Power Of Broke Summary | The Power Of Broke By Daymond John – Animated Book Review 150 개의 정답

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The Power of Broke emphasizes that money is not the most important thing for an entrepreneur. Successful business people are creative and have the ability to solve problems without spending a lot of money.

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The Power of Broke by Daymond John (review / summary)
The Power Broke is a great book to motivate you not only in business but in life and never letting the lack of money be an excuse to chase after your dreams and goals.
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The Power of Broke by Daymond John - Animated Book Review
The Power of Broke by Daymond John – Animated Book Review

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  • Author: Positively Brainwashed
  • Views: 조회수 15,129회
  • Likes: 좋아요 315개
  • Date Published: 2016. 5. 27.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BePGOCqqyug

The Power of Broke Book Summary, by Daymond John, Daniel Paisner

Want to learn the ideas in The Power of Broke better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Power of Broke by Daymond John, Daniel Paisner here.

Read a brief 1-Page Summary or watch video summaries curated by our expert team. Note: this book guide is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publisher or author, and we always encourage you to purchase and read the full book.

Video Summaries of The Power of Broke

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Power of Broke, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Daymond John, Daniel Paisner.

1-Page Summary of The Power of Broke


The Power of Broke emphasizes that money is not the most important thing for an entrepreneur. Successful business people are creative and have the ability to solve problems without spending a lot of money. The Internet has made it easier for businesses to sell their products by allowing them to reach customers directly through social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, this new way of selling things has led to many entrepreneurs competing with each other in a “free-for-all” environment where it’s hard for anyone to succeed because everyone can be heard at once. To successfully use these free avenues, we must learn how harness our power while broke.

The right business decisions aren’t always the most expensive. Entrepreneurs who are hungry for success and have a broke mindset will pursue creative, not easy options, which can often be more expensive and less effective. This type of behavior can ultimately lead to innovation and long-term success.

Entrepreneurs should not be discouraged by their limited financial means. Instead, they can use the virtue and strength of their idea to power through tough times. At the same time, established corporations should remember that even after becoming successful, they must remain hungry and driven in order to stay on top of their game.

Key Takeaways

A company is not defined by its money, but it can be broken by it. Customers want to feel like they’re getting the real thing from companies and brands. So now more than ever, a brand needs to be authentic and genuine with customers.

A brand is not created with the product, but rather evolves over time. Entrepreneurs must be hungry to succeed and understand how to manage a brand for long-term success.

Setting goals is critical to the success of an entrepreneur.

Research the history of your product or company to know where it fits in.

If you love what you do, then it won’t seem like work to you. If something is worth doing, then it’s worth doing well.

Every entrepreneur should view every opportunity as a way to reach the next one.

Key Takeaway 1: Money does not make a company—but it can break a company.

A surprising number of new businesses fail in the first 18 months. It’s not because they have no money, but rather it’s because they have too much of it. They think that having a lot of money will solve their problems, but often that is not the case.

If a hat designer raises $500,000 from his friends and family to start his business, he will have plenty of cash to get started. He can buy inventory and hire people to work for him. However, if customers don’t like the hats that he designs or they are too expensive for them, then he won’t be able to pay back those loans.

However, if the same hat designer only had $500 to start with, he would have invested it differently. Maybe he would have focused on just a few designs and used free social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to promote them. Next, he might have made custom hats for people who wanted them but didn’t want to pay full price. When this worked well in college towns instead of high-end fashion districts, the designer could then focus on making more of what was popular rather than investing in something that wasn’t working out.

It is not possible to buy a skill that you need in the future. For example, suppose an entrepreneur has $500,000 and uses it to start his own business. If he comes across a challenge later on—a downturn in the market or widespread customer complaints—he won’t be able to deal with it as well as if he had been dealing with challenges from day one.

The Power of Broke Book Summary, by Daymond John, Daniel Paisner

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The Power Of Broke Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: The Power Of Broke shows you how to leverage having no money into an advantage in business by compensating it with creativity, passion and authenticity.

