Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake | Blend Club Review: September 2018, Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake 137 개의 가장 정확한 답변

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Here in Sept. we are reviewing Peter Stokkebye’s Luxury Bullseye Flake.

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Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Bullseye Flake (No. 403)

A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia …

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Blend Club Review:  September 2018, Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake
Blend Club Review: September 2018, Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake

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  • Author: Muttnchop Piper
  • Views: 조회수 14,206회
  • Likes: 좋아요 524개
  • Date Published: 2018. 10. 21.
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Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Bullseye Flake (No. 403)

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Perique (161) 2013-02-01 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant An excellent tobacco and a fanastic value, let me start by saying this is nothing at all like Escudo in tin note, taste or aroma. Should not be approached as a bulk substitute for Escudo as, from this perspective, the Escudo smoker will be disappointed. The coins are far more loosely pressed than Escudo coins and some crumbling will occur in bulk packages during shipping. Does not effect the flavor and, if anything, makes the coin easier to rub out. From the first puff I was impressed with this blend. Very smooth-smoking with the sweetness in the background – there just enough to balance out the blend and, as the description reads “round the taste”. That description is apt. The Perique is very mild in this tobacco, the Virginias smooth and non-biting, and there is a subtle sweetness from the Cavendish core. Not an aromatic, by any stretch. Not a true VaPer. Certainly not a Virginia flake. This is a wonderful combination of the best of all three worlds and I would highly recommend this tobacco, destined to become one of my favorite all-day, everyday smokes. Definitely one to stock up on and cellar. Similar Blends: Davidoff – Flake Medallions. 102 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note JimInks (2912) 2014-11-07 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant The Virginias are a little more grassy than they are earthy and woody, which makes for a nice contrast. They also have some tart and tangy citrus, and light tangy dark fruit and honey, in addition to a mild rough edge, which I attribute to the youth of the tobacco. The perique is spicy with raisin, plum, and fig sweetness as an important second lead. The lightly vanilla-ish black cavendish in the center is small, so its smoothing effect isn’t a consistent one no matter how you prepare the coins. The strength and nic-hit are in the center of mild to medium, while the taste just reaches the medium mark. Won’t bite, but fast puffing may result in a harsh note if the tobacco is not aged. The coins are easily rubbed out, and burns at a moderate pace, clean and rather cool with a fairly consistent flavor, except for when you hit a spot where the black cav is. Doesn’t require many relights, and easily burns to ash. Leaves very little moisture in the bowl. Has a short lived, pleasant after taste and room note. It’s fine fresh, but benefits from age, and I recommend you do that if you can. -JimInks 85 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note RickPiatt (16) 2006-05-19 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Tolerable Up front, what you need to know about the reviewer: I’m a lover of VAs, Burleys, Englishes – this tobacco should be right up my alley. I’m a very slow smoker – typical bowl takes 1hr45min. I sip my pipes, I don’t guzzle the smoke. I’m a complete nicotine whimp. Yup, when it comes to nicotine, I’m a girly man. The pipe I tested this in was my oldest. Its not a high priced pipe but its well seasoned with a strong cake buildup and it always smokes like dream. The last tobacco smoked in it was Wessex Burley Slice – there shouldn’t be any noticeable cross over after the first few minutes. I’m typically bad at folding flakes and stuffing them into pipes – takes me too many relights for my liking … ok, lets get to it: Even though I’m bad at folding and stuffing flakes (heck, the coins are big enough to be treated like flakes in this tobacco folks) I took two coins, folded them and stuffed them into my Bjarne Viking Classic Bent Bulldog. The pipe is a good group 4+ size. I rubbed a little of the tobacco out fully to top the bowl with to make lighting easier. This tobacco is a no nonsense half dollar sized coin of VA with (apparently) a 1/4″ spot in the center of uncased Cavendish. It smells of a hay field on a dewy morning – quite inviting to a VA smoker. Initial char, tamp, and relight: This tobacco is perfect moisture-wise! It lit with ease and there was absolutely NO tongue bite whatsoever. The flavor is kind of bland at initial lite up. The room note seems to be as expected just a pure VA tobacco so it is not likely to be a wife pleaser, but its not bad at all to my senses. First 1/3 bowl: the tobacco kept up a nice, pleasant, yet unremarkable VA flavor for the first 1/3 of the bowl. Its nothing to write home about so far, but not bad for a VA. I’m sure this is the same VA component used in Luxury Navy Flake so if you like LNF, you’re going to love this tobacco as well. There is NO tongue bite at all so far. 2nd 1/3 bowl: the flavors are blossoming nicely now. The VA tobacco is filling out and getting much sweeter than in the beginning. Somewhere in the middle of this third of the bowl something noticeably sweet crossed my palate. I know this sounds weird, but I think the ember just reached one of the Cavendish bullseyes. The flavor lasted for only a minute or so, but it was a wonderful explosion of sweetness that was totally unexpected. There is still no tongue bite at all, this stuff is as smooth as silk but the nicotine levels are rising and my head is starting to spin. I put the pipe aside for about 15 minutes to stop the spinning … lets see how this tobacco does DGTd (albiet, a short DGT). Final 1/3 bowl: This tobacco just keeps on delivering. No ashy flavor, just sweet, mellow fields of hay and again, another blast of that something sweet (the 2nd bullseye dot from the 2nd coin????). Its such a surprise when it comes that I absolutely enjoy it. The bowl is starting to need numerous relights – this is my fault! Remember, I told you at the start that I’m not very good at folding and stuffing flakes into a pipe … but even now, after about 3-4 relights there is no tongue bite at all. Oh, by the way, the room is spinning, my temples are pounding, I’m fairly loopey – the nicotine has made me slow down even slower than my usual, I’m just barely sipping on the pipe now. The flavor is wonderful. Dottle: Well, I have nothing but a dark grey ash left. Again as I said at the outset, the moisture level was perfect for this tobacco. My pipe never gurgled once and it’s a bent pipe! Overall perceptions: If you’re a Stokkebye fan, you’re sure to love this tobacco. The appearance is stunning in a DSK kind of way with the bullseye being a different colored tobacco center dot in the middle of the coin. If you’re a VA fan, this should hit a home run as well. When it comes to VAs I’m a lakeland fan smoking predominantly Samuel Gawith tobaccos (BBF / FVF) and find the VAs here are tasty but not as sweet and fulfilling as the lakeland tobac. Those little dots of cavendish – if that is what I tasted – are worth a test drive even if you don’t like this kind of tobacco. Its probably just a slight bit stronger than “medium” on the nicotine side … but enough that it made my head swim. Stronger than Wessex Burley Slices, weaker than Escudo if that helps you. Soooo, do I recommend this tobacco? Heck yes. On a scale of 1-10 I’d rate it a good 6 – would have been a 7.5 if the nicotine level were more managable. Will I buy it again? Maybe. I really like my lakeland tobaccos so maybe not. But, I’m sure glad I had the chance to test drive this tobac. Total smoking time: 2hr15min – minus 15min needed to recover from nicotine overload. 85 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Jaybee (77) 2007-11-21 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant There are several Stokkebye offerings that I enjoy, but none as much as this one. With so many good Va/pers available, I’m a little surprised that I enjoy LBF almost to the exclusion of others. The 1.5 lb box looks like a tray of poker chips. The coins rub out easily and the smoke is sublime…more natural than Luxury Twist Flake, less harsh that Luxury Navy Flake and stronger than the now defunct Luxury Curly Cut. LBF and I have become fast friends…….. Addendum: They Stokkebye website recommends rubbing out this flake and packing it lightly in the pipe. I have tried a variety of pipes and packing methods, and I have to agree that their recommendation provides the best result. 45 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2009-02-19 Mild Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Puff Daddy nailed it for me. Not much to add except to reiterate that the virginias tasted and smoked “youthful”. This tobacco has the makings of a very good blend but it needs some aging. I’ve cellared a couple of pounds and I’m going to sample a bit in a year, two years, 3 years, until I think it’s matured. I did take out a small batch and added a dash of perique, which improved the taste slightly. I honestly think this just needs some time to simmer. As it is, it’s a decent smoke – not objectionable. Reminds me of a somewhat spicier MacBaren’s Virginia Flake. Nothing offputting, just no “zing” if that makes any sense. If you like a nice mild VaPer with no bite, try this one. It’s “good enough” but I think it might get better with age. 36 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note TallPuffO’Burley (619) 2012-12-27 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This is a great blend for a great price to boot. The presentation is wonderful and proves to be a nice conversation piece whenever anyone sees you playing with the discs to prepare to smoke. As for how I smoke it. I simply rub it out and enjoy. I actually prefer this to Escudo, but I like my tobaccos a little sweet. This is by no means an aromatic, but it is smoother to my tastes than most VaPers. 32 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note musicman (114) 2012-04-25 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant I love this stuff, in fact I love most of the Stokkebye VA offerings. This is the type of stuff that real experienced pipe smokers enjoy. There are no fancy packages here, just great quality at a great price. These little round beauties offer the same quality as their counterparts that come in nice tins, for a greatly reduced price. I am a Virginia lover at heart and so I really like this blend. It kind of reminds me of Orlik Golden sliced with the high citrus notes toned down a little. There is a nice balance of perique here too, just enough to give a good flavor and a little tingle in the nose. I am not really sure if the black Cavendish adds much to this blend in terms of flavor, but it sure does make those little round coins look very handsome. One of the real advantages of these Stokkebye blends is their superior agebility. This blend is nice fresh, but it is outstanding with a couple years on it, and the bulk pricing allows you to stock up and wait for the magic to happen. Get some, it is good. Highly recommended. 31 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2007-06-26 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I almost didn’t try this because of the “center of cavendish” — which isn’t my cup of tea. I like the Virginias, the vapers. Serendipitously I ignored my prejudices and ordered 4oz. of this beauty. It gets points just for presentation — swirled disks that look like, well, yes, bull’s-eyes. The cavendish center is exactly enough to give a flavor tint without it becoming a cavendish — just a slight modulation to the normal vaper taste. What a beauty. Careful — its light flavor disguises a healthy nicotine kick if you’re not ready for it. I’ve already developed a working technique for it — fold a disk in half and rub it into the bowl. Okay, two of them if it’s a big bowl. Lights exceptionally well, doesn’t require huffing to keep it puffing, and gives a satisfying, tasty, clean, and dry smoke to the bottom. Well done, Mr. Stokkeybye! 30 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note JustinCarcerated (99) 2014-06-16 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant I have been looking forward to this blend since I began my pipe dream two years ago, based primarily on your reviews. So the baggie note is fresh, hayish, and sweet, as in black Cav sweet. Its appearance is more….natural if you will then say Escudo. Rough spun edges, less density in construction. Kind of akin to comparing a machine made Petit Corona to a Backwoods Twist. These descriptives aren’t meant to deter from this review, as the flavor profile correlates to these ‘raw’ descriptives. What it may lack in refinement LBF more than makes up for in bright, fresh flavor. The Vas gave absolutely no bite at all, albeit at the expense of the vitamin nicotine. The perique, which is to me unusually spicy even for a perique, benefits from the smooth interaction of the black cavendish. I tried these coins shredded, but that density of sweet smoothness was lost to me when not stuffed whole. Cobs and billiards did best for me, nice slow burn. Now take into account the value of LBF, and it makes it that much more desirable. So for me this is a 4 star blend: I will begin cellaring jars of this, not being concerned that it would overtake Escudo’s role, rather it will provide me with a different taste in VaPer coins. Highly everyone, including aro lovers, as an all day smoke. Wish I would have tried this sooner. Pipe Used: Billiard, Cobs Age When Smoked: Fresh Purchased From: Similar Blends: Davidoff Flake Medallions, Escudo….. 28 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note H Gillman (39) 2014-07-17 Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant This is a very nice blend. I got 16oz of it based on the brethren reviews here. I am glad I did. It came in a large zip lock so the “bag” note is nice. Subtle sweetness and spicy side notes from the perique. The medallions are nice to look at and make portioning a snap. I fold two and lightly stuff into the bowl. Char …..light…tamp…and go. I found the initial draws to be filled with the blended leaf. I tasted the perique and hints of the cavendish. That wisp of sweetness from the cavendish really goes well with the perique and virginia. From top to bottom bowl, this was a delight to smoke. Roll it around your tongue and exhale through your nose and you will get the depth of the flavour. French inhaling is a joy since this is so mellow and mild. note I tried several bowls by hand rubbing two medallions then smoking. They smoke beautifully however the flavours blend too much and meld. To truly enjoy each flavour layer try folding and lightly stuffing. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good smoke with no bite. I’m glad I bought a pound. 2015-01-28 UPDATE 6 months in a large sealed mason jar aided in the flavour of this tobacco immensely. After 6 months I opened the jar and loved what I smelled. Pinot noir wine with a very sweet yet deep aroma. It is smoother and nicer than when I first tried it. I have enough to be able to do a 6 month updates for a few years to come. Pipe Used: Several Pete’s Age When Smoked: New – Bulk Purchased From: Smoking Pipes 21 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2007-04-01 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant I have tried countless Virginia flake tobaccos, many of which were excellent, in search of a tobacco that might approach the original, noble Escudo. While Luxury Bullseye seems a tad sweeter, probably because it has a little less Perique than Escudo, it fits the bill and, in fact, were the original Escudo still available, I think I would stick with the Bullseye. It is deliciously smooth yet maintains a satisfying fullness throughout the smoke, and never sours toward the end of the bowlful. The more I smoke it, the better I like it although I trade off with Penzance during the smoking day which makes each blend taste better, given the difference. After first trying Luxury Bullseye, I then tried Peter Stokebbye’s Luxury Navy Flake, which I liked a lot, but not as much as the Bullseye. I have found my Virginia flake! 20 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Pipestud (1829) 2006-05-25 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant Not sure what is the cause, but this stuff bit the heck out of me and even roasted the roof of my mouth as well as the sidewalls. The strength was there, the Virginia flavor was semi-sweet and not at all tart or tangy. The tobacco was at a beautiful moisture level and the spun leaf rubbed out easily. I’ll give this one a tepid recomendation. My palate says this is a fine blend for strength and flavor. My body chemistry said NO! Now then, I’m going to load up a bowl of something more forgiving and spend the next hour puffing slowly and reading the review below mine. 16 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2014-05-24 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I’ll try not to be to way over the top with this. This is a meat and potatoes type blend for me. Pretty basic, but it’s just complex enough to be interesting. The sweet hay taste of VAs is prevalent and then the little bit of Cavendish adds a little more sweetness for a slightly sweet rather basic, straightforward smoke. Highly affordable. Highly enjoyable. Pipe Used: Small chambered briar billiards Age When Smoked: fresh Purchased From: Pipes & Cigars Similar Blends: Escudo. 14 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Tantric (321) 2016-07-27 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I very much admire most of Peter Stokkebye’s blends, and I especially like Luxury Navy Flake. The type of matured (probably flu cured) Viriginias used are palatable, non-biting, smooth, and elegant. Périque is there but not in an obstrusive way. Rather than overwhelming the other components, it is used sparingly, just to add a piquant touch. Well, Bullseye Flake is exactly that with the added Cavendish centre. It is not entirely black-sweetened-cavendish (as in Captain Black), but rather a mild, slightly sweet brown cavendish, which indeed “rounds” the taste and makes this flake smoother, creamier and diverse. Though similar, this flake is not as pungent and sharp as Escudo (which I also love) or Dunhill’s De Luxe Navy Rolls. If anything it’s closer to Davidoff’s Flake Medallions. Equally elegant, savory and smooth….but at half the price! I highly recommend this tobacco to any VaPer or straight Virginia lover (Périque enthusiasts might be disappointed). It is a very nice smoke, delivering a fine taste. Truly first class Pipe Used: Hardcastle and Maestro de Paja Age When Smoked: N/A Purchased From: Joshua Ward. Similar Blends: Davidoff’s Flake Medallions, PS’ Luxury Navy Flake. 12 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Hemlock (62) 2008-02-09 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong Make no mistake, this is a natural blend. The cavendish is non-existent in the taste. This is a VA blend with a dash of perique. The presentation is excellent with its round, mottled medallions and it is worth keeping in the cellar for this alone. It tastes like semi-sweet VA with perique building only when you hit the zone. Smoke this is your VA pipe, not your multi-use or aromatic pipe, and you will be rewarded with a full tobacco taste and no more than a usual virginia nippiness. You can use a single medallion for a small bowl and it smokes fine. A couple or more medallions in a larger bowl is just as well, and will build wonderfully. It has its share of nicotine, so it satisfies. This is an everyday, all day sort of blend that burns to a grey-white ash with little more than a single light. Given the lovely presentation and it’s level of satisfaction, this is my VaPer for now. All the tins in my cellar remain sealed as I enjoy this superb bulk. I am leaving several ounces to cellar in masons– I am sure it will properly ripen further. The recommendation is only for advanced smokers with a penchant for true tobacco flavour and body. Get some and enjoy it. I sure do. Update 02-08-08 After aging for some time, here’s my update. For those that like Escudo or Three Nuns or Capstan, this is comparable after some settling in a jar for a while. Defitinitely an all day VaPer blend with lovely prensentation. Rub the rounds and stuff into the bowl with air-pocket technique for the reward. Yes, it is not a deep VA blend, but most pleasant for those who like brighter, tangy VA flavours– not hot, but certainly spicy & citrusy. Confirming my 4 star rating. 12 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note StevieB (2050) 2016-07-01 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Bullseye Flake. I love this blend! In all fairness, I adored Orlik’s Bull’s Eye and I currently get great pleasure from Paul Olsen’s Dark Pearl and Davidoff Flake Medallions; so I expected to enjoy this one too. As it comes loosely packaged the coins have broken apart slightly, but that presents no problem because they’ll get broken whilst filling anyway! The moisture quantity’s good, so immediate smoking can commence: Straight-away, I adore it! I don’t find the Perique as low as a few of the other reviewers do; I certainly find it less sharp and spicy as it can often be, but I seem to get quite a prominent dark fruitiness from it; of course, good Virginia can give that sort of flavour, but this one has more depth than just a straight Virginia’s fruit quality. As you’d expect, I get the least flavour from the Black Cavendish; but seeing as there’s only a Cavendish centre per coin, I only expected a small amount of it! Once this is lit, which in itself is an easy task, it burns splendidly. The only issue, for me, is if I puff too hard: that’s when I get a slight bite. But, as it’s only subtle, gentle sips remove the problem. Finally, the room-note’s pleasant, and I’d rate the nicotine as being medium. This is immediately going into my favourites list: four stars. Highly recommended. Pipe Used: Rattray’s The Cave Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: Smoking 11 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note King Weed (228) 2014-07-02 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Tolerable Its clear in my review of this blend’s reviews that the majority of reviewers have not smoked the blend that is most directly in competion with Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake – Davidoff Flake Medallions. If they had, they would not compare LBF to Escudo nor to Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls, as neither has a black cavendish content. I have had the pleasure of smoking all four and, by far, prefer the Davidoff blend to the rest. Don’t get me wrong, they are all good. However, my experience is that the Stokkebye blend smokes the roughest of the four. At the time I acquired a two ounce bag of LBF I also had open a fifty gram tin of FM, making for a natural comparison. Here is how they stack up. There are three things I found different about the two blends. Number one is the very big difference in presentation: FM comes in fifty gram tins and LBF comes only in bulk. When you open a tin of FM you are greeted by a number of uniform spun cut disks beautifully arranged in a spiral. The presentation of LBF in my two ounce bag was very different; a disheveled and raggity conglomeration of whole disks, partial disks, arcs of the virginia/perique outer disk portions and dismembered cavendish cores. Number two difference: I retrieved the whole disks of LBF and laid them out next to the same number of FM disks and compared them. I think the overall size of the disks is the same – it was hard to tell on the LBF disks as they had very ragged edges and appeared bigger than the FM disks. I also noticed a difference in the cavendish cores. On the average, the cores seemed somewhat smaller in the LBF disks and they were different in color and texture. The FM cores were uniformly and solidly black; the LBF cores were varigated in black and various shades of brown with some kind of inclusions in them. Difference number three: although both are cavendish-containing vapers, they smoke somewhat differently. The FM blend smoked smooth and uniformly down the bowl. LBF, on the other hand, was more spicey and tongue-testing. Now, they both have perique in them, so some spiceyness is to be expected and, indeed, was present in both of them. However, I found LBF to be consistently tongue-tingling and, if smoked too hard and fast, would yield tongue bite. I was forced to adjust my smoking rate and style to make up for this characteristic in LBF – something that didn’t happen with FM. So, although I prefer Flake Medallions to Luxurey Bullseye Flake, I still can recommend LBF as a substitute if, and this is a big if, you understand that there is a more refined version of the same type blend out there. The only drawback is that FM costs more, but I think it is worth it. Pipe Used: Ashton Pebble Grain Dublin Age When Smoked: new Purchased From: Similar Blends: Davidoff Flake Medallions. 