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Eight Line Flasher Wrasse – REEF RITE
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse. Thương hiệu : Khác. Giá. : Liên hệ. Số lượng. Mua ngay. Thêm vào giỏ hàng. Gọi điện. Địa chỉ mua hàng.
Source: reefrite.vn
Date Published: 4/18/2022
View: 5252
Eightline Flasher Wrasse: Reef Safe Aquarium Fish
The Eightline Flasher Wrasse is a remarkably colored wrasse featuring different hues of yellow, orange and red. The distinguishing feature of this fish are the …
Source: www.liveaquaria.com
Date Published: 4/30/2022
View: 9972
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse Care Sheet · Saltwateraquarist.com
The Eight Line Flasher Wrasse is a stunning and remarkably colored fish featuring hues of yellow, orange, red, and blue. The distinguishing …
Source: saltwateraquarist.com
Date Published: 11/2/2022
View: 1763
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse – Red Sea – Saltwaterfish.com
Juveniles also feature elaborate striping around the eyes creating a beautiful mask. As they mature into adults, the Eight Line Flasher Wrasse …
Source: www.saltwaterfish.com
Date Published: 8/1/2021
View: 1100
8 Line Flasher Wrasse Coloration – Reef2Reef
Hello, I just wanted to ask has anyone kept an eight line flasher wrasse that ever got a nice yellow like this?
Source: www.reef2reef.com
Date Published: 3/27/2022
View: 6564
Eight line Flasher Wrasse Care | There Are More To Learn |
Eightline flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus octotaenia), also known as Eight Line Fairy Wrasse or Eight-Lined Wrasse, is a marine fish of the family …
Source: lifeoffish.com
Date Published: 12/23/2022
View: 1184
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse | Fast Delivery Abyss Aquatics UK
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse live in the Red sea. They live on seawards reefs amongst coral heads. The complex structures of the coral branches help the wrasse …
Source: www.abyssaquatics.co.uk
Date Published: 6/24/2021
View: 7622
Eight Line Flasher Dwarf Parrot Wrasse – Kraken Corals
The Eightline Flasher Wrasse is a remarkably colored wrasse featuring different hues of yellow, orange and red. The distinguishing feature of this fish are the …
Source: krakencorals.co.uk
Date Published: 2/14/2022
View: 6817
주제와 관련된 이미지 eight line flasher wrasse
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Eight Line Flasher Wrasse from the Red Sea. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 eight line flasher wrasse
- Author: CoralsAddiction
- Views: 조회수 1,009회
- Likes: 좋아요 2개
- Date Published: 2015. 2. 23.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2pxr0Aq6nQ
Eightline Flasher Wrasse: Reef Safe Aquarium Fish
The Eightline Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Eight-line Fairy Wrasse, originates from the waters of the Red Sea. The Eightline Flasher Wrasse is a remarkably colored wrasse featuring different hues of yellow, orange and red. The distinguishing feature of this fish are the eight striking blue lines that run horizontally along the length of the fish. The color of the female is subdued when comparing it to the brilliance of the male. The male during courting will display its brilliantly colored fins in an attempt to persuade its mate. Colors may vary depending on the fish’s mood.
The Eightline Flasher Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 50 gallons or larger. They will not bother any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. A single male can be kept with a group of females that is introduced prior to or at the same time as the male. These wrasses like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is recommended.
The Eightline Flasher Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food.< Approximate Purchase Size: Juvenile/Female Small: 1-1/2" to 2" Medium: 2" to 3" Large: 3" to 3-1/2" Male Small: 2" to 3" Medium: 3" to 3-1/2" Large: 3-1/2" to 4"
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse Care Sheet · Saltwateraquarist.com
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse Care Requirements – Paracheilinus Octotaenia
By Christeena
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Carnivore
Reef Safe: Yes
Max Size: 4 inches
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Origin & Characteristics of Eight Line Flasher Wrasse
The Eight Line Flasher Wrasse, sometimes known as the Eight Line Fairy Wrasse, originates from the waters of the Red Sea. The Eight Line Flasher Wrasse is a stunning and remarkably colored fish featuring hues of yellow, orange, red, and blue. The distinguishing characteristics and its namesake is the eight striking blue lines streaking horizontally along the body. As with most species, the male is more brilliantly colored than the female. The juvenile fish is a pink and blue color with the horizontal blue lines. The adult body changes to an orange/red color and the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins flare out. In both juveniles and adults, elaborate striping marks the eyes creating a mystical mask. Like most wrasse fish, these are easy to care for and a great fish for any hobbyist.
Juvenile fish can be relatively small, 1-1/2 to 2 inches in size, but can reach a length of 4 inches. Their small size allows them to be the perfect fit for a small aquarium, at least 50-gallons. The Eight Line Flasher Wrasse is a reef safe fish that need plenty of space to swim and a sandy substrate to hide. These fish like to jump, so be sure to have a tight-fitting lid on your tank. These fish will bring both activity and lovely coloring to your aquarium.
