Best Bowling Ball For Two Handed Bowlers? 122 Most Correct Answers

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Pro bowlers often switch to two-handed bowling because this approach has more power and control than the other bowling techniques. However, the two-handed bowling approach is difficult to master. Only those bowlers who are very athletic and flexible can excel at two-handed bowling.Two-handed bowlers basically use their second hand instead of the thumb, their hand under the equator of the bowl gives the bowl better control on the release which increases the accuracy of the throw. This support of the second hand also prevents the dropping of the ball.There are some who cry foul, claiming the two-handed approach is cheating or illegal. The United States Bowling Congress (USBC), the sport’s national governing body, studied this issue early on and determined there are no rules violations using the two-handed approach.

6 Of The Best Two Handed Bowling Balls
  • Storm Tropical Hybrid Bowling Ball.
  • Storm Pitch Black Bowling Ball.
  • Hammer Black Widow Legend Bowling Ball.
  • Brunswick Kingpin Bowling Ball.
  • Motiv Venom Cobra Bowling Ball.
  • Storm Code Bowling Ball.

Do professional bowlers use 2 hands?

Pro bowlers often switch to two-handed bowling because this approach has more power and control than the other bowling techniques. However, the two-handed bowling approach is difficult to master. Only those bowlers who are very athletic and flexible can excel at two-handed bowling.

Is two hand bowling better?

Two-handed bowlers basically use their second hand instead of the thumb, their hand under the equator of the bowl gives the bowl better control on the release which increases the accuracy of the throw. This support of the second hand also prevents the dropping of the ball.

Is bowling with 2 hands cheating?

There are some who cry foul, claiming the two-handed approach is cheating or illegal. The United States Bowling Congress (USBC), the sport’s national governing body, studied this issue early on and determined there are no rules violations using the two-handed approach.

Who started 2 handed bowling?

Australian Jason Belmonte, the all-time leader in PBA major championships, was among the first bowlers to gain worldwide recognition for using the two-handed approach style.

One-Handed Bowling Vs Two-Handed Bowling – What’s Easier & Better? – Solo Sports World

In ten-pin bowling, there are many different ways to deliver the bowling ball (known as “throwing” or “rolling”) to deliver it to the pins in an accurate and powerful manner. In general, there are three basic forms of 10-pin bowling. The most basic form is known as stroking, which is the most classic form. The most potent form is known as cranking, which gives the ball great leverage and maximum rotation but sacrifices accuracy. In between is the domain of the tweener, who has characteristics of both but doesn’t really fit into either category. A well-known variant of “tweening” is the power stroker.

Power stroking is often very similar to cranking, and bowlers can often fit into both categories, so bowlers who use either style are often referred to simply as power players. A fourth style, known as helicopter, spinning, or UFO, is a style used to great effect in Asia. Eventually, many modern bowlers have switched to a one- or two-handed thumbless delivery. Most of the different forms use different wrist and hand positions and rely on different timing and body positions to accommodate the differences in each release style.

Traditional form of bowling[ edit ]

A conventional bowling ball roll enters pocket 1-3 and continues to roll from right to left (right-handed). The ball only touches four pins (1, 3, 5, and 9 pins) to achieve a hit. This type of roll/hit applies to strokers, power strokers, and crankers.

A traditional bowling shape is the most common method used in 10-pin bowling. There are many styles that can be used in a conventional form of bowling. However, all styles have one thing in common: the way you hit a shot.

The following describes a strike for a right-handed bowler. In traditional bowling, a strike is a special way to knock down all the pins on the first ball. A common shot is when the ball uses the one-three pocket. A pocket is the area opposite the one and three pins.

There are countless ways a bowler can score a strike. However, the goal for a bowler is to strike every first ball using the method that generates the highest strike percentage. A perfect shot is one in which the ball hits only four pins: the one, three, five, and nine pins. The ball enters the one-three pocket and then falls into the pit area to the right of where the eight previously stood.

caress [edit]

A stroker is a type of ten-pin bowling player who gently releases his bowling ball. They typically have speeds under 300 rpm. Strokers often keep their shoulders straight to the foul line and their backswing generally doesn’t go much further than parallel to the ground. This type of triggering reduces the ball’s spin speed, reducing its hooking potential and hitting power. Strokers rely on finesse and accuracy as opposed to crankers who use speed and power. However, today’s modern reactive resin bowling balls allow strokers to hit the “pocket” at a relatively high angle. Stroking is considered the most classic of all forms of bowling and remains the most popular style of bowling in the PBA.

Although crankers are often seen as more formidable, strokers are often seen as more repeatable and accurate shots. Strokers rely more on smooth ball placement than kinetic energy to knock down pins. Walter Ray Williams, Jr., the all-time leader in titles and bowling earnings in the United States, is a stroker (although some consider his style unique and not easily categorized). Other famous strokers include PBA Hall of Famers Norm Duke, David Ozio and Dick Weber.

Several high profile left-handed bowlers such as Hall of Famers Earl Anthony, Mike Aulby, Parker Bohn III and Mike Scroggins have used a stroker clearance, leading to a stereotype in the bowling community that most left-handers are strokers who can only play the outer part of the lane. Part of this is due to the fact that the left side of the lane tends to hold more oil due to less activity, forcing off-lane players to find friction.

A tweener (a term derived from “in-between”) is a bowler who plays the ball in a way that falls somewhere between batting and cranking. They have speeds between 300 and 370 rpm. This modified delivery could use a higher backswing than is typically used by a pure stroker, or a less powerful wrist position than a pure cranker. Some use the term to refer to a bowler who is simply not a “perfect” example of a stroker or a cranker.

Notable tweeners include Brian Voss (mainly a stroker, but not a “picturesque one”), Mika Koivuniemi (mainly a stroker, but with a high backswing), and Doug Kent (regarded by some as a power stroker).

Power Stroking[edit]

A variation of tweening is used by a very successful and well-known bowler, Pete Weber, who is considered a power stroker. This term refers to a bowler who relies on a high backswing and open shoulders to generate potential ball speed and a big hook, but uses a stroker’s timing. The Weber clearance imparts a high degree of axis rotation and very little axis tilt. The release of a power stroker is both gentle and powerful, generating many revolutions via a wrist snap or flick of the fingers without straining the arm swing. Some other famous power strokers are Bryan Goebel, Wes Malott, Dick Allen, Dominic Barrett, Doug Kent (often referred to as a tweener), and Chris Barnes (often referred to as a stroker).

Cranking/Powerplayer[ edit ]

EJ Tackett lofts the ball down the left channel.

Bowlers who use a high backswing (pictured) are generally considered crankers.

A cranker, or power player, is a bowler who strives to create revolutions with a hollow wrist or excessive wrist movement. They have speeds over 370 rpm. Crankers who rely on wrist motion can have a high backswing and open their shoulders to generate ball speed. These bowlers often grip the wrist but open the wrist at the top of the swing. Crankers can also muscle the ball with a bent elbow because their wrist isn’t strong enough to be wrapped on release. Crankers often use “late” timing, where the foot reaches the foul line before the ball. a technique known as plant and pull which uses barely a slide on its final step and pulls the ball up to create leverage. The timing between the feet and the release of the ball is just a fraction of a second. While sometimes used as another term for a cranker, the plant-and-pull bowler is somewhat misleading, as some crankers slide more, while bowlers of other styles can use the technique as well. The term “cranks” is used to describe the type of triggering and heavy wrist movement that is typical of cranks. Due to the high RPM and power of crankers, they can pack powerful shots even on less than perfect hits, but are more prone to splits, which are rarely left by strokers or otherwise. The myth that cranks are not good backup shooters is not always supported. Roth, for example, was one of the best reserve shooters on tour in his day and was the first to implement the nearly impossible 7-10 split on national television. Robert Smith and Jason Couch also both had very high conversion percentages. Because of the intense nature of their release, cranking is sometimes considered physically damaging in the long term, so some bowlers progress to a tweener/power stroker release. Because many bowlers have a style that can be referred to as a cranker or power stroker, the term power player is used for any bowler who can generate high spins or ball speeds.

Crankers sometimes stand on the extreme opposite side of approach (relative to their target) and roll the ball down the center lane boards towards the gutter, using high turns to hook the ball back into the pocket. This line is called “deep in,” “coast to coast,” or “hooking the whole trail.” Depending on the bowling ball, lane conditions, and the bowler, the ball may feature either a rounded hook pattern or a later, more severe hook pattern known as a skid snap or skid flip.

