Hackthissite Level 9 | Hackthissite Basic Mission 9 상위 27개 답변

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d여기에서 HackThisSite Basic Mission 9 – hackthissite level 9 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

How to complete the HackThisSite Basic Mission 9.

hackthissite level 9 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Hackthissite/Basic/Level9 – aldeid

Hackthissite/Basic/Level9 · Level: Basic::9 · Exercise: The password is again hden in an unknown file. However, the script that was previously …

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Hack This Site: Basic Web Challenges — Level 9 – Medium

Welcome to HaXez, today we’re looking at Hack This Site Basic Web Challenge Level 9. This challenge is similar to level 8.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

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HACKTHISSITE.ORG | Basic 9: Not difficult but tricky

This time the file is saved in /var/www/hackthissite.org/html/missions/basic/9/. The description firstly tells us where our password file is …

+ 여기를 클릭

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HTS Basic Mission 9 Solution – Amit Ghosh

For this mission you must use directory transversal instead of the full path. Go back to Basic Mission 8 of Hack This Site …

+ 여기를 클릭

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Hack This SIte Basic 9 – M0N73 CRIS70

Hack This SIte Basic 9 … Network Security Sam is going down with the ship – he’s determined to keep obscuring the password file, no matter how …

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hack_this_site_missions/mission_09.md at master – GitHub

This time the file is saved in /var/www/hackthissite.org/html/missions/basic/9/. In the last level, however, in my attempt to limit people to using server …

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write up hackthissite – Đặng Văn Bằng(nullsession)

Level 2: Network Security Sam set up a password protection script. … Level 9: quay lại level 8 sau đó điền vào ô name với nội dung giống …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 hackthissite level 9

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 HackThisSite Basic Mission 9. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

HackThisSite Basic Mission 9
HackThisSite Basic Mission 9

주제에 대한 기사 평가 hackthissite level 9

  • Author: Chuck Moore
  • Views: 조회수 12,641회
  • Likes: 좋아요 204개
  • Date Published: 2016. 11. 21.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCzYtsNsosg


Level : Basic::9

: Basic::9 URL : http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/basic/9/

: http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/basic/9/ Exercise: The password is again hidden in an unknown file. However, the script that was previously used to find it has some limitations. Requirements: Knowledge of SSI, unix directory structure. Network Security Sam is going down with the ship – he’s determined to keep obscuring the password file, no matter how many times people manage to recover it. This time the file is saved in /var/www/hackthissite.org/html/missions/basic/9/.

In the last level, however, in my attempt to limit people to using server side includes to display the directory listing to level 8 only, I have mistakenly screwed up somewhere.. there is a way to get the obscured level 9 password. See if you can figure out how… This level seems a lot trickier then it actually is, and it helps to have an understanding of how the script validates the user’s input. The script finds the first occurance of ‘<--', and looks to see what follows directly after it. Solution: Come back to level 8 and change the injection, using

It provides p91e283zc3.php. This time, password is 51d0c20a.

Basic 9: Not difficult but tricky – Abhishek G

The password is again hidden in an unknown file. However, the script that was previously used to find it has some limitations. Requirements: Knowledge of SSI, unix directory structure.

The intro for level9 points us towards using SSI and UNIX commands and its directory structure. Well, here we get our first clue. Let us now move on to the description, and see what it says.

Network Security Sam is going down with the ship – he’s determined to keep obscuring the password file, no matter how many times people manage to recover it. This time the file is saved in /var/www/hackthissite.org/html/missions/basic/9/.

The description firstly tells us where our password file is this time. That’s good. Lets read a little more.

In the last level, however, in my attempt to limit people to using server side includes to display the directory listing to level 8 only, I have mistakenly screwed up somewhere.. there is a way to get the obscured level 9 password. See if you can figure out how…

Now that’s a little shady. Isn’t it? Why would the developer be talking about last level? Let’s read a little more.

This level seems a lot trickier then it actually is, and it helps to have an understanding of how the script validates the user’s input. The script finds the first occurance of ‘<–’, and looks to see what follows directly after it. Here, he tells us about the script, it finds the first occurrence of ‘<–‘, and looks to see what follows directly after it. Another hint that SSI commands need to be used. But where do we use these commands this time? Well, if you intelligent enough by now you would have figured out that we can(will) use the script made my Sam’s daughter in level8. But what will be the command? Well, again we need to do some directory transverse using out last command, so that it lists the contents of ../9/. Answer: Here is the command,

What did we learn?

Directory transversal can be used to invade as many directory as you can think of. And is a big threat to security, so next time you design something, keep that in mind.

Good luck!!!

HTS Basic Mission 9 Solution

Basic Mission 9

For this mission you must use directory transversal instead of the full path. Go back to Basic Mission 8 of Hack This Site ( http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/basic/8/ ) and put: “” as your name and then go to the created file. You should see a list of randomly named files in the name area like

Hi, index.php p91e283zc3.php! Your name contains 24 characters. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 < tbody > < tr > < td valign = "top" width = "638" > < b > Hi , index . php p91e283zc3 . php ! < / b > < b > Your name contains 24 characters . < / b > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < table class = "alignleft" border = "1" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" >

Voila your obscured file is p91e283zc3.php. Now just head to http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/basic/9/p91e283zc3.php. If you have better solution, do not forget to push your idea to the comment section.

