Laundry Coin Wash Near Me? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “laundry coin wash near me“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

How do you wash clothes in coin laundry?

Coin Operated Front-Load Washers and Dryers

Insert coins into the machine, choose the cycle and start the wash. Remove clothes and place loosely in the dryer. Remove all lint from the lint drawer. Insert coins, select dry time and start the dryer.

Do you have to bring your own detergent to a coin laundry?

Most laundromats provide vending-machine detergent. Some even supply you with detergent for free. Nevertheless, you may wish to bring your own because of preferences or allergies. Jugs of detergent and softener can be cumbersome, so invest in travel-sized containers.

What is the easiest way to get coins for laundry?

If you’re always searching for quarters for your laundry machines, then below, learn five places where you can easily get coins.
  1. Visit your bank. …
  2. Get change after grocery shopping. …
  3. Find an arcade (or laundromat) near you. …
  4. Try a gas station or pharmacy. …
  5. Buy things with cash.

Is there a way to trick coin laundry machine?

Push the tray in very slowly so that it is almost all of the way in. Keeping them at the same angle used to get the sticks in, jiggle the sticks around until they seem to go in a bit deeper (be careful not to break the tool you are using).

How clean are laundromats?

Keep in mind that there aren’t any specific diseases you can only get from a laundromat. Generally, public laundry facilities are clean. Still, keeping an eye out for signs of proper sanitation in laundromats means you are less likely to be exposed to germs and viruses that lead to some short-term health issues.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

The truth about cleanliness and hygiene in laundromats

Laundromats are a place where dirt and cleanliness meet. They come in with a load of dirty laundry; You leave with fresh, clean clothes. But are your clothes really clean?

It is normal to assume that laundry and cleaning facilities are hygienic. Finally, washing machines and dryers are often exposed to water and detergents, both of which are cleaning agents. However, you never know what the person before you washed in the same machine you use and if there is residual dirt and bacteria as a result.

However, that does not mean that all public laundries are unsanitary. In that case, these laundries would have been closed long ago. Despite this, it is still better to go to laundromats that have the essential characteristics of cleanliness and hygiene described below.

Companions at your service

One of the best signs that a laundromat is clean and sanitized is the presence of an attendant. During business hours, the caregivers not only welcome you to the facility, but are also responsible for the upkeep of the place.

Laundromat attendants clean a laundry’s washers, dryers, drop-leaf tables, and other surfaces every day. They ensure that no cleaning agent residues remain and that the surfaces are disinfected. These tasks, performed multiple times a day by laundromat staff every day, help minimize cross-contamination between customers and their laundry.

The place looks clean and smells clean

Aside from keeping the insides of washers and dryers clean and sanitized, the laundromat itself needs to be clean. Floors need to be swept, mopped or vacuumed without dirt lying around. The floors of the laundromat must also be free of puddles of water that have spilled from the machines. Scruffy furnishings and untidy floors are signs of an unhygienic place and you don’t want to do your laundry there.

In addition, a fresh, clean smell indicates a well-maintained and disinfected laundry. You might think this is easy to achieve, but laundromats that don’t maintain their facilities often give off an unpleasant, musty odor. This can be due to standing water, strong chemicals, or other things that indicate a lack of proper maintenance. A clean and hygienic laundromat, on the other hand, smells like detergent or fabric softener without the smell being overpowering.

Clean toilets mean clean facilities

A sanitary laundromat also has clean toilets. A clean restroom shows that the laundromat is serious about maintaining its business. If they go to the trouble of cleaning their toilets that aren’t directly related to the services provided, that’s all the more time they need to clean their washers and dryers as well.

Clean toilets also minimize the potential source of germs and bacteria. A clean toilet shows that laundromat owners care about keeping the rest of their facility sanitized and preventing toilet germs from contaminating the washroom.

Keep in mind that there are no specific diseases that you can only get at a laundromat. In general, public laundries are clean. However, if you look for signs of proper hygiene in laundromats, it means you are less likely to be exposed to germs and viruses that lead to some short-term health problems.

If you are looking for a local sanitary laundromat, you can find a Starcrest Cleaners location near you. We have well maintained facilities in Nebraska, Missouri and Illinois. In addition to laundromats, we also offer pick-up and delivery services for laundry. Contact us today at (877) 722-2209 to learn more.

Can you use Tide Pods at laundromat?

In short, the answer is Yes! Simply toss the pod into the drum area before you lock/close the door and you’ll be good to go! Be sure to NOT put it in the regular liquid detergent area of the machine as that may cause damage/blockage and result in clothes not getting cleaned correctly.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

Can I use Tide PODS in a laundromat?

In short, the answer is yes!

Just throw the pod into the drum area before locking/closing the door and you’re good to go!

Make sure you DO NOT put it in the normal liquid detergent area of ​​the machine as this can cause damage/clogs and result in clothes not being cleaned properly.

Is it safe to leave clothes at laundromat?

So, is it safe to leave clothes alone at a laundromat? Probably not. To avoid potential theft or property damage, make sure to remove items from washers and dryers as soon as your cycle ends.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

For newcomers, laundromats can present a somewhat confusing set of unspoken rules. Do you tip the waiter? can you bring a snack Perhaps most importantly, is it safe to leave clothes at a laundromat? It’s usually frowned upon to leave your clothes unattended in the laundromat. Find out why you might want to keep a closer eye on your clothes.

Is it safe to leave clothes in a laundromat?

Why leaving your clothes alone at a laundromat is a bad idea

An average washing machine cycle lasts between 25 and 40 minutes, while an average dryer cycle lasts between 30 and 40 minutes. And while it might be tempting to leave your clothes unattended and pop into the cafe across the street, it’s better to stick around. First, it’s generally considered rude to leave your clothes unattended. If you leave your clothes in a washer or dryer past the cycle time, you could be holding up someone else’s load. If you leave your clothes in there a few minutes past the cycle time, there’s a good chance you’ll find your wet clothes dumped on the machine – or even on the floor or in the bin. Then there is the possibility of theft. Although laundromat owners take every measure to ensure customer safety, laundromats are public places — and someone may be lying in wait to steal your expensive jeans if you go away too long.

Solutions for laundromat customers

So is it safe to leave clothes in a laundromat? Probably not. To avoid possible theft or property damage, make sure you remove items from washers and dryers as soon as your cycle ends. If you absolutely must take a step back, make a note of the time you started loading, check the timer on the machine and set an alarm on your phone so your clothes aren’t left unattended after the cycle ends remains.

