는 것 Grammar | 한국어 배우기 | 한국어 문법 63: V-는 것 – Learn Korean | Basic Korean Grammar: -Ing 137 개의 가장 정확한 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “는 것 grammar – 한국어 배우기 | 한국어 문법 63: V-는 것 – Learn Korean | Basic Korean Grammar: -ing“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://chewathai27.com/you 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://chewathai27.com/you/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 베이직 코리안 Basic Korean 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 21,304회 및 좋아요 747개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

는 것 grammar 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 한국어 배우기 | 한국어 문법 63: V-는 것 – Learn Korean | Basic Korean Grammar: -ing – 는 것 grammar 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

문장에서 동사를 명사로 바꿔서 이야기하는 표현 ‘V-는 것’을 알아봅시다.
Let’s learn how to change a verb into a noun phrase in Korean.
✔︎ 한국어문법 영상 더 보러가기: http://bit.ly/basickoreangrammar
🌱 강의 노트: 63: V-는 것
1. 예문
미소: 나나 씨는 시간이 있으면 뭐 해요?
나나: 저는 시간이 있으면 보통 산책해요. 한강에서 산책하는 것을 좋아해요. 미소 씨는 취미가 뭐예요?
미소: 사진 찍는 것이 제 취미예요.
2. 용법
1) 동사와 결합
2) 는 (어미) + 것 (의존명사) + 조사 or ‘–이다’
3) 문장에서 동사를 명사처럼 쓰이게 하는 표현
‘이다’ 앞에서 명사처럼 사용할 수 있음.
4) 예문
– 저는 산책하는 것을 좋아해요.
– 책을 읽는 것이 제 취미예요.
3. 결합정보
1) 받침 O \u0026 X: 는 것
– 받침 O: 읽다 + 는 것 읽는 것
– 받침 X: 산책하다 + 는 것 산책하는 것
2) 받침 ㄹ: ‘ㄹ’탈락 후 + 는 것
– 받침 ㄹ: 만들다 + 는 것 만드는 것
팔다 + 는 것 파는 것
4. 말할 때 (구어): 는 것 것
1) 것 거
– 제 꿈은 가수가 되는 것이에요
= 제 꿈은 가수가 되는 거예요.
2) 주격조사: ‘것+이’ 것이 = 거가 = 게
– 책 읽는 것이 제 취미예요.
= 책 읽는 거가 제 취미예요.
= 책 읽는 게 제 취미예요.
3) 목적격조사: ‘것+을’ 것을 = 거를 = 걸
– 저는 책 읽는 것을 좋아해요.
= 저는 책 읽는 거를 좋아해요.
= 저는 책 읽는 걸 좋아해요.
4) 보조사: 것+은’ 것은 = 거는 = 건
– 책 읽는 것은 재미있어요.
= 책 읽는 거는 재미있어요.
= 책 읽는 건 재미있어요.
4. 예문
– 제 취미는 음악 듣는 것이에요.
– 저는 운동하는 것을 싫어해요.
– 아는 것이 힘이다.
(대화 예문)
나나: 나나 씨는 다른 취미도 있어요?
미소: 저는 여행하는 거랑 그림 그리는 것도 좋아해요.
미소 씨는 뭐 하는 것을 좋아해요?
나나: 저는 집에서 쉬는 것을 좋아해요.
#베이직코리안 #한국어문법 #이나 #epstopik #한국어표준제 #Koreangrammar

는 것 grammar 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Learn 는 것 Grammar Complete Lesson

는 것 grammar means (act of) ~ing in English. It is used to change verbs into nouns. It is used in the present tense. 는 것 is used after a verb stem.

