Ambiguous Signature Sign Astrology? Top Answer Update

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What does ambiguous sign mean?

Ambiguous has, like many words in English, more than one possible meaning; a quality some might refer to as ambiguous itself. This word may mean “doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness,” “capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways,” and “inexplicable.”

What are mute signs in astrology?

The mute signs are the water signs, Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces. It is said that when Mercury is afflicted in one of these signs, it results in quietness, difficulty in speaking, or even a speech impediment. The designation mute probably was given because these three creatures are “mute.”

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

From all these mute signs and tokens of their presence he naturally looked to Barbara herself, who sat as mute as she was shelling peas into a bowl; and just as Kit was looking at her eyelashes and wondering—in the simplicity of his heart—what color her eyes might be, it perversely happened that Barbara raised her head a little to look at him, when both sets of eyes were hastily drawn back , and Kit bent over his plate and Barbara over their pea shells, both in utter confusion at having been spotted by the other.

O Eve, another change awaits us at hand, which Heaven shows by these dumb signs in nature forerunners of its purpose, or perhaps too surely to warn us of our dismissal From punishment because of death a few days; How long and what until then our lives, Who knows, or more than that we are dust, And thither must return and be no more.

At a silent sign from him a telescope was handed to him, which he placed on the back of a lucky page who had run to him, and he gazed across the bank.

Anne spoke to her and received a silent signal in response.

What is an odd sign in astrology?

Positive polarity signs, also called active, yang, expressive, or masculine signs, are the six odd-numbered signs of the zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Positive signs make up the fire and air triplicities.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Not to be confused with Constellations

“Birthmark” redirects here. For the album by George Freeman, see Birthmarks (album)

Twelve 30° sectors of the ecliptic as defined by western astrology

In western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30-degree sectors that make up the earth’s 360-degree orbit around the sun. The signs begin with the first day of spring, known as the first point of Aries, which represents the vernal equinox. The astrological signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The western zodiac has its origins in Babylonian astrology and was later influenced by Hellenistic culture. Each sign was named for a constellation through which the sun traveled annually as it crossed the sky. This observation is emphasized in simplified and popular sun sign astrology. Over the centuries, the zodiacal subdivisions of Western astrology have shifted out of alignment with the constellations they are named after due to axial precession[1] of the earth, while the measurements of Hindu astrology correct this shift.[2] Astrology (i.e. an omen system based on celestial phenomena) was also developed in Chinese and Tibetan cultures, but these astrologies are not based on the zodiac but deal with the entire sky.

Astrology is a pseudoscience.[3] Scientific investigations of the theoretical[4] basis and experimental verification of claims[5] have shown that they have no scientific validity or explanatory power.

According to astrology, celestial phenomena relate to human action according to the principle “as above, so below,” so that the signs represent characteristic expressions.[6] Scientific astronomy used the same sectors of the ecliptic as western astrology until the 19th century.

Different approaches to measuring and dividing the sky are currently used by different systems of astrology, although the tradition of zodiac names and symbols remains mostly consistent. Western astrology measures from the equinoxes and solstices (points relating to equal, longest, and shortest days of the tropical year), while Hindu astrology measures along the equatorial plane (sidereal year).

Western zodiac signs[edit]

history [edit]

The twelve ecliptic signs. Each dot marks the beginning of a character and they are separated by 30°. The intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic define the equinoctial points: First Point of Aries ( ) and First Point of Libra ( ). The great circle containing the celestial and ecliptic poles (P and P’) intersects the ecliptic at 0° Cancer ( ) and 0° Capricorn ( ). In this figure, the Sun is schematically at the beginning of Aquarius ( ).

Western astrology is a direct continuation of Hellenistic astrology as recorded in Ptolemy Tetrabiblos in the 2nd century. Hellenistic astrology, in turn, was based in part on concepts from the Babylonian tradition. In particular, the division of the ecliptic into twelve equal sectors is a Babylonian conceptual construction.[7] This division of the ecliptic has its origin in the Babylonian “ideal calendar” found in the ancient compendium MUL.APIN and its combination with the Babylonian lunar calendar[8] represented as “Moon’s orbit” in MUL.APIN. In a way, the zodiac is the idealization of an ideal lunar calendar.

By the 4th century B.C. Babylonian astronomy and its system of celestial omens influenced the culture of ancient Greece, as did the astronomy of Egypt in the late 2nd century B.C. This led to a strong focus on the individual’s natal chart, in contrast to the Mesopotamian tradition, and the creation of horoscopic astrology, using the Ascendant (the rising degree of the ecliptic at the time of birth) and the twelve houses. The association of the astrological signs with the four classical elements of Empedocles was another important development in characterizing the twelve signs.

