Trigglypuff Cora Segal | Trigglypuff 상위 283개 베스트 답변

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d여기에서 TrigglyPuff – trigglypuff cora segal 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Hampshire College student Cora Segal has become internet infamous as ‘TrigglyPuff’

trigglypuff cora segal 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

When will Cora Segal, who has been called ‘Trigglypuff’ by the …

Never because she is not a hero. She’s a horrifically whiny brat who thinks it is revolutionary to shout obscenities during a discussion panel.

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Date Published: 9/29/2022

View: 524

Cora Segal (@Cora_Segal) / Twitter

Cora Segal. @Cora_Segal. Human rights activist, and all around superwoman. 😉 I’m not going to answer any hate mail on this twitter so don’t bother trying …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 4/13/2021

View: 6650

Trigglypuff / Cora Gales / Cora Miriam / Cora Segal | Page 9

Cora Segal ’11 was an Emerging Leader with SLP this past summer, where she lead a peer action group on the Occupy movement. She is currently a first-year at …

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 10/1/2022

View: 9296

The unfortunate SJW Trigglypuff (Cora Segal) and her …

What the hell happened within this generation? Read about the late Professor Segal and then marvel at his disturbed offspring.

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Date Published: 5/12/2022

View: 563

#cora segal | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgir

This is set about a year before the events of Perfect Match. Word Count: ~1600. Tumblr media. Damien carefully adjusts the lens on his camera, trying to catch …

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Date Published: 10/1/2021

View: 3325

Trigglypuff (Cora Segal) Wiki & Bio – Everipedia

Cora Segal, better known as Trigglyuff, is a feminist, radical activist, and social justice warrior. She came to prominence after her outburst at The …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 10/26/2022

View: 1760

TrigglyPuff, The Worst Social Justice Warrior Ever : r/Libertarian

The Internet Gave Hampshire College SJW Cora Segal A New Name – TrigglyPuff, The Worst Social Justice Warrior Ever.

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Date Published: 10/10/2021

View: 7649

General – internet famous : where are they now? | TMMAC

trigglypuff (cora segal but also uses cora gales, cora miriam) then : now: Click to expand… WTF?????? Agree.

+ 더 읽기


Date Published: 6/12/2021

View: 9397

Trigglypuff (Cora Segal) and friends revisted – Jennie Chenkin

We would be negligent not to see what our men hating lesbian ‘social justice warriors’ are up to. For all of you fat people exploiters and …

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Date Published: 9/21/2021

View: 7049

Cora Segal Archives – Biting the Bullet

The insightful and humorous panel discussion, featuring Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder, can be seen here: The …

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 5/24/2021

View: 8218

주제와 관련된 이미지 trigglypuff cora segal

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 TrigglyPuff. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.


주제에 대한 기사 평가 trigglypuff cora segal

  • Author: Ace Ventura
  • Views: 조회수 4,116회
  • Likes: 좋아요 29개
  • Date Published: 2016. 5. 10.
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Trigglypuff / Cora Gales / Cora Miriam / Cora Segal

Cora Segal ’11 was an Emerging Leader with SLP this past summer, where she lead a peer action group on the Occupy movement. She is currently a first-year at Smith College and will be a featured speaker at the March against Rape Culture and Gender Inequality at Boston Common on October 13.

How did your experience at the City School impact and shape your life?

Working at TCS was a life changing experience. It put me on the same level in organizing as people with more and less privilege than me. Before, any type of project for change that I had done, youth were divided by systems of oppression (class, race, gender, size, sexual orientation). The City School made sure to create a safe community where those hierarchies did not exist (or at least we aimed for them to not exist). Also, TCS gave me a voice for my own oppression as a woman. The TCS community taught me how my oppression is so connected to everyone else’s oppression and that everyone else’s fight is my fight and vice versa.

What’s your favorite memory of the City School?

So many! Probably sharing freedom stories this at the beginning of the retreat. We had 80 people from very different backgrounds in one room but after sharing intense, personal experiences, it opened our eyes to how we’re all impacted by a racist, sexist, heterosexist, capitalist system.

