Indian Medicinal Plants Book Free Download | Medicinal Plants And Their Uses | 20 Ayurvedic Plants Names | Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow 인기 답변 업데이트

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This video will help you learn names and uses of ayurvedic plants.
All featured plants have there natural medicinal uses.
You can enjoy watching our other learning videos too
Link are as belows :
1)Ayurvedic Plants In English :
2)Phonics :
3)Multiplication Tables 1 to 10 :
4)Healing Herbal Drinks :
5)Multiplication 11 to 20 :
6) Ten Most Poisonous Animals :
7)ABC Song :

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Lights by Sappheiros
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(India) Indian Medicinal Plants – PDF Drive

Medicinal Plants Medicinal Chemistry Book Printed 1 user … Healing Herbs: …

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Indian Medicinal Plants – An illustrated Dictionary, Springer

medicine, as a companion volume of my earlier book Encyclopedia of Indian. Medicinal Plants/Indian Herbal Remedies, published by Springer.

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Date Published: 3/1/2021

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Indian medicinal plants | INDIAN CULTURE

Indian medicinal plants. Author: Kirtikar, K. R.. Basu, B. D.. Keywords: India Botany Botany, Medical. Publisher: Lalit Mohan Basu, Allahabad.

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Date Published: 8/23/2021

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Indian Medicinal Plants (Part II). – PDF Download Free

Roxburgh makes no mention of the medicinal qualities of this plant. Pongamia glabra.?N. 0. Leguminosas. The natives of the south of India thread the legumes …

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Date Published: 1/22/2022

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Hand Book of Indian Medicinal Plants Hardcover –

Tell the Publisher! I’d like to read this book on Kindle Don’t have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.

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Indian Medicinal Plants 1: Longman, Orient –

Indian Medicinal Plants 1 [Longman, Orient] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying … Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.

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(PDF) Quality standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 11

PDF | Monographs on 1. Achyranthes bentata Blume. (Whole plant), p.12-24. 2. Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. (Root), p.234-241. 3.

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주제와 관련된 이미지 indian medicinal plants book free download

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Medicinal Plants And Their Uses | 20 Ayurvedic Plants Names | Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Medicinal Plants And Their Uses | 20 Ayurvedic Plants Names | Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow
Medicinal Plants And Their Uses | 20 Ayurvedic Plants Names | Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow

주제에 대한 기사 평가 indian medicinal plants book free download

  • Author: Happy Learning Worldwide
  • Views: 조회수 2,170,307회
  • Likes: 좋아요 24,675개
  • Date Published: 2018. 6. 5.
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(India) Indian Medicinal Plants

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“ Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful. ” ― George Bernard Shaw

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Indian Medicinal Plants (Part II).

I have made trial of the powder arid an infusion of the hark, and have found it to be most powerfully diaphoretic; the drug has slight anodyne properties, also a bath, prepared with the

I have frequently employed in rheumatism. Twentyof acute rheumatism were treated with this drug, and in all, the results have been most satisfactory. The dose of the powder is from 5 to 15 grains, thrice daily; of the

bark, eight


infusion (1

of bark to 10 ounces of boiling water) an Combined with opium it forms a much sudorific than the compound powder of ipeca-



three times





The drug does not possess any febrifuge properties. Roxburgh makes no mention of the medicinal qualities of this plant. Pongamia glabra.?N. 0. Leguminosas. The natives of the south of India thread the legumes and tie them round the necks of children suffering from hooping cough. It is said by them to be of use in th ese cases. Probably the friction of the legumes against the chest, or it may be, the exhalation from them, might have something to do in mitigating the distressing cough. I have employed the powder of the dried pericarps in the treatment of hooping cough (14 cases), and in chronic bronchitis (25 cases), and must acknowledge its efficacy in these affections. Most of my patients were quite relieved in from 10 to 12 days. For an adult the dose of the powder ranges from 5 to 10 grains; for children, 1 to 3 grains, thrice daily, given with a little syrup or honey. The oil obtained (by expression) from the seeds is employed by the natives in the treatment of “scabies, herpes, and other cutaneous diseases.” It is also employed as an embrocation in rheumatic affections. According to Brandis, ” the pods and the


leaves are used in native medicine.”

Jlolarrhena antidysenterica.?N. 0. Apocynacea). Seeds. An infusion of “the oat-like seeds (Anderjun of the Taleef

Shereef) ”

In the care, I


is said to be effectual in arresting haemorrhage from piles.” only two cases of this affection that came under my





of further trial.

advantage. It is one well particulars regarding the



value of this plant, I must refer my readers to Ainslie’s Materia Medica, Vol. I, p. 88, and to Waring’s Pharmacopoeia of India, p. 137. The bark (Couessi-bark) of this plant has long been held in high repute as a remedy for dysentery. Jatropha curcas.?N. 0. Euphorbiacece. The


of this


is used


natives to arrest


The seeds possess purgative properties; and the oil obtained from them is said to be useful in cutaneous affections and in chronic rheumatism. Not long since my atten-


wounds, &c.

tion was attracted to a notice of this plant in the Indian Medical Gazette, by Mr. Udoy Chund Dutt. He that the