The survival of the Hellenistic astrological tradition as it stood in the second century is described in Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos. This is the seminal work for the later astronomical tradition not only in the West but also in India and the Islamic realm and has remained a reference for almost seventeen centuries as later traditions made few substantial changes to their core teachings.

Western Astrological Correspondence Chart [ edit ]

The table below shows the approximate dates of the twelve astrological signs along with the classical[9] and modern[10] rulers of each sign. By definition, Aries begins at the First Point of Aries, which is the position of the Sun on the March Equinox. The exact date of the equinox varies from year to year, but is always between March 19th and March 21st. The consequence is the start date of Aries and thus the start date of all other signs can change slightly from year to year. The following western astrology table lists the twelve divisions of the celestial length with their Latin names. The longitude intervals are treated as closed for the first endpoint (a) and open for the second (b) – for example, 30° of longitude is the first point of Taurus, not part of Aries. The signs are occasionally numbered from 0 to 11 instead of symbols in astronomical works.

The twelve signs each have opposites, resulting in six pairs of opposites. Fire and Air elements are opposites, and Earth and Water elements are opposites.[11] Spring signs are opposite autumn signs, winter signs are opposite summer signs and vice versa.[12][13][14][15]

Aries is the opposite of Libra

Taurus is the opposite of Scorpio

Gemini is the opposite of Sagittarius

Cancer is the opposite of Capricorn

Leo is the opposite of Aquarius

Virgo is the opposite of Pisces

Polarity [ edit ]

In western astrology, polarity divides the zodiac in half and refers to the orientation of a sign’s energy as either positive or negative, with different attributes assigned to them as a result.[16] Positive polarity signs, also called active, yang, expression, or masculine signs, are the six odd-numbered signs of the zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The fire and air triplicities form positive signs.[17][18] Negative polarity signs, also called passive, yin, receptive, or feminine signs[17] are the six even-numbered signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The tripplicities earth and water form negative signs.[18]

The three modalities[edit]

The modality or mode of a particular sign relates to its position in the season in which it is found. Each of the four elements manifests in three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable.[19] Because each modality includes four characters, they are also known as quadruplicities.[20][21] For example, the sign of Aries is found in the northern hemisphere in the first month of spring, hence practitioners of astrology describe it as having a cardinal modality. The combination of element and modality gives the characters their unique characterization. For example, Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign, shaping its association with action (cardinal modality) in the material world (earth element).[23][24][25]

Modality Symbol[26] Keywords[27][28] Fire sign Water sign Air sign Earth sign Cardinal Action, dynamic, initiative, great power Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn Rigid Resistance to change, great willpower, inflexible Leo Scorpio Aquarius Taurus Changeable Adaptability, flexibility, resourcefulness Sagittarius Pisces Gemini Virgo

Triplicities of the four elements[ edit ]

The sign positions of the planets on May 16, 2012. The signs are colored according to the associated element. Each planet is represented by a glyph next to its longitude within the sign. Additional symbols can be added to represent an apparent retrograde motion ) or an apparent stationary moment (change from retrograde to direct or vice versa: S).

The Greek philosopher Empedocles identified in the 5th century BC. Fire, earth, air and water as elements. He explained the nature of the universe as an interplay of two opposing principles, love and strife, manipulating the elements into various mixtures that produce the different natures of things. He explained that all elements are of the same age, rule their own provinces and have their own individual character. Empedocles said that those born with nearly equal proportions of the elements are more intelligent and have the most accurate perceptions.

The elemental categories are called triplicities because there are three signs associated with each classical element[20][21] The four astrological elements are also considered to be the direct equivalent of Hippocrates’ personality types (sanguineous = air; choleric = fire; melancholic = earth; phlegmatic = water). A modern approach regards elements as “the energy substance of experience”[31] and the next table attempts to summarize their description by keywords.[32][33] The importance of the elements has increased, and some astrologers are beginning to interpret natal charts by examining the balance of the elements in the positions of the planets (especially the Ascendants of the Sun and Moon) and the position of the angles in the chart.[34]

Polarity Element Symbol[35] Keywords Sign triplet Positive fire Assertiveness, drive, willpower Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Air Communication, socialization, conceptualization Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Negative earth Practicality, caution, material world Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Water Emotion, empathy, sensitivity Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Celestial Rulers[ edit ]

