Ortho K Lenses Cleaning Solution? Trust The Answer

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See some more details on the topic ortho k lenses cleaning solution here:

How to clean Ortho-K lenses – Melbourne

Saline solution is used to rinse the Ortho-K contact lenses after cleaning. Cleaner removes debris and deposits on the Ortho-K contact lenses with easy rinsing.

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Source: myopiacontrolcentre.com.au

Date Published: 5/8/2022

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Care of Orthokeratology Lenses – Innovative Eye Care

Step 3. If you happen to drop your Ortho-K lens, use saline solution to rinse the lens clean. To do this place the lens in the palm of your hand and thoroughly …

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Source: www.innovativeeyecare.com.au

Date Published: 8/23/2021

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Care of Ortho-K Lenses – Smart Vision Optometry

Menicare Plus Cleaning … 1. CLEAN: Place a few drops of rig contact lens solution on the palm and the lens, then rub with your finger-pad for at least 10 …

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Source: smartvisionoptometry.com.au

Date Published: 2/13/2022

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Ortho K Lens Care | Orthokeratology Melbourne

All above OrthoK lens care products are available at Eyecare Concepts. AOSept Plus cleaning solution, Hylo Forte & Hylo Fresh eye drops and alcohol wipes …

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Source: www.eyecareconcepts.com.au

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Cleaning your iSee Ortho-K Lenses

Rinse the Ortho-K lens thoroughly with saline to remove the cleaning solution, mucus, and film from the Ortho-K lens surface. Place that lens into the …

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Caring For Your Ortho-K Lenses: 5 Handy Tips to Consider

Gently massage 2-3 drops of the cleaning solution across both surfaces of the lens for at least one minute. Spend extra time rubbing the …

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Ortho-K Guide: How to Care For & Wear the Lenses

o Use Boston One Step Liqu Enzymatic Cleaner once per week. Use a regular contact lens case and fill with fresh Boston Advance Conditioning Solution. Then add …

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Basic Care Tips for Orthokeratology Lenses – Myopia Institute

Ortho-k contact lenses usually come with a cleaning kit that includes a specialized cleaning solution, soaking solution, storage case and …

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How to clean Ortho-K lenses


Ortho-K contact lenses need to be cleaned every morning after the lenses are removed from your eyes. The lenses can be cleaned using a two-step cleaning system, starting with a cleaner and then being soaked in a conditioning solution throughout the day to disinfect them. With the one-step cleaning system, the Ortho-K contact lenses are cleaned and disinfected simultaneously with a 3% hydroperoxide solution.

Here we discuss how to use the Bausch + Lomb two-step cleaning system to clean the Ortho-K lenses.

Two-stage cleaning:

Step 1: Put the Ortho-K lens in the palm of your hand and put two to three drops of lens cleaner on the lens. Gently rub both sides of the lens for at least 20 seconds.

Step 2: Flush the Ortho K lens with saline over the waste container.

Step 3: Put the Ortho K lens in the lens case and fill it up with the care solution, let it soak all day. Conditioning solution is the disinfectant that kills the germs. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the other lens.

Step 4: Clean the protein deposits on the Ortho K lenses – do this weekly

Detach a container from the strip by pulling the tab from top to bottom towards you. To open, twist the tab off the disposable container. Squeeze the container to add 2 drops of Boston One Step Liquid Enzyme Cleaner to the care solution in each lens well in step 3. To ensure proper cleaning and disinfection, soak Ortho K lenses for at least four (4) hours (or throughout the day) before wearing. Always use fresh solution to soak the lenses.

Step 5: Before wearing the Ortho K lenses, take the lens out of the case on your palm and apply 2-3 drops of saline solution. Gently rub both sides of the lens for at least 20 seconds, and then rinse the lens thoroughly with saline solution. The lens is now ready for insertion. Repeat for the other lens.

Step 6. Discard the solution in the lens case, rinse the case with fresh care solution, and air dry after each use.

