I’M Not Saying Your Stupid? 126 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “i’m not saying your stupid“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

How do you play I’m not saying your stupid?

All of the questions have a numeric answer, and each player should only write a numeric answer. After every player has written their answer, each player places their I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid… cards in front of the player whose answer they think is furthest from the true answer.

Who is in the room Game?

This Who in the Room game reveals what you and your friends really think about each other. The game has more than 300 laugh out loud, unexpected, and personal questions that all start with the phrase who in the room? Be prepared for dropped jaws and hilarious discussions to follow.

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

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Who most likely to questions?

Who is most likely to be the first one up in the morning on a girls’ trip? Who is most likely to become a stand-up comedian? Who is most likely to go for all-you-can-drink mimosas at brunch? Who is most likely to order takeout when they already have leftovers in the fridge?

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

Next time you’re out with your friends and want to avoid staring at your phones, or can’t agree on a movie to stream (again), take some time to get to know each other better with a question game, e.g. most likely.”

If you went to high school in the United States, there was probably a point in the second semester of your senior year when you were given a sheet of paper with a list of superlatives and asked to pick a classmate for each of the “best.” and “most likely” categories. While it seemed a little weird at the time — and not necessarily the most accurate indicator of your future — the end-of-high-school ritual can still be a great way to deepen friendships by learning from each other and having fun memories.

The best thing about games like this is that you get to decide how deep you want to take them. If you want to stick to sillier questions like, “Who is most likely to accidentally find a portal to another dimension?” and “Who is most likely to meet their significant other at the gym?” use the shared experience as a potential jumping-off point to talk about more serious topics in the future.

“Strong friendships tend to grow closer and more intimate as two people get to know each other and build trust,” said Irene S. Levine, PhD, psychologist, author, and friendship expert. “As time goes on, friends become more comfortable revealing their ‘true selves’ without having to pretend or pretend.”

It’s important to be around those people who you feel like you can be the real you — or reveal your “warts,” as Levine puts it. “No single relationship, whether platonic or romantic, can meet all needs,” she says. “Women benefit at different stages of life from having friends who are going through similar life stages or experiences — like being pregnant, having a young child, coping with a health issue, juggling family and work, in the same office to work – or who have experienced this in the past.”

The story goes on

Asking each other these questions can help build on your existing bond, which will come in handy during these trying times when you might otherwise feel alone. Because what are friends for if not to share the good, the bad, and the “you’ll never believe what happened” moments in life?

In the meantime, fill in the fun stuff — including but not limited to these 75 Most Likely Questions That Will Help You Get To Know Your Best Friends Better.

Who is most likely to become the CEO of a top company? Who is most likely to have the most children? Who is most likely to run a marathon? Who is most likely to be late for their own wedding? Who is most likely to become a reality TV star? Who is most likely to win a Grammy? Who is most likely to call in sick at work but is actually at the beach? Who is most likely to get the most tattoos? Who is most likely to break a world record? Who is most likely to make the New York Times bestseller list? Who is most likely to become President? Who is most likely to have sex in public? Who is most likely to become a social media influencer? Who is most likely to spend all weekend playing a new TV series? Who is most likely not to have children? Who is most likely to hit their S.O. at the gym? Who is most likely to walk the red carpet one day? Who is most likely to live the longest? Who is most likely to adopt the #vanlife lifestyle? Who is most likely to take all their secrets to the grave? Who is most likely to be a member of the local art museum? Who is most likely to own their own country farm? Who is most likely to get married first? Who is most likely to accidentally find a portal to another dimension? Who is most likely to cry during a sad movie? Who is most likely to ditch their smartphone and go back to a clamshell phone? Who is most likely to have visited the most countries? Who is most likely to be at the Olympics? Who is most likely to become a millionaire? Who is most likely to move to a foreign country? Who is most likely to be at your doorstep with soup when you’re sick? Who is most likely not to forget their birthday? Who is most likely to get up first thing in the morning on a girls’ day out? Who is most likely to become a stand-up comedian? Who is most likely to grab all-you-can-drink mimosa at brunch? Who is most likely to order takeout when they already have leftovers in the fridge? Who is most likely to get a speeding ticket? Who is most likely to know what to say when you’re sad? Who is most likely to hike the Appalachian Trail? Who is most likely to get married in Vegas? Who is most likely to win a game show? Who is most likely to make it as a contestant at a national talent show? Who is most likely to get injured doing housework at home? Who is most likely to have a new hairdo when you next see them? Who is most likely to die first in a scary movie? Who is most likely to go skinny dipping? Who is most likely to be a spy? Who is most likely to renovate their entire house? Who is most likely to donate all their money to charity? Who is most likely to sneak into the cinema? Who is most likely to become a teacher in their high school? Who is most likely to be late for brunch because she stopped to pet a dog? Who is most likely to drink half a liter of ice cream in one sitting? Who is most likely to buy more underwear than do laundry? Who is most likely to lead a protest? Who is most likely to lock themselves out of their seat? Who is most likely to snore? Who is most likely to hear about the hip new restaurant before everyone else? Who is most likely to have an affair while on vacation? Who is most likely to be first on the dance floor? Who is most likely to always have the best snacks? Who is most likely to save you from a bad first date? Who is most likely to make something instead of buying it? Who is most likely to eat pizza for breakfast? Who is most likely to tell the waiter it’s their birthday to get free cake? Who is most likely to make new friends when traveling? Who is most likely to adopt their next pet? Who is most likely to spend their Saturday morning volunteering? Who is most likely to be written about in the history books of the future? Who is most likely to win the lottery? Who is most likely to be late for dinner? Who is most likely to sign up for karaoke first? Who is most likely to forget to write back? Who is most likely to write “on the way” when they’re still getting ready? Who is most likely to buy a motorcycle?

