Van Der Westen Speedster | Kees Van Der Westen Speedster Review – 4K English 모든 답변

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d여기에서 KEES VAN DER WESTEN Speedster Review – 4K English – van der westen speedster 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Filmed in 2018.
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KEES VAN DER WESTEN Speedster Review - 4K English
KEES VAN DER WESTEN Speedster Review – 4K English

주제에 대한 기사 평가 van der westen speedster

  • Author:
  • Views: 조회수 27,528회
  • Likes: 좋아요 238개
  • Date Published: 2018. 3. 16.
  • Video Url link:

Cung Cấp Các Giải Pháp Kinh Doanh Cà Phê

Mô tả

Vào năm 2001, có một chiếc máy được thiết kế bởi nghệ nhân, chuyên gia pha cà phê nổi tiếng thời bấy giờ – Kees van der Westen – ngay lập tức được coi là một trong những chiếc máy pha cà phê espresso đáng mơ ước nhất trên thế giới – KvdW Speedster.

Máy pha cà phê KvdW Speedster không hẳn là một kỳ quan công nghệ, nhưng nó sở hữu một trong hai công nghệ tốt nhất vào thời điểm đó: nhóm cánh khuấy GS / 2 và hệ thống gia nhiệt kép. Máy có thiết kế cầu kỳ bắt mắt, kiểu dáng tựa như đại bàng vung cánh mạnh mẽ với số lượng cực hiếm (chỉ có 6 chiếc được chế tạo).

Kể từ lần cải tiến thứ hai vào năm 2008 cho đến ngày nay – phiên bản 2020, Speedster vẫn được xem là biểu tượng hoàn mỹ nhất, là ứng cử viên sáng giá cho ngôi vị “máy pha cà phê espresso tốt nhất thế giới” bởi sự đặc biệt mà khó sản phẩm nào có được.

Những thay đổi của phiên bản KVDW Speedster 2020 so với 2014

Để duy trì vẻ ngoài mang tính biểu tượng của máy, hầu hết các thay đổi đối với KvdW Speedster không thể nhìn thấy từ bên ngoài. Gần như tất cả các bộ phận bằng đồng thau đã được thay thế bằng thép không gỉ để nước chảy từ máy bơm đến cốc cà phê sẽ không còn tiếp xúc với đồng thau nữa. Kết nối máy với nguồn nước được thực hiện dễ dàng với khớp nối đẩy trên máy và phích cắm cáp máy bơm được cải tiến. Giờ đây, bạn có thể điều chỉnh nhiệt độ nước mà không cần mở máy. Bằng cách bố trí lại vị trí thiết bị điện tử trong máy giúp tuổi thọ của các thành phần này sẽ kéo dài hơn. Thể tích của tháp ủ (Pre-infusion Cylinder) được tăng lên 17% (từ 24 lên 28 ml) và lò xo đơn đã được thay thế bằng thiết lập lò xo kép cho phép tăng áp suất mượt mà khi ép cà phê. Đồng hồ đo áp suất nồi hơi được đưa ra ngoài, nhiệt độ hơi nước có thể được đọc từ màn hình bộ điều khiển nhiệt độ PID. Cuối cùng, cần gạt đã được cải tiến cứng chắc hơn bởi khung thép không gỉ dày hơn 30%.

Máy pha cà phê Kees van der Westen Speedster là biểu tượng dung hòa xuất sắc của công nghệ, nghệ thuật, thiết kế và khả năng sử dụng, hiệu suất hoạt động.

Tốc độ cao, công suất lớn và khả năng tùy biến mạnh mẽ là những lý tưởng mà Kees van der Westen luôn theo đuổi và máy pha cà phê KvdW Speedster cũng không phải là ngoại lệ. Mỗi máy pha cà phê của Kees Van Der Westen đều sử dụng nguyên liệu cao cấp, được lắp ráp bằng tay. Khách hàng có thể đưa ra yêu cầu tùy chỉnh theo từng đơn hàng để chiếc máy bản thân sở hữu là độc nhất. Máy sở hữu nhiều tính năng sáng giá, trong đó phải kể đến công nghệ đa nồi hơi (multi-boiler) với bộ kiểm soát nhiệt độ PID có thể lập trình cho từng nồi riêng biệt và ủ cà phê với áp suất thấp có thể thay đổi (Idro-matic).



