Bts Jin Tumblr | Bts Jin – Epiphany | Gif Music Tumblr | Luvu 10548 명이 이 답변을 좋아했습니다

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d여기에서 BTS Jin – Epiphany | GIF MUSIC TUMBLR | LUVU – bts jin tumblr 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요


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Archive – bts-trans – Tumblr

220730 Weverse Translations. ↪️ J-Hopes’s Reply 🗣️ to Suga’s Comment.

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Date Published: 8/23/2021

View: 8794

moon and sun – Tumblr

jinsbts, a blog on Tumblr. … Jin’s speech for the of 2020 … hey mars not to be dramatic or anything but if u started posting bts content again i …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 9/16/2021

View: 1814

주제와 관련된 이미지 bts jin tumblr

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 BTS Jin – Epiphany | GIF MUSIC TUMBLR | LUVU. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.


주제에 대한 기사 평가 bts jin tumblr

  • Author: LUVU
  • Views: 조회수 6회
  • Likes: 좋아요 1개
  • Date Published: 2021. 3. 5.
  • Video Url link:

Jin Deserves The World

Now this is the story all about how

My plates got flipped, turned upside down

Lost my meal and lost my patience

And then I noticed your very presence

part 1 of the Bangtan at Hogwarts AU

A Yoonjin AU

Just in time for the holidays!

moon and sun

thank you for the link! i’m going to have to ask if you have a link to the iconic fake love one now too please 🙈 sorry, i imagine there’s loads and i would love to see the one you mentioned!

Seokjin’s Selcas

Jin’s tweet 6/14/20

“아미가 앞에 있었다면 좀 더 좋았을텐데ㅠㅠ

그래도 간만에 공연이라 너무 행복했어요

아미 알라뷰”

[trans] “It would have been better if our ARMYs had [actually] been in front of our eyes ㅠㅠ

But I was so happy that we were able to have a concert after such a long time!

ARMY, allabyu~ (i love you)”

trans ©️ btstranslation7

Mrs-I-Have-Too-Many-Biases — Short BTS Imagines: Jin version

Genre: Fluff/ Humour Pairing: BTS JIn X Reader Word count: 4,5K A/n: this is quite old and from my Wattpad account so this might suck, but I wanted to share it on Tumblr, since I really liked this series. Still, I hope you enjoy ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱♡

“And here we have our oldest member of the group.” Jungkook laughs as he walked into the kitchen, where Jin was cooking.

“Why are you always bothering me?” Jin whines.

“Well, I’m just filming something for ARMY. What are you making?” Jungkook asked with his camera in his hands.

“Y/n and I are going on a date later.” Jin states as he continued cooking.

“Hyung, you’re breaking ARMY’s heart.” Jungkook cries dramatically behind the camera

“I’m making food for the date ARMY, y/n and I are having today?” Jin corrects himself. Feeling unsure while he was trying to laugh it off.

“You hear that ARMY? He’s going on a date with all of you guys.” Jungkook jokes whilst turning the camera to himself.

“I don’t think my girlfriend will like that, you know?”

“I’m totally fine with that.” You state as you walked into the kitchen.

“Why can’t anyone just let me cook in peace?” Jin chuckles.

“Love you too babe.” You would giggle, before kissing his cheek.


“Director, they are so clingy.” Jungkook whines as his older members clung on him. “This is what Jin does ever since y/n left.” Jimin laughs as he saw the director shake his head whist laughing at the younger’s ‘miserary’.

“You and your girlfriend broke up, Jin?”

“No, she had to go home since we’ll be touring soon.” Jin responds with a pout on his lips.

“And ever since she has left he has been clinging on me!” Jungkook whines once again.

“I just miss my girlfriend okay.” Jin cries as he clings onto Jungkook again.

“I get that, but why are you bothering me?”

“Well, you’re her age-”

“Y/n, please come back!” Jungkook yells in a whiny voice up in the air, making the people around him laugh once again.


You and Jin both are idols. (You can be a foreign celebrity too if you’re from overseas.) It has been weeks since the two of you had seen each other and it was stressing you out. While you two were apart, things had been going downhill for you. You started to feel depressed and you started to dislike things you always seemed to love. One day, when you were supposed to go rehears for you upcoming show in France, your manager told you that someone important was here to see you and that he was interested in working with you. Your manager also told you to dress up and make a good impression, otherwise you might not get that deal.

