last ten nights? You can donate money, feed those in need, commit to giving year-round, or sponsor an orphan. No matter what it is, with a pure intention and a kind heart you will be able to help people in need while worshiping Allah (SWT), subhanAllah!

4. Spend nights at the mosque

If you really want to take some time out, then why not spend your nights at your local mosque? Follow the principle of I’tikaaf and spend as many hours as possible in the mosque, performing extra prayers and dedicating yourself to the worship of Allah (SWT).

5. Ask Allah for forgiveness (SWT)

Allah (SWT) loves those who ask for forgiveness. If guilt and past sins are holding you back, make a fresh start. Maybe you want to break a bad habit and “clean the slate”? Well this is the perfect time to seek forgiveness and make istighfar for the love of Allah (SWT). Try this du’a – especially in the early hours of the morning: Allāhumma innaka ‘Afuwwun tuḥibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘annii (“O Allah, You are the Forgiving, You love to forgive, so forgive me”).

6. Start a Hajj/Umrah fund

Good deeds start with good intentions, so why not move on for the rest of the year? Start a Hajj/Umrah fund and commit to embark on this blessed journey during the holiest time of the Islamic calendar!

7. Visit the sick and the elderly

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is challenging for the strongest and youngest of us, but what about the elderly and sick who cannot fast and are struggling with their health? Take some time to visit an elderly neighbor or poor friend and offer comfort to someone else in need. That is a great Sunnah!

8. Share the gift of education

Ramadan was the time when the Holy Quran was first revealed and many of us dedicate this month to reading the Holy Book. But why not only make sure you read as much as you can, but also share the blessings? Gift a friend, family member or new member of your mosque with a Quran and help them on their spiritual journey.

9. Care for Allah’s creation

When we think of good deeds, we often think of our family, neighbors, friends, and the local community. In short: we focus on people. But how much time do we have to stop and reflect on Allah’s wondrous creation? Give thanks to Allah (SWT) and show Him that you can be a trustworthy Khalifa (Guardian) of His Earth. Feed the animals in your garden (no bread please!), take care of a friend’s pet or rescue a lonely cat – an animal that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) loved very much! – from a local animal shelter.

10. Develop an annual game plan

Let Ramadan inspire you to make positive changes for the coming year. Take on a challenge, create a Quranic plan, start a new charity project – whatever it is, let the positive energy of Ramadan drive you to make even more blessed changes, all for the love of Allah (SWT).

With these top ten tips, you can not only make the most of the final holy nights of Ramadan, but also make the most of the year ahead insha’Allah. From everyone at Islamic Relief, Ramadan Mubarak!

What time does Laylatul Qadr start and end?

Sunni Islam

For Muslim communities all over the world; Laylat al-Qadr is found to be on the last 5 odd nights of Ramadan (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th) whereby night precedes day.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

Observed date in the Islamic calendar

“Night of Power” redirects here. For the Spider Robinson novel, see Night of Power (novel)

The Qadr Night Quran reading is an important observation of Laylat al-Qadr Official Name ليلة القدر Also Night of Power, Night of Worth, Night of Destiny, Night of Determination, Night of Determination or Precious Night [1] Used by Muslims of type Angels are observed descending to earth and the annual decree is revealed to them Observances Tahajjud night prayers, Quran reading, making dua, making dhikr, observing Iʿtikāf, giving sadaqah Date Often referred to as 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th of Ramadan committed and some add the 19th to the series. It is narrated from Abdul Sahih as the 23rd. Many cultures observe it as the 27th of Ramadan, but many scholars say it is fabricated. [ Citation needed ] Frequency Annual

The Qadr Night or Laylat al-Qadr (Arabic: لیلة القدر‎), variously rendered in English as Night of Decree,[2] Night of Power,[3] Night of Value, Night of Destiny[4] or Night of Measures, is in Islamic belief the night when the Qur’an was first revealed to the world from heaven and also the night when the first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and is described as being better than a thousand months of Worship.[5] According to many Muslim sources [which one?] its exact date is uncertain, but it was one of the odd-numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Since then, the last ten nights of Ramadan have been considered particularly blessed among Muslims. Muslims believe that the night of Qadr comes with blessings and mercies of God in abundance, sins are forgiven, supplications are accepted and the annual decree is revealed to the angels who execute it according to God’s grace.

naming [edit]

Qadr, (قدر) in Arabic, means measure and limit or value of something or destiny.[6] A few reasons were offered for his naming:

It is said to have been called al-Qadr because each person’s yearly destiny is determined by God. [7]

Some say that by staying up and praying, reading the Qur’an, or doing penance that night, one will attain a high state. [8th]

Some have said it was called al-Qadr because it is a grand and high quality night.[9]

Other names such as “Laylat al-‘Azama” (Arabic: ليلة العظمة; Night of Greatness) and “Laylat al-Sharaf” (Arabic: ليلة الشرف; Night of Honor) were also given for this night.[10]

Revelation to Muhammad[ edit ]

Some commentators believe that the Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad twice;

the “immediate revelation” that happens on the Laylat al-Qadr and

“gradual revelation” over 23 years.

The Qur’an uses the word anzal (انزل) which, according to Allamah Tabatabai, justifies “the immediate revelation”.[11] However, some others believe that the revelation of the Qur’an took place in two phases, the first phase being the revelation in its entirety on Laylat al-Qadr to the angel Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic) in the lowest heaven, and then the subsequent stanza-verse Revelation to Muhammad by Gabriel.[4] The revelation began in AD 610 in the Hira Cave on Mount Jabal al-Nour in Mecca. The first revealed Surah was Surat al-ʿAlaq (in Arabic العلق).[12] During Muhammad’s first revelation, the first five verses of this sura or chapter were revealed.[13]

A specific date of Laylat al-Qadr is not mentioned in the Qur’an.[14][15] Muhammad received the information about the exact date of Laylat al-Qadr from God in a dream. He went to tell the Sahabah about that date. However, he saw two people fighting and forgot the date because Allah took away the knowledge of Al Qadr from him.[16] A Muslim date can be precisely defined with the day of the week.

