Can You Pray Tahajjud Without Sleeping? Top 42 Best Answers

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Do we need to sleep for Tahajjud?

Tahajjud prayer is an optional/supererogatory prayer performed during the night after waking up from sleep, because the meaning of tahajjud is to give up hujud which means sleep, that is, to give up or leave off sleep.

Can you pray Tahajjud at any time?

You can pray Tahajud anytime after isha till the end of the night before fajr. Best recommended time is last part of the night. Yes, but tahajud is something which you pray after taking sleep for a short time.

What is compulsory for Tahajjud?

It is not one of the five obligatory prayers required of all Muslims, although the Islamic prophet, Muhammad was recorded as performing the tahajjud prayer regularly himself and encouraging his companions too.
Related to Salah, Nafl prayer, Five Pillars of Islam

How can I wake up Tahajjud?

Mind power: “ Resolve firmly at bedtime to get up for Tahajjud. God Almighty has given man the power to make his mind obey his will … Decide firmly that you will get up for Tahajjud. While your body sleeps, your mind will be alert. It will wake you up exactly at the desired time.”

Are you frustrated by an alarm clock? Are you hitting the snooze button too often? Sleep in? If so, read on…

It happens to all of us, you set your alarm for tahajjud and look forward to waking up and reaping its benefits. The next morning you wake up to the rays of the sun hitting your eyes and this deep feeling of regret sinks into you. You missed Tahjjud and more importantly you are 4 hours late for Fajr!

Here are 13 effective ways from the original 13 methods developed by Khalifatul Masih 2nd Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May God be pleased with him) to wake up without an alarm clock for Tahjjud.

Khalifatul Masih 2nd said the following about Tahajjud:

“One option – not very useful in my opinion – is to use the alarm clock. It creates dependency and does not produce the determined will. If you go to sleep after deciding to get up for tahajjud, you will be in a state of worship all night. Determined you will get up. Those who depend on the alarm clock but lack determination often close the alarm clock to go back to sleep.”

Beat the sleep-ins with 13 effective steps

So here are 13 effective methods – have fun :

1. Remain seated: “After the isha prayers, perform zikr (remembrance) for a while. The more you perform, the earlier you will get up for zikr before morning.”

2. Don’t talk! “Do not talk to anyone after Isha prayer. Although the Holy Prophet (saas) sometimes continued his talk after Isha, he had forbidden it as a general rule. There are two reasons for this: a) When you start talking, you sleep late and cannot get up early in the morning. b) If the conversation is about things other than faith, your attention will be distracted. It is not forbidden to do office work or other important tasks after Isha. … In that case it is better to spend some time in Zikr before going to bed.”

3. Let’s freshen up: “Perform wudu before going to bed even if you are already in a state of ablution. It affects the heart and creates a special kind of freshness. If you go to sleep in that state of freshness, you will get up in the same state. Someone who smiles before bed generally smiles when they get up; One who cries will wake up crying. With ablution you will be fresh at the time of sleeping and fresh when you wake up.”

4. Lights out: “Recite some zikr before you go to sleep; This will cause you to wake up again for zikr during the night. The Holy Prophetsa used to perform Zikr before bedtime in the following manner:

a) He recited Ayatul- Kursi (verse 2:256)

b) The last three chapters of the Holy Quran.

c) Then he blew gently on his hands and lightly stroked his body three times.

d) Then he turned to the right and said:

“O Allah, I place myself under Your protection and turn my face to You and entrust all my affairs to You, with utter affection and fear of You. There is no refuge or protection from You except within Yourself. I believe in Your Book , which You revealed, and to Your prophet whom You sent.”

5. Spirit: “At bedtime, make up your mind to get up for tahajjud. God Almighty has given man the power to make his mind obey his will… Decide firmly that you will stand up for tahajjud. While your body sleeps, your mind is awake. It wakes you up at exactly the time you want it.”

6. True Courage: “The sixth method is only for those who are really strong in faith. Instead of doing vitr (three raka’at prescribed as essential) after Isha, leave vitr for the tahajjud time…if the vitr is still due, the soul will be restless and will awaken him. Only the strong in faith should practice this method; the weak can even deprive themselves of vitr.”

Congregational Tahajjud takes place every day during Jalsa

7. Spiritual Training: “The seventh method is also for those who have excelled in spirituality. They should start offering Nawafil after Isha prayer and continue like this until they start to doze off in prayers and become overwhelmed with sleep. Although the total amount of their sleep will be reduced, they will find themselves awake at the time of Tahajjud. This method is an exercise for the mind.”

8. Bed or Floor?: “The eighth method was practiced by many Sufis. I haven’t felt the need for it myself; but it is beneficial. When you get into the habit of oversleeping, change the soft bed to a hard one.”

9. Cut Calories: “Eat dinner several hours before bed. Eat before Maghrib prayer or immediately after. Sometimes the mind is active but the body is not. The body acts like a yoke: if the yoke is too heavy, it suffocates the spirit. The stomach should not be full before bedtime. It is detrimental to the heart and makes you lazy.”

