Can You Eat Macarons With Braces? The 73 Top Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can you eat macarons with braces“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

According to the dessert specialists at Pearl’s Creations, “people with braces should avoid hard and sticky candies and desserts because they can damage your orthodontic work. Instead, opt for soft desserts like cakes, cupcakes, macarons, puddings, or soft candies that melt in the mouth.Most cookies are safe to eat when you have braces. Avoid cookies with any hard, decorative toppings or ones that have caramels in them. Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, or any other soft cookie is fine to eat when you have braces.Meringues: Meringues are a great option for people with braces! As a bonus, they are gluten free, and excellent for many specialized diets. Try large meringues stacked with whipped cream, or small meringues with cream frosting between them. Don’t make them on a humid or wet day, though, as they won’t set.

Dessert Ideas
  • Pudding.
  • Soft cookies.
  • Soft chocolates (no nuts or caramel)
  • Jell-O.
  • Ice cream.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Cake (soft bread, no nuts)
Foods to avoid with braces:
  • Chewy foods — bagels, licorice.
  • Crunchy foods — popcorn, chips, ice.
  • Sticky foods — caramel candies, chewing gum.
  • Hard foods — nuts, hard candies.
  • Foods that require biting into — corn on the cob, apples, carrots.

Can I eat cookies with braces?

Most cookies are safe to eat when you have braces. Avoid cookies with any hard, decorative toppings or ones that have caramels in them. Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, or any other soft cookie is fine to eat when you have braces.

What desserts can you have with braces?

Dessert Ideas
  • Pudding.
  • Soft cookies.
  • Soft chocolates (no nuts or caramel)
  • Jell-O.
  • Ice cream.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Cake (soft bread, no nuts)

Can you eat meringue with braces?

Meringues: Meringues are a great option for people with braces! As a bonus, they are gluten free, and excellent for many specialized diets. Try large meringues stacked with whipped cream, or small meringues with cream frosting between them. Don’t make them on a humid or wet day, though, as they won’t set.

What foods are off limits with braces?

Foods to avoid with braces:
  • Chewy foods — bagels, licorice.
  • Crunchy foods — popcorn, chips, ice.
  • Sticky foods — caramel candies, chewing gum.
  • Hard foods — nuts, hard candies.
  • Foods that require biting into — corn on the cob, apples, carrots.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

life with braces

Now that you have your braces, how do you care for them? It is important that you know how to properly care for your braces throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Eating with braces

Don’t worry, you’ll be back eating popcorn and snacking on potato chips in no time! However, before you can start enjoying some of the goodies you love, you need to be extra careful not to eat foods that could damage your new gadgets.

Foods to avoid with braces:

Chewy foods – bagels, liquorice

Crunchy foods – popcorn, chips, ice cream

Sticky foods – fudge, chewing gum

Hard foods – nuts, candies

Foods to bite into – corn on the cob, apples, carrots

Foods you CAN eat with braces:

Dairy products – soft cheeses, puddings, milk-based drinks

Bread — soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts

Grains – noodles, soft boiled rice

Meat/Poultry – soft boiled chicken, meatballs, luncheon meats

Seafood – tuna, salmon, crab cakes

Vegetables – mashed potatoes, steamed spinach, beans

Fruit – applesauce, bananas, fruit juice

Treats — No-nut ice cream, milkshakes, jello, soft cake

Pain from braces and appliances

When you first get your braces, you may notice that your teeth and mouth feel a little sensitive or sore. This is perfectly normal and we promise your mouth won’t be sore forever! To ease the pain, we recommend dissolving one teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of lukewarm water. Rinse and gargle this solution in your mouth for just a few minutes (do not swallow the salt water).

If the pain is worse and doesn’t go away after rinsing, you can also try taking a pain reliever. It’s also not uncommon for your lips, cheeks, and tongue to feel irritated for a week or two as they harden and adjust to the braces. We are happy to provide you with some wax that you can spread over the braces to reduce sensitivity. If you need some wax, please let us know.

lose teeth

Don’t worry if your teeth feel a little loose; that is normal! Your braces must first loosen your teeth to get them in the right position. Once your teeth are repositioned, they are no longer loose.

Loose wires and straps

The wires and bands in your braces can become loose. In this case, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can check and repair your device. If part of your device becomes detached, save it and bring it to the office.

You can temporarily fix the loose wire by gently and gently pushing the wire back into place with the back of a spoon or the eraser end of a pencil. If the loose wire is irritating your lips or cheeks, place wax or a damp cotton ball on the broken wire to relieve pain.

Take care of your household appliances

Damaged equipment can increase the length of your treatment process, so be sure to take care of all your equipment. Your teeth and jaw can only move into the correct position if you consistently wear the rubber bands, headgear, retainers, or other aids prescribed by your doctor.

Exercising with braces

Game, Set, Match – we have great news for athletes! You can also do sports during orthodontic treatment! If you play sports, it is recommended to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and appliances. Let your doctor know if you need help finding the right mouthguard for the best protection.

In the event of a sports emergency, immediately check your mouth and appliance for damage. If you notice loose teeth or equipment damage, please contact our practice immediately. You can temporarily relieve the discomfort by applying wax or rinsing your mouth with warm salt water.

Are Oreos OK for braces?

You want to avoid anything crunchy or hard, which means no nuts, potato chips, or popcorn. Instead, opt for Cheetos or Pirate Booty. Soft cookies (without nuts) are good, but avoid hard cookies like Oreos and Chips Ahoy unless you’re a milk dunker. Ice cream is fine, but skip the nuts and hard candy toppings.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

The biggest fear most teenagers seem to have when they’re told they need braces is the thought of having to live on mashed potatoes for years. Let’s dispel this myth right now and explore the foods that can be eaten with braces on. With braces comes the responsibility of maintaining the hardware, which unfortunately means a slightly different diet.

Why it’s important to eat the right foods

Traditional braces are a series of brackets and wires used to straighten the alignment of your teeth. They are strong enough to position your teeth correctly, but they are easily damaged. Eating the wrong foods can loosen the wires and ligaments, which can lead to an emergency trip to the orthodontist for repairs.

Foods to avoid include anything sticky, chewy, overly hard, or crunchy. If you are a gum chewer, ask your doctor which gum is safe to chew with braces. Remember that your dietary restrictions are only a temporary inconvenience. The perfect smile after treatment is worth giving up potato chips for a moment.

Food with braces

Instead of talking about what you can’t eat, let’s focus on what you can eat. With that in mind, let’s discuss some food types and how to assess them for their “harm potential.”

side dishes, sandwiches and soups

Almost everything in this category can be eaten with braces. Some cheeses are incredibly hard, so of course you should avoid those. Soups are probably all in the good to eat category too.

Bread and grain will be a mixture. Most flour-based products such as tortillas, pancakes, donuts, muffins (no nuts), and pasta are fine. Avoid hard breads like bagels, crusty rolls, and thin pizza crusts. For pizza, stick to the pan style with softer crusts and avoid hard toppings like bacon.

Meat, seafood and spaghetti

Most seafood is on the okay-to-eat list. Most cooked chicken is tender and delicate. However, avoid the turkey leg straight off the bone as it may be a little tricky for your hardware.

Common sense should be used when it comes to steak and pork. Tender cuts like roast beef or pulled pork are fine. Hamburgers (skip the crispy bacon), meatballs, lasagna, and ground beef are all good. Lunchmeats are all good but be careful with hard salami and pepperoni.

fruits, vegetables and snacks

Soft fruits are in. Hard fruits are out. Fruit cocktail, diced peaches, mixed fruit, applesauce, and the like are all good. Raw vegetables are usually not good because they are too hard, but boiling or steaming vegetables is definitely on the menu. And of course, the aforementioned mashed potatoes are always a great choice.

Snacks are another area of ​​common sense. You should avoid anything crunchy or hard, such as nuts, potato chips, or popcorn. Opt for Cheetos or Pirate Booty instead. Soft cookies (no nuts) are good, but avoid hard cookies like Oreos and Chips Ahoy unless you’re a dairy dunker. Ice cream is ok but skip the nuts and candies. Milkshakes are good too, as are jello, custard, and soft cake.

Yeah we said pizza (sort of)

Pizza is a teenager’s staple. It would be heartless and cruel to take that away from him, even temporarily. But use common sense when eating. When it comes to food, keep in mind whether or not it could damage your hardware. If it could damage your braces, it’s best to avoid it.

Contact Centralia Orthodontics with additional questions. Use the contact form to request an appointment or the live chat function on our website in the lower right corner. You can also call our office at (360) 736-0129.

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Can I have donuts with braces?

Avoid Sugary Food

While foods such as doughnuts, pastries, and cake are soft and easy to chew, these items contain sugar and white flour that will stick to your teeth, wires, and brackets.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Foods to Avoid When Wearing Braces – Follow your orthodontic facility’s food guidelines

At your orthodontic facility, the orthodontist will give you a list of foods that you are allowed to eat during treatment. Additionally, there are foods you must avoid to protect the delicate wires and brackets that straighten your teeth. Foods that you are not allowed to eat during orthodontic treatment are in many cases also unhealthy foods that provide few minerals or vitamins.

