Best Crystals For Long Distance Relationships? The 185 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “best crystals for long distance relationships“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What crystal is good for long distance friendship?

Peridot. Twinkling in golden shades of green, Peridot is the perfect stone to bring light and love back to your friendship. Peridot also shares the name The Stone of Friendship, meaning that is positively made for moments when you want to connect and celebrate your closest companions.

What crystal is best for relationships?

1. Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is considered the stone of unconditional Love. It challenges you to seek youth, peace, beauty, art, music, written word and most of all love.

What crystal should I give to my boyfriend?

  • Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz gifts are glorious as this stone helps us tap into a deep well of self-love. …
  • Amethyst. If you know someone who has had a stressful year or who suffers from waves of anxiety, Amethyst can make a great best friend crystal. …
  • Amazonite. …
  • Red Jasper. …
  • Lapis Lazuli. …
  • Labradorite. …
  • Citrine.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

Choosing a crystal for someone else can be challenging at first. Choosing your own crystal will help you know which points to nurture and which stones will speak to your soul. But how to choose one stone to meet the needs of another? Gifting crystals is an amazing way to help someone you love clear blockages and live their best life. A little knowledge of crystals can help you choose the right stone, and this selection below will always make a beautiful, timeless gift…

rose quartz

Rose Quartz gifts are delightful as this stone helps us tap into a deep well of self-love. If someone you know could benefit from a dose of love, be it inside or out, Rose Crystal makes the ultimate gift. Rose quartz brings love, compassion and a swelling of tenderness, connecting to the heart chakra and uplifting a person’s attitude towards love and life.


If you know someone who’s been through a stressful year or is suffering from waves of anxiety, Amethyst can be a great best friend crystal. This is one of the most calming stones in the pack. A great crystal for those in need of a quick hand of confidence and clarity, Amethyst helps people harness the power of their crown chakra and ascend to a higher life.


If you have a friend who is an artist then Amazonite can make a beautiful choice for birthday crystals. Sparkling with creative spirit, Amazonite clears those creative blocks to make room for energy, inspiration and inspired thoughts that can be translated into concrete, dazzling ideas. It also helps say goodbye to crippling overwhelm by calming the mind and softening the soul.

Red Jasper

One of these finely tuned lover’s crystals, Red Jasper, reconnects you with your passion and sense of sexuality and helps lovers find balance, ease and positive flow in their relationships. If you or your partner are struggling with intimacy or are feeling low energy levels, Red Jasper could be the stone you need to get your relationship back on track.

lapis lazuli

A beautiful choice for choosing crystals for love in the family, lapis lazuli helps to ease the flow of communication. This is a stone that has been used for thousands of years and has often been used as a tribute to the goddess Venus thanks to its strong loving appeal. Having this stone in your family home encourages active listening and open communication, all of which contribute to building a harmonious home.


This is a stone shrouded in a sense of magic and can be amazing to help lower the veil and illuminate illusions. For those who long for a helping hand to banish insecurities and say yes to the power of their own being, labradorite makes a delightful companion. If you know someone who seems a little lost in this world, or someone who is struggling to stay in touch with their inner strength, this shimmering stone brings a grounding force and helps relieve anxiety.


Pure Sun, Citrine is a wonderful stone to give and give as a gift. Bright, bounty and always ready to lend her sunny light and instill a sense of optimism, this stone is a magician of manifestation and carries a warm and soothing energy that refreshes you every time.

Which stones will you give away? Share your favorites in the comments.

What crystal attracts soulmates?

Note: While any crystal can be a soulmate stone when programmed with the right intention, these four types are traditionally associated with love and romance.
  • To heal from past heartbreak: Rose Quartz.
  • To prepare for your true love: Malachite.
  • To attract your true love: Green Jade.
  • To maintain deep love: Amazonite.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

I am a spiritual girl and I have tried and tested dozens of high vibe stones on my quest for true love. I’ve used them to heal myself from breakup disorders (note to self: crystals aren’t great stuffed animals) and to give my heart the boost it needed to forge new connections.

Here are the top crystals I relied on in my soulmate quest. Working with crystals is a beautiful way to bring more purpose into your life. Keep these stones on your bedside table, hold them during meditation, or wear them as a necklace as a reminder of your intention to live a loving life.

Note: While any crystal can be a soulmate if programmed with the right intention, these four types are traditionally associated with love and romance.

What does it mean to give Rose Quartz to someone?

Rose quartz is known as the crystal of unconditional love. It’s said to boost feelings of self-love and foster loving relationships with others. Smoky quartz is considered a grounding stone and may help you feel rooted to planet earth. It’s believed to be mood lifting and is used for protection.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

Share on Pinterest Vera Lair/Stocksy United Crystals have been used in cultures around the world for thousands of years. Its uses include healing, meditation, protection, and creative inspiration. One of the most popular crystals is rose quartz.

What is rose quartz? The use of rose quartz is said to date back to 7,000 BC. dating back. It is also said that Egyptian and Roman women used rose quartz face masks to clear their complexions and prevent wrinkles. Today, rose quartz is often used as jewelry, for meditation, or as a decoration in homes or offices. The rose quartz is a pale pink stone that belongs to the quartz crystal family. Deeper pink varieties of the stone are sometimes referred to as Strawberry Rose Quartz. Lavender Rose Quartz varieties are pale purple. Rose Quartz is a mineral composed primarily of silica molecules that typically form at around 752°F to 1,292°F (400°C to 700°C). The crystal can be found in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, India, Sweden and Germany.

Healing Properties Although there is no scientific evidence that rose quartz crystals provide any health benefits, they are still commonly used for healing purposes. Rose Quartz is perhaps best known for being the stone of unconditional love. Some believe it radiates a strong vibration of love


Emotional Healing “Rose quartz is a powerful healing crystal,” says crystal healer and Reiki Master Keith Birch, owner of KSC Crystals. “Its soft, gentle, almost pastel pink coloring is a good indication of its most well-known quality: that of pure love. It is a stone of giving and receiving love.” As Birch says, many believe that rose quartz enhances the qualities of love. However, it is important to note that there is a lack of research to support these claims about crystals. In fact, there is very little evidence to support the benefits of crystals at all. Scientific Evidence An older study presented at two international conferences in 1999 and 2001 suggests that any spiritual, emotional or healing benefits experienced by crystals may be the result of a placebo effect. In the study, 80 volunteers were given leaflets explaining the sensations they might experience when holding crystals. Half of the participants received real gems and the other half received plastic fakes. The study found that the participants who were given the fake crystals were just as likely to report sensations as those who were given the real crystals. This implies that any benefits of rose quartz or other crystals could be due to the placebo effect. The benefits of the placebo effect are strongly supported by research. Despite this, many people still use crystals as part of their healing practice. Uses in Healing Rose Quartz is believed to embody powerful healing properties that can be beneficial for both physical and emotional health. Some say rose quartz can: Heal relationship problems

promote mutual understanding

inspire an attitude of compassion and kindness. It is also believed to increase feelings of: Peace


Self-Love “Rose Quartz is above all a crystal of unconditional love that brings deep healing to the heart by opening the heart chakra,” explains Birch. “Once achieved, a deeper state of calm, serenity, and peace is attained, ultimately leading to complete relaxation and promoting feelings of happiness and contentment.” Rose Quartz is also believed to have physical health benefits, particularly when it is worn or worn on the body. Rose quartz “is especially powerful when carried close to the heart,” claims Birch. “Rose quartz wards off negativity and when worn on the body, helps replace negative emotions with positive ones, returning the wearer to that place of pure love and balance.” However, you should never use a crystal to imply the counseling and treatment of one to replace a qualified doctor.

How to Use You can use rose quartz crystals in a number of ways, including: Involving them in rituals

wear them on your body

Put them under your pillow

decorate your home with it

Setting up on an altar or holy place

Hold them while you meditate

Add them to your beauty routine. Rose Quartz Rituals Rose Quartz is often used in rituals, from the manifestation of desires to invoking unconditional love. Would you like to try? Here are just a few ways to ritualize your rose quartz. Setting Intentions with Rose Quartz Some believe that rose quartz amplifies the power of your intentions, especially those related to love, romance, or compassion. Here’s how to set an intention with this crystal: Sit in a quiet, calm place. You can set the mood by lighting incense sticks or a candle. Slow your breathing and bring your attention to the present moment. Ask your crystal for permission to activate its energy by placing it in the palm of your hand. Charge your crystal with your intention and send desire into the stone. When you’re done, write your intention on a piece of paper and place it under your rose quartz. Leave it in a special place for as long as you wish to invoke the energy of that intention. Rose Quartz Mist To spread the loving, romantic energy of rose quartz in your space, simply combine the stone with some water. To do it: Put little bits of rose quartz in a small glass spray bottle. It is best to use a brown bottle. Fill the bottle 3/4 full with purified spring water or distilled water. Leave the bottle for at least 1 hour. It is believed that this diffuses the properties of the quartz into the water. When you’re done, squirt the water anywhere you want to evoke love. Try on your bedspread, your sofa, your clothes – even yourself! As you spray, tune into the energy of the crystal and what you wish to invite into your space. Rose Quartz Crystal Grid A rose quartz crystal grid is said to create a powerful space of manifestation. You will need several rose quartz crystals to set it up. Here’s how: Place crystals in a circle, diamond, or star pattern. Here you can let your creativity run free. When you have enough crystals, create more outer layers so that your first shape is surrounded by a second, larger shape, and so on. When your grid is complete, you can use it as a hotspot for meditation, prayer, or even an energetic incubator to charge objects. Simply sit in the middle of your crystals or place your desired object there. Once you have done that, activate the grid by feeling into your heart space and activating your intention. Focus on the situation, relationship, or opportunity you wish to manifest. When you’re done, thank your stones and close the room by collecting the crystals. Rose Quartz Jewelry An easy way to incorporate rose quartz into your life is to wear it. Rose quartz earrings or a ring will keep your crystals close. According to Birch, wearing rose quartz on a necklace keeps the stone close to your heart and makes it extra strong. “As a necklace, rose quartz is particularly powerful because it is worn close to the heart and heart chakra. This allows the heart center to open up and release any tension or strain held there,” claims Birch. Under Your Pillow Birch suggests placing rose quartz under your pillow encourages sweet dreams. “You absorb the gentle, peaceful, and calming energies of the crystal while you sleep,” he explains. “This will result in your dream being calm, peaceful, loving and radiating a positive vibration again.” In Your Home You may want to place a rose quartz crystal in your home or office, or on a special altar or sacred place. “Placing a piece of rose quartz in the center of your home or apartment will enhance compassion and heart healing for the entire family,” claims Birch. In Your Beauty Routine Rose Quartz is often used in beauty routines, both as a tool and as an ingredient. Rose quartz is often used in face rollers and gua sha tools. Many beauty products also contain rose quartz, such as Kora Organics Rose Quartz Luminizer and Gemstone Organic Rose Quartz Face Créme.