You did as your manager told you to and a couple hours later, you were in front of the room where you were supposed to meet a man you never met before. As you stood there, feeling a little suspicious, since you were feeling a little weird about this. You knocked on the door anyway and a male voice told you to come in.

You were about to greet the man, but then you met eyes with your lovely boyfriend who was standing in front of you with a big bouquet of flowers. You screamed in shock and ran up to him, making the both of you fall on the couch behind Jin.

“Hello to you too baby.” He says with a beaming smile.

“What are you doing here?” You asked surprised as you went to hug him tight.

“I heard from a little bird that you were sad, so I came to surprise you.” He answered, before kissing your forehead.

“You came all the way to France, just for me? Are you crazy?” You yelled out, still in disbelief that he was actually in front of you. Jin just laughed and kissed you again. “People do crazy things when they are in love.” He said. “Did you just quote ‘Hercules’?” You asked laughing making him laugh again. “Shut up and let’s enjoy France together. Shall we?” He asks as he stood up, you took his hand, heading off to your romantic date in France.

Jin had stayed with you in France for about a week. And you two had the time of your lives. But sadly, that came to an end when he had to go back to Korea, since BTS was going to tour in Korea and Japan soon. The goodbyes you exchanges in the airport were emotional. You didn’t want to let him go, but he reassured you that you two would see each other very soon. And you two did. After your concerts in France you went to the Netherlands to finish your tour. Right after that you decided to surprise your boyfriend this time. You called up his management first of course to make sure when he was busy and when not, since you really wanted to surprise him.

BigHit obviously knew the two of you are dating and they happily agreed on helping you with a surprise. They gave you tickets for the upcoming concert and planned the surprise with you. After a few plans of planning the surprise, you were finally on your way to surprise your boyfriend in Korea at their first concert, that also would be filmed for a dvd.

You arrived at the event and stood in line just like everyone else, since you didn’t wanted to look suspicious. Luckily, your seats were reserved, so it didn’t matter how early you got in line. You also met some fans. People who were a fan of you or people who loved you and Jin together. Sadly you heard some people scream some mean things to you, but your great fans had your back and defended you. You thanked them and told them about your plan for Jin. And before you knew it, almost everyone in the line now knew Jin’s girlfriend was in line for the same concert as them and they all wanted to help you.

It was 7 o’clock and that meant you could finally enter the building. Within an hour the concert started and you had a great time with ARMY. Eventually the boys started to walk around the arena with a camera. This was the time for your plan. But what you didn’t know was that one of the ARMY’s arranged with a staff member to make an hart out of the ARMY bombs and framing you in the middle while your ARMY bomb was pink, standing out for Jin to see. The fans also started to shout his name and point towards your way, when Jin finally on your side of the arena, he looked at you and his eyes widened. He smiled widely and manages to say ‘Hi, baby!’ before he ran up to you and gave you a kiss.

The two of you were now on screen and everyone in the crowd were screaming, inclusive the boys in their mics making the two of you shy. “You came for me?” He asks in disbelief, holding your face in his hands, not realising the mic was kind of squishing your face.

“People do crazy things when they are in love.” You said making him laugh and everybody in the crowd ‘awh’, since you two accidentally spoke into the mic.

“Aren’t you touring?”

“I’m already done with the tour silly.”

“Does that mean you can stay?” You nodded and he lifted you up from your seat and ran with you in his arms to the stage whilst you squealed.

“My baby is back everyone!” He yells into his mic, as he spins you around and brought you backstage. He was about to walk give you a kiss and go back to the concert, but you had other ideas. You took his mic and ran back on stage, making everyone go crazy.

“Thank you guys for helping me with the surprise! I love you guys!” You said while bowing politely, since you were in Korea.

“What did I do to deserve you?” He asks himself as he hugged you from the back.


Your boyfriend has been extra cheesy these days, for some reason he uses pickup lines and flirts with you all the time.

“Baby are you a camera, because every time I see you I smile.”

“I’m bad at English, but I can tell you that I love you.”

“Can I tie your shoes? I don’t want falling for someone else.”

“Jin baby, I’m wearing pumps.” You would get flustered every time, but he won’t tell you why he’s so flirty these past few days. Eventually you played along with him and started to flirt with him as well, making him flustered.

“Baby why are you so pretty?” He’d ask.

“Baby why are you so beautiful, it’s not fair?” You asked him ignoring his question. He hid his face in his hands shyly, making you chuckle.

