Friends Don’T Owe Rocky? The 127 Latest Answer

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Paulie and Rocky on Friends and Owing

Paulie and Rocky on Friends and Owing
Paulie and Rocky on Friends and Owing

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Quote by Rocky Balboa Slyvester Stallone: “Nobody owes …

“Nobody owes nobody nothin’. You owe yourself. Friends don’t owe! They do because the wanna do.” ― Rocky Balboa Slyvester Stallone.

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Date Published: 7/27/2022

View: 4910

Burt Young as Paulie – Rocky III (1982) – IMDb

Rocky Balboa : Friends don’t owe! They do because the wanna do. Paulie : Shut your freakin’ mouth. You been keepin’ me down! Rocky Balboa : …

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Date Published: 11/22/2021

View: 1547

The Wisdom of a Stallion: Top 10 Rocky Balboa Quotes

“Nobody owes nobody nothin’. You owe yourself. Friends don’t owe! They do because they wanna do.” This little ditty is a bit controversial, as …

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Date Published: 11/20/2022

View: 2156

Friends don’t owe, they d… | Quotes & Writings by steve ruggierio

steve ruggierio says, ‘ Friends don’t owe, they do because the wanna do! Rocky Balboa not in this era ve… ‘. Read the best original quotes …

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Date Published: 3/7/2022

View: 7732

Quote by Rocky Balboa Slyvester Stallone: “Nobody owes nobody nothin’. You owe yourself. F…”

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The Wisdom of a Stallion: Top 10 Rocky Balboa Quotes

Rocky Balboa talks a lot. And he’s been talking for a long time. Sometimes his words are just endearing gibberish, sometimes they’re wrong, and sometimes they’re historically informative. But fans of the series will surely agree: when Rocky Balboa speaks, his words are always human.

Rocky Balboa has appeared in at least one film in each of the last four decades. Rocky’s plot is linear, each film is connected to the next, Sylvester Stallone drags the dramatic weight and character development from one chapter to the next. Rocky’s rise from nobody on the streets of Philly to world champion to unique agent of the entire Cold War marks an unprecedented arc. In the history of cinema, there is nothing like Rocky Balboa, a single character played by a single actor, with both aging in real time, alongside a storyline that spans forty years and when the Marvel Cinematic Universe does not stretching to 2040, there is currently nothing in the game that can match that kind of dedicated character longevity.

And that’s why Rocky is real to many, and his words often feel so human. Forty years of movies have brought Rocky to life, from bumps and bruises, through ups and downs, through bad films to great films, Rocky’s words have experience, and on occasion the stud speaks with an informed intelligence that shouldn’t be overlooked. With that in mind, I’ve collected the top ten Rocky Balboa quotes with enough wisdom to live your life:

10. Change (Rocky IV) “During this fight, I saw many changes in the way you feel about me and how I feel about you. Two guys killed each other in here, but I reckon that’s better than twenty million. I guess what I’m trying to say is if I can change and you can change, anyone can change!”

The cheesiest, most hollow movie in the Rocky canon also happens to feature the trendiest speech, but it’s not without merit. Rocky’s post-fight assertion here is that humans are not entirely a product of their nature or upbringing, and that the complexity of the human mind makes social conditioning highly suggestive at best. The Cold War tensions that shaped the meaning of the struggle between Balboa and Drago were the result of a conflict between the leaders, with the average citizen of each country committed to hostility towards the other as a matter of civic expectation. Rocky offers some common sense that this standoff would not end until we stopped blindly holding on to anger that was never ours.

09. Reality (Rocky III) “Nothing is real if you don’t believe in who you are!”

Rocky, probably his most existential moment, speaks here of the subjective nature of reality. In simple terms, Rocky outlines the classic philosophical stance that reality centers on the individual mind’s ability to experience, perceive, and rationalize it, a sort of Schrodinger’s cat for the Philadelphia street rat. Would the universe as we understand it exist at all if we weren’t here to witness it? When Rocky replied, “No, I don’t know. Probably not, but hey.”

08. Fear (Rocky V) You see, fear is a fighter’s best friend. You know, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. You see, fear keeps you sharp, it keeps you awake, you know, it makes you want to survive. You know what I mean? But the thing is, you have to learn to control it. Good? ‘Cause fear is like that fire, okay? And it burns deep inside.”

One of the most debated rhetorical questions in sociological and philosophical circles is: Which trait has shaped human behavior and the history of civilization the most, fear or laziness? Boxing movies are really just movies that crank up the human element at deafening volume, and as Rocky points out, studying boxing would lead you to believe that fear is clearly the most important motivator, not just for fighters but for people who fight everyone day live life. The tone here is decidedly Darwinian, but with limitations. According to Rocky, all of human civilization holds together because our species is able to control our fiery survival instincts.