+ 더 읽기

Source: koreanly.com

Date Published: 8/9/2021

View: 293

[Grammar] -(으)ㄴ/는 것 a noun clause

-(으)ㄴ/는 + 것 is attached to an adjective/a verb, make it a noun clause, it can be translated as ‘verb-ing’ or ‘the thing/event that’ in …

+ 더 읽기

Source: funkorean4u.com

Date Published: 2/22/2022

View: 5205

~는 것 Grammar | Korean School Amino

Using ~는 것, you can turn verbs into nouns. This will help make longer, more accurate Korean sentences! I learned this principle at.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: aminoapps.com

Date Published: 9/18/2021

View: 6922

Episode 30: ~는 것 Explained! – Margarita

In simplest terms, adding ~는것 to a verb turns it into a noun. This will sound familiar to those of you who have seen my veo about direct …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: www.margaritakorean.com

Date Published: 6/8/2021

View: 5669

(EN)titled — Grammar: ~는 것 + ~은/ㄴ 것 + ~을/ㄹ 것

~는 when attached to an action verb stem modifies the following noun. ~는 것 is present tense and thus suggests ongoing action. 사는 것 = buying …

+ 더 읽기

Source: cassarilla.tumblr.com

Date Published: 9/23/2022

View: 7518

주제와 관련된 이미지 는 것 grammar

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 한국어 배우기 | 한국어 문법 63: V-는 것 – Learn Korean | Basic Korean Grammar: -ing. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

한국어 배우기 | 한국어 문법  63: V-는 것 - Learn Korean | Basic Korean Grammar: -ing
한국어 배우기 | 한국어 문법 63: V-는 것 – Learn Korean | Basic Korean Grammar: -ing

주제에 대한 기사 평가 는 것 grammar

  • Author: 베이직 코리안 Basic Korean
  • Views: 조회수 21,304회
  • Likes: 좋아요 747개
  • Date Published: 2020. 3. 24.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkenSCEHixs

Learn 는 것 grammar complete lesson

는 것 grammar means (act of) ~ing in English. It is used to change verbs into nouns. It is used in the present tense. 는 것 is used after a verb stem. Usually, 는 것 is used when talking about your hobby.

취미가 뭐예요? What’s your hobby?

영화를 보는 것이 취미예요. My hobby is watching a movie.

게임을 하는 것이 취미예요. My hobby is playing a game.

춤을 추는 것이 취미예요. My hobby is dancing.

sing a song 노래 하다 – 노래 하는 것

shopping 쇼핑하다 – 쇼핑하는 것

sleep 자다 – 자는 것

play game 게임 하다 – 게임 하는 것

swim 수영하다 – 수영하는 것

가다 to go = 가는 것

오다 to come = 오는 것

살다 to live = 사는 것

먹다 to eat = 먹는 것

쓰다 to write = 쓰는 것

뭐 하는 것을 좋아해요? What do you like to do?

저는 음악 듣는 것을 좋아해요. I like listening to music.

If a verb stem has a ㄹconsonant, ㄹ will disappear.

살다 + 는 것 = 사는 것

놀다 + 는 것 = 노는 것

만들다 + 는 것 = 만드는 것

‘는 것’ is used after a verb stem. 는 것 is an expression that changes a verb into a noun. It can be used in front of ‘이다.’. After ‘는 것’, postpositional particles such as ‘은/는, 이/가, 을/를’ and ‘이다’ can be attached. For example-

But if you say the sentence using the verb ‘산책하다 (to take a walk). then you can add ‘는 것’ after the verb ‘산책하다’ and it becomes ‘산책하는 것’ which is a noun phrase. You can say ‘저는 산책하는 것을 좋아해요.’ (I like to take a walk).

Let’s see one more example

Someone asked me do you like soccer? 축구를 좋아하나요?

I answered=

I like watching soccer. 나는 축구 보는 것을 좋아한다.

I like playing soccer. 나는 축구하는 것을 좋아한다.

Here watch and play is verbs and watching and playing are nouns.

I like cooking. 저는 요리하는 것을 좋아해요.

먹다 – 먹는 것

가다 – 가는 것

만들다 – 만드는 것

The verb with 는것 uses it as a noun. It can become a subject and object too. If 는것 is used as a subject 이가 or 은 는 can be attached. But the verb 는 것이 can be shortened into 는게, verb 는 것을 can be shortened into 는걸. And verb 는 것은 can be shortened into 는건.

