Morel Solan V2 | Обзор Акустики Morel Solan V2 Bookshelf 인기 답변 업데이트

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Morel Solan Floor standing speakers. In accordance with Morel ification, these systems are related to the initial level and allow to join …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 morel solan v2

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Обзор акустики MOREL SOLAN V2 Bookshelf. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Обзор акустики MOREL SOLAN V2 Bookshelf
Обзор акустики MOREL SOLAN V2 Bookshelf

주제에 대한 기사 평가 morel solan v2

  • Views: 조회수 4,596회
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  • Date Published: 2020. 7. 26.
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Morel Solan Floor standing speakers review and test

In accordance with Morel classification, these systems are related to the initial level and allow to join the branded sound for relatively little money. Speakers are three-way with side location of woofer. This allowed to maximally narrow the front panel, reducing harmful for sound diffraction. The woofer is equipped with a lightweight 160-mm diffuser made of the pressed cellulose, reinforced with polymer coating. Midrange driver with the diameter of 13 cm is made by the similar technology. The branded one inch tweeter has the dome made of the very lightweight with a hardening impregnation. In addition, it is equipped with a sound coil of the increased size and a decent magnetic system.

Morel Solan shows extremely high sound resolution, the maximum of which falls on mid- and high-frequency spectrums. Tonal balance in the main band is smooth by ear, but in the upper part of the range the tweeter’s activity is slightly increased. Dynamical capabilities should be considered to be great, contrast is slightly smoothed in the area of the lowest bass. Wonderful ability to form three-dimensional sound stage leaves not less strong impression. The space at the same time is quite densely filled around the perimeter, images are clearly differentiated and have correct proportions.

MOREL Solan Floorstanding v2

Firma Morel może do tej pory pozostawać zupełnie nieznana dużej grupie czytelników “Audio”, chociaż niechybnie wielu zna ją bardzo dobrze – co zależy od konkretnych zainteresowań i szczególnej pozycji tej marki na rynku.

Jako producent “gotowych” kolumn, Morel jest raczej nowym zawodnikiem, mimo że na jego stronie internetowej, na archiwalnych zdjęciach, można zobaczyć jakieś bardzo stare konstrukcje – ale w tej roli Morel nie był zbyt aktywny.

Morela nie mógł jednak przegapić nikt, kto interesował się DIY. Zbiegiem okoliczności prezentujemy ją w tym teście zaraz po Dynaudio, a firmy te były jakoś w przeszłości skoligacone, bo pewne charakterystyczne cechy ich przetworników nieprzypadkowo są (albo były) wspólne.

Również Morel już dawno temu zaproponował powiększenie kopułek wysokotonowych – z 25 do 28 mm – i wprowadził do wielu głośników cewki o średnicy 75 mm. W produktach Morela nadal można spotkać takie cechy, jednocześnie występuje jednak znacznie większe zróżnicowanie rozwiązań (niż w przetwornikach Dynaudio), bowiem Morel wciąż walczy przede wszystkim o pozycję na rynku DIY, car-audio i jako dostawca komponentów dla innych firm głośnikowych – dlatego potrzebny jest duży wybór.

Obudowę w całości oklejono folią drewnopodobną, ale na obszarze zajętym przez sekcję średnio-wysokotonową, dołożono wyprofilowany panelik, który tworzy krótką tubkę przed głośnikiem wysokotonowym.

Na tym tle oferta zespołów głośnikowych (kolumn) jest skromniejsza i dość zaskakująca, nawet biorąc pod uwagę specyfikę firmy. Zaprojektowano dwa fantastyczne modele referencyjne – Fat Lady i Sopran (na które czekamy w pełnej gotowości do testu) – obrodziło systemami satelitarno-subwooferowymi i głośnikami instalacyjnymi, natomiast konwencjonalnych konstrukcji do systemów stereo, podstawkowych i podłogowych jest jak na lekarstwo – jakby Morel postanowił robić wszystko, oprócz tego, co z największą ochotą robi większość innych firm głośnikowych.

Może powody takiej polityki wynikają z jakiejś wizji i własnych prognoz rozwoju rynku (na razie jednak klasyczne kolumny trzymają się mocno), może są powiązane z aktywnością w roli dostawcy samych głośników, a może Morel w ogóle nie ma determinacji, aby zostać tutaj ważnym graczem.

Fat Lady i Sopran mają pełnić rolę flagowców wzmacniających prestiż marki, ale tworzenie poważnej, kompletnej oferty – to jeszcze trudniejsze zadanie… Dlatego nie obiecujemy, że test kolumn Morel Solan Floorstanding v2 jest początkiem wielkiej fali testów Morela, bo wybór jest naprawdę niewielki.

Poza wspomnianymi flagowcami, Fat Lady i Sopran, mamy jeszcze małe grupy modeli pod nazwami Octave i Solan. W każdej z nich znajdziemy konstrukcję wolnostojącą, podstawkową i centralną. Ich pełne nazwy wszystko wyjaśniają – Solan Floorstanding, Solan Bookshelf, Solan Centre; w serii Solan jest jeszcze subwoofer – PMS10 Subwoofer.

Wylot bas-refleksu umieszczono tak nisko, jak było to możliwe, przesuwając powyżej nawet gniazdo przyłączeniowe. Mimo takiej konfiguracji, kolumny nie emitują potężnego basu i mogą być ustawione blisko ściany.

