Dog Artificial Insemination Near Me? The 117 New Answer

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How much does it cost to get a dog artificially inseminated?

Artificial insemination done without surgery is $125 with semen provided by owner. Collection of semen from stud dog and evaluation before insemination is $125.

What is the success rate of artificial insemination in dogs?

The best success rate for ai in dogs is achieved with fresh semen. When the female dog is promptly inseminated, the success rate varies with the skill of the breeder but mirrors natural breeding. When using semen that is fresh and has been chilled, the success rate drops to 59 to 80 percent.

Do vets do artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination involves collecting the semen of a male dog or stud, and then contributing this to the female dog’s reproductive system. This can be done at home or by a veterinarian.

Can a vet inseminate a dog?

If so, the vet will collect the semen and examine it to make sure the sperm cells look normal. If you don’t plan on using the semen right away, ask your vet to chill or freeze it. Once the female dog is ready, the vet will use a pipette to insert the semen in to the uterus.

How many times should you AI a dog?

The estrus period starts four days before ovulation and sticks around until three days after ovulation. That gives a total of 7 days of possible breeding. If you do AI every other day, you are looking at 3-4 inseminations at a time.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

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Artificial insemination (AI) has opened up a new world of possibilities in terms of dog breeding. While natural breeding is nature’s best breeding method, AI is becoming the order of the day. It offers advantages that natural mating lacks. The biggest is the fact that breeding can take place anywhere in the world without having to transport dogs to mate. If you are a breeder wanting to go down this route, there is no reason not to. As long as you have the right information about what you’re getting yourself into, you’ll do well. To help you, we’ve put together a guide to how often to fertilize a dog.

What is artificial insemination?

AI has been used primarily on cattle for centuries. Dog breeders were initially shy about using the procedure, but the trend has now caught on in the canine world. This was fueled by increased demand for artificial insemination and advances in seed technology. Simply put, this is the process of breeding dogs without mating by inserting semen into the mother’s vagina when she ovulates to facilitate conception.

The AI ​​is all about choosing the right man to harvest seeds from. He should have the desired personality, intelligence and other qualities. Once he’s chosen, a female teaser will be brought near him. If no female is in heat, a cotton swab scented with a female in heat can be used to arouse the male. When he attempts to mount a female, his penis is then diverted into an artificial vagina from which the semen is extracted.

The seed can be used immediately, chilled in the refrigerator, or frozen. To use it, a syringe with the semen is inserted into the bitch’s cervix during ovulation. Fertilization can also be done surgically or through an extended transcervical endoscope.

Benefits of AI

AI is beneficial as it brings convenience to breeders looking to diversify their genetic pool. In the past, a female had to be transported across borders to mate with the desired male. Now male dog semen can be harvested, stored and transported from any part of the universe. Expanding the genetic pool is especially beneficial for dog breeds that are found in small numbers in certain geographic locations.

AI also allows breeders to improve kennel genetics. You have access to a plethora of options, even seeds from deceased dogs. The procedure also allows the sperm to be examined for abnormalities and fertility. It also prevents sexually transmitted diseases.

Success rate of artificial insemination in dogs

According to an article in BBC News, the success rate of AI is over 50%. This is an average success rate, but the actual number depends on the quality of the seed. Fresh semen is essentially the best. When a skilled and experienced breeder performs the procedure, the success rate is around 80%. This drops to 59% – 80% when the seed is refrigerated and 52% – 60% when it is frozen. Storing semen can affect sperm viability and ultimately the breeding outcome. Frozen semen is processed before being mixed with a preservative and then frozen with liquid nitrogen. This process can greatly affect its quality.

With AI, timing is everything. The fertile window period is rather narrow. You only have a few days to breed the dog. For fresh semen, AI is best performed 2 days after ovulation, while frozen semen is administered 3-4 days after ovulation. There are several ways to determine if the dog is ovulating or not. The most common is the progesterone test, which is done every other day to get accurate results.

There are different opinions on how often a dog should be inseminated. According to this study published on PubMed, you get better results with two inseminations than with one insemination. 36 bitches inseminated with frozen semen took part in the study. Some were inseminated once, others twice with an interval of 1-2 days. The average conception rate was 67% with a litter size of 6.4. Animals fertilized once had a conception rate of 64%, and 69% for those fertilized twice.

Revival Animal Health recommends inseminating a dam every other day until the heat season is over. The oestrus period starts four days before ovulation and lasts until three days after ovulation. That gives a total of 7 days of possible breeding. If you do AI every other day, watch 3-4 inseminations at a time.


How often the dog has to be inseminated depends heavily on the type of insemination. If you are hand-inserting sperm into the dam, you can afford to do the procedure every other day. However, if you go the surgical route, you can only do it once at a time. The surgery involves sedation and cutting open the dog. If you care about the puppy’s well-being, you don’t want to have him undergo more than one invasive procedure. Transcervical insemination is best performed once and includes sedation.

AI is a remarkable breeding technique in the canine world. It can change your world as a grower in so many ways. As long as you stick to the rules, you will have an amazing experience with it.

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How much does it cost to buy dog sperm?

According to Bloomberg, one vial costs about $2,000, which is less than the cost of purchasing a show-quality dog (starting at around $2,500) and shipping to your home. But the main caveat is the sperm may not take, meaning you are out a lot of cash and nothing to show for it.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

As CNNMoney reported, it can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 to show a dog in Westminster. And there’s no guarantee many bones will snag the Best in Show award.

But to increase the odds, some enthusiasts buy show-dog quality semen. And it’s not cheap. According to Bloomberg, a bottle costs about $2,000, which is less than the cost of buying a show-quality dog ​​(starting at about $2,500) and shipping it to your home. But the main caveat is that the semen may not be picked up, which means you’re spending a lot of money and have nothing to show for it. On the other hand, if it works, you can produce an entire litter of show quality puppies at a low cost.

People have seen results. For example, a German Shepherd took second place in the Best in Breed category at Westminster last year, the outlet reports. The German Shepherd came from the 17-year-old semen of a dog named Yoshi (registered name Lambluv Desert Dancer). Yoshi took home 64 Best in Show awards and also three Best of Breed awards at Westminster. Though he died in 2006, his legacy appears to live on.

See also: The Westminster Dogs’ Beauty Secrets

The idea of ​​freezing sperm in hopes of producing offspring that can snap blue ribbons is nothing new. People have been doing this since the ’60s, and one company, Breeder’s Veterinary Services, has successfully inseminated a dog and produced a liter of 27-year-old semen.

While the use of frozen sperm to fertilize a dog has increased 26 percent over the past 10 years, it still accounts for only about 1 percent of AKC-registered litters, according to Bloomberg.

Also see: Downtown Doghouse: Where Westminster dogs go to be groomed

Image via Flickr/Pets Adviser

What is the disadvantages of artificial insemination?

Disadvantages of A.I:

Requires well-trained operations and special equipment. Requires more time than natural services. Necessitates the knowledge of the structure and function of reproduction on the part of operator. Improper cleaning of instruments and in sanitary conditions may lead to lower fertility.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Introduction Artificial insemination is the technique of collecting semen containing live sperm from the male and inserting it into the female reproductive tract at the right time with the help of instruments. This has been found to result in normal offspring. In this process, the semen is fertilized into the female by introducing part of it into the cervix or womb either in collected or diluted form by mechanical methods at the right time and under the most hygienic conditions. The first scientific research into artificial insemination of domestic animals was conducted on dogs in 1780 by the Italian scientist Lazanno Spalbanzani. His experiments proved that the power of fertilization resides in the sperm and not in the liquid part of the semen. A few more studies under research station conditions brought this technique to commercial use around the world, including India. Artificial insemination is not just a novel method to induce fertilization in females. Instead, it’s a powerful tool that’s primarily used to improve livestock farming. In artificial insemination, the germ plasm of bulls of the highest quality can be used effectively with the least regard for their location in distant places. The introduction of artificial insemination would result in a significant reduction in both genital and non-genital diseases in agricultural herds. HEAT SYMPTOMS The various heat symptoms are The animal becomes agitated. The animal will become restless and nervous.

The animal will be below the frequency.

The animal will reduce feed intake.

A peculiar movement of the limbosacral region is observed.

Animals in heat lick other animals and smell other animals.

The animals will try to mount other animals

The animals stop when other animals try to mount. This period is called standing heat. This extends over 14-16 hours.

Frequent maturation (urination) is observed.

There is a clear discharge of mucus from the vulva, sometimes it is a thread, as if the mucus sticks near the past of the valva.

Swelling of the valva will be seen.

11 congestion and hyperemia of the membrane.

The tail is in a raised position.

Milk production will decrease slightly.

On palpation, the uterus is swollen and the cervix is ​​opened. AI ADVANTAGES – DISADVANTAGES Pros and cons: In artificial insemination (AI), semen is introduced into the female genital tract using instruments. ADVANTAGES OF ARTIFICIAL INFERTION: Artificial insemination has several advantages over natural mating or insemination. There is no need to mistake a breeding bull for a herd; therefore, the cost of maintaining the breeding bull is saved.

It prevents the spread of certain diseases and infertility due to genital diseases.

Eg: contagious abortion, vibriosis.

