Armor Of God Week 2 Answers? The 49 Latest Answer

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Armor of God Bible Study Week 2 Day 1

Armor of God Bible Study Week 2 Day 1
Armor of God Bible Study Week 2 Day 1

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Because we have a relationship with Jesus Christ, we are seated with Him in heavenly places. WEEK 1. SIZING UP THE ENEMY. THE ARMOR OF GOD. 2 …

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The Armor of God Online Bible Study | Session 2

Welcome to Session 2 of The Armor of God online Bible study! We hope you’re already loving this study and learning so much about standing …

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FREE Bible Study – The Full Armor of God Week 2

Chapter 2 – The Belt of Truth … Before we begin to examine the first piece of armor, we must understand that we’re not fighting this battle …

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Armor Of God – Session 2 – Connect Church

Sunday | 10:30 | 13056 Perdue Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32218. OFFICE HOURS. Monday – Thursday 10 – 5 904-410-0241. OUR SOCIALS.

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Armor of God Session 2: Priscilla Shirer “The Belt of Truth”

Allows you to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. · Gives you the freedom you wouldn’t have otherwise. · Restricting releases.

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Armor of God – Week Two – The Belt of Truth – WORD up!

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The Armor of God Session 2 – “The Belt of Truth”

“Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand …

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Week 2: The Belt of Truth | Oakwood’s One Heart Bible Studies

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The Armor of God Online Bible Study

Welcome to the second week of The Armor of God Online Bible Study! We hope that you are already loving this study and learning so much about withstanding the enemy!

If you have questions about how this study works, we’ve answered most of them here.

catch up? That’s okay! We leave the videos so you can take your time.

Click here for Session 1

OK, now to the video! We’ve posted the questions to answer in the comments and your study assignment for the week below.

Questions to answer in the comments:

Do you tend to overestimate or underestimate the enemy’s influence on your circumstances? (Page 17) What do you think it looks like to be “on guard”? (Page 23)

Before watching next week’s video, complete Week 2: The Girdle of Truth in the Bible study book. See you next Thursday!

FREE Bible Study – The Full Armor of God Week 2

Hey, are you looking for the table of contents? click here

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Studying is free as each lesson is made available to you week after week! It’s also a great study to do with your husband as it’s not just for women.

Option 1:

If you would prefer to purchase a copy of the study guide rather than print out the lessons, The Full Armor of God is now available on When you purchase a copy of the study guide, you help support this ministry as we share the gospel with over 500,000 women around the world.

Option 2:

Scroll down the page (very bottom) to find a FREE PDF version of this week’s lesson. Look for the picture with the red seal on it. Come back every Tuesday as I will be offering the printable lessons week after week.

* With both options, make sure to come back on Fridays for my thoughts on each lesson.

Subscribe so you don’t miss a post or exciting information about other upcoming Bible studies.

Chapter 2 – The Belt of Truth

Before we begin examining the first piece of armor, we must understand that we are not fighting this battle alone.

Paul writes, “Therefore, he that thinks he stands lest he fall.” (1 Corinthians 10:12, KJV)

The fight belongs to the Lord. He uses the small, the flawed, and the few to advance the gospel, so that our weakness extends His grace all the more. A young shepherd boy kills a giant, not because he is powerful, but because God working and moving in David was greater than any power on this earth. He reduces Gideon’s army before sending them into battle so he can show his strength and power. He leads an army to victory through obedience to His Word at the Battle of Jericho so that all may see the supremacy of their God.

If we are to live life to the full, full of joy, we must be on guard to protect our hearts and minds, ready to fight for what is rightfully ours. We must fight for our families, our faith, our marriages, and indeed we must fight for our joy.

Stop and think about it for a minute. When was the last time you let Satan steal your joy? If you are married, when was the last time you allowed him to gain a foothold in your marriage? Do you raise children? If so, will you get on your knees to fight for her soul? Are you defeating satan or is he defeating you?