Sunni Islam[ edit ]

Sunni Islam holds that God alone answers the requests of mankind and that He alone receives and forgives mankind and gives what they ask for and that on this special night Muslims actively seek God’s forgiveness and participate in various worship services should.

For Muslim communities around the world; Laylat al-Qadr takes place on the last 5 odd nights of Ramadan (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th), with the night preceding the day. Many cultures [which ones?] celebrate it on the 27th, while certain scholars say that if a Friday night coincides with an odd night, it’s probably the one.[17][18]

Last five odd nights Gregorian date[19] 1440 May 25, 2019, May 27, 2019, May 29, 2019, May 31, 2019, June 2, 2019 or June 4, 2019 1441 May 15, 2020, May 17, 2020, May 19, 2020, May 21, 2020 or May 23, 2020 1442 May 4, 2021, May 6, 2021, May 8, 2021, May 10, 2021 or May 12, 2021 1443 April 22, 2022, April 24, 2022, April 26, 2022, April 28, 2022 or April 30, 2022

Shia Islam[edit]

Shia Muslims similarly believe that Laylat al-Qadr is found on the last ten odd nights of Ramadan, but mostly on the 19th, 21st, or 23rd of Ramadan, with the 23rd being the most important night.[20] The 19th, according to Shia belief, coincides with the night Ali was attacked in the mihrab while he was praying in the Kufa Grand Mosque. He died on the 21st of Ramadan.[21] Shia Muslims believe that Ali (the first Shia Imam and the fourth caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate for Sunnis) had special insight and intimacy with Allah that night. Imam Sadiq is quoted as saying (Tafsir “al-Burhan”, Vol. 4, p. 487):

When Imam Ali recited Surat al-Qadr and his sons, Imam Hasan (a) and Imam Husayn (a) were near him. Imam Husayn (a) asked his father: “Father, how is it that when you recite this surah we feel a different sensation?” Imam Ali (a) replied: “O son of the Prophet and my son! I know things from this chapter that you are not yet aware of. When this sura was sent to the Prophet, he asked me to go to him. When I went to him, he recited this surah, then he put his hand on my right shoulder and said: O my brother and my successor! O leaders of my nation after me! O indefatigable fighter with my enemies! This sura belongs to you after me and to your two sons after you. Gabriel, my brother among the angels, informs me of the events of a year of my nation on the night of Qadr. And after me he will give you this information. This surah will always have a shining light in your heart and in the heart of your followers until the dawn of the day of the reappearance of Qa’im [the one who rises, a title for the Islamic Messiah, Mahdi] arises.”[22]

Ibn Abbas knew both the date and the day of the week.[23][24][25] Therefore, the Shia have generally concluded that it is the 23rd[4]

According to other hadiths, destinies are written on the night of the 19th of Ramadan, finalized on the night of the 21st of Ramadan, and finally confirmed on the night of the 23rd of Ramadan.[26]

Two other possibilities at the time of the Qadr night are the nights of the 27th of Ramadan and the 15th of Sha’ban.[27]

23. Ramadan Gregorian Date 1440 May 28, 2019[28][29] 1441 May 16, 2020[30] 1442 May 5, 2021[31] 1443 April 24, 2022[32]

Religious significance[ edit ]

From the perspective of Muslims, the night is unlike any other[20] and according to one tradition, the blessings from worship during this night cannot be attained, even if it is worshiped for a lifetime. The reward for acts of worship in this one night is more than the reward for a thousand months of worship.[33] Laylat al-Qadr is mentioned in the Quran:[4][20]

We have indeed revealed this (message) in the night of the decree: And what will explain to you what the night of the decree is? The night of destiny is better than a thousand months. In it the angels and spirit descend by Allah’s leave, in every errand: Peace!… This until the dawn! Sura 97 (Al-Qadr), āyāt 1-5[34]

Rituals (Shia) [ edit ]

Shias practice the night of Qadr rituals every year in mosques, tekyehs, shrines of imams or children of imams, Husayniyyas or their own homes. They remain vigilant all night until dawn, worshiping God. Key practices of Qadr night include congregational prayers, reciting Iftitah supplication, Abu Hamza al-Thumali supplication and al-Jawshan al-Kabir, and supplication together while keeping the volumes of the Qur’an over their heads. Other rituals of the night include donating morning food, paying their nadhr for the dead, feeding the poor, and emancipating financial captives.

Since the assassination of Ali (a) takes place in the last ten days of Ramadan, Shias mourn on these nights.[35]

See also[edit]

Can we sleep during Laylatul Qadr?

Some Muslims spend most of the time during the last 10 days and nights of Ramadan in a mosque. During the hours of daylight, they pray, read the Koran and may rest or sleep. During the hours of darkness, they also eat and drink.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

Laylat al-Qadr, also known as Shab-e-Qadr, Night of Ordinance, Night of Measures, is an Islamic celebration marking the anniversary of the night Mohammad received the first verses of the Koran (Qu’ran).

© hamdan

what are people doing

As on the other days of Ramadan, many Muslims do not eat, drink or practice during the daylight hours on Laylat al-Qadr. They make a special effort to pray for forgiveness and read the Qur’an during the last 10 days of Ramadan. This is seen as a time when prayers are answered and blessings abound.

Some Muslims spend most of their time in a mosque during the last 10 days and nights of Ramadan. In daylight they pray, read the Koran and are allowed to rest or sleep. They also eat and drink in the hours of darkness. With many members of the community spending much of the time together in a mosque during the final days of Ramadan, this is a time of communal worship, prayer, anticipation and celebration of Islam.

People living near a mosque or Muslim household may hear the Qur’an being read or recited during this time. This is an attempt to read the entire Quran in the month of Ramadan. Good deeds are also done during this time as it is a night of forgiveness. Some Muslims believe that Laylat al-Qadr is the date when God reveals their destiny for the whole year.

