Pipe With Built In Screen? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “pipe with built in screen“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

What is the purpose of a screen in a pipe?

Pipe screens are small screens that serve to prevent clogging, pull-through, and resin buildup in your pipes and bongs. Moreover, they are perfect to keep your device cleaner, since they allow you to pool ash on top of them. This way, you can dump out the contents after your smoking sessions.

Do you use a screen in a water pipe?

Using a pipe screen keeps your pipe a cleaner, but more importantly stops large clumps of ash from being pull through to your mouth. Some people even use screens when smoking from bongs and bubblers to help keep their water clean.

How often should you change the screen in your pipe?

Screens that get overheated for longer periods of time can be damaged, and during this process, may release chemicals that are toxic to humans. To prevent this from happening, we recommend changing pipe screens once every 15 days or so, especially if you smoke regularly and on a daily basis.

What can I use if I don’t have a pipe screen?

Just cut a piece of aluminum foil and shape your screen to the bowl. Then, grab a toothpick or a paperclip and poke some holes through the foil.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

Estimated reading time of 3 minutes

There’s nothing worse than a mouthful of burnt ashes ending up in your mouth. However, this can be avoided by simply getting a screen for your weed pipe. This protects you from dirt when you smoke and maintain your pipe cleaner. In addition, the smoke you get from a pipe with a filter is smoother and gentler on your throat.

Because it is such an important part of your smoking device, running out of pipe screens when you are about to smoke can be very annoying. However, with patience and a few items, you can make a screen for a weed pipe and prepare for a clean smoke.

How to make a screen for a glass pipe

There are many different substitutes for a weed pipe screen that you can use if yours needs to be discarded or is missing. While some of these methods may seem bizarre, they will get the job done while giving you a new pipe screen:

For the first homemade weed pipe screen, you will need earplugs and a pair of scissors. Remove the case around the part that goes in your ear to find a screen the size of a nickel. Once you have it, trim it to fit the bowl of your pipe. When you have reached the size you want, place the screen securely in the bowl of your pipe and shape it with your fingers. Some people like to squeeze some ash onto the filter to give it some volume. Once this is done you can smoke from your pipe and enjoy clean smoke.

If you don’t go for the earbud option and want something a little simpler, you can make a homemade weed pipe screen using aluminum foil. Simply cut a piece of aluminum foil and form your sieve into a bowl. Then take a toothpick or paperclip and poke a few holes through the foil. Make sure they aren’t too big.

Another homemade strainer for your weed pipe can be made using a paper clip. Break your paperclip to the right size, then bend it into a flat spiral. Once your mold is ready, place it over the bowl’s hole.

What to use as a strainer for a pipe

Aside from the homemade pipe strainers mentioned above, there is one item that has saved many users from getting dirt in their lungs. The conventional faucet strainer is a long-standing classic as an alternative to the ideal strainer tubes. In addition, many prefer to use it because it is cheap and easy to find. However, it is important to realize that this is not a safe option. There are some faucet screens that are chrome plated and when exposed to heat they release harmful fumes that get into your lungs.

If you want to use a faucet strainer as a filter for your whistle, cut the strainer to the size you want, place it in the bowl and shape it. This won’t last as long as a screen tube, but it works if you’re in a hurry.

While these homemade pipe screens are easy to make and can save you from heavy smoke, you may want to get yourself a real screen. Most of the above screens are made of materials that release harmful fumes when exposed to heat. For this reason, we recommend that you use them for a short time whenever necessary. In the long term, using these alternatives will be more expensive than buying an adequate screen tube.

At HØJ we understand the importance of smoking clean and cool. That is why our accessories are carefully manufactured. With a KØL filter, you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals and screens that only last a few weeks. Constructed of titanium-coated stainless steel, this filter can withstand temperatures of up to 600°C. This makes it durable and safe, and cleans every hit to keep you grounded and calm.

What are the safest pipe screens?

Stainless steel screens offer the best filtration without the anxiety of pollutants. While they are marginally more expensive, the design and capabilities alone make it worthwhile. These hearty screens have a melting temperature over 1450˚C which makes them nearly invulnerable to a pocket lighter or mini-torch.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

Why stainless steel screens are better than brass screens

One component of smoking a piece that is often overlooked is the use of screens. Which material is more effective: brass or stainless steel tube screens? Screens guarantee a cleaner smoking experience, but not all screens are created equal. The type of metal you choose could significantly change the flavor of your herbs.

Why use screens?

Using a screen can significantly reduce the amount of fine dust that settles in your bong water. The ideal screen is durable, precision-engineered to fit your existing setup, and can withstand the heat of your lighter.

But the real difference between brass and stainless steel tube screens is how they handle the heat from a standard lighter.

Hidden Risks of Brass Screens

When it comes to tube screens made of brass or stainless steel, there are a few things to consider. Although brass screens are a bit cheaper, you definitely get what you pay for. Conventional brass screens burn crisply because they have unstable aggregate states and are more sensitive to heat.

How susceptible to heat are traditional brass screens? Its low melting point of 898˚C is no match for your lighter, which can produce a flame that reaches 1970˚C at its hottest point. No wonder a pocket lighter can burn a hole right through the screen.

Repeated and prolonged exposure to harmful chemicals can lead to adverse health effects. The intense heat creates a metallic flavor that will taint your smoke and overall well-being.

What about stainless steel screens?

Stainless steel screens offer the best filtration without fear of contaminants. They may be slightly more expensive, but the design and features alone make it worth it.

These beefy screens have a melting point of over 1450˚C, making them nearly invulnerable to a pocket lighter or mini flashlight. A single screen has been passed hundreds of times with no damage to material integrity! These high quality barriers are a sustainable and more reliable option.

Now find your screen

As you can see, when it comes to the best bong screens, stainless steel is the smartest choice. If you’re already a fan of the resilient Invincibowl, you already know the quality screens. New screens are available direct from Invincibowl in convenient packs of 25.

Each screen is guaranteed to last 20 smoking sessions. That means a single pack of 25 sevens makes 500 heads! You won’t need new screens for quite a while. The strainers also make bowl cleaning a breeze; Simply turn your bowl over to empty the ashes with our unique secure screen system. The screens are fine enough to capture the ash, but not so fine that airflow is restricted.