11 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note balkan_boy (49) 2013-11-10 Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable I’ll give this tobacco 2 stars, although it’s well crafted, and is of good quality. I like VAs a lot, I like Perique also. What I don’t like in this blend, it’s black Cavendish. Black Cavendish puts some darkness in the smoke, that reminds of the danish style aromatic junk. Especially the artificial flavor in them. Spiciness of the Perique is mitigated and darkened by the Black Cavendish. It’s balanced, with the Cavendish, but in a way ruined. Vapers are to be wild and unbalanced, and that’s the beauty of them. This one didn’t achieve my expectations. About packing and burning quality, it’s awesome. Burns perfectly and doesn’t require any effort. I’ve had over a friend who never smoked a pipe in his life, and tried some of this, his first bowl of tobacco ever. He tried a full bowl of this, no relights, no heat at all, he liked it a lot. It was a revelation for him. We drank scotch, and Periquish spicy note really supplemented the drink. I smoke it now with black coffee, (smoked it with tea also) and it fails to astonish, moreover you don’t get rid of the artificial cheapness that is present all the way. This is an excellent smoke for beginners, but not my cup of tea. If you are a beginner, this is top recommended. If you are experienced smoker, don’t go for it, you’ll stay disappointed. 10 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2007-03-14 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant This is an excellent tobacco which reminds me of dusky fruits (figs, prunes, raisins, etc.) and of freshly-mown hay. Both flavour and aroma are best described as being warm, fragrant, and substantial without being overwhelming. It isn’t going to replace Escudo Navy Deluxe as my preferred VaPer, but I have nothing but praises for this marvellous addition to the already outstanding selection of tobaccos from Peter Stokkebye. 10 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note NEWMAN (303) 2006-07-31 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant These nicely formed discs have the darker cavendish rolled into the center and are easy to fold and pack without rubout. The moisture content is ideal and results in an effortless smoke. I didn’t taste much influence from the Perique but a smooth, sweet and cool smoke was enjoyed in multiple bowl sizes and pipe styles. I’ve been a big Stokkebye fan for years and usually have Luxury Twist Flake on hand. Their consistency and overall quality of tobaccos from lot to lot is outstanding. With this great new addition, Stokkebye has another winner. 10 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Virginia lover (217) 2014-07-06 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable A very natural smelling tobacco that is pleasing to the eye. Not a lot of strength and a mild flavor during the smoke, a light Va/Per with a Black Cavendish Vanilla center. It reminds me of Davidoff Flake Medallions like a twin brother but way cheaper. After trying four Va/Per coins, my favorite remains Escudo. Virginia lover 9 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note matthieuduquette (12) 2013-07-10 Mild None Detected Mild Very Pleasant In the pouch. Luxury Bullseye Flake smells like fresh cut hay that is still green. There is also a slight note reminiscent of bell pepper. At least that is how it translates to my senses. The rounds are a beautiful presentation and the moisture content couldn’t be more perfect. In the pipe. Luxury Bullseye is very light but extremely pleasant. It is so far the only “all day smoke” that I would keep around in the regular rotation. As I tend toward bolder latakia mixtures and aromatics. This blend also has a very special quality to it. At least to my palate. Whereas it is the only tobacco I have had that actually makes my mouth salivate while smoking it. My palate seems to have some subconscious affinity towards this blend which I don’t mind one bit. It may be because I occasionally get the impression of an almost salty note while smoking it. Which is another aspect I have not yet found in any other pipe tobacco. The room not of LBF is also very pleasant. Lightly sweet and I get the salty note as well. Smells like hay but this time after it has yellowed. With Luxury Bullseye Flake, Peter Stokkebye didn’t only hit the target dead center. The second arrow split the first in two. This is absolutely one of the best overall valued pipe tobaccos out there. Smokes better than many premium blends. Yet can be purchased for a fraction of the price. Well done! 9 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2009-02-16 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable May I revisit this review? I just cracked open some LBE that has two years of age on it now. Using a large Ruthenberg billiard, I carefully pressed one coin of LBE down near the bottom, which also curled up around the bottom sides. I tore another coin into several pieces, carefully, and fitted them around, then finally filled the bowl with shreds for combustion. It took a while to light well, but then I settled in for what can only be called a long, cool smoke with no bite whatsoever. Many of my preferred VA’s and VaPers have a citrusy note, but this remains decidedly grassy. It isn’t off-putting at all, just different. The years in a Mason jar have smoothed the blend and allowed some nice marrying, softening, and maturing. If you take the time to read my original review below, this still isn’t Escudo, but it is a lovely, mild, somewhat complex blend, and could easily be an all-day blend for some. Stokkebye’s quality leaves are well known, and this is no exception. In bulk, it’s reasonable and good quality. I give it 3.25 stars. —————————————————————– The best thing that I can say about Bulls-Eye is that a pound of it is a bargain. It’s isn’t a bad VaPer at all; it’s just not exactly stellar. I feel that the tobaccos are in their infancy in this blend, and having smoked some that has aged for a year or so, there is definitely some improvement with maturation. It can easily be considered an all-day blend; no bite to speak of, easy to pack as coins (in larger bowls) or can be easily rubbed out if desired. Burns well, not overly-hot. This has more Perique than their Luxury Navy flake, and the Black Cav just whispers in and out at times. Very tasty, and very reasonable. Adding a little bit of more matured VA’s really picks this blend up, and for Perique lovers, a bit of blending Perique added would definitely raise the flavor profile for you. For every pound of this that I buy, I’ll purchase at least ten tins of Escudo to cellar. This is certainly no Escudo or Solani 633, but it’s good for every day. Not bad, and the price is definitely a bargain. 9 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Darby (15) 2014-04-04 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Bullseye Flake As with many who are used to more fulsome offerings like dark fired Kentucky and matured Virginias, it’s easy to see how a silky, peppery and delicately sweet VaPr like this one can seem a bit hollow and monochromatic at first brush … but with a little patience, and slow sipping, the graceful qualities and inner beauty emerges. As with a wonderfully prepared meal, a good tobacco blend that perfectly fits your tastes is one that soothes and resonates with pleasant memories. For me, smoking this VaPr reminded me of my home brewing days, and the smell of malted barley … lightly kilned pilsner and biscuit malts in particular. For those who’ve never had the pleasure of sticking their head into a large pail of freshly cracked brewing malt, the closest I can get you with words is a combination of fresh bales of sun-dried hay, buttermilk biscuits and sweet light malt extract (similar flavor to the interior of a malted milk ball). A good quality VaPr, smoked slowly, can evoke some of those nuances. The perique is a perfect pairing for the Virginias, and gives their delicate grassy sweetness a long and gently malty/peppery/milky finish that lingers, and leaves you wanting more. To me, it’s like mothers milk. Another thing I found remarkable about this particular VaPr is its outstanding value – as of this writing, is offering the PS-LBF (normally sold in 1.5 lb. bulk) in 1 oz. increments for a mere $2.50, which is an excellent value. Another standout is its easy rubbing qualities, and blendability. The small eye of dark Cavendish in this blend is barely detectable, so anytime I want to add a little nuance of something else, I just rub out a coin or two, add a pinch of something a little stronger, let it stand for a few minutes, and it’s good to go. Highly recommended (3.5 of 4 stars, rounded up to 4 due to its compactness, easy preparation, blendability, and excellent value). Pipe Used: Grabow Freehand (Group 4) & Royalton (Group 3) Age When Smoked: Unknown Purchased From: Similar Blends: Escudo. 8 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2008-01-20 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant I bought this because it looks cool. After the first bowl I was a believer. Smooth flavor. I smoke my pipe while walking our dog in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains..This tobacco is wonderful for walking and reflecting. Has become a favorite. Usually I stick to mild Virginias but this blend smokes great. Not being much of a purist I usually just break one in half and push it into the bowl..well maybe two and push them into the bowl. As has been mentioned, this smokes cool and mellow right down to the bottom of the bowl. No hot aftertaste, and I do not rush right to the sink when I get home to wash the bitterness out of my mouth….An excellent value as even a 4 oz package will last me for a month or so.. “Try it you’l like it..”. Jim in Gold Bar. 8 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Gentleman Zombie (729) 2015-04-09 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable A very nice tasting VaPer. The Virginias are sweet, fruity and obviously well fermented with flavor that is just short of rich. The Perique is lightly applied offering a nice spicy note and a hint of fig. The Black Cav is very light and fades in and out. A pleasant, mild smoke. Better than 3 stars, but not quite 4. Mild to medium in body and flavor. Rubs out easily and burns very well. Pipe Used: MM Country Gentleman, MM Diplomat Apple Age When Smoked: fresh bulk Purchased From: 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note bigterr (21) 2014-01-17 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant I am very satified with this PS offering, especially considering the price. The coins are exceedingly attractive although the bulk packaging does seem to cause them to be a bit roughed up around the edges. Prep: These coins are very much like a flake so I initially tried the fold and stuff approach, next bowl I rubbed out 1 coin completely and used the other folded as the bottom of the bowl portion. The third bowl I rubbed out the little centers of Cavendish into a pile of crumbs which I strategically sprinkled in between layers consisting of 1/2 of each of the VaPer portion of the coins lightly rubbed out. The smoke: Fold and stuff required frequent relights yet the weed was never harsh – drawback was the sweetness of the cavendish was suddenly almost overwhelming while lasting only briefly. I do not reccommend the Fold N Stuff for this reason and also because the majority of the bowl seemed as a straight VaPer. In addition the perique must be very judicisouly applied as it never stung once. The 1/2 rubbed out 1/2 fold and stuff bowl was better tasting for the first 1/2 and much like the 1st bowl for the last 1/2. The rub out completely and strategic sprinkling of the cavendish was the most enjoyable smoke as the sweetness of the cavendish never was intense, never predictable in its appearance and seemed to go very well with the bursts of perique. This will certainly be my preferred preparation for this fine blend. In all methods of preparation the tobacco burned to a dark grey ash, no dottle present at the bottom of the bowl, no gurgling throughout the bowl. I have purposely refrained from making any direct comparisons to those blends I have stated as similar. The list is presented only so that if you know you like one of those you should give this a try as you will probably like it as well. With the money you will save smoking this after you consume 6oz (and especially if you buy a 1/2 or full pound) you can go ahead and essentially get one of the other blends I’ve listed as a free treat (only of course if you decide you still prefer one of them over PSLBF). THIS ONE IS FOR SURE GOING INTO MY REGULAR ROTATION AND COULD REPLACE MAC’S V#1 AS MY GOTO DAILY PUFF. Pipe Used: Brigham 2Dot WO Larson 1/4 bent MM cob Age When Smoked: 2year 3 months Purchased From: Tobbaco Barn 2oz 9.25 Similar Blends: Solani 633, Dunbar, Royal Jersey, Irish Oak, Escudo. 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note fr_tom (393) 2013-09-21 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This was a great smoke. I bought some to try and liked it right away. It has the sweet Virginia with some help from the cavendish. The perique is a spicy thing going on. It is a very pleasant combination of tastes. I rolled and stuffed most of the time. I rubbed it out sometimes too, and I did not notice much difference in the smoking experience. I have smoked about a pound of this so far. This is a friendly flake for new folks to smoke – sweet, tasty, and not picky about drying or processing the flake. I met another guy smoking it one time who said he went to a tobacconist with a pipe his grandfather gave him, and they sold him LBF. He had never seen the need to look for anything else. I have had this aged, and found it more mellow and a slightly different smoke. I don’t know that it was better aged – just more mellow. I don’t smoke this everyday, but I suspect I will always have some around. The price per ounce is very good considering the quality. In terms of rating, I am torn between a 3 and a 4. Everyone should try this at some point, but I don’t think it rises to a 4 for me. 7 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note LiterarySmoker (136) 2020-10-22 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Let’s get to it. This is the second flake I ever smoked after trying St. Bruno. I was a pretty consistent aromatic smoker when I first started and since I was smoking Stokkebye Highland Whiskey, when my local b&m started carrying this I got about an ounce or two to try and I’m glad I did. For starters this smoke comes in a round flake that’s not intensely pressed, but it does consistently hold its shape. It does look exactly like its name there is a perfect ring of Va/Per with a Bullseye of Cavendish in the center. I prefer to buy a bunch, and then rub it out into a jar. It depends on where you get it either b&m or online, but I have always gotten mine from my b&m at a smokable dryness. When you open the tin you are greeted with a well matured slightly fermented virginia. It is citrusy, woody, sweet, dark fruity, bready. The smell is mouth watering, and I can get a hint of all the ingredients. You can either take a flake fold and stuff, or you can rub it out. For this one I like to get a really nice full bowl, so I do the latter. Lighting up is relatively easy and I use an average amount of relights. The room note on this one is pleasant, but definitely smells of tobacco to your non-smoking friends in my experience. I taste a woody, floral and citrusy Virginia, married to some beautiful dark fruity Perique. It depends on my pipe, but in my bent billiard this blend definitely has more woody notes. I taste no topping, but every now and then, you get a wonderful sweet surprise when you hit a Cavendish Bullseye. I know many people who claim that Escudo is the quintessential VaPer blend, but I think this easily takes that title for me. This is an all day blend that I never fail to have on hand, it’s also one of the first tobaccos I recommend when someone is looking to try a VaPer over an aromatic. Pipe Used: Savinelli Oceano Poker Age When Smoked: 2 years Purchased From: B&M Similar Blends: Escudo, Three Nuns Green, Savinelli Doblone d’oro. 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note (224) 2017-12-18 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Tolerable I can see why people like this. In the bag, it smells like a combination of raisins, honey, fruit, and breakfast cereal. It has some form of sweet topping, and is soft like a sugar cookie. When you fire it up, the Virginia floats to the top with a treacle and grain flavor, then the Perique adds a very mild fruitiness, with the Cavendish rising among them to delivery a creamy fullness. It stays this way for the whole bowl, becoming more honey-like as the Virginias caramelize. On the other hand, it is hard to like this. The Perique has been neutered, coming across mostly as a sugared raisin, and the Virginias have lost most of their taste except the natural light grain and hay flavor. Cavendish, a good friend when used well, might be a bit dominant here, as it looks like a quarter of the leaf by volume. The topping is cloying, with a faint sense of decay to it, and the resulting flavor is alarmingly one-dimensional. Not surprisingly, people swear by this bulk blend and it is easy to see why. Like other Virginia blends, it is a sweet treat to suck on throughout the day. It is nicely balanced with no jagged edges to make it interesting. It is a great blend with which to practice your slow-smoking technique, and when rubbed out it burns easily. Alas, it is also boring, low in Nicotine, and too sugary for this smoker. Comparing it to “Escudo” does not quite make sense. This blend softens the Virginias to a more white bread approach, where other blends intensify the grain flavor and have a more acidic feel instead. If we are to compare this to anything, like Orlik “Golden Sliced” or Newminster “Superior Round Slices,” it would be breakfast cereal. Sweet, and you can smoke it all day long, but the lack of dimension might clobber you at some point with existential desolation. Similar Blends: Orlik Tobacco Company A/S – Golden Sliced (Red Tin), Newminster – No. 403 Superior Round Slices. 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2009-06-07 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable A pleasant Virginia-Perique flake. While less enjoyed than the very similar Twist Flake, Bull’s eye flake is also very beautifully presented and enjoyable to smoke. Puffed slowly, the flake will produce a sweet smoke with the subtle piquancy of perique. 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note beaupipe (102) 2008-11-20 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant to Tolerable There is no question that this is a lovely looking tobacco–a mottled swirl of golden yellow and brown around a dark chocolate core. It’s downright pleasurable to prepare a pipefull of this stuff. But I have to disagree with most of the high ratings this has received. It’s pretty, but it’s got all the depth of a puddle. Like the rest of the Stokkebye bulk offerings, this comes in at the right price–far less than familiar VaPer touchstones like Escudo, Solani 633, or St. James Woods. The idea, however, that this might function as a replacement for any of them, or even operate as a close-second-value-alternative, is crazy-talk (I say imperiously). The tobacco is just too youthful, too bland, too unexpressive. It’s not a bad tobacco, of course, but I think it’s wonderfully modest price has led to immodest praise. I’ve been trying to figure out how to make the best of the generous quantity I ordered and I’ve found that a dash of more mature Virginia and a dash of Blending Perique can lift the mixture to the level of half-decent VaPer. And though this might satisfy my Scottish half, my baccy-loving half is still a little disppointed. 6 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note PuffPuffLive (27) 2018-01-09 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable I’ve smoked a lot of this stuff over the years, and I keep coming back for more. The jar note is very sweet; bright grassy-citrus Virginia’s which are further sweetened by the cavendish. Not a lot of earthiness compared to other Virginia blends, and very little Perique detected. The bright Virginia’s lead the way in the smoke, the Perique adding a little spice. I find this combination can get a little harsh and ashy when the tobacco is fresh, but it mellows out considerably when aged a bit. The cavendish is what really sets this blend apart. No matter how you prepare the coins, you always seem to hit a pocket of the stuff when smoking. This cool sweet spot acts as a palette refresher which further enhances the citrus spice notes of the other components. This is simply a quality blend with a unique presentation and an affordable price. Throw some in the cellar, it’s a four star blend once it rests for a year or two. Pipe Used: Various Age When Smoked: Various Purchased From: 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Fofo (81) 2007-11-24 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant This stuff is nice. Fair price and high quality. The taste is natural tobacco taste, nice and sweet without being overwheelming. The ratio of each leaf is perfect, you can taste the grassy virginia without being overwheelmed by it, while the perique adds a touch of natural sweetness that reminds me of an aromatic (although it is very clear that this isn’t an aromatic). The cavendish is there but barely, it does’t make the smoke overly sweet; it only rounds it up. I highly recomend this blend. If you are new to pipe smoking and are still stuck smoking very sweet aromatic blends then don’t try this just yet because you might find it boring. If you are ready to move to more natural tobacco taste then go right ahead, it won’t let you down. 