How have you continued your commitment to social justice beyond the City School?

I’ve been in involved with Occupy Boston. I’m in college now, I have joined a socialist organization, as well as an anarchist organization. I am also going to speak at a feminist march against gender inequality and rape culture.

If you could have a cup of coffee with one social justice activist, who would you choose?

That’s a tough question! Probably Rigoberta Menchú, who is an indigenous, feminist, leftist activist from Guatemala.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I’d like to become a radical therapist, someone who helps people psychologically through an anti-oppression, anti capitalist way. So, I see myself studying that in grad school, continuing to try and be a white ally and participating in various activist organizations.

Profile Created September 2012

The unfortunate SJW Trigglypuff (Cora Segal) and her accomplished erudite father, Charles Paul Segal

How is it any different from when a gentile criticizes Israel?

They’re all hysterical totalitarians when their views are questioned:

Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs

I hate two thirds of those speakers, but they still had the right to be there.

So how’s the cow? Same as you. Everyday they have to convince her she’s a cow. 50 First Dates (2004) dir. Peter Segal

mrswalkerwritesagain · 3 years ago Text

Tequila Truths – Damien x Gabi

Prompts: Drunkenly confessing feelings from @cora-nova and You caught me doing something dangerous flipped out from an anon. Thank you for the prompts! I hope you like this!

This is set about a year before the events of Perfect Match.

Word Count: ~1600

Damien carefully adjusts the lens on his camera, trying to catch the money shot of Mrs. Cynthia Dyer cheating on Mr. David Dyer with Mr. Dyer’s half brother. It’s honestly not the most salacious job he’s ever taken, far from it, but it still leaves him with that pit in stomach, humanity sucks feeling that most of his cases give him. That’s the burden of being a PI though. Dyer’s half brother has just arrived at the seedy City Center Motel when Damien’s phone buzzes on the seat beside him.

“Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now,” he mutters. “I’m busy getting paid to be a peeping tom.”

Damien starts snapping rapid-fire photos of Mrs. Dyer opening the door and enveloping the half brother in a passionate embrace and the phone stops buzzing briefly before starting up again. Damien snatches it up and answers without looking at the caller ID.


“Are you Mr. Damien Nazario?”

“Maybe. Who’s asking?”

“Mr. Nazario, this is Gwen at St. Vincent’s Hospital. You’re listed as an emergency contact for Gabriela Park.”

“Gabi?” Damien’s breath catches sharply in his chest. “Is she okay? What happened?

“She’s currently admitted to our ER with some hand lacerations and she’s receiving fluids since she came in quite inebriated. We tried to reach her first contact, but there was no answer. Will you be able to come and pick her up?”

“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Damien says, adrenaline and worry making him fumble as he starts his car and heads to the hospital. Gabi, what did you do?


At St. Vincent’s Hospital, Damien is a little more gruff with the staff than they probably deserve, but he can’t relax until he sees Gabi, until he knows she’s okay. He barks her name at the registration staff who call back to have a nurse come get him. He paces the ER waiting room anxiously until a young guy in gray-green scrubs calls his name and leads him through a labyrinth of hallways to a small, curtained-off bed where Gabi lays on her side, watching an old episode of The Crown and The Flame on a TV mounted to the wall.


She looks up and blinks a few times before smiling sleepily at him.

“Heeeeyyy,” she slurs, “Damien! It’s you! I knew you’d come. I told them you’d come. Nadia sleeps like a log, but I knew you’d come for me.”

“Yeah, of course, always,” Damien nods his thanks to the nurse and sits beside Gabi. He looks down at her, something more than friendly concern coursing through him. She looks so small curled up on this hospital bed. Her makeup is smudged and there are dark circles under her eyes. Both of her hands are wrapped in thick layers of gauze. He picks one of them up and holds it between his hands.

“What the hell happened to you?”

“I fell down.”

“Yeah, I kind of assumed that. How? Why? Why are you drunk off your ass on a Tuesday at 2:00 in the morning?” he drops into interrogation mode far more easily than he’d care to admit. Old habits refuse to die and he carefully watches as she answers him, looking for the truth behind her words.

