Haldimann H9 Reduction | Haldimann H9 Reduction 2831 투표 이 답변

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http://www.orologidiclasse.com/2012/haldimann-h9-reduction-video/ Un tourbillon volante tanto sublime da non volersi concedere allo sguardo, è per l’orologiaio indipendente AHCI Beat Haldimann il paradigma del tempo.

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Haldimann H9 – Reduction – Single Page EN

Haldimann H9 – Reduction … For some years now, Beat Haldimann has been drawn to this frontier of timekeeping. Its appeal has translated into a wave of …

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Source: www.haldimann.swiss

Date Published: 8/22/2021

View: 5849

The Haldimann H9 – Unique Watch Guide

For the pleasure of “imagining” the time with the H9 Reduction your bank balance will be “reduced” by around 150,000 Swiss Francs. Haldimann H9 …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.uniquewatchguide.com

Date Published: 4/29/2021

View: 7834

Haldimann H9 Reduction “Watch” – Reddit

Haldimann H9 Reduction “Watch” … This is the equivalent of the $1000 “I’m Rich” app that shows nothing but a JPG of gold (or something like that). Stup. And …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: www.reddit.com

Date Published: 1/23/2021

View: 4180

HALDIMANN H9 Reduction “Il tempo che NON si vede” (VIDEO)

Il tempo secondo Haldimann può essere misurato ma non mostrato, così è per H9 Reduction, ma possiamo ancora chiamarlo orologio?

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: www.orologidiclasse.com

Date Published: 12/13/2021

View: 8717

Haldimann-H9-Reduction | Relojesdeluxe.com – Flickr

Haldimann-H9-Reduction. Done. Show your appreciation with the gift of Flickr Pro. Comment. 349 views. 0 faves. 0 comments. Taken on February 20, 2012.

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Source: www.flickr.com

Date Published: 3/27/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 haldimann h9 reduction

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 HALDIMANN H9 Reduction. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

HALDIMANN H9 Reduction
HALDIMANN H9 Reduction

주제에 대한 기사 평가 haldimann h9 reduction

  • Author: Orologi di Classe
  • Views: 조회수 78,373회
  • Likes: 좋아요 21개
  • Date Published: 2012. 7. 3.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkrTbYuN7Ps

Haldimann H9 – Reduction – Single Page EN – Haldimann

What if it conveys no information? What if it measures time, but never shows it? Is it still a watch? And if it is not a watch, then what is it? For some years now, Beat Haldimann has been drawn to this frontier of timekeeping. Its appeal has translated into a wave of sustained inspiration. The result has been various creations that explore this frontier region with great philosophical ambition, playfully yet seriously questioning our relationship to the clock and to time. Beat Haldimann does all this with his own unique artistry and aesthetics. In 2008, Haldimann unveiled the H8 to an astonished public. “Where are the hands?” was the question on everyone’s lips—journalists and connoisseurs alike. Some asked indignantly, others in a more awed tone. The monotonous, minute-by-minute flow of time—linear time—has commandeered our existence. Nonchalantly, the H8 danced us out of this tedious line and allowed us to return to our own personal time. And the choice not to include hands turned out to be the right one, because this left the stage completely clear for the sumptuous tourbillon in the centre to take the spotlight. The H8 is therefore quite rightly described as a sculpture for the wrist.

Haldimann H9 Reduction Watch

I thoroughly debated on whether or not I should even cover this “watch.” It is from a brand called Haldimann – eponymously named after the watch maker Beat Haldimann, and I think the man is playing a rather cruel joke on watch lovers. One press release I saw on the watch wasn’t a press release at all, but a rather diplomatic article written by a Swiss journalist based on his reaction to the watch. As a timepiece this item is utterly indefensible – but optimistically creative types will claim that it is some manner of art. This latter description is probably the kindest thing you can say about this horological insult. I wonder whether or not Beat will next release a pile of screws and gears and call it the “H10 Potential.”

Haldimann’s H9 watch is called the “Reduction,” but to me it is the Revulsion. The watch is “reduced” to a useless tragedy. I should have seen this coming, but perhaps never expected his audacity to go this far. And by audacity I mean it in the American sense… “boldly rude.” Please remember that my European friends as you plaster this term all over your speeches and releases. The Haldimann H8 Sculptura watch that preceded the H9 was a step in this direction. The piece (seen below), displayed a centrally mounted tourbillon without an indicator of time. While as a watch it was worthless, it did have some value as a fun thing to look at. I mean that is sort of the point of tourbillon complications – to just see them spinning around. There was a delicate elegance to the H8 that almost made you forgive its rather seditious incompatibility with what watches are all about.

