A Powerful Prayer To Win At Bingo Tonight? Quick Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “a powerful prayer to win at bingo tonight“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

Is there a prayer for winning money?

I worship and kneel before You, Lord. I ask You, the Almighty, to help us get out of debt and overcome our financial difficulties. Please give us a way out from this financial hardship and bless us with the gift of winning the lottery.

How do you win Bingo every time?

How To Win At Bingo Halls
  1. Buy Several Cards Per Game.
  2. Avoid Side Bets and Jackpot Prizes.
  3. Enter the Bingo Hall Early.
  4. Use Bingo Dabbers.
  5. Play With Fewer People.
  6. Pay Attention.
  7. Layout Your Cards.

Which Psalm is for success?

Psalm 23: For abundance, good luck, and success.

How do you pick a winning Bingo card?

For example, if there are 99 bingo balls in play, and it’s a short game, choose cards with numbers closer to 1 and 99. If it’s a long game, choose numbers that are closer to the median number, 45. Skilled bingo players will know which games will go for longer and which games are usually decided in fewer calls.

What is the most powerful prayer for money?

Your plan is to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11), so God, cause me to prosper according to your word. Thank you for the people that you have assigned to bless my life financially. Bless them even more abundantly for their obedience. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

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Prayer is a powerful tool at our disposal. We can pray about anything, including powerful breakthrough prayers for finances.

Praying for your finances is just as important as praying for anything else. The truth is that we need money to feed us while we are on earth. Scripture tells us that “money answers everything” (Ecclesiastes 10:19) – meaning that money is meant to help us meet our physical needs.

If so, we should include prayers for finances in our daily routine so that we have the financial resources to meet our needs.

Also Read: 30+ Powerful Financial Scriptures for Every Believer

How to pray for finances

When you pray for finances, simply share your requests and needs with God (Philippians 4:6). He already promises to provide for us (Philippians 4:19), all we have to do is ask (Matthew 7:7).

If you are unsure how to pray, I have included some of my personal powerful financial prayers for you to use and recite. Each prayer includes prayer points for financial breakthrough with Bible verses for reference.

Not only have these prayers helped me pay off $78,000 in less than 3 years, but God has miraculously blessed our family’s finances. I pray the same for you.

5 breakthrough prayers for finances

Prayer for financial help and stability

Dear God, your word says you will meet all our needs according to your riches in glory through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). i believe what you said Your word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11), so if your word says so, you will.

God, if you care enough about the number of hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7), then you care about our finances too. Lord, give us our daily bread according to your word (Matthew 6:11). Provide the financial means to meet our mortal needs.

I thank you that the righteous will never be forsaken and their children will not beg for bread (Psalm 37:25). They don’t leave us wanting or starving. Thank you that every need is met and that there is no need among us (Acts 4:34). You are Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides (Genesis 22:14).

God, I am in financial need, but Your Word says that in times of need you are an ever present help (Psalm 46:1). Thank you for being here and for giving me the financial resources I need to have stability.

It is not your will to see us in want. Your plan is for us to prosper (Jeremiah 29:11), so God let me prosper according to your word.

Thank you for the people you have commissioned to bless my life financially. Bless them even more for their obedience.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Powerful prayer for financial breakthrough for tithing

God, I thank you that I made a covenant with you. Your word says that if I tithe, you would “open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessings beyond the space to store them” (Malachi 3:10, NIV). Right now I am asking for an abundance of financial blessings.

Thank you for rebuking the devourer on our behalf too (Malachi 3:11). So thank you that my money, financial resources, job and business are protected from the devourer.

I thank you that it is given to me because I am a giver – “a good measure, weighed down, shaken together and overflowing” (Luke 6:38).

Thank you that I have access to heaven’s resources (Romans 8:17). I call down funds from heaven. I declare that it will come soon.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer to get out of debt

God, you called us to be lenders, not borrowers (Deuteronomy 28:12) and your Word requires that we have no outstanding debt but the continuing debt of love (Romans 13:8). Lord, I want to honor your word by becoming debt free.

When I put action behind my faith (James 2:17), I am asking for supernatural expediting of debt service. As I do the natural, God, you do the supernatural (1 Corinthians 15:46).

Lord, this is a burden in my life, but you said we can cast our burden on you (Psalm 55:22). I give you this burden. Deliver me from the bondage of debt so that I am no longer a slave to my lenders (Proverbs 22:7).

Give me ways to increase my income to pay off debt. Give me wisdom on where to reduce my spending and how to use my money responsibly.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

prayer for employment

Lord, right now I need something to do. It is my desire to work so that I can provide for my family. You are the God who opens doors that cannot be closed (Revelation 3:8), so I ask you to open a door to employment with the right company.

Your Word also says that our gifts will open doors for us (Proverbs 18:16). Allow my gifts to open doors of opportunity to glorify your name. And when opportunities arise, give me discernment to know which one to pursue.

You are my provider and I trust you to provide for me (Genesis 22:14). I shall not lack in this time (Psalm 23:1). All my bills are paid. I will have more than enough. You will sustain me (Psalm 55:22).

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer for wealth building with spouse

God, your word says you give us the ability to get riches (Deuteronomy 8:18). You promised that if we obeyed you, you would make us prosper and bless the work of our hands. (Deuteronomy 28:11-12). So Lord, as we work and work, bless the work of our hands to prosper as we build generational wealth.

Your Word says that “a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22). We strive to keep your word, so help us use the financial resources you have blessed us with responsibly. Give us the wisdom to be wise with our money and time. Help us to be faithful in the little things so that more can be trusted (Matthew 25:23).

Your Word says that the riches of the wick are for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22). God, we are your righteousness through Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21), so we receive the financial blessings stored up for us. Thank you for cities we did not build, houses already filled with every good thing, and vineyards we did not plant (Deuteronomy 6:11).

Grant us divine strategy, insight and information so that I may develop a plan for our money. Deposit ideas and inventions in our mind that will lead to great financial gains. Grant us favor in the market and in business.

Allow us to be a channel of wealth for you to build your kingdom here on earth. We will honor you with our first fruits and tithes and give to those in need. Thank you for blessing us to be a blessing.

We give you all the glory, honor and praise that befits your name. In the name of Jesus, amen.


Feel free to add more to these prayers as appropriate for your specific situation. Remember to use the Word of God in prayer. God hears you and he answers his word.

Please share these prayers with others who need powerful prayers for financial breakthrough in their lives.

Here are some additional financial resources you can take advantage of:

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What are the luckiest bingo numbers?

PlayOJO’s data reveals that Tom Mix – number 6 has taken the lead as the most frequently called winning Bingo number, proving it to be the luckiest number out of 90. In fact, number 6 has been called almost 300 times more than that dreaded number 13.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

If you love bingo then you are no stranger to those exciting moments when your bingo numbers are called. From the knock on the door – number 4, to two fat queens – 88, there is no real way of knowing which bingo number will be called next in this game of chance. With that in mind, PlayOJO did some deep data diving into our top bingo numbers, and we’re ready to share our findings…

The luckiest bingo numbers?

For as long as we can remember, the number 7 has been known as the lucky number in the world and is considered a symbol of luck in many different cultures and religions… but not necessarily in our beloved bingo, it seems.

Bingo lovers – say goodbye to the lucky number 7 as PlayOJO unveils the new lucky hit in town. Yes, data shows that the luckiest and most viewed winning number* was actually revealed as Tom Mix number 6!

When it comes to bingo, winning is all about luck. There is no method or skill as each number in a 90 ball game has an equal 1 in 90 chance of being drawn – it all just depends on the luck of the draw. That may be true, but it didn’t stop us from taking a data-backed look at bingo number performance at PlayOJO – gambling or not, were there bingo number patterns to reveal? Well, it seems there was…

PlayOJO data shows that Tom Mix – number 6 has taken the lead as the most accessed bingo winning number, proving that it is the luckiest number out of 90. In fact, number 6 has been called almost 300 times more than the dreaded number 13. Are we surprised that the unlucky number 13 has been crowned the least called number in all of bingo? Well it does what it promises.

Next on the list is Knock at the Door – number 4, finishing just behind the winning 6, closely followed by Winnie the Pooh – 42. There wasn’t much in it for fourth runner-up, Turn on the Screw – 62, just behind 42 with only 0.6% difference in call frequency.

PlayOJO’s Top 10 Most Common Bingo Numbers

1. Tom Mix 6 2. Knock on the door 4 3. Winnie the Pooh 42 4. Screw in the screw 62 5. Danny La Rue 52 6. Thumb tweak 51 7. Red Raw 64 8. Stop and Run 81 9 Four and Seven 47 10. Heinz varieties 57

This is what our Head of Games and Bingo, Andrew Steddy, said about our bingo research: “As a fair online casino and bingo site, it is our mission to offer our players the best bingo games on the market and the fairest and most entertaining Experience. As we delved deeper into our data, we found that certain numbers, including the most frequently called winning number 6, turned out to be the luckiest for our players. While bingo is obviously a game of chance, as The Home of Fair Bingo it is only fair that we share these insights with our players. We will see if the pattern changes over the next few months or if the number 6 really is the luckiest bingo number in the game.”

*Winning number defined as the last number called to win the full house top prize in standard 90 ball bingo games. Data correct as of April 7, 2021, across all 90 ball bingo games on PlayOJO Bingo since launch on August 18, 2020.

Is bingo a skill or a luck?

Why Is Bingo a Game of Luck? Bingo is a game of luck as you place your money on a Bingo card. In some Bingo outlets or events, you can choose your cards, and therefore you put your chances on luck. You increase your chances of winning at Bingo by having not just one card but two, four, or more cards.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

Bingo is very much a game of chance as players cannot greatly influence the outcome of the game. But how much skill does that involve?

Bingo is a healthy game played at charity events and social events. Skill isn’t the key to winning, it’s your luck at getting a good card. Bingo is a great pastime game for people who love the thrill of winning out of luck. People also love to watch matches and see how they will turn out.

Read on to find out if bingo is really just a game of chance.

Principles of bingo

The more cards you have in bingo, the greater your chances of winning. And the more cards in play in a bingo event, the lower your chances of winning.

To play you need a bingo card, which is a card with 24 random numbers. The card is divided into five columns, one for each letter of the word BINGO. In the B column five random numbers from 1 to 15, in the I column from 11 to 30, in the N column from 31 to 45, in the G column from 46 to 60 and finally O from 61 to 75.

At small events and social gatherings, the traditional ping pong balls in a cage are used to select the different numbers. Each number is printed on a ball and the cage is rotated to shuffle the balls it contains.

A host draws number by number until there is a winner. A pattern is usually followed to determine the winning card. The pattern can range from simple shapes such as diamond, large frame, small frame, circle or square/s, or letters such as C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O. P, S, T, U, V, X, Y, and Z. In a blackout game, all numbers on a card must be called to win.

Check out our bingo glossary for more terms and definitions!

Players compete to be the first to complete a specific pattern. A player shouts “Bingo!” to signal that he has completed a pattern. There can be more than one winner in a game and usually the final winner is determined by drawing numbers from the cage. The player with the highest number wins the game.