Morel Solan Floorstanding v2 – głośniki

Konstrukcja podstawkowa to jeszcze dość typowy układ dwudrożny, z 15-cm nisko-średniotonowym i 25-mm kopułką wysokotonową, w obudowie bas-refleks (wylot z tyłu), natomiast konstrukcja wolnostojąca jest rozwinięciem podstawkowej – poprzez dodanie sekcji niskotonowej, opartej na 18-cm głośniku.

W związku ze zmianą roli odgrywanej przez 15-tkę, wprowadzono filtrowanie odpowiednie dla głośnika średniotonowego, ale pozostawiono otwór i tunel wyprowadzony z jego komory (taki sam, jak w konstrukcji podstawkowej).

Częstotliwość podziału między sekcją niskotonową a średniotonową jest niska (150 Hz), chociaż właściwa dla konfiguracji z niskotonowym odsuniętym od średniotonowego, jednak skoro zbocza mają tutaj nachylenie 18 dB/okt. (według danych producenta), to skuteczność działania bas-refleksu z komory średniotonowego ostatecznie będzie śladowa. Takie rozwiązanie praktykuje kilka firm.

Głównym źródłem ciśnienia w zakresie najniższych częstotliwości będzie system bas-refleks głośnika niskotonowego, również wyprowadzony z tyłu, na samym dole obudowy – nawet pod gniazdem przyłączeniowym.

Głośnik niskotonowy na bocznej ściance nie jest żadną sensacją, chociaż pomysł ten nie rozwija się bujnie w pracach innych firm, tutaj prawdopodobnie jest związany z “pragmatyką” i zamiarem wykorzystania elementów konstrukcji podstawkowej (w obrębie sekcji średnio-wysokotonowej pojawia się dodatkowy panel, który obejmuje cały front modelu Solan Bookshelf), a więc utrzymania jej określonej, umiarkowanej szerokości (18 cm).

Najbardziej wyrafinowany fragment konstrukcji Solana – trzeba go oglądać pod lupą – perforowana osłonka przed tekstylną kopułką, pełniąca bardziej rolę soczewki akustycznej.

Redukcja wytłumienia

Bardziej ekscytująco wygląda to, czego… nie widać, ale co zapowiada producent – otóż najważniejszą cechą obudów wszystkich Solanów jest całkowity brak wytłumienia. Redukcja wytłumienia występuje w konstrukcjach innych producentów (chociaż bardzo rzadko jest to jego kompletna eliminacja), co służy zwykle uzyskaniu jak najefektywniejszego działania układu rezonansowego bas-refleks.

Zwykle ilość i rozłożenie wytłumienia jest wynikiem kompromisu między takim właśnie argumentem a koniecznością tłumienia fal stojących i wibracji ścianek. Morel podchodzi do tego tematu wyjątkowo i brawurowo – wprost deklaruje, że w obudowie nie ma żadnego wytłumienia, aby “obudowa mogła wibrować w ściśle kontrolowany sposób, synchroniczny z promieniowaniem głośników (…) energia ta jest częścią reprodukowanego dźwięku (…) całkowite promieniowanie jest uwzględnione w działaniu zwrotnicy, a w rezultacie brzmienie jest kompletnie transparentne”.

Fantastyczne. Jednak w obudowie kolumn Morel Solan Floorstanding v2 znajduje się pionowa przegroda ze specjalnymi otworami zaprojektowanymi pod kątem tłumienia fal stojących. Jak wskazują próby odsłuchowe, obudowa bez wytłumienia gra jednak w spodziewany sposób – żywo, dynamicznie, ale daleko od transparentności.

W sumie to trochę zaskakujące, że tak renomowana i okrzepła firma decyduje się na tak kontrowersyjne rozwiązanie – jakby sprawę wziął w swoje ręce pełen pasji i świeżych pomysłów, ale jeszcze mało doświadczony konstruktor. Może to jednak dobry pomysł na wyróżnienie się i “zaistnienie”.

15-cm głośnik średniotonowy udało się odsłonić (zdjąć jego indywidualną, metalową maskownicę – wtedy jednak okazało się, że nakładka przeciwpyłowa nie ma średnicy 75 mm, ale około 50 mm.


Membrany niskotonowego i średniotonowego wykonano z powlekanej celulozy, wzmacniając je dużymi (według danych producenta, odpowiednio: 10 cm i 7,5 cm) nakładkami przeciwpyłowymi; prawdopodobnie nie mamy jednak do czynienia z tak dużymi cewkami, a tylko z elementami doklejonymi do stożków prowadzonych przez mniejsze cewki.

Membrany trudno obejrzeć, a tym bardziej wykręcić głośniki, bowiem zasłonięto je indywidualnymi, metalowymi grilami, których użytkownik najwyraźniej nie ma powinien zdejmować. Zakryto nawet tekstylną kopułkę wysokotonową – w tym przypadku specjalnym grilem o firmowej nazwie “Lotus”. W tej sytuacji nie ma już maskownic obejmujących całe ścianki lub sekcje głośnikowe.

Obudowę kolymn Morel Solan Floorstanding v2 wykończono (prawie) w całości folią winylową, białą lub czarną (w teście), z rysunkiem imitującym drewno. Plastikowy panel w obszarze sekcji średnio-wysokotonowej nie prezentuje się zbyt dostojnie, ale odrobiny elegancji dodaje symboliczny cokół – w rzeczywistości aluminiowa ramka o grubości 9 mm, przykręcona do dolnej ścianki.

