Recon Ron Program | Recon Ron Method In Action 244 개의 가장 정확한 답변

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The Recon Ron Pullup Program – Get Strong

The Recon Ron Pullup program is used by the military all the time. The program is to be performed every week with only Sunday for rest.

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Date Published: 12/20/2022

View: 3016

Recon Ron 2.0: How to Get in Shape with Little Time or …

The process we’re going to follow is what I now call Recon Ron 2.0. It’s a circuit of clean and jerks, pull-ups, and front squats. Each workout …

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Date Published: 4/22/2022

View: 96

Recon Ron (Pullup Program) | Primary & Secondary Forum

The Pull Up is the event which gauges upper body strength by the Marine Corps value system on our annual Physical Fitness Test and every …

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Date Published: 4/5/2022

View: 230

Recon Ron Pull-up Program – Pinterest

Mar 15, 2014 – The Setup To successfully use the Recon Ron Pull-up Program, one must follow the table below by doing five sets of pull-ups a night except …

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Date Published: 4/12/2022

View: 7046

Recon Ron Revisited – Sustainable Evolution –

In this post from 2013 I extolled the virtues of the Recon Ron Pull-Up Program as featured in the December, 1981 edition of Marine Corps …

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Date Published: 7/6/2021

View: 3431

Bodyweight – Recon Ron Program Question – StrongFirst

Hello! I hope everyone spent a good Christmas! I have a question about my training plan. It’s almost 6 weeks i’m following the Recon Ron …

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Date Published: 8/30/2022

View: 4839

The Recon Ron Pullup Program – GUARANTEED to have you …

If you follow the Recon Ron program exactly, it doesn’t matter if you’re a fat body, you will be at 20 pullups within 5 months if you follow the …

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Date Published: 12/17/2022

View: 879

주제와 관련된 이미지 recon ron program

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Recon Ron method in action. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Recon Ron method in action
Recon Ron method in action

주제에 대한 기사 평가 recon ron program

  • Author: Mac’s Athletic
  • Views: 조회수 105회
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  • Date Published: 2022. 5. 19.
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The Recon Ron Pullup Program

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Take You Pull-ups To THe Next Level Recon Ron Pull-up Program

The Recon Ron Pullup program is used by the military all the time. The program is to be performed every week with only Sunday for rest. The program runs for 38 weeks.

Well the Recon Ron Pullup Program is not as big as Armstrong Pullup Program many people I know have experienced very significant and very dramatic gains and improvements on the Recon Ron program.

the Recon Ron Pullup Program is also a long-term program, unlike the Armstrong Pullup Program is used for short term use.

If you find that you are not able to progress to the next week’s prescribed amount of pull-ups, then repeat the routine of the week you just completed and then try moving to the next week again.

Before somebody can use the Recon Ron Pullup Program, they need to be able to do six dead hang pullups.

Week One example

Each week has you doing five sets for the number of repetitions shown in the graph. So for the first week, you will begin with a set of six. Take 1-minute rest, then complete the next two sets of five with a minute of rest between each. Followed by a set 4 and then 3 for a total of 23 pull-ups each day during the first week.

Recon Ron Pullup Program Weekly Breakdown

Rules For The Recon Ron Pullup Program

You have as much time as you need

shirts are removed to ensure the lockout of the elbows with each repetition

At no point is your chin allowed to rest on the bar.

Assistance to get into the pull-up position is allowed such as a stepping stool or lifted to the bar, but can not be used to help achieve the first pull-up () you must start from a dead hang.

Grasp the bar with your palms facing forward or to the rear.

Have your arms fully extended and feet free from touching the ground or any assisting mount with the body motionless, you are now in the starting position.

Your legs can be straight or bent but are not allowed to be above the waist.

Whipping, kicking, kipping, or any leg movement seen to assist with vertical progression is not allowed and if observed that pull-up will result in no count for that pull-up.

A repetition requires raising your body until your chin is above the bar, then lowering until your arms are fully extended, and the body is once again at a dead hang.

The purpose of the marine pull-up event is to determine the number of complete pull-ups the Marine can perform. By using the Recon Ron Pullup Program, you should have no problem completing 20 or more pull-ups.

Recon Ron 2.0: How to Get in Shape with Little Time or Equipment

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I am not usually a fan of minimal plans. My belief is that when you remove a lot from training plans, you open the body to injury and overuse.