The key concepts of bingo.

Why is bingo a game of chance?

Bingo is a game of chance where you place your money on a bingo card. Some bingo outlets or events allow you to choose your cards and therefore bet on luck.

You increase your chances of winning at bingo by having two, four or more cards instead of just one. Because of this, some players in bingo socials buy lots of cards and spread them out on a table. However, this is not advisable if you are a beginner as you can get confused if you pay attention to your cards. You won’t be able to play well if you have too many cards to check!

Experienced players believe that choosing a bingo card with their lucky numbers will bring them success. Players can choose a card with their birthdays, house numbers, social security numbers, or their children’s birthdays and believe they will eventually win.

At a social bingo event, some professionals use lucky items or charms because they also believe that they will make them lucky. You may believe in using lucky bingo pen colors, lucky shapes and letters and even wearing lucky shirts to achieve success.

But, of course, bingo is purely a game of chance. The more numbers drawn by the host, the greater your chances of winning. The more cards used in the game, the lower your chances of winning. This means you are more likely to win a local bingo or small social event from a large community bingo charity event.

The more bingo cards you get, the more likely it is that you will win.

Why is bingo also a game of skill?

In a way, bingo is also a game of skill. You must have certain skills that will help you win, such as: B. good hearing. You must be able to hear the numbers called by the host. You need to be able to concentrate for hours without missing a call. Because of this, most bingo players prefer to sit near a speaker or sound system, or in front of a stage or host table.

You need to focus and give your full attention to your cards. The more cards you play, the more you need to pay close attention to the numbers called. Usually, the host calls out numbers and an assistant writes the number on a board. Sometimes an electronic board is used and the numbers called will flash up.

You also need to know the rules of the game and how a pattern is formed. If you fail, you’ll end up with mismarked cards and miss your chances of winning. It is also important to have multitasking skills as you will need to hear the number called by the host and mark your cards at the same time. You must also take a quick look at the board and make sure you haven’t missed any numbers!

A bingo player must also be patient and pay full attention to the host so often; A bingo event can get very noisy and rowdy at times. If you can’t stand the noise and bickering, you might as well play bingo online.

Bingo events and socials can be played differently and therefore a good understanding of the house rules is required if you want to win. Give bingo a try if you want to test your luck and multitasking skills.

How do I pray for God’s favor?

Daily Prayer for Blessing and Favor

O, Lord God Almighty, hear my prayer. I pray you will look upon me with favor and shower me with your blessings. For you are the giver of good things, merciful and kind. Grant me your grace, show me your love.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

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A daily prayer for blessings and favor from God. Pray for God’s blessing and favor on your life to shower you with his mercy and grace.

Daily prayer for blessings and favor

O Almighty Lord, hear my prayer. I pray that you will look upon me with kindness and shower me with your blessings. For you are the giver of good things, merciful and kind. Grant me your grace, show me your love. For I will walk in your ways and glorify your name forever. I will put my trust in You, O Lord, forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 84:8-12 (NIV)

Hear my prayer, Almighty Lord God;

Hear me, God of Jacob.

Look at our shield, O God;

look with favor on your anointed.

Better is a day in your courts

than a thousand elsewhere;

I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god

than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

For the Lord God is sun and shield;

the Lord bestows favor and honor;

nothing good he holds back

of those whose conduct is blameless.

Lord Almighty,

Blessed is he who trusts in you.

Psalm 84:8-12 (NIV)

What is the purpose of Psalm 91?

Midrash Tehillim and Zohar teach that Moses composed this psalm while ascending into the cloud hovering over Mount Sinai, at which time he recited these words as protection from the angels of destruction. In Jewish thought, Psalm 91 conveys the themes of God’s protection and rescue from danger.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

Psalm 91 in Hebrew (Masoretic) numbering. For Psalm 91 in Greek Septuagint or Latin Vulgate numbering, see Psalm 92. This article is about the Hebrew (Masoretic) numbering. For the numbering of the Greek Septuagint or the Latin Vulgate, see

Biblical psalm

Psalm 91 “Who dwells in the secret of the Most High” Psalm of protection

(in present-day Belgium).[1] Late 8th-century ivory tablet depicting Christ stepping on the animals, illustrated verse 13. From Genoelselderen Other name Psalm 90

“Quihabitat” language Hebrew (original)

Psalm 91 is the 91st Psalm of the Book of Psalms and in the King James Version begins in English: “He who dwells in the secret of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” In Latin it is known as “Qui-Habitat” known.[2] As a protective psalm, it is often invoked in difficult times. Although no author is mentioned in the Hebrew text of this Psalm, Jewish tradition attributes it to Moses, David compiled it in his Book of Psalms, the Septuagint translation attributes it to David.[3]

In the slightly different numbering system used in the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate translations of the Bible, this Psalm is Psalm 90.

The psalm is an integral part of Jewish, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, and other Protestant liturgies. The full psalm and selected verses have often been set to music, notably by Heinrich Schütz and Felix Mendelssohn, who used the verses for his motet Denn er hat meine Engeln commanded. The psalm has been paraphrased in hymns.

Background and themes[edit]

The Midrash states that Psalm 91 was composed by Moses on the day he finished building the tabernacle in the wilderness. The verses describe Moses’ own experience entering the tabernacle: “Whoever dwells in the hidden place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Midrash Tehillim and Zohar teach that Moses composed this psalm as he ascended into the cloud hovering over Mount Sinai, at which time he recited these words as protection from the angels of destruction.

In Jewish thought, Psalm 91 conveys the themes of God’s protection and salvation from danger.[6] The Talmud (Shevu’ot 15b) records opinions calling this psalm the “song of evil spirits” and the “song of plagues” (“shir shel pega’im” and “shir shel nega’im” respectively) for “one who recites it with faith in God, he will help him in times of trouble”. Since the times of the Geonim, this psalm has been recited to cast out demons and evil spirits. According to the Midrashim, the Psalm refers to many types of demons that threaten man, including “terrors,” “arrows,” “plague,” and “destruction” mentioned in verses 5–6.[8] The psalm was written in amulets by both Jews and Christians in late antiquity. According to the Talmud (Shevu’ot 15b), the following verse, verse 7 (“thousands shall fall by your side”, etc.) refers to the demons that would perish at the recitation of this psalm. Likewise, Psalm 91 was included in the Dead Sea Scroll 11 QapocrPs as one of the “Four Psalms against Demons”, the other three Psalms were previously unknown and are believed to have been used by the Qumran community for exorcisms. [11] [12]

Christians today look to the Psalm as a source of comfort and protection, even in times of suffering.[13] Commentator Alexander Kirkpatrick notes that

Perhaps this exquisite psalm simply describes the safety of the godly man under Jehovah’s protection amid the perils of his journey through life. But it gains sharpness and force when seen as addressed to Israel at a crisis in its history.[14]

Verse 13, in the King James Version, “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder: thou shalt trample the young lion and the dragon,” was the origin of the iconography of Christ treading on the beasts seen in late antiquity and revived in Carolingian and Anglo-Saxon art.

lyrics [edit]

The psalm was originally written in Hebrew. It is divided into 16 verses.[15]

Hebrew Bible Version [ edit ]

The Hebrew text of Psalm 91 follows:[15]

Verse Hebrew 1 יֹשֵׁב בְּצֵ֥ל יִתְלוֹנָֽן אֹמַ֗ר 2 אֹמַ֗ר & לַֽ֖ Auber מַחְסִּ֣י אֱ֜לֹהַ֗י אֶבְטַח־בּֽוֹ 3 כִּ֚י ה֣וּא יַ֖צִּֽילְךָ מִדֶּ֥בֶר מִדֶּ֥בֶר .. 4 בְּאֶבְרָת֨וֹ | יָ֥סֶךְ לָ֗ךְ כְּנָפָ֣יו תֶּחְסֶּ֑ה אֲמִתּֽוֹ אֲמִתּֽוֹ 5 לֹֽא־תִ֖ירָא מִפַּ֣חַד & לָ֑ app מֵ֜חֵ֗ץ יוֹמָֽם 6 מִדֶּבֶר יַֽהֲלֹ֑ךְ צָֽהֳרָֽיִם 7 מִצִּדְּךָ֨ | אֶ֗לֶף וּרְבָבָ֥ה מִֽימִינֶ֑ךָ יִגָּֽשׁ רַק 8 תַבִּ֑יט וְשִׁלֻּמַ֖ת רְשָׁעִ֣ים תִּרְאֶֽה כִּֽי־אַתָּ֣ה כִּֽי־אַתָּ֣ה מַחְסִּ֑י עֶ֜לְי֗וֹן מְעוֹנֶֽךָ מְעוֹנֶֽךָ 10 לֹֽא־תְאֻנֶּ֣ה לֹֽא־תְאֻנֶּ֣ה וְ֜נֶ֗גַע בְּאָֽהֳלֶֽךָ 11 כִּ֣י לִ֜שְׁמָרְךָ֗ בְּכָל־דְּרָכֶֽיךָ 12 עַל־כַּפַּ֥יִם עַל־כַּפַּ֥יִם תִּגֹּ֖ף. וְֽאֶֽעֱנֵ֗הוּ עִמּֽוֹ־אָֽנֹכִ֥י אֲ֜חַלְּצֵ֗הוּ וַֽאֲכַבְּדֵֽהוּ 16 אֹ֣רֶךְ יָ֖מִים אַשְׂבִּיעֵ֑הוּ וְ֜אַרְאֵ֗הוּ בִּישֽׁוּעָתִֽי

King James version[edit]

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord: He is my refuge and my stronghold: my God; I trust in him. Verily He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the troublesome plague. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall trust: His truth will be your shield and shield. You shall not fear the terror of the night; nor for the arrow that flies by day; Nor for the plague that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction wasted at noon. A thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right; but let it not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you see and see the reward of the ungodly. For you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Most High, your dwelling place; No calamity will come to you, and no plague will come near your dwelling place. For he will command his angels to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you on their hands lest you stub your foot on a stone. You will tread on lions and adders, crush young lions and dragons. Because he put his love on me, I will save him; I will exalt him because he knows my name. He will call to me and I will answer him: I will be with him in need; I will set him free and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Verse 2[edit]

I will say of the Lord: “He is my refuge and my stronghold; my God, in him I trust.”[16]

Kirkpatrick notes that the use of the first person in this verse and in the first part of verse 9 followed by the second person is “somewhat confusing.” Many commentators argue that the text is corrupt and amend it. Kirkpartick argues, “The two occurrences of the first person support each other. If the above suggested interpretation is accepted [that the text is addressed to Israel], Psalm 91:1-2 [and] Psalm 91:9a will be the confession of the psalmist’s faith, by virtue of which he read the comforting words of Psalm 91:3 ff. [and] Psalm 91:9b ff. to Israel.”[14]


Judaism [edit]

Psalm 91 plays a prominent role in Jewish liturgy and ritual. It is recited during the pesukei dezimra in the morning services on Shabbat, Yom Tov, and Hoshana Rabbah. It is also recited after evening prayers on Motza’ei Shabbat[18] and during the nightly bedtime Shema.[18] In each of these prayers, verse 16 is said twice. According to Mahzor Vitry, the verse is doubled to complete the spelling of a name of God.

