Lower Back Massage Near Me? Quick Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “lower back massage near me“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

What type of massage is best for lower back pain?

While the typical Swedish and deep tissue massages are good for relief from back pain, a particularly effective technique for lower back pain is Shiatsu massage. Shiatsu massage applies pressure to different parts of the body in a rhythmic sequence.

Is a massage good for lower back pain?

Massage therapy can provide substantial healing and pain relief for many lower back problems. Specifically, for pain caused by a back strain, when the correct muscle is targeted, the pain can be controlled at its source—for quicker and lasting relief.

How much should I pay for a back massage?

A back massage can relieve stress, pain, and tension from your body while making up for a bad sitting posture. Price: A back massage usually costs between $40 to $50 an hour.

How do I release my lower back?

Right-Angle Wall Stretch
  1. Stand in front of a wall.
  2. Place your hands on a wall at shoulder level, shoulder-width apart.
  3. Walk your feet back until they’re directly under your hips.
  4. Push your palms into the wall, lengthening your spine.
  5. Keep your lower back tucked in and arms straight.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

Stretches for lower back pain relief offer both physical and psychological benefits. They can help you move from overwhelming pain to a stronger body and a more peaceful state of mind. Stretches are recommended along with other treatments offered by your pain specialist.

It’s important to understand the cause of your back pain, as stretching improves some problems while others don’t. Lower back stress, which primarily affects the muscles and ligaments, can be improved by stretching. Sudden disc injuries that cause acute pressure on a spinal nerve can also benefit from a stretch. Some spinal deformities, such as mild scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine), may also benefit from a stretch.

Lower back pain from chronic conditions is unlikely to improve with stretching because permanent tissue damage has already occurred. For example, arthritis causes inflammation and destruction of your back joints. Osteoporosis causes bone loss and can lead to spinal fractures. Stretching is not directly effective for these conditions, but can help with general strengthening or referred pain (pain that spreads) to the overlying muscles of the back.

Common causes of back pain

Lower back strain can begin with:

Extreme physical exertion – You can strain muscles by stretching them too far, causing tiny tears in their tissues.

– You can stress muscles by stretching them too far, causing tiny tears in their tissues. Falls – Injuries can involve much more than a muscle strain. They can cause subluxations, herniated discs or vertebral fractures.

– Injuries can involve much more than a muscle strain. They can cause subluxations, herniated discs or vertebral fractures. Repetitive squatting – Repetitive vigorous squatting movements, such as rowing or golf, can cause muscles to tighten and tear.

– Repetitive vigorous flexing movements, such as rowing or golf, can cause muscles to tighten and tear. Lifting heavy objects incorrectly – can strain the lower back muscles and cause vertebral misalignment (the bones that support your back shift). It can cause a herniated disc (displacement), where the disc begins to press on the spinal nerves or even your spinal cord.

– can strain the lower back muscles and cause vertebral misalignment (the bones that support your back shift). It can cause a herniated disc (displacement), where the disc begins to press on the spinal nerves or even your spinal cord. Poor posture – slouching puts extra strain on the lower back muscles and spine.

– Slouching puts extra stress on the lower back muscles and spine. Weak Abs – The lower back muscles are balanced by opposing abdominal muscles. When the abdominal muscles are weak, the lower back is at an increased risk of injury.

– The lower back muscles are balanced by opposing abdominal muscles. When the abdominal muscles are weak, the lower back is at an increased risk of injury. Chronic diseases – diseases that cause degeneration of the spinal joints and bones.

– Diseases that cause degeneration of the spinal joints and bones. Congenital deformities – spinal defects present at birth.

Tips for stretching your lower back

Stretching should be done in a safe manner that prevents further injury or further aggravates existing ones. If you are in pain, you should always consult a doctor before attempting stretches.

It helps:

Wear comfortable clothing.

Choose a non-slip, flat surface to stretch on, preferably a mat.

Make sure you’re hydrated — changing position from lying flat to standing when you’re dehydrated can lower your blood pressure and make you dizzy.

Stretch one side of the body at a time.

Stop if you feel pain.

Hold the stretches for 15-30 seconds – this will improve your range of motion.

Repeat the stretches at least 2-5 times – repeated stretches allow the muscle to reach its maximum length.

Lower back stretch for muscle or ligament strain

Back stretches work best for loads that start in the muscles and ligaments. Muscles and ligaments in your back hold the bones of your spine in place. When they are weak, they no longer properly support the bones of your spine, leading to instability and low back pain.

Extend knees to chest

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the backs of your thighs and pull your legs toward your chest. Pull until you feel a slight stretch.

Twist stretch in supine position

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keeping your back flat on the floor, rotate your hips to the left and lower your legs to the floor. You can place a pillow between your legs and the floor to facilitate this stretch. Hold, rest, repeat. Keeping your back flat on the floor, this time twist your hips to the right and lower your legs to the floor.

Draw in the abdomen in the supine position

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Push your lower back and into the floor by tightening your lower abs.

Cat – camel stretch

Kneel on the floor in an all-fours position on your hands and knees. Roll your back towards the ceiling like an angry cat. Stop. Back to the starting position. Draw your stomach towards the floor and hollow out your back.

Seated forward curl stretch

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Rotate your neck, upper back, and lower back forward until your chest rests on your thighs and you can touch the floor with your hands. Stop. Return to starting position and repeat.

To see these routes, visit this website.

Lower back stretch for herniated disc

Back pain can begin when discs, the cartilage pads that absorb shock in your spine, tear and/or leak and begin to press on nearby spinal nerves. Stretching can help take pressure off a compressed nerve in situations where nerve pain has just occurred and nerve pain is new. However, if the herniated disc/nerve problem is chronic (lasting for many months or years), stretching alone is unlikely to solve the problem.

raise chest

Lie flat on the floor, on your stomach. Place your hands directly under your shoulders. Gently lift your chest off the floor while keeping your weight on your elbows.

Standing Backbend

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. Mesh, place your hands on the backs of your hips. Keeping your knees straight, slowly bend back as far as you can without feeling pain.

Lower back stretch for mild scoliosis

Spinal deformities such as mild scoliosis (abnormal curvature of your spine) may benefit from a stretch. Severe cases of scoliosis require surgery. People with scoliosis tend to bend in one direction and have difficulty moving in the opposite direction.

Stretching can help release tension in the muscles surrounding the spine in the area affected by scoliosis. In addition, it also increases blood flow and lubrication to the spinal joints, which keeps the body flexible. It is important to know the direction of your scoliosis. Your doctor can help you with this based on your x-ray and exam.

Stretching in the opposite direction of your spinal curvature won’t help. It’s best to stretch in the direction your spine bends, allowing the overly lengthened muscles to retract and shorten. This helps balance your posture.

stretch chest

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms in front of your chest. Pull your arms back and squeeze your shoulder blades together to straighten your chest.

Perpendicular wall stretch

Stand in front of a wall. Place your hands against a wall at shoulder height and shoulder width apart. Step your feet back until they are directly under your hips. Press your palms against the wall and lengthen your spine. Keep your lower back pulled in and your arms straight.

back stretch

Stand with your arms outstretched in front of your chest. Interlace your fingers and push them away from your chest until you feel a stretch in your upper back. Hold, release, rest and repeat.

The pose of the child

Squat down and then push your hips back toward your heels. Extend your arms forward and place your hands flat on the floor. Breathe into the stretch.

Safety tips for stretching

Stretching is considered a gentle activity. However, it can still cause injury if not done properly and as directed by your doctor or therapist.

Before stretching, take the following precautions:

Can massage make back pain worse?

A popular treatment option that can help reduce back pain is massage therapy. However, in some cases, massage therapy can make back pain worse if the condition you are suffering from requires other treatment. In these situations, massage therapy will not be effective in reducing back pain and can even make it worse.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

Managing chronic back pain may require a customized treatment plan that includes a combination of different treatments.

A popular treatment option for relieving back pain is massage therapy. In some cases, however, massage therapy can make back pain worse if the condition you are suffering from requires other treatment. In these situations, massage therapy does not relieve back pain and may even make it worse.

Before deciding if massage therapy is the right treatment for your back pain, talk to your orthopedic surgeon about the cause of your back pain and if massage therapy is a viable option for you. Let’s take a look at what massage therapy is, what types of back pain it is effective at relieving, and what types of back pain it cannot treat.

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy refers to various techniques of manipulating the body’s soft tissues to treat health symptoms and conditions. Massage therapy may involve squeezing, rubbing, and applying pressure to soft tissues throughout the body using fingers, hands, elbows, and tools.

The benefits of massage therapy include:

Increase Blood Flow – Adequate blood flow throughout the body prevents waste products from getting stuck in certain parts of the body and promotes healing. Massage therapy increases blood flow to the soft tissues in the body, allowing it to heal and relieve pain.

– Adequate blood flow throughout the body prevents waste from building up in certain parts of the body and promotes healing. Massage therapy increases blood flow to the soft tissues in the body, allowing it to heal and relieve pain. Relieve Muscle Tension – Massage therapy relieves tension and tightness from the muscles. It helps reduce muscle spasms, inflammation, pain and stiffness.