Solutions for laundromat owners

Laundromat owners and managers can take several steps to remind customers of laundromat safety and etiquette practices:

Signage: Start by developing a set of ground rules for your laundromat – for example, don’t leave clothes unattended. Then post these rules on a sign near the entrance to your laundromat. You can also post several signs in your facility reminding customers that they leave clothing unattended at their own risk.

Start by developing a set of ground rules for your laundromat – for example, don’t leave clothes unattended. Then post these rules on a sign near the entrance to your laundromat. You can also post several signs in your facility reminding customers that they leave clothing unattended at their own risk. Surveillance: Installing surveillance cameras in your laundromat offers several benefits. First, video cameras have been proven to deter theft and break-ins. Video cameras also help protect your business if something valuable is stolen and provide valuable evidence for the police.

Installing surveillance cameras in your laundromat offers several benefits. First, video cameras have been proven to deter theft and break-ins. Video cameras also help protect your business if something valuable is stolen and provide valuable evidence for the police. Clean up: If you find a lot of unattended laundry that has been left for more than a few hours, you can bag it up and store it at a lost property office. If the clothes are not picked up for a month or more, you are welcome to donate them to charity.


It’s never a good idea to leave clothes at the laundromat. Luckily, there are several things you as a laundromat owner or manager can do to reduce this behavior, including posting signage and security cameras. Common sense and good laundromat etiquette are important for laundromat visitors. A little extra caution goes a long way.

If you need help updating or maintaining your laundromat, contact Laundry Solutions Company, a full-service provider of premium, on-premises and commercial multi-home laundry equipment. Need new gear? Our leasing program requires no mileage, no service fees, and no parts fees, giving you access to quality Speed ​​Queen equipment while benefiting from flexible leasing and predictable payments. To learn more about our products and services, please call us at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We are happy to hear from them!

What to know before going to a laundromat?

10 Tips for Washing Clothes at the Laundromat
  • Sort BEFORE you go. …
  • Strive for simplicity. …
  • Choose an off-ish hour. …
  • Take the time to wipe out the washers and dryers before you use them. …
  • Smell the machine before you use it. …
  • Bring a large black garbage bag. …
  • Loyalty card at the ready. …
  • Remember to check all of the settings.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

Original article appears here. We made some modifications.

Living without a washer and dryer sucks. First, it stinks “having to do the laundry”. I’ve distracted myself with a few trips to the Dollar Store between loads, but honestly, the appeal wears off quickly. Also, leaving your stuff unattended can be a little scary. The phone connection is never good and even if I bring a book, the chairs are nothing special.

So if you ever use the laundromat regularly, here are a few tips to make it less of a pain:

Sort BEFORE you go.

The main thing is in and out. Your time is valuable, and if you can go in and dump a lot of loads at once, you can save a lot of time. Being able to simply swipe your loyalty card saves a lot of frustration when trying to count quarters.

strive for simplicity.

For the same reasons above, do all stain pre-treatments before you leave. Plus, it just means you have less to carry around. Dragging in the laundry is bad enough. Keep things simple by only bringing laundry, detergent (detergent tabs are even better), and dryer sheets. Bare bones, my friends, bare bones.

The added benefit of ozone on washing machines means your clothes wash better and dry faster.

Pick an off-ish hour.

Well I don’t suggest going in at 1am. In fact, I’d like to warn you against this, but being able to do each load at once (with 3-4 shims) is a real time saver. The middle of the day seems best…however, evenings after work or Saturdays and Sundays are busy, so it’s harder to get enough washers and dryers to get all the work done at once.

Take the time to wipe out the washers and dryers before using them.

Look, I’m not really a germaphobe, but you can’t be sure this washing machine hasn’t gotten used to washing a vomit-stained comforter from the college dorm down the street. It’s a basic precaution.

Smell the machine before using it.

Yes, you read that correctly. Rough? Yes, it really is, but that’s not why you smell it. Sniff to see if anyone in the cycle used bleach before you. If this is the case, avoid placing your darks in it. Sometimes people run away with the bleach and boom, next thing you think your jeans are acid washed. Not good.

Bring a large black garbage bag.

The weather here in Illinois can get overwhelming, and honestly, after you’ve tucked your laundered work clothes in a dryer, you don’t want to wear your freshly dried laundry out in the rain. And if you don’t mind damp clothes, you can wear them in the rain too.

loyalty card ready.

With a cashless system, it’s nice not having to lug around rolls of quarters. For security reasons, you might feel uncomfortable pulling out your debit or credit card. Then the customer card is even more practical. You can save even more time by preloading your loyalty. The good news is that you can top up your card from your phone.

Remember to check all settings.

Anyone who’s done laundry before you may have dialed the settings down to a small load of scorching heat. Check all settings every time you wash to be sure.

don’t go away

I know it’s hard just sitting while your laundry gets washed, but remember to leave your messed up clothes unattended at your own risk. If you don’t get back in time someone might take the liberty of stacking your clothes on one of the tables to use the machine. Nobody needs to have their unspeakable items on display for all laundromat visitors to see.

Remember to bring a basket to take all your laundry home.

The bags you lugged in will work, but when you get home you might have a crumpled mess. I like to stow a basket in the back of the car and when the time comes I quickly fold the laundry and drape the hanging clothes over it.

Any of you seasoned laundromat pros out there? What are your tips for surviving the laundromat? Let us know on our Facebook page!

How long does a coin dryer take?

Let’s start with a rough estimate. Generally, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to dry an average load of laundry on a medium setting. However, some loads will only take 20 minutes, and others may require 60 minutes or more.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

So you’ve just washed a load of laundry at the laundromat and wheeled it to the dryer. You toss your wet clothes in the drum and start putting quarters in, but you don’t know how long your clothes need to stay in the dryer to get completely dry. You don’t want to pull out damp clothes, but you also don’t want to “over-dry” your clothes (especially if you’re using a high heat setting) or spend more quarters or waste more time than necessary. People who have been using laundromats for years generally know how long it takes to dry clothes in the laundromat, but if you’re new to commercial dryers you might need a little advice. Scroll down for helpful tips.

How long to dry laundry in the laundromat

Knowing how long it takes to dry clothes in the laundromat has several advantages:

You save money – and use less of your precious quarters.

You save time – and get to the laundromat as quickly as possible.

They’re gentle on your clothes – and prevent overdrying, which can damage clothes and cause shrinkage or buckling of the elastic.