Step 7: Discard the solution waste in the waste container, rinse with water and air dry.


The following guidelines are designed to ensure the safety of your ortho-k treatment.

• Always wash your hands with cold, non-creme and deodorant-free soap before handling contact lenses.

• After removing your contact lenses, always clean and disinfect them before putting them back in.

• Follow your advisor’s care recommendations closely.

• Clean and air dry the lens case after use each day.

• Always consult your consultant before changing the cleaning solution.

• Replace lens cases regularly.

• Avoid using the solution longer than its shelf life after opening – check with your advisor for a recommended duration of use of an opened bottle of solution – typically 30 to 60 days after opening.

• Never reuse solutions. Dispose of used solutions immediately.

• Never use saliva to wet a contact lens; Never put a contact lens in your mouth.

• Never use homemade saline solution.

• Never store contact lenses in non-sterile liquids such as distilled water, tap water, bottled water or even purified water.

WARNING SIGNS – If an eye becomes red or uncomfortable while a contact lens is in place, remove the lens immediately. If the problem persists after removing the lens, contact your eye doctor immediately. If necessary, make an emergency appointment.

Care of Orthokeratology Lenses

Orthokeratology is a safe, reversible, and effective vision correction solution.1,2 However, improper care of contact lenses and solutions can increase the risk of eye infections and corneal ulcers. Risk factors for eye infection include improper lens cleaning and disinfection, poor hygiene practices, and smoking. Following your doctor’s hygiene rules and regular check-ups will minimize this risk.

Safety & Hygiene

Wash hands and fingers thoroughly with an antibacterial hand detergent

Dry hands with a lint-free towel

Remove lenses while seated at a table with a lint-free cloth

Avoid bathrooms as they contain more germs than any other room in the house 3

Inspect the lenses for scratches, chips or cracks as these can provide surfaces for bacteria to grow4,5

Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them with a lint-free towel/handkerchief before handling contact lenses. All traces of soap, perfume, hairspray, creams and lotions should be removed from your hands and around your eyes. Your lenses should never come into contact with tap water as it contains dangerous microorganisms like acanthamoeba.6,7


To avoid confusion, make it a habit to put in the same lens—generally the right lens—first. You will notice that the right lens is purple and the left lens is blue. Minimize the risk of lens loss by capping the sink or using a paper towel over the drain opening.

Step 1. Remove your Ortho-K lenses from the cleaning solution container and rinse them with saline solution. If you use a hydrogen peroxide solution, you can only remove the lenses after a contact time of at least six hours.8

Step 2. Put 1-2 drops of lubricating eye drops on the back of the lens. Place the lens on your index finger and insert it face down directly into the center (colored part) of your eye. To avoid confusion, it’s a good idea to put the right lens in first.

Step 3. If you drop your Ortho-K lens, use saline to rinse the lens clean. To do this, place the lens in the palm of your hand and rinse thoroughly for five seconds.9

Step 4. Dry and wipe your contact lens case with a tissue. Allow the case lid to air dry open while wearing your contact lenses.

Normal occurrences when deploying

In rare cases, a lens can detach from the center of the eye and move to the side. This can be uncomfortable, but does no harm.

Look in a mirror to see where the lens has moved.

Move your eyes in a direction away from the position of the lens. For example, if the lens is on the white of your eye closest to your nose, look toward your ear.

Using your eyelids, gently push the lens back to the center of your eye. Avoid pressing the lens directly with your fingers as this may damage the surface of your eye.

Alternatively, you can use your suction tool to remove the lens and reinsert it correctly.

Abnormal occurrences during deployment

If you experience any stinging, burning or pain when inserting, remove the lens, rinse and reinsert. If problems persist, remove the lens and see your optician as soon as possible.


Method 1 – Manual Removal. Using your middle fingers, open the lids wider than the lens diameter. Apply pressure and pinch the edges of the lids to move your lids under the lens and pry it out of the eye.