18-cm głośnik niskotonowy obronił się przed bliższymi oględzinami, jego grill wprawiony jest solidnie i nieustępliwie.


Our home audio products embody the company’s philosophy, combining technological innovation, daring design, and superb sound for an engaging, life-like music performance you will never forget. Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] MOREL SOLAN 5B €. 370,00 La nuova serie Solan offre la possibilità di godere del suono Morel a prezzi accessibili per chiunque. Diffusore bookshelf 2 vie. Disponibile nei colori nero o bianco.

PHILOSOPHY At the heart of the Solan bookshelf is a 1-inch (25mm) soft dome tweeter fitted with a neodymium magnet system with the Lotus grille to protect the tweeter. This driver’s smooth frequency response and lack of high “Q” (sharp) out of band resonances provides a very natural response to the high end. The bass/mid driver consists of a 5-inch (130mm) driver equipped with a large ferrite magnet driving a lightweight composite paper cone. The Solan Bookshelf inherits elements of the reference fat lady crossover technologies represented by how all the drive units maintain a positive phase, which makes the filter network more difficult to design, but provides a highly unified sound while using multiple drivers.Optimizing the phase performance through the crossover regions also helps to preserve the sound stage even when sitting off-axis. Lastly,eliminating resistors in the signal path allows for the highest resolution so all the important dynamics and drama of the original sound play through. Construction MDF Vinyl cabinet, coated paint glossy piano finish front baffle Acoustical Loading Single port bass reflex Drive Units Bass midrange: 5¼” (130mm) rear vented ferrite motor. Comprised of a lightweight paper cone doped with a polymer composite. The diaphragm is fitted with a 75mm domed dust cap and surround. Tweeter: High frequency unit, low resonance coated soft dome, ferrite magnet motor. 1″ (25mm) voice coil Frequency Response 50 – 20,000 Hz Nominal Impedance 4 ohm Nominal Power Handling 100W RMS Sensitivity 2.83 V/ 1 M 88 dB Crossover 2200 Hz / 12 dB octave Dimension (WxHxD) 7″ x 12″ x 10″ (178mm x 300mm x 250 mm) Finish White Pine, Black Ash, Dark wood NET Weight 4.7 Kg MOREL OCTAVE 6LE €. 1.659,00 Diffusore Audiophile evoluzione della serie Octave Signature. Le nuovissime Octave 6 offrono prestazioni di altissimo livello. Nuovi driver Morel e innovativa griglia Lotus. Disponibile nei colori nero o bianco lucido

OPTIONAL Stand in alluminio spazzolato per diffusori Morel ST-6 278,00 EURO CADAUNO

The Octave 6 series can integrate easily in practically any living space while enabling listeners outside the centre “sweet spot” to enjoy optimal sound. The new series is designed to be “amplifier friendly,” able to work with tube and solid-state amps. The special transducers engineered for the Octave 6 LE Bookshelves are the heart and soul of the series that make all the difference. Based on Morel’s most advanced technology, the Octave 6 LE bookshelf utilizes a 6” mid-bass unit with an oversized 3” under-hung aluminum voice coil, a powerful Hybrid motor and an ultra efficient one-piece carbon fibre/Rohacell composite sandwich cone. This lightweight and highly stiff material allows for better natural and uncoloured sound reproduction with increased articulation and improved transient response. Morel’s renowned 1.1” (28 mm) Acuflex™ soft dome tweeter provides the company’s signature sweet sound. The high quality components preserve the dynamics of the original sound as in a live performance Type 2-way freestanding high-end loudspeaker Construction MDF polymer coated cabinet gloss piano finish Acoustical Loading Bass reflex with port located in line No internal damping. Drive Units Woofer: 6″ (130mm) rear-vented system. Uniflow™ Aluminum die -cast chassis. Ferrite magnet system. 3″ Large Hexatech™ aluminum voice coil. Titanium coil bobbin (former), One piece integrated dome and surround cone, made of damped polymer composite (DPC). Tweeter: 1⅛” (28mm) Acuflex™ soft dome. Powerful Neodymium magnet system. Both drive units are shielded with low magnetic stray field Frequency Response 30-22,000Hz (40-18,000Hz ± 1.5 dB) Crossover 2200 Hz / 12 dB octave Nominal Impedance 4 ohm Nominal Power Handling 140W RMS Peak Power Handling 1,000W 10m/sec Dispersion Within 1.5 dB -18,000 HzHorizontal: over 60° / Vertical: over 20° Sensitivity 1V / 1M 88 dB Dimension (WxHxD) 7.3” X 11.69” X 13.38” (14.44” with terminals) (187mm X 297mm X 340mm (367 with terminals) Weight 7.3 KG Finish Black or white gloss piano finish Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] MOREL SOLAN 5F €. 824,00 La nuova serie Solan ofre la possibilità di godere del suono Morel a prezzi accessibili per chiunque. Difusore Floorstanding 3 vie. Disponibile nei colori nero o bianco.