Regularly examining semen after collection and checking fertility frequently will ensure early detection of inner males and better breeding efficiency.

Progeny screening can be done at an early age.

The seed of a desired size can also be used after the death of that particular father.

The collected seed can be taken to urban or rural areas for fertilization.

7 It allows animals with large size differences to be mated without injuring either animal.

It is helpful to inseminate those animals that refuse to stand or accept the male at the time of estrus.

It helps in maintaining accurate breeding and crowing records.

It increases conception rate.

It helps in better recording.

Old, heavy and injured bulls can be used. AI Cons: Requires well-trained operations and specialized equipment.

Requires more time than natural services.

Requires knowledge of the structure and function of the reproduction on the part of the operator.

Improper cleaning of instruments and hygiene conditions can lead to reduced fertility.

If the bull is not tested properly, the spread of genital diseases will be increased.

The market for bulls is reduced while that for superior bulls is increased. METHODS AND EVALUATION OF SEED COLLECTION: Various methods of seed collection have been developed from time to time. The older unsatisfactory methods were gradually replaced by the new modern techniques. There are three common methods. Using an artificial vagina By electrostimulation method. By massaging the ampoules of the duct, differences are achieved through the rectal wall. The ideal method of obtaining semen is to use an artificial vagina, which is safe for both the father and the collector. ARTIFICIAL VAGINA METHOD The artificial vagina has the following parts: A heavy hard rubber 2 inches loose, open at both ends with a nozzle for air and water in and out.

Rubber inner shell or rubber lining.

The seed pick-up cone or rubber cone.

Glass or plastic semen collection tubes graduated in cc and correct fraction to 0.1 cc

Insulation bag Before using for semen collection, all parts are thoroughly washed and professionally sterilized and assembled as an artificial vagina, the rubber liner is inserted into the tube; Turn both ends inside out by folding back both side openings and securing with elastic bands. Now the space between the hard rubber tube and the inner rubber liner forms a watertight compartment. The nozzle at one end of the hose can be attached. ARTIFICIAL VAGINA PARTS Rotate up or down through the threaded nut. The water jacket of the artificial vagina is filled with hot water at a temperature of 45°C (113°F) by opening the nozzle. The graduated semen collection tube attaches to the narrow end of the artificial vagina tube and secures with an elastic band. The inside of the rubber liner on the front of the artificial vagina is smeared with sterile jelly to a length of 3 to 4 inches. Air is blown through the nozzle into the water jacket to create pressure in it, and the same is applied linearly to the rubber to simulate the natural vagina. The temperature of the artificial vagina must be checked each time it is removed and should simulate the natural vagina when it is inserted. If the artificial vagina is to be mounted later. If it is too cold, ejaculate may not be there after a thrust, or even if ejaculate is there; it can become contaminated with urine and become unusable. METHOD OF SPERM COLLECTION. (A.V.) The cow or dummy is saved in the service creation. The assembled artificial vagina is held at a 45° angle to the direction of the penis and the thrust is this angle. The artificial vagina is held with the left hand by a right-handed person; and when the bull mounts the cow, the bull’s vagina is graphed by the operator, guiding the glandular penis into the artificial vagina, and then the bull gives a thrust to ejaculate. The surgeon should be careful not to touch the exposed past of the penis. After the bull dismounts, the artificial vagina is detached from the penis and the vent is opened to depressurize the jacket. The water from the jacket is also drained by opening the nozzle. This allows the ejaculate to flow from the cone to the semen collection tube. The semen collection tube is detached from the cone, sealed with cotton and taken to the laboratory for testing. The rubber cone and semen collection tube can be protected from external pollution or heat or higher by covering with a zippered insulated bag.

Semen Collection SPERM STORAGE The discovery that bull semen can be successfully frozen and stored indefinitely revolutionized AI in cattle. In 1949, British scientists discovered that adding glycerin to semen extender improved sperm resistance to freezing. Glycerin removes water from sperm before freezing and prevents the formation of cellular ice crystals that would damage sperm. There are two methods of freezing and storing sperm: dry ice and alcohol (-100 degrees F) and liquid nitrogen (-320 degrees F). Liquid nitrogen is preferred as there is no evidence of deterioration in fertility with age. Fertility gradually decreases in sperm stored in dry ice alcohol. Frozen semen can be stored indefinitely if the correct temperature is maintained. A recent report reported a calf born from frozen semen that had been stored for 16 years. Fresh, liquid semen can be successfully stored at 40 degrees F for 1 to 4 days. Seed is usually stored in glass ampoules. Other methods seem promising, notably French straw. Several AI organizations have chosen this method exclusively. Artificial colors are often added to semen extenders to distinguish one breed from another. Full bull identification is required on each individual semen container. METHODS OF INSEMINATION There are different methods of insemination in different animal species i.e. speculum method, vaginal method and recto-vaginal method. Insemination RECTO-VAGINAL METHOD In cattle, the “recto-vaginal insemination method” is the safest and best insemination method. A cow in heat is well controlled when placed in a Travis. The inseminator gets ready by wearing a plastic apron, rubber boots and gloves. The straw, after thawing (holding the straw in warm water for one minute to convert the frozen semen to liquid and motile sperm), is placed in a sterilized A.I. rubber and is covered with a plastic sleeve. The inseminator, after applying the soft soap or other lubricant to the glove and placing the animal on its back, inserts the gloved left hand into the rectum, and the hand is further inserted, holding the cervix through the rectal wall. The A.I. gum loaded with seed straw is passed. Recto-vaginal insemination method Through the vulva to the vagina and cervix and with the hand in the rectum, watch the A. I rubber reach the cervix, then the semen is deposited by injecting the gun, and after the semen is deposited, the gun is removed , the empty straw and the sheath are disordered. SPECTRUM METHOD In this method, a spectrum is placed in the cow’s vagina, which provides a passageway to the outside to the insemination site, then the insemination tube is passed through the speculum and the semen is deposited in the cervical insemination method. VAGINAL METHOD The hand is inserted through the vagina and the insemination tube is moved by hand to the insemination site and the semen is released. There is a risk of contamination and injury to female genitals. FROZEN SPERM AND STORAGE Freezing of semen for successful long-term preservation of sperm is of great importance in livestock breeding and farm management. It has made it possible to make available the use of excellently proven sizes for a larger number of cows covering a larger area, the shipment of frozen semen has become possible to different continents of the world to any place connected to any service . Today, if the farmer wants to use an excellent size for inheriting high milk production, he can opt for the frozen semen service, as long as his area covered by artificial insemination is provided with frozen semen. Currently, frozen semen is used in most states of India. The technique of semen preservation in straws was developed in France. Freezing seeds is carried out using a special diluent, which has the following composition.

Sodium Citrate Dihydrate (Square) 2.4J. 2.0g 8.0ml 25.0% Vol 50,000 Units per 100ml Sperm Fructose Glycerol Egg Yolk Penicillin Diluent. Dihydro-streptomycin 50.0 mg per 0.100 ml semen extender. Distilled water double glass distilled 100.Om1. The addition of glycerin to the diluent makes the cells more resistant to the harshness of freezing and ice crystals that form are smaller and smoother, causing less damage to sperm. The addition of fructose to the diluent improves sperm resistance to glycerol; and also provides food. Frozen semen is packed at +5°C in single-dose glass vials or plastic straws. The final glycerin content during the freezing process should be 7.0 to 7.6%. The antibiotics are added to inhibit bacteria and kill pathetic organisms. Dilute the semen so that one ml of expanded semen contains 20 million motile sperm. The semen must be carefully chilled to keep sperm alive. The final temperature is lowered to -79°C or even lower. Rapid freezing takes place for a period of 3 to 5 minutes to -75 °C using an atmosphere created by liquid nitrogen. The slow freezing technique involves cooling from +5 °C to -15 °C at a rate of 1 °C per minute. From -15°C to -31°C at a rate of 2°C per minute. From -31°C to 75°C at a speed of 4 to 5°C per minute. Thus, a further cool down to -96°C in a total of 40 minutes can be performed quickly as this is not critical after freezing. Before freezing, the diluted semen is allowed to equilibrate for 3 to 5 hours, or preferably 16 to 20 hours in a refrigerator at 5 °C. Frozen semen facilitates percentage use of the diluted and frozen semen, reducing the delivery price, and it can be delivered to the inseminators months apart, as opposed to the delivery of liquid semen every day or every other day. Liquid nitrogen plays an important role in storing the frozen straws of seeds at a temperature of -196 °C for a long period of time. (Source: ) Artificial Insemination (AI) of Cattle Artificial insemination (AI) is the process of collecting sperm cells from a male animal and manually introducing them into the reproductive tract of a female . One can cite a number of potential benefits from the use of artificial insemination. Increased Bull Utilization Efficiency During natural breeding, a male will deposit far more sperm than is theoretically needed to induce pregnancy. In addition, natural breeding is physically demanding. Both factors limit the number of natural matings a male can make. However, the collected semen can be diluted and lengthened to create hundreds of doses from a single ejaculate. Sperm can also be transported easily; This allows multiple females in different geographic locations to be inseminated simultaneously, and the semen can be stored for long periods of time, meaning males can continue producing offspring long after their natural reproductive lives have ended. Increased Potential for Genetic Selection Because artificial insemination allows males to produce more offspring, fewer males are needed. Therefore, only the few best males can be selected as parents, which increases the selection intensity. Also, because males can have more offspring, their offspring can be used in an offspring testing program to more accurately determine the genetic value of the male. Finally, individual farmers can use artificial insemination to increase the genetic pool to which their animals can be mated, potentially reducing the effects of inbreeding. Lower costs Males often grow larger than females and can consume relatively larger amounts of food. In addition, male animals are often stronger, more powerful and possibly naughtier and thus require special housing and handling equipment. Increased safety for animals and farmers As already mentioned, male animals can become large and aggressive. These factors mean that keeping a bull on a farm can be dangerous. Due to the relatively larger size of adult males than females, natural mating is also more likely to result in accidents and injuries to the cow or bull than artificial insemination. Reduced Transmission of Diseases Natural mating allows transmission of venereal diseases between males and females. Some pathogens can be transmitted in semen by artificial insemination, but the collection process allows for pathogen screening. The semen collected is also routinely checked for quality, which can help prevent problems associated with male infertility.