Hack This SIte Basic 9

Network Security Sam is going down with the ship – he’s determined to keep obscuring the password file, no matter how many times people manage to recover it. This time the file is saved in /var/www/hackthissite.org/html/missions/basic/9/.In the last level, however, in my attempt to limit people to using server side includes to display the directory listing to level 8 only, I have mistakenly screwed up somewhere.. there is a way to get the obscured level 9 password. See if you can figure out how…This level seems a lot trickier then it actually is, and it helps to have an understanding of how the script validates the user’s input. The script finds the first occurance of ‘<--', and looks to see what follows directly after it. Its clearly stated that we cannot see the directory listing in level 8 because the password we enter is filtered.But its also stated that which means we can still see directory listing on level 8. go back to level 8 and modifiy the command we used in previous level to

hack_this_site_missions/mission_09.md at master · jasonally/hack_this_site_missions

Mission 9



Network Security Sam is going down with the ship – he’s determined to keep obscuring the password file, no matter how many times people manage to recover it. This time the file is saved in /var/www/hackthissite.org/html/missions/basic/9/.

In the last level, however, in my attempt to limit people to using server side includes to display the directory listing to level 8 only, I have mistakenly screwed up somewhere.. there is a way to get the obscured level 9 password. See if you can figure out how…

This level seems a lot trickier then it actually is, and it helps to have an understanding of how the script validates the user’s input. The script finds the first occurance of ‘<--', and looks to see what follows directly after it. Solution The mission description suggests the vulnerabiilty from Mission 8 is still in play, even though there's no input box for this mission. So we still want to list directory contents, but this time for directory /9/. So, let's go back to Mission 8 and enter this into the script input box: . This allows you to change directories over to /9/, revealing the name of the PHP file allowing you to find the password similar to what you did in Mission 8.

Key Idea

Mission 9 didn’t have an input box, but like with Mission 5, the same vulnerability was still in play because it wasn’t fixed from Mission 8. The twist was you just needed to know how to navigate the directory tree and change your input.

How to Beat the Hackthissite.org Basic Missions: 15 Steps


License: Creative Commons<\/a>


<\/p><\/div>“} 1 Take a moment to explore. That last mission should give you an idea about what you need to do sometimes in order to get through a mission. Sometimes you need to be able to click buttons and see the results, because sometimes people make mistakes. This mission, however, becomes the most complicated so far because it goes back into the HTML coding of the site, and the story isn’t of much help. Make sure that you take a moment to try and figure each of these challenges out on your own though. When you are stumped, continue to the next step.


License: Creative Commons<\/a>


<\/p><\/div>“} 2 View the HTML. Once you are on the Mission 3 page and have exhausted yourself, right-click the web page and click “View source” or “View page source,” depending on your browser, to view the HTML for the page.


License: Creative Commons<\/a>


<\/p><\/div>“} 3 Find the password area in the HTML page. As you look at the code in front of you, you may be a bit confused. That’s all right; everyone is at first. Dive down to the part of the code that contains the part of the HTML with your password field and story in it. You can do this by copying the last sentence of the story presented, then holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and hitting the F key. This will open a search box in the upper right-hand corner of the page. You are then going to right-click inside that box and select “Paste” from the context menu given. You should automatically be taken to the part of the code that contains our password field.


License: Creative Commons<\/a>


<\/p><\/div>“} 4 Know the difference in the codes. As you look at the code, you may notice that there are actually different types of codes being used and referenced. This is because HTML works alongside many different coding languages to accomplish different things. For instance, PHP. PHP is what is called a server-side scripting language. A programmer can run scripts with PHP that would otherwise be too difficult, or impossible, to accomplish with HTML alone. A few good resources to understanding a programming language, like PHP, online would be 3WSchools. It is important to research as you are going through different challenges to learn more about the obstacles in your path. These sites can help you learn a bit about PHP, as it will come up in future challenges. As you look at the code, you may notice that there are actually different types of codes being used and referenced. This is because HTML works alongside many different coding languages to accomplish different things. For instance, PHP. PHP is what is called a server-side scripting language. A programmer can run scripts with PHP that would otherwise be too difficult, or impossible, to accomplish with HTML alone.


License: Creative Commons<\/a>


<\/p><\/div>“} 5 Compare source codes. Open up the source for Mission One in a tab and then view Mission 3’s sources code in another; you should try to compare the two. Try to spot the changes. You may first noticed that the way the code is formatted has changed. In addition, there seems to be a new file type that has been inserted. This is the line of code you are looking for: ““. This shows us something interesting. Network Security Sam has placed the password we are looking for inside a PHP file called “password.php.” Since web browsers like Chrome or Firefox are built to automatically read PHP and other web-based languages, you should be able to read this file. If you look at the line just above the one that lists the PHP file you should see: “

“. If you go back to your main basic Mission 3 page and look at the current URL, it should read something like https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/basic/3/, but notice that there is no “index.php” on the end. This means that the website is waiting for a specific action to happen before i starts reading index.php file. The same is true for the “password.php” file. The website is waiting for whoever is typing in the password field to hit the “Submit” button before it reads the password.php file, but you can read it first. Try to figure the rest out then go to the next step. Open up the source for Mission One in a tab and then view Mission 3’s sources code in another; you should try to compare the two. Try to spot the changes. You may first noticed that the way the code is formatted has changed. In addition, there seems to be a new file type that has been inserted. This is the line of code you are looking for: ” “. This shows us something interesting. Network Security Sam has placed the password we are looking for inside a PHP file called “password.php.” Since web browsers like Chrome or Firefox are built to automatically read PHP and other web-based languages, you should be able to read this file.


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