Foods to avoid during orthodontic treatment

Hard or sticky foods can damage metal wires and brackets, leading to an emergency visit to an orthodontic facility and a disruption to your treatment plan. To protect the brackets and wires, stay away from these foods:

Nuts – Almonds, walnuts, or pecans

Popcorn – pure or drizzled with caramel

Toffee – every taste

Seeds – sesame seeds

Hard Breads – Bagels or hard buns

Sweets – every taste

Pretzels – any shape

Corn chips – every taste

Raw hard vegetables – carrots or celery

Corn on the cob – cut off the kernels first

Also, you should never chew gum or nibble on ice cubes. If you choose to eat fresh fruit, cut it into thin pieces and be careful when chewing. There are still numerous foods you can eat, including soft fresh and cooked vegetables. While you may think that your diet is restrictive during orthodontic treatment, it is not. This is a good time to start learning how to cook delicious and nutritious meals to avoid recipes that have hard taco shells or thick pizza crusts.

Cut meat into small pieces

You can still eat high-protein foods like chicken, pork, beef, and fish, but be sure to cut the meat into small pieces to remove the fat or bones, which can damage metal or ceramic brackets and thin, delicate wires. Avoid chewing chicken wings or drumsticks as this can dislodge the brackets from the surfaces of your teeth. Learn how to prepare several recipes that include soft foods like boiled pasta, rice, and mashed potatoes. You may want to buy a slow cooker to prepare dishes with tender meat and vegetables.

Choose foods that do not contain artificial colors

If you have metal wires or brackets, you may need to consume low-acid foods and beverages to avoid damaging the materials. Some of the foods that are rich in acids are:

citrus fruits and juices

tomatoes and tomato products


You should also avoid dark drinks and foods that can discolour ceramic braces. These foods include blueberries, chocolate, and coffee. When selecting groceries from the grocery store, be sure to read the labels to determine if a manufacturer has added artificial coloring that can affect the appearance of orthodontic appliances.

Avoid sugary food

It’s never a good idea to consume a lot of sugar, and that means you should avoid soft drinks with no nutritional value. In most cases, sports or energy drinks contain several teaspoons of sugar, which is bad for gums and teeth, in addition to artificial colors and flavors. While foods like donuts, pastries, and cakes are soft and easy to chew, these items contain sugar and white flour that will stick to your teeth, wires, and brackets.

Unhealthy foods stick to your teeth and gums

When you eat unhealthy foods, you will immediately notice that you have less energy and you will see food particles build up on your teeth. Junk food tends to stick to the bottom of your teeth or between your teeth and the particles are difficult to remove. You may notice that you have bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth because it is difficult to brush away the food particles. Also, if you see an orthodontist, they will know that you are not eating the right types of foods due to tartar buildup under the wires and brackets.

Grocery store with a list of acceptable groceries

In addition to making a list of foods you can’t eat, make a list of foods you can buy at the grocery store to make delicious meals and snacks. Instead of buying bags of chips or microwave popcorn for snacks, look for fresh bananas or canned fruit that come packaged in their own juice. If you’re making lunch for work or school, pack individual servings of applesauce, green leaf salads, and whole-wheat sandwiches with soft lunch meats. For breakfast, you can cook scrambled or boiled eggs, and it is acceptable to eat bacon, sausage or ham if they are cut into small pieces. Bake casseroles in the oven for dinner or cook in a slow cooker all day.

Make an appointment with McDermott Orthodontics

If you live in Minnesota, you can make an appointment with McDermott Orthodontics. dr Michael McDermott has been providing personalized orthodontic treatment for children, adolescents and adults for over 15 years. Patients visiting McDermott Orthodontics are given a free consultation to discuss their treatment options, which could include:

• Metal braces

• Invisalign aligners for teens or adults

• Ceramic brackets and clear wires

Invisalign aligners are suitable for adolescent or adult patients with minor deformities. McDermott Orthodontics offers treatments to patients at four locations:

• Brainerd – 218-829-1630

• Pequot Lakes – 218-568-5600

• Delano – 763-972-4444

• Baxter-218-829-1630

Call McDermott Orthodontics today to schedule your first appointment.

Orthodontist McDermott

708 Elm Avenue E.

Delano, MN


TEL: 763-972-4444 Foods to Avoid When Wearing Braces

Can I eat Pocky with braces?

there are hidden hard pieces that can get under wires and into brackets. Plus, getting all of those popcorn pieces out from between your teeth is hard enough, even when you don’t have braces on your teeth. Popcorn, especially popcorn balls, are completely off limits this Halloween.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

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Halloween is just around the corner and that means it’s candy season! Your teen may be looking forward to dressing up and going trick-or-treating with his friends, but if he’s wearing braces, it should be noted that he won’t be able to eat all the candy he collects. Even if they’re just staying home and watching scary movies, they’ll probably want to eat some candy. Here are the types of candy to eat with braces and what types of candy to avoid at all costs.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is perfectly fine for braces. Any type of soft chocolate, from a candy bar to a peanut butter cup, is perfectly fine for your child with braces. However, it’s important to watch out for really large or hard chunks of chocolate. If for some reason they are given a giant piece of chocolate, it could still be dangerous for your child to enter the piece as it could damage their equipment. When the chocolate is frozen, it becomes very hard and difficult to bite into, which in turn can damage teeth. Fun or even regular sized candy bars are great!

2. Cookies

Most neighborhoods have someone handing out baked goods on Halloween. Most cookies will be fine, especially if they’re soft. However, if someone is handing out hard cookies, especially if they were store-bought, you may see damage to your teen’s braces. As with any hard food, a hard cookie can break a clip or bend the wire.

3. Apples

Apples are only edible if they are first cut into small slices. Many areas have people handing out fresh apples or caramel apples on Halloween, both of which are probably fine if you carefully slice them first. Don’t let your teenager bite an apple! Although apples are good for you, they’re notoriously bad for braces. You can easily break brackets, damage brackets, and bend wires. While this requires an extra step to enjoy the Halloween treat, apples can be a great alternative to all the sugar your teen would otherwise consume.

4. Candy

Hard candies can be both okay and very bad for braces. For example, if your teen doesn’t chew or bite on the candies in any way, they’ll likely be perfectly safe to eat. On the other hand, if your teen just wants to suck on the candy until it’s gone, then hard candy doesn’t have to be taboo. Of course, this can be difficult to monitor, so you need to trust your teen to understand why it’s not safe for them to chew candy.

5. Sticky candies

When hard candies are off the table, your child may be looking for sticky candies for their sugar solution. Sticky candies are unfortunately absolutely taboo for wearers of braces. That means no tootsie rolls, no starbursts, no jelly beans, no gummy bears, and definitely no caramels. Sticky candies not only stick to your braces and are difficult to remove. They can actually tear brackets off your teeth, distort wires, and injure your teen’s delicate teeth and gums. Although most of these candies are soft, which should make them perfect for eating with braces, sticky candies are the worst for those who wear braces.

6. M&Ms and Skittles

What about sweets like M&Ms and Skittles? Unfortunately, the small size of these candies makes them an enemy of braces. Even if you only eat one piece at a time, the candy can get under the wire and pop off a clip when you bite down. The problem is compounded when your teen eats a handful of M&Ms or Kegels at a time. This is probably a candy that should be removed from her bag.

7. Popcorn

Is there someone on your block handing out bags of popcorn, or is your teen planning to pop some big bowls of popcorn to enjoy during his scary movie? While popcorn may seem perfectly harmless (it’s light and fluffy!), there are hidden hard bits that can get under wires and brackets. Plus, it’s hard enough to get all those pieces of popcorn out between your teeth, even if you don’t wear braces. Popcorn, especially popcorn balls, is totally taboo this Halloween.

8. Toffee or brittle

Something that starts off hard and then gets tough as it warms up in your mouth would obviously be bad for braces. Keep in mind that your teen’s teeth will be very sensitive, which will make eating something hard or chewy very uncomfortable.

It might be disappointing for your teen to realize that most of the sweets he loves can damage his braces. Luckily, there are a few ways they can still get their sugar on this list. When they’re trick-or-treating, encourage them to trade candy with their friends so they can make sure they get a few pieces they can actually eat. You might even consider making some special treats especially for your teen’s braces so he has something to enjoy during this spooky time of year. Just remember to keep the sugar to a minimum. Even candy that’s technically fine for braces can still give your teen cavities!

Can you eat skittles with braces?

Skittles and M Ms: These candies are too hard to be chewing when you have braces. You’ll likely end up with broken brackets and damaged wires if you eat too many. It’s best to stay away. Sour Patch Kids and Mike Ike’s: These candies are very sticky and chewy, making them one of the worst candies to eat with braces.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

7/22/22: Updated Content: Added Instagram/TikTok video of candy you can eat with braces.

love sweets? You will probably admit that sometimes you eat some sugary candy. However, when you get braces, you can’t eat anything you want, including some types of candy. That’s because candy can be both hard and sticky — two things to avoid when wearing braces. Because the sticky sugar covers every surface of the tooth, your teeth are difficult to clean, and it’s even harder when you wear braces because the brackets and bands get in the way of a good brushing.