PHILOSOPHY Cabinet: The Solan floor-standing uses (as in all Solan series speakers) an un-damped vented cabinet that is allowed to vibrate in a highly controlled manner so that it is in sync with the output of the drive units. This energy is used as part of the reproduced sound. The total output is taken into consideration in the crossover design, with the result of the speaker sounding completely transparent. A vertical baffle is located in the middle of the cabinet with an acoustical aperture designed to break up standing waves—a crucial element in achieving natural sound. The rear facing bass reflex port was designed to be directly in-line with the rear of the bass/mid unit to reproduce tighter, more articulate bass, but also provide a more realistic sound and presence to the midrange. Drive units: The Solan floor-standing features: · A 1-inch (25mm) soft dome tweeter fitted with a neodymium magnet system. This driver’s smooth frequency response and lack of high “Q” (sharp) out of band resonances provides a very natural response to the high end. Protected by Morel’s Lotus grille. · The midrange unit is a 5-inch (130mm) driver equipped with a large ferrite magnet driving a lightweight composite paper cone. · The bass is handled by a 6-inch (150mm) driver that utilizes a large ferrite magnet and a composite paper cone. This driver is optimized for low frequency reproduction with exceptional response range considering its size. · The crossover technologies are borrowed from the reference speaker – fat lady – represented by having all the drive units maintain a positive phase, providing a unified sound while using multiple drivers, as well as preserving sound stage even when sitting off-axis. Finally, eliminating resistors in the signal path allows for the highest resolution so all the important dynamics and drama of the original sound play through

MOREL OCTAVE 6LE €. 2.720,00 Diffusore Audiophile evoluzione della serie Octave Signature. Le nuovissime Octave 6 offrono prestazioni di altissimo livello. Nuovi driver Morel e innovativa griglia Lotus. Disponibile nei colori nero o bianco lucido.

Reproducing the excitement of live music whilst preserving tonal accuracy and dynamics. The Octave 6 series can integrate easily in practically any living space while enabling listeners outside the centre “sweet spot” to enjoy optimal sound. The new series is designed to be “amplifier friendly,” able to work with tube and solid-state amps. The floor-standing Octave 6 LE version replaces the Octave 6 counterpart and is boosted by a new powerful 9” subwoofer with a gigantic 5.1”(130mm) Hexatech™ aluminum voice coil. It’s made to deliver richer and accurate bass performance with lower harmonic distortion than ever. The breadth of soundstage and clarity of minute details will be apparent to casual listeners and audiophiles alike. Morel’s renowned 1.1” (28 mm) Acuflex™ soft dome tweeter provides the company’s signature warm and sweet sound. High quality components preserve the dynamics of the original sound as in a live performance. It will bring the music to life right where you liveSPECIFICATIONS Type 3-way 3- unit floor-standing high-end loudspeaker Construction MDF polymer coated cabinet gloss piano finish Acoustical Loading Separate internal chambers for the midrange and both bass drivers Bass: Port-loaded reflex system Midrange: Bass reflex with port located in line with centre of woofer magnet No internal damping. Cabinet output is used as part of the reproduced sound Drive Units Bass: One 9″ (222mm) flat-profile rear –vented woofer. 3″ (75 mm) Hexatech™ aluminium voice coils. Hybrid (neodymium and ferrite) double magnet motor systems. One piece integrated dome and surround cone, made of damped polymer composite. Midrange: 6″ (160mm) rear-vented system. Uniflow™ aluminum die-cast chassis. Ferrite magnet system. 3″ (75mm) Large Hexatech™ aluminum voice coil. Titanium coil bobbin (former) One piece integrated dome and surround cone, made of damped polymer composite (DPC). Tweeter: 1⅛” (28mm) Acuflex™ soft dome. Powerful Neodymium magnet system.All units are shielded with low magnetic stray field Frequency Response 25-22,000Hz (40-18,000Hz ± 1.5 dB) Nominal Impedance 4 ohm Nominal Power Handling 200W RMS Peak Power Handling 1,000W 10m/sec Sensitivity 1 W/1 M 89 dB Crossover 250Hz/2200 Hz / 12 dB octave Dispersion Within 1.5 dB – 18,000 Hz Horizontal: over 60° Vertical: over 20° Dimension (WxHxD) 7.3” x 37.75” X 13.38” (14.44” with terminals)(187mm X 959mm X 340mm (367mm with terminals)) Weight 22.5 KG Finish Black or white gloss piano finish MOREL SOVRAN €. 9.200,00 Sistema High End Audiophile a 3 vie in carbonio composito. “La minore” del diffusore di riferimento, leSopran contengono tutte le innovazionitecnologiche delle Fat Lady in un formato eprezzo più contenuto.Vincitore come miglior prodotto innovativo al CES 2013. Disponibile in carbonio laccato bianco o nero lucido

Winner of the 2013 CES Design and Engineering Innovations award, the Sopran fully embodies the idea that “form follows function”. The cabinet eschews conventional boxy design in favor of curved lines, not merely for the sake of aesthetics, but for improved speaker performance. The Sopran 3-way (which includes five drive units) is a combination of creative vision and acoustic physics. The curved carbon fibre composite cabinet eliminates internal standing waves even with no internal absorption material. The result is a speaker so transparent and natural that it sounds as if there was no cabinet at all. For tight and controlled bass reproduction a new in-line port technology was developed, molding the speaker’s back “spine” appearance for a significantly improved soundstage and realism. Add to that the latest in transducer technology from Morel: The new 6-inch drivers utilize a titanium support mechanism that transfers the motor force to the membrane with minimal energy lose to preserve the drama and dynamics of the original sound, creating a tactile musical experience.

MOREL FAT LADY Sistema High End Audiophile a 3 vie in carbonio composito. Difusore di riferimento Morel vincitore come miglior prodotto innovativo al CES2010, in Italia premiato come miglior difusore da pavimento 2011 da FDS.