Let’s use verb with – 는 것 grammar

In past tense, it is used like (으)ㄴ 것

In present tense, it is used like 는 것

In future tense, it is used like (으)ㄹ 것

지금 먹는것은 바나나예요. The thing I’m eating now is a banana.

어제 먹은 것은 바나나예요. The thing I was eating yesterday was a banana.

내일 먹을 것은 바나나예요. The thing I will eat tomorrow will be a banana.

Lets use adjective with – 는 것 grammar

저는 무서운 것을 싫어해요. I don’t like scary things.

는 것 grammar Summary

는 것 is used to change a verb into a noun. It is mainly used in the present tense. If a verb stem has a ㄹconsonant, ㄹ will disappear and 는 것 attached.

[Grammar] -(으)ㄴ/는 것 a noun clause

-(으)ㄴ/는 + 것 is attached to an adjective/a verb, make it a noun clause, it can be translated as ‘verb-ing’ or ‘the thing/event that’ in English.


adjective + (으)ㄴ 것

verb + 는 것

요리하는 것이(것이=게=거) 어려워요. Cooking is difficult.

고양이를 키우는 것이 힘들지 않아요. Having a cat is not that hard.

아이들하고 노는 것이 재미있어요. Playing with kids is fun. (놀다 + 는 것 : ㄹ drop)

음식 만드는 것은(=것은=건=거) 재미없어요. Making food is not fun. (만들다 +는 것 : ㄹ drop)

아침에 꽃에 물을 주는 것이 좋아요. Watering flowers in the morning is good.

약을 먹는 것이 싫어요. I don’t like taking medicine.

기타 치는 것을(것을=걸=거) 좋아해요. I like playing guitar.

공원에 가는 것을 안 좋아해요. I do not like going to the park.

아이들이 수영하는 것을 보고 있어요. I am watching kids swimming.

동생이 숙제하는 것을 도와 줄 거예요. I will help my sister to do homework.

친구가 웃는 것을 보고 싶어요. I want to see my friend smiling.

매운 거 안 좋아해요. I don’t like spicy stuff.

맛있는 거 줄까요? Would you like to have something that is delicious?

오늘은 바쁜데 내일 만나는 거 어때요? How about meeting tomorrow, I am pretty busy today.

혹시 안 먹는 거 있어요? By any chance, do you have something that you don’t like to eat?

저는 노래 듣는 거 좋아해요. I like listening to music.

Past tense

verb + (으)ㄴ 것

어제 동생한테 준 것이 뭐예요? What is the thing that you gave your younger sibling yesterday?

친구한테 말한 것이 후회돼요. I regret the thing that I told my friend.

지난 주에 공부한 것을 잊어버렸어요. I forgot the thing that I studied last week.

아까 종이에 쓴 것이 이름이에요? The thing that you wrote on the paper a moment ago, is it a name?

Future tense

verb+(으)ㄹ 것

내일 공부할 것이 뭐예요? What is the thing that we will study tomorrow?

집에 먹을 것이 하나도 없네요. There is nothing to eat.

것이 can be shortened as 게, and 것을 can be shortened as 걸, and 것은 can be shorten as 건. Furthermore, 이 and 을 are often dropped in real conversations, so you will hear just 거.

If you want to learn more about modifiers, please click here.

#은것 #는것 #을것 #ㄴ것 #(으)ㄴ것 #은거 #는거 #을거 #ㄴ거 #(으)ㄴ거 #거 #게 #은게 #는게 #는걸 #은걸 #는 거 meaning #걸 meaning #건 meaning #Koreanㄴ #modifier #modifying #는 grammar #은 grammar #ㄴ grammar

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Korean School Amino

┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ ° ┊ ˚

✩. ┊ ┊

┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ .✫ ° ┊

⊹ ┊ ┊

┊ ✫. ┊ ☪⋆ °

┊ .✫ ┊

┊ ⊹ °┊ ☪

⋆ ┊

☪ ⋆. ┊. ˚







안녕하세요 여러분!

