Baptist Church Ushers Prayer? Quick Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “baptist church ushers prayer“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

What are the duties of an usher in the Baptist church?

Depending on the church’s denomination, size, and preferences, ushers may perform some or all of the following:
  • Seat guest.
  • Collect the tithes and offering.
  • Distribute communion.
  • Keep order at the entrance of the sanctuary.
  • Distribute bulletins and service programs.
  • Handle disturbances.

What scripture can be used to encourage church ushers?

  • 1 Chronicles 9:18-20. being stationed at the King’s Gate on the east, up to the present time. …
  • 1 Peter 4:10. …
  • 1 Peter 4:17. …
  • 1 Peter 2:5. …
  • 1 Corinthians 11:1. …
  • 1 Corinthians 14:33. …
  • 1 Peter 5:1-3. …
  • 2 Timothy 3:16.

What makes a good usher?

A good usher has a background in customer service, which helps them better assist guests or patrons. Additional qualifications include strong communication skills, a friendly personality, and knowledge of all theater safety rules and regulations.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

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How can I be a good usher at my church?

A good usher must embody and embrace these values.
  1. Teachable. Ushers should have the right spirit and heart that is easy to serve people and church well. …
  2. Thoughtfulness. Ushers should be looking for ways to serve and help others. …
  3. Tactfulness. …
  4. Timeliness. …
  5. Teamwork.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Praise be to the Lord Jesus!

It is a blessed opportunity granted to me by our God and Heavenly Father to come to you through this book.

For more than a decade I have served as a minister; First at Moi University Christian Union, then at various worship meetings.

By divine providence I have worked as an emergency first responder throughout my career and in most cases have managed the protocol teams on various occasions.

Whether at church or at work, my motto has always been “First In, Last Out”

Having attended and served the Church for some time, I am deeply concerned about people who are comfortably of Church membership but do not participate in Church activities. Statistics show that believers who do nothing in church are at greater risk of not only dropping out of church, but also apostasy.

Dear friends, our devotion to Christ must be demonstrated through our service to him and his church.

According to 1 Peter 4:10… “Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to minister to others as faithful stewards of the grace of God in its various forms.”

This means that every Christian has been given at least one gift to use in his ministry to the body of Christ.

Some people think that serving God is all about preaching! That is not true!

There are many ways we can advance the gospel and increase the welfare of the body of Christ.

You don’t necessarily have to be a pastor of a local church or evangelist for the nations, but you can serve in the choir, you can work as a website administrator or social media coordinator, you can serve as an audio engineer, you can be in the media department, you can be your Provide finances and resources, you can work in the kitchen, you can be brought in to teach a Sunday school class and more so you can choose to serve in the INVITATION DEPARTMENT!

In this book, I am committed to paying special attention to CHURCH INTRODUCTION, which is one way we can serve God.

Having served in this department for many years, I have gained some experience and information that I firmly believe can assist those who are already in the initiation departments of our churches and those who will join later.

God doesn’t just want us to serve him; He wants us to do well.

We must therefore always ask ourselves what can I do, what can I add, what can I change to please the Lord in the area of ​​responsibility He has given me, this applies to preachers and ministers and to all other church workers too.

I believe this book will help improve the effectiveness of our ushering ministry and thereby increase the influence of our local churches in fulfilling our Kingdom commission.


The dictionary generally describes an usher as an officer or servant who attends to the door of a court, hall or chamber, or an officer who walks in front of a person of rank, or someone who escorts people to their seats.

Placing means showing someone where to go or getting someone to go where you want them to go.

An usher is a DOOR GUARDIAN, he or she is a guide and escort.

However, when we come to church; The definition of an usher goes beyond that of a doorkeeper.

Because of the diverse and unique needs of our churches, ministers are expected to provide service beyond what the dictionary describes.

Each usher has the opportunity to affect the lives of new and existing people in the church and should be seen as an extension of the pastor’s hand. In most cases, they provide the first impressions of the church and the ministry of the pastor.

The ministry of initiation is a crucial part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the church.

In Christ you have received God’s unconditional love, and in Christ you are called to extend that same unconditional love to others.

Although the love of an usher is no stronger than the love found throughout the body of Christ, the usher still plays an important role in ensuring that people see and experience that love.

An usher is a spiritual messenger for the local church – God’s ordained and organized community of believers. The usher serves as the “first representative” of Jesus Christ at a service.

Ushers are a tremendous force in setting the tone for worship and in helping prepare people to hear and respond to the Word of God.

The purpose of ushering in the church is not just to minister to the people, like in a theater or restaurant. Its purpose is to serve God!!

When the ushers create an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during, and after the service, they are doing it for God. When they lead the worshipers to their places, they do it for God.

When they gather the offerings, they are serving God. What they do, they do “not like men, but like God.” They are part of the whole church that comes before God to worship Him.

While the ushers are important and need to be emphasized, the ushers themselves must not have or convey a sense of personal importance and pride.

Ushers must memorize and apply the Third Beatitude, “Blessed are the Meek.” They should also learn from our Lord Jesus to be “meek and humble of heart.”

An usher is a servant of God.

An usher’s work is important in his relationship with God and the worship of God, but personally the usher must not feel proud and overpowered.

The Bible tells us that…

“Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as for the Lord (as a work for the Lord) and not for men, knowing that you will have an inheritance from the Lord as a reward: It is the Lord Christ you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24.

The role of a minister is to help first-time guests, returning visitors, and members experience the sacredness and joy of a service.

I believe that an usher’s performance can make or break the outcome of the service and is a true reflection of how kind and loving the church really is.

The ushers set the spiritual climate of the service by showing a joyful attitude, making others feel welcome and comfortable, and ensuring that everything happens in order so that everyone can worship undisturbed.

In the Bible, David only desired to be a gatekeeper (ONE NEXT) in the house of God, rather than spending time elsewhere. “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” PSALM 84:10.

It is a good and desirable thing to be an usher in the house of God!

A minister is not just a VOLUNTEER, but a SERVANT OF GOD!

The ministry of Jesus would not be ordered without the ministry of the disciples who have ministered as PUBLIC PLANTS on many occasions! Ushers are instruments of order in the church. Think of the occasion in Matthew 14:13-21 when Jesus fed over 5,000 people.

Jesus provided the miracle of the bread and fish, but it was the disciples’ duty to organize the people into groups and distribute the food and then gather up the remains.

Ushers are organizers!!!

In Acts 6:1-4, “A complaint arose from the Greek Jews against the Hebrews because the Greek widows were neglected in the daily ministry. The twelve called the crowd of disciples together and said, “It is not fitting that we forsake the word of God and attend tables. Therefore, brethren, choose among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Then we can employ these men in this business, and we apostles will continue to devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word.”

Ministers should be responsible people, people of good reputation and wisdom, and full of the Holy Spirit and faith. People oiling the work of ministry and lightening the burden of the men and women of the local assemblies!!!

It should excite every usher to know that the first MARTYR; the first man to die for his belief in the gospel, STEPHEN was a USHER…. !!!

Ministers are men and women, brothers and sisters, who are so in love with Christ that they can do anything, even get dirty, just to put a smile on Christ’s face by bringing and maintaining order in the church.


Dear friends from the beginning, I would like to suggest you some essential minimum values ​​of qualities that every good usher must possess. There are certain aspects that any person serving or aspiring to be an usher must consider! If you can find a good usher, you’ll notice the following:…


Initiating means talking to people.

A good usher must be a keen listener.

He or she must be friendly yet clear in his words.

An usher must be willing to consult and then inform the individuals concerned, rather than misleading the individuals with personal assumptions…For example, when a new member asks…when is the midweek service…. If the usher is not quite sure, he or she should not say… I BELIEVE IT IS 5 PM WEDNESDAY… They should instead consult with the new brother and then say it… I JUST CONFIRMED THAT WEDNESDAY 5:30 PM IS!

Every usher needs to learn to address people appropriately….

For example, do not address a woman in her 60s or 70s by her first name or even “Sister Jane.” Talk to her… Dear Mama, welcome…

It’s not friendly to address a middle-aged woman…you woman, we mom, huyu msichana.

A wrong word used to address a person can turn them away from the church or even prevent them from being blessed in the service.

Use words like us; Hello sir, welcome mom, get well soon brother.

Quickly learn people’s names and how they prefer to be addressed!

If the church is in an urban setting, don’t assume visitors will speak the local language unless you follow the official languages.

Every usher needs to improve their communication skills.

Good ushers don’t yell at people; they talk to people!


We have already said that the appearance and behavior of ushers shape the first impression a visitor has of a church.

It is therefore imperative that the usher is well maintained.

The ushers must be clever! This does not mean that they always have to have new clothes, but that their clothes, hair, shoes, etc. have to be well made.

In addition to spending time on their knees, an usher must also spend time in the mirror before entering the church.

If the church has a dress code for ushers, it must be followed.

If name tags or badges are present, they should be properly worn.

It’s inappropriate to walk around with unkempt hair, a sagging shirt, or a smelly mouth. It’s uncharacteristic of a good usher to be messy!


People tend to respect and respond to confident people.

If you want to lead people, you need to know exactly where you are leading them.

You can’t be a walking question mark when people should come to you for answers!!

Do your homework well! Read the bulletins in advance!

Have the necessary details and answers that people are likely to ask from you.

Knowing where, for example, people with special needs should sit. Be ready to gently but firmly stop people from occupying reserved seats.

An usher is a HOST!!! It is wrong to behave like a visitor and then expect to be of good service to other visitors.


Because of the diversity of needs and the diverse nature of people in our communities, it is paramount that each usher must be willing to handle many responsibilities simultaneously.

It is possible that within 5 minutes you will receive 7 questions from different people…

One asks… Where is the Sunday school, another asks for directions to the washrooms, another asks when the second service starts, another asks about the procedure or envelope for tithing or the development project, and yet another asks if they do can see Head Pastor!

A serious usher needs to build up the mental toughness to deal with such pressure!

Also, it is advisable for the usher to carry a notebook to jot down some things that require further inquiry or reporting!

The ushers must develop the ability to understand quickly and react quickly, but with a lot of grace and never lose the smile!!

You can’t be good at multitasking if you’re bad at time management. Any effective usher is very time conscious.


Serving people requires a lot of patience!

Church-goers and born-again believers are not easy.

It is very easy to become offended and angry and bitter when serving others.

Some people are rude, some are ignorant, some are slow learners, some are biased, some are new to the faith and still stuck in an unrestored mindset; all of these will come into the church and the ushers will have to take care of that.

Ushers have a unique responsibility to identify all “the Lord’s guests” and attempt to place them so that the Lord can minister to them.

People can come very dirty or even drunk? How do you deal with that?

They may come dressed inappropriately, how do you help them without making them look like devils?

The usher, who is an extension of the pastor, must have a big heart… A heart big enough to welcome, receive, and help mold the worst of people as they come in to worship the saints of Christ will!!


Not everyone can be an usher, just as not everyone can be on a worship team, work in child ministry, or lead a small group. The right gifts, passion and skills make a big difference.

1. The usher’s spiritual relationship with the Lord must continually grow so that his relationship with those around him becomes exemplary.

2. An usher must regularly attend the meetings.

3. An usher must continually strive to develop a team spirit among service members.

4. Friendliness is a very important quality of a good usher.

5. Other qualities of a good usher include: Punctuality, Humility, Kindness, Kindness, Submissiveness, Flexibility, Cleanliness, Sensitivity (alert), Faithful (reliable), Availability, Committed, Even-tempered, and most importantly, Reverent.

6. An usher should have a special knowledge of the church—its beliefs, worship schedule, staff, outreach, ministries, and facilities.


When the First Church in Jerusalem chose 7 ushers, they didn’t just look at outward attributes. This is in Acts 6:1-4. They went after men WHO WERE FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND WISDOM.

From this we learn that a good usher must be filled with the Spirit and strive to walk in the manifest fruition of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-25 is a solid guide for a good usher. This is not about perfection, but about a heartfelt motive and desire to live the life of a Spirit-filled believer.

Here are the spiritual disciplines that every effective usher must cultivate and always walk in his or her line of faith and ministry…

• Love – In 1 Corinthians 13:13, the apostle Paul says about faith, hope and love that love is the greatest of these things. If you choose to truly love the people you serve as ushers, God will bless your actions.

•Joy – Take God seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Relieve yourself and enjoy the moment. Your spirit will be contagious to others. If you’re cold, distant, and don’t smile (basically if you’re a grumpy usher), you will discourage others around you.

•Peace – You can add peace, calm and order to an otherwise overwhelming and hectic experience.

•Patience – This is a great trait in a good usher. Most of us are impatient by nature. Many of the people will have waited in line to park, wait in line to give offerings, and wait in line for meals. Your patience will run out. You can set a good example for them with your patience.

• Friendliness – This is the attitude that makes you approachable as an usher. Going the extra mile can make all the difference in the world! Be resourceful. Think of all the ways you could be kind to someone when they come to church.

• Kindness – The inner quality of kindness is a gift that results from the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. This state of being will naturally spill over into your worship, bringing an intangible but powerful presence to the worship experience.

•Fidelity – Faithfulness as a Christian translates into your faithfulness as an usher. Showing yourself responsible and doing your duty well is important for everyone. It matters to God, and it matters to all who call your church home.

• Gentleness – A mature usher never throws his or her authority around. The best usher is a humble one who tries to put others first no matter how much pressure there may be at the moment.

• Self Control – It is impossible to control a large crowd if we cannot control ourselves. In quiet moments, self-control is easy, under the pressure of hectic moments and last-minute changes, your grace and self-control will shine.

Other Qualifications of an Usher

• You must understand the vital role of the usher.

• You must enjoy and care for people.

• You should have the heart of a servant.

• You must be committed to the vision of your church.

• You must support the leadership of your church.

• Although you probably won’t have to ring in every Sunday, but if you’re on schedule, you always have to give 100%.


Over the time that I have been in the initiatory ministry, I have come to believe that there are five basic principles for effective initiation. A good usher must embody and embrace these values.

1. Teachable. Ushers should have the right spirit and heart that makes it easy to serve people and the Church well. Every usher should be willing to be taught and learn how to improve. Read the bulletin – find out more, stay informed. Ushers who continue to educate themselves can greatly improve the service.

2. Thoughtfulness. Ushers should seek opportunities to serve and help others. Opening doors, helping visitors, being polite, and looking for ways to help others alongside their other responsibilities can make a positive reflection for the church.

3. Tact. Ushers should be able to communicate well and have a good sense of knowing what to say, what to do, and where to direct others in order to maintain good relationships and avoid distractions on duty.