Want to ask more questions to get to know someone better? Try these:

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Who is most likely to questions for adults?

Most Likely to Questions Marriage & Family
  • Most likely to get married in Vegas?
  • Most likely to marry their high school sweetheart?
  • Most likely to not want kids?
  • Most likely to have had their first kiss before everyone else?
  • Most likely to be late for their own wedding?
  • Most likely to marry themselves?

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

Spice up your night (whether it’s a bachelorette party, an aperitif, or a night out with your friends) with these fun, daring, and genuinely intriguing most likely questions to get the laughs and drinks flowing in equal measure.

We’ve compiled a list of the best, funniest, and downright dirty questions we can think of so you can really find out what your friends think of you (and let them know what you think of them!).

Read more below

Question categories most likely

Most Likely Questions Funny Who is… Most likely to get lost in their own hometown? Most likely caught skinny dipping? Most likely to get an embarrassing tattoo? Most likely to become a crazy cat lady? Most likely to eat something off the floor? Most likely giving your child an unusual (*cough* ridiculous *cough*) name? Most likely arrested for urinating in public? Most likely a foot fetish? Most likely cracking up in public? Most likely to be arrested for drunkenness and disorder? Most likely to lock yourself out of the house? Most likely stays in the bathroom the longest (we don’t need to know what you’re doing!)? Are you likely to be ordering takeout in the next 24 hours? Most likely to get sick from a hangover? Most Likely To Say Something Stupid On The First Date? Most likely owns the most pets? Most likely to lose their phone when going out? Most likely stack it in one evening? Do most people snore so much that their partner sleeps on the sofa? Most likely used a fake ID to buy liquor?

Most Likely to Ask Dirty Who is… Most Likely to Date Two Men at the Same Time? Most Likely To Sleep With Someone On A First Date? Most likely forgets the name of a person with whom they met? Most likely to have a one night stand? Most likely to be caught meeting someone in public? Most likely to fall asleep during sex? Most Likely To Try A Threesome? Most likely to make out with her boss? Most Likely Caught With Her Ex? Most likely build a sex dungeon? Most likely to take the first step? Most likely to sleep with a colleague? Most likely to go to a strip club? Are you most likely into BDSM? Most likely to masturbate in a public place? Most likely to make a sextape? Are you most likely not using protection? Most Likely Caught Watching Porn? They are probably cheating on their partner? Are you most likely to moan the loudest during sex?

Read more below

Most Likely to Ask Future Who is most likely to be a TikTok Star? Most likely to become a millionaire? Probably most children have? Most likely to break a world record? Most likely to end up in prison? Most likely to become a politician? Most likely to join the army? Most likely to space? Most likely quit her job and travel the world? Most likely to become famous? Most likely to live the longest? Most likely to screw up an interview? Most likely to do a PhD? Most likely to marry into the royal family? Most likely to appear on a reality TV show? Most likely to write a book? Most likely to be a comedian? Most likely to go broke? Most likely to retire young? Most likely to marry more than once?

Most Likely Questions Interesting Who is… Most likely to get away with murder? Most likely the favorite sibling? Would they most likely abandon their friends to flirt with a stranger? Most likely to die first if you were in a horror movie? Most likely to embarrass a friend in public? Are you most likely to embarrass yourself in public? Most likely to make a sarcastic comment? Most likely to win in a race? Most likely to spill a secret? Most likely to retire in the country? Most likely to retire in a city? Most likely, you spend the most on clothes? Most likely donate money to charity? Mostly volunteer? Most likely disappear from the friendship group? Most likely shoplifting? Most likely to make a natural poop? Most likely to blame someone else? Most likely to be on their resume? Most likely go a week without showering?

Most Likely Questions Travel Who is… would most likely take a romantic trip to Paris? Most likely to live in the wild? Most likely stranded on a desert island? Most likely to go on a cruise? Most likely to visit every continent? Most likely on a caravan holiday? Most likely to become a pirate? Most likely to climb Everest? Are you most likely to get stuck on the mountain and have to call the mountain rescue service? Most likely to live abroad? Most likely to have a holiday romance? Most likely to wake up in a foreign jail cell? Are you most likely to use the (bad) local accent when ordering food? Most likely still eating British cuisine in a foreign country? Are you more likely to holiday in the UK than abroad? Most likely to travel for 6 months? Most likely to stay in a 5 star hotel? Most likely to stay in a 1 star hotel? Most likely to get married abroad? Most likely to buy a holiday home in France?

Most Likely Questions Marriage & Family Who… is most likely to get married in Vegas? Most likely to marry her high school sweetheart? Most likely you don’t want children? Did they most likely have their first kiss before anyone else? Most likely too late for your own wedding? Most likely to marry yourself? Most likely to marry her dog? Most likely to be proposed in public? Most likely saying the wrong name at the altar? Most likely to cry during their wedding? Most likely first/next children? Most likely a cool parent? Most likely a strict parent? Most likely to have twins? Most likely to marry a drug lord? Most likely to marry a millionaire (millionaire drug lord doesn’t count!)? Most Likely To End A Relationship Over Text? Most likely to pretend to be married to avoid being hit on? Most likely an extravagant wedding? Most likely to get married within a month of meeting someone?

