Best Feeder For Pigeons? 122 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “best feeder for pigeons“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Pigeons should enjoy some combination of wheat, cracked corn, sunflower seeds, sorghum, and millet. In order to maximize the chances of attracting them, you might want to spread out seeds on the ground or put them in some kind of tray or platform feeder on which the bird can easily perch.One of the key attractors to pigeons is dropped seed from bird feeders. Pigeons are attracted to this easy meal and will return once they find a bird feeder that deposits bird seed on the floor and the surrounding areas.Pigeons are generally herbivores but they will eat insects, snails and worms when they need to. Urban pigeons will happily munch on breadcrumbs, popcorn, biscuits, chips, rice, pasta, fish and pet food – pretty much anything that humans leave behind.

5 Best Pigeon Feeders
  • RentACoop Dual-Port Feeder. This feeder from Rent A Coop is a great no-mess option that prevents food from being wasted. …
  • POPETPOP Practical Pigeon Feeder. …
  • MACGOAL Automatic Poultry Feeder. …
  • FinYii 2-Pack No-Mess Automatic Bird Feeder.

What is the best thing to feed pigeons?

Pigeons should enjoy some combination of wheat, cracked corn, sunflower seeds, sorghum, and millet. In order to maximize the chances of attracting them, you might want to spread out seeds on the ground or put them in some kind of tray or platform feeder on which the bird can easily perch.

Do pigeons eat from feeders?

One of the key attractors to pigeons is dropped seed from bird feeders. Pigeons are attracted to this easy meal and will return once they find a bird feeder that deposits bird seed on the floor and the surrounding areas.

What kind of feed do pigeons like?

Pigeons are generally herbivores but they will eat insects, snails and worms when they need to. Urban pigeons will happily munch on breadcrumbs, popcorn, biscuits, chips, rice, pasta, fish and pet food – pretty much anything that humans leave behind.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

What do pigeons eat?

You’ll often see people in parks and town squares tossing a crust of their lunchtime sandwich or sausage roll snack to the assembled pigeons.

But what does our feathered friends/devils (depending on your point of view) regular diet really consist of? What do pigeons actually eat?

The staples of a wild pigeon diet

Pigeons are ground eaters and prefer to get their food from the ground. However, that won’t stop a hungry pigeon from pinching itself out of your backyard bird feeder.

Feral pigeons eat a variety of foods including grains, seeds, grains, plant seeds, and peas. They also feast on berries, fruits and vegetables.

Pigeons are generally herbivores, but will eat insects, snails, and worms when they need to.

City pigeons enjoy eating breadcrumbs, popcorn, cookies, chips, rice, pasta, fish, and pet food — pretty much anything humans leave behind.

How much do pigeons eat?

The average pigeon eats a tenth of its body weight every day. For comparison, we humans eat roughly the equivalent of our own body weight every 31 days.

The pesky birds that populate our cities weigh around 350 grams – the equivalent of a soup can. That means your average wild pigeon can get by on the equivalent of a slice of bread each day, although that alone wouldn’t provide them with nutritional support for long.

Don’t feed the pigeons

We see the signs often enough – “Please don’t feed the pigeons” – but aside from not encouraging the “rats with wings” to overpopulate urban areas, there are other reasons to be mindful of what we do for them sprinkle?

Certainly pigeons need a lot more water than most birds. This is particularly the case during the breeding season (spring to summer). For this reason, dehydrating feed is bad for pigeons. Pigeons actually have a taste for salt too, which doesn’t help much.

Human food, especially meat, can be dangerous for pigeons. Such ingestion can introduce bacteria that pigeons simply cannot fight off.

Of course, the other reason not to hand feed pigeons in the park or territory is that they can become dependent on humans for food and are less likely or actually in time to be able to forage food for themselves.

After all, the dove is a plague

Pigeons get bad press. They are intelligent birds and take a closer look and you will see that their blue, green and bronze plumage is really quite beautiful.

Pigeons are also one of the few creatures that managed to live in our urban environments without hiding in the bushes, alleys and sewers like the fox and the rat.

But pigeons are considered pests. They transmit diseases – particularly transmitted through their droppings. And they can damage buildings and wreak a bit of havoc by pooping on people and sidewalks underneath.

If you have a pigeon problem, whether it is in your home environment, garden, office building or business premises, it is worth understanding what the city pigeon prefers to do to make it go away. Finally, depriving pigeons of their preferred food is one way to ensure they have to go elsewhere to survive.

Read more Frequently Asked Questions


Can we feed raw rice to pigeons?

According to urban legend, uncooked rice can expand in a bird’s stomach, leading to tearing and even death. Many people have even stopped throwing rice at weddings out of fear of doing harm to flocks. However, there is no truth to this belief, and they’re able to eat grain just like other pests can.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

It’s a common myth that rice can kill birds if eaten. According to urban legend, uncooked rice can expand in a bird’s stomach, causing rupture and even death. Many people have even stopped throwing rice at weddings for fear of harming the herds. However, this belief is not true, and they can eat grain just like other pests.

Birds will eat rice to little to no effect, although most in urban areas simply prefer not to. So if you’re thinking about how to get rid of pigeons with rice, you might need to rethink your strategy. Given their dislike of them, birds like pigeons, finches, and titmice are likely just pecking at your efforts to get rid of them.

Methods to get rid of annoying birds

Birds such as pigeons, starlings and sparrows can easily become a nuisance to your property. Your litter can contaminate your yard, damage property, and potentially spread disease. Birds are also frequent carriers of parasites such as mites, fleas and lice (ectoparasites). When they find their way into your home, they may be letting in more than just themselves. The following methods can help reduce their visits and stop them from invading your space.

soundproofing agent

Some repellents will not deter birds as much as others. For example, pigeons eat rice, but can be repelled by loud noises. Loud noises are often used to scare away birds, and there are several soundproofing options available to homeowners. Some of the most popular products include sound devices that mimic emergency calls. They trick birds into believing other birds in the area are in danger and stay away. Some products contain species-specific bird repellents, which can be more efficient than general bird repellents since each species has its own distress call. Other noise repellents can include calls from predators or loud noises such as clapping. While noise can temporarily startle birds, they quickly become accustomed to repetitive noises. To increase effectiveness, sounds, frequency and volume should be rotated regularly.

Visual Repellents

Visual repellents include kites, balloons, or products that look like birds of prey. Some products can even feature lifelike movements. Regardless, visuals can also be ineffective over time as the birds become accustomed to their presence and realize that there is no threat. This can happen within a few days. To achieve the best results, it may be necessary to continually rotate and vary the items used.

Tactile Products

Tactile products are typically sticky substances that are applied to the surface of any area where a bird may rest or sleep. The material makes it uncomfortable for a bird to stand and deters it from returning. Tactile products are used on roofs, cornices, window sills, gutters and trees. While most tactile products may seem effective at first, they degrade over time due to weather and other environmental factors, requiring constant reapplication.

Removal and Exclusion

Nothing repels pests like professional pest control. Birds can eat rice, and this method of removal is nothing more than a myth. Avoid wasting time and money on trial and error tactics and stick to proven strategies. Contact Terminix® today to learn more.

What time of day do pigeons feed?

When I say day, in midsummer it is usually an afternoon and evening as pigeons do not usually flight out to feed until between 3pm and 8pm. Therefore, timing is a crucial part of reconnaissance. It is important not only to be on the right field, on the right day but at the right time of day.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

With long days to enjoy, Will Garfit invites you to join him in a dovecote to experience the exciting combination of test sport and pest control

On a beautiful June afternoon, Will Garfit shares the simple pleasures of pigeon shooting with a trip to a local farmer’s pea fields.

For more information on pigeon shooting, check out our list of 12 Pigeon Shooting Kit Pieces to Keep in Your Car or our Expert Pigeon Shooting Guide.


Pigeon shooting in shirtsleeves in the summer is a chance to get out with the gun in the otherwise lull between hunting seasons. There are always opportunities for skeet shooting, whether it’s charity shooting, simulated match days, or just visiting a shooting range with a friend to keep your eyes peeled. All of this can be fun and good practice, but doesn’t compare to the excitement of shooting at live quarry – and in my experience, no live quarry compares to the challenge of shooting wood pigeons. This is a truly ferocious bird that requires a lot of skill to craft a bag. The heart of the hunter will be fully engaged with reconnaissance, field engineering and a shooting experience to test the best. This bird can fly higher than any pheasant, as fast as a grouse, or it can be deceptively slow one moment and squirm like a snipe the next. No bird can produce so many interesting shots and challenges in one day.

As an agricultural pest, the wood pigeon can damage or even destroy crops all year round and can therefore be shot all year round.

A local farmer called to ask for help with his peas and the opportunity presented itself to plan a day of shooting. When I say day, it’s usually afternoon and evening in the height of summer, as the pigeons don’t usually fly out to feed until around 3pm to 8pm. Therefore, timing is a crucial part of reconnaissance. It is important not only to be in the right field on the right day, but also at the right time of the day.


So let’s go on a trip together on a beautiful afternoon in June. Quite apart from the shooting, the world buzzes with natural beauty when the forests and hedgerows are dressed in all shades of green, adorned with wild flowers and the sound of young birds perched on the wing. There are sights and sounds that delight all of our senses.

The evening before we drive around the area and check the field that the farmer mentioned. In this case, it’s his designated field of peas, but a common scenario is a tour of likely farms where you have permission to shoot to check the fields that are growing susceptible crops. In these fields the farmer has often used gas guns and all sorts of deterrents to scare off the pigeons, but after a week or two they get used to the outriggers and just take off as a flock, only to then settle down again on a quieter part of that Field. These are the areas the keen-eyed pigeon shooter will watch for a future prey.

Back in the peafield, half an hour of observation will provide a number of helpful clues for the next day. We will note the flight line or lines that tell us the direction from which the birds are coming into the field, their preferred area of ​​the field for feeding, the number of birds in the field, and the flow rate of the incoming birds. This is all important to plan our excursion for the next day. I love the anticipation and weighing the options, similar to a military operation. In the summer you will rarely see large herds, but they come in singles, doubles or small groups. Winter flocks arrive in large numbers, and even when they lure, only a bird or two may be shot, as the rest of the flock will be alerted and enlightened, making them even more cautious in the future.

It’s not thousands in the peafield but maybe 200-300, enough to certainly do some damage and hopefully get some exercise tomorrow. If we get it right and shoot straight, we could effectively reduce that number and enjoy a few shots.

We meet around lunchtime to load the car with the necessary equipment. It’s always amazing how much there is including camouflaged nets, skin poles, seats, about a dozen dead birds either fresh from a previous trip or from the freezer. Dead birds are always the best bait, but plastic baits can work to get things started, but sharp-eyed pigeons may not be fooled.

We’ll likely use a Whirly, a battery-powered rotary device that mimics movement and can attract birds, particularly on standing plants where baits aren’t easy to see if they’re half-hidden. Incoming birds look for exercise to lure them to where their mates are feeding. At the end of the day, to be optimistic, we take a few sacks to pack dead birds, bullets and our favorite guns, a bag of needed odds and ends (including earmuffs, sunglasses, folding saw, pruning shears) and we don’t need to eat and drink to keep us going forget. If you have a dog, it is important to take water and a bowl with you.

It all sounds like a kit. On occasion I’ve started with nothing but rifle and cartridges – improvising a hedge hide and shooting a few birds that would fly over to set off as decoys – but this is challenging and not necessary when properly prepared. Even if you have a checklist, trust me, there will be days when something gets forgotten – we’ve all done it.


We arrive and a few birds clatter from the cluster of willows on the windward side of the field. This is encouraging as it is the area where we saw pigeons feeding the night before and these willows were a focus as perching trees for birds who arrived to congregate while assessing the pea field they will be attacking today .

We soon make a hide after identifying the best position in the hedge from which to cover the willows and the bait. We choose a gap between two pastures where we can see the birds approaching. It is difficult to hide under trees, as the incoming pigeon often disappears behind the foliage before firing a shot. In summer it is advisable to make sure that there is no wasp nest nearby.

Decoys are placed on wire cradles to elevate them above the crop and make them more visible to pigeons flying by. We arrange them in a random group, three or four meters apart and facing the wind. The vortex is positioned to our left because the wind, although mainly from behind, brushes our left shoulders while in hiding, tending to bring the oncoming pigeons in from the right.