– Massage therapy releases tightness and tension from the muscles. It helps reduce muscle spasms, inflammation, pain and stiffness. REDUCE STRESS AND ANXIETY – Massage therapy helps improve relaxation, increase energy levels, and improve physical and mental performance. This can reduce stress and anxiety and even improve sleep quality.

When massage therapy helps with back pain

Massage therapy can be effective in relieving back pain when the pain is caused by conditions such as:

muscle strain or strain

Arthritis, which causes inflammation in the joints

Fibromyalgia, which causes pain and stiffness throughout the body

In general, massage therapy is effective in relieving back pain caused by most musculoskeletal problems such as post-surgical or post-traumatic sprains, strains, strains or strains.

Do not use massage for back pain if…

Massage therapy is a great way to relieve many types of back pain. However, in some cases, back pain may require different treatment.

Conditions for which massage therapy would not be appropriate:

Broken or Fractured Bones – When a bone is fractured or broken due to an injury, certain types of treatments are required to heal the broken bone. While massage therapy can help relieve pain, it cannot heal a broken bone. If your back pain is caused by a fracture, talk to your orthopedist about treatments that may help the fracture heal. After the fracture has healed, massage therapy is great therapy to reduce tension and stiffness, increase circulation and restore movement and flexibility in the back.

– When a bone is fractured or broken due to an injury, certain types of treatments are required to heal the broken bone. While massage therapy can help relieve pain, it cannot heal a broken bone. If your back pain is caused by a fracture, talk to your orthopedist about treatments that may help the fracture heal. After the fracture has healed, massage therapy is great therapy to reduce tension and stiffness, increase circulation and restore movement and flexibility in the back. Non-Orthopedic Causes of Back Pain – Back pain is often caused by orthopedic conditions that affect bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or soft tissues in the body. However, back pain can also be caused by non-orthopaedic causes such as organ problems. For example, kidney infections and appendicitis can cause lower back pain. In such situations, massage therapy is ineffective as it does not address the underlying cause of the pain.

If you have back pain, massage therapy can help relieve pain and stiffness and restore adequate mobility and flexibility. Before starting any treatment, talk to your orthopedist about your back pain so that you can get a diagnosis and a recommendation on the best treatments available for your particular condition.

Spectrum Orthopedics is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system in adults and children. If you suffer from back pain, speak to Spectrum Orthopedics’ board-certified orthopedic surgeons for trusted treatment recommendations and superior service. Call (330) 305-0838 to schedule an appointment today.

When should you not massage someone?

Massage treatment is non-invasive, relaxing and natural.

Total Contraindications
  • Fever.
  • Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem.
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication.
  • Recent operations or acute injuries.
  • Neuritis.
  • Skin diseases.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

What are the contraindications for massage treatment?

The massage treatment is non-invasive, relaxing and natural. It is therefore generally considered a safe treatment for most people.

However, there are three types of contraindications:

TOTAL if no massage should be done at all.

LOCAL when massage can be performed but not over the contraindicated areas. MEDICAL, when massages can only be carried out with medical approval.

The center’s doctors have put in place the following restrictions to protect your health and well-being. Thank you for taking them as seriously as they do.

Total contraindications

If you have any of these conditions, please do not book a massage:


Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem

Under the influence of drugs or alcohol – including prescription pain relievers

Recent surgeries or acute injuries


skin diseases

Local contraindications

The therapist can massage, but not over areas affected by:

varicose veins

Undiagnosed lumps or bumps






Undiagnosed pain

Inflammation, including arthritis

Medical contraindications

The center’s therapists have asked us to inform their clients that massages can only be performed if you have written approval from your doctor before your session if you suffer from any of the following conditions.

Cardiovascular diseases (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart disease)

Any medical condition that is already being treated by a doctor


psoriasis or eczema

High blood pressure



Nervous or psychotic states

Heart problems, angina pectoris, people with pacemakers



Bell’s palsy, pinched or pinched nerves

Gynecological infections

Does a contraindication mean that treatment cannot take place?

Not always. In fact, massage can be very therapeutic for many conditions. However, in the above cases, it is best to seek advice from your doctor. Massage therapists, unless they are also qualified physicians, are not legally permitted to attempt to diagnose a medical condition.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please consult your doctor.

Can a chiropractor help with lower back pain?

Licensed chiropractors adjust the body to improve alignment, ease pain, and restore movement in the spine or joints. This is called spinal adjustment. Recent research shows that it can work as well to relieve pain and discomfort as drugs and surgery, and it is also safer.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

Chiropractic Spine Treatment for Low Back Pain Know what tests and treatments can help

Licensed chiropractors adjust the body to improve alignment, relieve pain, and restore motion in the spine or joints. This is called spinal adjustment. Recent research shows that it can work just as well to relieve pain and discomfort as drugs and surgery, and it’s safer too.

The chiropractor gives the patient exercises to improve alignment (posture) and prevent injury. He or she also encourages healthy behaviors like quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy weight.

Chiropractors offer a variety of tests and treatments. The American Chiropractic Association urges patients to speak with their doctor to ensure they receive the necessary testing and treatment.

Most people with lower back pain do not need imaging tests.

X-rays and other imaging tests usually don’t help your doctor diagnose and treat back pain. In fact, back pain usually goes away on its own within a few weeks.

These tests also:

Use radiation, which can build up over time and increase your risk of cancer.

May lead to unnecessary treatments such as opioid painkillers or surgery. These can increase your risks and costs.

If imaging tests could help.

In some cases, chiropractors need to use imaging to ensure their adjustments aren’t going to harm you. For example, it may be important to check for a problem such as a fracture or osteoporosis. A history of cancer may also warrant imaging.

You usually don’t need follow-up tests to check your progress. A physical exam is a better way to check your progress. However, a follow-up test may be helpful if you get worse or have new symptoms.

Avoid passive therapies unless you have them along with other treatments.

Passive physical therapies — such as heat, cold, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound — can give you brief relief from pain and discomfort. They can help you relax during spinal manipulations or before a physical activity like walking, biking, or swimming.

But these therapies won’t help you prevent long-term problems. Don’t use them alone.

Avoid regular use of lumbar supports or braces.

When you use these machines, your back and abdominal muscles don’t work as hard. Relying on the equipment can weaken these muscles. This is bad because you need to strengthen these muscles to relieve back pain.

A device can help with severe pain for the first few days or with certain activities such as gardening.

What does a knot in lower back feel like?

When you touch a muscle knot, it may feel swollen, tense, or bumpy. It could also feel tight and contracted, even when you’re trying to relax, and they’re often sensitive to the touch. The affected area may even become inflamed or swollen.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

We include products that we believe will be useful to our readers. If you make a purchase through links on this site, we may receive a small commission. Here is our process.

What are muscle knots? Muscle knots are hard, tender areas of muscle that tighten and contract even when the muscle is at rest. These tight muscle fibers can cause pain in other parts of the body when touched. They are also known as trigger points. Muscle knots can be caused by: A sedentary lifestyle

Overuse or injury to your muscles

poor posture Dehydration, unhealthy eating habits, and stress and anxiety can also contribute to muscle knots. Muscle knots can appear anywhere on the body, but they are usually found in the back, shoulders, and neck. They often show up in your glutes as well. Muscle knots can cause aching sensations and pain in your muscles and joints. When you touch a muscle knot, it may feel swollen, tight, or uneven. It might also feel tight and constricted even when trying to relax, and they are often sensitive to touch. The affected area may even become inflamed or swollen. Muscle knots can cause symptoms in areas outside of the muscles, including: Headaches


Earache You can also suffer from stress, anxiety and depression, and have trouble sleeping.

Treatment Treating muscle knots can take time. To get rid of knots, you need to untie the knotted tissue and soothe inflamed nerves. Below are some things you can do to untie the knots and find relief. Rest Let your body rest if you have muscle knots. Take a break from any activities that are causing the lumps or increasing your pain or discomfort. Dedicate as much time as possible to relaxation. This may include sleeping longer than usual or lying in a comfortable position and using pillows to support your body. Stretching Gentle stretching, which stretches your muscles, can help release tension in your body. Be gentle with yourself as you stretch. Don’t force yourself into any position or do anything that causes pain. For best results, hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds and release the stretch slowly to reduce the risk of injury. Exercise Aerobic exercise can help loosen muscle knots. If the knots are in your shoulders or neck, do jumping jacks, swimming, and other arm movements that work the muscles in your shoulders and neck. This stretches the muscles and increases blood flow. An increased blood supply helps repair damaged tissue. Heat and Cold Therapy A combination of heat and cold can help reduce pain and inflammation from muscle knots. Cold helps constrict the blood vessel, which reduces swelling. To apply cold, use a cold compress for 10 minutes and then remove it for at least 15 minutes. You can repeat this until you start to find relief. Heat relaxes and loosens stiff muscles and relieves pain. Heat can increase blood flow, which promotes healing. To apply heat, use a heating pad or take a warm bath. Alternate between cold and heat treatments, or use whichever works best for you. Heat and cold therapy should be used in conjunction with other therapies. Use a muscle massage Muscle massage helps to soften and relax muscle knots. You can massage a muscle massage onto the affected area twice a day for cooling relief. You may need someone to help you apply in hard-to-reach areas. Find a formula that contains menthol, capsaicin, or camphor. Before using any scrub for the first time, do a patch test. To do a patch test, apply a small amount of the ointment to the inside of your forearm. Wait 24 hours to ensure there is no response. If there is no reaction, you should apply it to other parts of your body. Buy muscle peels. Trigger Point Pressure Relief This therapy works by applying pressure to your trigger points. A skilled practitioner applies pressure to the muscle knot until it softens and loosens. After a treatment session you will have a set of movements to do at home. This will help retrain your muscles. Physiotherapy In more severe cases, physiotherapy may be recommended. A physical therapist can help you identify the underlying causes of your muscle knots. They will manage your pain with treatments appropriate to your case. You will be taught techniques that relieve pain and prevent it from coming back.

