Abap Loop Index | Index In Sap Abap(Brief On Index On Sap Abap) 126 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

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d여기에서 INDEX IN SAP ABAP(Brief on Index On SAP ABAP) – abap loop index 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Brief Explanation on Index Abap Data Dictionary

abap loop index 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

abap – Loop in a Loop with index less than the stopped one

ENDLOOP. works fine, although in the first outer loop iteration it exits the inner loop at sy-tabix = 3 and in the second …

+ 더 읽기

Source: stackoverflow.com

Date Published: 12/20/2022

View: 3674


Artigos técnicos sobre SAP e ABAP em português. … This advantage of LOOP FROM INDEX also works if you use a SORTED TABLE instead of normal …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: abapinho.com

Date Published: 7/4/2021

View: 214

Index Looping in SAP – ABAP CookBook | Largest Directory of …

In SAP, for better performance, instead of using nested loops, we can use the index looping technique. … REPORT ZDEMOINDEXLOOPING. *Internal …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.abapcookbook.com

Date Published: 2/23/2021

View: 5274

Difference between Sy-tabix and Sy-index – STechies

LOOP AT sets the SY-TABIX to the index of the current line at the beginning of each loop lass.At the end of loop, SY-TABIX is reset to the value that it had …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.stechies.com

Date Published: 2/30/2022

View: 675

ABAP LOOP AT ITAB Statement syntax and functionality in SAP

System Fields During each loop run for index tables, and when using a sorted key, the statement LOOP AT sets the value of the system field sy-tabix to the row …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: www.trailsap.com

Date Published: 6/29/2021

View: 4613

Không có tiêu đề

Loop at from index abap. … ABAP_clean_code/CleanABAP_kr. sy-tabix LOOP AT sets to the table index of the current table line for standard table & sorted …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: clelocal.com

Date Published: 12/1/2022

View: 725

SAP SYINDEX Data Element Type – Loop Index ABAP … – SE80

SYINDEX Data Element Type referenced by SAP Loop Index fields with ABAP Data Type INT4, Length 10.

+ 여기에 보기

Source: www.se80.co.uk

Date Published: 8/20/2021

View: 1781

주제와 관련된 이미지 abap loop index

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 INDEX IN SAP ABAP(Brief on Index On SAP ABAP). 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.


주제에 대한 기사 평가 abap loop index

  • Author: srinivas
  • Views: 조회수 4,149회
  • Likes: 좋아요 67개
  • Date Published: 2020. 6. 27.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l72c_ftJgLw

Loop in a Loop with index less than the stopped one

I have the following problem and I need an idea how to overcome?

I have 2 identical ITABs: ITAB1 and ITAB2 with 60 records.

I am looping in the 1st ITAB and when I am finding a record I am looping in the 2nd ITAB with INDEX = sy-tabix of the 1st one:

LOOP at ITAB1 where COL = ‘001’. lv_tabix = sy-tabix. * Do STH. LOOP at ITAB2 FROM lv_tabix * do sth EXIT. ENDCASE. ENDCASE.

Lets suppose that I am looping the 2nd ITAB with lv_tabix = 17 and, I am exiting from the 2nd when its tabix=22.

So I am returning in the 1st ITAB do sth and, I am starting the loop of the 2nd ITAB with lv_tabix=21.

I have noticed that the loop of the 2nd ITAB cannot start from a record (21) which is less than the one it was stopped (22).

Am I right?

How can I overcome this problem?




It’s very easy to get tied up in knots where performance is concerned when you’re working with internal tables – especially when they’re getting really big. In fact these problems often only arise after a few months, when the tables tend to grow as time goes by.

For example, when you’re looping two tables, one of headers and another of entries, do you do this?


Did you know that for big tables this can take ages because LOOP WHERE makes a sequential reading of itab2 for each entry in itab1?

Why don’t you do this instead?

SORT itab2 BY field1 . LOOP AT itab1 ASSIGNING . READ TABLE itab2 WITH KEY field1 = – field1 BINARY SEARCH TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS . CHECK SY – SUBRC = 0 . lv_tabix = sy – tabix . LOOP AT itab2 FROM lv_tabix ASSIGNING . IF – field1 <> – field1 . EXIT . ENDIF . ENDLOOP . ENDLOOP .

