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‘밑’과 ‘아래’는 아래와 같이 비슷한 의미를 갖고 있으므로, 모두 쓸 수 있습니다. 다만 ‘처마’보다 아래를 의미한다면 ‘물체의 아래나 아래쪽’을 의미하는 ‘밑’이 조금 더 정확한 표현이 될 수 있습니다.
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밑과 아래의 구분 질문합니다
[답변]아래 밑STUDY KOREAN — 밑 vs. 아래
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- Summary of article content: Articles about STUDY KOREAN — 밑 vs. 아래 밑 vs. 아래 … 아래 refers to anything anywhere underneath the bottom of the box (or item), include the bottom surface. Can include things that … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for STUDY KOREAN — 밑 vs. 아래 밑 vs. 아래 … 아래 refers to anything anywhere underneath the bottom of the box (or item), include the bottom surface. Can include things that … 밑 vs. 아래 raspberry-sundae: “ @onestopkorean I looked into this before, so I just wanted to share what I found (though I’m not a native speaker so I can’t 100% vouch this is correct) 밑 refers to the…vocab,location vocab,under,underneath,below
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밑 vs 아래
Error 403 (Forbidden)
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- Summary of article content: Articles about Error 403 (Forbidden) “In a broad sense, ‘아래’ is physically detached, and ‘밑’ is physically attached.” Welcome back to the synonym . This time, it’s eventually the time for … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Error 403 (Forbidden) “In a broad sense, ‘아래’ is physically detached, and ‘밑’ is physically attached.” Welcome back to the synonym . This time, it’s eventually the time for …
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밑 vs 아래? What’s the Difference? | Korean FAQ – Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean
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- Summary of article content: Articles about 밑 vs 아래? What’s the Difference? | Korean FAQ – Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean Now here’s a topic that even Koreans have difficulty understanding – when to use 밑 and 아래. I couldn’t find a good explanation on YouTube … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 밑 vs 아래? What’s the Difference? | Korean FAQ – Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean Now here’s a topic that even Koreans have difficulty understanding – when to use 밑 and 아래. I couldn’t find a good explanation on YouTube … Stay up to date with new Korean lessons and videos. Every week we upload new Korean lessons and content. Learn Korean for free!
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ひLesson 10: Difference between “밑” and “아래”ひ | Korean Language Amino
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- Summary of article content: Articles about ひLesson 10: Difference between “밑” and “아래”ひ | Korean Language Amino Let’s start with “밑”. “밑” is a position word. Position words are words that tell where someone/something is. “밑” is used with “에” and … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for ひLesson 10: Difference between “밑” and “아래”ひ | Korean Language Amino Let’s start with “밑”. “밑” is a position word. Position words are words that tell where someone/something is. “밑” is used with “에” and …
GUYS WASSUPPPPPP. I’m here with another lesson! This lesson is very important. It was requested. Th - Table of Contents:
ひLesson 10: Difference between “밑” and “아래”ひ | Korean Language Amino
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- Reviews from users: 6833 Ratings
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- Summary of article content: Articles about ひLesson 10: Difference between “밑” and “아래”ひ | Korean Language Amino If you want to say something is physically under something, you can use the word 밑 and 아래. Both of them are interchangeable. 다리 밑에서 모이기로 하자. Let’s … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for ひLesson 10: Difference between “밑” and “아래”ひ | Korean Language Amino If you want to say something is physically under something, you can use the word 밑 and 아래. Both of them are interchangeable. 다리 밑에서 모이기로 하자. Let’s …
GUYS WASSUPPPPPP. I’m here with another lesson! This lesson is very important. It was requested. Th - Table of Contents:
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축소 확대
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밑과 아래의 구분 질문합니다 작성자 이술희 등록일 2013. 12. 22. 조회수 6,338
우리는 처마 밑에 모였다.
우리는 처마 아래에 모였다.
위의 두 문장중 어떤 것이 더 자연스러운 문장인지 알고싶습니다.
비밀번호 삭제 간단하게 질문드립니다.우리는 처마 밑에 모였다.우리는 처마 아래에 모였다.위의 두 문장중 어떤 것이 더 자연스러운 문장인지 알고싶습니다.
[답변]아래, 밑 답변자 온라인 가나다 답변일 2013. 12. 30.안녕하십니까?
‘밑’과 ‘아래’는 아래와 같이 비슷한 의미를 갖고 있으므로, 모두 쓸 수 있습니다. 다만 ‘처마’보다 아래를 의미한다면 ‘물체의 아래나 아래쪽’을 의미하는 ‘밑’이 조금 더 정확한 표현이 될 수 있습니다. 표준국어대사전에 등재된 아래와 같은 용례를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
밑01 [믿]
「1」물체의 아래나 아래쪽.
¶ 지붕 밑/산 밑 마을/청계천 다리 밑/잃어버렸던 책을 책상 밑에서 찾았다./사또가 버선발로 우르르 섬돌 밑으로 뛰어 내려온다.≪유현종, 들불≫
「1」어떤 기준보다 낮은 위치.
¶ 언덕 아래/불빛 아래/하늘 아래/햇빛 아래.
STUDY KOREAN — 밑 vs. 아래
@onestopkorean I looked into this before, so I just wanted to share what I found (though I’m not a native speaker so I can’t 100% vouch this is correct)
밑 refers to the bottom area of something, including the inner bottom surface of the box, the general bottom area, the underneath surface of the box, and anything directly underneath it.
아래 refers to anything anywhere underneath the bottom of the box (or item), include the bottom surface. Can include things that are very far below it.
You would say 바다 밑에 to mean the bottom of the sea / the sea floor, 바다 아래 would mean underneath the entire sea / under the sea floor (so it’s wrong)
*Not sure about this part it’s just what I have in my personal notes* Both 밑 and 아래 can both be used for terms such as ‘Under protection, Under guidance of my teacher, 2 years below (younger than) me, and ranking status, but 아래 is slightly more formal.
밑 is also used as a character in words related to the ground such as:
무 밑 – radish root
밑절미 = Groundwork, basis
Korean FAQ – Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean
Now here’s a topic that even Koreans have difficulty understanding – when to use 밑 and 아래. I couldn’t find a good explanation on YouTube already for these two words, so I wanted to explain them myself in simple terms. The problem is that many times these two words can seem to overlap in meaning, which can cause confusion. In addition, sometimes one or the other word will feel more “right” than the other in a sentence, and most Koreans are unable to explain why. Hopefully this helps to clear up the confusion a bit. Still, these two words are a bit tricky, so instead of thinking about which one is right and wrong, try to imagine what the words themselves mean and see if it would fit with your sentence – if it does, then use it without worrying about it being better or not.
So you have finished reading the 아래 vs 밑 topic article, if you find this article useful, please share it. Thank you very much. See more: 아래에, 아래 meaning, 밑 meaning, 안, 속, 옆, 앞, 밖