Massage Therapy You can use massage to treat muscle knots. Massage therapy stimulates circulation and improves circulation. This can improve muscle function and help loosen your muscles. This helps relieve pain and stiffness. Keep in mind that one session is usually not enough to heal you completely. You will likely need several frequent sessions. Once you see improvement, you can split your sessions. There are several types of massage. Which type you benefit most from depends on the severity of your muscle knots and personal preference. You may have to try several different types of massage before you find one you like. Self-Massage In some cases, you can massage the sore muscles yourself. Locate the muscle knot and gently massage it with your fingers. As you massage, focus on loosening tight muscle fibers and relieving tension. Press firmly on the affected area and make small circles with your fingers. You can also place a tennis ball between your back and the floor or wall and roll the ball back and forth to put more pressure on the knot. Experiment by moving the ball slowly and gently to apply pressure to tension points. You can use a foam roller in the same way. Buy foam rollers. Swedish massage This gentle massage technique is suitable for you if you are very tense or sensitive to touch. Swedish massage uses long stroking movements, kneading and deep circular movements. Vibration and tapping are also used to aid in relaxation. Deep Tissue Massage This type of massage uses vigorous stroking motions to release chronic muscle tension. It targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is often used to treat muscle damage from injury. Sports massage therapy This massage technique is aimed specifically at athletes. It can be used to prevent or treat injuries.

When to Seek Help Untreated muscle knots can cause chronic pain and lead to other health problems. Contact your doctor if you have taken steps to relieve your muscle pain but it persists. You should also call your doctor if the pain becomes severe and interferes with your daily life and well-being. It’s possible that what looks like a muscle knot could be something else, such as a swollen lymph node. There are usually other symptoms that accompany a swollen lymph node, such as a cold, cough, or infection. Consult a doctor, physical therapist, or osteopath if you want to make sure it’s a muscle knot and not something else. You can identify possible causes of the pain.

Prevention There are several ways to prevent muscle knots. Always practice good posture in your daily life. Focus on sitting relaxed, with your shoulders back and down, and avoid hunching over while sitting.

Get plenty of rest and exercise.

Warm up and cool down with exercise and don’t overexert yourself. Lifting too heavy or running too fast can lead to injuries, which can also lead to muscle knots.

Don’t sit for long. Take a break and get up and move at least once every hour of prolonged sitting.

Do simple stretches throughout the day to keep your muscles from cramping. You can even do exercises while sitting at the desk or watching TV. Bring awareness of your body’s alignment while engaging in physical activities.

Eat a healthy diet rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium and drink plenty of water. Replace processed foods with fresh, whole foods.

Consider regular massages to relax, gain flexibility, and keep your muscles healthy.

Is it rude not to tip a massage therapist?

Tipping about 20% is customary in the “spa realm,” says Taelour Wagler, a licensed massage therapist and owner of The Middle Wellness Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. (That’s about how much to tip a hairdresser, too.) Spa experiences are typically focused on relaxation and luxury.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

Money might be the last thing on your mind after a quiet hour, but you might be wondering: do you tip a massage therapist? And if so how much?

We spoke to two etiquette experts who suggested tipping 15% to 20% when you can. Twenty percent is generous for the massage therapist and easy on the brain, which may feel more relaxed than ever after a massage. The math is easy.

Nerdy Tip: To find 20%, start with 10% and then double that amount. If your massage costs $80.00, find 10% by moving the decimal one place to the left. Ten percent of $80 is $8. Then double that $8 to get your 20% tip of $16.

(You can also use our tip calculator to determine how much to leave.)

While 15% to 20% is the standard tip for a massage therapist, a few factors can determine how much to tip. In addition to etiquette pros, we spoke to two massage therapists and a certified financial planner about tipping. Here’s what you need to know.

Why is tipping important?

Tips are financially helpful for many massage therapists.

“Most people think if you pay $65 for a massage, the therapist gets $65,” says Lizbeth Romo, a licensed masseuse at Massage Envy in Phoenix. “But they’re not — they only get a percentage of it.” So a tip, which usually goes straight to the massage therapist, is very welcome, she says.

Romo also points out that giving massage is hard work, especially for a therapist’s joints. “It takes a lot out of you,” she says.

And this labor intensive work can do wonders for you. “When you leave this massage, it will serve you in your job, your personal life [and] your social life for two to three weeks,” says Patricia Rossi, a business etiquette trainer in Tampa Bay, Fla. Area. “It will help you feel better and be a better person.”

One tip, she says, will help you “honor” the pro.

Should You Tip All Types of Massage Therapists?

A gratuity of about 20% is common in the “spa area,” says Taelour Wagler, a licensed massage therapist and owner of The Middle Wellness Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. (That’s how much you tip a barber.)

Spa experiences tend to focus on relaxation and luxury.

“Often these types of places are classified as resorts [or] spas,” she says, adding that they “may also have a strong focus on spa services and Swedish massage in their marketing and offerings.”

Alternatively, there’s the type of massage Wagler does, which is more in the “medical and therapeutic realm,” she says. She wouldn’t expect a tip for that. “The way I see it, you wouldn’t tip your doctor,” she says.

Tipping isn’t the norm for massages at chiropractic clinics, physical therapy offices, or wellness centers, she says.

Not sure which place you’re going to and the tipping etiquette for it? Ask your massage therapist what’s appropriate, Wagler says, adding, “A professional therapist shouldn’t feel uncomfortable answering that.”

What if you are unhappy with your massage?

You may consider tipping a waiter less for poor service – what about a massage therapist? Rossi says she would probably tip 15% if her massage started late but ended on time, or if the therapist answered the phone during the massage.

As for the more therapeutic massages, Wagler emphasizes the importance of sharing what you’re unhappy with during the massage. For example, speak up if the pressure is too strong or not strong enough.

After that, she recommends giving feedback on the massage to the front desk staff.

“So next time, we’d match you with a massage therapist whose technique better suits your body,” she says. “It’s a learning experience for us and an opportunity to grow.”

What if you can’t afford to tip?

Our experts have differing opinions on what to do if you can’t swing the tip. One option is to say “thank you” and skip the tip. That’s the advice of Elaine Swann, founder of the Swann School of Protocol based in Carlsbad, California.

“Tip isn’t just about our experience, it’s about what we can afford,” she says. While it’s nice to leave a tip, if you can’t, so be it, she says. “You pay a published price.”

If you can’t tip a massage therapist you see regularly, instead of leaving a tip, you might want to give a small, personal gift, Rossi says. Consider giving away a copy of your favorite book and a thank you note, she says. This can be cheaper than a 15% to 20% tip.

But ideally, you’d plan on tipping, Rossi says.

Delia Fernandez, a certified financial planner based in Los Alamitos, California, agrees. “We should put money aside for the things that keep us sane and healthy,” she says. One of which would be a massage and the appropriate tip.

Fernandez recommends looking for ways to divert some of the income into a separate pool of money to be used only for self-sufficiency. Check if your financial institution offers such a feature, she says, or try a budgeting app.

With funds specifically earmarked for massage and other self-care experiences, Fernandez cautions that you can’t spend that money on things that don’t serve you as well.

And if you want a massage – and a tip for your therapist – know if you have enough money and where to find it. That’s a relaxing thought.

What should you not do during a massage?

What NOT to Say / Do with Your Massage Therapist
  • Ask your massage therapist to go see a movie / come to your house / etc. …
  • Excessive noises. …
  • Comment on our looks/attractiveness. …
  • Poke your head out of the room to let us know you’re ready. …
  • Start undressing while we are still in the room. …
  • Touch us.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

As a massage therapist, we have many people who say things that are not as well received as you might think. It’s not because we’re sensitive, it’s because we get people saying things that are just not right and tend to be more inappropriate than you might think.