However, there are times when you need to get in, get it done, and move on. Often these times come when you have little in the way of equipment, like when on holidays or when deployed.

The following is a plan you can use to stay in top shape while training in a very small time frame using only two kettlebells and a pull-up bar. Oh, and don’t forget to pack your running shoes, too.

The Original Recon Ron Program

The basis of this program is the famous Recon Ron pull-up program. It’s been credited many times to various people, but its real origins lie with the Marines.

Note: The program begins with the requirement of being able to perform 6 pull-ups. For reference, if your chest doesn’t touch the bar, it’s not counted. All pull-ups need to be performed from a dead hang with feet off the floor.

The program is pretty simple. You begin week one by performing a set of 6, then 5, 5 again, 4, and a final set of 3. Week by week, this ramps up until you are able to achieve 20 dead hang pull-ups.

While the plan is great — and has worked for every single person I’ve ever told to do it — it’s not enough. You’ve got some other muscles that need attention, too. That’s why we’re going to add the double kettlebell clean and jerk and front squats.

Recon Ron 2.0

The process we’re going to follow is what I now call Recon Ron 2.0. It’s a circuit of clean and jerks, pull-ups, and front squats. Each workout follows the same set-and-rep scheme you’d usually use for the normal Recon Ron pull-up plan.

So, for the first week of training, each workout looks like this:

Clean and jerks – 6 reps

Pull-ups – 6 reps

Front squats – 6 reps

Clean and jerks – 5 reps

Pull-ups – 5 reps

Front squats – 5 reps

Clean and jerks – 5 reps

Pull-ups – 5 reps

Front squats – 5 reps

Clean and jerks – 4 reps

Pull-ups – 4 reps

Front squats – 4 reps

Clean and jerks – 3 reps

Pull-ups – 3 reps

Front squats – 3 reps

Fall in a heap

Perform this workout three or four time per week. On alternate days, perform some MAF running for 20-30 minutes.

Instructions on Following Recon Ron 2.0

Because your arms are going to be smoked by the clean and jerks and front squats, I’d suggest that unlike the normal Recon Ron plan, you are probably going to want to be able to do 8-10 pull-ups before you begin this program.

Begin with a weight for clean and jerks that you can get 6-8 reps with fairly comfortably.

Squat with the same kettlebells you use for the clean and jerks.

Rest as required during the circuit. However, because we are trying to kill as many birds as possible with the fewest stones you should try to push the pace if you can. You’ll find the descending reps allow you to keep going at a slightly faster pace than straight sets would.

Warm up with some hanging and thoracic spine extension work to help you achieve a good overhead position for the clean and jerks. Some extra ankle mobility wouldn’t hurt either.

If you want to be a super-stud, try either performing this program while wearing a weight vest or by including a 5km run before or after. (For genuine tough guys, do the runs in the weight vest, too).

If you want to run this program longer than a month or so, I suggest that you go up in weight when you get to sets of 10. Add weight to your pull-ups and go up a kettlebell size for the squats and clean and jerks. Keep following that pattern every time you get to 10s.

If you ever get to performing this routine with 32s for the clean and jerks and squats while wearing a 10kg weight vest, while also doing a 5km run after in the vest, please let me know.

Recon Ron (Pullup Program)

Recon Ron Pullup Program Weekly Breakdown

You need to be able to perform 6 pull ups in order to begin the program.

You have as much time as you need.

At no point is your chin allowed to rest on the bar.

Assistance to get into the pull-up position is allowed such as a stepping stool or lifted to the bar, but can not be used to help achieve the first pull-up, you must start from a dead hang.

Grasp the bar with your palms facing forward or to the rear.

Have your arms fully extended and feet free from touching the ground or any assisting mount with the body motionless, you are now in the starting position.

Your legs can be straight or bent but are not allowed to be above the waist.

Whipping, bicycle kicking, or kipping is not allowed and if observed that pull-up will result in no count for that pull-up.

A repetition requires raising your body until your chin is above the bar, then lowering until your arms are fully extended, and the body is once again at a dead hang.

