Unrequited Love Candy Test? 97 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “unrequited love candy test“? We answer all your questions at the website Chewathai27.com/ppa in category: Aodaithanhmai.com.vn/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

Ngọc Trinh ghé thăm Store của Hương Giang, test thử BST Son Candy Love – The Muse

Ngọc Trinh ghé thăm Store của Hương Giang, test thử BST Son Candy Love – The Muse
Ngọc Trinh ghé thăm Store của Hương Giang, test thử BST Son Candy Love – The Muse

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Unrequited love candy test-케이테스트

What is my unrequited love cnady type?

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Source: ktestone.com

Date Published: 2/27/2022

View: 2952

So I did the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m…

So I d the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m genuinely shook that they nailed my personality down.

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Source: obeythebutler.tumblr.com

Date Published: 2/15/2022

View: 3256

Too many ocs(tm) — So I did the “Unrequited Love Candy …

So I d the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m genuinely shook that they nailed my personality … What is my unrequited love cnady type?

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Source: fumikomiyasaki.tumblr.com

Date Published: 3/2/2021

View: 3331

Love Candy Test, Link dan Cara Main Untuk Tahu Permen …

KABAR TEGAL – Simak link dan cara main sebuah kuis untuk tahu tipe permen cinta kamu dari sebuah kuis bernama Unrequited Love Candy Test.

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Source: kabartegal.pikiran-rakyat.com

Date Published: 5/1/2022

View: 3779

加茂憲紀 — So I did the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m…

tothemeadow: “So I d the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m genuinely shook that they nailed my personality down Try it here: …

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Source: noritoshiikamo.tumblr.com

Date Published: 6/15/2021

View: 1059

So I did the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m…

Come inse and enjoy a nice cup of tea! — So I d the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m… 1.5M ratings. 277k ratings …

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Source: teashopwritingzz.tumblr.com

Date Published: 11/12/2022

View: 5039

Unrequited love candy test – Frolic with Me

So I d the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m genuinely shook that they nailed my personality down Try it here: …

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Source: tothemeadow.tumblr.com

Date Published: 1/5/2022

View: 1325

Shenanigans Among Demons — So I did the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m…


uh easy. satan lucifer mammon whatever other guys (i love me a little dia so maybe him and barb who probably deserves to feel at least a little responsible) knowing how much you’re suffering. try to help.

First Lucifer rejected you, and then that. It would be a massive setback for any kind of bravery you could muster, because seriously, after lesson 16, fuck it. you could DIE, that’s REAL, and you were stupid to ever forget that.

I can truly imagine you are in such a state of terror and shock as if you literally died no game no kidding it HAPPENED and no one saved you Belphie didn’t stop it was absolutely nothing what you could do

coward! MC lesson 16 reactions,,, bro the fear potential is so real idk even where to start.

Coward! MC here

Hellfire Tea sits cold in your lap.

The flames in the hearth burn with vigour, bright and fiery, as one would expect from the likes of Hell. Mammon once threw a broken chair in there to hide from the elders and it crumbled to ashes in front of your eyes within seconds.

The fire devours everything it gets.

Like this black tapir roasted to perfection by Satan. Babylon curry, stirred by Asmodeus, with two pink hair clips he put on before starting the cooking and while he chirped “so my hair won’t be affected by the heat!” and the happy chatter in the air. Plans were made and some turned away immediately (exploring all the Devildom restaurants in one day could only lead to bankruptcy) and a smile not seen before.

And Quetzalcoatl brain soup stirred up by a great demon.

For his twin, of course.

Bony fingers gripping the ladle and lips curling in a smile at the taste. The same fingers around your neck. Tighten up, won’t let you breathe, even if you’re begging. Black spots in the field of vision and a throbbing pain in the chest after being thrown down the stairs. You must have broken a bone or two in there, but you’re not sure.

You’re not even sure why you’re alive.

Belphegor laughs and you freeze in your seat, the fork with the spaghetti upside down falling on the table with a thud!

They blame clumsy hands. And yet your heartbeat can be heard by inhuman ears.

You stare at it distantly, perhaps wondering if the piece of food will come to life.

“Here,” Belphegor says, handing you a plate of sushi. “I thought you’d like it since it’s from the human world.”

You stare at him but smile, and when his fingers touch yours you tremble.