07. What’s Owed (Rocky III) “Nobody owes nobody anything. you owe yourself Friends owe nothing! They do it because they want to.”

This little ditty is a bit controversial, as Rocky chimes in to support the hotly-controversial idea of ​​true altruism and pure goodwill. Cynics like to portray human kindness as being driven by unconscious ulterior motives, the embedded need to be unselfish, itself a form of selfishness. But Rocky slams that notion squarely in the face by rejecting the idea that personal interaction harbors an economy of debt and self-interest, and instead posits that love is the natural foundation on which charitable acts are built.

06. Love Almost Everybody (Rocky V) “Yeah, yeah, well, I love almost everyone.”

When Rocky’s son promises his father will love Picasso, the senior replies with a short joke that reveals a surprising phenomenon. At this point in Rocky’s career, he’s the epitome of Western success: he’s made millions, he’s risen to fame, and he’s even won his country’s biggest symbolic victory over its communist enemies. Rocky is the ripest fruit on the capitalist tree, but it reminds us of something surprising here. Rocky really loved almost everyone. His friends, his debtors, his opponents. This boundless compassion serves as a stark reminder that our culture may require competition for the sake of progress, but competition does not require animosity towards one another. It is possible to love everyone and shine within a capitalist culture.

05. Gaps (Rocky) “She has gaps. i have gaps Together we fill gaps.”

There’s no subject Rocky can’t come up with an amazing rationale for. When his friend and future brother-in-law questions his evolving relationship, Rocky responds with an uncanny and lucid understanding of the flaw in the romantic logic of the post-industrial Western world. Barely 30 at the time, Rocky already understands that true love is not favored by the blind idealizations that so often serve as traps for young lovers. Rather, as Rocky illustrates, committed romantic partners must be self-aware, honest about their shortcomings, and each must take responsibility for helping the other be the best version of themselves despite those shortcomings.

04. Can’t Win (Rocky IV) “No, maybe I can’t win, maybe the only thing I can do is just take whatever he’s got. But to beat me he has to kill me, and to kill me he has to have the heart to stand before me and for that he has to be willing to die himself and I don’t know if he is ready for that. ”

In his most hopeless hour, Rocky resolutely commits to a fight against what is perhaps his toughest opponent. Not Ivan Drago, but the will of man. While most of the world (and the film’s audience) understood the mean Russian prizefighter as a programmed machine, Rocky dared to delve into the psychological underpinnings of a warm-blooded human that existed within the mechanics. Rocky recalls the previously discussed ideas of fear as a motivator, the daring Drago who Rocky believes must possess a certain level of human empathy to completely annihilate another consciousness and violate humanity’s communal social contract for survival.

03. I am (Rocky Balboa)

“What’s so crazy about standing toe-to-toe with someone and saying, ‘I am’?”

After spending half a dozen films living in a way that teaches others principles, morals, philosophies, etc., Rocky lays bare his own existential needs in the final chapter of his saga. As far as the human mind can comprehend, the universe is infinite, and it extends into a separate infinity that humans may never understand. Most of this infinity is emptiness, and we have been placed in it at random. Rocky knows that everything he does, everything we all do, is an act designed to communicate the despair and confusion of our accommodation. “I am,” we all shout into the void, and Rocky screams with us, one punch, one opponent, one film at a time.

02. The Distance (Rocky)

“It really doesn’t matter if I lose this fight. It also doesn’t matter if this guy opens my head. ‘Cause all I wanna do is go the distance No one has ever covered that distance with Creed, and if I can cover that distance and that bell rings and I’m still standing, I’ll know for the first time in my life that it was me. not just another neighborhood bum.”

The one that started it all. The notion that there can never be a standard measure of an individual’s worth, other than their ability to be the best version of what they are, is the implicit slogan of Rocky’s entire life. This brand allows for a personal and cultural relativity, a blind vote of confidence for anyone who comes across the words, and a built-in self-help program designed to bring out the best in anyone who accepts the phrase as a guide.

01. Sunshine and Rainbows (Rocky Balboa)

“The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are, it will knock you to your knees and keep you there forever if you let it. You, me or nobody will hit as hard as life. But it’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can be hit and keep going. How much you can endure and move on. That’s how winning works! Well, if you know what you’re worth, go out and get what you’re worth. But you have to be willing to take the beating and not point the finger that you’re not where you want to be because of him or her or anyone! Cowards do that and that’s not you! You’re better than that!”

What else is there to say? That’s just a damn good speech.

I Don’t Care if You Like Me, I Like Me: Bernie Mac’s Daily Motivational

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I Don’t Care If You Like Me, I Like Me: Bernie Mac’s Daily Motivational Bởi Bernie Mac, Rhonda R. McCullough

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