Best Toys For Jack Russells? Quick Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “best toys for jack russells“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

The best option for hyperactive Jack Russells is a game of chase. This game is an oldie but a goodie; all you have to do is get your dog to chase after you. If you love running, you will find this to be a fun and thrilling game to play with your pooch. It also serves as a form of exercise for both you and your puppy.Jack Russell terriers are energetic and loving dogs, so if you want to keep one happy, you’ll need to give it plenty of exercise and affection. Start consistently training your Jack Russell terrier with simple commands as soon as you get it, since having set boundaries will help the dog feel more secure.A Jack Russell is more likely to suffer from a liver disorder known as portosystemic shunt (PSS), which deprives the liver of the blood flow it needs to grow and function properly. A liver function test can be performed to check for this problem but this is especially important before an anaesthetic.

The Best Overall Dog Toys for Jack Russell’s
  • #1- Busy Buddy Bouncy Bone. The Busy Buddy is an excellent option and a great toy for your Jack Russell Terrier. …
  • #2- Bojafa Ball. …
  • #3- Chuck It Ultra Ball. …
  • #4- S Dog Bone. …
  • #5- Gnawt It Rock. …
  • #6- Benebone Chew Toy. …
  • #7- ZogoFlex Durable Ball. …
  • #8- Talking Babble Ball.

What do Jack Russells like to play with?

The best option for hyperactive Jack Russells is a game of chase. This game is an oldie but a goodie; all you have to do is get your dog to chase after you. If you love running, you will find this to be a fun and thrilling game to play with your pooch. It also serves as a form of exercise for both you and your puppy.

What makes Jack Russells happy?

Jack Russell terriers are energetic and loving dogs, so if you want to keep one happy, you’ll need to give it plenty of exercise and affection. Start consistently training your Jack Russell terrier with simple commands as soon as you get it, since having set boundaries will help the dog feel more secure.

Are Jack Russells prone to anything?

A Jack Russell is more likely to suffer from a liver disorder known as portosystemic shunt (PSS), which deprives the liver of the blood flow it needs to grow and function properly. A liver function test can be performed to check for this problem but this is especially important before an anaesthetic.

How do you tire out a Jack Russell Terrier?

You can play fetch with a ball or frisbee, or play hide and seek with treats. These games will require fun and stimulating exercise for your Jack Russell. Mentally demanding games, such as food puzzle toys, are also good at exhausting your Jack Russell’s energy.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

This article was co-authored by Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD. dr Nelson is a companion and large animal veterinarian based in Minnesota where she has over 18 years experience as a veterinarian at a rural clinic. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998. This article has been viewed 89,708 times.

Article overview


To live with a hyperactive Jack Russel terrier, begin by taking your dog longer and more frequent walks and playing physically demanding games like fetch or hide-and-seek to tire your dog. Your Jack Russell may be reacting to or reflecting the energy you are putting off, so do your best to remain calm and collected when you are around him. Also, try to avoid responding to hyperbehaviour, such as excessive barking or jumping, lest the behavior be reinforced. Since this breed is happiest when it has a job to do, try giving your dog specific tasks to keep them occupied, like digging or hunting. For tips on using aromatherapy to calm your Jack Russell Terrier, read on!

What age does a Jack Russell calm down?

Your Jack Russell will calm down as he moves into seniority from the ages of 10 to 12 years. Even though Jack Russell Terriers are known to be energetic dogs, a frequently overly energetic Jack Russell may be a sign of an underlying problem in their dietary, physical and mental requirements. So, not all hope is lost.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

It can be frustrating at times owning a Jack Russell Terrier; I hate to say it, but these energy baskets can really be a handful. Having a hyperactive dog is great, but it can be a real stress for some owners. We are often asked, “When will my Jack Russell calm down?”.

Most Jack Russells will settle down as they age. Your Jack Russell will settle down when he enters seniority around the age of 10 to 12 years. Although Jack Russell Terriers are known to be energetic dogs, a frequently overly energetic Jack Russell can be a sign of an underlying problem in their dietary, physical, and mental requirements.

So all hope is not lost.

I know owning a Jack Russell can be so frustrating. When I brought up my first Jack Russell I seriously thought the hyperactivity would never end!

But with experience, I realize how to handle a hyperactive Jack Russell — and it’s easier than you once thought.

This article will help you understand why Jack Russells are hyperactive, how to calm a Jack Russell down through exercise, diet and exercise, and when it’s time to see the vet.

When will my Jack Russell calm down?

To be honest there is no bulletproof answer to this question, Jack Russells have plenty of energy for most of their lives.

And it really depends on what “rest” means to you as a dog owner.

With my Jack Russell he has been hyperactive his entire life. But now that he’s moving into seniority, his energy is much easier to manage.

He can still be an extremely hyperactive dog at times, which is a great sign! To be honest, when the day comes when your dog starts to slow down, you’re going to want the energetic fool back!

He is calm now in his ninth year, but he is still full of energy.

For example, he no longer drags me everywhere, almost choking on his leash with excitement: but he still has the energy to chase a fox and bomb a burrow.

Their Jack Russells energy will peak when they are puppies and as they enter puberty your Jack Russells energy levels should remain high from the age of 1 to 8 or 9 years old.

By the time they’re around 8 or 9 years old they should start to slow down in terms of exercise, but they’re still athletic: meaning they still need a good hour of exercise each day to keep their energy levels up.

But don’t look for your Jack Russell to slow down — you’ll miss the hyperactivity when it’s gone.

And when quiet old age comes, so do health problems, it’s true that a hyperactive dog is a happy dog: so enjoy it while it lasts.

Your Jack Russell will reach seniority between the ages of 10 and 12, and from here you will start noticing a drop in your dog’s energy levels. This is where your Jack Russell will finally settle down completely, and it is sad to see.

But that’s the beauty of having a dog; You must have the quiet times to appreciate the energetic times and the energy to appreciate the quiet.

Why Are Jack Russells So Hyperactive?

Before attempting to manage your Jack Russell’s hyperactivity, you must first understand where it gets its energy from.

Jack Russell Terriers originated as a working dog breed, bred by the Rev. John Russell to hunt vermin, primarily to drive out foxes. These dogs have earned their rightful place as hunting companions because of their bravery, agility, intelligence and strong will to work. As hunting dogs, Jack Russells require significant amounts of energy and when out of work they still have the energy they once needed – often resulting in a hyperactive dog.

These dogs come from the hunting stock and as a hunting dog they require a lot of energy.

This means that certain puppies are selected from successful litters based on traits they exhibit that meet the requirements of hunters.

The result is an extremely successful hunting dog – with boundless energy.

How do you calm down a Jack Russell?

Now that you know why Jack Russells are so hyperactive, you’re probably pulling your hair and wondering how to calm a Jack Russell down.

As I mentioned before, it’s easier to deal with than you think.

To calm a Jack Russell you need to provide them with a constant amount of mental and physical exercise – which I will get into later in this article.

You also need to be mindful of your own habits as an owner and make sure you’re not positively reinforcing unnecessary hyperbehaviour without even realizing it.

It is extremely important that you meet your Jack Russells energy needs as a built up need to release energy can lead to severe anxiety, insecurity and more often than not a dangerous Jack Russells.

Calm down your Jack Russell with physical exercise

Max plays fetch

In most cases I’ve witnessed, an overly hyperactive Jack Russell is the root cause of a lack of consistent exercise.

Most owners these days seem to think that small dogs don’t need a lot of exercise, quite the opposite.

Did you see it right? Senior citizens with Jack Russells who got them as lap dogs due to their small nature and are now afraid of a hypoaggressive dog, an absolute bait case.

It’s a shame, these dogs are primarily hunting dogs.

And a working dog that is no longer working is in dire need of a consistent energy outlet to replace the energy outlet it would have had if it were doing the work it was bred to do.