(Continued from page 39.^ Calosanthcs Indica.?N. 0. Bignoniacece. ” plant the “jaimangal; and it was from its medicinal of a Gond that I first heard properties. The tree is common in Bengal, Burmah, South and Central India, ” Ceylon, and Java. According to Brandis, the barks and frait are used in tanning and dyeing, the seeds are used to line hats, and placed between two layers of wicker work to make umbrellas. Eoot, bark, leaves, and seeds are used in native medicine.” The Gonds employ a decoction of the bark as a discutient application to rheumatic swellings. They do not, however, administer any part of the plant as an internal remedy. The Gonds call this

of this




powerful hajmostatic. In two cases, in which trial was made, he says that tbo bleeding was at once arrested ; and to use his own words, the blood seemed to be at once curdled tip.” Before this notice appeared, I had the following case uuder treatment Bugloo, aged 25 years, was admitted into the Seoni Main Dispensary on the 3rd October 1874. lie was suffering from a large open a bscess in the heel of the right foot; the abscess had resulted from an injury. The patient stated that it was not so much the pain and swelling of the foot that caused him anxiety, but the frequent hemorrhages from the abscess. On removing the rags, &c., that enveloped the foot, htemorrhage, (evidently venous) at once occurred. Immediately above the internal malleolus I found a pulsating tumour about the size of a pigeon’s egg ; pressure on the posterior tibial artery on tho proximal side of the awelling at once arrested tho bloeding ; tho superficial veins in the neighbourhood were enlarged, and a faint thrill could bo detected in them. Taking into considera

Tart II.

By Surgeon B. Evehs,

milky juice

ation the situation of the tumour, and tho character of the I diagnosed the case as one of varicose aneurism. The bleediug from the tumour was easily checked by theapplica-


March 1,



the tourniquet, but the distress occasioned by the pressure of the instrument was so great that before evening the patient begged that it might be taken off. After this

lion of

instrumental and digital pressure were resorted to alternately. In the meantime the abscess in the heel was gradually filling up. On seeing Mr. Udoy Chund Dutt’s paper, I determined to give the jatropha juice a trial, and accordingly, on the 12th October, I injected a drachm of the juice into the tumour by means of the hypodermic syringe ; the result was astonishing ; in twenty minutes’ time the pulsation was so faint that no non-professional person could have detected it; and by evening all pulsation had ceased, a good firm coagulum had been produced, the nozzle of the syringe was retained in the tumour for about ten minutes; and on removing the instrument just one drop of blood escaped through the puncture ; a small piece

dry lint and a piece of sticking plaster were applied puncture. No ill effects resulted from the injection of the juice. I was anxious to watch the result of this treatment further, but on the evening of the 16th October the patient left hospital without permission, considering that it was no longer necessary for him to stay in Seoni. People from his village inform me that the man i3 now (fully three months after the operation) quite well. This is only a single case it is true, but it illustrates how a very simple and speedy operation may be had recourse to in place of others more serious. “We all know what a difficult thing it is to treat aneurismal affections. Holmes in his System of Surgery, (Vol III., p. 512) has the following passage:?” The discovery of a fluid of great coagulating power, and devoid of irritating properties, is a desideratum in this method,” i.e., the treatment of aneurisms by injections. I make no pretensions to originality, but I ask that others with better opportunities than myself may give this drug a trial. Two children were brought to me for the purpose of having the franum of the tongue snipped, and in both these cases, after the operation, I employed jatropha juice as a styptic ; there can be no doubt of the value assigned to it by natives. The jatropha curcas is a very common hedge plant. Drury states that the juice “is of a very tenacious nature, and if blown, forms large bubbles, probably owing to the presence of caoutchouc.” “A decoction of the leaves is used in the Cape of


Yerd Islands to excite secretion of milk in women.” Sesamum Indicum.?N. 0. Pedaliacea). Not long ago I found in the Pioneer newspaper that the mucilage obtained from the leaves of this plant is considered

parts of Australia, and this drug. Waring remarks on this subject:?” The leaves (sesami folia or Benne leaves) are officinal in the secondary list of the United States Pharmacopoeia ; they abound with thick viscid mucilage, which is readily imparted a






in some

to mako trial of the

to water, and an infusion of them is much used in the southern states of North America in all affections requiring demulcents. One or two full-sized fresh leaves, infused or agitated in half a pint of cold water, will soon render it sufficiently viscid for the purpose. If the dried leaves be used, hot water should be

substituted for the cold. IIow far the leaves of the Indiangrown plant may be used in this way remains to be determined.” I have employed the mucilage, obtained from the leaves of iu the treatment of sixteen cases of dysentho Indian


and in all recovery followed. From six to seven days I confess, however was the time necessary far such treatment. that my cases were not of tho virulent typo seen towards tho end of tho rainy season. The drug acts simply as a demulcent, and does not. in my opinion, exert any specific influence on tho disease; furthermore, it is necessary to combine an opiate with it, to relieve tho tenesmus, so that probably the


disease as the opium added has as much to do in checking the ” tho seeds have mucilago itself. Waring again states that powerfully emmenagogue properties assigned to them, and it is bcliovcd by the uativea and Indo-Britons that, if taken

largely, they





67 abortion.



emmenagogue properties of these seeds deserve further investigation.” In three cases of congestive dysmenorrhcea I administered the powder of the seeds in ten-grain doses, three or four times

day, with benefit. I have at the same time emhip-bath recommended by “Waring. It is commonly believed in the south of India that the seeds, when eaten by a pregnant woman, are likely to induce abortion ; but no instance of the kind has ever come under my notice, nor have I heard of any. Further trials with the drug are necessary. The seeds of this plant yield the common til or jingelly oil ployed



of commerce. The leaves of the pedalium murere, another plant of the same natural order, also yield a viscid mucilage when agitated in cold water. The natives use the mucilage thus obtained as a demulcent and diuretic in the treatment of gonorrhoea, and there can



doubt of its value in such cases. in the south of India.



\1th 1875.

The plant is very

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