Some cranks use a low backswing but have a cupped wrist to generate high revs. that was the “old fashioned” way of cranking. Notable bowlers with such a style include Jim Godman, Bob Learn, Jr., Ryan Shafer, Kelly Coffman, and Bob Vespi. Mark Roth was one of the first bowlers to crank the ball with a high backswing and excessive wrist movement. Older commentaries also referred to such crankers as “twisters”. Other bowlers who have followed this style include Amleto Monacelli, Jason Couch, and more recently E.J. Tackett. Bowlers like Robert Smith, Mike Fagan, and Tommy Jones are often considered crankers due to their high backswings and revs, but each have a smooth release and slide so they can also be classified as power strokers.

ball speed [edit]

Bowling ball firing speed is primarily affected by three factors: gravity, the bowler’s forward speed, and downswing acceleration. A longer arm or higher backswing height increases the speed that gravity creates. Forward momentum is also imparted to the ball by the bowler’s walking speed.[1] Finally, intentional forward acceleration of the arm during the downswing affects delivery speed.[1]

spiders [edit]

A spinning movement of the bowling ball actually spins away from the 1 pin (right hand) when it hits it, and then continues left to right, hitting the 3, 6, and 10 pins. This type of hit causes a domino effect across the rack.

Spinners use a release style known variously as spinning, helicopter, or UFO. Regardless of what it’s called, a spinner releases a ball so that it rotates counterclockwise about the vertical axis (right-handed and viewed from above) as it moves down the lane. A spinner produces about 90 degrees of axis tilt and virtually no axis rotation (lateral). Spinning is a popular style in Asia, particularly in Taiwan, where lanes are typically oiled from the foul line to the pin rack and offer little to no opportunity for a ball thrown in any of the three more orthodox ways to hit any place friction finds the alley. A hook needs friction for the ball to “grab” the lane. When spinning, very little of the ball’s surface touches the lane, which is what the spinner intends. Spinning does not require any friction, although most spinners have a slight backup hook relative to their bowling hand due to hand position when released.

The goal in spinning is to rely more on pin deflection (pins hitting other pins) than on “carry” (the ball flips the pins). In a right-handed bowler, the ball moves down the lane, usually with a left-right line, hitting the right side of the 1-pin. At this point, the ball is moving down the front row of pins in the opposite direction to its spin – pins 1-3-6-10. This type of hit is referred to as “riding the rail” among spinners. A properly thrown spinner hits the pocket as if the ball were spinning away from the 1-pin. Conventional bowlers observing this type of spin will actually think the bowler threw a spare ball, although any hook on the ball tends to be unintentional. As the ball moves down the row it creates a domino effect. Pin 1 hits pin 2-4-7, pin 3 hits pin 5-8, pin 6 hits pin 9, and eventually the ball only hits pin 10. Even if the ball hits Brooklyn, the reversal of direction allows for even more deflection of the ball and pin (known as “Mixing”), allowing for a higher chance of Messenger Strikes.

By comparison, since spinners don’t want the ball to hit the surface of the lane, they often use “plastic” bowling balls — the older polyester-covered balls that were popular in the 1970’s and 1980’s and are now commonly used as house balls to the widely used polyurethane, “particles” (polyurethane with near-microscopic glass spheres or other hard material throughout the coverstock) and “reactive resin” spheres (“reactive resin” itself is polyurethane made by a process that has microscopic pores throughout remain, essentially a hard sponge) used by bowlers who want a ball that grips the lane and rolls hard. Also, because the risk of injury is somewhat increased with this style of bowling, as well as the advantage of ball deflection with this style, the spinner tends to use light balls between ten and twelve pounds.

Some hook bowlers can also spin and roll the ball at the same time, which keeps the ball between the X and Y axes. Such a release can impart more ball deflection and pin action, but can also result in the ball later responding with less hooking unless drilled in a configuration to compensate for the additional axis tilt. The PBA Tour’s Tom Baker and Ryan Shafer and the JPBA’s Miki Nishimura exhibit higher axis tilt than most hook bowlers.

In tournaments in countries like Taiwan, where house conditions are used, spinning can be an advantage over rolling. However, when tournaments use the more conventional oil patterns, where the oil is laid about 40 feet from the foul line and is dry to the pin rack, the turning loses its advantage as friction is present. Carry is also a more reliable and consistent technique for knocking down pins on the first ball, as spinning is less predictable in terms of pin deflection and can sometimes result in odd hands – including the 5-pin and washouts when the ball misses a 1 -pin.

Other forms of bowling[ edit ]

No-thumb delivery [ edit ]

In a thumbless delivery, only two fingers are inserted into the bowling ball, leaving the thumb on the outside of the ball to create more rotation and a larger hook. Due to similar ball rolls and turns to the cranker style, it is sometimes considered a variation of cranking. Because the bowler does not use the opposite hand to support the ball (as in the two-handed approach), the wrist is often heavily encircled and/or the ball is balanced on the forearm and delivered with a flexed elbow throughout the shot. Another variation of this execution is to palm the ball by pressing the thumb to the side of the ball while forcing the elbow to lock to keep the arm straight and create a backswing. This variation results in far greater consistency and straightens the ball when needed. All styles of the no-thumb usually require bowlers to use bowling balls, which are generally one to three pounds lighter than their thumb counterparts.

This technique is often used by casual or league bowlers who have not learned how to hook the ball with one of the standard thumb grips. It’s also common among left-handed players who use house balls. A left-handed bowler would need to reverse the ball to properly use the holes typically drilled for right-handed bowlers. Notable bowlers who use this technique at a professional level include Mike Miller and Tom Daugherty. Another successful no-thumb bowler is Eric Copping, who holds Vermont’s state record for a season average at 246 and has bowled over one hundred perfect games and over ninety 800 series with a best of 878 since April 2019. 2]

Half-thumb variation[ edit ]

The half-thumb variation is a technique used by surprise winner of the 2009 PBA World Championship, Tom Smallwood, in which the thumb is stuck into the ball just up to the first knuckle. Thus, the ball is thrown almost entirely with the fingers, as a thumbless bowler would throw it, with the thumb providing some control only during the backswing. Smallwood also keeps two hands on the bowling ball until about halfway through his approach.

Two-handed approach[ edit ]

Video: Two-Handed Approach (Zach Wilkins, 2019) Photo: Two hands remain in contact with the ball until just before the release, with the release itself being made with only one hand. Video: Two-handed approach seen from another angle (Kyle Troup, 2022)

A two-handed approach is a bowling technique in which the throwing hand is in the bowling ball and the opposite hand is also placed on the ball during the shot. This is an evolution of the one-handed no-thumb technique, where a bowler would create similar turns but might not be as effective because their other hand isn’t supporting the ball through the approach.

Traditionally, two-handed bowling involves inserting two fingers into the ball, omitting the thumb. The dominant hand is then used to rock the ball and generate extra spin on release. Then the opposite hand is used to guide the ball through the throwing motion, delivering the ball in a shoveling fashion. Two-handed bowlers need to lean farther forward and rotate their hips more than a one-handed bowler. These bowlers put more torque through the spine to increase ball speed and RPM. This form of bowling, when done correctly, increases power, turns, and pin carry. The RPM of a two-handed bowler can reach up to 600 RPM, which is up to 17% more RPMs than the next elite single-handed bowler and twice that of some top pro bowlers.[3]

Two-handed approach should not be confused with two-handed delivery. Immediately before releasing the ball, a bowler using a two-handed approach removes their assisting hand and effectively delivers the ball with just one hand. You are considered a one-handed bowler by the governing bodies and must follow the appropriate rules for changing dominant hands during the contest. Actual two-handed delivery involves the simultaneous use of both hands to impart power to the ball and is extremely rare in adult competitions. it is mostly seen in young children who are first learning the game.'[4]

Australian Jason Belmonte, the all-time PBA major championship leader, was among the first bowlers to gain global recognition for using the two-handed approach style. Others who followed were Finland’s Osku Palermaa, Sweden’s Jesper Svensson and Americans Kyle Troup and Anthony Simonsen. The American Chaz Dennis, who at the age of 10 was the second youngest person to bowl a 300 game, also uses this technique. The Bolivia bowling team is also known for converting their bowlers to the two-handed approach style.

While only used by a handful of seasoned pro players, this style is becoming increasingly popular among young bowlers. A 2018 Bowlers Journal International article states that 21% of junior bowlers at the recently concluded USBC Junior Gold Championships used the two-handed approach style. This includes 25% of bowlers in the U12 category (age 12 and under), 24% of U15 bowlers and 19% of U20 bowlers.[5]

Full role[ edit ]

Full roller is a style of bowling that traces its origins back to the earliest days of bowling. Many top champions of the past have been full scooters like Ned Day and Billy Hardwick. There are also some modern full scooters like Dave Ewald and Tom Smallwood. A full roll rolls the ball so that the ball travels its full circumference, hence the name full roll. In addition to a full circumference ball track, the ball track itself crosses between the fingers and thumb through the palm in a diagonal path. A full roll release can be very straight, e.g. B. Billy Hardwick rolled, or have an axis of rotation of up to 90 degrees or more, such as. B. Tom Smallwood reels. Typically, a suitcase-style grip with the thumb at the 9 o’clock position and fingers at the 3 o’clock position (for right-handers) creates a full roller web the moment you release. As the hand comes forward, the thumb emerges first and the fingers, still at 3 o’clock, lift through the ball causing it to twist off the fingers to the left, creating a lateral twist and a horizontal trail through the palm center of the ball is generated ball.