Psalm 91 is recited seven times during a funeral ceremony. As the pallbearers approach the tomb, they stop every few yards and repeat the psalm. At a woman’s funeral, the pallbearers do not stop the procession, but they repeat the psalm seven times.[22]

Verse 11 of the Psalm is recited after the liturgical poem Shalom Aleichem at Friday dinner.[18]

Psalm 91 is often recited as a prayer of protection.[23] Some say it before they embark on a journey.[18]

New Testament[edit]

Western Christianity[ edit ]

In Western Christianity it is often sung or recited during Complet services.[26] The psalm is part of the Benedictine rite of the daily evening prayer Compline.[27] After the reform of the Roman breviary by Pope Pius X, it was only used on Sundays and public holidays. In the Liturgy of the Hours it is part of Compline on the eve of Sunday and Solemnities.

In the Revised Common Lectionary (Year C)[28] the psalm is scheduled for the first Sunday of Lent and connects it to the temptation of Christ where the devil quotes this psalm.

In the medieval western church it was included in the Good Friday readings.

Eastern Orthodoxy[ edit ]

In Eastern Orthodoxy it is used in the sixth hour prayers, in Great Compline and also in the memorial service for the deceased (Pannikhida).

Musical settings [ edit ]

anthems [edit]

The 1972 German hymn, “Wer unterm Schutz des Höchsten ist,” is a paraphrase of Psalm 91. “On Eagle’s Wings” is a hymn composed by Michael Joncas in 1979 and is loosely based on this psalm.[29]

Classic [edit]

Dmitry Bortniansky set Psalm 91 to music as Concerto No. 21 of his Old Church Slavonic choruses, Zhyvyi v pomoshshi Vyshnjago (“He That Dwelleth”). Felix Mendelssohn composed an eight-part motet based on verse 11 in German, Denn he has commanded his angels, and included it in his 1846 oratorio Elijah. Movement 9 of Benjamin Britten’s The Company of Heaven, a large choral composition with soloists and orchestra first broadcast in 1937, sets verses 1, 9–13 for a cappella chorus. with the densest vocal structure in the work for eight voices.[30]

The Polish composer Józef Elsner set the last three stanzas to music as Offertorio, Quoniam in me speravit, Op.30, published ca. 1829.[31]

In popular culture[edit]

Psalm 91 is known as the Soldiers’ Psalm or Soldiers’ Prayer.[32] Camouflage bandanas printed with the Psalm are often distributed to US troops.[32][33]

Sinéad O’Connor’s debut album The Lion and the Cobra includes a recitation of verses 11–13 in Irish by singer Enya on the song “Never Get Old”.

Canadian metal band Cryptopsy reference verses 5–8 of the Psalm in their song “The Pestilence That Walketh in Darkness” on their 2005 album Once Was Not.

Brazilian-American metal band Soulfly recited the psalm in Portuguese on the bonus track “Salmo-91” on their fifth album Dark Ages.[37]

The Jerry Garcia Band quotes verses 5–6 in their song “My Sisters and Brothers”.

Madonna references Psalm 91 in “Virgin Mary (Intro)” on her 2012 The MDNA Tour.[38]


How do I ask God for a financial blessing?

O Lord, Mighty in Power, I thank You in advance for the financial blessings that are coming to me! I know that You will meet all my needs according to Your glorious riches. Father, I put my trust in You. I trust not in my job, my friends, my family or anything else.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

Prayer to trust God to provide

O Lord, mighty one in power, I thank You in advance for the financial blessings that will come my way! I know that You will meet all my needs according to Your glorious wealth. Father, I trust in you. I don’t trust my job, my friends, my family or anything else. I trust in you because you are my provider. I know that you will take care of me and that I will be fine. I know everything will be fine. Calm my fear and fix my eyes on you. I pray in Your holy name. Amen.

Prayer to turn finances over to God

Oh saint, I praise and glorify your name. Father, the earth is yours and everything on it, the world and all who live on it! Father, my finances are yours. Thank you in advance for my financial prosperity. Lord, I know that everything that comes from you is good, so I know that if you put my finances in your hands and I become financially stable and secure, you will come through for me. Lord, I adore you for always being with me and guiding me in everything I do. Help me to believe in you during this difficult time. Help me to continue on my Christian path and not to stray from the path to win the eternal race. Amen.

Prayer for relief from sorrows

God of Heaven, I give you my heart and soul. I only live for you. Your word tells me that if I seek your kingdom and righteousness first, then all of these things will be given to me. Lord, You rule my life and my finances. I will not worry about my current financial situation because you will give me everything I need. I will not be anxious or stressed because you will support me. Thank you in advance for my financial blessings. Thank you for taking care of me and holding me in your hands. Amen.

Prayer not to give up

God of miracles I pray that You have Your divine will over my finances. I pray that I will not tire in the good work I do, for in due time I will reap the harvest as long as I don’t give up. Lord, I pray that doing what is right in Your eyes will be the motivation for my actions. I pray that I don’t do things for reward, but that I do them because my heart wants to serve you. I pray that you will bless me and my finances. Amen.

Prayer to believe in God

Eternal God, I know that the love of money is the root of all evil. Instead, I put You above my finances and place my finances in Your hands, in Jesus’ holy name. Some people in pursuit of money have departed from the faith. That will not happen to me, Lord, for I will always keep you in mind. Lord, I know You can and will bless me financially. It will be done in your time and I will be patient for your will to be done. All praise is Yours, Almighty Father. Amen.

Prayer to help those in need

Jesus, my Saviour, You sent your only Son as an example to all of us that we must work hard to help the weak. Jesus himself said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Lord I pray that I give to those who need it because there is a freedom and power that comes from it. I pray that I will not hoard my finances out of fear for my own financial security, but that I will trust on Your word that if I give, it will be returned to me. Give me the confidence to care for those in need in my community so I can be an example of my faithfulness to you. Amen.

Prayer of gratitude for what I have

Fair one, thank you for my current financial situation. Lord, I am not particularly rich, but I thank you because it is You who send poverty and wealth. It is You who humbles and exalts. I pray that my financial situation will never dictate my love for you because you are the lord of all things. I dedicate every aspect of my life to you, including my finances, and I pray that you bless them. Amen.

Can bingo be fixed?

Any site with a licence from the Gambling Commission has to have its random number generator independently tested by regulatory bodies. If the bingo site which you’re playing on uses one of these RNGs, you can be sure that you’re playing a fair game and that the bingo balls aren’t fixed against you.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

If you’re new to online bingo, one concern you might have before you start putting your hard-earned cash into a site is whether the game you’re about to play is rigged. However, you are certainly not alone if you are worried about this. When you play bingo in a virtual context it is much more difficult to understand how the game works.

Playing bingo online is slightly different than playing in land based bingo halls as you often cannot see the balls as they are drawn.

Instead, a computer generates your numbers for you, which may make you wonder if it’s possible the site is fixing games and taking your money unfairly.

To give you some peace of mind when playing online bingo, let’s take a look at if the games are fixable and how safe it really is for you to play online.

How can you tell if an online bingo site is fair?

When scouting a new site for your next online bingo game, you may worry that it is not as secure as previous sites you have used. The good news is that there are a few different things you can look out for to ensure the site you are playing on is not fixing your games.

Firstly, online bingo sites must be licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and you can look for their certificate number for this on their website. When a site has been approved by the UK Gambling Commission you can rest assured that it is a fair and safe place to play your next game.

There are other ways to determine if an online bingo site is offering you fair play. One of the best things you can do is to visit review sites or forums to see other players’ opinions on specific sites before depositing any money.

The best sites to play at already have a good reputation among online bingo players, and a quick search of reviews and forums around the web can help you figure out which sites are fan favorites.

How are bingo balls selected?

In land-based bingo halls, you can physically see the person in front of you drawing each ball, giving you peace of mind that the numbers called are completely random.

Of course, with online bingo there is no caller who can do this, so online bingo sites often use random number generators to select numbers.

These random number generators are controlled by computers and ensure that the numbers come out in a completely random pattern. Any website licensed by the Gambling Commission must have its random number generator tested independently by regulatory bodies.

If the bingo site you are playing at uses one of these RNGs, you can rest assured that you are playing a fair game and that the bingo balls are not aimed at you.

Fair doesn’t always mean winning

It can be easy to have a losing streak when it comes to online bingo and then quickly blame the site you are playing on for being rigged. It’s important to remember that just because you don’t win doesn’t mean the game isn’t fair.

One concern people have when playing online bingo is that they keep noticing the same players winning over and over again. It may seem like the game is rigged in their favor, but it would not be beneficial for bingo sites to rig games in such a way that a player is always successful.

Should you have a strategy?

When considering whether an online bingo game is fixed, you may also be wondering if you need to devise a strategy to increase your winnings. Some websites suggest that there are certain gambling options that can help you increase your chances of coming out on top.

Because online bingo uses randomly generated numbers, it is often difficult to predict which card will be the winner. Statistics show that cards with an even number of even and odd numbers are the most likely to win.

Some bingo sites allow you to select your own cards, so you should take this into account when it comes to turning the odds in your favour.

Other sites don’t give you this option and just randomly assign you a card. However, since the numbers at online bingo sites are randomly selected, it is unlikely that you will see a huge increase in winnings using this method.

Often the reason the same people keep winning is because they are the players who invest the most time and money into games and therefore see rewards for their own efforts.

This is known as the Heavy Depositor Effect – and it’s a technique used by some players to try and increase their chances of winning by buying multiple tickets for each game.

Being a heavy depositor is frowned upon by many bingo sites and can also prove less effective than just buying a ticket for a game.

It’s worth considering that the amount of money you deposit into a game has to be deducted from your winnings, so often people who play this way don’t win much anyway!

Although things are different with online games, some attempts have been made to develop strategies to win at bingo in a physical hall.

Just have fun!

When it comes down to it, the most important thing to remember when playing online bingo is just to have fun! If you are too busy worrying about game rigging and how to maximize your winnings, take all your own fun out of the game.

As long as you’re playing at a reputable site that has positive reviews from other bingo players, you shouldn’t have to worry about getting a fair game.

Just buy a card and enjoy the atmosphere and fast pace of an online bingo game. Whether you win small or big, online bingo is a great, exciting way to make some money online while having a good time.

What is the least called number in bingo?

The minimum number of called numbers is five (four if each number is under “N”) although it is not considered Breaking the Bubble or possible until one number in each column or four/five numbers in a single column have been called.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

American gambling

This article is about the American version of 75-ball bingo. For the 90-ball version played in the UK, see Bingo (British version). For other uses, see Bingo (disambiguation)

Bingo Years active 1920s – present Languages ​​English Random Extremely high Age range Varies

In the United States, bingo is a game of chance in which each player compares numbers printed in various arrangements on cards with the numbers randomly drawn by the game master (caller) and marks the selected numbers with tiles. When a player finds that the selected numbers line up on their card, they shout “Bingo!” alert all participants to a winning card, prompting the gamemaster (or a member of staff assisting the host) to examine the card to confirm the win. Players compete to be the first to have a winning agreement for the prize or jackpot. After a winner is announced, the players remove their number cards from the tiles and the game master starts a new game round.