Acta Eruditorum Tabular Illustration Depiction of the western astrological signs in a tabular illustration from 1716

Dominion is the connection between planet and correlated sign and house.[36] The conventional dominions are as follows: Aries (Mars), Taurus (Venus), Gemini (Mercury), Cancer (Moon), Leo (Sun), Virgo (Mercury), Libra (Venus), Scorpio (Pluto), Sagittarius (Jupiter). ). ), Capricorn (Saturn), Aquarius (Uranus), and Pisces (Neptune).[9][37]

Dignity and harm, rise and fall

A traditional belief in astrology, known as essential dignity, is the idea that the sun, moon, and planets are stronger and more effective in some signs than others because the fundamental natures of both are considered harmonious. In contrast, they consider some signs to be weak or difficult to handle because their nature is seen as contradictory. These categories are Dignity, Harm, Exaltation, and Fall.

Dignity and Damage: A planet is empowered or dignified when it falls within the sign it rules. In other words, it is to exercise dominion over the mark. For example, the Moon in Cancer is considered “strong” (well dignified). When a planet is in the sign in which it rules (or where it is dignified), it is said to be weakened or in distress (e.g. the Moon in Capricorn). This can also be referred to as “weakness”.[38]

In traditional astrology, other levels of dignity are recognized in addition to dominion. These are known as Exaltation, Triplicity, Terme or Bounds, and Face or Decan, which together are known to describe a planet’s essential dignity, the quality or ability of one’s true nature.[38]

Rise and Fall: A planet is also strengthened when in its sign of Rise. In traditional horary astrology, this signifies a dignity that is not so much a dominion. It was believed that increasing the importance of the planet bestowed the dignity of an honored guest: the center of attention but limited in its power. Examples of planets in their exaltation are: Saturn (Libra), Sun (Aries), Venus (Pisces), Moon (Taurus), Mercury (Virgo, although some disagree with this classification), Mars (Capricorn), Jupiter (Cancer). ). A planet in the opposite sign of this is in its decline and is therefore weakened, perhaps more than damage.[38] There is disagreement as to which signs the two extra-Saturnian planets can be considered exalted.[39]

The following table summarizes the positions described above:

Planet (symbol) in dignity in harm in elevation in autumn Sun ( ) Leo Aquarius Aries Libra Moon ( ) Cancer Capricorn Taurus Scorpio Mercury ( ) Gemini and Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces Virgo Pisces Venus ( ) Libra and Taurus Aries and Scorpio Pisces Virgo Mars ( ) Aries and Scorpio Libra and Taurus Capricorn Cancer Jupiter ( ) Sagittarius and Pisces Gemini and Virgo Cancer Capricorn Saturn ( ) Capricorn and Aquarius Cancer and Leo Libra Aries

In addition to essential dignity, the traditional astrologer considers the incidental dignity of planets. This is the home placement in the table under study. Accidental Dignity is the “Agency” of the planet. For example, we could have placed the Moon in Cancer, dignified by dominion, in the 12th house, giving little scope to express its good nature.[40] The 12th is a cadence house, as are the 3rd, 6th, and 9th, and planets in these houses are considered weak or affected. On the other hand, Moon would be better placed to trade on the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th since those are angle houses. Planets in consecutive houses of the horoscope (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are generally considered to have moderate ability to act. In addition to random dignity, there are a number of random weaknesses, such as Retrogradation, Under the Sun’s Rays, Combustion, and so on.

Additional classifications[ edit ]

Equiangular plot of declination vs. right ascension of the modern constellations with a dotted line denoting the ecliptic. Constellations are color-coded by family and year of foundation. (detailed view)

Each sign can be divided into three 10° sectors known as deans or deaneries, although these are no longer used. The first deanship is said to be emphatic of its own nature and ruled by the sign ruler.[41] The next decanate is ruled by the planet ruling the next sign in the same trinity. The last deanship is subordinated to the next in the same trinity.[42]

While a character’s element and modality together are sufficient to define it, they can be grouped to indicate their symbology. The first four signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, form the group of personal signs. The next four signs, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, form the group of interpersonal signs. The last four zodiac signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces form the group of transpersonal signs.[43]

Dane Rudhyar presented the primary factors of the tropical zodiac[44] used in the RASA School of Astrology curriculum. The tropical zodiac is the zodiac of seasonal factors as opposed to the sidereal zodiac (constellation factors). The primary seasonal factors are based on the changing ratio of sunlight and darkness throughout the year. The first factor is whether the time chosen falls in the half of the year when daylight is increasing or the half of the year when darkness is increasing. The second factor is whether the time chosen falls in the half of the year when there is more daylight than darkness or the half when there is more darkness than daylight. The third factor is which of the four seasons the chosen time falls in, defined by the first two factors. So[45][46]

In the spring season, daylight increases and there is more daylight than darkness.