Tháp ủ cà phê có thể điều chỉnh với dãy áp suất biến thiên

Bằng thực nghiệm, Kees Van Der Westen kết luận rằng bí quyết chiết xuất ly espresso tốt nhất nằm ở hai chìa khoá: 1) ủ café đủ lâu ở áp suất bằng không (0), và 2) tăng dần áp suất tới mức tối đa trước khi chiết xuất.

Ủ kỹ cà phê với áp suất bằng không (0) làm bánh cà phê nở đều, tránh “rãnh” (channelling). Hiện tượng tạo rãnh /khe khi chiết xuất có thể nhìn thấy bằng mắt thường – trên mặt bánh cookie có những lỗ sâu, hoặc nếu dùng naked portafilter sẽ thấy dòng cà phê không toả khắp mặt đáy của tay cầm, và dòng chảy xuống không tụ vào giữa.

Ủ kỹ còn làm tăng khả năng dùng café xay mịn hơn – mịn hơn đồng nghĩa với chiết xuất được nhiều chất rắn hơn (đặc biệt là chất béo) vào ly cà phê, giúp tách cà phê tràn/tròn đầy hương vị

Speedster bản tiêu chuẩn không có Idro-Matic, nghĩa là người dùng không thể chủ động thay đổi giai đoạn “infusion” – từ từ bơm nước vào tháp (chamber). Lưu ý rằng “infusion” chưa phải là giai đoạn chiết xuất. Extraction (chiết xuất) chỉ xảy ra khi áp suất đạt cực đại (8-10bar). Cũng nghe đồn, giai đoạn này ở Speedster bản nâng cao Idro_Matic có thể kéo dài tới 20 giây.

Với Idro-Matic, giai đoạn tiền chiết xuất nước đi vào đủ để đẩy lò xo lên, mở rộng thể tích tháp chamber (hình 2). Chuyển động đi lên của piston đã hấp thụ một phần áp suất lên bánh. Nói cách khác là áp suất lên bánh cafe được tăng dần từ 0 cho đến khi đủ 9 bar (khi lò xo không còn bị nước đẩy lên cao nữa). Sự chủ động quyền biến ở giai đoạn này thuộc về chủ nhân (tăng hoặc giảm gia tốc thay đổi áp suất, kéo dài hoặc rút ngắn thời gian tiền chiết xuất). Áp suất tăng dần loại bỏ hoàn toàn rãnh (nếu chỉ ủ mà áp tăng ngay tới 9bar vẫn có nguy cơ tạo khe rãnh); áp suất tăng dần cũng làm cho từng hạt bột giãn nở hết cỡ và trở nên vô cùng mềm yếu trước khi “bị” chiết xuất.

Vậy là tổng thời gian ủ và tiền chiết xuất có thể lên tới 30 giây. Về lý thuyết, việc kéo dài hai giai đoạn này tới 30 giây chắc chắn tạo ra khác biệt rất rất lớn so với các máy espresso ở phân khúc trung bình hoặc thấp (bật bơm là hùng hục chiết và xuất xong trong 30 giây rồi). Nếu như vài phần trăm giây là sự khác biệt rất lớn trong môn chạy 100m thì vài chục giây trì hoãn trước khi chiết xuất cà phê cũng như vậy.

Kiểm soát nhiệt độ PID

Nhiệt độ trong mỗi và mọi nồi hơi trong máy KvdW Speedster được kiểm soát bởi một bộ điều khiển nhiệt điện tử PID; một thiết bị thông minh giúp giữ cho đường cong nhiệt độ luôn ổn định, tạo ra sự nhất quán trong mỗi shot espresso. PID có thể được điều chỉnh để hiển thị ở nhiệt độ C hoặc độ F.

Màu sắc tùy chỉnh

Vỏ máy được phủ tấm áo sơn sơn tĩnh điện với màu RAL theo ý thích của bạn. Màu sắc có thể chọn ở dạng sáng bóng, bóng mờ hoặc phủ lì.