Benefits Any purported benefits of rose quartz are purely anecdotal. There is no scientific evidence that rose quartz crystals offer any benefits beyond placebo. Still, crystals can be an important part of cultural, spiritual, and healing practices for many people. Self-Love Crystal healers believe that Rose Quartz can promote feelings of self-love. “Rose quartz can be used to balance emotional health, release emotional blocks, and balance other chakras,” explains Birch. “Once you recognize and feel pure love within you, that pure love energy is what people around you feel and see and, most importantly, what they respond to.” Meditation Some people recommend using rose quartz during meditation. “In meditation, the high vibration of rose quartz is beneficial not only to yourself but also to the planet,” claims Birch. “Connecting with rose quartz through meditation allows you to access that feeling of bliss, self-love, and stillness.” When you meditate with rose quartz, Birch recommends thanking the crystal when you close your practice. For the Skin Some believe that Rose Quartz may be beneficial for the skin. “For the skin, rose quartz can be used as an elixir by soaking the crystal in water overnight, in the moonlight if possible, to charge the energies for maximum benefit,” claims Birch. “This can then be used as a tonic for sensitive skin or to reduce the signs of wrinkles and reveal a clearer, more youthful complexion.”

Frequently Asked Questions About Rose Quartz Where Can I Buy Crystals? You want to buy authentic crystals that are not made in a lab. You should also make sure they are ethically sourced and sustainable. Buy from retailers who provide information on how to source their crystals, such as Mystic Wolf. How long does it take for a crystal to take effect? Healing or manifesting with crystals is neither an exact art nor a silver bullet. However, many believe that the power of your intention and desire has an impact on how well your crystals work. It is also said that the energy of crystals transcends time and space. This means it is impossible to set a crystal healing schedule. Where do you apply rose quartz on your body? You can place rose quartz anywhere on the outside of your body. Never place rose quartz crystals in your body for any reason, including your ears, mouth, nose, rectum, or vagina. However, rose quartz is often placed over the heart. How to meditate with rose quartz? You can meditate with rose quartz by placing the crystal near you while practicing. You can also hold it in your palm or on your chest. Experts suggest asking the crystal for permission before you begin and focusing on the healing, loving energy of the crystal as you practice.

What stone means love?

Gemstones are often associated with expressing feelings and when it comes to expressing love and romance, there’s no stone more powerful than Rose Quartz. The soft pink hue of this abundant gemstone has long-been associated with romance, and defined its reputation as the Love Stone for thousands of years.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

Thanks to these ancient mythological tales, rose quartz is believed to possess powerful qualities of love and healing in all who come in contact with it. It has been part of romantic ceremonies and rituals for thousands of years and is not only intended to strengthen the bond between two people for eternity, but primarily to strengthen their ability to love. Its healing properties teach us to love ourselves first so we can love others around us, which is why it has proven to be one of the most desirable gemstones in the world.

The ancient Egyptians also believed that the healing properties of the pink love stone were so powerful that they could actually prevent the formation of wrinkles and the general effects of aging. Of course, scientific proof was lacking at the time, but the spiritual aura emanating from rose quartz has clearly shaped human civilization for many years.

What stones should not be together?

  • Clear quartz and stones with powerful properties. Quartz amplifies the energy of minerals nearby, so it is not recommended for use with strong minerals. …
  • Lace agate and red jasper. …
  • Smoky Quartz and Tiger Eye. …
  • Pure quartz and green aventurine. …
  • Amazonite and tiger’s eye.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

Incompatible minerals are those that neutralize or, on the contrary, excessively enhance the properties and effects of the other. As a rule, such minerals are not very harmful to humans, but they do not bring any benefits either. In other words, such stones have no active properties.

The main reason is that some stones cannot work together, their beneficial properties are suppressed and they stop emitting healing energy. Some minerals do not harmonize with each other, it negatively affects the harmonious state of a person.

It’s worth noting that there is no definitive list of incompatible minerals. This is because there are a variety of combinations of minerals.


1. Clear quartz and stones with strong properties

Quartz amplifies the energy of nearby minerals, so it’s not recommended for use with strong minerals. For example, moonstone has powerful sedative properties and quartz will enhance moonstone. It will turn out that you just won’t have enough energy. Or if you use, for example, quartz with citrine, then, on the contrary, you will receive too much energy, which will prevent you from focusing on one thing.

2. Lace Agate and Red Jasper

Blue lace agate relaxes and decelerates, while red jasper is used to increase vitality. Therefore these stones should not be used together as they will neutralize each other.

3. Smoky Quartz and Tiger Eye

Smoky Quartz protects its owner from excessive energy that can harm him. This stone suits people who are very active in life and sometimes need rest and relaxation. At the same time, tiger eye is a mineral that gives a person a lot of energy and courage. It is not recommended to wear these two stones together as they have opposite meanings. One of them tries to give you energy, while the other, on the contrary, reduces it.

4. Pure Quartz and Green Aventurine

These stones are not compatible due to the different mode of action: the first stone gives strength, while the second calms and relaxes.

5. Amazonite and Tiger Eye

Amazonite is often used for problems with insomnia. It helps you sleep well at night and fall asleep quickly. At the same time, tiger eye in combination with amazonite does not allow restful sleep, a person can even have prolonged sleep disorders.

SOME JEWELRY IDEAS WITH HEALING STONES HEALING JEWELRY Discover lifetime rings and pendants with healing stones


The following crystals are almost always compatible:

• Crystals with the same crystal structure

For example, you can combine two stones with a cubic structure or stones with a hexagonal structure.

• Stones with the same or similar properties, uses and values

Always find out about the properties of the stones you want to combine. This will help you find the most compatible minerals that complement each other.

• Minerals with the same zodiac signs or planetary associations

• Stones of the same or compatible color

Stones of the same color are usually energetically compatible and can be worn together. But it is better to check their properties and compatibility. For example, garnet and ruby ​​are not compatible despite having the same shade.

Often stones with opposite colors are just as well matched in energy.

• A stone of the same mineral group.

For example, the stones in the quartz family go well together.

• Same elements

You can combine stones according to the elements i.e. water, fire, air, earth. For example, when you combine these air vents, they encourage a positive change in your mindset.

Should I give my boyfriend rose quartz?

Love of self, love of other, love of all. This stone’s peaceful pink energy makes it a favorite to gift to just about anyone. The love associated with rose quartz is not necessarily romantic love, but it definitely can be. Use it to kick-start a relationship or let a special someone know how you’re feeling.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

4 minutes read

Ah, February, the month of love. Flowers, sweets, perfume (non-toxic only, please) – it can be a little overdone. And does eating a whole box of chocolates really help your relationship? If instead you want to channel that energy into strengthening your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. And I have just the right booster for you: Crystals.

Crystals are all the rage in the wellness world, and with good reason. These beautiful earth-made formations each carry a unique vibration (just like us humans). You can wear these stones as jewelry, decorate your home or office with them, and even apply them topically with crystal-infused skincare — the possibilities really are endless. Whether or not you believe in the healing powers of these gems and minerals, you cannot deny the power of intention.

You may have heard that you are drawn to the stones that you need at a certain point in time, and I totally agree with that notion. But if you’re looking for a little guide on where to start, I’ve created a kind of starter kit of 5 crystal energies that you can use to strengthen your relationship. You can take this as a shopping list or head to your local metaphysical store to see what catches your eye. Once you know the meaning of a particular stone, you’ll likely find that it brings you a welcome energy, but let’s start with a few that can help set the mood for your love life this month.

Photo courtesy of @saralight.

rose quartz

love is all you need

Rose quartz is the ultimate stone of love – even universal love. Love for yourself, love for others, love for everyone. This stone’s peaceful pink energy makes it a popular gift for almost everyone. The love associated with Rose Quartz is not necessarily romantic love, but it definitely can be. Use it to boost a relationship or let someone special know how you are feeling.

It’s also great for boosting self-love and compassion. One of my favorite ways to incorporate this stone (aside from literally carrying a piece around with me at all times) is with either a gua sha tool or a face roller; Self-love is reflected beautifully in a radiant complexion.


Spice things up.

Turn to Karneol when you feel like you’ve “lost the feeling of love.” Think of it as blood – this stone provides life force, increases your vitality and can help strengthen the physical body. And yes, it can even help with sexuality and fertility issues.

Place carnelian in the bedroom for added confidence and heightened sensuality, or wear as jewelry to invoke your 24/7 divine feminine energy. Pair with rose quartz for a one-two punch of romantic love.

Photo courtesy of @energymuse.

smoky quartz

Ground yourself.

Do you get carried away easily by love? Is your crush’s rampant daydreaming taking over your productivity for the day? It’s fun to let your mind wander, but if that’s getting a little too close for you, Smoky Quartz is a wonderful grounding tool that will help you get back on track. Don’t think of it as a bad thing – we can all use a little grounding and protection in our daily lives.

Smoky Quartz can even be helpful in manifesting your desires. If you want this crush to be yours, test it out with a little intention setting with this brownish-gray stone.

Photo courtesy of The Crystal Garden.


keep the peace

communication problems? Get some amazonite. This bluish-green stone promotes harmony and peace and can be especially helpful when telling the truth. Bring amazonite into the mix to illuminate your true feelings in any matter of love. When you have something on your mind that is difficult to articulate, amazonite gives you the boost you need.

Use it in meditation to get in touch with your higher truth and as an ally in difficult conversations with your partner.


Spread that love.

Now that you have secured your personal relationships, rhodonite is a powerful stone for spreading love in the community. It increases the generosity and joy of serving others, and couldn’t we all use a little more of that kind of love these days? This brownish-pink stone can also help you discover your hidden talents. If you have a passion that you’ve swept under the rug of your subconscious, rhodonite could be just the right tool to bring it to light.

Looking for more ways to use crystals in everyday life? Check out these five that every entrepreneur should know.

How do I give my boyfriend rose quartz?

Place your rose quartz over your heart, close your eyes, and just breathe. Know in your heart and soul that you are loved and that love is the foundation of all things. Doing this nightly also clears any built-up frustration or negative emotions from the day, giving you a clean slate to begin again the next day.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

I’ve been to psychics; I had my tarot cards read; I believe in abstract auras, chakras and karma; but I’m pretty inexperienced – and frankly a bit skeptical – when it comes to crystals. So when a friend came up with the idea of ​​performing certain crystal rituals to improve my relationship, it was an intriguing idea because while my two-year relationship is strong, I believe things can always get better.

I’m not the only one fascinated by crystals: celebrities from Kylie Jenner and Heidi Klum to Angelina Jolie and Oprah have jumped on the trend, which has become more mainstream in recent years. But until I read my colleague Jasmine’s deep dive into the world of crystal healing, I didn’t know the real premise – that these pretty stones can work magic in different areas of your life thanks to unique vibrations.