Public life

Laylat al-Qadr is not a public holiday in some countries like Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom or the United States. However, many Islamic organizations and shops are subject to change of opening hours, and congestion can occur around mosques, especially in the evenings and at night.


Prophet Mohammad spent long periods, especially during Ramadan, meditating on the world around him and seeking help to lead his people away from moral evils and idolatry. On a few occasions he traveled to the Cave of Hira, a small cave in the hills near Mecca, now in Saudi Arabia. He is believed to have received the first verses of the Qur’an from God at some point, probably around AD 610.

Laylat al-Qadr marks the anniversary of this date. However, it is unclear exactly when the revelations took place. As a result, many Muslims consider the last ten days of Ramadan to be particularly sacred and strive to visit a mosque and read the Koran during this time.

How many nights is Laylatul Qadr better than?

Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) is described in the Qur’an as, “better than a thousand months” [97:3]. Any good action done on this night such as praying, reciting the Qur’an, remembering Allah, giving Charity etc. is better than doing that same act in a thousand months.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) is described in the Qur’an as “better than a thousand months” [97:3].

Any good deed done on this night, such as praying, reciting the Qur’an, remembrance of Allah, giving alms, etc. is better than doing the same deed in a thousand months.


An opportunity to easily donate to charity that will ensure you witness the night of power!! Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

We invite you to donate £1, 3, 5 or 10 or more each of these individual evenings and help reach our 100,000 goal inshaAllah.

Just before Iftar, at the time of Taraweeh or Tahajjud, simply send your chosen amount via SMS. One push of a button, it couldn’t be easier! We will feed malnourished children around the world. All we ask is that you encourage 10 of your friends or family members to do the same and spread this khair.

“O people! Spread salaam, feed the hungry, keep in touch with your relatives and pray while people sleep (at night) that you will enter paradise peacefully.” [Tirmidhi]

What are the benefits of Laylatul Qadr?

And Allah says, “indeed, Allah is ever Pardoning and Forgiving.” (An-Nisaa: 43). Laylat Al Qadr is a night for humbly supplicating God. It is also an opportunity for Muslims to repent and pray for forgiveness. Standing in prayer is an important part of earning forgiveness from God, the sermon will say.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

The last ten days of Ramadan are the best nights and most honored by God, Friday’s sermon will tell mosque-goers.

During those days, the Prophet performed even more acts of righteousness and charity than at any time of the year with the aim of attaining the virtues of Laylat Al Qadr (the Night of Destiny).

That night Allah said: “The night of determination is better than a thousand months.” (Al-Qadr: 3). Good deeds and night prayers on this night are better than those done for eighty-three years. It is called the blessed night in the Qur’an.

On Laylat Al Qadr the angels descend bringing mercy, blessings and peace – as it says in the Qur’an: “The angels and the spirit descend there with the permission of their Lord for every matter. It is peace until the dawn appears.” (Al-Qadr: 4-5).

Laylat Al Qadr is also a night when Allah forgives the believers who stand for prayer and answers their supplications.

Muslims are therefore urged to seize the opportunity to do more worship and draw closer to God. Whoever does not attain the virtues of the holy night is deprived, as the Prophet Muhammad said: “Whoever is deprived of it (Laylat Al Qadr) is deprived of all goodness, and none is deprived of his goodness except the one who is truly deprived .”

Read more: What is the night of fate?

There are many ways to gain the blessings and virtues of this night, including taking the last 10 days of Ramadan and invoking Allah earnestly and more often.

It was reported that Ayesha, the Prophet’s wife, said to her husband: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think I should say in my prayer when I learn what night is Laylat Al Qadr?” He said: “Speak : O Allah! You forgive and love forgiveness, so forgive me.’” That is, O Allah, You always forgive the believers and overlook them and hide them. You forgive their misdeeds and mistakes and blot out their sins. And Allah says: “Verily Allah forgives and always forgives.” (An-Nisaa: 43).

Laylat Al Qadr is a night of humble prayer to God. It is also an opportunity for Muslims to repent and pray for forgiveness. Standing in prayer is an important part of receiving forgiveness from God, the sermon says.

Holy Night is also a time for Muslims to purify their hearts and draw closer to one another.

It was narrated that Ubada Ibn As-Samit, a Companion of the Prophet, said: The Messenger of Allah came out to inform us about Laylat Al Qadr, but two Muslims were arguing. So the Prophet said: ‘I came from to inform you about the night of destiny, but such and such people were quarreling, so the news about it was taken away; but that might be for your own good, so look for it on the 29th, 27th and 25th (of Ramadan).»

How do you pray?

The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) is Christ’s response.

I hope they will encourage you to make 2022 a year of prayer.
  1. Know to whom you are speaking. …
  2. Thank him. …
  3. Ask for God’s will. …
  4. Say what you need. …
  5. Ask for forgiveness. …
  6. Pray with a friend. …
  7. Pray the Word. …
  8. Memorize Scripture.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

I love Luke 5:16 because it shows that just like you and I, Jesus needed a break from the demands of his busy life to recharge his batteries and spend time with his heavenly Father. The life of Christ is meant to give us examples to follow and learn from. Despite being God incarnate, Jesus did not use his superpowers as the Son of God when it came to facing life’s challenges. Instead, when weary, burdened, or in need of spiritual refreshment, he would “slip away” to pray — tapping into the power, perception, and purpose that can only be found in God’s presence.

But Jesus himself often slipped into the desert and prayed. —Luke 5:16, AMP

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us, and as we face 2022, I believe that being on our knees has never been more important for God’s people. But knowing how to pray is not always easy. Jesus’ disciples felt the same confusion. They were familiar with the often repeated prayers of the Torah. But Jesus prayed with an authority and power they had never seen before – as if God were listening! So when they came to Jesus, as it says in Matthew 6, they didn’t say, “Teach us another prayer.” They said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) is Christ’s answer. It’s a beautiful prayer and one that every Christian should keep in their hearts – I challenged my granddaughter to memorize it. But elegant as the words are, I don’t think Jesus intended this to be another ritual prayer. Rather, it should be an example of how to pray.