As we go through this study, we will examine the weapons of spiritual warfare. Weapons that break down strong citadels, destroy arguments, and demolish everything that threatens to stand in the way of a victorious life in Christ.

Paul writes: “Although we live in the world, we make no war like the world. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy argument and every claim that goes against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

If we look at Ephesians 6:14a we find the girdle of truth: “Stand therefore, gird your loins girded with truth.” (KJV), you will notice that some other translations use the girdle of “gird our loins” with the girdle of use truth. This is an old adage that isn’t used that much anymore, and in fact most of us haven’t seen it used outside of the Bible. However, we see it used often throughout Scripture. An example is found in Exodus chapter 12, when the Lord instructed the Israelites to eat the Passover with their loins girded, shoes on their feet, and staffs in their hands.

The idea of ​​girding their loins is to prepare for battle, or in the case of Passover, they were preparing to eat and run at any moment. In ancient times, Roman soldiers wore tunics, which were masculine forms of clothing. The tunic was held tightly in place by a belt around the waist. The skirt was then lifted and tucked into the belt to allow free and quick movement. When out on the battlefield, you don’t want your tunic to interfere with your ability to defend yourself.

We see a similar idea in Hebrews 12:1, where it says, “Let us cast off everything that hinders and sin that so easily ensnares. And with perseverance let us run the race that is destined for us.” (NIV)

As we discuss truth in this chapter, let us be careful not to confuse it with the sword of the Spirit. Of course, the sword of the spirit is an essential part of our armor and we will get to that in a later chapter, but we must understand that there is a slight difference between the two as one is truth while the other is veracity. One knows God’s Word and the other lives a life of integrity.

The original Greek word for truth in this context is alētheia (Strongs G225), which comes from the root word alēthēs (Strongs G227), meaning “to love the truth, to tell the truth, to be truthful”.

Truthfulness is not just knowing the truth, but conforming to the truth and loving the truth. I remember my son, who was 18 at the time, went to the bank to deposit his check a few years ago. When he got there, it was already getting dark. The parking lot was empty and there wasn’t a sole in sight when he came across $160 lying on the ground. Eight crisp $20 bills lay on the sidewalk waiting to be collected and spent. My son picked up the money fine, but then he sat on the curb, pulled out his cell phone and called me.

“Mom,” he said. “It will take me a while. I found money on the floor and I want to hang around here for a while in case anyone is looking for it.”

Nobody did. No one saw him pick it up, and no one came to look for it. But because he loves the truth, he went to the bank the next day and handed in the money. That’s integrity. It is found in those quiet moments when no one but God sees the work of your hands.

Authentic truthfulness is more than just doing the right thing, it’s a deeply rooted desire to do the right thing. It is the difference between generous hands that everyone sees and a generous heart that is hidden with God.

Hebrews 4:13 says, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is revealed and laid bare in front of the eyes of the one to whom we are accountable.” (NIV)

If you don’t love the truth and don’t walk in the truth, the moment you are tempted you will give in – and you will be tempted, I promise you.

Satan likes to isolate us before attacking, because he knows our actions don’t always align with our hearts. He knows it’s best to attack when we’re not looking for praise and approval. (Remember that Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by Satan). You know as well as I do that we’re more likely to fall when we’re not being watched. But integrity is not integrity at all unless we secretly practice what we hold dear in the light.

In Philippians 1:10 Paul writes, “That ye may approve of excellence; that you may be upright and without offense until the day of Christ.” The word he uses for uprightness is the same word Peter uses at 2 Peter 3:1, translated as “pure spirit.” (KJV) This word, elikrinēs (Strongs G1506) is defined as: found pure when unfolded and examined by the sunlight.