See also[edit]

What ball should I use bowling?

Find your ideal ball weight.

Some say your ball should be approximately 10 percent of your body weight, up to the maximum 16 pounds. Most pro bowlers use 16-pound balls, although more than you think use 15-pounders. Another method is to add one or two pounds to the weight of the house ball you normally use.

One-Handed Bowling Vs Two-Handed Bowling – What’s Easier & Better? – Solo Sports World

Bowling Ball 5 steps to choosing the right bowling ball for you

Bowling with the right ball will dramatically improve your score and consistency, but there are so many types and sizes of balls. Finding the right ball is often a daunting and overwhelming task for beginners. So you may want to contact your local pro shop or bowling center operator for help.

5 steps to choosing your own bowling ball

Most likely, especially if it’s your first ball, you’ll want a reactive resin cover that will give your shots greater hook potential.

Find your ideal ball weight. Some say your ball should be about 10 percent of your body weight, up to a maximum of 16 pounds. Most pro bowlers use 16 pound balls, although more than you think use 15 pounders. Another method is to add a pound or two to the weight of the house ball you usually use. A heavier ball drilled specifically for your hand appears to weigh about the same as a house ball that’s two pounds lighter.

Despite these guidelines, you should never use a ball that is too heavy just because you feel you should. The really optimal ball weight is the heaviest ball that you can comfortably throw

.Determine your ideal cover material. Coverstock is the material on the outside of the ball and is very important in determining how your ball will respond to lane conditions. There are three main types of cover materials: polyester (more commonly referred to as plastic), urethane, and reactive resin. To find out which one is best for your game, check out the tips below for detailed information on each case material. Choose your ball. Once you know what weight and cover you need, you can find a large number of balls online or ask your local pro shop. There are differences in each category, but a chat with a pro shop operator or some online research should be enough to find the right type of ball for your game.

You can find a good plastic ball for $50 or even less. Reaction resin balls start at around $100 and go up from there, although some can cost several hundred dollars. Have it drilled to fit your hand. You can find pre-drilled bowling balls, but if you use one of these you might as well save your money and use a house ball. A ball drilled specifically for your hand gives you more control and also greatly reduces the risk of injury. Take your ball to a pro shop and have an expert measure your hand and drill your ball. Some stores offer free drilling with the purchase of a ball, but in other cases, don’t expect to pay more than $30 for drilling — and it’s worth it. Be patient. When you first hold (and release) a ball drilled in your hand, you may worry that it won’t fit. That’s because the house balls you’re used to really don’t fit. With practice, your new ball will prove infinitely more comfortable and controllable than a pre-drilled house ball.

Can you bowl with both hands?

Yes, so long as the bowler notifies the umpire (who will then notify the striker) before they change their mode of delivery – either from left hand to right hand or vice versa, or from over the wicket to round the wicket or vice versa. This is covered by Law 21.1.

One-Handed Bowling Vs Two-Handed Bowling – What’s Easier & Better? – Solo Sports World

Bowlers must inform the umpire, who in turn will inform the batsmen which side of the wicket they will be bowling from and which hand when they start their spell. They must inform the umpire who will inform the batsmen if they wish to change it but can do so as many times as they like. However, that is all, the style of bowling need not be specified, only the side of the wicket and the hand. If he didn’t find out, it would be declared a no-ball.

Thus, a bowler may change hands, but with advance notice to the standing umpire of the change.

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What is Jason Belmonte worth?

Belmonte accumulated $1 million (USD) in career PBA earnings faster than any player in history (131 tournaments), surpassed the $1.5 million mark PBA earnings during the 2019 season, and reached 2 million in PBA earnings during the 2022 season.

Jason Belmonte.
Personal information
National finals 30 PBA Tour (14 majors)

One-Handed Bowling Vs Two-Handed Bowling – What’s Easier & Better? – Solo Sports World

Australian professional bowler with ten pins

Jason Belmonte (born July 29, 1983) is an Australian professional bowler. He plays on the PBA Tour in the United States[1] and at world events. He is known for being one of the first bowlers to attract media attention for using the two-handed approach style to complete his shot. He has won 30 PBA titles (ranking seventh all-time with Hall of Famer Dick Weber), including a record 14 major championships; He is just one of eight bowlers in PBA Tour history to have amassed 30 wins, making him the only 30-time winner in PBA Tour history who is not currently a member of the PBA Hall of Fame (he must still meet the 20 year after tour requirement). He is one of two bowlers in PBA history to win the Super Slam and win all five PBA major titles (the other being Mike Aulby). He was named PBA Player of the Year six times, just one of a record seven honors received by Walter Ray Williams Jr. Marking $1.5 million in PBA earnings in the 2019 season and reaching 2 million in PBA earnings in the 2022 season. Belmonte has 25 career 300 games in PBA Tour events through 2020, including the 21st nationally televised 300 of the PBA in 2012[2] as well as the 34th nationally televised 300 over ten years later in the Year 2022.[3] His accolades have led many in the sport of bowling to cite him as one, if not the, greatest bowler of all time.

Belmonte is a member of the Pro staff at Storm,[4] 3G Shoes and Vise Grips. Storm has worked with Belmonte to develop the “Trend” line of bowling balls, bearing the Belmo nickname and silhouette logo.[5]

He was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honors 2022 for significant service to elite-level tenpin bowling.[6]

Early life[edit]

Jason Belmonte was born on July 29, 1983 in Orange, New South Wales, Australia.[7] His father, Aldo, opened the Orange Ten Pin Bowl[8] when Jason was a toddler. As a result, Jason started rolling a ball at the age of 18 months. In an interview in 2009, he commented: “The only problem for me, however, as an 18-month-old boy, was lifting a bowling ball that weighed 4-4.5 kg … it was a bit difficult, so like all babies I have.” pushed the ball with two hands.”[8] In the process, he developed a two-handed style that he uses today, placing only two fingers and no thumb on the ball to generate more spin.[1]


Belmonte has won a European Bowling Tour title, the Brunswick Euro Challenge, held in Greece. He also won the 2007 Tenpin Masters World Championship. In September 2010, he defeated American Sean Rash in the final to secure the 2010 Korea Cup title.[9]

On the PBA Tour, Belmonte has 30 titles (7th on the PBA’s all-time list), including his first title at the Bowling Foundation Long Island Classic (2009) and three titles in the 2011-12 season (GEICO Shark Open, World Series of Bowling Chameleon Open and the Pepsi PBA Elite Players Championship). After reaching the televised finals without a win in five of six PBA Majors, he defeated Wes Malott to capture his first PBA Major title: the 2012-13 USBC Masters. (Belmonte would retroactively earn a Major title for the 2011 Elite Players Championship, making the USBC Masters his second Major.) He captured his third Major at the 2014 Barbasol Tournament of Champions, again defeating Malott in the title match. On February 8, 2015, Belmonte became the first bowler to win three consecutive USBC Masters tournaments after defeating No. 1 seed AJ Johnson. On February 15, 2015, he defeated No. 1 seed Rhino Page to claim his second straight Barbasol Tournament of Champions title and his second major title in two weeks. After winning three major titles in 2017, including an unprecedented fourth USBC Masters, Belmonte ranked second on the all-time PBA Majors list with nine, behind only Earl Anthony and Pete Weber, who both have ten.[10 ] He won the first major of 2019, the PBA Tournament of Champions, tying a record ten majors. A month later, Belmonte won the 2019 PBA World Championship, making him the all-time leading titleholder. In February 2020, Belmonte won the US Open and claimed the “Super Slam” (a title in all five PBA majors), second in PBA history after Mike Aulby.

Bowling career[edit]

Amateur and international achievements[edit]

At seventeen, Belmonte became the first Australian junior to bowl a 300 game abroad. He also won five gold medals at the Junior National Championships in 2000, was selected for the Youth Australia team and also had a spot on that team in 2002 and 2004. Belmonte was named Orange Junior Sportsperson of the Year in 2001 and won the 2002 Senior Award. He was also named Orange Sportsman of the Year in both 2002 and 2003. Belmonte won one gold, one silver and two bronze medals at the 2002 Commonwealth Championships in Scotland. Belmonte competed in Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) (the sport’s governing body and now known as the International Bowling Federation (IBF)) tournaments such as the World Tenpin Bowling Association (WTBA) and Asian FIQ Championships. He won a silver medal at the WTBA World Youth Championships in Thailand. Later that year he was selected to the Australian Open men’s team, where he remains to this day.

In 2004, Belmonte took three golds, one silver and one bronze at the Asian Youth FIQ in Hong Kong and followed that up at the World Youth FIQ titles in Guam with gold in singles and gold in all events. He won the prestigious 2004 Bowler of the Year award, as voted for by the Board of Directors of the World Bowlers Writers’ Association.

