Como Enhebrar Una Maquina De Coser Sears Kenmore? 82 Most Correct Answers

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How do you thread a Sears Kenmore 5186 sewing machine?

How to Thread a Sears Kenmore 5186 Sewing Machine
  1. Wrap some thread around an empty bobbin spool 10 times to get the thread started. …
  2. Pull out the hand wheel of your Kenmore sewing machine. …
  3. Remove the plate under the sewing machine needle and drop in your bobbin. …
  4. Thread the sewing machine with a regular spool of thread.
Buy an old Kenmore sewing machine for a machine that will last. The quality of many modern sewing machines is lower than it used to be if you only buy simple non-professional sewing machines. Figuring out how to thread an older 5186 Kenmore sewing machine is the tricky part as it’s a little different than newer ones. However, Kenmore sewing machines follow the same basics of threading the machine properly.

What year is my Sears Kenmore sewing machine?

All Sears Kenmore sewing machine models have a model number inscribed on them. This number begins with a three-digit code, such as 117 or 385. If you have a Kenmore machine, locate this number and you will be able to determine what year Sears sold that model.

Whether you’re a home sewer looking for the perfect machine or an antique collector interested in the history of sewing machines, you’ve probably come across Kenmore branded machines. Many different Kenmore sewing machine models have appeared on the market over the years.

Sears Roebuck sold Kenmore sewing machines from 1913 to 2013. Various companies made the machines that Sears referred to as “Kenmore”. These budget sewing machines are typically described as sturdy, affordable, and capable of completing basic sewing tasks.

In this article you will learn about the history, models and value of Kenmore’s vintage sewing machines.

History of Kenmore Sewing Machines

Kenmore models made a big impact in sewing history because Sears Roebuck sold them. Without delving too deeply into American history, Sears fundamentally changed the way Americans shopped in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The company designed an extensive mail-order catalog that could reach farmers and settlers in rural America. If you’re imagining that thin, glossy issue of People Magazine that you can easily slip into your purse, think again! At the beginning of the 20th century, the Sears catalog was more than 500 pages long!

Anything included in the Sears catalog could potentially be seen by every consumer in the nation. Because of this, the Sears Kenmore brand quickly became very popular.

Sears made their first Kenmore sewing machine model from 1913 to 1919. This pedal powered model sold for only $6.75! You probably spend that amount on a cup of coffee at Starbucks today, but in the early 1900s the price would have been around $180 today.

However, World War I interrupted the manufacture of household items such as sewing machines, causing Sears to temporarily suspend production. The company resumed profitable business in the 1930s and in 1933 launched some of its most popular electric powered Kenmore brands.

Sears began selling White machines in 1933. Some of these models were branded and sold as white sewing machines. However, some of them were branded with the Sears Kenmore brand.

The Second World War caused another interruption in production. Sears did not sell any machines between 1942 and 1948. After the war, the company continued to sell white models until 1958, some branded with Kenmore.

In the 1950s, White lost his contract with Sears. Sears used the Kenmore brand on a new batch of machines made overseas in Japan. These models featured fancy new skills like buttonhole making, zigzags, and other fancy stitching.

Some people argue that this batch of Sears Kenmores, however, lacked the robust quality that characterized earlier Kenmores.

Singer also briefly manufactured a few Sears Kenmore sewing machine models in the 1970s.

Janome was one of the Japanese companies that quickly grew to global prominence during this period. They made Kenmore models for Sears until 2013.

After bankruptcy in the early 2000s, Sears stopped selling sewing machines under the Kenmore brand.

Why can’t I find any Kenmore machines today?

While you can still find Kenmore machines for sale on many places like eBay and Amazon, Sears no longer makes or sells sewing machines.

This change occurred sometime between 2013 and 2019. Sears stopped selling Kenmore-branded Janome models and held a large sale around 2013 to get rid of its inventory.

During this time, Sears also filed for bankruptcy and ended its partnership with the companies that had manufactured the items sold under the Kenmore brand (at various times these companies included Whirlpool, Janome, and LG).

Sears department stores and their website no longer stock sewing machines, although you can find some models sold by third-party vendors through Sears Marketplace.

Can I buy a new Kenmore sewing machine?

You cannot purchase brand new Sears Kenmore sewing machines as they are no longer manufactured.

When did Kenmore stop making sewing machines? Well, “Kenmore” didn’t exactly make machines to begin with. Kenmore was a brand name that Sears applied to various sewing machine manufacturers that contracted with them.