Kees Van Der Westen Speedster 1 Group Commercial Espresso Machine

Delivery & Returns

30-Day Returns

Standard Returns: Returns are accepted if initiated by the buyer within 30 days of receipt. Returned equipment must be in the same condition as received per our inspection or else dockages may be incurred. A 15% restocking fee applies to espresso machines, brew equipment and grinders; this covers subsequent physical and mechanical inspection, additional setup/testing, and restocking post receipt. Buyer is responsible for return shipping to our facility (located in Austin, Texas), along with any associated costs that may be incurred.

Cancellations: Orders may be cancelled prior to shipment. Orders that have been dispatched are subject to our Standard Return provisions, excluding special orders. Special Orders cannot be cancelled.

Made-to-order items: Orders may be cancelled prior to shipment. Orders that have been dispatched are subject to our Standard Return provisions, excluding special orders. Special Orders cannot be cancelled.

Free Shipping & Exclusions

Domestic Delivery: Free shipping within the contiguous United States, extra fees will be calculated for outer regions (AK, HI, etc).

International Delivery: Freight shipments will be quoted once an order is submitted. These orders are dispatched after these charges are invoiced and paid. Smaller packages may be quoted at check-out.

Time to arrive: Most items arrive within 1-2 weeks.

Dispatch estimates are provided on the product page. A summary of typical shipment timelines are below

New Espresso Machines and commercial equipment: New machines that are in stock at our warehouse or manufacturer warehouses are typically bench tested, packaged and dispatched within one week. These items typically arrive within one week of shipping. Please reference the estimate on the product page for the most accurate estimates. Espresso machines ship freight, which typically requires up to a week for delivery.

Renewed Espresso Machines: Renewed machines typically dispatch within three business days. Espresso machines ship via freight and can take up to one week to deliver within the U.S. Delivery can take longer when shipped internationally due to scheduling logistics and customs.

Backorder or made-to-order machines: Custom equipment or equipment on backorder will have longer lead times, which are often referenced on the espresso machine’s product page. While it’s rare, if you place an order that appears in stock but is actually on back order, we will contact you and provide a delivery estimate. You’re welcome to receive a refund or proceed with the order at that time. Please contact us for the latest information.

Other products

All other products ship the next business day unless otherwise stated on the item’s product page. Shipping estimates will be provided at check-out.

Damaged Merchandise: We’ll make it right – but please let us know within 3 days.

So please inspect your order prior to signing for your package. Note any damage on the package with the carrier and call or email us to report any damage immediately. All damage claims must be started within 3 days of receipt. Retain all original packaging, including labels for inspection by carrier.


Pro Renewed Equipment Parts Warranty (Any equipment renewed by Pro Coffee Gear) Warranty covers the provision of defective parts for up to 3 months after purchase date.

This warranty covers parts required to fix any defective materials or workmanship only. Pro Coffee Gear will provide parts that are determined to be defective. This warranty does not cover accidental damage by user, improper use or storage of equipment. Improper use of equipment means uses not intended by the manufacturer, including not maintaining equipment, not using adequately filtered water or operating the machine without adequate water or incorrect installation.

Consumable parts such as group head gaskets, shower screens, etc. are not included.

Does not cover costs resulting from repairs conducted by non-authorized personnel or Acts of god such as power surges, outages or fire.

New Equipment Parts Warranty (Including Commercial espresso machines, brewers and grinders). Warranty covers the replacement of defective parts for up to 12 months after purchase date. Please consult each manufacturer’s coverage plans, where available below, for additional coverage above-and-beyond our standard warranty.

Nuova Simonelli Warranties

Kees van der Westen Speedster Espressomachine –


Construction in stainless steel only, including frame, also the black powder coated parts

Fully new developed double boiler system in stainless steel

Completely new designed group in stainless with high neck

Electronic temperature controllers driving solid state relays on both boilers, PID on coffee boiler, no moving parts

Steam boiler equipped with a heat-exchanger to pre-heat the water going into the coffee boiler.

Diffuser in POM plastic, doesn`t get dirty as soon, easy to clean and doesn`t affect the water temperature on its last path towards the coffee. Diffuser is easily removable.