4. Timeliness. Ushers should be on time and bring help to others in a timely manner. An effective usher does not wait to be asked or wait for help from others, but is keenly aware of what is going on in the church and allows the flow of worship to continue without distractions.

5.Teamwork. Ushers should work as a team, everyone should work together as a whole. Ministers should work in a unified manner in receiving offerings and Communion, bringing order to the service in as many ways as possible. If you’re on schedule and don’t make it, be sure to call and let your team leader know. Just don’t fail to show up. Learn how to find a replacement if you can’t ring in as planned. People are counting on you. Be a team player. Coverage for your fellow instructor if required.


1. Attend church faithfully whether you have responsibilities that day or not.

2. Arrive at church 30 minutes before the service begins.

3. Clothing should be appropriate, decent, clean and tidy.

4. Receive work and direction from Chief/Head Usher.

5. Get the bulletins and take them to the assigned locations.

6. Have supplies ready at the altar, making sure the pews have sufficient hymnals, Bibles, and offering envelopes if available. Most churches do not provide these, so it is your responsibility to ensure pews are well organized and tidy.

7. Greet incoming parishioners with a warm, friendly smile.

8. Be alert to issues that may require your attention.

9. Give instructions to nursing mothers, Sunday school children, etc.

10. Help elderly and disabled people out of their cars and into church.

11. Being available for offerings, special offerings, and other duties as directed by the pastor.

12. In some churches several ushers and church deacons count the offerings and place the offerings in the safe.

13. After the offering, at least one usher must remain in the lobby area to offer assistance if needed. You can monitor the hallways for unexpected guests.

14. Watch the temperature in the sanctuary.

15. Some churches require an usher to count attendance.

16. Be available around the altar.

17. After the service is over, have a designated usher go through the church building to ensure that doors and windows are locked and that no one else is in the building. And that any materials or belongings left behind by parishioners are collected and kept safe.

18. Turn off the lights, lock all doors and windows, and make sure all power sources are turned off.

19. Provide emergency assistance when needed in an orderly manner.

20. Provide railings during the rainy months for the congregation to scrub away the mud and wipe their shoes.


1. Received special instructions from pastor.

2. Supervise and direct ushers’ operations during the allotted time frame.

3. Ensure that specific directions from the pastor are followed.

4. Contact the ushers before the service begins to ensure there are a sufficient number of ushers available. Make usher substitutions as needed.

5. Perform the prayer.

6. Provide or organize instruction and training for all ushers, including how to greet others, how to deal with emergencies, how to serve the needs of the community, offer responsibilities, and adopt a courteous and considerate attitude in their role.

7. Maintain open communication with all ushers.

8. Rotate ushers to avoid usher burnout and allow others to participate in Church service.

9. Be sure to evaluate sacrificial procedures to have an airtight system for removing offerings from the sanctuary until such time as they are placed in the church safe for security.

10. Develop and train ushers on how to handle crowded seating situations.

11. Keep records of church attendance, a list of visitor dates and those with special needs.


take initiative

The cardinal sin of an usher is not paying attention. Monitor what’s going on in your area at all times and jump in to get a handle on it. If you’re not sure what to do, ask your team leader. The only wrong choice is to do nothing. Never assume that “someone” will take care of the need. Pay attention, take the initiative and make it happen!!

Pre-briefing and postmortem meeting

Conduct regular usher meetings for the purpose of instruction, exchange of ideas, suggestions, and discussion of experiences and problems. In some churches, the ushers meet for a quarter of an hour before each service.

Fill the first pews first

It is always important to occupy the front pews as early as possible. That’s the secret of moving people forward. If you allow the back and middle hall to fill up first, it will be very difficult to convince anyone to sit in the front. The reason for this is psychological.

It gives the impression that the front benches are undesirable since others have avoided them. It also makes some people insecure. Her shy nature rebels at the idea of ​​walking down the aisle past many other people. It fills her with fear.

In large churches it can be good to have ushers in different pews and lead people from one usher to another.

Don’t try to force someone to sit where they don’t want to sit. Ushers must not express surprise or anger if someone does not follow to where they want them seated. You must try to pretend that nothing unusual happened, return to such a person and kindly send him a message. No matter how provocative a situation, the ushers should always graciously yield to the wishes of the believers. If it is a reserved area, simply indicate that it is reserved and suggest another location. Do not fight. Don’t try to prove people wrong. Ushers should always know where the empty seats are and never look for seats. You should never chase someone down the aisle.

Be professional in your appearance

Carry out your work with dignity and reverence. Officials should be neatly and appropriately dressed for the worship of God. They should be polite, pleasant and friendly. You should always be “on the job”. If their duties require them to be on their feet, they should be upright and mindful of business. If they do not have to stand up, they should sit so that they are absorbed in the meeting and actively participate in worship.

Always learn to absorb the pressure when it comes

Most of an usher’s service is pure joy. Seriously, it’s a lot of fun. But occasionally there are moments of pressure when someone is upset or something isn’t working right. In these moments, never put the pressure on the person entering their worship experience. you are the leader You take the pressure. Get help when you need it, but never make the problem your problem. They help provide a solution.

Own your section, lead your section, guard your section.

Place believers where they want to sit as often as possible. Ushers should study the congregation, learning about the favorite places of members, especially the hard of hearing, the myopic, mothers with babies, and the sick. Besucher und Früheinsteiger haben Anspruch auf die besten Plätze, wenn sie dies wünschen. Aber niemand sollte entgegen dem Gesetz der christlichen Nächstenliebe auf seinen Rechten bestehen. Eltern mit kleinen Kindern sollten hinten sitzen, damit sie die ganze Gemeinde nicht stören, wenn sie gehen müssen, und das Gefühl haben, im Notfall ohne Schwierigkeiten hinausgehen zu können.

In einer durchschnittlichen Umgebung mit durchschnittlichen Platzanweisern entspannen sich die Platzanweiser, sobald die Sitze besetzt sind, und checken mental aus. Als Anführer sind die Platzanweiser befugt, den Sitzbereich, auf dem sie dienen, in Besitz zu nehmen und bei Bedarf Führung zu übernehmen.

Jeder Platzanweiser sollte alles in seiner Macht Stehende tun, um sicherzustellen, dass die Menschen die bestmögliche Gelegenheit haben, sich mit Gott zu verbinden und von ihm zu hören. Jeder Platzanweiser kann die Menschen führen, indem er sie kennenlernt, für sie betet, ihre Namen lernt und die entsprechenden Bedürfnisse erfüllt.

Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen Ihres Chefs/Leiterplatzanweisers.

Alle guten Führer sind gute Gefolgsleute. Es ist wichtig, dass jeder Platzanweiser der Führung des Teamleiters folgt. Seien Sie unterstützend und ermutigend. Machen Sie Vorschläge, wenn Sie gute Ideen haben, aber seien Sie nicht überempfindlich, wenn Ihre Ideen nicht genutzt werden. Ihr Chef-Platzanweiser wird sein Bestes tun, um Sie und den Rest seines Teams gut zu bedienen und zu führen.

Begegne den Menschen mit einem Lächeln und Selbstvertrauen.

Die Aufgabe des Platzanweisers besteht darin, sich schnell und mit dem Selbstvertrauen auf die Menschen zuzubewegen und sie zu engagieren, damit sie wissen, was zu tun ist. Lassen Sie die Leute nicht hängen. Lassen Sie sie wissen, dass Sie alles erledigen können, was sie brauchen, und dass Sie derjenige sind, der dies zu einer reibungslosen und angenehmen Erfahrung machen kann.

Lass sie nicht zu dir kommen und fragen. Du gehst mit Zuversicht und einem Lächeln auf sie zu. Übernimm die Verantwortung mit Anmut und Gelassenheit.

Sei flexibel

Der Service hängt von Ihrer Flexibilität ab. Seien Sie nicht nervös, wenn Änderungen in letzter Minute vorgenommen werden. Das wird passieren. Bleiben Sie einfach positiv, bleiben Sie flexibel und wissen Sie, dass Kreativität am Werk ist, um Menschen zu helfen, sich mit Gott zu verbinden und von ihm zu hören.

Wissen und bekannt sein

Ein Platzanweiser muss in der Lage sein, alle Mitglieder der Kirche zu kennen. Dies ermöglicht es dem Platzanweiser, Erstbesucher zu kennen und möglicherweise Besucher und Personen mit unterschiedlichen Motiven zu erkennen. Kein Mitglied der Kirche zu sein, macht es schwierig. Versuchen Sie, die Namen der Kirchenmitglieder, ihrer Familienangehörigen zu erfahren, woher sie kommen, was sie tun, wie sie bedient werden möchten, einschließlich Parkplatz und Sitzposition in der Kirche. Haben Sie immer die Angewohnheit, sich vorzustellen oder ein Namensschild anzubringen, damit die Leute Ihren Namen kennen.

Erhalten Sie eine genaue Personenzählung.

Why is that important? Warum müssen diese Zahlen so genau sein? Warum können wir nicht einfach eine gute Schätzung abgeben? Die Antwort ist, dass jede Zahl eine Person darstellt. Wir wollen gute Verwalter all dessen sein, was Gott uns anvertraut hat, und deshalb ist es wichtig, dass wir wissen, wie gut wir die Menschen erreichen. Genau wie in der Apostelgeschichte zählten, notierten und feierten sie, wie viele Menschen gerettet wurden. Ihre Kirche zählt auch.

Setzen Sie das Auditorium zurück und säubern Sie es.

Die Leute werden Papiere, Tassen und „Zeug“ zurücklassen. Der glamouröse Teil des Dienstes eines Platzanweisers ist das Aufräumen nach jedem Gottesdienst. Auch das Umstellen der Sitzplätze und das Einsammeln von Müll auch außerhalb der Kirche.

Denken Sie daran, dass viele Hände leichte Arbeit leisten. Wenn alle Platzanweiser einspringen und helfen, dauert es nur wenige Minuten.


An-und Abreise

1. Der Platzanweiser sollte mindestens dreißig (30) Minuten früher am Dienstort eintreffen, um zu beten, um sicherzustellen, dass alle bereit sind und es für Frühankömmlinge bequem ist.

2. Führen Sie eine kurze Orientierung für diejenigen durch, die zum ersten Mal kommen.

3. Bei besonderen Aktivitäten muss der Saaldiener nach Bedarf früher kommen.

4. Der Platzanweiser muss den Dienstort erst verlassen, wenn er sich vollständig davon überzeugt hat, dass keine weiteren Arbeiten erforderlich sind.


1. Der Platzanweiser soll Ankommende freundlich und herzlich begrüßen.

2. Es sollte kein ausgedehntes Gespräch stattfinden, um die Bewegung zu verzögern.

3. Sonderwünsche wie Personen, die den Pastor oder eine andere Person in der Kirche sehen möchten, sollten umgehend erfüllt, aber an andere Amtsdiener weitergeleitet werden, die nicht zur Begrüßung bestimmt sind.


1. Wann immer möglich, sollten Ankommende zu den Sitzen geleitet werden, die der Kanzel am nächsten sind, den Vordersitzen. Dies muss mit äußerster Höflichkeit und ohne Anzeichen von Zwang geschehen.

2. Die Platzanweiser sollten die Bewegung entmutigen, wenn nicht sogar stoppen, wenn Gebete gesprochen werden oder wenn Gottesdienste im Gange sind.

3. Die Sitzplatzleitung kann vor Beginn des Gottesdienstes, während der Lobpreiszeit, während der Ankündigungen und während der Prediger zur Kanzel geht, erfolgen.

4. Die Ankünfte während der Predigt sollten nach Möglichkeit hinten sitzen, aber immer so erfolgen, dass die geringste Störung entsteht.

5. Platzanweiser, die freien Plätzen zugeteilt sind, sollten so lange wie möglich auf ihrem Posten wachsam bleiben oder bis sie sich davon überzeugt haben, dass keine weiteren Ankünfte mehr eintreffen.

6. Platzanweiser sollten Besuchern zu ihren Plätzen helfen. Lassen Sie sie niemals auf der Suche nach einem Platz zum Sitzen zurück. Informieren Sie sich, wo freie Plätze sind, wenn sich die Kirche füllt.

7. Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen sollte geholfen oder sogar zu ihren Plätzen oder sogar Rollstühlen getragen werden.


1. Eine enge Beziehung zu Gott haben. Strebe danach, gesalbt zu werden, denn der Platzanweiser ist der erste Kontakt mit den Menschen. Bete, faste und treffe dich regelmäßig. Dies ist ein Schritt näher, um zum Herrn zu gelangen.

2. An usher’s conduct should be above reproach and should reflect a gentle Godly spirit to all they serve.

3. An usher must display a servant’s heart, willing to always serve anyone, no matter how big or small the request.

4. Greeting people in a warm way makes them feel good about their presence in church. Be a great welcomer to the house of God.

5. Ushers must observe proper personal hygiene; control/elimination of bad breath and body odor.

6. Ushers should not chew gum or any otherway call attention to themselves.

7. All strong smells are a hindrance to your guests and members when serving as a church usher.

Many people cannot tolerate strong odors due to allergic reactions. Colognes and perfumes have to be minimal.

• If I can smell you from 7 feet – that’s too much.

• If your smell stays with me after a hug – that’s too much.

• If I still smell you after you have left the room, that’s too much.

8. An usher must avoid long conversations that could overlook providing a handshake, smile, and greeting to everyone who is in attendance.

9. Ushers should wear their uniforms or the designated attires. Always wear usher’s name badges when on duty.

10. An usher must never place his/her hands on the opposite sex other than a friendly handshake or helping someone at their request. Ask before touching.

11. Only females will place and remove modesty cloths on women around the altar.

12. . Be courteous and tactful at all times. Never react to discourtesy or rebuff, instead act in Christian love.

13. Avoid favoritism or partiality to anyone. Make everyone; members and guests, all feel welcomed and important.

14. Always straighten out any misunderstanding that might arise in the performance of duties.

15. Notify the pastor of the presence of an important person.

16. Keep children quiet, they are not to walk or run around during service. Request the parents to take crying or loud children out. Reserve seats for parents with infants/ toddlers and elderly.

17. Know the plan of action in case of emergency or contingency, such as overflow crowd or sudden outburst of emotion. Ushers assigned in the evening fellowship or night vigil must always carry a flashlight.

18. Be alert in spotting intruders particularly pickpockets who may be posing as worshippers.

19. Ushers need to be ready at all times to respond as directed when there is a disturbance, illness, or other situation that requires special attention.