10. Cleanliness is half the faith: “Do not go to bed unclean. Angels join those who are pure… Angels abhor dirt. Once Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih the 1st (ra) went to bed without washing his hands after dinner. He saw a dream. His elder brother wanted to give him the Holy Quran, but when he wanted to touch it, his brother pulled him back and said: “Do not touch the Holy Quran; Your hands are not clean.” Physical purity affects purity of heart. Those who are pure will have the help of angels to stand up; the unclean is not approached”

11. How clean is your bed?: “The bed should be clean. Many people ignore this matter. Remember that spirituality is directly affected by the cleanliness of the bed. Be extra careful about this.”

12. Couples: “Husbands and wives should avoid sleeping in the same bed. Among ordinary Muslims, this habit can be detrimental to spirituality, but it does not affect the spiritually advanced. The Holy Prophetsa slept in the same bed with his wives. He possessed exalted spiritual status and his spirituality could not be compromised. Self-controlled people will not suffer if they sleep together, but ordinary Muslims may find that it inclines their minds to passion. That… prevents them from getting up.”

13. Love for all, hate for none: “The last method is really superior. It helps stand up for tahajjud and saves one from many sins and weaknesses. Before you retire to sleep, think about whether you hold grudges or resentments or prejudice against anyone. If yes, remove it. The purification achieved through this practice will enable you to stand up for tahajjud.”

So there you have it, 13 effective ways to wake up without setting a single alarm

No more excuses

Can I pray Tahajjud without Witr?

hence why if you plan on praying Tahajjud you will wait to pray your Witr prayer after finishing your Tahajjud salah. Even though this is an extra prayer the Prophet (PBUH) would never leave it, even when he was traveling. The Witr Salah is done by praying two rak’ahs and then praying one single ra’kah.

A Beginner’s Guide to Reading Duha, Tahajjud and Witr Prayers.

We live in a world that demands so much of us. We work tirelessly, exhausting our bodies in this quest to provide for our families. Taking care of our families is an act of worship, among many other acts of ibadah. It is important that we do not lose ourselves in dunya and forget our true purpose of worshiping Allah SWT. This can be done in many ways. It is an essential part of our spiritual health that we follow the example of the greatest man on earth, Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

One of the ways we can do this is by following the Sunnah and worshiping Allah SWT as He did to the best of our ability. The Sunnah services can be tragically neglected and this robs the heart of what benefits it. We must strive to revive and implement the Sunnah, and this is the best way to ensure we live enriched lives and have empowered communities.

As Muslims, it is important to shine in our worship during the month of Ramadan. A good way to do this is by hosting additional sunnah prayers. The prayers we will focus on are the Duha, Tahajjud and Witr prayers.

The Duha prayer

Duha prayer is classified as an additional prayer that Prophet Muhammed (SAW) would pray. This prayer is offered any time between sunrise and the Dhuhr prayer. The benefits of praying this prayer are powerful. In a hadith qudsī, Allah SWT says:

“O son of Adam! Pray four rak’ats for me at the beginning of the day and I will take care of you for the rest of the day” (Tirmidhī)

Anyone who reads four rak’ahs of this additional sunna prayer, Allah will take care of them for the rest of the day. This is powerful as we go through so much in our time and often encounter many obstacles and problems. Therefore, knowing that Allah SWT is with us to help us can offer much comfort to a believing heart.

For the Duha prayer, you can read either two ra’kahs, four ra’kahs, or eight ra’kahs. The Prophet (saww) read up to eight Ra’kahs. Praying four ra’kahs is recommended, but even offering two ra’kahs is good.

The Tahujjud prayer

“Our Lord, the Blessed One, the Superior, descends on the heaven nearest to us every night when the last third of the night remains and says: ‘Is there any one who calls upon me that I may answer the call? Is there anyone who asks Me to grant his request? Is there anyone who seeks My forgiveness so that I can forgive him?” [Bukhari]

Tahujjud prayer is the prayer of the night. Ideally, it is offered in the last third of the night, the time before Fajr. However, it can also be offered at any time during the night after Isha. During the last third of the night, Allah SWT descends to the lowest heaven to answer every believer who worships Him.

Praying Tahajjud Salah is relatively easy. The hardest part is waking up in the middle of the night, but remembering the reward and closeness of speaking to your Creator while most of creation sleeps can bring comfort to the distressed soul. After doing wudu, offer 2 ra’kah of sunnah prayer. You can pray as many Ra’kah as you like in intervals of 2. You finish your tahajjud by finishing it with witr salah.

The last third of the night is a very blessed time. Since we already wake up early too fast, try waking up a few minutes earlier and your tahajjud salah.