Most Likely Questions Hen Do Who is… Most likely to socialize with a stranger at a hen party? Are you most likely flirting with the bar staff to get a free drink? Most likely asked for her number? Most Likely To Have A Stripper On Her Hen? Most likely drunk too much? Most likely to dance on the table? Most likely to wake up with a tattoo? Most likely to flirt with a bouncer? Most likely to be the first at karaoke? Most likely the last person standing? Are you most likely to get lost at night? Most likely you have your hen in Ibiza? Most likely you have your hen in Blackpool? Most likely to win at skeet shooting? Most likely to go crazy while drawing nudes? Are you most likely to oversleep breakfast? Most likely to shine in pole dance classes? Most likely to win at go-karting? Most likely the first on the dance floor? Most likely have a drink bought for her? Most likely to wake up without a hangover?

What they dont teach in school?

20 Life Skills Not Taught in School
  • Conversation. This is number one because it permeates every area and aspect of life. …
  • Thinking. …
  • How to Handle Money and Invest. …
  • Dating and Romantic Relationships. …
  • Rights. …
  • Home Repair and Home Owner’s Insurance. …
  • Vehicle Maintenance, Repair, and Insurance. …
  • Personal Credit and Credit Cards.

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

An education should include learning life skills that a person will take with them after college to navigate relationships and careers and be a well-rounded, successful person. This article has compiled 20 life skills that are not taught in school and that are valuable in life. In a sense, some of these skills are essential to life.

Online college is gaining popularity with the majority of students taking at least one online course. Leading online colleges (Grand Canyon University) are also adding more majors to their available online degrees.

Although high school and college are excellent at teaching many valuable skills, our current academic curriculum does not teach many aspects necessary to succeed and thrive in life in general, such as financial responsibility and investing, how to think logically – retain information and not just Temporarily memorizing information and how to apply such skills to real scenarios (which are bound to occur). And some of these skills are the most important skills that we will use in our lives, with the highest stakes.

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20 life skills that aren’t taught in school

1st conversation

This is number one because it permeates every area and aspect of life. Conversations with co-workers, bosses, loved ones, dates, friends, spouses, neighbors, acquaintances, etc. all require adhering to certain social norms and boundaries—like mutual respect and give and take—whether face-to-face, e.g. via email , social media, telephone, etc. The younger generation is called the silent generation because they predominantly communicate through technology, a medium that does not require speaking to anyone, such as B. SMS, social media messages, email, etc.


This hinders their personal communication skills. The broader result could be social isolation, a stalemate in social development, and a failure to learn from the shared experiences and mistakes of others who are their own age and older, stifling a person in various ways and potentially becoming a barrier to a rewarding career and that Whole could be joy in relationships.

Knowing how to connect with others, be empathetic, when to speak and when to listen is of great value in the workplace and in interpersonal relationships. Learning the art of conversation means actually doing it, with your peers and other different and different people.

2. Thinking

The stakes are high in our duties and responsibilities in life. The choices we make have real-world consequences, some immediate, others delayed, that affect ourselves and others. Making the right choices could literally mean the difference between happiness and regret, success and failure, and so on.

We must be endowed with the ability to think through scenarios and situations that will inevitably arise in our lives, not only for the sake of successful endeavors, but also to be wise for their own sake. Students are never taught how to learn best. Educators simply expect students to know how best to understand what they are being taught.

See our article: 7 Traits of Successful Students

Education is generally pragmatic, with educators testing students on specific things, and as such, students learn the specific things only for the tests and often through memorization. Memorizing red is not useful. What has been memorized has not been integrated into a person’s overall understanding.

Too often, therefore, students are not taught how to think through to solutions; Even in mathematics, formulas are memorized and the numbers put into the formula without understanding the formation of the formula and what it solves and what real-world scenarios it is applicable to.

Learning logic is a good place to start. And here’s a short video explaining a logical fallacy known as self-referential incoherence. Avoiding self-referential incoherence leads to internally consistent thinking.

3. How to manage and invest money

Responsible use of money is obviously valuable. Accounting, finance, and business classes explain accounting procedures, financing arrangements, and business structures, but don’t focus much on personal finance, saving, or investing. The role of these classes is to prepare students for the work environment and not necessarily for managing their own finances.

Popular financial personality Dave Ramsey’s advice on managing money and reducing debt is a good place to start. Additionally, higher education doesn’t spend a lot of time teaching students how to start their own business. For the self-starter, knowing how to set up your business, manage finances, pay taxes, and reinvest in the business is critical and can mean the difference between failure and success.

4. Dating and romantic relationships

“If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly,” said G.K. Chesterton. Some things we will be clumsy and fidgety with when we learn how to make them. Dating is one of those things. But it’s worth doing, so it’s okay if it’s done poorly and we can learn and grow from our experiences. School doesn’t help our awkward dating life because it doesn’t teach anything in that area of ​​life.

However, we can all agree that this aspect of life is very valuable because it is the first step to falling in love, getting married and starting a family – and family is the foundation of society. It is therefore important to choose the right partner, know what to look for in a partner and what to avoid, and how to be a good partner yourself. This takes practice and attention to yourself and your date.

As with conversation, this experience comes through doing. However, some advice from our peers and our teachers could help avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that inevitably occur in dating and relationships.

5. Rights

In certain courses we are taught the Bill of Rights, but how these sweeping rights actually apply to us in day-to-day practice is not usually addressed. As a citizen, it is important to know and exercise your rights where appropriate and to enjoy the freedoms that the United States has to offer.

It’s also beneficial to get involved in politics, from the federal to the local level, and to know who the politicians are, like the senators representing your state and your city’s mayor. Bills that either pass or don’t pass Congress or that are put to a vote also affect us as citizens.

For example, in Texas in 2003 a measure that would allow state colleges to increase their tuition was put to a vote, which passed, and tuition has increased every year since, and since 2013, state college tuition has increased by 55% gone up. How do you register to vote, where do you vote off and when do votes take place?