“I…ugh…I….” Gabi frowns deeply, looking away from him as an embarrassed look colors her features. “I found out that stupid Andrew has been cheating on me.”

Damien has to bite his tongue from saying I told you so. He’d hated Andrew the Asshole on sight. Nadia had teased him it was because he “liked” Gabi, which made him sound like a lovestruck middle schooler, and she was totally wrong. He’d hated Andrew because he was a dick, a dude-bro, and a Yankees fan. While Damien never wants Gabi to hurt, he’s relieved that her latest boyfriend is out of their lives.

“I know there’s more to the story than that,” he urges Gabi to continue. “I mean you didn’t shatter a wine bottle with your bare hands, did you?”

“No, no wine,” Gabi laughs a little and then cringes, “but there was tequila involved. A lot of tequila which gave me the idea to find him and let him have it. So I went to Segal’s. Down by the docks.”

“What?” Damien shouts, jumping from the bed and glaring down at Gabi. “What were doing in a place like that? Jesus Christ, Gabi! Do you know what kind of shit goes down there? You could have been hurt! Why didn’t you call me and let me handle it? God, you could have…”

He turns away, unable to finish the sentence, and rakes a hand through his hair. God, the things that could have happened to her. Damien lets out a slow breath to keep from berating Gabi again. He doesn’t have a lot of people that he likes, trusts, or cares about in this world and Gabi has managed to become someone he really likes, absolutely trusts, and cares deeply about. If anything had happened to her…


He turns back around and Gabi is standing right behind him. Before he can overthink it, he wraps her in a tight hug, crushing her to his chest and laying his cheek on her head. Gabi’s arms slip around his waist and she nestles against his chest with a sigh. Her clubbed hands land on the small of his back, patting him gently.

“So, what happened to your hands?”

“I kinda, sorta threw a beer bottle at Andrew,” Gabi says. She shrugs without moving from his embrace and he can’t help but chuckle.

“Of course, you did.”

“I missed which is a good thing, I guess, but it kind of exploded on the wall. I tripped when I tried to leave and I landed in the glass.”

Damien closes his eyes to keep from exploding with worried anger once again. He can picture her in the dimly-lit dive bar, stumbling and slurring and cursing out her ex. She’s such a spitfire, this one. But when he imagines her falling on the sticky wood floors, glass piercing the tender skin of her hands and no doubt causing tears fall from her big brown eyes, his heart just aches. He hates that he wasn’t there with her.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Damien,” Gabi’s soft, tired comes through his thoughts and Damien leans back to look down at her. He tucks a stray curl behind her ear as she asks, “Can you take me home?”

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.”


Gabi sleeps all the way to her apartment and Damien practically has to carry her up to her third-floor walkup. He keeps his arm firmly wrapped around her waist as he guides her through her messy apartment to her even messier bedroom. He uses one hand to toss stray t-shirts, jeans, and dresses from her bed, clearing a space to sit her down.

“Why does this keep happening, Damien?” Gabi asks in a weary voice.

“Well,” Damien answers as he walks into the bathroom to grab her a glass of water and some Tylenol. “You keep picking guys who are just…the worst.”

“That’s not helpful.”

“I know, but…Gabi, what are you doing?” Damien’s voice comes out choked as he walks back into the bedroom to find Gabi sitting on the bed without her shirt on. He spins on his heel and forces his eyes to the ceiling, but it’s too late. The mental image of Gabi clad in a simple gray cotton bra is burned into his retinas and it’s far more arousing than he would ever have thought…not that he’s thought about it before…much. Not the time. Not the time. Not the time, he chants to himself. She’s brokenhearted, drunk, and it is NOT the time.

“You can turn around,” Gabi says a moment later. Peeking over his shoulder, Damien breaths a sigh of relief when he sees she’s dressed in a slouchy, over-sized t-shirt and sleep shorts. Still looks cute as hell. He hands her the water and the Tylenol and she dutifully swallows it down before climbing into her bed. Damien pulls the floral comforter up over her.