If you want to learn more about Invinicbowl’s stainless steel tube screens, please feel free to contact us with any questions.

What is the best screen to use in a pipe?

Daisy screens are the best glass pipe screens on the market. These glass pipe screens come in a colored flower shape, and they cool your smoke way more than a regular stainless steel or brass pipe. You can get a 100 count for under $10, which should be more than you will ever need.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

Estimated reading time of 5 minutes

If you’ve run out of pipe screens, you’re probably wondering what to buy next. Maybe your stainless steel tube screen is not enough for you now. Likewise, it could also be possible that you’ve seen a brand new type of pipe screen at your local head shop and want to know if it’s worth the investment.

No matter what the reason for your questions, you definitely need to know what are the best tube screens for your needs. While stainless steel tube screens are fairly cheap and useful, you can always up your game and go in a different direction. In such cases, this article will walk you through all the available pipe screens so you can make an informed decision.

Best type of tube screens

When looking for the best type of tube screen, in addition to your budget, you must first consider the material from which it is made. As you may know, the most common types of tube screens are stainless steel. These are affordable, they come in a variety of sizes and fit almost any type of bowl. However, they are disposable and only last a few weeks before the heat eventually damages them.

Because of this, the best tube screens are those made from more durable materials like glass, quartz, or titanium. Also, they last longer than about 100 stainless steel screens, making them more affordable in the long run.

Best tube screen material

One way to decide on the best tube screen is to analyze the different materials these filters are made of. As already mentioned, the most common are made of stainless steel and glass. However, there are many other pipe screen materials that work just as well, with durability being the only difference between them.

Tube screens made of stainless steel

By far the most common tube screens used, stainless steel screens are cheap, easy to use, and easy to find. Although they can be weakened over time by the heat and eventually collapse, you can buy them in bulk. That way you don’t have to buy one every time they get damaged.

Another disadvantage of this pipe screen material is that it sometimes gives off toxic fumes. This is why you should keep changing your stainless steel tube screen.

Brass tube screens

Brass screens have been around for decades as they are commonly used in tobacco pipes. One of the reasons these pipe screens are so popular is that they are easy and cheap to get and work well with any type of pipe.

The only downside to brass screens is that they degrade easily over time. While you probably won’t generate high temperatures in your pipe or bong, continuous exposure to heat will destroy the brass screen. Because of this, this isn’t the best tube screen material if you want a more durable option.

glass pipe screens

This tube screen material is slowly becoming the most popular material due to its convenience and efficiency. Glass and quartz screens do not wear out like stainless steel or brass screens because the glass can withstand heat. They are often made to fit a specific bowl, which can make purchasing quite difficult if you have a one-of-a-kind pipe.

This is considered to be the best screen tube material because it is durable (with proper care), easy to clean, and also comes in a variety of styles and sizes. In addition, they create better airflow and give you a clean taste.

Titanium tube screens

Durable and more heat resistant, titanium pipe screens are a good choice for those who smoke frequently. These strainers can withstand high temperatures without producing harsh chemicals and are great for bowls with small holes but need more airflow.

Take the KØL filter as an example. Constructed of titanium-coated stainless steel, this filter can withstand temperatures of up to 600°C, making it a great choice for your smoking sessions. You don’t have to buy big packs of stainless steel or brass tube screens and there is no risk of it breaking like a glass tube screen. In addition, the KØL filter delivers a smooth smoke that will make your smoking experience a complete success.

Best Brass Tube Screens

The best brass tube screens you can find on the market are those from GRIMM. Affordable, durable, and coming in a variety of sizes, these brass strainers have been around for years. They are made in the USA to ensure you support local production.

In addition, GRIMM produces the best brass pipe screens on the market to fit your bowl. They are one size fits all, which means you will most likely find the perfect fit. Unless you have a fairly fancy pipe, there is no way that brass GRIMM pipe screens will work for you.

Best glass pipe strainers

Daisy strainers are the best glass tube strainers on the market. These glass pipe screens have a colored flower shape and will cool your smoke much more than a regular stainless steel or brass pipe. You can get a 100 count for less than $10, which should be more than you’ll ever need. If you want to buy a glass pipe screen, this is your best choice. Not only are they cheap, they also last a long time.

Best Metal Pipe Screens

You may have come across metal tube screens made in the USA before. Without a doubt, the best metal tube screens you can find on the market come from this brand. They sell these pipe screens in various sizes, at affordable prices and with a high-quality design. You’ll find 50 in a container, and they last a lot longer than a regular metal tube screen.

If you are not yet ready to invest in a glass or titanium pipe screen, you can rely on the classic metal pipe screens for better smoking. This particular brand also ensures that their products do not release any harsh chemicals, making them safe to use.

As you can see, there are different types of tube screens, differing only in durability and quality. Whether you are just starting out smoking or are a seasoned user, you will easily find the best pipe screen for your needs.

What is a daisy screen?

Daisy glass screens prevent Ashes and Larger pieces of weed/ cannabis from going into your pipes or bongs. It makes your smoking experience smooth and intern makes cleaning your pipes and bongs super easy. FITS MOST PIPE: The average size of the screens are about 1/4″ (5-6mm) which fits in most pipes and Bowls.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens


This was the third time I’ve ordered these from Polychromatic. So far I’ve been very satisfied. Unfortunately, this batch (I ordered 2) had 20% or more that went straight to the trash because the stems were so large in diameter that I couldn’t get a decent hit in the pipe, or so short that they were unusable over and over again just went to the trash. At some point I will have to order these again. Should I stay with Poly? Don’t know, there are many other places you can buy these.

Should you clean your pipe after every smoke?

Tobacco pipes typically need to be cleaned at three intervals; first, a basic cleaning after each smoke; second, an alcohol-based cleaning can be done every few smokes for a more thorough cleaning; finally, the pipe should be disassembled and cleaned carefully once a month or so–depending on usage.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

A quick internet search yields a kaleidoscope of conflicting advice on how to smoke a pipe. In this series we give you the value of our two cigarettes. Follow it, reject it, share it… Read part 1 about tube rotation to see how it all started.