So this is how you should pray:

‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be thy name

your kingdom come

Your will will happen,

on earth as in heaven.

Our daily bread Give us today.

And forgive us our sins

just as we have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil’ (Matthew 6:9-13, NIV).

Here are eight keys that have helped me develop a more powerful and effective prayer life. I hope they will encourage you to make 2022 a year of prayer.

1. Know who you are talking to.

Prayer is a conversation with God, and every conversation begins with addressing the person you are speaking to by name. Jesus begins with “Our Father in heaven”. He focuses on a specific person—Heavenly Father, with whom he has a personal relationship. We share the same right to call God “Father” and there are times when we need to speak to our Abba Father, Daddy God. But God is three different persons in one: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I find it helpful to focus my prayer times on who of the Holy Trinity I need to speak to. I often speak to Jesus, the friend who is nearer than a brother and the Savior of my soul. Other times I cry out to the Holy Spirit to fill and enable me to do the work Father God has called me to do. Having a clear sense of who I’m talking to helps me articulate what I want to say and how I want to say it.

2. Thank him.

A heartfelt thank you is always a good start to a conversation. Like all parents, God loves to see that we have grateful hearts. But more importantly, when we take the time to praise God for all He has done in the past—the answered prayers, the impossible situations overcome, the healings, and the grace—our faith in even greater answers grows on prayers stronger and more confident . Worship opens the gates of heaven and should always be part of our alone time with God.

3. Ask about God’s will.

The Lord’s Prayer is not the only place where Jesus exemplified a heart of obedience and submission to the will of God over his own wants and needs. In the Garden of Gethsemane, just hours before Jesus was crucified, he prayed again, “Not my will, but Thy will be done.” In a world where right and wrong are often confused and the future is so uncertain, it can be difficult knowing how to pray or what to ask for when difficult circumstances arise. But the only thing we can know with absolute certainty is that God’s plan for those who love him is good, and the safest place for us to be is at the center of his divine will.

4. Say what you need.

In Jesus’ time, bread was a staple—one of life’s most basic necessities—and he didn’t hesitate to ask God to provide it. But we often hesitate to bother God with the little things we need, thinking He shouldn’t be bothered. And when the big problems come, before we think about praying, we try everything to solve the problem. The Bible says, “You haven’t because you don’t ask God.” So never hesitate to ask God for whatever you need in 2022. Your Heavenly Father is pleased to give you good gifts.

5. Ask for forgiveness.

James 5:16 reminds us that if we want our prayers to be answered, our hearts must be in tune with God and with one another. If you feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, take some time to examine your heart.

6. Pray with a friend.

There is power in union as we pray in Jesus name. When I urgently need to come before the throne of God, I often call a friend to pray with me. If you don’t already have one, make finding a trustworthy prayer partner one of your goals in 2022.

7. Pray the Word.

My mother was a spiritual prayer warrior and I learned much of what I know about prayer from her. I loved listening to her pray as she required a scripture of promise for every need or situation. “The word of God has power and is our great spiritual weapon,” Mom used to say. “Pray the Word, Marilee. Pray the Word.”

Jesus did the same when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (see Luke 4:1–12). He was the Son of God, but he did not use his divine authority. Instead, he used the authority of Scripture.

8. Memorize the Scriptures.

The most important key to a vibrant prayer life is understanding our spiritual authority in Christ as explained in Scripture. The only way to do this is to familiarize yourself with the Bible. Just a few minutes a day in the Word of God will bring power and authority to your prayers in 2022.

Pray with us for World Vision’s work around the world.

Is there a specific Prayer (Salah) for Laylatul Qadr? – Assim al hakeem

Is there a specific Prayer (Salah) for Laylatul Qadr? – Assim al hakeem
Is there a specific Prayer (Salah) for Laylatul Qadr? – Assim al hakeem

See some more details on the topic how many rakats for laylatul qadr here:

How Many Rakats Do You Pray For Laylatul Qadr?

Salat of Lailatul Qadr is a traditional prayer in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan that includes the recitation of surah ikhlaas like 10, 15, or 20 times in …

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View: 9082

There is no specified prayer for Laylatul Qadr Fatwa No: 221692

Assalamu alaikum…. In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan people used to pray specially 12 Rakat of Nafal prayer in Lailatul Qadr in congregation or indivually …

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Date Published: 3/11/2021

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Quick Answer: How Many Rakats Are There In Shab E Qadr?

3) Whoever recites Sureh Qadr 7 times on the night of Shab e Qadr (27th Night of Ramadan), and then perform 2 rakat of Nafl Namaz, will be …

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Date Published: 5/20/2021

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What to pray on Laylat al-Qadr – Ahlesunnat –

* Pray four rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after ALHAMDU SHARIF (Surah Fateha) pray INNAA ANZALNAHU three times, and KULHUVLLAH SHARIF ( …

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Date Published: 12/14/2022

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How to perform the lailatul qadr prayers? – Questions

Thank you i meant, how many rakats? which surahs do i have to recite after surah fatiha? and how many times? how do i perform the whole prayer? step by step …

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Date Published: 1/29/2022

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How to pray in layltal qadr inshaAllah? – Muslim Forum

Asalaamu Alaikum, it is a big misunderstanding that Laylatul Qadr is in the mdle of the night. Laylatul Qadr starts from Maghrib up until the …

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Pinpointing Laylatul Qadr – Islamic Discussions

12 Rakats (All Nafl) which is prayed in 2 Rakats each. In the first 4 Rakats, after reciting Surah Fateha, then I recite Surah Qadr, then I …

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Date Published: 11/10/2022

View: 7131

Laylat ul Qadr 19,21,23 – Ramadan –

Dua and Amaal for Laylat-ul-Qadr 19.21.23. … 2 Rakat Salaat for Forgiveness of oneself/parents : Offer two Rakats Salat, in every Rakat recite …

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Date Published: 10/1/2022

View: 1327

How many Rakats are there in Lailatul Qadr? –

Tahajjud prayer at night Regarding the Tahajjud prayer then it is a minumum of 2 rakat upto 12 rakat. Laylatul Qadr is one of the most …

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Date Published: 10/29/2022

View: 3281

Nafil Namaz (Salat and Dua) on Shabe Qadr – learn about islam

3) Whoever recites Sureh Qadr 7 times on the night of Shab e Qadr (27th Night of Ramadan), and then perform 2 rakat of Nafl Namaz, will be protected from …

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Date Published: 4/22/2022

View: 5222

How Many Rakats Do You Pray For Laylatul Qadr?