Alternative play methods attempt to increase participation by creating excitement. Since its invention in 1929, modern bingo has evolved into several variations, with each jurisdiction’s gambling laws governing how the game is played. There are also almost unlimited patterns that can be specified to play with. Some games only require matching a number, while cover-all games award the jackpot for covering an entire card. There are even games that give players prizes if they don’t match numbers or match a pattern.

Bingo played in the US (75-ball bingo) should not be confused with bingo played in the UK (90-ball bingo) as the tickets and announcement are slightly different.

Bingo cards [ edit ]

The most common bingo cards are flat pieces of cardboard or disposable paper containing 25 squares arranged in five vertical columns and five side rows. Each square in the grid contains a number, except for the middle square, which is called the “vacant” square.

A typical bingo game uses the numbers 1 through 75. The five columns of the card are labeled “B”, “I”, “N”, “G” and “O” from left to right. The middle space is usually marked “Free” or “Free Space” and is considered auto-filled. The range of printed numbers that can appear on the card is usually restricted by columns, with the “B” column containing only numbers between 1 and 15 inclusive, the “I” column containing only numbers between 16 and 30, and “N” contains 31 to 45, ‘G’ contains 46 to 60 and ‘O’ contains 61 to 75.

The number of all possible bingo cards with these standard features is P(15.5) × P(15.5) × P(15.5) × P(15.5) × P(15.4) = 552,446,474,061,128,648. 601,600,000 or approximately 5.52×1026.

In U-Pick ‘Em bingo and other bingo variants, players are dealt three 25-number cards, each containing 75 numbers that can be drawn. Players then mark which numbers they want to play and then paint those numbers to match the numbers drawn. Also, double action cards have two numbers in each box.

A player wins by completing a row, column, or diagonal. The most chips you can place on a bingo board without having a bingo is 19, not counting the free space. For this to happen, there can only be one empty cell in each row and column, and there must be at least one empty cell in each diagonal, for example:

B I N G O ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

In addition to a straight line, other patterns may be considered valid bingo in specific games. For example, in the image above, the 2×2 square of marked squares in the top right corner would be considered a “stamp”. Another common specialty game requires players to cover the four corners. There are several other patterns, such as B. A roving “L” where players must cover all Bs and the top or bottom row, or all Os and the top or bottom row. Another common pattern is a blackout covering all 24 numbers and the free space.

Equipment [ edit ]

The numbers called in a bingo game can be drawn using a variety of methods to randomize the ball call. With the advancement of computer technology in bingo, electronic random number generators (RNG) are now commonplace in most jurisdictions. However, some jurisdictions require mechanical ball draws, which may use a randomly shuffled deck of bingo business cards, a mechanical ball blower that mixes ping pong balls with blown air, or a cage that is rotated to mix small wooden balls. All methods essentially generate a random sequence of numbers that players match against their bingo cards, which have numbers written on them.

culture [edit]

Labor Day bingo game in Sheffield, Vermont

Individual games often have multiple bingos; For example, players first play for a single line; after that, play continues until a full card is called; then play continues for a full consolation card.

Players often play multiple maps for each game; 30 is not an uncommon number. Due to the large number of cards played by each player, in most halls players sit at tables, to which they often tape their cards. To mark cards faster, players typically use special marks called daubers. In commercial halls, after calling the number, the caller displays the next number on a television monitor; However, bingo cannot be called until this number is called out loud.

Bingo is often used as a teaching tool in American schools and in teaching English as a foreign language in many countries. Typically, the numbers are replaced with words for beginning readers, pictures, or unsolved math problems. Custom bingo makers now allow teachers and parents to create bingo cards with their own content.


Ready/Waiting/Cased/Set/Down/Chance/Shot/Pat/Open – A player who needs only one number to complete the bingo pattern is considered Shot or Ready, Waiting, Cased, Set or Down , or “have a chance”.

Breaking the Bubble or “Possible” – The bubble is the minimum number of balls required to complete the bingo pattern. This is the earliest point at which a player could have valid bingo. Example: Winning pattern is 1 Hardway Bingo, a straight line with no space. The minimum number of numbers called is five (four if each number is below “N”), although it is not considered or possible to break the bubble until one number in each column or four/five numbers in a single column has been called .

Jumping the Gun/Premature Bingo/Social Mistakes – One who calls bingo before having a valid bingo. The most common situation is someone calling bingo using the next number on the screen before it is called.

Wild Numbers – Many bingo halls have certain games with a wild number. Wild numbers allow bingo players to start with multiple numbers called. Typically, the first ball drawn is the deciding factor.

Default – Any number ending with the second digit of the first number. Example: The first ball is 22. All numbers ending in a 2, including B2, are considered called numbers.

Forward/Backward – All numbers beginning or ending with the wild number. Example: The first ball is 22. All numbers beginning or ending with a 2 are called called numbers. If the first number ends in 8, 9 or 0, another number can be drawn as there are no numbers beginning with 8 or 9 and only 9 numbers beginning with 0. Some halls also redraw a number ending in a 7 since there are only six numbers beginning with a 7.

False Alarm or Just Practice – A tongue-in-cheek term used when calling bingo but wrong. This could be because you misunderstood the caller or accidentally entered the wrong number. Someone who calls a “falsie” genuinely believes they have bingo. This is also known as “social error”. Another term used for this is “bongo”.

Hardway Bingo – A hardway bingo is a bingo pattern in a straight line with no use of space.

Reach – In Japan, a player calls out “Reach” when they are one space away from a bingo.[1]

history [edit]

A bingo winner in Montreal Quebec in 1941

A game of chance called lotto was played in Italy around 1530. In the 18th century in Naples a home version (called a raffle) was created with the addition of cards, tokens and calling out numbers. Such a game was widely used in Germany in the 19th century to teach children spelling, animal names and multiplication tables.

The French game Le Lotto appeared in 1778 with 27 fields in a layout of three rows and nine columns. Five squares in each row had numbers from 1 to 90, leading to the modern design.[2]

In the early 1920’s, Hugh J. Ward created and standardized the game at carnivals in and around Pittsburgh and the western Pennsylvania area. He copyrighted it and published a rule book in 1933.[3][4][better source needed]

The game was further popularized by Edwin Lowe. During a traveling carnival near Atlanta in December 1929, the toy dealer saw people busily playing a game called “Beano,” which followed Ward’s rules, using dried beans, a rubber stamp, and sheets of cardboard. Lowe took the game to New York where friends enjoyed playing it. The bingo game produced by Lowe had two versions, a $1.00 12-card set and a 24-card $2.00 set. In the 1940s, bingo games existed across the United States.

The origin of the name bingo is unknown but can be dated to the mid 1920’s. There are claims that one of Lowe’s friends[5] was so excited about winning that she yelled “bingo” instead of “beano,” or that the word echoed the sound of a bell.

The business of bingo[edit]

In the US, the game is mostly hosted by churches or charities. [citation needed] Their legality and stakes vary by state regulation. In some states, bingo halls are rented out to sponsoring organizations, and such halls often host games on an almost daily basis. However, Church-sponsored games are typically weekly events held on Church grounds. These games are usually played for modest stakes, although the final game of a session is often a total game, which offers a larger jackpot prize for winning within a certain number of numbers called, and a progressive jackpot is one that increases by then per session is won.

Commercial bingo games in the US are primarily provided by casinos (and then only in the state of Nevada) and by Native American bingo halls, which are often co-located with the Native American-operated casinos. [citation needed] In Nevada , bingo is mostly offered by casinos that cater to local players rather than the famous tourist spots. They usually offer hour-long sessions, at odd hours, e.g. Daily 9am, 11am, 1pm, usually 9am to 11pm, with relatively modest stakes except for overall jackpots. Station Casinos, a chain of casinos in Las Vegas aimed at locals, offers a special game called “Jumbo” in each session, which combines all its characteristics with a large progressive jackpot. Most bingo parlors in Las Vegas use portable machines on which the games are played, with the exception of Station Casino, Fiesta Casino which has paper bingo cards and no machines. Native American games are usually only offered for one or two sessions per day, and are often played at higher stakes as charity games to attract players from far-flung locations. Some also offer a special progressive jackpot game that can bring together players from multiple bingo halls.

As well as bingo, which is played indoors, the larger commercial operators play some games connected by telephone to several, perhaps dozens, of their clubs. This increases the prize money but decreases the chance of winning; both due to the larger number of players.

Bingo halls are sometimes linked together in a network (like Loto Quebec in Canada) to provide alternative winning structures and larger prizes.

Bingo is also the basis for online games sold through licensed lotteries. Tickets are sold as for other number games and players receive receipts with their numbers laid out like on a regular bingo card. The daily or weekly drawing is usually televised. These games offer higher prizes and are more difficult to win.

Bingo logic is commonly used in scratch card games. The numbers are pre-drawn for each card and hidden until the card is scratched. For lotteries with online networks, the prize is electronically confirmed to avoid physical fixation fraud.

Some gay bars and other LGBT-oriented organizations in Canada and the United States also host bingo events, commonly combined with a drag show and referred to as “drag bingo” or “drag queen bingo”.[6] “Drag Bingo” events first originated in Seattle in the early 1990’s as a fundraiser for local HIV/AIDS charities.[6] They have since expanded to many other cities across North America and support a variety of charities.[6]

Going beyond just a fundraising role, bingo is often featured in bars and nightclubs as a social and entertainment event with numbered and music bingo variations that attracts a loyal following of regular players. Many venues promote a bingo event to attract customers during off-peak hours such as B. on weekdays and Sundays, which are traditionally slower for such companies. The games are accessed by drag and non-drag hosts alike and often include additional activities such as cabaret shows, competitions and other themed activities that stimulate interest and encourage audience participation. Customers are invited to play for a chance to win cash and other prizes.

With one bingo hall for every 6,800 residents, Cheektowaga, New York ranks as the country with the highest concentration of bingo halls in the United States. The Buffalo suburb’s large Polish-American Catholic population is believed to be a factor in the outsized popularity of bingo in western New York, which has five times as many bingo halls per capita as the rest of the state.


U-Pick’Em bingo[edit]

A common form of bingo that allows players to mark the numbers they wish to monitor for a win. While this game closely resembles keno, a game invented in China before the Han Dynasty, it is recognized as a variant of bingo and is legal in almost all jurisdictions.

Shotgun Bingo [ edit ]

Also known as Quickie Bingo, Turbo Bingo and similar names, these games are often played between regular games using cards sold separately from the main game pack. Players usually only play one or two cards and the numbers are called out as quickly as the bingo balls come out.