Today I am going to teach you a very important grammatical principle: ~는 것

Using ~는 것, you can turn verbs into nouns. This will help make longer, more accurate Korean sentences!

I learned this principle at

TTMIK & HowToStudyKorean

Example sentences will come mostly from TTMIK and HowToStudyKorean (to ensure they are correct), but I will explain the grammar myself

↓ Anyway, let’s get it! ↓


~는 것



I already told you that ~는 것 can turn verbs into nouns. Let’s see how this happens in English:

She is a student w̲h̲o̲ s̲t̲u̲d̲i̲e̲s̲

Here, the noun is “student” and it is described, similar to how an adjective works, by “[who] studies”

As you know, “study” is a verb, so it has to be changed into “[who] studies” to be able to modify a noun

Notice how “who studies” is placed AFTER “student”. In Korean, the verb is placed BEFORE the noun to describe it

↓ Let’s see how to make this change! ↓


How to Use ~는 것



Here is how you conjugate a verb to be able to modify a noun:

1. Take the verb stem and add

~는 – present tense

~ㄴ/은 – past tense

~ㄹ/을 – future tense

*~ㄴ/~ㄹ is directly attached to verb stems that end in a vowel. ~은/을 is attached to stems that end in a consonant.

~는 gets attached to a verb stem regardless of whether the last letter is a vowel or consonant

2. Place 것 (or another noun) after that construction to enable the verb to describe that noun

It’s as easy as that!

Now, see how this is used

↓ in sentences. ↓


~는 + N

ᴳᴿᴬᴹᴹᴬᴿ ᴮᴿᴱᴬᴷᴰᴼᵂᴺ


엄마가 요리하는 음식은 항상 맛있어요 =

The food that my mom cooks is always delicious

— ☪ ⋆. —

Here, the ~는 것 principle was used on

“엄마가 요리하다 (my mom cooks)” to describe “음식 (food)”

It turned into

엄마가 요리하는 음식 =

the food that my mom cooks

That is now one big noun that can be the subject of a sentence once you attach ~는/은

엄마가 요리하는 음식은

*See how 가 is attached to 엄마 and 은 is attached to the whole noun? You can only use the topic marker 는/은 on the main clause: “the FOOD that my mom cooks”

*The subject marker 이/가 is used for the subject within the main clause: “the food that my MOM cooks”

Then, you can place “항상 맛있어요 (always delicious)” after that to create the sentence:

엄마가 요리하는 음식은 항상 맛있어 =

The food that my mom cooks is always delicious


~는 + N

ᴹᴼᴿᴱ ᴱˣᴬᴹᴾᴸᴱˢ


More examples of how ~는 is attached to verbs to describe nouns:

> Present Tense < 제가 보고 있는 시험은 어려워요 = The exam I am taking is difficult 제가 사귀고 있는 남자는 미국에 갔어요 = The boy I am going out with went to America > Past Tense < 내가 작년에 가르친 학생 한 명은 벌써 의사가 되었어 = One of the students I taught last year has already become a doctor 저는 엄마가 요리한 음식을 다 먹었어요 = I ate all the food my mom cooked > Future Tense < 제가 갈 곳은 제주도예요 = The place I will go to is Jeju-do 저는 할 일이 있어요 = I have work I will do So, that above is the whole concept of adding ~는 to a verb to make it describe a noun. Below is another way ~는 것 ↓ can be used ↓ ┌ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ─────┐ ~는 것 In Use ᴳᴿᴬᴹᴹᴬᴿ ᴮᴿᴱᴬᴷᴰᴼᵂᴺ └─────ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ┘ Now, let’s use “것” as the noun 저는 영화를 보는 것을 좋아해요 = I like to watch movies In this example, the subject of “I” likes to do the object of “watch movies”. But wait! Isn’t “영화를 보는” describing “것”? So that means that “영화 보는 것” means “the thing of watching movies”, right? Correct, but only kind of! Korean and English are vastly different, so don’t try to translate everything literally. Instead, “영화 보는 것” means simply “watching / to watch movies” “것” acts somewhat as a place holder for what the phrase would actually mean in English ┌ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ─────┐ ~는 것 ᴹᴼᴿᴱ ᴱˣᴬᴹᴾᴸᴱˢ └─────ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ┘ With that, let’s see more sample sentences > Present Tense < 저의 목적은 그 시험을 합격하는 것이에요 = My goal is to pass that exam 담배를 피우는 것은 건강에 나빠요 = It is unhealthy to smoke cigarettes > Past Tense < 내가 산 것은 비쌌어 = The thing that I bought / What I night was expensive > Future Tense < Did you learn how to conjugate to the future with ~ㄹ/을 것이다? This is that grammar! 저는 햄버거를 먹을 거예요 = I will eat a hamburger 나는 언젠가 한국에 가서 콘서트에서 방탄소년단을 볼거야 = I will go to Korea someday and see BTS in concert (ㅋㅋㅋ I wish) ┌ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ─────┐ 감사합니다! ᵀᴴᴬᴺᴷ ᵞᴼᵁ └─────ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ┘ 안녕히 가세요! Good bye and thank you for reading my blog! This was my first time making a grammar post here, so I hope I explained everything well. If you have any questions, please ask! Study hard and keep healthy <3 화이팅!