No screw to hold group screen, yet screen and rubber gasket are easily removable through openings in the bottom plate of the group to reach the sides of the rubber gasket ring

Self bleeding group

Group solenoid valve in stainless only

0.6mm jet

Progressive pre infusion cylinder, spring loaded chromed piston shaft actually moves up through body panel during extraction

External commercial grade rotation pump with motor

Two different temperatures of hot water available through one switch

Activation of group by small lever with shift gate: off-infuse-brew

Strong and long lasting steam power, steam tip with 4 holes

Filter holders with teflon coating on inside

Drain tray adjustable in height


The Speedster has 2 boilers.

The coffee water boiler is made from 3mm stainless steel tube and 6mm thick flanges. The steam-hot water boiler is done in 2mm stainless tube with 6mm flanges.

There is a large hole on top of the coffee water boiler on which the group is installed. The group is made in 4 and 5mm stainless. The group is welded, also onto the boiler. The welding is done both on the outside as well as the inside to prevent crevices which may cause corrosion. The neck of the boiler is situated vertically to allow for a proper constant thermo-siphon heat flow inside, reaching the full length and height of the group. Both the cover as the bottom of the group are removable, sealed by o-rings.

The entire frame is made from 3mm stainless steel, including the black powder coated parts. Body work is in 1mm stainless, drain tray in 2mm.


The rear steam boiler has a total capacity of 3.5 litre. An electronic temperature controller gets it information through a very precise and fast reacting probe, located in the steam, and activates the heating element via a solid state relay. The heating element provides a powerful 1.800Watt. This is divided over two elements of 900Watt each, mounted on one flange. There are no moving parts in the heating system.

The steam valve has a large knob, stainless steel wand and a steam tip with 4 holes in fan-shape, each with a diameter of 1,2mm.

Activation of the hot water is done by a switch. The large manual valve on the machine is empty inside, only providing a connection between inner tube and outside wand, visually symmetric to the steam valve.

Two different hot water temperatures can be supplied by one toggle switch.

Inside the machine hot water running from the steam/hot water boiler towards the hot water valve is directed first through a mix manifold. On this manifold 2 solenoid valves are installed, one for hot, one for cold water. The cold water flow is restricted by a 0,6mm jet. Pushing downwards the long lever toggle switch activates both solenoid valves and the pump, resulting in a quiet flow of hot water with a temperature of just below boiling point. When the lever of the toggle switch is pulled upwards, only the hot water solenoid is activated. This results in hot boiling water flowing directly from the boiler to the wand.


The cold water entering the machine is first directed through a heat-exchanger located inside the steam boiler. Exiting the heat-exchanger its temperature is higher than needed. It is cooled down by flow-crossing the outgoing hot water with the incoming cold water and running through an extra long tube outside the boiler before entering the coffee water boiler.

At entering the coffee boiler it first travels through an internal tube over the entire length of the boiler.

The temperature of the coffee water is measured and controlled by a highly sensitive probe connected to a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derative) controller. This controller activates the 900Watt heating element via a solid state relay. There is no moving part in the entire heating and controlling system. This ensures an extremely fast reacting system as well as a very reliable one. The PID functions almost make this controller intelligent. It learns from past behavior and actually responds ahead. This results in an very precise temperature management by short pulse activation of the heating element. The brew water temperature can easily be adapted by just pushing a button at the front of the machine. It is adjustable to 0.1 degrees Celsius.

The group

The group is self-bleeding.

Air can be compressed, water cannot. It is important all air is driven out from the coffee boiler. This is done automatically when the brewing lever is used for the first time after installation.

After going to great length to achieve a perfectly exact stable temperature it is important the water does not lose any of its heat, until it reaches the coffee grounds. When brewing, water never leaves the coffee water boiler/group on its path towards the coffee.

It runs via a tube, starting from directly under the group cover, to the three-way solenoid valve. A 0,6mm jet is installed at the entrance of this tube. We designed and made the base of our solenoid valve especially in stainless steel. Brass would absorb too much heat, stainless steel has a heat transfer capability of approx. ten times less than brass. This base forms one end of the group neck and is in direct contact with the water. From the solenoid valve it is routed through another tube towards the bottom of the group. Both these tubes run virtually horizontal inside the group neck. This path makes for an extra temperature stabilizing effect.