Care and cleaning of your pipe

Proper cleaning and maintenance is critical to keeping your pipe clean and sweet for years to come. If a pipe is not properly cleaned, it can develop a sour taste, burn too hot, and eventually build up too much cake, causing the pipe to fail to function properly.

what is cake

Cake is a carbon deposit left by smoked tobacco. It’s not charred wood. Cake on the inside of the pipe bowl is important because it insulates the bush and makes it less likely that you will burn your pipe. In addition, cake sweetens the smoking experience, because the carbon depot is created by sugar in the tobacco.

A small amount of cake makes for an excellent smoke, but too much causes other problems. Just like Goldilocks, it has to be “just right”!

How often should I clean my pipe?

Tobacco pipes typically need to be cleaned at three intervals; first a basic cleaning after each smoking; Second, for a more thorough clean, an alcohol-based clean can be performed every few puffs; After all, the pipe should be disassembled and carefully cleaned about once a month – depending on use.

10 steps to cleaning a pipe

After every smoke

If you plan to remove the mouthpiece, make sure the whistle is cool to the touch before you begin cleaning. Then turn the whistle over a cork mallet, hold it by the head and gently tap ash or tobacco residue into the ashtray. We like the Peterson Green Pipe Ashtray for this step. Gently slide a pipe cleaner back and forth through the stem to absorb moisture and remove ash from the stem and mouthpiece. This process should be repeated until the pipe cleaner comes out clean – usually two or three pipe cleaners. Next, use a pipe cleaner or paper towel to rub up the bowl. Some pipe smokers say they use a dull pipe knife to scrape off the bowl after each smoke, others only do this when the cake starts to thicken – try both and see which one works best for you. Be extremely careful not to scrape too much cake off the bowl or you will damage the thorn bush. Finally, especially for smooth briar pipes, use a pipe polishing cloth to polish the exterior of your pipe.

Every couple or so bowl

5. Make sure your whistle is completely cool. Then use alcohol (rubbing alcohol works, but we prefer rum or brandy) to clean the pipe more thoroughly. Dip a paper towel in the alcohol of your choice and rub into the bowl. Then, dip a pipe cleaner into the alcohol and run it through the stem a few times.

6. Use a dry pipe cleaner to suck up excess moisture from the alcohol, then allow the pipe to dry completely.

7. If the carbon cake is thicker than about 1.5mm, scrape the cake before blotting the bowl with alcohol.

Thorough pipe cleaning

Note: It is important that your pipe is 100% cool before performing this type of cleaning

8. Dismantle all removable parts of the whistle (usually the mouthpiece and any filters).

9. Use a pipe brush to thoroughly clean the bowl. Then dab with alcohol and let dry thoroughly.

10. Consider using an oil (olive oil works great) to polish and treat the outer bush. Allow all parts to dry completely before reassembling the pipe.

Every tobacco pipe collector eventually develops a unique routine for cleaning and maintaining their pipes. We’d love to know what your ritual is! Please share in the comments below.

Why does my bowl get dirty so fast?

Your bong can get dirty as soon as you starting smoking out of it. With every mass of smoke that passes through, solids, oils and ash are filtered out in the water. Pathogens and bacteria also tend to attack dirty bong water pretty fast. Please note that a biofilm can develop in your bong in just about 24hours.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

A clean bong is for a marijuana smoker, what rules are for a game! But most of us smoke from a dirty bong more times than we can count. We all agree that bongs are the most popular and ideal way to smoke marijuana. Before the smoke reaches your throat, it passes through water where heavier particles, water soluble molecules and toxins are trapped to create a smoother, cooler and cleaner smoke for your lungs.

Bongs are very appealing if you prefer the effects of your cannabis to come on much more quickly and safely. No matter how soft, smooth, and easy the hit, your bong has a tendency to get dirty, and if you forget to clean it for days, you’ll no doubt end up smoking from a disgusting device.

Connoisseurs will want to clean their bars after a few smoke sessions. However, other cannabis enthusiasts may agree that cleaning a bong can be a daunting task. That’s totally understandable. However, as impossible as it may seem, cleaning your bong and changing your bong water regularly are paramount to a safe and healthy smoking session.

But I’ve only used my bong for a few smoking sessions. What do you mean it’s dirty?

How quickly can I pollute my bong water?

The answer to this question is relatively simple. Your bong can get dirty once you start smoking from it. Solids, oils and ash are filtered out of the water with each mass of smoke flowing through. Pathogens and bacteria also tend to attack dirty bong water fairly quickly. Please note that a biofilm can form in your bong in as little as 24 hours. Unfortunately, this film is the ideal host for many species of bacteria and yeast. Your bong becomes a jungle of deadly microorganisms before they can lodge in your lungs.

How did my bong get so dirty?

A bong is by far a smoker’s best friend. They are the perfect way to create a smooth smoking experience that doesn’t tax the lungs. For centuries, smokers have used bongs to filter smoke through water. Therefore, they are also commonly referred to as water pipes.

A fascinating technique separates tar and toxins from your smoke, resulting in a better, smoother, cooler, cleaner and less harsh hit. In general, bongs are designed to make your smoking sessions enjoyable. But with every smoking session, pitch, tar, ash, and solid material build up inside and stick to the walls of your device. When you smoke from a dirty bong, the hits are gross, accompanied by a horrible smell, and chances are your water smells even worse!

Dirty bong water

Bong water is the water that rests in your bong chamber to purify your smoke. It cleans your smoke by filtering out substances like tar, toxins, and pieces of cannabinoids like THC. These substances quickly build up in your water and are a sign that your cannabis smoke has a bad taste and smell. If the bong water is not changed regularly, you risk your health. Bacteria and mold envy dirty bong water and can cause respiratory illnesses. You’ll know it’s time to change your bong water when it starts to turn yellow or form a biofilm.

A dirty bong

Your bong happens to be the perfect environment for pathogens, bacteria, mold, and fungi to grow. Toxins and tar will also solidify on the surface of your bong over time. Continuing to use a dirty bong will distort the unique flavor of your cannabis. When it comes to your health, you’ll be getting closer and closer to developing respiratory problems like pneumonia and emphysema.

Why should you keep your bong clean?

Pro point: the more resin that builds up in your bong, the harder it will be to clean.

A dirty bong not only destroys the great flavor of your high-quality cannabis, but it also puts your health at serious risk. Remember that bacteria, yeast, pathogens, and fungus all take a liking to dirty bongs, and you’re likely to inhale them into your body. Plus, smoking from a dirty bong is unsanitary itself and makes you look careless about everything else.