Quick shot bingo [ edit ]

A game where numbers are pre-drawn and players purchase sealed bingo cards which are then matched to the pre-drawn numbers. When a certain pattern is reached, the player usually wins a prize according to a prize table. Some versions play until a player reaches a top-level prize, and then new numbers are drawn and the game begins again. This type of bingo can be played for days, weeks or months depending on how difficult it is to get a top level prize.

Bonanza bingo [ edit ]

Typically, 43 to 48 numbers are pre-drawn at the start of a bingo session. The preferred numbers can be odd, even, or the first 43 numbers to pop out of the machine. Players buy cards and mark any even, odd, or scribed numbers. At a set time, the caller asks if anyone has bingo. If nobody does, the caller draws ball after ball until someone calls bingo. This game is sometimes played as a “progressive” game in which the jackpot increases if no one bingos before the desired number of balls are called. If no one has bingo before or at the desired ball count, the game is played again in another session where the desired ball count increases by one and the jackpot increases as well. The player who hits bingo after the desired number of balls doesn’t win the jackpot, but does win a consolation prize. If a player hits bingo in the right number of numbers, they win all the money in the jackpot. The number of balls goes back to 43 after the jackpot is won and the number of balls increases by one until the jackpot is won again.

Facebook bingo [ edit ]

Bingo on Facebook differs from traditional online or land-based bingo games. Most games have “power-ups” that give individual players an advantage in winning the game by using such power-ups. The Facebook platform also allows players to collect, purchase and share virtual items with friends. This adds to the community element not otherwise found in other forms of online and land-based bingo. [citation required]

Horse Racing Bingo [ edit ]

Up to 15 players will be randomly assigned a number from 1 to 15, which corresponds to the top row of the bingo flashboard. Numbers are then drawn and the first person to draw all five numbers in their column wins. This is a fast-paced and exciting form of bingo typically played in fraternities.[citation needed]

Table bingo [ edit ]

With the spread of tribal games in the United States, there are numerous versions of bingo that now mimic the fast-paced action of casino-like table games but utilize the principles of bingo where players mark and monitor die cards with chips. Casino games like Roulette, Acey Duecy and Money Wheel have bingo counterparts that can be played under bingo licenses in many parts of the country.

Electronic bingo [ edit ]

bingo machines

The advent of computer technology in bingo has blurred the lines between traditional slots and bingo slots. For the average person, bingo-based slots are physically indistinguishable from an RNG-based slot typically seen in Atlantic City or Las Vegas. These devices are commonly referred to as Class II devices because the Indian Federal Gambling Regulations Act separates bingo, including electronic and mechanical devices, where players play against one another, from Class III slot machines, where players play against the house.[ 8th]

As a result of the passage of SB1180 in 2017, the state of Arizona now allows technological aids for bingo games that act solely as electronic substitutes for bingo cards. These technological tools are not defined by Arizona law or regulation, but such electronic technological tool consists of a system comprising a network that interfaces players with a number drawing device (ball draw server) and an electronic replacement for a “live” cashier connects . The player interfaces themselves do not contain random number generators or allow a player to deposit cash directly. Rather, Arizona’s technological support system allows a player to deposit money into a unique individual player’s account, pay for the games played from that account, and at the end of the game, deposit back the value of any unused games that the player may have purchased or won back to this account. The system does not allow the player to print a redemption ticket or receive anything of value directly from the player interface. In Arizona, this system is only legally available to fraternities, charities such as VFW, American Legion, or Amvets, or nonprofit organizations such as hospices or volunteer fire departments.

Music bingo [ edit ]

Music bingo is becoming increasingly popular and finding its way into bars, pubs and other venues as bingo is already a familiar concept and when integrated with music it also leads to fun and collaboration between players (singing along to the randomly played songs ). . Musical bingo was first introduced as a game show in 1958[9] and continues to expand to this day.

Other forms[edit]

Themed variants of the traditional game include drag queen bingo, punk rock bingo, and beach blanket bingo.[13]

See also[edit]

Is it wrong to pray to hit the lottery?

It’s true, the Bible speaks down on gambling, but if you won as a Christian,that doesn’t mean you aren’t deserving. It’s just encouraged, that a winner of that amount of money, do the right thing and not feed into greed.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

The Light 103.9 CLOSE featured video

In the midst of the recent lottery jackpot. It struck into question. Is it Wrong to Pray to God to Win the Lottery? Take the poll, but also look at the passages from the Bible that speak of Christians gambling

No, the Bible doesn’t specifically say you shouldn’t gamble. On the other hand, it lays down the idea of ​​materialism advocated by money and gambling. Matthew 6:24 says: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

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The Bible serves as a guide for many, or better known as the basic instructions before leaving the earth. The basic instructions are like any other instructions. It’s up to you to follow them word for word. The Bible encourages you to work in hopes of a reward from God, not from men. Colossians 3:23-24 says: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you are working for the Lord, not for human masters, knowing that your reward will be an inheritance from the Lord . It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”

Text ‘Light NC’ to 37890 to get ticket freebies and news before everyone else!… Standard messaging rates apply

I bet that among the millions of tickets sold, many of these people are Christians. No, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to play. I know if I had won 10% would have gone to a number of churches and non-profit organizations. Tell me which congregations would not have accepted the money to help the church with home improvement, rebuilding, or paying bills.

It’s true the Bible speaks against gambling, but if you’ve won as a Christian, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it. A winner of this amount of money is only encouraged to do the right thing and not indulge in greed.

Victoria said so


Who is the patron saint of winning the lottery?

Saint Pantaleon
Saint Pantaleon (Panteleimon)
Patronage Physicians, Apothecaries, midwives, livestock, lottery, lottery winners and victories, lottery tickets; invoked against headaches, consumption, locusts, witchcraft, accidents and loneliness; helper for crying children

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

For other people with the same name, see Pantaleon (disambiguation)

Saint Pantaleon (Greek: Παντελεήμων, Russian: Пантелеи́мон, romanized: Panteleímon; “all-compassionate”), counted among the late medieval Fourteen Holy Helpers in the West and the Holy Unmercenary-Healers in the East, was a martyr of Nicomedia in Bithynia during the Diocletian persecution of AD 305

Although there is evidence that a martyr named Pantaleon existed, some consider the stories of his life and death to be purely legendary.[5]

The life of Pantaleon[ edit ]

According to the Martyrologies, Pantaleon was the son of a wealthy pagan, Eustorgius of Nicomedia, and was tutored in Christianity by his Christian mother, Saint Eubula; after her death, however, he defected from the Christian Church while studying medicine with a renowned physician Euphrosinos; under the patronage of Euphrosinos he became the personal physician of Emperor Galerius.[5]

St. Pantaleon on a 10th-century Byzantine ceramic tile in the State Historical Museum in Moscow

The Church of St. Panteleimon, built in 1735–1739, is one of the oldest in St. Petersburg

He was won back to Christianity by Saint Hermolaus (characterized in later literature as Bishop of the Church of Nicomedia), who convinced him that Christ was the better physician, signaling the importance of the example of Pantaleon in trusting faith to be medical Advisory.

Saint Alfonso Liguori wrote about this incident:

He studied medicine with such success that Emperor Maximian appointed him his physician. One day, while our Saint was speaking to a holy priest named Hermolaus, after vowing to study medicine, he concluded: “But, my friend, what is the use of all your knowledge of this art, since you do not know it Healing science?[6]

By miraculously healing a blind man by invoking the name of Jesus, Pantaleon converted his father, after whose death he came into possession of a large fortune. He freed his slaves and gained a great reputation in Nicomedia by distributing his wealth among the poor. Envious colleagues denounced him to the emperor during the persecution of Diocletian. The Emperor wanted to save him and tried to persuade him to defect. However, Pantaleon openly professed his faith and as proof that Christ was the true God, he healed a paralytic. Despite this, he was sentenced to death by the emperor, who viewed the miracle as a spectacle of magic.[7]

According to legend, Pantaleon’s flesh was first burned with torches, after which Christ appeared to everyone in the form of Hermolaus to strengthen and heal Pantaleon. The torches have been extinguished. Then a bath of molten lead was prepared; When the figure of Christ entered the cauldron with him, the fire died out and the lead grew cold. Pantaleon was now thrown into the sea, laden with a large stone that was floating. He was thrown to wild beasts, but these flattered him and could not be driven away until he blessed them. He was tied to the wheel, but the ropes snapped and the wheel broke. An attempt was made to behead him, but the sword was bent and the executioners were converted to Christianity.[7]

Pantaleon begged heaven to forgive them, which is why he was given the name Panteleimon (“mercy on all” or “merciful one”). Only at his own request could his head be beheaded, whereupon blood and a white liquid like milk flowed.

St Alphonse wrote:

At Ravello, a town in the Kingdom of Naples, there is a phial containing his blood, which becomes blood every year [on his feast day], and is seen mixed with milk in that state, as I, the author of this work, have seen .[6]

Early Worship[edit]

The resumes with these wondrous features are all belated and “worthless,” according to the Catholic Encyclopedia.[7] The fact of his martyrdom itself, however, seems to be supported by a veneration attested in the 5th century, including in a sermon on the martyrs of Theodoret (died c. 457); 565?), writings on the churches and shrines[9] built by Justinian I report that the emperor rebuilt the shrine to Pantaleon at Nicomedia; and Pantaleon is mentioned in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum.[10]

Worship in the East[edit] [11] The Walters Museum of Art. Panteleimon is shown here holding a lancet in his right hand. This tile probably formed a frieze on a church wall or altar screen.

Eastern tradition on Pantaleon more or less follows medieval Western hagiography, but lacks any mention of a visible appearance of Christ. [dubious – discuss] It states instead that Hermolaus was alive while Pantaleon’s torture was in progress, but only himself was martyred just before Pantaleon’s beheading along with two companions, Hermippas and Thermocrates. The saint is canonically depicted as a beardless young man with a full head of curly hair.

Pantaleon’s relics, venerated in Nicomedia, were transferred to Constantinople. Numerous churches, shrines and monasteries are named after him; most commonly in the west as St. Pantaleon and in the east as St. Panteleimon; to him are the Monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos, the Monastery of Agios Panteleimon in Crete, the Monastery of St. Panteleimon in Myrtou, Cyprus, and the 12th-century Church of St. Panteleimon in Gorno Nerezi, North Macedonia.

According to Movses Kaghankatvatsi, his relics were brought to the church built by St. Grigoris in the city of Tsri (then Caucasian Albania, near modern Barda, Azerbaijan).[12] Catholicos Lazar of Albania built the Church of St. Pantaleon in Beghame’j (near modern Ağcabədi, Azerbaijan) in his honor.[13] King Vachagan III of Albania rediscovered his remains and interred them at Amaras Monastery in modern Nagorno-Karabakh and named his firstborn son after the saint.[14]

Worship in Western Europe[edit]

After the Black Death in Western Europe in the mid-14th century, he was considered the patron saint of doctors and midwives as one of the Fourteen Guardian Martyrs, the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Relics of the saint are found at Saint Denis near Paris; his head is worshiped in Lyon. A Romanesque church was dedicated to him in Cologne in the 9th century at the latest.

