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by Rita Dove

rita dove daystar 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Daystar – Rita Dove – United States of America

She wanted a little room for thinking; but she saw diapers steaming on the line, a doll slumped behind the door. … to sit out the children’s naps. … she’d see …

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Source: www.poetryinternational.com

Date Published: 10/28/2022

View: 3489

Daystar by Rita Dove – Poem Analysis

‘Daystar’ by Rita Dove is a powerful and moving poem. It describes a mother’s life and the only moment of peace she has throughout her entire day.

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Source: poemanalysis.com

Date Published: 3/23/2022

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DAYSTAR by Rita Dove. – African American Registry

Poems by Author … She wanted a little room for thinking: but she saw diapers steaming on the line, a doll slumped behind the door. … to sit out the children’s …

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Source: aaregistry.org

Date Published: 11/30/2021

View: 4878

POeT SHOTS – ‘”Daystar ” by Rita Dove – Mad Poets Society

POeT SHOTS is a monthly series published on the first Monday of the month. It features work by established writers followed by commentary …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: www.madpoetssociety.com

Date Published: 6/23/2021

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Daystar by Rita Dove – Goodreads

Daystar · Get A Copy · Friend Reviews · Reader Q&A · Lists with This Book · Community Reviews · new topic · Discuss This Book · About Rita Dove.

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Source: www.goodreads.com

Date Published: 4/2/2021

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Daystar Rita Dove Analysis – 529 Words | Internet Public Library

Daystar by Rita Dove is a free poem that effectively uses symbolism, imagery and tone to tell the story of a woman that is searching for a place she …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: www.ipl.org

Date Published: 5/19/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 rita dove daystar

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Daystar ~ Rita Dove. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Daystar  ~  Rita Dove
Daystar ~ Rita Dove

주제에 대한 기사 평가 rita dove daystar

  • Author: The J Sessions
  • Views: 조회수 3,839회
  • Likes: 좋아요 21개
  • Date Published: 2016. 3. 13.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1egxnZzdiE


Morgenster Ze wilde wat ruimte om te denken;

maar ze zag luiers dampend aan de lijn,

een pop neergekwakt achter de deur.

Dus sleepte ze een stoel achter de garage

om daar te zitten als de kinderen dutten.

Soms waren er dingen om naar te kijken –

het verschrompelde harnas van een dode krekel,

een zwevend esdoornblad. Op andere dagen

staarde ze tot ze zeker wist dat ze

wanneer ze haar ogen sloot

alleen haar eigen sterke bloed zou zien.

Ze had een uur, hooguit, voor Liza verscheen

pruilend bovenaan de trap.

En wat moest mama toch

daarachter bij de veldmuizen? Nou,

een paleis bouwen. Later

die avond toen Thomas opzij rolde en

zich in haar rommelde, opende ze haar ogen

en dacht ze aan de plek die van haar was

een uur lang – de plek waar

ze niets was,

volmaakt niets, midden op de dag.

© Vertaling: 2019, Jabik Veenbaas

Daystar by Rita Dove

The speaker has an intimate understanding of this woman’s life. They know where she goes throughout the day and how she feels. They’re able to describe what she experiences when she’s with her children and when she’s outside, building an imaginary palace to return to when she’s thrust back into her life in ‘Daystar.’


‘Daystar’ by Rita Dove describes the hour of peace and nothingness that a mother and wife has to herself during the day.

The speaker spends the lines of this poem taking the reader through the moments surrounding a woman’s favorite time of the day. It’s not one that brings her joy or pleasure. But, it is one that brings her silence and nothingness. When her children are sleeping, she can sit outside behind the garage and stare at the soft movements of the natural world or at nothing at all. It’s this time of day she casts herself back to when she deals with her children and husband at other points during the day.

You can read the full poem here.

Detailed Analysis

Stanzas One and Two

She wanted a little room for thinking; but she saw diapers steaming on the line, (…) to sit out the children’s naps.