Feeding Recommendations
These Eight Line Flasher Wrasse are carnivores and should be fed a diet consisting of vitamin enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with high-quality marine flakes and pellet food. They will not bother any corals or invertebrates, making them the perfect fish for reef aquariums.
Water Conditions
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse species should be kept in a good environment and warmer water temperatures between 72 and 78°F. A pH value of 8.1-8.4, a salinity of between 1.020-1.025, and an alkalinity level between 8-12 dKH should be maintained.
Wrasses for Sale
Learn more about caring for Wrasses
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse – Red Sea
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8 Line Flasher Wrasse Coloration
Crabby48 said: Don’t own one but may add one. Ones I see are more orange then yellow. I believe the photo colors are little enhanced. Click to expand…
I don’t have one either. I was watching that 8 line on Reef Pro every day for about 2 weeks but didn’t pull the trigger. I saw too many bland ones online. Besides, I got one of their hooded flames instead after I lost mine.I also got another wrasse that I lost a year ago. Will reveal it when I see it again
Eight line Flasher Wrasse Care | There Are More To Learn |
Eight line Flasher Wrasse Care | There Are More To Learn |
If you’re an aquarist interested in adding some personality to your tank, the Eight Line Flasher Wrasse is the perfect fish for you. They are well known for their remarkable color morph and their disease-free nature.
Keeping an Eight Line Flasher Wrasse is relatively easy. However, they may not make good community fish.
In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the care requirements for the Eight Line Flasher Wrasse and provide some tips for keeping them healthy and happy. So if you’re thinking about adding one of these fish to your system, keep reading!
What is Eight Line Flasher Wrasse?
Eightline flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus octotaenia), also known as Eight Line Fairy Wrasse or Eight-Lined Wrasse, is a marine fish of the family Labridae.
Eight-line flasher wrasse is found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian Ocean, from Suez to South Africa.
They are yellow and orange in color, with eight striking blue lines running horizontally along its body. Males generally have larger and brighter colored stripes than females and display a bright orange color around their eyes.
These fish inhabit reef-associated areas at depths of 30 to 130 feet, often dwelling near rubble and live coral searching for food. Eight-line flasher wrasse feed on small invertebrates, such as crustaceans and polychaetes in the wild.
Eight-line flasher wrasse is considered among the best marine aquarium fish because they are hardy, stunning, and disease-free.
How big do Eight Line Flasher Wrasse get?
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse can grow up to 5.50inches in size.
Males are usually larger than females and juveniles. In captivity, these fish have a stunted growth that is due to their feeding habits.
Is Eight Line Flasher Wrasse aggressive?
Eight-line wrasse is a peaceful fish that get along well with similar-sized or larger fish.
On the other hand, these fish exhibit aggressive behavior toward any fish that could be their prey, which means smaller fish. As these are carnivore fish, it’s their nature to harass smaller animals.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse behavior
This is a peaceful, active fish that is known to show aggressive behavior with any fish that can be its prey, which means smaller species.
These carnivore reef safe fish are active swimmers and should be provided ample space to move about. EightLine Flasher Wrasse prefers solitary though they will do fine with a group of wrasse.
However, one group should contain only one male fish. Otherwise, it may be aggressive towards other fish in the group.
You will often find these fish on the live corals, urchins, or rocks. They are known to find copepods, amphipods, and other microfauna species among these places to eat.
While these fish do not harm live coral, removing cleaner staff from the coral can be a problem to the reef eventually. So, care must be taken if you plan to keep these fish in a reef aquarium.
How long do Eight Line Flasher Wrasses live?
These fish usually live for five to six years in a tank with the proper care.
One Look Care guide
Scientific name Paracheilinus octotaenia Common name Eight line flasher wrasse
Eight Line Fairy Wrasse
Eight-Lined Wrasse Care level Moderate Native to The Indian Ocean, from Suez to South Africa Type Saltwater fish Color Yellow and orange in color, with dark blue stripes Tank size 50 gallons Preferred temperature 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit Other water parameters (ammonia, etc.) Ph level: 8.1 to 8.4
Hardness: dKH 8-12
Specific gravity: 1.020 to 1.025 Preferred salinity 1.020 to 1.025 Size 5.5 inches in the wild4 inches in captivity Life Span 5-6 years Temperament Peaceful Recommended tank mates Large semi-aggressive fish Preferred food Carnivore
Live and frozen food Feeding frequency At least two times per day breeding Not bred in aquariums
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse care
Caring for these fish is easy as many other wrasse species. These fish are hardy and rarely catch up with diseases, making them perfect for beginner aquarists.