England [ edit ]

The British Library holds a surviving Old English manuscript of The Life of St Pantaleon (British Library, MS Cotton Vitellius D XVII) dating to the early eleventh century and possibly written for Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham.[15] The Canons’ Vestry in front of the south transept of Chichester Cathedral was formerly a square-plan chapel dedicated to Saint Pantaleon – it may have been under construction just before the great fire of the cathedral in 1187.[16]

France [ edit ]

In France he was depicted in a window of Chartres Cathedral.[5] In the south of France there are six communes under the protective name of Saint-Pantaléon. Although individual churches are dedicated to him elsewhere, there are no parishes named after him in northern or north-western France. The six are:

Germany [edit]

In Cologne, a 10th-century Romanesque church built in part by the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Theophanu, who married Holy Roman Emperor Otto II in 972

In the Basilica of the Fourteen Saints near Staffelstein in Franconia, St. Pantaleon is venerated with his hands nailed to his head, reflecting another legend about his death.

Italy[ edit ]

In Italy, Pantaleon reflects favorable lottery numbers, victories and winners in dreams.[18] A vial containing some of his blood was kept in Ravello for a long time.[5] On the feast day of the saint, the blood is said to have become liquid and bubbling (cf. Saint Januarius). The Pantaleon painting by Paolo Veronese is in the Church of San Pantalon in Venice; it shows the saint healing a child. Another Pantaleon painting by Fumiani is also in the same church.[5] He was depicted in an 8th-century fresco in Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, and in a 10th-century cycle of paintings in the crypt of San Crisogono, Rome.[5] In Calabria there is a small town called Papanice, after Pantaleon. Each year on his feast day, a statue of the saint is carried through town to give a blessing to all who seek it.

San Pantaleone, or Pantalone, was a popular saint in Venice, and he therefore gave his name to a character in the commedia dell’arte, Pantalone, a stupid, shriveled old man (Shakespeare’s “skinny Pantaloon with slippers”) who was a caricature of Venetians . This character was depicted wearing trousers rather than breeches, and thus became the origin of the name of a type of trousers called “trousers”, later shortened to “trousers”.[19]

Portugal[ edit ]

Saint Pantaleon (São Pantaleão in Portuguese) is one of the patron saints of the city of Porto in Portugal,[20] along with John the Baptist and Our Lady of Vendome. Some of his relics were brought to the city by Armenian refugees after the Turkish occupation of Constantinople in 1453.[21] Later, in 1499, these relics were transferred from the Church of Saint Peter of Miragaia to the Cathedral, where they are kept to this day.[22]

namesake [ edit ]

Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias, the first European known to have circumnavigated the Cape of Good Hope, took a ship called the São Pantaleão with him on this expedition.

on this expedition. The Russian battleship Potemkin was renamed Panteleimon after recovering from the 1905 mutiny

was renamed after her recovery from the 1905 mutiny. St. Pantaleon is the namesake of the character Pantalaimon in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series of novels

See also[edit]


Powerful Prayer to Win Big Money

Powerful Prayer to Win Big Money
Powerful Prayer to Win Big Money

See some more details on the topic a powerful prayer to win at bingo tonight here:

Lord i hope and pray i can win at bingo | Prayer Request (3453)

Heal my heart jesus from all the pain i been feeling ,as i smile but of only people knew the pain deep with in that smile,you are a healer and a deliver,god …

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Jesus Always Wins at Bingo – Catholic Exchange

As I walked around hawking bingo cards, I sa a little prayer with each one I sold. I prayed for the deliverance of all persons who are …

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A Bingo Player’s Prayer – Latest Bingo Bonuses

I pray to the gambling gods that I shout BINGO! … you promise that you’ll never ask for anything again if you can just win this big prize?

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Bingo Prayer – Etsy

Check out our bingo prayer selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces … Bible Character Bingo Cards, Bible Game, Sunday School Game.

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a powerful prayer to win at bingo tonight| Mobile Live Casino Crypto …

Click to Login_,a powerful prayer to win at bingo tonight【https://j9vn888.com】Professionally proved,a powerful prayer to win at bingo tonight| Mobile …

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Miraculous Prayer To Win Lottery & Jackpot [Updated 2022]

Every Wednesday and Saturday you entrust somebody with a Powerball jackpot. How generous are thee! I have been faithful with the small amount of …

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Miraculous Prayer To Win Lottery & Jackpot [Updated 2022]

Recently bought a lottery ticket and fervently hoped to win it? Then try this prayer to win the lottery.

Even God promises to grant our wishes. All He wants is for you to do so with a pure heart.

Win Psalms Lottery

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7

The above verse clearly says that the believer need only ask or seek and the doors to success and prosperity will be opened by the Lord Himself.

Even in times of crisis, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Don’t step back. Try your luck and enter a lottery competition, you never know what to expect.

Winning the lottery may be your only way out of poverty right now.

Try looking for other clues, e.g. B. after the appearance of angel numbers sent from God. This is a green signal for you to keep trying.

It all depends on your happiness and devotion to God.

You must be sincere in what you do, believe in Almighty throughout your journey no matter what, and recite prayer to win the lottery.

Is there a prayer to win the lottery?

Yes, we have compiled the most comprehensive list of prayers to win the lottery.

Miraculous prayer to win lottery

Prayer to win the lottery jackpot


You are responsible.

You can do whatever you want.

I am your most faithful servant

good and faithful.

Ready for a new task.

Ready to take care of your wealth.

Ready to breed it.

Give as much as I can.

I’ve stayed true to some things.

Make me ruler of many things.

Leave me 5 sacks of gold.

I make it 10.

show me your trust

Give me a sign.

let me win the lottery

let me prove my worth

let me bring you glory

you say who has

will be given more.

who does not have

it will be taken from them.

I have everything I need in Jesus Christ.

please give me more

In your name I pray


Prayer for winning the Mega Millions Lotto

Here’s a lotto prayer to recite when you’re vying for a mega-million jackpot.

Our Heavenly Father, You have always been there for me and I need to ask Your help again. Every Tuesday and Friday night you bless someone with a Mega Millions jackpot. I am impressed by your generosity and abundance in this world. I ask you to send an angel to the WSB TV studio in Atlanta, Georgia where the Mega Millions drawing is taking place. Please let the angel draw these 5 numbers. Know that I intend to share the profits with those who need them most. I will use the jackpot to glorify you in every way. In your name I pray Amen.

Read more: Prayer of the Miraculous Padre Pio for Healing

Prayer for winning the Mega Millions Lotto

Dear God, let me win the Mega Millions lottery tonight so I can prove that money can bring happiness to my family who have suffered in poverty for so long.”

Powerball Lottery Prayer

Lord, today I want to pray to Matthew chapter 25, verses 14 to 30. I am your faithful servant, ready to take care of your wealth. Every Wednesday and Saturday you entrust someone with a Powerball jackpot. How generous are you! I’ve stayed true to the small amount of money I earn from my work. I’m willing to be in charge of more fortune.

Lord, I ask you to give as much as I can. Give me 1 bag of gold and I will make 2 bags out of it. Give me 5 bags and I’ll bring you 5 more. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

The Lord’s Lottery Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,

Blessed be your name,

your kingdom come

Your will will happen,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us that lottery jackpot.

And forgive us our sins

while we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

for yours is the kingdom

and the power and the glory

forever. Amen.

Prayer to win the lottery

Prayer to win big money

Heavenly Father,

you are so generous.

you fill my heart

and soul whole.

I flood you with your love

friendliness and grace.

I work hard every day to bring you glory.

I give all my energy to others

without expecting anything in return.

But my bank account is empty.

Please share a large sum of money

with me and my family.

Your money will help so many people

and relieve the stress I feel every month.

Know that I am yours

good and faithful servant.

In Jesus name.


Another prayer to win the jackpot

Dear Almighty God,

My family and I have been going through financial difficulties for so long that we suffer from depression. I beg you God please let me win the lotto jackpot soon to help my family and myself.

I would be so grateful and promise to do many good things with the money such as: B. Donations to charities for the poor and other good causes. I also ask forgiveness for my sins, I promise to do better. Please god let me win the lottery jackpot.

Thank you Almighty God for answering this prayer. Amen.

This is also a prayer for the raffle.

Prayer to win the 4D jackpot

Dear Heavenly Father,

I bow my head to you and thank you for this wonderful privilege in this moment, I thank you for your love and care and the blessings you have given us in our lives… but father, that is really not enough, , , may you pour your blessings over me and my family tomorrow <> and always,, touch my heart and soul so that I can fill the blessings from you..

Help me win this 4D Jackpot Sport Toto tomorrow night.

Thank you Father for this answered prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ – Amen

Confirmation of winning the lottery

This is a prayer to win the lotto jackpot that has proven its potency.

Dear God, help me win the lottery jackpot so I can regulate my situation. I know I’m not worthy of you, but do me this unique favor of being the only jackpot winner. I believe you can. For it is written, “Ask anything in my name and believe it and it shall be given to you. Heavenly Father help me to be the only lottery jackpot winner today. Thank you for answered prayers.

Lottery lottery win

I believe and trust God Almighty for a miracle victory this week. What the ear has not heard and what the eye has not seen shall be my testimony what Jesus did or said to one, He also said to Memari…Lord I trust You fully for a bountiful financial miracle, on what Wise however and thank you for everything you are about to do for me in Jesus mighty name amen!!!

Prayer to win the lottery once

Lord I know I’m not worthy of You, I know I have sins, I’m not perfect but I’m asking You here to help us overcome all our financial difficulties, even help us win the lottery win once only and also help us get our money back also help the people who wronged us thank you oh lord.

Prayers to win the lottery

Heavenly Father, Creator of the Universe, I have failed in this life and made decisions without asking You to guide me first, dear God, I have children as You know and I am asking for some profits to better provide for them , we are in. You urgently need your help because you know the situation we are in. Help me to have patience with my children, give me strength to be a standing tower with them, heal me of every arthritis or every unknown disease For me I ask your blessings in no other name than the beloved one name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Prayer to win a house

Heavenly Father, I kneel before You and ask You to forgive me for all my sins that I may have committed consciously or unconsciously. Thank you for all the blessings so far. I pray that you will help my husband and I win one of the three houses during this year’s promotion. I pray for this house because it allows us to have a better life together with our children. I pray this in faith and trust in you, Father Almighty. Amen.

Another lottery winning prayer

Lord, I came in to pray for myself. Finding a prayer that might help me win because I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom with no way up. God I’m desperate for you, I’m screaming for you to hear me.

On this day, Lord God, I am not praying for myself, but for all who need your help here.

God, in the name of Jesus, I come here and I bow before you to call out on your behalf to help those here who need your help. Because we know that you may not come when we want you, but you are always on time. For you are a punctual god. God you said you would never leave us or let us down and in Jesus name we need you today. Lord hear our prayer and hear our cries. Lord, you said no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and on this day I decree and declare that we are more than our eyes can see.