Salat of Lailatul Qadr is a traditional prayer in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan that involves the recitation of Surah Ikhlaas like 10, 15 or 20 times in each rakat after Surah Faatiha. This prayer is called the salat of Lailatul Qadr and is performed in congregation or separately. Is it supported by Hadith from the Sahih?

What to do on Laylat’L-Qadr?

The slaves who sincerely worship Allah that night and hope to receive a reward from Allah will reap a huge reward. As stated in an authentic narration of the Prophet: “Whoever prayed with faith and with a true desire on the day of Laylat’l-Qadr, all his previous sins were forgiven.” This evening is very significant for the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad .

How many times should I repeat the Salah al-Qurbani?

This should be done 100 times. According to the Prophet, whoever recites it 100 times in the morning and evening will have 100 good deeds written down and 100 evil deeds removed from his account and he will be protected from the shaytan. A significant difference is that he will be free from the whispers of shaytan as he prepares for the night of power, which is significant.

Is Worship on Laylat’L-Qadr Forgivable?

As stated in an authentic narration of the Prophet: “Whoever prayed with faith and with a true desire on the day of Laylat’l-Qadr, all his previous sins were forgiven.” This evening is very significant for the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad . If you spend 1000 months worshiping Allah in it, you have worshiped Him for 1000 months.

What are the benefits of Laylat’L-Qadr?

The slaves who sincerely worship Allah that night and hope to receive a reward from Allah will reap a huge reward. As stated in an authentic narration of the Prophet: “Whoever prayed with faith and with a true desire on the day of Laylat’l-Qadr, all his previous sins were forgiven.”

How to pray Namaz on Laylatul Qadr?

After reciting Surah FATIHA three times, recite Surah QADR three times and Surah IKHLAS three times in each raka’. After completing this prayer, recite any Astaghfar 70 times in a row.

The ritual prayer (raka’) should be performed four times. There are two sets of two raka’ each. Offer four cycles of ceremonial prayer (raka’) to the deity. Count seven times to Surah WAAQIAH.

Is there a Salah for Laylatul Qadr?

As the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reminded us, Laylat Al-Qadr is one of the last odd nights of Ramadan and falls on a Friday this year. As a result, on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th nights of Ramadan, people should make the most of their ritual prayer (salah) and other forms of devotion.

What should I read on Laylatul Qadr night?

A quarter of the juz or masnoon suras to be said each night could be recited in one sitting. For example Surah Waqi’ah, Mulk, Sajdah, Yaseen and so on. As the saying goes, “Dua is the essence of worship,” and as such it cannot be overlooked when we are in worship. This is especially true on days when Dua is universally accepted, like on Laylatul Qadr.

What is Surah Qadr?

Al-Qadr (Arabic: “power, destiny”) is the 97th chapter (srah) of the Qur’an and contains five ayat (verses) or verses. That night the first revelation of what was to become the Qur’an was revealed, and this surah commemorates the occasion.

What is the right time to read Tahajjud?

It is preferable to pray the Tahajjud after midnight, especially in the last third of the night, but it can be done at any time of the night if possible. Tahajjud is recommended for those who are two-thirds of the way between Isha and Fajr in the Islamic calendar.

What time does Laylatul Qadr start?

Shia Muslims also believe that Laylat al-Qadr is found in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, with the 19th, 21st and 23rd of Ramadan being the most significant evenings, with the 23rd being the most significant night.

How many rakats is Shab E Meraj?

Any number of rakats can be performed at any time, however, Rasul SAW performed different numbers of rakats at different times. He would occasionally play 6 rakats, as well as 10 rakats and 12 rakats on other occasions. However, he never specifies the number of rakats that must be performed.

Is the 27th night Laylatul Qadr?

Laylatul Qadr is observed on the 27th day of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, on the 27th of this month. It is the most awaited event of the entire Ramadan calendar. Muslims use a lunar calendar that is shorter than the Gregorian calendar used around the world.

What to do on Laylatul Qadr nights?

So what do Muslims do on the Muslim holiday of Laylat al Qadr? Midnight Prayer (Qiyam, Night Prayer) Supplications (Dua) in Islamic Tradition For the purpose of devotion one should give up worldly pleasures. The Koran is read. Small acts on this night can add up to a big thing. Look for his symbol

What are we saying in the last 10 days of Ramadan?

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to recite the Dua of Laylat al-Qadr at the end of your prayer. “Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun, tuhibbul-‘afwa, fa’fu ‘anni (O Allah, You most forgive and worship forgiveness; so forgive me)” is the most beautiful dua of the last ten nights of Ramadan.

What is the story of Laylatul Qadr?

A celebration commemorating God’s revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, known as Laylat al-Qadr (Arabic: “Night of Power”), is held each year on the night of the Prophet Muhammad’s death. The year AD 610 is believed to have occurred during one of the last ten nights of Ramadan, while the exact date and time of the event remains a mystery.

Why is the 27th night of Ramadan so important?

A celebration commemorating God’s revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, known as Laylat al-Qadr (Arabic: “Night of Power”), is held every year on the night of his birth. It is said to have occurred on one of the last ten nights of Ramadan in AD 610, but the exact day and time is unknown.

Why is Laylatul Qadr better than 1000 months?