There are so many ways you can train your Jack Russell, please don’t pester your dog with the only activity of walking – it’s not what he needs.

Leashing a hyperactive dog is not a solution, a hyperactive dog doesn’t want to walk, it wants to run!

Your Jack Russell is one of the fastest dogs ever created, so make good use of that speed.

The schedule I follow to keep my Jack Russell quiet most of the day is our hour-long morning hill walk.

Max on his favorite mountain hike

On this walk he has the opportunity to explore different smells as the multitude of wildlife surrounds the area, which funnily enough can often be a problem when hunting foxes, rabbits and crows: which is a fantastic sensory stimulation for him.

On a safe part of the walk, I’ll let him off the leash and let him burn off his energy as he pleases – this often involves playing fetch with either a stick or a tennis ball, depending on his mood.

I find the best way, in my experience, to burn off your Jack Russells energy is through fetch.

Fetch is great in a number of ways:

First, it allows your Jack Russell to sprint back and forth, which is awesome as it burns off energy quickly. Short and long sprints are a great cardiovascular activity to use up your stores of energy and set them down for the rest of the day.

Second, Fetch is reliable. It’s reliable in the sense that if you have a small yard with just enough space to fetch, you can do 20 sprints in a small enclosed space while burning that much energy. Which is much needed as Jack Russells often run off to chase things.

It’s also reliable in the sense that your dog will usually love it as long as you mix it up with where you’re doing it and what you’re getting it with.

Third, it’s fun! My Jack Russell loves fetch as he loves chasing fast moving objects (clearly due to his hunting disposition) and this is great as it really fulfills them and keeps them mentally engaged. Jack Russells love to chase small moving objects, give them what they love.

There are several forms of exercise that can successfully calm your Jack Russell that you can incorporate; Running, skill classes, swimming, resistance walking, hill walking and biking.

It doesn’t matter what form of exercise you choose to do in particular, just make sure you get at least an hour of targeted exercise each day, this will vary by age and weight, but it’s a good start.

The one hour in the morning is awesome as it usually lulls you to sleep for the rest of the day – which is pure bliss.

If you are looking to calm a young Jack Russell, check out my Jack Russell Puppy Exercise Guide.

Calm down your Jack Russell with mental exercise

Jack Russells are extremely intelligent dogs, so a happy Jack Russell will receive plenty of mental stimulation on a daily basis.

Mental stimulation is important to your Jack Russell’s well-being as it keeps him fit, makes him enjoy life more and through mental exercise lays the foundations that will make your dog a peaceful member of society.

Depriving your Jack Russell of consistent mental engagement will result in a destructive dog. Your dog doesn’t respect you because you don’t provide mental stimulation so he just finds him somewhere else. Neglecting mental stimulation often results in a hyperactive and destructive Jack Russell as they look for an outlet to release pent-up mental energy.

Mental engagement can come in different forms: the two most distinguishable are practice and play:


I sit sooo nice for this treat

To keep your Jack Russell mentally engaged, you need to stick to a weekly exercise schedule. This schedule doesn’t need to be construed like an army general, but it does need to be short and consistent.

Dog training requirements can’t always be put in numbers, but what I’ve found most successful has been sticking to short 5 minute sessions up to 3 times a day every other or third day.

Shorter training times are better than longer ones because dogs are more engaged and responsive in short periods of time. Training a dog for a long period of time usually results in your dog becoming tired and then disinterested, leaving the session with a bad impression.

Training your dog every other or third day is also useful as giving your Jack Russell an extra day or two of training will help him retain what he has learned.

A study by (Dement et al, 2011) cited by Companion Animal Psychology on the training outcomes of 44 dogs in relation to training frequency and duration found that dogs retain what they have learned more easily and are more successful in training when exposed to shorter sessions for smaller training periods during the week.

This further encourages the idea that training success in your Jack Russell is heavily dependent on consistency and duration of training sessions.

To play

Playing is the easiest and most fun way to keep your Jack Russell up and mentally engaged.

My own Jack Russell loves to play tugboat: it’s his favorite game. Many people have said that tugging can lead to an aggressive dog, which is quite the opposite.

Pulling is important as it teaches your dog when to let go, when to be too rough, and what can hurt people.

When played correctly, the drag can form a much more effective Jack Russell.

Other games that Jack Russells enjoy playing consist of; Get – what I mentioned above, Frisbee, find and hide the treat.

For fetch, you can play with any type of ball, stick, or toy that can be thrown and retrieved: preferably something with some bounce.

For Frisbee, the clues in the name, you need a Frisbee!

To find the treat, you can hide the treat somewhere in your house and task your dog with searching and finding it. First let the dog know you have the treat, make him stay in another room, and then tell him to “get him!”.

Another great way to do this is by hiding healthy treats in a garden area and allowing your dog to sniff them out. This provides mental stimulation and allows your dog to actually work for his food.

You can also use a treat dispenser or a toy like this Kong toy that Max absolutely loves.

These types of toys are great as they can keep your dog occupied and occupied while he is home alone.

In order to play hide and seek with your dog, you need to hold your dog in a stay position in another room. Continue hiding and ask another family member to prompt your dog to find you.

Do not encourage excessive behavior

It’s one of the most basic, yet non-obvious, ways to minimize unnecessary hyper behavior both inside and outside the home for your Jack Russell Terrier.

Most owners don’t even realize they’re rewarding undesirable behavior until someone points it out to them.

When you get home and your Jack Russell jumps at you excitedly, what do you do? You praise him and tell him he’s such a good boy for welcoming you.

And what if he sprints around the house in a hurried frenzy, you laugh and encourage him.

If you show your dog attention while he’s hyperactive, he’ll learn that it’s good to be hyperactive.

Because if this wasn’t good behavior, they wouldn’t get any attention from you.

The easiest way to stop your Jack Russell from becoming hyperactive is to simply ignore him when he is acting unnecessarily hyperactive.

For example, if you come home from work and they jump up, don’t pay attention to them for at least 5 minutes, do a few things around the house before greeting them.

This will help your Jack Russell understand that being unnecessarily hyperactive is not desirable and is not rewarded. Similarly, reward your dog when he starts exhibiting new behaviors to positively reinforce what you want to see.

Dogs don’t exactly know what you want, they go for what they get praise for.

When dealing with an overly hyperactive Jack Russell, the first thing to do as an owner is to make sure you’re not subconsciously teaching him the behaviors you don’t want him to see.

Your Jack Russell Diet

If you’ve followed all the steps above and your Jack Russell still hasn’t settled down, you may need to consider their diet.

The packaged supermarket food we feed our dogs today often results in health effects unknown to new owners. The foods you feed your dog, if they are packaged goods, usually contain additives such as: artificial preservatives, colors, chemicals, coatings, flavorings and sugars. These artificial additives can often lead to hyperactivity in dogs.

The food you feed your Jack Russell has a dramatic impact on his energy levels. Food containing the ingredients listed above can often lead to hyperactivity in dogs.

Therefore, it is important that you consider a more natural eating plan; You may consider feeding your dog raw meat (not just steak and ground beef, but also liver and other organs and fats that your dog would receive in a natural environment).

Here’s a great video where animal behaviorist Dr. David Sans discusses the behavioral effects that food has on dogs:

You can also incorporate some fresh fruits and vegetables into your Jack Russell diet, here is a list of fresh fruits and vegetables your Jack Russell will love:











Green beans


There are several fruits and vegetables that dogs cannot eat for toxicity reasons, such as grapes and onions. As such, it’s important to do your research before introducing any new fresh foods to your Jack Russell.

Incorporating these dietary changes should provide your dog with a more nutritionally appropriate diet – I’m not a nutritionist – so consult your veterinarian if you are considering changing your dog’s diet.