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When I first saw Shark Tank, I had no idea who any of the sharks were. The first I learned about was Mark Cuban. Then followed Barbara Corcoran. Finally, last year, I got wind of a book called The Power Of Broke, and guess who the author is? Daymond John, yet another shark, and that’s when I learned how he made his money.

FUBU, short for “for us, by us” was one of the first fashion brands targeted at the black community and is now worth $6 billion. But it started on $40. Daymond used the money to buy some cotton and cloth and knit an overpriced, but cool hat he’d seen. When his first good sales day came a few months later, he sold 80 hats for $10 a piece – and promptly lost the money, because he crashed into another car while counting it at the wheel.

But you know what happens when a shark tastes blood, and so Daymond continued to hack his way through business, right around the one thing he didn’t have: money. Now he knows this wasn’t an obstacle. It was an advantage.

In The Power of Broke, he shows you how you can leverage it like he did. Here are my 3 lessons:

If you have no money, you’ll automatically find resources others don’t look for. The power of broke helps in all four stages of growing a business. Starting a business gets easier by the day, so start now.

Trust me, you don’t need money to make money. If you don’t believe it, after Daymond’s lessons, you will. Let’s go!

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Lesson 1: Being broke allows you to find resources others can’t see.

Gary Vaynerchuk often talks about wishing everybody was an immigrant and it’s because as an immigrant, your default setting is that you have to prove yourself. You’re looking for opportunity where other people see only problems. Well, being broke is similar to being an immigrant.

You know that old saying “necessity is the mother of invention?” When you don’t have anything, it forces you to use whatever you’ve got, leading you to use resources in new, creative ways other people don’t see.

In 2012, I went to a Steve Aoki concert. One of my good friends was a fan of his and we happened to be in Chicago that weekend, so we saw the crazy, club-climbing, cake-throwing DJ, who was immensely popular already. But he too comes from humble beginnings.

At 19 years old, Steve started a music label with $400 and a few friends, cramming up to 13 of them into his apartment, which was the office. They’d produce a single, get Steve a gig for $100 and sell it after the show – out of the trunk of his car. Until they could afford to make another one.

He got this resourcefulness from his father, Rocky Aoki, an immigrant. Back in the 60s, Rocky drove an ice-cream truck around New York City, until he had saved $10,000 to open a Sushi restaurant, which has now become the little-known restaurant chain Benihana – with 5,000 employees.

When passion, creativity and authenticity are all you’ve got, you’ll use them, and that often works out better than having money, but none of these things.

Lesson 2: The power of broke isn’t reserved for startups, it’s helpful in all four stages of business growth.

The power of being broke isn’t limited to when you’re starting. Daymond says there are four stages in a business’s journey to success and it’s helpful in all four.

Item. Initially, you’ll have no name, no logo, no brand and no marketing. Just a product or service that (hopefully) satisfies a need. How good can you make it without money? Label. Once you do give your product a name, customers have something they can remember and ask for. In 1992, Daymond and his four first employees showed up to a trade show they couldn’t even afford the booth at. All five slept in one room, but what they represented was FUBU, not themselves. They managed to collect $300,000 in orders. Brand. A logo, a style, a brand presence all eventually follow. But even here you can be creative. In 1997, LL Cool J, who was once Daymond’s neighbor, pulled another marketing stunt for the brand: he wore his FUBU hat in a commercial he recorded for the GAP and even slipped the brand’s meaning into his rap. That helped a lot, and it was free. Lifestyle. When your brand reaches this status, people are used to good quality and seeing it around, even treat it like a status symbol. The power of broke still works. Apple made their headphones white so everyone would recognize them and that color didn’t cost a dime more than black.

You see, no matter where you are in your journey, the creativity of a broke beginner is always available to you. But chances are that’s exactly what you are, which means it’s time to actually begin.

Lesson 3: There’s no better time than to start using the power of broke than now, because running a business gets cheaper and cheaper.