Here are some points of massage etiquette and what not to say (or do) during your next massage with us:

Ask your massage therapist to watch a movie/come to your house/etc. We strive to maintain a professional relationship with our clients. This means that we prefer to see you alone in our professional environment. We will decline the invitation and suggest that you see another massage therapist, especially if your request is too suggestive.

We strive to maintain a professional relationship with our customers. This means that we prefer to see you alone in our professional environment. We will decline the invitation and suggest that you see another massage therapist, especially if your request is too suggestive. Excessive noise. noise happens. Moan when something feels good. Please don’t stare at us when you do this (yes we did) and just be aware that if you’re loud enough, neighboring rooms might hear you too. Please keep in mind that if you do this all the time, we might think you are trying to get more out of the massage than you pay for.

noise happens. Moan when something feels good. Please don’t stare at us when you do this (yes we did) and just be aware that if you’re loud enough, neighboring rooms might hear you too. Please keep in mind that if you do this all the time, we might think you are trying to get more out of the massage than you pay for. Comment on our looks/attractiveness. Because of years of misrepresentation in our industry, we tend to be a little more sensitive to certain compliments. Although we are professional in every massage, when someone comments on how we look, we can’t help but wonder if you are trying to change the professional relationship.

Because of years of misrepresentation in our industry, we tend to be a little more sensitive to certain compliments. Although we are professional in every massage, when someone comments on how we look, we can’t help but wonder if you are trying to change the professional relationship. Stick your head out of the room to let us know you’re ready. We are pleased that you are preparing for your massage so quickly. The problem is that we also have to be ready for the massage. That might mean fetching water, going to the bathroom yourself, or just making sure you don’t feel like you have to rush to get to the table. Also, shouting down the hallway is not relaxing for our other clients during their massages, so please be patient and wait for your masseur to return to the room to begin your session.

We are pleased that you are getting ready for your massage so quickly. The problem is that we also have to be ready for the massage. That might mean fetching water, going to the bathroom yourself, or just making sure you don’t feel like you have to rush to get to the table. Also, shouting down the hallway is not relaxing for our other clients during their massages, so please be patient and wait for your masseur to return to the room to begin your session. Start undressing while we’re still in the room. To maintain a professional relationship, we need to leave the room before you start undressing. To make sure every client is always comfortable, we only disclose what we’re working on as we work on it. Disrobing before we leave the room exposes areas we are not currently working on and is distracting as we try to listen to what you need for that session.

To maintain a professional relationship, we need to leave the room before you start undressing. To make sure every client is always comfortable, we only disclose what we’re working on as we work on it. Disrobing before we leave the room exposes areas we are not currently working on and is distracting as we try to listen to what you need for that session. touch us we touch you We don’t want you to touch us. Then it gets weird. And uncomfortable. And again, we might think you’re trying to change the professional relationship.

we touch you We don’t want you to touch us. Then it gets weird. And uncomfortable. And again, we might think you’re trying to change the professional relationship. Be late and then expect us to give you your full time. This includes showing up on time but staying on the phone for 15 minutes or talking to us about anything that prevents us from starting on time. We want you to start as punctually as possible. If we start late because the massage therapist starts late, then you should count on your full time, but not if you’re late.

This includes showing up on time but staying on the phone for 15 minutes or talking to us about anything that prevents us from starting on time. We want you to start as punctually as possible. If we start late because the massage therapist starts late, then you should count on your full time, but not if you’re late. Disobeying our company policies and rules/disregarding our boundaries. We enjoy talking to our customers and getting to know them. We really do. And there are some things we just don’t like to discuss with our customers. Currently our hands are completely tied as to what we need to do in order to reopen after the COVID shutdown, so no, we don’t want to hear your opinion on this. Just as we generally don’t enjoy discussing religion, politics, and other types of conversations that often lead to arguments. It’s not that we aren’t strong individuals with opinions and stuff. It’s about the relationship we build with you being a professional one. We want to keep it going by skipping conversations that distract from our goals – to make you feel better.

Yes, pointing this out can be awkward. No, we’re not calling anyone, nor do we want to make YOU uncomfortable at your next session if you’ve done any of these things. We just feel it makes it clear on both ends what is expected during a massage.

Here is what our massage therapists promise you:

We listen to what you need during a session and adapt the massage to your needs.

We have a 30 minute buffer between each massage so you get your full time.

We will not comment or judge your body.

We will check in to make sure you are comfortable.

We’ll ONLY show what we’re working on when we’re working on it.

We won’t ask you out on a date.

You as a person and customer are important to us.

We won’t rush you to get to the table – take your time and breathe.

We will maintain professional boundaries and make our relationship with you a lasting professional relationship.

Professional relationships can be a little tricky, especially when you have so much to associate with one person. We want you to share what you want to share about yourself and your life. We also want to keep this appropriate distance. If you have any questions about massage etiquette or what not to say or do at your next massage, don’t hesitate to ask.

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Do I tip my massage therapist?

In general, the 20% rule applies to tipping your massage therapist. So, if you’re wondering how much to tip for a $100 massage, you’d want to tip $20. If you’re considering how much to tip for a 60-minute massage (that costs $100) – you’d still tip $20. However, generosity is generally very appreciated.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

In the field of bodywork and massage, it’s easy to see why there is some confusion or even controversy about how much to tip – especially when it comes to massage therapists.

Allison Denney, owner of Rebel Massage in Huntington Beach, Calif., attributes the uncertainty to the wide array of massage services, some more orthopedic than others. “The thought that you wouldn’t tip your doctor; You wouldn’t tip your physical therapist, so why would you tip your massage therapist? She says.

To add to the confusion, some practitioners refuse to accept tips, while others absolutely rely on them to supplement their income. To bring some clarity to the tipping conversation, Denney offers some insights into why tipping should be done, when tipping should be done, and how much it should be tipped.

Why tip?

Whether you’re getting a couples massage at a spa or a Swedish massage at a local practice, your massage therapist won’t get every dollar you pay for the service. Massage therapists often earn an hourly wage, and tips supplement the sometimes meager income.

“Money isn’t easy to come by for massage therapists,” says Denney. “Tips can double or triple your income.”

Tipping is also a way of recognizing a massage therapist’s hard and physically demanding work, she says.

“When in doubt, tip your massage therapist unless they specifically say otherwise,” says Denney.

Note, however, that some massage therapists specifically ask that you not tip. Those who don’t want to receive tips tend to fall into one of two camps, according to Denney: either they practice in the more medical field of massage therapy, where insurance may or may not be involved, or they work as sole practitioners, receiving the bulk of the payment for their services. All-inclusive spas may also have a no-tipping policy. In these cases, Denney says it’s best to respect her wishes.

How much do you tip?

In general, the 20% rule applies to tipping the masseur.

So if you’re wondering how much to tip for a $100 massage, tip $20. When considering how much to tip for a 60 minute massage (which costs $100), you would still tip $20.

However, generosity is generally highly valued.

“You’re really paying for your health and well-being, so (tipping) becomes a bigger conversation,” she says.

When considering how much to tip massage therapists, it’s also good to consider the wide range of rates different massage therapists can charge. For example, a 90-minute massage at a high-end spa costs $300, while the same service at a popular massage chain costs $150. In this scenario, the massage therapist in the chain would get a $30 less tip.

Finally, when you tip, Denney says you really should think about it, “How much did this person work? How valuable is my health and well-being? How good am I feeling right now? What is it worth?”

What if you are unhappy with your massage?

Perhaps your deep tissue massage pressure was too light or your relaxation massage pressure was too strong. For whatever reason, sometimes the massage just doesn’t go according to plan. Should you still tip?

In general, Denney recommends tipping even if the massage didn’t reach its goal. Sometimes a massage therapist learns a new technique and just hasn’t mastered it yet.

Rather than docking her tip, Denney suggests offering constructive criticism so the massage therapist can grow and improve.

Still, she says there are exceptions. If the masseuse is rude or unapologetically late or responds to text messages, tip the service at your best discretion.

What if you can’t afford the tip?

Massages can feel like a waste, and sometimes the sticker price seems like all you can afford: do you still tip?

If you’re getting a private massage from a single doctor and the cost is really high, this could be a scenario where the masseuse might not expect a tip, Denney says. In fact, “50% of the time, they won’t even expect a tip,” she says, adding that massage therapists are different in other settings.

When deciding whether or not to tip, keep in mind that massage therapists — especially at many spa establishments — for the most part make a lot less than what you pay. In some cases, massage therapists make $15 to $18 an hour, which is a fraction of what you might pay for their actual service, she says.

What causes lower back pain?

Lower back pain is very common. It can result from a strain (injury) to muscles or tendons in the back. Other causes include arthritis, structural problems and disk injuries. Pain often gets better with rest, physical therapy and medication.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

Overview What is back pain? Back pain can result from many different injuries, conditions or diseases – most commonly an injury to the muscles or tendons in the back. Pain can range from mild to severe. In some cases, pain can make walking, sleeping, working, or everyday activities difficult or impossible. Usually, lower back pain gets better with rest, pain medication, and physical therapy (PT). Cortisone injections and manual treatments (such as osteopathic or chiropractic manipulations) can reduce pain and aid in the healing process. Some back injuries and conditions require surgical repair. How common is back pain? About four out of five people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. This is one of the most common reasons people seek healthcare providers. Some people suffer from back pain more often than others. Risk factors for back pain include: Age: People over the age of 30 are more likely to have back pain. Intervertebral discs (soft, rubbery tissue that cushions the bones in the spine) wear out with age. As the discs weaken and wear down, pain and stiffness can result.