Water running from solenoid to the coffee, will not hit the stainless steel bottom plate. The dispersion plate reaches up through the bottom plate, so the water directly enters the dispersion plate. This plate is made in POM plastic, a fully neutral material regarding transferring heat. Also, fats and oils do not adhere easily to this material, effectively keeping it clean. This plate consists of two pieces offering a nicely divided dispersion, held in place by two screws.

The group screen is hold in place by the surrounding rubber group gasket. To pull out the gasket with screen for controlling, cleaning and replacing, a space is provided right above each bayonet cut out in the filter holder locking ring. In this way you can reach to the top of the group gasket at two opposite sides and pull out the rubber gasket ring together with screen.

The rubber gasket ring sits against the bottom of the group. At the bottom of the group a small outward ridge is machined. This ridge is pushed into the rubber gasket each time the filter holder is locked into the group, as an extra sealing surface. The slight moving up of the gasket ring, because of the flexibility of the rubber, provides a soft comfortable feel for the barista. Full sealing is achieved without having to pull the filter holder firmly.

Both filter holders are coated in Teflon on the inside. This ensures no build up of baked-on oils and fats. No scrubbing is needed, just a quick wipe with a paper or towel. It also helps a bit against the loss of temperature when the coffee runs to the cup.


The importance of pre-infusion is generally vastly under-estimated. Properly infusing the grounds makes for and even wetting and swelling of the grounds, preventing channeling. More importantly however, pre-infusion allows a slow warming and softening of the fats and oils in the coffee grounds, before extracting these with high pressure, resulting in a higher yield of solids in the cup. These fats and oils are in fact the actual carriers of the delicate aromas and flavors. Machines with a slight variation in brewing temperature tend to offer a larger spectrum of different flavors from the coffee grounds. On machines offering a very strict temperature a well-executed pre-infusion becomes imperative, otherwise they might not be able to extract the full area of complexities hidden in the coffee.

The Speedster is standard equipped with a threefold infusion system.

-A 0.6mm jet is positioned ahead of the solenoid. As soon as the solenoid is activated the water runs through the empty tube from solenoid to coffee. This allows for a soft start of the extraction process as any pressure will first be lost because all empty spaces (tube, dispersion plate, space between dispersion plate screen) need to be filled. Pressure will only raise after the coffee bed has been fully saturated.

-The brew activating shift-gate lever has three positions: stop-infuse-brew.

The center infuse position opens the solenoid but does not activate the pump.

Water now enters with line pressure only.

The lower position also activates the pump.

These possibilities allow the barista to give the above process the time he/she thinks necessary to fully develop.

Note: as soon as the group solenoid is activated, the filling up system of the steam boiler is automatically disconnected. This prevents any unexpected interruption or sudden loss of pressure during the infusion process.

-The base of the group solenoid has a third tube incorporated. This 4mm tube runs to the progressive pre-infusion cylinder. A piston with spring sit inside this cylinder. As soon as the coffee grounds are fully saturated, the pressure will start to raise.

This first raise in pressure is absorbed by the spring. Because this is a spiral spring its tension will raise as it gets compressed. The more the piston is pushed in, the more difficult it becomes to push it further. This results in a pressure onto the coffee grounds that is at first fully absorbed, then slowly and progressively raised.

The effect is a long, slow and soft infusion. This effect even occurs when the brewing lever is jammed to its lower position right away, solenoid and pump activated at once.

The travel of the piston, and thus the developing infusion, can be checked by the barista, as the rear shaft of the piston moves up through the front body panel.

An additional aspect of the progressive pre-infusion cylinder is some cleaning. After the extraction process is ended, the remaining pressure inside the basket is purged through the internal tube and solenoid, then to the drain.

When this pressure has vanished the spring pushes back the piston. All clean water inside the cylinder is forced through the solenoid towards the drain. This flushes the internals of the solenoids. Of course the tube between solenoid and coffee is not flushed, so back-flushing is still needed once in a while.


The steam boiler has two probes to monitor the level of the water inside.