Every single day new technologies are released by the millions. A lot of them, especially software, are free. Product Hunt alone gives you access to thousands of tools you can use. Maintaining a website is cheap. Blogging is free on a platform like Medium.

In short: This is the opportunity of a lifetime. If you haven’t started a business by now and want to, today is the day. The creativity that results from a lack of money is now more valuable than ever. It’s time you used it.

Of course people have used it for a long time. Steve Jobs sold his car to fund the first few products Apple made. Michael Dell didn’t know computers well, so he designed one for amateurs like himself. In the 90s Daymond started FUBU without knowing how to draw and only being able to stitch a straight line.

The greatest basketball player of our time is 4″ shorter than the average NBA height. Like another famous basketball star said: “Limits, like fears, are just an illusion.”

Never was this more true than now, so get out there and embrace it.

The Power Of Broke Review

The Power Of Broke holds a very singular and focused message: being broke is an advantage. Nonetheless, there are many more built around it, which are hidden inside the stories Daymond tells. Definitely worth your attention!

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Who would I recommend The Power Of Broke summary to?

The 17 year old with 10,000 Instagram followers, who could start selling t-shirts tomorrow, the 33 year old secretary, who’s been waiting for “the right opportunity” to launch her fashion brand for five years now, and anyone who hates being broke.

The Power of Broke Summary, Review PDF

Have you ever had to come up with something for dinner when you’re stuck with only two or three ingredients? If so, you might remember that limitations like this can often result in some of the tastiest meals.

This is just one example of the truth in the old saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

Or, to put it another way, being short on resources can generate real creativity and inspiration that would otherwise never emerge.

Having a million dollars to launch a business doesn’t mean it will be successful. On the contrary, already being rich can take away the passion and innovation that long-term success requires.

But with an empty bank account, it’s clear that your only chance for success is to dig deep and become innovative.

It’s like being a basketball player who has one shot to win the game, but they’re at half-court with only a second left on the clock; there’s no other option but to go for it and take the spectacular shot.

It’s also important to realize that innovation comes from a singular vision that starts from the bottom up, not the top down.

It doesn’t matter if it’s entertainment, fashion or technology, ideas grow organically from the ground up – they aren’t inspired by executives dumping a bunch of money on a project.

And when an idea really takes off, it’s usually because people respond enthusiastically to something real and authentic.

Take Art Basel, for example, one of the world’s biggest art fairs, which takes place in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Miami Beach. While it has many established artists on display, many visitors get more excited about the unfunded street artists who are seen as being more genuine and “authentic.”

This played a key part in coauthor Daymond John’s success with FUBU, which stands for For Us, By Us. The clothing line was inspired by the way real people in the streets were dressing, not by designer studios.

You can also think of your brand as a personal relationship with your customer; like any good relationship, it has to be built on solid foundations. So be true to yourself – otherwise, the relationship is doomed to fail.

Book Summary: The Power of Broke by Daymond John

Are you looking for a book summary of The Power of Broke by Daymond John with Daniel Paisner? You have come to the right place.

Last week, I finished reading this book and jotted down some key insights from Daymond John with Daniel Paisner.

You don’t have to read the whole book if you don’t have time. This summary will provide you with an overview of everything you can learn from this book.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

In this The Power of Broke summary, I’m going to cover the following topics:

What is The Power of Broke About?

The Power of Broke shows how starting a business on a small budget doesn’t have to be a disadvantage.

It is possible to harness the Power of Broke to produce astounding creativity.

When you adopt this fresh outlook on business, you won’t see money – or a lack of it – as an obstacle to entrepreneurship. After all, anyone with a good idea and a can-do attitude can start their own business.

What are you waiting for?

Who is the Author of The Power of Broke?

Entrepreneur and investor Daymond John is a panelist on the ABC television show, Shark Tank. Additionally, he founded FUBU, a successful hip-hop-inspired clothing line.

Having written books with celebrities, politicians, and athletes, Daniel Paisner is a prolific collaborator. He is also the author of several novels, among them Obit.

Who is The Power of Broke For?