I offer the following to any all individuals here interested in establishing dominance over that classic benchmark of fitness and upper body strength, the Pull Up Bar.For backstory: I am currently in my 19th year of service in the mighty fine United States Marine Corps, I also spent 4 years in another military program geared toward preparing myself for a long and prosperous career of crayon eating, “YUT/KILL!!!” screaming, goofy haircuts, waking up insanely early, and high functioning alcoholism. The Pull Up is the event which gauges upper body strength by the Marine Corps value system on our annual Physical Fitness Test and every correctly performed repetition is awarded 5 points toward the overall score. Giving rise to its unofficial title “The Money Maker”. (Abdominal Crunches being referred to as “The Freebie” and the 3 Mile Run as “The Suckfest” or just “The Suck”.) I was introduced to the Recon Ron Pull Up Program by a fellow Officer during my tour at MCRD Parris Island, SC and ever since I adopted it I have never failed to achieve the Maximum number of Pull Ups for my age group on the PFT. (Typically 20, though the USMC recently changed the standards in order to fuck with us. Consult the USMC website to receive the Max value for your age group.)***Note: In my personal experience I have never progressed beyond “Week 13” in preparing for the PFT and have had no issue executing 20 pull ups for a perfect score. When I am not preparing for the PFT I typically only do pullups 3 days a week (as opposed to 5 when in training) and I pick Weeks 4-6 to be my “maintenance” sets.RULES/STANDARDS:I hope this helps folks increase their pull up count. Especially current/future Marines, Paratroopers, Ranger studs, and LE/Fire/EMS who have programs that require pullups as part of their physical assessments!- Payback sends

Recon Ron Revisited

In this post from 2013 I extolled the virtues of the Recon Ron Pull-Up Program as featured in the December, 1981 edition of Marine Corps Gazette. Over time I have found the set and repetition scheme of the Recon Ron Pull-Up program to be useful for other things. For example, I may do the Recon Ron set and repetition scheme with both pull-ups and a single kettlebell strict overhead press. I may double the Recon Ron set and repetition scheme for use with kettlebell swings. I may half the Recon Ron set and repetition scheme with very challenging weights or exercises. Based upon my use of the Recon Ron set and repetition scheme I made this spreadsheet which illustrates Recon Ron, Double Ron, and Half Ron I hope you find it useful. (Yes I know you can’t really do half a repetition — I was using a spreadsheet program! Give a guy a break!) One more thing, it is often nice to change the order of the sets described below. Instead of doing 1-2-3-4-5 as the order I like to start at the ends and work my way to the middle by doing 1-5-2-4-3 as this helps in fatigue management.

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Bodyweight – Recon Ron Program Question

Hello! I hope everyone spent a good Christmas!

I have a question about my training plan. It’s almost 6 weeks i’m following the Recon Ron Template with these exercises:

Pull Ups


Diamond Push Ups

The goal is to gain strength with basic exercises before attempting weighted/harder variations…so I want to reach 20 pull ups, 25/30 Dips and Diamond Push Ups before adding weight (10kg) and begin again the same template, because I really really like the program!

Now my question: the program calls for 5 sets of BW exercises pyramiding down from the hardest set (for example this week was 9/7/6/5/5 reps), repeated for 6 days with 1 day of rest….i’m Not totally happy about my reps this week, I feel i’m Not owning the hardest set…so, is it wise to repeat again the week before adding reps or should I advance to next week, considering I’ve always completed all sets and reps?

Thanks a lot!!

GUARANTEED to have you doing 20 pullups

Originally Posted by drillinstructor Originally Posted by

I have my own pull-up program I did with recruits and it works the best. I have tried them all with the recruits and the most gain I had was by using the below program.

Depending on the amount of pullups you do right now when u first get on the bar will be your start point.

Here is the start numbers and I will explain below.

1-5 (50)

6-10 (75)

11-15 (100)

16-20 (150)

The number to the left is how many you can do right now and the number in parenthesis is the number of pull-ups you will do for the workout.

1. Jump on the bar and do a max set You will rest for 60 secs and during that rest do at least 25 crunches but NO PUSHUPS.

2. Keeping the number you finished with jump back up and do another max set. You will rest again for 60 secs and do your crunches. You continue to do MAX SET each time you get on the bar until you have reached the number in parenthesis.

Continue your sets no matter how many times you have to get on the bar. Even if you jump up and only do 1, oh well keep doing it.

If for some reason you can not even do 1 when you get on the bar, take longer rest but if you do this, you better double the workout because you suck.

Do this every other day for 1 month and then take 4 days off and start again.


Semper Fi!!!!

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