In his commentary on Philippians, James Montgomery Boice writes: “In ancient times the pottery industry was the greatest industry in the world. And the quality of pottery varied as much as today’s cars, office supplies, or household goods. The cheapest pottery was thick and strong and didn’t require much craftsmanship. It can be found everywhere at archaeological sites. The finest pottery was thin. It was clear in color and fetched a high price. Fine pottery was very fragile both before and after firing and often broke in the kiln. Cracked pottery should have been thrown away. But dishonest traders had a habit of filling the cracks with a hard pearlescent wax that would mix with the color of the pottery. This made the cracks in the shops virtually undetectable, especially if they were painted or glazed; but the wax was immediately detectable when the pottery was held up to light, especially the sun. It has been said that the artificial element was discovered through “solar testing”. Honest dealers marked their finer products with the inscription sine cera – ‘without wax’.”

And so Paul tells us to arm ourselves with the girdle of truth. Walk in truthfulness. Cast off everything that hinders you, turn away from every sin that entangles you, and prepare to fight.

Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; We do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God. On the contrary, by presenting the truth clearly, we commend ourselves to the conscience of all in the sight of God. (2 Corinthians 4:2, NIV)

food for thought

When Jesus takes the wheel, he takes us on a journey through rough terrain and barren lands. He leads us to and through the heart of a storm before driving us safely out.

Why? For without testing our faith, one will never be complete. And so we experience sickness and death, poverty and suffering and pain.

Like gold tried in fire, so is the trial of our faith.

Charles Spurgeon once said, “Whenever God wants to make a man great, he always first breaks him in pieces.”

We see this throughout Scripture when men and women are brought to their knees before being lifted up again. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. David is relentlessly pursued by King Saul and later betrayed by his son. Moses is led through the wilderness of trial for 40 years. Paul is beaten, tortured, imprisoned and blinded, all for the sake of the gospel.

At the heart of their lives is one thing that stands out more than anything else. One thing sets them apart from the others. One thing shines brightly: it is the simple fact that they lived in obedience to their faith.

Pause and reflect

Q. What does “Sine Cera” mean?

Q. According to the author of the book of Hebrews, what should we run with?

Q. What does the phrase “gird up your loins” mean?

Q. Where did the Holy Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted? In what 3 ways was Jesus tempted?

Q. If we want to live in abundance and joy, what must we protect?

Q. According to Hebrews 12:1, what can entangle us so easily? And what should we do?

Q. When does a person’s integrity become hypocrisy?

This week’s challenge

Take a good look at your life and ask yourself if there is anything stopping you from truly serving the Lord. Discard everything that prevents you from following God.

This week’s Bible verse

Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; We do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God. On the contrary, by presenting the truth clearly, we commend ourselves to the conscience of all in the sight of God. (2 Corinthians 4:2, NIV)

The 7-week Bible study journal The Full Armor of God is available now on

Now available at

When you purchase a copy of the study guide, you help support this ministry as we share the gospel with over 500,000 women around the world.

The Armor of God: Printable Version – Second Week

Note: This download is for week 2 of the study only. Come back next Tuesday for part 3. There are seven parts in total. Click here to view and download this week’s lesson.

About the author

Darlene Schacht and her husband Michael live in Manitoba, Canada, where the summers are nice and the winters are cold. Together they have learned that relationships are not always easy, but that marriage, as God intended it, is a treasure worth fighting for.

She began her publishing journey about twelve years ago when she pioneered one of the first online magazines for Christian women, then known as Christian Women Online Magazine. After three years, Darlene left CWO to blog as a solo writer at Time-Warp Wife Ministries.

During this transition, she also collaborated with actress Candace Cameron Bure to write the NYT best-selling book, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Spiritual and Physical Fitness. Reshaping it All was a winner of both the 2011 USA Best Book Awards and the 2012 Christian Reading Retailers Choice Awards.

As the author of more than 15 books, Darlene continues to write and nurture her readers through her blog at

Connect with Darlene:

Facebook: @timewarpwife

Instagram: @timewarpwife

Pinterest: @timewarpwife

Twitter: @timewarpwife

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht

The Time Warp Wife

Armor Of God – Session 2

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