Adam And Eve Kundalini? The 154 Detailed Answer

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Adam and Eve ( Sexual energy and Kundalini)

Adam and Eve ( Sexual energy and Kundalini)
Adam and Eve ( Sexual energy and Kundalini)

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The serpent on the tree is a metaphor for the Kundalini Serpent (life force, divine energy from the Creator) that coils around the Tree of Life. This is Enki ( …

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Date Published: 12/27/2021

View: 1291

Adam, Eve, and Human Evolution –

The “serpent” that tempted Eve is the powerful kundalini energy at the base of the spine, which stimulates the sex nerves and draws the …

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Date Published: 6/16/2022

View: 1069

Adam and Eve is Kundalini – Pinterest

Adam and Eve is Kundalini. The Revelation of Self written in Genesis. The Tree of Life is the spine, the serpent entwined around the tree is Kundalini, awakener …

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Date Published: 6/10/2022

View: 63

The Adam and Eve story is about Kundalini Energy

The serpent on the tree is a metaphor for the Kundalini Serpent (life force, divine energy from the Creator) that coils around the Tree of Life.

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Date Published: 10/14/2021

View: 2695

Adam and Eve is Kundalini – Mynzah –

Adam and Eve is Kundalini. Mynzah Kundalini 93019. The Revelation of Self written in Genesis. The Tree of Life is the spine, the serpent …

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Date Published: 5/23/2022

View: 3291


ADAM AND EVE IS KUNDALINI. The Revelation of Self written in Genesis. The Tree of Life is the spine, the serpent entwined around the tree is …

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Date Published: 10/16/2021

View: 257

Mynzah — Adam and Eve is Kundalini The Revelation of Self…

Adam and Eve is Kundalini The Revelation of Self written in Genesis. The Tree of Life is the spine, the serpent entwined around the tree is …

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Date Published: 9/3/2021

View: 4442

The Truth Will Set You Free – Snake, Dragon, Kundalini

As I was saying before, the story about Adam and Eve. God tested them he basically knew they were going to eat the fruit. It’s psychology, so if it was the …

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Date Published: 11/8/2022

View: 5356

It is claimed by some that the Biblical story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit symbolizes Kundalini awakening, if this is true the…

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Adam, Eve, and Human Evolution — Ananda

From the Bible:

(Genesis 1:27-3:24; KJV)

God created man in his own image, male and female he created them. And God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and out of the ground God caused every tree to grow that is beautiful to the sight and good for food; and also the tree of life in the middle of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…. And God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden and commanded the man, saying, ‘From every tree in the garden you may freely eat. But you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for the day you eat of it you will surely die….

Now the serpent spoke to the woman: “Did God say: ‘You shall not eat of every tree in the garden?'” And the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is in the midst of the garden, God said, ‘You shall not eat of it, lest you die.’ And the serpent said to the woman, ‘You shall not die…’ And the woman took of the fruit of it, and ate it, and gave it to her husband also with her; and he ate. And both of their eyes were opened….Therefore God sent them out of the Garden of Eden.


Originally, I found it ridiculous to think that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden just for eating an apple. Later, understanding that the story of Adam and Eve has a message for all mankind, I decided to convey its allegorical truth to the whole world. As an allegory, the story of Adam and Eve tells how the first humans fell spiritually by allowing their spiritual energy to be drawn down the inner spine.

What is the Garden of Eden?

God or Divine Will materialized the original male and female symbolically called Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve represent the two natures of God, reason and emotion, expressed in separate bodies. In man, God held reason supreme and felt hidden; and in woman he continued to feel supreme and reason less prominent.

In the original plan of creation, man and woman, ideal soul mates, were to live a heavenly life by holding their spirit in the “paradise” region at the point between the eyebrows, the spiritual eye. Spiritual marriage consisted of the union of woman or sentiment with reason or man and attaining oneness with God through the perfection of that union.

The “Garden of Eden” represents the inner bliss that Adam and Eve knew when they lived focused on the spiritual eye. The “Tree of Life” in the middle of the garden symbolizes the inner spine, which runs through the center of the human body. Focusing on the spiritual eye, the divine energy flows up through the inner spine.

Created in God’s perfect image, Adam and Eve were in constant communication with the Almighty. God told them they were free to enjoy all the different “fruits” or senses in the physical garden – attractive sensations of sight, hearing, smell and taste – but not to eat of the “fruit” of the tree of life at the center of it garden. The fruit of this tree, the sex drive, is sometimes referred to as the “apple.” God warned Adam and Eve that if they ate of this fruit they would surely “die,” meaning they would fall from divine consciousness.