People over 30 have more back pain. Intervertebral discs (soft, rubbery tissue that cushions the bones in the spine) wear out with age. As the discs weaken and wear down, pain and stiffness can result. Weight: People who are overweight or carry extra weight are more likely to have back pain. Being overweight puts a strain on joints and intervertebral discs.

People who are overweight or carry extra weight are more likely to have back pain. Being overweight puts a strain on joints and intervertebral discs. General Health: Weak abdominal muscles are unable to support the spine, which can lead to back strains and sprains. People who smoke, drink excessively, or lead a sedentary lifestyle are at higher risk of back pain.

Weakened abdominal muscles cannot support the spine, which can lead to back strains and sprains. People who smoke, drink excessively, or lead a sedentary lifestyle are at higher risk of back pain. Occupation and lifestyle: Occupations and activities that require heavy lifting or bending can increase the risk of a back injury.

Occupations and activities that require heavy lifting or bending can increase your risk of back injury. Structural Issues: Severe back pain can be caused by conditions like scoliosis that change the alignment of the spine.

Severe back pain can result from conditions like scoliosis that change the alignment of the spine. Illness: People with a family history of osteoarthritis, certain cancers, and other diseases are at higher risk for back pain.

People with a family history of osteoarthritis, certain cancers, and other diseases are at higher risk for back pain. Mental Health: Back pain can result from depression and anxiety.

Symptoms and Causes What are the Symptoms of Back Pain? Back pain symptoms can come on suddenly or come on gradually. Sometimes pain occurs after a specific event, e.g. B. after bending down to pick something up. In other cases, you may not know what caused the pain. The pain can be sharp or dull and aching, and it can radiate to your buttocks or the back of your legs (sciatica). If you strain your back during an activity, you may hear a “pop”. The pain is often worse in certain positions (such as bending over) and improves when you lie down. Other symptoms of lower back pain include: Stiffness: It may be difficult to move or straighten your back. Getting up from a seated position can take a while, and you may feel like you have to walk or stretch to loosen up. You may notice a reduced range of motion.

It may be difficult to move or straighten your back. Getting up from a seated position can take a while, and you may feel like you have to walk or stretch to loosen up. You may notice a reduced range of motion. Posture problems: Many people with back pain find it difficult to stand up straight. You may stand “slouched” or hunched, with your torso to the side, rather than aligned with your spine. Your lower back may look flat instead of curved.

Many people with back pain find it difficult to stand up straight. You may stand “slouched” or hunched, with your torso to the side, rather than aligned with your spine. Your lower back may look flat instead of curved. Muscle cramps: After exertion, the muscles in your lower back may spasm or contract uncontrollably. Muscle spasms can cause extreme pain and make it difficult or impossible to stand, walk, or move. What Causes Lower Back Pain? Many injuries, conditions, and illnesses can cause back pain. These include: Strains and sprains: Back strains and sprains are the most common cause of back pain. You can injure muscles, tendons, or ligaments by lifting something that is too heavy or unsafe. Some people strain their backs by sneezing, coughing, twisting, or bending over.

Back strains and sprains are the most common cause of back pain. You can injure muscles, tendons, or ligaments by lifting something that is too heavy or unsafe. Some people strain their backs by sneezing, coughing, twisting, or bending over. Fractures: The bones in the spine can break in an accident, such as a crash. B. in a car accident or a fall. Certain medical conditions (such as spondylolysis or osteoporosis) increase the risk of fractures.

The bones in the spine can break in an accident, such as a car crash or a fall. Certain medical conditions (such as spondylolysis or osteoporosis) increase the risk of fractures. Intervertebral Disc Problems: Intervertebral discs cushion the vertebrae (small spinal bones). Intervertebral discs can bulge out of their position in the spine and press on a nerve. They can also tear (herniated disc). As you age, discs can become flatter and offer less protection (degenerative disc disease).

Intervertebral discs cushion the vertebrae (small spinal bones). Intervertebral discs can bulge out of their position in the spine and press on a nerve. They can also tear (herniated disc). As you age, discs can become flatter and offer less protection (degenerative disc disease). Structural Problems: A condition called spinal stenosis occurs when the spine is too narrow for the spinal cord. Something pinching the spinal cord can cause severe pain in the sciatic nerve and lower back. Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving.

A condition called spinal stenosis occurs when the spine is too narrow for the spinal cord. Something pinching the spinal cord can cause severe pain in the sciatic nerve and lower back. Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis that causes back pain. Ankylosing spondylitis causes back pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the spine.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis that causes back pain. Ankylosing spondylitis causes back pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the spine. Illness: Spinal tumors, infections, and various types of cancer can cause back pain. Other diseases can also cause back pain. These include kidney stones and abdominal aortic aneurysms.

Spinal tumors, infections, and various types of cancer can cause back pain. Other diseases can also cause back pain. These include kidney stones and abdominal aortic aneurysms. Spondylolisthesis: This condition causes the vertebrae in the spine to slip. Spondylolisthesis causes back pain and often leg pain as well.

Diagnosis and Tests How is back pain diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and perform a physical exam. Your doctor may order imaging tests to check for broken bones or other damage. These studies help your doctor see clear images of your vertebrae, discs, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Your provider may order: Spinal X-rays, which use radiation to create images of bones.

which uses radiation to create images of bones. MRI, which uses a magnet and radio waves to create images of bones, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues.

It uses a magnet and radio waves to create images of bones, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue. CT scan, which uses X-rays and a computer to create 3D images of bones and soft tissues.

uses X-rays and a computer to create 3D images of bones and soft tissue. Electromyography (EMG) to test nerves and muscles and to check for neuropathy (nerve damage) which can cause tingling or numbness in your legs. Depending on the cause of the pain, your doctor may also order blood tests or urine tests. Blood tests can detect genetic markers for some conditions that cause back pain (such as ankylosing spondylitis). Urine tests look for kidney stones, which cause pain in the flanks (sides of the lower back).

Management and Treatment What are the treatments for back pain? Back pain usually improves with rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers. After a few days of rest, you can go back to your normal activities. Staying active will increase blood flow to the area and help you heal. Other treatments for back pain depend on the cause. These include: Medications: Your doctor may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or prescription medications for pain relief. Other drugs relax muscles and prevent back spasms.

Your doctor may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or prescription medications for pain relief. Other drugs relax muscles and prevent back spasms. Physical Therapy (PT): PT can strengthen muscles so they can support your spine. PT also improves flexibility, helping you avoid another injury.

PT can strengthen muscles so they can support your spine. PT also improves flexibility, helping you avoid another injury. Hands-on Manipulation: Multiple “hands-on” treatments can relax tight muscles, relieve pain, and improve posture and alignment. Depending on the cause of the pain, you may need osteopathic manipulations or chiropractic adjustments. Massage therapy can also help relieve back pain and restore function.

Multiple hands-on treatments can relax tight muscles, relieve pain, and improve posture and alignment. Depending on the cause of the pain, you may need osteopathic manipulations or chiropractic adjustments. Massage therapy can also help relieve back pain and restore function. Injections: Your provider uses a needle to inject medication into the area that’s causing pain. Steroid injections relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Your provider uses a needle to inject medication into the area that’s causing pain. Steroid injections relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Surgery: Some injuries and conditions require surgical repair. There are different types of back pain surgery, including many minimally invasive techniques.

Prevention Can I prevent back pain? They cannot prevent lower back pain caused by diseases or structural problems in the spine. But you can avoid injuries that cause back pain. To reduce the risk of back injury you should: Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight puts pressure on your vertebrae and discs.

Being overweight puts pressure on vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Strengthen your abdominal muscles: Pilates and other exercise programs strengthen the core muscles, which support the spine.

Pilates and other exercise programs strengthen the core muscles, which support the spine. Lift properly: To avoid injury, lift with your legs (not your back). Keep heavy objects close to your body. Try not to twist your torso as you lift.

Outlook / prognosis What are the prospects for people with back pain? The prognosis depends on the cause of the pain. Most people with back strains and sprains recover and have no long-term health problems. But many people will have another episode within a year. Some people have chronic back pain that doesn’t improve after several weeks. Older people with degenerative diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis can have symptoms that get worse over time. Surgery and other treatments are effective in helping people with a range of injuries and medical conditions live pain-free.

How often should I get a massage for back pain?