Can I eat candy with braces?

In most cases, it’s okay to have a sweet treat every now and then, but before you eat candy, it’s important to understand which candies are safe for your braces and which ones you must avoid at all costs, as they can damage your braces can damage. With this knowledge, you can keep your teeth and gums healthier and have a more successful orthodontic treatment time.

These candies are the best to eat with braces

Not all sweets are off the table when it comes to wearing braces. You can enjoy these sweets without worrying about damaging your braces:

Soft Chocolate – Stick to plain candy bars or sweets like Hershey Kisses and avoid chocolate with nuts or caramel.

Peanut Butter Cups – These yummy classic treats are brace-safe, too.

Chewy Cookies/Brownies – Soft cookies and brownies are another sweet treat you can enjoy without damaging your braces.

Avoid eating these sweets with braces at all costs

Certain types of candy that can damage your braces and then cause you to need more dental services include:

Caramel: Caramel is sugary and sticky and sticks to your teeth. It also sticks to braces and is difficult to brush off easily. This means that when it mixes with the saliva in your mouth, it forms plaque and possibly tartar unless you see your dentist for a cleaning at least every six months.

Gummy Bears and Tootsie Rolls, Saltwater Toffee: If you have braces, definitely stay away from this type of candy! It’s stretchy and sticky, and you can easily peel off your staples while eating.

Skittles and M Ms: These candies are too hard to chew when you’re wearing braces. You’ll likely end up with broken staples and damaged wires if you eat too many. Best stay away.

Sour Patch Kids and Mike Ike’s: These candies are very gooey and chewy, making them the worst candies to eat with braces. Each time you chew, these candies stick to your braces and pull on them, which can lead to problems like broken braces.

Chewing Gum: This is another sticky option that requires constant chewing. Just like with other chewy candies like caramels or sour patch kids, each chew when chewing gum will pull on your braces, resulting in damage like a broken brace or brace.

Alternatives to sweets

If you wear braces, you should try to eliminate a lot of sweets from your diet—not only because you don’t want to damage your braces and possibly interfere with your orthodontic services, but also because most sweets tend to be high in sugar. The more sugar you consume, whether through food or drink, the more plaque builds up on your teeth. If you don’t brush away this plaque (and it can be difficult to brush off plaque completely when you wear braces), it turns into tartar, which can cause problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Here are some braces-friendly alternatives to candy to help satisfy your sweet tooth:

Yoghurt with blueberries or raspberries


almond or cashew butter

Thinly sliced ​​apples


Questions about your orthodontic treatment? Call us today!

If you have questions about what to eat or not to eat while wearing braces, call King Orthodontics. We’re always happy to help and if you encounter any problems after eating candy, we can fix any problems.

Can you eat Twix with braces?

Foods to Enjoy

Suck ice, hard candies instead of biting. Pirate’s Booty popcorn, popcorn without hulls, choose chocolate and candy bars with only small amounts of carmel or small nut pieces (Snickers, Twix). Chew small pieces of SUGAR FREE GUM (Trident, Extra or Spry).

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Now that you have your braces, how do you care for them? It is important that you know how to properly care for your braces throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Eating with braces

Don’t worry, you’ll be back eating popcorn and snacking on potato chips in no time! However, before you can start enjoying some of the goodies you love, you need to be extra careful not to eat foods that could damage your new gadgets.

Foods to avoid with braces

Super Chewy Foods – Bagels, Liquorice, Jerky

Crunchy foods – popcorn, fat chips, ice cream

Sticky foods – gum, toffee, fudge, jelly beans, starburst

Hard foods – corn nuts, candies, nuts

Foods to bite into – corn on the cob, apples, pears, large carrots, thick pizza crust

food to enjoy

Most foods can be eaten with braces with a few simple modifications. Shred carrots, bagels, celery, slice apples, pears, peaches, plums, cob corn. Avoid the thick crust at the end of the pizza. Sucking ice cream, candy instead of biting. Pirate’s Booty Popcorn, shelled popcorn, choose chocolate and candy bars with only small amounts of caramel or small pieces of nuts (Snickers, Twix). Chew small pieces of SUGAR-FREE CHEWING GUM (Trident, Extra, or Spry).

Pain from braces and appliances

When you first get your braces, you may notice that your teeth and mouth feel a little sensitive or sore. This is perfectly normal and we promise your mouth won’t be sore forever! To ease the pain, we recommend dissolving one teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of lukewarm water. Rinse and gargle this solution in your mouth for just a few minutes (do not swallow the salt water).

If the pain is worse and doesn’t go away after rinsing, you can also try taking a pain reliever. It’s also not uncommon for your lips, cheeks, and tongue to feel irritated for a week or two as they harden and adjust to the braces. We are happy to provide you with some wax that you can spread over the braces to reduce sensitivity. If you need some wax, please let us know.

lose teeth

Don’t worry if your teeth feel a little loose; that is normal! Your braces must first loosen your teeth to get them in the right position. Once your teeth are repositioned, they are no longer loose.

Loose wires and straps

The wires and bands in your braces can become loose. In this case, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can check and repair your device. If part of your device becomes detached, save it and bring it to the office.

You can temporarily fix the loose wire by gently and gently pushing the wire back into place with the back of a spoon or the eraser end of a pencil. If the loose wire is irritating your lips or cheeks, place wax or a damp cotton ball on the broken wire to relieve pain.

Take care of your household appliances

Damaged equipment can increase the length of your treatment process, so be sure to take care of all your equipment. Your teeth and jaw can only move into the correct position if you consistently wear the rubber bands, headgear, retainers, or other aids prescribed by your doctor.

Exercising with braces

Game, Set, Match – we have great news for athletes! You can also do sports during orthodontic treatment! If you play sports, it is recommended to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and appliances. Let your doctor know if you need help finding the right mouthguard for the best protection.

In the event of a sports emergency, immediately check your mouth and appliance for damage. If you notice loose teeth or equipment damage, please contact our practice immediately. You can temporarily relieve the discomfort by applying wax or rinsing your mouth with warm salt water.

Can you eat cookie dough ice cream with braces?

Just remember, take small bites. You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cake, French fries, burger, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem. Below is a list of foods to avoid and foods you can eat.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Making life with braces easy for Bethel Park patients

There’s no escaping it – braces will have an impact on your lifestyle. However, with a little effort, you can minimize the impact on your life and get the most out of your smile investment. The following sections are designed to provide you with some basic information on fitting your new orthodontic appliances, proper care and protection from damage. As always, feel free to contact Cartwright Orthodontics with any questions!

Eating with braces

Everyone at Cartwright Orthodontics wants your smile to be amazing when your braces are removed. All it takes is a little care and knowing what to avoid and you can have that great smile!

You need to limit or even avoid certain foods. You can avoid problems while wearing your braces by cutting back on sugar and sodas! If you eat or drink something with a lot of sugar, rinse your mouth out with water or better yet, brush after eating or drinking. Sugar causes plaque to grow quickly, which can lead to swollen gums, decalcification, and tooth decay. Decalcification is the plaque that damages or eats away the enamel. When your braces are removed your teeth can become discolored and unfortunately this is permanent.

Next, avoid eating foods that are sticky or chewy like gum, caramel, toffee, tootsie buns, jelly beans, and other similar sweets. They can pull brackets off teeth and bend wires. Avoid very hard foods like ice cream, jolly ranchers and lollipops – they ruin everything!

Hard breads like bagels, chewy pizza crusts, tortilla chips, hard taco shells, thick pretzels, and cauldron-cooked potato chips can all wreak havoc on your devices. Also, please do not eat popcorn, nuts and seeds as the pieces may get stuck in your devices or break them.

Hard fruits and vegetables should be cut into bite-sized pieces so you don’t just rip them in with your incisors – let your molars do the work for a while. But please continue to eat your fruits and vegetables! Remember, take small bites.

You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cakes, french fries, burgers, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem.

Below is a list of foods to avoid and foods you can eat. If you are careful and practice good oral hygiene, you will Cartwright estimated time to achieve a great smile.

Foods to avoid:

Instead of: hard pretzels

Hard Taco Shells

Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos


carrot sticks

apples, pears or peaches

Hard buns, bagels or crust

Ribs, chicken wings or drumsticks

Corn on the cob Try: soft pretzels or thin pretzel sticks

Soft tacos or burritos

Cheese puffs, cheese balls or potato chips

Caseless popcorn

Carrot curls or thin sticks

Cut fruit into pieces

Cut or break bread into small pieces

Detach meat from bone

Corn from the cob

Foods you should never eat

Can I eat cheesecake with braces?

Soft desserts like jello, pudding, yogurt, milkshakes, cheesecake and warm cobblers can be just what you need to satisfy that sweet tooth without doing damage to your braces.”