Finding the motivation to clean your bong regularly isn’t easy. But if you genuinely care about your health and respect a good cannabis experience, keeping up with the daily maintenance of your bong doesn’t have to feel like an impossible task. At the very least, you should consider dumping and changing your bong water every day after a pot session.

The final result

It only takes one night for microorganisms to build up in your bong. A dirty bong and even dirtier bong water will expose you to severe respiratory disease. Just like you wouldn’t drink from a mold-infested glass, you want to make sure every part of your bong is clean for a tasty and healthy pot session.

Can you smoke a glass pipe without a filter?

Short answer is yes. You can also get an adapter to take the place of the filter. Certainly don’t need an adapter though. Happy puffing.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

Here are just a few more details. Lots of people enjoy smoking non-filter pipes, no problem. Try it. My complaint is that on a lot of pipes you get this very wide airway that has some architecture to accommodate the filter, so not only is it wide, but the air passage is at least slightly turbulent, so it’s not the smoothest of draws. The net effect is to really air out the tobacco flavor quite a bit, and not always to my liking. I’ve mostly gone with adapters, in my case for 6mm filter pipes like Savinelli and Dr. Grabow, and they work well, concentrate the flavor a little better to my liking and don’t cause any problems and let a pipe cleaner pass. Some pipes need this more than others, but I prefer it on all my pipes that use a 6mm filter. Same goes for 9mm, although I don’t own one I believe. If possible, I buy pipes without a filter. I keep a filter flask with a filter to tame a strong blend when I don’t want the full strength of the smoke, but I rarely use it. So I hope all this chatter is useful or at least interesting. Filters are one of the most annoying aspects of the hobby for new pipe smokers, in my opinion, because the information isn’t provided very clearly in one place – you just have to stumble across it as you move on. I think you now have the information you need. Welcome aboard and happy smoking.

Should I use a screen in my bowl?

Technically you don’t need a pipe screen; plenty of bowl sessions have gone fine without one. Some bowls have holes that are small enough that they don’t tend to let any ash through, although these often end up getting stuffed up with tar after a few uses.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens


You really only ask this question once: Why should I use a tube screen? Once you find out why, you’ll regret you ever questioned it. There’s nothing worse than getting burned ash in your mouth, and because it’s a problem so easy to prevent, most smokers don’t even talk about it. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few different solutions you could implement to keep a cherry head from ending up in your mouth, so here’s a little background on all your pipe strainer options.

Reasons to use a tube screen

Technically, you don’t need a tube screen; Many bowl sessions have gone well without one. Some bowls have holes small enough not to let ash through, although these often become clogged with tar after a few uses. Even if you’re an expert at lighting, there will always be situations where you overdug and end up with a mouthful of bad-tasting botanicals.

Aside from the obvious reason of keeping your mouth free of gross debris, there’s also the fact that pipe strainers help keep a bowl cleaner in the long run than not using one. They make it easier to empty the contents of a piece between sessions and, especially with brass and silver canvases, prevent some tar from building up in the glass itself. This means you’ll have to clean your rig less often and, in the case of water-based rigs like bubblers or bongs in general, less worry about clean water.

Types of tube screens

Some people make their own pipe screens out of aluminum foil with toothpick holes poked through them. However, inhaling smoke from heated aluminum isn’t necessarily the healthiest choice when it comes to screens, and it’s affordable and easy enough to buy a large pack of screens that never have to worry about tinfoil lungs.

The simplest and most popular pipe strainers are round strainers made of silver or brass. They come in bulk packs and can last for a few sessions at a time. They are easy to use: simply insert into the empty bowl and press down to allow the strainer to conform to the bowl’s shape. They generally burn in the middle or cake with tar and can’t take too much direct heat, so it helps to buy a lot of these types of screens at once (since they’re cheaper that way anyway).

These types of screens also come in a slightly sturdier version that is preformed with a round metal rim perfect for stone pipes. These stone tube screens, as they are known, are not designed to be disposed of as quickly as the more traditional mesh screens, but should still be cleaned and replaced regularly.

Glass shades are a great alternative if you want something that can be polished and reused. These little fellows are usually in the shape of flowers or boys and are sold in multi-packs giving you the option of just using them and tossing them if you wish. If you have the patience and don’t want to waste a perfectly fine strainer, this accessory shines when soaked in 91% isopropyl alcohol with a little coarse salt. Even without cleaning, these types of screens will definitely last longer than mesh screens and are surprisingly effective at keeping dirt out of your mouth and forearm.

Built-in screens are also an option if you don’t mind disposal at all. Many bowls, both women’s and men’s, are available with screens punched in the bottom instead of a single hole. Some of these built-in strainer bowls are simple, single-walled structures with a small handle and a few holes in the bottom of the glass. Others may venture into more complex territory, like the Honeycomb Screen Bowl, which uses a honeycomb perc design to offer a double-walled bowl that keeps ash out of its stem. Thankfully, even these more complex options stay in the affordable price range, so no matter what screen setup you’re after, you don’t have to throw away too much to keep things clean. Like a glass daisy strainer, these bowls clean easily with rubbing alcohol and salt and are a solid, easy port of call for filtered smoking.


Whether you’re keen on grabbing 100 disposable colanders or would rather find a bowl that just automatically does the work for you, there are plenty of options to ensure you can prevent Scooby snacks from falling into your mouth and making a look like a coughing, spitting fool.

Check out the other smoking accessories that can prove helpful during a smoking session.

Do bowl screens work?

Put simply, pipe screens make your life easier as a Stoner. They allow ash to pool on top of them, and can easily be removed to kick an entire bowl pack. On top of that, they help to prevent against Scoobies, and also help to keep your hand pipe clean for longer periods of time.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

At the end of the day, I think it’s safe to say that all stoners are looking for a smoother smoke, especially one without scoobies. You know, those horrible little bits of ash that get sucked up through your hand pipe and into your mouth? Yes, they are fun!

Also, we all like to keep our hand whistles clean. Believe it or not, there is one tiny little piece of equipment you can buy dirt cheap that will help accomplish both – tube screens. That’s right, hand pipe screens will help you prevent sap from building up in your bowl, which causes pesky clogs, and they’ll also protect you from scoobies.