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2007-08-25 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable While I love some of Stokkebye’s offerings … this is not one of them. To my palate it is bland, hot, rough and the VA seems to need considerable more maturity. It’s almost green to my tastes. At the same time the shape is marvelous … and I fear this has added to my disappointment. I have tried it freshly acquired … aged … and really aged. It fails to please me. Cheers, VC 5 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note DrAcula (62) 2020-12-01 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant Presentation: N/A — This is a bulk blend. Cut: Comes in a standard coin cut. Perfect moisture. Tin note: Smells of rich creamy cocoa fruity sweetness. Tasting notes: Upon light, it is tangy, grassy, a tiny bit earthy. A spice quickly comes out to play, as well as a light fruity sweetness. Mechanics: This blend might bite just a tad. Extra Remarks: Not the most complex blend but there is some level of complexity here. I consider this to be one of the quintessential VaPer blends, like Escudo, but this one is much grassier while Escudo is more red virginia sweet. A flavorful, well made blend. 3 stars. Pipe Used: IMP Bent Rhodesian Meer Age When Smoked: Fresh from tin, 9 months 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Azirish (18) 2020-11-19 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant Tin note is all Virginia, hay, new grass, a hint of spice and bread. A really good smoke with the somewhat bright and zesty Virginias up front A little Perique spiciness and mellow mild sweetness. Burns cool with little re-lights needed. Creamy and mellow yet very satisfying. I’ve smoked it from a Carey apple, a Savenelli New Art and a Peterson Churchwarden….all good with this tobacco. After a year of aging in a jar. Tin note has deepened. When smoked a Nice raisin and fig coming forward. Perique has become more noticeable. Virginias have deepened and become sweeter. Midway thru a bowl and smoke blends well with components melding into a very satisfying smoke. After a 2 year aging in jar, Perique has almost equal footing with Virginia. Has become very tangy and spicy. Flavors are all much deeper and robust. An overall great smoke with subtle complexities. Pipe Used: Various briars Age When Smoked: Fresh, 1 and 2 years Purchased From: Smoking Pipes 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Gr8tefuldawg (84) 2019-09-22 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant Grassy and hay like Virginia’s play in the front accompanied by the mildly spicy Perique, I usually fold and twist this blend before stuffing it into the bowl, this blend smokes well freshly bought or aged, the cavendish brings about some nice pops of sweetness accompanied by an almost coconut type flavor at times. The is a great beginner blend. Nicotine content is very minimal, and the flavor is enjoyable. Pipe Used: H.I.S churchwarden Age When Smoked: 6 months Purchased From: Liberty tobacco 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note mark81253 (18) 2019-04-14 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant Another Vaper to add to my growing collection of this awesome type of blend. I can’t seem to get enough of these Virginia and Perique masterpieces and this one fits the bill. Smooth, steady burning, tobacco flavor infused gorgeous coins of goodness. The addition of the cavendish core just adds to the complexity and enjoyment that is incorporated in these circular confections. Rubs out well. packs nicely and lights well. Very little relights required. This is my type of tobacco. Goes well to provide a nice variation along with my Escudo and Flake Medallions selections. I love exploring different Vapers and this one is a keeper. A must for Vaper connoisseurs. Pipe Used: Carey’s Age When Smoked: New Purchased From: Pipes and Cigars 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note S8ntsfan (21) 2018-01-19 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant I attended a tasting at my local B&M and had an opportunity to meet and talk with Erik Stokkebye. In talking with him he ask some of my favorite tobaccos and one of them I named was Three Nuns (old blend) telling him how much of a Perique fan I was. He mentioned their Luxury Bullseye Flake and proceeded to give me a rather nice sampling of it. After he explained the characteristics and history behind it, I was a bit excited. The next day I decided to give it a try, and I’ve been enjoying it every since (that was in 2014). It really is a nice VaPer blend with just the right amount of Black Cav. I will say this is for the more experienced puffer. This is a tobacco you have to understand to enjoy, and by understand I mean you have to have an awareness of tobacco taste, strength, combinations etc. It has a spicy “hit” to it, and just a little bite, but nothing major. If you’re not a regular VaPer person and want to try it, I would encourage you to rub it out and start with half a bowl initially. Btw, I tried it folded and rubbed and I prefer this tobacco folded. Very nice smoke! Pipe Used: Bjarne Viking Churchwarden, Calabresi Billiard Age When Smoked: 3 years Purchased From: 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note crapgame1967 (61) 2017-07-04 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild Very Pleasant I am starting to expand my tobacco horizons and smoke other blends than my usual Frog blends, the few English blends I have and the stand-by aromatics I stocked up on to smoke when I was still working. Saturday I took a leap and bought some Bulls-Eye Flake and fell in love with it! My first impression from the bag was the aroma..a deep sweet smell…not an in your face sugary sweet smell but something that came to me after a few whiffs and lingered in my nose afterwards. Both my kids wanted to smell the tobacco in the bags and said it smelled like fig newton bars or a box or raisins which I must agree with. First the coins rubbed out with ease and packed nicely in the bowl and after lighting I was treated to billows of wonderful smoke. The tobacco offered a deep sweetness that crept in after the first minute of smoking and stayed throughout the whole smoke. There it was again! That sweet taste of dried fruit…Figs? Prunes? Raisins? I am not sure which one it was or maybe it was all of them that made this such an enjoyable smoke. Not once did it bite my tongue or make my mouth feel like I ate a too hot slice of pizza and the roof of my mouth is melting from hot cheese. I smoked this blend outside in my MM Devil Anse cob while watching fireworks and found it to be a “thoughtful and relaxing” blend,one that should be smoked when I wish to relax while fishing or reading a book. One thing I noticed is the pouch aroma and taste of the tobacco while smoking it were quite the same; Smooth, deeply sweet, quite and refined. I found this tobacco quite nice and will be buying more of it as soon as I place my next order! Pipe Used: MM Cob Age When Smoked: Unknown But did have some age on it Purchased From: Allegheney Smokeworks’s Bulk Bar 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note PhillyB (70) 2016-02-11 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable I purchased this tobacco in bulk from one of the CI Superstores in PA. Having never tried a medallion flake, I was quite excited given my liking for Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake. I was not disappointed. The basic flavor profile is much the same as PS LNF, the Cavendish adding its typical sweetness. The main flavors consist of Virginia sweet/citrus/hay and Perique savory/tart notes. The only reason I put any flavoring in the rating is because Black Cavendish is technically speaking a flavored tobacco. It smokes exactly the same no matter what pipe it’s in, or how you pack it. Rub it, fold it, or palm load. Makes no difference. Takes a few lights to get going, but once it’s properly lit it stays lit. I will note that it burns a little hot in the bowl, but that doesn’t translate to hot/bitey smoke. Some people say they get a massive kick from it, but having smoked 4 flakes worth in my oversized GBD I just don’t get that. I can feel something, but nothing really worth reporting. Overall, I enjoy this blend. It’s a solid VaPer with a pleasant hint of sweetness that I can see myself coming back to. Pipe Used: GBD “Super Q” Similar Blends: Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Navy Flake. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note SmokeDawg (82) 2015-08-30 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant There are two major criteria I judge a blend. One, how quickly it disappears, and two, if I would purchase it again. LBF gets a check on both. I quickly discovered I had a misinformed opinion of this blend before the first light.. and that was I thought it was going to be a light all day smoke. It surprised me how heavy and strong of a smoke it could be and as I look carefully at the ingredients, Va and Perique, I wonder how did I ever think that. It is an all the time kind of smoke but with a nice little punch. It’s not light at all. This is a great blend. I am confused on how fellow pipers normally take two coins to fill a bowl. With most pipes, one full coin will rub out and fill a nice med sized bowl. This blend is full of flavor and I’m surprised at it’s quality for the price. The Va’s are full, the Perique adds the spice and the cavendish adds a nice little surprise of a sweet spot when you hit it. You can smoke this moist but I like to sit a coin out or two over night. Oh so good. Highly recommended. Age When Smoked: from bulk, a month in the humi. Purchased From: Similar Blends: A bit like Mac Baren’s dark twist but more flavor less casing and more quality.. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Jacinto Cupboard (207) 2015-06-15 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable to Strong The coins are fairly loose and tend to fall apart at the edges. The tobacco is mostly chocolate brown with a smattering of bright leaf throughout. The cavendish core is approx 5mm diameter and can be easily pushed out if desired. The cavendish is neutral in character, having no aroma or taste that I could detect. It is slightly sweet. This tobacco smokes with a pronounced acidity, reminiscent to me of green apples. As the smoke progresses it develops some plum and pepper flavours along with a distinct harshness. It has a sidestream aroma, and corresponding room note, with all the charm of burning charcoal briquettes. Not a bad tobacco by any stretch, and certainly great value, but not something I could smoke a lot of. Pipe Used: Lepeltier, Missouri Pride 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note ddmholst (23) 2014-08-13 Mild Very Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable I haven’t had very good luck with Stokkebye offerings. I have tried this blend with differing amounts of age on it and it still just doesn’t do it for me. It smokes very bland from beginning to end. I don’t get any tounge bite so it’s got that going for it. Overall it just seems young but most of all it’s devoid of any flavor. I believe if I smoked one of my wife’s cigarette butts it would probably taste better. I know I’m in the minority here but I would not reccomend it nor would I consider buying it again. Pipe Used: Neerup Age When Smoked: New and 2 years 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Mr. Big (321) 2013-10-10 Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant My first Impression was very positive, however, I now find this a “Dark & Bitter” blend. The cut burns fast and can turn even bitterer if pushed. Take some extra time to properly rub out the “Bull’s-eye” and disperse into the rest of the tobacco before packing. I find this blend to be very mild and lacking in big flavor and I find myself pushing the bowl to get more flavor. Fast puffing will result in a hot ashy smoke. I have to agree with reviewers, “DrT999 05/19/2013”, & “DK 02/19/2009” 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Capt (325) 2011-12-22 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable A cheaper alternative, but not replacement, to Escudo. I like to carefully pull the cavendish center out and rub the rest out. I will add a bit to the heel of the pipe, and add a whole “cavendisk”. Add some more rub, and another “cavendisk” I add the leftover on top and light. I enjoy the sudden sweetness when the cavendisk begins to burn. try this method, you may enjoy it. Solid 4 stars! 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note SteelCowboy (685) 2010-09-08 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable It’s hard not to compare this to Escudo, which I think is the “king of the coins.” I am a fan of some Stokkebye blends, but given the competition in this category I think that Bull’s Eye simply falls short. It lacks the depth of Escudo and to my surprise, even with the cavendish, I don’t think it is as sweet as Escudo. Davidoff’s Flake Medallions I also find to be a more well rounded smoke. I find the Virginia’s to be much sharper in taste as well. Given the fact that BYF comes in bulk, its not a bad tobacco at its price point and maybe some time in the cellar will smooth out the edges. Somewhat Recommended. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2010-04-01 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable My 2 ounce sample came from the bottom of the box. Six or so nice coins with hard black centers, the rest like crushed shredded wheat. Dry in the pouch with a slight smell of virginia and a hint of the vanilla black cavendish. Saved the coins and lit the scrap, to harsh and the dust came up the stem. Tried the coins. Tasted ok but harsh and lacked smoothness, with a cigarette quality to the smoke. Overall, I find most of the Stokkebye blends to be a bit rough with a pronounced sharpness. Not for me either as a virginia or a vaper. It is an interesting presentation but not something I would pay for again. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2009-12-01 Medium to Strong Medium Medium to Full Unnoticeable I’m not sure what everyone gets so excited about with this tobacco. Yes, it’s pretty. But it smells and tastes like plain cigarette. No Virginia sweetness, no Cavendish aroma. At least it was inexpensive. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note haredawg (47) 2009-04-08 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant I bought a box, the 24 ounce box, of this stuff right before the SCHIP kicked and certain retailers were trying not to be sitting on inventory. There are a few reasons I bought that much untasted other than price. One is I like the way Peter Stokkebyes treats tobacco, I?m always willing to try a blend from a name I don?t know or haven?t liked past offerings from, but I prefer sticking Brands I know and have respect for. The other is I like that cut of tobacco. My experiences with the cut have been Escudo, of course, and Davidoff Flake Medallions. Comparing Escudo to LBF seems inevitable, I?m going to say it?s like comparing apples to apples, Granny Smiths to McIntosh, like em both, one?s sweeter, the other tarter. The closer comparison would be Flake Medallions as they both have that Cavendish in the center. Flake medallions taste a bit more refined, I don?t know how to translate flavor into money, but, at least where I shop, the Davidoff is considerably more expensive. For comparison purposes, I can?t imagine anyone enjoying any one of these and not the others. It?s not like the Cavendish is cased, though I can understand someone preferring Escudo for a lack of sweetness. The presentation in the box of LBF is beautiful, rows of coins lined up like in a large change maker. The coins themselves darker flake spun with some lighter flake and rolled around a black center. Mine came almost at a perfect moisture level, ready to smoke with only a little bit of drying out. I have no idea if this is a fluke or not. It?s stupid to mention this, but you have to like a VA/PER to like this, if you?ve tried other VA/PER?s, good ones, honest ones, and didn?t like them, this fancy coin is not going to change your mind. There?s nothing more complex than good Virginian a nice pinch of perique and a dash of unsweetened Cavendish. I?ve said that twice, unsweetened Cavendish, I?m going by my taste buds, if someone wants to challenge this I?ll defer. There?s no reason not to recommend this as highly as Flake Medallions or Escudo, it?s a fine, well behaved, good tasting, good looking flake, solid smoke with occasional bursts of a little sweetness and a little pepper. Burns to a fine white ash with no dottle. I?ve had this for a few days, cellared about half, and have smoked it in a very large Castello sea rock, a group three (or single x) Ashton Canadian, a knock about meerschaum, a midsized radices egg, very consistent in all shapes and sizes. 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2006-08-09 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant oooops, isn’t this Luxury bulleye flake?? are there two? thought I had seen this reviewed before. . . oh well, blame it on jet-lag ok I’ll give a premature review of this, just because I want to be first. I’ve only smoked about two ounces of this, bought in bulk from Tinderbox during my recent (got back today) trip to the States. I find this to be a good middle strength blend. At first light it reminds me of Esoterica Dorchester, which I like quite a bit. The Perique is present, but not dominant. Um, i’ll update this as I smoke more.. so far it’s like Dark twist meets Dorchester. . . . good stuff, good moisture level, lights easily rubbed out or whole, good nic content. try it 4 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note WorkingClassChap (153) 2021-09-29 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Smoking now: Bias alert: I’m a big fan of Virginia blends. The coins I am smoking for this review are less than a year so it’s a fresh sample. No doubt aging this will improve it. The coins are thin, compact, and rub apart very nicely. One and a half coins fill a cob, 2 for most of my briar pipes. The smell is a ripe Virginia Perique dream. The taste is the same. The cavendish I feel does a decent job at mellowing out the blend as it is not as harsh or peppery as other va/per blends. Plenty of bright grassy tangy Virginia and a little fruity fermented perique. Moisture content is perfect for aging. If smoking fresh letting it dry out and exposing to air will benefit you. No tongue bite for me, retrohale is mellow for a Virginia and very flavorful and sweet. Grassy, citrus, figgy, slightly sweet, and a little bread. I can appreciate the cavendish center. This is a bulk blend and the price reflects it. It’s a bargain. If you’re a fan of Va/per blends this should be in your cellar for sure. Nothing complex. It’s just done right and for a bargain. 3 star blend however aging this or stoving it pops it up to 4 stars, and did I mention its bulk? Pipe Used: Cob Age When Smoked: Less than a year 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Bushleagueosu (20) 2021-09-17 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable Very good blend. Maybe a touch too much Cavendish but still very good. Tastes a bit immature when fresh but will definitely improve with age. I can’t wait to try this in a couple years and I’m guessing it will up my opinion another star. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note hrhf (38) 2020-12-20 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant I’m an unusual type of pipe smoker. I smoke heartily, almost compulsively, for a little time. Sometimes months, sometimes years. Then I set the pipes and tobaccos aside for a period. Again, sometimes months, sometimes years. When I initially picked up a pipe, I smoked aromatics. I was particularly fond of straight up black cavendish. From there, I stumbled across English blends. And that was my bread and butter for much of my first period as a pipe smoker. Eventually; I discovered VaPers, and that’s been my wheelhouse pretty much ever since. Which brings us to this review of Luxury Bullseye Flake. I’ve purchased this several times over the years. It’s one of those sleeper blends. It seems unremarkable, but as my tastes evolve, it rises higher and higher on my list. The portion I’m currently smoking was bought in mid 2014, and has been ignored essentially the whole time, as my pipe smoking tendencies went into hibernation again. LBF, aged over 6 years has a smoothness certainly lacking in the new stock. As I near the halfway point in a bowl, I find myself thinking “where have you been all my life?” While early portions of the bowl were relatively unremarkable, patience pays a handsome dividend. Things start sweetening up nicely. Puffs become creamier, more indulgent. Update 12/29/20 I went through the remainder of my oldest LBF stock a few days ago, and have begun to smoke an ounce I picked up in May, 2019 from’s B&M establishment. This batch, which has been in my possession a little more than a year and a half, is as dry as the older batch. It’s not so dry it turns to powder when you break it up, but it’s close. Myself, I prefer a little too dry as opposed to a little too moist, so this is pretty much ideal. Anyway, this slightly younger batch is smoking just as nicely as the other. I haven’t smoked a lot of VaPers (I’m working to rectify this), but LBF is currently my favorite. I can smoke it before or after Escudo, and this is just a more pleasant smoke, to my not so sophisticated palate. I close this 12/29 update by upgrading from three stars to four. 3/17/21 — Having run out of my meager aged stash of LBF, I ordered half a pound of new stock. I’ve found it borderline unpleasant to smoke when it’s “fresh”. I feel this is a case of one’s body chemistry not agreeing with a blend. This fresh stuff tastes acidic. So I’m going to let this stuff rest up for a year or so. In the meantime, I’ve discovered some bulk flakes in the same ballpark that are more pleasant and just as flavorful when fresh. Newminster Superior Navy Flake and Sutliff Virginia Slices aren’t exactly the same as LBF. They lack both perique and that great black cav center. But they definitely scratch the same itch, when you’re looking for a sweet Virginia-forward flake. I have no idea whether they age as well as LBF did… but I’m fixing’ to find out. Un-aged LBF, I’d give 2, 2 1/2 stars tops. But it deserves another star or so for what it becomes. This review is a work in progress. Stay tuned. Age When Smoked: 6.5 years, 1.5 years Purchased From: 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Gordo (6) 2020-06-05 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable I’m a once or twice a week pipe smoker and I very much prefer an English blend. I have a stash of this that has been aged nearly two years now, it has definitely improved since the first smoke; however, It doesn’t really excite me. I definitely preferred PS navy flake more than this. I do find it pairs very well with a pint of lager. My English blends I prefer with a tea or coffee or a glass of port. Pipe Used: Falcon coolway; Stanwell Age When Smoked: 2 years Purchased From: 4Noggins 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Tomcat (196) 2020-05-04 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Unnoticeable I’ve smoked a few bowls of PS Bulls Eye Flake and ready to review. I always smoke a bowl when I am doing my review . I get a lot of hay and grass and citrus from the Virginias. The Perique and or the Virginias are giving a sweet raison note mostly and some red wine hits. I rub the cavendish out all the way to spread it out . It mellows this out I think with some brown sugar and a little vanilla . It takes the edge off the Perique a bit . Makes a good summertime smoke . This blend is mostly a Virginia though . My opened jar has only about 3 months on it . I enjoy this a lot . Was going about 3 stars on this . I don’t judge a blend on price but it is a great bargain . 4/5 I think so on a 1-4 scale I go 4 . I would buy more for cellaring. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note HabaneroHardy (384) 2020-03-10 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Unnoticeable Somehow this one slipped under the radar for a review. Many years ago, I tried this and loved it. In fact, I bought a whole pound that arrived in a nice square box only to sit collecting dust as I hopped around the tobacco fields in search of another elusive weed. I just assumed I had already reviewed this. A few weeks ago, I bought an ounce at my local brick and mortar. I notice quite a few reviews commented on the nice price point of purchasing this blend. Well let me tell you, not here in California where an ounce costs $7.50 and out of state will run you around $3.79. This is in no way to criticize the retailor as their hands are tied and have to pass on the state/local taxes and I do buy from them as much as I can. Back to the review, the coins are about the diameter of a half-dollar with the black cavendish in the middle. I took a few as they are sliced pretty thin and crumbled them in my hand and loaded them in my Meerschaum. An outstanding smooth VaPer that I enjoyed from start to finish. Pipe Used: Meerschaum and Cob Age When Smoked: New 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note canvas (334) 2019-07-05 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable I wasn’t expecting much beyond some affordable disc cut Virginia, and the slightly sweet, earthy, barn aroma matched my expectations. I was impressed however with how neat these discs were stacked in my baggie, I had the urge to go do laundry with my new tobacco quarters. The contents was a bit damp (or fresh) and needed maybe an hour of drying, which I wasn’t accustomed to outside of an Aromatic. The lit product was mild, gentle, and unassuming. The taste of hay wasn’t as prevalent as I would of guess, so maybe the Cavendish bullseye does neutralize the mix somewhat. Virginia’s are not really my thing, and I would of prefered Escudo Navy De Luxe, but for the price it was a good buy, so VaPer fans take note. Purchased From: 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note HeavyMetalPiper (65) 2018-10-19 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This smells like a moist raisin. The flavor is somehow simultaneously bold and mild. It is like that of a slightly spicy, sweet fruit. It is enjoyable throughout. There is not much of a difference when you hit the cavendish, but it does serve to keep it interesting. I don’t think I’d have a problem going all day with this one. You can view my video review of this blend here: Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Bent Diplomat Apple Age When Smoked: 7 Months Purchased From: Pipes & Cigars Similar Blends: Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Navy Flake, Comoy’s of London – Cask #7 Single Coin Sliced (Comoy’s). 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note cajomu (79) 2018-08-10 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable I’m a fan of all the Peter Stokkebye Luxury Flakes. At one time, Twist was my favorite, then Navy and now Bullseye. I think that the progression is a reflection of both my age and smoking habits. The older you get, the less flavor things seem to have, so stronger tasting things are more desirable. Of the three PS Luxury Flakes, Bullseye is definitely the strongest tasting. And then there’s the fact that, a few years ago, I started to smoke cigars again after a forty year hiatus. Given its strong flavor, LBF has a cigar-like quality to it, although it doesn’t taste like cigar leaf. What is does taste like is a mature tobacco VaPer. The Virginias have lots of dark fruit and molasses richness, and the Perique is of the raisin-fig-plum type, rather than the spicy type. I don’t really taste the cavendish, although it may be part of the reason the tobacco tastes as rich as it does. If you like VaPers and if your tastes run more to the dark fruit than the grassy Virginias, I think you will like PS LBF. Pipe Used: African Meerschaum Age When Smoked: 6 years old Purchased From: Pipes & Cigars 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note 1979 (62) 2017-07-09 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable Peter Stokkebye – Luxury Bullseye Flake An old favorite and a classic of our time. This blend features a healthy fix of the virginia summer grass / hay taste. The perique adds some depth, not much spice. The blend overall is more grainy sweet than spicy. The small cavendish center is flavored with something resembling honey, or sugar water. This provides a honey – like sweetness that’s not over the top, across most of the smoke that I feel works well with the grass / hay thing going on all over the place. Formerly I would rub the coins out fully but lately I’ve been using the fold and stuff method. These coins, although I’ve never received them wet, do benefit from maybe an hour or two of open air drying before loading. Too moist or too tightly packed leads to multiple re-lights, which degrades the taste somewhat, not to mention the aggravation factor. Once you find your technique and get in the groove, these coins are about the ultimate summertime smoke in my opinion. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note steppx (184) 2017-06-26 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant This is a very good blend that resembles Davidoff Flake Medallions. And also the MUCH under appreciated Paul Olson My Blend Dark Pearl that is handled by the Danish Pipe Shop. It also shares a lineage with Dunhill De Lux Navy Rolls and the old Escudo. The Stokkebye has the usual trademark grassy virginias but there is nothing wrong with that…. it is what it is. And the center is mildly vanilla tasting Cavendish. The idea is identical to both the davidoff and the Olson blends in that sense. The Perique is hardly noticeable. And its a very tasty and somewhat uncomplicated smoke. The nic hit is a tad over mild and the taste is medium. Its a suitable all day smoke. Also never bites. I can only give this four stars for the added virtue of being affordable. Purchased From: 4noggins 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note quantumboy (130) 2016-08-18 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant Been lovin’ this stuff for years, and it never disappoints. A few years ago I went on a tobacco buying binge, and now I have lots of 5, 6, and 7 year old tobaccos to enjoy. The jar I’m pulling from tonight is dated 2/24/10, and it’s smooth as a baby’s bottom. I just roll up about 5 or 6 coins and jam them into a big pipe and light. Moisture is perfect and it burns very well, providing a beautifully balanced flavor profile including mature hay/grass, the perfect tang from the Perique, and the smoothness of the occasional cavendish. A classic. Age When Smoked: 6 years 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note LannarkGent (145) 2014-12-28 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong I like blends that taste like tobacco. I smoke primarily English blends or Virginia/Perique blends with some distinction. Luxury Bullseye Flake does not dissappoint. this has become my go to daily blend. The Virgina seems to be enriched by the cavendish center. The room note is pleasant to me, but I do think some women would not like it. To me, it tastes like a very rich aand expensive cigar, rich with a hint of sweetness from the Virginia. Edit: October 2020: I have a number of jars I have aged out from 1 to 5 years. This blend ages spectacularly well and is a must for any cellar A great smoke, I recommend this to those who enjoy a distinctive and blended smoke. Pipe Used: savenilli champagne,Jobey full pot 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note WillBrown (134) 2014-11-04 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium to Full Tolerable This blend was mediocre for me (in every department, taste, sidestream, smokability, etc.). When it comes to flakes, there are a lot of others I’d rather be smoking (such as, Luxury Twist Flake, Yeti Flake, Orlik Golden Slices, Capstan Gold, Full Virginia Flake and others). Luxury Bullseye Flake is a middle of the road blend that I will not be smoking again. Pipe Used: Viprati bent Age When Smoked: ? Purchased From: Pipes&Cigars 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Phonomet (44) 2014-01-26 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I was immediately attracted to the flavor of this one: grassy, sweet with a satisfying medium strength. It isn’t a tobacco that sends me into ecstasies or anything, but it’s one of those blends that I found myself going to consistently till the jar’s empty. A trusty smoke. I have about half a pound aging and I’m looking forward to editing this in a year or so when time does it’s magic. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note DrT999 (316) 2013-05-19 Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I was quite surprised to find this to be a very boring smoke for me. For me (and apparenty only me), the Cavendish just dulled the VaPer flavors witout adding anything interesting. Without the Cavendish center, this was a decent VaPer, but there are lots of others out there I enjoy more. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note spidermonkey (11) 2013-01-14 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Tolerable I love the presentation, smell, and even taste of the tobacco. One extremely large issue… It bites my tongue like a rabid wolverine. Has a wonderful soft sweetness to it that I love on both the pre-light draw, and throughout the smoke. Something about it lights my tongue on fire – and not in a good way. Maybe it is the perique? I have smoked other blends with a “dash” or a “touch” with only a delightful spicy sensation at most. I tried to soften it with some latakia – but to no avail. Maybe it’s too wet? I have tried drying for various lengths of time. Maybe it’s too young? I won’t dump it just yet and will come back to it to see what happens after a while. For now… It is not something that I’ll reach for anytime soon. UPDATE – 4/7/2018 I have revisited this blend with a fresh purchase of 2 ozs from my local brick and mortar. My technique has improved greatly. Turns out I was likely just smoking way too fast and the baccy was way too wet. Sweet. Spicy. Some grassy notes. Will pick up some bulk for aging and dip into this from time to time. I dig this. Careful, deliberate puffing helps me avoid any bite that may still occur. Nicotine is calming and somewhere in the middle of mild to medium. This doesn’t blow me away with complexity, but is enjoyable any time of the day. Burns great when proper moisture is achieved. Upped to 3 stars, with my technique and inexperience being the only reason for 2 stars before 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note albfneto (184) 2012-11-02 Mild Very Mild Mild Tolerable A good tobacco. All the components can be scented: The Virginias, Perique and the nucleos of Black Cavendish. Four Stars for People that enjoy pure Virginias and Virginia with Perique blends. I’m not a specialist in VAPERs or in pure Virginias, but i enjoy this. Observation: In this Tobacco Reviews Database, this is the same stuff as the blends called: Orlik’s “Bull’s Eye Flake” and Orlik’s Bull’s Eye” because it was produced by Orlik’s prior. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Indian (14) 2012-11-02 Mild Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant Are you kidding me? This tobacco is the value of the century! It has the citrus hay characteristics of Virginia, spice of perique, and is creamy smooth! Ok it’s not GLPease or C&D but it is up there and for the price it can’t be beat! I smoke this on a regular basis and go to my Fillmore and key largo for a change of pace and a treat. If it was priced like the rest I would only give it 3 stars but because of the value I highly recommend this-4 stars. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Thbg (29) 2012-06-25 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable I have been smoking Escudo fairly regularly for the last number of months and wanted to try this. 4 ounces of this cost the same as a tin of Escudo which was appealing to me given my intake. This is a quality smoke, not as quality as some, but a fine, fine smoke. Where the flavors of Escudo are more defined the flavors of LBF are creamier and sweeter. The room note is also not as tough. I would reccomend this as an everyday smoke. I plan on smoking it everyday. Cheers. Thbg 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2012-06-15 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant If you know your Virginias and VaPers, here’s the deal: Sweet, fruity, ripe and mellow, but with complex undercurrents of cedar and spice. Well behaved, not too fussy. The black cavendish center adds a sweet, smooth bass note that adds a little surprise now and again as you make your way down the bowl. Overall, this is very high quality tobacco and visually the “bullseye flakes” are cool as all get-out. Highly recommended. If you’re comparing this tobacco with Davidoff Flake Medallions, this one is fruitier and a little sweeter (in a Virginia sort of way), and definitely a better deal. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note DavidP (25) 2012-04-15 Strong Medium to Strong Full Pleasant to Tolerable Stewed apples, bread crust with Perique spicing all around. I have better luck with these guys if I rub them out instead of folding and stuffing them. Inexpensive and well worth trying an ounce or two! 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2012-03-19 Medium to Strong Medium Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable I really like this tobacco. The bullseye of Cavendish gives the blend just enough sweetness to complement the Virginia and Perique. It reminds me of a bowl of shell cut oats with some brown sugar mixed into it. For the money, this really cannot be beat. I have smoked rolled flakes like this that cost twice as much that I cannot honestly say tasted any better. It is currently out of stock at my favorite online tobacconist, but when it comes back I am going to order a full 24oz. box of it and cellar it, because I cannot find a reason not to. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2012-01-19 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant I just picked up pipe smoking about 3 months ago. This was my first after reading the review here and I I’ve loved every bowel of it. Some times it bites me a little but nothing so bad as to ruin the experience. Burns smooth, even as a total novice I dont have to relight this very much. I’ve smoke this out of a short sort of pocket pipe and a long clay tavern pipe. Out of the two I like this in the tavern pipe. It seems to get a little gurgle in the short pipe. I dont know if its just because of the clay pipe but this smokes cool and very sweet. Compliments a good thick ale or a sip of whiskey perfectly. Great any time of day, loved it in the morning with coffee. Not at all big nic hit. After trying out filling my pipes several ways I found this works best for me when rubbed out a little. Just to the point where its like ribbon taking extra care to break up that cavendish (which will want to stay in one piece) then loading the pipe by hold the tobacco in the palm of your hand then rolling the bowel in a circle over it then tamping it gently. This keeps it from packing to tight and opens the taste of it up a lot compared to the 3 step method. I used about 2 and a half flakes in my tavern pipe. * Final Verdict: I will smoke this for the rest of my life. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Kerdy (43) 2010-06-03 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant Tin Note: Nice tobacco smell. Clean. Packing: Coin broke easily. One coin was not enough for my Peterson System 303 and two coins was just a bit too much. Was forced to pack it a little tight. First Impression: Once I got it charred enough to tamp into the bowl it happily took to the flame. Nice light flavor. Not sure what it is but there an interesting taste here I am not familiar with. EDIT: I recognize the flavor now. Its a PS thing. I remember it from another blend I tried long ago. Halfway Through Bowl: Nothing has changed. Still going strong. Wondering when the bite will kick in. Had a couple of relights, but I’m sure its due to the packing. End of Bowl: Remained consistant throughout the entire bowl. Could be boring if you smoked it a lot, but a good quality smoke in its own right. No goopy dottle at the end in a pipe that is notorious for such a thing. Room Note: Smells like a good tobacco. Actually put this in a stinky pipe and it almost seems to sanitize the stench. Likes: Quality tobac. Good taste. Took the foul smell from a horrid pipe. I smoked very slowly and barely had any bite. Happy about that. Dislikes: Not an English Additional Edit: As of now, this is become my regular non-English smoke! When I stray from English (which seems to happen more often than it once did) this is usually the first tobacco I reach for. A good solid smoke! 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Davetopay (43) 2009-12-21 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable As I get to have more and more good tobaccos I find I need to go back through my reviews and alter the curve which pertains to the rating of each blend. This stuff is screwing up ALL the curves. The pouch aroma is of clean VAs and tangy Perique, but the sweet smell of cavendish is missing. The feel of the coins is firm and the moisture level seems to be just right. I have had no need to dry this before smoking. I tend to be a rubb and fluff guy when it comes to flakes, so bear that in mind. I just hate fighting to get a good even light with the fold and stuff style. This rubs out very easily and packs firmly with just enough spring to let you know when you have it just right. It only took to hits of flame to get it rolling, and minimal attention needed to be given with the tamper. There are so many tastes going on in here it is hard to keep up….butterscotch, vanilla, cocoa, something fruity, something nutty, a little sour raisin….I need to go have more to get it all figured out. It was sweet, and creamy, cool and not too dry or wet. It never steamed me out and only required a single swab of the pipe cleaner at about the halfway point. By the end I could actually feel the nic catching up to me and was ready to be done, but still wanted more. Even at the bottom of the bowl it kept evolving and never got ashy. As I try different tobaccos, I find those that I go back to buy more of….this is one. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Loboatomy (41) 2009-11-11 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant Just a fantastic smoke. Perfectly balanced, no bite at all, but not a “bland” tobacco. Love the cav centers. Maybe not an “all day” smoke, but could easily be an “every day” smoke for me. I’m buying a bunch of this in bulk ASAP. (Enjoying this in a smallish filter prince) 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note strongirish (249) 2009-09-22 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant This one just works for me. I have not smoked many of PS blends so I thought I would give this a try and I will be back for more. I liked this from the light up and all the way down. It comes in pinwheel like disks and after drying overnight it was the perfect moisture content. The disks are rather attractive, light to medium colored brown cavendish cut on the outside and coming to a dark black cavendish core. I rolled it up and it broke apart as I did this but it loaded into my pipe quite easily. The pouch aroma is sweet and tangy with a subtle rich sweet smell from the dark core. Upon lighting, and it lit with only two lights, it emitted an very sweet smooth flavor, with a touch of creaminess from the black cavendish. It is very mild, no bite, and it is complex in that the flavors change as you smoke it down the bowl. I is mostly a sweet VA flavor with the perique in the background but not dominating. It never gets hot, it never gets boring. I have never had black cavendish mixed in with a VaPer before and was a little worried it would ruin the flavor but it does not, it adds to the experience. This blend smoked all the way down to a fine dark grey ash and left no dottle or moisture in my pipe. For what you get with this fine blend, the price is very reasonable and I know it will become part of my have to have blends. I highly recommend this blend for a cool great tasting smoke. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2009-07-21 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium Tolerable Pouch aroma of these beautifully fabricated coins is sweet and light with little distinctiveness. At light up, a slightly sweetish topping is evident. The red VAs are exceptionally mild and very clean tasting. The perique content is quite light but noticeable while the intermittent clods of black cavendish add a bit of fullness. Soft and ingratiating, Bullseye Flake is a flavorsome and well-priced VA/Per. Its mildness makes it a good choice for all-day puffing. This goes best in narrow gauge chambers. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Pipe4ever (204) 2009-03-03 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant This is definitely one of the best offering in the “luxury” series of Peter Stokkebye, the tobacco disks are amazingly well crafted and the smoke is delicious, Virginia, Perique and Cavendish are presents and noticeable, the perique is carefully added so it will just refresh the palate. This is a very good Virginia/perique indeed, it does not bite at all if it is smoked properly, the flavor is natural and delicious. I am very pleased with this tobacco and I will be ordering some more, I would recommend it to anyone. 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note zulujerk (146) 2008-08-28 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable When I smoke a bowl of this blend, I often wonder exactly what Stokkebye hoped to accomplish when putting it together. I imagine it was created in some alternate universe, where Escudo really managed to go out of production. The factory was shut down, the presses carted away. Nostalgia brought fans of the deceased together to demand a worthy copy of that legendary blend. One manufacturer hastily put out a Vaper in loose cut form, proudly proclaiming an exact match. Tins were churned out fast to meet an insatiable demand. Yet the fans balked at this opportunism and so arranged a boycott to register their dissatisfaction. Another blender decided that a long and wide, single wrapped flake, with a bit of Latakia, would satisfy the rank and file, and win converts as a slight crossover blend. But the people would have none of it. Peter Stokkebye, sensing opportunity, rose to the occasion, releasing this alternative. It was just like Escudo, but different in minor details…a tribute to the former, but original in its own right. Instead of the hard, compacted coins, Luxury Bullseye Flake offered a spin slightly less wound up, looser around the edges. The chosen Virginias sweet, the Perique in similar proportion to the vaunted prototype. Only, in filtering the words of the crowd, they decided to tone the strength down just a little. Someone suggested a sweet center to top it off, and so the Cavendish bullseye was added as a mark of novelty. Curious now, fans debated whether one could actually discern this new addition in a blind test, even before the new product could find its way into a shop. In remembering this, a man remarked to his son that the people rejoiced, and thanked Peter Stokkebye for their effort–an homage to a great blend, gone but not forgotten. “In celebration of their new treat,” he said, “smokers gathered together on the interwebs, the popular slogan they repeated, “An unparalleled smoking experience.”” 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (30082) 2008-07-08 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable This blend is so well balanced – everything blends together harmoniously. I has become one of my favorite summertime tobaccos. Highly recommended if you are looking to try a new VAPER – it’s downright delicious! 3 people found this review helpful.

Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note krg1000 (183) 2008-02-05 Medium Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant This is my first foray into the Va/Per arena and I am very impressed with this blend. The taste is great with more of a definite nicotine presence than I am used to. I have been smoking aromatics almost entirely since getting into this money-sucking habit. I smoke outside at home and work, so the room note being marked as “pleasant” is from smoking this blend outside only at this point. I haven’t been anywhere inside with this one yet.The coins are very impressive to look at and smell great in the bag. I can honestly say that I have tried, but can’t get this blend to even come close to any form of tongue biting. I can see myself getting lots more of this fine PS blend in the days ahead. 3 p


A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos provides a wonderful characteristic taste with a center of mellow, fermented Black Cavendish.

Strength: Medium Flavoring: Extremely Mild

Taste: Medium Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable

Buy Peter Stokkebye Pipe Tobacco at

Customer Reviews (187 Total)

Write A Review Write a review Step 1: How do you rate this item? Step 2: Please enter a title for your review: Step 3: Share your opinion: Overall Rating: 4.36 out of 5 stars

Good Balance By: Christopher D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk They definitely hit the bull’s-eye with this. Crumbled two coins and smoke away. Great flavours. Always love when the blenders find a balance. I did find I had to nurse it a bit, but nothing major. Smokey BBQ meets Brown sugar. If you get this, make … Read More sure you get plenty, cause you’ll want more. Just sayin Read Less

Coins of Joy By: Olmstead Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk All the crazy adjectives have already been used; it’s amazing stuff, period. Possibly the finest creation from Stokkebye, the Bullseye does not disappoint. Likewise, it deserves its “Luxury” namesake. At first I thought there wasn’t enough B.C. in th… Read More e center to really make a difference in flavor, but boy was I wrong! These coins are a top-notch VA-Per blend wrapped around the best unsweetened B.C. on Earth. They wont disappoint, and if VA-Pers are your thing, you’re gonna love what these coins bring to the table. I usually have at least something negative to say about a blend—even some of my favorites—but I’ve got nothin’! Read Less

Sweet, tasty VA/Per By: Stephen E. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I first purchased a couple ounces of bullseye flake 6 months ago from a local smoke shop, and after smoking a couple bowls, I stored the remainder in a pint Ball jar and left it in my cellar to age. Smoked fresh it was not bad at all, but it lacked… Read More distinction from the pack. Recently I decided to give it another try, and I am very impressed. My 2 ounces came very moist, and I stored it that way because it seems to help facilitate plume/bloom (maybe I’m flat out wrong here but that’s my observation), but after cracking the seal I spread out all my coins to dry. It took several hours, and eventually I thoroughly rubbed out my coins and evenly sprinkled the cavendish core over my neat pile. Even after such thorough drying I still let it sit out for 10 or 15 minutes before packing my pipe. I must say that it is worth the preparation. Upon first light I get rich dark VA notes of bread and hay, with an underlying sweetness that is just right and never too much. The perique lends a dark fruity flavor but is very mild tempered for most of the experience and there is virtually no resulting spice until the lastime quarter bowl. I’ve smoked a lot of elizabethan mixture recently so it’s hard not to draw some parallels. When aged, both give that lovely, deep, rich red Virginia flavor I love. PS bullseye adds an extra dimension of added sweetness, and from what I can tell that sweetness only continues to deepen with age. Any inherent spiciness mellows with minimal age, and I really couldn’t pinpoint any spicy qualities until the tail end of the bowl, at which point there was moderate spiciness which I quite enjoy. I end up dumping the last little bit of tobacco as it can get slightly harsh at the very very end, but the smoke is so cost friendly and delicious I don’t even care. Requires very few relights when dried to the right moisture content. Nicotine level is on the mild side for me, but maybe mild medium. I will be cellaring at least a pound in the near future, as well as sampling their other offerings as so far this is the only blend I have tried of theirs. Read Less

性价比很高 By: Shuo W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 在这个价格上的牛眼圆切片里,几乎就是最好的选择。尤其点缀中间的黑卡文迪许,提供了比维吉尼亚更丰富的甜味和淡淡的奶味,当然,比它好的烟草调配很多,但是在这个价格区间,基本没有对手

Mucho sabor By: WENDELL Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Esta mezcla se fuma bastante bien aunque algo fuerte para mí. Sin embargo me gusta su sabor y su picor.

Mild, sweet, pleasing. By: Alexis S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk And it smokes well. I often have to take my smokes while walking around New York City, so keeping a pipe lite and smoking can be challenging. This flake is tasty and easy on the palate, while being an easy smoke, too. A great daily smoker when in the… Read More mood for something un-challenging and pleasant. Read Less

지루함이 느껴지지않는 간식 By: sachimo Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 버지니아의 달달함을 매우 좋아한다. 하지만 30분넘어가면서 노껴지는 달달함의 지루함이 싫다면 크림파스타에살짝느껴지는 청량고추의 매콤함이 같이 올라오는 참으로 재미난 연초이다. 절대 지루함을 느껴지지않게하는 즐거움을 파이프할때마다 줄것이다. -by계란반숙-

放一放更好 By: Kun W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 密封罐子里放半年以上再抽,和新草感觉就是两种草,虽然新草也不错,但是放半年后的味道很醇厚,更香,现在比以前要贵了,没给5星也是这个原因

可做日常口粮 By: Shanshan H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 香甜可口,百抽不腻,价格便宜,可做日常口粮,

我最喜欢的V草 By: [email protected] Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 比红法官浓郁一些 我个人最喜欢的V草 我比较重口 哈哈ヾノ≧∀≦)o

In my rotation By: Weng Chye T. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I love vaper this one will be in my rotation nice add on black Cavendish, recommend

Kind of Gimmicky By: Scott L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Luxury Bullseye Flake offers a great tin note that evokes the smell of mildly spicy fruitcake. I had my wife smell it and she said, “Christmas!” However, it is not a very well-behaved tobacco in the pipe. The Black Cavendish core remains da… Read More mp and sticky and will not rub out properly, instead forming gummy little wads. A bit too wet to fold and stuff, I found the coins impossible to dry evenly. I finally cut some coins into small cubes and then dried it. The smoke was fine, but nothing special and pretty light on the Perique. Too much trouble for too little reward. Read Less

BULLSEYE! By: Aaron M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk this blend is absolutely excellent and one of my favorites.the bag smells of sweet hay, the virginias are quite tasty, the perique adds just the right amount of spice and adds a pleasurable, perfumey room note(and fragrant retro-hale) and the cavend… Read More ish provides a sweet treat while smoking. the bullseyes are very delicate in the bag so be careful, they also rub out real well, its just up to you how you want to deal with the cavendish core, break/cut it up, leave it whole etc… Read Less

Consistently good! By: Markus Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is a good, solid smoke every time. This tobacco never fails to deliver! I like to gently rub it out and let it dry for about a 1/2 hour. It is very well balanced, the amount of perique is perfectly done and that little core of Black Cavendish pr… Read More ovides a nice sweet note.This tobacco ages beautifully, so don’t be afraid to put some back for a rainy day. Read Less

A Very Pleasing Bulk Va/Per. By: AT Valleau Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Wow! I am really pleased and surprised at how good this bulk blend is! It’s really delicious. My favorite blends these days are Va/Pers and straight Virginias (although I like many burley blends, too). These bulleye coins present very well, and they … Read More are easy to load into the bowl. As with regular flake tobacco, these bullseye flakes can be prepped several ways for loading: “fold & stuff”, rubbed out, maybe even chopped up. Different methods do affect how the tobacco smokes and even how it tastes. I prefer a type of fold & stuff method where I roll up the coin into a semi-loose ball then stuff the ball into the bowl. Keep in mind that these coins each have a core of black cavendish, which provides a sweet touch to the smoke. If you fully rub out the coins, or chop them up, the cavendish will be more evenly distributed throughout the bowl of tobacco and the sweet flavor it imparts will also be more even. If you use a fold & stuff method, as I do, the sweetness from the cavendish will sort of “pop” in the mix from time to time, unexpectedly, as the bits of cavendish are encountered irregularly. I like these sweet surprises! No matter how I prepared this blend, it lit easily, had a consistent burn with few re-lights, and smoked pretty well no matter what pipe I used. However, it smoked best in my Rattray’s “Judge” poker. It has a deep, narrow bowl, which seems well-suited for flakes. The longest continuous smoke I think I’ve ever had in nearly 40 years of pipe smoking was with this blend in my large “tulip” meerschaum by H. Ege. This is my largest pipe with a very deep, relatively narrow bowl. The bowl is at least 2 inches deep, if not a bit more. I used a little over 4 coins, packed fairly firmly. The smoke lasted 1 hour and 40 minutes! I timed it. And this blend seemed to get better and better as the bowl progressed. The only problem I encountered was a little difficulty getting the tobacco to burn throughly at the very bottom of my meerschaum’s bowl. I don’t usually have such problems with this pipe. And this wasn’t a problem at all in the Judge. It may that this tobacco is a bit more moist than it seems. I filled the meerschaum before I went to bed and smoked the bowlful the next morning and there was no problem. So, this blend may need a little drying time. Even so, and especially given the price point, I don’t see how you can go wrong with this blend. By the way, I’ve cellared about 3 ounces of this to age it as long as I can (IF I can keep my hands off of it!). I’ll let you know how it ages – eventually. Very highly recommended! Read Less

BEST WITH….. By: lonecoyote Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk At least 2 years of aging, makes a BIG difference. When rubbed out well you will get a mild hay like taste in the background. What’s straight up front is a sweet stewed fruit and brown sugar taste. This is a tobacco you’ll definitely be keeping in yo… Read More ur cellar for aging. This is my favorite PS tobacco. Highly recommended. Read Less

(Untitled) By: Sparky Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A platter that matters. These coins go down like water. Fresh mown hay virginia + stewed fruit perique + sugary cavendish. More grainy sweet than spicy. It’s easy to see why this one makes the top ten consistently.

First Vaper By: John S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This fired up and burned nicely as both my first vaper and first gorgon eye. The smell is tremendous, and the tastes varying forms of delicious. I will buy in bulk next time. Easily one of my favorite tobaccos.