20. Be ready to serve Holy Communion elements and be familiar with the proper procedures of serving the elements.

21. Be ready to assist those who are assigned at the pulpit or persons rendering special performance offering.

22. Be alert for opportunities to witness and share the Good News.

23. Be alert and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Generally, the ministry of church ushers focuses on the following areas of responsibilities (if they occur in your church)

•Preparing the baptismal pool for baptisms

•Guide people to the currently open seating area with a smile and open posture as they point to where seating is open.

•Reset the church hall for the next service.

•Politely asking for the removal of hats on the men and boys.

•Keeping those praying or dancing “under the power of the Spirit” safe from stumbling into chairs or other worshippers.

•Placing a cover sheet on women who “get overpowered in the Spirit.”

•Catching people who fall or start dancing “in the Spirit.”

•Hospitality Receptions after the service

•Church ushers should be well-versed in emergency procedures. In case of an emergency, the ushers will take the lead in getting people to safety in an orderly manner.

•After the service, ushers will again be at the door to greet the congregation as they leave and provide assistance as needed. In many churches, the ushers will then make sure that the sanctuary is tidy.

•Remain at assigned post throughout the event unless taking an assigned break


In the event of an emergency, the safety of the church members is every usher’s first responsibility. Most emergencies are for medical attention or some kind of disturbance with an individual. In these cases, please follow the instructions listed below.

1. Clear the area to allow assistance.

2. Always assign one person to call the police, ambulance or fire brigade where need be.

3. Conduct a scene survey and casualty assessment.

4. Station one person to help emergency personnel to the person who needs help. Have another usher to make sure the isles are clear for emergency personnel.

5. Keep either an usher or experienced medical person from the church, next to the affected person at all times.

6. Encourage others to pray.

7. Assign one person to remain close to the family members and friends.

8. Monitor and make sure the area is not crowded by on-lookers.

Evacuation Procedures

Ushers should maintain order to the best of their ability in the event of any kind of evacuation. In this case, the ushers should start with the last pew or row in the sanctuary and procedure to usher people out to a nearby exit. If the church has front exits, an usher will escort people from the front rows while others are going out the back rows.

Ushers should be assigned to help others in the building at the same time, such as Sunday school church, youth department, checking the washrooms and kitchen, etc. to ensure an evacuation is conducted in a safe and timely manner. It is good for all ushers to check remaining rooms to make sure everyone has evacuated. Once outside, the ushers can determine with others whether anyone is missing.

It should be also emphasized that the evacuation groups should congregate away from the church building in case of a fire or other dangers. It is good for the ushers to have a plan to take people to a place of safety prior to any kind of emergency.

In cases of fire, it is always best to call the fire brigade when in doubt. The longer the delay, there is a greater risk to the building and others.

On a very small fire that can be put out with an extinguisher, put out the fire, and monitor it. Determine whether it was an extremely small fire to not disrupt the service but in most cases evacuations are the best solution. Again, safety comes first and it is always best to be safe.

In putting out a small fire, do not place your safety or the safety of others at risk! If the fire grows too large or aggressive to control by an extinguisher, time and safety are compromised. Exit the building immediately.


Disturbances by mentally ill, distraught persons, or people who wish to disturb the service to gain something else other than respecting the house of God, require discernment on the part of the chief usher and other ushers present. In some cases, the pastor may deal with issues but for the most part, it will be the responsibility of the chief usher and other ushers to carry out the procedures.

1. Determine whether a person needs to be taken out of the sanctuary.

2. Determine how you wish to do this. Most of the times, it can be handled through a gentle but yet firm statement to come with the usher. If the disturbance is overbearing and causing further trouble, it may take a couple of ushers, one on each side, to gently encourage the person to another place. If they still refuse to be removed, then contact a senior elder or senior pastor for further assistance.

3. Determine a safe place to deal with this person and firmly state this type of behavior is not wanted or accepted in our services. Please distinguish between the person and the behavior. Most churches welcome everyone but not the disruptive behaviors.

4. Determine whether the person will stop or will have to be asked to leave the building. If they refuse, you may have to call the police department for help to remove this person.

5. If an individual is distraught due to grief, please ask them to step out and gently escort them out of the sanctuary. Ask the grieving person, “How can we help?” or “We have someone who will pray with you, please come with me.”

Please do this in a loving and tactful manner. Have another usher to get senior elders to come pray with them.

6. On disturbances of family battles where one person attends church and another comes into the church to see their children or spouse, please escort the troubling person out of the sanctuary or area where the spouse or children are. In today’s times, there are so many legal issues of restraining orders, custody battles, etc. and unfortunately, there are times when others will try to take advantage of picking up a child they could not previously see or have a setting they think they can freely talk to their spouse.

7. Because of these and other issues that may arise in the course of the service, a good usher comes prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.


In keeping with the changing times we must be cognizant of new realities that did not exist many years ago. The new ways of doing things brings with it new challenges which then puts a demand on us to find innovative ways to tackle them. Just to mention a few….

1.Evolvement of online church. There is a big number of online followers through YouTube, Facebook and videos shared by members via WhatsApp. They too need to be considered and be informed. Almost everyone who attends your church for the first time has already been to your church virtually…online, or heard about it.

2.Need for bigger and spacious car Parking slots as more believers drive to church. This creates the need to have a designated team for the parking area to receive, help arrange the vehicles, greet the congregation at the parking and record the vehicle details.

3.Preference of congregation to take photos and videos during the sermon or various presentations for future reference. Some churches allow these while others don’t. The ushers must be aware of these and help to enforce the policy of the church in this regard.

4.More church members preferring to pay tithe and offerings via mobile money transfer, bank account or visa card rather than dropping at the offering bag. Ushers must be well informed and able to guide congregants who may need details of paybill numbers or specific account numbers to use.

5.Most are people not sensitive with their dress codes when coming to church thus causing distractions and creating unnecessary attention

6.Kidnapping and child abduction is on the rise thus there is need to have tight security and children control within the sanctuary. No kid should be left to walk out of the church compound without being accompanied by their guardian or parents who are well known by the ushers.

7.The need for a nursing room for breast feeding mothers and those who want to change their young ones.

8.The children playing on the bouncing castles and other play facilities should always be monitored by one or more ushers to make sure that they don’t hurt themselves

Every effective ushering team must be on the lookout to identify emerging trends and seek to put in place necessary systems and protocols.

Innovation is a must for us to maintain an excellent service to God and to his people. We must be ready to think and adjust quickly in our methods of operation when need arises.


Brethren, it’s my hope and prayer that the few words of wisdom, instruction and encouragement on this subject of Effective Church Ushering have been a blessing to you.

I pray with all my heart that we shall continue to equip and enhance our ushering departments in our churches.

I know and have already said to you that the conduct and performance of ushers can make or break the outcome of the service. People may build a negative or positive attitude about a church just by how they are handled by an usher.

We may never have a second chance to make the first impression thus we should endeavor to be very effective in our ushering. In doing all this we should never think, I am working for the church… remember always… I am serving God. Do it so well that God will say, well done my good and faithful servant.

I love you and pray God’s grace and blessing over you as you serve him with all your heart, mind and strength.

I am available upon prior arrangement for speaking engagements on this subject as well us for Ushers Training.


For more information on speaking engagements, or to make bookings for Trainings and seminars both on Ushering and Safety, you can reach me through these contacts: –

✓ Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

✓ Whatsapp Only: +254-724036078

✓ Facebook: Amb Steve Mbugua

✓ Twitter: Amb Steve Mbugua

✓ Linkedin: Amb Steve Mbugua

✓ Youtube: Amb Steve Mbugua


What does the Bible say about ushering?

Ushers in the Old Testament

Ushers in the tabernacle and temple were called doorkeepers. The psalmist understood the importance of ushers when he said, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

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An usher is a spiritual messenger for the local church – God’s ordained and organized community of believers. The usher serves as the “first representative” of Jesus Christ at a service. From the tabernacle in the Old Testament to the temple and synagogue in the New Testament, God’s presence and the teaching of His Word are paramount.

Pioneers of the Old Testament

The doorkeepers in the tabernacle and temple were called doorkeepers. The psalmist understood the importance of ushers when he said: “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the ungodly.”

One of the purposes of the doorkeepers was to receive offerings from the people. The Bible says in 2 Kings chapter 22, “Go up to the high priest and have him ready the money that was brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers collected from the people.”

Jeremiah refers to a doorkeeper as a “man of God.” He said in chapter 35, “And I brought them into the house of the Lord, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, a man of God, the doorkeeper.”

Ecclesiastes speaks of the day when the keepers of the house will tremble. In Ezekiel’s version of the temple, he saw a room reserved for priests, musicians, and ushers.

Initiation in the New Testament

In the New Testament, temple servants were given unusual powers as uniformed guards. In Acts, the “centurion of the temple” is mentioned in connection with arrests and general handling of crowds. It was these ministers who carried out the orders of the chief priests to persecute the apostles.

The disciples acted as ushers on many occasions. They guided people who came to hear Jesus speak or be touched by His healing hands. On one occasion, Jesus gave a sharp warning to the disciples who were trying to keep children away from him. On another occasion, Jesus instructed the disciples to organize a large group of over 5,000. Jesus supplied the endless loaves and fishes, but the disciples served as ushers to the hungry crowd.

The character of these first deacons was clearly worked out. They were men of good or honest reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, full of wisdom, and full of faith. Stephen, the first Christian martyr in history, was both deacon and usher.

Preachers, teachers, and musicians serve people in groups, while ushers serve people as individuals. A word of encouragement or kindness can be the most meaningful service to some people. Few people meet the pastor, ask questions, or speak to musicians, but anyone can have an encounter with a good usher.

As you serve as ushers, set the stage for the worship experience. They are literally part of the ongoing story of God’s salvation. Your spiritual readiness and service play a large part in the life transformation that takes place on that day.

The role of ministers today

Before the service begins, ushers often have the responsibility of checking the thermostat, checking the toilets, and preparing the bulletins for distribution. When churchgoers arrive, the ushers will act as doorkeepers, greeting each person with a smile, shaking hands, and handing out bulletins. They are also available to answer visitors’ questions and provide additional assistance in placing anyone who needs assistance.

During the service, the ushers usually participate in some way. They are responsible for receiving the Church’s offerings and making sure they are placed in the right place. In some churches, ushers also help with the Lord’s Supper or Communion. Ushers aim to minimize distractions during the music and sermon. The ushers are on hand to assist anyone in the congregation who needs assistance, to help latecomers find a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters.

Church servants are very familiar with emergency procedures. In an emergency, the ushers take the lead to get people to safety in an orderly manner.

After the service, ushers will again be at the door to greet the congregation as they leave and to provide support if needed. In many churches, the ushers then ensure that the sanctuary is tidied up, the thermostat is set and the light is switched off.

Spiritual Qualifications of Ministers

Ushers in the church are not just door holders and plate handers. They serve in a spiritual role and should therefore exhibit some spiritual qualities. The qualifications of an usher are not clear in the Bible, but there are some qualities that good ushers will have.

The fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 is a solid guide for a good usher. This is not about perfection, but about a heartfelt motive and desire to live the life of a Spirit-filled believer.

Love – In 1 Corinthians 13:13 the apostle Paul says about faith, hope and love that love is the greatest of these things. If you choose to truly love the people you serve as ushers, God will bless your actions.

Joy – Take God seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Relieve yourself and enjoy the moment. Your spirit will be contagious to others. If you’re cold, distant, and don’t smile (basically if you’re a grumpy usher), you will discourage others around you.

Peace – You can add peace, calm and order to an otherwise overwhelming and hectic experience.

Patience – This is a great trait in a good usher. Most of us are impatient by nature. Many of the people have waited in line to park, waited in line to drop off their kids, and waited in line for coffee. Your patience will run out. You can set a good example for them with your patience.

Kindness – This is the attitude that makes you approachable as an usher. Going the extra mile can make all the difference in the world! Be resourceful. Think of all the ways you could be kind to someone when they come to church.

Kindness – The inner quality of kindness is a gift that results from the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. This state of being will naturally spill over into your worship, bringing an intangible but powerful presence to the worship experience.

Faithfulness – Faithfulness as a Christian translates into your faithfulness as an usher. Showing yourself responsible and doing your duty well is important for everyone. It matters to God, and it matters to all who call your church home.

Gentleness – A mature usher never throws his authority around. The best usher is a humble one who tries to put others first no matter how much pressure there may be at the moment.

Self Control – It is impossible to control a large crowd if we cannot control ourselves. In quiet moments, self-control is easy, under the pressure of hectic moments and last-minute changes, your grace and self-control will shine.

The duties of a minister

When you serve in the Church, you are not “just” a volunteer. You will be given responsibilities and expectations that go beyond performing basic tasks. We’re going to look at some usher responsibilities that might be a little unexpected.

A good usher comes prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This is not a duty, but a privilege to connect with God as part of your preparation. Don’t think this requires an hour of Bible study before you show up. God is far more interested in the devotion of your heart than the amount of your time. Take a few moments at home to connect with God and ask Him to use you as a representative of His love and representative of His plan of salvation.

That’s huge. The cardinal sin of an usher is not paying attention. Monitor what’s going on in your area at all times and jump in to get a handle on it. If you are not sure what to do, ask your service manager. The only wrong choice is to do nothing. Never assume someone else will take care of the need. Pay attention, take the initiative, make it happen!

Most of an usher’s service is pure joy. Seriously, it’s a lot of fun. But occasionally there are moments of pressure when someone is upset or something isn’t working right. In these moments, never put the pressure on the person entering their worship experience. you are the leader You take the pressure. Get help when you need it, but never make the problem your problem. They help provide a solution.

In an average environment with average ushers, once the seats are taken, the ushers relax and mentally check out. In your community, you are empowered to take responsibility for your role and provide leadership when needed. Consider yourself responsible for doing everything in your power to ensure that each person you interact with has the best possible opportunity to connect with and hear from God. You can shepherd people by getting to know them, praying for them, learning their names, and meeting their needs.

All good leaders are good followers. It is important that you follow the lead of your service provider. Be supportive and encouraging. Make suggestions when you have good ideas, but don’t be oversensitive when your ideas aren’t being used.

A minister is a person who helps keep the church service running smoothly and who ministers to people in a variety of ways. The specific duties of an usher vary by church, but their duties typically include greeting people as they arrive for worship, assisting those with special needs, and accepting the offering. Some churches provide some form of lapel pin or name tag to easily identify their ushers.

What is the meaning of Psalm 84 10?

This psalm gives us a picture of a Christian pilgrim with a deep longing for God finding the greatest blessedness in his journey being the worship of the Lord. Through peaks and valleys, joy and tears, he elevates his relationship to God, his being close to the living God, as truly what life is.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

This psalm gives us the picture of a Christian pilgrim with a deep longing for God who finds the greatest happiness in his journey in worshiping the Lord. Through peaks and valleys, joy and tears, he exalts his relationship with God, his closeness to the living God, as what life really is.