Pink Rose Quartz is known to have the most powerful healing properties related to love and relationships, which is why experts often place it in strategic locations. “I have rose quartz all over my bedroom because its soothing loving energy connects me to the love the earth gives us,” says Deborah Hanekamp, ​​a Brooklyn seer who specializes in medicine readings and healing ceremonies. “Romantically, this stone will enhance the ability to see things clearly in a relationship and thus deepen love. It also activates self-love and shows us if we are in an unhealthy relationship.”

I also spoke to Heather Askinosie, a crystal healer and co-founder of crystal jewelry supplier Energy Muse, who says rose quartz can help you see things from your partner’s perspective. “The reason people don’t have deeper, stronger relationships is because someone doesn’t feel heard or valued,” she explains. “Sometimes it’s hard to see things through someone else’s eyes when you’re so lost in yourself. Crystals help you to be open.”

Askinosie and Hanekamp generously gave me a few Rose Quartz rituals to incorporate into my life using certain routines they had designed for me. Some are small; others are more time consuming – but after each one I felt a subtle change. It sounds woo-woo, but after Hanekamp’s ritual bath of red wine and rose petals — designed to help cleanse past hurts that can fester in relationships — my boyfriend and I got into a random argument about something small, but then we talked about it and continued to have great sex. During Askinosie’s “Love With A Partner” ritual, my friend chuckled a little, but a serious expression crossed his face when it was my turn to share my feelings, and I could tell he appreciated hearing it .

Whether those moments were the result of the crystals themselves or the fact that we were overly aware of our relationship because of this story isn’t entirely clear, but it’s easy to take the time to focus on feelings of openness when taking the time to tap into it, and harder when you’re rushing through your days without pausing to pay attention.

Still, there’s no harm in trying out the exact rituals I’ve performed. All are listed below with examples of how each has impacted me and my relationship.

ritual of self-love

By Heather Askinosie

love you first Start and end each day with a self-love ritual to surround yourself with loving energy. Hold a rose quartz stone in your dominant hand each morning. Breathe in and out deeply. Affirm out loud, “I choose love.” Say this affirmation as many times as needed until your heart and mind feel the words are true.

In the evening, lie down on your bed, yoga mat, or other flat surface and set a timer for 11 minutes. Put your rose quartz on your heart, close your eyes and just breathe. Know in your heart and soul that you are loved and that love is the foundation of all things. Doing this every night will also clear any pent-up frustrations or negative emotions from the day so you can start all over again the next day.

Love with partner ritual

By Heather Askinosie

This ritual is about finding your inner center. You both want to give, but not too much so your relationship feels balanced. Keep in mind that you may have stagnant energy from previous relationships, whether they were friendly or romantic. Things you didn’t even know you were holding can be addressed – just listen to what comes up for you. Once your feelings have been brought to the table, hear them, listen to them, feel them, and then let them go when your time is up.

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes. If you are both calm and positive, sit down with your partner in a quiet place. Hold the rose quartz (representing unconditional love) in your dominant hand and have your partner hold the carnelian stone (representing passion) in his/her dominant hand.

Start talking to each other. what do you want from your relationship What do you need? How do you feel? Is anything missing? When do you feel loved the most?

Keep in mind that you may have stagnant energy from previous relationships, whether they were friendly or romantic. Things you didn’t even know you were holding can be addressed – just listen to what comes up for you. Once your feelings have been brought to the table, hear them, listen to them, feel them, and then let them go when your time is up.

Sexual energy ritual

By Heather Askinosie

Using crystals for sex, sensuality and intimacy activates the sexual energy in your body, so your emotional and subtle body is stimulated.

Set a timer for 11 minutes. Lie comfortably and place two sun stones over your sacral chakra and have your partner do the same. When you place these crystals over your sacral chakra center, their healing energy will bring your sensuality back to life and infuse it with energy from the cosmos, connecting you with something bigger than yourself. This opens up the space for more passion and sexual energy in your relationship.

Water ritual infused with rose quartz

By Deborah Hanekamp

Put a rose quartz crystal in water and leave it overnight. In the morning you and your loved one can drink the water and feel the loving vibrations throughout the day.

Ritual bath for great love

By Deborah Hanekamp

Go ahead, have a date with yourself tonight to tap into the healing love pouring from your beautiful, wise, mysterious heart, or invite your loved one to join you. Taking a ritual bath together is a ceremony, a cleansing of past hurts that can fester in relationships, and a conscious cultivation and proclamation of your love. This is a wonderful way to just be together, break the routine and explore who is your perfect mirror.


Himalayan Pink Sea Salt: 1 cup

Raw cocoa powder: 1 cup

Red wine: 1/2 bottle (YES, you can enjoy a glass of wine with this bath)

Rosewood Essential Oil: 3 drops

Rose essential oil: 7 drops

3 rose quartz crystals

Petals of 6 pink roses


Combine all the ingredients in a tub that’s as hot as you can stand the water, saving the rose petals for last.

Light a candle to deepen your connection to love

Burn a cinnamon stick as a patch around your body, including the soles of your feet and the back of your head.

Get in the bathtub and dip your head under the water.

Place a rose quartz on your uterus and another rose quartz on your chest between your throat and heart center. Hold a third piece of rose quartz in your left hand.

Take three deep breaths as you exhale and whisper the Taoist sound of heart HU

Sing your favorite love song out loud repeatedly. When you are with your lover, use this time to be open with each other.

Sit in stillness and absorb the healing vibration of your own love.

Get out of the bath, stand naked in front of the mirror and say out loud, “I have COMPASSION for you.” If you’re having this bath with your lover, say so to each other.

Take the crystals you used in the bath and put them under your pillow to dream with you.

Offer all the herbs and rose petals used in your bath to the earth in gratitude.

What stone means eternal love?

Diamond. The king of all gemstones, Diamonds in lore are known for being indestructible providing the wearer with inner strength to face all of life’s struggles. A symbol of eternal love, diamonds bring abundance, clarity, and balance.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

As far back as the Stone Age (no pun intended) the healing properties of gemstones, their beauty and magic were recognized and used. They have always had both a protective and a decorative function, protecting the wearer from harm. Gems were commonly worn and worn as amulets and charms by the ancient Egyptians; Gemstones are frequently referred to in Greek mythology, and many have been discovered in the tombs of Chinese rulers. Gemstones were used extensively in ceremonies and initiations by Native Americans, the Mayans and the Aztecs.

Gems have the same power today. When set in jewelry, the stones are worn close to the body, which enhances their healing properties. You can increase your energy; clean your space; attract wealth; improve your intuition; increase mental abilities; boost your self-confidence; bring abundance; or even attract love. We have created a quick guide to help you choose the right stone.


Garnet empowers the individual, increasing willpower and self-image, and helping to calm nervousness. The garnet urges you to defy adversity by offering directional guidance and is believed to protect the traveler.


Amethyst ensures inner peace and a clear head, improves perception and protects against evil thoughts. Amethyst, the symbol of courage, is known for strengthening bonds in relationships and calming troubled thoughts and emotions. Amethyst should be worn to attract love and open the heart.


Aquamarine means “water of the sea” making it the perfect stone for any sea lover. Cool and refreshing, aquamarine promotes good health and vitality, provides mental rejuvenation and washes away negative energy.

Diamond As the king of all gems, diamonds are known in lore for being indestructible and giving the wearer inner strength to face all of life’s struggles. Diamonds are a symbol of eternal love and bring abundance, clarity and balance.


Emerald, the stone of growth, embodies love, rebirth and fertility. Much like the joys of spring, emerald represents patience and growth in new life, bestowing happiness and fortune on the wearer.


Moonstone, the stone of protection, is known to relieve insomnia and ward off nightmares, giving it its name as a protector of the subconscious. Moonstone has a touch of mysticism, nourishing the psyche and enhancing feminine power and intuition. It is also known to attract love and affection.


The stone of nobility, the ruby ​​is associated with wealth and passion. Rubies are known to inspire leadership, strengthen decision-making, and inspire integrity.


Peridot, the stone of abundance, borrows the light and warmth of its birth month in summer to bring inner warmth to its wearer. Peridot symbolizes prosperity and abundance in all areas of life.


Sapphire is a stone of spirituality and devotion known to bring peace and fulfillment into one’s life. Sapphire bestows spiritual insight on the wearer and evokes kindness and prudence.

pink tourmaline

Pink tourmaline is known as a stone of peace, capable of dispelling negativity while enhancing feelings of calm. The pink tourmaline is a stone of light and gives its wearer a calming feeling.


Citrine is said to be a gift from the sun, awakening the soul with its radiant energy. The stone is a success factor that stimulates creativity and determination, turning dreams into tangible realities.


Tanzanite offers qualities of self-awakening associated with its ability to develop feelings of enlightenment and compassion. The calm and soothing hues release friendlier sensibilities and a higher awareness.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx is a protective stone that awakens and enhances focus and determination when faced with conflict. Wrapped in the idea of ​​the present, Black Onyx is designed to absorb, transform and erase the negativity of the past to create a more resonant present and future.


Turquoise is one of the oldest stones, known for its strength and empowering abilities. Turquoise can help one find higher guidance and direction, live life with more joy and happiness, and bring peace and energy to any relationship.


Lapis stimulates intellectual awakening and promotes a desire for knowledge, truth and understanding. Known as the stone of communication, lapis is used to help you say the right thing in every situation.

Peruvian pink opal

The Peruvian pink opal, the stone of peace and tranquility, is known for discovering tenderness and compassion in romantic relationships. This gentle stone is also used to calm distressing memories and bring peace and restoration through sleep and meditation.

Red Jasper

The red jasper, the stone of empowerment, is believed to give its wearer emotional resilience, giving them strength and courage. Wearing red jasper relieves stress and was often used as a rubbing stone to calm nerves.

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is a learning stone that teaches you to appreciate your mistakes as much as your successes. The stone calms and calms you down, helping to relieve stressful thinking and instead promoting isolation and the power of meditation.

White Onyx

Is Rose Quartz good for friendship?

As the stone of universal love, Rose Quartz is definitely one of the best crystals for friendship. It’s a stone that promotes romantic, platonic, and familial love. With Rose Quartz, you’ll be able to restore trust and harmony in your friendships.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

Friends are important. They accept you for you, they tell you the truth and support you no matter what. Healthy friendships, however, take time, effort, and trust. Making friends as an adult can also be difficult. But rest assured, whether you’re looking to make new friends or nurture your existing relationships, crystals can help. Read on to discover 10 amazing crystals for friendship and how to use them.

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1. Rose Quartz

color pink

Chakra: heart

As the stone of universal love, rose quartz is definitely one of the best crystals for friendship. It is a stone that encourages romantic, platonic, and familial love. With Rose Quartz you can restore trust and harmony in your friendships. In addition, you can use this crystal to encourage loyalty between friends.

With its soothing vibrations, this crystal is great for stimulating and opening the heart chakra. This provides a feeling of harmony and inner peace. Another great benefit of rose quartz is that it banishes negativity and replaces it with gentle, loving vibrations. You can also gift rose quartz to one of your friends to strengthen your bond.