Lord God, I come and humble myself before you. Father, I love you and will obey your word. God I am yours and you are the only true living God. I declare my blessing today. I proclaim that men will be set free from bondage, set free from their sins and the sin of their fathers. On this day, God, I ask Your supernatural favor for everyone here today, Lord.

In your son Jesus name amen.

Prayer for winning the lottery

O Almighty Lord

You are my mother

you are my father

You are my friend

You mean everything to me

Answer my prayer and please listen

for what I ask.

Please help me to win the lottery myself

and my family’s future is secured.

That is all I ask, O Lord of the Universe.

I commend you.


Prayer for winning jackpot lottery

In my personal experience, this prayer for winning a game has never failed me.

Dear God… My family and I have been in financial difficulties for a long time, my father also has health problems and I suffer from depression. I beg you God please let me win the jackpot lottery soon. To help my mother, my father, my wife and myself.

I would be so grateful and promise to do a lot of good with the money, like donating to charities for the poor and for animals. I also ask forgiveness for my sins, I promise to do better. Please god let me win the jackpot lottery.

Thank you Almighty God for answering this prayer. Amen.

Prayer to win the lottery and pay off debts

I have to pay off my overdue debt. The only way is to win the lottery. I’ve been praying to win the lottery for years. But for some reason God didn’t help me. He needs to know how badly I need it. I will try again and pray that God will help me.

I have a lot of bills, need a car, my teeth need fixing. I need to sell my house and buy a house from my daughter, she wants me near her.

Please God hear me.

Prayer for luck (mirrual Powerball Prayer)

This is another miraculous prayer to win the Powerball jackpot.

Dear Sir,

I’m not asking for your prayers so I can win the Powerball tonight out of greed or anything like that. I’m tired of struggling and working two jobs and still don’t make enough money to feed my kids and pay all my bills. All I ask is that, once in a lifetime, lead me and my children to experience the happiness in life that we can enjoy when we have money to buy what we hunger for and what we love want very much is a home that we can call our own and for me to pay my debts and be debt free and feel for once. I am praying and asking for your help to win tonight that will forever change my life and that of my children. I will also use the money to help the poor and families and friends who are in need. Thanks in advance. I keep my heart and believe in you!

Prayer for luck in the lottery draw

If you want to pray for luck to win the lottery, here is one for you.

One man has many plans…

Jesus takes care of our troubles/triumphs!

Jesus, you know why I am here on this page

You know everything!

a thankful heart

Thank you for the gift of salvation, free will, the Bible, prayer and most importantly – YOU

As a follower of Christ, I’ve prayed about it, I’ve searched websites, I’ve searched my heart and my motives for asking you for a boon

It’s not about selfish gains or because I love money, it’s not about getting ahead of you or turning away from you, it’s not about conforming to this world and all the satanic temptations, it’s not about being better than anyone otherwise.

It is my humble request to win the lottery so I can do your will. It’s your money father, you know me, you know if that’s good for me.

If not, please take this wish from me. A desire to help others, to be able to do and be what you want me to do. I cannot do otherwise than by Your grace and merciful love for me, I ask in faith that this may be done. My forever home is not here, but with you in heaven. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. help me jesus

Prayer for winning the lottery

Dear Sir,

I don’t know if this works, but I’ll try.

This is the last time I’m trying the lottery, I’ve wasted so much on it and never won anything significant.

Every time I try I never prayed but I hope it works now.

I will not be selfish with the money (if I win) and will use it to improve my family and friends and donate a large amount of it to charities.

I would not spend it on lavish luxuries but would use it to help my parents with their debts and the education and health of my 6 siblings.

please i need this


Prayer to God to help win the lottery

Below is the prayer to win the lottery tonight.

Dear God, I really need your help right now. Money is a bit tight here and I have a lot of bills piling up that need to be paid. Could you please give me your blessing and help me win the lottery? I hope you could help me become a jackpot winner. Thank you for your gift in advance. Thank you and amen.

Lottery prayer to win big money – I am grateful

Lord I am so thankful for the health You have given me and my family. I commend you for always having my back and catching up with me during emotionally challenging times. I ask you, God, once again for your help. Please help me and my family secure our future by winning the jackpot this week.

Here I came

Dear God, without greed, I ask your blessing to win the lottery. The bills start piling up and getting out of debt is getting harder every day. Lord, I am asking for financial assistance to help me and my family get back on my feet, for decent meals, clothing and shelter without worrying that I do not have the means to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. All I need is a trailblazing gentleman.

I seek your help for the lottery

Dear God, I really need your help right now. Money is a bit tight here and I have a lot of bills piling up that need to be paid. Could you please give me your blessing and help me win the lottery? Thank you and amen.

I seek your guidance

Dear God, I seek your guidance as I am having financial difficulties right now. Tonight I bought a lottery ticket and was hoping you could help me become a jackpot winner. Thank you for your gift in advance. Amen.

i feel grateful

Lord I am so thankful for the health You have given me and my family. I commend you for always having my back and catching up with me during emotionally challenging times. I ask you, God, once again for your help. Please help me and my family secure our future by winning the jackpot tonight. Amen.

My life stands still (prayer for luck and money)

Dear Almighty, my life has been turned upside down. My child got sick and my family is about to lose our home to pay for all these medical bills. We need you, Almighty God. We need your blessings to ease this financial burden. Please help us become lottery winners. Thank you Almighty. Amen.

Read more: Highly Effective Healing Prayers by Archangel Raphael

Please help me (Secret prayer to win the lottery)

This prayer for winning the lottery is effective for those who want to clear their debts.

Lord, please help me win the lottery to pay off this accumulated debt. I know this money will change my life as I will no longer have debts constantly holding me hostage. I need financial freedom with Your blessings. Amen.

Without Greed (Special Prayer to Win the Lottery)

Without greed… is a miracle prayer to win the lottery. Just try it!

Dear God, without greed, I ask your blessing to win the lottery. The bills start piling up and getting out of debt is getting harder every day. Lord, I am asking for financial assistance to help me and my family get back on my feet, for decent meals, clothing and shelter without worrying that I do not have the means to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. All I need is a trailblazing gentleman. Amen.

I know (win the lottery prayer)

This is another very effective prayer for winning the lottery.

Lord, I know there’s nothing You can’t do. No action is too far for your reach, no prayer goes unheard or unanswered by you. Today I come to you because I need financial relief. I am here at Your feet with an open heart and open hands, ready to receive any financial relief you will offer me, with no greed or malice in my heart. I want to help others I care about and in my community and I ask that you give me what I need to win the lottery and help my community. I am grateful for what you have given me thus far, but I ask for more of your greatness to pay off my debts to bring more of my service to my community, family and friends. All in Your glory, Lord. I thank you with all my heart.

Dear God (prayer for money to buy a house)

Dear God, I’m calling you because I’m trying to buy a house by the end of this year. I just need to get my finances together and I need a blessing from you. I have struggled for quite some time but you have gracefully guided me through my past financial crises and I know you can make it again! You helped me when I was sick. I have never resisted a gift that You offered me and blessed me with, Your Almighty. Please help me win the lottery so I can have my own home by the end of the year Lord. Thank you for all of your financial support so far. Amen.

Thank you (prayer for winning the lottery)

This powerful prayer for winning the lottery can be recited on the days leading up to the lottery result. Many of my readers have told us that their lottery prayer has been answered.

Lord, thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for us as your children. I praise and glorify your holy name. I am honored and have the deepest appreciation to have been chosen as one of your holy children. I seek Your guidance, Lord, and Your holy blessings almighty as I seek to win the lottery. I know it is you who put this desire in my heart and so I will follow your word father. I bought the lottery ticket and played the numbers you gave me. I know that it is you father who guides me. And as I express my wish, your command, as I am worthy of your holy gift. Thank you God. Amen.

Bless me (prayer to win money)

Below is a prayer for winning money.

Dear Lord, although I have sinned, you have still blessed me. Although I am not perfect, in your eyes I am, and you have forgiven me all my sins and love me with all my imperfections. I worship and kneel before You Lord. I ask you Almighty to help us get rid of our debts and overcome our financial difficulties. Please give us a way out of this financial emergency and bless us with the gift of winning the lottery. You have given us so much and I feel unworthy of Your greatness, Almighty One, but I ask for Your mercy and love. Please help me and my family at this low point in our lives. Thank you Almighty. Amen.

If you also play lottery and jackpot games then this prayer for winning a game can be very beneficial for you.

I highly recommend you try any of these prayers to win the lottery and let us know if you succeeded.

Saint Pantaleon prayer to win the lottery

Saint Pantaleon is considered the patron saint of the lottery. Here is a prayer of Saint Panteleimon to win the lottery and get financial gain. It is also a prayer for winning the lottery.

Dear St. Pantaleon, envelop me in Your Holy Spirit, help me win the lottery and bingo. I would like to have a new house and apartment for rent. Thank you Lord, guide me and my family always

There is another St. Pantaleon prayer for the lottery (Oracion para ganar la loteria). Since he is considered the patron saint of winning the lottery, there are many prayers for this very purpose.

St. Pantaleon, you are known for your great mercy, especially for us in need. Please hear our prayers and ask our dear Jesus and loving God with Mother Mary to grant us the favors we ask for. We urgently need financial support and a good job for my husband. We promise to honor you and make known your life and holiness. Thanks

More Saint Pantaleon prayer for the lottery

Through the intercession of St. Pantaleon I ask and pray to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Eternal Father for financial blessings in my life.

St Speed ​​up prayer for lottery

The St. Expedite lottery prayer is also a famous prayer.

I ask you, Saint Expedite, to help me in my financial difficulties. Let your strength and support protect my income and help me to get enough money so that I will not suffer hardship and hardship. Please let peace and tranquility reign in my household. I ask and pray that my desires will be fulfilled and I glorify your intercession. Amen

Is winning the lottery a blessing from God?

Yes, all bonuses and rewards we receive are blessings from the Almighty! There are many prayers for winning the lottery that have been pledged by millions of believers.

Can you pray to win the lottery?

According to Matthew 17:20-21,

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

So if you’re wondering, “Can God help me win the lottery?” Here’s your answer…

It is loud and clear that if you have perfect faith and surrendered to the Lord, your prayers will not go unanswered. Our scriptures for winning the lottery (for example, praying to Saint Panteleimon to win the lottery) are powerful when done regularly. If you are praying to win the lottery, novenas are perfect for your success.

Is it wrong to pray to win the lottery?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with praying to win the lottery as you are just trying your luck to get out of your financial mess. It could be crushing debt, medical bills, or other financial emergencies. As long as you don’t harm anyone, it’s not a sin to win the lottery.

How to pray to win the lottery

The only requirement for any prayer is faith and perseverance. Without these two, no prayer can be effective.

Can angels help you win the lottery?

Yes, angels help us in many ways. Although angels don’t help us win a lottery per se, praying to them can help us overcome our problems, especially financial ones. In fact, one of my readers admitted in an email that “God told me to play the lottery.” There is no specific angel for winning the lottery, but your guardian angels are always there to help and guide you in using angel numbers for winning the lottery.