Our verse is: “For one day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” The language here deals with the worship of God in the appointed time and place. For the psalmist this was the high point of his life; he looked forward to worship on the Sabbath day.

I recently read a poll that said only 17.7 percent of Americans attend church regularly. The good news is that this still represents around 50 million people; The bad thing is that it represents a trend of declining church attendance and reflects the attitudes of younger generations towards church attendance.

There are, of course, many people who would like to go to church but are providentially prevented from doing so. These are mostly elderly people who are unable to do what they would like to do because of physical problems. These people typically “attend” church services in their homes, listen to a church service on TV, or otherwise.

I know that a minister who brings up the subject of church attendance is quite cliche or predictable. Still, we must consider the importance of this trend. The worship of God and the fellowship of Christians in a local church is the primary means God uses to sanctify a soul. The preaching of the Word is necessary to the soul, and the day of the Lord is what the Lord has specially ordained for that purpose.

It will not be surprising if one who has consistently neglected the Lord’s day finds himself outside the camp of God’s people when the Lord Jesus is separating people. Imitating the psalmist’s attitude is clearly the surest course in a world full of dangers and temptations for the soul. There is a lot at stake on your journey; your soul, and the worship of the Lord is a protection. The psalmist valued this more than anything else in his life. The watchman was also a pleasure for him.

Consider the value of worshiping the Lord. He is the first being and therefore deserves to be served first. He is not only the first being, but the best being. He is the greatest good and also the greatest authority. He gives the greatest rewards; a crown of life (Rev. 2:10, James 1:12). No one but God can give you eternal life. The psalmist would rather be in the worship of the Lord than anywhere else. Worshiping the Lord is important to him. His obedience to the Lord is important to him.

Some people might dismiss that and say me and Jesus started our own thing or something. The answer to any protest against participating in worship on the Lord’s Day is simply that you will find no justification anywhere in Scripture. Rather, you will find warning after warning about insincere, false, or neglected worship.

Remember how many warnings there are to those who are constantly present in the worship of the Lord as to their sincerity. Again and again the prophets speak of the scrutinizing eye of the Lord upon those who come to worship Him. Nothing escapes the light of the Lord. “My eyes shall be always (1 Kings 9:3).” “My eyes are upon all their ways (Jeremiah 16:17).” If God inspects those who come to worship, what becomes of those who come at all do not come? It’s important to be in church.

2 Chronicles 7 speaks of the condition that His people’s worship of the Lord depends on the blessing of their land. He speaks of humble, sincere worship. The Lord says, “I have chosen and dedicated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart shall be there forever (verse 16).” The Lord uses these words to encourage His people to come and worship; to come and hear his word. Nonetheless, many found it distressing. The psalmist does not. He rejoiced at the Lord’s invitation to come and worship on the Lord’s Day.

This psalm challenges us to test our affection for God. The Lord Jesus Christ died so that we might enjoy worship and fellowship with God. As you struggle with this, think about your accountability to God and the need for forgiveness of sins. Thanksgiving is the catalyst for worship.

Why do ushers put one hand behind their back?

A hand signal does exist for dangers such as fires or bomb threats — the usher drops an arm behind the back, raises both hands, then does a reverse brush of the head with one hand and drops the hands again — but nothing to flag suspicious characters like the Charleston killer.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Vanessa Lucas, an avid churchgoer, says she would love for everyone to be blessed by the scriptures like she is. When a friend missed half a dozen services, she decided to investigate.

The last time the woman was at church, Lucas learned, an usher had handed her a program so rude that she decided not to return.


“She had an unfriendly experience at the door and look at how it changed everything,” says Lucas.

If Lucas, 61, has any godly purpose these days, it’s to prevent things like this from happening again. She is one of about 400 people in Maryland and 15,000 nationwide trained and certified by the National United Church Ushers Association of America, a historically black educational and service group that has preserved and passed on a “universal method” of church dedication have been for 96 years.


The organization has its roots in early 20th-century Baltimore, where three African-American churches put aside their differences to form an ushers’ association and school — one that still spys on its students for everything from greeting techniques to a complex set of hand signals they can use to manage crowd movements or even indicate a looming emergency.

The Maryland Chapter, one of 28 in America, turns 100 this year. Those who work with members say their mission retains a strong resonance at a time when church attendance is declining in the United States.

“Servants are the ‘doorkeepers’ that Scripture tells us about,” says Rev. Howard Wright, pastor of Grace A.M.E. Church in Catonsville. “They set a tone of awe with their kindness. They attend to the needs of the worshipers throughout the service so [pastors] can focus on God’s Word.

“It’s a very, very important ministry.”

On a Sunday at Grace, Lucas and five others greet arriving believers with hugs and “good morning.” As the gospel music begins, they form a line and march down an aisle to position the choir.

The lead usher takes up a position in front and places a fist on her small of the back. The place will be quiet on the signal. The service has started.

At the beginning

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that the most segregated hour in America is 11 am on Sunday morning. Decades earlier, in the late 1800s, three pious men from this region decided to bridge another rift.


Elijah Hamilton and Charles Dorsey, African Methodist Episcopalians of Philadelphia, and a friend, a Baltimore Baptist named Henry Sorrell, found themselves at odds over a question: Why were the major African American Christian denominations so unrelated?

In search of common ground, they settled on a theme that ran through both the Old and New Testaments: initiation.

At the unit’s headquarters in Baltimore, a brownstone on Reservoir Hill, Lucas recently met with fellow usherin Sandra Arnette beneath several framed portraits of the founders, who reeled off the men’s convictions as if they were still alive.

“We see God as the first usher in the universe,” says Lucas. “Didn’t he bring in the light and call it day? Didn’t Moses bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?

God even created the first usher organization, she adds, by choosing a tribe, the Levites, to look after the tabernacles of Moses’ day. References to “watchmen,” “gatekeepers,” and “doorkeepers” permeate the Bible.

The job has added weight at a time when crime can invade the world of worship, from petty theft to breathtaking tragedies like the one that unfolded in Charleston, S.C. last month. was playing when a man entered a black church during a Bible study and shot nine people to death.


“We must be vigilant at all times. Even when we go to prayer, our heads are bowed, but we keep our eyes open,” said Sylvia Graves, a Perkins Square Baptist Church member and 17-year veteran.

Sorrell probably never imagined such things, but he felt a need. He assembled the leaders of three Baltimore churches—Sharp Street United Methodist, Ames United Methodist, and Enon Baptist—in 1915 and persuaded them to organize the United Ushers of the State of Maryland. By 1919 the Philadelphians had a similar group. Chapters in other states followed.

Sharp Street, Ames and Enon Churches remain in operation. The Interdenominational Church Ushers Association of Maryland now includes 32 member churches in Baltimore and 92 in the state. All belong to a national association with chapters in locations from California to Maine.

Members from coast to coast have adopted a passage from the Old Testament as a guide of sorts. “I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked,” says Lucas, quoting Psalm 84. They share a passion for traveling to state and national conventions.

“It’s a wonderful Christian community,” Lucas says, adding that the subject of denominations never comes up.



Like many who snag the usher, Ernest Wilson Jr. has been around a long time — in his case, nearly six decades, making him one of Maryland’s longest-serving ushers.

If the church is a place where souls are saved, what could be more important than getting people out there and getting them involved?

“When you walk in and no one is speaking to you, carry that vibe to your seat. So when people come in, I always look at them, smile and say ‘good morning,'” says Wilson, 82, who started ringing the bell in Perkins Square at 8, returned to Enon in 1957 and hasn’t stopped. “You can focus on what the pastor says.”

The founders saw this way of thinking as consistent with Christ’s teachings, including his counsel to treat others as you would like to be treated. And over the years, a code of conduct has evolved.

The man or woman at the front door (the doorkeeper) was “the link between the inside and the outside of the sanctuary.” The “usher” led the other team in prayer before services, assigned each to roles for the day, and directed communications. Course directors filled the pews and supervised the guests.

A good usher, they said, planned everything—a believer who passed out, a child who needed the bathroom, the pastor who needed water—and provided.


Because loud ushers would be a distraction, the leaders developed a series of hand signals that could flash silently. George T. Grier, first president of the Illinois chapter, codified them in 1948, writing dozens of them in The Universal Church Ushers Manual, a handbook that is still in use.

A loose fist on the cross—the “official position”—means an usher is on duty. Arms in front of the chest means “prayer in progress”. When the lead usher moves his right hand to the base of his neck, three fingers up, it is a request for aisle three seats.

For dangers like fire or bomb threats, there’s a hand signal – the usher drops one arm behind his back, raises both hands, then uses one hand to flick his head backwards and drops his hands again – but nothing to flag suspicious people like that Charleston Killers.

Graves has written a letter to national leaders urging them to give such a signal and call doorkeepers at all church functions.

It’s a staggering system, but an usher knows it well and uses it with reverence, says Arnette, director of the Grace A.M.E. Team.

“It’s a ministry, not an association,” she says. “It’s about doing God the best service.”


With a smile

Team Grace can be a spectacle of movement, their gestures directing events as police officers process traffic at an intersection.

The guests slide into their seats. Laggards fill in the gaps. When worshipers appear overheated, cardboard fans will appear.

Magic doesn’t come easy. Students aged 8 to 88 learn the craft in a formal class that meets monthly between September and June for about three hours a day for a total of 32 hours. You can take it in Baltimore or any of five other locations in Maryland.

On the curriculum: a dress code (dark suits for men, white dresses for women, no jewelry), the signals, relevant scriptures, and more, often served with pizza and sodas.

Marching—a conga-like form of dancing in which ushers lead singers, dancers, and ministers to their seats—newcomers must learn on their own.


The job is not always pleasant or easy. Worshipers can sometimes be just as rude as everyone else and don’t always do what’s asked of them, says Graves, the unit’s chaplain in Baltimore.

Some shrink from the places to which they are led. Funerals can be particularly challenging when distraught people jump ropes, jostle in aisles, or explode when they turn away from a crowded church.

Even at a time when studies show that fewer Americans identify with any religion, Arnette says the organization has a steady stream of new members, many of them children. Units in the US provide leadership opportunities for members in the junior ranks (ages 8-21), raise scholarship funds, and sponsor pizza and sports trips.

Female ushers outnumber them five to one these days, but that didn’t bother Dorien Rich, 11, of Catonsville, who three years ago began “admiring the people who were at the door.” He is now a regular usher at Grace A.M.E.

“It’s fun to be a part of and it makes me happy to see everyone happy at church,” says Dorien. “I think I’d like to do that for a long time.”

He sounds a lot like Wilson, a man who has loved to lead for so long that the 400 in attendance, including Lucas and Arnette, presented him with an award for lifetime achievement and standing at the Maryland Chapter centenary banquet last spring Awarded an ovation demanded a speech.


Wilson, an object of reverence in the local scene, stood up, cried a little, quickly thanked and sat down. After all, he says, the mission isn’t about him.

And like Dorien, he plans to stick around for some time.

“Until my master calls me home,” he says.

Baltimore Sun reporter Natalie Sherman contributed to this article.

[email protected]

What does the Bible say about doorkeepers?

Psalm 84:10

10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

John 9:1-41

1 And as Jesus was walking by, he saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither this man nor his parents have sinned, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. 4 I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day; the night comes when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6 When he had said this, he spat on the ground and made a paste out of the saliva and put the paste on the blind man’s eyes 7 and said to him, “Go and wash yourself in the pool of Siloam (which is sent by interpretation .) So he went his way and washed and came seeing. 8 The neighbors and those who had seen him before said that he was blind, Isn’t that the one sitting there begging? 9 Some said: This is he; others said: He is like him; but he said it’s me. 10 They said to him, How were your eyes opened? 11 He answered and said, A man named Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, Go to the pool of Siloah and wash yourself. And I went and washed and received my sight. 12 So they said to him, Where is he? He said I don’t know. 13 They brought the blind man to the Pharisees. 14 And it was on the Sabbath day that Jesus made the sound and opened his eyes. 15 Again the Pharisees asked him how he got his sight. He said to them: He put clay on my eyes, and I washed and saw. 16 Some of the Pharisees said, This man is not from God, because he does not keep the Sabbath day. Others said: How can a sinner perform such miracles? And there was a division among them. 17 Again they say to the blind man, What say you of him, that he opened your eyes? He said: He is a prophet. 18 But the Jews did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they called the parents of the one who had regained his sight. 19 And they asked them, saying, Is this your son, whom you say was born blind? how does he see now? 20 His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. 21 But by what he now sees we do not know; or who has opened his eyes we do not know: he is of legal age; ask him: let him speak for himself. 22 These words spake his parents because they feared the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone should confess that he was Christ, he should be expelled from the synagogue. 23 Then his parents said, He is of legal age; Ask him. 24 Again they called the blind man and said to him, Glory be to God! We know this man is a sinner. 25 He answered and said: Whether he is a sinner or not I do not know; one thing i know i see now that i was blind. 26 Then they said to him again, What has he done to you? how did he open your eyes 27 He answered them: I have already told you, and you have not heard; why do you want to hear it again? will you also be his disciples? 28 They reviled him, saying, You are his disciple; but we are Moses’ disciples. 29 We know that God spoke to Moses; we don’t know where this fellow is from. 30 The man answered and said to them, Why is there something wonderful here that you do not know where it is from, and yet it opened my eyes? 31 Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a servant of God and does his will, he hears him. 32 From the beginning of the world it has not been heard of anyone opening the eyes of a person who was born blind. 33 If this man were not of God, he could do nothing. 34 They answered and said unto him, Thou art born in sin utterly, and thou teachest us? And they drove him out. 35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he found him, he said to him, Do you believe in the Son of God? 36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I should believe in him? 37 And Jesus said to him, You have seen him, and it is he that is speaking to you. 38 And he said: Lord, I believe. And he worshiped him. 39 And Jesus said: I came into this world for judgment, that those who do not see may see; and that those who see would become blind. 40 And some of the Pharisees who were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we also blind? 41 Jesus said to them: If you were blind you would have no sin; but now you say: We see; therefore your sin remains.

Bible Gateway

What is a good opening prayer?

Lord Jesus Christ, Your name above every other name, we praise you. We pray that your name is blessed now and forever, in good times and in bad, from east to west. Your name is worthy of praise. Your name is powerful.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Worship services and Bible studies usually begin with a prayer. These sample opening prayers for meetings, services, and Bible studies serve as perfect examples of the type of prayers to use at your next event.