Underlying health problems that cause hyperactivity

If your Jack Russell is still hyperactive despite you giving them enough mental exercise, physical exercise, exercise and a proper diet, they may need to see a vet.

There are several underlying health conditions that can cause hyperactivity in dogs that you should consider, including:



While this is rarely the sole causal factor for your Hyper Jack Russell as they are primarily related to exercise and diet, don’t turn a blind eye if you have the feeling that they may have an underlying health condition.

If your Jack Russell is still extremely hyperactive then you should contact your veterinarian and discuss the issue at hand as nobody is better at assessing this than a veterinarian.

last words

Jack Russell Terriers eventually settle down with age, although these dogs are hyperactive for most of their lives, you should start to see a chronological decrease in energy levels and movement once they are around nine years old.

At this age, your Jack Russell will still be active and energetic but will be much easier to manage. When your Jack Russell enters seniority at around 10-12 years old, you will start to see a significant drop in energy.

The main reasons why your Jack Russell is hyperactive are lack of physical exercise, mental exercise and an unsuitable diet.

The ways to combat and deal with a hyperactive Jack Russell are:

Engage them actively with physical exercise

Engage them actively with mental exercises

Do not positively reinforce hyperactivity

Reward calm, appropriate behavior

Rebalance their diet in consultation with your veterinarian

If none of the above work, you should contact your veterinarian to set up an appointment to discuss the possible underlying health conditions that may be affecting your energy levels in Jack Russells.

Do Jack Russells like to be picked up?

Do Jack Russells like to be held? Yes, Jack Russell Terriers love to be held but only at the right time. According to research by Dogs Earth, Jack Russell Terriers are extremely loving and affectionate dogs when given the proper care, treatment and respect.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

Each month we will be highlighting different dog breeds in our Dog Breed of the Month series. Next we explore the world of the lively, inquisitive and friendly Jack Russell Terriers. Read on for everything you need to know about these gorgeous puppies…

“Jack Russell Terriers are small dogs with big personalities, known for their lively and happy dispositions,” Kennel Club spokesman Bill Lambert told Country Living. “They have a lot of energy and need active exercise every day, as well as lots of mentally stimulating games to enjoy. They are popular family pets and will make happy companions to anyone who can give them enough exercise and attention.”

Is the Jack Russell a good family pet?

Small, friendly dogs, Jack Russell Terriers make good family pets—and are also great for city dwellers who live in apartments.

However, keep in mind that the puppies are incredibly active. Bill adds, “Their lively temperament and endless energy mean they are better suited to active owners who have enough time to exercise them and also give them enough mental stimulation.”

What were Jack Russells bred for?

“Jack Russell Terriers have their origins in working terriers from Britain, but were actually developed in Australia by British immigrants who brought dogs with them to control the vermin population in their new homes,” Bill tells us.

“Since they were bred in Australia in the 70’s, Jack Russell Terriers have become popular family pets around the world and are now one of the most popular dog breeds to star in movies!

“It must be said that the type developed in Australia has some differences from the type maintained by Jack Russell breeders in Britain, who have retained the original type: a dog resembling the Parson Russell Terrier in proportions, but on a smaller scale.”

The Kennel Club / Ruth Dalrymple

Are Jack Russell Terriers Suitable for First Time Owners?

Small and friendly, Jack Russell Terriers are suitable for a variety of owners, including first-time dog owners. Not only are they great for apartment dwellers, but they are also best for active owners who can keep up with their boundless energy. It’s important to know that they need a lot of attention, so only adopt them if you can give them the care and time they need.

How Do You Soothe a Jack Russell Terrier?

Full of energy, some owners may wonder how to keep a Jack Russell Terrier calm and collected. According to Bark How, there are a few ways you can calm your dog down:

Give your dog a gentle abdominal massage and gently massage your Jack Russell’s muzzle. Keep your Jack Russell away from cats, small pets, and young children until they calm down. Keep him away from other active and excited dogs. Distract him with a treat until he calms down


Do Jack Russells like to be held?

Yes, Jack Russell Terriers love to be held, but only at the right time. According to research from Dogs Earth, Jack Russell Terriers are extremely affectionate and affectionate dogs when given the right care, treatment, and respect. Like other pets, Jack Russells can become irritable if you try to cuddle them too much.

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Can a Jack Russell stay home alone?

A Jack Russell can be left home alone, but like any dog, this should only be for a few hours. When they are at home for a long period of time, they can end up feeling mentally disturbed, depressed and even sad. These puppies have busy minds with lots of energy, so they need lots of attention. If you must leave the house, always make sure you leave him a bowl of fresh water, snacks, and mentally stimulating toys to play with.

5 things you always wanted to know about Jack Russell Terriers

They were originally bred in England about 300 years ago to hunt foxes. These adrenaline pumping dogs are incredibly strong and fast (which some owners may have a hard time keeping up with!). Jack Russells are incredibly loyal and love meeting new people. They have a strong breed. Jack Russells can be vocal but they make great watchdogs

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How do you raise a calm Jack Russell?

8 Tips For Raising A Happy Jack Russell
  1. Start his training and socialization early. …
  2. Give him plenty of praise. …
  3. Make sure he knows his place in the family. …
  4. Stop unwanted behavior. …
  5. Minimize separation anxiety. …
  6. Socialize him properly. …
  7. Keep him healthy. …
  8. Make sure he gets plenty of rest.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

It’s no secret that you want your dog to be happy. That’s what all pet owners want for their dog, because it’s part of the family! Part of making your dog happy is treating them from the start. Starting him with a good, healthy lifestyle will make for a happy Jack Russell puppy. Here are some fantastic tips to help you with that.

1. Start his training and socialization early

Jack Russells are incredibly smart and very active which means they get into trouble pretty quickly, so make sure you start training him early in his life. Your dog loves to learn new things and having rules and regulations is part of his biology.

You are not being cruel when you train your dog and set boundaries. So make sure you teach him the essential tricks early on, and teach him “fun” tricks if you want him to keep learning. Jack Russell loves to learn so they make great trick dogs!

2. Give him plenty of praise

Your dog’s main job in the world is to please you. When he follows a command or behaves appropriately in a situation, give him praise and a treat. He wants to know you did it right, and the best way for him to know is to give him a treat, praise, pet, or toy at the right time. If he knows he made you happy, then he will be too.

Most of the time people focus on the negative and only correct their dogs when they misbehave. Instead, redirect him to do exactly what you want him to do every time, praise him for it, and it will give him less time to misbehave. This way he knows what to do and what actions will bring him positive results.

3. Make sure he knows his place in the family

Many dogs dominate their homes and make their owners unhappy. This is actually a bad thing for dogs. They need to learn rules and their place in the world. Even wild dogs have commands given by the pack leader, so this is normal behavior. Knowing his rules will make him comfortable with who he is and will be a generally happy dog.

Your dog wants to be a dog, so let him do that and everyone will have a better quality of life.

4. Stop unwanted behavior

If you notice your dog suddenly becoming aggressive, chances are something is bothering him. The reason could range from separation anxiety to poor health, but if he’s misbehaving out of the blue, the best way to make sure he’s okay is to watch him and see if he’s responding to his commands.

Aggression is a sign that he is unhappy or confused. Do not respond to aggression with aggression, as this will make the situation worse. Keep calm, watch your dog all the time and see what is causing his fear, remove him from it, let him calm down. Teach him to associate his objects of fear or frustration with positive outcomes.

Eventually, any anxiety, fear, or frustration will subside and he will return to his happy self

5. Minimize separation anxiety

It’s normal for dogs to have separation anxiety, especially when they’re younger. If you notice your dog getting terribly anxious when you walk, don’t make it a big deal, give them a special treat before you head out, and try not to leave them alone for too long.