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The H9 on the other hand is something entirely futile. It is a luxury watch with a totally opaque sapphire crystal. Let me explain in case the idea isn’t clear. Haldimann offers the H9 in a 39mm or 42mm wide solid platinum case. The movement is a nicely made caliber H.Zen-1 manually wound movement with a triple-barrel flying tourbillon… and it is hand engraved. Unlike the H8 it does have and hour and minute hand. Beat’s credibility as a watch maker should be enough to ensure that the movement is nicely made. Looking back on earlier “H” collection watches you can see what he is capable of. So after all that he sticks a totally non-transparent black colored domed sapphire crystal over the dial – making it completely obstructed.

Just think about that for a minute. You know, in the luxury watch industry there is the concept of stealth wealth, as well as the concept of hidden luxury that is displayed only to the person wearing the watch. These are meant for connoisseurs who don’t wish to flaunt their wealth or items. This watch takes that concept further than it was ever meant to go. Beat will tell you “well you can hear the movement operating through the case.” OK, that is cool. So if you wanted to make an art watch that has an opaque crystal where you can only hear the watch working, then I suggest you throw in the most basic of mechanical movements rather than something you actually want to see. According to the brand, “time can thus be imagined, dreamed, or invented.” I just threw up in my mouth a little bit – this watch retails for over 150,000 Swiss Francs.

Any one who wears this watch has got to be like the title character in the Emperor’s New Clothes. Haldimann will have totally tricked them into thinking that this is some meaningful piece of art and a poetic testament to the ephemeral nature of time. Though everyone really feels like it is a vapid concept but is likely too afraid to say anything. The real tragedy is that under the black crystal is probably a pretty nice watch, but that hardly matters right? This watch makes a lot more sense as an April fool’s day joke. In fact I wish I would have thought of it myself. As a serious timepiece the H9 Reduction is simply confounding. It is OK, don’t be afraid to call it out for what you feel that it is.

Haldimann H9 Reduction

The Haldimann H9 Reduction is the sequel to the watchmaker’s astonishing H8. That would be the watch where journalists gasped in horror at a timepiece that didn’t tell the time. Look ma! No Hands! they cried. We don’t need no stinkin’ hands! Haldimann’s PR team [pretty much] responded. And now Switzerland’s oldest watchmaker’s doubling down . . .

It’s one thing to make a watch with no hands and no movement. It’s another make a watch with no hands with a movement of some sort, be it mechanical, quartz or a Spring Drive hybrid. It’s quite another to build this:

The tourbillon taking center stage in the platinum Haldimann H9 Reduction is mezmerizing in a way that no tourbillon has been before or, I would suggest, since. Because it’s alone. Freed from its task of motivating parts that measure time. Revealed in its single, solitary glory.

Looking at an H9 Reduction turning reminds of the first time I saw film of a beating heart. Just the heart, encased in a man’s, in someone’s chest. So that’s what inside us, I thought, agog. That’s what makes it possible for us to move, breathe, live. The damn thing has a life of its own. It’s alive.

Until it isn’t, of course.

There’s another reason I have such a visceral reaction to the Haldimann H9 Reduction: it will outlast me. With proper care and someone to wind it, the H9 will keep on turning long after my own personal, ultimate measure of time — my beating heart — stops.

Let’s talk money. Haldimann’s website doesn’t deign to the reveal the amount of filthy lucre required to add an H9 to your collection of Fabergé eggs and whatnot. A little sniffing around reveals that they’d like $150k or thereabouts. That’s some serious coin. Unless it isn’t.

There are wealthy watch collectors for whom a $150k timepiece is as much of a financial burden as a Timex is for the average American. With the H9, extremely well-heeled horophiles separate themselves – both financially and metaphorically – from the 9 to 5 masses married to the clock. At the same time, their patronage supports an innovative watchmaker pushing the boundaries of what’s possible – and acceptable. Win win.

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Will the haldimann h9 become the most controversial “watch” of 2012?

UNIQUE WATCH guide > Unique Watches > Will the haldimann h9 become the most controversial “watch” of 2012?

Is an artistic/philosophical statement being made here?

Finally got around to writing about this …watch? time piece.. The Haldimann H9 Reduction

It was released earlier in the year and caused quite a hoo-ha .

The reason it stirred up controversy I think is because it challenges the meaning of what a wristwatch should be.

The H9 follows the Haldimann H8 model which I wrote about here. That featured just a Tourbillon, and like the H9 also didn’t indicate the time (pictured below)

However the H8 did at least feature the visual spectacle of a Tourbillon, and so could be admired for that. It also gave you a sense of time advancing due the Tourbillon making its one revolution per minute.

But with the Haldimann H9 it seems to have rapidly advanced into emperors-got-no-clothes territory.

I never saw the press release for this watch but I’m wondering if it wasn’t just a blank sheet of paper..

The frustrating aspect for this watch is that it does actually indicate the time, AND its combined with a superb complication – a proprietary central triple-barrel flying Tourbillon!