Now we are in hiding with you on my right as more birds should come in from that side to take a shot for you. With great anticipation we are ready. Anticipation is actually part of every sporty day and started as soon as the farmer called. Whatever happens, even if the day doesn’t live up to expectations, the excitement of anticipation can always bring joy.

“Is your gun loaded? Look, there’s a lone bird approaching the tree on your side.” Up. bang! “Yes, a nice shot. Well done, you caught it just before it disappeared behind the tree. Good shot.”

The sound of the shot disturbed a group sitting in the forest, and birds come here, but look nervous. However, one peels off after seeing the lures and dives in to join them. That’s a wonderful moment when a pigeon is fooled and engages with the bait, rather than a trout stepping up to a fly.

“Do not shoot until he is within range and wait until his flight allows you to read the line and judge speed and it represents the moment of the kill.”

This may not be good English, but it best describes the timing of the recording. bang! bang! “You were close on the first shot but your second run caught up and made a very satisfying shot.”


Then there is a rest period and time to enjoy the joys of being outside on a beautiful summer’s day and taking in the views of the distant hills. A flash of gold when a yellowhammer flies by. A tortoiseshell butterfly alights on a bramble blossom where it is caught by a ray of sunshine and shines like a jewel. Nature never stands still. There is always a special sight or sound to make the day even more enjoyable.

“Here come two birds from the left. Oops, the first bird saw you move and was gone downwind in a flash. The wood pigeon has keen eyes and if you see one approaching it is important to remain absolutely still while ducking behind the front of the burrow. Movement will give you away and a pigeon’s lightning reactions make for a very long, difficult flight. When a bird approaches, stay low and move slowly in anticipation of the expected angle of fire. When the opportunity presents itself, complete your weapon’s mount and fire an impromptu shot, reacting to its movement if that represents the moment for action. Not a rushed shot, but one with a short, sharp, positive swing.

Another pigeon approaches and you hold still with the gun half mounted over the hideout. Then shoot up and the dead bird collapses between the lures, leaving only a wisp of silver-grey feathers in the wind. That was perfect timing and the bird was shot without ever seeing you.

The sport of Good Afternoon continues with a steady flight of birds, not frantic but steady shooting, some inevitable misses but some satisfying good shots. There were a few overhead coming to the trees and others coming over the baits from all angles. The variety of shots was exciting and is the essence of pigeon shooting.

It’s time to pack. We will hand pick up whatever we can before working your dog on wider outliers. Be careful not to let your dog chase far along the hedge as we don’t want to disturb any pheasants or partridges sitting on eggs. With all the gear back in the car and 52 pigeons bagged, it’s time to reflect on the afternoon’s fun. Each day begins with anticipation, which develops as an event and eventually becomes a happy memory; no one can take that away from you. What fun it was to enjoy time together at a dovecote on a special summer day.

Will a bird feeder attract pigeons?

Almost everyone that has attracted this invasive species to their yard has asked themselves this question. Pigeons can be incredibly problematic. First, these rather large birds can take over your feeding station, crowding out all the beautiful songbirds.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

How do you get rid of pigeons?

Almost everyone who has lured this invasive species into their yard has asked themselves this question.

Pigeons can be incredibly problematic. First, these rather large birds can take over your feeder station and crowd out all those beautiful songbirds. The pigeons eat as much food as possible and unfortunately are not polite enough to leave something for the other birds.

Not to mention that pigeons make a huge mess with their waste! The feces are highly acidic and can scratch the surface of anything it touches, such as B. your roof or car dirty. If that’s not bad enough, pigeon droppings can carry a variety of diseases and parasites!

And pigeons don’t come by themselves. Once they find your house, they tell all their pigeon friends and soon you have huge flocks of these birds coming to feed every…single…day.

But today I have good news.

I share 8 ways to prevent pigeons.

Specifically, this post is divided into THREE different sections.

Are you ready to fight your pigeons?

Let’s start then!

How to Keep Pigeons Away from Your Feeders (4 Tips)

Pigeons are considered “Bully Birds” which means they don’t always play well with the other birds that visit your feeders.

A big problem is that pigeons rarely visit alone. Usually a whole flock of these birds arrive together and the group completely takes over your feeding station. The pigeons will not let other birds eat and can become aggressive if they protect “their” food.

And did I mention how much they poop?

Luckily, with a few adjustments, you should have no problem keeping pigeons away from your bird feeders!

Tip #1: Use feeders that pigeons can’t use!

We’ve already established that pigeons are quite large, which is one of the reasons a flock of them can eat so much. Pigeons are also not incredibly athletic compared to other birds, which can latch on and feed upside down.

Knowing these facts allows us to deploy bird feeders that use a pigeon’s size and lack of athletic ability against itself.

Here are TWO types of feeders that pigeons cannot use.

For even more options read this post: 7 bird feeders for small birds in my yard.

A. Pipe entries:

A classic feeder works well to discourage these unwanted birds. Pigeons are too big to fit their bodies on the small protruding perches.

I am currently using Aspects feeding tubes and have been pleased with their performance and ease of cleaning.

A. Large: 20 inches long, 6 feeding holes, and the feeding capacity is 1.75 liters.

B. Medium: 16 inches long, 4 feeding holes and a feeding capacity of 1.25 liters.

Make sure you don’t put a tray on the bottom of your feeder as this provides a large landing area for pigeons!

B. Weight dependent:

These types of feeders ONLY allow small birds to feed. If a large bird, such as a pigeon, lands on the perch, access to the feed will be blocked because the bird is too heavy.

Here are two effective options:

Weight-sensitive feeders also prevent squirrels and blackbirds (starlings, grackles)!

Tip #2: Keep the floor as clean as possible.

Now that we’ve talked about birdhouses that pigeons can’t use, the next step is to make sure there isn’t any food on the ground for them to eat.

Pigeons prefer to eat on the ground. Imagine a city park where pigeons are everywhere. These birds are always walking around on the ground looking for food!.

To keep pigeons away you must do a fantastic job of keeping the area under your bird feeders clean.

Unfortunately, this means you need to put your bottom feeders away, at least temporarily, until these invasive birds move on. Be careful not to throw seeds on the ground. The food has to go in the feeders and nowhere else!

Finally, analyze the feeders you use to see if discarding seeds is easy for birds. Many birds like to forage for their favorite food in a seed mix, dropping LOTS of food on the ground in the process. And guess who’s on the ground just waiting for that to happen – our pesky pigeons!

Hopper-style feeders or other feeders with a platform usually make it easy for birds to dump unwanted food on the ground.

Tip #3: Use feed that pigeons won’t eat.

A really good strategy to get rid of pigeons is to only offer foods in your yard that these birds will NOT eat. Eventually these birds will go elsewhere if there is no food for them.

What foods prevent pigeons?

Here’s my list of “pigeon prevention” foods!

While pigeons will eat many different types of food, you should avoid using their FAVORITES. This is especially true when one of those foods could fall to the ground. Here is a list of things they like to eat:


Sunflower seeds

Millet (both white and red)


broken corn

canary seed



You should be careful when buying CHEAP bird seed mixes. Typically, these less expensive grocery products contain a much higher percentage of things like milo, millet, and grist corn. These grains don’t cost as much as other types of bird seed, which is why they’re found in such large quantities in cheap foods.

But as you can see, pigeons LOVE Milo and Millet (along with house sparrows)! And the biggest problem is that most of the songbirds that you actually want don’t eat this stuff. They prefer foods like peanuts, sunflowers, and safflower.

Tip #4: Feed pigeons separately.

I know a lot of people really enjoy feeding pigeons and having them around, but they just don’t want them scaring away any other birds that visit them.

If this describes you, then this strategy may be perfect!

Instead of trying to get rid of the pigeons, feed them as much as they want to eat. But you will do this in a place that is far and away from your other birdhouses. This technique works because it distracts the pigeons and keeps them away from your main feeding station.

To set up an area for feeding pigeons, keep these two things in mind:

Pigeons prefer to eat on the ground. So I would recommend getting some trays that you can fill with groceries. My favorite feeding platform is made by Woodlink.

Fill the feeder bowls with food that pigeons LOVE but not many other birds love to eat. These include Milo, bread and oatmeal. Cracked corn works well too, and this meal is incredibly cheap!

Now all you have to do is find a spot away from your main bird feeder!

How to get pigeons to leave your garden.

My first four tips are designed to keep pigeons away from your bird feeders.

But if these stubborn birds are interested in staying in your yard, you may need to use a few additional strategies to get them to leave.

There must be something pleasant about your garden that makes them want to stay. Your job is to take that thing away or annoy her so much that her only choice is to leave. 🙂

Tip #5: Eliminate places where they roost and nest!

One reason pigeons stay in your yard is that they may have found a spot where they like to roost or nest. This can be on a windowsill, roof, or anywhere that feels safe.

Pigeons that never leave your yard will make a huge mess with their droppings. Also, you might think that a “cooing” pigeon sounds relaxing, but try to imagine dozens of them doing it all at once throughout the day! I’ve heard people say that cooing non-stop makes you crazy!

Luckily, there are some inexpensive products you can buy to deter pigeons and keep them away. Both products are also safe (you won’t find me recommending something that will hurt a pigeon).

Bird-X Stainless Steel Bird Tips Show Price – Amazon

This product has a simple concept to get rid of pigeons; Attach stainless steel spikes wherever these birds like to land!

As you can see there is ZERO chance of a large pigeon landing on these spikes. The birds become discouraged and have to move on elsewhere. And don’t worry, this solution is 100% humane. The pigeons can see the spikes and never actually land on them and get hurt.

Vogelspikes can be easily attached with screws, nails or cable ties. They are also incredibly durable as they are made from stainless steel. They even have a flexible base so the spikes can be placed on a curved surface.

Once you know what to look for, you’ll likely notice bird tips on many buildings. For example, they are common on many large signs to discourage bird nesting.

The only negative thing about bird spikes is their physical appearance on your home or building.

Bird-X Bird-Proof Repellent Check Price – Amazon

Similar to the bird spines listed above, bird gel needs to be applied to areas frequently frequented by pigeons. Look for places where they frequently land to perch or nest.

You will need a caulking gun to spread the gel. Apply wherever pigeons like to sit, e.g. B. on ledges, window sills, roofs, rafters, light poles, gutters, beams or signs. The gel is very sticky and uncomfortable and pigeons don’t want to get it on their feet.

The gel does not harm the birds and is made of non-toxic materials. This product is not like a sticky rodent trap that painfully kills pests once caught. Bird Gel is designed to make it uncomfortable.

Once applied, the gel will last about a year depending on your local weather. The beauty of bird repellent gel is the fact that you can’t even see it, so the aesthetic is much better than bird spines.

Tip #6: Pigeon proof your home.

If pigeons don’t leave your home on their own, you need to spend some time on “pigeon safety.”

Take a walk around your home and look for areas where pigeons are sitting and feeding. In particular, here are some things to look out for:

Attaching covers to open ventilation slots:

6 inch vent with bird guard

Open ventilation openings offer pigeons space to build their nests. Luckily, there are inexpensive screens and covers you can buy to cover the vents. Be sure to buy the right shape and size. Don’t forget to check your attic for vents that need sealing!

Cover Your Chimney: Pigeons have been known to block chimneys with their nests. Even birds can get stuck in it and die.

Bird-proof your garden:

An inexpensive way to keep pigeons and other birds from entering your yard is to install netting. Just make sure you check the nets every day to ensure no birds are getting tangled or trapped.

Tip #7: Try this sound machine.

CLEANRTH Advanced Ultrasonic Bird Repeller Show Price – Amazon

Using a sound machine is a unique way to get rid of pigeons.

How they work:

The machines use ultrasound to scare away birds. Humans cannot hear ultrasonic sounds because the frequency is too high. But birds can hear the sounds well.

These bird repellers are motion activated, meaning they won’t miss a sound until activated by a bird moving in front of them. The CLEANRTH sound machine featured above can detect warm bodies up to 80 feet away, and the loud sounds cover an area of ​​5,000 square feet!

What I like about ultrasound machines is that they are human; No bird has ever been injured by a loud noise!

I would like to warn against bird repelling sound machines. Most people seem to have had success with it, but there have been some mixed reviews. Here are some possible problems:

Birds are not afraid of the noise: it seems that some pigeons are not affected when the machine starts emitting ultrasound.

Difficult to mount on a roof: If you’re having trouble with pigeons on your house, a sound machine might not be the best option unless you get creative.