This night marks the transmission of the first verses of the Qur’an to Muhammad, making good deeds and prayers on this night worth more than a thousand months or a lifetime of devotion. As a result, it is the most auspicious night of Ramadan as well as the whole year.

Laylatul Qadr 2022: Date, Dua, Hadith & Etiquette For The Night Of Power

Muslims attach great importance to the night of Laylatul Qadr (or Lailat al-Qadr) because, according to Islamic belief, it was on this night that the holy book of the Qur’an was first revealed to the world. According to legend, it was on Laylatul Qadr when the Qur’an was first sent down from heaven to Prophet Mohammad by the angel Jibreel. This event, which goes by several other names such as ‘Night of Action’, ‘Night of Ordinance’, ‘Night of Values’ and ‘Night of Power’, is considered very sacred in Islamic traditions. This night is believed to bring blessings and mercy from Allah and is the occasion when past sins are forgiven. For those who want to know more, here is the complete Laylatul Qadr prayer guide.

What is the date of Laylatul Qadr 2022?

The exact day and date of Laylatul Qadr 2022 is unknown. However, there is general consensus that it is one of the odd-numbered nights of the last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. According to a hadith about Laylatul Qadr, Prophet Muhammad urged people to “seek for it in the last ten days on the odd nights.” Because of this belief, the last 10 days of the auspicious month of Ramadan are considered even more sacred.

A certain sect of the Muslim community considers the last five odd nights of Ramadan, i.e. the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th, to be significant and emphasizes the importance of the night before the 27th 19th, 21st and 23rd are crucial, the 23rd is considered the most sacred.

Activities on Laylatul Qadr

If you wish to seek the favor of merciful Allah, here is what to do on Laylatul Qadr. In particular, these are an extension of the Ramadan do’s and don’ts.

1. Offer duas or supplications

During the holy night of Laylatul Qadr, Allah is merciful and all sincere supplications are accepted from Him. On this night one must ask Allah for mercy and the well-being of the world.

According to Hadith on Laylatul Qadr, when Aisha asked Prophet Mohammad how to pray to Allah on Laylatul Qadr, she was told to recite this Dua for Laylatul Qadr with a sincere heart:

“O Allah, verily, you are forgiving and generous; you love to forgive, so forgive us.”

Suggested Reading: The Day of Ashura: Meaning, History, Fasting, Dua and Hadith

2. Visit Dua in Masjid

Most mosques try to finish their Qur’an recitation on an odd night. After that they treat themselves to dua. You must try to participate in this dua with your family if you want to please Allah.

3. Recite the Holy Quran

Another thing to do on Laylatul Qadr is recite chapters from the holy book of Quran. Muslims believe that reciting longer suras with the translations and pondering their explanation will purify your past sins. If you remember any passage or sura you heard during the month of Ramadan, then you should think about its meaning.

4. Perform sadaqah or charity

According to Islamic sources, the reward for giving Sadaqah in the month of Ramadan is multiplied by 70 times. It is also said that the reward for doing a good deed on this special night is the same as doing it continuously for 83 years. So if you want to please Allah and forgive your past sins, then help those in need and offer Sadaqah to someone who will truly benefit. Even offering a glass of water to someone in need brings immense blessings.

5. Have iftar with your family

During the month of Ramadan, it is considered good practice to celebrate Iftar with your family and close friends. This also helps you to spend quality time with your loved ones. Having iftar on the blessed night brings great virtues for the family. It creates brotherhood and camaraderie in the family through shared meals on the table.

6. Perform Itikaf

On this holy night, performing itikaf (solitude) will bring you great rewards. Many Muslims spend the last 10 days of Ramadan in Itikaf praying to Allah. The path to solitude is believed to give you time to reflect on your actions and give you an opportunity to reconnect with Allah. During Itikaf one should detach from the material world and focus on good deeds. It is also an ideal time to start new religious practices that you will continue to do throughout the year.

Laylatul Qadr Benefits

Muslims believe that the night of Laylatul Qadr is unlike any other night. The rewards you can earn this night are not the same as those you will receive throughout your life. The Holy Quran (97:5) mentions,

“Surely we have revealed the Great Night to you, and what will make you understand what the Great Night is? The big night is better than a thousand months. The angels and spirit descend in it with the permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace! It’s until dawn.”

It is also mentioned in the Qur’an that the holy night of Laylatul Qadr is better than a thousand months, meaning that worshiping Allah on this night will bring you the rewards of your life. To please God, one must immerse himself in prayers and recite duas to earn God’s favor.

What is the Laylatul Qadr Dua?

Laylatul Qadr dua is an important supplication that holds immense potential for Allah’s chosen blessings and rewards. Here is the Dua to recite on the Night of Power.

Dua: Allahumma innaka Afuwwun [Karimun] tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee

Translation: O Allah, verily, You forgive, [Generous,] You love forgiveness, so forgive me

Laylatul Qadr prayer guide 2022

According to Hadith about Laylatul Qadr, whoever sincerely prays to Allah on the night of Laylatul Qadr will have his/her past sins forgiven by God. There are step-by-step instructions on how to pray on Laylatul Qadr that devotees can adopt. A prayer guide, also called a worship plan, contains suras from the Quran that relate to the last 10 days of Ramadan. It explains which surah to recite and how many times on a given day, along with some prayers to say before and after the recitation.