Inhabit our prayer of praise

O Lord our God, you are worthy of all our praise. You are the God who never fails in His promises. We thank you that in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection we see your love, justice, mercy, provision and victory. You are the God who lifts up the oppressed. You are the God who takes care of your children. Our desire is to praise you as long as we live. Indwell our praise as we gather today. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

sing the prayer of praise

O Lord our Good Shepherd, You are the source of all true and lasting joy. We praise you for your strength that is second to none. We adore you for your wisdom, which is beyond imagination. You can meet all our needs. You restore the broken hearts and heal the wounded. You have revealed yourself to your people and are building your church, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. how awesome you are Mister! Fill our hearts with love as we respond by singing your praises. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Names of Jesus prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the bread of life, let us feast on you and find nourishment for our souls. You are the light of the world, let us follow you out of the darkness. You are the door, let us step into the presence of the Father in your name. You are the good shepherd, let us rest in your provision. You are the resurrection and the life, let us find true life and victory in you. You are the way, the truth and the life, let us love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We pray this in your name, amen.

Solid Foundation Prayer

Eternal God, you are our rock, you are the firm foundation of everything we build. You give gifts to your people for the benefit of the Church. You are arming and training your people to do the good works that you have prepared for us in advance. As we gather today, we ask for your wisdom, guidance, and direction. Remind us that you are our loving ally, you are our stronghold, you are our tower of strength and you are our savior. Everything we need we find in you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

God’s word prayer

Faithful Father, today we begin by thanking you. Your love is forever, it never fails. Although we have failed in many ways, we have not exceeded the store of Your mercy and grace. Thank you for revealing yourself to us through your word. As we open the Bible today, we pray that we will hear your voice. We ask that your Holy Spirit be at work and open our ears to hear and our hearts to receive your word. May we be changed into your likeness. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Prayer of the King of Kings

King of Kings, we love to praise you. We rejoice in you, our Creator. We raise you, our king. We praise your name because you delight in your people. We do not deserve to come into the presence of the Holy God of the universe, but you have crowned the humble with victory, you have lifted up the bowed, you have clothed us in your righteousness. We come before you with confidence, not on the basis of ourselves, but on the basis of your love. Let your praise be in our hearts and on our lips. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Prayer to the God of Nations

Creator of heaven and earth, you rule over all nations. As we think of your unfailing, everlasting, enduring love, we look forward to the day when we will worship you forever. Surrounding your throne will be people of every tribe, language and nation, all testifying that you have remained faithful. We’ll all see that you kept every single promise you made. We will all see your goodness and grace. We are all transformed by your glory. We ask that a glimpse of that glorious future be glimpsed as we gather today. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Name above all names prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, your name above all names, we praise you. We pray that your name will be blessed now and forever, in good times and in bad, from east to west. Your name is worthy of praise. Your name is powerful. Your name rules over the nations. Your glory is higher than heaven. your name is beautiful Let’s praise the name of the Lord together. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Gather around the Jesus prayer

Mighty God, everything you do reveals your glory and majesty. Open our eyes to see what you are doing in our lives. Let us marvel at your good gifts and wise provision. Your deeds are amazing, Lord. We cannot understand how many blessings you shower upon us every day. As we gather around your name today, we pray that you will fill our hearts, our minds and our souls. Transform us, Lord, and make us more like you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Trinity prayer

Lord Jehovah, Self-existent One, we thank you that you created us, that you know us and love us. You know us and you love us. Although we let you down, you never turned your back on us, you remain faithful forever. Lord Jesus Christ, we praise you for your sacrificial love. You lived the perfect life we ​​could never live and died the death we deserved so we could be forgiven and live with you for eternity. Holy Spirit, we thank you that you convict us of our sins, assure us of your forgiveness, and empower us for our lives. Triune God, we glorify you today. Amen

spirit and truth prayer

O Lord our God, we gather today to thank you and to praise your greatness. We praise your mighty works throughout the world. We praise you for your wonderful deeds. Your power is limitless, your wisdom is unparalleled, your grace is overwhelming, your love never fails. You promised that you would never leave us or leave us. Let us worship you in spirit and truth. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Guide our thought prayer

O Lord, our Rock and Saviour, guide our thoughts and our words in our discussions today. Let your praise fill our hearts. Let’s never forget the good things you do for us. You have forgiven our sins. You saved us from death. You have crowned us with love and tender mercies. Renew our strength and refresh our souls. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

All we need prayer

Holy Lord, everything we need we find in you. For those of us who come here feeling broken, bring restoration. Brings strength to those of us who come here feeling weak. Bring joy to those who come here weeping. For those of us who come here with doubts, bring confidence. Bring freedom to those who come here ashamed. Bring calm for those of us who come here feeling burdened. Bring peace to those of us who come here feeling anxious. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

transformation prayer

Lord God Almighty, we praise you for who you are and what you have done. You are the healer, bring healing to this place. You are our justice, bring transformation to this place. You are the provider, increasing our confidence in you. You are the God who is with us, let us enter into your presence. You are the Lord of hosts, bring victory in our battles. You are the God of peace, bring comfort to our chaos. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Open our eyes prayer

Abba, Father, it is our privilege and our pleasure to praise you. When we sing, let’s make a joyful sound for you. As you pray, may our words and thoughts be a pleasant aroma to you. When we open your word, we may trust in your unfailing promises. Your word stands, it is alive and active, sharper than a two-edged sword. Open the eyes of our hearts so we can see you more clearly today. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

What do you say before opening a prayer?

We open the prayer by addressing God because he is the one we are praying to. Start by saying “Father in Heaven” or “Heavenly Father.” We address Him as our Heavenly Father, because He is the father of our spirits. He is our creator and the one to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Prayer is the way we communicate with God. That’s how he sometimes communicates with us. He has commanded us to pray. The following may help you learn how to pray.

The prayer consists of four simple steps

A prayer consists of four simple steps. They are evident in the Lord’s Prayer at Matthew 6:9-13:

Turn to Heavenly Father. Thank him for blessings. ask him for blessings. Close in the name of Jesus Christ.

The prayer can be said in your mind or out loud. Praying out loud can sometimes focus the mind. Prayers can be said at any time. For meaningful prayer, it is best to find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

Step 1: Reach out to Heavenly Father

We open prayer by turning to God because He is the one we are praying to. Begin by saying “Heavenly Father” or “Heavenly Father.”

We address Him as our Heavenly Father because He is the Father of our spirits. He is our Creator and the one to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives.

Step 2: Thank Heavenly Father

After we open the prayer, we tell our Heavenly Father what we are thankful for. You can start by saying, “Thank you…” or “I’m grateful for…”. We show our gratitude to our Father by telling Him in our prayer what we are thankful for; like our home, family, health, the earth and other blessings.

Be sure to include general blessings like health and safety as well as specific blessings like divine protection during a particular journey.

Step 3: Ask Heavenly Father

After we thank our Father in Heaven, we can ask Him for help. Some of the ways you can do this are:

“I beg you…”

“I need…”

“Please help me…”

We can ask Him to bless us with the things we need like knowledge, comfort, guidance, peace, health, etc.

Remember that when we ask for the strength needed to face life’s challenges, we are more likely to receive answers and blessings than to ask for the challenges to be removed.

Step 4: Close in the name of Jesus Christ

We close the prayer with the words “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen”. We do this because Jesus is our Savior, our mediator between death (physical and spiritual) and eternal life. We also close with Amen because it means that we accept or agree with what has been said.

A simple prayer might go like this:

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your guidance in my life. I am especially thankful for my safe journey when shopping today. As I try to keep your commandments, please help me always remember to pray. Please help me read the scriptures daily. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Pray in a group

When praying with a group of people, only the person saying the prayer speaks. The person praying should say the prayer in the plural, such as “We thank you” and “We ask you.”

In the end, when the person says amen, the rest of the group also says amen. This shows our approval or acceptance of what they prayed for.

Always pray, with sincerity and with faith in Christ

Jesus Christ taught us to always pray. He also taught us to pray sincerely and avoid unnecessary repetition. We must pray with unshakable faith and real intent.

One of the most important things we should pray for is to learn the truth about God and His plan for us.

Prayers are always answered

Prayer can be answered in a variety of ways, sometimes as feelings from the Holy Spirit or thoughts that come to mind.

Sometimes a feeling of peace or warmth comes to our hearts as we read the scriptures. Events that we experience can also be answers to our prayers.

Preparing for personal revelation will also help us receive answers to prayer. God loves us and is our Father in heaven. He hears and answers prayers.

Updated by Krista Cook.

What do you say before starting a prayer meeting?

Heavenly Father, We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Prayers at the meetings of

Xavier’s board of trustees

Covid Theology of the Body Remix

Dear Risen Lord,

Today we ask you to unmask the gift that is manifested in every life.

Let us celebrate the joy of being children of God and the dignity of each unique and unrepeatable life created in his image and likeness.

Grant us the humility to know that we are loved beyond measure by you.

Infect us with the passion and courage to share God’s love with all around us.

We pray for immunity from evil; especially hate, prejudice, negativity and despair.

Help us use our gifts to be a part of your mission.

Let’s be super propagators of love.

Written and offered by Tim Reillly

Inspired by the Universal Apostolic Preferences

I wanted to start with a very brief summary of why Xavier is so important to me as a person of the Islamic faith. One of my earliest memories as a child growing up in Lahore, Pakistan, was of a lovely Catholic family where the father was a colleague of my father’s at the major university there after they received their PhDs together from Indiana University. These ingrained, loving memories were reinforced by taking a closer look at the work and values ​​of the Jesuits. Though it was with much deliberation, our two boys decided without hesitation to attend St. Xavier High School with full blessing to be for and with men for others. Knowing Father Graham, working with the Brueggeman Center and meeting a number of people at Xavier have only strengthened the connection between shared values ​​and much of my intended mission in life. In attempting to summarize the connection of these shared values ​​and desired work to my belief in Islam, I had to look no further than Xavier’s universal apostolic preferences for the next decade.

I begin this prayer in the name of God, the most merciful, the most charitable –

Oh my God

As we at Xavier strive to “show the way to God through spiritual practice and discernment,” I am reminded of my favorite saying from Prophet Muhammad.

God says:

“I am as my servant thinks I am, and I am with him when he remembers me. If he remembers me inside, I also remember him inside me; and when he remembers me in a group of people, I remember him in a group better than them; and if he comes a span nearer to Me, I go a cubit nearer to him; and if he comes a cubit closer to Me, I move two outstretched arms closer to him; and if he comes walking to me, I will come running to him.”

As Xavier asks us to “walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice.”

Let’s remember what we have and who we are thanks to God’s blessing and mercy.

Let us remember that it is our duty to serve those in need, since they may be loved by God more than we are.

In Chapter 4 of the Qur’an entitled “Women” we are told: “O you who believe! Stand firm for righteousness, as witnesses of God, even against yourselves or your parents or your relatives, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both.”

Oh my God,

As Xavier ambassadors, we strive to “support young people in shaping a future of hope.”

Let us remember that once we were young, we relied on the love, compassion, and support of our elders to lift us up, give us hope, and show us a path to a better future. God reminds us not to be empty vessels of prayer and chapter 107 of the Qur’an says:

“Have you thought of the one who denies religion?

It is he who abuses the orphan.

And does not promote the feeding of the poor.

So woe to those who pray.

Those who ignore their prayers.

The ones that make it seem.

And without the help.”

Our gracious God

We see many signs compelling us to “collaborate in tending to our common home.”

Let us remember that God created nature in balance (“al-mizan”) and humanity’s responsibility is to maintain this fragile balance through wise leadership and healthy personal conduct.

The Qur’an also describes believing men and women as those who “walk the earth in humility”. (Question 25:63)

Let’s remember that even the earth has inalienable rights bestowed by her Creator.

Finally, let us remember the loved ones who passed far too quickly, even for the short time on this earth.

We in Islam say “inna lilla wainna illaihi rajaioon”, “From God they came and until God returns!”

Let’s remember, our dear colleague Jodi Allan, the innocent people who tragically died at the hands of those charged with protecting them and the lives of 500,000 people (grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, children, daughters, sons and friends) who lost their lives this year in an unprecedented pandemic. May God show them all His just mercy.

May we remember her legacy as we seek God’s guidance and strive to create a better world, not just for our children, but for all of our children to come.

amen amen

Written and presented by Ms. Shakila Ahmad, 02/25/21

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A Corona prayer

Loving God, Your desire is for our wholeness and well-being.

We hold in tenderness and prayer the collective suffering of our world at this time.

We mourn precious lives lost and endangered.

We mourn the loss of ourselves and our neighbors and face an uncertain future.

We pray: instead of fear, may love go viral.

Inspire our leaders to discern and choose wisely, centered on the common good.

Help us practice social distancing and show us new and creative ways to come together in spirit and solidarity.

Call us to deep trust in your faithful presence,

You, the God who does not give up.

Offered by Mike McCaw

What I have experienced in the last year

Dear God – What I have experienced over the past year has challenged my strength – physically, emotionally and spiritually – it has made me question “why me?”, it has made me ask what the hell? – May I use Hell in a prayer – well… I think I just did – but what I learned from it is amazing.

The most important thing I learned is that people – many, many, many, many people – are really, really good. My family was there for me in ways I never thought I would need. My love for them has grown deeper than I ever thought possible. I learned that I married the right man and that he really thought about sickness and about health. I have learned that there is nothing more beautiful in life than having 4 sisters who will surround you with love when you need it.

And then there were the many friends and colleagues, including many in this room — friends I hadn’t spoken to in 30 years and friends I speak to every week — finding pathways through their notes, their texts, theirs Phone calls, their visits make me laugh, cry, make fun of myself and realize how truly blessed I am – and most importantly, remind me that people are good – really…really good…they care , they love, they support, they help .

I’m not usually one who’s asked for help a lot in my life – I thought I figured it out for the most part. i was tough i was strong So my second big learning was learning how to let go and ask for help – especially from you God – it’s profound. It changed my life and the way I think about things, the way I think about life. We should ask for help. We should help. It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.

I also learned that prayer works. I’m so thankful for all the people who have prayed for me…many I don’t even know! It’s amazing how many people are willing to put you on their prayer list. Even now that I’m better, people still say…well, I still pray for you. And I’m sooooo grateful. There’s something really cool about prayer power

I’m not going to lie – the last year has been scary – it still is scary – and if you believe the internet – which no sick person should ever rely on – chances are not good. I’m a very objective, data-driven practitioner. You can’t deny the facts… odds are against you. But God…I believe more than ever…that you have a plan. And so I give myself to you. I will follow your will. I will put all my energies into making this a great cause – for me, for my family, for my friends, for my colleagues – and frankly… for everyone who will listen. I promise to love every day…every minute. I promise to be thankful for the people I met, the experiences I had, the beautiful places I got to see. Every day is a day to be enjoyed! To love, to laugh, to care, to give, to be thankful and to praise you to God!