In this guide we detail everything you need to know about tube screens including:

Let’s start!

What are tube screens?

Pipe screens are small screens used to prevent clogging, snuffing and gum build-up in hand pipes and glass bowls. They are usually made of stainless steel, but can also be made of brass, glass, quartz and even titanium. There are tons of different sizes and designs of pipe screens depending on your preferences.

Why use a tube screen?

Put simply, pipe screens make your life as a stoner easier. They allow ash to accumulate on them and can be easily removed to kick a whole bowl pack. In addition, they prevent scoobies and also help to keep your hand pipe cleaner for longer.

Do you need a tube screen?

no Many stoners go every day without. However, once you enjoy the convenience of smoking a hand pipe with a pip strainer, you may find it difficult to return to your wilder smoking habits.

How to use tube screens?

To use a tube screen, follow these simple steps:

Clean your hand pipe or glass bowl – you should make sure there is no ash or herbs underneath before inserting your pipe screen into your hand pipe. Make sure you have the right size pipe screen – you also want to make sure the screen you are using fits your bowl or pipe snugly. Screens that are too small will fall right through the hole, causing clogs and other problems. Screens that are too big will sit too high in your bowl, causing them to be loose, and you won’t be able to pack them all the way in either. Pack Your Herbs On Top – Carefully pack your bowl as you normally would, only with the strainer tube on the bottom. Smoking – Smoke your hand pipe or bong as usual until all herbs are gone or reduced to ash. Kick it – Carefully remove the pipe screen when you’re done smoking. Shake it to remove the ash. Then put it back in your bowl when you want to use it again. Use or clean your pipe screen as needed – If your pipe screen appears clean, you can reuse it. If it seems that resin has accumulated in it, you can always clean it or buy a new one.

Because pipe screens are so cheap, many stoners choose to buy new ones rather than cleaning old ones. No need to be wasteful, cleaning your pipe screen is very easy. We’ll explain this process later in this article so you can save money and save the earth!

3 different types of tube screens

There are a few main types of pipe screens that you will come across frequently while browsing the web:



Stainless steel

These are generally considered to be the best types of pipe screens because they are durable, easy to clean, affordable, safe to use, and don’t have any noticeable effect on flavor.

Titanium pipe screens also exist, but they are known to have negative effects on taste similar to titanium nails.

Let’s take a look at each of these types of tube screens, what makes them different, what we like about them, and which ones we recommend.


Glass pipe strainers are often made in funky shapes like flowers or animals. In general, they are known to:

Very easy to clean

More expensive than other types of tube screens

Less durable than other tube screens

Easier to clog

The best tube screen for airflow

Versatile, fits all sizes of hand whistles and bowls

Overall, glass pipe strainers are great for certain stoners. We like them because as long as you treat them right, you only need one at a time.

Although they cost more up front (only about $3-5 more for 100), they last a lot longer and also add a bit of decorative flair to your piece – if that’s what you’re interested in.

If you’re a clumsy stoner, this might not be the best type of pipe screen for your hand pipe considering a drip almost always breaks it.

However, where glass pipe shades really excel is in the flavor. Unlike metal screens, they don’t have a noticeable impact on the flavor of your smoking experience, which is very important to some smokers. This flavor change from metal screens comes from the fumes they give off when heated, which is also a cause of health concerns. Overall, glass tube screens are the safest alternative.


Brass tube screens are generally the cheapest type of tube screen (although they are all dirt cheap). They are known for:

Attractively priced

Not as durable as the other types of tube screens

More durable than glass

Available in many different sizes

Overall, brass tube screens are the middle of the line. Ultimately, I see no reason why you should choose brass over stainless steel or glass. Not that they’re bad, but they’re noticeably less durable and long-lasting than stainless steel and aren’t much cheaper, if anything.

Sure, they look great with their gold-brass coloring, and they definitely get the job done, but it’s hard to see why anyone would choose them over glass or stainless steel.

One thing to watch out for with brass tube screens is that they will weaken over time from the heat of your pipe. This can cause them to have larger holes in the center over time, or in some cases, cause them to crumble altogether. You should make sure that if you use brass pipe screens more than once, you regularly check their durability to ensure they are still safe to smoke. The last thing you want is to breathe in brass.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel tube screens are by far the most popular type of screen on the market. They are known for:

Very affordable prices

Large quantities

Numerous sizes

Durability to brass screens

Overall, stainless steel tube screens get the job done. They are noticeably more durable than brass strainers over time and also seem to affect the taste far less.

Just like brass tube screens, stainless steel can weaken over time with heat, creating larger holes and eventually crumbling the screen. Be careful when using screens multiple times and check their durability to protect yourself while smoking.

Are brass screens or steel screens better?

All in all, based on my personal experience and the experiences of dozens of other seasoned stoners, it appears that stainless steel screens are victorious in this battle. They’re more durable, more affordable, come in more sizes and also have less of an impact on flavor – all of which should be important when looking for a pipe screen.

What are the best tube screens?

We always recommend glass pipe screens as they are very durable, easy to clean and will not affect the flavor of your smoking experience. In addition, they offer the option of customizing your bowl or hand whistle a bit, which is always nice. Finally, as long as you’re responsible, you should be able to make a single quartz screen last longer than about 100 stainless steel screens.

The 3 best pipe screen brands

In terms of which brands of tube screens are the best, there are a few that we prefer over the others:

Daisy Screens – These guys make some awesome glass pipe screens shaped like colored flowers. You can get a 100 count for less than $10, which should be more than you’ll ever need. MADE IN THE USA – These guys make some of the best stainless steel tube screens right here in the USA. Very durable screens, many sizes and affordable prices too. GRIMM – These guys make some of the best brass screens in the world. They offer countless sizes, durable designs and affordable prices.

Overall I wouldn’t focus too much on the brand, after all it’s just screens not bongs. However, if you want something you can rely on at all times, these are the best pipe strainer brands for you.

Are tube screens safe to use?