“I’ve missed a lot, haven’t I?” He mentions with a half-closed look. “I want to catch up on everything.”

They chew rice and fish, but taste doesn’t matter right now. The room is gigantic and one becomes a dwarf in comparison. Eyes look at you with concern, but you pay no attention to them.

Was your death mourned at all?

When Belphegor says your name, you nod and say yes.

Even when you’re begging yourself to say no and walk out of the room he’s sitting and eating and you’re eating with him and his brothers and you’re eating with rejection and death in front of you and oh god you can’t say no —

Your fingers dig into your thigh.

“MC, are you alright?” whispers Asmodeus, unable to keep your hands from shaking when Belphegor is near. You don’t hear him and continue to stare at the half-eaten sushi on your plate. Your heart pounding in your chest, the familiar fangs of fear clinging to you as the seventh born draws near.


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Too many ocs(tm) — So I did the “Unrequited Love Candy Test” and I’m…

Even though I’m on vacation, I’m trying to make content again… this time with Tristan from @atwstedstory , Azure and Yuuta from @rosietrace and Satin,Harper, Parker from @rookvonhunt

Just a rest day

Tristan was pausing when he found Carol, frustrated, burying her face in a book and grunting slightly… Not only did she appear tired, but her mind was lost.

“What’s going on, did something happen today?”

“Don’t ask… this day was just so embarrassing… I can tell you if you don’t share…”

“You know I won’t, you can tell me.”

“The day started when I woke up and threw myself at Jamil, who got into an argument with him … then I accidentally walked in when some of the guys were changing because my glasses were fogging up, then I got caught by Trey when I almost fell off the stairs and since he’s one of my crushes I just reacted as an uncool mess… And it ended up being the worst when some DAC students came over to get some stuff for their school and so I had to Yasuno meet and be cornered by him again…. I just want to have a day where I don’t screw up or get into trouble…”

“It could always have been worse, but… I see the problem you have… too much work, too much stress because of the insecurities with your crushes and also… you think too much about others and not about yourself…”

She sighed…he was right…when was the last time she had some time away from work or just focused on what she wanted….

“Tris, do you have any idea what I could do?”

“For one, cut out some of your appointments…especially for today…we’re giving you a day to recover from thoughts that are troubling you…but I think we could discuss your crush so you can find a way frivolously.” to make a decision….”

“I guess you’re right…I can’t always switch off…I need to find someone to focus on…or hope someone will come at me first so I can make my decision…”

“And we do that by having a relaxing day today, you decide where to go and I’ll come along to chat with you. That way we can both share our problems.”

“Then just let me write ace and two so I can reschedule our session…”

“Then let’s first make a list of your crushes and I’ll add the people I assume have a crush on you to give them a fair shot as well.”

“I still can’t believe someone like that exists…aside from Yasuno and his obsession….”

“You’re more popular than you think… I think it’s also because you’re so nice to everyone…”

“I… it’s just hard for me to see it still, but… I trust you… you’ve become an important friend to me.”

He chuckled and then drew a plan on a piece of paper.

A silent library

With RSA and NRC having their Magishift tournament, many RSA students were walking around the school. Among them Azure… who often kept to herself and wrote, but in the library he found a familiar person whom he knew too well. She was introduced to Yuuta before and since then Azure seems to have focused on Carol after seeing how brilliantly she handles the texts of the other students in her school. He often couldn’t help but just stare at her as she waved her pen and corrected things for her tutoring sessions… but since Yuuta often urged her to meet up, he wasn’t really alone with her… from a far away shelf once again she watched. At least until she turned to put some books back on the shelf.

“Oh Azure… you’re here too? How long have you been standing there?”

“Not long now… I’ve just arrived…”

He was lying, of course, but it was better than saying he’d been staring at her the whole time… he still had very little to talk to her about, so after a few moments of silence, she smiled at him.

“Would you like to help me with some papers? I usually try to do this alone though

.. I heard from Yuuta that you like to correct things… Maybe that way we can follow the tournament faster. ”

She was quite hesitant, but he nodded quickly, making her a little happy. He focused on the essays but also complained a little about her students…much to her laughing at it…

“They’re a nuisance, but… who’s going to help them improve if I don’t?”