BUT you cant see it because its covered by opaque black glass!

How about that for a tease, seems almost like a malicious joke .

“time can thus be imagined, dreamed, or invented.” is how Haldimann describes the H9.

Possibly rapidly rubbing your temples will help too.

What will be next you cant help wonder, the “H10 Renunciation”? Perhaps you wont actually receive a watch at all but rather a painting or photograph of one?

For the pleasure of “imagining” the time with the H9 Reduction your bank balance will be “reduced” by around 150,000 Swiss Francs.

HALDIMANN H9 Reduction “Il tempo che NON si vede” (VIDEO)

Beat! Quando lo nomini puoi andare sicuro senza patemi di sbagliare accento. Si pronuncia esattamente come è scritto: spero finalmente di mettermelo nella testa (tutte le volte mi corregge con estrema pazienza…). Haldimann è un orologiaio indipendente svizzero AHCI tanto originale quanto gentile e sorridente: è un piacere ogni anno incontrarlo a Baselworld. Un omone sempre elegante e vestito di tutto punto come cent’anni fa con gessato nero, bretelle e papillon.

In proporzioni a me sconosciute, oltre ad essere un validissimo orologiaio Beat Haldimann è allo stesso tempo artista e filosofo. A provarlo è qualsiasi cosa lo riguardi: dai suoi modi ai macchinari che usa nel suo laboratorio, da come questo è arredato. Tutto intorno a lui sembra volerti portare indietro o avanti nel tempo; comunque lontano dal presente. A confermarlo sono le sue opere.

Quest’anno dopo avermi mostrato alcuni dei suoi capolavori che già conoscevo come H1 Flying Tourbillon e H2 Flying Resonance (video), Beat ha tirato fuori all’improvviso da un astuccio di panno nero H9 Reduction, che vedi in alto al mio polso e fotografato dal fondello. Con l’inglese me la cavo abbastanza bene, ma confesso che per un paio di minuti… mentre me lo descriveva non riuscivo a seguirlo (o forse temevo l’esatto contrario).

Il segna tempo

Si, dal titolo del paragrafo hai letto bene: H9 Reduction non “segna” il tempo. Lo misura e anche lui attraverso un magico tourbillon volante, ma di nascosto con un vetro che lo oscura non lo mostra a nessuno! Guarda il video che ho ripreso mentre l’orologiaio di Thun lo faceva roteare tra le sue dita.

Mentre scrivo, attraverso lo schermo del mio mac, mi sembra di vedere la tua faccia incredula e forse un po’ contrariata. E’ giusto che sia così, Beat al posto tuo farebbe la stessa cosa. Ma lui è seduto sull’altra sponda, e come tutti gli artisti non se ne cura. L’ultima – opera d’arte di Haldimann – perchè “in questo stato” definirlo orologio potrebbe non sembrare corretto – è l’estensione ai massimi livelli del concetto di tempo che da molto frulla nella sua testa.

Riflettendoci con il senno di poi, c’era da aspettarselo. Egli aveva già dato un chiaro segno di questa visione con H8 Sculptura, un tourbillon volante centrale che sembra più che mai fluttuare nell’aria. Non solo perchè “appeso” – come è scritto nei canoni della complicazione – su un ponte da una sola estremità, ma perchè non possiede alcuna lancetta per segnare il tempo. Osservare la sua gabbia roteare con il nulla intorno è letteralmente ipnotico.

H9 Reduction – cui prezzo supera i 150.000 Franchi svizzeri – è un oggetto che può far sorridere e nel contempo storcere il naso, ma se conosci la mano e le capacità di Haldimann io dico: “fino a un certo punto”. Oscurato da un vetro opaco, ci sarà davvero un tourbillon volante centrale e lancette di ore e minuti a scrivere il tempo, invece che immaginarlo? Ovviamente si.

Da una parte penso che alla fine sia una simpatica idea, un po’ ironica, un po’ bizzarra; ma l’arte – che sia condivisibile o meno – non si può imbrigliare, è libera per definizione. Con ciò, conludendo, viene naturale pensare che da un personaggio come Haldimann ci si possa nel futuro aspettare di tutto.

Visita il suo sito web http://www.haldimann-horology.ch.


Haldimann H9 Reduction Watch

The notion of the very existence of the H9 Reduction poses the question is this high horology or high jinx. Beat Haldimann produces some exquisite looking watches displaying an exceptionally high level of technical proficiency. There is no doubt the H9 is skillfully made but doesn’t tell the time. The irony is that underneath a veil of opaque black sapphire crystal lays a complex mechanical movement. Ultimately it’s a topic for debate & there must be speculation about the appearance of the H10. Maybe it will be the world’s first invisible watch.

If you’re eager to get your hands on this timepiece there is a choice of two solid Platinum case sizes 39mm x 42mm. The price is: CHF 184,000

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