In the first two stanzas of the poem, the speaker begins by noting that she wanted room to think. The only time she had a chance to do this was when the “children” were napping. She moved a child’s chair, too small for her, out into the yard. There, she could sit “behind the garage” and have a few moments to herself. The poet uses imagery in these lines showing how no matter where the mother goes, she can’t get away from evidence of her motherhood or her responsibility to her children.

Stanza Three

Sometimes there were things to watch – the pinched armor of a vanished cricket, (…) when she closed her eyes she’d see only her own vivid blood.

In the third stanza, the speaker adds that when the woman is outside there are sometimes things to watch but not always. She might see a the “pinched armour of a vanished cricket” or a maple leaf floating through the air. These peaceful images are contrasted with her “own vivid blood.” She would stare off into the distance, experiencing the intensity of her own suffocating life, loneliness, and brief freedom.

Stanza Four

She had an hour, at best, before Liza appeared (…) out back with the field mice? Why,

In the fourth stanza, the speaker notes that this woman had “an hour, at best” before her child, Liza, woke up and expected her mother to come back inside. The child can’t understand why her mother would be outside “with the field mice.” The child uses an accusatory tone, suggesting that her mother is doing something wrong by being outside and not being inside, where she’s supposed to be at all times.

Stanza Five

building a palace. Later that night when Thomas rolled over and lurched into her, she would open her eyes (…) she was nothing, pure nothing, in the middle of the day.

In the fifth stanza, the speaker takes the reader forward into the woman’s evening and her interaction with her husband in bed. She would take herself back to the time she spent outside, “building a palace” and think about the “place that was hers.” It is a brief moment in time in her daily life but it is the only thing that belongs entirely to her.

When there, she’s not a wife or mother. She’s not expected to do anything or be anyone. She’s “nothing, / pure nothing, in the middle of the day.”

Structure and Form

‘Daystar’ by Rita Dove is a five-stanza poem that is divided into uneven stanzas. The first stanza contains three lines, the second: two, the third: six, the fourth: four, and the fifth: seven. The poem is written in what is known as free verse. This means that there is no rhyme scheme or metrical pattern. The lines use different endings and are different lengths.

Literary Devices

Throughout ‘Daystar,’ the poet engages with several literary devices. These include but are not limited to:

Alliteration : occurs when the poet repeats the same consonant sound at the beginning of words. For example, “steaming” in line two of the first stanza and “slumped” in line three of the first stanza.

: occurs when the poet repeats the same consonant sound at the beginning of words. For example, “steaming” in line two of the first stanza and “slumped” in line three of the first stanza. Imagery : can be seen when the poet uses especially effective descriptions. These should inspire readers to imagine the scene in detail, using their senses. For example, “she saw diapers steaming on the line, / a doll slumped behind the door” and “the pinched armor of a vanished cricket, / a floating maple leaf.”

: can be seen when the poet uses especially effective descriptions. These should inspire readers to imagine the scene in detail, using their senses. For example, “she saw diapers steaming on the line, / a doll slumped behind the door” and “the pinched armor of a vanished cricket, / a floating maple leaf.” Enjambment: occurs when the poet cuts off a line before its natural stopping point. For example, the transition between lines one and two of the second stanza and lines three and four of the third stanza.


What is the theme of ‘Daystar?’ The themes are motherhood and oppression. The speaker is oppressed by the life she’s a part of. So much so to where one hour of time in the backyard is the only freedom she gets in a day. Who is the speaker in ‘Daystar?’ The speaker is a mother and wife. She’s resigned to her life of caring for her children and her husband. She uses these lines to describe her life in clear and depressing detail. What is the purpose of ‘Daystar?’ The purpose is to describe and emphasize the nature of a housewife’s life and duties. Her life is not her own. She cares for her children, is used by her husband, and is left with only a brief moment to herself every day. What is the tone of ‘Daystar?’ The tone is resigned and descriptive. The speaker addresses the facets of her life clearly. She doesn’t try to make anything sound worse or better than it is. Her life is her life, and she gets very brief moments to herself. What is the mood of ‘Daystar?’ The mood is contemplative and sympathetic. The reader is likely going to walk away from this poem feeling bad for the speaker. Her life is entirely taken up by the needs of other people. The tiny hour she had for herself was far from enough.