Belmonte was invited to compete in the 2005 World Tenpin Masters in England, where he was defeated in the semifinals. At that event, he made history by bowling the first-ever 300 game at that event. The game was filmed by Matchroom Sport. In 2007, Belmonte was again invited to compete in the World Tenpin Masters, held at the Barnsley Metrodome. After beating defending champion Chris Barnes of the United States in the semifinals, Belmonte edged out England’s Paul Moor in the finals, where he bowled the second 300 game of the event. Belmonte rolled out 23 of a possible 24 strikes to win the event with 566 points for two games against Moor’s 524.

Belmonte represented Australia at the 2006 World Youth Championships in Berlin. He was part of the team that took the gold medal in the Team Event and made it to the Masters after placing sixth in the All Events. In the second step of the Masters he lost to the eventual winner Mads Sandbaekken from Norway. He also competed in the adult version of the Men’s World Championship in the same year at the Asiad Bowling Center in Busan, Korea, making the Masters matchplay after finishing fourth. He lost to eventual winner Biboy Rivera of the Philippines to take the bronze medal.[11]

Belmonte competed in the 2007 World Ranking Masters and, after qualifying in second place, was defeated in the quarterfinals by eventual runner-up Peter Ljung of Sweden 2–0 (190–258, 158–279) to take sixth place. 12]

In 2011, at the World Bowling Tour, Belmonte defeated good friend and PBA player Mike Fagan (511–505) to win the Thailand Open.

AMF World Championship[ edit ]

Jason Belmonte competed in the 2004 AMF World Cup in Singapore, leading all five days of qualifying events. He finished fifth after being eliminated in the quarterfinals.

Belmonte competed again at the 2007 AMF World Championships in St. Petersburg, Russia, where he was also the leading qualifier. He finished second after being beaten by Bill Hoffman (USA) in the final. With that, Belmonte won the country classification for Australia with Ann-Maree Putney, who won the trophy in the Women’s World Cup.

In his third appearance at the 2011 AMF World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa, he was crowned AMF Bowling World Cup Champion. His first match was against Mykhaylo Kalika (Ukraine). Belmonte won the first game 237–203 and Kalika won the second game 248–266. Belmonte would win the deciding game 266–185. Jason Belmonte then met first seeded Tommy Jones (USA). Jones would win the first game 259–279, Belmonte the second, 247–216. After Jones opened in the eighth frame, Belmonte defeated him 259–236 in game three to become the first Australian to clinch the title. His total of 765 in three games was a new finals record, surpassing the previous mark of 764 set by Petter Hansen (Norway) in Singapore 2004.

Belmonte explained: “I was well ahead in Singapore in 2004 and I was beaten in the quarter-finals,” he said, “and in 2007 I led the field again in St. Petersburg and then lost in the final. That was me.” happy to be number two seed this time around”.

PBA Tour [ edit ]

2008–09: Rookie of the Year[edit]

In 2009, Belmonte won the Bowling Foundation’s Long Island Classic PBA Tour event in his PBA TV Finals debut. As the second seed, he defeated Bill O’Neill and defeated Mike Fagan 215–201 as the number one seed for his first PBA title. The title earned Belmonte exempted status for the 2009–10 PBA Tour, and he was also named 2008–09 PBA Rookie of the Year.

2009-10 was his first season as an exempted PBA bowler. Belmonte qualified for the televised finals in three events but did not win a tournament. He came close at the GEICO Mark Roth Plastic Ball Championship on March 28, 2010. As the best qualifier, he met Brian Ziesig in the final. Ziesig was a non-exempt amateur who had to qualify via the TQR round. The two tied 247–247 at the end of regular play, sending the championship to a sudden death with a ball rolloff. Belmonte’s shot on his first try left a solid 7 pin. Ziesig then threw a strike to take the title.[14]

During the 2010–11 season, Belmonte appeared in 10 of 12 PBA events, made matchplay nine times and made four televised appearances. Without a win, he had $62,950[1] in earnings at an average of 218.82 pins per game. In his first three years on tour, Belmonte cashed in 33 of 37 tournaments, playing a total of 25 match-play games, with eight television appearances; and revenue of $187,420.[1]

2011–12: Return to Victory

Belmonte won his second, third and fourth PBA titles at the PBA’s World Series of Bowling in November 2011 and won trophies at the Chameleon Open, GEICO Shark Open and the Pepsi PBA Elite Players Championship. Belmonte also bowled a nationally televised 300-game quarterfinal match of the PBA World Championship that aired January 8, 2012 in North America. however, he did not win the tournament again.[2] Despite his three titles in the 2011-12 season, Belmonte did not win the PBA Player of the Year award. The award was won by Sean Rash in a very close vote (Rash received 29% of the vote versus Belmonte’s 26.6%).[17]

In front of his home crowd, Belmonte defeated Sean Rash in a best-of-three final (174-172, 223-255, 256-243) for his fifth PBA title at the 2012 Australian Masters in Sydney, Australia ]

2012–13: Player of the Year

On February 24, 2013, Belmonte won his sixth PBA Tour title and first PBA Major at the USBC Masters in North Brunswick, NJ. Belmonte finished the dramatic endgame with six straight hits against Wes Malott 258–245. Belmonte won a second title of the 2012-13 season, his seventh overall, at the PBA Lucas Oil Bear Open in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. He finished second to Wes Malott at the 2013 US Open. It was his seventh appearance in a major televised final in the last eight majors.[21]

On January 17, 2014, Belmonte was named Chris Schenkel PBA Player of the Year for the 2012–13 season. Along with two titles for the season, including a major title and runners-up at three other major championships, Belmonte won the George Young High Average Award (a PBA-record 228.81) and the Harry Smith Points Leader Award ( 238.903). He became only the third non-US born PBA player (after Amleto Monacelli and Mika Koivuniemi) to win PBA Player of the Year.[22]

2014: Huge Achievement, Player of the Year Replay[ edit ]

Belmonte won the first tournament of the 2014 PBA season, the Barbasol Tournament of Champions in Allen Park, Michigan, which marked his second major tournament win and eighth overall title. As in his first major championship win, Belmonte defeated Wes Malott, this time in a 219-218 singles match. On February 23, 2014, he became the first player to repeat as USBC Masters Champion in nearly 50 years, and also the first player in history to win a Major as the 5th seed, beating every rival in the championship stepladder finals defeated. (Billy Welu won back-to-back Masters in 1964–65.) This was Belmonte’s ninth PBA title and third major. He won his tenth title, winning the Oklahoma Open during the PBA’s summer swing.

His three titles (two majors) during the 2014 season made it easy for him to win his second consecutive PBA Player of the Year award as Chris Schenkel. In doing so, he became the first bowler to repeat Player of the Year since Walter Ray Williams, Jr. won three consecutive awards from 1996–98. Belmonte led all bowlers in season earnings ($163,788), average (226.71), and competition points (136,454).[25]

2015: Player of the Year Three-Peat [ edit ]

Belmonte won the USBC Masters again on February 8, 2015, defeating amateur A.J. Johnson, a surprising No. 1 seed, in the last match, 202-157. In doing so, he joined Mike Aulby as the only three-time winner of that tournament while becoming the only player to win the Masters in three consecutive seasons. On February 15, 2015 in Indianapolis, he earned his 12th PBA title by winning the Barbasol Tournament of Champions for the second straight year. As in the USBC Masters, Belmonte won from the No. 2 seed position, beating No. 4 seed Sean Rash in the semifinals 235–203 before defeating top seed Rhino Page in the final game 232–214. It was Belmonte’s tenth TV Finals appearance in the last 12 PBA major tournaments and his fifth win in a Major.

On January 20, 2016, Belmonte was named the 2015 Chris Schenkel PBA Player of the Year, his third consecutive season in which he won the award. In addition to his two major tournament wins, he had nine other top-five finishes, led the PBA Tour in earnings ($178,542) and finished fourth on average (225.4). He became the first non-American player to win three consecutive POY honors and the fourth overall PBA player to do so (alongside Earl Anthony, Mark Roth and Walter Ray Williams, Jr.).[28]

2016 [edit]

Belmonte reached the five-player stepladder finals as No. 3 for the 2016 PBA Fire Lake Tournament of Champions, attempting to join Jason Couch as the only player to win that tournament in three consecutive seasons, but he was eliminated in the second Game of the final by Tom Daugherty. His bid for an unprecedented fourth USBC Masters title the following week also fell short as he reached the round of 16 but was defeated by Wes Malott in the winners group and Martin Larsen in the losers group, keeping him out of the TV finals.

On February 15, 2016, Belmonte was retroactively awarded a major title for his win at the 2011 PBA Elite Players Championship. After the tournament returned to major status in the 2016 season, the PBA voted to award additional Major titles to winners of the three previous Players Championship events (2011, 2013, 2015), stating the tournament “is a members-only event and includes all the elements of a Major.” This gave Belmonte six Majors among his PBA Tour titles.