性价比高 By: James P. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 我现在不怎么抽V,但个人感觉这款前2/3都还是很不错的。口感感觉跟喝黄油一样。但后1/3基本没啥味了。

I have finally found my favorite tobacco! By: Novocaine76 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I tried this for the first time in my brand new Radice Silk Cut Bent Billiard Pipe that I ordered at the same time.Upon opening the ziplock bag this came in, I detected a fresh cut hay, figgy/raisin-y note with a subtle undertone of caramel and maybe… Read More a hint of cocoa. I had previously ordered the PS Luxury Twist Flake from another online retailer and was floored by how delicious it was so, I knew that I had to give the Bullseye Flake a try. I am so happy that I did! When I opened my package from you guys, the first thing that I noticed about this tobacco is just how dark it was but, that’s not a huge deal to me. What I knew of this tobacco is that it is a VaPer with a core of black cavendish. I knew that I liked VaPers because I have tried 2 before and I fell in love with them. Let me just say that the black cavendish makes a fair bit of difference when added to a VaPer blend. This is such a smooth, cool, easy and longs lasting smoke. It takes 3 coins fully rubbed out to fill the hefty bowl of my new Radice! It is a 1 3/4 hour smoke and the most satisfying tobacco I have ever had. Bullseye Flake has de-throned Capstan Blue for me. Bullseye Flake is my favorite and the Luxury Twist Flake is a very close second. I say if you’re on the dense about trying this, just go ahead and pull the trigger on it because I don’t think you will regret it one bit. This is my favorite tobacco and I wish I had tried VaPers a lot sooner but, I thought that it would be too spicy but they aren’t to me. The black cavendish gives the Virginia and perique tobaccos in this an enormous depth of flavor that I’m sure those that try this will very much appreciate. I ordered 8 ounces when I ordered my pipe and another 8 ounces earlier this week because I don’t want to run out! Read Less

略苦的牛眼 By: Su Fang Z. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 輕甜系列的常備口糧,可移除略苦的芯

V草中的明星 By: KooJim Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 虽然抽L草比较多,但是这个V草偶而也抽,也是V草中的最爱之一,没有窖藏也可以抽

果香气息 By: Duan W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 味道类似红法,但烤烟的香味更加突出。

YESSSSSS!!!! By: Brad B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I’m not going to tell you that I taste BBQ or Brown Sugar (because I don’t). What I WILL tell you is that this is, by far, one of the very BEST tobaccos I’ve EVER put in my pipe. It is sweet, but maintains the freshness that you get from the “… Read More tin” note, and does so from beginning to end. I’ve tried other VaPers, and don’t really care for them, but this is amazing stuff. You will definitely get that pepper-like sensation from the Perique, but that seems to become more subdued once the blend has had a few exposures to air due to opening the bag. The grassy or hay type of smell is very fresh and is like laying down in a field of golden grass on a sunny day. The freshness of the Virginias in this blend are wonderful and are a “young” type, rather than an aged or “darker” variety. I break up the coins so that I get everything blended rather than have a sudden burst of Cavandish, since this coin cut puts the Cavandish smack dab in the middle. The moisture of the coins are perfect. It is rare to find a tobacco that is so well balanced and blended, but this is one that stands out WAY above the majority. Do yourself a flavor and order some! Read Less

well balanced By: Constantine K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk a light and easy well balanced smoke, with just enough sweetness and perique kick

Benchmark Standard By: Kurtis K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk The coin-cut seems to preserve the moisture for me a bit more (and I live in Vegas by the Mohave, that’s a thing), price point is good, flavor is consistent, sweet-ish with a slight chocolate-y tone, and there’s a weird-but-entirely-pleasing ability … Read More to pack the pipe in one of several ways to directly impact the flavors in the bowl. I’m actually ordering another pound of this as I’m writing this review. Update: It’s been several months and I’m now getting a chance to taste it aged for a bit. Some of the sweet is gone but there is an emphasis on the darker flavors here. I’m not sure if I like it better aged or out of the box; fortunately I’ve stored the majority of it in a container I open once a week and that gives me the ability to compare the two. Read Less

Unreal Good By: Adam H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Fantastic tobacco. I would say this is my favorite Virginia. Kicks the tar out of Orlik Golden Sliced, and better than Stokkebye’s Luxury Navy Flake which, in its own right, is very good.

Excellent By: Robert S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Very nice the perique is not too strong I will definitely be getting more of this. The only vaper I like better is Dunhills Elizabethan Mixture.

go to summertime working blend By: Eric G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I enjoy this in a cob on summer days when doing yard work. It’s a smooth no fuss blend that makes my yard work not feel like work. A lot of people claim it ages really well so I am looking forward to trying it out again once the weather warms up.

Always Hits the Spot! By: David Y. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is definitely a standard in my rotation, not hugely complex but great virginia flavor with just enough perique to keep your taste buds awake and the cavendish is sweet and smooth as it should be. I do have other blends that I will set time aside… Read More to delve into its subtleties but this one always satisfies when I’m not sure what to smoke. Read Less

순위가 말해줌 By: check Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 파이프 담배를 배운지 얼마 안대는대만… 초보니 맛이 다 느껴지지는 않지만서두 이때까지 핀 연초중 가격대비 매우 만족합니다

Even better a year later By: bry6000 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Bought a pound of this a little over a year ago, stuffed into Mason jars and forgot about it. Started smoking a little last week and wow – what a great tobacco. This is now my weekend smoke for those times I can sit and appreciate life. Good stuff. … Read More Update 8/2/2015. Still improving. I have seen more improvement from cellaring this tobacco than I have seen in any other. Read Less

Wonderful By: John72 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Sweet and fragrant smoke…………

清甜 淡奶油 性价比高 By: Jascha B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 感觉此草比较挑斗,也不知是否是批次的问题。有时候抽起来味道相当好,清甜,淡奶油,再加上恰到好处的P草的刺激感,简直完美。但是有时候抽就像抽热空气,嘴里的味道淡出个鸟。而且草质感觉一般,但是价格便宜。

这是我的口粮。物美价廉 By: Xiaodan F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 或许他的味道不是最好的,但最我来说在这个价位是无敌的,并且也好过很多价格远超于他的罐装V草。 乘上货,多买点。 甜淡适宜,烟气浓郁,口粮首选。

SUPERLATIVE! By: SAURA. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Got only 4 oz. of this amazing stuff in store. Wish I had placed order for at least one pound, it’s that good.

温和香甜 By: Shaohua Z. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 很好的一款V.草,每次都对他欲罢不能.一整天后唇齿之间还有丝丝甜香味.陈化后味道更佳,物美价廉,

温和香甜 By: Shaohua Z. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 很好的一款V.草,每次都对他欲罢不能.一整天后唇齿之间还有丝丝甜香味.陈化后味道更佳,物美价廉,

平淡中留恋 By: 朝旭 孙. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 最初觉得平淡很一般,当品尝一圈回来再次点燃,发现这个才是适合的,便宜,醇厚略带香甜,很顺滑舒服,很适合自己,推荐品试

几近完美! By: Shiver Frank Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 对我来说PS403几近完美,它包含了所有我想要的。甜美平衡一点也不咬舌,极好的燃烧从头至尾,每一段烟雾里都是满满的香气,我会尽量多的存储。

口粮草,VP性价比之王 By: Hui X. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 劲道3.0,饱满度3.5,室韵3.5,推荐度4.5 前大半斗有着非常不错的味道和变化 欢迎去B站关注“躲在厕所抽斗的克里斯”,里面有详细测评

Always a solid choice By: Exploring Smoke Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk One of the first pipe tobaccos I tried and definitely a favorite. Grassy spicey and sweet as well a nice evolution through the smoke. Love it.

Another PS hit! By: Randall R Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Got this to experience another PS flake,since I really like the navy flake and twist flake,this is a real treat also,still a little young it seems,but for sure,this VA/Per with Cavendish lives up to its reputation,grassy,bready,plummy,raisiny with a … Read More small amount of tingle,just enough nic hit to please…already wonderful but will be greater with age. a great choice for those who enjoy good,solid VA/Per blends. Read Less

Interesting By: Joaquin D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk You’ll get a great blast of sweet hay Virginians are well known for with contrasting sweet perfume like breaks in between burning the Cavendish centers. The Cavendish threw me off that’s the only thing that’s a fault in this tobacco

She Likes It Slow By: The Antic Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I will admit it. The first time I was with this luxurious lady we went at it hard and fast like a steam train. And she bit my tongue, hard. I didn’t know if I wanted to see her again. Then I heard that she was the type of girl that liked it slow and… Read More easy, she liked to be treated like the lady she is. I decided to take her out again. We took it slow this time. I explored all the parts of her body with my tongue all the while apprehensive about being bitten again. She was delicious. She was interesting. She was relaxing. And in her own way, she was exciting. The only drawback was that she still scraped her teeth across my tongue occasionally, just to remind me to respect her. But we had a good time. I now know, if I decide to take her out, I need to have time to spend to let her finish on her own schedule. Read Less

Awesome with age By: Kevin A. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Great tobacco, a little harsh when I first tried it. 7 months in the jar, and it’s a new favorite for me. Can’t wait to see how more time can improve it.

Pear and sweet hay By: Stamper Tamper Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk If I was an all day VaPer smoker LBF would definitely be it. It has the sweet, grassy sour taste and pleasing aroma that I like. Similar to Escudu, but at this price, I’ll stock up and let it age so it may be a staple in my rotation. Incredible after… Read More a year in the jar. Read Less

Raisiny Brown Sugar By: Thomas S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This stuff is great ! Sweet, cool and with a little strength. Slow burning, nice sweet natural flavor.

Favorite VaPer By: classycelt Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is the blend that opened up the joys of Virginias to me, I always have some on hand. First off the Virginias really stand out with the sweetness expected. They aren’t special but in the best way possible. Then the Perique comes in to add complex… Read More ity. They still aren’t boastful in this blend so you should be ok even if Perique isn’t your thing. My favorite part of this blend is the black cavendish. It adds a level you don’t expect when, ever now and then, you hit a little spot of them and get that deep sweetness from it. In conclusion, one of the best smokes I’ve had. If you’re new to VAs or want to try a VaPer give this a go. Read Less

Great coins By: Turd Furguson Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Tastes a little sweeter to me than Escudo Navy Deluxe, but similar. The core looked solid and was a bit chunky after rubbing this out. I’m not complaining because it provides sweet spots in the smoke. I really enjoyed this and feel like time would se… Read More rve it well. Read Less

Awesome By: Brent C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Perfect va per with a cavendish kick. All day smoken for sure

One of the best tasted By: Happy Restorer Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Hands down, one of the best blends I ever tasted. If there is a 6 star rating, I will give this an outstanding 6!

Almost but not yet By: bushleagueosu Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Very good blend. Maybe a touch too much Cavendish but still very good. Tastes a bit immature when fresh but will definitely improve with age. I can’t wait to try this in a couple years and I’m guessing it will up my opinion another star.

Verry nice blend!! By: Eric C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Nice perique taste! The bulk smell good! I recommend this tobacco for the new smokers.

Sweet By: Ian R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Sweeter than I am used to, I like it but not everyday

One of the Faves By: Joshua L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk These little flakes are some of the best stuff out there.

Pretty good By: poppabear Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Pretty good stuff. I did the ol fold and stuff method. I found that under the first layer there was a very hard disc. Maybe next bowl I will rub out a bit. I filled my pipe the night before and let it sit so I could have it after breakfast and stil… Read More l had considerable delights. When it’s burning correctly it is a very nice smoke! A little goes a long way. I used 3 coins and smoke for over an hour. Read Less

Long smoke By: Aaron L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk For any new pipe smokers thinking about getting this blend, I would highly recommend getting an ounce to try. As a new smoker myself, I greatly enjoyed this a lot more than an aromatic. I used the role and stuff method and used two coins (I would sug… Read More gest just using one) and this really brought out some flavors that I’ve never tried before. There was that slight grassiness along with some spice from the perique. Best of all, no BITE! after an hour and 45 minutes of smoking. Give it a try. Read Less

5 Stars By: SmokingPipeBear · 斗熊 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Received yesterday, still moisture, didn’t falling apart, the eye’s were still here, thanks Rachel for the very nice packing. Take a slice and fold it up then pack in my pipe (yes, 1 slice only) , the body were so nice, very peppery, not too strong … Read More but enough strong. Spend 55 mins quality time with it, what can I say~ Read Less

GO TO By: TheHarvest Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is a daily experience for me. I have gotten so used to it I can taste it just thinking of it. This has everything I need after my morning bowl all the way through to my nightcap…which is…Nightcap. So I cant say enough good stuff about this b… Read More lend. My tastes are different than yours so YMMV, but I can easily detect peppery, smoky, bright flavors. AAAAANNND every once in a while, that sweet little hint of cavendish will show up out of nowhere, that’s the real treat! Read Less

Great blend By: JJpiper Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Great tasting tobacco. Sweet, fruity notes are met by undertones of earth and pepper. Fairly rich and creamy. Even leaves a great aftertaste. Packs really well too. Considering the price, one of my favorites.

Pack upside down! By: David F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk My experience of this tobacco depends on how it is stuffed into one’s pipe – it’s possible to get two completely different experiences. When I first received my order I folded a coin into quarters and then inserted into my pipe with the center of th… Read More e coin first – so the edges of the coin were in effect sticking upwards towards the top of the bowl. This also meant (with hindsight) that all of the center Cavendish part of the coin went to the bottom of the bowl and would be the last part smoked. Big mistake. This produced a smoke heavy with Perique and was too peppery for my taste. The Perique drowned everything else and was too much for me to smoke. I put aside my 4oz delivery, disappointed. A few days later I tried again, this time with the idea of putting the folded coin ‘edges first’ into my pipe, with the center of the coin pointing upwards. This meant that the center Cavendish became the FIRST part of the smoke. This produced a completely different smoking experience – nice Virginia tastes and smells, a little creamy, hay and manure. Young Virginia, as others have noted, but pleasant nonetheless, and with quite a lot of deep flavor. As I smoked my bowl the Perique lower down then joined in the experience but was now blended with the Virginias and Cavendish giving a much more balanced and enjoyable smoke, much nearer to the Escudo experience. Now I sat there thinking “hey – this is a nice smoke, I might buy more of this”, whereas after my first attempt I certainly wouldn’t have ordered more. So – an interesting experience. Can be a very nice smoke, very satisfying, and very close to Escudo, but only if packed in a certain way. I’m glad I discovered the difference. Many people will be buying this hoping that it’s ‘as good as Escudo for half the price’. No, it’s not Escudo, as many others have noted. It’s close, if packed ‘upside down’, but it’s three stars whereas Escudo is a clear four. I’m glad I tried this tobacco. I’ll be able to enjoy the rest of my order using the ‘upside down’ packing method. But it’s also made me realise just how exceptionally good Escudo is, and I’d rather pay extra money and have the real thing. Read Less

牛眼牛眼 By: Xiaodan F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 物美廉价 不过现在到手也得一块一一克了。

牛眼牛眼 By: Xiaodan F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 物美廉价 不过现在到手也得一块一一克了。

Wow By: Andrew D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Just wow, I was blown away. If your a fan a vaper blends and don’t want to pay for a tin. This is the blend for you

存放一段时间很酸 By: [email protected] Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 味道偏酸,甜度较低。存放几个月之后,开罐的味道很酸很上头。很不错,我喜欢把中间黑的去掉抽

Bullseye coin curly cit By: Michael M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Bullseye flake is 5 stars easy for me. It’s interesting, because I never rub out my flakes & coins, I fold & stuff, because the flavors are in the flakes & coins & sometimes if you rub them out, you will lose flavors & burns hotte… Read More r.. stokkeybe recommends you rub out bullseye flake, to get the maximum best flavor/taste.. so I rubbed them out & wow what a difference in taste.. It tasted sweeter & I tasted other flavors as well.. Am I the only person who, pokes out the center black cavendish & throw it away.. I don’t like it, no taste & hard center tobacco I push out with my finger & throw them away. I’m planning on taking my box of bullseye & putting 3-4ozs of Jamison sout Irish wisky in a spray bottle & spray both sides of the box of coins & letting them set for 2 months, making my own Irish wisky flake tobacco with Jamison Irish wisky,& see how it taste..bullseye curly coin cut is the best of out the stokkeybe luxury flakes-navy flake is last on there list for me, it’s boring-now the new 4th generation stokkeybe evening flake-blows navy flake & other made flakes out of water-evening flake is the best bulk flake, so far in my opinion giving the price & u get a 1.5lb box.. Read Less

Smoke n’ Honey By: Blake R. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Smoked a couple pounds of this before I discovered tinned. Always felt it was a good deal. Buy a pound, and enjoy. Smokey, leathery, honey notes. Consistently flavorful down to the last bit. I put six ounces away to age. Lately, I do that with my fav… Read More orites. Always good to have a stockpile of one’s favorites in case of emergency. Seems like any tobacco made in medallions or coins sells fast. Read Less

After 4 year’s of aging… By: SmokingPipeBear · 斗熊 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Aged about 6oz when fresh, Boveda 62% 8g*2, 4 year’s after(Now), tobacco seems a lot darker, the favor were just Old, very nice~

Bullseye vapor By: Michael M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Bullseye is one of my favorite stokkeybe offerings I smoke along with twist flake & the new evening flake, wich is a lot better & makes navy flake taste a flat. I buy bullseye by the box along with twist flake & now evening flake. There’s… Read More been a few times when I’ve ordered bullseye coin flakes, the batch I have gotten was dark brown, like it’s been aging, & the smell & taste I got was of dark chocolate, figs & stewed fruits. From the periuqe.. I taste sweet smooth hay & grassy notes, but the taste & smell that I got the most flavor is smooth chocolate taste. I believe it was due to the aged boxes I’ve gotten that where a dark brown color & couldn’t see the Virginias or periuqe, the coins where all sold dark chocolate brown. I guess I got lucky. I purchased 3 boxes of evening flake & a box of bullseye, Im going to purchase another box of bullseye & 2 boxes of twist flake. So I’ll have 2 boxes of each flake.. since the new evening flake is available, there’s no reason for me to buy the new ok at best Navy flake.. Read Less

可作口粮 By: tangyanyan Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 燃烧好,微甜,时而带出点苦味,对我来说,尼古丁略显不足。

可作口粮 By: tangyanyan Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 燃烧好,微甜,时而带出点苦味,对我来说,尼古丁略显不足。

挺好的吧 By: jiushibujiaoshui Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 味道不错,但不均匀。草塞多了容易堵。

Vaper Dream By: Vintage Dad Aesthetic Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk The cavendish mellows this out a bit as it’s not as harsh or peppery as other vapers. Will greatly improve with time. Buy a pound or more and pick at it over the years or stove it. Get it while it’s cheap. It’s a bargain.

sweet By: Yuan H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 第一次SP上选的就是这款,真好!甜甜的味道持续好长时间,不知道有没有盒装的,及时存货。

Shut up and take my money. By: Jason K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Apparently anything with Peter Stokkebey on the label is a safe bet. This tobacco is outstanding.