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Braces are an investment. Correcting your smile takes time, patience, diligence, and money, but the results can be life-changing. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your braces and your teeth. Along with frequent brushing and flossing, it’s also crucial that you be selective about the food you eat. Certain foods can ruin your teeth and damage your braces, so it helps to know what to avoid… and what’s safe to eat!

Of course, eating healthy is a good idea even if you don’t wear braces, but it’s especially important if you wear traditional braces. If you choose Invisalign or removable braces, your food choices aren’t as limited, but you should still be careful. If you have traditional metal clasps, your food may taste different at first, and if they have recently been tightened, you may not feel like eating at all. If you are adjusting to your braces and decide to eat, you should carefully consider your choice, especially if you are a junk food eater! Even healthy foods like carrots and apples can pose a hazard to your braces if you don’t cut them into bite-sized pieces. Your entire eating habits can change once you get braces, and it’s best to be prepared.

It’s important to keep your braces clean and avoid tooth decay, so a good rule of thumb is to limit sugary foods. Sugary foods build up on your teeth and cause cavities and gum disease – bad for your teeth anytime, but especially bad if you wear braces! As a kid, Halloween is a particularly difficult time of year to wear braces, as just about everything in your trick or treat bag is something you should probably avoid! Even the disappointing treats, like raisins, can get stuck in your staples and wreak havoc! Other sweet treats such as gum, toffee, candies, starbursts, jolly ranchers, liquorice, toffees, caramels, tootsie buns, sugar daddies, mary janes, and bit o’ honey are sure-fire staple killers and should be avoided. Changing these candies puts your brackets and wires at risk, and you may have to make an expensive emergency visit to your orthodontist.

Other sugary foods to avoid so you don’t get tooth decay are cakes, cookies, ice cream and cakes – all those sweet desserts you probably love. While these items may not be difficult to physically eat, and they won’t hurt your braces, they can hurt your teeth. Some places in your mouth may be more difficult to clean with braces, making them a breeding ground for tooth decay. In addition to sweets, there are other hard, crunchy foods to avoid. According to a blog posted by Healthy Smiles of GA, “Popcorn, nuts, beef jerky, corn on the cob, chips, and ice cream can be harmful to an orthodontic patient. Some hard breads like bagels, French bread, and pizza crust can also cause problems. So if you’re going to eat them, you might want to soften them with extra pizza sauce or dip the bread in milk first.

Also remember that there are foods that can stain your teeth and when the brackets are removed, white limescale marks will remain on your teeth! This can require costly bleaching or other stain removal methods. On the list of things to avoid due to stains would be too many berries, sports drinks with artificial colors, dark sodas, wine, coffee, tea, too much tomato sauce and fruit juice. Of course, if you wore braces as a child, you should avoid some of these items anyway!

In addition to certain foods and drinks, there are activities that should be avoided while wearing braces. Chewing ice cream was mentioned as something to skip entirely; it is so important that it needs to be mentioned twice. According to All-In-One Dental, “Nothing will ruin your braces faster than grinding on ice, so refrain from chewing ice at all costs.” Other bad habits like chewing on fingernails, pen or pencil tips, and others Non-food items can lead to bent or lost wires and braces. To speed up your orthodontics and save yourself expensive repair work, cut out these foods and bad habits.

With all the emphasis on what not to eat, it’s good to know that there are still plenty of foods you can eat. Fruit is always a good option, as long as the crunchy ones are cut into small pieces and as long as you limit the amount of acidic fruit you enjoy. Soft fruits like berries, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, avocado, bananas, and tangerines can be good choices. Steamed vegetables and soft meats are acceptable, such as chicken, turkey, and lunch meats, and soft cheeses, yogurt, fruit smoothies, and oatmeal are also delicious and soft. Additional breakfast options include eggs, pancakes, crepes, cottage cheese, quiche, omelettes, and French toast, all soft, relatively healthy fare. For lunch and dinner, soups are always a good choice, as are pasta, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, and fish. Other foods like applesauce, rice, tuna, egg salad, meatloaf, and slow-cooked meats can all be healthy parts of your diet. Cynthia from once said, “Desserts can be acceptable in moderation, followed by a great teeth cleaning! Soft desserts like jello, custard, yogurt, milkshakes, cheesecake, and warm cobblers may be just what you need to satisfy your sweet tooth without damaging your braces.”

Working with your orthodontist and asking for a detailed list of foods to eat and avoid is also a smart way to manage your braces. Many recipe websites offer healthy meal alternatives with instructions and pictures, and can be a great way to try new foods that you might otherwise never have considered. There are also cookbooks specifically designed for people with braces, especially if you’re an adult looking for softer “adult foods” to enjoy while wearing your braces. Whether you’re an adult or a child with braces, it’s important to treat them with care so they can do their job properly and still enjoy delicious food!

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Can I eat churros with braces?

The vast majority of them are safe for braces. If you’ll be having something like a churro, tear it into small pieces instead of biting into it.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Cinco de Mayo falls on a Saturday this year, so there’s a lot of celebration going on. Of course, the delicious food is a big part of the celebrations, and while you can enjoy most of your Cinco de Mayo favorites while wearing braces, you may need to make a few tweaks to the menu to ensure your braces and wires stay on in top shape.

Because we don’t want our braces patients to feel left out in Sleepy Hollow, NY, 914 Orthodontics put together a guide to braces-friendly Mexican foods to eat for Cinco de Mayo. Whether you are looking for Cinco de Mayo meal ideas to make at home or you are visiting one of our many amazing Mexican restaurants in Westchester County, NY such as La Chinita Poblana, The Taco Project, Tijuana Mexican Grill, Fiesta Mexico Restaurant or Azteca Paradise Restaurant, we have all the tips and recipes you need.

Cinco de Mayo appetizers

The tweaks: Tortilla chips are a Cinco de Mayo staple, but hard chips are one food to avoid with braces as they can damage your device. We recommend soft tortillas instead. Spread your salsa, queso dip, or guacamole on pieces of soft tortilla to still get the goodness. When eating Mexican street corn (elotes), strip the corn off the cob to eat it.

Braces-Friendly Appetizer Recipes for Cinco de Mayo: When it comes to Mexican food, braces wearers really can’t top a bowl of ceviche. It’s fresh, flavorful and healthy. We at 914 Orthodontics love this Genius Kitchen Mexican Ceviche recipe, which includes your choice of multiple fish or a mix of fish and shrimp, onions, jalapeño peppers, green peppers, avocado, lime juice, white vinegar, Tabasco sauce, and spices.

Dice everything into small pieces to really make the perfect meal with braces. If seafood isn’t your thing or you’re a vegetarian, you should try these Chilis Rellenos with Tomato and Avocado Salsa from Food & Wine. The poblanos are stuffed with a mix of cheese and jalapeños and topped with a perfectly seasoned, delicious salsa. Top Chef fans will be thrilled to know it comes from judge Gail Simmons.

Cinco de Mayo main courses

The Tweaks: Hard taco shells are another food to avoid with braces on (a small sacrifice that will be totally worth it when you see that new smile after treatment is complete!). Soft tacos or burritos are better choices. However, it’s a bad idea to bite into your taco or burrito with your front teeth. Even if it doesn’t do any harm, you’ll end up with huge chunks of food stuck in your braces.

your best bet? Cut your burrito or soft taco into small pieces and chew with your molars. When considering Cinco de Mayo meal ideas, remember that soft-boiled meats, beans, and steamed, roasted, or soft vegetables are safe to eat with braces.

Braces-Friendly Cinco de Mayo Main Course Recipes: The Huffington Post has a roundup of delicious burrito recipes ranging from steak to pork to veggies. Or, make a batch of bright, festive Lime Chicken Soft Tacos perfect for a group from All Recipes. If you just had an appointment for an adjustment and are in the soft food market for braces, this Saveur Yucatan-style Chicken and Onion Stew has amazing citrus flavors paired with soft, braised chicken.

For an easier take on tamales that are gluten-free and can be made vegan by substituting vegetable stock, try this Black Bean Filled Mexican Tamale (Tamal de Cazuela) Pie from Serious Eats. To add some Tex-Mex flavor to your braces-friendly Cinco de Mayo celebration, browse Food Network’s Ree Drummond’s enchiladas.

Cinco de Mayo desserts

The Tweaks: Much of the focus of Cinco de Mayo is on the savory foods, but Mexican desserts are some of the most underrated, delicious treats out there. Even better? The vast majority of them are safe for braces. If you’re having something like a churro, instead of biting into it, tear it into small pieces. When you’re done with dessert, be sure to brush your teeth really well.

Braces-Friendly Mexican Dessert Recipes for Cinco de Mayo: Tres leches cake is truly a dessert winner when it comes to braces-friendly Mexican food to eat for Cinco de Mayo because it’s nice and fluffy but still flavorful enough to satisfy you. This Tres Leches cake from All Recipes has over 1,100 reviews. If you’ve just got your braces or had an adjustment and would rather not chew at all, try this Mexican hot chocolate recipe from Bon Appétit, or opt for something really soft like Cocina Marie’s Mexican Flan (brush your teeth after the caramel ). . Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Did you know that at 914 Orthodontics we speak Spanish and English? So if you are looking for a Spanish speaking orthodontist, make an appointment with us today!