“It’s just… I wouldn’t have had the patience to deal with them making so many mistakes…”

“I guess… but it makes it easier with your help and… I’m glad to be alone with you for once, without Yuuta around… I wasn’t lying when I said before that I was a bit curious about your writing was… would you mind sharing.”

Azure hesitated a bit, but then sat down next to her and pulled out his notebook… as she read a bit, her face lit up in awe… it was cute for him to look at… her face was obvious that she was enjoying it, which calmed him down happier…

When she closed the book and turned to him, neither of them noticed how close they were sitting together…. Their noses almost touched… when they both blushed, the library door suddenly opened and Yuuta walked in.

“I was looking for you, Azure… guess I didn’t have to worry.”

His confident grin made Carol angry again.

“Seriously, do you have a tracker with me?”

“No… just to know you’re in the library… but what were you two doing?”

“Azure just helped me, that’s all… but I think I’ll go…”

She grabbed her books and texts and left the room a bit embarrassed….

The pretty devil

Carol wasn’t expecting that… one comment resulted in not only being kidnapped at night but also going to a different school. At first she wanted Lord Astra to answer why, but his reasons seemed correct. Crowley didn’t seem to care much about helping her cause and her ramshackle buddies get home… Astra offered her a position at his school after getting to know her for a day… and somehow it felt like an opportunity …not only to get over her previous lack of strength and stamina, but also… maybe it was destiny for her to come here… being sorted into the Nuraveil dormitory was strange… but she already had a good relationship with Satin as her dorm manager… she chatted about books and was good in all understanding of each other… some other members were weird but it was okay anyway… the worst part though was the times she spent with the deputy head… something about him left her Heart pounding and she often couldn’t tell why… but she seemed to have doubts he often knew what to say… he helped her get good with firearms … and to get used to this school at all…. Though she could only really talk about it with Satin herself and another student from Outlandish named Harper… she trusted them to keep it…


“Yo Carol…”

And the voice she heard was something she dreaded… Yasuno leaning behind her with an arm around her shoulders… him again… she couldn’t take the way he seemed to only half follow her… doing it she uncomfortable, especially because she couldn’t get his intentions…. Why should he be so obsessed with her… when she was hoping someone would come by, for once it wasn’t Harper who pulled her out of the situation, it was Parker himself…

“Yasuno, don’t you have something better to do than your job as deputy manager?”

“Ehh, Kuze is doing fine on his own right now… and I’m having a break… why don’t I have a funny chat I thought…”

It was as if Parker pushed her slightly behind him…. Which made her look at him in awe.

“I’d still recommend you harass someone else… Satin wanted to speak to Carol, so she’s busy.”

Yasuno scoffed…

“Just because she’s in your dorm doesn’t mean you have to berate her all the time.”

Carol clenched her fist and tried to get in front of Parker to look at Yasuno.

“Maybe it’s because you’re bothering me all the time and I don’t like you that I’m avoiding you… Parker and Satin make me comfortable talking to them, so naturally I spend more time with them…”

“To resist…I like…I actually quite like it…”


As Yasuno grinned, a zipper suddenly appeared on his mouth… Harper came back at just the right time to pull it off….

“Thank you again, Parker…I just don’t know how to deal with him…”

“You know…. The dorm will always be there for you…”

Looking back she blushed and avoided looking at him again… at least she was glad she could count on the people here….


Love Candy Test, Link dan Cara Main Untuk Tahu Permen Cinta Kamu dari Kuis, Share Hasilnya ke Medsos

KABAR TEGAL – Simak link and cara main sebuah kuis untuk tahu tipe permen cinta kamu dari sebuah kuis bernama Unrequited Love Candy Test.

Setelah Love Language Test, saat ini sedang tren hasil dari Love Candy Test yang merupakan sebuah tipe permen cinta yang dimiliki oleh tiap individu di media sosial (medsos).

Berikut link Love Candy Test dan cara main untuk mengetahui apa tipe permen cinta kamu dan bagikan di medsos seperti twitter dengan kalimat ‘drop tipe permen cinta kalian’ atau Instagram story dalam penggunaan stiker ‘balasan anda’ dengan caption yang sama.

Baca Juga: Simak and Kenali 5 Love Language on Awet dengan Pasangan

Berikut link dan cara main Love Candy Test mengetahui tipe bahasa cinta yang kalian miliki dari kuis love language yang saat ini sedang ramai di twitter dengan mudah:

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