And while it’s very easy from afar to think that what happened to me is a bad thing, I like to think of it as the best, the very best thing that’s ever happened to me. What I’ve learned about myself, about others, and most importantly about you, God, is just… the very best.

So let’s remember this Advent season that people are good, really, really good. Let’s remind ourselves that the love and care we give to others matters so much more than we think… so give more. Let’s remember that prayer works. say more Let’s show gratitude. Gratitude is a gift. Let’s realize that we all have things in our lives that are scary – let’s look to God for strength and comfort. And let’s thank God for every minute of every day that we have to live life! AMEN!

Written and offered by Jodi Allen

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Thank you for this day

Good and merciful God,

We thank you for this time and for this beautiful day in Cincinnati,

We ask that you bless us with your Spirit of Wisdom as we share our strengths and weaknesses here at Xavier’s.

Help us as trustees to always keep our Jesuit and Catholic mission in mind,

and enlighten us with the spirit of Ignatius,

Help us to truly find God in all things,

Celebrate our diversity despite our differences,

and boldly lead Xavier into a bright and healthy future.

We pray all this in the name of the God who created us, who redeems us and who sanctifies us in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Written and offered by Fr. John Thiede, SJ

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prayer for gratitude

Morning Reflection: One of the habits of Jesuit graduates that emerged yesterday was gratitude. So as we come to rest, I would prayerfully lead us into the fourth week of the retreat. I invite us to close our eyes and step into God’s presence. …

In a spirit of gratitude, we remember something from our time yesterday or today that we are grateful for…a new insight, someone’s reflection, a person who inspires…take a few seconds, to pray for this moment, person, thing… what happened to our hearts in this moment of gratitude… we thanked God for this moment, this person, this event… And for those who can , let’s say the Ignatian farewell prayer together… Take Lord, take all our freedom, memory, understanding, all will… Give us only your love and grace, that’s enough for us, dispose of all our gifts and talents according to your will. .. in gratitude, amen.

Written and offered by Fr. John Thiede, SJ

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Today’s performance


Thank you for every seat that was filled here today. For every mind and heart that fills the presence of this space, we thank you. Only you really know what we are trying to accomplish today. We have an idea, a vision, hints and daily instructions. We have talent, skills and time to work. However, only You can see the end of every beginning in perfect detail. Every project, every season, every life. Nothing is ever wasted, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good.

Your justice is beyond all our efforts and understanding. forgive us our pride The pride that puffs us up and the pride that threatens to make us unqualified. Strengthen our faith in what you have made us to be. Free us from comparisons to work together efficiently.

Bless this gathering today, all present, and the lives of those we will meet afterwards. Get ready to make every moment count.

in jesus name,

Offered by Penny K. Pomeranz

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This holiday season


At this festive holiday season, we pray that you will be with us in all we do and plan.

And today we especially want to ask you to bless the holiday celebrations that we will be attending.

We pray that your love shines during this time and that we reflect you in our actions, attitudes and behavior at the event. We pray to avoid any discord and may we be united in love and fellowship in Your praise and glory.

-Offered by Jodi Allen

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Call us together

holy god,

We gather here as members of that board

and we thank you for calling us together.

It is our privilege and our responsibility

to support, encourage and advance

the mission of Xavier University.

We undertake this task in complete dependence on you,

for it is you who began this work

You who direct it and will bring it to completion.

Send your creative spirit to us:

open our hearts to recognize your presence among us;

open our minds to respond to your calling.

Allow us to draw on yesterday’s wisdom and experience

how we react to the questions and concerns of tomorrow.

Give us freedom to speak the truth boldly and kindly;

Give us the patience to listen openly and without prejudice;

Give us the confidence to discover and explore new opportunities;

Give us wisdom to know what is right and good and just;

Give us courage to participate in your ongoing work of creation.

We ask for the intercession of St. Ignatius to confirm our prayer

and support our efforts.

All glory, honor and glory are yours, holy God, forever.

Offered by John Maydonovitch

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Lord, Lord, open yourself to me

Open yourself to me, light for my darkness

Open yourself to me, courage for my fear

Open up to me, hope for my despair

Open me, peace to my turmoil

Open to me, joy for my sorrow

Open yourself to me, strength for my weakness

Open me wisdom to my confusion

Open to me the forgiveness of my sins

Open yourself to me, tenderness for my toughness

Open yourself to me, love for my hate

Open your self to me

Lord, Lord, open me!

– Offered by Damon Jones

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leadership in our lives


we are your lover

even in our unfinished state,

They enjoy what we are

and what we become.

Help us to claim Your gentle guidance in our lives,

help us to know that you always hope for more for us

and from us.

Give us the strength and peace of heart

be filled with your power.

– Offered by Dr. Michael Fortin

– Unknown author

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Our invisible work

good and loving God,

Thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.

We thank you for the memory that allows us to build on the experiences of the past;

for the imagination that lets us into a wide world

than we could otherwise know;

and foresight with which we plan for the future.

Bless this unseen work we are doing on behalf of Xavier’s many students who

strive to make a difference in the world through their Jesuit education.

We ask this on your behalf,

– Offered by John Maydonovitch

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thanks and gratitude

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

In the name of God the Most Gracious the Merciful.

O breadwinner and provider of all things.

We offer our thanks and gratitude for this meal and for those who prepared it.

In a world where so many are starving, may we eat this food with humble hearts.

We thank the Xavier community and the opportunity we all have as students, administrators and trustees to come together for the good of Xavier.

Dear God, may you bless our efforts and help us to sit presently and know our destiny.

Bismillahi’wa’ ala Barakatillah In the name of God and with the blessing of God let’s begin.

– Tamara Mahmoud ’17 offered at Trustee Dinner with students

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Let’s pray for the Xavier community

Dear Sir,

As we look at a world that sees growing division, anger and fear…

Let us pray for tolerance so that we can listen more carefully and thoughtfully to alternative points of view, so that together we can find solutions that benefit all people.

Let us pray for patience as we get through these difficult and turbulent times

Let us pray for continued protection and equal opportunities for all people to enjoy our constitutional liberties and to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as core to our democratic values.

Let us live up to the ideals of Jesus and our Jesuit heritage to reach out to all people, especially our Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters, to welcome them and offer them a safe haven.

In these uncertain and turbulent times, let us pray for peace in the world.

Let’s find time to reflect on all the good in this world and reflect with gratitude on all that we have been given in life – our family, our friends and the community here at Xavier.

Let’s look forward to a world where people don’t use their time and talents to divide and make fools of themselves, but to innovate, progress and endless possibilities.

And while we’re pondering this…

Let us pray for the health and happiness of our Xavier community.

Let’s pray for support in our mission to make Xavier a great university – one that produces the next generation of thinkers and leaders who have a strong calling to make the world a better place.

Finally, let’s continue to use our time, talents and resources to make a difference in the world.

– Deb Henetta

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honoring our unity

Lord, as we gather we recognize our differences in beliefs, values, and traditions of faith, but we honor our unity here tonight with gratitude. Thank you for giving us the ability to love and be loved, for helping us see those little “God moments” in the beauty in the vastness of your creation, and for being the ladder of life around me tonight worked around. The leaders of our clubs, retreats, student affairs and athletics, among so many others. Thank you for inspiring her to make a positive impact on the people and world around us.

Lord, I am also grateful for Xavier University and for the Jesuit values ​​we are taught here. Because of these values, we will strive for excellence personally and professionally, we will become agents of change and we will live in a way that cares for the whole person.

Let’s remember that this mission requires action and a lot of work on our part. Lord, inspire us to be real men and women for and with others at all times: not just when it is convenient for us. And let us be united in our struggle for and with the marginalized, the poor and the oppressed, for this is what you have called us to do. Thank you for opening our hearts to this mission and I ask you to help us on our journey to come together and live it as a university.

Lord, bless the work we have done and the unseen work we will do through this Jesuit mission as we strive to make a difference in the world. Fill us with enthusiasm and wonder as we receive these gifts with an open mind, a generous heart, and a willing spirit.

-Brandon Luipold

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As we make decisions

Heavenly Father,

We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom and support as we begin this gathering.

Help us have a meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer together as a group and nurture the bonds of community.

Fill us with Your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that may affect this university’s students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends.

And continue to remind us that everything we do here today, everything we achieve, is in the pursuit of truth, your greater honor, and the service of humanity.

We ask these things on your behalf.

-Ted Torbeck

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Thinking about the new year

Dear Sir,

As we approach the holiday season and look forward to the new year quickly approaching, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the year.

Let’s look back with gratitude on all that we have been given in life – our family, our friends and the community here at Xavier.

Let us reflect with sadness on the recent terrorist attacks that have put so many people at risk.

Let us reflect with joy on all that is good and beautiful and kind and giving in the world.

Let’s reflect with hope on the changing times we live in – full of innovation, advancement and endless possibilities.

And while we’re pondering this…

Let’s pray for peace in the world.

Let us pray for the health and happiness of our Xavier community.

Let’s pray for support in our mission to make Xavier a great university – one that produces the next generation of thinkers and leaders who have a strong calling to make the world a better place.

Finally, let us face the new year with a renewed sense of purpose, hope, and giving. Whether our impact is big or small, affecting many or just one, let us use our time, talents and treasures to make a difference in the world.

– Deb Henetta

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May there be inner peace today

May there be peace in you today.

May you trust God that you are right where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that come from faith.

May you use these gifts you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be confident in knowing that you are a child of God.

Let that presence rest in your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each of us.

-Tommy Sedler

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The fast life

Almost stopped judging others;

Rejoice in Christ dwelling in them.

fasting for fear of illness;

Bask in the healing power of God.

Fast from words that pollute;

Indulge in language that purifies.

Quick from dissatisfaction;

Revel in gratitude.

Quick with rage;

Indulge in patience.

Almost from pessimism;

Look forward to hope.

Fast from negatives;

Look forward to encouragement.

almost from bitterness;

Look forward to forgiveness.

Quick from self-concern;

Look forward to compassion.

Quick from suspicion;

Firm on the truth.

Quick from gossip;

Revel in purposeful silence.

Fast from problems that overwhelm;

Delight in prayer that carries.

quick with fear;

Look forward to the belief.

– Unknown author

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We are looking for you

Loving and gracious God, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts and we gather today to seek your wisdom, guidance, courage and strength. Join us in our reflections and help us be wise in the choices we make

Xavier University and the well-being of all those who have placed their trust in our leadership. Give us insight to lead with integrity so our decisions reflect what is right and good. Save us from short-sightedness. Help us make decisions that benefit everyone while protecting us from blind self-interest. Finally, dear Lord, grant us the humility to always seek your will in everything we do and say. All glory be to you, loving God, now and forever.

– Gary Robinette

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Journey to the Frontiers of Education O Yahweh, Al-Elah, O Almighty God, though we seek you in many ways, guide us to serve as one this great institution of your creation. Always grant us, as Father Arrupe asked so many years ago, to see everything with new eyes now, to discern and examine the spirits that help us to read the signs of the times, to enjoy the things that come from the Lord of the universe and share them with others. Give us the clarity of understanding you gave to Saint Ignatius, in whose heritage we walk and conduct our business. Now, help us build a culture of encounter and mutual recognition and respect as we journey to the frontiers of education and society as part of the Xavier Way. Back to Top Inspire us Loving God, just as the Xavier Fellowship gathered on September 9th to invoke your Holy Spirit to lead Xavier University this year, we also invoke that Spirit, this Board of Directors in making decisions that we will meet and the impact it will have on the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of this university. Inspire us in our conversation; grant us the humility to be perceptive in our listening and attentive to the stirrings of our hearts. We pray in thanksgiving for Fr. Graham’s leadership and for his team; for all of the dedicated faculty and staff who enliven the spirit of our mission on a daily basis; and for our students, that they truly cultivate lives of reflection, compassion, and informed action. Remember that whatever we do, we do it for your greater glory! Keep us mindful and grateful for your many blessings! We pray this through the intercessions of our Founder St Ignatius and our Patron St Francis Xavier. – Fr. Bill Verbyke, SJ Back to top We gather in gratitude Good and gracious God, we gather in gratitude on this Founder’s Day as we recognize the spirit of generosity on which this institution was founded and the spirit of generosity that sustains us today to remain true to our mission: the mission to educate every student intellectually, morally and spiritually; by preparing students for an increasingly diverse, complex and interdependent world; by striving to challenge and support students as they cultivate lives of reflection, compassion and informed action. We pray in gratitude for the many people who bring this mission to life every day: faculty, staff and students. But tonight we give special recognition to the members of our community who donate in a philanthropic way to support Xavier University, members of the 1831 Society. We gather in a very special way tonight to recognize the many ways in which Xavier has been blessed by the generosity of time, talent and treasure of Mr. Joseph A. Pichler, whom we honor tonight with the 2013 Founders Day Award. And we thank his wonderful wife Susan for her many years of dedication and support! We ask your blessings for the food we are about to eat. May this meal and our time together symbolize for us the many ways we experience your goodness. And may you also bless each of us and our families; and bless our world with peace. Always keep us aware of your great love as we see you in creation and experience you in each other. We pray to you, most loving and giving God. – Fr. Bill Verbryke, SJ Back to top St. Ignatius’ Prayer for Generosity

Lord, teach me to be generous. Prayer of St. Ignatius for generosity

Teach me to serve you as you deserve;

to give and not to count the cost,

to fight and ignore the wounds

struggle and seek no rest,

to work and not ask for wages,

Except knowing that I will do your will.

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strengthen us

Good and merciful God,

Wir danken Ihnen für die gesegnete Gelegenheit, Ihre Mission im Board of Trustees, Educators und Administrators der Xavier University zu unterstützen. Wir bitten Sie demütig, das Wissen und die Weisheit, die Sie St. Ignatius und St. Frances Xavier verliehen haben, mit uns zu teilen, damit wir dieses kostbare Gefäß des institutionellen Lernens mit glaubensbasiertem Wachstum leiten und pflegen können. Bitte stärken Sie uns, um angemessene, von Herzen kommende Entscheidungen zu treffen, die der Mission der großartigen Universität zugute kommen. Lassen Sie uns Ihrer Liebe nacheifern, indem wir unsere Liebe und Großzügigkeit für die Entwicklung dieser katholischen Institution teilen und unsere Pflichten mit Enthusiasmus und großem Eifer erfüllen.