Let’s start with a rough estimate. In general, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to dry an average load of laundry on the medium setting. However, some charges only take 20 minutes and others 60 minutes or more.

Items that take longer to dry

The type of garments in the load and their fabrics have a big impact on how long they take to dry. If all of the clothes in the load are thin and their fabrics don’t absorb much moisture, the dryer won’t take much time to dry them thoroughly. However, if the cargo contains any of the following items, prepare for a longer drying:



Thick blankets


stuffed animals

A full load of bath towels can take 60 minutes to dry on high heat, while a load of underwear and socks only takes 30 minutes on low heat. For optimal drying of your clothes, try to wash similar clothes together. For example, if you mix towels and t-shirts in a load, if you run the load until the towels are dry, you will overdry the t-shirts. Instead, dry your towels and t-shirts separately.

Tips to reduce drying time

If you want to reduce drying time, larger dryers allow you to wash multiple loads at once. Also, try to choose a laundromat with modern, efficient dryers and make sure the dryer’s lint filter is clean before you run the laundry. Finally, remember that if you don’t bring a few clothes home completely dry, it’s not the end of the world! Just hang them up when you get home and let them air dry.

Of course, when drying clothes, there are many variables at play: the size of the load, the items to be washed, the types of fabric, the ambient humidity, the dryer efficiency, the dryer setting, the type and length of the exhaust pipe, etc. If you are not sure how long you run the dryer in your laundromat, you can ask a member of staff for help. Or just guess and aim for the low side. If the items aren’t dry after this, add more time (track your progress). At the end you will know how long it took for your load to dry. And the next time you dry a similar load, you’ll know how long to run the dryer.

Tips for laundromat owners and managers

Do your customers often ask how long you should dry the laundry in the laundromat? Consider putting up an informative sign near the dryers explaining how long it typically takes your particular machines to fully dry a load of laundry.

Speaking of dryers, do customers often say that your dryers take too long to dry their laundry? If so, you may need to have your dryer serviced. They may need to be cleaned or repaired to restore their drying performance.

Last but not least, for reliable support and service, be sure to turn to Laundry Solutions Company, a full-service provider of premium point-of-sale, on-premise and multi-housing laundry facilities. Our leasing program offers no mileage, no service fees and no parts fees. You can use high-quality Speed ​​Queen equipment while benefiting from flexible leasing and predictable payments. To learn more about our products and services, please call us at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We are happy to hear from them!

Where can I get change for $20?

A Bank. Going to a bank (preferably where you have an account) is the best way – just walk into your bank and get change. If you have a bank account there, like a checking account, then they will always give you change. You can even withdraw money from your checking account and request that it be as coins.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

You used to need coins all the time.

If you used a laundromat, you needed quarters to run the machine.

If you were driving on a toll road, you would need coins to pay the toll.

If you parked at a parking meter, you would need coins to pay for the parking meter.

Nowadays, many of these places accept credit cards. You can buy a coke and pay with plastic.

But sometimes it’s just faster to pay with a few coins. So when we get coins, I put them in a box in our garbage drawer or in a special bin in our car.

We love going to this local dim sum joint. We go probably once a month. The only thing we don’t like is that there is parking on site so we have to find paid street parking. These counters require you to send an SMS with a phone number or pay with an app. It’s just faster to feed it with coins. And it’s more fun for the kids.

But what if you don’t have quarters? Where is the best place to get accommodation?

A bench

Going to a bank (preferably where you have an account) is the best way – just walk into your bank and get the change.

If you have a bank account there, e.g. B. a checking account, you always get change. You can even withdraw money from your checking account and request that it be spent as coins.

Some banks will take change for everyone, but usually as a one-time favor so don’t make yourself a regular customer. (If you know which branch you’re going to, call and ask if they do to save you some time.)

If you need change, try to go during the day when foot traffic is at its lowest. If a cashier is reluctant to give you coins, it is usually when they are busy and to avoid having to get more coins later.

If it’s not your bank, just ask for what you need.

Otherwise, if you’re there to get quarters worth more than a dollar, try to calculate how much you’ll need in coin roll form. Each quarter roll is $10. Avoid asking for about $5 in quarters, it will only be annoying.

food market

Go to customer service at a large grocery store and they will likely be able to change something for you.

Avoid going to a cash register as cashiers only have a limited number of coins. It’s going to be difficult to do more than a dollar or so. If you siphon coins from them, they have to get more, and that can start with paperwork, delays, and all to annoy.


Head to an arcade like Fuddruckers or Dave & Busters and you might get lucky if you can get coins from their change machines. Arcade cinemas may also have coin change machines that you can use, hopefully without buying a cinema ticket!

If you use one of the coin changers, make sure it dispenses quarters and not some type of token that can only be used at that arcade. That wouldn’t make sense. 🙂

vending machines

One trick that can work, especially in an emergency, is if you put a dollar in a soda machine and then immediately ask for your money back. The older machines can’t return the dollar and instead only cough up four quarters.

Do a little shopping

Finally, if all else fails, go to a store and buy something small. When you make this purchase, ask if you can get change for a dollar.

Where do you go when you need quarters?

Are there great places that aren’t on this list?

Where can I get coin rolls other than bank?

Some mints sell unsearched rolls through their official websites, and other coin distributors sell these same kinds of deals on their eCommerce sites. Another popular way to get rolls or bags of coins from banks that haven’t been searched is to use retail sites like eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

How to find unsearched bags of bank coins

Posted – December 11, 2020

Unsearched Bags of Coins from Banks is one of the most popular draws for new bullion and coin collectors. The call is very easy to understand. Who wouldn’t love to buy unsearched rolls or bags of coins? After all, some American coins are worth quite a bit of money. Picking out the right coins from a large pile of unsearched pieces could quickly bring the coin collector a win.

Particularly old coins and rare coins with coin flaws are among the most common types of coins to look out for in an unsearched bundle. There is intrinsic value in finding silver coins as well. Some coins, especially in older series, may contain coins with high purity silver. These can be worth quite a bit of money!

Many veteran precious metals enthusiasts, however, advise caution for new collectors looking to score with some unexplored bags of coins from banks. There are several reasons for this long-standing skepticism. First of all, coin dealers can easily search their pockets and extract the most valuable coins before they are falsely marketed as “unsearched”. It’s almost impossible to tell a pre-searched bag from a truly unsealed one, especially when dealing with smaller sellers who lack oversight or accountability.