The lower probe is located just above the heating element. When the machine is fired and filled for the first time, the brain only switches on both temperature controllers, and thus the heating elements, when the lower probe detects water. During filling up, the coffee boiler is filled much quicker than the steam boiler because the steam boiler fill valve has a restrictive 0.6mm jet installed. This to have cold water enter gently, allowing the heating element more time to keep up the pressure. So when the lower probe in the steam boiler detects water the element inside the coffee boiler is already submerged. This system ensures the elements cannot be turned on while not being cooled by surrounding water. When the higher probe contacts water the brain de-activates the fill solenoid and pump. These are activated as soon as the higher probe does not detect water. This probe has a bent hook. The other end of the probe, inside the boiler, is bent identically. This offers the barista some way to adjust the level by simply turning the probe.

Both electronic temperature controllers have a restricted upper temperature programmed.

When this temperature is reached no more signal to the solid state relay is sent.

Each boiler is equipped with an overheating cut-out switch. This switch is screwed into the boiler flange. When it detects too high a temperature, it will disconnect power to the element.

The steam boiler is equipped with a safety valve.

The coffee boiler system, including the heat-exchanger, is equipped with a expansion valve, factory adjusted at 11-12 bar.


Width body 47cm

Width incl. wands 50cm

Height body 31cm

Height incl. valves 37cm

Depth front feet till rear of body: 53cm

Total depth incl. free hanging drip tray 65cm

Width of feet at front 44cm

Width of feet at rear 18cm

Depth between feet 37cm

Depth from rear feet to rear of body 12cm

Depth from front feet to front of drip tray 13cm

Diameter feet 2cm

Shipping crate: 93,6×91,6×48,8(H)cm

Shipping weight, fully crated: 82kg

Total wattage 3.100, including pump motor

Voltage 200-240

Herz 50-60

What size tamper will I need for this machine?

The nominal tamper size for this machine is 58mm

Kees van der Westen Speedster

Kees Van Der Westen machines are the most unique of gems…

…Each machine is custom fabricated by order, superbly hand-crafted with only the highest mastery and finest materials.

High performance, high precision, and highly customizable — these are the ideals that Kees van der Westen espresso machines are known for, and the Speedster is no exception. Handcrafted in the Netherlands, this machine is an icon of thermal stability and industrial design. What began as a knack for making eye-catching art installations that also happened to serve espresso has evolved into a perfected science that delivers exceptional espresso as well as a show-stopping aesthetic — truly espressionistic works of art.



This adjustable progressive pre-infusion cylinder offers a wide variation of start-to-finish pressures to play with. This new system is retro-fitable to existing machines. Pre-infusion allows water to flow on to the coffee with less pressure to allow the coffee to expand before the full 9 Bar.

PID Temperature Control

The temperature in each and every boiler in our machines is controlled by a PID; an intelligent device that keeps the temperature curve as flat as it gets. PID’s allow for much more stable temperatures making for greater consistency in the shots pulled. It can be adjusted to display in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Custom Colours

The body panels are available powder coated in a RAL colour of your liking. Colours available glossy, semi-glossy or matte.

Raw Body Panels

Brushed stainless steel body panels.

Crackle Black Body Panels

The high grade stainless steel body panels are finished with a crackle black powder coating. This rigid finish creates a striking contrast between the body panels and the high gloss parts.

Engine Turned Body Panels

All our machines are made from high grade stainless steel. The body panels can be engine turned to stand out in any environment.

Please call for pricing: 604-244-7989

Kees van der Westen Speedster 1 Gr.


The evaluation is mainly for the workshop: I bought a ECM Mechanika V Slim (+ Eureka grinder) online at Espresso Perfetto in February and a rookie mistake put the valves for hot water draw as well as steam out of commission. I then took the machine from Dortmund to Düsseldorf to the workshop for repair. I was able to come by without an appointment and my machine was repaired directly by the competent and friendly employee in the workshop. I was able to take a look inside the machine and they explained to me what the problem was (valves turned too tight). I then had two espressos in the store next door while the repair was being done. After about 30 to 40 minutes everything was done, my espresso machine was running fine again. Now the main reason for this rating: the friendly workshop manager did not take any money for the repair and the material used. Once again, many thanks for that! The guys still know what customer service means…

Kees van der Western Speedster Coffee Machine

Kees van der Westen Speedster

The very ultimate home machine with no compromise! Technically and visually amazing! It combines multi-boiler technology with user programmable PID control for the brewing water, low pressure variable pre-infusion and the most stunning styling of any machine on the market. Completely hand built to order, with everyone who sees and uses a Speedster instantly wanting one!