It makes all the difference in the world in terms of performance. The more data points there are in itab2 , the greater the difference.

This advantage of LOOP FROM INDEX also works if you use a SORTED TABLE instead of normal internal tables. But we’ll keep this for another article.

Thanks to Bruno Filipa for this tip.

Greetings from Abapinho.

Index Looping in SAP – ABAP CookBook


*& Program Description: &*

*& ———————– &*

*& This demo program will demonstrate the use of index looping. &*

*& &*

*& &*

*& Author: ABAPCOOKBOOK &*

*& Website: www.abapcookbook.com &*



*Internal tables and structures:


lt _ bkpf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bkpf ,

lt _ bseg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bseg ,

lst _ bkpf TYPE bkpf ,

lst _ bseg TYPE bseg .



gv _ stime TYPE i , “Start Time

gv _ etime TYPE i , “End Time

gv _ tdiff TYPE i , “Time Difference

gv _ counter TYPE i , “Record Counter

gv _ tabix TYPE sy – tabix . “Tabix Position




*Dummy retrieval for demo purposes.

*Data at header level.


FROM bkpf

INTO TABLE lt _ bkpf


IF sy – subrc EQ 0.

* Sort and delete adjacent duplicates not necessary as

* we are sorting and deleting by primary keys. However, we

* will leave like that to remember that its a best practice

* to sort and delete adjacents duplicates when using for

* all entries.

SORT lt _ bkpf BY bukrs belnr gjahr .



*If the table is not empty, proceed. Please note that

*this is necessary when doing for all entries because

*if the table ‘LT_BKPF’ is empty, the following retrieval

*will retrieve all the entries from table BSEG.

IF lt _ bkpf [ ] IS NOT INITIAL .

* Data at item level.


FROM bseg

INTO TABLE lt _ bseg


WHERE bukrs EQ lt _ bkpf – bukrs

AND belnr EQ lt _ bkpf – belnr

AND gjahr EQ lt _ bkpf – gjahr .

IF sy – subrc EQ 0.

* Sorting not required but its just for

* information purposes.

SORT lt _ bseg BY bukrs belnr gjahr .






*Get the starting time.

GET RUN TIME FIELD gv _ stime .

*Nested Loops:

*Loop at header level.

LOOP AT lt _ bkpf INTO lst _ bkpf .

* Loop at item level.

LOOP AT lt _ bseg INTO lst _ bseg

WHERE bukrs EQ lst _ bkpf – bukrs

AND belnr EQ lst _ bkpf – belnr

AND gjahr EQ lst _ bkpf – gjahr .

* Do some processing.

gv _ counter = gv _ counter + 1.



*Get the ending time.

GET RUN TIME FIELD gv _ etime .

*Get the time difference, which will be the execution time

*the code was executed.

gv _ tdiff = gv _ etime – gv _ stime .

*Output the time difference.

WRITE : / 1 ( 61 ) sy – uline .

WRITE : / 1 sy – vline , 2 ( 40 ) ‘Taking Taken Using Nested Loops:’ , gv _ tdiff ,

41 sy – vline ,

50 ( 10 ) gv _ tdiff ,

61 sy – vline .





gv _ counter .

*Get the starting time.

GET RUN TIME FIELD gv _ stime .

*Nested Loops:

*Loop at header level.

LOOP AT lt _ bkpf INTO lst _ bkpf .

* We will check if we have the header record

* at item level.

READ TABLE lt _ bseg


WITH KEY bukrs = lst _ bkpf – bukrs

belnr = lst _ bkpf – belnr

gjahr = lst _ bkpf – gjahr


* If we have a match, get the tabix position

* at which we found the header level record in

* the item level table.

IF sy – subrc EQ 0.

* Get the tabix position of the line found

* in ‘LT_BSEG’. The tabix position will be

* used to start the next loop at that position.

gv _ tabix = sy – tabix .

* Loop at item level.

* Here, we will start looping in the table ‘LT_BSEG’

* using the tabix position found above.

LOOP AT lt _ bseg INTO lst _ bseg

FROM gv _ tabix .