The Power of Broke is not for everyone. If you are the following types of people, you may like the book:

Small business owners and entrepreneurs

Corporations’ executives and CEOs

Readers with innovative ideas for the market

The Power of Broke Book Summary


Entrepreneurs who started with nothing but their bare hands have all told us their rags-to-riches stories. Someone like Dr. Dre, who started as a DJ in South Central, became a successful producer, and is now an executive at Apple Music as well as the owner of his own headphone empire.

His story is inspirational, yet it can also easily be dismissed as something that only a lucky few can accomplish – specifically, those with exceptional talent and timing. Despite being broke, he still found power.

Based on the experiences of successful self-made people, this book will explore how being broke can be a catalyst for success.

Lesson 1: Being broke can lead to innovation and authenticity, two essential ingredients of success

How often have you had to make dinner with only two or three ingredients? As you might recall, limiting yourself in this way can often result in some of the most delicious meals.

The old adage “necessity is the mother of invention” rings true in this instance.

Another way to put it is that being short on resources can lead to great creativity and inspiration that otherwise would not happen.

It doesn’t mean a business will succeed if it has a million dollars to launch it. Having already achieved success can rob you of passion and creativity that are critical to long-term success.

When you have an empty bank account, the only way to succeed is to become innovative and dig deep.

It’s like being a basketball player, with only a second remaining on the clock, and having only a shot to win the game; there’s no option but to take the shot.

Also, it’s vital to understand that innovation starts from the bottom up, rather than from the top.

The best ideas aren’t born from executives dumping a bunch of cash on a project; they grow organically from the ground up.

When an idea really takes off, it usually means that people are passionate about it and respond to it enthusiastically.

An example is Art Basel, one of the largest art fairs in the world, which is held in Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Miami Beach. Many visitors are more interested in the unfunded street artists because they are more “authentic” and genuine.

In fact, this was a key reason for Daymond John’s success with FUBU. Rather than based on the fashion of designers, the clothing was inspired by what people on the streets wore.

Think of your brand as a relationship with your customer; just like any good relationship, it has to be built upon solid foundations. Being true to yourself is the key to a successful relationship; otherwise, the relationship will fail.

Lesson 2: To succeed, you must be hungry and think like a shark

When Rocky lets his success get the best of him, he starts throwing money around and his career collapses. He must re-discover his passion and zeal to win if he wants to get back on top.

A similar principle applies to business, since staying hungry can keep you focused on your growth and real about what is possible.

Consider the Small Business Confidence Score of Capital One Bank. A business’s score is determined by a series of questions about its hiring plans, its future outlook, and its current economic conditions.

Overall confidence is at its highest levels since the 2008 recession, and that’s because small, hungry business owners don’t give up and use small steps to make great strides.

Keep focused on your goal and think like a shark to remain hungry and successful.

On ABC’s reality TV show Shark Tank, entrepreneurs pitch their products and ideas to investors. A lesson the show teaches is that investors are looking for entrepreneurs who understand both their market and their goals.

Among the companies rejected by the show’s investors was Forus, an affordable athletic shoe business, which had its target market down but wanted to expand in a way that would take it outside that market.

Therefore, an investment would have been a disservice since it would have encouraged them to focus on the wrong demographic.

Because of this, entrepreneurs who sell cheap products from their car trunk might have a better chance of finding investors. It shows that they have an excellent understanding of their market when they are able to sell 50 units in under five minutes.

Lesson 3: You may find opportunities others fail to see when you’re at a disadvantage

There are those born with advantages and those born at a disadvantage. No matter where you start out in life, however, don’t let it discourage you.

It is actually possible to succeed despite being at a disadvantage and having few resources.

The odds of immigrants starting their own businesses are twice as high as those of US citizens.

Rocky Aoki immigrated to the United States from Japan in the 1960s, and to pay for restaurant management classes, he rented an ice cream truck to drive around New York City.

He eventually saved up $10,000, which helped convince his father to invest in his restaurant, which eventually became the popular Japanese restaurant chain Benihana.