Very good smoke By: Aardvark Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I find this tobacco similar to Escudo. The cavindish center gives it a bit of sweetness. I buy this in bulk. Maybe 8 oz. at a time, and store it in a mason jar. I’m notrying good at describing flavors. All I can say I like this tobacco, aND have no t… Read More rouble recommending it. Read Less

Four-star VaPer By: R_Hatfield Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Sure, there’s a handful of VaPers I like better. But this one is definitely the best bang for the buck. It clearly doesn’t need another positive review, because these days it sells out within 36 hours of each release. LBF clearly has a large and loya… Read More l following. And in this case, I’m happy to be part of the crowd. I don’t especially care for it when it’s fresh from the warehouse. But even a couple of months sitting in a jar in a cool, dry spot in your house makes LBF magically turn into something special. I currently have a couple of pounds socked away, and I’ll definitely be buying more down the road. Every pipe smoker worth his salt should at least try this. If you don’t like it, you may be doing something wrong… smoking it too fast, too wet, too dry… something. Because this is a top 10 VaPer, if not top five. Read Less

not quite expressive for Virginia / Pericue By: Vladimir Zeev Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I smoked this mixture for a very long time and have not yet described it. The smell from the package is very pleasant and rich. The coins are quite large, with a diameter of about 3.5 cm (1.3 inches). Three coins are enough to fill a size 4 (Dunhill)… Read More bowl. Slightly moist and does require much drying before smoking. I used two methods of filling the bowl (whole coins rolled into a roll and fluffed coins). The combustion quality of the tobacco in the bowl was not affected. Due to the addition of the Black Cavendish, the share of Virginia and Perique decreased. Therefore, for my taste, the mixture is not quite expressive for Virginia / Pericue. I think smoking this mixture will be good when you do not expect a pleasant taste from pipe tobacco, and smoking a pipe is just a background for doing something else. This tobacco is good but won’t take a place on my list of favorites. Read Less

First impressions By: DK Acolyte Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Delicious morning smoke. Can’t beat the price.

better with aged By: fabrice Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Spending two and half hours with two coins, peace and satisfied.

Smells just like sweet feed By: Trey T. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Got some of this at my local B&M because I opened the jar and immediately got hit with a wave of nostalgia, having grown up in the country with horses. Unlit, it smells exactly like the sweet feed we used to feed our horses with. I got a little o… Read More f it, and it’s a nice, sweet (but not cloyingly sweet – just from the bit of cavendish) and grassy. Will definitely buy again! Read Less

My most heavily cellared tobacco By: Greenbriar Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Try a bit fresh if you like but don’t judge it until it has been in a Mason jar for a year. This isn’t better than escudo but with the age is satisfies that craving pretty well and for the price I will buy more of this over escudo most of the time. B… Read More e patient with the aging and you will be well rewarded for it Read Less

Bullseye By: Ken D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk That the right word definitely a hit! That’s why it’s sold out! But the navy flake is another excellent choice! Can’t go wrong with either!

No Bull tastes great By: Frank J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake is one of the very best, medium strength, value for money, quality blends of deeply satisfying Virginia and Perique tobaccos. I have enjoyed this folded and stuffed as well as rubbed out. Both methods have produc… Read More ed a great smoke. Supremely balanced VaPer, with surprise hits of Cavendish sweetness, what more could you ask for? I love my Virginia’s Flakes but even more so when they have a very subtle touch of flavor added. That said, it is NOT an aromatic flake in any way! You can’t go wrong if you want a sweet VA flake at an unbeatable price. Read Less

Nice By: Jason M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A nice VA/Per, that ranges from grassy to breast as the bowl progresses. Definitely a staple in my cellar.

A definite hit By: BobintheBurg Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is one of the greats in terms of VaPers. Everything is there: The sweet, grassy Virginias, the fruity and peppery Perique, and a little extra sweetness from the unflavored black Cavendish. Is it as good as Escudo? In my opinion, no. However, its… Read More price point and availability in bulk are two big considerations in its favor. The coins are very easy to rub out, but to be honest, I usually just ball a couple rounds up and throw them in a pipe. LBF usually comes dry enough to smoke right out of the bag, while Escudo is usually a bit damp when I open the tin. I usually prefer my tobacco on the drier side and LBF is usually perfect. I just have to open the bag and toss it in a mason jar. It’s ready to go at a moment’s notice. LBF has a pretty decent nic hit and has a lot of flavor for such a simple blend. Luxury Bullseye Flake is a very solid tobacco and stands on its own as a top notch VaPer. Some have said that LBF is not a true VaPer because of the inclusion of the black cavendish in the center. I think that this is just splitting hairs. It behaves like a VaPer and tastes like a VaPer. I’m gonna call it like I see it: Great tobacco. Read Less

First Encounter By: The Sith Tobacconist Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is my first experience with a perique blend, and it was a pleasant surprise. Very mellow smoke, noticed a slight spiced prune taste peaking through the Virginia and bit of cavendish. Room note wasn’t terrible either. Over all I’m looking forward… Read More to smoking it again. Read Less

Best coins by far By: Russell W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk The top coin sliced blend ever! Not a big Cavendish fan but it’s masterfully incorporated here and adds a deeper body to the smoke.

Sweet By: Dani J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk That Black Cavendish in the middle. It comes in pieces. And if you accidentally pack only those black bulls eyes in the middle. Guarantee you will have sweet tooth. Overall, if you happen to find a coin that is intact, you will know this is quite a b… Read More alanced blend. Problem is, it came in shreds most of times. lol Read Less

Good but not as expected. By: Ricky K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Great tobacco! This was my first Virginia and I have to say it was no where near as strong as I was expecting. Quick to light and smooth and light on flavor to me.

Not For Me By: Jay M. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Maybe I never really smoked these quite right, but they were never as enjoyable as Escudo for me. Once in a while it was interesting but mostly it was hot burning Virginia with little else coming through to my taste. It always seemed to gurgle in eve… Read More ry pipe when other blends did not. I smoked about 10 bowls before deciding it wasn’t for me. Read Less

Decent By: Mohammad A. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A solid VaPer, though it’s fairly young and it can bite.

Excellent all-day smoke! By: Keaton K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This tobacco hits all the right buttons for me. It comes in smallish-size coins, one is the perfect size for a small bowl, and two will fill an average pipe. The moisture is just about perfect, maybe 10 minutes of sitting out and you can fold and stu… Read More ff or rub out and smoke right away. I can usually get through the whole pipe without a relight like this. There’s a sweetness combined with wonderful tangy flavors that just makes me want more. Low to mid nicotine, it makes for an easy, uncomplicated, and enjoyable all-day smoke. Read Less

Smooth smoke By: larry Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I do enjoy this smoke…and the way it packs a bowl. At first I had a problem keeping it lit, however that was do to my first experience with flake(coin) tobacco. But after a few tries, I find that it burns well. Surprisingly, it is a nice smoke out… Read More of doors. Very pleased, will purchase again. Read Less

Gold Standard “Bulk” By: CL Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Love this stuff. A cellar staple for sure. Beats the pants off of every other coin, especially once you let it get a year or two in the jar.

Amazing! By: The Beerded Dog Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Luxury bullseye flake is one of my favorite blends of all time! I’ll keep this review short and sweet and highly recommend purchasing some, sit back and enjoy!

Yes By: Caleb B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Very Strong sweet tangy virginia with a noticeable dose of perique. Make sure you dry it out, i almost gave up on it as my first three bowls were like smoking lava.

Can’t get enough By: T-bone Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This blend is a no brainer with a must try! I can’t say this is the ONLY blend that I would ever smoke, but it’s close. It will stay in my rotation. Great introduction into VaPers. I prefer it with a 9mm, definitely experiment if you haven’t tried Va… Read More Pers before this blend doesn’t disappoint and the price is out of this world. Read Less

Good Vaper blend. By: Jason G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is a very good vaper blend…and if you fold and stuff the black cav will give you a couiple of puffs of sweetness once they come into play, but not so much if you rub them out. The perique is a little lacking in this imho tho.

Great Vap/Or By: Michael F. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Tried this blend sometime back and just bought more, I could not believe what I have been missing out on. packs well and the burn is very nice.

Very tasty tobacco but not for everybody By: Andrii Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Very tasty tobacco but not for everybody. Humidity was 85% (well, very raw) ideal for storage and aging.

Bland, monochromatic By: John H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I had high hopes for this tobacco. Sadly, it was a disappointment. Just bland from the top of the bowl to the bottom.

Go-To Bulk Flake By: FLORIDABOY8810 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I loved Luxury Twist Flake so much that I had to see what this was about! After the first puff, I knew I found my go-to flake. When I can’t decide what to smoke, I smoke Luxury Bullseye Flake. I have found it to be forgiving and remain smooth when sm… Read More oked hot. This one is an all day sipper, especially when I am tending to my BBQ smoker. I love the hits of cavendish throughout the bowl when the flake is rubbed out and not folded. When I am in a hurry, I fold the flake and get a slightly different experience on the palette, yet still consistent. Read Less

Good replacement for McClelland’s 2025 By: fedoraguy Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I was looking for a replacement for McClelland’s English Cavendish 2025, and I think I found it. This is a bit more robust though, especially if you let it air out for at least 24 hours. It will then produce billowing, luxurious smoke with a hearty f… Read More lavor with a touch of sweetness from the cavendish. Be careful, though, as this can sometimes get hot in a hurry. Read Less

No Dry Mouth! By: Atomic pipe Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I really enjoy coin cut blends, especially Va/Per. This is the only one (and therefore best) coin cut bulk vaper that doesn’t dry my mouth out like a sponge! Sometimes Bulk blends have a rep as “cheap” in price and quality; not this guy. Fo… Read More r the $$ worth a shot. Read Less

Very pleasant By: Michael P. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk The coins are nice and the smoke is extremely well balanced. Very pleasant all day smoke. Like every element of this tobacco, the tin note is subtle. The room note and nicotine hit is lighter than bayou morning which for me is a good thing. The Periq… Read More ue taKe the back seat in this blend. Overall, I would say that this is a good evening smoke that gives you everything that you would generally expect out of a Virginia blend. Read Less

Perfecto By: José C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk No me gusta las mezclas con perique, pero esta junto al bláck cavendish es perfecta

Best “Bulk Only” I’ve Tried By: VaPertater Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Luxury Bullseye Flake is the best tobacco I’ve tried that’s only available in bulk. I wouldn’t compare it to Escudo as I don’t feel the quality of tobacco or production process is as high, but it’s a fraction of the cost, and a tobacco that any VaPe… Read More r fan should keep in their rotation. The addition of the Black Cavendish “bullseye” really makes this a unique and enjoyable tobacco. I like to fold and stuff a few coins and when the ember reaches the Black Cavendish you are rewarded by intermittent blasts of sweetness. Read Less

Pure Tobacco Enjoyment By: Richie L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I’m fairly new to pipe smoking and after smoking several aromatics, I tried Comoy’s Navy Flake and this Luxury Bullseye Flake. I can see that VApers will be my thing! This tobacco is full flavored but not overbearing. Really smooth and Flavorful! Gon… Read More na buy some extra to age as I heard makes it even better! Think I’ll smoke some on the way home from work today! Read Less

A bit dissapointed By: Andrei O. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I think virginia is just not for me. Expected heaven on earth from the reviews but it was a bit disappointing. Tin note of hay and green tea. Tasted only the perique but not the cavendish. Not a very strong taste but detect some walnuts and honey. Wi… Read More ll let it age and give it another try. Read Less

10 ring By: Rodney W. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk For the uninitiated the Bullseye in most shooting sports is the 10 ring…. hence the title Peter Stokkebys Bullseye definitely hits the ten ring, I give it 5 stars out of 5 definitely one to try.

Dead Centre By: pipetweed Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is one solid blend. It presents a fragrant tin-note: sweetness from the Balck Cavendish and fresh hay from the Virginia. It rubs out and packs very easily, and takes a char light gracefully. Once lit, it produces generous volumes of creamy s… Read More moke packed with Virginia flavour. Not much Perique to my palate–certainly no spice. Perhaps a little dark fruit, but that is often caught in the notes of sweet Black Cavendish. BC takes the cake with a molasses/brown sugar aftertaste that lingers in the back of my throat, sometimes for hours. The blend never burns hot, even in windy conditions, and it keeps a true light almost devotedly. The burn is consistent, if your light is good, all the way to the bottom of the bowl. Little dottle remains among the small pile of white ash in the bottom. Very little moisture, too, even though I am a wet smoker, generally. Finally, the blend has not, as yet, ghosted my pipes–even the one I have dedicated almost exclusively to this blend. As an aside, I usually smoked this blend in a pipe with a wider and shallower bowl. All in all, I highly recommend this blend to any and all pipe smokers. It is generous to a beginner, will captivate an expert, and will charm an aromaticon or an Englishman. Cheers to all! Read Less

Best smoke great value By: Nathan L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk For me this is an amazing tobacco. It is reasonably priced and a good smoke straight out of the package, however an excellent smoke if you age it even just a little. If you like Comoys No7 cask, its very comparable if not a little stronger. If you li… Read More ke Davidoff medallions its again a very close match if you age a little but in my opinion if you give it a good year or so it is the crown jewel of coins, in flavor,depth and distinction. Do dry out for 10 to 15 mins before smoking. Do rub out well (it is fairly easy) and do expect a little tongue tingle. I cannot recommend this one enough! Read Less

Not bad By: Jugghead Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Has great flavor , had to nurse it in the beginning of the bowl but smoked thru nicely… reccomend a try

Bullseye! By: ChuckDMc Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is of the best coin tobacco I’ve smoked. I rubbed mine out but I suppose you could get creative with how to stuff this blend. The Virginia’s are grassy and full of sun soaked hay just like the rest of Stokkebye’s VA’s that I’ve tried. However… Read More the perique and cavendish add a layer of dark fruit sweetness that I’ve been missing in their other blends. The perique is just spicy enough to be interesting but isn’t a heavy handed pepper mill. It falls a little flat for my palate. After sampling, I immediately separated mine into a cellar jar and a instant gratification jar. It’s good now but I’ll bet it’s great later. Read Less

Almost perfect By: Zherg Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This tobacco is really good, I have been buying a lot and never get tired of it, crumble it or pack it just like that, you will enjoy it, for sure, for me it’s almost a perfect blend, its strength is medium for me, I can enjoy it every day.

Very good but bites By: arpie55 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I love the taste and aroma but can’t smoke it because it bites me every time. Must be PH thing because it does not burn hot or wet. Order a small quantity and proceed with caution.

Mixed Bag By: Joel G. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk My first bowl was a fold and stuff, and it was terrible. The first half of the bowl just tasted like nasty cavendish. I was going to dump it, but when I started to clean it out I got down to the first whole coin I had loaded and it was untouched. Bec… Read More ause this blend gets so many good reviews I decided to relight it at that point. Then I started to get the real flavor coming through and decided to give it a second chance. Bowl nimber two was rubbed out and I finally got to see what everybody was going on about. It started out sweet and showed that hay quality all Virginias share. By the time it was halfway down that had become a rich taste that reminded me of waffles. At the very bottom I was working a little to keep it going and got some of that pepper from the Perique It didn’t burn hot or bite my tongue. All in all it’s very good, and now I can see what makes it so popular. I held back one star because I’m still looking for that blend with a deeper red Virginia taste, but I’ll be keeping this around until I find it. Read Less

Do it. By: Francois B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk It smells like horse shit and blueberry muffins. Burns slowly. It’s great.

A Quality VaPer By: Piping_Plover Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is such a good-looking coin. Chefs say presentation is everything—they’re not wrong!—but these coins have the flavour to match. The flavours run a full range from the char-light to the finish. This is a tobacco with the qualities suitable for da… Read More ily rotation and the price cannot be beat. Love it. Read Less

Raisiny Brown Sugar By: Thomas S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This stuff is great ! Sweet, cool and with a little strength. Slow burning, nice sweet natural flavor.

Delicous By: Serkan Y. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk excellent taste, smooth, elegant tobacco.

Great By: Grabow john Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk One of my top 10

Beautiful By: laniromee Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Don’t let the cavendish lead you away from this one. I find the best way to understand this blend is to rip apart the coins and not stuff them whole in order to better mix the components throughout the bowl – the cavendish is not “in your face&q… Read More uot;, but the little pockets of this sweet sweet condiment elevates what could be a simple, straightforward vaper into something very unique indeed. Read Less

Good smoke By: Cabbar D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A great long lasting smoke. Good room note. Wife says it does not small bad (she hates the smell of the haunted bookshop)

Favorite VaPer By: classycelt Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is the blend that opened up the joys of Virginias to me, I always have some on hand. First off the Virginias really stand out with the sweetness expected. They aren’t special but in the best way possible. Then the Perique comes in to add complex… Read More ity. They still aren’t boastful in this blend so you should be ok even if Perique isn’t your thing. My favorite part of this blend is the black cavendish. It adds a level you don’t expect when, ever now and then, you hit a little spot of them and get that deep sweetness from it. In conclusion, one of the best smokes I’ve had. If you’re new to VAs or want to try a VaPer give this a go. Read Less

not sure what i was expecting By: Brian C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I bought this on a whim when it was on sale. Not sure what I was expecting, but I can’t say I was steered either way on initial smoke. Nothing particular stands out. Got it locked away and will revisit in a few months.

Just the right amount of body By: Eddman89 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This tobacco is the perfect amount of body and smoothness with a satisfying burn to the end. I thought it lasted well and had a spectacular taste without being overly aromatic. Delicious blend here that you can’t go wrong with, and it’s an easy, all … Read More day smoker. Perfect! Read Less

Mellow and satisfying By: Zohar Z. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk In the age of 1.5y, these coins produce a nice thick smoke like a choo-choo train. Light and grassy, like every VA review ever with a hint of citrus, its not a brainer. The Black cavendish adds some sweetness to the VA as well to the thickness of the… Read More smoke. Couldnt catch the perique IMH not that its a bad thing, but I realy liked this one. Will defenetly order some more to smoke in the morning. Read Less

Crumple fluff By: Nick G Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Seemed to be a slow burner which is about right as the perique came through stronger than the Virginia for me. The cavendish crumbles to pieces so you have to be careful and a bit creative to distribute it evenly throughout the bowl. All said, a plea… Read More sant smoke that pairs well with leggy reds and stout beers. I am going to let it mellow in the mason for a few months and see what happens. Read Less

I’ll call, and raise you $100! By: Denj777 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Everything that is said good about these little Casino Coins are all true. But please don’t buy any, because that would mean the supply would be in jeopardy 🙁 😀

Spicy By: Whaley Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I love these spicy little coins. It’s just great

Well worth it By: Whaley Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is just a well rounded great tobacco.