The ideal cabinet for the fat-lady needs to be strong and light in weight. Light and strong are expressions associated with the design of high performance racing cars and aircrafts, so where better to look for materials to construct the cabinet. For the composition of the fat lady enclosure, an outer layer of lacquered carbon fiber is optimally mixed with fiber glass and epoxy resin. Utilizing the very latest in manufacturing techniques, Morel have produced a mold that affords the R&D team total freedom to create a design that is both acoustically and visually sublime. The curved shape with no straight lines is similar to a musical instrument. Unlike conventional loudspeakers it has absolutely no internal damping: the inside of the cabinet is empty. The cabinet is allowed to vibrate in a controlled manner along with the drive units and uses this energy as part of the reproduced sound. The clever part is that the cabinet ‘sings’ with the drive unit but stops immediately when the drive unit stops so there are no delayed resonances. The result is a speaker that sounds as if it has no cabinet at all.The heart and soul of a loudspeaker are the components within it. These produce the sound, which is why it pays to select the finest available. Most speaker companies purchase drive units from specialist manufacturers for their designs, and this often produces excellent results. Morel, however, designed, developed and fine tuned the drive units specifically for the fat lady. The difference in approach can be likened to buying a first class suit from a menswear store or having a bespoke suit made-to-measure in London’s Saville Row. SOUND It can be said the total is greater than the sum of its parts. The fat lady really is a technical tour de force. The true test of a loudspeaker is to listen to it. Be prepared for an emotional onslaught as soon as the music starts: expect to be captivated and drawn into the performance. Auditioning the fat lady promises to be a very tactile and exciting experience Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] MOREL SOUNDSUB PSW-8EW €. 1.113,00 Subwoofer 8” 150W (wireless opzionale) White or Black gloss finish MOREL SOLAN PMS10 €. 921,00 La nuova serie Solan offre la possibilità di godere del suono Morel a prezzi accessibili per chiunque. Subwoofer attivo da 8”. Disponibile nei colori nero o bianco.

The Solan active subwoofer has the same design attributes as all Solan series, with a glossy piano finish front baffle, and like all Solan products, it uses an un-damped vented cabinet that is allowed to vibrate in a highly controlled manner so that it is in sync with the output of the drive unit. Fitted with a 10” bass unit driven by a 100W high power amplifier to enrich the bass tones it offers seamless acoustic integration for the Solan series.SPECIFICATIONS Construction MDF Vinyl cabinet, coated paint glossy piano finish front baffle Dimensions (W x H x D) 14 ½” x 14” x 13¼” (366mm x 360mm X 330mm) Drive Units One 10″ (254mm) woofer Frequency Response 35-160Hz Amplifier 100W, continuous power, all formats compatible with automatic on/off switch, level, crossover, and phase controls. Inputs Line-level RCA phono jacks high-level bindingpost terminals Voltage 115-230 VAC 50/60Hz with main supply voltage selector Finish White Pine, Black Ash, Dark wood Net Weight 13.5KG MOREL SUB 8 €. 556,00 Subwoofer attivo da 8”, 250 Rms, tecnologia a risparmio energetico, regolazione fase, volume e frequenza. Cabinet in vetroresina. Disponibile nei colori nero o bianco Subwoofer 8” 80W Forward-firing white gloss finish. Hi-Low Level input Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] MOREL MT -3 ULTRA €. 3.875,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-3, 1pz Subwoofer PSW-8EW (wireless opzionale) White or Black finish MOREL MT -3 X €. 3.318,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-3,1pz Subwoofer SUB-8X White or Black finish SOUNDSPOT™ MT-3 New design goals and the quest for an even higher performance level make this new sub/sat system the closest ever to a high fidelity floor-standing 5.1 system. MOREL MT -2 ULTRA €. 2.654,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-2,1pz Subwoofer PSW-150EW (wireless opzionale)White or Black finish MOREL MT -2X €. 2.205,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-2,1pz Subwoofer SUB-8X White or Black finish MOREL MT -1 ULTRA €. 1.392,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-1,1pz Subwoofer PSW-150EW (wireless opzionale) White or Black finish MOREL BEAT X €. 1.049,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-1,1pz Subwoofer SUB-8X White or Black finish MOREL PRIMO €. 1.049,00 Sistema Home Theatre 5.1, 5pz. satelliti SP-1,1pz Subwoofer SUB-8White or Black finish MOREL SP3 €. 1.113,86 Diffusori satellite 5.5” coassiale Reflex White or Black finish MOREL SP2 €. 599,00 Diffusori satellite 4” coassiale White or Black finish MOREL SP1 €. 492,00 Set diffusori satellite 3.5” coassiale White or Black finish Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] MOREL XBW600 €. 192,76 Diffusore da incasso frameless 2 vie 6”woofer/25mm tweeter MOREL XBW600 H €. 235,46

Diffusore da incasso frameless Alta Sensibilità 2 vie 6”woofer/25mm tweeter

XBC600 Diffusore da incasso frameless 6” Coassiale 170,80

XBC600ST Diffusore da incasso frameless 6” Coassiale Stereo 192,76

XBW525LCR Diffusore da incasso frameless LCR 5″ 406,26

XBC400 Diffusore da incasso frameless 4” Coassiale 170,80

MHC600 Diffusore ad alte prestazioni da incasso frameless 6” Coassiale 363,56

MHW600 Diffusore ad alte prestazioni da incasso frameless 2 vie 6” woofer/28mm tweeter, larga dispersione 728,34