Method 2 – Removing the suction tool. With your middle fingers, open the eyelids wider than the lens diameter. Using the suction tool between your index finger and thumb, align the suction cup so that it is positioned in front of and parallel to the lens. When the suction cup touches the lens, apply gentle pressure to attach the lens to the cup and remove the lens from your eye. After removing the lens from the eye, gently slide the lens sideways off the suction cup and it will come off easily.


An effective cleaning process is crucial to ensure comfortable, hygienic and infection-free contact lens wear. When properly cleaned, contact lenses feel better on your eyes, allow for better eye health and vision, and drastically reduce the risk of infection. Always clean your contact lenses after wearing them and NEVER RINSE OR STORE YOUR LENSES IN TAP WATER.3 The acanthamoeba microorganism is abundant in tap water and can cause a severe, painful and sight-threatening infection.

Peroxide Cleaner (AO Sept with Hydraglyde)

To clean, sanitize and condition: fill the case to the line, place your lenses in the correct cage holder, dip the case and screw tight. Over the course of 6 hours, the catalyst in the housing converts the disinfecting hydrogen peroxide solution into water and oxygen gas. The solution also contains Hydraglyde, an ingredient that improves the wettability of your contact lenses.

This cleaning solution does not require a rubbing step, reducing the risk of accidental breakage. The lenses do not need to be rinsed after cleaning as the solution neutralizes to sterile water. The reservoir is allowed to air dry when not in use and should be replaced with each new bottle of solution. Be careful when transporting the case as solution may sometimes leak from the small gas escape hole. Do not remove the lenses from the case before 6 hours have elapsed as the unneutralized hydrogen peroxide will sting your eyes painfully. In this case, rinse thoroughly with water and contact your optometrist if the pain persists or your vision is affected. Here you can find AOSept in our shop.

Multipurpose Solutions (Menicare and Boston Simplus)

To clean: Put a few drops of rigid contact lens solution on the palm of your hand and the lens, then rub each side with your fingertip for at least 10 seconds. The back (concave) is best cleaned by running your thumb over the surface. This step removes material that builds up on the lens during wear.

Put a few drops of rigid contact lens solution on the palm of your hand and the lens, then rub each side with your fingertip for at least 10 seconds. The back (concave) is best cleaned by running your thumb over the surface. This step removes material that builds up on the lens during wear. To disinfect and condition: Place the lens in fresh solution in your lens case, making sure the lens is fully submerged. This step kills microbes on your lenses and prepares the surface of your lens to stay moist during wear, increasing comfort. Keep your lenses in this solution for at least 4 hours to complete the cleaning process.

Although Ortho-K lenses are strong, they can break with improper technique or too much force, so be careful with the cleaning step.

Regular protein removal (Progent)

Application: Place the lenses in the contact lens holder. Open vials A and B by twisting the cap and pour the contents into the lens case. Put the lid back on and tighten it. Leave the lenses in the solution for 30 minutes, then remove and rinse thoroughly with saline.

An intensive cleaner like Menicon Progent cleans and maintains the wettability of your lenses. After rinsing the lenses, they can be worn after this protein cleaning or disinfected with the Daily Cleaner.

First night of wearing

You shouldn’t feel any discomfort through the lens while you sleep; However, it is not common for you to experience some degree of discomfort with your eyes open as you adjust to wearing Ortho-K lenses. This generally improves over time.

Upon waking, place a drop of preservative-free artificial tear solution in the eye to increase hydration and help lens movement on the eye. When the lens is bound it doesn’t move – this means it may be necessary to manually unbind the lens.

After removing the Ortho-k lens, you should notice some improvement in your unaided vision. This improved vision lasts most of the day. After about two weeks, vision should be stable throughout the day with most forms of orthokeratology vision correction.


Follow-up appointments are critical to the monitoring and success of your new Ortho-K procedure. The first follow-up appointment is scheduled for the day after your first night of wear. The other follow-up appointments will be scheduled by your Ortho-K doctor based on your response to the first night of orthokeratology therapy and the severity of your vision correction.