2017: Three majors in one year [ edit ]

On February 12, 2017, Belmonte won his 13th PBA title and seventh major at the PBA Players Championship in Columbus, Ohio. After seeding #1, he defeated #2 seed Anthony Simonsen in his lone televised finals match.[30] On February 26, he defeated again No. 1 seed Michael Tang to win his 14th PBA title, fourth USBC Masters title and eighth Major title, becoming the only bowler to ever win four USBC Masters titles won. As one of the top eight money leaders from the start of the 2015 season through the 2017 USBC Masters, Belmonte was invited to compete in the inaugural Main Event PBA Tour Finals in May 2017. Jason started #1 and finished second to E.J. Tackett.[32] Belmonte won his 15th PBA Tour title on August 27, 2017 at the PBA International-WBT Storm Lucky Larsen Masters, held in Malmo, Sweden.[33] On November 19, Belmonte won the PBA World Championship in Reno, NV for his 16th title and ninth career major. With the win, Belmonte became the first PBA player to ever win three major titles in a single season.

Belmonte swept the three major PBA stats categories for the 2017 season, including a PBA record 229.39 average for 380 games. He also placed first in earnings ($238,912) and placed first in wins (4). On January 17, Belmonte won his fourth PBA Player of the Year award in a landslide vote.

Also in 2017, Belmonte won the Dick Weber Bowling Ambassador Award, an award presented annually by the Bowling Proprietors Association of America (BPAA) to “the bowler who has consistently demonstrated grace in promoting the sport of bowling on and off the lanes.” positive.”[36]

2018 [edit]

Belmonte claimed his 17th PBA title on February 25, 2018, winning the Mark Roth/Marshall Holman PBA Doubles Championship with partner Bill O’Neill.[37] He qualified #1 at the 2018 PBA Tour Finals, held May 4-6 in Allen Park, Michigan, and won a rematch against last season’s Finals champion E.J. Tackett. Belmonte avenged his 2017 loss to Tackett for his 18th PBA Tour title.[38]

2019: Making History, Player of the Decade [ edit ]

On February 10, 2019, Belmonte won his 19th PBA title and 10th Major at the PBA Tournament of Champions in Fairlawn, Ohio. As No. 1, he defeated E.J. Tackett 225-196 in the final match to take the title. Belmonte’s win made him the third player to win three Tournament of Champions, after Mike Durbin and Jason Couch, and tied him with Earl Anthony and Pete Weber as the all-time Major title leader (10 Majors). Belmonte was also the top qualifier at the next two events of the 2019 season – the PBA Players Championship and the PBA Indianapolis Open – but he failed to win either event. At the Players Championship, a pair of 7-10 splits – once in the fourth frame and again in the tenth – cost him the match against Anthony Simonsen. At the Indianapolis Open, a couple of off hits that refused to carry — once in the eighth frame and again in the tenth — brought the title to Norm Duke. Along with Johnny Petraglia, Earl Anthony, Walter Ray Williams Jr. and Jakob Butturff, he was the only player in history to qualify as No. 1 in three consecutive PBA Tour events.

On March 19, 2019, Belmonte won his 20th PBA title at the PBA Chameleon Championship, part of the 2019 World Series of Bowling in Allen Park, Michigan. He qualified #2 in the Stepladder Finals, defeating A.J. Chapman in the semifinals match, then Andres Gomez in the title match.

Two days later on March 21, Belmonte won his 21st PBA title and record-breaking 11th major at the 2019 PBA World Championship, also part of the World Series of Bowling. After earning the No. 1 spot for the Stepladder Finals, a third consecutive record major in which he was the top qualifier, he defeated Jakob Butturff 236–227 in the championship game to win the title. With his victory, Belmonte now stands alone as the all-time PBA and professional bowling leader in major titles, surpassing Earl Anthony and Pete Weber (who each have 10 majors).

Belmonte’s streak of three consecutive majors, in which he qualified as a top seed, ended at the 2019 USBC Masters. He suffered a finger injury at a pre-tournament charity event that forced him to change his grip on the bowling ball and ended up wide outside of the top 64 that made a matchplay.

Belmonte qualified #1 for the first playoffs of the PBA Tour in Portland, Maine. He defeated Kyle Troup two games to one in the round of 16, but was then eliminated by Kris Prather in the round of 16, losing both games.

On April 28, Belmonte won the 2019 PBA DHC Japan Invitational in Tokyo. He qualified No. 3 for the Stepladder Finals, defeating Chris Barnes, Takuya Miyazawa and Jakob Butturff en route to his 22nd PBA Tour title, which tied him with Marshall Holman for the 11th-most career PBA Tour title .

Belmonte surpassed $1.5 million in PBA Tour earnings for the 2019 season and led the tour in titles (4), championship round appearances (12), average (225.62), and earnings (a career-high $288,290). ) on. Belmonte overwhelmingly won his fifth PBA Player of the Year award as Chris Schenkel in 2019.[46]

On January 3, 2020, Bowlers Journal magazine named Belmonte its Male Player of the Decade (2010–2019).[47]

2020: Completion of Super Slam [ edit ]

On February 23, 2020, Belmonte won his 23rd PBA Tour title and 12th Major at the US Open in Lincoln, Nebraska. Ranked number 2 in the Stepladder finals, he defeated Dick Allen in the semifinals and Anthony Simonsen in the championship match. With his win, Belmonte became the second bowler in PBA history (after Mike Aulby) to finish the Super Slam (which won all five PBA majors) and become the seventh Triple Crown and third Grand Slam winner.

On March 15, Belmonte won his 24th PBA Tour title and 13th Major at the 2020 PBA World Championship, part of the PBA World Series of Bowling in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ranked No. 1 in the finals, he defeated Anthony Simonsen in the championship match 213-190 to claim victory and the $150,000 grand prize. This was Belmonte’s third PBA world title, winning all three in a row and becoming the second bowler to do so (the other being Earl Anthony).

On October 4, Belmonte won the PBA World Series of Bowling XI Chameleon Championship, held in Centerville, Virginia (qualifying rounds were held in Las Vegas in March). As the No. 1 seed, he defeated Brad Miller in the championship game 232–202 to claim his third Chameleon championship title (second straight) and his 25th career PBA Tour title, and Brian Voss at No. 10 on the all-time title list to tie times. 50]

On December 18, 2020, Belmonte won the Chris Schenkel PBA Player of the Year Award for the sixth time. In addition to his three titles (two majors) in the season, Belmonte led the Tour in competition points, average (225.31) and earnings (a career high of $293,050).

2021 [edit]

Despite not winning a title in the first nine events of the 2021 season, Belmonte accumulated enough points to earn a spot on the starting grid for the PBA Tour Playoffs and qualify 14th. However, Belmonte chose to skip the event and instead return to Australia for the birth of his fourth child. He had also opted to skip the PBA Tour Finals on June 26-27 after qualifying for that event as well.

2022: Five titles in one season[ edit ]

On January 29, Belmonte won his 26th PBA Tour title and 14th Major at the 2022 PBA Players Championship held in Euless, Texas. He qualified as No. 4 for the West Region Finals and climbed the stepladder to defeat Jakob Butturff in the region’s championship game and advance to the championship finals. He qualified No. 2 for the finals in a three-game betting round, then defeated Arturo Quintero in the semifinals game and Sean Rash in the championship game to capture his third PBA Players Championship title.

On February 16, after winning the Kokomo Championship and his 27th career PBA title, Belmonte surpassed Don Johnson on the all-title list, having previously tied with him in ninth place.

On March 15, Belmonte won the PBA World Series of Bowling XIII Scorpion Championship. As the No. 4 seed, he climbed the stepladder to capture his 28th career title. On the difficult Scorpion oil pattern, Belmonte rolled plays of 247, 211, 242, and 244 while none of his opponents reached 200.

On March 20, Belmonte won the Lubbock Sports Open for his fourth title of the 2022 season. He qualified #3 for the Stepladder Finals, defeating Jesper Svensson, Sean Lavery-Spahr and E.J. Tackett en route to his 29th career -PBA Tour title, tying Mike Aulby for 8th place in PBA history. Belmonte won two out of four events in the Storm Cup series, winning a $10,000 (USD) bonus and the Storm Cup for first place in series points.

On June 5, during the 2022 PBA Tour Finals, Belmonte hosted the 34th televised 300 game in PBA Tour history. With Kyle Troup rolling a 300 game earlier in the show, it marked the first time in the tour’s 60+ year history that a televised event featured more than one perfect game. Also, Belmonte is the fourth player along with Sean Rash, François Lavoie and Chris Via to play multiple televised 300 games at PBA Tour events. He would defeat Dom Barrett 2-0 in the championship for his 30th career PBA Tour title and tie Dick Weber at No. 7 on the all-time title list.

Pro wins[ edit ]

PBA Tour wins (30) [ edit ]

Legend Major Championships (14) Japan Invitational (1) World Series of Bowling (5) PBA Tour Standard Events (10)

RO = After splitting the two-game final, Belmonte won in a 9th/10th. Frame roll off.

+ = Belmonte won a perfect match bonus of $10,000.