However, artificial insemination has some potential downsides that need to be considered. First, it can be more tedious. Male animals instinctively recognize females who are in the right status for conception. In the case of artificial insemination, the identification work is the responsibility of the farmer. Poor detection leads to reduced fertility rates. Also, increasing the number of offspring per male only has selective advantages if the best males can be pinpointed. Otherwise, this process only reduces genetic variability in a population. Increasing the number of offspring per male always decreases the gene pool. The benefits of more intense selection must be weighed against the negative effects of less variation. (Source: ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION TECHNIQUES The technique of inseminating a cow is a skill that requires proper knowledge, experience and patience. Improper AI techniques can thwart all other efforts to conceive. The semen must be deposited at the best place and time in the cow’s tract to achieve acceptable fertilization rates. Early methods of AI involved depositing the semen in the vagina, as would be the case with natural mating. These methods are not satisfactory. Fertility is low and a larger number of sperm is needed. Another method that gained popularity was the “speculum” method. This method is easy to learn, but requires proper cleaning and sterilization of equipment, making insemination more impractical than the rectovaginal technique, which is the most widely used AI method today.

In the recto-vaginal technique, a sterile, disposable catheter containing thawed semen is inserted into the vagina and then passed down the rectum into the cervix with a gloved hand. The insemination catheter is inserted into the uterus through the spiral folds of the cow’s cervix. Some of the semen is deposited directly in the uterus and the rest in the cervix when the catheter is withdrawn. The ejection of semen should be slow and deliberate to avoid excessive sperm loss in the catheter. The body of the uterus is short; Therefore, care should be taken not to penetrate too deeply, which could result in injury. In previously fertilized animals, the catheter should not be forcibly inserted through the cervix as pregnancy is possible. Because research data shows little variation in conception rates when semen is placed in the cervix, uterine body, or cervical horns, some people suggest incomplete penetration of the cervical canal and deposition of semen in the cervix. The recto-vaginal technique is more difficult to learn and practice is essential to acceptable proficiency, but the advantages make this method of insemination more desirable than other known methods. With practice, the skilled technician soon learns to thread the cervix over the catheter with ease. If single-use catheters are used and proper hygiene practices are followed, there is little chance of transmission of infection from one cow to another. Timing of Insemination for Maximum Conception A common question about AI is: At what time during heat should cows be bred for the greatest chance of conception? Since estrus can last from 10 to 25 hours, there is considerable latitude in the possible timing of fertilization. Much research work has been done on this topic. Controlled studies were conducted by Trim Berger and Davis in Nebraska in 1943. This and other studies show that conception rates are lower when cows are bred before mid-oestrus or later than 6 hours after oestrus has ended (standing heat in this case). Maximum conception is achieved when cows are inseminated between mid heat and the end of standing heat, with good results up to 6 hours after heat.

Success at insemination timing depends on a good heat detection program. In large herds this means assigning individual responsibility for heat detection and a training program for work. A successful heat detection program and subsequent correct timing of insemination will pay dividends in increasing reproductive efficiency. A practical recommendation for timing of insemination Cows in heat Should be inseminated Tool late for good results Morning Same day Next day Afternoon Next day morning or early afternoon After 3pm (source:

Is artificial insemination better than natural for dogs?

Artificial insemination can provide many benefits to breeding both in canines and other species. It allows the use of semen from stud dogs around the world without the requirement to transport the dogs, thereby opening up the possibilities of genetic diversity within a breed.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

How to perform artificial insemination with fresh semen?

Wendy Adams

Artificial insemination can provide many benefits for breeding in both dogs and other species. It allows the use of semen from stud dogs around the world without the need to transport the dogs, opening up the possibilities for genetic diversity within a breed. The techniques required to perform insemination are complex but an invaluable tool in the breeding world.

How many days will a female dog let a male mount her?

How Many Days Will a Female Dog Let a Male Mount Her? The average period during which a female dog lets male dogs mount her is 7 days. However, this is entirely up to the female and varies between individuals. Some females let males mount them for a couple of days and others more than a week.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

Breeding is a passion for many dedicated pet owners looking to preserve their dog’s bloodline.

For the most part, nature takes its course in dog breeding; However, there are many things to learn if you want your dog to perform well.

The entire process is a complex combination of science, art and dedication.

Responsible breeding is a challenging and at the same time exciting task.

Breeding purebreds is even more time-consuming and expensive. Breed improvement should be the only fundamental goal in any breeding scenario.

If you are new to dog breeding and you have noticed how many people do it with ease it is because they have taken the time to study their breed, study dog ​​reproduction, conduct training and exercise and their pets to offer wellness.

In this article we will discuss the act of mating and provide answers to some of the questions that often arise.

How often should dogs mate to get pregnant?

A total of 3 pairings is considered sufficient by most experts in the field. After the female begins to accept the male, mating every other day for 6 consecutive days will most likely result in pregnancy.

A bitch will be mounted by a male during the fertile phase of her oestrus cycle – oestrus.

Estrus occurs anywhere between the 9th and 15th day, counting from the first day the bitch starts bleeding.

In most cases, the bleeding stops when the female becomes fertile and the red discharge is replaced with straw-colored fluid.

This phase is also known as “standing heat” because not only do the bitches have the opportunity to mount the rod, but also the females.

How many days can a bitch be mounted by a male?

The average time a bitch allows males to mount her is 7 days. However, this is entirely up to the woman and varies from person to person. Some females will let males mount them for a few days and others for more than a week.

Bitches mate during estrus.

Estrus in dogs lasts between 1 and 2 weeks and may be shorter or longer in some people.

It is important to know when the female started bleeding so that you have a rough idea of ​​where she is in the heat cycle.

Hormone tests and evaluation of the vaginal swab in the vet’s office can help you distinguish the different stages of a dog’s estrus.

Experienced breeders let the dogs incubate for a period of 6 days.

Wanting to ensure there is a gap between matings, owners often separate the male from the female when a single act of mounting is complete.

There is an old fairy tale that says that bitches mate as often as they want and once they get pregnant their desire to mate disappears.

This is totally wrong as bitches have no way of knowing if they are pregnant or not.

Some females refuse to be mounted by males even though they are in their fertile period.

Such situations happen when the woman is inexperienced, anxious, or antisocial.

Sometimes the female simply does not like the male presented to her, but will gladly accept another.

If you try to replace the male and the female is enthusiastic, you’ve fixed the situation.

If not, the only solution to this problem is assisted/artificial mating, which is a whole new can of worms.

Can dogs mate more than once a day?

Yes, dogs can mate more than once a day. There are no restrictions on how many times dogs will attempt to mate in a single day. As long as the female allows it and the male is willing, mating can occur.

Bitches are more likely to be teased soon enough and will prevent males from mounting them multiple times a day.

On the contrary, given the opportunity, a male male is likely to mate more than once with either a single female or multiple females.

While it’s possible, that doesn’t mean that multiple erections in a single day will increase your chances of pregnancy.

A commonly accepted thought among breeders is that a male should only mate with a female once or twice a day.

Increased mating frequency can affect the male’s sperm quality and render him unfit for the next session after 2 days.

Owners of expensive males intended for breeding do not allow mating more than once a day.

There is a significant difference between younger and older male dogs when it comes to mating frequency.

Usually older dogs lose interest in a bitch more quickly due to a decrease in their libido and refuse to mate more than once or twice.

Probability that the dog will get pregnant the first time

A staggering 40% of female dogs will conceive after just one mating session. A single session is sufficient for a bitch to conceive in her very first heat cycle (although this is not recommended).

Random breeding is often observed in dogs that have not yet completed their anatomical development.

The chances of conceiving after just one attempt is good news for people who want to intentionally breed their dogs, but it’s a complication for someone who can’t take care of an unwanted litter of puppies.

You must be very vigilant about letting your bitch roam free when she is in heat.

Dogs are indiscriminate when it comes to mating brothers with sisters, fathers with daughters, and sons with mothers.

It’s recommended to keep a close eye on them and prevent them from being mounted or taken to the vet to be spayed and neutered if you don’t want new puppies running around the house.