Normal events during the first 2 weeks include:

Foreign body sensation and slight discomfort when wearing the lenses.

Slight dryness and slight crusting in the corners of the eyes upon waking.

Blurred vision during the first week of wearing Ortho-K lenses. Note the changes in your vision and report them to your optician.

Glare and halos at night, especially during the first few months of wearing Ortho-K lenses. The process by which this clears up is called neuroadaptation. In some cases, such as myopia control, some glare may remain. However, due to the lifestyle of younger patients, these rarely bother.

Abnormal symptoms (contact us immediately) include:

Pain, sensitivity to light, burning, stinging, and excessive watering during lens insertion. If this occurs, remove the lens, rinse with preservative-free saline, and reinsert.

Persistent redness, pain, or sensitivity to light in the eyes that does not go away after removing the lens.

Feeling as if the lens is being sucked onto the eye and having difficulty removing the lens in the morning.


Habits that can cause a lens to break include:

pressure on the lens. When the lens lands on a mirror or flat surface. Gently push it to the edge of the surface or use a suction tool to remove it from the surface.

The lens is pulled off the suction tool too hard. Instead, slide the lens away from the suction point.

Forcing the lens to flex excessively during cleaning. It takes some friction to clean an Ortho-K lens with your cleaning solution, but not too much. The resistance of your skin surface is enough to clean the lens. If too much force is applied to both sides of an Ortho-K lens, the lens will bend and eventually break.

It is very rare for a lens in your eye to shatter unless something hits your eye or your removal technique is incorrect/very vigorous. The solutions you use to clean your lenses won’t weaken or damage them – not even Progent’s powerful deep cleaner.

In case of breakage

We understand that when learning how to use your contact lenses, you may unintentionally use too much force when inserting, removing or cleaning them. That’s why we offer a 1-month manufacturer replacement warranty against accidental breakage. Outside of this period your lens is not covered by warranty and the lens must be replaced at your expense if damaged or lost.

It usually takes less than a week for a lens to be delivered from the lab once ordered. Of course, if you are very dependent on the lens, we will ask our lens company to manufacture it as soon as possible. Due to the inevitable wait time, we encourage all Ortho-K lens wearers to have a spare set on hand in case a lens is lost or broken.

If you lose or damage a lens please don’t worry, just give our friendly team a call and we will arrange a replacement as soon as possible.

Things to remember!

Do not change recommended cleaning routines or solutions without consulting your optician. Other solutions may not be compatible with your eyes and lenses and may cause discomfort or allergic reactions.

Do not heat solutions.

While shortcuts with cleaning solutions seem to save money, they can result in ineffective lens cleaning and disinfecting. Incorrect cleaning solutions can damage your lenses or lead to an eye infection that can lead to vision loss.

Never clean or store your Ortho-K lens with soft contact lens solutions. These products work differently than the Ortho-K lens solutions and do not clean or maintain your Ortho-K lenses.

Replace the contact lens case every time you use a new bottle of lens cleaner to avoid microbial contamination.

To avoid contamination, do not touch the tips of the solution bottles. Replace caps after use.

If your eyes hurt a lot after hours, contact your local hospital or eye clinic.

If you notice scratches, chips, or misplaced a lens, contact your optician for a replacement.

Do not use your Forge Ortho-K contact lenses in the following cases:

Acute inflammation or infection of the anterior chamber of the eye

Any eye disease, injury or abnormality affecting the cornea, conjunctiva or eyelids

Severe tear insufficiency or inflammatory dry eye

Corneal hypoesthesia (reduced corneal sensitivity)

Any systemic disease that affects the eye or can be made worse by wearing contact lenses

Allergic reactions to the surface of the eye or adnexa that may be induced or aggravated by wearing contact lenses or using contact lens solutions

Allergy to ingredients such as peroxide and hydraglyde in a recommended cleaning solution

Any active corneal infection (bacterial, fungal, or viral)

Red or irritated eyes

Remember, your eye needs to: look good, feel good, see good – when in doubt, take it out


Care of Ortho-K Lenses


Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them with a lint-free towel/handkerchief before handling contact lenses. All traces of soap, perfume, hairspray, creams and lotions should be removed from your hands and around your eyes.