“Baby, why have you been so affectionate these days?” You asked him as you sat on his lap, your fingers brushing briefly through his hair. “I felt bad, that I have to leave you all the time, when you deserve all the love of the world. But if I annoy you or anything I will-”

“No, I think that’s really sweet, but just know that I know you don’t want to leave me or make me feel sad when you’re gone, but when we are together it makes up for all the sad hours.” You reassure him whilst hugging him.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


The boys were having a special comeback show and you were in the crowd enjoying it with ARMY. You had a lot of fun and got a sore throat eventually from screaming along with the fans. After some time, the boys sat down and started talking.

“So guys, as you know our oldest member Jin, has finally found love!” Jimin announces through the mic. “Did you have to include ‘oldest’?” Jin whines while laughing. “Yes, I did. Anyway, we have some questions from ARMY about you and Y/n.” “Oh God.” Jin mutters.

“They aren’t that bad, I think at least.” Jimin laughs as he reads his cue cards.

“What’s your favourite thing to do with Y/n?” The fans start giggling and smirking, making Jin blush.“Guys, it’s really not what you think! They both are addicted to Mario cart!” Hoseok says through the mic backing Jin up.

“Alright, next question. What’s something you dislike about your partner?” “He loves everything about her, next question.” Hoseok answers again instead of Jin who was still a flustered mess from the first question. “Thank you man!” Jin says to Hoseok going in for a hug, but instead of succeeding to hug his band member, he accidentally kissed him on the cheek.

Jin turned around in surprise when he heard you yell at him. “Jin do you need to tell me something?” You yelled playfully, making the crowd laugh and Jin flustered again. “I love you?” “If you love me prove it later!” You yelled also sending your boyfriend a playful wink.

“She means with ‘prove it later’: ‘let me win at Mario cart for once’!” Jungkook this time responded instead of Jin.



You doing anything, and I mean anything. And Jin would pull out his phone to take a video or a picture of you.

“Why are you taking so many pictures of me?”

“So your beauty will last forever.” You got flustered and hid your face in your hands, making Jin pull out his phone and take a picture of you. “Cute.” He mutters while looking at you with love filling his eyes.


You were hanging out with your boyfriend and the other members in their dressing room while they were waiting to go on stage. The boys had been there for a good hour or two since they had to fit their costumes and get ready with their hair and some even make up. You sat down on a couch in the room and scrolled through Tumblr on your phone. You were getting tired and you eyelids were getting heavy. Yoongi who was sitting right next to you was sound asleep.

You put a pillow on Yoongi’s lap and laid down, wanting to sleep too for a bit, since Jin was getting ready at that moment. You fell asleep, but after a while you woke up from two voices.

“What do you think you’re doing?” You heard Jin ask someone.

“I’m on my phone?” You heard Yoongi answer.

“Why is she on your lap?”

“I don’t know.” Yoongi answered honestly.

“You’re saying she did that on her own?” Jin asked, sounding kind of mad. “I did.” You said making Jin and Yoongi jump in surprise.

“I was tired and I wanted to lay down, so I laid my head down on his lap.”

“Oh.” Was all Jin could say, feeling embarrassed. “Baby, are you jealous? You look angry.”

“Me? Jealous? No?” He says while doing a crazy dance as he made his way to you to give you a kiss.


A couple of days ago, you got a call from your manager that you had the chance to do a photo shoot for your favourite clothing brand. Today it was the day for the photo shoot and your lovely boyfriend Jin was tagging along with you for support.

You were done changing into your outfit and Jin just stared at you the whole time. The longer he stared, the more angry he looked.

“Baby, are you okay?” You asked him after a couple of photos were taken.

“Is this the new collection?”

“Yes, it is! Isn’t it pretty?” You asked him excitedly.

“Maybe a little too pretty.” Jin mumbled under his breath.

“What do you mean? Don’t you like it? The pictures turned out great-” “It’s not that baby, it’s just.” He cut you off. “Just what?” You asked, wanting him to continue. “When this comes out, all the guys will be drooling over you and I don’t want that.” Jin responds in a serious tone. “Don’t they already, I mean look at me.” You joked, making him angrier.

“Y/n, I’m serious.” Jin sighed. “I know baby, but you know the guys. They wouldn’t do anything weird. And about the rest of the world, they know I’m yours. Nothing is going to change that.” You assured him as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

“It better won’t.” He muttered.