2. Blue Lace Agate

Colour blue

Chakra: Throat

Blue Lace Agate is a stone that promotes joy and personal growth. It is very useful when you want to surround yourself with people who support your happiness. With its calming energy, this beautiful blue crystal is perfect for promoting healthy friendships and relationships.

As it is connected to the Throat Chakra, Blue Lace Agate promotes positive communication, assertiveness and personal power. It promotes harmony and cooperation between friends.

One of the best ways to use Blue Lace Agate is to keep it in your pocket or purse. It will give you the courage to show yourself to meet new people.


3. Calcite

color white

Chakra: Crown, third eye

Calcite is probably not the most popular crystal, but it is definitely one of the best crystals for friendship. This beautiful mineral helps release negative emotions and feelings while promoting compassion and love. This means you can get along with people and build positive relationships with them.

Another great benefit of calcite is that it is great for strengthening relationships with friends and family. It encourages loyalty and is also useful for highlighting potential problems in relationships.

This crystal can also stimulate the detoxification process on an emotional level and help you end toxic friendships.


4. Lapis Lazuli

Colour blue

Chakra: Throat, third eye

Lapis lazuli is a protective stone that stimulates friendship. It brings deep peace and promotes harmony in life and relationships. Its connection to the throat chakra makes it the perfect stone to promote self-expression, honesty and compassion – which is very important when connecting with people.

Thanks to its calming energy, lapis lazuli can help you express your feelings and emotions clearly. This helps to strengthen existing friendships. In addition, you can use lapis lazuli to boost confidence and creativity, making it easier for you to connect with people.


5. Malachite

color green

Chakra: heart

Making friends is a process that many of us feel we don’t have the time or energy for. Malachite, with its powerful vibrations, teaches you to be persistent and encourages positive change. Because of this, it is a powerful crystal for fostering friendships and strengthening bonds.

The green color of malachite stimulates and opens the heart chakra, promoting unconditional love and empathy. This will help strengthen your friendships while allowing you to show your friends that you simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.

If some of your current friends are toxic, you can also use malachite to sever unwanted connections. This will help you stay away from people who don’t have good intentions towards you.


6. Carnelian

Color: orange, red

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Carnelian is a stone that brings joy and happiness to existing friendships and new ones to be made. With its gorgeous sunset color, this crystal can help relieve stress and anxiety and replace it with a zest for life.

Trying to connect with another person is horribly exposed. After all, we risk being rejected. Carnelian can help and give you the courage to approach others. It is also a stone that encourages positive life choices and increases self-confidence.

If you are in conflict with one of your friends, you can give them a heart-shaped carnelian to strengthen your bond or heal your relationship.

Buy carnelian

7. Labradorite

Colour: iridescent

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, Crown

As a stone of transformation, labradorite promotes positive change. With this dazzling crystal, you can attract like-minded people into your life and make new healthy friendships. If you want to encourage optimism and enthusiasm, bring labradorite to gatherings with friends and family.

Labradorite will stimulate your spirit of adventure and help you nurture and develop your friendships. If you are afraid of engaging in conversation with new people, labradorite can help by dispelling fears and insecurities.

It also boosts confidence and stimulates imagination, which is essential for conversation and socializing.


8. Unakite

Color: Green, Pink

Chakra: heart

Unakite is a powerful stone that reminds you to appreciate your true friends. It opens and balances the heart chakra and promotes compassion, love and empathy. With its soothing vibrations, this crystal promotes feelings of love and friendship.

If you’ve had a fight with one of your close friends, Unakite can help. It is a grounding crystal that balances emotions and eliminates negative feelings. Once those feelings are out of the way, you can work on healing your friendship.


9. Black Obsidian

Color: Black

Chakra: root

If you’re feeling mentally drained after meeting a friend, or if someone in your circle of friends is putting you down, it may be time to cut ties with them. This is where Black Obsidian can help.

This stone can help you break toxic attachments and protect you from negative energies. Its soothing vibrations flow through all chakras, promoting healthy and balanced relationships.

It is also very helpful when dealing with a stressful situation with a loved one. You can always carry it with you for protection when heading towards a highly emotional situation.


10. Watermelon Tourmaline

Color: pink, green

Chakra: heart

Watermelon Tourmaline is a calming crystal that helps you nurture your friendships. It is a beautiful crystal that is strongly connected to the heart chakra and encourages compassion and empathy towards others.

This cheerful stone promotes light, love and general happiness. It is also said to help resolve issues in romantic and platonic relationships.

Another great benefit of watermelon tourmaline is that it has powerful healing vibrations. It is a great stone to give to a friend who is struggling with anxiety or depression. SHOP TOURMALINE

How to use crystals for friendship

There are many ways to use crystals for friendships. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are some of the best ways to work with your gemstones:

Gift a Crystal to a Friend: This is probably one of the most meaningful ways to show your friends that you love them. Gift them a beautiful crystal to remind them that you care. You can even find friendship crystals shaped like cute little hearts!

Carry crystals in your pocket: If you are socially awkward or shy, you can carry crystals in your pocket to relieve stress and anxiety. This is a good way to remind yourself to be open to new people and new friendships.

Wear Crystal Jewelry: Most of the friendship crystals mentioned in this post can be found in jewelry. If you want to bond with your best friend, buy two of the same necklace so each of you can have one!

Make Crystal Friendship Bracelets: Friendship bracelets are very popular and now you can make them using crystal beads. If you are smart, you can make beautiful bracelets for your friends to promote your friendship.

bottom line

Whether you’re building new friendships or cultivating existing ones, crystals can help. You can gift one (or more) of these wonderful crystals to your friends as a friendship to show them that you love them and want them to be happy.

If you are shy and trying to make new friends, labradorite and blue tip agate can help and give you the courage to interact with others. Toxic friendships can also be ended with the help of Malachite or Black Kyanite. What are your favorite friendship crystals? Let me know in the comments below!

What does lapis lazuli do?

Lapis Lazuli’s benefits consist of a powerful intense blue stone used to open minds and give enlightenment. It is used to encourage self – awareness, self – confidence, self – knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion, morality, making the wearer in a good mood throughout the day.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

What is lapis lazuli

A beautiful heavenly deep blue stone, lapis lazuli is considered a semi-precious stone with its intense color display. It consists of deep blue lazurite, glittering pyrite, cloudy white calcite and other minerals.

It is considered protection against psychic attacks, brings deep peace, harmony, reveals inner truth, honesty, compassion, self-confidence and self-expression. Because of its healing powers, lapis lazuli is hailed as a stone of wisdom. With its classic type, it is loved by the pharaohs from Egypt thousands of years ago.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal welcomes most truths, wisdom and spiritual wonders and brings them into your inner peace.

Lapis lazuli meaning

The meaning of the lapis lazuli stone comes from the Latin word lapis for stone and the Persian word lazhward for blue. The color meaning of lapis lazuli has also been used in several languages ​​including Spanish and Portuguese Azul. Lapis lazuli was mined in the mines of Sar-i Sang in Shortugai and found in Bhirrana, the oldest site of the Indus Valley Civilization dating back to 7570 BC. BC, which has been valued by the community since that time. This stone has been declared one of the oldest opaque gems in history, dating back more than 6,500 years. Some Bible scholars believe that the spiritual meaning of lapis lazuli in the Old Testament refers to “sapphire,” indicating lapis lazuli.

It has been used as the finest art throughout the ages, particularly in ancient Egypt, loved by the Babylonians, Minoans, Chinese, Greeks and up to the Romans. It was historically used in King Tutankhamun’s death mask, where it was inlaid with turquoise and carnelian in pale gold. It was also played as a cosmetic by Cleopatra and was a subject of a well-known writer Marco Polo in 1271. Michelangelo grinds lapis lazuli to create a blue color called ultramarine, which brings color and paints the robes of Mary of Nazareth to church walls.

Lapis Lazuli is a combination of a rock type of Calcite, Diopside, Lazurite, Pyrite and more. This semi-precious stone has been so popular over the centuries for its mystical appearance and irresistible energy. It is commonly used by faith healers because they have believed that lapis lazuli meaning has a deeper purpose throughout the centuries. They demonstrated its calming influence, revealing truth and empowering your senses.

Healing Properties and Benefits of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli benefits consist of a powerful intense blue stone used to open the mind and give enlightenment. It is used to promote self-esteem, self-confidence, self-knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion and morality, and to keep the wearer in a good mood throughout the day. The properties of lapis lazuli are effective in reducing inflammation and helping both the respiratory and nervous system fight problems. It cleanses the throat and thyroid, best for those suffering from voice problems and sore throats.

What Are the Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli? There are many benefits you can get from owning a stone like this. It can boost the immune system, cools and relieves inflammation, reduces insomnia, overcomes depression and dizziness. This is a helpful tool for intellectual analysis, problem solving and generating new ideas. This stone can be practically used to generate various ideas, improve intellectual abilities, and activate and sharpen your memory. The metaphysical properties of lapis lazuli make this crystal so useful and popular to this day.

Feelings and Emotional Healing

The healing crystal of lapis lazuli was discovered to calm anger and negative thoughts. A useful tool for those suffering from emotional breakdowns, it calms the senses and opens the mind to produce knowledge and self-awareness. It is a protective stone against fear and psychic attacks that push the mind to think more and come up with more ideas. it stimulates clarity and objectivity and speaks one’s truth and emotions. It also came to balance the masculine and feminine aspects of your personality, which vibrate with the energy of the inner king or queen and historically are stones of royalty.

Lapis lazuli emotional healing not only addresses the inner issues but can enter your life to create purpose and determination. it can wash out the negativity in your mind so you can think clearly. Strengthening the mind to influence your body to be active at work, career and life in general are the healing properties of lapis lazuli.


Due to its connection to celestial energies, used by ancient royal families long ago, some of lapis lazuli’s healing properties are believed to create vibrations that activate the spirit and affect life with greater intelligence, prosperity, and tranquility of the inner senses . It helps the person to be more aware and can express their truth easily. It is also known as The Wisdom Keeper as it synchronises the mind, body and spirit. Its power can reveal your inner wisdom and improve connection with your inner strength.

This is a way to clear the mind and set a new pattern to generate new ideas. Openness, calm, and confidence are exchanges of anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts brought on by various life experiences that lapis lazuli has and can offer.


Lapis lazuli stone can connect your heart and mind, forcing it to create good blood flow and calm your emotions. This is a treatment for skin problems, helps with breathing problems, and is good for the nervous system, which controls brain disorders like Asperger’s Syndrome, autism, and attention deficit disorder. It is believed to boost the immune system, aid blood circulation and calm inflammation. It cleans organs, thymus and bone marrow. It is also a good treatment for women suffering from menstrual cramps, cramps, dysmenorrhea, stiffness and lumbago.