It was Rocky’s wish for his son, electronic dance musician Steve Aoki, to find his own success without being reliant on Rocky’s wealth.

Steve used the $400 in his pocket to help start a music label called Dim Mak Records with his friends when he was 19 years old. His apartment was packed with up to 13 interns, which was his office.

During Steve’s DJ gigs, the group would self-produce seven-inch singles and sell them out of the back of their car until they were able to afford to produce another.

Even though Steve eventually maxed out ten credit cards, today he has a hugely popular label and lifestyle brand.

It is surprising how much power you have at your disposal when the Aokis demonstrate this.

It’s possible to invest your equity in your home if you’re a homeowner. However, if you’ve taken out a loan, put aside some money until your business earns money so you can make your payments.

You can also earn extra money by doing small things you don’t need.

Maybe you could sell your car if it is just sitting in your garage every day, as Steve Jobs did with his car to purchase the components for the first Apple computer.

Lesson 4: Staying focused on your target audience will help you stay authentic

Even though you may not be noticed or appreciated by everyone, it is important to keep your authenticity.

Acacia Brinley, for instance, was praised for her trend-setting Tumblr page, but also received plenty of criticism. This didn’t stop the “selfie queen” of social media.

It is more important for you to remain true to yourself than pleasing everyone else.

When you are broke, you can’t afford to spend money on fancy things. Put your personality forward by using the Power of Broke and the fact that you can’t lose.

In starting FUBU, Daymond John knew that he would have to compete with other clothing lines for shelf space. His brand, however, allowed him to express how much he valued his community and clothing.

It didn’t cost anything extra to do so. John used the Power of Broke, where he spent very little money very wisely, to prove his authenticity to black people.

FUBU was established in the world of fashion after John gave his clothes away to hip-hop artists. The artists wore them in music videos and cemented FUBU’s place in the industry.

Then he focused on Black Entertainment Television (BET), a cable network that serves the black community.

In this way, John could easily, cheaply, and directly reach his target audience. In the early days, when Nielsen used only a few black households to measure ratings, BET had very few viewers because they charged very little for advertising.

The brand was thus able to reach a large audience for very little money, which was beneficial to FUBU.

You should keep an eye out for opportunities like this when things are looking bleak – ones that allow you to stay true to your market.

Lesson 5: Don’t let debt or funding distract you from your goals

Companies have become accustomed to using “other people’s money” to conduct their business. Despite the fact that funding might seem appealing, there is such a thing as too much assistance.

Make sure you don’t lose control of your business when you consider looking for investors.

If you hire an investor, you must give up a percentage of your business, which may result in reducing your already small profits or causing your company to grow faster than you can handle.

Slow, profitable, and controlled growth is the best kind of growth. In addition, bringing in outside capital means rewriting your business plan, which can cause you to lose focus and control of your business.

Don’t give up on your dream, like Gigi Butler did when funding couldn’t be found.

Despite the fact that banks refused to give Butler a dime, Butler was determined to open a cupcake shop in Nashville. Having worked as a cleaning lady for Nashville’s upper crust, Butler wasn’t able to fund her dream.

Even though she had maxed out credit cards and spent her last thirty dollars, Gigi’s Cupcakes was finally open for business. Soon enough, customers began to line up outside.

Butler was able to repay her credit card debt while still maintaining full control over her business and profits. With 24 stores located in 24 states, Gigi’s Cupcakes generates $35 million in sales each year.

Debt is sometimes unavoidable, so don’t let it get in the way of your dreams.

If you start making a profit, you might feel tempted to reinvest it in your business, or enjoy it. However, the wisest thing to do is to pay off your debts to avoid interest rate eat-up so that your accounts can start looking healthy and prosperous.

Too many businesses have failed because of debts that got out of control, so do not be one of them.

Lesson 6: Companies and entire industries can benefit from the Power of Broke

Thus far, we have seen how the Power of Broke can give hungry and focused entrepreneurs an edge in business – but these same principles can also be applied by major players.