The Witr prayer

“The Witr prayer is offered in units of two raka’ah. If you fear that dawn is near, end with a single raka’ah so that the night prayer has an odd number.” (Bukhari)

Witr prayer is the last prayer of the night. It can be offered anytime after Isha and before Fajr. So if you are planning to pray tahajjud, wait to pray your witr prayer after you finish your tahajjud salah. Although this is an additional prayer, the Prophet (peace be upon him) would never leave it even when he was traveling.

Witr Salah is performed by praying two rak’ahs and then a single rak’ah. You can pray up to eight rak’ahs and then end it with a single rak’ah. Praying 3, 5, 7 and 9 Ra’kah for Witr Salat is permissible. Another (Hanafi) method of praying this additional prayer is to pray three rak’ahs and then in the third rakah after reciting the sura, raise your hands in supplication and recite Dua Qu’noot.

Getting used to praying your extra sunna prayers can be challenging at first, but with patience and perseverance; As we consistently perform these prayers, it will become ingrained within us and become the fiber of our being.

Below are some tips to help you put these additional prayers into practice.

Tips for structuring the prayers:

Seek Help from Allah – Before embarking on any new venture, be sure to seek the help of Allah SWT. He is the one who can guide you and help you draw closer to Him.

Create a Buddy System – Try to find someone to start this journey with you. Having the support of a friend or family member will make it easier to fight your nafs and perform those extra prayers.

Start small:

“Do good deeds rightly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not bring you to enter Paradise and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and enduring even if it were small.” [Bukhari] .

The most popular deeds in Allah SWT are the small deeds done consistently. Try to find the prayer that is easiest to do and do it consistently. Love Allah more than praying all three at once and then giving up shortly after because you are overwhelmed. Remember that praying the Supererogatory prayers consistently and patiently will develop a habit and constantly pondering their virtues will enhance the experience and help solidify your intention.

May Allah SWT allow us to do what pleases Him and make it easy for us to excel in Fardh and Sunnah worship. amine.

Make the most of your mercy this Ramadan. If you tick the Gift Aid box, your donation is completely free of administration fees. Be merciful now.

Can I pray 4 rakat tahajjud?

Tahajjud rakats are performed in pairs and eight rakats is seen as a good number by many Muslims. In other words, most people will say two, four, six, or eight rakats, though more is not discouraged.


Is there a special dua for tahajjud prayer?

wikiHow staff editor

Staff Response Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research teams who has reviewed it for accuracy and completeness. wikiHow staff editor staff answer

You can create your own dua or use one like this example from Sahih Bukhari (Volume 2, Book 21, Number 221): O Allah! All praises are for you, you are the holder of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them. All praises are for You; You have possession of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them. All praises are for You; You are the light of the heavens and the earth, and all praises are for You; You are the king of heaven and earth; and all praises are for you; You are the truth and your promise is the truth and meeting you is true, your word is the truth and paradise is true and hell is true and all the prophets (peace be upon them) are true; and Muhammad is true, and the Day of Resurrection is true. O Allah! I surrender (my will) to You; I believe in you and rely on you and repent to you and with your help I argue (with my opponents, the unbelievers) and take you as judge (to judge between us). Please forgive me my past and future sins; And what I have hidden or revealed. And you’re the one that makes (some people) go forward and (some) go backwards. No one is to be worshiped but you.

Is qiyam and tahajjud same?

Difference between Qiyamullail and Tahajjud

Qiyam is more general than Tahajjud as it includes prayers and other actions, be it before or after sleeping. Tahajjud is exclusively for prayers although some scholars state that they are the same.