No matter how comfortable your dog is with being alone, even the best can only go so long without human interaction. Keep this in mind when considering bringing a dog into your life.

6. Socialize him properly

This is an important rule that many skip. Your dog needs to get used to new people and animals in order to be balanced and happy. And don’t just stop at people in general and other dogs.

Imagine that in more detail, all ages and both genders, people in hats, long coats, disabled people, particularly loud people, postman, veterinarian, people on bicycles (and other vehicles), any animals he might encounter (friendly dogs, shy dogs, barking dogs, cats, small animals…) Socialize your dog properly and make sure he responds to your commands.

Together with you and the other people/animals, he learns the right behavior and thus becomes an experienced dog with a lot of reason to be happy.

7. Keep him healthy

Make sure your dog sees the vet regularly. If he’s in pain or overweight, he won’t be a happy dog, which means a bad experience for both you and him. Keep him healthy with enough exercise and the right amount of right food to keep him fit and moving like he’s supposed to. A healthy dog ​​is a happy dog.

8. Make sure he gets plenty of rest

When your dog is young he will need plenty of rest, but the same is true as he gets older. Try not to wake him from his nap and make sure he sleeps through the night (or just before). Adequate amount of sleep will lead him to a better attitude, which means a better and happier life for everyone.

Your dog is your responsibility, so do your best to make sure you and he are as happy as possible. These eight tips should help you find the right position for it!

Would you like to add something to our list? What do you find helpful? Tell us in the comments below.

Do Jack Russells like to cuddle?

Although Jack Russells are extremely affectionate and love to cuddle their owners, they can be intolerant in the presence of young children therefore there are necessary precautions that must be taken when having Jack Russells around children.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

Most people love having an active dog to keep fit or a guard dog to protect them and their home. But everyone knows that the best part about having a dog is getting cozy with them at the end of a tough day. This leads many potential owners to ask: Are Jack Russells cuddly and affectionate?

Aside from their boisterous attitude, I know from personal experience how affectionate these dogs can really be.

Jack Russell Terriers are extremely affectionate and affectionate dogs when given the right care, treatment and respect. Although Jack Russells are very affectionate and enjoy snuggling with their owners, they can be intolerant around small children, so precautions must be taken when Jack Russells are around children.

Jack Russells can be the pinnacle of affection and loyalty for your family, but only with the right socialization, dedication, and training.

These dogs are extremely energetic dogs, they are also extremely independent due to their nature as a working dog.

This means that as a Jack Russell owner, you must meet this dog’s fitness and mental demands to garner affection and ensure the cuddles last long.

That cuddle dog you’ve been hoping for will not be happy at all if it isn’t given the proper care and respect it needs.

So, read on; It will ensure your Jack Russell loves you, show you and your family the utmost affection, and help your dog have a better life.

A positive life leads to affection

As I mentioned earlier, Jack Russells need a high level of mental and physical commitment to live and maintain positive lives.

Jack Russells were originally bred for fox hunting; They are working dogs through and through, so they need a high level of obedience training, exercise, and mental stimulation to keep them happy.

Dog owners need to understand that not only do you get respect and love from a dog for housing and feeding, you need to be a respected leader in their eyes.

This means doing everything possible to ensure their best possible well-being. Not only do you get a cuddly and affectionate dog; This is work in progress.

I own a Jack Russell and these dogs can be difficult dogs at first but the work always pays off as they are highly trainable, highly intelligent animals that absolutely thrive when kept mentally engaged.

You have to understand that not only are dogs born cuddly and affectionate (okay, maybe that’s not the case with Staffies), but Jack Russells can be easily aggressive, so it’s important to be a responsible owner from the start. Don’t pull one potentially dangerous dog

Look I love Jack Russells, my own dog Max absolutely steals my heart. And I’m not one to ridicule certain breeds, but Jack Russells can certainly be aggressive if raised improperly.

To be honest I raised my Jack Russell when I was about 11 years old, I was responsible for all the training, socialization and exercises.

And it wasn’t always an easy ride, but it taught me so much about the breed. There are several things I wish I had done better since I was younger and number one is socialization.

Max is an amazing dog these days, as I’ve gotten older and more experienced I realize the mistakes I can’t make and the things that absolutely need to be done.

The main thing I’m getting at with this is that as I became a more dedicated, committed and consistent owner, I could see a dramatic change in my dog’s character in every nook and cranny.

He respects me more, he’s a lot more excitable and positive overall, he listens to my words and he shows a lot more affection.

I say this because we are not all perfect owners, but I hope that through my own learning experience you can gain some insight and knowledge to help create the most positive life for your Jack Russell and in turn help him who to become the loving dog she is craving.

Tips to give your Jack Russell a positive life

Here are some tips to follow to ensure you give your Jack Russell a positive life and show him respect and affection in return:

Keep your Jack Russell physically busy

The main culprit in creating dangerous, unhappy Jack Russells is the lazy owners who don’t train them enough.

Your Jack Russell honestly has tons of energy to burn off, giving your dog at least an hour early in the day where he can run around off a leash and actually be a dog will help keep him happy while he is the stress caused by a deficiency is alleviated by exercise.

It’s also good to keep in mind that I take my Jack Russell to his training session around 10am every morning to keep some structure in their lives. This will help relieve stress as they will know when to get off next.

You should also keep them physically occupied by playing fetch with a ball, my Jack Russell loves chasing tennis balls and sticks.

Consistent exercise has a dramatically positive effect on your dog’s attitude and attitude towards life.

Keep your Jack Russell mentally busy

Obedience training is important not only for mentally stimulating your Jack Russell, but also for his manners.

You should make it a habit to train your dog every day, people believe that to train a dog you need experience with a clicker and any device that is available to you.

That’s just not the case; You can teach your dog most things anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s at home, at the park, or on the bus, it’s important to train your Jack Russell in different environments to expose him to different experiences.

You should practice practicing your basic Jack Russell obedience, like stay, drop, come and down.

If you have a puppy I would recommend taking him to puppy training classes where appropriate to lay the groundwork for his training and socialize him from an early age.

You can’t train a dog to be cuddly and affectionate, but mentally stimulating him daily will do; Make them respect you more as an owner, give them a more comfortable life and teach them the necessary manners.

Respect your Jack Russells Space

Like most working dogs, Jack Russells are extremely independent animals. This is due to their work environment; They manage to dispose of vermin and do their job to a high standard.

Their job is their sole responsibility, so this breed has learned to be self-sufficient and individual.

This is important as Jack Russells need their space, sometimes petting just gets to be too much for them and my Jack Russell Max appreciates some alone time.

If you have a busy household you need a safe haven for your Jack Russell. This can be in the form of a box; This safe haven should be a place that children and other pets cannot access. This should be treated as a personal chill-out zone.

This ensures that if the household gets too much, they have a place to go on their own. This is not a problem in my household as we are a quiet family with few members and Max can go to an empty room alone for periods.

Socialize your Jack Russell

You must make it a habit to socialize your Jack Russell as soon as he can walk.

This is essential to ensure your dog is happy with other dogs and provides the basis for learning how to behave in company.

I advise you to make sure that your dog meets at least one other dog in slightly different environments every day: this will introduce him to new experiences and make him understand that there is something to be around and enjoying other dogs enjoy and be welcome.

Do Jack Russells like to cuddle?

As you can see, my Jack Russell loves to cuddle!

If you’re looking for a cuddly and affectionate dog and the Jack Russell is one of your choices, you’re probably also wanting to know if Jack Russells like to be kept.

From my own experience, Jack Russells don’t like to be kept. Often my own Jack Russell puppy will when I try to pick him up. He also doesn’t like having his ears or paws held.

That doesn’t mean they don’t like to be cuddled, Jack Russells absolutely love to be cuddled, but only at the right time and for the right time.