If you have basic knowledge about keeping the water chemistry at the proper levels, you won’t have any issues while keeping these fish.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse size
Eight-line flasher wrasse usually grows up to 5.5 inches in the wild. However, these fish only grow up to 4 inches in captivity.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse tank size
Although eightline flasher wrasse is a small fish, their highly active behavior requires ample living space.
A tank size of 50 gallons is a good idea for keeping this fish, along with other saltwater species.
How many Eight Line Flasher Wrasse should be kept together?
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse should be kept one to a tank or as a mated pair.
Keeping them in a group is not advisable as they are known to show aggressive behavior towards other fish in the group. If you really want to keep them in groups, it is recommended to keep only one male.
Tank setup
Although these fish prey on coral cleaner staff, they are recommended to keep in reef aquariums.
However, these fish can also live in non-reef saltwater aquariums. Basically, the tank should mimic their natural habitats in the ocean for these fish to thrive.
Substrate and Decorations
Since the bottom of the ocean contains a sandy substrate, you can use sand as a substrate to give your fish a natural feeling. However, using rocks and many other decors to create hiding spots is also ideal for these fish.
These fish require plenty of live rocks with cracks and crevices for them to hide when needed. These fish usually spend most of their time hiding under rocks. Any type of coral is also recommended to keep with these fish.
Eightline flasher wrasse prefers moderate to bright light in their surroundings. Using a low-wattage LED or a fluorescent tube is advisable for your saltwater aquarium.
Because eight-line flasher wrasses are usually seen near certain types of corals or rocks, it is recommended to use a canister filter to create water flow directly on these decors.
Water movement
Eight-line flasher wrasse doesn’t have any special requirements in terms of water movement. However, it is recommended to create some strong water flow around the rocks and corals where the fish tends to hide.
Tank Lid
Although these fish are timid and don’t move much in the aquarium, having a tank lid is a smart idea because these fish are known to jump out of the tank occasionally.
Water quality condition
Keeping eight-line flasher wrasse is not difficult as these fish are tough. However, one has to keep an eye on these fish for ammonia, nitrite, and high nitrate levels.
If you have basic knowledge of reading aquarium water test results, then these fish are suitable for you.
Tank Parameters
pH level: The pH level of the water should be between 8.1 to 8.4 for keeping eight-line flasher wrasse.
Water Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit to keep these fish healthy.
Water hardness: Keeping the water hardness around dKH 8-12 is a good idea for keeping these fish in a tank.
Specific gravity: Eight-line flasher wrasse prefer a specific gravity level of 1.020 to 1.025 for keeping them healthy and active in the aquarium.
Like any other fish, wrasse also produces waste in the aquarium. Therefore, it is required to change 20% of the water monthly or 10% of the water bi-weekly to keep the eight-line flasher wrasse healthy.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse breeding in captivity
Eight-line flasher wrasse is not yet bred in captivity. All the specimens sold at the market are wild-caught ones.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse male or female identification
Eight-line flasher wrasse usually keeps a similar body structure for both of the sexes. However, it is easy to differentiate between males and females by looking at the size.
The male eight-line flasher wrasse is larger in size than the female eight-line flasher wrasse. Therefore, it is easy to determine the gender of these fish by looking at their sizes.
The males will exhibit a more vivid color when it comes to the mating of eight-line flasher wrasse.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse breeding in the wild
In the wild, these fish practice monogamous mating, which means they reproduce only with one partner.
Eight-line flasher wrasses are external spawners. How many eggs they produce and whether they do prenatal care or not is unknown.
How to feed Eight Line Flasher Wrasse?
Being a carnivore species, eight-line flasher wrasses feed on small organisms such as crustaceans, sea urchins, crab larvae, mollusks, and fish eggs in the wild.
They are not hard to feed as they will accept anything you provide as long as it is a meat-based food.
Eight-line flasher wrasse will feed any meaty substances in captivity, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, crustaceans and other meaty foods. Moreover, these fish also feed on vitamin-enriched brine shrimp.
Basically, these fish require a diet high in protein to survive in aquatic environments. Feeding these fish with Vitamin C-enriched foods is a good idea as well.
Keeping a cuttlebone or other supplements can be a smart idea for keeping these fish in an aquarium.
Eightline wrasse requires several feedings per day, which means you have to feed them more than once per day. It is recommended at least two times feeding to keep your fish happy.
Additionally, keeping a live rock in the aquarium will benefit them as they pick on rocks to eat microfauna present in the rocks.
Eight-line flasher wrasses are active hunters, which means you need to keep their tank clean by removing uneaten food or feces to keep them healthy.
What fish can live with Eight Line Flasher Wrasse?
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse is not considered a good community fish because it is likely to pick on other fish in the aquarium.
Keeping eight-line flasher wrasse with other wrasse species is not a good idea as these fish do not cohabit well with them.