Episode 30: ~는 것 Explained!

안녕 친구들~!

HAPPY 30TH EPISODEVERSARY!!!!!! Thank you so much for sticking around for this whole time, helping me grow and guiding me through our Korean learning journey. I’m incredibly happy and honoured that you guys are sharing this experience with me! I hope we will continue studying together for many many more episodes to come!

As for what topic will mark our 30th episode, I decided to delve into the word of 것, which is an incredibly fascinating word in Korean. In its basic form it simply means “thing”, both physical and abstract. However, when it is used in different grammatical concepts, its meaning drastically transforms. I will definitely not be able t cover everything about 것 in this episode, and that’s why I want you to be on a look out for upcoming episodes where I will go into more details about it and will introduce more instances where it is used.

Basic Examples of 것:

As I previously mentioned, 것 has a basic meaning of “thing” so here are a few examples of common Korean sentences where it is used for its purpose of meaning “thing”:

이 가게에는 재미있는 것이 많아요- There are a lot of interesting THINGS in this shop

이 식당에 다른 것이 있어?- Is there anyTHING else in this restaurant?

필요한 것이 있어요?- Is there anyTHING you need?

What is ~는 것?

In simplest terms, adding ~는것 to a verb turns it into a noun. This will sound familiar to those of you who have seen my video about direct modifying or those of you who have studied direct modifying in the past, because it is pretty much the same thing.

To refresh our memory, when directly modifying using verbs/adjectives, we add 는 to the verb/adj, which then, in turn, modifies whatever noun comes after:

제가 먹는 음식- The food I eat

제가 보는 영화- The movie I watch

With ~는 것, it is basically the same thing. We are also changing the verb and adding 는 to it, however instead of having a noun for the verb to modify, we have 것, which is already a noun! Isn’t that fascinating? Does that even make sense to you?

Using ~는 것 you are basically having the verb modify the word 것 to create a noun-like clause, which can then later be used as a part of a bigger sentence.

Here is how you add ~는 것 to verbs:

하다 –> 하는 것 (to do –> the act of doing)

자다 –> 자는 것 (to sleep –> the act of sleeping)

읽다 –> 읽는 것 (to read –> the act of reading)

있다 –> 있는 것 (to be –> the act of being)

With that said, now all you have to do is add whatever appropriate particle fits the sentence, because now you have a noun clause instead of a verb and you can use it however you want.

Noun clause as a subject:

수영하는 것이 재미있어요- The act of swimming is fun (Swimming is fun)

Noun clause as a topic:

수영하는 것은 취미예요- The act of swimming is my hobby (My hobby is swimming)

Noun clause as an object:

수영하는 것을 좋아해요- I like the act of swimming (I like to swim)

Here are some more examples of how to use ~는 것:

늦게 먹는 것이 건강에 나빠요- Eating late is not healthy

수업 시간에 음악을 듣는 것이 금지해요- Listening to music in class is prohibited

내 남친 기타를 치는 것은 좋아해요- My boyfriend likes playing guitar

Possible Confusions:

Example 1:

“I want Naengmyeon”

저는 냉면을 원해요

Subject – Object – Verb

Example 2:

“I want my boyfriend to buy Naengmyeon”

This sentence follows the same pattern as the Example 1 in terms of the subject – object – verb.