A lasting unconscious memory

Why did God issue this warning? The first human bodies appeared on earth as a special creation of God. When God materialized the first man and woman, he created bodies with a brain and nervous system that allowed for the full expression of divine consciousness.

But the souls of Adam and Eve had once been in animal bodies. Their souls, having evolved upwards from lower animal forms, had reached a stage of development that made them fit for a more refined physical vehicle for the expression of their consciousness. God allowed the souls of animals to reincarnate into specially created human bodies for further advancement, beginning with Adam and Eve.

However, the memory of past sexual indulgence in lower animal forms remained in the subconscious of Adam and Eve. God’s warning should prevent them from awakening this subconscious memory. As children of the divine, Adam and Eve inherited free will to either obey God’s warning or to affirm a separate egoic reality and forsake their divine attunement.

Fall under the influence of duality

The “snake” that tempted Eve is the powerful kundalini energy at the base of the spine that stimulates the sexual nerves and draws the energy down into the inner spine. When Eve, the emotional aspect of human nature, was tempted by the serpent, she subconsciously recalled the process of reproduction in the animal kingdom and was drawn to sexual expression. Feelings or emotions, once awakened, overwhelmed the faculty of reason, symbolized by Adam.

Through their abuse of feeling and reason, Adam and Eve fell under the influence of duality or maya (“the knowledge of good and evil”) and lost their attunement with the divine. Her “sin” was to choose the outer sexual energy over the inner bliss that God had invited her to.

A united harmony of Eden

When Adam and Eve were in perfect attunement with the Divine, they could produce physical offspring in the same manner as God and materialize them through the power of will. In devoting themselves to bodily union, Adam and Eve left the heavenly union of reason and emotion in divine spiritual marriage and were relegated to the physical method of procreation of the species.

The germ of Adam and Eve’s error remains in all human beings and is experienced as the first temptation of the flesh. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, each individual has had to fight against this cosmic temptation. When the sexual instinct is left unchecked, men and women are driven out of the “paradise” of happiness that accompanies a life of self-restraint and moderation. Pure love must prevail in spiritual marriage.

The dual nature of reason and emotion symbolized by Adam and Eve exists in every individual, male or female. The personal responsibility of all human beings is to restore their dual nature to a unified harmony of Eden. This perfect balance only comes about through ever deeper divine contact. In God alone lies perfection.

The missing link is a myth

The fall of Adam and Eve contributed to the widespread impression that human nature is inherently sinful. From this point of view, it was not a great leap for Darwin and others to ascribe to the apes the mere appearance of mankind at the evolutionary stage.

According to the theory of evolution, all animal bodies are related to each other and have evolved from the lemur and the lemur of the family of fish. Science has discovered shells in the lowest strata of the earth, then vegetation, then animals, then various types of primitive man, but no one has found missing half-human, half-animal links in the strata where human or animal skeletons have been found. Why? Because the missing link is a myth. There is no missing link. The human body appeared on earth as a special creation of God.

How do you explain the animal characteristics of humans?

The evolutionist asks, “If man is a special creation, how do you explain the existence of animal characteristics in man?”

It is true that man has animal characteristics and his body reflects the pattern of animals: human ears resemble seashells, and the tail at the end of the human spine is reminiscent of a primate’s tail. The Darwin point at the tip of the ear is the remnant of the donkey’s long ears, and our guts resemble a snake. The quick movements, the restless eyes and the grinning face of the human resemble the monkey. The running power of the human indicates the running power of the horse. Man is brave like the lion, fierce like the jackal, cruel like the tiger, meek like the lamb and hypocritical like the quiet cat that has just eaten a tame canary. He can sing like the nightingale and is wild like the wolf.

The answer to evolutionists is that man’s animal characteristics reflect his long history of evolution through life in minerals, plants and animals. But beginning with Adam and Eve, God allowed the souls of animals to reincarnate in specially created human bodies for further development.

Our original perfection in God

Modern science points down to the subconscious and animal origins of man and asserts that therein lies the basic reality of man. However, the ancient Hindu view of life saw life’s deepest motivation as reaching for its true origin in infinity, rather than as a blind instinct to avoid being killed and devoured as suggested by Darwin.

The ancient Rishis gave mankind a vision of where they will go on their long evolutionary journey. They saw man’s longing for self-improvement not as a distortion of his animal nature, but as the result of a deeper than conscious remembrance of his eternal divine reality. They understood that the soul, although temporarily identified with different types of physical and mental states, seeks to gradually and naturally return to its original perfection, symbolized by Adam and Eve when they were in the bliss of divine attunement in the garden Eden lived.

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