Male dogs can start mating very early, between 6 and 12 months of age.

Maturity can vary between individual dogs and different breeds. Smaller breeds mature earlier.

In contrast, some large breed males require 2 years of development to reach maturity.

As your male puppies get older, you will find that they start acting strange and suddenly develop a desire to throw objects (mostly pillows) around the house.

Besides this behavior, growing up is also marked by smelling things with urine.

The first signs of maturity or puberty in bitches are redness and swelling of the vulva as the most noticeable physical sign.

This also happens for the first time between the 6th and 12th month of life. Your dog will start licking himself more often and urinating more than usual.

Breeding a bitch on her first heat is out of the question.

Although she would technically be able to give birth, she won’t be able to properly raise them.

Breeding too early poses certain health risks for both the mother and the puppies.

Breeding dogs with health or behavioral issues means passing on the genes that can lead to behavioral issues like uncontrollable aggression or anxiety.

How often should dogs tie when breeding?

Since the primary purpose of purposeful breeding is to produce a litter of healthy puppies, people are often unsure of how often to tie the dogs during the heat.

There are no exact figures on how often dogs should tie when breeding. Additionally, it is not necessary for a male and female to bond for pregnancy to occur, as bonding between dogs cannot guarantee pregnancy.

In many cases, women do not become pregnant after several relationships with a man.

On the other hand, many dogs become pregnant with a male without a single bond.

Not only is a tie not that important, but the duration of the tie doesn’t seem to matter.

Breeders still find the connection between females and males reassuring.

It is a form of confirmation that intromission has taken place and that the male has released his fluids into the female’s reproductive system.

Aside from mating, bonding can also only occur during the female’s fertile estrus period.

Females and males bond only after intromission (the act of intercourse).

When the male starts thrusting vigorously, part of his copulatory organ called the bulbus enlarges inside the female.

Meanwhile, the bitch tenses up and the male is trapped for a period of time.

The dogs are barred and meanwhile the male continues to transfer liquid material to the female.

The average time of a tie is 15 minutes, although in some cases it can last from 5 to even 60 minutes.

Do Dogs Get Pregnant Every Time They Bond?

No, dogs don’t get pregnant every time they bond. A tie doesn’t guarantee that your dog got pregnant in the first place. Whether short tie or long tie – whether there will be a litter of puppies cannot be predicted.

Another common misconception is that the length of the bond can affect the number of puppies.

The longer dogs remain tied, the larger the litter becomes.

This has also been proven wrong.

A few weeks after mating, you can take your female dog to the vet to confirm if she is pregnant or not.

How do you artificially inseminate at home?

Step 1: Have the male ejaculate into the condom or collection cup. Step 2: Insert the syringe into the collection device and pull back slowly on the plunger. Step 3: Get into a position on your back and with your hips raised (use a pillow under your hips if needed).

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

Disclaimer: This page is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Before following the instructions on this page, you should discuss this procedure and possible risks with a board-certified healthcare professional.

What is home insemination?

Home insemination is a method of achieving pregnancy without intercourse. This involves applying semen directly to the cervix using a needleless syringe or cervical cap. It is a popular alternative to other artificial insemination methods because it avoids high medical bills and allows you to be in the comfort and safety of your own home.

It’s important to note that before deciding on any method of insemination — especially DIY insemination — you should consult a fertility expert or other healthcare professional to make sure it’s right for you.

Who Should Consider Home Insemination?

This fertilization process works for anyone trying to conceive, but is especially convenient for people who may not be able to achieve pregnancy through intercourse. It is popular with single women and lesbian couples who wish to conceive using donor sperm. It’s also popular among the growing community of co-parents looking to raise a child in a platonic arrangement.

Advantages and risks of home insemination

Knowing how to fertilize at home with fresh sperm can save you a lot of money, but it’s not a perfect process and so it’s important to understand the benefits and risks before you start. However, home fertilization can offer you an inexpensive and reliable option that has similar success rates to intercourse. Here are the benefits:

Avoid large medical bills

Since home insemination takes place without medical assistance, the massive costs for the healthcare system are avoided. Though you lose the medical advice you might otherwise have, this process is extremely simple and therefore doesn’t require much, if any, assistance.

freedom and comfort

Artificial insemination at home means you can move at your own pace. Unlike the hassle of planning with a fertility clinic, you can start whenever and wherever you want. This can make the process far less stressful.


It’s not uncommon to feel a bit nervous about such an unfamiliar process. Being in your own home and away from strangers can relieve some stress. Also, a proven method for home insemination is orgasm after the semen is inserted. This can be very difficult in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable place.

As with any medical procedure, home insemination is not without its risks, although it is far safer than most other procedures. Here are the risks:


This is just something to worry about if you’re reusing devices. Make sure you clean all of your tools before and after use as this will likely take a few tries. For this reason, it may be best to order some home artificial insemination kits to minimize the risk of infection.

Safety of Sperm Donation

Not all sperm banks do the same medical screening, so it’s important to know that the sperm you use is safe and has been screened. Otherwise, you or your baby may be at risk. Using a reliable sperm donor locator can help you ensure that the sperm donation is safe.

How to perform insemination at home

Performing home insemination is a very simple process using simple OTC supplies. This can be done in two ways:

Intracervical insemination (ICI)

ICI, also known as The Turkey Baster Method, is the most commonly used home insemination method. It uses a needleless syringe to inject sperm near the cervix.

tools required

Needleless syringe or oral medical syringe

condom or collection cup

These tools are available over the counter at any major pharmacy, or you can get them from your doctor. Make sure you buy a syringe with a plunger, not a plunger end.

Knowing how to fertilize at home with fresh sperm can save you a lot of money, but it’s not a perfect process and so it’s important to understand the benefits and risks before you start. However, home fertilization can offer you an inexpensive and reliable option that has similar success rates to intercourse. In fact, a recent clinical study proved that the Mosie Home Insemination Kit is as effective as a doctor-directed IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).

Steps of intracervical insemination (ICI):

Step 1: Have the man ejaculate into the condom or collection cup.

Step 2: Insert the syringe into the withdrawal device and slowly pull back the plunger.

Step 3: Assume a position on your back with your hips elevated (use a pillow under your hips if needed). Make sure this is a position you can stay in for at least 30 minutes.

Step 4: Gently insert the syringe into the vagina until it is close to the cervix. Avoid actually touching the cervix as it can be painful.

Step 5: Slowly push the plunger down to eject the sperm.

Step 6: To increase the success rate, try to have an orgasm. This can help the cervix pull sperm up.

Step 7: Thoroughly clean all your supplies.

*If using frozen semen, allow the vial to sit for 30 minutes to thaw, then hold under your armpit or other warm place to allow it to reach room temperature.

Cervical Cap

This method is similar to the Turkey Baster method, but involves leaving a cervical cap in the vagina for several hours. The cervical cap method is comfortable in that you can move after it is inserted. However, they need to be customized for one, which may incur unnecessary expense.

tools required

Cervical cap or cup instead

Cervical Cap Steps

Step 1: Allow the male to ejaculate into the cervical cup or into the cup instead

Step 2: Fold the cap to hold the sperm

Step 3: Find a comfortable position and insert the cervical cap close to the cervix

Step 4: Try to have an orgasm. Especially with the cervical cap method, this works best with a vibrator.

Step 5: Leave the cap on for 2-4 hours

*If using frozen semen, allow the vial to sit for 30 minutes to thaw, then hold under your armpit or other warm place to allow it to reach room temperature.

How to make home insemination successful

Similar to intercourse, home insemination kit success rates are around 10-15% per menstrual cycle. This assumes you’re doing home insemination at the peak times of your cycle. The success rate of at-home artificial insemination depends on whether you perform it during your fertile window.

There are a number of tools to help you with this. Ovulation tests are one of the best ways to identify fertile periods. A good ovulation predictor will allow you to do home insemination only during the fertile window.

As I mentioned above, orgasming shortly after semen has been inserted can help increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. While the science behind this is unclear, it definitely won’t hurt to try.

Home insemination with a sperm donor

If you are thinking about insemination at home, it is quite likely that you plan to use a sperm donor. Luckily, home insemination with fresh sperm is pretty much the same whether you use a donor or not. Simply draw the sperm straight out of the tube with the syringe.

If you are using frozen semen, the process is very similar even after the semen has been thawed. Be sure to check with the sperm bank to make sure they know how to properly thaw the sperm.

Is there a dog sperm bank?

Yes, it’s a sperm bank, but the Canine Cyrobank Inc. of West Los Angeles is a sperm bank of a different kind. It’s for dogs only. With sperm collected from more than 500 dogs from across the nation, Canine Cyrobank is the largest sperm bank for dogs in the West and among the largest in the world.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

It has a frozen semen newsletter, a mobile lab for on-site semen collection and clients such as police departments and the disabled.

Yes, it’s a seed bank, but West Los Angeles-based Canine Cyrobank Inc. is a slightly different seed bank. It’s for dogs only.

With semen from more than 500 dogs from across the country, Canine Cyrobank is the largest canine sperm bank in the West and one of the largest in the world. It is one of about a dozen that have emerged in the United States since the American Kennel Club approved registration of litters produced from frozen semen in 1981.

