How To Win Over Enemies Astrology? The 7 Latest Answer

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Which house in astrology is for enemies?

Sixth house represents debts, enemies, thieves, cuts and wounds in the body, disappointments, miseries, illness, sorrows, paternal relations, sinful deeds, battles and diseases. It deals with hard work, competition and also rise in life from adversity.

How do you beat the hidden enemies?

How to Deal with Secret Enemies
  1. Act more confident around them.
  2. Kill them with kindness.
  3. Avoid them.
  4. Ignore their behavior.
  5. Hide your hurt or annoyance.
  6. Forgive them.
  7. Reframe the situation positively.
  8. Try to see from their perspective.

Which planet is responsible for misfortune?

Also known as the Lord or Karma and Justice, Lord Shani is considered to be the most malefic planet that brings restrictions and misfortunes. It has the power to bring a difference in your personal and professional life. Therefore, it is very important that you know when and how to flow with the effects of Saturn.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

Saturn, the son of Lord Surya and Chhaya, is considered the greatest teacher, rewarding the righteous deeds and punishing those who follow the path of evil and treachery. Lord Shani also known as Lord or Karma and Justice is considered to be the most evil planet bringing limitations and bad luck. It has the power to make a difference in your personal and professional life. Therefore, it is very important that you know when and how to flow with the effects of Saturn. This planet takes almost 30 years to orbit the sun once, so it stays in each zodiac sign for about 2.5 years. However, this period can extend to up to 5 or 7.5 years. This presence of Shani in your zodiac sign is causing problems in your life, be it your relationships, money, career and more. This makes people panic as these problems can last from 2.5 to 7.5 years. The effects of Saturn on humans are varied. A planet of disability, hardship, depression, grief, illness, Shani is capable of bringing adversaries into one’s life. One finds it very difficult in his phase; one can feel strangled, restless and depressed. Shani has his own way of balancing things. It can move you forward, evolve and overcome obstacles in your life. The Saturn period comes once or twice in a lifetime, twice at most. It comes once every 30 years and stays for almost 7.5 years. The first period of Saturn is very severe and will cause tremendous problems in your personal and professional life. However, contrary to popular belief, Shani is not bad for everyone. If you already have a defined path, Shani will make your life better. But if you are caught up in worldly desires, he will disturb you to get on the right path and find your inner self. This is how Shani or Saturn maintains balance in one’s life. One can also reduce Shani’s harmful effects by pacifying him. If satisfied, he can bring great fortune to your life. This is where astrology comes to your aid. It’s a fascinating branch of science that can help you understand different planets, their effects, and how they affect a person. The planetary transitions give you an indication of the events that will happen in your life and also the changes that you will witness. Astrology is about knowledge. It will help you take the necessary actions to lessen the effects of Saturn. It can help you become spiritual, meditate and help you do all the exercises that can uplift you and get you out of this difficult time.

Which planet is responsible for weakness?

Saturn Planet

Physical weakness, muscle weakness, stomach pain, to be organ injury, to disease of the skin and feet, joints pain, blindness, hair be rugged, have mental concerns, to paralysis, deafness are caused due to weak Saturn.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

In medical astrology, all the planets represent one part or another of your body. During the planet’s dasha, the unfavorable transit, the native has to suffer from the health complications in the body part represented by the planet in question. Let’s take a look at body parts and diseases associated with different planets.

sun planet

The sun is considered the karaka of bones. It rules the stomach, the right eye, the heart, the skin, the head and the joints. During the Dasha of the Sun, the native must suffer from problems related to the parts of the body that are ruled by it. A weak sun tends to cause health complications related to the parts of the body it dominates. The native may also suffer from high fevers, insanity and relapses of previous illnesses during the Dasha and Antardasha of the Sun.

lunar planet

The moon is considered the karaka of the mind and heart. It rules the heart, lungs, left eye, breast, brain, blood, body fluids, tube feeding, intestines, kidneys, and lymphatics. Afflicted Moon can cause insomnia, lack of intelligence, asthma and blood problems. Problems related to diabetes, menstrual periods, appendix, lung disease, cough and vomiting are also causes of weak moon.

Mars planet

Blood, marrow, energy, throat, veins, genitals, throat, red blood cells, anal, female organs and body energy levels come under Mars’ dominion. Affected Mars cause problems related to the Karaka elements. Apart from that, brain disorders, injuries, toxicity, sore eyes, itching, blood clotting, female genital diseases, weak bones, tumors, hemorrhoids, blisters, knee problems, etc. are also caused by weak Mars.

The planet Mercury

Mercury is the karaka of the chest, nervous system, skin, navel, nose, gallbladder, nerves, lungs, tongue, arms, face and hair. Affected Mercury causes problems related to its Karaka elements. There are also problems related to muscles and chest if they are weakly placed in the chart. Due to the afflicted Mercury, the native can also suffer from typhus, madness, paralysis, seizures, ulcers, cholera, dizziness, etc.

Jupiter planet

Jupiter is the karaka of thighs, fat, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, ears, tongue, memory, spleen, etc. An affected Jupiter in the chart will result in health complications related to its karaka elements. A weak Jupiter can also cause diseases related to the ear, diabetes, tongue, memory and pancreas. Jupiter plays a role in giving the native diabetes.

Venus planet

Venus is the karaka of the face, light eyes, genitals, urine, semen, body, luster and shine, throat and glands. The native may have to suffer from related diseases during the Dasha and Antardasha of Venus. Venus is also the Karak of seeing. Therefore, affected Venus also causes eye diseases. Venereal diseases, throat diseases, loss of body shine, impotence, fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, rheumatism, loss of blood, etc. are caused by weak Venus.

Saturn planet

Saturn is the karaka of the legs, joints, bones, flesh, muscles, organs, teeth, skin, hair, ears, knees, etc. Having an affected Saturn in the chart will result in health complications related to its karaka elements. Physical weakness, muscle weakness, abdominal pain, organ injuries, skin and foot disorders, joint pain, blindness, hair loss, mental worries, paralysis, deafness are caused by weak Saturn.

Rahu planet

Rahu is the karaka of the legs, breathing, neck, lungs, etc. Affected Rahu give problems related to breathing, lungs, ulcers, legs, etc. It can also cause cataracts, blisters, stuttering, spleen, etc. Cancer is also caused by Rahu.

Ketu planet

Ketu is the karaka of belly and claws. There are also diseases related to lungs, fever, etc. Insects in the intestines, ear problems, eye diseases, stomach pains, physical weakness, brain disorders, etc. are also caused by Ketu. Ketu also gives mysterious illnesses, the cause of which cannot be determined.

How Vedic Jyotish can help identify and treat ailments

What are secret enemies?

A Hidden Enemy

It targets children, teens, and adults—both male and female. Its purveyors often operate in secrecy and seek to deceive us by claiming to offer something normal and pleasurable that doesn’t harm anyone.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

“The Secret Enemy,” New Era, Feb. 2011, pp. 28-31

When I was young, my school showed all the students a film called Say NO to Strangers. In the film, several young children were confronted with strangers and had to decide whether or not to go with the stranger when a stranger tried to lure them away with things like candy or ice cream. When a child gives in, tragedy can occur.

This film came to my mind the other day as I read what the Lord said through the Prophet Joseph Smith at a Church conference in 1831: “The enemy in the secret chambers seeks your life” (D&C 38:28).

A Hidden Enemy Pornography is like that evil stranger, that enemy operating in secret chambers. It is aimed at children, young people and adults – both men and women. Its suppliers often work in secret, trying to deceive us by claiming to offer something normal and pleasant that doesn’t harm anyone. Pornography pretends to be no bad stranger — that it’s not a problem and it’s not addictive. That’s a lie. A 12-year-old boy recently wrote to New Era and shared his experiences of viewing pornography when he was home alone. While initially exciting, he soon felt deep despair. He wrote: “I tried my best to forget these pictures. I want to say to anyone who reads The Friend or New Era that while porn may be enjoyable, it really ruins your soul and it’s hard to recover from. Pornography is more prevalent today than ever before. For most people of previous generations, pornography was something hidden in the dark corners of society. Today, it seems that the Internet’s encounter with pornography is less and less a question of if and more of a question of when. That’s why it’s important that you decide now to prepare a way to escape from this evil stranger. dr Donald L. Hilton Jr., a neurological surgery specialist and a member of the Church, says that viewing pornography just once can be enough to sow the seeds of a future addiction. His attraction and the act of self-stimulation that goes with it may not seem so bad at first glance. Excitement, fascination, and gratification accompany viewing pornography, and because of this, he warns, you may not believe you’re addicted until it’s too late.