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6. How to survive without certain technology

With the popularity of smartphones and e-readers, mechanical watches and books are becoming increasingly rare. Can you read a one-hand watch like the one in the picture? The clock in the picture shows the time as 7:09. One revolution around the clock takes 12 hours. It takes an hour to go from 1 to 2, an hour to go from 2 to 3, and so on. Each individual marker (between the numbers) represents a 5 minute increment.

So if the hand is twice behind the 10, it is 10:10. At three marks after the 10 it is 10:15 and so on. The first pocket watches were made with just one hand. While this is antique now, knowing how to read modern analog clocks is beneficial. Watches that are “automatic” do not require a battery and will last for hundreds of years with good care.

One benefit of reading paper books is that older books that don’t typically come in some form of e-reader can still be read. They can be borrowed, traded and given away. They don’t need to be charged. They can be signed and commented on. There are no update, platform, or file type incompatibilities.

I fear that the popularity of e-readers will result in old books becoming unread, meaning we will be cut off from our ancestors, meaning the first generation in history will exist as an island annexed from the wisdom of history and tradition. If you assume you can’t learn anything from someone who lived before you, that’s because you haven’t read anyone who lived before you is worth reading.

7. Home Repair and Homeowners Insurance

As a homeowner, potentially costly home repairs and replacements are inevitable, and knowing how to perform them can save homeowners money. Painting, plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, etc. are all involved in the maintenance and repair of a home and since home is where most of your valuables are located and where you will spend most of your life, knowing how to make repairs and improvements is always valuable.

Home insurance covers some expensive home repairs. It is important to know what types of damage and amounts are covered and included in the policy.

Knowing what tools are necessary for specific repair jobs makes the job a lot easier. Learn how to read a ruler and tape measure and be able to take accurate measurements.

One of the easiest and most noticeable ways to improve a home is with a fresh coat of paint. Taking care of the garden and flower beds also adds a lot of appeal. All of this together adds to the value of your home, both monetarily and intrinsically.

8. Vehicle Maintenance, Repair and Insurance

Much of what you know about repairing and maintaining your home also applies to repairing and maintaining your car. Regular maintenance can save repair costs, e.g. B. changing the oil every few miles. Even changing the oil and oil filter itself is another way to save money.

Maintaining the correct air pressure in your tires will help keep your gas mileage down, and knowing how to change a tire can mean the difference between being stuck at the side of the road or experiencing a temporary setback. Repairs and maintenance are inevitable for anyone who drives a vehicle for any reasonable amount of time and hence it would be helpful if these skills were taught to students as literally almost everyone will encounter such problems. It’s also good to know which vehicle to buy and which ones to avoid based on their performance and safety ratings, and which ones have the highest resale value.

It is important that you have comprehensive insurance for your vehicle to cover it and other vehicles in the event of an accident. When you have an accident, whether it’s your fault or someone else’s, you need to file a claim with auto insurance. It is important to know what your insurance cover consists of, e.g. For example, what is your deductible for repairing your own car and what is the dollar amount your insurance company will pay to repair someone else’s car if the accident was your fault.

9. Personal credit and credit cards

Learning how to build and maintain good credit is a very valuable skill that is not taught in school. We all start out with no credit, which isn’t bad, but it’s not necessarily helpful to lenders, so good credit needs to be established. A credit card like Discover, Capital One, or Fidelity is a good place to start (retail cards at department stores like Macy’s don’t do much for improving credit).

Don’t overdo the credit card by blowing more than 90% of the credit limit, and don’t miss payments and always pay on time. It is important that you continue to build up your credit in this way so that more and more credit can be granted. Avoid many credit inquiries from financial institutions, as many inquiries can negatively affect your credit report. Get a free copy of your credit report every year and be sure to read what’s on it.

The three big credit bureaus are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, and all three have credit reports on you. Good credit means you’ll have lower or no interest rates when you finance a car or house, and you’ll save money over the life of the note.

One way to get your first credit card without an established credit history is to get a secured credit card. To get a secured credit card, give the bank some money and they will give you the same amount of credit. The loan is secured because you gave the money to the bank and they can take that money if you use the loan and don’t pay it back. For example, you can give the bank $300 and they might give you a credit card with a $300 balance. If you miss a payment, the bank is secured and will deduct the money from your account to cover the missed payment(s).

Over time, once credit has been established in this way, a bank may feel more comfortable making more credit or credit that is unsecured and does not require you to put up any money.

10. Cooking

Learning how to cook and how to do household chores is gone with the era of high school home economics classes. Nevertheless, cooking is vital and very conducive to a healthy diet and thus being healthy. With home cooking, the ingredients and dishes are controllable and the portions are adapted to the appetite.

Cooking at home generally saves money over eating out at restaurants. Culinary school is a specific education that takes place after elementary school, however the basics of cooking, pre-treatment and preparation of food, safety and hygiene should be taught to all students as a core curriculum.

11. The Bible

The Bible is not included in public education because of the separation of church and state. However, teaching what the Bible says as teaching history, literature, ethics, etc. does not mean that it is endorsed by the state as a religious position.

The Bible is the best-selling book in the history of the world, and in certain households the only education or exposure some students have with the Bible would be education. Given the influence of the Bible on Western culture and its repercussions around the world, denying Scripture and possibly remaining ignorant would be inherently detrimental to a well-rounded, thorough education. Learning what the Bible contains will put people in touch with what the majority of humanity has learned over the past two thousand years.