But don’t despair! There are some tips that coin collectors can use to properly identify, search, and cash in the value of unsearched bank coin bags. Recognizing the key dates for a particular coin type, shopping from the right dealers, and keeping an eye out for coveted mint error coins are just a few ways consumers can make the most of the exciting niche industry of unexplored coin bags, banks and reels.

Where to buy unsearched coin pouches

Bullion and coin dealers across the internet are promoting bags of coins from banks that they claim are completely unexplored. The types of coins in these packs vary. Lincoln Cents, Buffalo Nickels, Penny Rolls, Wheat Pennies and 90% Silver Coins are just a few of the denominations available in these coin pouches. Coin collectors in the United States often have their own preferences as to which coins they target, and determining those preferences is the first step in finding a sealed pouch or roll of coins.

These bags of bank coins can be purchased from a number of different types of retailers. Local coin and bar dealers may offer reels you are not looking for. Online dealers are another common way for investors to get bags of coins from banks that have not been searched. Some mints sell unbrowsed rolls through their official websites, and other coin dealers sell the same offerings on their e-commerce websites.

Another popular way to get rolls or bags of coins from banks that aren’t searched is to use retail sites like eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist. We are generally cautious about these options. Smaller sellers on these sites generally have zero accountability, so there’s not much stopping them from removing all valuable coins from a pack before resealing it and selling the pack at a premium.

The safest way to guarantee completely unscreened coins is to buy them directly from the United States banking system. Some larger banks sell large quantities of coins in circulation to collectors. The reason why this strategy guarantees that the coins are not searched is because banks simply do not have to search their coins.

Unlike smaller retailers and online sellers, who could significantly increase their personal profits by only removing valuable coins and leaving the rest for the buyer, US banks trade in so many coins in circulation that it would be unprofitable, time spend searching through their holdings.

How to buy coin rolls from the bank

As we have already explained, buying coin rolls from the bank practically guarantees that they will not be searched. But stealing those coin rolls from the clutches of the United States banking system is often harder than it looks! The easiest way to get sealed coin rolls from the bank is simply to ask. Some bank employees may not be quite sure what customers mean when they say they want to buy rolls of circulation coins. That’s fine; Collectors just need to be firm and informed of what they need from the bank.

Larger banks are almost always better suited for this purpose. Smaller banks might be able to do the job. But collectors looking for unique or rarer coin types may have trouble finding what they need from local banks. Some of the largest banks in America are in direct contact with the Federal Reserve, making it easier for them to order coin rolls for regular customers.

Many people don’t even know that this is an option. But the truth is that almost all banks are able to sell coin rolls. This strategy has another big advantage: the coins only cost their face value. Buying these same pristine rolls of circulation coins from coin dealers often means paying an additional premium on the coins’ base value. But when collectors buy directly from the banking system, the cost is only the total face value of the coins in the roll.

Buy not wanted coins online

Online businesses often offer rolls or bags of coins that have not been searched or opened. These are almost always best sellers. But there are different types of online sellers. Larger bullion dealers are one thing, but smaller coin sellers sometimes operate on platforms like eBay and Amazon, as well as Craigslist.

It helps collectors to first figure out what types of coins interest them. Wheat pennies are among the most popular coins to buy and sell in unopened roll form. Wheat pennies are generally not worth much money; their copper content is certainly not worth anything significant. However, some key dates are considered exceptionally rare. A few wheat penny editions can carry massive price tags. We will address some of this data later in this guide.

Silver dollars are rarely found in rolls while Junk Silver Quarters, Buffalo Nickels, 90% Silver Dimes, and Junk Silver Kennedy Half Dollars are some other major coin models sold this way. Most Eisenhower silver dollars are cupro-nickel plated and have no precious metal value, but there is a 40% silver Ike silver dollar, so be sure to look at the edge of the coin to see if it’s two-toned. Basically, almost any type of coin can be valuable. American quarters are often sold in unopened bags, rolls, and boxes.

When buying unsearched bags and coin rolls from non-US bank sellers, it is important to remember that the trustworthiness of the seller is everything. Frankly, there is no guaranteed way to be sure that the seller hasn’t opened the roll/bag, picked out the most expensive or rarest coins, and then sealed them before selling them to a collector. Learning to seal coins like the Bundesbank system does is not very difficult, and any experienced seller will know how to do it. This makes it even more difficult to know whether or not a selection of coins has been searched.

We recommend that consumers try to find a seller with an exceptional reputation for honesty and consistency before deciding to purchase this type of coin pack.

How to identify valuable coins

For new collectors, nothing is more exciting than the rush to find a valuable and rare coin among a selection of ordinary ones. But when collectors are storing large numbers of coins, time is of the essence. It takes some getting used to developing the common sense to quickly identify which coins are rare. But with a little learning, collectors can learn to pick the right coins from a roll with ease.

When working with coin rolls, where the most valuable coins are silver or gold, one strategy is to unwrap the pieces but keep them tightly together in a roll. The edges of coins change appearance depending on their precious metal composition. Silver coins, for example, stick out like a sore thumb when leaning against a sea of ​​inferior metal coins, often referred to as “silver-coated coins.”

Identifying rarity coins due to minting errors or key dates is a bit more difficult. Record dates are generally years in which a given coin was minted very rarely, as opposed to coins that get their value from their gold and silver bullion content. This means that the mintage of these coins is lower than in other years, so they are worth more. The rarity of a coin is not only determined by the key date.

The small letter next to the date is the mint mark, which represents the city where the coin was minted. Some mints have produced very few of a given coin in a given year, making that year/mintmark combination rarer than others.

Some collectors and precious metals fans also divide some coins into the “Half Key Dates” subcategory. These coins are rarer than regular coins, but not quite as coveted as key dates.

In principle, all coins are subject to these basic rarity tests. Rare coins are almost always either minted with a metal rarely used in the series, or minted in a rare year and place. We encourage collectors interested in coin hunting to search one of the many cut-off lists available for the types of coins they want to look for. Over time, it will become second nature to drop the usual data and keep only key or semi-key data.

frequently asked Questions

New collectors rightly have some questions about finding, buying, and searching unsearched bags of bank coins. Read on for answers to many of the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

Q: Can’t find unsearched bags?

A: Some collectors claim that every bag or roll of coins has been searched at some point. While it is true that many bags of bank coins advertised as unopened were actually looked through by the seller, this is unlikely if you can find an honest and reputable seller.