Grand Championships[ edit ]

Wins (14) [ edit ]

Timeline of results[ edit ]

Results not in chronological order.

1 – Two PBA World Championships were held in the 2012–2013 season.


top 10

“T” = Tie for a place

“W” = Western Region Final

World Series of Bowling[edit]

Wins (5) [ edit ]

Timeline of results[ edit ]

Results not in chronological order.

Tournament 2008 2009 2012 2012 2016 2015 2015 2015 2019 2019 2021 2022 Cheetah Championship 60 61 37 35 13 63 44 4 NH 37 70 53 Viper Championship 8 115 75 5 112 Not kept Championship 12 6 1 2 12 21 47 66 13 NH 1 1 69 NH Scorpion Championship 29 2 3 20 3 29 14 76 11 2 NH 16 5 8 1 Shark Championship 7 3 1 Not instead of 67 26 Not instead of 3 Doubles Championship Not instead of NI Not instead Not included 6 8


top 10

didn’t play

“T” = Tie for a place

PBA Tour Career Summary [ edit ]

Season Events Cashes Match

play champ.

Round PBA title

(Majors) Average Average

rank merit

($US) Revenue

Rank 2008–09 9 8 6 1 1 219.20 10[58] 44,380 30[59] 2009–10 16 15 10 3 0 217.94 13[60] 80,090 11[61] 2010–11 12 10 9 4 0 218 .82 8[6] 62,950 22[63] 2011–12 13 12 9 8 4(1) 226.42 3[64] 137,375 2[65] 2012–13 26 21 13 10 2(1) 228.81 1[ 66] 186,465 3[67] 2014 18 17 6 ​​4 3 (2) 226.71 1[68] 163,778 1[69] 2015 20 15 11 11 2 (2) 225.40 9[70] 178,542 1[71] 2016 24 15 11 6 0 224.75 2[72] 95,345 6[74 ] 2017 15 15 11 7 4 (3) 229.49 1[74] 238,912 1[75] 2018 14 10 6 3 2 221.38 1[76 ] 110,500 2[77] 2019 19 17 15 12 4(2) 225.62 1[75] 288.290 1[79] 2020 13 12 10 7 3(2) 225.31 1[80] 293.050 1[81] 2021 9 5 5 1 0 215.26 31 62,200 19 2022 15 13 13 8 5 (1) 224.38 296.525 Totals 223 185 135 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 8 85 8.5 5 8 85 8.5 8 85 8.5 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85) 223 185 135 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 30 84 (85) 2.32 (82) .402


top 10

* As of June 13, 2022

Personal life[edit]

Belmonte is married to Kimberly Shapter, who is a registered nurse,[82] and together they have four children: daughter Aria (born December 2009), son Hugo (born April 2012),[1] daughter Sylvie (born January 2012). 2016) and son Bowie (born June 2021).[83] The family lives in Orange, New South Wales.

Do you have to have a thumb hole in a bowling ball?

It is not necessary to have a thumb hole if the bowler isn’t going to use it for gripping purposes and the ball has to be within our static balance requirements to be used during USBC certified competition.”

One-Handed Bowling Vs Two-Handed Bowling – What’s Easier & Better? – Solo Sports World

2022 Junior Gold Notebook – Round 3

The 2022 Junior Gold Championships heated up Wednesday as bowlers in all three divisions attempted to use the third qualifying block to position themselves within or within striking distance of the cut line ahead of Thursday’s final four qualifiers.

Storm Trend Two Handed Review! Let’s use it first…..

Storm Trend Two Handed Review! Let’s use it first…..
Storm Trend Two Handed Review! Let’s use it first…..

See some more details on the topic best bowling ball for two handed bowlers here:

5 Best Bowling Balls for Two-Handed Bowlers in 2022

At A Glance: Our Top Picks for Best Bowling Balls for Two-Handed Bowlers ; Storm Tropical Hybr Bowling Ball Top Pick ; Brunswick T-Zone Ball Runner-up ; Storm …

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Two Handed Bowling Tutorial (Plus the Best Bowling Ball for …

Two-handed bowling is the new of release that utilizes both hands to gue the bowling ball …

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Two handers, what are your favorite balls? : r/Bowling – Reddit

Two handers, what are your favorite balls? · Storm PhysiX- great top of the line ball. · Storm Hyroad(the OG/blue one)- this ball is the one of …

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10 Best Bowling Balls for 2 Finger Bowlers –

Here Are My Top 10 Bowling Balls for 2 Finger Bowlers ; #1, Roto Grip Bowling Halo Ball, Heavy oil conditions ; #2, Storm Ice Storm Blue/White ( 15 lbs, Accurate …

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60 Bowling ball for two handed bowlers ideas – Pinterest

Aug 10, 2021 – Explore James Alston’s board “Bowling ball for two handed bowlers”, … To be a great fast bowler, you need a big heart and a big bottom.

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View: 5848

6 Best Bowling Balls for 2-Handed Bowlers [2021 Reviewed]

One of the most polarizing but interesting new waves in bowling right now is the proliferation of two-handed bowlers across the global bowling landscape. Finding the best bowling ball for two-handed bowlers can be a bit tricky given how brief the book is on this unique advancement in the evolution of bowling, but there are definitely a lot of options if you know how and where to look.

To help you understand what it means to be an effective two-handed bowler, we’ll give you an overview of what two-handed bowling is and what it means in the big scheme of bowling as a whole. In fact, it can change the way you think about and approach your bowling shot in the future.

6 of the best two-handed bowling balls

1. Storm Tropical Hybrid Bowling Ball

Last update on 07/28/2022 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

If you search forums for recommendations for two-handed bowling, the Storm Tropical Hybrid bowling ball gets mentioned more than most. Properly weighted, this ball can give you awesome spins at any speed while utilizing any lane oil condition to modify your two-handed bowling hook for the better. Reactor’s reactive resin cover stock and camber core are a perfect combination to make the most of the extra spin of your two-handed bowling, maximize back-end reaction, and increase the overall power of your hook.

2. Storm Pitch Black Bowling Ball

Storm Pitch Black Bowling Ball, 15 lb Solid Urethane Cover

capacitor core

1000 grit pad factory finish

Last update on 07/28/2022 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Another favorite on online two-handed bowling forums, the Storm Pitch Black is an interesting choice as it is actually covered with a Control Solid Urethane cover – not a reactive resin cover. However, its capacitor core and innate hook potential make it a great choice for a two-handed bowler whose overall speed doesn’t burn the lanes. You can get some very interesting and sharp hooks by putting down this ball as a two handed bowler with ease. Proper form puts this ball to good use.

3. Hammer Black Widow Legend bowling ball

Hammer Bowling Products Black Widow Bowling Ball – Black/Gold, 15lbs This bowling ball ships undrilled with no holes unless you add a drilling service. The Hammer Black Widow bowling balls keep rolling and dominate the lanes

The Hammer Black Widow bowling balls keep rolling and dominate the lanes

The Hammer Black Widow Black/Gold takes the aggressive hybrid coverstock and pairs it with its edgiest core

The Hammer Black Widow Black/Gold takes the aggressive hybrid coverstock and combines it with their most edgy core, the Gas Mask, to create a ball that goes long and then offers a strong backend

Last update on 07/28/2022 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The Hammer Black Widow Legend Bowling Ball’s finish is just perfect for two-handed bowling, transforming the back-end violence potential of a two-handed bowling shot into controlled but vicious pin carry. Its lightweight construction makes adjusting and stabilizing a breeze, while the popular gas mask core turns the turns late in your shot. You can never go wrong with Hammer Black Widows, but this is especially a great choice for the two-handed bowling nature.

4. Brunswick Kingpin bowling ball

Last update on 07/28/2022 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Do you mainly play on heavy oil tracks? If you’re looking for the right responsiveness to your two-handed bowling shot, the Brunswick Kingpin is designed to conquer heavy oil lanes and increase pin action at the end of your shot. Its DynamiCore effortlessly balances power and ball control, while its responsive Enhanced Composite Adhesion coverstock redefines the meaning of high hook potential. If you want maximum back-end violence from your two-handed bowling shot down heavy oil lanes, this is your ball

5. Motif Venom Cobra Bowling Ball

Theme Venom Shock Pearl Bowling Ball Purple Pearl/Green/Orange, 16lbs Features Top Gear core

Has the hexion MFP Pearl Coverstock

The ball is finished with 5500 grit lsp

Last update on 07/28/2022 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The 5500 grit SLP finish on the Motiv Venom Cobra’s new reactive hybrid cover may be overkill for some two-handed bowlers. However, it’s perfect for those looking for a sharp, high-energy hook finish deep in the pen pocket. There is no better reactive bowling ball on the market when it comes to applying friction quickly and effectively. And with the properly adjusted dual-density weight stack, you can definitely turn that friction into one shot at a time as a two-handed bowler.