Most recently, Janome manufactured models sold under the Kenmore brand. These are currently not for sale. The latest models, only sold in 2013, included modern options such as computer controlled functions and embroidery machine capabilities.

Popular Kenmore Sewing Machine Models

Although the list is not exhaustive, here are some highlights of the most popular Kenmore sewing machine models. Sears has sold many different models over the years and every seamstress who uses a Kenmore model claims that their model is the best!

However, each model has its own quirks and abilities, so you’ll have to decide for yourself!

How to Identify a Kenmore Sewing Machine Model

First, a quick word on model numbers. All Sears Kenmore sewing machine models have a model number engraved on them. This number begins with a three-digit code, e.g. B. 117 or 385. If you have a Kenmore machine, look up that number and you can find out what year Sears sold that model.

Kentmore 117

The 117 models are some of Kenmore’s earlier models, produced in the 1940’s. White, a company known for simple but reliable machines, made all the Kenmore 117 models.

These models were powered by electricity, but performed only basic functions. They were also built into a sturdy wooden table cabinet!

Kentmore 158

The 158 models were manufactured by foreign companies in the ’60s and ’70s and then marketed and sold under the Kenmore brand. Users describe these models as so simple that a child could easily figure them out!

Most of these models offered a solid, robust build without a lot of frills.

Kenmore model 158.1941

The Kenmore 158.1941 is sometimes ranked as the best Kenmore model ever made. At that time it had a more powerful engine than many other machines.

Kentmore 385

Janome, a Japanese company now known for high-quality, computer-controlled machines, manufactured all Kenmore models with numbers beginning with “385”. Sears began selling Janome models after about 1965.

This can be confusing because the latest Kenmore models made in the 2000s are also 385s!

The “Kenmore 30”

The Kenmore 385.1884180, also known as the “30 Stitch”, was sold into the 1980’s. This solid machine performs an excellent stitch count for a pre-computer model! Users also like the zigzag stitch on this model.

Are Kenmore sewing machines worth money today?

Antique and vintage Kenmore machines typically sell for $100 to $500 depending on collector’s value. In general, antique and vintage sewing machines are not worth a lot of money. Some newer Kenmore machines, particularly those made by Janome, can fetch around $400.

Kenmore machines offered a budget-friendly home sewer option. They never claimed to be top notch or the best machine ever made. However, many of their models in the 1970s were constructed with metal parts, making them sturdy and often still usable today.

Unique features of Kenmore sewing machines

Each Sears Kenmore sewing machine model has its own advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult to say unequivocally whether or not Kenmore models are good sewing machines.

Many home seamstresses love their old Kenmore models and still use them today. However, Sears Kenmore models were in many ways “everyone’s machine”.

Sears focused on accessibility and wide distribution rather than creating a one-of-a-kind craft. Because of this, many people would call the Kenmore a budget machine.

Every sewing machine brand and model has its slight variations. Some Kenmore sewing machine models feature a uniquely high presser foot. This allows the seamstress to easily insert thick fabrics such as denim.

Are antique sewing machines valuable?

Few old sewing machines are very valuable. Some rare models become expensive collector’s items, but typically antique machines cost between $100 and $500. Even then, you’ll likely find many more machines at the $100 end of the spectrum.

What Makes a Sewing Machine a Collectible? Well, anything made before 1900 is a real antique. This means it’s likely to be rarer, and potentially worth more money, than a sewing machine made after 1900 (technically, 20th-century machines are called vintage, not antique).

A machine in new condition will sell for more than one in poor condition. Likewise, a machine that’s still running is likely to sell for more than a broken one.

Here are a few examples of vintage Kenmore sewing machine models and their typical prices to give you an idea of ​​the market.

First, let’s take a look at an old Sears Kenmore sewing machine in a closet. Some of the pre-1960s models were built into wooden table cabinets. On eBay, you can find these models for sale for as little as $100, probably because Sears has been selling these popular models in bulk.

Second, let’s look at a Sears Kenmore Model 1120 Sewing Machine. This vintage model is made in Japan from solid metal parts, and it’s also only around $100 (give or take a few bucks between sellers).

Where to buy a vintage Kenmore sewing machine?

The easiest way to buy a vintage Sears Kenmore machine is to search eBay and Craigslist. Due to its focus on crafts, Etsy also has a few models for sale.