Before we answer that question, let’s first acknowledge the fact that smoking anything isn’t healthy for you. Breathing in carcinogens in any amount can lead to cancer, lung disease, and hundreds of other health complications later in life. No amount of screening or filtration can completely eliminate the risks associated with smoking.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, if you are concerned about safety when buying a new tube screen, a glass screen is definitely your best option. Any metal, no matter how strong, durable, or safe, emits fumes when heated, even at low temperatures. Both brass and stainless steel strainers are notorious for this, which is why they tend to spoil the taste. This raises health concerns that have yet to be addressed by regulators and companies.

Overall, there are no warnings that specifically discourage people from using brass or tubular steel screens or claim that they are unsafe. However, we can only use the information available to us to reach a conclusion. At the end of the day, using a metal pipe strainer is unlikely to have a very noticeable negative impact on your health. But over time, more chemicals could be added to the equation — while using a glass pipe strainer completely eliminates those concerns.

How do you clean a tube screen?

If you’re like us, or most stoners, you want to make the most of what you’ve got. This usually means cleaning out the old bong or hand pipe and making it good as new or preserving every last crumb and pipe screen to save money over time.

Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with being imaginative. In fact, it seems like we could use a little more of this in our lavish world. When we first started using tube screens we had no idea how to clean them and had to try all sorts of methods before getting the process just right. So we thought we’d save you some time and share this little secret with you.

What supplies do I need?

To clean your pipe screen, you should prepare the following items:



isopropyl alcohol





paper towels

Once you have all those supplies ready, it’s time to start cleaning your pipe screen!

How to clean a tube screen in 7 steps

Check the tube strainer for dirt – Take out your strainer and check how dirty it is. Sometimes a loose layer of ash is to blame for how dirty it is, sometimes a layer of sap is the culprit. Depending on how dirty it is, you may need to take different steps to clean it. Blow on the Screen – To show how dirty your pipe screen really is, blow on it to remove the top layer of ash. If it seems like that’s all you need, you may be able to skip the remaining steps of the cleaning process but still proceed to ensure cleanliness. If resin seems to have built up, it’s definitely time to take the next steps. Burn Your Pipe Screen Clean – Next, grab your tweezers and lighter. Hold your pipe screen over your sink or toilet with your tweezers and heat it with the lighter for about 1-2 minutes. Any longer can affect the durability and integrity of your screen. This step will help burn off some of the resin that remains on your screen after blowing. Allow your screen to cool and blow on it again – After heating, allow your screen to cool for about 2-3 minutes before picking it up again. Blow on it again to check how clean it is. If no resin remains, simply soak in warm water for 30 seconds to remove any residue from burning and allow to dry. If resin remains, continue with the next steps. Soak Your Pipe Screen in an Alcohol and Salt Solution – Take your isopropyl alcohol and pour it into your container. For small pipe screens, you won’t need more than about 8 ounces. Then take about 2-4 tablespoons of salt and mix in until you have a solution. Then place your pipe screen in the solution and let it soak for about 30-60 minutes. Take Out Your Pipe Screen and Rinse It – After soaking it for about an hour, take out your screen and check how clean it is. If it looks clean, simply rinse with clean water and let dry before using again. If it still appears dirty, you may need to soak it again. Be sure to rinse and dry your screen – this is one of the most important steps in the cleaning process. You should ensure that you rinse all of the alcohol solution off your pipe screen before using it, otherwise you will be exposing yourself to dangerous alcohol fumes. Also, be sure to dry your strainer before use to keep your herbs dry.

And that’s it! Now it’s time to smoke again and get your pipe screen dirty again! Keep an eye on the durability of brass and stainless steel screens every time you clean them. If they seem to be getting weak, just throw them away instead of waiting for them to crumble while you smoke.

3 things to consider when cleaning your pipe screen

When cleaning your pipe screen, it is important to keep a few important things in mind:

They only last so long – Look, I don’t care if you’re the Greek god of purification, you can only use a brass or stainless steel strainer so many times before it’s just dangerous to smoke out of. If it gets to the point where it feels very weak, you should throw it away and not risk smoking out of a pipe screen, which could fall apart, exposing you to inhaling dangerous fumes. A Clean Screen Is More Efficient – What’s the point of using a pipe screen if you can’t even get a smooth smoking experience with it? If you don’t clean your pipe screens, you’re either wasting a lot of money buying new pipes or wasting a lot of time cleaning your hand pipe more often. Some screens should be cleaned before use – Believe it or not, some pipe screens have a dangerous chemical film on the outside that needs to be burned off before use. Be sure to check your labels before using your pipe screens to ensure they are safe to smoke. Or drop the safety issues altogether and opt for a glass tube shade.

How can I make a pipe umbrella at home?

See, there are all sorts of ways you can make a pipe screen at home, from using aluminum foil to a paper clip. However, we do not recommend any of these methods for a few important reasons:

They expose you to harmful chemicals and fumes

They are hardly cheaper than buying real pipe screens

They never work that well

They don’t last more than a few smoke sessions at best

Overall, for the sake of your own safety and time, it’s better if you just buy a glass pipe strainer that will fit almost any hand pipe or bowl and hold it nicely. This will help you save a ton of money and drastically reduce your exposure to additional carcinogens in whatever you smoke.

Pack Up – Should I Use a Tube Screen?

Yes. In our experience, using a pipe screen makes for a smoother smoking experience every time. They are very affordable, easy to clean and usually last a very long time if you treat them properly.

We always recommend that you use glass pipe screens primarily for safety reasons, but also to maintain better flavor and have a longer lasting, easier to clean pipe screen in the future.

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Do you need a gauze for a bong?

Gauzes are a small but essential accessory for every pipe or bong smoker to get the most out of their piece. Preventing ash and other detritus from clogging up your pipe is key to prolonging its lifespan and reducing the need for cleaning.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

Gauze are a small but essential accessory for any pipe or bon smoker to get the most out of their piece. Preventing ash and other debris from clogging your pipe is key to extending its life and reducing the need for cleaning. We have a wide range of screens and gauzes of various sizes and diameters to choose from. Check out our steel gauzes, titanium gauzes, brass gauzes and the super handy tapered gauzes that slide right into the bowl.

What is a pipe filter?

What is a pipe filter? The filter is a small accessory that allows to filter and trap harmful substances, therefore making the overall smoking experience more enjoyable. There are several kinds of filters, that differ in diameter and material used. The two most commonly used are metal filters and 9 mm filters.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

What is a tube filter?