I don’t particularly understand where this is coming from, but it could be present in small dogs as their size makes them more fearful and therefore more sensitive to threats.

Because of this, having a Jack Russell around a baby can be difficult and dangerous. These dogs are highly intolerant of harassment and may bite a child as a warning if they touch them inappropriately.

Children are always grabbing dogs, falling over them, falling on them, pulling their ears and it’s a game for most dogs.

But Jack Russells can interpret this as an expression of aggression, so it’s important that you always monitor the interaction between a Jack Russell and a baby.

last words

To sum up this answer to your question, Jack Russells are cuddly and affectionate dogs—but only when handled properly.

In order to secure affection, you must first gain respect from your dog and in doing so create a very positive life experience for him.

You can help your Jack Russell lead a positive life through consistent exercise, mental engagement through training and play, socialization with other dogs and people, and showing respect for their space.

Jack Russells can be more sensitive to threats; They are intolerant of children and need supervision at all times when they are around.

Some Jack Russells don’t like being held, but that depends entirely on the individual dog and their own specific experiences.

Overall, you don’t immediately gain affection from your dog. You must be a dedicated owner and an even better leader.

What is the lifespan of a Jack Russell dog?

What’s the life expectancy of a Jack Russell dog?

How long do most Jack Russells live?

Jack Russells are well known for living long and healthy lives, as breeders have protected the gene pool, preventing direct in-line breeding. Given proper care, life expectancy averages about 15 years, possibly even longer.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small terrier that is commonly confused with the Parson Russell Terrier. The Parson Russell Terrier has a shorter body and longer legs while the Jack Russell Terrier has a longer body and shorter legs. It is not yet an officially recognized breed by the AKC. The UKC recognized both the Jack and the Parson among the Russell Terrier breed until 2009 and the NKC recognizes the Jack but not the Parson.

Physical Properties

The Jack Russell dog is a small, agile Jagdterrier. Its body is slightly longer than its height. It stands at around 10 to 15 inches, with a compact body and a short tail. The chest is the most important feature of the Jack Russell. It needs to be flat and narrow with the front legs not set too far apart, giving it an athletic rather than heavy chested look. Jack Russells were bred to hunt the red fox; Accordingly, their stature had to be equipped to enter and work in the small caves into which foxes escaped.

The Jack Russell’s coat can be wiry or smooth, but is always a dense double coat. Its coloration is generally white or white with tan, tan, or black markings. Jack Russells weigh around 14 to 18 pounds. The head is broad and flat, with a strong jaw with a scissor bite and straight, somewhat large teeth. Jack Russells move with an easy, confident gait that reflects the breed’s character.

personality and temperament

Jack Russell Terriers are characteristically energetic and highly motivated. Although small, Jack Russell dogs are not recommended for apartment dwellers due to their need for exercise and stimulation. They can become restless and destructive if not stimulated enough. Overall, however, they are a happy, devoted breed.

They are also very intelligent, athletic, fearless, and vocal dogs. Obedience training is highly recommended as they tend to be stubborn and aggressive at times. However, this combined with their loud and energetic nature makes them great watchdogs.


The biggest concern with Jack Russells is making sure they get enough exercise. Other than that, maintenance is relatively easy. Because of their short coat, Jack Russells only need to be bathed when necessary. Regular combing and brushing with a firm bristle brush is recommended.

To make a Jack Russell Terrier showworthy, its coat must be stripped, not clipped. This results in a shorter and smoother coat that, unlike clipped coats, is water and prick resistant.


Common health issues affecting the Jack Russell breed include inherited eye diseases and deafness. Legg Perthes is a disease of the hip joints that can most commonly occur in smaller breed dogs, including Jack Russells. They are also prone to dislocating their kneecaps.

Jack Russells are known for living long and healthy lives as breeders have protected the gene pool and discouraged direct in-line breeding. With proper care, the average life expectancy is around 15 years, possibly even longer. The common health problems associated with Jack Russells are generally due to recessive genes in certain lines that are bred.

history and background

Reverend John Russell was a 19th-century minister with a passion for fox hunting. He developed a breed of foxhunting terrier from the now-extinct English White Terrier, a breed bred to be white in color so they could be distinguished from the prey they were pursuing. This breed line eventually broke into the Parson Russell Terrier and the Jack Russell Terrier.

After the Second World War, the need for hunting dogs began to decrease drastically and with it the number of Jack Russell Terriers. At this point, the breed was increasingly being kept primarily as a family and companion dog.

The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America was founded in 1976 by one of the first Jack Russell Terrier breeders in the United States, Ailsa Crawford. In the late 1990’s, the AKC moved to recognize the Jack Russell as an official breed, but the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America opposed the move, wanting to keep the Jack Russell’s working qualities intact. In shows, Jack Russell Terriers are not judged on their worthy physical attributes, as is the case with non-working breeds, but rather on the qualities that make them excellent work companions. They lose points for exaggerations or mistakes that affect their ability to work.

What kind of job can I give my Jack Russell?

Backyard Jobs for your Jack Russell
  • Play Frisbee with your Jack Russell. Frisbee is a classic dog game, one that your Jack Russell will enjoy. …
  • Obstacle Courses. Obstacle courses are fun ways to give your Jack a more challenging running course. …
  • At-Home Earthdog Courses. …
  • Extreme Fetch.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

Jack Russell Terriers may be small, but they are full of energy and determination.

Originally bred for fox hunting, the Jack Russell Terrier requires constant stimulation to stay mentally and physically healthy. Giving your Jack Russell Terrier a job is one of the best ways to get his needs met.

These jobs may be able to help you find a good balance for your Jack Russell.

Jack Russell Terriers were bred for fox hunting, so field work and forage-based jobs are best suited to them. Consider competitions and sports, hikes and chases based on agility. To safely indulge your Jack’s prey drive, enroll him in Earth Dog classes and competitions.

The following jobs can help stimulate your Jack Russell Terrier.

Keeping them happy and healthy can be easy! You might even want to combine some of these jobs to get the best possible result.

Do Jack Russell Terriers need a job?

Jack Russell Terriers were bred specifically to hunt foxes. As a result of generations of careful training. Even Jack Russell Terriers today are intense, determined, and driven.

Your main task when hunting foxes was to drive the fox out of its den or stay with the fox until its owners arrived to “remove” the vermin.

Because they were bred specifically for these traits, giving your Jack Russell a similar job can be extremely beneficial.

Through a variety of sports, training exercises and game scenarios, their prey drive and hunting instinct can be lived out in a safe and humane way.

However, you don’t have to stick to loot jobs or play. Jack Russells are extremely intelligent and will take on any task you give them, including puzzle toys, command training and more.

No matter how you entertain your Jack Russell Terrier, he’s sure to enjoy the extra stimulation – and he needs a lot of it!

Interested in training your dog but don’t know where to start? Click here to check out my favorite online dog training program.

Following a bored Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers need a lot more stimulation than some dog breeds. They are by no means couch potatoes, so you’ll have your hands full with walks, exercise, and play if you decide to add a Jack Russell to your home.

Stimulation is not an option with this breed. You need to provide them with opportunities to release their energy and stimulate their spirit. They are extremely intelligent and will find tricky ways to entertain themselves otherwise.

Bored Jacks may bark or chew excessively, may chase other animals or smaller animals in your home, and be destructive with your furniture or belongings.

To avoid these consequences, do not leave your Jack alone for too long. Give him a job and provide some entertainment throughout the day.

The following jobs can help you avoid a bored Jack Russell Terrier.

Continue reading: My Favorite Dog Products and Dog Tags

20 Stimulating Jobs for Your Jack Russell Terrier

Because it’s important to stimulate your Jack Russell, you may need to combine several of these jobs and activities to keep him busy. Get creative with this and your dog will have a blast!