Do braces not eat list?

Foods to avoid with your braces are:
  • Nuts.
  • Potato chips.
  • Popcorn.
  • Crunchy veggies.
  • Hard candies (such as jolly ranchers or lollipops)
  • Gum (Sugar-free gum is okay)
  • Sticky candies (like laffy-taffy or gummy bears)
  • Corn on the cob.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Wondering what foods you can eat while wearing braces? Can you still have pizza? What about chewing gum? Will you only eat soft foods in the next two years? What do you avoid completely with braces? These are all great questions to think about if you’re considering braces in the future!

The good news is that you don’t have to stick to a totally soft diet for the next two years. There are many good foods that you can still have while wearing your braces. Awareness of “good” and “bad” food is very important so that you can take care of your braces throughout your treatment and get the best results.

Why certain foods must be avoided with braces

Your braces may have brackets, bands, and archwires, all of which can be damaged by certain foods. Avoiding very hard or sticky food is a big priority. In addition to avoiding certain foods, proper hygiene is essential to ensure no cavities form around the braces. If food debris is not properly cleaned from teeth and braces, tartar and plaque can build up, which can cause white stains on the surfaces of teeth.

Foods you can’t eat with braces

Crunchy and sticky foods like nuts and gum, and candy like lollipops and candy canes can loosen brackets and wires, which can delay treatment. Foods to avoid with your braces include:


Potato Chips


Crunchy vegetables

Candies (such as Jolly Ranchers or lollipops)

chewing gum (sugar-free gum is fine)

Sticky candies (like laffy taffy or jelly beans)

corn on the cob


Beef jerky

pizza crust

It’s not just hard foods that can damage the devices in your mouth! Other items and habits to avoid that could damage brackets include:

pen chewing

chewing pencil

Chewing finger nails


chew straw

It is important not to chew on hard objects!

Foods you can eat with braces

Now that you know what you can’t have with braces, let’s talk about all the good things you can have! While there are many things to avoid with braces, there are many tasty things to still enjoy. For example, you can still enjoy:


Mashed potatoes

Boneless meat

soft vegetables



Dairy products

Soft breads and sandwiches


Pizza (without crust)

Even with braces we can enjoy the beautiful things in life! At each visit, Dr. Green and your dental assistant check the braces for damage to the brackets or plaque build-up. All of our patients receive a short course after their braces are fitted to learn how to best care for your appliances to ensure they stay in tip-top shape throughout your treatment. Remembering the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” can have a huge impact on your treatment outcome and will help get that beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of!

What is the best color for braces?

Choose light blue, bronze, dark purple, or subdued reds and pinks to complement lighter skin tones. Choose darker colors to make your teeth appear whiter. Watch out for lighter colors that could make your teeth look more yellow. Consider colors that complement or match your eyes.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

It’s summer and a great time to change up the colors of your braces, but which colors should you choose and which colors should you avoid? From colors like red and blue to green, yellow, purple or pink, the options are virtually endless and Sturbridge orthodontists have the colors you desire. There is no official style guide for braces, but these suggestions may help you narrow down your choices:

Choose gold, dark blue, pink, orange, teal, green, or purple to complement darker skin tones.

Choose light blue, bronze, deep purple, or muted reds and pinks to complement lighter skin tones.

Choose darker colors to make your teeth appear whiter.

Watch out for lighter colors that could make your teeth look more yellow.

Consider colors that complement or complement your eyes.

Think of colors that complement the color of the clothes you wear most often.

Try your school colors or the colors of your favorite sports team.

Go red, white and blue for Memorial Day and the 4th of July.

of July. Feel festive during the holidays with red and green for Christmas or blue and pink for Easter.

Glow-in-the-dark ribbons are fun for Halloween.

You should avoid these colors:

Black (may appear like your teeth are rotting or food is stuck in your teeth).

(may appear like your teeth are rotting or food is getting stuck in your teeth). White (can make your teeth appear more yellow and white gums tend to stain more easily).

(can make your teeth appear more yellow and white gums tend to stain more easily). Yellow (tends to enhance the appearance of yellow-tinted teeth).

(tends to increase the appearance of yellow-tinted teeth). Green or brown (can be mistaken for food in your teeth).

Don’t be afraid to ask about different colors of braces at every orthodontic visit. If you are unsure about shade selection, consult a Sturbridge Orthodontist for suggestions and advice. Call to schedule an appointment today for more information on how to jazz up your braces.

How can I lose weight with braces?

If you have been thinking about losing weight, this is a good time to do it! Avoiding chewing hard or tough foods such as chewy meats, raw vegetables or hard breads, will make eating easier and more comfortable. After a few days, you will be able to eat most foods again.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

What can you eat with braces?

Once you’ve put on your braces, there are a few things you should know about what foods you can and can’t eat. In the first few days after the braces are put on, you should mainly eat soft food as your teeth can feel sore. If you’ve been thinking about losing weight, now is a good time! Avoiding chewing hard or tough foods like tough meat, raw vegetables, or hard bread will make eating easier and more enjoyable. After a few days you can eat most foods again. However, there are certain types of foods that you should avoid throughout the time you are wearing your braces to prevent your appliances from breaking. If you damage your braces, the treatment time may be extended.

Some foods to avoid

Hard foods like candy or nuts

Chewing gum and sticky chewy candies like toffee or caramel

Hard or crusty bread

Ice cream and popcorn should be avoided as well as other crunchy foods

Foods that require biting, such as raw carrots, apples, or corn on the cob. (These can be eaten if cut into small bite-sized pieces or trimmed from the cob)

Also, do not chew on hard objects such as your fingernails or a pen. These can also damage your orthodontic appliances.

Do braces hurt?

For the first 2-3 days after getting braces, your teeth and areas of your mouth may feel sore and tender. Some people experience more discomfort than others. Pain typically occurs after orthodontic appointments when your braces are also adjusted. If you experience more severe discomfort, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Advil or Tylenol (same as for a headache). Some people also experience irritation of the cheeks, tongue, and even lips for a week or two as they adjust to braces. In this case, wax can be applied to the braces to cover these areas.

My teeth are loose!

When you wear braces, it is normal for your teeth to become loose. That’s okay – your teeth need to become mobile in order to move into the new, desired positions. Once the teeth are aligned and in their final position, they stabilize.

Wearing hats and rubber bands

Orthodontic treatment often involves wearing additional aids such as rubber bands or headgear. While you may not feel comfortable wearing these things, it’s important to work as a team with your orthodontist to get your teeth and bite aligned as soon as possible. If these devices are not worn, the treatment time will be longer.

oral hygiene

People with braces need to floss and brush their teeth regularly during their orthodontic treatment to maintain healthy gums and teeth. We also recommend an oral irrigator such as Waterpik for optimal oral hygiene. It is important that you continue to visit your family dentist regularly for check-ups and tooth cleanings during your orthodontic treatment.

Once the braces are removed, patients who haven’t cleaned their teeth properly can develop more gum problems and need future dental care. If you have a history of gum disease, you may need to be evaluated by a periodontist during treatment.

Brackets (removable)

After the orthodontic treatment is completed, you will be given a retainer to wear to hold the teeth in their final position. When you first get a retainer, you may find it awkward or difficult to speak. The more you practice speaking while wearing the retainer, the easier it will be to speak. You must handle your retainer carefully to ensure it does not become damaged or lost.

Make sure to wear the retainer at all times except for eating and brushing your teeth, unless your orthodontist tells you otherwise.

When eating, remove your retainer and place it in the case. Retainers are most commonly lost in places to eat, such as school canteens or restaurants.

When your retainer is not in your mouth, it should always be kept in its case. This will avoid loss or damage (they’re easy to step on if they fall on the ground!).

Take out your retainer when you go swimming in the sea.

Keep your retainer clean by brushing twice a day with a toothbrush, toothpaste and cold water. This helps eliminate buildup and odors. You can use a denture cleaner from time to time, but remember that you must use cold water.

Avoid exposing the retainer to heat such as hot dashboards and hot water.

Don’t put your retainer in a bag or napkin or it could end up in the washing machine or in the trash.

Keep your retainer away from pets. They love chewing on it!

If your retainer breaks, call us right away. If you have any questions or concerns, do not attempt to adjust the retainer yourself. Call us to help. It’s expensive to replace a lost or broken device. If you take care of your retainer with a few simple steps, it can last for many years.

Brackets (fixed or glued)

In addition to a removable retainer, many patients also receive a fixed or bonded retainer. This type of retainer is attached to your teeth and can only be removed by an orthodontist or dentist. This retainer is usually placed on the tongue side of the lower 6 front teeth. It is very important to brush and floss around this mount (a floss threader is very helpful). If you notice a piece of the retainer becoming loose, please call immediately and make an appointment, otherwise a tooth may move out of alignment. If you decide to have the fixed retainer removed, please consult the orthodontist first to determine if a different type of retainer is required.