“You know you don’t have to keep settling for these guys who aren’t worthy of you, right?” Damien tells her gently and Gabi gives him a wry, sad smile.

“Yeah, well, I can’t wait for you forever.”

Damien freezes, staring down at her. She didn’t say what he thinks she said, did she? He shouldn’t ask. She’s out of it and she won’t remember this in the morning. He should let it go.

“What did you say?” he croaks out and cringes. Apparently his mouth has different ideas than his mind does. Damn it.

“I’m saying…I want you and I think you want me too.”


“I know you’re not there yet, but hurry up, okay?” Gabi yawns as her eyes drift close and Damien watches as she falls asleep, leaving him with a heart pounding from panic and excitement.

It’s truth. He does want her. He wants to be with her. But he’s not there yet. He’s not ready for that as much as he wishes desperately that he was.

“Just hang on, Gabi,” Damien whispers, brushing a kiss on her forehead and smiling at the way she wrinkles it in response. “I’ll get there. I’m working on it, I swear. I’m going to become the man you deserve. I promise.”

TrigglyPuff, The Worst Social Justice Warrior Ever : Libertarian

Welcome to /r/Libertarian, a subreddit to discuss libertarianism. We are NOT a generic politics sub. We are a libertarian sub, about libertarianism. Even if you are not a libertarian you are welcome to participate in good-faith discussion. However you must follow the rules below.

General – internet famous : where are they now?

Innocentx said:

then :


piper perri surrounded ( Julienne Frederico aka piper perri)then :now: Click to expand…

Met this girl in Vegas while the AVN’s were going on… She’s legit under 5 ft tall (I thought that someone was going to jail for letting a child into that eventTurns out that she had a fucked up life (pretty redundant to say after saying that she’s a porn star).. but apparently she quit the biz, had a kid, and her child died, so she got back into the biz…. Or some shit like that.

Gangsterism Out : Trigglypuff (Cora Segal) and friends revisted

Bust of Claudius at the Naples National Archaeological Museum Claudius (10 BC – AD 54) was Roman emperor from AD 41 to 54. He was born at Lugdunum in Gau…

8 hours ago

Cora Segal Archives

—May 14, 2016

Well kids, the level of political correct lunacy appears to be reaching all-time highs this month, with the recent antics of the Loony Left leaving me gobsmacked and thinking that the world is truly going crazy.

I mean, President Obama has determined that children can “self-identify” whether they are male or female independent of any biological determinants or parental input. Crazy or what?

If “self identification” is going to be the law of the land then I choose to self identify as a dog so that I can shit and piss wherever I please, bathrooms be damned. Of course, as self identification is a PC construct its use will undoubtedly be restricted to marginalized peoples and off-limits to straight, white, privileged folks such as myself.

Anyhow, Obama’s PC-related gambit is just one small sample of this month’s lunacy. Social justice warriors (SJWs) across the land seem to be working overtime in pursuit of enacting their various PC-oriented agenda. It seems like a concerted effort, almost as if the SJWs have been triggered into mass activism.

Perhaps it’s because one of their activists was taken down a notch or two late last month after she tried to disrupt a panel discussion at the University of Massachusetts on whether political correctness has gone too far. The insightful and humorous panel discussion, featuring Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder, can be seen here: The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?

If you have the time the video is well worth watching, as the panel totally rips into the nonsense and hypocrisy that is today’s political correctness.

Cora Segal, the social justice warrior who aggressively tried to disrupt the discussion, has become the new face of political correctness. While “Trigglypuff,” as Cora has been aptly renamed on social media, wasn’t the only SJW in attendance, her lunacy was perfectly captured by student journalist Kassy Dillon, who is helping chronicle and publicize the rise of censorship on North American campuses. Kassy’s video has made Trigglypuff (and the bemused attendee in front of her) a You Tube sensation and you can watch a short clip of it below:

While I doubt the public downfall of SJW Trigglypuff, and subsequent publicity given to the common-sense panel discussion, is the actual trigger for some kind of mass effort by the PC holy warrior faithful, they sure have been especially active ever since. Consider the following:

Student activists at Seattle University’s Matteo Ricci College have taken over the dean’s office and threaten prolonged occupation unless a lengthy list of demands is met. The bloviated manifesto—MRC Student Coalition Demands—is so poorly written that I could have as much fun eviscerating it editorially as I could ripping apart its ludicrous demands.