Tip #8: Fall and let go.

Tomahawk Double Door Pigeon Trap See Price – Amazon

If trying to deter and scare away pigeons doesn’t work, you can always catch them!

Just make sure you drive as far away from your home as possible before releasing them. I’ve read that you have to take them at least 5 miles from your home, but I would try to take them even further. Just know that pigeons are reasonably smart and may be able to find their way back to your home.

Trapping your pigeons may work temporarily, but it doesn’t solve the underlying problem as to why these birds are attracted to your yard.

4 strategies that do NOT work (well).

There are a few techniques that are commonly recommended to prevent pigeons that I would like to discuss. In particular, I don’t think they work very well. Feel free to try them, but you’ve been warned!

1. Scarecrows:

A. Hawk Decoy | B. Owl decoy

When it comes to scaring pigeons, people usually try to use a fake hawk or owl somewhere on their property to give the impression that a powerful bird of prey is nearby.

While it sounds like a good idea, pigeons and other pests quickly become accustomed to the bait and it is usually no longer effective after a few days. But these baits are not very expensive, so it might be worth a try? The worst case scenario is that you have a hawk or owl decoration in your garden!

2. Reflective objects and devices:

With this strategy, you hang reflective material in your yard and hope the constant flashing will keep pigeons away.

Results for this technique have been mixed. I’ve found that it can work temporarily, but the birds eventually get used to it and come back. You will also have reflective material hanging all over your garden!

3. Chase yourself away:

You can always scare the pigeons away yourself, either by yelling at them or by banging on pots and pans. While this strategy is free, you’ll probably get tired of it and your neighbors will make fun of it.

4. Feed Pigeon Rice:

Have you ever heard that feeding pigeons dried rice makes them explode? Supposedly, once the rice expands in their stomachs, the birds are unable to vomit the food up, and the end result is a pigeon blast.

While this is an entertaining story, it’s just not true. If you feed pigeons rice, they will just tell their bird friends to come to your house for a free meal because another crazy person thinks the “pigeons eating rice” myth will blow them up “.

Final Thoughts

I hope you have learned how to prevent pigeons from coming to your bird feeders and home. I know these large, invasive birds can be incredibly annoying, so I wish you the best of luck fighting them.

I am confident that by trying some of the strategies listed above you will annoy the pigeons enough to make them go elsewhere.

Thank you for reading! Before you go, can you please answer one question for me?

What do pigeons hate eating?

Wheat Free Food – Wheat free foods deter pigeons and other larger birds like pheasants, whereas mixes which are seed-dense ensure smaller birds get a chance to eat. Other foods pigeons don’t like include peanuts in the shell, suet and mealworms.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

Feeding and caring for garden birds is vital to the conservation of the species and helps keep our environment thriving all year round. One species that most gardeners could do without, however, are pigeons. Pigeons are considered a species of pest and can harm birds that can cause serious problems in a garden. It’s only natural to want to scare them off. Sometimes, however, to rid your garden of these winged pests, you can scare other beneficial birds off your property as well.

How to keep pigeons out of your garden

If pigeons have become a nuisance, you may be thinking about how to scare away pigeons and not other birds. Scaring off pigeons without disturbing our other feathered friends is definitely possible with the right gear and some simple tricks.

1) Install different nest boxes

Pigeons’ nesting habits are quite odd, but they usually build their nests on dry, flat surfaces such as attics, on rooftops, or under bridges. Their nests tend to be fairly flimsy, made up of collected sticks and debris, so they usually choose locations that already offer fairly good shelter. Because of this, open, large nest boxes can become an involuntary home for pigeons.

To not give them an easy home, opt for nesting boxes that let wild birds in and keep pigeons out. We recommend earth cages and nest boxes like this smaller entry snuggler nest box. This allows smaller garden birds to safely nest in your yard, forcing pigeons to find another spot.

Browse our selection of nest boxes

2) Use bird netting around your sheds

Pigeons prefer sheltered places to set up their nests, including eaves and roofs of stables. To deter them, you can use bird netting, one of the more humane deterrents. Nets catch pigeons without hurting them, so they will soon learn that coming to your plot is useless. You can also use bird netting around your yard and the outside of your home; However, this is likely to affect other birds and may drive them away as well. Don’t forget to check your bird net regularly as you will have to release trapped animals.

3) Contact the professionals

If no other methods have worked and pigeons continue to be a nuisance on your property, it may be time to call in the professionals. Pest control companies are perfectly equipped to remove pigeons from your property and protect your home from further problems. Most will do so humanely, but remember that if contractors trade pigeons illegally, you are ultimately responsible.

How to stop pigeons from eating birdseed

Birdseed is a major attraction for pigeons and as “birds of prey” they do not play well with others who will try to visit your feeding ground once they have claimed it. Of course, this drives away the exciting garden birds you want to see. To prevent pigeons from eating your bird seed, try the following:

Wheat-free feed – Wheat-free feed deters pigeons and other larger birds like pheasants, while seed-rich mixes ensure smaller birds have a chance to feed. Other foods that pigeons dislike are peanuts in the shell, suet and mealworms.

Wheat-free feed will deter pigeons and other larger birds like pheasants, while seed-rich mixes will give smaller birds a chance to feed. Other foods that pigeons dislike are peanuts in the shell, suet and mealworms. Using Different Feeders – Opting for smaller feeders or ones with smaller perches will deter pigeons as they won’t be able to get the food as easily. We recommend a squirrel proof feeder that will keep a number of larger animals out.

– Opting for smaller feeders or those with smaller perches will deter pigeons as they will not be able to get the feed as easily. We recommend a squirrel proof feeder that will keep a number of larger animals out. Providing a Separate Feeder – If you enjoy feeding pigeons but don’t want to scare other birds out of your yard, try providing a separate feeder. Set this up some distance from your normal feeding spot and make sure it’s fully accessible to pigeons so everyone gets their fair share.

– If you love feeding pigeons but don’t want to scare other birds out of your yard, try installing a separate feeder. Set this up some distance from your normal feeding spot and make sure it’s fully accessible to pigeons so everyone gets their fair share. Catching Fallen Seeds – Seeds that have fallen from bird feeders are the perfect target for pigeons. Catching the falling seed in a container that is difficult for pigeons to access, or regularly scavenging up fallen seed will remove the easy prey.

We have an excellent range of wheat free birdseed for you to try.

How to pigeon proof a bird table

Many people choose to place feed and seed on a feed table. Bird tables are an open banquet for pigeons and can be the main reason they have decided to place them in your garden. A pigeon inspection of your bird table could drive them away. To protect your bird table, you could use chicken wire to build a cage big enough for regular birds to get in but small enough to keep pigeons out.

Alternatively, you can opt for smaller feeders that allow other birds to feed uninterrupted by large pigeons, or a feeder that comes with a built-in cage to protect the feed.

Why are pigeons bad for your garden?

Pigeons are the bane of many gardeners’ lives because of the nuisance and destruction they cause. Since they usually visit early in the morning, you are unlikely to see active pigeons in your yard. However, if you have a pigeon infestation on your hands, you may be exposed to:

Torn Plants – Pigeons feed on a number of plants by pecking at the leaves and tearing off pieces. All that’s left are large leaf veins and the stems. Pigeons usually prefer cherries, lilacs, peas and brassicas like broccoli or cauliflower so these can be a target. Also, they can shed the leaves and produce from fruit bushes.

– Pigeons feed on a number of plants by pecking at the leaves and tearing off pieces. All that’s left are large leaf veins and the stems. Pigeons usually prefer cherries, lilacs, peas and brassicas like broccoli or cauliflower so these can be a target. Also, they can shed the leaves and produce from fruit bushes. Poop – Pigeons are social animals and tend to travel in flocks of 20 – 30[i]. Due to the size of their groups, pigeon droppings are likely to surface quickly once settled. Fresh droppings can pose a risk as they are slippery and can cause accidents.

– Pigeons are social animals and usually travel in flocks of 20 – 30[i]. Due to the size of their groups, pigeon droppings are likely to surface quickly once settled. Fresh droppings can pose a risk as they are slippery and can cause accidents. Health Risks – The bacteria, fungi and parasites found in pigeon droppings can pose a health risk to pets and small children who don’t know any better. In fact, pigeons carry more diseases than rats[ii], and their droppings attract mites that will make us itch.

– The bacteria, fungi and parasites found in pigeon droppings can pose a health risk to pets and small children who don’t know any better. In fact, pigeons carry more diseases than rats[ii], and their droppings attract mites that will make us itch. Clogged Drains – Pigeons build their nests from a variety of debris and debris. Anything they accidentally drop or get blown off can clog your drains and gutters, which can lead to expensive repairs.

– Pigeons build their nests from a range of debris and debris. Anything they accidentally drop or get blown off can clog your drains and gutters, which can lead to expensive repairs. Fire Risks – In addition to debris and litter, pigeons have also been known to bring lit cigarettes back to their nests. If these end up in their nests, there is of course an enormous risk of fire.

– In addition to rubble and litter, pigeons have also been known to bring lit cigarettes back to their nests. If these end up in their nests, there is of course an enormous risk of fire. Attacks – Although pigeons usually avoid humans, they can swoop in if you happen to be eating outside. Pigeons are also known to attack humans if they feel they pose a threat to their young.

The Pigeon Deterrence Laws

When dealing with wild animals, it is important that you are aware of the laws involved. This is illegal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

Kill or injure a wild bird without complying with general permit regulations

damage pigeon eggs

Disturb pigeon nests while they are busy

Anyone with a pigeon problem needs to know that they have a responsibility to ensure these rules are followed, even if they hire a contractor to solve their problem. Should the contractor use illegal methods to handle the birds, the property owner will be liable.[iii]

Choose children methods

Although pigeons are classed as vermin, you should still treat them humanely. After all, they are wild animals and can’t help but follow their instincts. Try some of the gentler methods outlined here and we’re sure your garden will be pigeon-free in no time.

Do you have a method of your own for keeping pigeons out of your garden? Let us know in the comments below!



[ii],makes%20people %20itch%20and%20scratch.


Is it OK to feed pigeons in your garden?

Excessive feeding can actually harm pigeons as it can cause overcrowding at feeding sites, and promote the spread of disease among birds. In addition, many pigeons are killed each year by people trying to reduce their numbers.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

Pigeons (only consultation visit)

Birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is illegal to destroy or tamper with them unless licensed. Even where their destruction is authorized, non-lethal methods must be considered first, and many methods of killing are prohibited. Deadly methods should always be left to pest control professionals.

However, for most pigeon problems, deadly methods are completely ineffective. They simply reduce competition for food and shelter, and the remaining birds increase their breeding rates to compensate. Though there is an immediate drop, the numbers soon recover, leading to an endless cycle of killing and repopulating. Reduced food supply coupled with pigeon safety where appropriate and possible is key.

The council does not offer pest control services for dealing with pigeons, but you can contact a pest control company that specializes in birds and may be able to help. However, this service will be charged.

Details of reputable pest control companies in your area can be found on the British Pest Control Association website.

What is the problem?

Many people enjoy urban wildlife and enjoy feeding birds. However, sometimes pigeons can cause problems, especially when they are in large numbers.

Bird droppings are unsightly and their acidity will attack masonry and damage buildings. Feces on sidewalks can become slippery when wet and pose a hazard to passing pedestrians.

Feces, nesting material and dead birds can clog gutters and drains and cause water damage to buildings.

Also, dead pigeons in open water tanks can contaminate the water supply.

Many problems arise when neighbors overfeed birds, which can attract many pigeons. There are no laws the Council could use to prevent people from feeding birds. However, if there is a large amount of rotting food piling up, or the feeding is attracting rats or mice, the advice may be able to help.

If the feeding causes only a nuisance with droppings, etc., this is a private matter between neighbors. Try reaching out to your neighbor to explain the problems they are causing and ask them to reduce the amount of food they are offering to reduce the number of birds attracted. A gradual reduction in feed will not starve the birds. They will seek food elsewhere and naturally reduce their reproduction. In this way, populations can be humanely reduced.

Overfeeding can actually harm pigeons as it can overcrowd feeders and encourage the spread of disease among birds. In addition, every year many pigeons are killed by people trying to reduce their numbers. People should try to ensure that the number of birds they attract doesn’t cause a problem that could prompt a neighbor to hire a pest control company to kill them.