Placing this in your upper area can stimulate power from his chakra (throat) especially in your throat, larynx, thyroid and vocal cords area that needs improvement. It is beneficial for those who want to perform in auditions that can get perfect focus, bring clarity, encouragement and self-knowledge. These are based on faith healers who have identified the healing properties of lapis lazuli through its chakra representation.


Like the other common crystals, lapis lazuli’s spiritual properties can open your psychic abilities and heighten your senses. It is a powerful stone that helps to find your inner peace, intuition and wisdom. It can empower your inner self to uncover the truth and reveal your true self. It has the energy to connect with your desires with divine will and to incorporate lapis lazuli crystal meaning into your daily life, empowering you to live your life with confidence and authenticity. Lapis Lazuli is known to offer serenity and calm that makes the wearer dependent on themselves, focused with truth and trust.

It will speak to you and can change your move with your job, career and goals that made you unsure of your previous decisions. This stone has a way of making you fearless in your choices or decisions during your journey, which will boost your spirit to become more motivated every day.

Lapis lazuli uses and metaphysical properties

wearing lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a shimmering shade of deep blue in color with golden or brownish inner spots that bring light into the dark atmosphere. By cutting this stone and making a piece of jewelry, it can never have the same lining or color pattern that makes it unique and more attractive. It doesn’t have a strong metal ability that will lead to easy scratches and chipping if you don’t carry it too carefully.

Based on the advice of astrologers, the best time to wear lapis lazuli jewels is on a Saturday night of Krishna Paksha (waning moon). Lapis Lazuli powers can penetrate deep into your inner intuition and generate more energy from the moon to its surface. In Verdict astrology, this is a stone of a planet Saturn, giving the wearer an auspicious effect of Saturn. Some say it is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which enhances consciousness and wisdom.

Lapis lazuli benefits from being worn especially on the upper part of the body like earrings and necklaces, boosting your confidence and constantly reminding you of your authenticity.

Wearing lapis lazuli throughout your body provides powerful vibrations that connect with your mind, body and spirit that are known to attract promotion and success. So it is the best partner when you are not sure about something or do not understand the meaning of your life.

lapis lazuli at home

Lapis lazuli has many benefits not only for health, but also in the home. Lapis Lazuli and Feng Shui are used to know how exactly the forces are absorbed and become effective when placed inside the home.

Lapis lazuli home accessories can offer protection and add positive energy to the home. It can neutralize energy in all family members, which can calm the surroundings and create peace and harmony. You can put it on the altar to absorb more powers from the divine.

Lapis lazuli home decors are the best in fashion and interior design. It was used by ancient painters as the base color for their masterpiece. These paintings were popular because of the intense and sparkling color of lapis. When you are alone in your home, it can help you control your thoughts and emotions to better understand your inner worth. In people suffering from depression, stress or anxiety, this stone has the power to heal wounds from within, especially those who are away from their families and independent souls. The best advice on where to place lapis lazuli at home based on feng shui is in bedrooms and living rooms that face south for abundance and wealth, north for career, or east for health.

Lapis lazuli at work

This stone helps you focus and think about how life can bring you success and determination. Among other things, lapis lazuli can be best worn at work. It allows you to decide where to take action and when not to. It is used for those who are struggling with their goals and directions.

The benefits of lapis lazuli in the workplace are expressing what you are feeling and being fearless at all times. It encourages inspiration in every task you will do. If you are unsure of what or where to take advantage of an opportunity, this stone is your number one choice.

Meditation with lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli has been witnessed by ancient people using it as part of their meditation. It has been proven to increase awareness, inner truth, hope and peace. When meditating, a quiet place is the best place to start to focus and feel the power of the stone. You can even hold a small polished lapis stone on your hands or put it anywhere you like. You can use a raw lapis lazuli stone but others prefer to use the polished one as they place it somewhere on their body.

Both shorter and longer meditations can work on this stone. But for more intense meditations, such as B. powerful moments that release emotions, it is advisable not to do the lapis lazuli meditation for more than 2 hours. Depending on how you are feeling that day, whether or not you need more time to yourself will always be your decision. Deep breaths for relaxation, to express tension and worries. Keep breathing in and out to release negative thoughts and absorb light from the crystal. It will open your mind to things you want to know about yourself. It increases the ability to think more and feel more about things that you are not aware of.

people and relationships

Lapis lazuli powers are considered harmony in friendships and relationships. It influences the truth and promotes the self-confidence of others. You can wear the mood and touch others while walking with them. You can absorb your positive energy and give them relief without holding the stone.

It protects harmony in relationships and balances feelings or emotions. It opens the door of acceptance for friendships or relationships and gives more understanding as they can promote inner peace and truth. This stone helps you appreciate the person and keep the relationship alive because it promotes chance and represents luck.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Therapies

Lapis lazuli was one of the most prized tributes to Egypt, acquired from the oldest mines and still in use today. In modern studies, lapis lazuli crystal therapy has been proven to help people with higher IQ, autism and Asperger’s Syndrome with their awareness and helps them to recognize their habitual thought patterns.

This stone carries a lot of positive energy that gives the wearer a good and healthy feeling. It strengthens the spirit that helps people suffering from trauma, depression and grief. It gives them hope, clears their minds and gives them courage. It is also best suited for those who need to think deeper and focus every day, such as psychologists, writers, executives, and professionals. This is a suitable tool to support their intellectual analysis, be more creative and perfect for critical thinking.

It is also used to eliminate toxins in the body and has been shown to be a weight loss tool, women with an intense effect on female hormonal balance, adding two days to their menstrual cycle. This crystal is highly recommended to those desiring extreme understanding of their inner selves and extraordinary emotional healing. Exposing to sunlight to heat lapis lazuli helps reduce bruising and insect bites.

Lapis lazuli and chakras

Which chakra is lapis lazuli? It is associated with the third eye chakra. It is known as the mind’s eye or inner eye, which is connected to spiritual awareness and allows perception beyond normal vision. Located in the brain and upper part of the nose, it serves to see both the inner and outer world. As the sixth chakra, it is well motivated by knowledge, wisdom, intuition, insight, wisdom and self-awareness. If the stone can awaken your third eye chakra, your psychic ability will open up and see further. When you need to organize your life and focus on what you want to do or become, this stone has that third eye chakra to help with your desires and mindset.

Lapis lazuli is not completed as a wisdom stone without having this throat chakra associated with it. This can communicate when you feel unheard and not understood, this is an absolute choice of stone. This helps you to reveal your inner feelings, to know the inner truth and to express confidence, clarity and self-awareness. It urges you to convey a full expression of words and unease about showing yourself to others. It will encourage you to speak with a clear mind and share the real you with other people.

Lapis Lazuli Beauty Products

Lapis lazuli is also one of the best stones with flexible uses. They found a way to make oil from this stone called Blue Tansy. This lapis lazuli crystal facial tool helps to soothe skin irritations and reduce the appearance of blemishes and redness and even out the skin. It has also been used to create face rollers with almost the same effect as the oil but more focused on massaging the face. Lapis lazuli healing properties for the skin include: reduces inflammation, stimulates lymphatic drainage and lowers blood pressure.

Lapis Lazuli Intimate Accessories

Due to its extremely expressive blue color, lapis lazuli is one of the best crystal materials to create accessories, handmade jewelry, and home decor. Lapis lazuli yoni egg is a common tool for meditation and muscle toning. Lapis lazuli is also the best material to make Crystal Wand Yoni Sticks, a Kegel exercise body massager for women. Its natural properties made it good for this type of method. It will help you exercise your kegel, chest, arms, legs, neck, waist, head and other body parts. This tool activates and increases energy. It will create an expanding flow of energy along the spine.

Lapis Lazuli Gem Water

For deeper creativity, focus and memory, this lapis lazuli gemstone water bottle is best to take anywhere. It allows you to bring the power of the crystal into the water wherever you go and especially when you need it. It is advisable to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day, and for additional enlightenment add lapis lazuli. It is believed to help hydrate you while being energized by the power of the crystal.

You can take the elixir out of the bottle to use in your home. It is a highly spiritual crystal that expands your thinking, creates deeper connections to the spiritual world and boosts awareness.

Lapis lazuli shapes and forms


Lapis lazuli bracelets for communication and intuition are made with a natural crystal lace with mini beads in the deep cobalt blue color found only in high quality lapis.

Lapis lazuli cluster bracelets can be combined with the following cluster jewels with the same effect and benefits:

Lapis Lazuli Earrings

Lapis Lazuli Pendant

Lapis Lazuli Ring

Lapis Lazuli Necklace

Heart shaped lapis lazuli jewelry

Featuring a beautiful set of lapis crystals in a sterling silver or gold and lace frame, this is a stunning duo for a sophisticated and elegant look.


This kind of cut and polished lapis lazuli point crystals has sparkling color and lustrous luster, used for home decorations, especially in bedrooms to promote overall well-being. It can also be used by holding it in your palm to get away with negative energies caused by a bad day. Typically, a lapis lazuli wand cuts as a pointed crystal for easy carrying and one-handed holding.


Raw lapis lazuli jewelry is commonly used for yoga practice. It improves the mind and body during exercise. It activates the inner chakra which gives you peace, wisdom, truth and all forms of deep communication. It calms your mind, body and spirit, connects with your inner self and opens your third eye chakra for the enhancement of your psychic abilities.


If you want to look fancier, this lapis lazuli loose tube rice bead shape is perfect for you. It has different bead sizes depending on how comfortable wearing large cut beads is or how many number strands you want. It can be in round shapes, ovals, cubes, or even saucer-shaped beads.


This stone has its flexible material which can also be shaped as slabs. This is a handmade royal blue plate and is also used as lapis lazuli furniture. They are usually designed with a touch of lapis blue color to make them more elegant and classy. This is also in bowl shape or oval plates with the raw or polished piece. You can also request custom panels with your own designs and sizes.


Natural lapis lazuli spheres are gorgeous with their superb smoothness and lapis gold or brown flashes carved into a crystal ball. It is usually 5-6″ in diameter for perfect home decor and usually comes with a wooden or acrylic stand.

Tumbled Stones

Tumbled stones are perfect for healing purposes which have always been spiritually, intellectually and emotionally associated with the natural healing powers of lapis lazuli. This can be sold per piece or in a bundle depending on the size and cut. It is a mostly polished stone for a more sparkling look as it can also be decorated in your home.

More examples of tumbled stones

There are many carved pieces of lapis lazuli crystal that are guaranteed to be useful, adorable, and unique. From a baby elephant carved with a variety of lapis lazuli shapes, a pale color of a scarab beetle in raw form, to a free form piece example with saturated royal blue polished stone, attractively elegant as it is filled with the natural beauty of the are crystal.