“It won’t.” You reassured him, before pecking his lips.

“Trust me.” He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight. “I love you.” “I love you too.” “So, what do you think about the outfit?” You asked him. “I like what’s in it.”

“Alright, i have to go.” You laughed taken aback by his comment, leaving him laughing.


You and Jin are both idols who are attending the same award show that night. Unfortunately you and the members of BTS had to compete against one another. Eventually, you won. And the boys didn’t mind since they love you. You walked up on stage to receive your award.

“Thank you guys so much. I didn’t expect to win this award, since I was competing against the amazing guys of BTS. Also known as a boy group where my amazing boyfriend is part of! Look at my boyfriend, doesn’t he look handsome!” You laughed happily in the mic, making Jin shy and the other boys laugh as well.

“I also want to thank my management and fans, since you guys were the one who made this whole journey possible for me. Thank you. One last thing: I love you my handsome boyfriend. Thank you for supporting and being their for me. I love you!” You say blowing him a kiss. The camera was now management on him as he clenched his heart, touched by your words, before blowing a kiss back at you.


“As you guys know, Jin has a girlfriend, also known as y/n .” Yoongi states through the mic. Jin’s mood dropped as soon as he heard Yoongi mentioning your name, making the crowd ‘awh’ in sympathy. Jin missed you a lot since you two have been apart.

“Did you had to mention her?” Jin asked a little sad, but trying to hide it with a smile.

“Content, Jin.” Yoongi jokes.

“Y/n, if you see one of these videos, please rescue me. The boys are bullying me, because I miss you. And I do miss you. I love you. And if you love me, you’ll come and safe me. Thanks baby.”


You were having a rough day as an idol and you were about to be done with everything. You manager was scolding you throughout the whole day. You choreographer was too and everything seemed to go wrong as people were hating on your relationship with Jin. You wanted to visit your boyfriend, but he was on tour with his members. You also didn’t wanted to call him, since he was in America at that moment.

You wanted him to rest, so you decided to not talk to him for a while. That lead to not talking to him for more than a week. And Jin was getting concerned. He tried to call you multiple times, but you didn’t answer his calls. He talked about the situation with his members and asked them what he should do, since he was getting desperate.

Namjoon came up with a brilliant idea, where Jin would call you, but he would be using another members phone, to see if you would answer the phone if someone else would be calling you.

Jin sat in his hotel room, mentally preparing himself for your upcoming conversation for some reason. “I’m calling my girlfriend, I’m not getting interviewed by the police. Hold it together Jin.” He muttered to himself before he dialled your number.

And to his luck, kind of, you answered. But he didn’t expect to see you in this state. “Namjoon?” He heard you ask in a small voice. You looked terrible. Your eyes were red and puffy, making it clear that you’ve been crying.

“Jin?” You asked surprised and confused at the same time. “What are you doing with Namjoon’s phone?” Jin couldn’t answer by the lump that was stuck in his throat and the tears brimming in his eyes.

“Jin baby, are you okay-”

“Don’t you love me anymore? Is that why you didn’t call me or answered my phone calls?” You sighed softly, feeling the guilt build inside of you.

“No, it’s not that I don’t love you anymore, baby. I love you to death. It’s just- I’ve been having a really hard time lately, with our new shows, with you not being here. But since you are busy as well, I didn’t wanted to bother you.”

“Well, I rather have you blowing up my phone, my trainer yell at me for not paying attention to work, than having to call my girlfriend on my members phone, to find out that you’re sad and that you need me.” Jin says fully crying.

“I know baby and I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. I just realised it was stupid of me, I didn’t realise how it would affect your feelings.”

“It’s okay, let’s just promise to each other, that if there is something that’s bothering us, that we’ll tell each other immediately, okay?” You nodded your head in respond, making your boyfriend smile. Knowing Namjoon wouldn’t be getting his phone back anytime soon.


Imagine you’re on vacation and your boyfriend Jin is doing a vlive while you’re away:

“So, if you guys know, I have a girlfriend. Her name is y/n. Currently, she left me to go on a vacation with her friends, they are all girls, don’t worry. I won’t let her go anywhere without me if there’s an event with boys involved. Anyway, she left yesterday and she should be arriving any time soon, but what she doesn’t know is, that I stole her favourite stuffed animal that she loves to take along with her. I replaced her’s with one of mine- speaking of the angel.” Jin laughs as he heard his phone notification go off. Jin laughs once again before he reads the text, he got from you, out loud.