Back pain. A regular massage may ease your back pain. One study showed that deep tissue massage performed daily for 30 minutes for 10 days reduced pain in patients. The American College of Physicians now lists massage as a treatment for low back pain that lasts up to 12 weeks.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

A massage can be a way to treat yourself, reduce stress, or address a medical issue. You can see a massage therapist for a variety of different massages. You can also massage yourself or ask someone to perform massage techniques at home. There are no standard guidelines for the number of massages you can receive, but a massage therapist or doctor may be able to recommend a frequency and duration that best suits your needs. Massages for injuries tend to be more common, while massages for pampering or relaxation can be less common.

What is ideal? The frequency and duration of the massage depends on the type of massage you want and the area you want to target. Many research studies recommend a specific massage frequency and duration to address underlying health issues, such as pain or injury. Talk to a massage therapist to find out how often you should visit to cater to your needs. If regular massages aren’t in your budget, consider increasing the time between sessions. You may also be able to learn massage techniques that you can practice more regularly at home from a doctor, massage therapist, or other healthcare professional.

Types of Massage Lymphatic Drainage Massage This type of massage is useful for draining lymph nodes that have recently been affected by surgery or a medical condition. It will stimulate fluid flow in your lymph nodes and release fluid buildup. You may need this massage daily in the beginning, but over time you can try two or three times a week. Lymphatic drainage should always be performed by a professional. They can also teach you to perform certain massage techniques yourself. Deep Tissue Massage A deep tissue massage uses slow, vigorous movements to reach deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. This type of massage targets muscle damage from injury. You can have a deep tissue massage for pain daily, a few times a week, or a few times a month. Your massage therapist can recommend a frequency and duration to address the underlying health condition that prompts this type of massage. Scalp Massage A scalp massage can be very relaxing and can even lower your blood pressure and heart rate. A study in Korea showed that women who work in an office experienced these health benefits from 15- to 25-minute scalp massages twice a week for 10 weeks. You may find that regular scalp massage helps you calm down and improve your overall attitude. Full body massage A full body massage is often referred to as a Swedish massage. This type of massage promotes relaxation. You can have this type of massage on an occasional basis, every few weeks, or monthly to help you feel more centered and less stressed. Massage chair You may be able to find a massage chair that will relieve sore muscles or help you relax. A pilot study found that healthy adults had positive effects from sitting in a massage chair for 20 minutes at a time. You may be able to experience this type of massage at home by purchasing a massage chair, or you may find a place outside of your home where you can use one occasionally or regularly.

For medical conditions, massage can help relieve certain painful symptoms or reduce stress and anxiety. It can also be helpful during pregnancy. You may need more frequent massages for pain relief, or you may find that less frequent but regularly scheduled massages are beneficial for your emotional well-being. Back pain A regular massage can relieve your back pain. One study showed that deep tissue massage performed for 30 minutes daily for 10 days reduced pain in patients. The American College of Physicians now lists massage as a treatment for back pain lasting up to 12 weeks. Neck pain massage is one way to relieve neck pain in the short term, and frequent massages may be most beneficial. One study found that a 60-minute massage two or three times a week was more beneficial for people with neck pain than a 60-minute massage once a week or a few 30-minute massages a week. Anxiety and Stress You’ll find that a massage once or twice a month helps relieve anxiety and stress. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, 66 percent of those who sought massage in 2018 did so to relax and reduce stress. Consider a 60-minute massage tailored for relaxation. According to the Mayo Clinic, this could lower your cortisol levels by 30 percent and increase your serotonin levels by 28 percent. This will relax you and improve your mental well-being. Pregnancy A 2010 study found that regular, light massage performed by someone at home or by a massage therapist can help promote a healthy state of mind and reduce leg and back pain. A weekly 20-minute massage from a professional, or two 20-minute massages from someone at home, can be enough to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as physical symptoms of pregnancy. The study also found that 15-minute massages during each hour of labor can also shorten the overall time of labor and reduce the amount of medication needed.

Benefits Massage can result in many benefits including: Stress relief

pain reduction

low blood pressure

release of muscle tension

Precautions Massage may not always be the safest activity if you have certain health conditions. You should be careful if you have: broken or fractured bones

a blood clotting disorder

open wounds or burns



other serious medical conditions If you are pregnant, your doctor or massage therapist may advise against getting a massage during your first trimester, or if you have high blood pressure, a high-risk pregnancy, or recent surgery. Find someone who specializes in prenatal massage to ensure you receive a healthy and safe pregnancy massage. There are a few risks that can arise when getting a massage. If you have a blood clot or have a history of blood clots, you should consult your doctor before having a massage. During a session, blood clots can break off and travel through your blood vessels to your heart or lungs. This could lead to a heart attack or a blocked artery. You should not continue a massage or seek additional massages if you are in pain.

When to See a Doctor Most massage treatments are considered safe. Talk to your doctor before getting one if you have a serious medical condition. You may want to ask your doctor for massage therapist recommendations so you can find someone who will meet your needs. Massage should not replace other medical procedures needed to treat an underlying health condition. Do not ignore pain, developing symptoms, or severe symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, or loss of consciousness.

Is Hot stone massage good for lower back pain?

Hot Stone Massage benefits include relaxation, stress release, help with back pain, and improvements to depression or anxiety.

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

What is hot stone massage?

Hot stone massage is an ancient practice that uses heated natural basalt stones placed on precise points along the body to create soothing pressure. These stones are rich in iron, so they retain heat longer. The Swedish massage is performed by rubbing the muscles with long, gliding strokes in the direction of the blood returning to the heart to enhance the beneficial effects of this massage. Hot stone massage benefits include relaxation, stress relief, help with back pain, and improvements in depression or anxiety.

How does it work and how does it feel?

Our massage therapy experts place the stones in warm water to heat them to the exact temperature between 120 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

The hot stone massage begins with a traditional Swedish massage to prepare the muscles. The therapist then places the hot stones on key acupuncture points on the body. The weight and warmth of the stones relaxes the muscle to allow for deeper pressure during the massage.

The therapist uses massage oil and long, gliding strokes to massage the neck, back, arms and legs with and without stones.

Plan enough time for your hot stone treatment. If it is your first time, we will ask you to fill out a health questionnaire prior to treatment. Avoid eating heavy meals or drinking alcohol before treatment.

Feeling good is good – what are the advantages?

The effects of stress can be felt throughout the body and can manifest itself in the form of headaches, stomach upset and general fatigue. Hot stone massage promotes healing by targeting the deeper layers of muscle and offers a plethora of benefits that increase your lymph flow and encourage your body to remove waste products.

Some other benefits of this massage are:

Helps reduce pain, especially in people with conditions like fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases

Helps reduce stress by improving cardiovascular responses

Promote sleep by reducing sleep disturbances, improving sleep quality and increasing comfort

Boost immunity by increasing lymphocyte cells, which help white blood cells fight infection in the body.

Improves circulation by widening blood vessels, allowing more oxygen to reach the muscles, which means more toxins are flushed out of the bloodstream.

Who can benefit from the Hot Stone Massage?

Hot stone massage therapy helps people suffering from:


back pain

Muscle aches



depression or anxiety

Poor circulation

You can learn more about Nexus Massage & Rehab today by visiting our website and see what we believe in and how we can help you relax with a Hot Stone Massage.

People who have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, varicose veins, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, reduced sensitivity to pain, recent wounds, areas of weakened or inflamed skin, tumors, metal implants, recent chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, or are taking medications that thin the blood and pregnant women are advised not to try the hot stone massage.

If these benefits sound enticing, treat yourself to a hot stone massage at Yonge and Eglinton; With easy online booking and direct billing, this can be a convenient way to see a qualified Hot Stone Registered Massage Therapist.

What is the difference between hot and cold stone massage?

While hot stone, called thermal therapy, dilates blood vessels and helps draw blood throughout the body and rid it of waste products, it is used to help patients increase blood flow, relieve joint pain, etc.

Cold stone massage is called cryotherapy and it constricts blood vessels and stimulates the nervous system. It also helps draw excess heat from inflamed areas, soothe muscle injuries and revitalize the body, and is used to help patients reduce inflammation or redness, relieve tension headaches and heal acute injuries, etc.

How can you prepare for your hot stone massage?

Knowing what to expect during your hot stone massage makes the event less worrying and makes the whole experience a beneficial one. So why not book a hot stone massage online today and enjoy the many benefits? The treatment can affect your entire body, but you can request a full body treatment or focus on a specific topic. The preparation is similar to that of a normal massage. Keep in mind that this treatment can use oil to help the stones slide over your skin.

Here are some tips and suggestions that can make your hot stone massage a thoroughly soothing and unforgettable experience.

Prepare your body for the massage When massage oils or lotions mix with dirt, sweat and oils on your body, the result can be a gritty feeling, so showering before the massage is recommended. Drink enough liquid one day before the massage. On the day of the massage, avoid shaving your legs as this may cause a rash or burns. Let our massage therapist know about any allergies or health issues you have.

Relaxation during the massage Sometimes this is easier said than done when you are stressed. Listen to background music, have a casual chat with the therapist to clear your mind, or focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Use meditation to turn your mind into emptiness.

Proper care after the massage In order to prolong your feeling of relaxation, increase our water and salt intake after your massage. The hot stone causes your body to lose fluid through sweating, so rest a little immediately after the massage.