Detachable expander instructions

Wear your expander at all times except when brushing your teeth and eating. If you don’t have a suitcase, leave the expander in so you don’t lose it. To activate the expander, take it out of your mouth and insert the key into the hole. Press in the direction of the arrow. Twist the detachable expander only as many times as prescribed by the doctor. Follow the detachable retainer care instructions above.

Fixed expander statements

To activate the expander, insert the key into the hole and gently push it in the direction of the arrow (towards the back of the mouth). Once you have completed a lap, carefully remove the key.

Turn once daily unless otherwise directed.

Twist the expander only as often as the doctor has prescribed. If you miss a turn, don’t turn around twice the next day.

If you miss an appointment, stop turning the expander. Stop by your next appointment.

Remember to brush the expander at least twice a day in addition to brushing your teeth. An oral irrigator like a Waterpik is also highly recommended to keep them clean.

Call us if you have trouble turning the expander.

Sports and Suspenders

If you play sports, please inform the doctor. In some contact sports, you will be given a mouthguard that continues tooth movement. Examine your mouth and the device immediately if you receive an injury or hit to your head or face. If your appliances are damaged or you notice a loose tooth, give us a call and make an appointment.

Loose strap, bracket, or wire

Occasionally, bands, brackets, and wires become loose—this is pretty normal. If a wire is sticking out and irritating your mouth, you can use a blunt object like the back of a spoon or an eraser to push it in and poke it in. If you can’t adjust the offending wire, put some wax over the area. Call and make an appointment for repairs. If you have a broken wire, loose bracket or band, unusual pain, or a protruding and sharp piece that you cannot repair, please call and make an emergency appointment.

Can I eat noodles with braces?

Food That Can Be Eaten with Braces

Foods that can be eaten with braces include: Bread – pre-cut loaves of bread, soft tacos and tortillas are safe options. Dairy – soft cheese, yoghurt and dips are fine to eat with braces. Grains– rice, noodles and all kinds of cooked pasta are soft and suitable for braces.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

When your child gets braces, they need to make some changes to their eating habits. There are some foods you can’t eat while wearing braces, but with a little effort on your part and your child, it shouldn’t be a big deal.

While some foods should be avoided entirely, there are many more that can be eaten well with a little extra preparation.

Whole, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and pears should be avoided, but are okay if cut into small pieces. Sticky lollipops like caramel are a big no-no, while nuts and popcorn can also cause problems. Tough meat and beef jerky should also be avoided.

Read on for the full list of foods you can and cannot eat with braces…

Why are dietary changes necessary with braces?

A few changes can make a big difference in the effectiveness of braces. Choosing the right diet makes wearing braces more comfortable. You’ll also reduce additional trips to the orthodontist for repairs by preventing damage to the braces.

1. To protect braces from damage

The number one reason a child eats and doesn’t eat during their orthodontic treatment is the risk of damaging the braces. Food that is too hard or sticky can break the archwire or detach a bracket from the tooth. Once this happens, the braces are ineffective until the orthodontist can repair the break. Avoiding damage will help the braces come off faster.

2. To avoid discomfort after braces adjustments

A day or two after the orthodontist adjusts the braces, your child’s teeth are likely to feel sore. While the teeth get used to the new setting, your child should mainly eat soft foods. Foods that don’t require biting or chewing can provide welcome relief from aching teeth and gums. Soups, yogurt, smoothies are good options for sore teeth and gums. Once the teeth are in place, your child can return to their normal (braces-friendly) diet.

3. To reduce the risk of discolored teeth

Drinking and eating foods high in sugar and not brushing your teeth soon after can cause tooth discoloration. It’s best to avoid foods or drinks that will coat teeth with sugar, staining the exposed portion of each tooth while leaving the portion of the tooth protected by the braces unstained.

4. To change chewing technique

One of the biggest risks of having braces is biting your front teeth into hard food. Instead of using the front teeth to bite into food, cut them into smaller pieces and use the stronger back teeth to chew.

Foods that can be eaten with braces

You can still eat most foods with braces on. It is important for your child to brush their teeth properly after eating as food can easily get stuck in the braces. Foods that can be eaten with braces include:

Bread – Pre-sliced ​​loaves of bread, fluffy tacos, and tortillas are safe options

Dairy Products – Soft cheeses, yogurt, and dips are all fine to eat with braces

Grains – Rice, pasta, and all types of cooked pasta are soft and suitable for braces

Cakes & Muffins – Pancakes, soft cakes and cookies

Soft Meats & Chicken – get the sizzles off your plate but still enjoy roasts, deli and grilled meats that aren’t too chewy

Cooked Vegetables – Most soft, cooked vegetables eaten with a fork are fine, so there’s no excuse for your child not to eat their Brussels sprouts

Seafood – avoid bones and shells, but otherwise fish, crab, salmon, oysters and mussels are suitable foods for braces

Soft fruit – bananas, kiwis, pineapples, strawberries, stone fruit (but cut off the core so you don’t accidentally bite into it)

Sweet Treats – Ice cream, jelly, smoothies, and milkshakes are all good for indulgence. Of course, be aware of the damage eating too much sugar can do to your teeth and overall health, so keep these as occasional treats

Foods to avoid with braces

The following foods should be avoided with braces:

Whole apples and pears – instead of biting into hard fruit, cut them into small, thin pieces

Carrots and Other Raw Vegetables – Biting into a whole carrot can break the wire or retainer. Slice the carrot into thin sticks or circles to enjoy raw, or boil it before eating to soften it

Hard or crusty bread – not every bread has to be avoided, only the hard rolls, the hard bread and pizza crust are the problem. Choose a soft type of bread or remove hard crusts

Popcorn – Popcorn kernels can easily get stuck in braces or under the gums in a hard-to-reach spot without removing part of the braces

Nuts – most nuts are hard and can loosen brackets and break wires. Ground and chopped nuts are good to eat

Corn on the Cob – Biting into corn on the cob is a recipe for disaster. Cut the corn with a sharp knife before eating

Tough Meat – Try to only eat soft meat that doesn’t require a lot of chewing

Caramel – Sticky foods can stick to brackets and archwires and cause breakage. Even if breakage doesn’t occur the first time, the damage is often cumulative and subsequent parts can cause hardware to dislodge

Licorice – Not only does black liquorice look awful stuck in braces, but chewy liquorice causes breakage

Lollipops – most lollipops are either hard or chewy, so be careful which ones you eat while wearing braces. It’s also important to brush soon after eating lollipops, as the sugar can cause tooth decay and tooth discoloration

Beef Jerky — some people love this salty snack, but it requires a lot of chewing to get through and can damage braces

Chewing gum – chewing gum is no fun with braces on. Once it gets stuck in the grooves of the clips and around the wire, it’s difficult to pull out

Soft drink – drinks high in sugar can cause tooth decay. It is best to avoid sugary drinks with braces. The sugar can remain on the teeth and stain them, which can be even more noticeable after the braces are removed

Ice – it’s okay to keep drinks cold with ice as long as your child isn’t tempted to crunch on a piece of ice, otherwise the next sound you hear could be braces

Turmeric – If your child loves Indian and Middle Eastern dishes, try to steer them toward dishes that don’t contain turmeric. The yellow spice powder can stain braces and Invisalign retainers, so it’s best to avoid Indian food with braces on

You may need to remind your child what they can and cannot eat, especially in the first few months. Show your child how quick and easy it is to cut their snack into bite-sized pieces so they don’t eat foods that aren’t prepared properly.

It is important that your child undergoing orthodontic treatment is encouraged to brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day. No matter how healthy the diet may be, teeth always need to be brushed. Even healthy foods like fruit are not melt-friendly. Keeping teeth free of food debris and plaque helps tooth movement and prevents tooth decay and staining. Lingual or internal braces on the back of the teeth require special care because you cannot easily tell if there is food stuck behind your teeth.

If you have any questions about what your child can and cannot eat with their braces on, be sure to ask your orthodontist for advice.

Can I eat french fries with braces?

You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cake, French fries, burger, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Making life with braces easy for Bethel Park patients

There’s no escaping it – braces will have an impact on your lifestyle. However, with a little effort, you can minimize the impact on your life and get the most out of your smile investment. The following sections are designed to provide you with some basic information on fitting your new orthodontic appliances, proper care and protection from damage. As always, feel free to contact Cartwright Orthodontics with any questions!

Eating with braces

Everyone at Cartwright Orthodontics wants your smile to be amazing when your braces are removed. All it takes is a little care and knowing what to avoid and you can have that great smile!

You need to limit or even avoid certain foods. You can avoid problems while wearing your braces by cutting back on sugar and sodas! If you eat or drink something with a lot of sugar, rinse your mouth out with water or better yet, brush after eating or drinking. Sugar causes plaque to grow quickly, which can lead to swollen gums, decalcification, and tooth decay. Decalcification is the plaque that damages or eats away the enamel. When your braces are removed your teeth can become discolored and unfortunately this is permanent.