6. Storm Code Bowling Ball

Storm Code x Bowling Ball Black/Blue/Purple 16lb Featuring the rad4 core

Has the R2S Solid Reactive Coverstock

The bullet is finished with 3000 grit Abralon

Last update on 07/28/2022 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The 1500 grit polish on the Storm Code Red might not be to the liking of most two-handed bowlers, but it’s the RAD4 core that displays high torque at any speed, which could prove to be a huge boon for a two-handed bowler, looking for a little more front-end movement and a solid, sharp breaking point towards the pins. Grinding this ball to a higher grit and using its internal construction to your advantage can be a great option if you really want to use the chemistry of the Storm Code Red bowling ball effectively as a two-handed bowler.

What is two-handed bowling?

Two-handed bowling is a groundbreaking and relatively new style of bowling shot release. When done correctly, a bowler uses both hands to guide his shot to balance his overall approach and release.

A great two-handed bowling shot may not be stronger overall compared to a one-handed bowling shot, but adding a second hand can increase revs and both sharpen and power a hookshot.

Everything you’ve learned about an effective bowling shot is turned on its head in the two-handed bowling form. Rather than using your dominant hand and your dominant hand only to aim, spin, and curve your ball on release, two-handed bowling uses your non-dominant hand to support the front of the ball – creating a more stable, dynamic, and supported bowl backswing occurs.

On the forward swing, two-handed bowlers use the second hand to act as a guiding tool for the ball and add extra spin on release.

This extra spin is not generated by a rotation of the supporting hand. Rather, that extra spin comes naturally from the structuring of the two-handed bowling shot. The extra turns and overall effectiveness offered by a two-handed bowling shot has led to many questions about its legitimacy.

Is two-handed bowling legal?

While many bowling traditionalists have scoffed at the new approach to two-handed bowling with raised eyebrows, a United States Bowling Congress study of the technique has served as a counterpoint to claims by traditionalists that two-handed bowling is cheating.

The United States Bowling Congress has found no foul play with the two-handed bowling technique, stating that it does not violate existing rules violating shifting your dominant hand for different shots. As long as a two-handed bowler releases the ball on one side and only one side, always using one hand as the dominant swing hand and the other hand as a non-dominant lead, there is no violation under USBC regulations.

In short, the added momentum of a two-handed bowling shot doesn’t make it cheat. It’s just a variation, an evolution in the bowling recording oeuvre that can prove a powerful boon to some players’ overall bowling games.

Which pros are currently using two-handed bowling?

The PBA’s two-handed bowling pioneer is Australian sensation Jason Belmonte. The two-handed bowling phenom took the bowling world by storm in 2009 when he won his first career PBA tournament at The Bowling Foundation Long Island Classic.

Belmonte has consistently shown that his victory was no fluke, winning tournament after tournament and becoming one of the PBA’s most successful and popular (if polarizing) players.

Other top bowlers like Anthony Simonsen and Jasper Svensson use the two-handed bowling approach, while PBA Hall of Famer Walter Ray Williams Jr. was such a champion of the new style that he added it to his repertoire on the lanes.

Bowling Balls Buyer’s Guide For the two-handed bowler

Just like one-handed bowling, throwing an effective strike hook shot in two-handed bowling requires a bowling ball that responds properly to the lane conditions and amount of oil on the lanes you are playing on.

Using a reactive resin coverstock to maximize the effect of lane reactivity is an important tool for a two-handed bowler as well as a one-handed bowler. However, there are some important specifications that a high-performance bowling ball for a two-handed bowler should have in order to maximize the effectiveness of their unique hitting style.

When it comes to cover stocks, between 2000 and 3000 grit is perfect for the highly revolutionary, wild spin style that two-handed bowling can create. However, you can also customize the finish to suit your own personal style.

You also need to make sure your bowling ball has been balanced and weighted for two-handed bowling, as there are some subtle but crucial differences in how your ball must respond to the shot being fired.

Just like one-handed bowling, you’ll likely need to adjust your shot style when finding the wheelhouse for your overall shot. Once you’ve found your own version of a correct two-handed bowling form, you need to make sure your bowling ball is weighted and finished to play your particular shot pattern.

Final Thoughts

Controversy aside, two-handed bowling is taking the larger bowling community by storm. Finding the best bowling ball for two-handed bowlers is a tricky task overall, but the list above gives you a good starting point to finding a ball that will make your high-revolution, high-potential shot on the score sheet that much more effective.

Going against the grain is a big part of two-handed bowling, and it can be a big left turn in your bowling shot arsenal if you can find a way to make it work for you.

WTF is bowling with 2 hands?

Bowling techniques have evolved over many generations. One of the newest and most popular techniques in bowling is the two-handed approach. Although not many bowlers are fans of this approach, two-handed bowling is quickly gaining popularity and acceptance among bowlers.

Two-handed bowling helps you control the ball’s path better and get more turns than traditional bowling techniques. However, this technique can create torque on the spine and make it difficult for bowlers to play the lanes.

While two-handed bowling is definitely no walk in the park, with the right training and practice you will be able to master it. This article explains in detail what two-handed bowling is, its pros and cons, whether it counts as cheating, the rules, and the most common mistakes made by two-handed bowlers.

What is two-handed bowling?

As the name suggests, two-handed bowling refers to bowling with two hands. In this technique, bowlers place their dominant hand under the ball and the non-dominant hand on top. They bring the ball behind their body and take the non-dominant hand off the ball just before release.

Two-handed bowlers use their second hand as a thumb. Consequently, they have better control over the ball’s trajectory because the second hand supports the ball laterally. In addition, the lateral support of the second hand prevents the ball from getting stuck or falling. This is a major advantage of two-handed bowling.

The biggest differences between two-handed bowling and one-handed bowling are posture and footwork. In order to accommodate a high evolution rate, two-handed bowlers must move much faster than other bowlers. Two-handed bowling requires an extremely agile body, which is why not all bowlers can master this approach.

Contrary to what most people think about two-handed bowling, this technique does not involve bowlers using both hands to release the ball. Two hands are used to support the ball and keep a firm grip on it. However, only one hand is used to get the ball onto the lane.

Young bowlers looking to gain more power in their shot often choose the two-handed approach to bowling over other techniques.

Is two-handed bowling better?

Two-handed bowling certainly has its advantages. This technique allows bowlers to get more spin, play different angles and have more control over the ball. They also love this technique because of the increased ball speed and ball trajectory. However, not all players will be able to master the technique. This is because a two-handed bowler needs to be very athletic and have great flexibility.

Two-handed bowling is a controversial subject, so most bowlers will disagree that it’s better than other traditional approaches.

A common misconception about two-handed bowling is that people believe this technique requires a player to use both hands to release the ball. The truth is that two-handed bowling is not about releasing the ball with two hands. Players use both hands to support the ball and release the ball with only one hand.

Because this approach is difficult to master, experts say that one-handed bowling will always be the most common bowling technique. However, those bowlers who understand the technique of two-handed bowling will have some advantages in certain aspects of the game.

Pros and Cons of Two-Handed Bowling

Like any other method of bowling, the two-handed bowling technique has its pros and cons. When the method was introduced in this sport, people considered it cheating since two-handed bowlers performed better than other bowlers.

To address the hatred of two-handed bowlers, the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) clarified that there are no rule violations in using the two-handed technique. Read on to find out the various pros and cons you can expect once you master this approach to bowling.

Advantages of Two-Handed Bowling

More spin. Compared to the traditional bowling approaches, two-handed bowlers report that they can generate more spin due to the high speed and RPM.

Play different angles. With the two-handed approach, RPM tends to match ball speed. Using two hands causes RPM to dominate ball speed. This results in high ball speed and spin, allowing you to play different angles.

bowl longer. Two-handed bowling allows you to bowl longer because the ball weight is balanced from both hands, rather than just one hand or shoulder.

More control over the ball’s path. In two-handed bowling, the second hand is used as a thumb, which supports the ball and provides lateral support. This prevents the ball from falling and gives the bowler more control over the ball’s path.

More force. Two-handed bowling also allows the player to release the ball with more power. This approach also helps to pocket shots consistently.

Disadvantages of Two-Handed Bowling

spare shooting. Because two-handed bowling has a higher RPM than other bowling approaches, it will take beginners some time to learn back up shooting. Unless you’re able to two-handedly throw for spares, it can be difficult to play the lanes with this approach.

Must be flexible. Bowlers who want to master two-handed bowling must be very athletic and flexible. This is due to the increase in RPM and the high speed at which you must move your body.

No cantilever. Since two-handed bowling does not have free swings, ball release accuracy is compromised. However, if you have a flexible body and master the technique of handling high revs, then this is not a problem.

torque on the body. HT players typically lean forward and twist their body before releasing the ball on the lane. This can transfer a lot of torque to the spine, especially the lumbar vertebrae. If the impact goes beyond the spine, the lumbar spine muscles may be affected.

Can you bowl with two hands?