Water activities for your Jack Russell

1. Dock diving

If Jack can swim, dock diving could be an important activity for him. Dock Diving is an upgraded catching activity.

Essentially, your Jack runs and launches himself off a dock to catch a toy in mid-air. The higher or longer he jumps, the better his score will be.

Of course, some events and activities just let the dogs have fun. For the smaller, more compact Jack, this might be a more fun activity.

2. Free swimming

Although all dogs are different, most enjoy swimming. Jack’s are no different. Free swimming in a lake or pool can be a great way to burn off excess energy, especially if your dog is enjoying the water.

Bring along some of his favorite water toys. If you visit a chlorine pool, be sure to wash it clean once activity time is up.

3. Kiddie Pool Attendant

If you don’t want to take your Jack Russell to the lake every time he wants to swim, setting up a small area with a children’s pool can be a stimulating activity.

Fill a small kiddy pool with water (about halfway) and put some of his water toys in it. You can try different fetch activities and teach him trying to keep the toys in the water.

Otherwise, he might enjoy splashing around.

Outdoor activities for your Jack Russell

4. Hiking excursions

Although Jack Russell Terriers have small legs, they can enjoy long hikes or other long walks over rough terrain.

Because they were bred to hunt foxes, be sure to keep them on a rather short leash when hiking.

Day hikes can be a great way to keep your dog happy and healthy while also spending some time in the great outdoors.

5. Go camping with your Jack Russell

Just like hiking, camping can be a great activity for select Jack Russell Terriers. Make sure your jack isn’t barking at anything that moves outside and restrain him to avoid mishaps with the local wildlife.

Otherwise, camping and all that comes with it can be great for your Jack.

Indoor activities with your Jack Russell

6. Alarm clock

Energetic Jacks are only too happy to wake up your household when they are ready to play. You can use this energy to get your kids out of bed in the morning.

Make it Jack’s job to run into their bedrooms and set them up. It will be fun for your Jack Russell Terrier and your children.

7. Housekeeping

Jack Russell Terriers are extremely intelligent. You can teach them to perform almost any task or trick.

Getting them to help with chores — even small things — can be a great way to get them involved in something you’re already doing. You can pick up their toys, clean up after your kids, and more.

8. Hide and seek

Jack Russell Terriers love to be close to their humans. It’s only natural that a game like Hide and Seek, which forces them to find you in increasingly difficult “hidden” locations, can help them socially and mentally.

Tell them to sit and wait, then signal them to find you when you’re ready. Your Jack will be happy to search the house to find your hiding spot.

Backyard jobs for your Jack Russell

9. Play Frisbee with your Jack Russell

Frisbee is a classic dog game that your Jack Russell will enjoy. Be sure to throw the Frisbee a little closer to the ground to accommodate your Jack’s shorter legs.

Otherwise, keep throwing it and encouraging him to catch it!

10. Obstacle course

Obstacle courses are fun ways to give your Jack a more challenging running course.

Use sturdy materials like plywood, barrels, and obstacle course kits to create a series of jumps, tunnels, and hoops for your Jack to bounce through. You can time him to see how he improved!

11. Earthdog classes at home

Jack Russells are natural Earthdog competitors, but you don’t have to take him to competitions. You can create an Earthdog course to challenge your pup right in your backyard.

You can use the more expensive wooden inserts or start with cardboard boxes. The important part is giving off an odor and giving your dog plenty of opportunities to dig.

12. Extreme retrieval

Traditional retrieval is a great activity for your dog, but Jack Russell Terriers can get bored easily. Extreme Fetch uses multiple balls at once.

Throw them all away and let your dog sniff out their locations and bring them back to you one by one. He won’t get quite as bored chasing fetch balls!

toy activities

13. Puzzle toy

Jack Russell Terriers love toys, so getting him toys that challenge his mind can be perfect.

Some toys involve hiding small stuffed animals in a tree stump or other tunnel-like plush, which is ideal for your Jack’s earth dog breed.

Other puzzle toys include ruffle mats, kongs, and hidden treats.

14. Lick mats and other mealtime toys

Food toys can be a great way to keep your dog entertained while they eat. Some toys feature spinning cylinders, hidden kibble, and other ways to get your dog guessing while eating.

These can also help you eat slowly if this is a problem for your Jack. Lick mats are a sensory experience that’s a bit more passive, but still calms your Jack’s wild energy.

15. Tug of War

Tug of War is another classic game that you can play with your dog. Jack Russells love to compete in tug-of-war, but be careful with their teeth.

Never over tighten.

You could injure your dog if you pull on the rope with all your might.

Training and sport for your Jack Russell

16. Earthdog Trials

Earth dog trials are events or competitions specifically designed for Jack Russells and other burrowing terrier breeds.

These trials involve artificial tunnels, “caves,” and scent work that allow your dog to find the animal at the end. No animals are harmed, so it’s a humane way to indulge your Jack’s prey drive.

Training might be a bit expensive and most of it cannot be done at home. Still, pursuing this activity can be as easy as peeking into your local exercise scene.

17. Fly Ball

Although flyball is typically a sport for larger dogs, your Jack can enjoy the trials and practice runs. Flyball is a competitive sport that uses jumps, balls, and small hurdles to create an obstacle course.

Instead of being driven by food, the dog is driven by the desire to chase the ball. The catch and retrieve aspect makes it ideal for dogs that need stimulation.

However, flyball requires special training, which must be carried out by a professional. It can be quite expensive to train a dog to flyball, especially if you plan to compete.

Still, the exercise itself can be a great way to keep your Jack Russel Terrier happy.

18. Fragrance work

Since Jack Russel Terriers were bred to find cunning foxes by scent, they could be great candidates for tracking dog work.

Scent Work activities involve special training and patience. A strong scent of essential oils is introduced to the dog. A cotton swab with the scent that the dog has to sniff out is hidden on a course.

It’s a great stimulating activity – and your Jack Russel will be very determined to get the job done!

19. Flying disk

Some Jacks also like flying disc, a sport or activity that is less expensive to train than some of the other sports we’ve looked at so far.

Flying Disc is a natural continuation of Frisbee, although the disc doesn’t bend or return in the same way. With patience, dedication, and understanding for your dog, you may be able to train them yourself.

As with all sports here, you can play Flying Disc at home with your dog. Training is part of the fun, even if your dog doesn’t like the competitive aspect.

20. Trick Orders

Finally, your Jack Russell Terrier’s advanced intelligence and eagerness can create the perfect opportunity for some great trick or command training.

Jack Russel Terriers are great at learning new tricks if you are patient enough to teach them to understand. There are so many different tricks you can teach your Jack – starting with the basic flip, sit and shake tricks.

From there, try increasing the difficulty, jumping through hoops, weaving back and forth between obstacles, and ringing bells.


Keeping your Jack Russell Terrier busy can be a lifelong commitment. However, a busy Jack is a happy Jack! Offering your dog at least some of these jobs is key to having a great life with your four-legged companion. This intelligent, energetic breed will reward you for the extra time you spend entertaining them!

Do Jack Russells like to be picked up?

Do Jack Russells like to be held? Yes, Jack Russell Terriers love to be held but only at the right time. According to research by Dogs Earth, Jack Russell Terriers are extremely loving and affectionate dogs when given the proper care, treatment and respect.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

Each month we will be highlighting different dog breeds in our Dog Breed of the Month series. Next we explore the world of the lively, inquisitive and friendly Jack Russell Terriers. Read on for everything you need to know about these gorgeous puppies…

“Jack Russell Terriers are small dogs with big personalities, known for their lively and happy dispositions,” Kennel Club spokesman Bill Lambert told Country Living. “They have a lot of energy and need active exercise every day, as well as lots of mentally stimulating games to enjoy. They are popular family pets and will make happy companions to anyone who can give them enough exercise and attention.”

