Json.Decoder.Jsondecodeerror Extra Data | Jsondecodeerror | How To Fix Json Jsondecodeerror | Json File Error | Eof Exception 상위 179개 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data – JSONDecodeError | How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError | Json File Error | EOF Exception“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://chewathai27.com/you 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://chewathai27.com/you/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Tricky Bibha 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 5,274회 및 좋아요 47개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

JSONDecodeError: Extra data” occurs when we try to parse multiple objects without wrapping them in an array. To solve the error, wrap the JSON objects in an array or declare a new property that points to an array value that contains the objects.

json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

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d여기에서 JSONDecodeError | How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError | Json File Error | EOF Exception – json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

#JSONDecodeError # how_to_fix_JSONDecodeError
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In this video I’ll tell you about How to fix JSONDecodeError in very easy steps so watch till end. So in this video I’ll tell you about how to solve .json file syntax error or .json file EOF error.
Just Follow to solve JavaScript Object Notation File Error –
* JSONDecodeError
* Json file error
* how to fix JSONDecodeError
* json file decode error
* json error while loading
* can’t able to access .json file
* Solve JSONDecodeError
* JSONDecodeError in easy steps
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json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data – Stack Overflow

I still get json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 1 column 954 (char 953) with this answer’s code. My data file must have a different …

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How to Solve Python JSONDecodeError: extra data

In Python, JSONDecodeError occurs when there is an issue with the formatting of the JSON data. In this specific case, the JSON file contains multiple JSON …

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Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) – CNPUBF.Com

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json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 1 column …

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json.decoder.JSONDecodeError – line 2 column 1 (char 190)

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Use with open(‘data.json’) as f: data = [json.loads(line) for line in f].

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Extra data ||| While trying to read .json file : r/learnpython – Reddit

But when i try to read it with json.load, i have this error: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 14 column 2 (char 320).

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주제와 관련된 이미지 json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 JSONDecodeError | How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError | Json File Error | EOF Exception. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

JSONDecodeError | How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError | Json File Error | EOF Exception
JSONDecodeError | How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError | Json File Error | EOF Exception

주제에 대한 기사 평가 json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data

  • Author: Tricky Bibha
  • Views: 조회수 5,274회
  • Likes: 좋아요 47개
  • Date Published: 2021. 7. 11.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfUw4KeIqis

Solve – json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data in Python

Solve – json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data in Python #

The Python “json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data” occurs when we try to parse multiple objects without wrapping them in an array. To solve the error, wrap the JSON objects in an array or declare a new property that points to an array value that contains the objects.

Here is a very simple example of how the error occurs.

main.py Copied! import json result = json . loads ( ‘{}{}’ )

We are trying to parse 2 objects next to one another without the objects being elements in an array.

Here is an example of how the error occurs while reading a file.

main.py Copied! import json file_name = ‘example.json’ with open ( file_name , ‘r’ , encoding = ‘utf-8’ ) as f : my_data = json . load ( f ) print ( my_data )

Here is the content of the example.json file.

example.json Copied! { “id” : 1 , “name” : “Alice” , “age” : 30 } { “id” : 2 , “name” : “Bob” , “age” : 35 } { “id” : 3 , “name” : “Carl” , “age” : 40 }

One way to solve the issue is to wrap the JSON objects in an array and use commas to separate the elements.

example.json Copied! [ { “id” : 1 , “name” : “Alice” , “age” : 30 } , { “id” : 2 , “name” : “Bob” , “age” : 35 } , { “id” : 3 , “name” : “Carl” , “age” : 40 } ]

Notice that there isn’t a comma after the last element in the array.

Now we can read the file without getting an error.

main.py Copied! import json file_name = ‘example.json’ with open ( file_name , ‘r’ , encoding = ‘utf-8’ ) as f : my_data = json . load ( f ) print ( my_data )

Alternatively, you can add a new property in the json object.

example.json Copied! { “employees” : [ { “id” : 1 , “name” : “Alice” , “age” : 30 } , { “id” : 2 , “name” : “Bob” , “age” : 35 } , { “id” : 3 , “name” : “Carl” , “age” : 40 } ] }

Now parsing the JSON file would get us a Python dictionary.

main.py Copied! import json file_name = ‘example.json’ with open ( file_name , ‘r’ , encoding = ‘utf-8’ ) as f : my_data = json . load ( f ) print ( my_data )

If you have no control over the JSON data, try using a list comprehension and parse each individual line.

Imagine that we have the following JSON.

main.py Copied! { “id” : 1 , “name” : “Alice” , “age” : 30 } { “id” : 2 , “name” : “Bob” , “age” : 35 } { “id” : 3 , “name” : “Carl” , “age” : 40 }

Here is a list comprehension that parses each individual line.

main.py Copied! import json data = [ json . loads ( line ) for line in open ( ‘example.json’ , ‘r’ , encoding = ‘utf-8’ ) ] print ( data )

We use the json.loads method to parse each line into a native Python object and add the lines to a list.