As a matter of fact, many big corporations started as small businesses and should continue to use the same strategies that helped them succeed.

However, when companies become rich, they tend to throw money at problems instead of finding solutions.

In marketing, you could easily waste millions of dollars on ad campaigns and overlook free or low-cost resources like social media.

It is puzzling why 38 percent of the current Fortune 500 companies don’t have an active Twitter account.

Let’s examine a smart campaign from the past, before social media:

General Mills, which has an enormous marketing budget, wanted to bring back its struggling Nature Valley granola bars.

Even though they could have spent millions on advertising in every grocery store, they targeted places where active young people congregate, such as ski resorts and outdoor gear shops. General Mills has since gone on to rank Nature Valley as one of its top-selling brands.

You can also apply the Power of Broke to an entire industry.

From radio and television ads to billboards and magazines, cigarette ads were everywhere in the States at the beginning of 1970, featuring popular icons like the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel.

A few months later, however, the US government announced that advertising restrictions would be tightened for the tobacco industry; at the same time, Chinese cigarette manufacturers planned to make their first foray into the American market.

The American tobacco industry opted not to spend money and hire lobbyists to address this problem, instead accepting the government’s advertising restrictions.

US brands already had a stronghold on the market, and they knew that foreign brands wouldn’t have any chance without billboards and TV commercials.

Lesson 7: Success requires patience to reach all four stages

If you’ve been drinking Coca-Cola for so long, it’s easy to assume it has always been a success. However, Coca-Cola started like any other global brand.

You need to build your brand patiently through four different phases before it can go global.

The first stage is your item, which is your product in its simplest form: no label, no marketing, nothing more than a product that fulfills a need. There might even be no logo or name on your coffee maker.

The second stage is the label, during which you name your product in a way that distinguishes it and makes it memorable. Once customers see it for the first time, they will ask for it by name the next time they are in the store.

As the third stage, you create the brand, which includes a logo and unique design to better identify your product. In this stage, advertising is spent to attract attention to the product, so that it will easily be spotted on a crowded shelf.

Finally, the lifestyle stage occurs when your brand has grown to the point that your customers expect a certain level of quality and service. Nike, Apple, and FUBU are examples of products that can become status symbols at this point.

In each of these phases, companies can take advantage of the Power of Broke to increase their chances of success.

The product might encounter some kind of crisis as it moves through these stages. At this point, you’ll need to exercise patience.

Businesses that survive recessions do so by cutting costs and investing in growth, which can be done by, for example, increasing funding to your research and development department. If you do this, you’ll be prepared to launch when the inevitable upswing arrives.

The office supply chain Staples survived the recession of 2000 by closing underperforming stores and increasing its workforce by 10%. By the end of the recession, Staples was actually more profitable than before the recession.

Lesson 8: You can’t go wrong by embracing your limitations now and starting your own business

Technological advancements are becoming more and more commonplace these days. Small businesses are in a great position right now, since it’s easier than ever to get access to funding.

Firstly, technology has an extremely low cost.

Online data storage and website maintenance are becoming easier and cheaper every year, so it becomes less risky and costly to take potentially lucrative risks.

Small businesses can also raise money for their ideas with crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, which give them strict control while raising funds.

Honey Flow is just one example of a successful crowdfunding campaign. They posted a 5-minute video to Indiegogo about their dream to start a beekeeping and honey extraction company. They hoped to raise $70,000 to make it to the label phase, but ended up raising $12 million, making it the most successful Indiegogo campaign ever.

Today, it is easier than ever to turn creativity into success, even if you aren’t particularly skilled.

The founder of FUBU’s clothing line, Daymond John, could not draw or sew beyond a straight line.

It’s possible for short basketball players who can’t compete with taller peers to achieve success with their speed and agility, or possibly by managing or coaching a team if they’re passionate enough about the game.

But one of the best ways to succeed is to come up with creative solutions to help those in need.

The founder of Dell Computers, Michael Dell, wasn’t a computer genius; his aim was to create a computer that would be easier to use.