Wow! Right on the money! By: Eric K. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I was pleasantly surprised the first time I packed one of these coins in my pipe and lit up. I really enjoy the naturally sweet (but not overly sweet) taste of this tobacco. Believe the hype. I highly recommend.

Worth A Shot “Bullseye” By: Kevin B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Hay-like taste, somewhat musty when new..Let age a few months and it gets better, develops a sweeter grassy taste. A great all day smoke, no bite and good taste from start to finish.

OK, But not convinced By: Ingo Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I have read a lot of this tobacco and was really excited when i opened it. Honestly, i was disappointed when i smelled it. Maybe too much Perique for me, it irratetes the lining of mouth. There is a mild sweetness, sure. But i dont think it is a grea… Read More t tobacco. I will only use it as a mixer with Cavendish. On nicotine side it is very mild, the room note is pleasant. Read Less

Strong By: Rodney B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Not my taste but could be a good mixer for English aromatic

Really good smoke By: Sean V. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I have enjoyed this folded and stuffed as well as rubbed out. bother methods have produced a good smoke. Smooth Virginia’s and a touch of perique. The Black cavendish in the centre gives a nice cool and creamy smoke.

멋진 조합을 이룬 연초이다 By: sachimo Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 블랙카벤디쉬가 페릭과 버지니아의 블랜딩이 잘되게끔하는 연초인데 이 세조합이 너무환상적이다. 이보다 멋진 조합은 없다고 본다. 처음에는 버지니아의 달달함이 앞서지만 곧따라오는 페릭의 청양고추같은 매콤함이 올라오자마자 사라지면서 느껴지는 달달함이 또한번의 쾌락을 느끼게 해준다.거기다 불까지 잘붙는다.그러니 더할나위없이 즐길수있는 연초임은 틀림없다. 페릭을 처음느끼는 분들이라면 꼭 경험해보라.적절하게 조합된 연초의 맛을 아주 맛나게 느낄수있으… Read More 리라 봅니다. Read Less

Great By: Nathan P. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Always keep some on hand it’s almost like a treat

Beautiful coins By: Edwin C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Being a VA/Per smoker, the added touch of black Cavendish was a nice add to this blend. Smokes true to a Va/Per with a little bit of a cavindish pop. I bounce between this and the Flake – both rewarding smokeable tobacco.

Incredibly Good. By: March Hare Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This large silver dollar size coin consists of a very, very good Virginia that is slightly interwoven with soft Perique. The Perique must be aged by Stokkebye, because it is soft and non threatening. The Perique seems to really be in a mellow good re… Read More lationship with the Virginia, because both are just right.The Cavendish is similar to Lane BCA, but only a smidgen right in the center. These three tobaccos together make for a very remarkably good pipe smoke. As good as this blend is straight from the ups truck,aging this tobacco will only bring greatness. The aroma is pleasant and there is a good dose of nicotine. Read Less

Quite Rich By: Ken B. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I love the smell of this tobacco in the tin. It’s rich, and reminds me of wet leather. And let’s face it, rubbing out the coins makes that part of the ritual much more enjoyable. I find the flavor to be full, but not necessarily strong. However, af… Read More ter many ounces it seems it suits me better to smoke this in a smaller bowl. That is to say a little goes a long way. I found it to be less than satisfying towards the end of a large poker bowlful. Maybe it was from trying to enjoy too much of a good thing, or that the flavors that had accumulated thanged the flavor from rich and subtly sweet towards slightly but unpleasantly bitter. That is not to say my technique is blameless, but I try to be aware of these factors when making mental notes during the smoke and later when writing some review such as this. Overall, I enjoy this tobacco very much, and look forward to it as a treat now and again. Read Less

Pretty Good By: Joshua L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This flake smokes very well and the bit of sweet cavendish in the middle is lovely.

Good perique tabacco. By: Eunrae J. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 버지니아의 질도 좋고 페릭의 조화도 좋다. 그러나 카벤디시가 텁텁함을 많이 준다. 개인취향이 텁텁함을 싫어해서 별로였다. 가격대비 훌륭함.

very good By: BIG SMOKE Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk What more can I say ? Same with Davidoff flake medallion. One of the best flakes ! On my Top 5

Sweetly balanced By: crisalfo Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk At the cold smells delicious with sweet notes toward the end something gently chocolaty, decorated with dried fruits and raisin grapes fragrances. At to burnit the smoke is quite creamy enveloping the palate, then to throw it leaves sweet notes on th… Read More e edges of the tongue. It is a large well marked tobacoo flavor that does not go unnoticed … Read Less

Great filler By: Swanny Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is a perfect blend to be used as a filler/mix with a strong aromatic partner tobacco. One of my favorites and I would most absolutely recommend giving it a try. Its very strong on its own and I wouldn’t recommend smoking it without combining it … Read More with a smoother blended tobacco. Read Less

The bullseye catch you By: Ayax g. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk It is now considered a classic and quite frankly it is easy to understand why. Combines in perfect harmony the strength and body from a pure virginia with the pungency from perique and the round and creamy countour from burley,meanwhile cavendish … Read More mellows the whole body and adds delicacy. It is a very fragrant smoke from the beginning to the end and delivers different tonalities, from the grassy substance to the natural honey while retaining the strength from virginias and never becoming a candy. The very fresh sensation of the smoke only gets the subtle spicy note from perique in the retrohale and burley is just there as an spectator, adding more round note than flavour configuration. Best of all, it has zero bite, in the tongue its a dry, grassy and little pungent taste. Truly delicious. One of my favourite virginia blends. By the way, just contemplating the coins is mesmerizing. Read Less

good coin By: Jung Pil S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk 싸고 좋은 코인컷.

Exceptional Smoke for the Price By: Chang Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Great smoke. Wouldn’t be a chart topper for me were it not for the price… but I can satiate my nicotine appetite with this one without breaking the seal on pricier blends. It is really good and well worth the price. It is soo cheap I feel guilty… Read More taking it from them. Read Less

New to me By: Tim23 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Never having tried a “disc” I looked forward to foldin’ or stuffin’ or shredin’ and experimenting . well , I like stuffing one or two in the bowl and putting a touch of Black Cavendish on top . more has been ordered !

I like it, I think? By: nmandrus Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is my first foray into coins and perique and I’m not sure if either are my current favorite. It’s a stronger smoke than I’m used to, but I’m certainly not ‘worldly’ when it comes to tobaccos. However, I keep going back to rub out a couple of fl… Read More akes and have a pipe in the woods. There is something about it that lends itself to chores in the frosty morning or snowshoeing in search of a coyote. I do like that the flakes are easy to carry compared to ribbon or shag. Read Less

Quite tasty By: sick_libra Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A very full smoke. Sweet and slightly peppery, it doesnt hit the pallate it caresses it. This is one i will begetting again. It has a room note that the other half says is ok. Burns cleanly, and packs cleaner in my short experience with proper navy f… Read More lakes this did not disappoint. Read Less

Wonderful! By: George M C. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A really interesting, satisfying smoke. You can’t go wrong with this one. Truly excellent!

Lovely By: Louis H. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Wonderful creamy smoke with a pleasant room note in my Rattray’s Bagpiper with the churchwarden stem. I have a 1.5lb box ordered and plan to fill the cellar with even more.

praise be! By: Alex c. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I keep on ordering this. A special suppliment to a days smoking routine. I just crunch it up and gently stoke. Needs to be kept moist, just pretend it is escudo…Thank you Stokkebye!!!

Passable, but not great. By: Ease Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I really wanted to love this one, but I find its just not as good as the other two in the luxury flake line. I found it just doesn’t let the virginias shine enough, well, nothing really shines for me with this flake. I’ve tried it rubbed gently, com… Read More pletely, folded and stuffed (a bunch of different ways) and I still cant get the kind of flavor I would expect from a stokkebye blend. It is by all means a quality tobacco, just falls a bit short for me. Read Less

My New Favorite By: GFGraham Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Is it possible for a tobacco to be both simple and complex? If so, then Luxury Bullseye Flake is it. Fold it, rub it out, whatever you like. The smoke is cool, the taste is pleasant and, because it’s a coin, each bowl is just a little bit different f… Read More rom the previous one. This has become by far my favorite non-aromatic, and I will continue to order it as long as it’s being sold. Read Less

Great stuff! By: M. Scott Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Update: 3-2-2021 Almost six years of aging this tobacco in mason jars has transformed it into an almost black, sweet, topshelf smoke. This just gets better with age. When I first got it, it was a shade lighter that the picture shown. It’s sticky, gu… Read More mmy and oh so good! I’ve read pack it this way and that way. I just rub it out and stuff my bowl and smoke away. Great taste, room note is pleasant and no bite. Another great tobacco added to my rotation. Read Less

Great VaPer Intro By: bhoctor85 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk If you mostly smoke aromatics and are looking to branch out into other blending styles then pick up an ounce of this. It’s a high quality VaPer that has a bit of sweetness added with the Black Cavendish bullseye. It’s a rather creamy and sweet flavor… Read More . The hay and grassy notes of the Virginias are there as well as the natural fruit like flavors of raisins or figs. There’s a bit of peppery flavor from the Perique. It comes pretty close to the right moisture level. Loads and lights well. It’s a nice smooth even cool burning blend. Doesn’t give any tongue bite. I’d say it’s a medium to strong blend as far as the nicotine goes. If you’re a nic wimp like myself make sure you’ve snacked on something before firing up a bowl. Overall a great blend that’s very affordable. Read Less

Yummy! By: Dano Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is a great tasting fine tobacco. Nothing harsh and no bite, but wonderful flavor and pleasant room note. It has a creamy taste and texture with pequint spice layered in ever so smoothly. On the advice of another reviewer, I folded the coin into… Read More quarters and then put it into the bowl edge side down so that the bull’s-eye (or the middle of the coin) is facing up. Makes for a delicious smoke! Happy smoking! Read Less

Good, but not Great By: BriarFox Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I have heard the tinned version is much better but we can only get the bulk in the states. The blend was good on aroma. Grassy earthy tones with a touch of sweetness. The charring light revealed hay and earth tones. The smoke was pretty consistent th… Read More roughout with offering any complexity. The cavendish in the middle is subdued and doesn’t add or takeaway from the blend. If anything it looks cool. Good, but not great. Read Less

Very happy with it. By: Chang Uk j. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Very happy with it. I am a very fit, tobacco. Recommended.

Great smoke, just add Rum. By: jmrtsus Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk OK, I have tried many tobaccos and like many but MY favorite is not available for purchase. But you can make your own. Start with this and dry out 4 ounces…..then place it in an airtight glass jar and add 1 Teaspoon of a high quality rum…I use Ba… Read More cardi 8. Let it sit for a week then air it out some and enjoy…..a 5 star perfect for me tobacco. If you like a good navy flake you will love the addition of the perique in this for a little added spice. A displace Cajuns dream tobacco…..Thank goodness for St. James Parish, LA. Read Less

Every day tasty! By: Brian D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk My two favorites are Haddo’s Delight and the old standard, Escudo. Problem is, on a middle class income I can’t afford those other than on a once and a while basis. This is a VERY close second to those two! I buy it 3 lbs at a time, and it makes a… Read More great every day smoke for thrift conscious VaPer fans like myself. Based on taste, strength, and room note one would think this costed far more than it does. Quit reading and buy some! Read Less

Pretty good By: Jonathan L. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I’ve found this smoked best folded and stuffed for the most flavourful experience. Sweet and sour, smooth smoke. Some richness/body from the cavendish. Don’t notice too much flavour from Perique during the smoke, however 10 or so seconds after exh… Read More aling, I slowly get this delayed black pepper tingle over my palate. Never experienced that before until this smoke, which was not unpleasant. This benefited from a slow smoking pace. Read Less

Excellent! By: Santos T. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Big flavor, but not too bold. Takes very nice to the flame after false light. Beautiful white ashes, perfect smoke in my Savinelli 626 “Opera” pipe. A treasure!

GOLD COINS OF FLAVOR!!! By: Fabcuesram Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is a great tobacco, well harmonized between virginias, perique and black cavendish. To be honest, i couldn´t feel that much the cavendish, but even so, virginias and perique are smooth and sweet enough to be enjoyed. I´ll be buying more of this… Read More goooooood tobacco, soon!! Read Less

Excellent VAPer! By: Malcolm S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk This is my top VaPer hands down. Very flavorful but yet is very tame and behaves well even as you work to the bottom of the bowl it stays consistant throughout. Ppl gripe about tobaccos being wet, its SIMPLE, DRY IT OUT A LITTLE. Cheers! M

Hard to beat for the money By: Timothy S. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk A nice smoke for the money spent. Not as deep in flavor as Escudo but still quite good. I am a prodigious puffer, Escudo can over-heat on me, this does not. For whatever reason. It also finishes a little smoother than others in this genre. Spicy, pe… Read More ppery, with a slight sweetness. Good and smoky. A fine tobacco to keep on hand, by the jar full. Room note doesn’t get any complaints. Read Less

Awesome stuff at a bargain price! By: BraveDigger Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk ok, my first choice would be Escudo, but this is a great 2nd choice … no, that sounds unfair … but on the other side i enjoy the depth of Escudo, so a little cutback on the taste … but serious? for that price you get a purrfect smooth smoke wit… Read More h a rich flavor and no bite at all … great deal and great tobacco Read Less

Dry, Lots of Smoke, Good Flavor By: Justin D. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I didn’t have a wet smoke like others did, I rubbed out the disk and didn’t allow time for drying at all. My Yashtylov smoked it beautifully. Nice consistent flavor, just the right amount of spice and not over bearing at all. Mine smoked with a lo… Read More t of smoke and burned well. A definite recommend. Read Less

Very good but wet smoke By: WDB Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I tried this mainly because of the excellent reviews and my enjoyment of Escudo. I love the tobacco taste, aroma and just the right amount of Purique to spice things up. The only problem I have with this is, I just can’t get a dry smoke. I let it s… Read More it out as other reviewers suggested. I even let it sit out over night and still got a “gurgly” smoke. It didn’t matter which pipe. I give it a 3-1/2 for the great taste. Read Less

Luxury Bullseye Flake, oh yes! By: Taxman Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk I purchased this tobacco based on its looks, but keep coming back for the taste. The combination Va-Per and cavandish center is spot on. Sweetness and spice, but not overpowering. I can enjoy it anytime, alone, with a cup of coffee or with something … Read More a little stonger. I’ve tried folding over three discs, but find it at its best rubbed out. Great value seals the deal. Read Less

Just a Great Smoke!! By: BigNick Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk So much deep tobacco taste when it’s smoked. Smells like county grass or a fresh cut hayfield. Nice amout of perique as well. I found my batch to be a little wet so I let the discs dry for 10min each side and it was perfect.

The good stuff! By: Squid4lif3 Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Great smoke to the finish! Great morning smoke with morning Joe.

More than four … great tobacco By: BraveDigger Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk this stuff is simply a must – just like escudo this one is a real lpeaser, to the nose, the palate, bystanders, but this one also pleases the wallet … cant wait for my next 8oz to arrive 😛

Красивый и оч.вкусный табак By: Konstantin Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk

Один из любимых By: Dmitry Z. Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Замечательный табак на каждый день. Выкуриваю трубку и понимаю, еще хочу! Вкуснее всего курить из кукурузных трубок.

One of the Best By: TobaccoBear Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk Buy a lot. You’re going to like it. This is among the best I’ve smoked. Keeps it’s characteristics through nearly the entire bowl. Light, sweet, affordable and no bite, plus it looks really cool in a jar. A very well balanced blend that will mak… Read More e almost anyone very happy, including those around you. Read Less

Tasty and Cool smoke By: Nightwarden Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk My favourite of the Peter Stokkeby line, the taste of this blend is exceptionally smooth and light, and rolling the cool smoke around in the mouth is very enjoyable. Its aroma and room note are very appealing, and rubbing the “hay bale” tob… Read More acco wheels allow the smoker to produce the perfect texture for a long smoke. Read Less

Jar Fodder: Affordable Quality By: Ethurian Product: Peter Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake Bulk The Luxury Bullseye flake is the number one bulk selling tobacco for a reason. Affordable matched with quality. The taste is light and sweet, everything you’d expect from a Virginia, with a little spice from the perique. It’s a very smooth smoke. If … Read More you’re looking for a good bulk virginia/per blend, this will serve you well. Read Less

Stokkebye PS403 Luxury Bulls Eye Flake, sold by Oz

3 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake Posted by Joyce on Sep 12th 2019

Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake has a nice mix of flavour of leather and hay and a very field flavour like late Summer or early Fall. The problem is the bulleye of the cavendish never comes up to play and is in a very wispy form. The perique can be tasted but it buries the cavendish. The other problem is these rounds just don’t burn well. I have to usually put some other tobacco on top to get these rounds to burn. The flavour is good and unique and I recommend having some of this on the side but it is not my favourite smoke. Some say this is Escudo but when I hear this I have to wonder if they ever smoked Escudo back in the 90’s – these blends are very different. I recommend this blend and give it 3.7 on a scale of 5

Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye Flake (1oz)

Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye Flake (1oz) – Ah, the classic coin! Ripe Virginias and spicy Perique are blended and then rolled around a core of mellow Black Cavendish in Bulls Eye Flake, which really does have an eye-catching appearance. With this blend you get the best of every tobacco: a background sweetness from the Cav, just a hint of fresh pepper from the lightly applied Perique, and sweet hay, citrus, and a bit of raisin from the VAs. We agree with the masters at Stokkebye – lightly rub out the coin and don’t pack it too densely into your pipe for best enjoyment.

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