Priscilla Stockner, the bank’s veterinarian and reproductive specialist, said the industry has been growing rapidly given the rising cost of transporting dogs across the country and a demand for world-class gene pools.

Cheaper to send sperm

“Often the dog you want as a sire is on the other side of the country, and it’s very expensive to breed dogs cross-country,” Stockner said. “It’s a lot cheaper to ship the $60 semen across the country than a $1,000 Great Dane.”


Most of Stockner’s customers are professional dog breeders or owners who find it easier and cheaper to breed their expensive stud dogs and bitches through semen collection and artificial insemination.

By shipping frozen semen in place of the dog, breeders no longer risk their dogs dying in airplane storage areas, a common fear among breeders, Stockner said.

Stockner said her clinic, which opened in 1981, also has a more rigorous screening process for potential donors than some breeders, a process she believes gives clients a greater guarantee of success than usual breeding.

sperm count checked

Stockner checks a dog’s sperm count, the quality of the sperm, and whether the dog has prostate disease, skin conditions, or testicular infections, all of which can reduce sperm potency.

Officials are also requiring X-rays of the dogs’ mothers and fathers three generations back to ensure there was a low chance of a genetic hip condition.

“We’re not likely to overlook a problem with a dog while a breeder might not be aware of a problem,” Stockner said.

The fee for up to 10 semen collections is $260, which includes a $75 annual storage fee.

The sperm bank collected samples from approximately 200 Californian dogs and from another 300 dogs that visited their six offices across the country.

Stockner credits much of their success to an increased interest in “working dogs.”

customers of the bank

The bank’s customers include dogs that assist the hearing impaired, dogs that assist the disabled by pulling their wheelchair or performing other activities, and guide dogs for the blind.

About a dozen police departments across the state have also had semen collected from their police dogs in hopes that the traits that made the dogs suitable for police work will be passed on to their litters.

However, the service is not limited to just Blueblood. About 10% of the bank’s customers are dog owners who want to preserve their favorite mutt for another generation.

“They come in and say, ‘I want a piece of him back in my life,'” said seed bank founder and president Carol Bardwick.

At the West Los Angeles Veterinary Medical Group’s bank, male dogs are brought in and compared to “teaser” dogs in heat that are rented to the clinic for $25. The ejaculation is captured in a rubber tube that resembles a condom.

And the dogs don’t seem to mind.

‘Very enthusiastic’

“One lady brought her dog with her quite often, and every time she turned down our street, the dog just went mad,” Bardwick said. “Once they know where they want to go, they get very excited.”

After Stockner’s sperm is examined and approved, it is placed in a 5 1/2 inch long straw-like container and slowly frozen in liquid nitrogen to minus 196 degrees Celsius over three hours.

The semen is then stored until a suitable bitch is found. The semen can be stored for years – often longer than the dog’s breeding life. It can be shipped across the country in its liquid nitrogen if needed and used to artificially inseminate bitches, Stockner said.

Stockner travels widely across the nation to publicize her efforts and share her expertise, giving lectures and accepting collections at her mobile laboratory. She also rents a video of her techniques for $25.

She is also scheduled to speak at an international conference in Paris this year and according to her Frozen Semen Newsletter and Directory has received inquiries from European breeders asking how they can start their own seed banks.

“There’s definitely an increased interest from overseas buyers,” she said.

How long does it take for a dog to get pregnant after artificial insemination?

Once the progesterone levels reach ovulation level, one final insemination is done 2 days later. Pregnancy can then be confirmed about 25 days later with an ultrasound. Progesterone levels can be determined either by a laboratory or by an in-hospital test kit.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

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Artificial insemination in dogs

Reproduction in dogs can be either planned as part of a breeding program or accidental. In any case, most breeding is successful and results in the birth of healthy puppies. In some dogs, natural breeding is unsuccessful and artificial methods are required.

Artificial insemination (AI) is the process of collecting semen and placing it artificially in the vagina of the susceptible dog. AI is reserved for valuable purebred dogs that cannot conceive naturally due to various problems. In the bitch, an abnormal vulva or vaginal shape, such as B. a narrowing, exclude a coitus. Bitches can also be aggressive towards the intended father and not allow breeding for some reason. In males, a low sex drive, weakness or pain when mounting due to arthritis or prostate disease, or aggression towards the female may lead to the need for artificial insemination.

Another common reason for artificial insemination in breeding programs is the geographic separation of the mother and father. For champion stud dogs, the semen can be frozen and shipped across the country, especially if transporting the bitch to the dog’s territory is not possible.

Semen collection in dogs

For successful insemination, the semen must be collected and properly handled and introduced into the female. Sperm can be used fresh, chilled and used within 24 hours, or frozen. The more the semen is processed, the less likely it is to result in fertilization.

With fresh and chilled semen, the first thing to do is determine if the female is receptive and about to ovulate. After this determination, the semen can be collected by manual stimulation.

The most successful semen collection begins with the introduction of a teaser bitch—a bitch in heat that is not intended to be bred that day—or a bitch with topical pheromone. This increases the success of the stimulation and leads to a higher quality of semen. However, teasers are not required and the collection can be done without them.

If a teaser is used, the male is allowed to sniff around the back area and mount the female. The bitch should be muzzled and tied tightly. Once the bitch is mounted, the person collecting the semen grasps the penis firmly through the foreskin (vagina) and begins a quick massage. If a teaser is not used, the person collecting the semen begins the process by grasping the penis and beginning the massage.

The rest of the procedure is the same. The penis must not enter the teaser vagina. When the penis is erect, the foreskin is pushed back and a preformed rubber collection cone with attached collection tube is slipped over the penis. The penis and collecting cone are held firmly in place with the collector’s hands, stimulating the female’s contraction during normal breeding.

Ejaculation occurs in 3 parts. The first part is a small amount of clean liquid that does not contain sperm. The next part is the sperm-rich cloudy liquid. Typically, vigorous thrusting is associated with this part of ejaculation, resulting in 0.5 to 3 ml of semen. The final phase of ejaculation is the addition of clear prostatic fluid. If the ejaculate is to be used immediately, the prostatic fluid is allowed to mix with the remaining semen. If the semen is stored for a longer period of time, the collection cone is removed as soon as the prostate fluid begins to drain. The presence of prostatic fluid in stored semen leads to decreased sperm motility and reduced fertility.

The amount of semen required to have the best chance of successful fertilization depends on the size of the female.

Bitches under 5 kg require 1.5 to 3 ml of semen per insemination.

For bitches from 10 to 50 pounds (5 to 25 kg), 3 to 5 ml of semen is required.

For bitches over 25 kg, 5 to 8 ml of semen are required. After semen collection, a semen extender can be added to nourish the semen and achieve the required amount of semen. For samples to be used within 24 hours but not immediately, a stretching liquid is added to protect and nourish the sperm. This sample is then refrigerated and must be used within 24 hours. For samples destined for freezing, a different type of extension is added to protect the sperm from the effects of freezing. After the removal cone is carefully removed from the erect penis, ensure that the penis returns to its normal size and is reinserted into the foreskin. Before insemination, the semen must be examined for quality. Over 70 percent of the sperm must have normal forward motility, which equates to 150 to 200,000 normal-appearing sperm per sample.

Bitch preparing for artificial insemination

Knowing exactly when to inseminate the female can be quite tricky and if not done correctly, fertilization will not occur. In traditional natural mating breeding programs, the bitch is mated at least three times on days 9, 11, and 13 after the vulva begins to swell and bloody discharge is seen. On average, bitches tend to ovulate on the 12th day after the onset of vulvar swelling. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and some female dogs may require alternative methods of conceiving. The breeding goal is to inseminate the bitch four days before ovulation and then every two days until the final insemination two days after ovulation. Insemination two days after ovulation results in the maximum litter size.

Determining ovulation can be done in a number of ways. Traditionally, tissue cells of the vagina are examined under a microscope. The appearance of these cells can be used to estimate the time of ovulation. Unfortunately, this is not the most accurate way to determine ovulation.

Measuring progesterone levels is much more accurate, but time consuming and daily monitoring during the oestrus cycle is not always practical or affordable. The hormone progesterone can be measured in the blood. The most accurate measurements can effectively predict ovulation, but these tests are done in a lab. A hospital version of the progesterone level test is available which can give the user a rough idea of ​​when ovulation will occur.

A combination of the two methods has a pretty good success rate. About 4 to 5 days after the onset of vulva swelling and bloody discharge, the cells of the vagina should be examined daily. Once 80 percent of these cells have the typical keratinized appearance, indicating that ovulation is imminent, blood samples are taken every 2 to 3 days to measure progesterone levels. If the number of inseminations is not limited, then the first insemination is carried out at this time. If only one insemination is possible, this should take place 2 days after ovulation.

A further evaluation of the vaginal cells is no longer necessary. Blood samples should be checked for progesterone levels every 2 to 3 days and fertilization will take place. Once progesterone levels reach ovulation levels, a final insemination occurs 2 days later. The pregnancy can then be confirmed with an ultrasound about 25 days later.