There Is Help If you are tempted to look at pornography, there are ways to resist it. If you’ve made the habit of watching pornography, help is available. Talking to your bishop about these things may seem scary, uncomfortable, or embarrassing, but he, along with your parents and Heavenly Father, loves you and only wants what is best for you. The best way to stay safe is surprisingly simple — talk to your parents and ask for their help in avoiding pornography. Make a plan together so they can support you. The best way to escape when you must repent is also simple, although it may take courage: go to your bishop and confess fully and honestly. “By this ye may know whether any man repenteth of his sins—behold, he shall confess them and forsake them” (D&C 58:43). Complete truthfulness with proper authority is a necessary step. Talk to your parents, your bishop, or a professional counselor. You cannot overcome pornography alone; it will not stop without help. Willpower alone will not be enough to put you back on the path to recovery and peace.

What is open enemy?

proverb Trusting someone who is, in fact, duplicitous or disingenuous is worse than knowing outright of someone’s enmity.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

A fake friend is worse than an open enemy

Proverb Trusting someone who is actually being duplicitous or dishonest is worse than knowing someone’s hostility directly. A: “I don’t know why, but Tiffany clearly hates me.” B: “Cheer up man – a fake friend is worse than an overt enemy.” I can’t believe I trusted this guy. Heck, a fake friend sure is worse than an open enemy. I know all too well that a fake friend is worse than an open enemy because my so-called “friends” wanted nothing to do with me when I was dealing with my legal issues.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc., all rights reserved.

How do you know if you have enemies?

Identifying Your Enemies. Look for people who talk negatively about you in a destructive manner. Friends may have constructive criticism for you, but their ultimate goal is to help you. An enemy will use destructive talk with the sole purpose of making you feel worse or bringing you down.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

If you’re like most people, you have a few people in your life who you consider enemies. These people seem to be actively working against your success and often have negative attitudes towards you. Take the time to identify your enemies and then learn more about them. It can be helpful to try to turn your enemies into allies; You may never like each other actively, but you can work towards success together rather than against each other.

How can I impress my enemy?

Love Your Enemies: 7 Practical Tips To Turn An Enemy Into a…
  1. Sincerely apologize. …
  2. Forgive the person. …
  3. Focus on their good qualities. …
  4. Speak well of them resist the urge to gossip. …
  5. Discover what you share in common. …
  6. Offer help if they are clearly in some need. …
  7. Love the person.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

It is almost universally accepted that one of the greatest and most challenging ethical imperatives is to love your enemies. Many people reject this command because they find it impractical, difficult, or even impossible to follow. One way to apply this law is to learn how to turn an enemy into a friend. Here are seven practical tips:

1. Apologize sincerely

Have you ever heard an apology that went something like “I’m sorry if I offended you” or “I’m sorry but…”. This type of apology doesn’t work if you want to make an enemy your friend. You must sincerely apologize for your part of the argument, even if you feel that you are not at fault. You must take full responsibility for it. You have to say “I’m sorry”.

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2. Forgive the person

Let them know you forgive them for hurting you. Truly forgive them in your heart. They can remain hostile for a while. But if you persist and maintain an attitude of forgiveness toward them, they will eventually respond to your desire for reconciliation and peace.

3. Focus on their good qualities

This may be hard to believe, but it is possible to find good qualities in almost everyone. When we have arguments and arguments with people, it is very easy to become fixated on the negative aspects of the person that cause you to react. This prevents us from seeing what is good about them. It is best to step out of this framework and you will be able to recognize their good qualities again. Make this your focus. Sincerely praise them for the qualities you see.

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4. Speak well of them, resist the urge to gossip

This is a crucial step. Gossip about others, especially our enemies, comes so easily to us that it takes a superhuman effort to stop it. To make this person your friend, you must. When you speak to others about your enemy, speak well of them. What you say about others behind their back will eventually get them. If you respect them in this way, they will want to reciprocate.

5. Discover what you have in common

Whether it’s a love of a sport or a similar hobby, exploring common interests is a great way to bond with your potential boyfriend. Get them talking about themselves and their interests. Invite her to a game. Try to get her to pursue a hobby with you.

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6. Offer to help when they are clearly in need

This is also an important step. Again, we often ignore the way our enemies fight. By opening your eyes and seeing life from their perspective, you will discover ways to fill a need they may have. For example, someone may have just lost a close family friend. Taking the time to express sympathy or send a card can go a long way in turning an enemy into a friend.

7. Love the person

Yes, we have come to the most difficult step. We think it’s impossible to love our enemies because we misunderstand the nature of love. It is not something that flows effortlessly without requiring pain and sacrifice. This kind of love is superficial and fleeting. If it doesn’t grow into something deeper, it’s not true love. True love is a conscious choice and often requires focus and effort. Decide in your heart to love the person you now see as your enemy. Make a daily decision to treat them with compassion.

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Loving your enemy creates the possibility of friendship. Love is life-giving, even on rough ground. Plant your seeds of love today and watch them grow into something beautiful.

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Which planet is responsible for anger?

Vedic Astrologer at…

The planet Mars brings about physical anger and associationwith cruel planets makes a person lose his temper. A conjunction of Sun and Mars if afflicted makes a person aggressive and violent at times too. Saturn and Mars combination can increase a person’s anger.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

reasons for anger

Means of overcoming anger

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A person gets angry very easily due to the presence of malevolent planets in the 2nd or 12th house. A person can become very aggressive when there are unfavorable planets on either side of the Ascendant and when the Ascendant is affected.

Planets like Sun, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn (cruel planets) and signs of fire like Aries, Leo, Sagittarius would cause rudeness in a person. The planet Mars breeds physical anger, and association with cruel planets makes a person lose their temper.

An affected conjunction of the Sun and Mars also sometimes makes a person aggressive and violent.

The combination of Saturn and Mars can increase a person’s anger.

When Mars is associated with Rahu and Ketu, it could lead to an increase in anger.

A weak combination of Venus and the Moon causes a person to be rude.

When the cruel planets have an aspect on the Ascendant or the Lord of the Ascendant, a person can become aggressive.

The presence of malevolent or cruel planets in the 2nd or 12th house makes a person lose their temper very easily.

When there are unfavorable planets on either side of the ascendant and the ascendant is affected, a person can become aggressive.

An affected Moon can make a person irritable and would react aggressively to even minor issues. When Moon is placed in a fiery sign, the person becomes short-tempered.

The presence of malevolent planets in the 5th house causes a person to become confused.

An affected Mercury or aspect with malevolent planets would anger a person very easily, and it is difficult to understand the reason for such a person’s anger.

Remedies to help control anger:

Excessive anger leads to stress and many other problems. Even people in a family avoid such a person. The mantra for the planet causing aggression should be chanted to control anger.

A person should also wear a gemstone associated with the Ascendant or the Lord of the Ascendant. They should also chant “Om namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” every day.

Reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily also keeps you calm.

Contact: Acharya Raman Kamra 8130 201 201 / 9911 351 351

Vedic Astrologer, 20 years Exp.

[email protected]

What happens when Saturn is strong?

Strong Saturn in the 1st house : It denotes that the native will adapt to foreign customs and habits. He is a strong minded, passionate person and has well built thighs. Strong Saturn in the 2nd house : It denotes good health to the native. The native becomes the lord of huge wealth and property.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

Saturn, the planet furthest from the sun, has two aspects. He is on the one hand a saint who lives a life of extreme austerity and austerity, and on the other hand a great villain who gives the sufferer no rest. The native becomes a saint or a villain according to the necessities of fate and destiny of the individual native. According to Lal Kitab, his good qualities are represented by Ketu and his bad ones by Rahu. These nodes are practically its agents, which are poles apart.

Saturn is seen in Lal Kitab as the meaning of seeing. Vision signifies the distinctiveness that can be bestowed on him due to his earnestly thoughtful nature. Saturn has the power to easily identify the nature and other related factors of each individual and mischief accordingly when he is malicious.

According to Lal Kitab, Saturn is considered a serpent. Rahu is its head and Ketu is its tail. If Ketu is in previous houses, then the latter becomes a great benefactor. He always helps the native. When Ketu is in later houses, Saturn becomes poisonous. If Saturn is a benefactor and occupies 2, 5, 9, 12 houses, it never gives bad results.