Is the Jack Russell a good family pet?

Small, friendly dogs, Jack Russell Terriers make good family pets—and are also great for city dwellers who live in apartments.

However, keep in mind that the puppies are incredibly active. Bill adds, “Their lively temperament and endless energy mean they are better suited to active owners who have enough time to exercise them and also give them enough mental stimulation.”

What were Jack Russells bred for?

“Jack Russell Terriers have their origins in working terriers from Britain, but were actually developed in Australia by British immigrants who brought dogs with them to control the vermin population in their new homes,” Bill tells us.

“Since they were bred in Australia in the 70’s, Jack Russell Terriers have become popular family pets around the world and are now one of the most popular dog breeds to star in movies!

“It must be said that the type developed in Australia has some differences from the type maintained by Jack Russell breeders in Britain, who have retained the original type: a dog resembling the Parson Russell Terrier in proportions, but on a smaller scale.”

The Kennel Club / Ruth Dalrymple

Are Jack Russell Terriers Suitable for First Time Owners?

Small and friendly, Jack Russell Terriers are suitable for a variety of owners, including first-time dog owners. Not only are they great for apartment dwellers, but they are also best for active owners who can keep up with their boundless energy. It’s important to know that they need a lot of attention, so only adopt them if you can give them the care and time they need.

How Do You Soothe a Jack Russell Terrier?

Full of energy, some owners may wonder how to keep a Jack Russell Terrier calm and collected. According to Bark How, there are a few ways you can calm your dog down:

Give your dog a gentle abdominal massage and gently massage your Jack Russell’s muzzle. Keep your Jack Russell away from cats, small pets, and young children until they calm down. Keep him away from other active and excited dogs. Distract him with a treat until he calms down


Do Jack Russells like to be held?

Yes, Jack Russell Terriers love to be held, but only at the right time. According to research from Dogs Earth, Jack Russell Terriers are extremely affectionate and affectionate dogs when given the right care, treatment, and respect. Like other pets, Jack Russells can become irritable if you try to cuddle them too much.

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Can a Jack Russell stay home alone?

A Jack Russell can be left home alone, but like any dog, this should only be for a few hours. When they are at home for a long period of time, they can end up feeling mentally disturbed, depressed and even sad. These puppies have busy minds with lots of energy, so they need lots of attention. If you must leave the house, always make sure you leave him a bowl of fresh water, snacks, and mentally stimulating toys to play with.

5 things you always wanted to know about Jack Russell Terriers

They were originally bred in England about 300 years ago to hunt foxes. These adrenaline pumping dogs are incredibly strong and fast (which some owners may have a hard time keeping up with!). Jack Russells are incredibly loyal and love meeting new people. They have a strong breed. Jack Russells can be vocal but they make great watchdogs

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Best Toys For Jack Russell Terriers (Best Options, What To Avoid and My Personal Favorites)

Best Toys For Jack Russell Terriers (Best Options, What To Avoid and My Personal Favorites)
Best Toys For Jack Russell Terriers (Best Options, What To Avoid and My Personal Favorites)

See some more details on the topic best toys for jack russells here:

Best Dog Toys for Jack Russell’s[Best Chew Toys & More] is supported by readers. If you purchase a product through a link on our site, we may receive an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you.

Making sure you have the best dog toys in the home for your Jack Russell Terrier is a must.

Jack Russell Terriers are an energetic dog breed that loves to be mentally and physically stimulated as much as possible.

As a proud owner of a Jack Russell Terrier myself, I understand that as owners we may not always be ready to offer this activity for our JRs.

Therefore, the best toys are necessary.

I have broken down what I consider to be the best dog toys for Jack Russell Terriers into 4 main categories:

1.) Best overall dog toy for Jack Russell Terriers

2.) Best chew toys for Jack Russell Terriers

3.) Best Jigsaw Puzzle Toy for Jack Russell Terrier

4.) Best dog toys for Jack Russell Terrier puppies

All 4 categories have different toys that I would recommend buying based on my own experience.

For the sake of time and convenience, let’s start with a chart of what I think are the best dog toys for your Jack Russell.

Feel free to use the table directly above to navigate and learn more about each individual dog toy.

Otherwise, stick around for just a few minutes and I’ll cover the types of toys I would highly recommend for your Jack Russell, in addition to answering other frequently asked questions.

Here’s what I want to cover in today’s short post:

The best overall dog toy for Jack Russell’s

As promised, I wanted to take a moment to break down each toy for your Jack Russell and explain why I think they deserve to be on my list of the best dog toys.

#1 – Busy Dude Bouncing Bones

The Busy Buddy is an excellent option and a great toy for your Jack Russell Terrier.

Jack Russell loves to jump around to be active. Not to mention they love to chew.

The Busy Buddy allows them to do both and stay busy longer.

It comes in a variety of sizes and is currently my favorite dog toy for my Jack Russell. When I need them to occupy myself with something safe.

You can see it for yourself here (link to Amazon)

#2 – Bojafa Ball

This toy is great and serves a few purposes. Primarily, it is excellent for a Jack Russell that is teething and also good at giving treats.

It comes in a value pack so you get 2 balls for the price of 1 and it’s fragrant.

It also packs extra punch with the added benefits of cleaning your Jack Russell’s teeth and features puncture-resistant, durable, non-toxic rubber.

Overall a great toy to let your Jack Russell play with alone or a toy to engage your Jack Russell in a game of fetch in the yard.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#3 – Chuck It Ultra Ball

The Chuck It Ultra Ball is a popular dog toy for a variety of dog breeds.

Not just Jack Russells. It’s an excellent option that allows you to spend time with your Jack Russell retrieving and giving him some much-needed exercise.

It’s also durable and is one of the other toys I use frequently with my Jack Russell and Yellow Lab.

Overall, for the price and considering you’re getting two in one value pack, it’s a no-brainer for your Jack Russell.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#4- S Dog Bone

The S Dog Bone is a unique dog bone designed for aggressive chewers. For any reader who owns a Jack Russell, I think we can all agree that he falls into the aggressive chewer class.

No doubt.

Well, this unique dog toy is made of thermoplastic rubber, making it very difficult for your Jack Russell to destroy or damage it.

Not to mention it can be full of hidden treats that will make interacting with your Jack Russell even more enjoyable and challenging.

Overall a must have for your Jack Russell in my opinion.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#5 – Gnawt It Rock

The Gnawt a Rock is another great toy that will help stimulate their smart minds to interact and have fun.

It’s designed to give out treats while built to take a beating. No strong chewing Jack Russell will ever destroy this toy and it’s made of safe, natural latex rubber.

Use it around the house or outside in the yard to keep your Jack Russell engaged in a healthy activity.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#6- Benebone chew toy

Benebone has been around for a long time and makes many quality products for our pets.

The Benebone Chew Toy is an excellent toy for your Jack Russell to chew safely and encourage teething and non-destructive behaviors.

Overall an excellent budget friendly option for your Jack Russell.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#7- ZogoFlex Durable Ball

The Zogoflex is an excellent option for your Jack Russell to serve as a chew bone or fetch toy.

Anytime I spend money on a new dog toy, I like versatility and options for my Jack Russell, which this toy certainly does.

I also love that this dog toy is great for water activities with your Jack Russell such as swimming. B. Swimming.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#8- Talking Babble Ball

One of the more unique dog toys on the list, the Talking Babble Ball can certainly spark some entertaining moments with your Jack Russell.

This toy makes noise and talks to your Jack Russell as he moves and plays with it.

My Jack Russell used to have a lot of fun with a toy for a while before becoming more and more smug and bored (this is why lots of toys are key with Jack Russells).

Nonetheless, it certainly deserves a place on the list of top toys for Jack Russell.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#9- Flossy rope

The Flossy Rope is one of the toys for your Jack Russell on this list that is not designed to encourage chewing but rather to encourage your JR to engage in more strenuous physical exercise.