12. Manners

Manners are essential in civilized society and if used properly, one makes a good impression on family, significant other, parents-in-law, friends, teachers, bosses, acquaintances, etc. Just as etiquette classes are a thing of the past, so are manners been on the decline.

However, an etiquette course should not be required to say please and thank you, sir and ma’am. Also, the more distinguished the company one is in, the more important manners become. Along with manners should be friendliness and respect for all people met in ordinary society, and note how proper manners always achieve this goal.

In addition, when traveling abroad, it is important to learn the customs and customs of that society in order not to offend and to get along as well as possible. Learning the manners of a society shows, like signposts, the values ​​and traditions that are dear to a society.

13. Gun Safety

There was a new era in this country when high school students could drive trucks to school with gun racks on the rear window and a shotgun used for squirrel hunting on the rack. This (seemingly) more innocent time is over. Of course, given the onslaught of gun violence, particularly in schools, guns are not allowed on school property by anyone except law enforcement or other trained and qualified personnel.

And for a good reason. Nonetheless, learning gun safety and proper gun handling is important to learn. Such training instills proper respect for the power of guns, reduces the likelihood of a gun-related accident, and demystifies guns and shooting, thereby reducing the stigma surrounding guns.

This right to own a gun is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution. By teaching students about guns, schools would allow American citizens to exercise one of their constitutional rights.

14. How to find and actually get a job

The goal of education is primarily twofold: education for its own intrinsic rewards of having knowledge of existence, and second, to prepare students to engage in the workforce and become self-reliant, productive, and contributing members of society.

Therefore, it is crucial for the latter to find a job and, of course, to support themselves and the family.

Students would benefit from learning how to successfully find a job, apply for a job, create a resume and cover letter, complete the interview process, and understand and negotiate employment contracts. There could be mock interviews, where students go through a simulated interview process, learn what is beneficial and detrimental to their particular interview, and each student benefits from the process. Also, going through the process of searching and practicing to get a job takes the uncertainty out of the process. It demystifies it.

15. Healthcare and Medical Insurance

While schools provide access to the school nurse, students must be taught at least the basic facts about obtaining and maintaining health care and health insurance, which can be a confusing process for an expensive and ever-changing system.

Schools should keep up with changes in healthcare and educate their students accordingly. Not every healthcare situation can be covered in class, but some general information can be provided about the law and policyholder rights, covering all aspects and different healthcare providers.

How to buy the best care at the best price, the difference between individual and group plans, the difference between health, vision and dental care, and how premiums are affected by each plan can be a good starting point for teaching students to make informed decisions about their health care.

16. Self Defense

We all have the right to self-defense as a fundamental right granted to us by life. It is the job of school to prepare students for adult life in the real world in general and it is a reality that learning self defense may be necessary to protect the well being of you and your loved ones.

Hopefully no one would ever need to practice self-defense, but should the use of skills learned on self-defense courses ever be required, practicing those skills could mean the preservation of life and limb. It’s better to know how to defend yourself and never have to than to have to and not know how.

Pepper spray, mace, a concealed weapon is a good start for self-defense readiness. However, there could be scenarios where these are inaccessible and old-fashioned melee and defense become necessary. It is especially wise for women to know a man’s weaknesses and accordingly employ maneuvers that would incapacitate any potential transgressor.

17. Learning from mistakes

There is a modern trend towards equality and egalitarianism, in science and competitive school sports. This avoids knowing how to deal with errors correctly. It is an increasing practice of science and sport to maintain the confidence of all students, and as a result, students are not told that their school performance is inferior and deserves a bad grade. Or, on the contrary, that their work is much better than that of their classmates.

With that in mind, many team sports have stopped counting points, so there can be no winners or losers. However, there is no such atmosphere in general society that is compassionate and concerned about an individual’s self-esteem, and in the real world, substandard work leads to negative consequences, such as job loss. This practice tends to make students mediocre and risk-averse. Learning from mistakes teaches tenacity, brains, character and makes one tougher and more able to face life’s inevitable ups and downs.

18. First Aid

Along with the need to learn how to navigate healthcare for yourself and your family, it is also important to provide first aid and assistance when needed, such as: B. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Accidents can happen at almost any time and being armed with knowledge of the first reaction is important for the health and possibly the life of you and your loved ones.

In extreme events, this knowledge can make the difference between life and death. Often the response time of medical professionals is too long and can lead to complications and worsening symptoms that could be prevented with immediate help from a loved one. Finding the proper warning signs for things like a concussion, frostbite, heat exhaustion, dehydration, respiratory arrest, etc. would be very valuable and potentially life-saving knowledge.

Knowing how to administer CPR, clean and dress a wound, prevent infection, use the Heimlich maneuver, apply a tourniquet are just a few of the important aspects that could be taught to students in school and have very beneficial, life-saving consequences .

19. Time Management

While assignments, tests, papers, exams, etc. are expected by educators to be studied and completed by students for specific time constraints, educators do not really teach students how to manage their time effectively. Time efficiency is not only helpful at school, it becomes even more valuable as we get older, because the older we get, the less time we have until retirement.

It becomes especially important as we try to manage our careers, families, and raising children. Schedules are becoming increasingly important. The older we get, the less sleep is needed for productivity. The advent of calendars and notifications on our smartphones, which many of us carry with us at all times, has made keeping to schedules much easier. For this purpose, there are many good time management apps that can be downloaded on our smartphones.

20. Local Law

Ignorance of the law will not keep a lawbreaker out of the criminal justice system if there is evidence that the law has been broken in the justice system. Most citizens are generally aware of the laws that affect our daily lives.