Lapis lazuli found with other minerals/crystals

Lapis lazuli has an essential ingredient called lazurite, which gives it its deep blue phosphate. It contains less calcite and pyrite, it also consists of sodium, calcium and aluminosilicate mineral containing sulfur. This mineral is resistant to heat, acid and alkali, usually colored or coated with wax. It may also contain some feldspar, mica, apatite, titanite, diopside, muscovite and amphibole. Being a rock composition, it has distinct physical properties normally associated with crystalline limestones and a product of contact metamorphism.

It typically contains a whitish matrix of calcite, a rock-forming mineral that is extremely abundant and found in sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, widely used for construction, materials, abrasives, pigments and pharmaceuticals than other minerals. If the appearance of a lapis lazuli is dull and green, it can be considered the lowest quality lapis as it may contain excess pyrite.

Calcite is often the second most common mineral in lapis lazuli. It is the one that gives the stone layers of white and breaks that create a stone with a faded denim color. It is one of the main components of sedimentary rocks such as marble and limestone. These materials are nowadays used for constructions that can be easily mixed and transported. This is also used to craft houses, buildings, highways, walls and many other structures.

Pyrite, on the other hand, is a brassy yellow material with a slightly metallic sheen. It is usually distinguished as gold. But it has a different texture as God is soft and curved, but the pyrite has a brittle texture and can be broken into thin pieces. Gold can leave yellow streaks while pyrite has its greenish-black marking. Pyrite can be used as protection against criticism and tampering and can be sold separately. It is a symbol of courage and inspires creativity in many ways.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Combinations

This crystal is so versatile that any stone could work with it. You can combine it with emerald, sapphire, labradorite, onyx, coral, carnelian, agate, amethyst, turquoise or even white pearl. They all offer healing and energy that are best paired with Lapis Lazuli. These combinations are especially beneficial when you want to deepen your intuition and awareness and increase your energy that promotes success and abundance.

lapis lazuli and opal

The best crystal to combine with lapis lazuli is the opal. It can enhance the power of lapis lazuli in manifesting your desires through your hard work, dedication, and financial and business success.

Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise

The turquoise combination is believed to achieve clear thought communication as it helps your throat chakra flow smoothly into your body. It suppresses anger and frustrations giving you direct answers and balancing your emotions. This combination helps promote forgiveness, self-acceptance, mood elevation, and speaking skills. Turquoise amplifies Lapis Lazuli’s abilities for deeper connections between the physical and spiritual realms.

Lapis Lazuli and Emerald

While the combination of emerald and lapis lazuli expresses more love and understanding in relationships. Emerald is best suited to instill compassion throughout his heart chakra. It is best for a wearer to hold it with lapis lazuli as it can encourage forgiveness and acceptance to gain unconditional love. While emerald heals the heart for emotions, lapis lazuli will clear the way to communicate more and bring loyalty to the relationship.

Origin of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli was believed to be prized by the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, China and Rome. They considered it a semi-precious gem – like sapphire and turquoise. But they discovered other places where lapis lazuli can be mined:

Afghanistan: The world’s most important source of lapis lazuli semi-precious stones in the province of Badakhshan in northern Afghanistan and in the Pamir Mountains in southern Tajikistan. They make millions of dollars a year which leads to them being the main mine and largest source of high quality lapis lazuli stones.

Chile: One of the largest deposits of lapis lazuli can also be found in the Andes of Chile. But it’s not as highly regarded as in Afghanistan, it’s mostly used around the world. Dominated by white calcite with a lesser amount of blue lazurite than the blue intense color found in Afghanistan.

Russia: The blue less intense lapis lazuli is found in Lake Baikal in Russia. It has more white calcite and the synergy of the rock than the high grade lapis in Afghanistan.

California and Colorado: You may also find commercial lapis lazuli mines in Wrightwood, California and Crested Butte, Colorado.

Canada: Lapis Lazuli deposits are present in Lakes Harbor and Southern Baffin Island, Canada.

Lapis lazuli birthstone and zodiac sign

Lapis lazuli birthstone traditionally for December and is considered the gemstone for the seventh and ninth wedding anniversary. It is also the planetary stone for the Libra and Capricorn zodiac signs. The natural birthstone for September is sapphire and turquoise for December, but they considered lapis lazuli as an alternative as it brings peace, royal honor, power, vision and a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.

Lapis lazuli is considered an alternative September birthstone along with sapphire in the United States. People born in December tend to be independent, ambitious, persistent, realistic and sensitive. They don’t like to party and want to be alone most of the time.

Those born in September with the zodiac sign Libra are not socially compatible with Capricorn. They hated being alone and loved material things. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, making them a great lover who is characterized as charming and cool.

People associated with these zodiac signs need to wear this powerful stone to attract more energy and help them on their journey. It protects you from evil thoughts because this crystal clears your mind and promotes inner truth.

Energy color lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli gemstones are usually an intense blue color. It is identified as a semi-precious stone with a high lazurite or blue color to identify its authenticity. Faded blue lapis lazuli is also considered an inferior lapis stone. It is composed of a larger amount of white calcite and pyrite mineral, which are incorrectly referred to as patches of white instead of gold, and are often referred to as denim lapis.

The deeper in color, the more power there must be. It has a beautiful heavenly blue color that can be easily identified as high quality lapis lazuli. Intense blue energy means you can express truth and compassion, muddy blue in opposite fears speaking your truth.

How to care for lapis lazuli

The properties of lapis lazuli have been studied as being fragile and delicate. It should not be stored with other gemstones to avoid unnecessary scratches. Always remember to remove your jewelry when playing or participating in sports that may put pressure on the stone.

To care for a lapis lazuli, you can take the first step by wrapping it in a soft cloth, velvet, or acid-free paper and placing it with other stones. It doesn’t necessarily need to be separated with a box, but a cloth can help prevent damage or scratches.

Lapis lazuli is a form of porous rock that needs to be kept in a cool, dry place. It should not be exposed to warm temperature and it is advisable to apply silica gel to keep it moisturized.

Things to keep in mind when using lapis lazuli: Always remember the golden rule: “Last wear, first remove.” Make sure it doesn’t come into contact with other chemicals and may crack or break if you drop it on the floor. Do not sleep in your jewelry to prevent it from falling or being scratched.

How to clean lapis lazuli

The powers of lapis lazuli remain active as long as you take good care of it. Just cleaning it with a soft, dry cloth will maintain its shine and quality. Others use chemicals to polish the lapis. They suggest using chromium oxide and others say you could use aluminum oxide to polish the stone. But not all lapis lazuli is perfectly polished when used in jewels. You may encounter a slightly rough appearance.

Here are ways to clean your lapis lazuli:

1. The usual cleaning of the stone is to soak it in warm soapy water. This is the safest and easiest way to remove dirt stains and other chemicals soiled in the stone. Do not use chemicals that generate heat such as acid

2. The second method is to use cool water but don’t soak it for hours. In this case, some minerals bound to it can be removed.

3. Do not use cleaning products with acidic ingredients. It could damage the appearance and change the color of the stone.

4. Lapis Lazuli is a soft gemstone. The color is intense, if you notice the color fading, you may need to change the cleaning method.

How to program lapis lazuli

After cleaning, you must restore the energy and power of the lapis lazuli by charging it using the following methods:

The use of the moonlight is of great help for the stone to transmit the energy of the moon. You just need to put it under the moonlight for a day or two while you sleep.

Rubbing the palm: Others, such as Native Americans, use their palm to recharge the stone. They believe that the heat from your body creates energy to recharge the gemstone.

To program the lapis lazuli stone, you can refer to the list below:

1. You need to meditate and focus on what you want to achieve. Think about what you want from your stone and compose your intuition.

2. Go to a place where you can sit quietly and away from distractions. Using a desk lamp can help the crystal produce energy.

3. Focus and feel the energy coming out of you and the crystal; Negative vibes are meant to be taken away from the Lapis and pass its positive energy straight to you.

You can also program this stone for your sleep intentions. Just slip it under your pillow or bed, or simply wear a piece of lapis lazuli jewelry.

Where to buy lapis lazuli

online stores

Gemrockauction – It is one of the largest online gemstone shops with 45 branches in USA and other big countries like Australia and Russia. They offer auctions and sales of lapis lazuli.

Ross-Simons – Located in The Mall at Short Hills, 1200 Morris Turnpike

Short Hills, NJ 07078 USA and 112 Christiana Mall Newark, DE 19702 USA. Established in 1952, this store offers exceptional quality jewelry and luxury items at the most affordable price.

Whim Collection – Located at 55 Lewis Street, Unit 210 Boston MA 02128, offers high quality crystals to suit your wildest adventures and interests. You can buy lapis lazuli any time of the day.

Events & Shows

Further information on current trade fairs and events can be found under the following links:

Lapis Lazuli Ministries

local shops

Due to modern technology, many stores online make larger volumes of sales than their physical stores. They offer the same variety of gemstones online and offer customer service hotlines from mostly larger stores.

What does Carnelian crystal do?

A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

Healing properties of carnelian

What is carnelian?

Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony. Carnelian is a 17th Anniversary Gemstone.

carnelian associations

Chakras – Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra

Birthstones – July

Zodiac – Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo

planet Mars

Element – Fire

Numerical vibration – number 5

Typical Colors – Clear to translucent reddish brown which may vary from a pale orange to pink or from gray to an intense almost black hue.

Healing with carnelian

♥ Emotional Warmth ♥ Sociability ♥ Creativity ♥ Individuality ♥ Remembrance ♥ Appreciation of Nature ♥ Harmony ♥ Courage ♥ Happiness ♥ Self-Esteem ♥ Rebirth ♥ Reincarnation ♥ Past Life Remembrance

Carnelian is a stabilizing stone that restores vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life decisions, dispels apathy and motivates to succeed. Carnelian is useful in overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps to trust yourself and your perceptions. It overcomes negative conditioning and promotes steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytical skills and clears perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, anger and resentment. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a zest for life. Carnelian increases fertility and stimulates sexuality.

Carnelian treats back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It regulates the kidneys and accelerates the healing of bones and ligaments. Improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues.

If you feel that you have benefited in any way from the gemstone and crystal healing properties on this site, please consider a donation or investment to keep this information alive for your future use and for the use of others . Please donate the amount that this information is worth to you.

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Thank you and blessings,

Karyl ♥

Descriptions of the healing properties of gemstones come from the following sources:

What is amethyst good for?

Known as “the all purpose stone”, Amethyst is a protective stone that helps to relieve stress and anxiety in your life, and the symptoms that accompany it, namely headaches, fatigues, and anxiety. It also aids in cell regeneration (supporting your bones and joints) and is reputed to improve your skin.

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship



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Tech that can keep your long distance relationship alive | USA TODAY
Tech that can keep your long distance relationship alive | USA TODAY

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10 Best Crystals for Long Distance Relationships

Sometimes relationships can get difficult when two people can’t stay as close as they wish. Being physically present with your partner is important, but if this is not possible, you can enlist the help of long distance relationship crystals. It will help rebuild the bond and strengthen the love between you two that has been weakened by prolonged physical separation.