Progesterone levels can be determined either by a laboratory or by an in-hospital test kit. The laboratory can provide specific values ​​for progesterone levels. The in-hospital test kit can show progesterone levels by color changes.

In laboratory tests, serum progesterone is typically below 1 ng/ml up to 2 days before ovulation. At this point, progesterone levels rise to 1 to 2 ng/ml. On the following day (one day before ovulation), the progesterone level is 2 to 4 ng/ml. On the day of ovulation, progesterone is 4 to 10 ng/ml. After ovulation, progesterone levels rise rapidly and can range from 15 to 90 ng/ml.

For the in-hospital test, there are sample color changes that can help give an approximate indication of where the dog is in the ovulation process.

Process of dog insemination

Insemination is similar for fresh and chilled semen, but slightly different for frozen semen. This is due to the lifespan of the seed once processed. Frozen semen can only be kept for a few hours after thawing and insemination. Chilled semen lives in the bitch for about 5 days and fresh semen for about 6 days. Because frozen sperm has such a short lifespan, there must be an ovum ready for fertilization at the time of fertilization for fertilization to occur.

After preparation, the semen can be deposited either in the vagina just in front of the cervix or directly in the uterus. Samples that are placed just in front of the cervix achieve the best results.

Delivering semen to the correct area of ​​the reproductive tract requires special equipment. Long pipettes are recommended. Commercially made canine insemination pipettes are available for small and medium-sized dogs. For large breed dogs, these pipettes are too short, so modified pipettes used on cattle are often used. Some people opt for balloon catheters, but the eyedropper is the most commonly used.

To start the fertilization process, the male should not be close to the female. Hold the bitch in a standing position. Draw the appropriate amount of semen into a sterile syringe and attach it to the appropriate pipette. The dropper is then inserted into the upper vagina through a gloved, lubricated finger inserted into the vaginal canal. After positioning, the seed is deposited. The syringe is then filled with air, which is used to inject any remaining semen left in the dropper after the syringe was squeezed the first time. The eyedropper is then removed, but the finger is not. The vaginal wall is stimulated for a few minutes with the inserted finger. This should cause the vagina to contract, which will help push the semen into the uterus. After stimulation, the finger is removed. At this point, the dog’s rear end is raised for 5 to 10 minutes. Don’t press on your stomach. Lift the dog by grabbing the bottom hind legs and lifting up. Don’t let the dog crouch. After being elevated for 5 to 10 minutes, she can walk around but not urinate or jump for 30 to 60 minutes. After an hour, she can return to her normal activity.

In selected cases, surgical insemination can also be performed. After the uterus is surgically exposed, the semen sample is inserted into the uterus using a needle and syringe. This is not the most effective method of insemination, but may be necessary in high value dogs where puppies are in high demand.

Results of AI in dogs

With natural breeding (assuming 3 broods in a heat cycle), the pregnancy success rate is 80 to 95 percent.

When inseminated with fresh semen, 62 to 100 percent success rate

59 to 80 percent success rate for AI with chilled sperm

In artificial insemination using frozen sperm placed in the vagina, 52 to 60 percent success rate

For AI with frozen sperm placed in the uterus, success rate from 0 to 80 percent

Is there a sperm bank for dogs?

Yes, it’s a sperm bank, but the Canine Cyrobank Inc. of West Los Angeles is a sperm bank of a different kind. It’s for dogs only. With sperm collected from more than 500 dogs from across the nation, Canine Cyrobank is the largest sperm bank for dogs in the West and among the largest in the world.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

It has a frozen semen newsletter, a mobile lab for on-site semen collection and clients such as police departments and the disabled.

Yes, it’s a seed bank, but West Los Angeles-based Canine Cyrobank Inc. is a slightly different seed bank. It’s for dogs only.

With semen from more than 500 dogs from across the country, Canine Cyrobank is the largest canine sperm bank in the West and one of the largest in the world. It is one of about a dozen that have emerged in the United States since the American Kennel Club approved registration of litters produced from frozen semen in 1981.

Priscilla Stockner, the bank’s veterinarian and reproductive specialist, said the industry has been growing rapidly given the rising cost of transporting dogs across the country and a demand for world-class gene pools.

Cheaper to send sperm

“Often the dog you want as a sire is on the other side of the country, and it’s very expensive to breed dogs cross-country,” Stockner said. “It’s a lot cheaper to ship the $60 semen across the country than a $1,000 Great Dane.”


Most of Stockner’s customers are professional dog breeders or owners who find it easier and cheaper to breed their expensive stud dogs and bitches through semen collection and artificial insemination.

By shipping frozen semen in place of the dog, breeders no longer risk their dogs dying in airplane storage areas, a common fear among breeders, Stockner said.

Stockner said her clinic, which opened in 1981, also has a more rigorous screening process for potential donors than some breeders, a process she believes gives clients a greater guarantee of success than usual breeding.

sperm count checked

Stockner checks a dog’s sperm count, the quality of the sperm, and whether the dog has prostate disease, skin conditions, or testicular infections, all of which can reduce sperm potency.

Officials are also requiring X-rays of the dogs’ mothers and fathers three generations back to ensure there was a low chance of a genetic hip condition.

“We’re not likely to overlook a problem with a dog while a breeder might not be aware of a problem,” Stockner said.

The fee for up to 10 semen collections is $260, which includes a $75 annual storage fee.

The sperm bank collected samples from approximately 200 Californian dogs and from another 300 dogs that visited their six offices across the country.

Stockner credits much of their success to an increased interest in “working dogs.”

customers of the bank

The bank’s customers include dogs that assist the hearing impaired, dogs that assist the disabled by pulling their wheelchair or performing other activities, and guide dogs for the blind.

About a dozen police departments across the state have also had semen collected from their police dogs in hopes that the traits that made the dogs suitable for police work will be passed on to their litters.

However, the service is not limited to just Blueblood. About 10% of the bank’s customers are dog owners who want to preserve their favorite mutt for another generation.

“They come in and say, ‘I want a piece of him back in my life,'” said seed bank founder and president Carol Bardwick.

At the West Los Angeles Veterinary Medical Group’s bank, male dogs are brought in and compared to “teaser” dogs in heat that are rented to the clinic for $25. The ejaculation is captured in a rubber tube that resembles a condom.

And the dogs don’t seem to mind.

‘Very enthusiastic’

“One lady brought her dog with her quite often, and every time she turned down our street, the dog just went mad,” Bardwick said. “Once they know where they want to go, they get very excited.”

After Stockner’s sperm is examined and approved, it is placed in a 5 1/2 inch long straw-like container and slowly frozen in liquid nitrogen to minus 196 degrees Celsius over three hours.

The semen is then stored until a suitable bitch is found. The semen can be stored for years – often longer than the dog’s breeding life. It can be shipped across the country in its liquid nitrogen if needed and used to artificially inseminate bitches, Stockner said.

Stockner travels widely across the nation to publicize her efforts and share her expertise, giving lectures and accepting collections at her mobile laboratory. She also rents a video of her techniques for $25.

She is also scheduled to speak at an international conference in Paris this year and according to her Frozen Semen Newsletter and Directory has received inquiries from European breeders asking how they can start their own seed banks.

“There’s definitely an increased interest from overseas buyers,” she said.

How many times do dogs have to mate to get pregnant?

How Many Times Should Dogs Mate to Get Pregnant? A total of 3 matings is considered to be sufficient by most experts in the field. After the female starts accepting the male, mating every other day for 6 consecutive days will most likely lead to pregnancy.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

Breeding is a passion for many dedicated pet owners looking to preserve their dog’s bloodline.

For the most part, nature takes its course in dog breeding; However, there are many things to learn if you want your dog to perform well.

The entire process is a complex combination of science, art and dedication.

Responsible breeding is a challenging and at the same time exciting task.

Breeding purebreds is even more time-consuming and expensive. Breed improvement should be the only fundamental goal in any breeding scenario.

If you are new to dog breeding and you have noticed how many people do it with ease it is because they have taken the time to study their breed, study dog ​​reproduction, conduct training and exercise and their pets to offer wellness.

In this article we will discuss the act of mating and provide answers to some of the questions that often arise.

How often should dogs mate to get pregnant?

A total of 3 pairings is considered sufficient by most experts in the field. After the female begins to accept the male, mating every other day for 6 consecutive days will most likely result in pregnancy.

A bitch will be mounted by a male during the fertile phase of her oestrus cycle – oestrus.

Estrus occurs anywhere between the 9th and 15th day, counting from the first day the bitch starts bleeding.

In most cases, the bleeding stops when the female becomes fertile and the red discharge is replaced with straw-colored fluid.

This phase is also known as “standing heat” because not only do the bitches have the opportunity to mount the rod, but also the females.

How many days can a bitch be mounted by a male?

The average time a bitch allows males to mount her is 7 days. However, this is entirely up to the woman and varies from person to person. Some females will let males mount them for a few days and others for more than a week.

Bitches mate during estrus.

Estrus in dogs lasts between 1 and 2 weeks and may be shorter or longer in some people.

It is important to know when the female started bleeding so that you have a rough idea of ​​where she is in the heat cycle.

Hormone tests and evaluation of the vaginal swab in the vet’s office can help you distinguish the different stages of a dog’s estrus.