MHW525LCR Diffusore ad alte prestazioni da incasso frameless LCR 5” 984,54

MHC400 Diffusore ad alte prestazioni da incasso frameless 4” Coassiale. 320,86

CW600 Diffusore Audiophile da incasso frameless 2 vie 6” woofer/28mm tweeter, larga dispersione 1.306,62

CW525LCR Diffusore Audiophile da incasso frameless LCR 2×5” woofer/1x28mm tweeter, larga dispersione 1.648,22

PMW600 Diffusore Ultrasottile da incasso frameless 2 vie 6” woofer/28mm tweeter, larga dispersione. 492,88

PMC600 Diffusore Ultrasottile da incasso frameless 6” Coassiale 450,18

SH17C (SEMI-HIDDEN) Diffusore da incasso frameless ultra piatto 578,28

H17C (HIDDEN) Diffusore verniciabile a scomparsa ultra piatto da incasso 599,02

LCR 4 SW Soundbar LCR 4″ passiva da incasso, coassiali Integra e woofers Colore e lunghezza modificabili 2.719,38

LCR 4 Soundbar LCR 4” passiva da incasso, 40W 60Hz Colore e lunghezza modificabili 1.477,42

LCR 4 X Soundbar LCR 4” passiva da incasso, 30W 80Hz Colore e lunghezza modificabili 663,68

GRAND HARMONY GH-22Q4” SP-2 da incasso orientabile con flangia quadra White 406,26

GRAND HARMONY GH-22D 4” SP-2 da incasso orientabile con flangia tonda White 406,26

HARMONY 10″ Subwoofer 10” passivo da incasso N 667,00 813,74

AMP80 Amplificatore separato per HARMONY 10 406,26

BREEZ 4.5″ Diffusori ad alta efficenza da installazione anche in esterno, resistenti agli agenti atmosferici 2 vie 4” woofer/tweeter a tromba White 535,58

BREEZ 6.5″ Diffusori ad alta efficenza da installazione anche in esterno, resistenti agli agenti atmosferici 2 vie 6” woofer/tweeter a tromba. White 771,04 BREEZ CX600 Diffusori da installazione anche in esterno, resistenti ad ogni condizione climatica 6” coassiale/20mm tweeter, 70V/100V/8ohm, palo da interrare/staffa muro Black 813,74 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] CLSP2 Sospensore da soffitto per satellite SP-2. 170,80 CLSP3 Sospensore da soffitto per satellite SP-3 170,80 ST-80 Stand in alluminio per satelliti SP-2 e SP-3 235,46 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected] Legenda istruzioni Clicca per qui per vedere : FOTO PRODOTTO Clicca per qui per vedere : ISTRUZIONI PRODOTTO Clicca per qui per vedere : CATALOGO,PROVA RIVISTE SPECIALIZZATE PRODOTTO N ota bene * Per ordinare o avere gli ultimi prezzi aggiornati telefona al 0174 670100 o invia un E-mail a [email protected] * I prezzi indicati sono di listino ufficiale delle case produttrici ,nel caso di diffusori si riferisce al prezzo del singolo diffusore per offerte ed eventuali promozioni telefonare o inviare e-mail. * Il presente listino sostituisce ed annulla ogni precedente. Le caratteristiche e i prezzi indicati possono variare senza preavviso telefonare o inviare un e-mail per ulteriori domande e conferme sui prezzi sopra riporta ti. * Tutti i marchi citati nel presente listino sono di proprietà e registrati alle rispettive Case Produttrici * Prezzi f ranco nostro magazzino Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere l’ultima offerta 0174 670100 [email protected]

Top 19 morel solan v2 floor-standing en iyi 2022

İşte konuyla ilgili bilgiler ve bilgiler morel solan v2 floor-standing en iyileri kendi ekibimiz tarafından derlenip derlenmektedir.:

Обзор напольной акустики Morel Solan V2 Floor-Standing Yazar: PROEKTOR GROUP

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 225048

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 4 ⭐ ( 87442 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 5 ⭐



İletilen Tarih: 17/6/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 86875 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 5 ⭐

Özet: Enter the Morel world – hear the accurate music reproduction and feel the sound of a live unamlified instruments and voices

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: … İzle şimdi

2. Solan V2 named jewels of Israel – Morel


İletilen Tarih: 5/4/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 82769 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: “Visit our blog to learn about how Morel’s Solan V2 was reviewed by Passion Audio Community Magazine in Korea. ”

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Jul 02, 2017 · Solan V2 named jewels of Israel 02.07.2017. Morel’s Solan V2 was just reviewed by FULL RANGE Passion Audio Community magazine from …… İzle şimdi

Прослушивание напольной акустики Morel Solan V2 Floor-Standing Yazar: PROEKTOR GROUP

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 220886

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 1 ⭐ ( 1464 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

3. Morel Solan Floor standing speakers review and test


İletilen Tarih: 14/7/2021

Değerlendirme: 4 ⭐ ( 978 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Morel Solan Floor standing speakers review and test. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Morel Solan shows extremely high sound resolution, the maximum of which falls on mid- and high-frequency spectrums. Tonal balance in the main band is smooth by ear, but in the upper part of the range the tweeter’s activity is slightly …… İzle şimdi

4. Morel Solan V2 Floor Standing Speakers – Canuck Audio Mart


İletilen Tarih: 6/7/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 87104 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 2 ⭐