There are a number of pigeon screens that can be used to prevent or deter pigeons from sleeping or nesting on your property. It is advisable to leave this work to professionals who can determine the most appropriate system for your circumstances and install it to maximize its effectiveness.

Are they hazardous to health?

Many people express concern that pigeons pose a health hazard to humans, but this fear is generally unfounded and overdone.

Pigeons, like other birds, can suffer from some diseases that can also affect humans. However, with the exception of people who, through their work or hobbies, come into close contact with large numbers of birds or their droppings, the actual risk of disease transmission through casual contact is negligible.

Still, it’s important to use good hygiene practices, such as B. Thorough washing of hands after contact with pigeons or their droppings to prevent inhalation or ingestion of pathogenic substances.

Can the council stop my neighbor from feeding pigeons?

no There is no law stopping a person from feeding wild birds.

In serious cases, when there is a build-up of rotting feed or the feed has been proven to be the cause of a rat or mouse infestation, we may be able to intervene.

If your neighbor is a tenant, such behavior, particularly on communal properties, may be covered by the rental regulations. You should contact housing management or the landlord to inquire.

If your neighbor won’t stop or reduce feeding and you’re having trouble with pigeons sitting or nesting on your property, you can contact a pest control company that specializes in birds.

They can advise you on the different pigeon screen options that may be suitable for your circumstances.

Please note that it is illegal to kill birds or destroy their eggs or nests without government permission.

Don’t be tempted to do it yourself!

Do pigeons explode from eating rice?

Fact is, rice cooked or uncooked won’t hurt wild birds at all. The rumor is that uncooked rice hits the bird’s tummy and then swells causing its stomach to explode. It’s simply not true. It’s not hot enough in a bird’s stomach to actually “cook” the rice.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

Fact or Fiction: Never feed rice to birds

We’ve all heard the warning: don’t feed rice to birds or throw rice at weddings because birds will eat it. The fact is that boiled or uncooked rice does not harm wild birds at all. The rumor has it that uncooked rice hits the bird’s abdomen and then swells, causing its stomach to explode. It’s just not true. It’s not hot enough in a bird’s stomach to actually “cook” the rice. So the rice will not swell and cause an explosion.

According to, the rumor was sustained in a 1996 column by Ann Landers. But no need to worry. Birds eat rice all the time during migration and are fine. While the rumor that eating rice kills birds isn’t true, the fact is that it’s so popular that the rumor has pretty much destroyed the tradition of throwing rice at weddings. It can be the best. Rice is probably not the easiest thing for churches to clean. Many people have switched from throwing rice to throwing white millet at weddings. It’s eco-friendly for the birds and easy on the happy couple.

Please send us your factual or fictional questions. You can also visit and ask Professor Jay all your burning bird questions. Whether or not he gives you an exact answer, he claims to know everything and you’ll enjoy listening to him when he comes up with an answer of sorts.

A lot of our comments are about what can and cannot be fed to birds. In general, feeding milk to wild or domestic birds on a regular basis is discouraged; However, cheese, yogurt, and occasional sips of milk are not considered harmful in small amounts. Interestingly, like mammals, some wild birds produce a type of “milk” for their young. Below is an interesting article on this topic.

Can pigeons eat sunflower seeds in the shell?

Doves and pigeons typically eat their seeds (shells and all) whole filling their crop with as much food as possible. So these birds can empty out bird feeders pretty quickly.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

How to stop pigeons and pigeons?

Rock pigeons (Columba livia), or pigeons as they are better known, are a common sight in cities around the world, rock pigeons crowd streets and public squares, feeding on discarded food and birdseed. Introduced to North America from Europe in the early 16th century, city pigeons nest on buildings and windowsills. Mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) are graceful, narrow-tailed, small-headed doves common across the continent. Mourning doves perch on telephone wires and search the ground for seeds; Your flight is fast and straight. Both species eat a large amount of seeds, including cultivated grains, wild grasses, weeds, herbs, and occasionally fruit. They also eat breadcrumbs and contaminated food (particularly pigeons). These birds can eat almost any seed offered at bird feeders, including sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, peanuts (shelled), millet, Nyjer® (safflower) and corn, as well as “fillers” in poor quality bird seed mixes such as milo, wheat, oats , red millet and canary seed. Pigeons and pigeons usually eat their seeds (husks and all) whole, filling their harvest with as much food as possible. This allows these birds to empty feeders fairly quickly. Because they are such large birds, they also tend to dominate feeding sites in large numbers, discouraging smaller birds.

Please note that all information about our products provided on our website is for informational purposes only. For more information on pricing and shipping (within Canada only), please visit our Barrie store (515 Bryne Drive, Barrie, ON), call us at (705) 726-7600, or email us [email protected].

Left: Rock Doves (Columba livia) – Right: Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura)

Here are our 6 rules for keeping pigeons and pigeons away

1. Feeds without “fillers”: Many bird feeder mixes available from other stores contain large amounts of “filler” ingredients such as sorghum, corn grits, red millet, canary seed, milo, wheat and oats. “Filler” ingredients like wheat and oats are not eaten by any of the backyard birds except house sparrows, rock pigeons (or just old doves as most people know them), and mourning doves. Corn and sorghum are eaten by some birds, but when used in large quantities to fill a bag of seed to cut costs, most of it is wasted because foraging birds such as finches and titmice feed them in search of sunflowers throw seed on the ground. Seeds that fall to the ground in large quantities can attract pigeons and pigeons. Bottom Line: Good quality mixes can help keep pigeons and pigeons away from your bird feeders. None of our WBU Barrie blends contain cracked corn.

Millet is small and an easy seed for pigeons and pigeons to eat. Millet also usually lands on the ground. In WBU Barrie mixes, we use millet in small amounts with the intention of discarding it on the ground for native sparrows and other ground-eating birds. Pigeons and pigeons are very fond of feeding on the ground, and millet simply encourages them to hang around.

Feeding seed mixes with pure edible ingredients like black oil sunflower seeds, sunflower chips, safflower, and peanuts will help deter birds from dropping seeds on the ground for pigeons and pigeons to find. Try these millet-free and corn-free mixes in your feeders to deter pigeons and pigeons:

WBU No-Mess Blend NM CD: No mussels. No mess. 100% edible. Our WBU No-Mess Blend NM CD contains more peanuts and has added calcium to support bone development and egg production. Being millet free, it will flow easily through your feeders and deters unwanted ground birds as very little of the feeder ends up on the ground. WBU No-Mess Blends are great around flower beds, patios and decks. Our unique No-Mess Blend bird seed contains seeds that have had their shells removed, leaving only the flesh of the seed. No shells on the seeds makes for cleaner feeding as there is no dirt on the bottom to clean. Pound for pound, our No-Mess Blend bird seed offers the best value as you’re not paying for uneaten seed scraps. The birds eat everything. Purchasing one bag of our No Mess mix is ​​roughly equivalent to buying nearly two bags of seed mix with shells.

Ingredients: Sunflower chips, peanuts and calcium

Bag sizes: 5 lbs. (2.26 kg), 10 lbs. (4.53 kg) and 20 lbs. (9.07kg)

WBU Choice Blend: Our WBU Choice Blend is a fantastic combination of high oil seeds. The black oil sunflower, sunflower chips, shelled peanuts, safflower and striped sunflower attract a variety of birds including tits, woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches and jays. Try offering Choice Blend in a funnel feeder, seed tube feeder, or our Dinner Bell™ feeder and add tons of fun to your backyard birding experience.

Ingredients: Black Oil Sunflower, Sunflower Chips, Shelled Peanuts, Safflower and Striped Sunflower

Bag sizes: 5 lbs. (2.26 kg) and 20 pounds. (9.07kg)

WBU Supreme Blend: WBU Supreme Blend contains Black Oil Sunflower, Sunflower Chips, Safflower, and Striped Sunflower in a combination that helps attract a variety of birds such as tits, nuthatches, chickadees, and wrens.

Ingredients: Black sunflower oil, sunflower chips, safflower and striped sunflower

Bag sizes: 5 lbs. (2.26 kg) and 20 pounds. (9.07kg)

2. Feed seeds without shells. Similar to the first point, if you feed seeds without shells, fewer seeds will end up on the ground and the shells won’t collect under the feeder. Leftover seeds in bowls left behind by other birds attract pigeons and pigeons as they are an easy snack. Offering seeds without shells means the birds you want eat a lot more of the food and less of it ends up on the ground, discouraging pigeons and pigeons from hanging around. Try these peel-free foods:

Our seeds are always fresh and contain very little waste such as parts of plant stems. We also offer our seeds in a variety of sizes to suit your needs and feeders. We’re so proud of our seeds, we guarantee your satisfaction. Once you see how much your birds love our seeds you will keep coming back for more.

WBU Hulled Sunflower Chips: WBU Hulled Sunflower Chips are the birds’ favorite food but without the mess of husk scraps. Get more birds for your money by offering shelled sunflower seeds. No clams means no mess under your feeder. Hulled sunflower seeds have a high oil content and give birds an extra boost of energy. It is an ideal seed to offer in feeders near patios, sidewalks or balconies. Offering husked sunflowers is also cost effective as you are not paying for the husks that are not used. Our Hulled Sunflower is available in chips that fit a variety of feeders.

Bag Size: 5 lbs. (2.26 kg), 20 lbs. (9.07 kg) and 50 lbs. (22.67kg)

Our seeds are always fresh and contain very little waste such as parts of plant stems. We also offer our seeds in a variety of sizes to suit your needs and feeders. We’re so proud of our seeds, we guarantee your satisfaction. Once you see how much your birds love our seeds you will keep coming back for more.

Shelled Peanuts: Peanuts are the best source of protein and fat for your birds and a great addition to the choices you have in your garden. Shelled peanuts (or shelled peanuts) are a high-energy food and are highly appreciated by a wide range of birds. Birds such as woodpeckers, tits, nuthatches, titmice, jays and more commonly feed on peanuts. Many of their visits will carry away peanuts and cache them for a later meal. We offer a variety of bird feeders that allow the birds to pull the peanuts out of the feeder and they can cling to anywhere they want.

Bag sizes: 5 lbs. (2.26 kg), 10 lbs. (4.53 kg), 22 lbs. (9.98 kg) and 50 lbs. (22.7kg)

3. Feed foods that pigeons and pigeons do not eat regularly or that are difficult to eat: pigeons and pigeons prefer grains and seeds. Try offering foods they don’t normally eat, including peanuts in shell, bark butter, suet, mealworms, rowanberry jelly, fruit, and nectar. You can also try offering foods that pigeons and pigeons find difficult to eat, including top hats and Stackables™. They have a hard time picking top hats and Stackables™ as their beaks are poorly designed for this and are more adept at picking up seeds off the ground.

4. Use feeders that cannot accommodate the large size of pigeons and pigeons: pigeons and pigeons are breast-heavy birds. Their physiology does not allow them to land on small perches or feed from feeding sites as their feet are positioned far back on their bodies. Their chests are quite large and take up a lot of space. Pigeons and pigeons prefer to feed on hopper and bowl feeders that can accommodate their large bodies. Offering food in semen tube feeders, finch feeders, squirrel-proof bird feeders, peanut feeders, tallow feeders, cylinder feeders, hummingbird feeders, oriole feeders, mealworm feeders, and specialty feeders can discourage pigeons since their bodies are not designed for small perches or holding on. Our adjustable, squirrel-proof bird feeders are also great for keeping pigeons and pigeons out, as the feeding openings close under their weight, blocking access to the feed.

5. Use Pigeon Guards on Hopper Feeders: If you’ve got your heart set on a Hopper Feeder but don’t want Mourning Doves and Rock Pigeons to take over – no worries! You can continue using your current feeder – simply attach our WBU Pigeon Guards. Pigeon guards can accommodate many of our most popular feeders.

WBU Pigeon Guards: WBU Pigeon Guards prevent large birds like pigeons and pigeons from eating at your Hopper Feeder. Pigeon Shelter is sold separately and can be added to: WBU EcoTough® Classic, WBU EcoTough® Classic Too, WBU 5.5 Quart Hopper, and WBU EcoTough® Ranchette Retreat.

6. Use bird feeder cages: The size of Mourning Doves and Rock Pigeons is their biggest weakness. Cages are a very effective way of keeping pigeons and pigeons away from your bird feeders. Try these great cages to get rid of pigeons and pigeons today.