Laylatul Qadr Hadith and Quran Mentions

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I came out to inform you of (the date of) the night of Al-Qadr, but when so-and-so and so-and-so quarreled, his knowledge was taken away (I forgot) and maybe it was better for you Now look for it on the 7th, 9th and 5th (the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan).” Hadith No.: 236, Sahih Bukhari

“The night of destiny is better than a thousand months. The angels and spirit descend in it with the permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace is until dawn.” [Quran: 97:3-5]

Abu Hurayrah raḍyAllahu ‘anhu (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever (in the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan stands by faith and in in the hope of a reward, his past sins will be forgiven. And whoever spends the night of Lailat Al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and hope of reward, his past sins will be forgiven.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i]

Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said of the night of the decree: “It is a quiet night, neither hot nor cold, and the sun rises on it red and weak.” [Ṣaḥiiḥ Ibn Khuzaymah 2049]

Narrated by Abu Huraira, the Apostle of Allah said: “Whoever performs the prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hopes to obtain Allah’s rewards (not to show off), then all his past sins will be forgiven.” [Sahih Bukhari . Chapter 2, Faith]

Laylatul Qadr is a special night when Muslims engage in prayers and engage in holy deeds to merit the blessings of awesome Allah. Do the good deeds and celebrate Laylatul Qadr 2022 with complete devotion. The “Night of Revelation” is significant for Muslims because on this day the religion of Islam was documented with the unveiling of the holy book Quran. Therefore, reciting the Qur’an is among the many good deeds one can do on the “Night of Decree”.

Suggested Reading: Five Pillars of Islam: The Basic Islamic Beliefs for All

Frequently asked questions about Laylatul Qadr 2022

What is the meaning of Laylatul Qadr? Muslims consider the night of Laylatul Qadr (or Lailat al-Qadr) to be very important. According to Islamic belief, that night the holy Koran was revealed to the world for the first time.

What are the other names of Laylatul Qadr? Laylatul Qadr is known by several other names such as Night of Action, Night of Ordinance, Night of Values ​​and Night of Power.

What is the date of Laylatul Qadr? The exact day and date of Laylatul Qadr is unknown. However, there is general consensus that it is one of the odd-numbered nights of the last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

What are the supplications of Laylatul Qadr? According to Hadith on Laylatul Qadr, when Aisha asked Prophet Mohammad how to pray to Allah on Laylatul Qadr, she was told to recite this Dua for Laylatul Qadr with a sincere heart: “O Allah, you are verily forgiving and generous; you love to forgive, so forgive us.”

How to pray the Laylatul Qadr prayer? The Shab-e-Qadr prayer is an elaborate prayer plan that describes the prayer cycles for different suras and duas. Those who perform laylatul qadr prayers must prepare them.

What to do on Laylatul Qadr? One can perform Itikaf, Sadaqah or recite the Holy Qur’an on the holy night.

What are the benefits of Laylatul Qadr? It is the night when people can seek mercy from Allah for their past sins.

The Night of Empowering Decree (Laylat Al-Qadr)

It is God’s way to create some of the creations and then prefer them to others. Time and place – being creatures of God Most High – are no exceptions to this. Of all the galaxies in the universe, God chose the Milky Way to harbor human life. From the planets contained within, He chose the earth as man’s cradle and crucible. In the geography of the earth, he chose Mecca as the holiest place.

Likewise, of the 12 months of the year decreed by God, He chose Ramadan, the ninth lunar month, to begin sending His final and culminating revelation, the Qur’an, to the latter-day people. Then, from among the days and nights of Ramadan, He chose Laylat Al-Qadr, the night of the enabling decree, as their most blessed night – making it equal to a thousand months – and chose it as the moment when the Qur’an descends from the High Heavens first pierced human history.

Muslims today should know that God has preferred the company of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to all previous ones by giving it the decree “The Night of Empowerment” in which deeds are multiplied a thousandfold.

God has said about Laylat Al-Qadr in the Qur’an in a concise and powerful sura named after himself:

Verily, [it is] we [who] sent down this [Quran] [from above]

on the night of the enabling ordinance.

And do you know what the Decree of the Night of Empowerment is?

The decrees of the night of empowerment are better than a thousand months!

In it the angels and the Spirit [Gabriel] descend,

with the permission of their master,

with every [divine] commandment.

It is peace until dawn!

Also in Surat Al-Dukhan (44:2-5) He called it “Laylatin Mubarakatin”, a blessed night, and praised it in this way:

[I swear] by [the Qur’an] the clear book!

Indeed it is us [alone]

Who sent it down on a blessed night.

‘Cause it really is us

Giving [mankind] a forewarning [of an approaching judgment].

In this [blessed night] every wise matter will be decided

by a [divine] command from Our Providence.

‘Cause it really is us

The messengers [to mankind] have sent.

What does Laylat Al-Qadr mean and why was it called that?

Qadr has a handful of related meanings in the Arabic language, such as “decree,” “size,” “proportion,” and so on. It was called that for two reasons:

It’s a great night. In it all the decrees of the coming year are sent down, such as who will live and who will die, what provision each person will have and what will happen to the earth this year, and everything else. There is great wisdom in the creation and experience of this night, some of which is known to us – such as the fact that it shows us that God is fully involved in and in control of our affairs on earth – and much of its wisdom unknown are us who cannot grasp. The one who worships that night will receive an increased portion of the reward.

The Signs of Laylat Al-Qadr

Laylat Al-Qadr is not an established day in the sense of being calendrical, although its occurrence is well known to people with certainty. But there are signs and a timeframe for a more likely occurrence.

There are two types of signs when it comes to identifying Laylat Al-Qadr. Those that occur on the night itself and those that follow immediately after. As for the signs that appear on Laylat Al-Qadr, the most reliable sources point to the following five:

The night is pervaded by a strong glow. NOTE: This sign will not be visible in areas with light pollution. To see this you have to be far away from the cities. It is also difficult to assess, as strong glow is subject to individual judgment and imagination.

2. A feeling of serenity and calm in the heart that is stronger than usual.

3. The winds are calm this night. There are no storms or strong winds on Laylat Al-Qadr.

4. A person tastes a sweetness in his worship that night that is greater than his taste in worship on other nights.

5. As for the morning after Laylat Al-Qadr, the sun rises without rays, in a veil and looks extremely clear, as narrated in a hadith narrated by Muslim.

The Virtues of Laylat Al-Qadr

It was the night when the revelation of the Qur’an began (inna anzalnahu / Indeed it is We who revealed it).