Bitte segne alle unsere Studenten, das Lebenselixier der Xavier University. Helfen Sie ihnen, die geeigneten Werkzeuge zu lernen, zu erfahren und zu begreifen, die sie benötigen, um in ihrem Leben erfolgreich zu sein und das Vermächtnis dieser katholischen Institution zu fördern.

Stärke uns alle in dieser Fastenzeit, in deinem Namen zu opfern. Lassen Sie uns durch diese Werke Gott finden und uns durch seinen Heiligen Geist befähigen, unsere Pflichten zu erfüllen.

Im Namen Jesu beten wir.

-Robert Heidt

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Wir danken Ihnen

Lassen Sie mich zunächst sagen, dass ich für diese Gelegenheit als evangelischer Student dankbar bin. Xavier leistet großartige Arbeit, damit sich Nicht-Katholiken willkommen fühlen. Neigen Sie jetzt bitte Ihre Häupter, während wir uns im Gebet an Gott wenden. Ich werde in der christlichen Tradition beten.

Herr, wir danken dir für die Gelegenheit, als Studenten, Dozenten, Verwaltungs- und Vorstandsmitglieder zusammenzukommen. Wir danken Ihnen für die diesjährigen Erfolge und Wachstumsbereiche. Gib uns die Kraft, als Universität, die von unseren jesuitischen Werten und Mission geprägt ist, weiter voranzukommen. Segne das Essen und diejenigen, die es zubereitet haben. All diese Dinge bitten wir im Namen Jesu.

– Lauren Weiß

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Lass alles, was wir tun, durch dich geschehen

Vater im Himmel:

In dieser heiligen Adventszeit sehnen wir uns nach der Fülle des Heils,

für uns selbst und für unsere Welt;

in die Dunkelheit des Winters,

sende das Licht deines Sohnes.

Führe uns heute in unserem Treffen,

damit alles, was wir tun, mit Ihrer Inspiration beginnt,

und ausgeführt werden durch deine Gnade,

damit alle unsere Absichten und Handlungen nur Ihren Dienst suchen und

Wohlergehen der uns anvertrauten Schülerinnen und Schüler.

Through Christ our Lord.

– Tim Howe, S.J.

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Das Geschenk des Lebens

Lieber himmlischer Vater,

Wir danken Ihnen für das Geschenk des Lebens und für das Geschenk jener Leben, die ihre Bemühungen in der ignatianischen Tradition darauf verwenden, sowohl den Geist als auch den Geist zu nähren. Wir bitten Sie, dass Ihr Geist heute unter uns ist, wenn wir unsere Verantwortung gegenüber unseren jesuitischen Institutionen, unserem Präsidenten, unserer Fakultät und unseren Studenten betrachten.

Im Namen Christi beten wir.

– Stefan Cuntz

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Sei bei uns

Gott der Liebe,

Wir treffen uns heute zu ordentlichen und außerordentlichen Angelegenheiten der Xavier University. Angelegenheiten, die letztendlich die Schüler betreffen werden, die Xavier anvertraut haben, sie intellektuell, moralisch und spirituell zu engagieren.

Begleiten Sie uns in unseren Diskussionen.

Gib uns Einsicht und Mut, deinen Willen mit Mitgefühl und Ehrfurcht zu tun, als Verwalter und Begleiter zum Wohle der gesamten Campus-Gemeinschaft und darüber hinaus.

Helfen Sie uns, die Gaben zu kennen und an sie zu glauben, die Sie uns als Treuhänder gegeben haben, sowohl individuell als auch kollektiv.

Inspirieren Sie uns, die Herausforderungen zu meistern, denen wir möglicherweise gegenüberstehen, und uns an unseren gemeinsamen Triumphen zu erfreuen, sowohl weltlichen als auch großen.

In Glauben und Hoffnung vertrauen wir heute auf Ihre Gegenwart und Führung.

-Debra Mooney

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Lass es du sein

Sei bei uns gegenwärtig, o Heiliger Geist, denn in deinem Namen sind wir besonders versammelt.

Kommen Sie, uns in unseren Angelegenheiten zu helfen, und nehmen Sie gerne an unseren Beratungen teil.

Lassen Sie sich zuallererst von Ihnen zu unseren Vorschlägen inspirieren.

Gewähre, dass wir im Dienst an der Xavier University weise handeln.

Halte uns durch das Geschenk deiner Gnade im Einklang mit deinem Willen, damit wir mit dir eins handeln können.

-Donna Jones Baker

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let’s pray

Gott der Weisheit,

Wir sind heute hier versammelt, um Ihnen zu dienen und die Angelegenheiten der Xavier University zu führen.

Gib uns Wissen und Kraft, um deinen Willen mit einem angemessenen Gleichgewicht zwischen ewigen Werten und unseren gegenwärtigen Bedürfnissen zu tun.

Mögen wir unsere Verantwortung übernehmen, mutig handeln und die Ausbildung der Führungskräfte von morgen fördern.

Gewähre uns jetzt und für immer einen Sinn für Gerechtigkeit und weise Haushalterschaft.

-James Wainscott

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Wenn wir auf die Zukunft der Xavier University blicken und planen – und unsere eigene persönliche Zukunft –, lassen Sie uns die Gefühle, die tief in jedem von uns, den Teilnehmern an der fortwährenden kreativen Aktivität Gottes, tief in uns schlummern, an Gott übergeben.

Heiliger Schöpfer,

gib uns Geduld, auf Dein Langsames und Beständiges zu vertrauen


Wir sind ganz natürlich in allem ungeduldig

um das Ende ohne Verzögerung zu erreichen.

Die Zwischenstufen möchten wir überspringen.

Wir sind ungeduldig unterwegs zu sein

zu etwas Unbekanntem, etwas Neuem.

Und doch ist es das Gesetz allen Fortschritts

dass die neue Schöpfung im Durchgang entsteht

einige Phasen der Instabilität?

und dass es sehr lange dauern kann.

Help us to be patient

and understand Your ideas mature gradually within us.

Enable us to let them grow,

let them shape themselves, without undue haste.

Help us not to force the future

as though we could be today

what time, grace, and circumstances

will make of us tomorrow.

Only You can say what this new spirit,

Gradually forming within us, will be.

We give to You, Loving Creator, our faith

and trust that the benefit of our believing

is a deeper realization

that Your hand is leading us

when we accept the anxiety of felling ourselves

in suspense and incomplete,

waiting for Your plan to unfold in its own time,

We trust in Your creative power,

Source of all that is and all that will ever be.

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

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Give Us

Holy God,

We gather here as members of this Board

and we thank you for calling us together.

It is our privilege and our responsibility

to support, foster, and advance

the mission of Xavier University.

We accept this task in total dependence upon you,

for it is you who began this work

you who guide it and will bring it to fulfillment.

Send your creative spirit upon us:

open our hearts to recognize Your presence among us;

open our minds to respond to Your calling.

Enable us to draw upon the wisdom and experience of yesterday

as we respond to the questions and concerns of tomorrow.

Give us freedom to speak the truth boldly and with kindness;

Give us patience to listen openly, without prejudice;

Give us confidence to discover and explore new possibilities;

Give us wisdom to discern what is right and good and just;

Give us courage to participate in your ongoing work of creation.

We call upon the intercession of St. Ignatius to confirm our prayer

and to support our endeavors.

All glory, honor, and praise are yours, Holy God, for all ages.

Read by: Ann Hoffman

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Bless our Work

Good and Loving God,

We thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.

We thank you for memory, which enables us to build on the experiences of the past;

for imagination, which admits us to a wider world than we could otherwise know;

and for foresight, by which we plan for the future.

Bless this unseen work that we do on behalf of Xavier’s many students who,

through their Jesuit education,

will strive to make a difference in the world.

– Joe Shadle

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Through Faith and Hope

God of Love,

We are meeting today regarding ordinary and extraordinary matters of Xavier University, matters which will ultimately affect the students who have entrusted Xavier to engage them intellectually, morally and spiritually.

Be with us in our discussions.

Give us insight and courage to do Your will with compassion and reverence, as stewards and companions for the benefit of the entire campus community and beyond.

Help us to know and believe in the gifts you have given us as Trustees, both individually and collectively.

Inspire us to solve the challenges we may face and to take joy in our shared triumphs, both mundane and grand.

In faith and hope, we trust in your presence and guidance today.

– Debra Mooney

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Opening Prayer for the Meeting of Xavier’s Jesuit Identity Committee


let’s pray


Good and loving God,

We gather this morning in your name.

The gifts of our Ignatian heritage invite us to be part of a tradition

that builds on the wisdom of the past

with a vision open to the opportunities of the future.

Bless this vital work that we do on behalf of Xavier’s students

who, through their Jesuit education,

are challenged to make a difference in the world.

Give us the grace to serve you well.

Instill in us the humility to discern your will

and the generosity to carry it out.

– The staff of the Center for Mission and Identity

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How do you act as an usher?

Graciously stand back and smile at the people. Be professionally cheerful. Be sure to greet each person with a smile and a welcoming comment such as, “We’re going to have the best concert tonight”. Make contact even without materials to hand out.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)


How do I know which chair to sit in?

Community Response

The chairs should be labeled A-Z or A-J or something like that. The ticket states which row and seat number in the row. The numbers start from the aisle – so the aisle seat is 1, the next seat is 2 and so on.

Do church ushers get paid?

What is the salary trajectory of an Usher? The salary trajectory of an Usher ranges between locations and employers. The salary starts at $26,710 per year and goes up to $26,710 per year for the highest level of seniority.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Popular Careers at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Job Seekers

An Usher’s salary history varies between locations and employers. Salary starts at $26,710 per year and increases up to $26,710 per year for seniority.

Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine

Your input helps Glassdoor refine our salary estimates over time.

How exactly does $12 to $13 seem to you?

Usher salaries at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine can range from $12-$13. This estimate is based on 1 Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Usher salary report(s) submitted by employees or calculated using statistical methods. See all Usher salaries to see how this compares in the market.

How much does a Usher at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine make?

Cash Bonus, Stock Bonus, Profit Sharing, Commission Sharing, Tips were not reported for this role

Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Usher Hourly wage part time

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Looking beyond Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine?

Check out the latest Usher Jobs or see Usher Salaries at other companies.

See if they hire! Check out the latest Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine jobs

Do church ushers get paid?

What is the salary trajectory of an Usher? The salary trajectory of an Usher ranges between locations and employers. The salary starts at $26,710 per year and goes up to $26,710 per year for the highest level of seniority.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Popular Careers at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Job Seekers

An Usher’s salary history varies between locations and employers. Salary starts at $26,710 per year and increases up to $26,710 per year for seniority.

Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine

Your input helps Glassdoor refine our salary estimates over time.

How exactly does $12 to $13 seem to you?

Usher salaries at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine can range from $12-$13. This estimate is based on 1 Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Usher salary report(s) submitted by employees or calculated using statistical methods. See all Usher salaries to see how this compares in the market.

How much does a Usher at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine make?

Cash Bonus, Stock Bonus, Profit Sharing, Commission Sharing, Tips were not reported for this role

Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Usher Hourly wage part time

Check out Usher Salaries

Looking beyond Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine?

Check out the latest Usher Jobs or see Usher Salaries at other companies.

See if they hire! Check out the latest Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine jobs

Why do ushers put one hand behind their back?

A hand signal does exist for dangers such as fires or bomb threats — the usher drops an arm behind the back, raises both hands, then does a reverse brush of the head with one hand and drops the hands again — but nothing to flag suspicious characters like the Charleston killer.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Vanessa Lucas, an avid churchgoer, says she would love for everyone to be blessed by the scriptures like she is. When a friend missed half a dozen services, she decided to investigate.

The last time the woman was at church, Lucas learned, an usher had handed her a program so rude that she decided not to return.


“She had an unfriendly experience at the door and look at how it changed everything,” says Lucas.

If Lucas, 61, has any godly purpose these days, it’s to prevent things like this from happening again. She is one of about 400 people in Maryland and 15,000 nationwide trained and certified by the National United Church Ushers Association of America, a historically black educational and service group that has preserved and passed on a “universal method” of church dedication have been for 96 years.


The organization has its roots in early 20th-century Baltimore, where three African-American churches put aside their differences to form an ushers’ association and school — one that still spys on its students for everything from greeting techniques to a complex set of hand signals they can use to manage crowd movements or even indicate a looming emergency.

The Maryland Chapter, one of 28 in America, turns 100 this year. Those who work with members say their mission retains a strong resonance at a time when church attendance is declining in the United States.

“Servants are the ‘doorkeepers’ that Scripture tells us about,” says Rev. Howard Wright, pastor of Grace A.M.E. Church in Catonsville. “They set a tone of awe with their kindness. They attend to the needs of the worshipers throughout the service so [pastors] can focus on God’s Word.

“It’s a very, very important ministry.”

On a Sunday at Grace, Lucas and five others greet arriving believers with hugs and “good morning.” As the gospel music begins, they form a line and march down an aisle to position the choir.

The lead usher takes up a position in front and places a fist on her small of the back. The place will be quiet on the signal. The service has started.

At the beginning

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that the most segregated hour in America is 11 am on Sunday morning. Decades earlier, in the late 1800s, three pious men from this region decided to bridge another rift.


Elijah Hamilton and Charles Dorsey, African Methodist Episcopalians of Philadelphia, and a friend, a Baltimore Baptist named Henry Sorrell, found themselves at odds over a question: Why were the major African American Christian denominations so unrelated?

In search of common ground, they settled on a theme that ran through both the Old and New Testaments: initiation.

At the unit’s headquarters in Baltimore, a brownstone on Reservoir Hill, Lucas recently met with fellow usherin Sandra Arnette beneath several framed portraits of the founders, who reeled off the men’s convictions as if they were still alive.

“We see God as the first usher in the universe,” says Lucas. “Didn’t he bring in the light and call it day? Didn’t Moses bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?

God even created the first usher organization, she adds, by choosing a tribe, the Levites, to look after the tabernacles of Moses’ day. References to “watchmen,” “gatekeepers,” and “doorkeepers” permeate the Bible.

The job has added weight at a time when crime can invade the world of worship, from petty theft to breathtaking tragedies like the one that unfolded in Charleston, S.C. last month. was playing when a man entered a black church during a Bible study and shot nine people to death.


“We must be vigilant at all times. Even when we go to prayer, our heads are bowed, but we keep our eyes open,” said Sylvia Graves, a Perkins Square Baptist Church member and 17-year veteran.