* Here, we will check if the current item level

* record still match the header level record. If not,

* means that we can exit the loop and take the next

* header level record.

IF lst _ bkpf – bukrs NE lst _ bseg – bukrs

OR lst _ bkpf – belnr NE lst _ bseg – belnr

OR lst _ bkpf – gjahr NE lst _ bseg – gjahr .

* Clearing necessary items.


gv _ tabix ,

lst _ bseg .

* Okay, go out of the loop.



* If the IF statement above has failed, means that

* that line at header level matches the line at item

* level, do some processing.

* Do some processing.

gv _ counter = gv _ counter + 1.

* Clearing necessary items.


lst _ bseg .



* Clearing necessary items.


lst _ bkpf .


*Get the ending time.

GET RUN TIME FIELD gv _ etime .

*Get the time difference, which will be the execution time

*the code was executed.

gv _ tdiff = gv _ etime – gv _ stime .

*Output the time difference.

WRITE : / 1 ( 61 ) sy – uline .

WRITE : / 1 sy – vline , 2 ( 40 ) ‘Taking Taken Using Index Looping:’ , gv _ tdiff ,

41 sy – vline ,

50 ( 10 ) gv _ tdiff ,

61 sy – vline .

Difference between Sy-tabix and Sy-index

Sy-tabix vs Sy-index

Sy-tabix is used to find the current line in the internal table; it’s a current line index. Whereas sy-index in used to find the number of current pass in the loop statement.

ABAP LOOP AT ITAB Statement syntax and functionality in SAP


Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table

ABAP Statement


Short Reference

LOOP AT itab result

cond ].


What does it do? The LOOP and ENDLOOP statements define a loop around a statement block. The statement LOOP reads rows from the internal table itab sequentially. itab is a functional operand position . The output response result determines how and to where the row contents are read.

The table key with which the loop is executed can be determined in cond . Either all the rows are read or cond conditions are specified to restrict which rows are read.

The statement block between LOOP and ENDLOOP is executed once for each row. To exit processing of the statement block, the statements described in the leave loops section can be used.

If the internal table is specified as the return value or result of a functional method , a constructor expression , or a table expression , the value is persisted for the duration of the loop. Afterwards, it is no longer possible to access the internal table.

If no explicit table key name is specified after USING KEY , the order in which the rows are read depends on the table type as follows: Standard tables and sorted tables

The rows are read by ascending row numbers in the primary table index . In each loop pass, the system field sy-tabix contains the row number of the current row in the primary table index.

Hashed Tables

The rows are processed in the order in which they were inserted in the table, and by the sort order used after the statement SORT . In each loop pass, the system field sy-tabix contains the value 0.

The loop continues to run until all the table rows that meet the cond condition have been read or until it is exited with a statement. If no appropriate rows are found or if the internal table is blank, the loop is not run at all.

System Fields During each loop run for index tables , and when using a sorted key , the statement LOOP AT sets the value of the system field sy-tabix to the row number of the current row in the relevant table index. In hashed tables and when using a hash key sy-tabix is set to the value 0. LOOP AT does not modify sy-subrc . After leaving the loop using ENDLOOP , sy-tabix is set to the value that it had before entering the loop and that applies for sy-subrc : sy-subrc Meaning 0The loop was run at least once. 4The loop was not run at all.

The system fields sy-tfill and sy-tleng are also filled.

Changing internal tables in a loop

If rows are inserted or deleted in the statement block of a LOOP , this has the following effects: The position of inserted or deleted rows with regard to the current row is determined by the row numbers in the corresponding table index in the case of loops on index tables or if using a sorted key. In the case of loops on hashed tables and if using a hash key, the position depends on the insert order. If rows are inserted after the current row, these new rows are processed in the subsequent loop passes. An endless loop can result.

If rows are deleted after the current row, the deleted rows are no longer processed in the subsequent loop passes.

If rows are inserted before the current row, the internal loop counter is increased by one with each inserted row. This affects sy-tabix , which is also increased (in the subsequent loop pass in the case of loops on index tables or when using a sorted key).