A Guide to Qiyamulail

1. What is Qiyamulail?

2. Difference between Qiyamulail and Tahajjud

3. Why do we do Qiyamulail?

4. Benefits of conducting Qiyamulail

5. How to pray Qiyamulail?

I blinked and we are already in the final leg of the blessed month of Ramadan. Assalamualaikum everyone. The time has come to reap rewards in multiple ways. YOLO (you only live once) sounds true for good deeds and we must live big and love our Lord even more. What better way to do this than to perform Qiyamullail (or Qiyam al Layl)? The term “Qiyamullail” literally means “standing during the night” but refers to when you spend part of the night, no matter how short, from after Isyak to Fajar to worship Allah. Photo credit: Worship such as prayers, recitation of the Qur’an, remembrance of Allah (dhikr) or other acts of worship may be performed. The hukum for performing Qiyamullail is Sunnah Muaqqadah or highly encouraged but it is obligatory on the Prophet (ﷺ). PS Not sure how to start terawih prayer? We have summarized everything you need to know in this article. Tahajjud Salah, although considered Qiyamulail, is the Sunnah prayer performed after Isyak and before Fajr. Thus, tahajjud is part of qiyamullail, but qiyam is not limited to prayers as it includes other forms of worship during the night as well. Qiyam is more general than tahajjud as it includes prayers and other actions, whether before or after sleeping. Tahajjud is for prayers only, although some scholars say they are the same. Here are 7 beautiful things to know about the most blessed night in Islam, Lailatul Qadr. Well, how did all this come about? Prophet Muhammad’s greatest test was his role as the universal leader for mankind, and yes, we all know he excelled at it. But his success didn’t come overnight. In the earlier stages of Prophethood, the Qiyamullail was given by Allah for Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. made mandatory. The Prophet (ﷺ) taught us that it is important that we refine and strengthen our connection with Allah so that we can prosper in life. Allah says: “And as for the night, keep awake part of it as an additional prayer for yourself: Soon your Lord will raise you to a station of praise and glory” (Al-Israa’ 17:79). Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was known to pray so much that his feet became swollen, prompting his wife Aisyah to question him. Aisyah (ra) said: “Why are you doing this O Messenger of Allah while all your past and future sins have been forgiven? He said: Shouldn’t I be a grateful slave?’ (HR Bukhari) The more one stands (voluntarily) before Allah in the silent depths of the nights – seeking His help and relying on Him alone – the more one feels content and secure to be taken care of, and the less reliant he is on those around him or worrying about others’ possessions. PS Check out these 8 ways to do Ibadah with your family this Ramadan. So what would be a strong incentive for us to perform Qiyamullail? These are some of them: Rasulullah (ﷺ) said: “The best salah after the obligatory salah is the salah of the night (qiyamullail).” (HR Muslim) Performing qiyamullail is optional and they were considered the best performances after the obligatory ones described. One reason is that qiyamullail is an act hidden from people. (Only Allah knows that you are the real MVP and that is all the love we really need ❤️) Rasulullah (ﷺ) said: “Upon you is (to do) Qiyamullail, for it is the habit of the righteous before you . And it will bring you closer to your Rabb and atone for bad deeds and prevent sin.” (HR Tirmidhi; Hassan) What better reason can there be to get that special place with your Creator? “Verily in the night there is an hour no Muslim reaches him and asks Allah for kindness in matters of dunya or akhirah except that Allah grants it to him and that is every night.” (HR Muslim) Allah cares for everyone moment of the day for His creation. For Muslims, however, there are exclusive periods when du’a is particularly encouraged and granted – and the last third of the night is one of them. He loves you and you need this quality time with him. So you can recharge, refresh and reconnect. Although the tahajjud can be prayed at any part of the night if possible, it is best to pray it after midnight, especially in the last third of the night. For example, if you are in Singapore and Malaysia, that would be around 3 or 4 am. PS Are you planning to perform Qiyamullail in the Singapore Mosque? Read our article to learn more. Although the Qiyamullail or Tahajjud prayers can be said after the Isya prayers, the full reward mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith refers to worship that precedes sleep. This is also understood from the meaning of tahajjud – which is the struggle to break free from sleep. After Isha prayer and before bed, make arrangements to wake up the night before Fajr prayer. True strength lies in your willpower to lift that ceiling. Wake up at night at your chosen time and perform your Wudhu. But what if you oversleep? Okay, let’s face it, it’s tough. But it’s not impossible guys. If you make an honest effort to wake up and perform tahajjud but accidentally sleep through the night, don’t beat yourself up. According to a hadith, Allah SWT records your genuine intention to perform tahajjud and grants you sleep as an act of mercy. You will be rewarded as if your intention had been fulfilled. How merciful is He, the Benevolent and Compassionate ❤️Credit: Masjid Putra Putrajaya on Facebook When preparing for prayer, make a resolution to perform it, e.g. B. “I intend to pray Tahajjud 2 Rakaat”. Note that any type of night prayer such as Solat Taubah, Isthikarah, etc. is also a form of Qiyamullail. (Yay!) Repeat rakaats as you like. In general, two rakaats are considered the minimum for tahajjud. However, it is possible to repeat as many more as you like. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) frequently prayed up to 13 rakaats. End your night prayers with “Witr” prayers. It is a prayer consisting of 3 rak’ahs with two salams. You can perform 2 rakaat witr prayers followed by salam and then proceed with another rakaat witr followed by salam.Credit: Don’t forget to supplicate to Allah as this is the best time to ask Him for what your heart desires. Ask away, don’t be shy! He is closer to you than your jugular vein and He will give you what is best for you insyaAllah. Finally, try to make Qiyamullail a part of your daily routine, even outside of the month of Ramadan. Remember that Allah appreciates regular worship and brings you closer to Him. Additionally, Qiyamullail is often associated with Allah’s gifts of forgiveness and salvation, making it a great way to seek correction for the day’s little mistakes, sins, and imperfections.


How tahajjud prayer is performed?

To begin, two rakats of Salah are performed initially. One must stand and recite the verses from the Quran. Following this, praying continues by bowing to Allah while both hands are placed on the knees. Next, face the ground with palms, nose, and forehead touching the floor in complete devotion to the Almighty.

Tahajjud prayer is a nafl or voluntary prayer. It is a night prayer offered to gain spiritual strength and peace. It is also known to avert sinful deeds. Prayer (Salat) – one of the five pillars of Islam, is divided into four main types:

Fardh Salat: The Most Important Prayer in Islam; it is obligatory and it is considered a great sin to fail to do so.