Fasting to win the lottery

Fasting with a prayer to win the lottery can increase your chances of success.

Can God bless someone through lottery?

God moves in mysterious ways. So, yes, it is possible for God to bless someone through the lottery, but that is not the only way God works.

Which saint do I pray to win the lottery?

Saint Pantaleon is the patron saint of the lottery. Therefore, the prayer to Saint Panteleimon can be recited for the lottery to increase your probability. St. Expedite is another saint to pray for in winning the lottery.

How to quickly manifest the lottery win?

Good things take time. The only thing you can control is your faith and your perseverance for your cause and God. You cannot manifest the timing of a lottery win. However, affirmations to win the lottery can certainly help you.

Stories about lottery prayers

You can read the comments below to see real lottery prayer success stories.

How To Win In A Bingo Hall – Our Top Tips & Strategies!

Winning at a bingo hall requires very different skills than winning at an online bingo app. Halls require more attention, more reflexes and generally more dedication and bingo cards.

Bingo halls are a better alternative to online bingo sites as you can experience the atmosphere and buzz of a real bingo game as well as actual randomness instead of computer based algorithms.

Brick and Mortar halls have their advantages when it comes to payouts and gaming experience than online bingos. To help you get the most out of your visit to the bingo halls, here are ways you can increase your chances of doubling your initial bankroll. There is a science behind the bingo craze, although wise people still debate whether bingo is a game of chance or a game of skill.

Buy multiple cards per game

Buying more cards wins at bingo, whether it’s in physical halls or online rooms. While this is a no-brainer, a surprising number of players insist on playing with just one or two games. Their rationale for this is the probability of winning a game with one card and several being equal. It’s the same logic for anyone playing the lottery, where 10 or 100 tickets still give players a slim chance of winning.

What these players haven’t considered is the nature of bingo gameplay. Lotto is all about guessing the limited sequence of numbers, while bingo simply requires players to have all the qualifying numbers on their card. Your odds of winning bingo are much higher than the lottery.

Having more cards per game greatly increases the likelihood of winning a game ahead of any player. Imagine you are playing in a room with 100 participants, each with one card. Your chance of winning a game is 1% since 1/100 is 0.01. Let’s say you are the only player who has 15 cards while others are still playing with one. Considering the 114 cards in play (15/114 = 0.13) you increase your odds significantly to 13%.

Note that in a real bingo hall you are likely to be competing with players who also have multiple cards. Because bingo halls have a maximum card limit, your chances of winning are the same as other participants if everyone has the same number of cards. However, they still have a slight advantage over other players who bought half the card’s maximum capacity or less.

Avoid side bets and jackpot prizes

Side bets offer incredible prize amounts for just a small stake. There are even progressive jackpots that promise life-changing fortunes for just a dollar bet. Since the odds on this type of bet favor the house, this is not one of the ways to win bingo.

Let’s take one of the most popular jackpot bets in bingo halls, the overall, as an example. This type of bet requires all 24 numbers on the card to be announced. Your odds of completing the entire map with fewer than 47 announced numbers are less than 0.0001%. As more balls come into play, your odds improve drastically. The 67th number gives you a 1% chance of completing the overall map, while 75 numbers give you 32% of completing it.

While players see their odds increase as more numbers come into play, they don’t take into account the average numbers quoted per game. The majority of sessions tend to have a winner when 16 to 25 balls are called.

In other words, the game will probably be over before you reach a point where you have 0.0001% of the mark of every square in an overall map.

Want to know how to win bingo every time?

Enter the bingo hall early

Time can be your companion as you can reach your local bingo hall about 10 minutes early before they open. While being early doesn’t increase your chances of winning more games, it can help you gain an advantage over other participants.

In a typical bingo hall there are hosts who announce the last number in the game. You are probably wondering why this is important as most bingo halls have LED displays to show the latest ball. It’s important to remember that a winner of a bingo game is the first to call “bingo” when their card hits all of the called balls.

Imagine that you and three other people are missing B2 on your cards. If the host picks up the B2 ball and you happen to be sitting nearby to see it, you can instantly mark the space on your card and call bingo before anyone else knows what number is on the ball. A good way to get the best position in a bingo hall, where you can immediately see what the host is picking, is to get in early.

Another reason to get to a bingo hall early is the availability of the game. You can easily choose which sessions and price goals you want to meet when you visit the facility at the time it opens.

Use bingo dabber

You have no time to lose when a number comes into play because speed is everything in a bingo game. While certain online games fill in your cards automatically, in real life you have to do it manually.

For new players, often use a pen or pencil to mark the spot on their cards. There’s nothing wrong with using writing tools to indicate the active numbers on your card. However, pens can lead to marking errors, e.g. B. to create a notch or a circle. For other players, heavily mark their cards to the point where the circle or notch obscures the numbers.

These mistakes become costly in the late part of the session when players need to check their cards to see how many numbers they need to win. Pens can cost them a win if they couldn’t see their markers or the numbers on their card. This is where markers for bingo come into play.

Bingo dabbers are an efficient way to mark your bingo cards. These are special ink pens that allow you to apply translucent ink to an entire square or space with just one dabbing motion. Dabbers can give you plenty of time to check your cards before the host announces the next ball.

Play with fewer people

Let’s say you’re playing against 99 participants where everyone has 1 card, your odds of winning here or having a qualifying card before everyone else is 1%. What happens if we consider players instead of cards? Remove half the players from the bingo hall and your chance of winning is 2%. Let’s go ahead and say that there are only 20 people in the bingo hall, including you. Your chances of completing your map are 5%. Playing with fewer people in a bingo hall can increase your chance of winning.

It is important to note that this situation implies that you are playing with only one card. By playing with multiple cards or the maximum card capacity, you further improve your advantage over other competitors. While others also play with the most legal cards, you have the advantage over those who play with only a few cards.

While playing with few players increases your chance of winning, the payout percentage is lower than playing games with many players. This is worth the exchange as you are less likely to benefit from high stakes bingo sessions when the odds are against you.

Pay attention

Remember that you manually mark your cards every time a number comes into play, and everyone aims to fill in their cards with the qualifying numbers before others. With that in mind, paying your attention to the MC during the game is a very important tip to win every bingo session.

Multiple distractions can cause you to miss a number like your phone. Whether you’re checking your email or watching videos, your phone can absorb all of your attention throughout the session. If you arrive early and find the closest spot to see what ball the host just picked up, you’ll have little advantage by updating your timeline or tweeting.

Customize your cards

One of the best bingo hall strategies is organizing your cards. This tip may seem insignificant during the early part of a bingo session where up to five balls are involved. As the session progresses to the 10th through 20th balls, you’ll find yourself going through every single card you’ve bought to make sure you’ve marked every bid number.

When a player’s card is lying around, they tend to pick up each card and check if it has the latest number that the host has announced. This is a costly step, as it takes a long time to go through five or more cards just to find a specific number. Chances are also good that a new ball came into play while they were rummaging through their cards.

It pays to orient your cards on the table so that you can just go through them on sight. Secure your cards to the table with tape or approved bingo glue. By organizing your cards, you can efficiently mark and review qualifying spots in seconds, giving you an edge over other competitors.

Follow our bingo hall strategy and tips and you can gain an edge over other players by having more cards and participating in sessions where few participants attend. Organizing your cards, using dabbers, and showing up early can also work to your advantage. You can use these skills to start making money playing online bingo.

The secret of psalms for success and wealth

Does God want you to be happy and prosper? Yes he does! He created you for success! Therefore, you can follow its design to get this achievement. What can help you along this path? It’s the Bible! Do you know the secret of the Psalms that can bring you success and prosperity? Well, we give you the top 5 secrets of the Psalms!

The Mystery of the Psalms and How to Use It

The Bible book of Psalms is the collection of various poems and songs designed to bring prosperity, security and success. The Psalms won’t work for you if you’re not a believer. It’s simple, God wants you to be happy and happiness and success are not possible without God.

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The Bible has a lot to offer! All you have to do is read it and draw your key to success from it. The first thing you need to know is that success and wealth are not just about money! Let’s take a look at what success and wealth can mean in the Bible!







As you can see, success isn’t always about money. It’s not a measurable state – it’s a state of freedom and accomplishment! And yes, it can include financial success too! Now it’s time to take a look at the top 5 proofs of success in the Bible.

Top 5 list of proven successes in the Bible

1. Don’t be lazy – be diligent

Proverbs 13:4

“The soul of a sluggard desires and has nothing; The soul of the diligent is made rich.”

From the above words you can see that a lazy man will always strive for success, but will not achieve it. So if you want to be rich and powerful in your soul – you have to work for it! There is only reward for hard work.

Hard work and constant effort will bring you wealth and prosperity. Otherwise you will not achieve anything. Don’t give up – follow your dreams and become the person you want to be. God will only help you if you work hard and are persistent in your goals. God will then see your diligence and reward you.

2. Seek God in everything

Psalms 1:1-3

“His Joy is in the Law of the Lord”

This is the main mystery of the Psalm. It says God is everywhere! Every cell in your body, no matter how small, represents its magnificent design. God will always give you challenges to overcome so you can become a better person. So don’t give up on yourself when it’s hard – remember, when you’re going through hard times – it’s because God wants it that way.

Try to see yourself and your life as a great plan of God. Every failure you face in life is a challenge to become a better person in the eyes of God. Delight in the name of God – this will help you see Him in every situation you encounter. It also helps you understand that he is with you and that you are special to him.

3. Search for righteousness

Proverbs 8:18-21

“Richness and honor are with me.”

If you walk in God’s way, it will bring glory to you and your family. God will never leave you if you really believe in him. Practice righteousness to become rich and prosperous. Teach your children and friends how to be a man of God.

If you always seek God’s way, you will never be poor and you will always be satisfied.

4. Keep His commandments

Psalm 23:1

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

When you believe in God, you trust him to guide your life. Obey the words of God if you really want to be rich and prosper in life. There is no other choice for you! You will prosper only by obeying God’s commandments.

When you think of the mystery of the Psalms, this commandment is key. God has given us all a purpose in life and He provides the keys to that purpose. If you do divine things, you will be rewarded. How can you be close to God while obeying His commandments? Love other people and share your knowledge of God with them.

5. Honor him with your riches

Proverbs 10:22

“The blessing of the Lord brings riches.”

God is your blessing giver. He will always be the one to provide you with wisdom and wealth. So if you want to be rich in your soul, you will follow in His footsteps. He is your holy Savior who will be near you whenever you need Him.

Use divine deeds to show that in your riches you do not forget him. For example, if you are blessed with money, you can share it and give glory to God. If you are wise, you can glorify God by sharing your knowledge with people. If you are a kind person, you can share your kind heart with everyone.


The first thing to remember is that wealth and success are not related to money. Do not misinterpret the words of God. You can be rich and successful even without money. Nevertheless, the secret of the Psalms is very simple – it is faith in God and in oneself.

Only then will you become complete in your life. This is how you invite God into your life. This is how you become successful and rich with the secret of the Psalm!

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Source: Legit.ng

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