Saturn placement in different houses

Strong Saturn in 1st house: It indicates that the native will adapt to foreign customs and habits. He’s a strong, passionate person with well-built thighs.

It means that the local will adapt to foreign customs and habits. He’s a strong, passionate person with well-built thighs. Strong Saturn in the 2nd house: It indicates good health for the native. The native becomes the lord of vast wealth and possessions. He is a lover of justice. But man stays away from his family and his birthplace. He also makes a lot of money from illegal methods like gambling, lottery, stocks etc.

It means good health to the native. The native becomes the lord of vast wealth and possessions. He is a lover of justice. But man stays away from his family and his birthplace. He also makes a lot of money through illegal methods like gambling, lottery, stocks, etc. Strong Saturn in 3rd house: Saturn in 3rd house represents long life. He can be spiritual and become a good astrologer. The person with Saturn in the 3rd house indicates that they should avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol. The domestication of a black dog is a godsend for natives.

Saturn in the 3rd house stands for long life. He can be spiritual and become a good astrologer. The person with Saturn in the 3rd house indicates that they should avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol. The domestication of a black dog is a godsend for natives. Strong Saturn in 4th house: This position of Saturn is not very fortunate, but if Saturn is strong then real estate or mining work will be successful. Those who are judges or decision makers will find Saturn 4 very fortunate.

This position of Saturn is not very fortunate, but when Saturn is strong, real estate or mining work will be successful. Those who are judges or decision makers will find Saturn 4 very fortunate. Strong Saturn in the 5th House: Saturn in the 5th house indicates that the native will be lazy but intellectual. He gets all the joys from his children. Profession related to real estate, building material brings a lot of profits.

Strong Saturn in the 6th house: The natives with Saturn in the 6th house have the power to dominate their enemies. The natives are smart. They are happy people. He can become a yogi.

The natives with Saturn in the 6th house have the power to dominate their enemies. The natives are smart. They are happy people. He can become a yogi. Strong Saturn in the 7th house: Saturn in the 7th house makes the native enterprising. Marriage may be delayed due to the presence of Saturn, but marriage is stable. It brings political success. He has every chance of gaining honor in a foreign land.

Saturn in 7 makes the native enterprising. Marriage may be delayed due to the presence of Saturn, but marriage is stable. It brings political success. He has every chance of gaining honor in a foreign land. Strong Saturn in the 8th house: Saturn in the 8th house stands for long life. This placement of Saturn is unpredictable, it can be very fortunate or very unfortunate. Person gets a lot of dowry in marriage.

Saturn in the 8th house stands for long life. This placement of Saturn is unpredictable, it can be very fortunate or very unfortunate. Person gets a lot of dowry in marriage. Strong Saturn in 9th house: It represents legal success, founder of a charitable organization, logical brain and ceremonial spirit.

It represents legal success, founder of a non-profit institution, logical brain and ceremonial spirit. Strong Saturn in 10th house: The native frequents sacred rivers and shrines, is a great worker, bilious and has abodes in foreign lands.

The native frequents sacred rivers and shrines, is a great worker, bilious, and has abodes in foreign lands. Strong Saturn in 11th house: The native is taught. He will be feared and respected. They are also wealthy, own large amounts of land, are politically successful, influential, and politically respected.

The native is taught. He will be feared and respected. They are also wealthy, own large amounts of land, are politically successful, influential, and politically respected. Strong Saturn in 12th House: The native with Saturn in the 12th house shows the native who is attracted to yoga. He is a scholar in occult science.

Saturn’s Sadesati (Shani Sadhesati) Transit and its Effects (Vedic Astrology)

How can I increase my luck in astrology?

Astrology Remedies To Remove Bad Luck From Life
  1. Donate yellow coloured foods to the needy on this day. …
  2. It is considered auspicious to perform a puja at the banana tree. …
  3. Wearing a yellow thread around your neck is believed to be lucky.
  4. Carry yellow coloured clothes every Thursday to please Lord Brashapati.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

According to astrology, it is the 9th house of your horoscope that determines your luck in life.

Life is not a smooth ride. It’s full of ups and downs. However, there are times when we feel like things just aren’t working in our favor anymore, be it in any aspect of our lives. If you’ve been feeling this way lately and you’ve been blaming your luck all this time, you’ve landed on the right page.

Today we are talking about happiness! According to astrology, your birth chart can say a lot about your luck in life. According to our astro expert Sonia Malik, luck mainly depends on the 9th house of your horoscope.

The house of happiness in the horoscope

According to astrology, it is the 9th house in a horoscope that can tell you about your luck throughout your life. For those who don’t know, the 9th house of the horoscope is ruled by Lord Jupiter or Brahaspati. The planet rules not only the 9th house, but also the 12th house.

Good luck and bad luck in a horoscope

If you have strong Brahaspati according to your kundli or horoscope, you will have good luck throughout your life.

The placement of the planets in the 9th and 12th houses of your horoscope plays a key role in defining your happiness. For example, if a planet like Lord Shani is placed in a house it doesn’t own or moves backwards, then bad luck will come to you.

A planetary position is favorable for you only if you are in your own house or in a house in front of it.

Lord Sun’s placement also plays a key role in your luck. If the planet placement is strong, it will bring great luck to you.

Astrological remedies to remove bad luck from life

As already mentioned, planetary positions affect your luck in a big way. To prevent the negative effects of the planetary positions in your chart, you can use some simple astrological remedies.

Please Lord Brahaspati with these remedies

Thursday is the day of Lord Brahaspati and all these remedies should be done on this day for maximum benefit.

Donate yellow colored food to those in need on this day. You can offer both raw and cooked food.

It is considered auspicious to perform a puja on the banana tree. You can also plant a banana tree or donate.

It is believed that wearing a yellow thread around your neck brings good luck.

Wear yellow clothes every Thursday to please Lord Brashapati.

Always carry a Haldi Gaanth in your pocket. You can also wear it around your neck.

Cure to strengthen Lord Sun

With Lord Sun by your side, things will always go in your favor. To strengthen Lord Sun in your horoscope, apply the following remedies shared by our expert Sonia Malik:

Offer Jal to Lord Sun every day. Perform surya pooja after bathing.

Replace your water bottles in the kitchen with orange bottles.

Put your water bottles in the sun for a few hours in the morning and then sip on this sun-infused water throughout the day.

Donate masar or red daal to those in need.

Respect your father and spend time with him. You can also help someone who is a fatherly figure to you.

We hope that these remedies will help you bring happiness back into your life and things will start to work in your favor in the future. Keep in mind that these Astro remedies don’t work in a day and you may need to follow them for a long period of time to get the desired results.

If you have any questions about your horoscope or luck, write to us on our Facebook page. Stay tuned for more Astro Remedies like this!

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Which planet is responsible for long life?

Saturn situated in the 6th house prolongs life. Death can occur in the dasha of a weak benefic planet occupying the 8th house or the lord of the lagna can give yoga and kill the native.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

Maraka (Sanskrit: मारक) in Hindu astrology refers to the planet or planets that cause death at the end of a certain life span; if the estimated life span has not expired, they cause accident, disease, poverty and misery in the course of their dasha or antra-dasha or in the time of the planet they associate/influence. Each lagna has a fixed maraka or marakas. The two luminaries, the sun and moon, and the lord of the 9th house do not generally become marakas. The 2nd and 7th house lords, or the malevolent planets inhabiting one of these named houses and associated with their lords, are the primary determinants of death. The secondary determinants of death are the benevolent planets in conjunction with the 2nd and 7th house lords, or the 3rd and 8th house lords, or the 3rd or 8th house lords in conjunction with the 2nd or 7th house. The tertiary determinants of death are Saturn in conjunction with one of the above Marakas, the lord of the 6th or 8th in conjunction with a Maraka, and the least powerful planet in the chart. To determine the time of death, the transit influences of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are taken into account.

longevity [edit]

The results of the good and bad karma that man accumulates between births become known in that birth, and the life pattern, the totality of man’s karma form, is understood with the help of Jyotisha.[1] To determine the possible lifespan, the Amsayu method should be used if the Lagna is endowed with strength at the time of birth; the Pindayu method when the sun is strong and the Nisargayu method when the moon is strong.[2] If at the time of birth the lord of the 8th house counted by the lagna occupies a kendrasthana, the person will be long-lived; if the 8th house lord or the Lagna lord is in the 8th house and is being afflicted by unfavorable planets, the person will be short-lived.[3]