Özet: Solid all around with a great balance from lows to highs. Anyone that’s owned Morel tweeters knows the level of detail their speakers bring. Their paper cones are some of my favorite mid/bass drivers. The Solan V2’s image better than any speaker I’ve heard in it’s price range.My only complaint with…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Classifieds: FOR SALE – Morel Solan V2 Floor Standing Speakers asking for $800.00. Register; Login; Place an Ad Free for hobbyists! Hardware . Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse categories; Software . Vinyl 338. Music titles on vinyl CDs 78. CD SACDs 22. SACD DVD-Audio 6. DVD-Audio Blu-Ray-Audio 1. Blu-Ray-Audio DVD 7. DVD movies… İzle şimdi

DIY floor standing speakers (with plans) Yazar: Audio Judgement

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 870115

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 4 ⭐ ( 68092 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

5. Обзор напольной акустики Morel Solan V2 Floor …


İletilen Tarih: 27/6/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 35504 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 2 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Обзор напольной акустики Morel Solan V2 Floor …. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Aug 28, 2017 · – Напольная АС Morel Solan V2 Floor-Standing White – Напольная АС …… İzle şimdi

6. Прослушивание напольной акустики Morel Solan V2 …


İletilen Tarih: 11/8/2021

Değerlendirme: 1 ⭐ ( 27287 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Прослушивание напольной акустики Morel Solan V2 …. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Aug 29, 2017 · – Напольная АС Morel Solan V2 Floor-Standing White – Напольная АС …… İzle şimdi

Uplift v2 Standing Desk: Stability Test Yazar: BTODtv

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 495240

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 1 ⭐ ( 81718 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

7. Morel – Unleash The Music


İletilen Tarih: 23/8/2021

Değerlendirme: 4 ⭐ ( 2158 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 5 ⭐

Özet: Founded in 1975, Morel is a high-end speaker manufacturer handcrafting award-winning speakers and raw drivers in-house for home and car audio markets, UNLEASH THE MUSIC with us.

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: For our 45thanniversary, Morel collaborated with Miriam Cabessa, a renowned Israeli and NY-based contemporary artist, to bring to life to the movement of sound. READ MORE. Our Technology. High Quality. In-house design, R&D, and manufacturing all under one roof enables us to deliver unprecedented high-end quality…. İzle şimdi

8. Octave 6 Limited Edition Floor-standing – Morel


İletilen Tarih: 14/1/2021

Değerlendirme: 4 ⭐ ( 22674 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 4 ⭐

Özet: Octave 6 Limited Edition floor-standing is packed with high-quality components to preserve the sound as in a live performance.

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: The floor-standing Octave 6 LE version replaces the Octave 6 counterpart and is boosted by a new powerful 9” woofer. It’s made to deliver rich and accurate bass performance with lower harmonic distortion than ever. The breadth of soundstage and clarity of minute details will be apparent to casual listeners and audiophiles alike…. İzle şimdi


İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 814964

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 3 ⭐ ( 57496 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 4 ⭐

9. Morel Solan Floor Standing Speakers For Sale – Canuck Audio Mart


İletilen Tarih: 17/6/2021

Değerlendirme: 2 ⭐ ( 11770 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 3 ⭐

Özet: Solid all around with a great balance from lows to highs. Anyone that’s owned Morel tweeters knows the level of detail their speakers bring. Their paper cones are some of my favorite mid/bass drivers.My only complaint with the speaker is the wonderful balance starts to break up if you really crank…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Classifieds: FOR SALE – Morel Solan Floor Standing Speakers asking for $850.00. Register; Login; Place an Ad Free for hobbyists! Hardware . Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse categories; Software . Vinyl 276. Music titles on vinyl CDs 87. CD SACDs 17. SACD DVD-Audio 6. DVD-Audio Blu-Ray-Audio 0. Blu-Ray-Audio DVD 4. DVD movies… İzle şimdi

10. 콤팩트 톨보이. 모렐 솔란 Morel Solan V.2 Floor Standing


İletilen Tarih: 2/7/2021

Değerlendirme: 1 ⭐ ( 29981 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: 미교파파 입니다. 거실 스피커를 바꾸었습니다. 그래서 신고합니다.!! 북쉘프를 사용하다 보니 아무래도 예…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: 미교파파 입니다. 거실 스피커를 바꾸었습니다. 그래서 신고합니다.!! 북쉘프를 사용하다 보니 아무래도 예능이나 영화에서는 약하더라고요…. İzle şimdi

STANDING HERE, I REALIZE | Honkai Impact 3rd | POV : You’re at Floor 3 in 130D Elysian Realm Yazar: VincDraws

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 126197

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 2 ⭐ ( 26565 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 5 ⭐

11. Morel Solan Bookshelf Bookshelf speakers review and test


İletilen Tarih: 18/3/2021

Değerlendirme: 4 ⭐ ( 6112 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Morel Solan Bookshelf Bookshelf speakers review and test. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Morel Solan Bookshelf differs by a noble sound with excellent articulation of MIDs. Generally, it is extremely balanced tonally. Vocal parts are played with proper expression and subtle crossfades, without audible simplifications; sibilants are skillfully controlled. Bass potential is quite acceptable for the monitors of such a modest volume…. İzle şimdi

12. זוג רמקולים רצפתיים Morel SOLAN V2 FLOOR STANDING


İletilen Tarih: 12/8/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 89 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 3 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler זוג רמקולים רצפתיים Morel SOLAN V2 FLOOR STANDING. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Drive units: The Solan floor-standing features: · A 1-inch (25mm) soft dome tweeter fitted with a neodymium magnet system. This driver’s smooth frequency response and lack of high “Q” (sharp) out of band resonances provides a very natural response to the high end. Protected by Morel’s Lotus grille. · The midrange unit is a 5-inch (130mm …… İzle şimdi