While two-handed bowling refers to bowling with two hands, it does not mean that these bowlers use both hands to release the ball down the lane. Two-handed bowlers place their non-dominant hand on top of the ball and their dominant hand under the ball. They then bring the ball behind their body, more to the lateral side, and take their non-dominant hand off the ball just before releasing it.

As the two-handed bowling technique grew in popularity in the sport, it became a controversial approach. Many people claimed that this approach is a scam and illegal. However, the national governing body of bowling, the United States Bowling Congress (USBC), confirmed that the use of this technique does not constitute an infringement.

Two-handed delivery is very different from other bowling techniques. Two-handed bowlers reported finding the two-handed technique easier to generate more spin.

Two-handed bowlers remind their haters that when bowling was invented, there were no special techniques. For example, bowlers used their palms to handle the ball when it didn’t have holes. Every sport evolves and bowling is one of them. Additionally, one should not overlook the commendable benefits of the two-handed approach to bowling.

Two-handed bowling will not replace the most common one-handed bowling. However, this technique will remain forever simply because the two-handed bowlers undoubtedly have some advantages in certain aspects of the game.

So what’s the big deal anyway? Why worry about how a bowler likes to bowl no matter how they bowl? Does he use a thumb and two fingers, no thumb, or two hands? The bowling game only requires us to stay behind the foul line and try to knock down all ten pins. We cannot use anything heavier than a 16 pound ball or any mechanical aids unless we are deemed and recognized as disabled. Older conventional bowlers are bothered by the two-handed style of bowling and say it’s not bowling.

But playing with two hands is bowling, and two-handed bowling isn’t really a newer style. A few bowlers did it in the 80’s and 90’s. It just doesn’t fit the one-hand, thumb, and two-finger bowler category and style they’ve known for years.

Maybe they’re jealous that these guys can crank out enough RPM to smash those pins and carry it all. At the house committee these guys are cleaning up because of the revs they can generate. Some two finger bowlers using a thumb will claim they can generate the same RPM and have more accuracy. I agree on the accuracy, but I’d like to see the RPMs created. The two-handed bowlers can generate 600-700 revs! I’m jealous of that!

It really doesn’t matter. What matters is what you like and what you feel comfortable with.

Common mistakes new two-handed bowlers make

Many bowlers are switching to two-handed bowling because of the added benefits this ball delivery can bring. But there are a few bowling mistakes that are commonly seen in new two-handed bowlers.

Swing Timing: While one-handed bowling requires a pendulum swing, two-handed bowling does not. But one-handed players tend to use the same swing even if they switch to two-handed bowling. A pendulum swing in two-handed bowling results in poor delivery timing and body over-rotation.

Swing direction: The swing direction is crucial in two-handed bowling. For a successful ball delivery, two-handed bowlers should keep their elbow in line with the arm swing. However, new two-handed bowlers swing in a direction that is too far from the body. This results in a side kick, which affects the bowler’s control of the ball and its trajectory.

Swing Distance: When releasing the ball, two-handed bowlers should take their non-dominant hand off the ball and extend their arms during the peak of the swing. When holding the ball just before releasing it, make sure the ball is not over the armpit. New two-handed bowlers misunderstand swing distance, resulting in a very short swing and a reduction in ball speed.

Posture: Posture is critical to delivering a clean ball. The shoulder and hip on the ball side should be below and lower than the shoulder and hip on the other side. Keep the ball close to your body but not over your armpit. If your upper body is too upright during a backswing, it will affect swing direction and trajectory. New two-handers take a while to master the correct posture for two-handed delivery.


Is two-handed bowling better? Two-handed bowlers have some advantages in certain aspects of the game. However, this does not mean that it is better than other bowling techniques. What makes two-handed bowling popular with bowlers is that it helps you get more spin and control over the ball and its trajectory. In addition, you can play different angles in two-handed bowling because of the high speed and rotation speed.

Is Two Handed Bowling Cheating? Two-handed bowling is a controversial technique as not many people support this approach. But two-handed bowling is not cheating. The United States Bowling Congress (USBC), the national governing body of bowling, has confirmed that no rules are broken in two-handed bowling.

Why do pro bowlers use two hands? Professional bowlers often switch to two-handed bowling because this approach offers more power and control than other bowling techniques. However, the two-handed bowling approach is difficult to master. Only very athletic and flexible bowlers can excel at two-handed bowling.


More and more bowlers are switching to the two-handed style because it brings additional advantages in certain aspects of the game. However, you must be very athletic and flexible to master the two-handed skittle technique.

One-Handed Bowling Vs Two-Handed Bowling – What’s Easier & Better? – Solo Sports World

Two-handed bowling has been very trendy in recent years, and it’s all thanks to the best bowler in the world, Jason Belmonte. But it begs the question, if two-handed bowling will replace one-handed bowling, is two-handed bowling better? Many pro bowlers have even switched from single-handed to two-handed, but should you?

In this article, I will compare these two techniques and talk about some similarities and some differences, and at the end I will also tell you which one is easier and better.

What is one-handed bowling?

One-handed bowling is the traditional style of bowling where you bowl with one hand with your thumb on the bottom of the bowl (for control and accuracy). Many people don’t bowl with their thumbs, but most pro one-handers bowl with their thumb on the bowl.

What is two-handed bowling?

Two-handed bowling refers to bowling with both hands. In this technique, bowlers place their dominant hand under the bowl and the other hand on top (instead of their thumb), then bring the ball behind their body and arch their spine, and then release the bowl.

Two-handed bowlers basically use their second hand instead of their thumb, their hand under the bowl’s equator gives the bowl better control when releasing, which increases the accuracy of the throw. This second hand support also prevents the ball from being dropped.

In two-handed bowling, the bowler’s body needs to be more flexible, which helps increase the speed and spin of the ball, which ultimately increases hitting power.

Many people think that in two-handed bowling, bowlers use both hands to trigger, which adds power to the shot, but that’s not the case.

Ambidextrous bowlers use only one hand to trigger, the second hand provides lateral support.

Similarities Between One-Handed and Two-Handed Bowling

One-handed and two-handed bowling both look very different, but in reality there are many similarities between them.

There are many key points, and the key factors that make a one-handed bowler as good as they are translate to the two-handed game.

It is not wrong to say that two-handed bowling is only derived from one-handed bowling and that is why the basics of two-handed bowling are the same as one-handed bowling.

Differences between one-handed and two-handed bowling

A major difference would of course be the arm swing, your other hand will be on the bowl but the timing of the arm swing will be a bit later than usual bowling, the biggest difference would be the body position you will have to open and naturally with one hand to be, but with two hands you have to take your second hand with you, which makes your posture a bit more complicated.

With two-handers, the spine is also tilted forward, which basically helps add more power to the throw.

Finally, two-handed bowling requires the bowler’s body to be more flexible, which is the main reason not all bowlers use this technique. Body positioning is the most difficult part of two-handed bowling.

Advantages of one-handed bowling

You can move your body freely

Easier to master

Less complexion

Can become consistent after some practice

Advantages of two-handed bowling

More rotations/spins

Better control

Increased speed

More force

Better Accuracy

Which is better two-handed bowling or one-handed bowling?

In two-handed bowling, your throws have more power, more turns, more speed, and better accuracy, but consistency is a big issue in two-handed bowling. On the other hand, one-handed bowling allows you to throw bowls more freely, and once you learn the basics, your throws will become more consistent.

With so many advantages of two-handed bowling over one-handed bowling, it’s not wrong to say that it’s better than one-handed bowling, but it’s a controversial subject and this conclusion is based solely on my opinion.

But that doesn’t mean people can’t successfully bowl one-handed, in fact there are far more one-handed bowlers than two-handed bowlers in the PBA. One-handed bowlers are more consistent than two-handed bowlers and this cannot be neglected.

What is simple two-handed bowling or one-handed bowling?

Learning the basics and just getting started with two-handed bowling is easier than one-handed bowling, but mastering the two-handed approach is a lot harder than you might think. You’ll need to learn body positioning and flexibility to master this approach, which is more difficult than one-handed bowling.

Two-handed bowling may seem easier at first, but you’ll struggle a lot with consistency until you master the approach after a few rounds. It’s more complicated than single-handed bowling.

Should you bowl with one hand or with two hands?

As I mentioned above that two-handed bowling is better than one-handed, I will recommend most people to switch to two-handed bowling, but if you’re not that serious about your game, you can still play one-handed bowling.

If you have only played one handed bowling in your whole life then you must try two handed bowling, it really is a great bowling technique and really amazing. Just watch a tutorial I mentioned below and then you can get started.

Although two-handed bowling is better than one-handed bowling, that doesn’t mean that you’ll instantly score 200+ points every time you bowl for the first time and start two-handed.

If you don’t know the basics and key points of one-handed bowling, you won’t be able to play well with two hands either.

As I mentioned earlier, there are many similarities between one-handed and two-handed bowling, so you need to learn these main points first, and then try to learn two-handed bowling.

Let me know what you think in the comments as this is a controversial topic and hence more and more opinions are needed on such a topic.

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