Consider the second sentence: “We consider it an ethical matter to name the disturbing experiences we have lived while in this college, while also noting that we are not the first students in this college to express these concerns, as they reflect a long-standing history of oppression and resistance in cohorts long since graduated.”

I know, “huh?” And the writer(s) never do get around to specifically “naming” the “disturbing experiences,” so I guess we’ll just have to call them “Bill,” “Ted” and “Alice.”

Anyhow, from what I can construe from the bloviation, key among the dozens of “demands” are the firing of the dean, hiring of gay and minority professors, and a teaching of “non-Eurocentric” humanities courses that “decentralize whiteness” but focus on white oppression and aggression. As noted in the manifesto, the “current curriculum does not reflect the kind of education we expected nor want,” which begs the question as to why they applied to the college to begin with.

The demands also seek far more student power within the professor-student relationship and the silencing of voices and ideology that do not conform to the students’ own beliefs. The stifling of “microaggressions” and “triggers,” as well as creation of “safe spaces,” along with other means for latent censorship of voices and ideology the students don’t like, play a key role throughout the list of demands.

I sincerely hope that Seattle University does not put up with this nonsense for much longer. I mean, tear gas and billy clubs will certainly not be needed, as the delicate snowflakes will undoubtedly collapse in tears at the sight of handcuffs.

And then we’ve got the Chicago Public School system, responsible for almost 400,000 children. It rolled out new rules last week that require students and teachers to address transgendered students and school employees by their preferred name and pronouns. According to the rules, transgendered students and employees can choose their preferred bathroom, locker room, name and pronouns, and everyone is required to conform to their new chosen identities.

Not sure what the penalties for non-compliance are, but the whole PC “gender identity” movement is filled with all kinds of confusing and constantly-evolving terminology. I mean, “Ze?” Really? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? And “gender-fluid” seems to be especially popular with the PC transgender movement. Students identifying as such will certainly have fun getting their classmates in trouble.

Student “Black Lives Matter” activists at Dartmouth College tore down a display honoring police officers who had fallen in the line of duty because the display was “offensive,” “white supremacist,” and allegedly “promoted violence against black people.” The activists replaced the display with dozens of flyers that stated: “YOU CANNOT CO-OPT THE MOVEMENT AGAINST STATE VIOLENCE TO MEMORIALIZE THE PERPETRATORS.”


Over in Illinois, SJWs at Millikin University’s Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement (OISE) have warned fraternities that they will be punished if they use face paint during their annual frat pledge events. Yeah, OISE warned Tau Kappa Epsilon and other university fraternities that fraternities “are prohibited from wearing black and red paint wigs/and clothing items that mimic or depict an ethnicity or culture,” and threatened them with “student conduct sanctions” should they fail to abide by the warning.

Well, as a direct descendent of ancient Gallic tribes, Nordic Vikings and—yes (not kidding)—even the Powhatan native American tribe, I am offended that OISE is preventing my cultures from being honored by the frat boys who want to paint their faces in ways reminiscent of my various ancestors’ preparations for battle.

I don’t know, do I have some kind of justification for a lawsuit here?

And, while not last among the recent “are-you-fucking-kidding-me” PC news, a teen advocacy organization has reportedly come up with a plan to encourage television animators to fatten up their cartoon characters to protect fat kids from body shaming. Apparently “Project Know” believes that the svelte teenage action hero cartoon characters are demoralizing role models for overweight pre-teens.

I’m sorry, even though there’s way more recent PC bullshit to report, I just can’t handle it anymore. I mean, can you say, “Bark at the moon?” ‘cause we’re getting to that level of crazy.

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  • Cora Segal
  • Social Justice Warrior
  • TrigglyPuff


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