If you want a real antique, possibly with an interesting history of provenance, you can try visiting antique shops. Just note that collectors tend to sell more valuable models in good condition but with a higher price tag.

Some sewers report that they’ve also found old Kenmore models a lot cheaper at thrift stores, although they don’t give you a working condition guarantee.

The bottom line is that if you want to buy a vintage or antique Kenmore machine, you need to look at the places where you can find old and used things for sale.

What you should know when buying vintage

Kenmore sewing machines aren’t worth a lot of money today, but the silver lining is that you can often pick up a vintage machine for cheap!

Ideally, you should ask the seller for the model number of the machine, or examine the machine in person to find that number. That way you can look up what decade this machine was built in.

Knowing what model it is, you can deduce what features the machine has and find out what kind of sewing it is capable of. You can also make an educated guess that if it was made before the 1970s, its interior is likely metal and not plastic. This means it will be more durable.

Finally, you need to know whether you want to resell the machine or use it yourself! If you want to sew with the machine, you need to make sure it works.

How can you determine the value of the antique?

Once you know the machine’s model number, a quick search on eBay will give you a good idea of ​​the average price range for that machine.

However, you should also consider the overall condition of the machine before making a purchase. Nice decals, immaculate paintwork, and an unscratched wooden cabinet or table (if you have one) indicate that the machine is probably worth more money.

What to look for when buying a Kenmore sewing machine

Here are a few questions to consider when deciding whether or not you want a vintage sewing machine. Many sewing enthusiasts love the reliability of vintage tools!

First, what are the pros and cons of vintage vs new?

Vintage machines tend to be durable and made from tougher materials than their modern counterparts. Their simple design makes them easy to understand and use. Vintage machines are also often cheaper than computer-controlled models.

On the other hand, old machines lack the functionality of a new, computer-controlled device. They tend to weigh a lot and are therefore not particularly mobile. They also often require more repair and maintenance.

Do you need mobility?

If you’re planning to take your machine on the road to a sewing circle or class, or even if you’re packing your house for a move, you might want a newer machine. Vintage machines weigh a lot because they are made of metal. Also, some of them are built into cabinets!

Last but not least, what condition is the machine in?

Before you buy a vintage machine, you want to make sure it works. Many old machines seem to last forever, but that only happens if they are treated right!

Can I use my old Kenmore sewing machine?

Many home sewers keep old Kenmore machines running with a little extra care. They think their old machines are worth the trouble because these old “workhorses” can do things that modern machines can’t!

For example, it can be useful to have a vintage sewing machine on hand for tasks like quilting that involve sewing multiple layers of fabric and batting.

Vintage Kenmore sewing machine models have limitations. For example, some can only sew a straight stitch. Others can perform fancy stitches and make buttonholes.

No matter what model you have, to use your vintage machine you need to know how to set it up, what it can do, and how to take care of it.

How to thread your machine

Every time you use your sewing machine, you need to start threading it. Your machine is designed to pull thread into the needle through a series of gears and levers. Thread path is usually pretty easy, but unfortunately varies from brand to brand and model to model.

When threading your vintage machine, the first thing you should do is consult the owner’s manual. This wonderful little booklet will almost certainly have pictures showing where to place the thread before you start sewing.

If you bought a used machine that didn’t come with this important document, don’t panic! Finding Kenmore manuals is easy and free on the Sears website.

Second, remember that you don’t have to invent the wheel yourself. There’s a whole community of sewing enthusiasts out there, and someone has no doubt posted a video or blog showing how to thread your special vintage machine!

Unless you’re particularly good at visualizing, you probably shouldn’t try to just follow written directions for this task. It’s easier to have a picture to look at!

Is it easy to use a vintage machine?

Some people find vintage machines very easy to use due to their simplicity. Others find its lack of advanced features frustrating. Like any device, vintage machines have advantages and disadvantages.

People who enjoy working with their vintage machines rave about their durability. It’s true that modern machines are literally not built the way they used to be. Companies built older machines, especially those made before 1970, from metal parts. Today, most household machines have plastic components instead.

Some seamstresses also appreciate the simplicity of vintage machines. While most Kenmore machines are powered by electricity, the vintage machines are not computerized and often perform a limited range of stitches.

On the other hand, some people dislike using vintage machines for several reasons. A few of the most common issues are noise levels and repair costs.

Older machines can make loud whirring noises during operation. Some machines were built into wooden cabinets to muffle this noise. However, you can usually mitigate this by thoroughly cleaning the engine.