The most important prayer in Islam; it is obligatory and it is considered a great sin to fail to do so. Wajib Salat: It is compulsory, and lack of Wajib Salat is also considered a grave sin.

It is mandatory, and the absence of wajib salat is also considered a grave sin. Sunnah Salat: Known as the practice of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Sunnah Salat is in turn divided into two categories namely Muakkadah and Ghair Muakkadah. The former is to be practiced regularly and the absence of it is considered a sin. However, failing to do the latter, which is said to be practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at times, is not considered punishable.

Sunnah salat known as the practice of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is in turn divided into two categories namely Muakkadah and Ghair Muakkadah. The former is to be practiced regularly and the absence of it is considered a sin. However, failing to do the latter, which is said to be practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at times, is not considered punishable. Nafl: The last of the four main types of prayer, Nafl, is not obligatory and is usually performed for an additional virtue. Missing this prayer is not considered a sin.

What is Tahajjud prayer?

Also known as Qiyam-u-lail, Tahajjud prayer falls into the fourth category of prayers i.e. Nafl, meaning that it is optional and its absence is not counted as a sin. Tahajjud prayer is usually performed after Isha (the obligatory night prayer) and before Fajr (the obligatory morning prayer). Tahajjud means giving up sleep, which is why this prayer is preferably performed in the last third of the night. According to Islam, during this part of the night, Allah descends to the lowest heaven to see who worships devoutly and departs from their sleep in the middle of the night.

Importance of Tahajjud prayer

Also known as “night prayer,” Tahajjud prayer is not considered obligatory. However, there is great importance and several blessings associated with tahajjud. The Qiyam-u-lail is considered the most virtuous of the Nafl prayers and is considered part of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“And from [part of] the night pray with it as additional [worship] for yourselves; Your Lord is expected to resurrect you to a glorified stage.” (Qur’an, 17:79)

Those who perform Tahajjud prayer regularly will surely deserve the blessings of Allah. It is also said that this prayer brings a Muslim closer to the Almighty and his/her life is filled with peace and brightness. The Holy Quran as well as several Hadith emphasize the importance of Tahajjud prayer.

“And those who spend the night prostrating and standing before their Lord.” (Qur’an, 25:64)

“The Lord descends to the lowest heaven every night when a third of the night is left and says: ‘Who will call on me to answer him? Who will ask me to give to him? Who will ask My forgiveness so that I may forgive him?’” (Bukhari, Muslim)

How to Perform Tahajjud: Prayer Method

Although this prayer is not obligatory, many Muslims around the world strive to incorporate Tahajjud prayer into their daily lives to seek mercy and forgiveness from the Almighty. Here are some important guidelines laid down by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to perform this prayer:

1. When to pray Tahajjud?

This special Islamic prayer is performed in the last third of the night and before the start of Fajr prayer. The time for this prayer is when angels descend from heaven at Allah’s command to take duas from all the servants of Allah. During this time, Allah forgives the wrongdoers who have atoned for their sins.

2. How many rakats are there in Tahajjud prayer?

One can repeat rakats at will. For tahajjud prayer, two rakats are usually considered sufficient. According to the hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) frequently performed almost 13 rakats. Here it is also important to remember that rakats for tahajjud prayer should be performed in pairs.

3. How to prepare?

Take proper precautions to wake up in the third part of the night. This may include setting an alarm or asking family members to wake you up before Fajr prayers. Thoroughly clean your face, hands (up to the elbows), head and feet (up to the ankles). Find a peaceful and clean place to perform tahajjud prayer. When you sit down to pray, devote yourself entirely to Allah and His glory. All worries of the mind and heart should be eliminated. Learn to read clearly and correctly.

4. How to pray Tahajjud?

At the beginning of the prayer it is important to remember that the prayer is completed according to the chosen manner, which involves reciting some rakats and suras. The purpose of Tahajjud prayer should also be specified, i.e. whether it is to ask for the mercy of Allah, to give thanks to the Almighty or to glorify the supreme power.

Here is how to recite Tahajjud. To begin with, two rakats of Salah are performed first. One has to stand and recite the verses from the Koran. After this, the prayer is continued by bowing to Allah while placing both hands on the knees. Next, face the ground with palms, nose, and forehead touching the ground in total surrender to the Almighty. In this position, the elbows are slightly raised and the feet are folded. Then stand up and recite “Allahu Akbar”.

After the rakats you can add your own dua for tahajjud prayer. The dua should be sincere and totally devoted to Allah. While performing the prayer, one should acknowledge their wrongdoing and insults and ask Almighty for mercy. Sincerely promise not to repeat the mistakes and strive to become a better person.

3. Exploring Tahajjud

One should take the time to read the Islamic scriptures to get a better understanding of Tahajjud prayer.

One should follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by studying extensively how to perform Tahajjud prayer. This allows one to get closer to Allah and lead a blessed life.