WBU Tube Feeder Cages: Add a WBU Tube Feeder Cage to our WBU Seed Tube Feeders, WBU Finch Feeders, and WBU Peanut Feeders to protect feed from squirrels and larger birds. The cages feature 1.5″ x 1.5″ mesh and are easy to install. Cages are available in two colors green and black. “On-Guard” cages fit over a variety of feeders and use 1½ inch openings that allow smaller birds to feed, but exclude European starlings, common cluckers and eastern gray squirrels. These are perfect for deck rail feeding or when the layout of the trees in a garden does not allow the use of baffles.

Cage dimensions: 13″ x 18″ with 13″ diameter

WBU Seed Cylinder Cage: Add a WBU Seed Cylinder Cage to our WBU Seed Cylinder Bird Feeder to protect feed from squirrels and larger birds. The cages feature 1.5″ x 1.5″ mesh and are easy to install. “On-Guard” cages fit over a variety of feeders and use 1½ inch openings that allow smaller birds to feed, but exclude European starlings, common cluckers and eastern gray squirrels. These are perfect for deck rail feeding or when the layout of the trees in a garden does not allow the use of baffles.

Cage dimensions: 11″ x 13″ diameter

WBU Bottom Pan Cover (16″ x 20″): Add a WBU Bottom Pan Cover to our WBU Catch-A-Seed Bird Feeders to protect feed from larger birds, including pigeons and pigeons. The cages feature a 2″ x 2″ mesh and are easy to install.

Cage Dimensions: 20¼” x 16″ x 8″

How do you attract pigeons?

If you’d like to attract pigeons, use seeds and grains that pigeons love, like millet, sunflower seeds, dried peas, and sorghum. Dove food from a pet store also works great. Scatter the seeds and grains on the ground or place them in an open platform bird feeder.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

This article was co-authored by Roger J. Lederer, PhD. dr Roger Lederer is an ornithologist and founder of, an informational website about wild birds. dr Lederer has spent over 40 years teaching, studying and writing about birds. He has traveled to over 100 countries to study birds. dr Lederer is Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at California State University, Chico, and has served as Department Chair in Biological Sciences and Dean of the College of Natural Sciences. He has authored more than 30 research papers and 10 books on birds, as well as a textbook entitled Ecology and Field Biology. dr Lederer has consulted the BBC, National Geographic, National Public Radio, ABC News, the Guinness Book of Records and numerous other organizations and publications. This article has been viewed 28,391 times.

Article overview


If you want to attract pigeons, use seeds and grains that pigeons love, like millet, sunflower seeds, dried peas, and sorghum. Pigeon feed from the pet store also works great. Scatter the seeds and grains on the ground or place them in an open platform bird feeder. If you feed pigeons at the same time and place every day, you will attract more pigeons. They usually feed in the morning and evening. Also, set up a water source for the pigeons, like a bird bath or small fountain, to make them more likely to stay. You can also attract more pigeons by providing them with a shelter like a dovecote, a nesting shelf, or even just a few shrubs.

How do I make a cardboard bird feeder?

How to Make A Cardboard Bird Feeder
  1. Cut Walls, Roof and Floor. Grab a cardboard box and cut out 3 strips 26cm x 15cm each (these will be the walls and roof of the feeder). …
  2. Cut Feeding Hole Openings. …
  3. Paint Cardboard. …
  4. Attach Walls. …
  5. Attach Floor. …
  6. Make Slits for Perches. …
  7. Attach Perches. …
  8. Make Holes for Hanging.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

This easy homemade cardboard bird feeder is a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of spring with your kids. Create a cardboard bird feeder for your garden birds to enjoy!

Hey dears! We have a special guest today! Mandisa from Happy Toddler Playtime is here to show us how to make a colorful homemade bird feeder out of a cardboard box!

Last spring our backyard was filled with new and wonderful birds! We saw Blue Jays, Cardinals, Robins and Red Winged Black Birds to name a few. It was so amazing to discover and learn them with my then 5 year old and 2 year old twins. We became mini bird watchers for several weeks. The quiet streets gave these birds a chance to get outdoors for the first time and we loved it!

It’s still quiet this year, but not so much, and I hope we’ll be able to see a variety of birds again. To lure them back into our tree lined yard, I decided it was time to put up a bird feeder. As an active mom, I knew we wouldn’t just buy one.

I’ve been doing a lot of activities with cardboard lately, so I figured why not make a little bird feeder out of it!


This activity requires a pair of cardboard cutting scissors or box cutters and a hot glue gun. These should only be handled by an adult.


How to make a cardboard bird feeder?

Time needed: 45 minutes. Instructions for the painted cardboard bird feeder Cut walls, roof and floor Take a piece of cardboard and cut out 3 strips measuring 26 cm x 15 cm each (these will form the walls and roof of the bird feeder). Cut out a 13cm x 13cm square (this will be the bottom of the feeder). Cut Feeding Hole Openings On the strips that form the walls, cut out 3 large openings on only 3 sides with box cutters. Remember that an adult should conduct this part of the activity. Leave the fourth side intact. It will be the back of the bird feeder. Be sure to leave enough space at the bottom of the openings to place your bird perches. Paint the cardboard Paint the 3 strips of cardboard on both sides and set aside to dry. The square base does not need to be painted. Depending on the color and type of paint you are using, you may need to apply more than one coat of paint. Attaching Walls Fold a strip in half and run a bead of hot glue along the edge of one side of the strip. Press and attach to the other strip. Do the same with the other side to create the walls of your bird feeder. Hold for a minute or two to save them. Attaching the Bottom Turn your bird feeder upside down and glue along the entire bottom edge of the bird feeder and attach the square piece of cardboard as the bottom of the bird feeder. Use the hot glue gun to seal any holes or gaps between the walls and floor to keep the bird seed from falling out. Make Slits for Perches Use box cutters to make a thin slit just below the openings on 3 sides of your bird house. The slots should be large enough to fit your craft sticks. Attach Poles Cut 2 craft poles in half and slide each half through the slots. Use the glue gun to attach them. Apply the glue to the inside of the bird feeder. Make Hanging Holes Using your box cutter or scissors, poke holes in the top of the roof. Thread a piece of string through and tie it in a knot. Decorate Decorate your bird feeder with chalk markers or paint markers! Fill and Hang Pour some bird seed into the bottom of the feeder and hang on a nice, dry, sunny day.

NOTE: Cardboard is not waterproof, so don’t leave your bird feeder outside in the rain. If you want to waterproof your feeder, spray it with a waterproof sealant. This should be done by an adult and in a well-ventilated area.

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About the Author Mandisa Watts

Mandisa is a CPA/MBA, mother of 3 children (including twins) and Founder of Happy Toddler Playtime, an online resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers that showcases open-ended and kid-led activities and crafts. Mandisa shares kid-recommended, colorful play activities that involve art, sensory play, and learning. Mandisa is also a published author with her book Exciting Sensory Bins for Curious Kids and a new book Super STEAM Activity Book for Kids coming out in June 2021. You can find more tips and play ideas for 0-7 year olds here and activity ideas on their Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok pages.

Is it OK to feed pigeons in your garden?

Excessive feeding can actually harm pigeons as it can cause overcrowding at feeding sites, and promote the spread of disease among birds. In addition, many pigeons are killed each year by people trying to reduce their numbers.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

Pigeons (only consultation visit)

Birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is illegal to destroy or tamper with them unless licensed. Even where their destruction is authorized, non-lethal methods must be considered first, and many methods of killing are prohibited. Deadly methods should always be left to pest control professionals.

However, for most pigeon problems, deadly methods are completely ineffective. They simply reduce competition for food and shelter, and the remaining birds increase their breeding rates to compensate. Though there is an immediate drop, the numbers soon recover, leading to an endless cycle of killing and repopulating. Reduced food supply coupled with pigeon safety where appropriate and possible is key.

The council does not offer pest control services for dealing with pigeons, but you can contact a pest control company that specializes in birds and may be able to help. However, this service will be charged.

Details of reputable pest control companies in your area can be found on the British Pest Control Association website.

What is the problem?

Many people enjoy urban wildlife and enjoy feeding birds. However, sometimes pigeons can cause problems, especially when they are in large numbers.

Bird droppings are unsightly and their acidity will attack masonry and damage buildings. Feces on sidewalks can become slippery when wet and pose a hazard to passing pedestrians.

Feces, nesting material and dead birds can clog gutters and drains and cause water damage to buildings.

Also, dead pigeons in open water tanks can contaminate the water supply.

Many problems arise when neighbors overfeed birds, which can attract many pigeons. There are no laws the Council could use to prevent people from feeding birds. However, if there is a large amount of rotting food piling up, or the feeding is attracting rats or mice, the advice may be able to help.

If the feeding causes only a nuisance with droppings, etc., this is a private matter between neighbors. Try reaching out to your neighbor to explain the problems they are causing and ask them to reduce the amount of food they are offering to reduce the number of birds attracted. A gradual reduction in feed will not starve the birds. They will seek food elsewhere and naturally reduce their reproduction. In this way, populations can be humanely reduced.

Overfeeding can actually harm pigeons as it can overcrowd feeders and encourage the spread of disease among birds. In addition, every year many pigeons are killed by people trying to reduce their numbers. People should try to ensure that the number of birds they attract doesn’t cause a problem that could prompt a neighbor to hire a pest control company to kill them.

There are a number of pigeon screens that can be used to prevent or deter pigeons from sleeping or nesting on your property. It is advisable to leave this work to professionals who can determine the most appropriate system for your circumstances and install it to maximize its effectiveness.

Are they hazardous to health?

Many people express concern that pigeons pose a health hazard to humans, but this fear is generally unfounded and overdone.

Pigeons, like other birds, can suffer from some diseases that can also affect humans. However, with the exception of people who, through their work or hobbies, come into close contact with large numbers of birds or their droppings, the actual risk of disease transmission through casual contact is negligible.

Still, it’s important to use good hygiene practices, such as B. Thorough washing of hands after contact with pigeons or their droppings to prevent inhalation or ingestion of pathogenic substances.

Can the council stop my neighbor from feeding pigeons?

no There is no law stopping a person from feeding wild birds.

In serious cases, when there is a build-up of rotting feed or the feed has been proven to be the cause of a rat or mouse infestation, we may be able to intervene.

If your neighbor is a tenant, such behavior, particularly on communal properties, may be covered by the rental regulations. You should contact housing management or the landlord to inquire.

If your neighbor won’t stop or reduce feeding and you’re having trouble with pigeons sitting or nesting on your property, you can contact a pest control company that specializes in birds.

They can advise you on the different pigeon screen options that may be suitable for your circumstances.

Please note that it is illegal to kill birds or destroy their eggs or nests without government permission.

Don’t be tempted to do it yourself!

Is it good to feed pigeons at home?

Pigeons are no longer wild species of birds. Feeding them, trading them and often releasing them is what disturbs the delicate ecological balance.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

From Kabootar-Baazi to feeding the birds, pigeons have taken over our cities, disrupting what little remains of our city’s ecological balance

From Kabootar-Baazi to feeding the birds, pigeons have taken over our cities, disrupting what little remains of our city’s ecological balance

It’s the bird that everyone recognizes, which isn’t surprising. Not only can they be found in large numbers throughout the city, but pigeons have also been a part of Indian culture and society for several centuries.

An integral part of a game called Kabootar-Baazi, the art of pigeon flying, was a pastime of the Mughal emperors. The game involved learning and developing the skills to control flocks of pigeons, fly away and land back at the controller’s command. Months and years were spent training pigeons for organized competitions where these skills were showcased and the winners were respected throughout the community. During Akbar’s reign, the Pigeon Flight received royal patronage and the ‘game’ is still played in parts of Old Delhi.

Raising such large flocks throughout history has resulted in our cities being infested with these wild birds. Pigeons are no longer wild birds. Feeding, trading, and often releasing them upsets the delicate ecological balance. There are special feeding stations dotted around town and shops selling pigeon feed are right next to them. From corn and rice to leftovers to cakes and biscuits, everything is fed.

This makes the birds heavily dependent on humans for survival, drastically alters their eating habits, and kills their natural instinct to forage (they are grain and fruit eaters). This drastically changes the dynamics of the food chain, eating its way into the food cycle of several other native species such as the house sparrow, which also has a similar diet.