Effective self massage to low back

Effective self massage to low back
Effective self massage to low back

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http://www.johngibbonsbodymaster.co.ukJohn Gibbons is a registered Osteopath, Lecturer and Author and is demonstrating how to treat pain to …

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Date Published: 4/29/2022

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Massage for Back Pain

Back massage can prove relief of chronic or short-term pain. Visit Massage Envy to learn how we can help you take a proactive role in your health.

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Date Published: 11/25/2022

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Got Back Pain? Types of Massages That Can Help

Back pain can arise for a number of reasons – heavy lifting, poor posture, sitting too much, etc. For some it can be temporary, while many others live with chronic back pain. If you’re looking for an alternative to pain medication, a massage could be the answer. Here are some of the best types of massage to try for back pain.

The best massage for back pain

Lower back pain is probably the most common type of back pain that the average person suffers from. It can have a number of different causes, some related to activity and posture and others indicative of more serious problems. While Swedish massage and deep tissue massage work well to relieve back pain, Shiatsu massage is a particularly effective technique for lower back pain.

Shiatsu massage applies pressure to different parts of the body in a rhythmic sequence. It is extremely calming and relaxing and offers long-lasting effects. It focuses on the body’s meridians to encourage the flow of healing energy throughout the body. Studies have shown that Shiatsu massage is extremely effective in treating back pain.

The best massage for upper back pain

Upper back pain is often caused by slumping over a desk or laptop and is often associated with neck and shoulder pain as well. One of the best types of massage for this type of pain is trigger point therapy. Upper back pain can be the result of lumps forming in the area around and between your shoulder blades. Trigger point therapy can target these nodes to work through the fibers that are causing the pain and tension.

Alternatively, deep tissue massage can be another effective upper back treatment, as can acupuncture and acupressure.

What Else You Can Do

In addition to massage for back pain, it’s important to get plenty of rest to allow your muscles to recover. If you lift a lot of heavy weight, try to loosen it up for a few days if possible. Also, pay attention to your posture, especially when sitting and lifting, as this can be a big contributor to back pain. Stay hydrated after a massage to increase the effects of the massage. Pain relievers can be used in conjunction with the massage, but should not be relied upon and can cause problems if used over a period of time.

If you suffer from back pain, why not try a massage from Moonstone Massage in Winston Salem, NC. Contact us for an inquiry or to book a massage.

Getting the Right Massage for Low Back Pain

Massage therapy can provide significant healing and pain relief for many lower back problems. In particular, when it comes to pain caused by a back strain, targeting the right muscle can control the pain at its source for faster and lasting relief.

An experienced massage therapist can provide significant healing from back pain. Read massage therapy for lower back pain

Two major muscles – the quadratus lumborum and the gluteus medius – play important roles in stabilizing and supporting your lower back and hips. When the biomechanics of these muscles change due to stress or fatigue, various problems can arise, such as: B. back pain, stiffness and/or reduced mobility.

See back muscles and lower back pain


Quadratus lumborum muscle massage

The quadratus lumborum muscle spans the entire lower back and is made up of several layers. This muscle is an extensor muscle of the spine that allows you to bend backwards. The muscle also helps you bend your torso sideways.

The quadratus lumborum muscle can become fatigued, stiff, tight, and/or painful when performing certain daily activities such as:

Lifting that involves bending over something, such as getting groceries from the trunk of the car

Leaning over a sink while washing dishes

Sit slumped in a chair

Running on uneven roads

A sharp, stabbing, urgent pain in the lower back may indicate a hypertonic (tense) quadratus lumborum. Sometimes you feel a dull, constant pain with some degree of stiffness.

The quadratus lumborum muscle can also develop painful trigger point nodules, pinch nerves in its fibers, or be subject to direct trauma, causing lower back pain.

The muscle needs to be simultaneously stretched and massaged by your therapist to relieve lower back pain.

See Nonsurgical Treatments for Back Pain

Gluteus medius muscle massage

The gluteus medius is a posterior hip (or buttock) muscle. This muscle is a hip abductor, which allows you to raise your thigh and leg sideways, e.g. B. when getting out of a car. It’s also responsible for keeping your hips level while standing on one leg (which is an integral part of your gait cycle when walking). The biomechanics of the hip and spine are interconnected; A problem in your hip muscles can cause lower back pain.

The gluteus medius muscle can become painful due to imbalance and/or weakness for a variety of reasons such as:

Repeated trauma to muscle shape when running on soft surfaces

Overuse of exercise equipment that requires hip abduction

Sudden, strenuous physical activity

Previous injury to the muscle

Blunt trauma from beating

Gluteus medius muscle pain primarily affects your lower back and buttocks. The pain can also be referred to the back of your thigh. Stiffness and fatigue are also common, limiting movement of your lower back and/or the ability to walk.


Ask your therapist to focus on the quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius muscles when choosing massage therapy for back pain. The muscles of the lower back and hips are linked for proper function. Unless a specific muscle is injured by direct trauma, the entire muscle set is more likely to be affected by fatigue, stress, and altered function.

Most likely, your massage therapist is familiar with the muscles that cause back pain. However, if you suspect that your pain is due to a muscular dysfunction, do not hesitate to speak up and specifically request this type of massage.

Learn more:

Neuromuscular massage therapy

Massage chair for pain relief

How Much Should Massages Cost In 2021?

Massages heal your body and calm your mind through a variety of approaches. Whether you’re suffering from chronic pain or just want to beat a day’s fatigue, a massage can fix it all.

Not only is deep tissue massage good for relaxation and muscle recovery, it also brings long-lasting relief from temporary pain or ongoing chronic pain.

As good as a massage can feel, it can be heavy on the pocket. How much can massages cost? What are the alternatives? Let’s dig deeper to find out.

How much does a massage cost?

Massage price ranges from $40 to $80 per hour. The average cost of a massage is $75 per hour. However, the total costs also depend on the location, the travel costs, the type of massage, the duration and any additional services.

A percussion massage typically costs more, ranging from $90 to $110 per session. If you choose an expensive spa or a professional with years of experience, it can cost you $150 an hour or more.

Cost per type of massage

Here’s a quick rundown of the most popular massages and their cost per hour.

MASSAGE TYPE AVERAGE COST PER HOUR Full body massage $50-$90 Couples massage $120-$220 Deep tissue massage $80-$120 Swedish massage $50-$90 Head massage $50-$80 Foot massage $40-$50 Back massage $40 up to $50 sports massage $55 to $130 pregnancy massage $70-$120

full body massage

One of the most common massages, a full body massage is said to work your entire body to relieve stress and sore muscles.

The massage usually starts from the back and shoulders to the feet, legs, upper and lower back, hands, arms and ends at the head. Massage parlors offering full body massages are easy to find everywhere.

You can usually get a full body massage by hand. However, you can also use modern massagers like ExoGun if you want to do it alone.

Price: A full body massage costs between $50 and $90 per hour.

couple massage

In a couples massage, you and your partner, friend or close partner are massaged in the same room. Your massage tables will be set up next to each other while you will both get separate massage therapists.

The couple can choose the same or different types of massage. The Swedish massage is a popular choice among couples.

For a couples massage, the spa usually offers access to the sauna and other services to spend a relaxing time with your loved one.

Price: A couple’s massage ranges from $120 to $220 for an hour.

deep tissue massage

A deep tissue massage can work great when you want to release tension from the deepest layers of your muscles. It can help relieve temporary or chronic pain, muscle knots, stress, and anxiety.

The massage can be performed by an expert or with a percussion massager using slow, repetitive movements that penetrate deep into the muscles.

It applies more pressure than a Swedish massage and is therefore more effective.

Price: A deep tissue massage can cost $90 to $110 per hour.

Swedish massage

A Swedish massage is ideal for those new to massage or sensitive to touch. The massage drastically improves flexibility and helps with muscle knots and minor aches.

The masseuse uses various techniques, including circular movements, long strokes and joint movements for relaxation. The massage may involve the use of an oil or cream.

The longer the massage lasts, the better its effect. Therefore, a longer duration means more relaxation.

Price: Swedish massages range from $50 to $90 an hour.

head massage

A head massage relaxes the body and mind by stimulating blood circulation. It relieves tension in the head, neck and temple area.

A gentle head massage with warm oil can feel amazing and reduce stress, headaches and migraines. It also strengthens hair follicles so your hair can grow healthier.

Price: Head massages range from $50 to $80 for an hour.

foot massage

A foot massage is all about the feet. In Chinese tradition, massage is said to recognize and heal illnesses. It is ideal for relaxing the whole body, especially for sore soles and heels.

Price: Average foot massage prices range from $40 to $50 per hour.


Quite simply, a back massage is good for your back. A back massage is any massage performed on the back of your torso. It starts below the neck to above the hips.

Your back is doing a lot more than you think. A back massage can relieve your body of stress, aches and pains while correcting poor sitting posture.