The filter is a small accessory that allows harmful substances to be filtered and trapped, making the overall smoking experience more enjoyable. There are different types of filters, differing in diameter and material used. The two most commonly used are metal filters and 9mm filters. The filter is located in the tube in the spigot.

How do I choose the right filter?

You can’t put any filter in a pipe! In general, the two criteria mentioned above must be observed. There are also certain brands of pipes that require special filters (Falcon, Tsuge…).

The diameter:

It is the first criterion that you must consider. In fact, depending on the bore diameter of the tube, you must use the filter of the appropriate diameter (it is therefore not possible to insert a 9mm diameter filter in a 4mm diameter tube and vice versa). There are 4 different filter diameters:

3mm filter

Filter 4mm filter

Filter 6 mm filter

Filter 9mm filter

It is also possible to use an adapter that can be plugged onto 9 mm diameter tubes.

The material:

Pipe filters can be made of different materials:

Metal: The metal filter is a small piece of metal that slips onto the stem. Depending on the pipe, there are different shapes of metal filters.

: The metal filter is a small piece of metal that slips onto the stem. Depending on the pipe, there are different shapes of metal filters. Balsa: Balsa is a very light and soft wood composed of porous fibers with absorbent properties. Balsa filters are shaped like small rods.

: Balsa is a very light and soft wood composed of porous fibers with absorbent properties. Balsa filters are shaped like small rods. Paper: A paper filter is made of paper that is rolled up to form a hollow tube.

: A paper filter consists of rolled paper forming a hollow tube. Meerschaum: Meerschaum is a naturally filtering mineral. Meerschaum filters come in the form of cartridges that contain small balls of meerschaum.

: Meerschaum is a naturally filtering mineral. Meerschaum filters come in the form of cartridges that contain small balls of meerschaum. Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal has particularly strong absorption properties. Like meerschaum filters, activated carbon filters are cartridges that contain activated carbon granules.

: Activated carbon has particularly strong absorption properties. Like meerschaum filters, activated carbon filters are cartridges that contain activated carbon granules. Keystones: These small volcanic clay stones can be placed at the bottom of your pipe bowl.

Type of filter Pros Cons Metal Easy to clean by holding it under water.

It’s the only filter that doesn’t need to be changed regularly unless it breaks, in which case you can buy a new one.

Cheap. Doesn’t filter out pollutants as efficiently as some other filters.

Metal filters tend to encourage condensation, which is why some prefer not to smoke. Balsa wood 100% natural.

Catch some of the tar.

Absorbs moisture.

The wooden stick does not fill the entire stem, so the airflow is not restricted. The filter must be changed regularly (every 2 pipes).

Doesn’t filter out pollutants as efficiently as some other filters. Paper absorbs moisture.

Cheap. The paper filter must be replaced after each use.

Doesn’t filter out pollutants as efficiently as some other filters. Meerschaum Filters pollutants (tars, nicotine) in a natural way.

Absorbs moisture for a fresher smoke. The filter must be changed regularly (every 3 to 4 pipes).

The draw with a 9mm filter is a bit more difficult.

Meerschaum has a slight influence on the taste of the tobacco. Activated carbon Today it is the most efficient filter to filter out pollutants (tar, nicotine).

Absorbs moisture for a fresher and drier smoke. The filter must be changed regularly (every 3 to 4 pipes).

The draw with a 9mm filter is a bit more difficult. Keystones These stones can be used with any pipe, regardless of bore width.

Absorb moisture for a fresher and drier smoke.

Avoid tobacco waste (tobacco leaves that may not have been burned) at the bottom of the bowl. The stones take up some space, so less tobacco fits in the bowl.

The stones may not be compatible with whistles that have a very small head.

The stones must be changed after each use. Adapter Allows smoking a 9mm pipe with a standard metal filter.

It presents all the advantages of a metal filter. Some 9mm tubes cannot be used with an adapter! To make sure it fits, it’s best to contact the team at La Pipe Rit!

The adapter must be cleaned regularly (especially the plastic part).

It offers all the disadvantages of a metal filter.

metal filter

9mm activated carbon filter 6mm balsa filter

9mm Meerschaum Filter Paper Filter Clay Stones (Keystones)

9mm balsa filter 9mm filter – filter adapter made of metal

Which filter can be used with my pipe?

Filter Diameter Filter Type 3mm 4mm 6mm 9mm Metal Yes Yes No No Balsa No No Yes Yes Paper Yes Yes Yes No Meerschaum No No No Yes Activated Carbon No No No Yes Keystones Yes Yes Yes Yes Adapters No No No Yes

What is the best pipe filter?

There is no universal answer to this question, it depends on the taste and preferences of the smoker! Just remember that a good filter will not change the taste of the tobacco. If you want, you can also remove the filter and smoke without.

Many whistles come with a metal filter. However, more and more whistles are being fitted with a 9mm tube. The filter type that matches the pipe is displayed in the description area for all our products. La Pipe Rit team

Check out all of our pipe filters

What is a daisy screen?

Daisy glass screens prevent Ashes and Larger pieces of weed/ cannabis from going into your pipes or bongs. It makes your smoking experience smooth and intern makes cleaning your pipes and bongs super easy. FITS MOST PIPE: The average size of the screens are about 1/4″ (5-6mm) which fits in most pipes and Bowls.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens


This was the third time I’ve ordered these from Polychromatic. So far I’ve been very satisfied. Unfortunately, this batch (I ordered 2) had 20% or more that went straight to the trash because the stems were so large in diameter that I couldn’t get a decent hit in the pipe, or so short that they were unusable over and over again just went to the trash. At some point I will have to order these again. Should I stay with Poly? Don’t know, there are many other places you can buy these.

Cool Glass Pipes with built-in Screen

Cool Glass Pipes with built-in Screen
Cool Glass Pipes with built-in Screen

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What is a Pipe Screen? – HØJ

Estimated reading time of 3 minutes

When it comes to smoking your herb, a weed pipe is a device that has held a special place among users. Easy to carry, perfect for sharing with friends or for solo sessions and easy to use, these devices have everything you need for a perfect hit.

However, sometimes we get ugly bits of ash and burned herb if we inhale too hard. It happens to the best of us. And that’s exactly why it’s important to have a small but essential smoking accessory. We’re talking about tube screens.

What are tube screens for?