Historic buildings and statues are exposed to bird droppings containing uric acid, which can irreversibly damage buildings: sandstone and limestone are particularly susceptible. The corrosive effect can persist even after cleaning, which in turn leads to massive destruction of historical landmarks.

Pigeon droppings contain certain strains of the bacterium E. coli (Escherichia coli) which, when introduced into the food or water supply, can lead to disease, making pigeons regular carriers of these diseases. Traditional practices have often hurt us in ways unknown to mankind. In order to maintain a healthy ecological balance, it is advisable not to feed pigeons.

The author is the founder of NINOX – Owl About Nature, a nature awareness initiative. He is the Delhi-NCR assessor for Ebird, a Cornell University initiative that monitors rare bird sightings. He previously ran a program at WWF India.

Should you feed wild pigeons?

Pigeons may be resilient, but they are still just birds with fragile digestive systems so make sure to always check before you feed them anything. Of course, it is always best to feed pigeons proper, good quality bird food that has been specially designed and checked to be good for them and safe for birds to eat.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

What bird seed can I feed pigeons?

There are many different birds in the UK and many of them will happily come into your garden to feed when they can. However, there is one bird that you can be sure will always visit your garden.

The pigeon is a common bird here in the UK and don’t be surprised if you find them visiting your garden more often when they see you have food. If you notice pigeons looking for food in your garden, then here is what bird seed you can feed to pigeons.

Should I feed pigeons?

There is a bit of a debate about whether or not you can feed pigeons in the UK. Pigeons, at least feral pigeons, are often considered pests and some locations might discourage you from feeding them. This is because when pigeons discover there is food in a location, they start hanging around more, and pigeons can breed very quickly, meaning a location can easily be overrun by them if you’re not careful.

This is a problem for tourist attractions and places with many restaurants or shops. Pigeons can be very disruptive and it can cause problems for these vendors when pigeons harass and harass their customers. For this reason, it is generally not recommended to feed pigeons in public.

However, you can leave out feed for the pigeons that visit your garden. If you have a bird feeder or bird feeder, pigeons will be naturally drawn to them and you should have no problem getting them to feed in your yard.

What do pigeons eat?

Pigeons are very resourceful and resilient birds that will likely eat almost anything given the chance. If you’ve ever seen a pigeon in a busy city or downtown area, chances are they aren’t as fat and well-fed when they’re eating birdseed and insects.

Pigeons, like most birds, tend to forage for bread when foraging in crowded areas. If you wish, you can also feed the pigeons that visit your garden bread along with other leftover food that is safe for birds. Pigeons may be resilient, but they’re still just birds with a fragile digestive system, so always check before you feed them anything.

Of course, it’s always best to feed pigeons proper, high-quality bird seed that has been specially formulated and tested to be good for them and safe for birds.

If you keep pigeons as pets or plan to use them for racing, you need to feed them the right food and make sure they are healthy and eating the right food. Here at Kennedy Wild Bird Food we have a range of bird food specially formulated for birds, both wild and pet, so you know your pigeon is getting food that will help them.

What bird seed can I feed pigeons?

As previously mentioned, pigeons can eat virtually any bird seed you give them, but they are particularly drawn to seeds. Here at Kennedy Wild Bird Food we have a range of bird seeds and bird seed mixes that you can feed to pigeons and feel confident that they are getting the best bird seeds they can get their hands on.

Remember to always buy bird seeds from a bird seed specialist. You can buy seeds at the grocery store, but they’re often expensive and haven’t been tested to make sure they’re safe for birds. With a bird food specialist, you can rest assured that the food you leave out for the birds is guaranteed not to harm the bird.

With pigeons, it’s important to remember that they can be quite greedy. You may notice that many pigeons are quite plump. Pigeons have become scavengers over the years and never know when they will have their next meal, so they will eat and eat until they are full. Keep this in mind when leaving out food for pros, and make sure you’re not leaving out too much food for them. You may think you’re helpful if you leave out a generous amount, but you may end up overeating

Can I feed a pigeon oats?

Uncooked porridge oats are also fine for a number of birds. Warning: never cook porridge oats, this makes them glutinous and could harden around a bird’s beak.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

There are different mixtures for automatic feeders, for feeding tables and for ground feeding. The better mixes contain a lot of corn flakes, sunflower seeds and peanut granules.

Small seeds like millet attract house sparrows, dunnock, finches, reed buntings and collared pigeons, while corn flakes are a favorite of blackbirds. Tits and greenfinches prefer peanuts and sunflower seeds. Mixtures containing chunks or whole nuts are only suitable for winter feeding. Pinhead oatmeal is great for many birds. Wheat and barley grains are often mixed into seed mixes, but they’re really only good for pigeons, pigeons and pheasants, which are ground-feeding and quickly increase in numbers, often scaring off the smaller species.

Warning: Avoid seed mixes with split peas, beans, dried rice or lentils as again only the large species can eat them dry. These are added to some cheaper seed mixes to bulk them up. Also avoid mixes with green or pink lumps as these are dog biscuits and can only be eaten soaked.

Belgian Racing Pigeons : Nr 1 Best Racing Pigeon Secret | How To Feed

Belgian Racing Pigeons : Nr 1 Best Racing Pigeon Secret | How To Feed
Belgian Racing Pigeons : Nr 1 Best Racing Pigeon Secret | How To Feed

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5 Best Pigeon Feeders – Pigeonpedia

Pigeons eat a lot of feed and a good feeder can help keep the feed clean and dry whilst ensuring it is easily accessible and keeping feed waste to a minimum.

The best pigeon feeder has large seed capacity, durable, easy to install, quick to refill and easy to clean.

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1. RentACoop Dual Port Feeder

This Rent A Coop feeder is a great option that is clean and prevents food from going to waste. It is made from durable plastic and has adjustable openings – the larger openings should be used for pigeons (the smaller openings are excellent for chicks up to 4 weeks).

Unfortunately the set does not come with covers to close access to the small openings (but there are covers to close the large openings if you are using it for very small chicks).

This may not be a problem, but it could be an inconvenience if you don’t want your pigeons to use these ports and you’re worried about mice etc accessing the feed.

The hopper holds 5lb of feed and the feeder lip helps keep feed dry and clean. It keeps dirt, debris and litter out and lets the pigeons help themselves when they are hungry.

Since there are 2 ports that 2 pigeons can eat next to each other, this may not be efficient if you have a large number of birds in an enclosure.

Refilling is easy as the lid just pops off and you can pour in the grain. Unlike many other feeder options, this system works with any size grain or seed.

You can expect a full feeder to last approximately 3 days if you feed 4 pigeons (based on 1 pigeon eating 30-40g per day). The feeder also has a handle so you can easily move it.

The design of this feeder helps minimize food waste and the cone tip prevents birds from perching on the feeder.

One of the downsides to this RentACoop feeder is that it is not rainproof and therefore needs to be covered or used in a covered enclosure.

If you are using an outdoor feeder this is not the best option as it will absorb water and the food inside will get wet which can lead to mold growth.

Similar alternative options include:

2. POPETPOP Convenient pigeon feeding station

If you are looking for a simple, convenient feeder that can accommodate a large number of pigeons, the POPETPOP feeder is a great option.

There are partitions above the trough, dividing it into 8 sections.

This allows several birds to eat from it at the same time. These slots allow pigeons easy access to the feed while preventing them from climbing in and scraping the feed out of the container.

The trough itself has a solid plastic bottom so you can pour in the grain all at once and shake or level it rather than having to pour it in individual sections. This ensures quick and easy refilling of the automatic feeder.

The downside to “refilling” the feeder when it’s not empty is that any remaining seeds will stay at the bottom, while the fresh seeds will fall on top and be eaten first.

Because of this, it’s best to remove the remaining food before adding fresh food, and then you can put the older food on top for it to be eaten first.

The trough design helps keep feed in the container, preventing food waste and keeping feed dry and clean.

Plus, you can use seeds and grains of any size because, unlike many feeders, there are no small openings or tubes for the seed to fall through. This is perfect for giving birds easy access to food.

Because this feeder has no roof or any cover, it is designed for indoor or sheltered use only. For indoor use, this is a durable, inexpensive, no-nonsense feeder that does the job well.

As it is a light feeder (350g) it is easy to pick up and move around. It’s also quick to clean and has no removable parts or grooves that can harbor bacteria.

This is a handy feeder measuring 39.7 x 10.5 x 4.5 cm.

As it is not very large it should only be used to feed a small number of pigeons or multiple feeders should be used to ensure there is enough feed available.

Similar alternative options include:

3. MACGOAL poultry feeder

The Macgoal Automatic Feeder is a feeding jar with 8 access holes at the base. It uses gravity to keep food available at all times.

Because the jar is white plastic, you can see how much food is left in the jar without having to open it. If a refill is required, simply unscrew the bottle and refill before screwing the base back into place.

This is a convenient option that is easy to use. Since it is dismountable, cleaning is quick. The access holes ensure the pigeons can reach the feed, allowing them to eat it all without leaving grain out of reach.

The base is cleverly designed to help the feeder stay in place and prevent it from tipping over.

One of the disadvantages of this feeder is the way it is filled.

You need to remove the feeder, unscrew the jar to refill it, and then reattach the jar to the base.

When you reattach it and flip it again to get it ready for the pigeons, quite a bit of feed falls into the bowl which can be messy and wasteful if not done carefully.

It also means half the bin is already empty, which is frustrating.

As this feeder requires assembly, it is important to attach the parts together correctly otherwise they may come loose resulting in food spilling out.

The base of this feeder is 16 cm and it is 24 cm high. It weighs only 370g, making it easy to pick up and move around.

This is a good multi-pigeon feeder thanks to the many feeding holes around the base.

Similar alternative options include:

4. FinYii 2-Pack Automatic Bird Feeder

This 2-pack of bird feeders is great for use on the edge of a cage. The feeder is outside the cage and there is an opening for the birds to feed themselves. A compartment under the opening catches shells and uneaten seeds, preventing them from falling to the ground. This compartment can then be emptied as needed.

The container can hold 400g of seeds, so it will contain enough feed for about 3 days when feeding 4 pigeons.

Since there are two feeders in the pack, this helps provide extra feed to cover more days or feed more animals.

The only thing to keep in mind is that due to the limited space at the feed opening, you will probably only get one pigeon to feed from a feeder at a time.

One of the downsides of this feeder is that it cannot handle large seeds as they will get stuck and stop the flow of feed.

This feeder uses gravity to ensure seed is always available until the hopper is empty.

The only time this may not work as intended is when the seeds are too large and get stuck, preventing the seed from moving down the container to the opening.

Any clutter falls into the removable tray and this can be cleared daily or as needed. This is key to preventing food from falling to the bottom of the case and getting dirty and damp.

Because this feeder is made of plastic, you can clearly see when it needs to be refilled, and because the unit is on the outside of the cage, it’s very quick and easy to refill and maintain. The container is also covered with a lid to keep food fresh and protected.

Another great thing about mounting outside the enclosure is that the pigeons have plenty of space and the feeder doesn’t take up space.

These feeders are easy to assemble, quick and easy to position and remove. This is a great option for less mess and less food waste, but it only works effectively with tiny seeds.

Similar alternative options include:

Pigeon Feeder 5 rating

This set contains 2 water containers and 1 food container. They are tall, slender feeders with a long, narrow, trough-like opening to provide access for the birds.

The water dispensers can hold 140ml and the feeders 150ml. This will take a few days when feeding one pigeon, but for up to 3 pigeons will need topping up at least every 1.5 days.

Since the dispensers are automatic, they will continue to offer food and water until they run out. Because the opening is small, it helps prevent the food from getting damp or contaminated.

These feeders are made from BPA free plastic, they are durable, reliable and safe to use. They’re also see-through, so you’ll know when a charge is needed.

These water and food containers can be placed inside or outside the enclosure.

This is a great option if you have a young pigeon in your care.

Note that larger pigeons may have difficulty reaching the narrow feed trough as it is only 2.5cm wide (the water trough is only 1.2cm wide).

This is an inexpensive option and the downside to this is that many customers have said that the feeders break, crack or become damaged very easily.

Similar alternative options include:

Things to consider when buying a pigeon feeder

In order to find the right pigeon feeder for you, there are a few things to consider:

1st size

Keep in mind the size of the feed holes and the size of the main feed body.

If the feeding holes are too small, the pigeons will have trouble eating the feed and the seeds are more likely to get stuck (if it is automatic gravity feeding).