The use of Nisargayu, Pindayu, Lagnayu, Amsayu, Rashmiayu, Chakrayu, Nakshatrayu and Ashtakavargayu methods are used to determine longevity, but longevity is determined based on the strength of the horoscope in its entirety, and the Dasa of the planets. The planets most affected by Maraka inclinations by aspect, association or profession are causes of death, the death indicated on the basis of transits can only occur when the directional influences in the natal chart warrant it. The usual lifespan of a human being rarely exceeds a hundred years. Parasara has, on a very broad basis, divided lifespan into three categories – Alpayu up to thirty-two years, Madhyayu over thirty-two years but less than seventy-one years, and Poornayu over seventy years up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty years. Diseases alone are not the cause of all deaths, but diseases due to bad karma cannot be cured. The granting of lifespan depends on Bhagya (happiness), and a person who is not blessed with good health does not enjoy the granting of lifespan in any way.[4]

Planets that cause death[edit]

The moment of death is indicated by the chhidra grahas; the Chhidra grahas are a) the lord of the 8th house, b) the planet in the 8th house, c) the planet in the 8th house aspect, d) the lord of the 22nd Drekkana from the Lagna, e) the planet in Association with the lord of the 8th house, f) the lord of the 64th Navamsa of the moon and g) the Atisatru (the bitter enemy) of the lord of the 8th house.[5]

Vaidyanatha Dikshita in his Jataka Parijata takes note of six Arishta-dashas – even a papagraha devoid of power and beneficent influence indicates death in the course of his dasha in the period corresponding to the mandala occupied by him, the dasha of the planet in rasi-sandhi brings illness and disease, a person suffers setbacks and setbacks in the planet’s antra-dasha located in the 6th or 8th house from the lagna in a sign belonging to a papagraha, death occurs in the course of 5th Dasha of Mars or Rahu or the 6th Dasha of Jupiter or the 4th Dasha of Saturn or the Dasha of the weakened planet occupying an enemy sign or occupying Vipata, Nidhana or Pratyari Nakshatra, the person suffers the loss of things, which are indicated by the planet set up or to aspect the 2nd or 7th during the antra-dashas of the lords of the 2nd and 7th; Death is likely to occur when the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the Drekkena falling in the 8th house, or his dispositor, crosses the Navamsa occupied by them. He also notes the dasha or antra-dasha of the weakest chhidra-graha (छिद्र ग्रह), during which death is likely; the lord of the 8th, the planet situated in the 8th, the planet in the aspect of the 8th house, the lord of the 22nd drekkena, the planet connecting with the lord of the 8th, the lord of the 64th navamsa, counted of the one occupied by the moon and his bitter enemy are the seven Chhidra-grahas.[6]

The lords of the 2nd and 12th houses cause death; the evil planet in the 2nd house is stronger than the lord of that house and the evil planet in conjunction with the 2nd house lord who also has the powers of the 12th house lord is stronger than the evil planet what is happening be in the 2nd. The 7th house lord becomes a stronger Maraka if he also possesses a trika-bhava (the 6th, 8th or 12th house counted by the lagna), malevolent planets gain the power to kill if they mate with the 8th house ., 2nd or 7th house or their lords, the dashas of the marakas (lords of the 2nd, 7th, 6th and 12th) can bring about death, the lord of the 12th and the planet in the 12th den Causing death when all else has failed. When Saturn is malevolent and associated with planets that cause death, or with the lord of the 3rd or 11th house, then Saturn becomes the most effective maraka to cause death. Saturn in the 6th house prolongs life. Death can occur in the dasha of a weak benevolent planet occupying the 8th house, or the lord of the lagna can give yoga and kill the native. Venkateswara, the author of Jataka Chandrika, also explains that in the antra-dasha of a maraka, in the dasha of a raja-yoga-karaka, raja-yoga effects will be experienced, but the same will break in in the antra-dasha of a malevolent planet; that the benefactor associated with a maraka does not kill, but an evildoer can. When the lagna is strong, the Amsayurdaya method of calculating longevity must be used, but when the moon is strong, the Naisargika Ayurdaya method must be used.[7]

Marakas & Marakasthanas [ edit ]

The 8th house of the Lagna is the house of longevity; the 8th house, counted from the 8th, so the 3rd house, is also the house of longevity. The 12th house, counted from the 3rd and 8th, i.e. H. the 2nd and 7th houses from the lagna, are the marakasthanas (the houses that inflict death), and the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are said to be the main marakas (the perpetrators of death or the murderers) .

effect [edit]

Maraka means the one who causes death or disease at the end of a life span. The Maraka for Aries Lagna is Venus, for it possesses both Marakasthanas; Mars, Moon, Venus and Jupiter are the marakas for Taurus lagna; the moon for Gemini lagna; Saturn for Cancer and Leo Lagnas; Venus for Virgo lagna; Mars for Libra lagna; Venus for Scorpio lagna; Venus and Saturn for Sagittarius lagna; Mars, Moon and Jupiter for Capricorn lagna; Sun, Mars and Jupiter for Aquarius lagna and for Pisces lagna, Mercury and Saturn are the designated Marakas. The Marakas and the planets associated with the Marakas and all malevolent planets can cause illness and death while their dashas are operating, but when longevity is over but the dasa of maraka is not functioning, the lord of the 12th house acts as the maraka and his dasha or the dasha of an evildoer can cause death. Saturn and Rahu are the Mrityu-karakas or signifiers of death. A maraka does not kill in his own antra-dasha in the dasa of a beneficent planet, but he does so in his antra-dasha in the dasha of an evildoer. Saturn associated with a maraka kills, and death generally occurs during the antra dasha of the lords of the trikabhavas in the dasha of a maraka. The lords of the 2nd and 12th bhava counted by the sign and bhava occupied by the moon behave as marakas when inherently malicious. Furthermore, death may occur in the antra-dasha or dasha of the Lord of the 3rd nakshatra of Janam Nakshatra (asterism occupied by the moon at birth) for a person of Alpayu (short life), in the of the 5th nakshatra for a Person of Madhyayu (middle life) and in that of the 7th Nakshatra for a person blessed with Poornayu (long life).

The manner of death may be known from the yoga formations occurring at the time of birth, e.g. when the Sun in the 7th house conjoins with Saturn and Rahu, the person is bitten by a cobra, or when the Sun and Mars in the 4th house are bitten by or in association with the Lord of the 4th and 10th houses, the person will be stoned to death or die by falling on a stone or dying from a falling stone.[8] Death by punishment by the ruler can occur when the Sun is in the 3rd house or affecting the 3rd house lord, or by fire when it is in the 8th house or affecting the 8th house; similarly, the moon can cause death either from tuberculosis or from excess fluids (or drowning); Mars either through surgery, burns, injuries, or from weapons or operations; mercury either from fever, sickness, or from fever; Jupiter either from tumors, swellings, or from prolonged illness; Venus either from diabetes or kidney disease or from starvation; and Saturn and Rahu from poison, drowning, falling from a height, injury, imprisonment, or from thirst or dehydration. Natural evildoers cause illness or death in their dasha or antradasha; Disease is possible in the body that is susceptible to disease; a strong lagna and the strong lord of the lagna, and the natural benefits in the kendras prevent early or untimely death caused by disease or infirmity.[9]

Following are the Marakas in descending order of strength – a) The Malevolent Planet (according to Parasari qualification) in Sambandha (association) with the Lord of a Marakasthana, b) The Malevolent Planet in Sambandha with the Lord of the 7th located in the 2nd or the 7th house c) Lord of 2nd house d) Lord of 7th house e) Malevolent planet in 2nd house f) Malevolent planet in 7th house g) Natural benevolent planet possessing two kendras connected with a maraka h) Rahu or Ketu in the 2nd or 7th house combined with a Maraka or located in the 7th of a Maraka i) Lord of the 12th house j) Malefic Planet in Sambandha with the Lord of the 12th or located in the 12th house k ) Lord of 3rd or 8th weak and afflicted l) Lord of 6th or 11th house m) Any evil planet as per Parasari qualification. The 8th house lord associated with a malevolent planet, associates with Saturn, or with the 10th house lord becomes a Maraka when not in the 8th house; but if it is also the Lagna Lord, it will not function as a Maraka if it occupies the 8th or the Lagna. If Saturn is a functional culprit and also associates with a maraka, then it becomes a very powerful maraka, will then replace all other marakas and cause death during its own period or unfavorable transit.[10] Planets associated with the Lord of the 6th, 8th, 12th or a Marakasthana cause suffering, misery and financial strain. Planets associated with the lord of a Trikabhava and also simultaneously with Marakas, without the influence of the 5th and 9th Bhava lords, or the Lagna lord occupying the 12th house and the 12th lord occupying himself located in the Marakas-influenced Lagna, or the Lord of the Lagna in the 6th house and the Lord of the 6th in the Marakas-influenced Lagna, or the Marakas-infested Lagna, or the Moon, or the Ketu-occupied Lagna and the Lord of the Lagna located in the 8th house, or the lord of the 5th is in the 6th and the lord of the 9th is in the 12th house, influenced by marakas or malevolent planets other than the lords of the 9th and 10th houses themselves in the lagna influenced by marakas, or the lord of the navamsa occupied by moon, or the lagna lord is in a trikabhava associated with a maraka, they generate poverty and intense misery and point to the loss or the destruction of wealth and a difficult Ze it in the course of their antra-dasha hin dasha.[11]