About Kees Van Der Westen

Kees van der Westen has been producing cutting edge Espresso Machines since 1984 from his workshop in the Netherlands. Designer of many iconic machines, Kees has built three models although he has built many one off customs: the Mirage (first release 2001), Speedster (first release 2008) and Spirit (first release 2112). The machines are built to perfection and so beautifully put together they really are works of art. We are biased towards the Kees range as we really do have a soft spot for his work as Kees was the favourite machine builder of Dom Laranjinha, the founder of Coffee Parts.


PPIC GROUP HEAD Progressive Pre-Infusion Cylinder system: PPIC for short. This technology allows a barista to take hands-on control of pre-infusion—that is, the initial wetting of the coffee puck that occurs before an espresso shot is extracted from a machine.

Engine Turned Body Panel All Kees machines are made from high grade stainless steel. The body panels can be engine turned to stand out in any environment.

Crackle Black Boy Panels The high grade stainless steel body panels are finished with a crackle black powder coating. This rigid finish creates a big contrast between the body panels and the high gloss parts. Note: Extra cost

Custom Colour Powder Coating The high grade stainless steel body panels can be coated with a RAL colour of your liking. Furthermore, you can choose between glossy, semi gloss and matte. Note: Extra cost

Side Panels Black – Black Before being polished the aircraft grade aluminium side panels are milled and coloured black.

Side Panels Black – Red Before being polished the aircraft grade aluminium side panels are milled and coloured in yellow stripes and red letters.

Side Panels Yellow – Red Before being polished the aircraft grade aluminium side panels are milled and coloured in yellow stripes and red letters.

Side Panels in Custom Colours(s) Before being polished the aircraft grade aluminium side panels are milled and coloured in a RAL colour of your liking. Note: Extra cost


The Kees van der Westen Speedster is shipped in a crate (DWH 72 x 70 x 75 cm) and Gross Weight of 75 kg. Approximate dimensions and footprints of the Speedster are shown in the illustrations. The black circles are the rubber feet. The optimal countertop feedthrough of 42mm (1.7″) is within the grey square.


The countertop should provide a solid base to carry the full weight of the machine: roughly 45kg.

Water Supply

Water supply from a water treatment system should be within 1.5m (5ft) of the machine. The water supply hose that comes with the machine has a half ball at the end of the 3/8″ nut connector. Discharge should not be further away than 1.5m, have an internal diameter of at least 25mm (1″) and should be fitted with a trap. There must be space nearby to locate the water pump with its electrical motor.

What’s in the box

1 x Kees Van Der Westen Speedster

1 x Stainless steel filter holder, 2-cup spout

1 x Stainless steel filter holder, 1-cup spout

1 x Water pump with electric motor

1 x Two high-pressure water supply hoses, each 1.5 m (5 ft)

1 x One high pressure water supply hose, 0.5 m (20 in)

1 x Discharge hose, inner diameter 16 mm (0.64 in)

1 x Stainless steel hose clamp for discharge hose

1 x KVDW Stainless steel tamper

1 x Blind filter

1 x Jar with cleaning powder

1 x Group brush

1 x Group screen extractor

1 x Drain hose

2 x KVDW shot glasses

1 x Barista spare part kit included with the machine to facilitate routine maintenance


Common questions:

Are your machines pre-tested? Yes, we bench test all Kees van der Western Speedster machines and can set them up in collaboration with you.

What is the warranty on machines? All new machines sold by Coffee Parts have a 12-month back to base parts and labour warranty.

Can the machines be financed? We use both Flexirent and Silverchef for machine finance. Call for more information 1300 129 129

Coffee Parts Thoughts

The Kees Speedster is a truly amazing machine and definitely our favourite machine high end home or office coffee machine. Kees has engineered this machine to perfection in both operation and looks. Only other comparable machine is the Slayer One Group, however given the choice we have a soft spot for the Speedster.

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