Exercise is vital to Jack Russell and should never be overlooked.

A good quality tug rope is a great activity to participate in with your Jack Russell and the Flossy Rope is my favorite toy for this activity.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

Now that we know the overall best dog toys for your Jack Russell, I want to take a minute to break down the best toys for those reading owners who have a Jack Russell that really enjoys chewing.

I assume a good majority of your readers fall into this category.

Rather than allowing your Jack Russell to chew or destroy any nice items around the house, a much better approach is to replace these negative behaviors with desirable chew toys and teach them how and when to use the chew toys properly.

Especially if you often leave your Jack Russell at home alone.

The best chew toy for Jack Russell Terriers

#1- Kong Classic

The Kong Classic has been around for a long time and continues to be one of the top chew toys for all dog breeds, and with good reason.

I have never seen a Kong Classic wrecked and have bought several in my time as I have owned my Jack Russell and yellow Lab.

It’s so easy to add cheap treats and content, and the Kong Classic is an easy pick for the best Jack Russell chew toy.

Smear some peanut butter on the inner portion of the kong and freeze overnight and you’ve got a dog that will keep busy and stimulated for hours.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#2 – One is all dog chews

The One is All Dog Chew got its name for a reason.

It’s an indestructible chew toy designed to take a long time to get hit by your Jack Russell.

It’s a budget-friendly option made from safe and durable materials.

I can tell you firsthand that it is still a chew toy that my Jack Russell uses frequently.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#3- Pet Stages chew toys

This chew toy is meant to be a healthy and durable alternative to other dog bones or wooden dog bones.

You have countless options to choose from, such as the following:

deer horn


new fur

branch of life

Among other things and for the price it is a toy worth having in the basket.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

The best jigsaw puzzle toys for Jack Russell Terriers

Jack Russell Terriers are one of the smartest dog breeds you can adopt.

However, it is also important to challenge Jack Russell with mental and physical stimulation.

Most often this is accomplished through basic training and exercise, but in some circumstances it is best to allow your Jack Russell Terrier to receive additional stimulation through puzzle toys.

Below is a quick table of the best puzzle toys I recommend for your Jack Russell.

#1 – Nina Ottosson from Outward Hound

Who doesn’t love a toy that not only challenges our Jack Russells mentally but also gives them treats?

It’s a budget-friendly option that your Jack Russell will love.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#2- Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball

The Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball is another great treat puzzle toy for your Jack Russell.

It forces them to roll it around and work hard for the reward.

Not only that, when your Jack Russell is young you will have plenty of time to relax knowing your Jack Russell is busy and having a good time.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#3- Aloya Sniff Mat

This is one of my all-time favorite Jack Russell puzzle toys.

It really keeps them working and interested in finding the food in the mat.

It is excellent for anyone who owns a dog who tends to eat in a hurry or just needs a mental challenge.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

The best overall toy for Jack Russell Terrier puppies

For those of you with a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, you are in a class of your own.

Trust me I know where you are and what you need because I was there and it wasn’t that long ago.

Jack Russell Terriers are curious and need to be kept busy.

Especially if they are ever left alone for any length of time.

In most cases, you need to focus on making sure they have something productive to chew on and something that promotes healthy teething.

Below I have compiled my 3 favorite chew toys for Jack Russell Terrier puppies that meet these criteria.

You can’t go wrong choosing any of the 3.

I recommend choosing at least 1 to keep your Jack Russell occupied with something else instead of chewing on your favorite shoes.

Trust me, without toys, they will chew things around the house that you don’t prefer.

you chew.


#1- Znoka Arctic Freeze

The Znoka Arctic Freeze is an excellent toy for your Jack Russell that will help them grind their teeth and alleviate some of the teething troubles.

Not to mention they will love it.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#2- East Blue Chew Toy

The East Blue Chew Toy is an excellent dog toy for your Jack Russell that aims to be indestructible and safe for your pup.

With a variety of color options and built for aggressive chewers, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

#3-Nyla Bone Chew Toy

The Nyla Bone is a relatively simple, dumbbell-shaped dog bone for your Jack Russell pup to enjoy.

Overall, with positive reviews and a friendly price, it’s a great option to consider for your new Jack Russell.

Here you can see for yourself (link to Amazon)

Keep your Jack Russell busy with toys

We touched on this briefly earlier in this post, but I want to hit this point a little harder.

Jack Russell Terriers are a working dog breed that needs to be stimulated and want to work.

If they don’t have activity to productively burn off energy, they will find things they shouldn’t be doing to take up their time and it’s hard to blame them.

This may dig in the backyard or chew things they shouldn’t be chewing.

Having toys and lots of them around the house and even outdoors is the best way to teach your Jack Russel what to play with and what not to play or chew.

Invest a few bucks now in the best toy for your Jack Russell and save yourself a lot of money, frustration and headaches in the future.

Even the best dog toy does not replace movement

Another important consideration to keep in mind with Jack Russell’s is the fact that no number of toys you buy will ever replace the need to give your JR exercise and attention.

Jack Russells absolutely need your attention to be effectively trained and disciplined.

Exercise is a great way to achieve many things with a Jack Russell.

Overall, exercising helps Jack Russell stay calmer and more contained for the rest of the day.

It will also help them stay happy and healthy for the duration of their lives.

Don’t adopt a Jack Russell with the attitude that lots of toys will get the job done.

They will still crave your attention and love and would greatly appreciate it if you took them on a run or even a nice bath on a warm summer day.

Make sure you choose chew-friendly and safe toys for your Jack Russell

One of the last considerations I want to make before sending you on your way is simple but worth mentioning.

Don’t overlook how strong a Jack Russell is and how much willpower they can have to destroy a toy.

These dogs love to achieve whatever they set out to do, and if crushing a chew toy is on their to-do list, they’ll find a way to do it.

When buying toys, always make sure that the toy is made of safe materials, has positive reviews, and cannot harm your Jack Russell if crushed.

This will protect your Jack Russell and will likely save you big bucks on a costly vet bill which you can invest back in new toys for your Jack Russell in the future.

Build your collection of the best dog toys for a happy Jack

Jack Russells are not very picky.

At least mine isn’t fussy and has never shown much problem playing with a toy I bought her in the first 3 years I’ve raised her.

Try different toys to find your Jack Russell’s favorite toy and build up the collection to keep him busy with something positive.

Luna and I wish you the best of luck with your new Jack Russell’s and hope they love whatever toy you ultimately choose.

What toys do you think are best for Jack Russell Terriers?

What other toys do you think need to be added to my list of Best Toys for Jack Russell Terriers?

Do you have any other recommendations for the readers or other activities that can help stimulate a Jack Russell in the same way a great toy would?

Make sure to share these thoughts, stories and concerns by leaving a comment below.

As always, Luna and I appreciate you stopping by and reading today, and we’ll see you next time.

Top Activities For Jack Russell Terriers

The Jack Russell Terrier is a little ball of energy that loves to run and be on the move. Why not put that excess energy to good use by playing with your dog? The best option for hyperactive Jack Russells is a chase game. This game is an oldie but a treat; All you have to do is get your dog to chase after you. If you like running, you will find that this is a fun and exciting game to play with your pooch. It also serves as a form of exercise for you and your pup. The good thing about this game is that it only requires short bursts of energy that won’t tire your pooch completely. Plus, it helps you build a better bond and understanding with your dog. The best part? This game is absolutely free and can be played both outdoors and indoors.

How to Keep a Jack Russell Terrier Happy (with Pictures)

reward behavior. Thanks, it’s already helping with our ‘new’ 3 year old.”


“Clear advice on training issues and the importance of being firm, consistent and persistent. Also how/when

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