Remember NOT to use tap water on the lenses or housing


While you’re waiting for your new Ortho-K lenses to be delivered, it’s important to get used to everyday life.

Watch the video below to learn how to practice fitting your Ortho-K lenses before delivery.


To avoid confusion, make it a habit to put in the same lens—usually the right lens—first. You will notice that the right lens is green and the left lens is blue. Minimize the risk of lens loss by capping the sink or using a paper towel over the drain opening.

Watch the video below for instructions on inserting your Ortho-K lenses.

Shake out your case and lid to dry. Leave it uncovered on a tissue overnight so it’s ready to use the next morning.


Occasionally, a lens in your eye can become detached. This can be uncomfortable, but don’t panic.

There are only four possible places for the lens to shift. under the upper lid, under the lower lid, on the side of the nose of the eye, or on the outer edge near the ear.

Look in a mirror to see where the lens has moved.

Move your eyes in a direction away from the position of the lens. For example, if the lens in your right eye is on the white of your eye closest to your nose, move your eyes to the right.

Then create a stop on the other side of the lens by applying pressure to the lids with your fingers. This keeps the lens from moving so that if you slowly look in the direction the lens is in, it will be moved back onto your cornea.

Sometimes it helps to poke the lens with your eyelids. Avoid pressing the lens directly back into place as this can damage the surface of your eye.


This is to be done in the morning after waking up. First, use your index finger to push up the lower eyelid and make sure the holding lenses are moving and not tied. Bonded lenses will stick to your eye due to a buildup of mucus – this is normal with Ortho-K lenses. To detach a lens, press firmly on the white of your eye at the edge of your cornea at 12 and 6 o’clock several times.

It’s a good habit to wash your closed eyes like you wash your hands with hot water and soap.

Method 1 – Manual Removal (Preferred Method)

Watch the video below for instructions on how to remove your Ortho-K lenses.

Method 2 – suction tools

Suction removal tools can be used to easily remove your lenses. These are simply placed on the lens and removed from the eye. However, make sure you can remove your lenses manually in case you don’t have a suction tool with you.


Always clean your lenses after wearing them. An effective cleaning process is crucial to ensure comfortable, hygienic and infection-free wearing of Ortho-K lenses. When properly cleaned, contact lenses feel better on your eyes, allow for better eye health and vision, and drastically reduce bacteria and other contaminants. There are several types of rigid lens cleaning solutions: peroxide-based systems such as AO Sept and multi-purpose rigid lens solutions such as Menicare and Boston Simplus. Cleaning and storing Ortho-K lenses involves several steps that vary by system.

Hydrogen Peroxide (AO Sept with Hydraglyde)

These solutions work by soaking your contact lenses in 3% hydrogen peroxide and allowing them to sterilize. Over the course of 6 hours, the catalyst in the housing converts the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. This cleaning solution has the advantage that your lenses do not need to be rinsed when they are removed from the case, as they are only covered with sterile, non-preserved water. They also generally do not require a reaming step, reducing the risk of accidental breakage. The reservoir is allowed to air dry when not in use and should be replaced with each new bottle of solution. AO Sept now includes Hydraglyde, an ingredient that improves the wettability of your contact lenses, making them more useful for scleral patients with long periods of daily wear.

To clean your lenses, fill the container to the line, place your lenses in the correct cage holder. Then immerse the housing and screw it on. Be careful when transporting the case as solution may sometimes leak from the small gas escape hole.

Care should be taken not to get the unneutralized peroxide in your eyes as this will burn painfully. In this case, rinse thoroughly with water and contact your optometrist if the pain persists or your vision is affected.