Experienced breeders let the dogs incubate for a period of 6 days.

Wanting to ensure there is a gap between matings, owners often separate the male from the female when a single act of mounting is complete.

There is an old fairy tale that says that bitches mate as often as they want and once they get pregnant their desire to mate disappears.

This is totally wrong as bitches have no way of knowing if they are pregnant or not.

Some females refuse to be mounted by males even though they are in their fertile period.

Such situations happen when the woman is inexperienced, anxious, or antisocial.

Sometimes the female simply does not like the male presented to her, but will gladly accept another.

If you try to replace the male and the female is enthusiastic, you’ve fixed the situation.

If not, the only solution to this problem is assisted/artificial mating, which is a whole new can of worms.

Can dogs mate more than once a day?

Yes, dogs can mate more than once a day. There are no restrictions on how many times dogs will attempt to mate in a single day. As long as the female allows it and the male is willing, mating can occur.

Bitches are more likely to be teased soon enough and will prevent males from mounting them multiple times a day.

On the contrary, given the opportunity, a male male is likely to mate more than once with either a single female or multiple females.

While it’s possible, that doesn’t mean that multiple erections in a single day will increase your chances of pregnancy.

A commonly accepted thought among breeders is that a male should only mate with a female once or twice a day.

Increased mating frequency can affect the male’s sperm quality and render him unfit for the next session after 2 days.

Owners of expensive males intended for breeding do not allow mating more than once a day.

There is a significant difference between younger and older male dogs when it comes to mating frequency.

Usually older dogs lose interest in a bitch more quickly due to a decrease in their libido and refuse to mate more than once or twice.

Probability that the dog will get pregnant the first time

A staggering 40% of female dogs will conceive after just one mating session. A single session is sufficient for a bitch to conceive in her very first heat cycle (although this is not recommended).

Random breeding is often observed in dogs that have not yet completed their anatomical development.

The chances of conceiving after just one attempt is good news for people who want to intentionally breed their dogs, but it’s a complication for someone who can’t take care of an unwanted litter of puppies.

You must be very vigilant about letting your bitch roam free when she is in heat.

Dogs are indiscriminate when it comes to mating brothers with sisters, fathers with daughters, and sons with mothers.

It’s recommended to keep a close eye on them and prevent them from being mounted or taken to the vet to be spayed and neutered if you don’t want new puppies running around the house.

Male dogs can start mating very early, between 6 and 12 months of age.

Maturity can vary between individual dogs and different breeds. Smaller breeds mature earlier.

In contrast, some large breed males require 2 years of development to reach maturity.

As your male puppies get older, you will find that they start acting strange and suddenly develop a desire to throw objects (mostly pillows) around the house.

Besides this behavior, growing up is also marked by smelling things with urine.

The first signs of maturity or puberty in bitches are redness and swelling of the vulva as the most noticeable physical sign.

This also happens for the first time between the 6th and 12th month of life. Your dog will start licking himself more often and urinating more than usual.

Breeding a bitch on her first heat is out of the question.

Although she would technically be able to give birth, she won’t be able to properly raise them.

Breeding too early poses certain health risks for both the mother and the puppies.

Breeding dogs with health or behavioral issues means passing on the genes that can lead to behavioral issues like uncontrollable aggression or anxiety.

How often should dogs tie when breeding?

Since the primary purpose of purposeful breeding is to produce a litter of healthy puppies, people are often unsure of how often to tie the dogs during the heat.

There are no exact figures on how often dogs should tie when breeding. Additionally, it is not necessary for a male and female to bond for pregnancy to occur, as bonding between dogs cannot guarantee pregnancy.

In many cases, women do not become pregnant after several relationships with a man.

On the other hand, many dogs become pregnant with a male without a single bond.

Not only is a tie not that important, but the duration of the tie doesn’t seem to matter.

Breeders still find the connection between females and males reassuring.

It is a form of confirmation that intromission has taken place and that the male has released his fluids into the female’s reproductive system.

Aside from mating, bonding can also only occur during the female’s fertile estrus period.

Females and males bond only after intromission (the act of intercourse).

When the male starts thrusting vigorously, part of his copulatory organ called the bulbus enlarges inside the female.

Meanwhile, the bitch tenses up and the male is trapped for a period of time.

The dogs are barred and meanwhile the male continues to transfer liquid material to the female.

The average time of a tie is 15 minutes, although in some cases it can last from 5 to even 60 minutes.

Do Dogs Get Pregnant Every Time They Bond?

No, dogs don’t get pregnant every time they bond. A tie doesn’t guarantee that your dog got pregnant in the first place. Whether short tie or long tie – whether there will be a litter of puppies cannot be predicted.

Another common misconception is that the length of the bond can affect the number of puppies.

The longer dogs remain tied, the larger the litter becomes.

This has also been proven wrong.

A few weeks after mating, you can take your female dog to the vet to confirm if she is pregnant or not.

How do you ai a dog with fresh sperm?

An incision is made into the abdomen, the uterus is then identified and exteriorized. The semen is then injected directly into the uterine horns. It can only be carried out once during the bitch’s heat. Further, surgical insemination does not increase conception rates or litter sizes.

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

Many factors contribute to the likelihood of pregnancy in assisted reproduction, including the type of semen (fresh or frozen), the semen quality and quantity, the age and fertility of the stud dog and bitch, the site of semen deposition (intrauterine or vaginal) and time of fertilization.

types of seeds

Insemination can be performed with three types of dog semen: fresh, fresh chilled and frozen.


Freshly ejaculated dog semen has the longest viability. Sperm from young, fertile stud dogs can survive in the bitch’s reproductive tract for up to 5-7 days.

Freshly chilled

Fresh chilled semen involves the dilution of ejaculated semen in special canine diluents containing egg yolk and buffers that protect sperm during the chilling process. The elongated seed is then slowly cooled to 4°C and can remain viable for up to 3-4 days at 4°C. (Semen from some stud dogs has been reported to retain viability and fertility after 10 days storage at 4˚C). Cooling the semen conserves the energy of the sperm, thus prolonging their longevity and viability.

Storing semen at refrigerator temperatures makes it easier to ship canine semen either within the United States or internationally to Canada or Mexico. It is a great alternative to transporting the stud dog to the bitch or vice versa when both are far apart which can be very costly and inconvenient.


Frozen semen is stored in liquid nitrogen at an extreme temperature of -196ºC. Sperm is preserved in a frozen state in either “straws” or “pellets”. The freeze-thaw process causes some degree of sperm damage, greatly reducing the bitch’s sperm lifespan to only 12-24 hours. Therefore, when dealing with frozen semen, it is crucial to know exactly when ovulation occurred so that we can ensure that the frozen semen is deposited in the uterus when the ova or “eggs” are ready for fertilization.

Timing of insemination: Monitor your bitch’s estrus cycle

The timing of insemination is very important. Monitoring your bitch’s heat or heat cycle to determine the optimal time for insemination involves performing one or a combination of the following procedures:

Blood samples to measure the hormone progesterone

Vaginal swabs for cytological examination to determine the time of fertilization and to check for infectious or inflammatory processes

Vaginoscopy to assess the vaginal vault, which correlates with the stage of the oestrus cycle and is a very useful timing tool. Vaginoscopy can also rule out anatomical abnormalities (strictures, septa, persistent hymen) before breeding.

The number of samples taken to determine the timing of insemination varies between bitches. We recommend starting the test about 5 days after the onset of heat (first noticeable sign) and then every second or third day until we determine when the bitch has released her ovulation hormone called “luteinizing hormone” or “LH”. The day this occurs is called an “LH surge” or “LH day 0” and coincides with a progesterone level around 2 ng/mL.

The day or days that we recommend performing artificial insemination depends on the type of semen used. For example, insemination with TG sperm takes place on “day 5” (after LH 0) if only one insemination is to be carried out, or on days 4 and 6 or 5 and 6 (after LH 0) if two inseminations are carried out should be able to be carried out.

Place of semen deposition: techniques of artificial insemination

Transcervical Fertilization

The intrauterine insemination technique that we recommend when using frozen-thawed semen or small numbers of potentially vulnerable fresh or chilled semen is transcervical insemination, where the semen is placed directly into the uterus to maximize the chance of pregnancy .

This internationally recognized technique was developed in 2001 by Dr. Developed by Marion Wilson in New Zealand. It has the advantages of being anesthetic and sedation free, non-surgical and relatively stress free. In addition, it has the decisive advantage over surgical artificial insemination that more than one insemination can be carried out during the bitch’s heat.

Transcervical insemination may not be a viable option for some female dogs, typically for behavioral reasons.

There have been some developments with the canine transcervical insemination endoscope. A new longer and slimmer endoscope has been specially developed for transcervical insemination in dogs. This facilitates transcervical insemination in large and giant breeds and virgin bitches.

Vaginal insemination

When using fresh or chilled semen with sufficient sperm count and sperm quality, the deposition of semen to the extreme end of the vagina can result in pregnancy and litter sizes consistent with natural mating.

