Our Sunday Visitor April 18 1915 | The Name Of The Beast 666 Vicarius Filii Dei 162 개의 베스트 답변

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Vicarius Filii Dei – Sunday Visitor, April 18, 1915, p. 3. … In its …

In its April 18, 1915, issue, Our Sunday Visitor againstated that Vicarius Filii Dei was the popes title, andthat it was written on his crown. Here is that two- …

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Our Sunday Visitor April 18 1915 – Vicarius Filii Dei 666 – Scribd

Our Sunday Visitor, 18.04.1915: Tiara/ Mitra of the Pope: Vicarius Fili Dei = 666 ? ? ? (Catholic Weekly), April 18, 1915, thirteenth question under “Bureau …

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Our Sunday Visitor April 18-1915 -Vicarius-Filii-Dei

Our Sunday Visitor April 18-1915 -Vicarius-Filii-Dei-. Download 67; File Size 448.36 KB; File Count 1; Create Date March 28, 2020 …

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Validity of Pope’s Title as Vicarius Filii Dei – World’s Last Chance

A Catholic Weekly, Our Sunday Visitor, “Bureau of information,” Huntington, Indiana, U.S., April 18, 1915. In addition, the November 15, 1914 of Our Sunday …

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Shards of Hope – The April 18, 1915 issue of OUR SUNDAY …

The April 18, 1915 issue of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR states: “The letters inscribed in the pope’s mitre are these: VICARIUS FILII DEI which is Latin for…

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Our Sunday Visitor — Browse by title – Catholic News Archive

About: Our Sunday Visitor is a Roman Catholic publishing company in Huntington, Indiana, … Available online: 5 May 1912 – 13 April 1924 (570 issues).

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주제와 관련된 이미지 our sunday visitor april 18 1915

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 The name of the beast 666 Vicarius Filii Dei. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

The name of the beast 666 Vicarius Filii Dei
The name of the beast 666 Vicarius Filii Dei

주제에 대한 기사 평가 our sunday visitor april 18 1915

  • Author: රං අසිපත දරන්නෝ
  • Views: 조회수 4,866회
  • Likes: 좋아요 68개
  • Date Published: 2021. 1. 19.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZBDNHiwaSY

Sunday Visitor, April 18, 1915, p. 3. … In its April 18, 1915, issue, Our Sunday Visitor again stated that Vicarius Filii Dei was the pope’s title, and

Vicarius Filii Deithe Official Title of the Pope of Rome

that Christ did not only give His Church authorityto teach, but also to rule. Laying claim to the au-thority to rule in Christs spiritual kingdom, inChrists stead, is not a whit more malicious thanlaying claim to the authority to teach in Christsname. And this every Christian minister does.Our Sunday Visitor, April 18, 1915, p. 3.(Contrary to what the above paragraph says, there

is a great difference between teaching about Christandruling as though one were Christ.)

But then, in its August 3, 1941, issue, the Visitorreversed itself and declared that Vicarius Filii Dei isnot on the popes mitre. It is an intriguing fact that thischangeover was not made in ignorance of the November15, 1914, admission for the 1941 denial uses an illus-tration from that 1914 article! (See pp. 2-3 of this tract.)Here is the complete statement:

A pamphlet has come to me entitled The Markof the Beast. It identifies the Pope with this markreferred to in Revelations XIII, 17, 18.

It is too bad that the Seventh Day Adventists,who are so sensitive of criticism themselves, shouldcirculate a pamphlet so antagonistic to the Catho-lic Church.

The question you ask has been answered manytimes, although not in recent years, in this paper. Ifwe have recourse to the best Biblical scholars orexegetes, we find them applying the test from Rev-elations to Nero, the arch-persecutor of Christianityin the first century. To give color to their accusation,enemies of the Church publicize something thatis not at all true, namely that the Popes tiara isinscribed with the words VICARIUS FILII DEI,and that if letters in that title were translated intoRoman numerals, the sum would equal 666.

As a matter of fact, the tiara of the Pope bearsno inscription whatsoever.

Sometime ago a clergyman by the name ofReginald Ernest Hull gave a Latin ending to his twoChristian names and then figured out what the sumtotal would be if he translated the letters into Ro-man numerals, and 666 eventuated. Your ownname might spell that number.

Here is the manner in which it was done:Reginal[d]us Ernestus Hull: From his first namefour numerals were drawn I L D V; from his sec-ond name only the letter V was extracted; from hissurname the three Roman numerals, namely V LL.