“She’s asking me: ‘Hey babe, I’m in New York in my hotel room. And I just figured out that my pink bunny is gone?’ I told her to open the vlive.” Jin says with a smile.

A few seconds later he got another text from you saying: ‘WHY DO YOU HAVE MY PINK BUNNY? AND IS THIS A JUMBO SIZED SUGAR GLIDER STUFFED ANIMAL IN MY SUITCASE?’ Jin showed the people who were watching the vlive and told them before he ended the livestream.

“She secretly loves it, don’t worry. But I’ll have to end this now, since my princess is waiting for a private virtual date with her prince. I’ll speak to you guys soon again and Y/n, I’ll see you in a few seconds. I love you!”


“Okay, recently my girlfriend and I got a puppy together.” Jin told the interviewer, who asked Jin how he and his girlfriend were doing. “He’s really cute, but I think he’s a little too cute, since my girlfriend has been paying more attention to him than to me. Maybe if I imitate him she’ll love me again?” He says doing an dog imitation.

“Y/n, please love me.” He laughs making the interviewer and his band members laugh as well.


“This is how big my heart has grown after I met y/n.”

“Jin, that’s almost as big as your upper body.” His member chuckled.

“That’s why my shoulders are so broad, they created space for y/n’s love that I have in my heart.”

“Seriously, he’s so cheesy.” Jimin laughs.

“Leave me alone, I just love her very much okay.”


You woke up early for some reason, but it was all good when you saw your handsome boyfriend laying right next to you. You decided, since he has always been amazing to you, that it would be sweet to make him some breakfast. After you quietly walked down the stairs, making your way to the kitchen. You started to make some fluffy pancakes. It took about thirty minutes or so and you were done with making them.

You also had prepared his favourite type of coffee, putted it all on a tray and went back upstairs. When you were back in your shared bedroom, you had to figure out a way to wake him up. You couldn’t come up with something original, so you placed yourself on top of him, peppering his face with small kisses to wake him up. You heard a giggle after a minute or two and you saw that your boyfriend has woken up.

“You’re so sweet.” He says before giving you a kiss and enjoyed a nice cuddly morning together, with homemade pancakes.


“Namjoon, who is that girl over there?” Jin whispered to his leader. “That’s y/n, she’s the stylist assistent.” Namjoon answered. “Will she stay in with us on tour and stuff?”

“Yeah, I think so? Why? Do you like her?” His friend asked.

“Maybe.” Jin admits as he laughs in embarresement. “Well, good luck then, because she’s going to be quite close to you, so make sure you’re not awkward-”

“What does that have to do with this? Just encourage your eldest member, okay?” Jin whines making Namjoon laugh.

“Don’t worry, she’ll like you for sure.” Namjoon assured his older friend.

“How do you know?” Jin replied in shock and surprise.

“I might have spoken to y/n, already. Got to go, bye-” Namjoon muttered before running away from him.

“No- Wait. Namjoon come here!” Jin yells running after him, desperate to know more about you.


Imagine Jin sending you a cute video before he has to preform.

“I wish you were here to give me a good luck kiss!”


Imagine going on a date with him, while he stares at you fondly as you sat together and talked.

He gave you a smile every now and then, but was most of the time busy staring at you. Since you were so excited about the things you loved and he loves to see you happy.


The boys had a new show coming up and Jin was having problems with his vocals. He told you he wasn’t satisfied with his singing and you kept reassuring him that he sounded great. The staff and the boys thought so as well, but for some reason Jin was cautious about his voice.

You decided to confront him about it.

“Jin, what’s wrong?” You asked him softly as you sat down next to your boyfriend.

He sighed before he told you the truth, since he never had the heart to lie to you. He told you about the comments he had been receiving from fans, saying that he should work on his voice more to keep up with the rest of the vocals of BTS. “First of all, you have a beautiful voice Jin. Second, those people who have told you that you’re not a good singer, they don’t know what they are talking about. You’re an amazing singer who is so talented, you’re also so caring. You’re so good to the boy and me and we love you and your voice so much.” You encourages him.

He stares up to you while you played with his hair, giving you a smile that you haven’t seen all day.

“I love you, thanks for sticking by my side.” He says generous.

“There’s no place I’d rather be.” You say, leaning down to kiss his lips.


Gifs aren’t mine.

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