However, this would only work if each line contains valid JSON.

The fastest way to validate and correct your JSON is to use a JSON validator.

Paste your payload into the form, the validator checks for errors and sometimes directly fixes them.

If you are fetching data from a remote API, then you have to look into the data the API returns and correct the issue on the backend.

Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data

I am getting some data from a JSON file “new.json”, and I want to filter some data and store it into a new JSON file. Here is my code:

import json with open(‘new.json’) as infile: data = json.load(infile) for item in data: iden = item.get[“id”] a = item.get[“a”] b = item.get[“b”] c = item.get[“c”] if c == ‘XYZ’ or “XYZ” in data[“text”]: filename = ‘abc.json’ try: outfile = open(filename,’ab’) except: outfile = open(filename,’wb’) obj_json={} obj_json[“ID”] = iden obj_json[“VAL_A”] = a obj_json[“VAL_B”] = b

And I am getting an error, the traceback is:

File “rtfav.py”, line 3, in data = json.load(infile) File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/__init__.py”, line 278, in load **kw) File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/__init__.py”, line 326, in loads return _default_decoder.decode(s) File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/decoder.py”, line 369, in decode raise ValueError(errmsg(“Extra data”, s, end, len(s))) ValueError: Extra data: line 88 column 2 – line 50607 column 2 (char 3077 – 1868399)

Here is a sample of the data in new.json, there are about 1500 more such dictionaries in the file

How to Solve Python JSONDecodeError: extra data

If you want to load a JSON file using json.loads() and you have multiple records not contained in an array, you will raise the ValueError: extra data. The method json.loads() is not able to decode more than one record at once.

You can solve this error by reformatting your JSON file to contain an array or by reading the JSON file line by line, for example:

data = [json.loads(line) for line in open(‘extra.json’,’r’)]

This tutorial will go through the error in detail and how to solve it with code examples.

JSONDecodeError: extra data

In Python, JSONDecodeError occurs when there is an issue with the formatting of the JSON data. In this specific case, the JSON file contains multiple JSON strings. The json.loads() method can only parse one JSON string at a time.

Value: extra data

Python developers have also encountered the error as a ValueError: extra data. In Python, a value is a piece of information stored within a particular object. We will encounter a ValueError in Python when using a built-in operation or function that receives an argument that is the right type but an inappropriate value. The data we want to read is the correct type, JSON string, but the file contains multiple JSON strings that are not inside an array, which is an inappropriate format.


Let’s look at an example where we want to read JSON data into a program using json.loads() . First, let’s look at the JSON data, which contains information about five different pizzas.

{“pizza”:”margherita”, “price”:7.99, “Details”:”Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians”} {“pizza”:”pepperoni”, “price”:9.99, “Details”:”Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians”} {“pizza”:”marinara”, “price”:6.99, “Details”:”Dairy free. Suitable for vegetarians.”} {“pizza”:”four cheese”, “price”:10.99, “Details”:”Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians”} {“pizza”:”hawaiian”, “price”:9.99, “Details”:”Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians”}

Next, we will attempt to load the data into a Python object using json.loads() :

import json fi = open(‘sample.json’,’r’) pizzaJson = json.loads(fi.read()) print(pizzaJson)

Let’s run the code to see the result:

JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 92)

Our code throws the JSONDecodeError because the records in the JSON file are in an incorrect format. The json.loads( ) method is only able to read one JSON string at a time.

Solution #1: Reformat the JSON file

We can reformat the JSON file so that the records are in a list with a key pizzas . Let’s look at the revised JSON file:

{“pizzas”: [ {“pizza”:”margherita”, “price”:7.99, “Details”:”Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians”}, {“pizza”:”pepperoni”, “price”:9.99, “Details”:”Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians”}, {“pizza”:”marinara”, “price”:6.99, “Details”:”Dairy free. Suitable for vegetarians.”}, {“pizza”:”four cheese”, “price”:10.99, “Details”:”Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians”}, {“pizza”:”hawaiian”, “price”:9.99, “Details”:”Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians”} ] }

The code from the example does not need to change.

import json fi = open(‘sample.json’,’r’) pizzaJson = json.loads(fi.read()) print(pizzaJson) print(type(pizzaJson))

Let’s run the code to see the result:

{‘pizzas’: [{‘pizza’: ‘margherita’, ‘price’: 7.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians’}, {‘pizza’: ‘pepperoni’, ‘price’: 9.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians’}, {‘pizza’: ‘marinara’, ‘price’: 6.99, ‘Details’: ‘Dairy free. Suitable for vegetarians.’}, {‘pizza’: ‘four cheese’, ‘price’: 10.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians’}, {‘pizza’: ‘hawaiian’, ‘price’: 9.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians’}]}