Menicare Plus cleaning

1. CLEAN: Place a few drops of rigid contact lens solution on palm and lens, then rub each side with your fingertip for at least 10 seconds. The back (concave) is best cleaned by running your thumb over the surface. This step removes material that builds up on the lens during wear. Although Ortho-K lenses are strong, they can break with improper technique or too much force.

2. DISINFECTION AND CARE: Place the lens in fresh solution in your lens case, making sure the lens is fully submerged. This step kills microbes on your lenses and prepares the surface of your lens to stay moist during wear, increasing comfort. Keep your lenses in this solution for at least 4 hours to complete the cleaning process. NEVER rinse or store your lenses in tap water as microorganisms are plentiful and can cause infections in your eyes.

Regular deep protein removal (PROGENT)

Patients are advised to use a deeper protein removal product such as Progent at least every month. To use Progent, combine vials A and B in a lens case and immerse your lenses in it for 30-60 minutes. To do this, use an old housing.

After using Progent, make sure your lenses are thoroughly rinsed and cleaned before putting them in your eyes.

To thoroughly remove all traces of Progent before wearing, rub and rinse the lens in Menicare Plus solution, then place in your new AO Sept basket and rinse with AO Sept, then store for the day in fresh AO Sept.


You shouldn’t feel any discomfort through the lens while you sleep; However, it is not common for you to experience some degree of discomfort with your eyes open as you adjust to wearing Ortho-K lenses. This generally improves over time.

Upon waking, place a drop of preservative-free artificial tear solution in the eye to increase hydration and help lens movement on the eye. When the lens is bound it doesn’t move – this means it may be necessary to manually unbind the lens. After removing the Ortho-k lens, you should notice some improvement in your unaided vision. This improved vision lasts most of the day. After about two weeks, vision should be stable throughout the day with most forms of orthokeratology vision correction.


Follow-up appointments are critical to the monitoring and success of your new Ortho-K procedure. The first follow-up appointment is scheduled for the day after your first night of wear. The other follow-up appointments will be scheduled by your Ortho-K doctor based on your response to the first night of orthokeratology therapy and the severity of your vision correction.


Ortho-K contact lenses are made from a strong polymer that resists damage under normal wear conditions. However, they can break if mishandled. There are some tricks you can learn to minimize this chance.

To increase comfort and oxygen permeability, Ortho-K lenses are designed to be as thin as possible without compromising their structural integrity: most are 0.2mm thick or less. Since the lenses weigh very little, they should not break if dropped unless stepped on. If a lens falls to the ground, keep your feet still until you spot it. If you can’t see well without your lens, call a friend or family member to help and remember to warn them to be careful where they step!

The lenses are quite small and tend to fall into hard-to-reach places, e.g. B. down the drain! Especially when inserting and removing your lenses, make sure that you use your lenses in a controlled environment, e.g. B. in a quiet bathroom with the plug in, or on a table with a clean towel laid flat. This makes it easy to find your lens if it falls and reduces the risk of breakage.

The main handling habits that can cause a lens to break include:

Press down the convex side of the lens. This can happen when the lens lands on a mirror or flat surface. Instead of trying to grab the lens, gently push it to the edge of the surface or use a suction tool to suck it off the surface.

Removing a lens too hard from the suction tool. This is especially true for scleral lenses. Instead, slide the lens away from the suction point or release the suction by squeezing the body of the suction tool to release the pressure.

Forcing the lens to flex during cleaning. It takes some force to clean a rigid lens with your cleaning solution, but not much – the friction of your skin’s surface does most of the work. If you press on both sides of a rigid lens, it will bend and eventually break if too much force is applied.


We understand that when learning how to use your contact lenses, you may unintentionally use too much force when inserting, removing or cleaning them. That’s why we offer a 1-month manufacturer replacement warranty against accidental breakage. Outside of this period your lens is not covered by warranty and the lens must be replaced at your expense if damaged or lost.

If you lose or damage a lens, please don’t worry. Just give our friendly team a call and we’ll organize a replacement as soon as possible.


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