Not everyone needs to bring their old machine in for specialized repairs, but as with any small, somewhat complex piece of equipment, things can get old or out of whack and occasionally need adjusting.

How to repair your Kenmore machine

If you can rely on your mechanical skills, you can try to make simple repairs on your machine yourself!

Here are a few simple tasks to try before taking your machine in for repairs:

Clean and oil it. The manual should indicate which parts need to be oiled. Normally everything that moves needs oil!

Replace the needle. Professional seamstresses recommend changing the needle after each sewing project because it dulls so easily.

Rethread everything including the bobbin. You might think you got it perfect the first time, but it only takes a few seconds and doesn’t hurt to try!

Replace the lightbulb. Not all vintage machines have a light over the needle, but this is a simple fix that can save you up to $100 in repair fees!

Kenmore Sewing Machine Manual

Sewing machine manuals contain diagrams showing how to clean, thread, and make simple repairs on your machine. These tasks will keep it running as long as possible.

These manuals also detail what features your machine has. Because of this, they’re a great resource to seek out before you buy!

Have you ever opened a new product, taken it out of the box and thrown away the user guide that came with it? You probably think you don’t need help setting up a toaster oven or a hair dryer.

Here’s the thing: you need the manual for your sewing machine. On this point everyone agrees. Even experienced house sewers regularly refer to the instructions!

Kenmore users are in luck. Visit this Sears website and register for free. You will then see an option to select “Manuals” in the top search bar. After that, all you have to do is enter your model number in the search!

Kenmore parts, sergers and accessories

Since Kenmore models have only recently been discontinued, Kenmore fans are fortunate to have plenty of support from Sears. The Sears website continues to provide access to various parts vendors.

Of course you have to pay for these parts! However, it might be cheaper to repair your trusty vintage machine than to buy a fancy new one.

As with most vintage items, you can also search for parts on eBay or Etsy.

Sears sold Kenmore for over a century. During this time they also sold various accessories. You will find table cabinets for your sewing machine, fancy feet and buttonhole extenders. Of course, this accessory must only be paired with the model for which it was made!

You can also find newer models of Kenmore sergers and embroidery machines for sale. Janome made most of these. They tend to have good reviews despite being priced higher than the average home sewing machine.


Hopefully you’re now feeling like a Kenmore vintage sewing machine expert! You know all about the history of these Sears products, where to buy them today, and how much they typically cost.

You’ve also gotten some tips for using a vintage sewing machine, including easy repairs you can try for yourself.

Looking to buy an old Kenmore machine? Do you have one at home that you would like to learn? Leave a comment below to let us know!

(1), (2) Photos shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

(3), (4) Photo released under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

How do you thread a Sears Kenmore 5186 sewing machine?

How to Thread a Sears Kenmore 5186 Sewing Machine
  1. Wrap some thread around an empty bobbin spool 10 times to get the thread started. …
  2. Pull out the hand wheel of your Kenmore sewing machine. …
  3. Remove the plate under the sewing machine needle and drop in your bobbin. …
  4. Thread the sewing machine with a regular spool of thread.
Buy an old Kenmore sewing machine for a machine that will last. The quality of many modern sewing machines is lower than it used to be if you only buy simple non-professional sewing machines. Figuring out how to thread an older 5186 Kenmore sewing machine is the tricky part as it’s a little different than newer ones. However, Kenmore sewing machines follow the same basics of threading the machine properly.

Como enhebrar la máquina de coser Sears KENMORE (Fácil y rápido) 🧵🧶

Como enhebrar la máquina de coser Sears KENMORE (Fácil y rápido) 🧵🧶
Como enhebrar la máquina de coser Sears KENMORE (Fácil y rápido) 🧵🧶

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Como enhebrar la máquina de coser Sears KENMORE (Fácil …

Como enhebrar la máquina de coser Sears KENMORE (Fácil y rápo). Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute.

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Este artículo fue coescrito by Andrea Beaulieu. Andrea Beaulieu is a professional, diseñadora de moda y propietaria de MOORE, una tienda y taller de indumentaria de ropa de calle contemporánea sin género, así como de products personalizados con sede en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Andrea has been working in the modern marketing industry for 20 years, specializing in the patronal confederation, the design and the elaboration of prendas. Graduated with a licenciatura in Design and Marketing from the Universidad de Carolina del Norte in Greensboro. Este artículo ha sido visto 70 991 veces.

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