Similar Poetry

Readers who enjoyed ‘Daystar’ should also consider reading some other Rita Dove poems. For example:

‘Voiceover’ – explores the impossible beauty of nature, discussing the impossibility of remembering such incredible sights.

‘American Smooth’ – a thought-provoking poem in which Dove describes a memorable moment between two dance partners.

‘Canary’ – a short poem that commemorates the life of Billie Holiday, an African American jazz singer.

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DAYSTAR by Rita Dove.

She wanted a little room for thinking:

but she saw diapers steaming on the line,

a doll slumped behind the door.

So she lugged a chair behind the garage

to sit out the children’s naps.

Sometimes there were things to watch-

the pinched armor of a vanished cricket,

a floating maple leaf. Other days

she starred until she was assured

when she closed her eyes

she’d see only her own vivid blood.

She had a hour at best before Liza appeared

pouting from the top of the stairs.

And just what was mother doing

out back with the field mice? Why,

building a palace. Later

that night when Thomas rolled over and

lurched into her, she would open her eyes

and think of the place that was hers

for an hour-where

she was nothing,

pure nothing, in the middle of the day….


Rita Dove

‘”Daystar ” by Rita Dove — Mad Poets Society

Peace: it is something we all want.

The character in Rita Dove’s poem seeks nothing more than peace, a touch of peace amidst a life of responsibility and disappointment. To her, peace comes in the form of those quiet moments squeezed in between the structures in her life, the needs of her husband and children. She sits watching the “crickets,” or simply staring, enjoying the emptiness of the moment. But it is always a time with an expiration date. Within an hour, others dictate when her peace ends, and her day continues.

It’s funny to think about doing nothing as an art, but that is exactly what it is. We are so conditioned with the necessity of doing things that when we are faced with nothing to do, we don’t know what to do. If you’re anything like this blogger, you spend the time thinking about what you’ll do when the break is over. It’s a world we have created, but it is one that is mentally unsustainable.

I’m sure the character in the poem would feel the same, only for her it is amplified by lack of opportunity. The very things that bring joy to so many – marriage, children – are sucking the life out of this woman. Whatever dreams she had, whatever she wanted to do with her life, are relegated to the “palace” that she creates in her mind as she sits in her yard. Were this character alive today, some would tell her that she should practice self-care, but we forget that self-care is in itself a privilege, one that not everyone is able to enjoy.

What things trap us? What things create the boundaries of our lives? If we are honest, and if we are brave enough to think about these things, the answers may surprise us.


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Daystar Rita Dove Analysis – 529 Words

Daystar by Rita Dove is a freestyle poem that effectively uses symbolism, imagery and tone to tell the story of a woman that is searching for a place she can call her own, for just a few minutes, while she escapes from the overwhelming pressures of her everyday life. Throughout the poem she remains nameless; she has lost her identity and she longs for the days before she became someone’s wife and mother . In the first stanza of Daystar, Dove begins the poem by showing us how exhausted, not only physically but mentally, the woman is. “She wanted a little room for thinking, but she saw diaper steaming on the line.” (Mays 736) This line refers to her need for time to think but she knows that she still has chores waiting for her that need to

Dove uses sarcasm to show the mother’s feelings when she imagines what her daughter will say when she discovers her mother out behind the garage. “And just what was mother doing out back with the field mice? Why, building a palace.” (Mays 736) This shows that the woman is tired and has very little patience for any innocent questions her daughter might have. Later that evening, as she unhappily accepts her husband’s unwanted attention, she uses her imagination to escape the situation. “She would open her eyes and think of the place that was hers for an hour-where she was nothing, pure nothing, in the middle of the day.” (Mays 376) The woman appears nameless throughout the poem, and this line signifies that she longs for the time when she could go back to being nameless again. As she is being, I hesitate to use the word raped.by her husband, she imagines she is back behind the garage for just that one hour. There she is just a nameless, faceless person. She is not someone’s wife or someone’s mother. She is just

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