Price: A back massage typically costs between $40 and $50 per hour.

sports massage

Sports massage heals sports-related injuries and lessens the impact of future injuries. The massage stimulates muscles to release muscle tension and chronic pain to improve flexibility and performance.

A sports massage effectively flushes toxins from the body to improve overall health. The masseuse can give a full body massage or focus on specific parts of the body that need healing.

Price: A sports massage costs between $55 and $130 per hour.

Prenatal massage

A prenatal massage is sensitive in nature and is therefore performed by trained and certified massage therapists. Prenatal massage effectively relieves tension, improves blood circulation and reduces general body pain.

The massage can be performed at any time during pregnancy as it is mild and focuses primarily on the lower back, hips and legs.

Price: A prenatal massage ranges from $70 to $120 for an hour.

What are the cost factors for massages?

Here are the cost factors that will impact your overall massage bill.

types of massage

As mentioned earlier, not all massages require the same techniques and skills, so they don’t all cost the same.

A deep tissue massage device, which requires many techniques, is one of the most expensive. Some smart massagers like exogun percussion massager are available in the market for you to massage yourself safely from your home.

Specialized massages

Special massages for medical diseases require special therapy training and thus affect the costs. If you are an older adult or need a prenatal massage, the massager needs to put extra effort and care into the session.

Muscle rehabilitation massages also cost extra due to their sensitivity.


A typical massage usually lasts an hour or 90 minutes. A longer session will cost you more as it means more work for the therapist.

Because a deep-tissue massage aims to heal muscle scars and relieve tension, longer sessions give the masseuse more time to penetrate deeper into the muscles.

Tariffs increase incrementally on a 15 or 30 minute basis.


The location of the massage parlor can be a significant cost factor. A spa or massage parlor will charge you more for a regular massage than a masseuse would in their room or at yours. Your geographic location also determines massage prices in your area.

A spa costs more as it requires extra money to run the business. Having a massage at your home can significantly reduce your travel expenses and save you time.

Traveling expenses

Perhaps unsurprisingly, travel expenses add to your total bill and are factored into overall factors on your way to the massage location. Additional hourly rates or higher rates may apply if the masseuse offers massages in the comfort of their own home.


If you frequently need massages to improve overall health, you can opt for a massage package. If you need a series of percussion massage sessions, you can inquire about a package that will save you some money.

You might find a package with reduced hourly rates or free add-ons that will do you good both physically and mentally.

If you want repeated massages, it is better to go to the same therapist if you are satisfied with it in the first few sessions. The therapist is likely to understand your needs better after each session and thus serve you better.

additional lines

Many spas offer add-ons like aromatherapy and sugar scrubs. If you choose to treat yourself to an additional service, these will be added to your total bill.

Here are some add-ons you might want to consider:

Neuromuscular Therapy Massage: $65 for 30 minutes

The specialized massage releases pressure points to help with chronic pain and movement disorders caused by poor posture or trauma. The massage can relieve back pain, headache and joint pain.

Cupping Therapy: $25

The treatment is a form of alternative therapy that increases blood flow, reduces muscle tension, and promotes cell repair.

Chemical Peel: $100+

It’s a well-known treatment that improves skin’s texture for smoother, wrinkle-free skin. The different peels target specific skin concerns, such as peeling for youthful skin and anti-acne peeling.

Affordable percussion massage alternatives

You can think of percussion massage therapy as preventative medicine that benefits your overall health. But even a standard massage can cost you dearly when performed by an experienced masseuse or therapist.

Unfortunately, a percussion massage can put a dent in your wallet that could take away your peace of mind. Surely you don’t want to keep thinking about the price you’re paying while you’re relaxing.

If you want to start healing but can’t afford to visit a spa every few days, we have a cheaper percussion massage alternative for you.

An affordable percussion massager can be revolutionary in your fitness journey. If you use your own tool at home, you only have to pay the initial cost of the device.

Massage guns are usually easy to maintain with washable attachments and a rechargeable battery. They are compact and lightweight so you can easily take them with you in your backpack, gym bag or briefcase.

A percussion massage gun can help your muscles recover faster after a workout or a hard day. The device delivers slow, repetitive movements that penetrate deeper into tissue to reduce pain and improve muscle function.

An effective percussion massager like ExoGun has adjustable frequencies that can be adjusted to suit your pressure needs. It is an all-in-one massager that can give stronger massages than hand massage.

The interchangeable attachments of the gun massage heads can work on the most sensitive areas and the hardest muscles to relieve tension and pain. For example, you can use ExoGun at full power for a high-intensity massage, or slow it down for a lesser impact.

Do percussion massagers actually work?

A 2014 study shows that percussion therapy is effective for muscle soreness. There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting percussion massage guns.

Although personal massage guns may seem like a more affordable alternative to spa massages, are they just as effective?

Honestly, if you know how to hit all the right spots, you can get the same benefits from a massage gun. Tapotement is a Swedish massage technique, similar to percussion massage, that has been found to be beneficial for athletes.

In addition, the creator of the massage gun, Theragun, is a chiropractor who developed the device to help heal itself after an injury. He testified in favor of percussive therapy, which changed his life.

Nonetheless, a self-massage is vastly different from that of another person. After all, a visit to the spa is very different from a massage at home.

However, for everyday people looking for a quick massage during an office break or before a workout, a massage gun can come in handy.

You can massage yourself comfortably in your free time and private space.

Are percussion massagers worth the cost?

Now that you know that a massage gun can be an affordable percussion massage alternative, you might be wondering whether investing in a massage gun is a good idea.

Even if you get a cheaper personal massager, you’ll have to do the massage yourself (when there’s no one around to help).

Let us help you weigh the pros of a massage gun against its cons.


Here are some of the top benefits of using percussion massage guns.


First off, massage guns can be pretty handy when it comes to convenience. If you want a massage, just turn on your massager and let yourself be massaged.

You can also take your device with you wherever you go. It can be used at home before bed or at the gym before a workout. You can even use it during the office or sports break without any problems.

Nowadays, cordless massage guns save you the hassle of dealing with wires. You just need to charge the battery and the device will work for hours.


Basically, massage guns offer a full massage in a small device. They are super easy to manage as they are wireless and lightweight.

A great example of a lightweight massager is the ExoGun, which weighs just 2.5 pounds. You can carry it with you without noticing the extra weight.


Massage guns have different speed settings and attachment options that make them efficient.

Percussion massage guns are more efficient than regular massagers because they apply more pressure to your body than hand massages and have a deeper effect. They are also more convenient to use due to their shape and size. The interchangeable attachments and adjustable speed settings can easily meet different massage needs.


Quite simply, some of the best affordable massage guns will cost you more or less as much as a single massage session. The price of a percussion massager can vary from $150 to $600 for a premium device. We recommend using a brand like Exogun that offers affordable percussion massagers that are durable, easy to use, and cheap! It’s a one-time investment for people who want to make massage a faster or more personal experience.

A handy device also saves you the expense of travel and the hassle of going to a spa or inviting a therapist over to your place.

Easy to use

For the most part, a massage gun has a simple operation. All you have to do is choose the right attachment for the area you want to treat and turn on the massager to start the massage.

You can gradually try different speed settings for a more customized experience. For example, ExoGun uses ShockSmart Sensitivity to ensure accurate pressure on each muscle. The 24V brushless torque motor makes the device extremely quiet and contributes to ease of use.


Here are some of the main disadvantages of using massage guns.

Incorrect usage

Because at-home percussion therapy isn’t supervised by a professional, you may be doing it wrong. Unless you are trained to perform a specific type of massage, you could abuse the tool. Or you’re targeting the wrong muscle, which may not affect your recovery.

Using a massage gun the wrong way round on sensitive areas can have adverse effects and cause further problems. Therefore, it is important that you do your research and read the safety instructions that come with the device for safe use.

If you experience increased pain in a specific area after using a massage gun, we recommend that you consult a licensed physician or massage therapist.

Beware of chronic illnesses and injuries

If you suffer from chronic pain or injury, you need to take extra care when using a massage gun. Percussion massage guns should not be used on damaged parts of the body as they can worsen the injury.

You also need to be careful if you are suffering from any chronic condition like high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle diseases etc.

If you want to try percussion massage in a unique state, consult a health professional for detailed instructions.

Bulky design

Although the latest massage guns are lightweight and portable, there can be some exceptions. Some massage guns are bulky or heavy due to a heavy battery. If you choose an extremely cheap device, it may not be easy to carry and control.

Battery powered

The new massage guns are usually cordless, but have a battery that needs to be charged. A massage gun will not work without a power source, so you need to consider the massager’s battery life before deciding on one.


In summary, massages make you feel good and also improve your overall health. Nowadays, affordable percussion massages should be accessible and affordable with increasing health problems and everyday fatigue.

However, many factors will affect your bill when getting a massage. But why pay for a one-time massage when you can buy a massager for the same price?

A percussion massage gun like ExoGun can prove very useful in your daily life, especially when you don’t have access to a nearby spa or massage therapist. It can be an affordable solution to all your massage needs.

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