Zapped V2 Commercial (fake) – CSGO hack for legit/hvh Yazar: d0c Online

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 257457

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 4 ⭐ ( 43995 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 5 ⭐

13. זוג רמקולים רצפתיים SOLAN FLOOR-V2 STANDING של MOREL


İletilen Tarih: 19/1/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 86587 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: מדוע לקנות בפסגת החשמל ? חנות אמיתית ומקצועית ולא וירטואלית שרות לקוחות אישי ומיידי עד 21:00 בערב כל יום אספקה מיידית לבית לקוח כולל ביטוח תנאי תשלום נוחים במיוחד עד 24 תשלומים במידה ומתחרטים אפשר להחזיר את המוצר

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: זוג רמקולים רצפתיים solan floor-v2 standing של morelרמקולים קדמייםמגוון רמקוליםמדוע לקנות בפסגת החשמל ? חנות אמיתית ומקצועית ולא וירטואלית שרות לקוחות אישי ומיידי עד 21:00 בערב כל יום אספקה מיידית לבית לקוח כולל ביטוח תנאי תשלום …… İzle şimdi

14. Read Morel


İletilen Tarih: 22/2/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 43988 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

Özet: Welcome to the Morel’s Blog. Discover our latest news, reviews, unique installations, and tips to upgrade your knowledge. It’s free. Join us for a reading?

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Oct 25, 2018 · Solan V2 named jewels of Israel 02.07.2017 . Morel’s Solan V2 was just reviewed by FULL RANGE Passion Audio Community magazine from Korea. Here are a few highlights: Listening test playing “I love you” in Woongsan, – ” their sound is very precise due to their crossover technology, and the vocals are very luxurious…… İzle şimdi

DIY Packraft V2 Kit: Step 3 – Join Completed Tubes to Floor Yazar: DIY Packraft

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 284022

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 5 ⭐ ( 1565 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 4 ⭐

15. Morel Solan Bookshelf V2 – MOREL –


İletilen Tarih: 2/8/2021

Değerlendirme: 2 ⭐ ( 78388 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 3 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Morel Solan Bookshelf V2 – MOREL – güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: МАГАЗИН, ШОУРУМ – 0888 / 600 106 ; 0888 / 684 762; КАР АУДИО ЦЕНТЪР – 0888 / 021 202… İzle şimdi

16. Solan floor standing preturi, rezultate solan floor standing


İletilen Tarih: 5/7/2021

Değerlendirme: 1 ⭐ ( 71985 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 3 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Solan floor standing preturi, rezultate solan floor standing. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Preturi solan floor standing – Lista cu rezultate pentru solan floor standing. Cel mai mic pret. Compara preturi si oferte actualizate. Ce cauti azi? Oferte. zbarciogi uscati; rtx 3060 ti; rtx 3080; rtx 3060; play … Morel 6; Pret …… İzle şimdi

Prime Pinnacle, Your Next SVS Upgrade! Best SVS Floor Standing Speakers? Yazar: Techno Dad

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 768324

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 4 ⭐ ( 51877 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 3 ⭐

17. Morel Solan V2 Floor-Standing –


İletilen Tarih: 27/6/2021

Değerlendirme: 1 ⭐ ( 50134 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 2 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Morel Solan V2 Floor-Standing – güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Ваша корзина. Оформить заказ. пишите нам. Аудиотехника… İzle şimdi

18. Напольна акустика Morel SOLAN V2 FLOORSTANDING – WHITE …


İletilen Tarih: 8/4/2021

Değerlendirme: 4 ⭐ ( 87780 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 3 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Напольна акустика Morel SOLAN V2 FLOORSTANDING – WHITE …. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: (044) 594-54-50 | Продаж напольної акустики Morel в інтернет-магазині All Store. Безкоштовна доставка по Києву, Україні. Офіційна гарантія, консультація найкращих спеціалістів…. İzle şimdi

So, I Tried MASTER MODE FLOOR 6… Yazar: Sarite

İletilen Tarih: 2022-06-21

Görüş : 810162

Video çözünürlüğü : 1080p

Değerlendirmek: 1 ⭐ ( 4818 oylar )

En Çok Oy Alan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 1 ⭐

19. Boxe standfloor Morel Solan 5F v2 cu Dynaudio | adroe-tech


İletilen Tarih: 9/1/2021

Değerlendirme: 5 ⭐ ( 21967 oylar )

En yüksek puan: 5 ⭐

En düşük puan: 4 ⭐

Özet: Hakkında makaleler Boxe standfloor Morel Solan 5F v2 cu Dynaudio | adroe-tech. güncelleniyor…

Arama sonuçlarını eşleştirin: Morel Solan 5B V2, boxe raft, bookshelf, 6 ohmi, 100W, 50Hz-20KHz, noi TV – Audio – Video Boxe – Sisteme audio 1 800 lei Craiova Azi 1 800 lei: Morel Solan 5B V2, boxe raft, bookshelf, 6 ohmi, 100W, 50Hz-20KHz, ca si noi, foarte putin folosite.Boxele au un sunet extraordinar, sunt in perfecta stare de functionare, arata si functioneaza ca no…… İzle şimdi

Morel Solan 5F

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