If you intend to keep a group of the same species, you must ensure that the tank is large enough for each fish to establish its territory.
Most importantly, one tank should contain only one male fish. These fish are not known to keep “harem” in the wild. But they will do fine with other female eight-line flasher wrasses.
These fish can cohabit well with semi-aggressive and/ or larger fish species. Some suitable tank mates are,
Avoid any creature that is small enough for these fish to eat. Examples include shrimp, snails, smaller fish, small urchins, gastropods, and crabs.
Highly aggressive fish species like Larger dottybacks, hawkfish, and triggerfish are not compatible either because they tend to pick on these fish.
You must avoid larger predators like groupers, lionfish, and scorpionfish as they can and will eat these fish.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse diseases
Eight-line flasher wrasse is a very tough fish that do not catch diseases or parasites compared to other fish species.
However, eight-line flasher wrasse requires routine checkups just like other aquarium fish to prevent infections. Watching their behavior will let you know if they are sick, hungry, or frightened.
For example, if your fish looks in one direction and tries to hide all the time, it indicates that it is frightened. Hunting their food frantically or trying to jump out of the tank are other signs of stress.
However, like other fish species, eight-line flasher wrasse sometimes suffers from a parasitic infection or a disease. These fish are often victims of anchor worms, which is a parasitic infection.
The symptoms of this infection include loss of color, flashing behavior, loss of appetite, and heavy breathing. You may notice small white spots on their body or fins that could indicate the infection.
Treatment for this infection is relatively easy as you can purchase a treatment from your local pet store. You should remove the infected fish and treat it with medication to prevent the infection from passing on to other fish.
Related questions
Are Eight Line Flasher Wrasses rare?
Eight-line flasher wrasse is widely distributed around their natural habitats in the red sea. Therefore, they are listed as a Least concerning species in the IUCN Red List. However, these fish are not common in the aquarium market, and you will have to pre-order them to buy.
How much do Eight Line Flasher Wrasses cost?
A single eight-line flasher wrasse fish is around $100-$150. However, you can get them for a much lower price if you were pre-order them as they are not commonly available in the market.
If you’re an aquarist interested in adding some personality to your tank, the Eight Line Flasher Wrasse may be a good choice for you.
They are well known for their remarkable color morph and their disease-free nature. However, they also have a few quirks that make them less suitable as community fish – it’s best if they are kept alone or with other species of similar temperament.
We hope this post has provided helpful information on what these fascinating creatures need to thrive!
Credit to : DeepReef
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Eight Line Flasher Wrasse
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse do best when fed a varied diet. They will accept enriched frozen mysis shrimp and enriched frozen brine shrimp. They will also devour live foods , such as copepods and amphipods, that can be cultivated in attached refugium. Over time they will accept high-quality pellet or flake. We adapt all our wrasse to aquarium life before they leave us. We focus on their health, and most are eating a good quality flake food and/or pellet , such as JBL Maris , before being offered for sale.
It is important to imitate the natural environment by providing plenty of nooks and crannies for the fish to hide in. Hobbyists should invest in a jump guard to prevent any unfortunate mishaps.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse live in groups with one dominant male to a few or more females. These fish are protogynous hermaphrodites. Which means that, when they get old enough, breeding females transition into a male. As a result, all juveniles are immature females.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse live in the Red sea. They live on seawards reefs amongst coral heads. The complex structures of the coral branches help the wrasse avoid predation. Unlike some species, these fish do not bury themselves to sleep or hide. Instead they have an incredibly nifty trick. In order to sleep safely, Eight Line Flasher Wrasse find a nook and envelope themselves in a protective mucus coat. Supposedly, this hides the wrasses scent from predators. These sticky invisibility cloaks do not degrade your water quality like some coral wax jackets’ might.
The name “Flasher wrasse” broadly describes the Paracheilinus genus. The name comes from distinctive courtship displays the males put on. The brightly coloured boys dart around, flashing their fins at potential partners. While keeping other males away by showing off their spine.
They have narrow, dart like bodies and extravagant colouration. Eight Line Flasher Wrasse have red orange bodies, that sport thin electric blue stripes. Bright white bellies highlight their glamour, as do their large, vivid red fins. Males are distinguished by the long spine on their dorsal fin.
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Eight Line Flasher Dwarf Parrot Wrasse
The Eightline Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Eight-line Fairy Wrasse, originates from the waters of the Red Sea. The Eightline Flasher Wrasse is a remarkably colored wrasse featuring different hues of yellow, orange and red. The distinguishing feature of this fish are the eight striking blue lines that run horizontally along the length of the fish. The color of the female is subdued when comparing it to the brilliance of the male. The male during courting will display its brilliantly colored fins in an attempt to persuade its mate. Colors may vary depending on the fish’s mood.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse, Paracheilinus octotaenia, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
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