The dashas of marakas are important in determining the time of death, but should not always be taken as actual death. The dasha of a maraka that is not intended to cause death, or the dasha of an evildoer for a specific lagna that is not intended to cause death, affects a person’s health.[12] In the course of these dashas, ​​one may experience certain obstacles, the death of a loved one, a change of location or lifestyle, and the like. The 7th house also indicates residence and long journeys. The 22nd drekkena is generally studied to ascertain the nature of death, although Varahamihira associates this drekkena with the elimination of the dead, which falls on the 8th house and is treated as evil. Any planet can acquire deadly powers, but the aspect of a strong Jupiter on the Moon, Sun, Mars, or Saturn neutralizes their power to cause early death. Jatakalankara says that one suffers acutely when the lagna lord associated with an evildoer is in a trikabhava at birth, or when the trika lords occupy their own respective bhavas, or when a malefic planet is in the lagna and the lagna lord weak is mental and physical stress and discomfort. Sarvartha Chintamani states that the Moon in Cancer lagna aspected by Mars from the 10th and by Jupiter from the 7th while giving Yoga only gives a lifespan of sixty years while Jupiter exalted in the lagna and the two trikonas occupied by benefactors aspected, one brought to life for eighty years. Three or more planets in the 8th house that are not in their own or friendly or exaltation shorten lifespan.[13]

Time of death[ edit ]

Today’s Hindu astrology favors the use of the Vimshottari dasha system along with the Gochara system for purposes of forecasting and timing of events. Correct determination of longevity and time of death is difficult. Parasara states that the 8th house, counted from the house occupied at the time of Saturn’s birth, is the Mrityu-bhava or the house of death. Add up the number of rekhas (malicious points) contributed by Saturn in the houses from the Lagna to the houses inhabited by Saturn, this number indicates the age at which adversity will strike the native; Adding the rekhas contributed by Saturn to Lagna from the house inhabited by Saturn, this number will indicate the age at which the native will suffer the gravest physical adversity and even death if indicated by the Maraka Dasha operation . Alternatively, you can add the number of rekhas contributed by Saturn in the houses of the house he occupies to the mrityu-bhava, multiply this number by the yoga pinda and divide by 27 Saturn will cause death or the number of rekhas , which Saturn contributed in the houses from the house he occupied, add to the Mrityu-bhava, multiply this number by the yoga pinda and divide by 12, the remainder indicates the sign or its trine that at the time of Saturn’s death is traversed.[14]

Varahamihira says in his Brihat Jataka: “Death will take place in places similar to the Rasi occupied by the Lord of the Navamsa where birth takes place. Further details or peculiarities must be described by conjunctions and planetary aspects. The time of death must be identified from the unincreased number of navamsas at birth. When the Birthlord looks at it, the time must be doubled; contemplating bounties, time is tripled.”[15]

Narayanan Nambutiri, the author of Prasna Marga following Varahamihira, explains in chapter XXXII St. 116-118 that first the bindus (before reduction) in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga is summed from the lagna to the sign occupied by Saturn; and from the sign occupied by Saturn to Lagna these two numbers indicate the age at which disease or calamity strikes the native; the sum of these two numbers also indicates the age of the problems. When the ending or beginning of an evil dasha coincides with the age represented by these three numbers, then death can ensue. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by the Bindus in the 8th house of Saturn in his own Ashtakavarga, divide the product by 27; When Saturn traverses the nakshatra represented by the rest or Trinal nakshatra, death can occur. Multiply the bindus in the sign occupied by Jupiter or the Sun in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga by Saturn’s Sodya Pinda and divide the product by 12, the remainder will be the sign being passed through at the time of Jupiter’s or Sun’s death respectively.[ 16]

Which planet is responsible for good looks?

Considered a “benefic” planet, Venus has long been considered auspicious, which explains why the ancient Romans named this planet after the goddess of love, beauty, and money. Interestingly, although Venus is depicted as breathtakingly magnificent, her genesis story isn’t particularly appealing.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

First, identify which zodiac sign Venus occupies. This is a crucial first step as the planet’s sign will show exactly how it wants to be pampered. Venus in Cancer, for example, seeks security in a relationship, while Venus in Aquarius is driven by a rather unorthodox dynamic. Once you have identified the sign of Venus, take a look at the connections (“aspects” in astro-speak) it makes with the other planets in your natal chart.

For example, when Venus is associated with Mercury, communication plays an important role in your relationships. However, when Venus works closely with Saturn, Venus’ hedonistic sensibilities can be tempered by Saturn’s characteristic stoicism. The connection between Venus and Mars accordingly reveals the interplay between sex and love: Do they work together harmoniously or do they serve completely different purposes?

Venus is an essential piece in your personal cosmic puzzle. This benevolent planet reminds us that at the end of the day we deserve love.

Venus’ posture is also affected by which astrological house it is in. The natal chart is divided into 12 segments called “houses”, each representing a different area of ​​life. For example, someone with a Leo Venus in the 6th house (representing your daily routines) may always be looking for ways to make an appearance and attract attention in their office environment. Alternatively, a person who has Gemini Venus in their 2nd house, symbolizing personal finances, can achieve monetary success by pursuing multiple careers or side hustles at the same time.

Your natal chart is a fully functioning ecosystem. It comes pre-assembled; There are no missing parts or fragments. The planets tell a story, and as you continue to study their positions—their signs, locations, and relationships with the other celestial bodies—you begin to unravel your unique cosmic narrative. Your horoscope exists for a reason, but it is up to you to interpret your individual truth. Venus is an essential piece in your personal cosmic puzzle. This benevolent planet reminds us that at the end of the day we deserve love.

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Venus through the signs

Venus’ mission is to give and receive pleasure, or what the planet perceives as pleasure is determined by its zodiac sign. Once you’ve figured out which sign Venus is for you (do this by calculating your natal chart), use these descriptions of Venus sign meanings as a starting point for further exploration.

Aries Venus

Aries are strong and powerful warriors. Even Venus – the most sensual planet in the sky – is no match for the fiery energy of Aries. When Venus casts Aries, it thrives on competition: they just love the hunt. Aries-Venus people love flirtatious romances defined by physical touch, exciting spontaneity, and (of course) some playful bickering to keep the flame burning.

Taurus Venus

Taurus is ruled by Venus, hence these combined energies blend harmoniously. As an earth sign, Taurus loves to pamper their five senses with luxurious fabrics, enchanting aromas and gentle caresses. Although Taurus-Venus are very romantic, they also know how to stand up for what they want. Taurus Venus needs a relationship rooted in reality – when this sign doesn’t feel supported, they will seek solace elsewhere.

Gemini Venus

As an air sign, Gemini is all about communication. Likewise, a Gemini Venus is drawn to information like a moth to a flame. Expression is vital to the Gemini Venus soul, so those born under this talkative sky find joy in pursuing their oddities. Since Geminis are also connected to the local community, there is often no distinction between friend and lover for Venus Gemini – in fact, Gemini Venus prefers ambiguity. Hey, it’s more fun that way.

Cancer Venus

Cancer, symbolized by the crab, protects its soft interior with a hard exterior. In order for these heavenly crustaceans to open up, they need to feel safe and secure. Accordingly, nothing is more rewarding for a Cancer Venus than building a relationship based on trust, loyalty, and protection. Like the Crab carrying her home on her back, Cancer Venus is happiest when building a partnership that feels like home.