Problems that arise due to distance can be solved by Rose Quartz, Garnet and Sodalite Crystals. This is one of the finest and most effective stones that can connect very well with our body. These two energy fields attract each other, creating psychological changes that are essential to keep a relationship healthy, even from afar.

However, it is sad to see that people believe that these processes do not work as they have no scientific value. In all honesty, whether crystals work or not depends entirely on how receptive you are to them. So, in this article, you will find more lists of crystals and compelling combinations that will help you achieve your goals.

5 Ultimate Love Crystals and Their Purposes

There is no magic spell for love when it comes to real life. However, you cannot deny the presence of energy and vibration in the universe. These are far-fetched for people without help. Therefore, crystals come in handy in this case. It works in different ways like love, bonding, marriage, happiness, luck and so much more than you can imagine.

To be clear, crystals won’t directly help you achieve things if you don’t do it yourself. All it will do is open your heart to more acceptance and love. It will keep your relationships strong even though you are miles away from your partner. So let’s get into the list of the best crystals for long distance relationships and their ways to support your journey.

1. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the one who sings the songs of universal love! Also known as the “heart stone,” it represents love of all kinds, from self-love to friendships to relationships. So if you are going through a rough patch with your partner then invest in a rose quartz. This is perfect as it encourages a gentle way to reconnect your heart’s chakra in the right direction.

The correct way to use it is to put it on your chest. In this way, all the worries and pains of your heart will come to the surface of your chest and heal. You can make a necklace or bracelet out of rose quartz so that it touches your skin. The loving and nurturing energy of this crystal will bring you soothing vibrations of peace.

2. Malachite

This deep green crystal is best suited if you have trust issues with your partner. It helps absorb negative emotions to free your heart from mistrust and pollution from your surroundings. At the same time, it will balance your expectations by bringing positive energy. This crystal is perfect for long distance relationships as it helps foster mutual bonds.

Just like rose quartz, you can wear malachite as a bracelet and pendant. But you can also keep it under your pillow to feel safe and at peace at night. It will help give you energy for the day ahead and prepare your head to expect positive things from your partner. It will help protect your heart chakra.

3. Garnet

This beautiful red stone simulates better commitments in long-distance relationships. If you are looking for more devotion from yourself and your partner’s heart, then this is the stone for you. Since these relationships are more difficult than normal relationships, they are also difficult to hold on to. Therefore, using Garnet will save you from the fear of losing your loved one.

The name Garnet derives from the Latin name Granatum, which means pomegranate. The crystal resembles the beautiful red seeds of the fruit. It is known to cure depression and bad dreams when placed under a pillow. Sacral and solar plexus chakras are also synchronized when associated with this precious crystal.

4. Sodalite

Jealousy is a sign of healthy relationships. However, if this jealousy is not addressed and resolved through talking, problems can arise on a regular basis. All long-distance couples have that one constant complaint that their partners don’t communicate properly with them. Therefore, sodalite crystal can take this place as it simulates truthful logical thinking.

This azure-indigo stone would enhance one’s ability to comprehend concepts of intelligence by providing greater concentration in the mind. Again, clarity of thought is very important when someone is in a relationship they want to keep forever. So this crystal will produce the energy needed to work towards developing a non-toxic relationship with your significant other.

5. Lapis Lazuli

This crystal is closely related to spiritual awareness and physical well-being. Because of its ancient history, it is quite expensive than the other stones. It is said to be associated with several periods and spaces associated with Chinese, Portuguese and Greek civilizations. It has the properties of indigo crystals and is solar powered to balance your third eye chakra.

In fact, this stone is also known as the “Guardian of Wisdom” as the possessor of this stone is endowed with the ability to reconnect with their authentic self and others. Because of this, this tone is perfect for long-distance relationships. Love begins at home, so only if you love yourself enough will you be able to love yourself back exactly for your partner.

5 crystal combinations that work well

Sometimes a combination of two crystals can work better as one crystal may not fulfill your intentions. One has to be extra careful when choosing a combo or duo as it will overwhelm you with so many things to consider. It is also important to remember that combinations can also go wrong if not carefully put together.

Below is a list of combinations that would enhance your life and relationships by bringing balance, peace and harmony. You can practice pairing two to three crystals and making sure they fit together by balancing their energy connections. You can try making diagrams for your crystals with their purposes and mix them up for your needs.

1. Moonstone & Selenite

You can see that these two stones are related to the moon and that is why they are known as moon crystals. Both will create gentle yin energy that brings about prosperity, love, and sacrifice for necessary aspects of life. A sense of peace and serenity will be a lasting feeling in your heart when you keep these two stones together in your home.

The best time for these crystals to reflect is full moon. Take this opportunity to charge it up by leaving it outdoors in the moonlight for 4+ hours. The healing energy of the moon will flow into the crystals and they would create more beautiful vibrations for harmony and friendship between two people.

2. Carnelian & Rhodochrosite

This is one of the best combinations when you feel like you have lost connection with either yourself or your loved ones. Many couples complain that distance makes them feel like they’re not emotionally connected enough. So, this pairing of crystals can help them remove the obstacles that are causing this problem between them.

Carnelian helps the user by expanding their passion and zest for life. In addition, it opens new gates of love in their hearts. On the other hand, rhodochrosite makes them more vulnerable and accepting of the love that comes their way. So if you do the math here, it is one of the best combinations for lovers who are hurt and want to get their love back.

3. Citrine & Aventurine

This powerful combination will keep your feet on the ground by reminding you of your roots. In relationships where there is separation, it’s normal to feel free to do whatever you want because your partners aren’t there to check it out. This attitude is detrimental to both the person in relationships. The importance of ground rules and fidelity is immense for couples.

This crystal duo will enhance your wisdom and moral compass. Mutual understanding of each other’s potential and worth is enhanced when both parties wear these crystals either as bracelets or necklaces. Aside from the crystals looking down your throat or hands, this will also be a constant reminder that you are in a loving relationship. How to take care of your premises.

4. Clear Quartz and Hematite

Clear quartz is an almost white-transparent healing crystal, whereas hematite is black due to its iron oxide compounds. These two together help balance the good and bad in life. Like all other crystals, you can wear them or meditate with them to reclaim your calm and energy from the deepest root of the earth.

Relationships aren’t always sunshine and daisies. There will be days when you and your partner feel out of sync. Remind yourself these days that both the good and the bad make life. Zen and Yin meditation on these days would make you more balanced and relaxed when it comes to the bad parts of your life.

5. Ruby & Pink Tourmaline

This combination of deep beautiful red and cotton candy pink is great for all issues related to love and relationships. Ruby’s vibrations will remind you that there is no greater love than self-love. It will keep you from being a shadow figure in your relationships if you tend to get lost in love. Sensuality and fertility would surround your energy; and your life would feel more grounded.

Tourmaline, on the other hand, is best for hurting hearts to feel safe. It will give you a sense of security and calm. So the combinations of these beautiful stones will surely create long-distance relationships, the compassion and empathy one lacks for one’s partner because they are constantly apart.

Crystals that don’t work together

Honestly, all crystals can work together if you understand your intentions with them. However, if you put together crystals that have opposite purposes, it may not work or even fail. An example can be the combination of carnelian and selenite. These two have opposite effects when it comes to benefiting you.

The first would give you massive power and passion physically and mentally. On the other hand, the second would bring you undisturbed peace of mind, or what we call “Zen.” Therefore, the opposite properties of these crystals would somewhat cancel each other out. It will eventually leave you overwhelmed and exhausted.

Therefore, keep this in mind when combining crystals and stones for specific purposes. Take help from your friends who also believe in vibrations and energy of earth and stones. Make a diagram and take some time before combining two opposite portals of energy sources. Proper research before combining crystals is highly recommended to get good results.

Set your intentions

This is one of the most overlooked steps after buying crystals. Many people don’t realize that they need to activate their crystals in order for them to work. But before that, they need to set their intentions. Crystals have no effect unless you have clear intentions. It can work but seems vague to you because you haven’t fully understood what needs to be fixed.

To set your intentions, first decide what matters most to you. Then put your morals in between to see if it suits your purpose. Next, explore where you desire upgrades in your life and send your energy into this space to alert your heart and brain to follow your energy. Your energy level during this process determines the effect of the crystals.

Activation process of crystals

After setting your intention, you can move on to the most important step in making your crystals work – the crystal activation process. There are many ways, but the list below contains the simplest and most universal rules for telling your crystals what you want them to do. The process starts with cleaning your crystals. Later, follow one of the steps listed below.

Sun/Moon Bathing – Keep your crystals in the sun or full moon for at least 4 hours. It is charged by the energies and vibrations from them.

Bury – Bury your crystals in your garden or anywhere there is unbroken ground. It will help them soak up the energies of our loving Mother Earth.

Sage Smoke – Light a sage and place the smoke in front of your crystals to infuse them with this sacred art of purification.

Selenite Plate – Place your crystals on a selenite plate or bowl so they can release the stuck negative energy from them. It will purify their inner spiritual parts.

When you do this you will have energy infused and clean crystals to begin your work with. This is the time when you either make your crystals as bracelets or necklaces or keep them in your room to make them work. It is completely safe to keep crystals in your pockets and carry them with you wherever you go. It will also increase your self-confidence and make you feel more secure.

What are Soulmate Crystals? And why should you be careful when using them?

Soulmate crystals and twin souls are often interchangeable as these two crystals contain the same energy. It is important because two crystals of the same size grow side by side. It is mostly fortified, hence the name originated in the first place. These soulmate crystals are believed to help people find their soulmates or keep their relationships intact.

It will increase your desire to be with your partner forever by making your bond inseparable – just like the crystals. However, like any other stone, it only serves as a guide. You need to be more aware of your own intentions and your relationship for the crystal to support you on the right path.

Any crystal can be a soulmate crystal depending on how it is shaped and the nature of its energy for love and relationships. So choose wisely when investing in these twin crystals as it can easily backfire. Before buying and using, make sure you really want your partner to stay with you forever. Otherwise, it could bring you more misfortune than good.


Whether you’ve been on a bad romance in your long-distance relationships or you’ve lost touch with yourself, hope these long-distance relationship crystals have helped you. Accepting and allowing energy to enter your life will determine how much crystals would help with your issues. So believe in positivity and create new ways to always stay healthy!

10 Best Crystals To Make Long-Distance Relationship To Work And How To Use Them

Long distance relationships can be pretty tough. Having the person you love miles away and not being physically with them can be extremely challenging. It takes trust and commitment to make the relationship work despite the distance. Crystals can be used to keep the love bond between a couple alive. They help keep any relationship strong no matter the distance.

Here are the ten crystals that can make your long relationship work.


When you are miles away from your partner, negative thoughts tend to enter your mind. Malachite is a crystal that will help calm your mind and eliminate negative thoughts. In addition, malachite crystal encourages the love and bond that the two share. You can’t go wrong with this crystal, no matter how long your partner stays away. Put the malachite crystal under your pillow while you sleep or wear it as a pendant or bracelet.