We successfully loaded the JSON data into a Python dictionary. If we want to access the individual records we can use the key pizzas with the pizzaJson dictionary.

records = pizzaJson[‘pizzas’] for pizza in records: print(pizza)

{‘pizza’: ‘margherita’, ‘price’: 7.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians’} {‘pizza’: ‘pepperoni’, ‘price’: 9.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians’} {‘pizza’: ‘marinara’, ‘price’: 6.99, ‘Details’: ‘Dairy free. Suitable for vegetarians.’} {‘pizza’: ‘four cheese’, ‘price’: 10.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians’} {‘pizza’: ‘hawaiian’, ‘price’: 9.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians’}

Solution #2: Use List Comprehension with json.loads()

The second way we can solve this error is to read the JSON file line by line and the JSON string on each line to the json.loads() method. The JSON file is in the original format:

{“pizza”:”margherita”, “price”:7.99, “Details”:”Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians”} {“pizza”:”pepperoni”, “price”:9.99, “Details”:”Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians”} {“pizza”:”marinara”, “price”:6.99, “Details”:”Dairy free. Suitable for vegetarians.”} {“pizza”:”four cheese”, “price”:10.99, “Details”:”Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians”} {“pizza”:”hawaiian”, “price”:9.99, “Details”:”Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians”}

We can write the command in one line of code using list comprehension. Let’s look at the revised code:

import json pizzaJson = [json.loads(line) for line in open(‘sample.json’,’r’)] print(pizzaJson) print(type(pizzaJson))

Let’s run the code to get the result:

[{‘pizza’: ‘margherita’, ‘price’: 7.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians’}, {‘pizza’: ‘pepperoni’, ‘price’: 9.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians’}, {‘pizza’: ‘marinara’, ‘price’: 6.99, ‘Details’: ‘Dairy free. Suitable for vegetarians.’}, {‘pizza’: ‘four cheese’, ‘price’: 10.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains cheese. Suitable for vegetarians’}, {‘pizza’: ‘hawaiian’, ‘price’: 9.99, ‘Details’: ‘Contains meat. Not suitable for vegetarians’}]

We successfully loaded the JSON strings into a list.


Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial! The JSONDecodeError: Extra data occurs when the JSON file contains multiple JSON strings that are in an incorrect format. If you have multiple JSON strings, they should be in a list as a value in a dictionary, with an appropriate key. Otherwise, you can read the JSON strings in the file line by line using a for loop or list comprehension.

For further reading on errors involving JSON, go to the articles:

Have fun and happy researching!

[Fixed] json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190)

Today We are Going To Solve json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) in Python. Here we will Discuss All Possible Solutions and How this error Occurs So let’s get started with this Article.

How to Fix json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) Error?

How to Fix json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) Error? To Fix json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) Error just Use the string.replace() . You have to just use the string.replace() to convert these items to a string. By using it you can easily convert it to a string

import json string = “””[{“I1”: “One”, “I2”: False}, {“I3”: “Three”}]””” string = string.replace(“False”, ‘”False”‘) dictlist = json.loads(string) json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) To Fix json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190) Error just Use the string.replace() . You have to just use the string.replace() to convert these items to a string. By using it you can easily convert it to a string

import json string = “””[{“I1”: “One”, “I2”: False}, {“I3”: “Three”}]””” string = string.replace(“False”, ‘”False”‘) dictlist = json.loads(string)

Solution 1 : Use the string.replace()

You have to just use the string.replace() to convert these items to a string. By using it you can easily convert it to a string

import json string = “””[{“I1”: “One”, “I2”: False}, {“I3”: “Three”}]””” string = string.replace(“False”, ‘”False”‘) dictlist = json.loads(string)


So these were all possible solutions to this error. I hope your error has been solved by this article. In the comments, tell us which solution worked? If you liked our article, please share it on your social media and comment on your suggestions. Thank you.

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 1 column 300 (char 299) · Issue #36 · lushan88a/google_trans_new

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json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190)

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키워드에 대한 정보 json.decoder.jsondecodeerror extra data

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 JSONDecodeError | How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError | Json File Error | EOF Exception

  • JSONDecodeError
  • json syntax error
  • error while loading json
  • can't able to load json
  • how to fix json decode error
  • how to solve json decode error
  • education point
  • solve json file error
  • fix json file error
  • fix json error
  • solve json error
  • How to Fix Json JSONDecodeError
  • Json File Error
  • EOF Exception
  • jsonerror unexpected token
  • json error in test-script
  • json decode error python
  • json line error
  • error in json structure validation
  • error in json file gstr 1

JSONDecodeError #| #How #to #Fix #Json #JSONDecodeError #| #Json #File #Error #| #EOF #Exception

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