저는 (naengmyeon that my boyfriend bought) 원해요

So how do we say middle part? Let’s first turn it into a Korean sentence:

남자친구는 냉면을 사요- My boyfriend buys Naengmyeon

Now, before we try and insert this sentence into the original one, we need to understand that it has to be altered. The reason for that is to create as simple of a sentence as possible. Otherwise we will end up with a multi-clause sentence with multiple verbs and subjects and objects, that isn’t even correct.

That’s why we need to use ~는것 to make sense of this mess of a sentence and turn Example 2 sentence into this:

남자친구가 냉면을 사는 것- The act of my boyfriend buying Naengmyeon

With this we can easily plug it into the original sentence, which will now make perfect sense!

저는 남자친구가 냉면을 사는 것을 원해요- I want the act of my boyfriend buying Naengmyeon (literally) OR I want my boyfriend to buy Naengmyeon

Abbreviating ~는 것:

Some of the instances of ~는 것 can be abbreviated, a.k.a. made shorter for convenience sake. That mostly happens in daily speech though so I wouldn’t suggest using it in formal writing.

| 것이 = 게 | | 것을 = 걸 |

아침 일찍 일어나는 게 힘들어요- Waking up early in the morning is difficult

친구들이랑 노는 걸 좋아해요- I like hanging out with my friends

Hope this was helpful!

Let me know if you have any questions 🙂

Much love,


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Grammar: ~는 것 + ~은/ㄴ 것 + ~을/ㄹ 것

~는 것, ~은/ㄴ 것, and ~을/ㄹ 것 allow you to transform action verbs into nouns. 것 means “thing” but in this context it can also mean “act.”

~는 when attached to an action verb stem modifies the following noun. ~는 것 is present tense and thus suggests ongoing action.

사는 것 = buying, the act of buying, what you buy, the thing you buy

가는 것 = going, the act of going

듣는 것 = listening, the act of listening, what you listen to, the thing you listen to

공부하는 것 = studying, the act of studying, what you study, the thing you study

In the following sentences, 것 is replaced with other more specific nouns. So ~는, ~은/ㄴ, and ~을/ㄹ modify the noun that follows, whether the noun be 것 or something else.

자주 먹는 음식은 밥이에요.

The food I eat often is rice.

제가 사는 곳은 서울이에요.

The place I live is Seoul.

Also note that since ~는 것, ~은/ㄴ 것, and ~을/ㄹ 것 form new clauses, you must attach 이/가 to the clause’s subject if the subject of the clause is not the subject of the entire sentence.

제가 자주 만나는 사람은 미국사람이에요.

The person that I meet often is American.

여자친구는 내가 자주 가는 나라에 가고 있어.

My girlfriend is going to the country that I go to often.

~은/ㄴ when attached to an action verb stem modifies the following noun. ~은/ㄴ 것 is past tense and thus suggests completed action.

어제 먹은 음식은 너무 맛있어요.

The food I ate yesterday was delicious.

지난 주말에 우리가 가지 않은 커피숍은 프라푸치노로 유명해요.

The coffee shop we didn’t go to last weekend is famous for frappuccinos.

~을/ㄹ when attached to an action verb stem modifies the following noun. ~을/ㄹ 것 is future tense and thus suggests future action.

내일 읽을 책을 빌렸어요.

I borrowed the book I will read tomorrow. 제가 갈 곳은 케나다예요.

The place I will go to is Canada.

Verb stems ending in ㄹ will drop the ㄹ when adding ~는 것. When adding ~을/ㄹ 것, the stem keeps the ㄹ and 을 is not added.

키워드에 대한 정보 는 것 grammar

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