Leo Venus

Leo rules the heart, and fittingly, those born under the Leo-Venus sky are true romantics. Regal and generous, Leo Venus loves to adore (and be adored by) her partners. This fiery Venus idealizes the concept of a “power couple” – after all, Venus Leo is constantly looking for her co-ruler. For Leo Venus, a partnership is personal because they see it as a reflection of their own identity. So, if this sign is feeling rejected, proceed with caution as lions can also be extremely fierce.

Virgo Venus

Virgo-Venus people love problem solving and suitably seek a partnership based on reciprocity. Virgo’s earthy energy is practical and organized, so when merged with sensual Venus this placement is courted by thoughtful acts of service. Small and subtle gestures make the heart of Virgo Venus beat faster. There really is nothing more romantic for these sweet lovers than when their closest companion offers a helping hand.

Libra Venus

Along with Taurus, Venus also rules Libra, so Venus feels very comfortable working with the Libra energy. However, while Taurus-Venus is all about physical sensuality, Libra-Venus is much more cerebral. Symbolized by Libra, Libra is obsessed with balance, harmony, and symmetry. Fittingly, Libra-Venus people are total aesthetes. Those born with this placement love to indulge in their exquisite style and taste in their partnerships. Simply put, Libra Venus needs to be in a relationship that looks good.

Scorpio Venus

Scorpios are shadow dwellers, and similarly Celestial Scorpios draw their dynamic power from the unseen realms. When sensual Venus occupies this sign, she becomes enchanted with intense, mysterious and karmic attachments. Scorpio-Venus loves anything with a hint of danger, so those born under this elusive sky yearn for deep, erotic intimacy, lit from within.

Sagittarius Venus

Sagittarius is associated with travel, discovery, and philosophy. When the planet of love occupies this sign, Venus’ gaze appropriately shifts from romance to rodeos. People with Sagittarius Venus are attracted to explorers, nomads and daredevils. Adventure really turns these fiery lovers on, but nothing excites Sagittarius-Venus more than a good sense of humor. Sagittarius Venus loves to be entertained, so laughter will always be her number one aphrodisiac.

Capricorn Venus

Capricorn is the head of the zodiac, and those with Capricorn-Venus are always looking for their proverbial father. Though Venus’s energy is tempered by Capricorn’s signature stoicism, this planet finds its erotic outlet by experimenting with power dynamics and roleplay. Because Capricorn adheres to the mantra of “all work and no play,” people born under Capricorn-Venus expect to push those boundaries.


Aquarius energy is progressive, unconventional, and unapproachable. Accordingly, those who have Aquarius-Venus find joy in non-conformity. In fact, the ideal partnership for the Aquarius-Venus lover cannot be defined as Aquarius-Venus refuses to describe their interpersonal bonds through societal conventions. Of course, Aquarius-Venus is also prone to eccentric, free-spirited, and rebellious individuals. When it comes to love, this Venusian placement flies her freak flag.

Pisces Venus

The last sign of the zodiac, the spirit of Pisces is mystical and ethereal. Although Pisces energy can be difficult to contain (after all, the ocean is boundless), Venus loves to dwell in this sign. In fact, Venus in Pisces is considered “exalted,” meaning Venus functions at its highest vibration in this sign. Pisces Venus finds beauty in absolutely everything and is particularly drawn to creative pursuits such as music and art. For these lovers, romance is deeply spiritual.

Which planet is more powerful in astrology?

Jupiter (Brihaspati) represents power in general, being large in wisdom, size, and strength. This planet is also seen as the teacher or guru of the gods because Brihaspati is a brahmin.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

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Are Mars and moon enemies?

Sun Planet

Jupiter, Mars and Moon are friendly planets. Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are enemy planets.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

The relationships of the planets in Laal Kitaab are similar to those in Vedic astrology. Each planetary relationship has its own meaning and principle in Laal Kitaab as well. In Vedic astrology, the relationships of the planets are stable and the effects of the relationships formed between two natural planets are also natural, but in Laal Kitaab they operate on certain principles.

In traditional astrology, knowledge of the relationship of the planets can be attained through Panchdha Maitri Chakra and Tatkaleen Maitri Chakra. Similarly, Laal Kitaab also provided the knowledge of planetary relationships.

sun planet

Jupiter, Mars and the Moon are friendly planets.

Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are enemy planets.

Mercury and the Sun share an even relationship.

lunar planet

Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Saturn are friendly planets.

Rahu and Ketu are enemy planets.

Mercury and Venus have a balanced relationship with the Moon.

Mars planet

The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are friendly planets.

Mercury and Ketu are enemy planets.

Venus, Saturn and Rahu have a balanced relationship with Mars.

Venus planet

Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are friendly planets.

Sun, Moon and Rahu are enemy planets.

Mars and Jupiter are level with Venus.

The planet Mercury

Venus Sun and Rahu are friendly planets.

Mercury regards the moon as its enemy.

Saturn, Ketu, Mars and Jupiter are level with Mercury.

Saturn planet

Mercury, Venus and Rahu are friendly planets

The sun, moon and Mars are his enemy planets.

Jupiter and Ketu are even.

Rahu planet

Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are friendly planets for Rahu.

Sun, Venus and Mars are hostile planets for Rahu.

Jupiter and Moon are level with Rahu.

Ketu planet

Venus and Rahu are friendly planets.

Sun, Moon and Mars are enemy planets.

Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are even.

Aside from the principles of friendly and hostile planets mentioned above, there are certain facts that represent relationships between planets.

Other special conditions of planetary relations

When Moon and Venus are equal but Moon considers Venus as its enemy.

If Jupiter and Venus are equal but Venus considers Jupiter as her enemy.

When Mars and Saturn are balanced but Mars regards Saturn as an enemy planet.

Mercury and the Moon are friends with each other, but the Moon considers Mercury its enemy.

Similarly, Mercury and Jupiter are enemies of each other, but Jupiter in the 2nd and 4th house supports Mercury and improves the financial situation instead of fighting with him.

Contrary to Vedic astrology, the relationships between natural planets in Laal Kitaab are unstable. For example: Sun and Saturn are natural enemies of each other. In Laal Kitaab Kundali, the Sun occupies the 1st house and Saturn the ninth. Since Saturn is nine houses from the house of the Sun in this state, it will support it. This proves Laal Kitaab’s principle that the relationships between naturally friendly and hostile planets can change according to changing conditions.

Cure for unfortunate mercury and lalkitab

What does Jupiter in 6th house mean?

When Jupiter (or Guru) resides in the 6th house, the natives will be successful in the profession and also in personal life. They will face challenges but these challenges won’t be insurmountable and they will be able to manage it.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

Jupiter in the 6th house: Vedic Astrology

Jupiter is the planet of greatness and prosperity. It is the spiritual guru of the heavenly world. His blessings are critical to success and happiness in life. Well, Jupiter also represents generosity and wealth. The 6th house governs work, occupation, everyday life, order, self-growth and happiness, the desire for improvement, spirituality and health, among other things. When Jupiter (or Guru) dwells in the 6th house, natives will be successful in business as well as in personal life. They will face challenges, but those challenges will not be insurmountable and they will be able to overcome them.

The areas affected by Jupiter in the 6th house:

Positive properties/impact:

The natives of Jupiter in the 6th house have high standards in their dealings with others. These natives believe that one should always treat others with respect and trust. It may mean missing out on business opportunities in the short term, but you can gain good friends, well-wishers, professionals and dedicated customers in the long term.

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Also, the natives of Jupiter in the 6th house will help those less fortunate. You may be attracted to rich and luxurious food, which can cause you health problems. The natives usually take great pleasure in their work and in being of service to others.

The natives of Jupiter in the 6th house of the natal chart are so meticulous in their approach that they don’t want to leave room for error. They can take everything they do very seriously, be it work or play, because they want everything to be perfect. They take great care to get every detail right and appreciate the praise that usually warrants their efforts.

Jupiter natives in the 6th house can do things their way. However, when other people get involved, they let go of the reins a bit and give others the same opportunity to spin. Their way is not always the best or the right way and it would do them well if they listened to others.

Negative properties/impact:

The natives of the 6th house transiting Jupiter get angry when someone criticizes their work. Even the slightest criticism upsets them, and they can make those who speak out against their work very uncomfortable. Locals don’t like this criticism, even if it’s unintentional. It can even affect your relationships. They should learn to relax and not take everything so seriously if they want to move on in life.

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The Jupiter-born in the 6th house not only make high demands on themselves, but also have high expectations of those around them, be they work colleagues, friends or family members.