At a minimum, students should be taught the laws that might affect their lives while they are in school and when they graduate and enter society as fully culpable adults. For example, is trespassing a misdemeanor or a crime? Could decorating a friend’s car be considered criminal damage?

Can someone be arrested for failing to pay a debt, e.g. a credit card? What are the rights of someone who has just been arrested? Given the real and potentially serious consequences of breaking the law, the law should be taught to students, who can then act accordingly.

When did things they don’t teach you in school come out?

Product Details
UPC: 0819940021019
Manufacturer: Hygge Games
Publication date: 04/01/2021
Age Range: 17 Years

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

A crazy mix of fun facts, random trivia and utterly useless knowledge. Things You’re Not Taught In School is definitely not your traditional trivia game with boring questions about who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories or where the 1996 Summer Olympics were held. Instead, this is a hilarious trivia game with over 400 unexpected questions and answers that you’ll never see coming! Lots of laughs and interesting discussions guaranteed!For ages: 17+

Should have known better game?

I should have known that! is an addictively entertaining trivia game with over 400 questions about things that you should know. In contrast to traditional trivia formats, you don’t receive points for answering questions correctly. Instead, points are subtracted for every incorrect answer!

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

A trivia game about things you should know! … I should have known that! is an addictive, fun quiz game with over 400 questions about things you should know. Unlike traditional trivia formats, you don’t get points for answering questions correctly. Instead, points are deducted for every wrong answer! One thing is for sure: it will only be a matter of time before you hear yourself say… Doh! … I should have known that! 14 years and older

What is the story behind The Room game?

The game has a minimal story, in which the player is told by letters of a mysterious box in a room in a house; as the player solves the puzzles around the box, more notes from the same author – one who previously had solved the mystery of the box – are found, describing the box’s use of an ethereal material called ” …

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

For the 2010 video game inspired by the film of the same name, see The Room Tribute

Video game 2012

Video game 2012

The Room is a Puzzle video game developed by Fireproof Games. The game was originally developed for the iOS platform and released in September 2012. The Android version debuted in March 2013 as part of a Humble Bundle and was subsequently released on Google Play. A free expansion for the title was released in August 2013. An enhanced version of the game was released for Microsoft Windows in July 2014 and for Nintendo Switch in October 2018.

At the time of The Room’s creation, Fireproof had provided art assets for other publishers, and The Room reflects the studio’s first attempt to create its own game, but with limited finances, that focused on a mobile title to reap the benefits unique interface aspects of the platform. The Room presents the player with a series of strange puzzle boxes that feature a variety of physical mechanisms. The player is challenged to figure out how to open each one – usually by picking a set of locks – to access a different puzzle box within. The game uses a variety of motions enabled by mobile device touchscreens to simulate real-life actions, e.g. B. looking around the device, turning keys and activating switches. Through the game, a story involving an unnamed person’s exploration of the fifth classic element, “Zero”, described in notes found in the various boxing puzzles.

The Room received a positive reception, and the iOS version received several awards. The game has sold more than 6.5 million copies. Fireproof Games has since released four sequels to The Room, with combined sales of $11.5 million through 2016.


Space is a lens that allows the player to see secrets that are otherwise hidden. Here the player has to manipulate the camera view to match the hidden number fragments to get a combination code. A key puzzle element of is a lens that allows the player to see secrets that would otherwise remain hidden. Here the player has to manipulate the camera view to match the hidden number fragments to get a combination code.

The Room is a three-dimensional puzzle game. The game has a minimal story where the player is told through letters from a mysterious box in a room in a house; As the player solves the mysteries surrounding the crate, more notes are found by the same author – one who previously solved the crate’s mystery – describing the crate’s use of an ethereal material called “Null” and slowly reveals the author to the lapsed into madness.

Upon starting the game, the player is presented with the first of four puzzle boxes. The first box is provided as a tutorial for game controls, showing how to move around the box and interact with box functions. The player has a small inventory for items such as keys found in compartments in the chest. A key inventory item is a special lens that allows the player in-game to see things made from the Null Element that form parts of the box. The lens can generally be equipped at any time to see these secrets, often requiring the player to manipulate vision to align secrets into a coherent symbol. The goal is to fully unlock each puzzle box and extract a smaller but increasingly complex box inside.

Development [edit]

Fireproof Games is a British development company formed from six developers who worked at Criterion Games on the Burnout racing series; Together they decided to quit to start their own small team to deliver pageable graphics to other developers. Her work has been featured in both LittleBigPlanet games, DJ Hero, and other racing titles like Split/Second and Blur.[1] They wanted to start developing their own game around 2012, but at the time found that the development costs for a console or PC title were too high and opted for mobile gaming, which was cheaper to develop. They also recognized that many mobile games developed by teams with experience in consoles and computers weren’t great mobile games, but often simply ported or cloned existing titles, and set out to prove that it was possible to make a good mobile game to make something “appropriate for this piece of hardware, for this audience,” according to Barry Meade, co-founder of Fireproof Games.[2] With The Room, the goal, according to Meade, was “to make the best iOS game we could, not just try to make a big console game for iOS.”[1] They wanted to highlight the use of the mobile device’s touchscreen in a unique way, similar to the success of Cut the Rope and Angry Birds. At the same time, they wanted to create a game that is immersive for the player and had developed the appropriate touch controls to allow for tactile responses, which alongside their art and music resources contribute to this.[1]