Q: Will banks sell coin rolls to anyone?

A: The best way to ensure a bank sells coin rolls is to open an account with them. Most banks are more than willing to do business with anyone who wishes to purchase their coin rolls, but they may be more flexible and accommodating to paying bank account holders.

Q: Are coin rolls worth it?

A: Coin rolls are sometimes worth their money. The best way to minimize risk when buying coin rolls is to buy them directly from the US banking system. Coins bought this way only cost their face value.

Q: How are unopened coin bags found by banks?

A: There are a few ways retailers can obtain unopened bags. Some unopened bags are found buried; People often buried coins during the Great Depression. Others can be found in old vaults, attics and storage units.

The bottom line: Coin pockets not searched

Unopened coin bags and coin rolls are a fantastic and fun way for investors to potentially add to their collection. Some bullion fans are wary of the claim that every bag of coins is truly “unsearched.” There is some truth to this fear. Many bullion sellers are likely to open their pockets with coins from banks and extract the key dates and valuable coins before passing them on to their customers.

Still, there are several ways to make the most of what unopened penny rolls and other unscreened coin tickets have to offer. Our advice? Work with either banks or highly trusted traders. This helps increase the likelihood that those properties really were never searched.

One of the biggest obstacles for new collectors is figuring out what to keep and what to throw away. Getting around this barrier requires a lot of research and some hands-on work. It’s helpful to use tips like keeping coins in roll form to identify which ones are made of unique precious metals. But at some point, collectors need to be able to spread out the coins and identify the rarer dates and coin symbols on the faces of their pieces.

With such a wide variety of valuable coins sold in pouches by so many different retailers, it is important that collectors take the time to become familiar with the denomination indicators used for US coins.

After finding the right type of coin and the perfect dealer, it’s time to start your quest!

Where can I get 2022 quarters?

In the grocery store, they have plenty of coin in the cash registers.
  • FAST FOOD CENTERS. Just like grocery stores, fast-food centers are the next place to find quarters. …
  • CAR WASHES AND LAUNDROMATS. Car washes and Laundromats are always available 24/7. …

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

The quarter shortage was due to the spread of the coronavirus, which shut down most businesses and ultimately halted economic activity in the country.

One of the underlying causes of the shortage in the quarters was the downsizing during the pandemic lockdown order.

Aside from the pandemic, there are a few other factors that could lead to a coin shortage. Anyhow, here in this article are some of the trustworthy places where you can easily get quarters during this time of shortage.

To make it even easier for you, we also show you a step-by-step guide on how to get quarters. Just make sure to follow closely.

Please see the table of contents below for an overview of what to expect in this article.

what is quarter

I know you’ve been wondering what a quarter could possibly be. Okay, here it is: A quarter is simply a coin equivalent to a quarter of the United States dollar.

A quarter equals 25 cents or $0.25.

Where can I get quarters?

As we promised, here are some of the places where you can get quarters during the shortage. Shortly after this section you will learn practically how to get quarters.


One of the ways to get quarters during this quarter shortage is to check with the bank. The procedure is very straightforward and simple as you can simply request a portion of your own funds to be withdrawn in coins.

You can also just go to the bank counter and ask for an exchange with whatever cash you currently have on hand.

One thing to understand is that quarter buns are mostly in multiples of 10. So if you want to make life easier for everyone, ask for your change in multiples of 10.

It’s not cool enough to ask for $5, it can be so annoying.

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Another place to get accommodation is at the gas station or the pharmacy. If the bank is very far from you and you can only see an abandoned gas station, then you are in luck because gas stations and pharmacies have small neighborhoods registered.


A nearby grocery store is also a very good option for quarters during this 2020 shortage. You can get quarters at any grocery store, be it Walmart or any other grocery store.

If you ask for change at the grocery store, please contact customer service to do so.

In the grocery store, they have plenty of coins in the tills.


Just like grocery stores, fast food centers are the closest places to find lodging. They also have a customer service desk. The process is very simple: just go to the cash register to receive your change in 15 minutes.


Car washes and laundrettes are available 24 hours a day. This means you can get your accommodation at any time of the day and most of them will have change machines available. At car washes, customers can exchange their dollars for coins! .


You can make a purchase to get your quarters if the grocery store cashier or fast food clerk doesn’t want to swap quarters. To be able to buy quarters, there are a few cheap and useful things you can buy to get quarters.


You can also find or get your accommodation through a friend. Yes, a friend can help you get quarters. Just talk to anyone, you’ll never know who might be able to help you.

ALSO READ: How to Pay for Car Repairs Without Money in 2022: 5 Ways.

The step-by-step guide on how to get coins

This section tells you exactly how to get quarters. This is a step by step guide that will walk you through each point until you are able to find as many lodgings as you want.

One of the best and easiest places to get multiples on $10 quarter rolls is in the bank. The reason is that some banks are making changes for account holders. Sometimes this comes with a fee. However, to avoid the monthly fees, all you have to do is create a new account.

There are three methods to get a quarter this year.

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1. To receive a quarter from a bank, there are three steps to requesting, including:

Ask your bank teller to exchange a $10 bill for a quarter roll.

Call ahead and ask if you need an account to make the change.

Only sign up for an account if you can avoid monthly fees.

2. In “Make changes in other locations” do the following:

Exchange money at the service counter in a large grocery store.

Check if there is a money changing machine nearby.

Do a little shopping at a gas station or supermarket

3. In Keeping Quarters Handy, these are the steps you need to apply

Whenever possible, ask the cashiers for change.

Put your change in jars every day.

Plan and buy more rolls than you need.

bottom line:

You can choose to go to the bank or a grocery store or even a gas station. The truth is, you can get quarters even when it’s tight.

I would advise you to always check the bank as the bank is preferable to other options.

Are all ESD keys the same?

Product Description

There are many different ESD keys. The key code must match the lock code on your machine. Key codes are stamped on the original keys. These keys are custom made at the time of purchase to the key code you select.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

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How long does it take to do laundry at a laundromat?