Next, avoid eating foods that are sticky or chewy like gum, caramel, toffee, tootsie buns, jelly beans, and other similar sweets. They can pull brackets off teeth and bend wires. Avoid very hard foods like ice cream, jolly ranchers and lollipops – they ruin everything!

Hard breads like bagels, chewy pizza crusts, tortilla chips, hard taco shells, thick pretzels, and cauldron-cooked potato chips can all wreak havoc on your devices. Also, please do not eat popcorn, nuts and seeds as the pieces may get stuck in your devices or break them.

Hard fruits and vegetables should be cut into bite-sized pieces so you don’t just rip them in with your incisors – let your molars do the work for a while. But please continue to eat your fruits and vegetables! Remember, take small bites.

You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cakes, french fries, burgers, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem.

Below is a list of foods to avoid and foods you can eat. If you are careful and practice good oral hygiene, you will Cartwright estimated time to achieve a great smile.

Foods to avoid:

Instead of: hard pretzels

Hard Taco Shells

Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos


carrot sticks

apples, pears or peaches

Hard buns, bagels or crust

Ribs, chicken wings or drumsticks

Corn on the cob Try: soft pretzels or thin pretzel sticks

Soft tacos or burritos

Cheese puffs, cheese balls or potato chips

Caseless popcorn

Carrot curls or thin sticks

Cut fruit into pieces

Cut or break bread into small pieces

Detach meat from bone

Corn from the cob

Foods you should never eat

Can I eat sandwich with braces?

Even when undergoing your orthodontic treatment you can still indulge on the country’s favourite lunchtime staple, we just advise that you try to avoid anything hard/crispy or highly coloured to be the least interfering with your treatment.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Everyone loves a sandwich, so much so that it even has its own national holiday on November 3rd. Whether it’s a luscious layer of sundried tomatoes on a rosemary focaccia or a simple cheese toast, this versatile creation is enjoyed by the whole nation (some might even say it’s the best thing since sliced ​​bread…).

So your mind is starting to thrive with ideas for all the great combinations you can sink those pearly whites into—but what if those pearly whites are currently hosting braces? We asked orthodontist Stephan Nel from our Bracknell practice for his top tips on sandwich munching during your orthodontic treatment:

“In general, it’s a good idea to avoid seeded breads and baguettes, as seeds can often get lodged in the brackets, and hard, crusty breads like baguettes can damage the brackets. If you have opted for clear elastics, it is best to avoid heavily colored fillings such as beetroot or coronation chicken, which could stain the braces. So I would recommend nice, soft bread with a filling like egg mayonnaise or ham and cheese. PS If you don’t have a toothbrush after devouring your sandwiches, make sure you have a good rinse with water to keep the braces clean!”

There we have it – the pro gave the go-ahead! Even if you’re getting your orthodontic treatment, you can still indulge in the country’s most popular lunchtime staple. Our advice is that you try to avoid anything hard/crunchy or heavily colored to least disrupt your treatment.

We’d love to see some of your sandwich creations – send them to us or post them on Instagram or Twitter with #breadforbraces and we’ll repost our favorites!

Contact your local practice for more information.

Can I eat chocolate chip pancakes with braces?

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact our office. Foods you CAN eat with braces: Dairy — soft cheese, pudding, milk-based drinks. Breads — soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts.

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

life with braces

Show off your new braces! Now that you have them, how do you take care of them? Here’s what you need to know to properly care for your braces throughout your orthodontic treatment:

Eating with braces

You’ll be back eating popcorn and tortilla chips in no time! However, before you can start enjoying some of the goodies you love, you need to be extra careful not to eat foods that could damage your new gadgets.

Foods to avoid with braces:






Specifically avoid:



Hard Candy

Sticky candies like Caramels, Sugar Daddies, Starbursts, Caramel Apples, Sugar Babies, Liquorice, Toffee, Tootie Rolls, Now and Laters




Thick tortilla chips

Whole apples and carrots (cut into chunks first)

Hard French bread crust and buns

Corn on the cob (cut off the cobs before eating)

Fat buns

Thick pizza crust

Big, hard brutes

Chewable vitamins (hard or soft)

If you fancy something sweet, praline is best as long as you clean after,


Crunchy, chewy, sticky, and sticky foods can damage your braces, requiring additional appointments and increasing your treatment time. If you follow the instructions from Dr. Following Sabatino what you eat and how to keep your braces in good condition, your hard work will yield excellent results!

Be sure to brush and floss frequently (some patients use an oral irrigator/water pick with great results). Watch what you eat and chew (pens and fingernails included). If you have any concerns or questions, please contact our office.

Foods you CAN eat with braces:

Dairy products – soft cheeses, puddings, milk-based drinks

Bread — soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts

Grains – noodles, soft boiled rice

Meat/Poultry – soft boiled chicken, meatballs, luncheon meats

Seafood – tuna, salmon, crab cakes

Vegetables – mashed potatoes, steamed spinach, beans

Fruit – applesauce, bananas, fruit juice

Chocolate (Plain M&M’s, Plain Hershey Kisses, 3 Musketeer Bar, Kit Kat, Resses Cups, Reeses Pieces, Chocolate Bars with no Nuts or Caramel, Nestle Crunch Bars, Snow Caps)


Cakes (Birthday, Twinkies, Snowballs, Ding Dongs, Zingers

Ice cream or popsicles (no ice cream)

Jell-O or Pudding

Low-sugar, non-carbonated drinks

Cookies and crackers (beware of crunchy ones)

French fries (caution restaurant type)


Pirate’s Booty (popcorn substitute)

Soft breads or toast (bite sized)

Sandwiches (bite size)

Pizza (bite size)


Hamburgers and hot dogs (bite sized)

Meat (bite-sized boneless, tough meat can be hard on your TMJs)


Raw Vegetables (Bite Size)

Cooked Vegetables (bite size)


fruit (bite size)

fruit smoothies


Rice (brush carefully afterwards)


Most cold cereals (no hard granola)

Hot cereal


Marcaroni and cheese

pasta dishes


Pain from braces and appliances

When you first get your braces, you may notice that your teeth and mouth feel a little sensitive or sore. This is perfectly normal and we promise your mouth won’t be sore forever! To ease the pain, we recommend dissolving one teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of lukewarm water. Rinse and gargle this solution in your mouth for just a few minutes (do not swallow the salt water).

If the pain is worse and doesn’t go away after rinsing, you can also try taking a pain reliever. It’s also not uncommon for your lips, cheeks, and tongue to feel irritated for a week or two as they harden and adjust to the braces. We are happy to provide you with some wax that you can spread over the braces to reduce sensitivity. If you need some wax, please let us know.

lose teeth

Don’t worry if your teeth feel a little loose; that is normal! Your braces must first loosen your teeth to get them in the right position. Once your teeth are repositioned, they are no longer loose.

Loose wires and straps

The wires and bands in your braces can become loose. In this case, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can check and repair your device. If part of your device becomes detached, save it and bring it to the office.

You can temporarily fix the loose wire by gently and gently pushing the wire back into place with the back of a spoon or the eraser end of a pencil. If the loose wire is irritating your lips or cheeks, place wax or a damp cotton ball on the broken wire to relieve pain.

Take care of your household appliances

Damaged equipment can increase the length of your treatment process, so be sure to take care of all your equipment. Your teeth and jaw can only move into the correct position if you consistently wear the rubber bands, headgear, retainers, or other aids prescribed by your doctor.

Brushing teeth with braces

If you have braces, it is very important to brush and floss after every meal to keep your teeth and gums healthy throughout your treatment. If you need help choosing the right toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss or oral irrigator/water pick, please ask us and we’ll help you choose the right products for your teeth and appliance.

Exercising with braces

We have great news for athletes! You can also do sports during orthodontic treatment! If you play sports, it is recommended to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and appliances. let dr Sabatino know when you need help finding the right mouthguard for the best protection.

In the event of a sports emergency, immediately check your mouth and appliance for damage. If you notice loose teeth or equipment damage, please contact our practice immediately. You can temporarily relieve the discomfort by applying wax or rinsing your mouth with warm salt water.

Foods That You CANT EAT With Braces

Foods That You CANT EAT With Braces
Foods That You CANT EAT With Braces

See some more details on the topic can you eat macarons with braces here:

5 Desserts for Braces that are Safe to Eat

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Foods That Are Safe To Eat When You Have Braces

Orthodontic braces are designed to realign and straighten teeth, resulting in a more pleasing appearance and making teeth easier to clean.

However, your braces can only be effective if you take proper care of them, and there are certain types of foods that you must avoid to ensure you get great results in the shortest possible time.

Eating the wrong foods not only creates discomfort or pain, but you also risk breaking the wires or brackets, resulting in an unscheduled appointment with an orthodontist and increasing your overall treatment time.

Continuing to eat foods that get stuck in your braces and foods high in sugar creates an environment that encourages bacteria and plaque to thrive and grow, which can cause permanent damage to your teeth.