Sorrell probably never imagined such things, but he felt a need. He assembled the leaders of three Baltimore churches—Sharp Street United Methodist, Ames United Methodist, and Enon Baptist—in 1915 and persuaded them to organize the United Ushers of the State of Maryland. By 1919 the Philadelphians had a similar group. Chapters in other states followed.

Sharp Street, Ames and Enon Churches remain in operation. The Interdenominational Church Ushers Association of Maryland now includes 32 member churches in Baltimore and 92 in the state. All belong to a national association with chapters in locations from California to Maine.

Members from coast to coast have adopted a passage from the Old Testament as a guide of sorts. “I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked,” says Lucas, quoting Psalm 84. They share a passion for traveling to state and national conventions.

“It’s a wonderful Christian community,” Lucas says, adding that the subject of denominations never comes up.



Like many who snag the usher, Ernest Wilson Jr. has been around a long time — in his case, nearly six decades, making him one of Maryland’s longest-serving ushers.

If the church is a place where souls are saved, what could be more important than getting people out there and getting them involved?

“When you walk in and no one is speaking to you, carry that vibe to your seat. So when people come in, I always look at them, smile and say ‘good morning,'” says Wilson, 82, who started ringing the bell in Perkins Square at 8, returned to Enon in 1957 and hasn’t stopped. “You can focus on what the pastor says.”

The founders saw this way of thinking as consistent with Christ’s teachings, including his counsel to treat others as you would like to be treated. And over the years, a code of conduct has evolved.

The man or woman at the front door (the doorkeeper) was “the link between the inside and the outside of the sanctuary.” The “usher” led the other team in prayer before services, assigned each to roles for the day, and directed communications. Course directors filled the pews and supervised the guests.

A good usher, they said, planned everything—a believer who passed out, a child who needed the bathroom, the pastor who needed water—and provided.


Because loud ushers would be a distraction, the leaders developed a series of hand signals that could flash silently. George T. Grier, first president of the Illinois chapter, codified them in 1948, writing dozens of them in The Universal Church Ushers Manual, a handbook that is still in use.

A loose fist on the cross—the “official position”—means an usher is on duty. Arms in front of the chest means “prayer in progress”. When the lead usher moves his right hand to the base of his neck, three fingers up, it is a request for aisle three seats.

For dangers like fire or bomb threats, there’s a hand signal – the usher drops one arm behind his back, raises both hands, then uses one hand to flick his head backwards and drops his hands again – but nothing to flag suspicious people like that Charleston Killers.

Graves has written a letter to national leaders urging them to give such a signal and call doorkeepers at all church functions.

It’s a staggering system, but an usher knows it well and uses it with reverence, says Arnette, director of the Grace A.M.E. Team.

“It’s a ministry, not an association,” she says. “It’s about doing God the best service.”


With a smile

Team Grace can be a spectacle of movement, their gestures directing events as police officers process traffic at an intersection.

The guests slide into their seats. Laggards fill in the gaps. When worshipers appear overheated, cardboard fans will appear.

Magic doesn’t come easy. Students aged 8 to 88 learn the craft in a formal class that meets monthly between September and June for about three hours a day for a total of 32 hours. You can take it in Baltimore or any of five other locations in Maryland.

On the curriculum: a dress code (dark suits for men, white dresses for women, no jewelry), the signals, relevant scriptures, and more, often served with pizza and sodas.

Marching—a conga-like form of dancing in which ushers lead singers, dancers, and ministers to their seats—newcomers must learn on their own.


The job is not always pleasant or easy. Worshipers can sometimes be just as rude as everyone else and don’t always do what’s asked of them, says Graves, the unit’s chaplain in Baltimore.

Some shrink from the places to which they are led. Funerals can be particularly challenging when distraught people jump ropes, jostle in aisles, or explode when they turn away from a crowded church.

Even at a time when studies show that fewer Americans identify with any religion, Arnette says the organization has a steady stream of new members, many of them children. Units in the US provide leadership opportunities for members in the junior ranks (ages 8-21), raise scholarship funds, and sponsor pizza and sports trips.

Female ushers outnumber them five to one these days, but that didn’t bother Dorien Rich, 11, of Catonsville, who three years ago began “admiring the people who were at the door.” He is now a regular usher at Grace A.M.E.

“It’s fun to be a part of and it makes me happy to see everyone happy at church,” says Dorien. “I think I’d like to do that for a long time.”

He sounds a lot like Wilson, a man who has loved to lead for so long that the 400 in attendance, including Lucas and Arnette, presented him with an award for lifetime achievement and standing at the Maryland Chapter centenary banquet last spring Awarded an ovation demanded a speech.


Wilson, an object of reverence in the local scene, stood up, cried a little, quickly thanked and sat down. After all, he says, the mission isn’t about him.

And like Dorien, he plans to stick around for some time.

“Until my master calls me home,” he says.

Baltimore Sun reporter Natalie Sherman contributed to this article.

[email protected]

What do ushers wear in church?

1 Appropriate Dress

For example, ushers may be asked to dress in black and white. Other churches may just request that the ushers dress in a conservative manner. Women may be asked to wear skirts that extend below the knee and men may be asked to wear slacks, not jeans.

25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Ministers serve in a variety of ways that vary according to religious tradition and doctrine. Some of the more common duties of ushers include guiding parishioners to their seats, handing out collection plaques, and gathering information about new members. Although details vary, there are general rules of conduct that ushers should follow to show respect for the Church and its members.

1 Appropriate Dress Ushers should dress appropriately. Some churches have a formal dress code so visitors and new members can immediately identify the ushers. For example, ushers may be asked to dress in black and white. Other churches may only require ushers to dress conservatively. Women may be asked to wear skirts below the knee and men may be asked to wear trousers rather than jeans.

2 Appropriate Conduct General etiquette states that ushers should behave appropriately at all times, even when not on official duty. Polite behavior includes speaking in a moderate tone, appearing polite, and never engaging in gossip or open criticism of the Church or any Church member.

3 Attention to Duties Ushers should only focus on their duties when serving. Don’t listen to music, take phone calls, chew gum, or ignore someone who needs help talking to someone else. When an usher has a specific duty, such as denying entry to the sanctuary while a prayer is in progress, he should endeavor to perform his duty in a polite manner that does not offend anyone. Additionally, ushers should arrive on time or even early and stay long enough to ensure their duties are completed.

Edgewater Baptist Church Ushers’ Board Morning of Prayer 2022

Edgewater Baptist Church Ushers’ Board Morning of Prayer 2022
Edgewater Baptist Church Ushers’ Board Morning of Prayer 2022

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church ushers prayer

Church leads prayer

Do you have an event at the church? The Biblical Church Initiating Prayer From Scripture is Here ……..

You are here because you have been asked to prepare for a prayer during the upcoming Usher Day at your church.

Welcome to this page, intended for first-time visitors who need help.

You may also be looking for a prayer point to help you prepare for the church occasion.

Below are examples that may help you, as well as other information to help you feel ready for the occasion.

Just know that we care about you and would love to help you prepare for the occasion.

Here is an example of a minister’s prayer.

Prayer examples for ministers

A Prayer for Ministers Our dear loving Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to experience another miracle day in our lives. It is a great honor to gather on this day when we the ministers celebrate this church, In your word you say… For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. (Psalm 84:10), that noble task the ushers have chosen, is the church, is a blessing in life, king of kings we have always longed for this day, and without saying much we know that at the end of the day everyone who managed to come and celebrate the occasion will be blessed. As we begin the program for the day, we want to ask the Holy Spirit to stay with us until we are done, for we know Lord that you love us. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer that we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen

Ministers Prayer Prayer Points Ministers Here are the prayer points to guide ministers during Ministers’ Day in the Church. Thanksgiving (Colossians 3:15)

For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be grateful.

Commitment Prayer (Acts 2:42) All believers devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, fellowship and eating together (including the Lord’s Supper) and prayer minister minister prayer pre-service prayer Here is the minister pre-service prayer you are looking for: Our Heavenly Father, we want to take these precious moments that you have given us this morning to thank you for the gift of life and for allowing us to have fellowship today. As we begin this day’s program, led by the ushers of our church, we want to thank you, Lord, for leading and guiding us. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who is in our midst and teaches us what is the will you have in Jesus Christ. As we begin, be with us and continue to reveal to us how to walk in your statutes. Thank you, our Savior, for the promises that are sure in our lives. Be with us always and we give you honor and glory for your love in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen

Prayer for ushers Prayer for ushers and greeters Here is the example of prayer for ushers and greeters: Our Father and Savior, what a joy to see this day in our lives, thank you for your faithfulness and kindness to us. Dear Father and Lord, we are gathered to share your love, and as we fellowship together on this Usher’s Day, like you, we want to be with us. Lord, as we begin this program, may you guide us and be with us throughout until we are finished. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen

Prayers for ushers after the service

Our God in heaven, we are honored to come before you at this hour through the name of our Lord Jesus, thanking you for giving us this wonderful opportunity to have fellowship together, thank you for this day that you give us have given, just as we go home, be with us in Jesus name. Amen You might like these opening day poems

Naval Readings Here are the Naval Readings to use at your local church.

Church Ushers Are you looking for Church Ushers? Here’s a ready-to-use speech

Butler Tribute Poems Are you looking for Butler Tribute Poems? Here are the Bible poems to share

Ministers Verses Are you looking for ministers verses? On our site you will find examples of Bible topics to help you prepare for this occasion

Church leads prayer

Prayer for the Usher’s Jubilee

Here is the usher’s anniversary prayer

Church leads prayer

Start praying now…

Our most precious Father who dwells in heaven, by the name of

Jesus Christ you gave us the name, the name above all other names

On earth. Let me thank you in a special way for the wonderful love you have shown us

Thank you for providing and the opportunity you have given us to call your name Father

Today we are here to thank you for allowing us to gather here as a church

To show appreciation to our ushers at the church. And as you say in the Book of Psalms chapter 91 that ……..who dwells under the protection of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord: “He is my refuge and my stronghold,

my God in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you

from the bird snare

and from the deadly plague.

He will cover you with his feathers

and under its wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness will be your shield and wall.

You will not fear the terror of the night

nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the plague that lurks in the dark,

nor the plague that destroys at noon.

A thousand may fall by your side

ten thousand on your right

but it won’t come near you

You will only observe with your eyes

and see the punishment of the wicked.

When you say, “The Lord is my refuge”

and you make the Most High your dwelling place,

no misfortune will hit you

no disaster will approach your tent.

For he will command his angels over you

to protect you in all your ways;

They will take you in their hands

so you don’t hit your foot on a stone.

You will step on the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will save him;

I will protect him because he recognizes my name.

He will call me and I will answer him;

I’ll be in trouble with him

I will set him free and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him

and show him my salvation.”

Our dear loving Father, we will always be grateful for your word that is light on our feet.

We believe and know that your goodness will remain in our lives forever and ever.

Thank you God for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus Christ name.


Church usher

In many denominations of the Christian Church, a usher (not to be confused with a church greeter) is responsible for seating guests and maintaining order and security at services. The role of a minister is typically an honorary position and has often been considered honorable in the past, particularly when a ministerial committee selects a minister by nomination.

history [edit]

The concept of an usher is not new. In the Old Testament there were positions referred to as “doorkeepers” or “gatekeepers” and their roles were very similar (2 Kings 22:4) (1 Chronicles 9:17-27) (Psalms 84:10). ]

Jesus’ disciples could be seen as ushers in the sense that they:

Prepared the way for Jesus

Order preserved among those who listened to Christ

Serves food for the audience

Tidy up after a service, like the feeding of the five thousand.

Organization [ edit ]

Churches often have a group of ushers who are headed by a senior usher. The ushers normally receive their instructions from the chief usher. The senior official receives instructions directly from the pastor and is responsible for training and arranging the servants.[1]

dress [edit]

Traditionally, ushers wore three-piece suits. A more casual style of dress has become acceptable in most contemporary churches.

duties [edit]

The minister has various duties. Depending on the denomination, size, and church preferences, ushers may perform some or all of the following duties:

place guest

Collect tithes and offerings

distribute communion

Keep order at the entrance to the sanctuary

Distribute bulletins and service programs

treat disorders


25 Bible Verses About Church Ushers (NIV)

Acts 2:1-47

1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what looked like tongues of fire separating and coming to rest on each of them. 4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues when the Spirit allowed them. 5 Now godly Jews from every nation under heaven were staying in Jerusalem. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd gathered in confusion, for everyone heard them speaking in their own language. 7 In amazement, they asked, “Aren’t these all these men who speak Galilean? 8 How is it, then, that each of us hears them in our own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; Visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them proclaiming the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Astonished and puzzled, they asked one another, “What does that mean? 13 But some mocked them, saying, “They drank too much wine.” 14 Then Peter stood up with the elves, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Dear Jews and all you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These men are not drunk as you think. It’s only nine o’clock in the morning! 16 No, that’s what the prophet Joel said: 17 “In the last days, says God, I will pour out my Spirit on all men. Their sons and daughters will prophesy, yours young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. 18 Also on my servants, men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. 19 I will work wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth below Earth, blood, and fire, and billowing smoke. 20 The sun will turn to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes. 21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ 22 “Men of Israel, listen: Jesus of Nazareth was a man attributed to you by God by miracles and signs which God worked through him among you, as you yourselves know. 23 This man was committed to you by God’s purpose and foreknowledge; and you killed him with the help of wicked men by nailing him to the cross. 24 But God raised him from the dead and delivered him from the torment of death, because it was impossible for death 25 David said about him: “I have always seen the Lord before me. Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken. 26 Therefore my heart rejoices and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, 27 for you will me not leave them in the grave, nor let your saints see corruption. 28 You have made known to me the ways of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.’ 29 “Brothers, I can tell you with certainty that the patriarch David died and was buried and his tomb is here to this day. 30 But he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him that one of his descendants would sit on his throne 31 Seeing what was to come, he spoke of the resurrection of Christ, that he had not been left to the grave, and that his body had not seen corruption. 32 God raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. 33 Exalted at the right hand of God, He received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and poured out what you now see and hear.34 For David did not ascend into heaven, and yet he said: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit you on my right hand, 35 until I make your enemies your footstool, Christ.” 37 When the people heard this, it struck them in the heart, and they said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent, and be baptized, all of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is to you and to your children who are far off, to those whom the Lord our God will call. 40 In many other words he warned them; and he entreated them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand came that day. 42 They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 All were in awe, and many miracles and supernatural signs were performed by the apostles. 44 All believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold their possessions and goods and gave everyone what they needed. 46 Every day they continued to meet in the temple courtyards. They broke bread in their houses and ate together with joyful and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were saved.

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