2. It’s a Blessed Night (Laylatin Mubarakatin).

3. In it the affairs of the world for the coming year are sent down to earth (fiha yufraq kullu amr).

4. The reward of worship in Laylat Al-Qadr is greatly increased (Laylatul Qadri khayrun min alfi shahr / The night of the empowering decree is better than a thousand months).

5. The angels descend this night with blessings, mercy and forgiveness.

6. It is a night of peace, free from harm and evil. Many good deeds are done in it. Therein lies much salvation from punishment, and Satan is more restricted and imprisoned than any other night (salamun hiya / peace is it).

7. In it is forgiveness of sins for the one who makes much ritual prayer (salah) in it while doing it in hope of reward from God. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Anyone who stands a lot (in salah, ritual prayer) in Laylat Al-Qadr and awaits the reward from God, all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim).

Some Advice on Receiving the Blessings of Laylat Al-Qadr

The people of earlier communities lived for hundreds of years, but the community of Muhammad, peace be upon him, mostly lived between 60 and 70 years. In order to compete with them, God Most High gave the nation (ummah) of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, Laylat Al-Qadr.

Laylat Al-Qadr, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) informed us, is one of the last odd nights of Ramadan. Therefore, people should make an effort in their ritual prayer (salah) and other services on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th of Ramadan.

There is often disagreement in the global Muslim community about when Ramadan begins. To be safe, people should make an effort in prayer and worship during the last 10 nights. This night time from sunset to sunrise (Maghrib to Fajr) only lasts a handful of hours. So people should strive on these nights knowing that one of them will be Laylat Al-Qadr, especially since their worship in it will have the reward of 83 years for them.

For example, if one lived to the age of 35 and caught every Laylat Al-Qadr with additional prayer and worship, then he would have written about 1,660 years of worship in his book of deeds, not counting the first 15 years of his life, beginning with the count about when he should have reached puberty and his divine account was opened.

What to do to prepare for tonight

One should begin to prepare for this night with the morning prayer (Salat Al-Fajr) of the previous day. If one wishes to have a strong night of worship the following evening, the warm-up should begin in the morning.


After Fajr, they should be alert to say all Adkhkar (Reminders of God) of the day and should say 100 times: La ilaha illa’Lah. Wahdahu, la sharika lah. Lahu’l-mulk. Was lahu’l-hamd. Wa huwa ala kulli shay’in qadir. “There is no god but Allah, His Oneness. He has no partner. For Him everything is the domain. To Him all is praise. And over all things He is mighty.”

Narrated Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Whoever says this 100 times in one day, it is written as a reward for freeing 10 slaves. He gets 100 [extra] good deeds and 100 of his bad deeds are erased. Moreover, it is a protection for him from Satan that day until he sleeps, and no one will have surpassed him [in good works] that day except one who has done the same or more” (Bukhari).


One should invite others to break the fast with him or her.


Save well in advance so you can give Laylat Al-Qadr especially to those in need to maximize the reward for the good deed. Some encourage believers to save year-round because even if you can only give $1, there will be $30,000.


One should ensure that all known non-obligatory prayers (sunnah salawat) and other services performed by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) were performed. For example, repeat after the call to prayer (mu’adhdhin), say the supplications (s. du’a) between the call to prayer (adhan) and the request to stand up to prayer (iqama), and before that make the prophetic supplications one breaks his fast and after.

In fact, Bukhari reported on the authority of Anas ibn Malik that the Companions, may God be pleased with them, hastened to reach the pillars of the mosque [to perform the non-obligatory prayers that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did (sunnah) behind them] after the call to sunset prayer, and they would perform these additional ritual prayers when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came out of his house to say the obligatory (fard) prayer, because it was so little time between the call to prayer (adhan) and the request to get up (iqama) to do so. Because of this, the Companions would rush to pray the non-obligatory two cycles (rak’ahs) of prayer in order to reap the additional rewards during this time.


That night one should keep saying, “O God, You are the Forgiver. you love to forgive So forgive me.” Aisha reported that this should be said on the night of the Enabling Decree (Bukhari). There is another account that the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him what they should do if they found themselves in that great night. The Prophet (peace be upon him) advised them to say the above supplication to ask for forgiveness.

Take every opportunity of reward God has provided during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Break your fast (iftar) as soon as the sun goes down with the intention of following the way (sunnah) of the Prophet, for he said: “There will be goodness in my community (ummah) as long as they hurry up their fast to break [when the time comes] and to postpone the pre-fast (suhur) meal” [that is, to eat it as late as possible, just before dawn].”

Common mistakes related to Laylat Al-Qadr

Sometimes on an odd night of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, for example, one may see a dream or perceive some other sign that the following night will be Laylat Al-Qadr, and then one strives on that night and not in the other.

Some may do this to the point where even if they were in Mecca they would leave the holy precincts because of the dream they saw, which they interpret as Laylat Al-Qadr, thinking that they Having reached that night’s rewards, afterward you’ll think it’s over. However, this may not be a true dream and even if it is, it could be misinterpreted.

Once the noble companion Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, interpreted a dream in the presence of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him: “You were right in some of them and in some of them wrong” (Bukhari). This proves to us, who are nowhere near as aware and wise as Abu Bakr, that we could be wrong, not to mention that leaving worship on the other nights of Ramadan deprives us of good worship in them, which still is is exceedingly worthy and heavy in the scales.

Likewise, one should not be overly concerned with confirming the signs of Laylat Al-Qadr so that they are sure that it is over. Again, we can err in our estimations and miss the remaining nights of charitable worship.

In our time it is customary to observe the 27th night of Ramadan as Laylat Al-Qadr. Our imams often complete the Quran recitation in prayer that night. After that night, the effort in our prayer (salah), worship and good deeds often subsides because we believe that Laylat Al-Qadr has died. Rather, for the reasons already stated, we should strive for it until the end of Ramadan and throughout its days.

One should take care to maximize the benefits of Laylat Al-Qadr because it is a great and rare blessing given to us by God and we have no lifetime guarantee that we will attain the next Laylat Al-Qadr. So making an effort every night of Ramadan is the only sure way to know you’ve found it.

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