Washing Clothes at Laundromat

It usually takes about 32 to 38 minutes to wash a load of laundry. However, the exact time may vary based on a variety of factors. Depending on your load size, you may choose an extra-long wash or a quick wash, which will cause your wash time to vary.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

Find out how long it takes a laundromat to wash and dry your clothes

There is nothing better than enjoying freshly washed fabrics. From wearing a soft t-shirt to sleeping on clean sheets, clean clothes and linens are a must. However, washing your clothes may take a while. A visit to the laundromat can feel like an ordeal. Help make your trip to the laundromat as efficient as possible when you choose a laundromat with larger machines. These machines help you save time by washing your clothes faster, allowing you to be in and out of the laundromat in under an hour and a half. Know how long it takes a laundromat to wash and dry your clothes so you can plan accordingly. Here’s what you need to know about how long it takes to most efficiently wash and dry clothes at a laundromat.

Washing clothes in the laundromat

Washing a load of laundry typically takes around 32 to 38 minutes. However, the exact time may vary due to various factors. Depending on your load, you can choose an extra long wash cycle or a quick wash cycle, which will vary your wash time. However, if you use larger, more efficient machines, you can reduce your washing time. Instead of waiting cycle after cycle, you can wash up to ten loads of laundry at a time in one machine. This way you can choose the right machine for your laundry needs.

Drying clothes in laundromat

It usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes to dry a load of laundry. However, times may vary depending on the items to be dried. Heavy duvets, for example, take longer to dry than a t-shirt. Pay attention to the type of fabric to better estimate your waiting time and use the most efficient machines possible to reduce your washing time.

Reduce your washing time

Here are some steps you can take to speed up your entire washing process.

Wash multiple loads of laundry at once in larger machines.

If you need to separate certain types of clothing into different loads, use several machines at once.

Wash and dry clothes in mesh bags. You can put each family member’s clothes in a separate mesh bag. When you take the laundry out of the dryer, folding is much faster because the laundry is already separated individually.

Sort your clothes before going to the laundromat.

Don’t wash your clothes during peak hours, as more washing machines and dryers are likely to be used.

Use efficient machines. If you use the right tools, you can wash your clothes faster.

Complete your entire wash in less than an hour and a half. Fresh & Clean Laundry is your laundromat for all your laundry related needs. Please visit our website for opening hours and more information. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How do the Japanese use coin laundry?

How to use a Laundromat in Japan
  1. Put the laundry you brought into an empty washing machine and close the door (and add detergent if necessary)
  2. Insert coins for the displayed fee and press the start button.
  3. When finished, take out the laundry.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

If you have a washing machine at home, you can always wash your clothes yourself, but if it should break or you need to wash large items like futons, a laundromat is a convenient option.

In addition, Japan has a rainy season and a typhoon season, which makes drying your laundry difficult, so you may need to use a dryer at a laundromat.

For this reason, learning how to use a Japanese laundromat is a good idea.

In this article, we will introduce you to the details of using a laundromat in Japan. We’ll also explain what to bring, how long to wait and what to look out for when using a laundromat.

What is a “laundromat” in Japan?

Coin laundries in Japan are literally public facilities with washing machines and dryers that you can use by inserting coins.

According to the East Japan Laundromat Association, there are roughly more than 20,000 laundromats across Japan, some of which are open 24 hours a day.

They are relatively easy to find as they are often attached to business hotels, weekly (monthly) apartments and public baths, as well as around town.

Reference: East Japan Federation of Coin Laundries Materials

Contact GTN to find a room in Japan!

Contact GTN to find a room in Japan!

Please contact GTN to find a room in Japan.

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In addition, GTN also offers extensive support for international residents.

The website is also available in other languages, so please visit the website first even if you don’t plan to live in Japan yet.

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How to find a laundromat near you

Use the Maps app on your phone to find a laundromat near where you live or in other locations.

You can also search the following websites. This page is in Japanese, but you can use it if you want to search for a laundromat by address or zip code.


Find a laundromat in your city

Electrolux Coin Laundry Store Locator

Do I need detergent for the laundromat? What do I have to bring?

Most washing machines in Japanese laundromats have automatic detergent and fabric softener, so there is generally no need to bring your own detergent.

However, some stores have washing machines that require detergent to be thrown into them.

In this case you can use the detergent dispenser in the laundromat, but you may want to bring your own detergent in case it is your first time using it.

You must bring the following with you to use the laundromat.

Money (100 yen coins or 500 yen coins)

Laundry (a laundry net is helpful to avoid damaging clothes)

laundry bag

You can also bring dryer sheets (fabric softener sheets) if needed.

Estimated coin laundering fees and waiting times

The cost of a washing machine is about 500 yen per 10 kg of typical clothes, and the estimated waiting time is 30 minutes.

The standard charge for a dryer is 100 yen for 10 minutes, and a typical garment dries in about 30 minutes for 300 yen.

If you live alone and your laundry weighs 4-5 kg ​​for three days, expect to pay around 700-800 yen for washing and drying and about an hour’s waiting time.

However, please note that the amount of money and time will vary slightly depending on the machine.

What can be washed in the launderette? Can I wash a futon?

In addition to general clothing such as shirts and socks, Japanese laundries can also wash linens such as down comforters, blankets, and sheets, as well as carpets and curtains.

Some stores also have “sneaker laundries” that are specially equipped to wash shoes, so you can wash shoes and sneakers made of fabric and synthetic materials.

How to use a laundromat in Japan

Laundromats in Japan are equipped with washers, dryers, and washer/dryers.

If you want to wash and dry your clothes use a washer/dryer, if you just want to dry them use a dryer.

The basic use of a Japanese laundromat is as follows.

Dealing with washer/washer and dryer

Put the laundry you brought with you into an empty washing machine and close the door (add detergent if necessary). Insert coins for the displayed fee and press the start button. When you’re done, take out the laundry.

How to use the dryer

Put the washed laundry in an empty dryer and close the door. Insert coins for the displayed fee. When you’re done, take out the laundry.

Manners and precautions when using a laundromat

Finally, some behaviors and points to consider when using a Japanese laundromat.

No change.

Washing machines and other machines installed in Japanese coin laundries are basically the types that don’t give out change.

Be sure to insert coins according to the amount shown.

Check the material of the laundry and the contents of the bags.

You can use a washer and dryer for general clothing, but there are some garments made from materials that are not suitable for washing machines and dryers.

Before going to a laundromat, check the laundry label on the tags of clothing and other items.

It’s also important to keep all the contents of your bags out.

Remove the laundry as soon as possible after completion.

Laundromats are public facilities and there are many other people using them besides you.

When you have finished washing and drying, take out the laundry as soon as possible.

If you leave it unattended, the next person or employee who wants to use it can take out your laundry.

This is how you spend your waiting time

Most laundromats have chairs set up so you can wait inside.