Also, they must be careful when it comes to helping others. The natives may perceive that they are helping others, but these people may see this as an unreasonable obstacle and not a help. Also, when Jupiter is retrograde in the 6th house, natives should not belittle people for things that are not important or that only natives consider important. These natives can become very good at planning and organizing, which is great when no one else is involved.


The natives of Jupiter in the 6th house are very good workers. They can be thorough professionals. Their actuality can become opportunities as they become less sensitive to criticism and accept criticism from others in a healthier and more constructive way.

Talk to an astrologer now to get your personalized solutions!

Effects of Jupiter in different houses

Significance of houses in astrology

Significance of the planets in astrology

With Ganesha’s Grace,

The GaneshaSpeaks team

What does the Eleventh house rule?

The eleventh house is normally called the house of companions, and it in fact rules friends, gatherings and any sort of associations that the individual has a place in. The house centers around how we communicate with friendly individuals, and how we mix into larger social structures.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

The eleventh house in astrology is ruled by the zodiac sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus. It is co-ruled by the planet Saturn, as Saturn was the sign’s traditional ruler prior to the revelation of Uranus. The eleventh house is usually called the house of companions and actually rules friends, gatherings and any type of association in which the individual has a place. The house revolves around how we communicate with friendly individuals and how we engage in larger social networking structures. When it comes to our body and its correspondences, the 11th house rules our shins.

11th House Astrology Summary


: Aquarius Ruling Planet : Uranus

: Uranus Community




Earned Wealth

The 11th House Rules Groups

The house and the planets that are within it can show the behaviors we have when we attend these gatherings, as well as the motivations and goals behind one’s relationships. The 11th house speaks to any group we belong to, from gym memberships, football affiliations, political assemblies, creative associations, a church congregation, or other spiritual organizations. It is anything but a single house as a large part of its impact in our lives is connected to other people.

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The 11th house rules the fruits of your labor

The 11th house is also responsible for the outcomes of your career and your calling, aspects described in the 10th house of the natal chart. Because these two houses are neighbors, any transit planets traveling within the 11th house can tell you how your work goals affect your social life. After a long day of focusing on work, the natural next step to unwinding and relaxing is to enjoy social life and enjoy the economic benefits of the job.

The eleventh house can also say a lot about the financial situation of your own company.

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Adopted the 11th House Rules and stepchildren

In the 11th house, stepchildren and adopted children are also referred to here, and if there is a fourth child, the person’s fourth child is also associated with the 11th house.

The 11th house rules philanthropy

Another very positive everyday theme of the 11th House Rules is humanitarian work, charity and philanthropy. To clarify, volunteering through hard work and effort is governed by the 6th house, but when it comes to financial donations, the 11th house is the place to be. The 11th house can also indicate the area in society where you may want to help bring about change.

The 11th house rules Ambitions and desires

One’s expectations, dreams and desires are also influenced by the 11th house. This is the home that will make you think beyond the practical and into the deep-rooted desires you crave. Beneficial planets like Jupiter and Venus will bring your desires closer and closer to reality. One of the strangest things we learn in life is that achievement and success come to you more easily when you learn to be charming in your social life. Of course, our social life can greatly affect our determination and perseverance when trying to achieve our goals.

The 11th house rules the friendships we have

Our social life shows our ability to be loved by many people; and what is love if not a steady stream of positive energy that can later be harnessed for various reasons? Planets placed in the 11th house can indicate that we will have powerful figures as companions; and therefore they can often help us in various aspects of our lives. You can help us in the form of inductions, door openings, or even financial help.

The 11th House Rule brought wealth

In addition, you should look for evidence of strong finances in the 11th house. But don’t confuse this with the second house; Here you can find an enormous amount of money – the kind that can come from winning a lottery ticket and the kind of wealth that comes with our calling. The 2nd house is largely related to how we store or spend money as opposed to where it comes from as it is the leader of material things. A trine between planets in the 11th house and the 2nd house is an extraordinary influence, as you can probably guess.

So go ahead, enjoy what your 11th house brings you; Attend the gatherings it offers you and you will surely be rewarded. Life is not meant to be lived alone; Even if you do manage to walk the lonely path, you may not have people around you from the 11th house to praise your deeds.

The 11th House of Communion Astrology Infographic and Cheat Sheet

What’s Pisces enemy?

Pisces. Capricorn, Leo and Libra are usually considered to be the enemies of Pisces due to the fact that they are money minded and, if given an option, would choose money over emotions. This is an attitude which often comes as dismay to Pisces.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

friends or foes? Let’s find out which zodiac signs are enemies and who to stay away from.

If you enjoy reading about your zodiac signs and their predictions, you’ve come to the right place! Our tarot card reader Jeevika Sharma is here to give you all the details on who your zodiac enemies are according to your zodiac sign. So tighten your seat belts and get ready to track down your enemies who are turning against you.


In the zodiac chart, there are few zodiac signs that Aries dislike. Aquarius and Virgo zodiac signs are the ones who consider Aries their enemies. This is because Aquarius keeps hurting them and Virgo lives a life that has a better balance than Aries could manage. As a result, Aries hate Virgos out of jealousy.


Aries, Gemini and Scorpio are some of the zodiac signs that are considered enemies of Taurus simply because they are cunning. Along with the cunning Taurus, he even thinks that the three zodiac signs are mysterious and have a dual nature.

Do not miss; Zodiac signs and their best friends


Sagittarius is the enemy of Gemini. Since Sagittarius tend to constantly prove Gemini wrong or they think that Gemini are emotional dumbass.


Leo and Scorpio are the two zodiac signs considered enemies of Cancer. Cancerian likes to think that according to them, Leo continues to fight and oppose them. For Scorpions, Cancerian thinks Scorpions play with their emotions.


Taurus is one of the two zodiac signs that Leo considers his enemies because they keep forcing things on Leo for no good reason. Gemini is the other sign because they are double sided and end up lying or betraying Leo.

Do not miss; Zodiac Signs That Are Marriage Material


Leo generally tends to make enemies of Virgo. Leo often has a habit of hiding many things and never saying anything clear to Virgo, which makes them angry. Also, Leo makes it difficult and even impossible for Virgo to be controlled by them.


Aquarians are often viewed as Libra’s enemies, and the reason for this is that one is trying to control the other. Libra thinks Aquarius just wants to control them and make them their puppet.


Pisces are considered Scorpio’s enemies as Pisces tend to lie a lot which a Scorpio can never tolerate. Scorpios think Pisces are playing with them or playing with their emotions.


Scorpio is the only zodiac sign that Sagittarius considers his enemy. This is mainly because Scorpios tend to pull Sagittarius down. They try to control them and often even try to manipulate them.


The zodiac signs that are generally considered enemies of Capricorn are Aquarius, Leo and Gemini. This is because the three signs tend to take action or act blindly, which makes Capricorn sad.


Pisces and Sagittarius are considered enemies of Aquarius because Pisces seeks clear answers that Aquarius often denies. And Sagittarius are like free birds and don’t pay much attention to Aquarius, which in turn frustrates them.


Capricorn, Leo and Libra are usually viewed as enemies of Pisces as they are money oriented and if given the opportunity would prefer money over emotions. This is an attitude that often upsets Pisces.

For more Jeevika Sharma predictions, visit HerZindagi

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What are some astrological remedies to keep enemies at Bay?

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Astrological Remedies to Get Rid of Enemies

Sometimes we have enemies for no reason. There can be various reasons why people like you, but once you know you are uncomfortable and affected by it. In such a scenario, we all want us to distance ourselves from our enemies or get rid of them in any way we can.

That’s why we have astro means to get rid of enemies. End the enmity others have for you with hostile problems and astrology solutions provided by this amazing science. Follow these effective and simple astrological tools for destroying enemies that promise wonderful results and bring peace to life.

Below are some of these astrological remedies to help you keep your enemies at bay.

Astrological remedies for destroying enemies

Below are some very helpful Asto remedies to get rid of enemies with ease. Follow these remedies so you don’t have to worry about your enemies anymore.