To become a successful entrepreneur, you do not need to be rich or a genius. You don’t need a lot of money or skills to be a Power of Broke, only a bit of creativity and the ability to overcome challenges along the way.

It doesn’t matter what you do, there is nothing to lose – and no limit to what you can achieve.

Final Summary

Starting a business doesn’t require much money. Without money, budding entrepreneurs are forced to come up with innovative solutions that otherwise would not have occurred to them.

In the business world there will always be challenges, but you can prepare for them by using the Power of Broke.

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The Power of Broke – Actionable Books

“The choice of whether to succeed – or not – is all mine.” – The Power of Broke, page 5

Daymond John, the founder and CEO of FUBU and star of ABC’s Shark Tank, shares with us his own life and business experiences in his book The Power of Broke. “The People’s Shark”, as he is often referred to as, shows us how to leverage the “power of broke” mindset, which led him to be one of the most successful entrepreneurs and business influencers of his day.

Throughout this book, the author interviews 14 other successful people (who come from all different fields) to learn how they’ve leveraged the power of broke throughout their lives. Among others, Daymond interviews Steve Aoki, Rob Dyrdek, Jay Abraham, Tim Ferriss, and Mark Burnett.

Each interview covers its own unique topic but each is an important ingredient of success. This book is an easy and engaging read. I’ll bet if you’ve ever seen an episode of Shark Tank with Daymond, it won’t feel like you’re reading, it will feel like he is talking directly to you. You will walk away with some simple principles that will help you to maximize your current position and go after the things you want most in life.

The Power of Broke PDF Summary – Daymond John

3 min read ⌚

How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage

“The Power of Broke” shows you how you can learn some lessons by being broke, and use them to pave the way to your success.

About Daymond John & Daniel Paisner

Daymond John

is an investor, the founder of FUBU, entrepreneur , and one of the panelists on ABC’s Shark Tank


Daniel Paisner is a writer and a prolific collaborator in the publishing world.

“The Power of Broke Summary”

We all love those rags-to-riches stories about a now-wealthy entrepreneur who started from the bottom.

These stories are truly motivating and inspiring in the first moment, but then they are easily considered as something that has happened due to chance, and to only a “happy few.”

Even if that is the case, it is still true that being broke holds an immense power, which can help us achieve greatness.

We know it may sound illogical, but, when people face a limitation, such as shortness on resources, they are pushed to become more creative and imaginative, thinking of ideas which they would otherwise never come up with.

Innovation and ideas stream from a singular vision that moves from the bottom up and are not connected to money.

In fact, when an idea takes off, it is not because of the money that founded it, but because of people’s enthusiastic responses to it.

So, yes, being hungry can push you to focus on progress and growth, while at the same time helping you stay realistic and observant of what is within your reach.

We cannot all be equal but do not be disappointed if you have not been born with certain advantages that other people have.

Even if you have to work harder to get to the top, it will pay off, since when you have nothing to lose, you can only go up.

There will be people who will not recognize your vision, and not believe in you, but you have to stay true to yourself and persist. Remember that your goal is not pleasing everyone, but making yourself happy.

The best growth is slow and incremental.

Yet, many companies use other people’s money to conduct business.

And yes, we agree that the thought of finding an investor might sound appealing, but be careful that you do not risk losing control of your company.

It all comes at a certain price.

What you need to do is decide how much you are willing to pay.

Key Lessons from “The Power of Broke”

1. The Plan to Success

2. Dealing with Debts

3. Phases Your Brand Needs to Go Through Before It Can Go Global

The Plan to Success

Know where you are going: define your goal

Research the market

Stay passionate

Remember that you are the brand. Act like it.

Keep pushing yourself forward.

Dealing with Debts

Do not be scared of debts, since debts are not that easy to avoid.

But, when you do turn a profit, resist the urge to put it back in your business. Instead, use it to pay off your debts, so interest rates do not “eat you up.”

Do not let yourself go under because of debt, as many companies do.

Phases Your Brand Needs to Go Through Before It Can Go Global





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