As narrated by Hazrat A’isha (R.A.): “Allah’s Apostle used to offer eleven rakat and that was his prayer. He used to prolong the prostration so that one could recite fifty verses (of the Qur’an) before raising his head. He used to pray two rakats (sunna) before Fajr prayer and then used to lie on his right side until the caller came and informed him about the prayer.” (Bukhari)

Integrating Tahajjud prayer into everyday life is the final and ultimate step. It is an optional prayer but an important one as it brings one closer to Allah. It is also associated with gifts of salvation and forgiveness from Allah, making it a wonderful way of asking for mercy for the sins and mistakes of everyday life. It should also be remembered that the Almighty appreciates performing prayer regularly.

Benefits of Tahajjud prayer

Tahajjud prayer comes with several benefits and rewards. Since tahajjud-salah involves waking up in the middle of sleep, it is said to offer great rewards from the Almighty. Here are some of its benefits along with Hadith regarding the same.

1. Tahajjud prayer is one of the best ways to get close to Allah.

“Be alert when you get up at night [in prayer], for it was the practice of the devout before you. It is a means of attaining closeness to Allah Ta’ala, expiation for transgressions and a barrier from sins.” (Tirmidhi)

2. The Holy Quran also mentions that those who devote time to Tahajjud prayer reap great benefits.

“And the servants of the Most Gracious [Allah] are those who walk lightly on the earth, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace and devote [part of] the night to their prostrating Lord and stand [ in prayer].” (Quran 25:63-64)

3. Tahajjud prayer is that there is inner strength and mental peace. It also has the ability to avert sinful and evil deeds. Also, according to Islamic tradition, the third part of the night is the best time to make wishes/duas.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “During the night there is a time when the Muslim does not ask for the good of this world and the hereafter, but it is given to him, and this happens every night.”

4. Also known as the best among voluntary prayers, a great benefit of performing Tahajjud is that it helps with everyday problems. While performing this prayer one puts complete trust in Allah and leaves all worldly worries behind. When a believer leaves everything to the Almighty, the supreme power supports various sources.

“And He will supply him from (sources) which he could never have imagined. And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Verily Allah will achieve his goal. Verily, Allah has established a standard for all things.” (Surah Talaq, Chapter 65, V3)

5. It is also said that Tahajjud prayer grants patience even in the face of trouble. Incorporating Tahajjud into the daily routine is known to bring peace to the distressed heart.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The Lord is closest to His servant in the second half of the night, so if you can be one of those who remember Allah at this time, then do so.” (Al -Tirmidhi and al-Nisa’i)

Tahajjud prayer of the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also used to perform Tahajjud prayer regularly. He also encouraged his companions to do the same. The Prophet used to wake up in the middle of the night, purify himself, praise Allah and recite the following passage of ten verses from Surat Aal ‘Imran:

“Verily, at the creation of heaven and earth, and the alternation of day and night, are signs for those who understand. (Aal ‘Imran 3:190)”

After that he performed the ablution and started the Tahajjud prayer reciting some verses in praise of Allah. According to Aishah, when the Messenger of Allah got up at night for tahajjud, he used to praise Allah’s greatness ten times and then praise him ten times. Then he said the words “Glory and glory be to Allah” ten times. Then he said ten times “Glory to the Holy King” and asked forgiveness from Allah ten times. Then he said ten times “There is no god but Allah”. Finally he said: “O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the tribulations of this worldly life and the tribulations of the Day of Resurrection.”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) initially offered two succinct prayer units that became much longer when he used to pray alone. According to Allah’s command in the holy book Quran – “Stand in prayer all night except for a little” (Al-Muzzammil 73:2) – the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to lengthen each step of the Tahajjud prayer, sei be it the supplications, the reciting of the Qur’an or even the opening recitations. He used to begin Tahajjud prayer with total reverence, love and devotion to Allah. The words with which he used to begin his prayer were:

“O Allah! Lord of Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, Maker of heaven and earth, Knower of the seen and the unseen, You will judge between Your servants in that which they once differed. Lead me by Your grace to the truth about what they differ. Verily You lead whom You will to a straight path.”

“I turn my face to the Creator of the heavens and the earth because of pure belief, and I am not of the polytheists. Verily my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, who is partnerless. This is as I was commanded, and I am of those who submit. O Allah! You are the king. There is no god but You. You are my Lord and I am your servant. I have been unfair to myself and I confess my sins, so forgive me all my sins, for indeed no one forgives sins but you. Lead me to the best behavior. No one leads to what is best but you. Keep me from bad behavior because nobody but you can do this for me. Here I am. I heed your call and am happy to serve you. All good is in your hands and no evil is yours. I exist by your will and will return to you. You are blessed and exalted. I seek your forgiveness and repent to you.”

Tahajjud is an important prayer, although not obligatory. Its benefits are immense and can help bring peace and spirituality to the everyday life of a Muslim who carries it out with devotion and diligence.

Is tahajjud Sunnah or nafl?