Here’s our guide to the foods to eat during your treatment, along with the types of foods to avoid.

Examples of foods that are safe for braces

According to Proactive Health’s diet and nutrition team, “The best types of foods to eat when you have braces are those that don’t contain high levels of sugar and don’t require excessive chewing.” An example of breakfast foods are Yogurt, eggs, fluffy bacon, oatmeal, or toast. Stay away from cereals like crunchy granola.

For lunch, eat berries like a banana instead of apples, or try eating nut-free salads. Sandwiches are fine too, but make sure you drink water after eating to wash it all down. If you need some after-school snack ideas for the kids, try baked tortillas with guacamole and salsa or fruit and cheese.

For a healthy dinner, most vegetables will do, provided they are cooked and soft. You can pair your veggies with lean proteins like fish or chicken breast. If you eat dessert after dinner, you should brush your teeth immediately afterwards.

According to the dessert specialists at Pearl’s Creations, “People with braces should avoid hard and sticky candies and desserts as they can damage your orthodontic work. Instead, opt for soft desserts like cakes, cupcakes, macarons, puddings, or soft candies that melt in your mouth. Because sugar can cause tooth decay, eat these desserts in moderation or choose sugar-free options when possible.”

Food after adjustment

As your braces begin to shift the position of each tooth, your orthodontist will periodically adjust them to encourage the alignment process. You may experience mild pain, tenderness, and discomfort after each of these fitting consultations, which typically occur every 5 to 8 weeks. This usually only lasts a few days. However, it is recommended to stick to soft foods during these times, which require the least chewing. Some examples are:


Mashed potatoes



cottage cheese

rice or pasta



Soft puddings

Foods to avoid when wearing braces

Any person wearing braces should aim for a balanced and healthy diet without excessive snacking.

There are certain types of foods that can damage your braces, which is why you need to stay away from them during treatment. These foods include anything hard enough to damage or break the wires.

Other foods to stay away from are chewy foods that can stick to the brackets and wires and cause them to crack or break off. It’s also best to stay away from all types of food that can get stuck between your teeth, as this can encourage bacteria to multiply and make your teeth harder to clean.

According to the weight loss experts at Hypnotherapy Canberra, “Reducing your sugar intake and eating a balanced diet will not only have a positive impact on your orthodontic work, it will also promote weight loss. In this way, braces can help form healthy eating habits that can last long after your teeth are straightened.”

Foods to stay away from when you have braces include:

chewing gum or caramel



Hard raw vegetables like carrots

Considerations to keep in mind when eating with braces

Regardless of the type of food you choose to eat while wearing braces, you must ensure that any crevices between your teeth and around your braces remain extremely clean. This means flossing and brushing after every meal to avoid the build-up of bacteria and plaque that lead to tooth decay.

If you want to get the quickest and best results from braces orthodontic treatment, you need to make sure you eat the recommended foods during treatment and check with your orthodontist if you have any concerns or questions about your treatment.

Are you looking for more information on oral care and hygiene?

Book a FREE consultation with an expert and see what your smile could look like today!

Author bio

Nicholas May is an aspiring writer and content creator. He strives to create content that increases website traffic, clicks and conversions. And hopes to one day start his own business using the skills he has learned.

The Best Desserts to Eat with Braces

Wearing braces doesn’t mean you have to give up all your favorite treats (although we do recommend brushing your teeth well after eating). You just have to be a little more careful when choosing treats.

Luckily, there are some great options that are not only delicious but also safe to eat while wearing braces.


Cake is one of the most popular treats for special occasions and it can be hard to avoid. The good news is that the cake is soft and won’t damage the clasps of your braces. Feel free to jump in and party whenever cake is involved.


Most cookies are safe to eat while wearing braces. Avoid cookies with hard, decorative toppings or those containing caramel. Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, or other soft cookies are good to eat when you have braces.

ice cream

Ice cream is always a popular treat and can be a great choice if you have braces. Eating cold ice cream when your teeth hurt after getting your braces fitted can help make them feel better, so that’s an added bonus. Avoid ice cream that contains hard compounds or caramel.


Pudding is a great choice as a treat when you have braces. It’s easy to eat even after an adjustment, so this can be a great option to reward yourself after a visit to the orthodontist.


You can never go wrong with brownies! These can be a fantastic option if you wear braces, but avoid brownies with nuts or caramel.

We hope these desert options help you choose treats that are safe to wear while wearing braces. Our team is always at your disposal if you are unsure about what foods to enjoy during your treatment. Thank you for allowing us to be your orthodontist in St. George, Utah!

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Many people who wear braces or are considering getting braces have heard about the list of “banned foods” to follow during orthodontic treatment. Here at Doctor Smiles Orthodontics in Tucson, AZ we have our own grocery list which you can find on our website. While this kind of list can be a little daunting, don’t worry – there are still plenty of tasty options to partake in and we’re here to give you some suggestions!

breakfast ideas

Smoothie – A smoothie is always a great way to start the day. These drinks are packed with vitamins and minerals depending on what you add to your concoction. Make sure you add both veggies and fruit to this drink and don’t overdo the sugar content!

Smoothie – A smoothie is always a great way to start the day. These drinks are packed with vitamins and minerals depending on what you add to your concoction. Make sure you add both veggies and fruit to this drink and don’t overdo the sugar content! Eggs – These high-protein wonders can be prepared a myriad of ways: scrambled, boiled, poached, sunny-side up, you name it! They are pleasant foods for people with braces and can be enjoyed with or without vegetables.

Pancakes – This soft bread is a treat for any breakfast. We don’t recommend eating these on a daily basis as they are often paired with syrups or fruit compotes which can be high in sugar, but rest assured they can be enjoyed without damaging your braces!

Muffins (No Nuts) – This is another soft bread that can be enjoyed by someone with braces. They’re easy to make in bulk and can be taken on the go if you’re pressed for time in the morning.

Yogurt with Fruit – Yogurt is packed with vitamin C and adding fruit only sweetens the deal, both in terms of health and flavor. Make sure to only use berries when preparing your yogurt dish. Avoid hard fruits like apples as they can damage your braces!

Lunch ideas

Rice and Bean Quesadillas – Tortillas are considered a soft bread approved for people with braces. Add a soft cheese with a side of soft rice (grain) and soft beans (legumes) and you have a filling, healthy and delicious meal. Top your quesadillas with sour cream, avocado, and salsa, too!

Rice and Bean Quesadillas – Tortillas are considered a soft bread approved for people with braces. Add a soft cheese with a side of soft rice (grain) and soft beans (legumes) and you have a filling, healthy and delicious meal. Top your quesadillas with sour cream, avocado, and salsa, too! Mac & Cheese – This soft pasta and cream cheese platter is flavorful, easy to make and even easier to eat.

Spaghetti & Meatballs – A soft meal of pasta with soft meat will practically crumble in your mouth and will not weigh down your orthodontic treatment.

Peanut Butter (not crunchy) & Jelly Sandwich – This is an oldie but a treat. You probably have these ingredients in your pantry right now. This is a convenient and time-saving meal that also won’t irritate your teeth, gum line or braces.

Lunch Meat Wrap – This is a new take on an old classic. Instead of just making a lunch meat sandwich, make a lunch meat wrap! The same ingredients, neatly nestled in a large flour tortilla, make for a great change from Mom’s traditional school lunch.

Dinner ideas

Soft meats – examples include: meatloaf, chicken, tuna, or salmon. These meats are so tender that you can easily cut them with a fork. This should signal that you are okay to consume and will not cause you to snap a wire or unclip.

Soft meats – examples include: meatloaf, chicken, tuna, or salmon. These meats are so tender that you can easily cut them with a fork. This should signal that you are okay to consume and will not cause you to snap a wire or unclip. Side Dishes – Pair any of the above soft meats with mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, wild rice, or soup and call it a day! Sit back and enjoy this healthy and braces-friendly meal.

snack ideas

Cottage Cheese and Soft Peaches – A great source of vitamin C that won’t affect your braces.

Cottage Cheese and Soft Peaches – A great source of vitamin C that won’t affect your braces. Soft Fruits – Examples include melons, bananas, grapes, and applesauce (a type of fruit) to name a few.

dessert ideas

Desserts need to be included on this list as many people have a sweet tooth, but please be sure to follow your family orthodontist’s or dentist’s orders and avoid consuming too much sugar – it’s bad for your teeth and your overall health. Candies approved for wearers of braces are:


Soft biscuits

Soft chocolate (no nuts or caramel)




Cake (soft bread, no nuts)

Contact our Tucson office!

You see They see; There are many delicious foods that you can eat at any time of the day, even if you wear braces. If you’re still not sure if braces are right for you, know that we also offer Invisalign as another form of orthodontic treatment that uses removable aligners instead of the placed metal wires and brackets of braces.

If you still have questions about what to eat or not to eat, please call our Tucson, AZ office at 520.571-1756. And when you’re ready to learn more about our treatments and procedures and get started with braces, schedule your appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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