The size and shape of the main body affects its seeding capacity and where you can position it.

If you have a lot of pigeons to feed, you will need to buy multiple feeders to ensure everyone has access to the feed.

If you want to feed the pigeons for several days at a time, the feeder must be large and automatic so that it fills itself while the birds are eating.

2. Seed Capacity

The seed capacity indicates how many seeds fit in the feeder.

The largest feeders we’ve come across hold around 450g of feed, which is enough for a couple of days if you’re feeding a couple of pigeons.

Many feeders that clip onto the edge of a cage are small and therefore need to be refilled regularly.

The other consideration when looking at seed capacity is the type of seed that can be used.

Options like the POPETPOP feeder can be used with all seeds, but the Finyii feeder can only be used with very small seeds, otherwise they will get stuck and the pigeon feeder will not work effectively.

3. Durability

It is important that the feeder can withstand any pecking and poking and the weight of the pigeons standing on it. It should be made of sturdy materials with strong connections and contain no small or loose parts.

The best pigeon feeders are easy to clean and will not wear out or discolor with regular use.

4. Easy to refill

Refilling the feeder should be quick and easy. An opening at the top of the feeder through which you can add fresh feed is ideal.

More time consuming are the feeders, which you have to take out of the case and unscrew to refill.

These are good because the liner is well protected, but it takes time and effort and flipping it over to reposition it causes a lot of liner to fall off, leaving you with a half-filled jar rather than a full one.

5. Feed Holes

The holes are where the pigeon gets access to the food.

More holes mean more accessibility and multiple pigeons can feed from the feeder at the same time.

Check the size and shape of the holes to make sure they are good for your birds.

7 Best Pigeon Feeders Review

Did you know that there are around 175 species of pigeons in the world today? Pigeons are among the most beautiful birds in the world. If you own these colorful birds, you are probably looking for the best pigeon feeder.

A quality pigeon feeder is characterized by durable construction, large capacity, easy refilling and cleaning, and easy installation. It allows you to feed your beloved pigeons with a variety of seeds, grains and fresh water.

When deciding on a pigeon feeder, you may be overwhelmed that there are different types of pigeon feeders. Some feeders are good for seeds and grains, while others are ideal for water. You may find feeder-drinker combos.

Since choosing the best bird feeder for pigeons can be difficult, chances are you are purchasing the wrong product due to a lack of knowledge. To help you choose the right one, we will now review 7 high quality pigeon feeders below.

These are our picks for the best pigeon feeders for the money:

Top 7 Pigeon Feeders: Comparison Chart

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The best reviews for pigeon houses

Feeding your pigeons can be taken good care of if you have a good quality pigeon feeder. This will also make it easier for you to feed them in your yard or in their cages by offering them seeds, grains and drinking water.

In fact, we are always dealing with bird-related products. In this case, we did a lot of research, which can be the best of the best. As we have already said, below we will review 7 high quality pigeon feeders.

The best part is that we provide you with a complete buying guide so you can easily choose the best one that suits your needs. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the reviews!

01. MACGOAL Automatic Pigeon Feeder Review

Key Features: Durable plastic material

Screw-on design

8 feeding holes

6 grooves to get up

Easy to refill and use. LATEST PRICE


Manufacturer: Anyangmenglian

Anyangmenglian Brand: MACGOAL

MACGOAL material: plastic (polyethylene)

Plastic (polyethylene) Weight: 28 lbs

28 lbs Dimensions: 3 × 9.45 inches (base diameter × height)

3 × 9.45 inches (base diameter × height) Color: Red and White

Red and White Quantity: 1

The MACGOAL pigeon feeder is made of durable plastic (polyethylene) that resists ageing, discoloration and corrosion. This feeder features 8 holes at the base that allow pigeons to feed comfortably.

Also, this freestanding feeder is difficult to tip over as it stands on 6 ridges. It’s also pretty easy to use for pigeons. Thanks to gravity, the feed itself sinks to the base. Even if the container is empty, the pigeons can still eat the last piece of sprinkles.

The reservoir is easily visible so you know when to refill. Since the feeder comes with a screw design, it is super easy to assemble and disassemble. Just twist the pieces to make them together or apart.

Many people ask if they can use the feeder for water instead of food. Because the feeder is designed with holes for water to drain out, you should not use it to feed water to your pigeons. In addition, the feeder is quite easy to clean due to smooth plastic surfaces.

Unfortunately, there’s no lid on the top of the container to thoroughly refill it. As soon as you fill the container and screw the bottom with it, 50% of the container becomes empty. However, compared to the price, the feeder is worth the money.

Why Choose the Feeder: If you are looking for the best pigeon feeder, this could be a great purchase for you. There is another feeder from the same brand and you can check it out if you like. Remember that the feeder is not only good for pigeons, but also for chickens, ducklings and quail.


With 8 holes to eat comfortably

Allows the pigeons to eat the last sprinkles

Notifies you when a refill is required

Easy to clean thanks to smooth plastic surfaces

Comes at a very reasonable price


The white plastic part might smell a bit

Click here to buy this “MACGOAL Automatic Pigeon Feeder” on Amazon (affiliate link takes you to

02. VinBee 15-piece plastic pigeon feeder on test

Key Features: High quality PVC construction

15 pieces bird water cups

25 inches long (each)

Usable with plastic bottles

Ideal for relatively large cages LATEST PRICE


Manufacturer: VinBee

VinBee Brand: VinBee

VinBee Material: PVC

PVC Weight: 6±

6 ± dimensions: 49 x 1.57 inches (3.8 x 4 cm)

49 x 1.57 inch (3.8 x 4 cm) Color: Transparent white

Transparent White Quantity: 15

If you are looking for one of the best water dispenser for pigeons, VinBee 15 Pcs Plastic Pigeon Dispenser could be a good buy. It comes with a package containing 15 pieces pigeon water cups. All of them are made of high quality safe PVC material.

These excellent pigeon houses are 4.25 inches long. All you have to do is attach them with bottles and they’re ready to go. Many people ask if these feeders are suitable for glass bottles such as soda or beer bottles. Use plastic bottles as the feeders don’t catch the ridges of glass bottles.

Even if you need to use glass bottles, you need to adjust them to the cage with wire or straps. Otherwise, attach them to plastic water bottles and adjust them to pigeon cages with a wire or spring to keep the bottles from falling.

Also, some pigeon owners are wondering if they can connect these water troughs to PVC pipes to fill from a 5 gallon bucket. It depends if you have the right equipment to install it. In our opinion, this will not be a cost-effective way.

You can easily clean them as there is no hard dirt in the feeders. The only downside we have is that keeping the feeder upright can be a hassle. You have to tie them to a stake and then untie them to refill. Each cup has a dust cover that can be opened for cleaning.

Why Choose The Feeder: When you are ready to buy some quality water dispensers for your beloved pigeons, you can consider these drinking cups. Although you can install one feeder for multiple pigeons, we recommend using multiple feeders for them. Also, if you breed rabbits that constantly knock over water bowls, you can try these water drinkers.


Allows you to water multiple pigeons

Contains 15 pieces water cups

Does not develop hard dirt inside

Allows easy refilling of the feeders

Comes at an affordable price


These drinking cups do not fit in small bird cages

Click here to buy this “VinBee Plastic Pigeons Feeder” on Amazon (affiliate link takes you to

03. Kathson 20 Pack Pigeon Feeder Review

Key Features: Sturdy plastic construction

double mouth design

Easily removable duct covers

Can be used with any plastic bottle

Easy to refill and clean LATEST PRICE


Manufacturer: Kathson

Kathson Brand: Kathson

Kathson Material: Plastic

Plastic Weight: 01 lbs

01 lbs dimensions: 9 × 1.5/1.6 (width × height)

9 × 1.5/1.6 (Width × Height) Color: Transparent white

Transparent White Quantity: 20

This is another pigeon water dispenser model on the market today. It comes with 20pcs water cups to drink your favorite pigeons. The drinking cups are made of sturdy plastic, which is non-toxic, safe and durable.

These excellent pigeon feeders feature a unique dual opening design that allows you to use them with a plastic bottle. Combine these feeders with a used water bottle. Make sure you don’t use sturdy ones as they usually have reduced capsize.

When it comes to installing them, you can hang or fix them anywhere, like cages or walls, indoors or outdoors. If your pigeon cage is too small, you cannot put the entire feeder with the bottle in the cage. Attach one to the cage with wire or straps.

In terms of refilling the feeders, they feature a fairly simple process. Fill the bottle with water and screw on the feeder. We assure you they won’t leak (if the bottle fits the feeding spout fairly snugly). In addition, you can easily clean them.

Like the previous pigeon feeder model, this one comes with a duct cover/plug that can be easily removed for cleaning. In our opinion, it might be difficult to keep the feeder upright. You often need to detach the feeder, especially when refilling.

Why you choose the feeder: If you are looking for the best water trough for pigeons, you can consider these feeders. For a large cage, make sure you use multiple pieces. This model is also ideal for chickens, quail and rabbits.


Comes with the highest number of water cups

Allows the feeder to be used with any plastic bottle

Can be hung or fixed anywhere

Includes a drain cover to keep the water clean

Pretty cheap to buy


Handling the feeder is not without problems

Click here to buy this kathson pigeons birds feeder on amazon (affiliate link takes you to

04. Abicial Pigeon Multifunctional Feeder House Report

Key Features: Food grade plastic

Uniquely designed feeder

5 feed inlets

Cone style cover

Easy to refill and clean LATEST PRICE


Manufacturer: Abical

Brand of Abicial: Abicial

Material: Plastic

Plastic Weight: N/A

N/A Dimensions: 5.91 × 66 inches (15 × 22 cm)

5.91 × 66 inches (15 × 22 cm) Color: Blue

Blue quantity: 1

If you are looking for a uniquely designed pigeon house, you can consider this model. This excellent feeder is made from food grade plastic which is non-toxic and therefore safe for your beloved pigeons.

In terms of design, the feeder is creative, decorative and professionally designed. It features a house design especially for pigeons. You can also use the feeder in any weather.

As a key feature, the feeder has 5 feed inlets that allow multiple pigeons to eat feed at the same time. It includes a cone shaped lid/lid that prevents food from getting dirty. You can store the feeder with feed or sand as you like.

On the other hand, the lower part is flat but has 4 grooves to allow the feeder to stand against the wind. In terms of refilling the feeder, it allows for easy refilling of the feeder with a variety of foods.

If you want to clean the feeder, you can easily do so with soapy water. Do not use anything abrasive to remove dirt. Finally, we found a downside. You cannot completely fill the feeder with food because of its inlets.

Why you choose the feeder: If you are looking for a high quality pigeon feeder, you can think about it. This feeder is enough for up to 5 pigeons. If you have more than 5 pigeons, you will need to buy more than one feeder.


Comes with a creative, decorative design

Allows multiple pigeons to eat at the same time

Can withstand wind due to the grooves

Allows for easy refilling and cleaning

Comes at a very affordable price


The plastic material is not entirely durable

Click here to buy this “Abicial Multi Functional Feeder” on Amazon (affiliate link takes you to

05. Mollensiuer Plastic Pigeons Parrot Feeder Review

Key Features: Durable plastic material

Double cup design

Easily removable duct covers

Can be attached to any plastic bottle

Easy to refill and clean LATEST PRICE


Manufacturer: Mollensur

Mollensiuer brand: Mollensiuer

Mollensiuer Material: plastic

Plastic weight: 8 ounces

8 ounces Dimensions: 49 × 28 mm (left); 39 × 41mm (right)

49 × 28mm (left); 39 × 41 mm (Right) Color: Clear

Clear quantity: 10

The Mollensiuer Plastic Pigeons Parrot Feeder is one of the high quality pigeon waterers available on the market today. It comes with a package containing 10 pieces of water cups. All are made of sturdy clear plastic that is non-toxic, safe and durable.

These excellent drinking cups have a double mouth design, with the left cup measuring 49×28mm and the right cup measuring 39×41mm. If you want to use them, you need to pair them with a used water bottle and they work perfectly.

Once you’ve paired the feeder with a bottle, hang or mount it anywhere you like, like cages or walls, indoors or out. If your pigeon feeder is too small, attach a caged feeder with wire or straps to keep it from tipping over.