Tahajjud is generally regarded as sunnah (tradition) and not farḍ (obligation). There are many verses in the Qurʾān that encourage these nightly recitations and other verses that indicate such practices should remain “a voluntary effort” (17:79).

tahajjud, (Arabic: “keeping watch”), in Islamic practice, the reciting of the Qurʾān (Islamic scriptures) and prayers during the night. Tahajjud is generally considered a sunna (tradition) rather than a farḍ (duty). There are many verses in the Qur’an encouraging these nocturnal recitations and other verses indicating that such practices should remain “a voluntary effort” (17:79). Everywhere, devout Muslims perform tahajjud as a form of asceticism in imitation of the Prophet Muhammad, who continued nightly vigils even after the five daily prayers were instituted. In fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) it is considered censurable to prevent those who wish to practice tahajjud as much as they wish. According to one tradition, Tahajjud “unties the knots that Satan ties in a sleeper’s hair.” Tahajjud is considered particularly meritorious during Ramadan (the Muslim month of fasting), so Muslims often spend these nights in mosques, praying and reciting the Koran until dawn. In some Muslim countries, an official nightly adhan (call to prayer) has been introduced.

When did the prophet take a nap?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “One should not sleep before the night prayer, nor have discussions after it” [SB 574]. Additionally, Muslims are required to wake up for Fajr prayer, which is about one hour before sunrise. The Prophet did not sleep after Fajr prayer.

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How many minutes before Fajr should you stop eating?

Preferred time to stop eating is ten minutes before Fajr time. So if the Fajr time is 6:12 a.m., one should stop eating around 6 a.m. Permitted time for eating suhur, however, extends up to 6:12 a.m., after which time it is considered unlawful.

The fasting Muslim should remember that Allah has permitted the fasting person to eat and drink until dawn. He, the Exalted, says: (…and eat and drink until the white thread differs for you from the black thread of the dawn…) (Al-Baqarah 2:187)

However, it is preferable that the fasting person stop eating and drinking a few minutes before dawn.

In response to the question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada states:

There are two times to stop eating during suhur (pre-dawn meal), namely, a preferred time and an allowable time. The preferred time to stop eating is ten minutes before Fajr time. So if Fajr time is 6:12 am, one should stop eating around 6 am. However, the permitted time for eating suhur is until 6:12 a.m., after which it is considered illegal. Therefore, if one has done this intentionally, the fast is considered broken.

We have reports from the Companions of the Prophet that they finished the suhur meal with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and then had enough time to finish reading fifty verses of the Qur’an before Fajr. The estimated time for such a reading is ten minutes.

However, as mentioned earlier, the allowable time for Suhur can extend to the time of Fajr. When the adhan (call to prayer) is called in time, this is the final intersection for suhur. But if, on the contrary, the adhan is called after the time of fajr has started, then the real time to consider is not the adhan time; rather, one must take into account the time as indicated in the timetable.

Supposing the adhan is called in time and one still has a piece of food in one’s hand, one is better advised not to eat it; however, he may swallow what is already in his mouth.

As for the time for iftar, when to start eating when breaking the fast, the answer is: one should break the fast as soon as the sun has set, without delay. The Sunnah of the Prophet is not to delay in breaking the fast. He said that his ummah will continue to enjoy the blessings of Allah as long as they break their fast once the sun has set without further delay.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to break his fast with some dates and water; then he would stand up for Maghrib; he would take the normal meal only after the salah (prayer).

can we pray tahajjud without sleeping and differance between tahajjud and qyamu layl #Dr Zakir Naik

can we pray tahajjud without sleeping and differance between tahajjud and qyamu layl #Dr Zakir Naik
can we pray tahajjud without sleeping and differance between tahajjud and qyamu layl #Dr Zakir Naik

See some more details on the topic can you pray tahajjud without sleeping here:

Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping? – Muslim Guiding

But the most correct thing is – there is no need to sleep for Tahajjud prayers. If one prays in the mdle of the night from waking up, it will …

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Date Published: 7/18/2022

View: 8516

Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping? – Quora

Yes it is allowed , but waking up from sleep and praying Tahajjud is recommended because that is the sunnah.

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Date Published: 12/23/2021

View: 5710

Is sleeping a necessary condition for Tahajjud (night prayer)?

It is not mandatory to sleep after isha if you want to pray tahajjud. According to the this fatwa it is not obligatory to do tahajjud after sleep.

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Date Published: 4/2/2021

View: 6332

Is it mandatory to have a sleep between Isha and tahajjud salah

(Fatwa: 1909/1538/B=1432) It is not necessary to sleep between Isha and Tahajjud. If someone stays awake throughout night and performs Salah al-Tahajjud …

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Date Published: 7/18/2021

View: 7038

Is sleeping necessary to offer Tahajjud? – Al Islam

Yes, one must sleep in order to perform Tahajjud prayers. تھجد is derived from ھجد (hajada). ھجد (hajada) and ھجد (hajjada) and تھجد (tahajjada) mean the …

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Date Published: 3/20/2022

View: 105

Going to Sleep Before Tahajjud – Fiqh

If you are awake during the night, you can pray Tahajjud also. However, the beauty of this Prayer is that one leaves one’s bed and stands up to worship Allah …

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Date Published: 9/5/2022

View: 5851

Can I Pray Tahajjud Without Sleeping? – Aku Islam

Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping? If we want to do tahajjud prayers, we must sleep first? The Answer: Tahajjud prayer is a sunnah prayer performed.