There are many different types of catheters that can be used for vaginal artificial insemination. We insert a special artificial insemination catheter at the very end of the vagina. At this point, a bulb at the end of the catheter is inflated to mimic the swelling of the dog’s bulbous gland during mating. This not only prevents the backflow of semen, but also stretches the vaginal wall, resulting in the release of oxytocin and stimulation of contractions of the vaginal and uterine smooth muscles, facilitating the transport of sperm into the uterus. After the bulb is inflated, fresh sperm is slowly injected through the catheter into the back end of the vagina. This is then followed by a warm canine semen extender, which helps flush the semen into the uterus just as prostate fluid does during natural mating.

This is a technique that can be used in all bitches, is non-invasive, requires less skill and equipment than intrauterine artificial insemination techniques, and is therefore more economical. It is often used in virgin bitches and stallions who cannot “bond” or mate for a number of reasons.

Vaginal artificial insemination is not the preferred method of using frozen and thawed sperm. In addition to the greatly reduced lifespan already mentioned, frozen semen breeding units contain significantly fewer (i.e. 100 million motile sperm per “AI dose”) than a fresh or chilled insemination dose. Therefore, the deposition of small numbers of fragile, frozen and thawed sperm in the hostile vaginal environment causes a small number to travel through the cervix into the uterus and reach the fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes), the site of fertilization. This obviously results in a lower pregnancy rate and litter size.

Surgical intrauterine insemination

We neither recommend surgical insemination nor do we perform this insemination technique at the CSU. This technique involves general anesthesia and surgery, with the associated risks. An incision is made in the abdomen, the uterus is then identified and brought out. The semen is then injected directly into the uterine horns. It can only be performed once during the bitch’s heat. Additionally, surgical insemination does not increase conception rates or litter sizes.

Importance of seed treatment and assessment

Regardless of what type of semen (fresh, fresh-chilled, or frozen) or artificial insemination method is used to deposit the semen, careful and skillful handling of the semen is essential. Additionally, the assessment of a semen sample by a qualified and knowledgeable professional prior to fertilization plays a vital role in maximizing pregnancy rates.

Artificial insemination is a very useful tool of reproductive management. It allows the transport of semen both nationally and internationally. Management of both stud dog and bitch is critical to maximize both pregnancy rate and litter size after artificial insemination.



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Budget Vet performs over 300 c-sections annually on all dog breeds. We primarily perform C-sections on the Bully breeds including French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, American Bullies and Pugs. We are used to the unique anesthetic and surgical issues associated with these breeds. We adjust our anesthetic and surgical techniques to minimize the risk to the mother and puppies. dr Lassiter has performed over 1500 caesarean sections in her career and is well versed in both simple and complex surgeries.

It is best to establish a relationship with us before the caesarean section. We much prefer to see the female before she gives birth and get an idea of ​​her breeding dates etc so we can plan the cesarean in advance. We currently only have one doctor. While we try to be available, there is only so much one person can do. If you do not develop a relationship with us, we may not be available when the time for the caesarean section comes.

An additional fee of $250 will be charged for all reverse progesterones arriving AFTER 12:00 PM with a woman (who is ready for a C-section). We do not see appointments after 3pm.

Artificial Insemination for Dogs: How to Do AI On Dogs

Artificial Insemination for Dogs: How to Perform AI on Dogs

How can you tell if a dog is in heat?

How to arouse a male dog

How to artificially inseminate a dog

How to store dog semen

How successful is AI in dogs?

When a bitch begins her estrus cycle (proestrus), her vulva will swell and she will bleed for three to nine days. During this time, a new lining for the embryo grows in the uterus. When her bleeding stops, she is receptive to the stud dog and able to breed (oestrus). Stagnant heat can last from three to seven days. This is the only part of her heat phase when she can get pregnant. After the seventh day of estrus, she enters the metestrus and repels a stallion’s sexual advances. Ovulation generally occurs at the end of or just after standing heat. She is most fertile four days before and three days after ovulation. This is the window of time that we want to achieve with our AI breeding. For this reason we recommend inseminating the bitch every other day to try to coordinate it with her estrus. The male must be excited to collect semen. Arousal in a stud dog is easily achieved when a bitch in heat is brought near or with the sire. If there is no bitch in heat available, breeders often keep a special stock of cotton swabs ready. These cotton swabs were wiped over the vaginal area of ​​a dog in heat and stored in a refrigerator. The swabs can then be wiped over a bitch’s vaginal area and back, and the male will think the bitch is ripe when he “catches” the scent of mating females. Once excited, the male tries to mount the bitch. Before the man can insert his penis into her vagina, grasp the penis and place it in a semen collection container. Continue massaging the penis to simulate the narrowing of the vagina during normal breeding through the foreskin (sheath) until ejaculation occurs. Once the male becomes accustomed to the support, the semen can be easily collected. After collection, pull the man’s penis out of the artificial vagina and draw up the semen in a syringe. Get the male out of the room to avoid trying to mount the female again. Avoid temperature changes and cold shock of the seed until it is introduced into the female. Dogs weighing 10 pounds or less can collect one and a half to three milliliters of semen. A dog weighing up to 50 pounds can collect three to five ml of semen. For dogs over 50 pounds, five to eight ml of semen per collection is possible. The artificial insemination of the dog should take place immediately after the semen collection of the male. The goal is to deliver the semen just in front of the cervix or as close to the cervix as possible. The length of the pipette depends on the size of the dog. The female is placed with her hind legs behind the pelvis, similar to a display pile. This “sawhorse pose” flattens the vaginal vault and makes it easier to insert the dropper into the cervix. A dog’s vaginal vault is one of the longest per pound of any mammal. It’s up, over and down to get to the cervix, but moving the hind paws behind the female allows for a shallower path. Attach the syringe to one end of the dropper and insert the other end into the dog’s vaginal vault while standing. The pipette should be placed in the tip of the vagina to avoid entering the urethra. Be gentle and ride up, then flat, and then slightly down. Once the dropper is in place, dispense the seed. Then fill the syringe with air and push the remaining semen through the dropper into the vagina. Keep the dog in an upright position for at least 10 minutes. Do not allow her to sit or urinate. After 10 minutes, the dog will be able to walk around normally, but it’s best if you confine him for at least an hour to keep him from jumping or urinating. After this hour of confinement, the dog can return to normal activity. Dog semen is best inseminated immediately, but if you must store it, refrigerate immediately to ensure viability. It can be safely refrigerated for 24 hours without affecting sperm viability. If the semen is not to be used within 24 hours of semen collection, the semen must be frozen for future use. The seed is processed, mixed with an extender that preserves it, and slowly frozen in liquid nitrogen. Specialist veterinarians are trained and equipped to do this for you. This freeze allows for the storage of genetics and the safeguarding of fertility with the genetics of a superior stallion. Adequate freezing guarantees sperm viability for future use. The best success rate for ai in dogs is obtained with fresh semen. If the bitch is inseminated immediately, the success rate will vary with the skill of the breeder but will reflect natural breeding. When using fresh and chilled semen, the success rate drops to 59 to 80 percent. Frozen sperm placed in the vagina next to the cervix has a low success rate of only 52 to 60 percent. Transcervical insemination is a good technique to replace surgical insemination of the uterus. The frozen semen is visually inserted into the dog’s actual uterus by using a vaginaloscope and passing the catheter through the cervix. Transcervical insemination with frozen semen has a success rate of up to 80 percent. If you have additional questions about ai for dogs, call us at 800.786.4751 -Dr. stalemate

How to Perform Artificial Insemination in Dogs

things you need. Women in heat

male dog

Artificial Vagina (Dog)

Plastic tube, ¼ inch diameter, as long as the bitch’s hind leg

Medical syringe without a needle

Tips Your local veterinarian can give you more specific information about your breed’s specifications.

Artificial insemination in dogs is common among dog breeders trying to contribute other traits to their breeds. A male is selected for his personality, intelligence, and ability to produce useful offspring and is mated with females, who are normally capable of breeding. In artificial insemination, semen is collected from a male or stud dog and then fed into the bitch’s reproductive system. This can be done at home or by a veterinarian.

Put the male and female dogs in one room together. Keep the artificial vagina close to the two dogs and let the male try to mount the female. When he starts to rise, the artificial vagina needs to be placed over the male penis to collect the semen.

Stimulating the penis by gently squeezing and creating a pulsating effect with the palm of your hand around the artificial vagina will induce the male dog to ejaculate.

Remove the male dog from the area so he does not attempt to mount the female.

Insert the end of the syringe with the medical syringe without a needle into the artificial vagina to remove the semen. To do this, make sure the plunger is all the way down before inserting the syringe into the artificial vagina. While inside the artificial vagina, slowly pull the plunger outward, which collects the semen in the barrel of the syringe.

Insert the 1.4 inch tube into the bitch’s vagina. The dog’s breed and size will determine how much of the tube should be inserted. For dogs weighing less than 5 pounds, it is best to have a vet perform the procedure. For small breeds like Spitz and Chihuahuas, insert the hose only 2 inches. For larger breeds such as Great Danes and German Shepherds, it is recommended that the hose be inserted only 5 inches.

Insert the syringe into the other end of the tube that will be inserted into the bitch’s vagina. Slowly push the plunger until all of the semen has entered the tube, and hold the tube upright to ensure the fluids are dispensed and not spilled.

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