Some shops have free wifi spots, but bring a book or magazine to keep you occupied.

If you leave the store while you’re waiting, we recommend checking the time so you can return at the end of the day.

Please also note that eating, drinking and smoking in laundromats is strictly prohibited in Japan.

What happens if someone else’s laundry is in a stopped machine?

If someone else’s laundry is in an already stopped machine, you are allowed to take it out and put it in a basket in the shop.

However, there is no possibility of conflict with the owner of the laundry.

It’s best to find a machine that’s open as much as possible, or use a laundromat with a manager or staff.


In this article, we have presented how to use a laundromat in Japan.

You can search for the nearest store using a map application on your mobile phone.

Bring 100 yen coins, 500 yen coins, laundry, and a laundry bag.

For a single person 700-800 yen for washing and drying, 1 hour or more

To use it, just put your laundry in and insert coins.

It is good manners to take out the laundry as soon as possible after the laundry is finished.

It’s common in Japan to hang laundry outside, but many Japanese use coin laundries and it’s relatively easy to find one.

Learn the basic usage, what to bring and manners and feel free to use it.

Where people wash clothes in coin operated machine is called?

Laundromat definition

The definition of a laundromat is a place where people wash and dry their own clothes using coin-operated machines.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

You’ve seen them at the laundromat, and now increasingly you can buy front-loading home washing machines.

How much soap do you use at a laundromat?

For top loading machines: Normal capacity: Use 1/2 cup per load. Large capacity: Use 3/4 to 1 cup per load. For front-loading machines: Use 1/3 cup per load.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

I was recently asked a very difficult question by a Worldwide Janitor customer. It didn’t sound difficult at first, but as I sat down to calculate the desired results based on our product labels, I realized I was going to have some work to do!

He just wanted to know “how many kilograms of laundry would clean the following products in the sizes he ordered.”

Sounds easy right? Well it’s not 🙁

Unfortunately, there are many factors to consider here. Here was my answer:

I’ll do my best to answer this question, including some formulas and directions on each product’s label. However, as you can see, it is quite complicated as it depends on the size of the washing machine and the degree of soiling of the linens.

Load capacity for washing machines varies on average from 10 (regular) to 20 (large capacity) pounds of laundry per load, so we’ll assume that when using the instructions below.

The soiling of the laundry also plays a role. Today’s commercial washing machines are also very large (some washing 100 pounds of laundry at a time) and some are even highly efficient (requiring significantly less water and detergent).

Also, let’s use the conversion that 1 pound = 3.75 cups of laundry detergent. Let’s also assume, as you said, that these are older non-HE washing machines.

**Very Important: Most of our commercial detergent instructions are for older non-HE machines. For HE (High Efficiency) machines, use about half the amount indicated on the label.**

HTD heavy duty detergent (powder) (08 HTD)

50 lb bucket = 187.5 cups of detergent = 375 normal capacity laundry loads = 3,750 lbs of laundry


For top loading machines:

Normal Capacity: Use 1/2 cup per charge.

Large Capacity: Use 3/4 to 1 cup per load.

For front-loading machines: use 1/3 cup per load. Add detergent before adding clothes.

Superior Detergent (Powder) (15 SLD)

50 lb box = 187.5 cups of detergent = 375 normal capacity laundry loads = 3,750 lbs of laundry

Similar instructions as HTD

Lemon Scented Detergent (Powder) (08 LSD)

50 lb bucket = 187.5 cups of detergent = 375 normal capacity laundry loads = 3,750 lbs of laundry

Similar instructions as HTD

Dry Chlorine Bleach (Powder) (08 CDB)

50 lb bucket = 800 oz. Chlorine Dry Bleach = 4,344 pounds of laundry (medium duty)

Recommended Usage:

Light Duty: 2.25 oz. (100ppm)

Medium Duty: 3.5 oz. (150 ppm) (about 1 cup)

Sturdy: 4.5 oz. (200ppm)

Based on 19 gallons of water in a typical washing machine. (Most commercial machines seem to wash about 1 pound of laundry per gallon of water, so I used that for this measurement.)

Oxygen dry bleach (powder) (08 ODB)

50 lb bucket = 187.5 cups of detergent = 375 normal capacity laundry loads = 3,750 lbs of laundry

Recommended Usage:

Front-load washer: 1/4 cup per 8-pound load in soft water. 1/2 cup per 8 lb load in hard water.

Top-Load Washer: 1/2 cup per 8-pound load in soft water. 3/4 cup per 8 lb load in hard water.

These directions also vary by water type, so I just went with the medium 1/2 cup suggestion for this formula.

Liquid fabric softener (02 LFS)

5 gallon pail = 640 oz. = 6,400 lbs of wash (medium softening and static control)

Recommended Usage:

In order to achieve a reasonable effect, follow the table below:

Purpose 12 lbs load

(average load) 100 lbs load

(Institutional/Industrial) Super emollient, excellent static control: 1 1/4 – 2 oz. 10 – 16 oz. Soften, General Wash, Antistatic: 1 – 1 1/4 oz. 8-10 oz. Ironing Aid, Reduced Hardness of Starch Goods: 1/2 oz. 4 oz.

7.Oxygen care (08 OC)

Case of 12 (quantity) 2.5 lbs jars = 30 lbs / 480 oz. = 1,440 pounds of laundry

Laundry Usage:

1-8 oz. / Load 1 wash cycle Determined by soiling, detergent, washing machine size. (For this calculation we use 5 ounces as the average usage for 15 pounds of laundry)

Soak laundry:

2-4 oz. / gallon 30 min light & dark For heavy stains or old, grubby laundry.

1+ hour for others

Life Lesson: How to Do Laundry at the Laundromat

Life Lesson: How to Do Laundry at the Laundromat
Life Lesson: How to Do Laundry at the Laundromat

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24 Hour Coin Laundromat with three self-service locations in Brampton, Etobicoke and Toronto. … Get Clean Quick. Wash your next load at our laundromat.

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How to Use Commercial Laundry Machines

How to use commercial washing machines

Much like operating a hotel shower, working with some commercial washing machines can be intimidating. Before diving into how each type of washing machine works, here is a helpful checklist to consider before using a commercial washing machine.