Pipe screens are small screens designed to prevent clogging, snuffing, and sap build-up in your pipes and bongs. In addition, they are perfect for keeping your device cleaner since you can collect ashes on them. This way you can empty the contents after your smoking sessions. In the long run, you won’t have to clean your pipes as often as bongs if you use a pipe screen.

There are many different types of tube screens to suit each user’s preferences and needs. Your typical tube screen is made of stainless steel, but many other materials are used these days. You can find pipe screens made from brass, glass, quartz and even titanium. In addition, there are different sizes and designs to perfectly match your pipe or bong.

Do you need a screen for a pipe?

While it’s not essential to have a screen for a pipe, it’s definitely a great addition to your smoking experience. Many users go by every day without one, and some pipes even have small holes in the bottom of the bowl to do the job of a pipe screen. However, this does not always end well. More often than not, these types of pipe will build up tar deposits that will clog the small holes that should do the job.

It might not seem like an important item, but once you’ve seen the huge difference a pipe screen can make to your smoking session, you won’t want to put it down. Additionally, they work wonders for bongs and bubblers as they help keep the water clean. Also, some bongs have large bowls that allow unsmoked material to be sucked through. Using a pipe strainer in such cases will prevent unnecessary wastage of herbs.

Do you need screens for glass pipes?

As we mentioned earlier, using a strainer for pipes isn’t strictly necessary, but it will definitely make the difference. When it comes to glass bongs, they are one of the easiest devices to clean. However, if you don’t clean your glass pipe frequently, it will eventually become covered in resin and tar.

This can be prevented by simply using a pipe strainer on your glass pipe. Of course, you still need to clean the pipe regularly, but it gives you more time to use your glass pipe for a few days without cleaning. Almost any type of pipe screen will work for your glass pipe, making it easier for you to select a suitable filter for your needs.

Knowing how important a pipe screen is, HØJ has developed the perfect accessory for clean and cool smoke. With a

KØL filter

, you have a durable strainer that allows nothing but an aromatic herb to enter your lungs. Made of titanium-coated stainless steel, this filter can withstand temperatures of up to 600 °C. You no longer have to worry about disgusting ashes and disposable pipe strainers.

Tips on How to Use Pipe Screens

Whistles are popular because they are easy to use and carry, and are perfect for both solo sessions and sharing with friends. However, the only downside to smoking from a pipe is the swipe. If you pull too hard on burnt herb and ash, it can be sucked through the tube and straight into your mouth. It happens to the best of us, but luckily there is a solution. All you need is a pipe strainer, the essential accessory for wooden, glass and metal pipes. In this article you will learn all about using pipe screens and how to choose the right screen for your style.

Why use a tube screen?

The most common pipe screens are made of metal mesh cut into small circles that can be bent to fit the inside of your bong bowl. The idea is that while smoke and fine ash fall through, large chunks are held in place. Using a pipe strainer will keep your pipe cleaner, but most importantly, prevent large clumps of ash from being drawn into your mouth.

Some people even use strainers when smoking from bongs and bubblers to keep their water clean. Bongs also sometimes have large bowls that can accidentally suck unsmoked material through. Use pipe strainers to prevent this unnecessary waste of unsmoked herb.

Different types of tube screens

Tube screens come in two common materials: metal or glass. Metal tube screens are commonly made from aluminium, brass or stainless steel. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know exactly what metal a screen is made of, or to find a trustworthy manufacturer.

In addition, metal screens must be replaced regularly. Over time, metal tube screens will become coated with black resin and develop holes. Despite these disadvantages, metal screens are popular because they are cheap and easy to find.

Glass tube screens offer a better solution. Unlike metal screens, which require frequent replacement and can be made from unsafe metals, glass screens are safe to use and last forever. While not as cheap as metal screens, glass screens are affordable for any budget.

Check out our selection of glass tubing screens here at BadassGlass. We offer high quality, affordable glass pipe strainers that will last a lifetime. Also check out our range of glass bowls with built in strainer. With this useful accessory, you no longer need to keep an eye on your screen or clean it separately from the pipe.

Tips on using tube screens

Metal tube screens come in a variety of sizes, usually between 0.5 inch and 1 inch. Larger bowls require larger screens. Because metal strainers are so malleable, all you have to do is push the strainer disc into the tube until it is flush with the bottom of the bowl. Make sure the strainer covers the hole. Metal and wooden whistles usually have holes on the side, while glass bowls have holes on the bottom.

Remember to brush metal screens clean often to avoid clogging and check for holes regularly. Never overheat a metal screen as this will damage the screen and, depending on the metal, can even release dangerous chemicals. If you smoke regularly, we recommend replacing the metal pipe screens every few weeks or a month.

Glass screens are easy to use. Available in a range of shapes and sizes, simply place a glass pipe strainer over the bowl’s hole and pack tobacco on top. Remember to remove and clean your glass screen often, and don’t let it become covered in resin and sticky. The easiest way to break a glass pipe screen is to dig for it with a paperclip, as it’s gone in a pile of resin.

You don’t need to replace glass panels due to wear and tear unless they break. Being made of glass, these screens are fragile. Be careful with glass pipe screens and they will last forever. However, if they chip, be sure to replace them.

Do-it-yourself temporary tube screens

Now you know how to use tube screens and maintain them for best performance. You’ve also ordered some quality glass pipe strainers from BadassGlass, but in the meantime you still need a strainer! It’s time to get crafty with some DIY tube screen solutions.

Contrary to popular belief, smoking from aluminum pipes or screens is not inherently dangerous. If you’re stuck at home without a colander, cut out a small piece of aluminum foil to fit in the bowl. Poke holes through the foil with a paper clip or toothpick.

No slide? No problem. Paperclips are typically made from steel. Bend a paperclip into a flat spiral and place it over the hole in the bowl. You may need to break the paper clip to the right size.

When smoking a therapeutic herb, it’s possible to fill the bottom of the bowl with a “disposable” material like shredded tobacco. Loosely place a small amount of tobacco over the hole to maintain airflow. Pack your herb on top and quit smoking when you reach the tobacco.

These temporary solutions should get you through the next few days until you receive your new tube screens. If you haven’t already ordered, buy glass bong strainers and bowls with built in strainers right here at BadassGlass.com.

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