Wearing Shammi tree beads

Wear beads around your neck made from the roots of the shammi tree, using either red or black thread

Wear it on Monday or Saturday

Wear yellow clothes

Sit on a yellow mat and wear yellow clothes

Chant “Auma Hraeema” 108 times continuously

Your enemies will disappear from your life if you do this regularly

Write the name on Bhoj Patra

Take a piece of parchment paper and write your enemy’s name on it with red sandalwood

Keep it in a container dipped in honey

Your enemy’s efforts will be diluted

Pray to Lord Hanuman

Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day

Offer Jaggery to Lord Hanuman

He will protect you from your enemy

Take a mixture of legumes

38 grains of uncooked urad dal, 40 grains of uncooked rice must be mixed together

Bury them in the ground and squeeze lemon over them while chanting your enemy’s name

This will help the enemy calm down

How to get rid of enemies at work

Most of us have enemies at work who constantly bother us. Below are some Astro remedies to help get rid of enemies at work so you can focus on your work:

Offer “Chola” to Lord Hanuman at an auspicious time on Saturday or Tuesday of Krishna Paksha. Also, without getting up from your seat, chant Hanuman Chalisa 108 times while praying for protection from enemies.

Burn two carnations in front of Lord Hanuman every day while reciting Hanuman Chailsa, and then put a tilak of clove ash, which acts as protection from enemies daily.

Install Siddha Baglamukhi Yantra as it is considered to be very effective in protecting your home, office and other places from evil eye.

Siddha Mahakali Yantra is also another very effective yantra that offers protection from hostile and negative energies.

Read this: Astrological Tips to Avoid Divorce

Mantra to remove enemies from your life

Indian culture and astrology have effective mantras for all of life’s problems. Here we have shared some powerful mantras to crush enemies. With these mantras for overcoming enemies, you can live a stress-free life. Find out these mantras to protect family from enemies and use these mantras to stop enemies and live a peaceful and positive life.

Stamban mantra

It is a powerful mantra to crush the enemy. Recite this mantra with total devotion 108 times, taking your enemy’s name.

“Om kreem hoom kreem sarv shatru stambhinee ghor kaalikaayai phat”

Durga mantra

Light a ghee diya and offer flowers in front of Durga Maa. Start with a favorable day. Chant this mantra for 11 malas on the first day, followed by 1 mala each day to completely annihilate your enemy.

Om Dam Damnay Shatru Nashaay Phat

Surya mantra

Chant this mantra 108 times every day to get rid of your enemies. Not only that, it also helps you restore your reputation.

“Shatru Nashay Om Hreem Suryaya Namah”

Vastu tips for defeating enemies

Vastu Shastra also plays a significant role in helping you defeat your enemy. With just a few changes in your home or office, you can keep enemies at bay. Here are some vastu tips to defeat the enemy:

Place “Om”, “Swastik” or “Trishul” on either side of the entrance of your home. This will kill any negative energy entering your home.

Take a fistful of Black Sarso, Yellow Sarso, and whole Black Pepper in a cloth and make a potli. Hang this potli in the southwest corner of your home on a Saturday. Remove after 8 days and bury far away.

If there is a water tank in the southwest corner, cover it with a red cap.

When there is a kitchen in the southwest corner, keep the level elevated and paint it yellow.

If there is a toilet in the southwest corner, keep the toilet door closed at all times and place an Energy Pyramid in that corner.

Place Siddha Baglamukhi Yantra in the southwest corner of the house. Light incense in front of this yantra every Saturday and Tuesday.

Enemy problem solving by the Indian Astrologer

You can find focused astrological solutions to hostile problems from Indian astrologers. You can consult the astrologer to find the best astro remedies to best get rid of enemies and live a peaceful and progressive life.

Sixth House in Astrology: Enemies, Diseases and Debts

The 6th house in astrology is commonly known as the “House of Sickness, Debt and Enemies (Rog, Rina and Ripu)”. This is the most contradictory house in the horoscope. It brings disease, but also gives the strength to recover from disease. It gives the power to take out a loan or debt, but also offers enough power to repay the loan. It represents the enemies in your life but offers enough courage and wisdom to fight them back. This house is also known as “House of Tapasya”. It also stands for renunciation and detachment. The sixth house of the horoscope has been described in several ways:

Rina (debt): Asthra (poor), Rog (disease), Kshata (wounds), Sathru (enemy), Dwesha, Vairi, Agha (sin), Dushkritya (an evil deed), Beethi (fear), Avajna (humiliation) , Bhaya (danger)

The sixth house represents debt, enemies, thieves, cuts and wounds in the body, disappointments, misery, illness, sorrow, fatherly relationships, sinful deeds, struggles and illnesses. It deals with hard work, competition and also rising in life from adversity.

Astrological Significance

According to Uttara Kalamrita, hindrances in every enterprise are maternal uncle swelling in the body, madness, boils (pus-filled bump), enmity, sickness, avarice, debt, mental worries and severe torments, wounds, incessant eye trouble, receiving alms, untimely meals , problems and anxiety from everyday life, exertion, ministry, severe colic or gout, theft, misfortune, imprisonment and cruel acts also need to be examined in relation to the 6th house.

The 6th house represents the actual condition of the illness, recovery from it and how long it will be painful for the native. This is an important house for those interested in serving patients or treating patients. It also deals with proper nutrition, nutrition and all health-related actions due to improper care of the body. The natural sign that rules the 6th house in Kaal Purush Kundali is Virgo and the natural ruler for this sign is Mercury.

Vaidyanatha Dikshitar has also mentioned in Jataka Parijatham that diseases, enemies, bad habits and injuries are to be guessed from the sixth bhava.

According to Rishi Parashara, the 6th house shows the stepmother, sensors and denotes the characterless behavior, abortion, sudden birth of a child, etc. in the female horoscope.

The 6th house also represents work and ministry, employees, subordinates or servants. Conditions and loyalty of the inferior are judged by the 6th house in astrology. It also represents domestic animals, small livestock, pets, sharecroppers (agricultural tenants or house sharecroppers), enmity, clothing and hygiene, sanitation, dietetics, herbs, food, clothing, and six tastes.

The 6th house represents an increase in related factors. It is also known as “Upachaya sthana”. It points to the challenges of competition. If the evil planet occupies this house, it will reduce the negative influence of this house, leading to beneficial results in competitions, daily routine challenges or quests.

In astrology, this house also represents magic and superstition. It relates to worry and anger, evil deeds, fear, humiliation, phlegm, swelling, urinary tract problems, dysentery, reproaches, prisons, ministry, misunderstandings with brothers.

People should suffer from suffering and disturbances from nature for the rest of their lives. Only the sixth house of the horoscope decides a person’s inner strength to fight with the outside world. If a person is not strong enough to overcome these hurdles, he suffers from physical or mental imbalance. If he has a strong willpower to take on challenges, he will emerge victorious on the outside. It all depends on the strength or weakness of the 6th house in the horoscope.

In secular astrology, the sixth house governs public friendship, neighbor relations, the general health of the public, political stability, the nation’s financial solvency, litigation, the functioning of the judiciary, communal harmony in the country, and labor relations.

It represents employment, unemployment and wage conditions. He represents unions and organizations, all branches of the military and national defense issues. It also represents public health, medical services and health workers such as nursing, dentistry, practitioners and healers. It represents the places where records are kept, such as librarians, accountants, and computers. It represents epidemics, blood diseases, credit and debt, ailments in the steel and iron industry, high mortality rate, etc.

The sixth house represents the Department of Defense. Disease, Public Health, Army and Navy, Warships.

6th house interconnectivity with other houses

The other meanings of the 6th house can be correlated with other houses of the horoscope. It represents secret enemies and affairs of your spouse, loss of partner, living in a strange place or disharmony with or separation from partner, death of friends, danger to older brother or friend. It displays your father’s name, fame and career or occupation.

The 6th house represents secondments and business trips, transfers, bequests from friends, affairs and liaisons of private enemies, happiness through song, language and family trade, estates from neighbors, maternal uncles and aunts, children’s families.

According to astrology books, it also represents the buying and selling of promotions, buildings, etc. by younger brothers or sisters, mother’s short trips.

Sixth House according to Lal Kitab

According to Lal Kitab, the sixth house represents the family and the nadir of the enemy, maternal uncle and grandfather.

It is considered the nadir of the Virgo sign, of which “Ketu” is the natural owner, but Mercury rules over it. If there is no planet in the 2nd and 12th houses, the planet occupying such houses remains dormant throughout life. The planets in this house activate the planets in the 12th house.

It also represents well, back, bottom, waist, enemy, maternal grandfather and grandmother, pet, brown color, black dog, bunny, birds, nephew, sister, brother-in-law, girl, niece, etc.

It is very difficult to survive in this current era without defeating your enemies. You have to fight hard to live in this eternal world and crush your enemies to get all kinds of comfort and luxurious items. For this, the sixth house in astrology is taken into account. Therefore, it becomes an important house in the horoscope. The sixth house determines the strength and ability to fight disease, debt and enemies.

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