Look for abandoned clothing or coins and return to a lost property office

Wipe the inside of the machine with a disinfectant wipe to kill any germs left behind

Smell the bleach in the drum – some people use too much bleach and you don’t want to find out after the wash cycle

Before selecting a unique cycle option, Speed ​​Queen, Electrolux, UniMac, Wascomat, UniMac, Maytag, and Whirlpool machines operate with a standard set of payment controls:

Operating these machines is easy. Follow the instructions for each type of machine and you’ll have clean clothes in no time.

Card operated front loading washers and dryers

Throw clothes in the washing machine – be careful not to over-pack the washing machine, but place clothes loosely in until the washing machine drum is between 75 and 80 percent full. Put detergent, fabric softener or bleach in the correct compartment. Insert your credit or laundry card into the slot. You can fill out your laundry card online or at a pay machine in the laundry room. Select the preferred washing program. After washing, remove clothes and put them in the dryer. Clean the fluff drawer. Insert your credit or laundry card into the slot. You can fill out your laundry card online or at a pay machine in the laundry room. Choose preferred drying time.

Coin operated front loading washers and dryers

Once you’ve sorted the laundry, toss the load into the washer until the drum is about 75 or 80 percent full. Fill the detergent, fabric softener or bleach compartments with your favorite cleaning solution. Insert coins into the machine, select a program and start the wash cycle. Take off your clothes and put them loosely in the dryer. Remove all lint from the lint drawer. Insert coins, select drying time and start dryer.

Card operated top load washing machines

Open the top of the washing machine and add detergent and fill the drum about 75 to 80 percent full with clothes — you can let the detergent and water mix while you put the clothes in the machine. Insert BDS Laundry Card or credit card. Select the preferred washing program and press start.

Card operated dryers

Always remember to clean the lint filter – a dirty lint filter not only poses a fire hazard, it also clogs the airways to the dryer, resulting in poor performance. Insert your credit card or laundry card – you can top up your LaundryEye card with money online or at a pay station in your laundry room. Select the drying program and press the start button.

Coin operated top load washing machines

Open the lid of the washing machine and pour detergent. Load the washing machine with clothes – about 75 to 80 percent full, leaving enough room for the detergent to reach all the clothes and room for the clothes to soak and spin properly. Insert coins, select cycle and start machine.

Coin operated dryer

5 Essentials to Bring to the Laundromat

New to the laundromat scene? You may be wondering what utensils you need to wash your clothes or bedding. You can take a trip to the store to make sure yourself, or you can pack the essentials and cover your bases.

Laundry bags for transporting your dirty and clean laundry

Bags are needed to transport laundry to and from home. We recommend sorting your clothes beforehand and keeping your loads separate. You can use mesh for breathability or find something less see-through for privacy.

As you sort through your clothes, examine each one for stains and imperfections. Instead of taking the treatment to the laundromat, apply it at home. This also gives it more time to sit down and take effect.

Laundry detergent, fabric softener and/or dryer sheets

Most laundromats offer automatic detergent. Some even provide you with laundry detergent for free. However, due to preferences or allergies, you may wish to bring your own.

Jugs of detergent and fabric softener can be unwieldy, so invest in travel-sized containers. Alternatively, you can buy capsules and throw them in your laundry bags to save space. You can do the same with dryer sheets.

A pocket full of coins or a refillable money card

Many washers and dryers take coins – quarters, loonies, or toonies. Sometimes you can break bills at the laundromat if necessary. Today, many stores are introducing loyalty card programs where you can swipe to pay for your services.

Determine how to pay at the laundromat, then set aside enough money for an extra load or two. If the detergent didn’t rinse or the clothes didn’t dry, you’ll thank them for bringing more money.

Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer

Touching your own dirty laundry can justify a hand wash. Touching surfaces on which other people’s laundry has been laid is definitely an occasion for cleaning. Bring a means to wash yourself and the surfaces around the machines. Although most services keep things tidy, you never know who used the devices before you.

A book, magazine, or grocery list

Each wash cycle takes half an hour to an hour. That means you’ll have time to kill – so bring something to read. Alternatively, if the laundromat is near shops, bring a shopping list. Running all your errands at once is a great way to maximize your productivity.

5 Places to Get Quarters for Your Coin-Operated Washer/Dryer

Many people no longer carry cash, and it is becoming increasingly rare for people to carry change. Also, if you have a coin shortage, it can be difficult to get coins, but you’ll need them if your first apartment has coin-operated washers and dryers. Alternatively, if your apartment doesn’t have washers or dryers in your apartment building, you’ll need to go to a municipal laundromat, which is often coin-operated.

Some people avoid this problem by hiring a laundry service, but many people choose to save money by doing it themselves. Thing is, that means having quarters on hand all the time. If you’re always looking for quarters for your washing machines, below learn five places where you can easily get coins.

1. Visit your bank

An easy way to get coins for your coin washer and dryer is from your bank. If you live near your bank, you can stop by and ask to withdraw some of your money from your checking account in coins. You can also ask a bank teller to exchange the cash in your wallet for coins.

If you want to minimize your time in the bank, it’s best to go when there aren’t many people in line. That probably means 9am to 5pm on weekdays. You can easily get a quarter roll for $10 (i.e. 40 quarters). Getting quarters for $5 might be impractical for the bank teller, so stick with $10.

2. Switch after grocery shopping

You can always get some coins at the grocery store so you have enough coins to pay for the coin operated washer and dryer in your apartment. After checking out, you can ask the cashier for some quarters, and if you pay cash, you’ll automatically get change. Unfortunately, sometimes the cash register is limited to quarters, so it’s best to only ask for a small number of quarters. To avoid trouble, get quarters when there isn’t a long line of people behind you.

3. Find an arcade (or laundromat) near you

If you’re lucky enough to live near an open arcade, you can get a few coins from the arcade’s change machine so you have enough quarters to pay for your laundry. If an arcade also has a vending machine, you can put in a dollar, and some machines will give you your money back in quarters. Or you can find a laundromat near you and hope it has an arcade-style money changing machine – rare but not impossible.

4. Try a gas station or pharmacy

If your local gas station or pharmacy doesn’t have a long line, you can also ask someone behind the counter to exchange your dollar bills for a few quarters. Additionally, some gas stations may have an ATM where you can withdraw cash from your bank account. Then you can use your withdrawn cash to charge for quarters.

5. Buy things with cash

If you’re looking for quarters for your apartment’s coin-operated washer and dryer, you can also get in the habit of buying different things with cash from different stores every now and then. You can build up the change from your purchases and keep the quarters for your laundry. Keep all your other coins in a piggy bank for safekeeping.

Which of these places is the most convenient for you? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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