Now the Roman numeral D stands for 500;

Vicarius Filii Dei means Vicar (or Vicegerant) ofthe Son of God. The title is applied to the pope ofRome, and proclaims that, next to God and Christ,he is the third ruler of all things in heaven, on earth,and under the earth.

This title is inscribed on the papal three-tieredcrown which he wears. It is shaped like three domedbeehives, in order to give it the appearance of threerounded crowns, one on top of anotherindicatingthat he wears a triple crown as ruler of heaven, earth,and under the earth.

Although, for long centuries, the official title of thepope of Rome has been Vicarius Filii Dei, official Vati-can authorities currently claim it was never a title of thepope. Their problem is that this, the special title of thepope for centuries, adds up to 666, which Revelation13:18 says is the Number of the Beast. In order to avoidthat identification, it is said that Vicarius Filii Dei hasnever been his title.

This present tract has been prepared to prove thatVicarius Filii Dei definitely is the official title of thepope of Rome, and that it used to be written on hiscrown (also called a mitre). Throughout this tract, allbold print is ours.


Our Sunday Visitor has for years been the largestRoman Catholic newspaper in America. On November15, 1914, it stated on page 3 that the title of thePope of Rome is Vicarius Filii Dei. This is inscribedon his mitre (see pages 2 and 3 of this tract, wherethat article is quoted in full).

In its April 18, 1915, issue, Our Sunday Visitor againstated that Vicarius Filii Dei was the popes title, andthat it was written on his crown. Here is that two-para-graph article.

What are the letters supposed to be in the Popescrown, and what do they signify, if anything?

The letters inscribed in the Popes mitre arethese: Vicarius Filii Dei, which is the Latin forVicar of the Son of God. Catholics hold that theChurch which is a visible society must have a vis-ible head. Christ, before His ascension into heaven,appointed St. Peter to act as His representative.Upon the death of Peter the man who succeeded tothe office of Peter as Bishop of Rome, was recog-nized as the head of the Church. Hence to theBishop of Rome, as head of the Church, was giventhe title Vicar of Christ.

Enemies of the papacy denounce this title asa malicious assumption. But the Bible informs us

Validity of Pope’s Title as Vicarius Filii Dei

“The letters inscribed in the Pope’s mitre are these: Vicarius Filii Dei, which is the Latin for “Vicar of the Son of God.” Catholics hold that the Church which is a visible society must have a visible head.

Before His ascension into heaven, Christ appointed Peter to act as His representative. Upon the death of Peter the man who succeeded to the office of Peter as Bishop of Rome, was recognized as the head of the Church. Hence to the Bishop of Rome, as head of the Church, was given the title ‘Vicar of Christ’. A Catholic Weekly, Our Sunday Visitor, “Bureau of information,” Huntington, Indiana, U.S., April 18, 1915.

In addition, the November 15, 1914 of Our Sunday Visitor states that the title of the pope of Rome is Vicarius Filii Dei.

It was not until the eighth century that the Roman Church proclaimed authority over all of Yahuwah’s ekklesia through the succession of Peter’s bishoprice. This was done with a forged document called “Donation of Constantine.” It first appeared around the year 752 AD, four centuries after Constantine’s death (337 AD). Bearing the forged name of the fourth century emperor, Constantine the Great, it originated the doctrine of apostolic succession and first coined the name Vicarius Filii Dei.

The reason why we use Ekklesia and not church when referring to Yahuwah’s faithful in WLC content is because the word “church” does not accurately convey the meaning of the original Greek, “Ekklesia.” Throughout the New Testament, Ekklesia refers to the Called Out Ones. The word “church,” which emphasizes a group, is therefore an erroneous translation and should never have been used. Christians are literally the Called Out Ones. The true followers of Yahushua are indeed the Called Out Ones from the organized denominations and religions of fallen Babylon. When the call to flee Babylon has been heard, none are to again return to Babylonian churches and forms of religion.

This title adds up to the number 666 in Latin, identifying the Beast, and for this reason it has been repeatedly denied as the official title of the pope by many Catholics, but such claims directly contradict the above statements cited from Our Sunday Visitor which is an eminent Catholic weekly newspaper.

In addition, it is one of nine points found in Revelation 13 that help us identify who the beast is, so before denying its truth, one who would attempt to do so must also provide historical information that would disprove all nine points together, which can not be done for they are too clear to be distorted in anyway. Two or three of the identifying points mentioned in Revelation 13 might apply to different entities, but all nine together point only to one.

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