Fireproof hired a programmer to create their own title The Room in January 2012; During the game’s development, only two members of the Fireproof team were employed, with the rest of the company continuing to work on other outsourcing jobs.[1] The game was developed in the Unity game engine, primarily because of its very low cost, a financial limitation Fireproof had at the time.[2] The total development cost for the first iPad version was estimated at GB£160,000.[3] They came up with the idea of ​​Asian puzzle boxes early on, which may have required hundreds of steps to open, while having a certain level of artistry and beauty in their creation.[2] Meade compared this to an early hit mobile title, Zen Bound, which, while a simple game with no challenges, Meade said “was really enjoyable and beautiful to look at”.[2] They originally planned to call the game Puzzle Box, created a playable demonstration within weeks of the idea, and then built from there.[2] To achieve the tactile nature they wanted for the game, they were careful to incorporate a physics engine so that all the moving parts of each puzzle had some sort of weight, as Meade felt that simulated physical responses to direct touchscreen controls “They automatically obliterated this massive barrier to entry that humans have,” as opposed to using a gamepad or controller.[2]

The game was originally developed for Apple’s iPad (compatible with iPad 2 and above) and was released in September 2012.[1] Fireproof has also ported the game to work on the Apple iPhone 4s and newer models. However, at the time of its release, there was no way to tell Apple App Store users that the game wouldn’t work on the iPhone 4. Because of this, they created a free-to-play version, The Room Pocket on December 3, 2012, which included The Room’s first puzzle and an option to purchase the rest of the game so iPhone 4 users wouldn’t upset. Meade said that as of 2018, The Room Pocket had more sales than The Room.[2]

An Android version of The Room was made for mobile devices as part of the Humble Mobile Bundle, released on March 26, 2013.[4] A free expansion to The Room was released in August 2013, updating the game with a new level and connecting the ending of the first game to the sequel. Fireproof developed a Microsoft Windows version, released on July 28, 2014, that added mouse control support.[6] The Windows version was only planned after they successfully found the game on mobile, and it had to be built from scratch, requiring a larger team, about half of the then 14-strong workforce, with the risk of how popular it was this version would be.[7]

A version of The Room was released for the Nintendo Switch on October 18, 2018 with Team17’s release support, making its console debut. The game supports the same touchscreen controls as the mobile game, but uses the Switch’s Joy-Con to play the game in TV mode. The Switch version includes enhanced graphics and the DLC of the original game.[8][9][10]

Reception [edit]

The Room was met with “generally favorable reviews” for iOS and Nintendo Switch, and “mixed or average” for PC, according to Metacritic.[11][12]

sale [edit]

Fireproof Games broke even in the first week of the iPad version release, allowing them to plan the expansions and sequels and consider other projects. As of March 2013, The Room on iPad has sold over 1.4 million copies and is about to make its debut on multiple iOS lists as one of the best selling games.[1] The free pocket version has been downloaded over 2.4 million times. [citation needed] As of October 2016, The Room has sold more than 6.5 million units, and the three games in the series have collectively sold more than 11.5 million copies.[3] [20]


Upon release, The Room was named Apple’s Editors Choice Worldwide, receiving coveted Apple iPad Game of the Year 2012 and a BAFTA for Best British Video Game. It won the following awards:

Date Award Category Ref. Apple Inc. iPad Game of the Year 2012 [21] BAFTA Best UK Game [22] Game Developers Choice Awards Best Handheld/Mobile Game [23] The International Mobile Game Awards Excellence in Visuals [24] TIGA Best Game Design [25] New York Video Game Critics Circle Awards Best Mobile/iOS Game [26] JayisGames.com Best Mobile Puzzle Game [27] Gamezebo Best iPad Game [28] Cnet Aus Best Mobile Game [29]


The Room was followed by several sequels: The Room Two was released on iTunes and Steam on December 12, 2013.[30][31][32]

In 2014, Fireproof Games announced a third title, The Room Three, which was released in November 2015 for mobile platforms and Steam.[33][34]

A fourth game, The Room: Old Sins, was released on January 25, 2018.[35] It was released on Steam on February 11, 2021.[36]

A spin-off title, The Room VR: A Dark Matter, was released exclusively for VR platforms on March 26, 2020.[37]

Is the game The Room demonic?

While the game play is very well done, it has very dark overtones. There are numerous symbols that could be satanic or ritual symbols (for lack of a better explanation). They could be completely made up symbols, but it is obvious they are meant to be dark. It also discusses harnessing the power of a Babylonian god.

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

My daughter is 10 and we’ve been playing The Room games since she was 7. Actually, I initially got it for myself and she took it off my hands and tore through the first few chapters (it’s not easy!). We played with the sound off the music can make it scary. There is an occasional skull, but for the most part I would describe the atmosphere as “steampunk”. The puzzles are great and we played all 3 multiple times. Don’t get bogged down in the notes lying around, they usually have vague direction and confusing text that tries to be mysterious but isn’t. We turn on the clues and sometimes bang our foreheads for reading them too soon. I was a Myst fan in my day and would describe this story as “Myst Light”.

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Is The Room a horror game?

Even when playing The Room games on my iPad, I would occasionally feel the need to look over my shoulder. A Dark Matter takes the series’ ghostly environments to a whole new level. It isn’t a traditional horror game; you don’t have to worry about getting attacked by monsters, but the atmosphere is unnerving.

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

In 2012, a group of former Criterion developers who worked on the Burnout series founded Fireproof Games. They released The Room, an atmospheric puzzle game where players manipulated a virtual puzzle box with a nearly endless supply of hidden compartments. The Room was a mobile hit and spawned several sequels that took full advantage of mobile’s touch interface. With A Dark Matter, Fireproof brings its series into the bold new world of virtual reality, and the series’ puzzle mechanics translate perfectly to this medium.