When it comes to refilling the feeders, they require a fairly simple process. Simply fill the bottle with water and screw it onto the feeder. Because the feeder comes with the correct measurements, it will not leak. Most importantly, cleaning the feeder is super easy.

Like previous feeders we’ve reviewed, these feeders have a channel cover, also known as a channel plug, that can be easily removed for cleaning. One thing we don’t like about the feeder is that it might be a bit difficult to keep the feeder upright. You may need to detach the feeder frequently.

Why Choose the Feeder: If you are looking for the best water troughs for pigeons, you can consider these feeders. For a large cage, make sure you use multiple pieces. Due to the principle of gravity, this automatic feeder is suitable for a working family. This model is also ideal for chickens, quail and rabbits.


Comes with 10 water cups

Allows the feeder to be used with any plastic bottle

Attachable with wire at any point

Includes a drain cover to keep the water clean

Pretty cheap to buy


Problems can arise when handling the feeders

Click here to buy this “Mollensiuer Plastic Pigeons & Parrot Feeder” on Amazon (affiliate link takes you to

06. Bird Water Drinker Pigeons Feeder Review

Main features: High quality plastic

A transparent upper

5 liter water capacity

A round hole for hanging

6 feeding inlets CURRENT PRICE


Much like the VinBee, Kathson, and Mollensiuer, this is a pigeon water drinker but only comes in one big chunk. The feeder is made of high quality anti-corrosion plastic material, which is widely used for other animals and birds.

This excellent pigeon feeder has a unique design. The feeder consists of 2 parts: a transparent top and a green base. The almost cone-shaped upper is designed to hold approximately 4.5 liters (1.2 US gallons) of water or any type of liquid (according to the manufacturer).

When you have refilled the top with water, screw it together with the bottom and place the feeder close to your beloved pigeons. You can also hang the feeder with wire as there is a hole at the top of the feeder.

The bottom of the feeder has 6 inlets to allow multiple feeders to drink water. The problem is that the inlets for pigeons are a bit lower but perfect for small birds like finches. If you want to put the feeder for pigeons, you need to put the feeder on a piece of brick.

Compared to other water dispensers, this might be a bit more difficult to clean due to its cone-shaped top. You must use a piece of soft cloth or tissue paper to clean the entire surface. Best of all, its unique design prevents pigeons from pooping in the feeders.

Why you choose the feeder: This pigeon feeder is good for pigeons and other small birds. Aside from the difficulty of cleaning the feeder, this could be just what you need for your pigeons.


Comes with a large capacity

Features a unique design

Allows you to see the water level

Can be hung with wire anywhere

Pigeons can’t poop in it


A little difficult to clean

Click here to buy this “Bird Water Drinker Feeder” on Amazon (affiliate link takes you to

07. Freen-p Plastic Pigeon Birds Feeder Review

Main features: High quality plastic

Slightly transparent appearance

Multiple water capacity

6 feed inlets/access holes

Easy to refill and clean LATEST PRICE


Manufacturer: Freen-p

Freen-p Brand: Freen-p

Freen-p Material: Plastic

Plastic weight: 7 ounces

7 ounces Dimensions: N/A

N/A Color: White & Green

White & Green Quantity: 1

Let’s talk about the Freen-p Plastic Pigeon Feeder. As the name suggests, this feeder is made of high quality plastic that is normally used to feed birds and chickens, especially pigeons. This sturdy product consists of 2 parts, with the upper part being white and the lower part being green.

This excellent pigeon feeder is available in several volumes, from 1.5L to 10L. Because of this, you must choose one or more depending on your needs. The feeder is easy to refill and clean due to its sleek design.

The top part has a hole for hanging wherever you want (cages or walls), indoors or outdoors. Thanks to the slightly transparent optics, you can see the water level and are ready for cleaning or the next refill.

The lower part has 6 feeding inlets/access holes, so several pigeons can drink water at the same time. The flat surface can always help the feeder to stand even against the wind. However, make sure to adjust the feeding with water.

Most importantly, the feeder’s center of gravity is quite lower. When pigeons drink water from it, it prevents the water from spilling over. However, water will leak out when you lift it to refill, move, or clean.

Why you choose the feeder: This is one of the best pigeon feeders and drinkers on the market. Compared to the price, the feeder comes with excellent features. If you choose one, you will not be disappointed.


Comes in several volumes

Allows you to see the water level

Allows you to hang it anywhere

Has 6 feeding holes

Comes at a reasonable price


Water may spray out when lifting

Click here to buy this “Freen-P Plastic Pigeon Feeder” on Amazon (affiliate link takes you to

What you should consider when buying a high-quality pigeon feeder (buying guide)

When buying a pigeon feeder, there are a few factors you should check to ensure the feeder you choose has quality features and components. To help you find the right pigeon feeder, we are now going to share with you some factors that you should not overlook before investing.

Durability: The pigeon feeder you choose should be made of durable plastic to ensure the feeder will resist aging, discoloration and corrosion. The plastic of the feeder should be thick enough to last a long time.

Feeder vs. Drinker: There are many pigeon feeders on the market today, but you must first decide which one you actually need: a feeder, a drinker, or a feeder-drinker combo. If you choose Vinbee, Kathson or Mollensiuer, you can only feed your pigeons water. However, the other models are excellent for feeding your pigeons both water and food, with the exception of the Abical (this is for food only).

Size and Capacity: When it comes to buying a quality pigeon feeder, size and capacity matter. The larger the feeder, the more capacity it has. Considering the factor, we recommend choosing the Freen-p Plastic Pigeon Birds Feeder as it allows you to choose one from several volumes.

EASY REFILLS: Honestly, water drinker cups are easy to refill. You just need to fix it with a used bottle full of water. On the other hand, MACGOAL, GooDay and Freen-p are a bit difficult to refill. When you connect the top to the bottom, the top is almost half empty. If you lift the feeder, water will likely squirt out.

Quantity: If you’re looking for a model that includes multiple feeders, choose from Vinbee, Kathson, and Mollensiuer. However, if you want to buy a single pigeon box, you can consider the other models. We haven’t reviewed the best pigeon proof bird feeder, so you’ll have to buy one from other platforms if you actually need one.

Feeding holes: The more feeding holes a pigeon feeder has, the more pigeons it can eat. All pigeon feeders come with feeding holes, inlets or mouths. It all depends on how many pigeons you have and how many feeding holes you want in your pigeon house.

EASY CLEANING: Compared to pigeon feeder bottles, water drinker cups are easier to clean. Most pigeon feed bottles have a cone-shaped top. Therefore, you may not be able to reach the corners inside the feeder when cleaning.

Some frequently asked questions with short answers

1. Do pigeons use feeders?

Pigeons are one of those opportunistic birds that will eat any seed, especially when hungry. They don’t sit on the bird feeders but eat the seed on the ground like many small birds.

2. What to feed pigeons to make them explode?

Calcium carbide or magnesium silicide can cause pigeons to explode. When calcium carbide is mixed into a pigeon’s stomach acid, it produces acetylene, a gas that causes the pigeon to explode.

3. What is the best feed for pigeons?

Since pigeons are grain eaters, the best food for them is seeds and grains such as corn, barley, wheat, sunflower, millet and peas. They eat them all year round, but some treats they prefer at a specific time of year.

Final remarks

Both domestic and wild pigeons eat a lot of food and water. Therefore, you should set them up on a high-capacity feeder, or multiple feeders if possible. Be sure to offer your pigeons seeds, grains, berries and nuts.

By the way, you may want to know which automatic feeder we recommend for you. In our opinion, the Freen-p Plastic Pigeon Feeder could be just what you are looking for. It features sturdy plastic construction, multiple food and water capacities, and easy refilling and cleaning.

If you choose the pigeon house, we hope you won’t be disappointed.

What Do Pigeons Eat?

Pigeons eat insects, worms, seeds and grains.

The pigeon is a family of powerful birds with a fleshy beak and large wings. Some of the best-known species congregate near human cities and towns, including the common wood pigeon, rock pigeon, and mourning dove, but there are actually about 340 species distributed worldwide, many of which are rare and native to the Asia-Pacific region seen by humans. Pigeons are so widespread and diverse that it’s difficult to summarize anything specific about their diet as a whole, but this article attempts to provide some general information about what they eat and how they eat it, regardless of whether they’re in the City or in the city live wild.

A quick note on the use of terms: the English language sometimes distinguishes between pigeons and pigeons based on their size. Pigeons are usually the larger of the two. However, this distinction is not really scientifically founded and is not even consistently applied. The rock pigeon, for example, is also called rock pigeon. This article covers each member of the pigeon family, whether it’s a pigeon or a dove.

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What is the pigeon eating?

Pigeons are sometimes described as true omnivores (meaning they eat both plants and meat; really almost anything they can find). But in practice, almost all of their diet consists of plant matter, including grains, grasses, green leafy vegetables, herbs, weeds, fruits and berries. They complement this with the occasional meal of insects, snails and earthworms.

The composition of the diet depends strongly on the location. Pigeons that stay near the tropics tend to eat more fruit than seeds and therefore spend a lot of time foraging in trees. Many temperate species, on the other hand, get most of their nutrients from seeds. About 99 percent of the mourning dove’s diet consists of seeds alone, including cultivated grain and peanuts. It is estimated that they consume around 12% to 20% of their body weight every day. That equates to about 71 calories on average.

The anatomy of pigeons is very well adapted to take advantage of the food around them. Heavy seed and grain eaters tend to rely heavily on their stomachs (a specialized organ near the digestive system) to grind up tough food. Your gut is longer to break down and absorb the complex carbohydrates. They are also much more likely to forage for food on the ground. Heavy fruiteaters, on the other hand, generally have shorter guts and thinner gizzards; They also have a greater ability to hold on to branches and hang upside down, making them better able to obtain fruit from trees.

Before reaching adulthood, baby pigeons are known to feed on a substance called pigeon milk. This is not real milk, but a semi-solid, vomited substance that is extremely high in proteins and fats to help the hatchlings grow to their full size. The baby pigeons absorb this “milk” in the first few days of life before gradually becoming accustomed to semen and other food. It may take a few weeks for the baby pigeons to fully digest the adult feed.

In the wild, pigeons are believed to play an important ecological role by dispersing uneaten seeds around their environment.

Is bread bad for pigeons?

Pigeons use up around 12-20 percent of their body weight every day. Murauyou

Pigeons can eat bread, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they should. While it may be very tempting and even delightful to feed pigeons bread while sitting on a park bench, some experts advise against it because sometimes it can create more problems than it solves. There are a few reasons for this. The first reason is that many man-made breads don’t necessarily contain all the nutritional values ​​that pigeons need. The second reason is that it could attract other animals and pests besides pigeons. Third, overcrowding can easily occur as flocks of birds congregate and compete for free feedings. Finally, bread can make pigeons more dependent on human benevolence, weakening their natural ability to forage (even if they’re just looking for leftover human food).

If you want to help pigeons, then a better idea is to set up a small feeder box in your yard where just a few birds can enjoy the occasional meal of their own free time.

What should you feed wild pigeons?

Pigeons should enjoy a combination of wheat, ground corn, sunflower seeds, sorghum and millet. To maximize the chances of attracting them, you may want to scatter seeds on the ground or place them in some sort of tray or feeder that the bird can sit comfortably on. Dense shrubs or evergreen trees near your yard can serve as a potential nesting site to keep the pigeons close. Putting up a nesting cone could also attract an entire couple. They like to have a nearby bird bath with ledges to stand on.

What do pigeons eat in the city?

City pigeons tend to prey on small seeds, fruits, vegetables, insects, spiders, worms, and even leftover human food. Many of them are specially adapted to urban environments and differ slightly from their wild counterparts. If you keep a domesticated pigeon as a pet, you may want to offer them a pellet-based diet combined with some fruits and vegetables to meet their nutritional needs. Products labeled as seed mixes are not necessarily the same as what a bird would eat in the wild. They may be deficient in some key nutrients.

What eats pigeons?

The composition of the pigeon’s diet depends on the location. N.Z.Photography/

Pigeons are hunted by birds of prey such as hawks and hawks. The eggs are also consumed by ravens, crows, common grackles, domestic cats, snakes and rodents.

A complete list of the top 10 foods the pigeon eats

Pigeons have a long and varied diet. This is by no means an exhaustive list of foods, but it should give you an idea of ​​what most pigeons eat.

seeds and grains



Green vegetables







Next: What Do Hummingbirds Eat?

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