If the current row or rows before the current row are deleted, the internal loop counter is decreased by one with each deleted row. In the case of loops on index tables or if using a sorted key, this affects sy-tabix in the subsequent loop pass, and sy-tabix is decreased accordingly.

The replacement of the entire table body in a LOOP using this table causes the loop to be exited at the next loop pass in accordance with the rules described above. This is particularly the case if new rows were added to the table afterwards. Since this usually produces unpredictable program behavior, the entire table body cannot be accessed in change mode in a loop. If this is statically discernible, a syntax error occurs in classes and for LOOPS with statically discernible secondary keys. Otherwise, the syntax check simply returns a warning for compatibility reasons. However, at runtime, a runtime error always occurs in the case of the replacement of the entire table body with statements such as CLEAR , FREE , LOCAL , REFRESH , SORT , DELETE … WHERE , and with all types of assignments to itab .

ABAP_PGL Loop Processing

Latest notes:If the internal table itab is specified using a reference variable , the loop is executed completely using the table referenced at entry. Any changes to the reference variable do not have an effect on the loop. The associated object cannot be deleted from the Garbage Collector until the loop has been completed. The same thing is true if the table is represented by a field symbol. After the implementation of the field symbol in the loop, iteration still takes place using the table linked to the field symbol when LOOP is entered.

ABAP Code Snippet There is no implicit selection of a suitable key or index. The used table key or table index is always specified uniquely. The syntax check issues a warning if there is a suitable secondary table key but this table key is not used. This warning should be removed through using the key. However, in exceptional cases, it can be bypassed using a pragma .

ABAP Code Snippet It is generally better to read multiple rows in a LOOP than making multiple individual row reads using the statement READ TABLE or table expressions .

Example ABAP Coding

Loop across an internal table constructed using the value operator VALUE , where each row is assigned to a field symbol declared inline using FIELD-SYMBOL . TYPES t_itab TYPE TABLE OF i WITH EMPTY KEY.

LOOP AT VALUE t_itab( ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ) ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<(> <<)>fs>).

cl_demo_output=>write( |{ <(><<)>fs> }| ).


cl_demo_output=>display( ).

Example ABAP Coding

Nested LOOP s without an explicitly specified key. The contents of the current row for the outer loop are analyzed in the WHERE condition for the inner loop. PARAMETERS p_name TYPE scarr-carrname DEFAULT ‘*’.

DATA: scarr_tab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF scarr


spfli_tab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF spfli


FIELD-SYMBOLS <(><<)>scarr_line> LIKE LINE OF scarr_tab.

DATA spfli_line LIKE LINE OF spfli_tab.


FROM scarr

INTO TABLE scarr_tab.


FROM spfli

INTO TABLE spfli_tab.

LOOP AT scarr_tab ASSIGNING <(><<)>scarr_line>

WHERE carrname CP p_name.

LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO spfli_line

WHERE carrid = <(><<)>scarr_line>-carrid.

cl_demo_output=>write_data( spfli_line ).



cl_demo_output=>display( ).

Runtime Exceptions

Catchable Exceptions CX_SY_ITAB_DYN_LOOP Reason for error: Error in a dynamic WHERE condition


Non-catchable Exceptions Reason for error: Illegal conversion of the LOOP field symbol in the core of the loop.

Runtime error: ITAB_ILLEGAL_REG Reason for error: Illegal assignment to the LOOP reference in the core of the loop.

Runtime error: MOVE_TO_LOOP_REF Reason for error: Invalid change of entire table body in the loop

Runtime error: TABLE_FREE_IN_LOOP

Return to menu

Standard SAP Help for LOOP_AT_ITAB• LOOP AT itab

Loop Index ABAP dictionary fields


SYINDEX is a standard DATA Element within the SAP ABAP dictionary and is associated with fields that store Purchasing Document information.

Below is the list of data element attribute values including length, data type, description, domain, search help etc… also check the Contribute section for any additional notes that have been added You could also view this information on your SAP system if you enter the data element SYINDEX into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE11 or SE80.

Data element guide details

Data Element SYINDEX Attributes

Domain details

All SAP tables with fields that use this Data Element

Contribution section

Attributes of SAP Data Element SYINDEX

Related Data Elements in SAP

List of SAP data elements

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