Despite having a different name, The Room games have grown well beyond a single room. During your journey in A Dark Matter you will visit the warehouses of an Egyptian museum, a desolate cathedral and a witch’s hut. In each area you will discover strange gadgets and puzzle boxes, all of which you can physically manipulate in different ways. The VR controls are intuitive and accessible, as you can just reach out and grab things with touch controllers, and I loved trying to figure out how each machine worked with my bare hands. After tinkering with a series of sweaters, I lifted the lid of a sarcophagus and staggered back in delight and horror. In another area, I matched the symbols in a grimoire and added ingredients to a boiling cauldron, then watched in wonder as the pot conjured up a magical mirror.

A Dark Matter’s puzzles are filled with supernatural spectacle, but the underlying logic is easy to follow. However, it can be difficult to know exactly where to go next, as it’s easy to miss interactive objects if you’re not careful. Luckily, Fireproof’s hint system is just a button press away. I called up these hints a few times to nudge me in the right direction, but I never felt like they ruined the puzzle solutions. However, consecutive clues explain exactly what to do if you get completely stuck.

At the beginning of A Dark Matter, players assume the role of a police inspector tasked with investigating a series of missing persons cases in Victorian England. However, as you delve deeper into these cases, you uncover a supernatural conspiracy involving a Cthulhu-like entity and an ancient Egyptian burial ground. This story doesn’t go much deeper than the initial interesting premise and leaves you with some disappointingly unsolved mysteries, but I still enjoyed the ride.

What A Dark Matter lacks in plot development it makes up for in atmosphere. Even when playing The Room games on my iPad, I occasionally felt the need to look over my shoulder. A Dark Matter takes the series’ haunted environments to a whole new level. It’s not a traditional horror game; You don’t have to worry about being attacked by monsters, but the atmosphere is nerve-wracking. For a few moments I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone else was watching me. I was even reluctant to walk down a dark hallway because I wasn’t ready to face the unknown. Much of this enhanced atmosphere is due to the inherent immersion that VR offers, but the atmosphere of A Dark Matter is incredibly moving and exhilarating on its own, and almost worth the price of admission alone.

I always make time to play new parts of The Room on mobile, so I was curious to see how well this formula translates to virtual reality. Thankfully, it’s a perfect fit for VR, and the series’ barebones narrative makes this a great chance for newcomers to jump on board. The puzzle-box gameplay is great for VR, and Fireproof’s atmospheric environments should delight fans of atmospheric horror. In a way, A Dark Matter is the culmination of everything Fireproof has done on mobile, but I also hope it’s a fresh start for the series in VR.

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid.. Funny Trivia Game

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid.. Funny Trivia Game
I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid.. Funny Trivia Game

See some more details on the topic i’m not saying your stupid here:

Hygge Games I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid Trivia Party Game …

I’m Not Saying You’re Stup is a fun and fresh game featuring over 400 questions that are random, hilarious, and almost impossible to answer just right …

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Source: www.amazon.com

Date Published: 8/6/2022

View: 4931

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid… Trivia Party Game – Amazon.ca

I’m not saying you’re stup… is a fun and fresh game featuring over 400 questions that are random, hilarious, and almost impossible to answer just right.

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Source: www.amazon.ca

Date Published: 12/4/2021

View: 7848

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid… | Board Game – BoardGameGeek

I’m Not Saying You’re Stup… is a trivia game where players try to guess the right answer, but also guess which player has the most wrong answer.

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Source: boardgamegeek.com

Date Published: 11/21/2022

View: 6379

I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

I’m Not Saying You’re Stup… is a fun and fresh game featuring over 400 questions that are random, hilarious, and almost impossible to answer just right.

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Source: www.hyggegames.com

Date Published: 7/26/2021

View: 2656

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid New – Walmart.com

Arrives by Fri, Aug 5 Buy I’m Not Saying You’re Stup New at Walmart.com.

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Source: www.walmart.com

Date Published: 12/11/2022

View: 2763

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid Trivia Party Game – Always Fits

I’m Not Saying You’re Stup is a fun and fresh game featuring over 400 questions that are random, hilarious, and almost impossible to answer just right.

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Source: alwaysfits.com

Date Published: 12/16/2022

View: 6142

Party Game ‘I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid’ – Axeswar Design

The answers are always numbers in this game. If your opponents think your answer sounds wrong, they can stick you with an I’m Not Saying You’re Stup-card.

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Source: www.axeswardesign.be

Date Published: 7/2/2021

View: 5366

I’m not saying you’re stupid party game – Paperchase

I’m not saying you’re stup party game. £15.00. Do your best to guess the right answer to these funny, fresh, completely random and near impossible trivia …

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Source: www.paperchase.com

Date Published: 6/18/2021

View: 4250

I’m Not Saying You’re Stupid… Trivia Game – The Paper Store

This trivia game encourages players to call each other out on their nonsense. Each answer involves a specific number, and if you think another player has it …

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Source: www.thepaperstore.com

Date Published: 3/1/2021

View: 2213


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I´m not saying you´re stupid – Hygge Games

I’m not saying you’re stupid

At what temperature does popcorn burst? How many of the 100 richest people in the world are women? And how long can a dolphin hold its breath?

I’m Not Say You’re Stupid… is a fun and fresh game with over 400 random, funny and almost impossible to answer questions.

The answers are always numbers in this game, which sounds simple enough. But pay attention! If your opponent thinks your answer sounds hopelessly wrong, they can hit you with an “I’m not saying you’re stupid…” card. On the other hand, guess correctly who is furthest from the correct answer and watch the points pile up!

The perfect game for anyone who loves new tidbits, wild guesses and roaring laughter! A dynamic and fun game for your next party, evening at home or dinner!

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