Kunzite is a crystal that promotes maturity in any situation. If you are in a long distance relationship, this crystal will help you keep your cool. You will also understand that there can be no distance between your relationship. This crystal ensures that you are not insecure. You will always confess eternal and unconditional love to your spouse. Use kunzite crystal as jewelry to keep it close to you. By doing this, you will eliminate unwanted feelings that could be damaging to your relationship.

rose quartz

One of the crystals known for love is rose quartz. Distance will mean nothing when you have this crystal. Many people refer to this crystal as the stone of universal love, which it is. Rose quartz ensures that no distrust comes between you and your partner. Harmony will always be maintained in your relationship. This crystal encourages unconditional love and holds no grudges. As a result, your relationship will be free from misunderstandings that may arise due to the distance.


As mentioned before, long distance relationships cannot survive without commitment. Garnet helps partners bond despite the distance. This crystal has excellent loving energies that show love. This is what your long relationship needs to stay strong. You will agree that it is not easy to have a long-distance relationship. The good news is that it can be achieved with the Garnet Crystal.


The name moonstone represents a beautiful relationship. It is a crystal that emits light in your relationship. Moonstone is one of the crystals associated with romance. It is considered a sacred stone that is ideal for spouses who are far apart. It’s the glue that holds the relationship together. It ignites infinite passion in a relationship. Couples should carry this crystal with them and place it next to their bodies when separated.


Any relationship is usually filled with doubt and jealousy. It gets worse when two lovers are in a long-distance relationship. There is a suspicion that can end up having a negative impact on the relationship. That’s why you need sodalite, a crystal that promotes pure thought. It is a crystal that keeps your emotions balanced. This gives you objectivity in your relationship. Sodalite facilitates truth and improves communication.


A long distance relationship requires patience. Without that, you could end up giving up the relationship. Dumortierite is a crystal that helps you practice patience. It’s virtue that keeps a long-distance relationship healthy. Dumortierite encourages the couple involved to continue loving each other without caring about the distance.


For centuries, the sapphire has been known as a symbol of heaven. The sky symbolizes everything beautiful. Saphir is committed to unconditional love and beauty in a relationship. It encourages loyalty and commitment, especially for long-distance lovers. You can gift your partner SapphireSapphire jewelry to keep your relationship intact when they’re gone.

lapis lazuli

Love is a beautiful thing, and distance should never interfere with love. Lapis lazuli is the stone to use in a long distance relationship. It strengthens the bond between a couple and makes them fall deeply in love with each other even though they are separated. Lapis lazuli can be worn as a ring, necklace or bracelet. In this way, both energies remain connected.


Peridot works perfectly in maintaining love in a relationship. When a couple is physically separated, they may no longer love each other. That should be discouraged by using the Peridot Crystal. In addition, this stone eliminates negative thoughts that can affect your relationship. It increases love and makes a couple firm and unshakeable. Peridot leaves no room for doubt, uncertainty and jealousy.


For any relationship to last, love must reign. It’s what keeps every couple together, especially when they’re far apart. By using crystals associated with love, you can have a lasting long distance relationship. It is true that distance can be a hindrance in any relationship, but with love crystals you can endure the distance.

Also Read: Top 10 Healing Crystals for Friendship

7 Best Crystals for Friendship – Strengthen Your Long Distance Friendship

No matter how many oceans lie between you and those you love, friendship can separate you at a distance, but never truly at heart.

Friendship can be one of the most important relationships in our life. It’s the people we give our hearts to. It is those who share our laughter, who help carry our burdens, and who are linked to us by deep and beautiful bonds. That’s not to say that friendships are made of silk. They can also be a bumpy journey and a difficult path, especially with age and distance and when life just gets in the way.

When a friendship is stretched, it can be difficult to reestablish that close bond. Tricky but not impossible. Whether you’re sewing a bond back together, rebuilding crumbling foundations, or just want more love, strength, and communication to help you shine in certain relationships, these crystals of friendship can shrink any space and bring you back together.

The best healing crystals for friendship

What are the basics of friendship? Love, trust, communication and a shared sense of affection. In a world where we are all scattered across the globe and sometimes unable to share experiences due to distance, how do we keep these bonds strong?

No love or relationship is effortless, and even friendships require pruning and work to keep them harmoniously healthy. Healing Crystals can help build resilience, togetherness, unconditional bonds of love, and improve relationships, whether they are deeply rooted or beginning to fray at the edges. Let’s dive into the best gems to strengthen old friendships and celebrate new ones too…

Yellow topaz for building joy

Rose Quartz for unconditional love and compassion.

Lapis Lazuli for communication and connection.

Amethyst for calm and healthy friendships

Peridot to celebrate friendship

Moss Agate to bring balance

Full Alignment Chakra

Yellow Topaz

Yellow topaz’s golden glow reminds us that friendships are a shining beacon in the dark and a sign to be cherished. This stone knows how to ignite our gratitude and helps us to remind ourselves that friendship is something precious. Living in its luminous shades of joy, yellow topaz brings its sparkle and shines a light to the joy of friendship. It quickly makes us laugh and can even help make new friends as it manifests connections with like-minded people. For those looking to expand their social circle, open their friendship books, and nurture the simple joy of the relationships they already have, Yellow Topaz is a fun-loving energy. If you are also born under the Scorpio zodiac sign, Yellow Topaz is your birthstone and can highlight the best of these Scorpio traits.

rose quartz

All relationships including friendships are an affair of the heart. As one of the most powerful healing stones for the heart, Rose Quartz helps clear all issues with love and trust and instead invites your heart to open up (in the best way). Radiant in shades of pink, rose quartz reminds us that love can conquer all. Not just love for others, but love for ourselves, which is the basis upon which we can reach out and share our love with others. It is also a stone that helps us build compassion. For those who are impatient with their long-distance friendships or feel they are not getting the attention they need, Rose Quartz brings a gentler understanding and a sense of renewed and sweet peace. Learn more about the meaning of rose quartz.

lapis lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is one of the most popular healing crystals for invoking your own infinite wisdom in matters of friendship. Lapis lazuli invites us to grow in our own self-awareness, to connect deeply with others through the branches of communication, and to be humble. These are all integral pieces of a puzzle as one navigates the stormy waters that can come with the seasons of friendship. As a stone of truth and a cleanser for the throat chakra, lapis will also help you use the tone of speech effectively when communicating your own needs and desires. Learn more about the meaning of lapis lazuli.


If ever there were a stone that reminds you to take a deep breath, it would be the serene purple crystal of amethyst. As one of the most powerful healing stones, amethyst is known not only for its amazing ability to wash away negative feelings but also for its sense of comfort. When you’re feeling frustrated or lost because your friend is so far away, amethyst can help calm the mind and spirit and give you all the love, light, and abundance you need to thrive. For centuries, this stone was considered an amulet or talisman of friendship. Since amethyst is also said to protect against poisoning, it also helps you cultivate healthy and deep friendships instead of getting caught up in quick lightning obsessions with people who might not be that good for your soul. Learn more about the meaning of amethyst.


Sparkling in shades of golden green, peridot is the perfect stone to bring light and love back to your friendship. Peridot also shares the name The Stone of Friendship, meaning it’s perfectly made for moments when you want to bond and celebrate your closest buddies. Fresh and sparkling in mood and connected to the sun, it is a stone that can help banish the darkness. Peridot will not only bathe you in beautiful light, but will cast out emotional demons and dark thoughts that may block your paths in new or existing friendships. Peridot cleanses the house – washing away guilt, jealousy, anger and doubt, replacing all of these things with a sense of inner security, increased self-esteem and a sense that your true friendships are unshakable at their core. Learn more about the meaning of peridot.

moss agate

Grassy and green and connected and said to be a stone that promotes bountiful harvests, moss agate bestows its motto of abundance on friendship as well. This is a great stone for those looking to expand their friendships and attract new people. But for those who wish to focus their attention on the all-important existing friendships that may be far away but close at heart, moss agate can help here as well. This stone has an uncanny ability to initiate the balancing act. Whether your friendship is running too hot or too cold, Moss Agate will use its pendulum powers to bring everything back into balance. It is also a heart chakra stone, helping to keep your heart as open and bright as a ray of sunshine, keeping you ready and open to all things love. Learn more about the meaning of moss agate.


Why focus on one stone and one area of ​​your friendship when you can bring complete healing to every corner? Choosing a chakra stone set or chakra sphere or anything that aligns all seven chakras is a surefire way to get those friendships back on track. Love and life and our sense of openness, communication and self-esteem are all so much stronger when our chakras are cleansed and open. From the root that keeps us stable, to the solar plexus and sacral chakras where our source of joy sits, to the heart that longs for unconditional love and compassion, to the throat that needs to bask in truth, the third Eye for our intuitive wisdom, and finally the crown for our spiritual connections to those close to us – all of these can blossom with chakra sets.

Tips on how to use these friendship gems

Check out our chakra bracelet set

With a curated list of luscious crystals to bring your friendships into strength, harmony and full bloom of heart, what are the best ways to bring this essential crystal power into being? From friendship bracelets to forge unbreakable bonds, to mini crystals and worry stones and orbs to help you sit in mindful meditation, here’s how to harness the healing powers of your crystals.

Gift gemstone bracelets to loved ones and wear the same stone yourself to connect vibrations.

Wear gemstone jewelry or carry a stone in your purse or pocket when attending social events to attract a plethora of new friends as well.

When you text, call, or connect with your distant friend, place a rock on or near your desk to encourage greater communication based on truth and love.

Snap a picture of your friend (or better yet, both of you) and build a small altar with your choice of crystals to spread positive energy and gentle thoughts.

Sit in silent meditation and reflect deeply on your friendship, with a crystal in hand or on any of the chakras that you feel need healing. If your friendship struggles with communication, choose a blue stone for the throat chakra. If you can’t place what is wrong in your friendship, use Third Eye Chakra Stones, or if you feel you are struggling with kindness and compassion – pay attention to the heart chakra, etc.

Combine with other healing bracelets to enhance the beautiful gemstones above. Other stones that pair well with these friendship stones include malachite, citrine, labradorite, garnet, kyanite, selenite, clear quartz, sunstone, barite, aquamarine, carnelian, and tourmaline.


Long distance friendships can be difficult at times, and creating space to reach out and support each other can be crucial to keep the flame flickering. It’s also important to take a look at your own expectations regarding friendships and distance. Friendships change shape over time, and instead of growing with them, we can cling to the old ways and hold back our own friendships. Encouraging new friendships is another way to ensure your cup of self-love is full and you don’t rely too heavily on codependency when it comes to a single person.

Don’t get lost in the notion of space and separateness though, physical space may exist but there are other ways to connect. Spiritual connections, heart connections and soul connections can traverse any ocean and any cosmic space.

How do you deal with long-distance friendships? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments.

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