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Date Published: 1/7/2021

View: 7600

Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping? Muslim Guiding

Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping? Nafl Ibadat is a special means of getting closer to Allah Ta’ala. And the best of the supererogatory acts of worship are the supererogatory prayers.

Again, the best of the supernumerary prayers is the Tahajjud prayer. But when do you read the prayers of Tahajjud? Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping?

Not knowing this answer, we fall into many misunderstandings about the prayers of tahajjud. In today’s blog, we discuss that answer.

In the blog –

What is Tahajjud prayer?

Tahajjud is a word with opposite meanings. It has a meaning – sleep. And the other meaning is – stay awake.

And technically Tahajjud is – wake up and pray.

Here too the root of the word is tahajjud – “jahad” which means – to work, to suffer.

Since it is a difficult task to perform prayers while waking up or not sleeping, these prayers are called Tahajjud prayers.

Especially Tahajjud prayers are a special type of Nafl prayers. It is collected from midnight until last night.

Can we pray Tahajjud just before Fajr?

The time for Tahajjud prayers begins with the end of Esha prayers. It lasts until the end of the night.

Therefore, all nights from Esha to Fajr are the time of Tahajjud’s prayers. However, the best time for Tahajjud prayer is the last night.

The last night means – the time closest to the Fajr prayers or the last third of the night.

Narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

If one fears that he will not be able to wake up last night, he should do Vitr in the first part of the night.

And whoever thinks he can wake up in the last night should perform vitr in the last night. Because last night’s prayer, mashhudah, is the best.

From this hadith it is clear that the best prayer is the last night prayer. However, if Tahajjud is recited early in the night, it will be pure.

Can I pray Tahajjud without sleeping?

Shaykh Wa’izah ‘Uthman said:

Sleep is not a requirement for Qiyamul Tyler. He further said that if a person performs Nafls prayers after Esha prayers, that is considered his tahajjud.

It is not a requirement to wake up and perform prayers. But it is better to pray in the last third of the night.

However, many have again considered awakening as a condition of tahajjud.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

الصَّلَاةِ بَعْدَ الْفَرِيضَةِ صَلَاةُ اللَيْلِ

After the obligatory prayers, the best prayers are the night prayers. (Sahih Muslim – 1163)

Narrated Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her):

أن نبي اله ا ا ك ك ك يقوم ا ا ا ا تتفطر فق فق ع ع ع ع ع م م هذ رسو ا ا ا ا ا م وم ق ق ق أكون عبد شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور شكور

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to stand in prayer at night (so long) that his legs became swollen.

Then Aisha said – O Messenger of Allah, why are you doing this? But God has forgiven all your past and future sins?

Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I will not be a slave gathering pigs.” (Sahih Bukhari – 4556)

Hajjaj Ibn Amr Al Ansari said:

Don’t let any of you think that if you pray from night to morning it will become tahajjud.

Tahajjud will only be that which is realized through awakening. Such was the prayer of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

But the most correct thing is – there is no need to sleep for tahajjud prayers. If one prays in the middle of the night after waking up, it is considered tahajjud.

And if you wake up and perform tahajjud prayers, it is certainly good and commendable. Because when you wake up and pray you have to make more sacrifices.

If you read Tahajjud without sleeping, is the reward less?

We have already discussed that it is better to perform the tahajjud prayers on the last night. However, it is also legal to collect in the middle of the night.

But when the question of thawab arises, then the person who performs tahajjud prayers last night and after waking up will have more thawab.

Because waking up and participating in the worship of Allah is a proof of greater love for Allah.

The virtue of Tahajjud prayers

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: After the end of the first third of the night, Allaah descended into heaven first.

He came and said – I am the owner, I am the owner. Who are you to pray to me? Then I will answer his prayer.

Whoever you are, ask me and I’ll give it to him. Whoever you are, ask my forgiveness and I will forgive him. This continues until Fajr.

In another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked: Which part of the night (accepting prayers) is more appropriate?

Then he said late at night. So at the end of the night, pray as you wish.

From these two hadiths, the virtue of tahajjud prayers is proved. It is better to accept prayers at the end of the night.

Furthermore, in the Holy Quran, Allah Ta’ala praises those who perform Tahajjud prayers, saying:

تَتَجَافَىٰ جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ

Their bodies detach from the bed. (Surat as-Sijdah – 6)

When to perform Tahajjud prayer during Ramadan?

Two of the prize draw winners live outside the UAE


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