Season is when daylight increases and there is more daylight than darkness. In the summer season, darkness increases and there is more daylight than darkness.

Season is when darkness increases and there is more daylight than darkness. The fall season is when darkness increases and there is more darkness than daylight.

Season is when darkness increases and there is more darkness than daylight. During the winter season, daylight increases and there is more darkness than daylight.

Gallery of western shields[ edit ]

Aries in the Wisconsin State Capitol

Bull at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Gemini at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Cancer at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Leo at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Virgin at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Libra at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Scorpion at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Gunman at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Capricornus at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Aquarius at the Wisconsin State Capitol

Fish in the Wisconsin State Capitol

Indian Astrology[edit]

In Indian astrology there are five elements: fire, earth, air, water and ether. The master of fire is Mars, while Mercury belongs to earth, Saturn to air, Venus to water and Jupiter to ether.

Jyotic astrology recognizes twelve signs of the zodiac (Rāśi),[47] which correspond to those in Western astrology. The relationship of the signs to the elements is the same in both systems.


A nakshatra (Devanagari: नक्षत्र, Sanskrit nakshatra, a metaphorical combination of naksha- ‘map/diagram’ and tra- ‘guard’) or lunar mansion is one of the 27 divisions of heaven marked by prominent stars. , as used in Hindu astronomy and astrology (Jyotisha).[48] “Nakshatra” in Sanskrit, Kannada, Tulu and Tamil and Prakrit too, so it refers to stars themselves.

Chinese zodiac signs[edit]

Chinese astrological signs work in cycles of years, lunar months, and two-hour diurnal (also known as shichen). A distinctive feature of the Chinese zodiac is its operation on a 60-year cycle in combination with the five phases of Chinese astrology (wood, fire, metal, water and earth).[49] Still, some researchers say there is an apparent relationship between the Chinese 12-year cycle and zodiac constellations: each year of the cycle corresponds to a specific disposal of Jupiter. For example, Jupiter is in Gemini in the year of the Snake, Cancer in the year of the Horse, and so on. So the Chinese 12-year calendar is a sun-moon Jovian calendar.

Zodiac symbolism [ edit ]

The following table shows the twelve characters and their attributes.

Sign Yin/Yang Direction Season Fixed Element Trine Rat Yang North Mid Winter Water 1st Ox Yin North Late Winter Earth 2nd Tiger Yang East Early Spring Wood 3rd Rabbit Yin East Mid Spring Wood 4th Dragon Yang East Late Spring Earth 1st Snake Yin South Early Summer Fire 2nd Horse Yang South Midsummer Fire 3rd Sheep Yin South Late Summer Earth 4th Monkey Yang West Early Autumn Metal 1st Rooster Yin West Mid Autumn Metal 2nd Dog Yang West Late Autumn Earth 3rd Pig Yin North Early Winter Water 4th

The Twelve Signs[edit]

Diagram showing the 24 cardinal points and the symbols of the sign associated with them.

In Chinese astrology, the zodiac, made up of twelve animal signs, represents twelve different personality types. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the rat, and there are many stories about the origins of the Chinese zodiac that explain why. When the twelve signs of the zodiac in combination with the four elements are part of the 60-year calendar, they are traditionally called the twelve earthly branches. The Chinese zodiac follows the lunisolar Chinese calendar[50] and therefore the “changeover” days in a month (when one sign changes to another sign) vary each year. The following are the twelve signs of the zodiac in order.[51]

子 Rat (yang, 1st trine, fixed element water): Rat years include 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032. The rat also corresponds to a specific month in the Year. The Rat’s hours of operation are 11:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.丑 Ox (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Earth:[52] Ox years include 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 , 2021, 2033. The Ox also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The hours of the Ox are 1 a.m. – 3 a.m. 寅 Tiger (Yang, 3rd trine, fixed element wood): Tiger years include 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034. The tiger also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The hours of the tiger are 3 a.m. – 5 a.m. 卯 Rabbit (Yin, 4th trine, fixed element wood): Rabbit years include 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035. Rabbit also corresponds to a specific month of the year. Rabbit hours are 5 – 7 o’clock辰 Dragon (Yang, 1st Trine, Solid Element Earth[ 52]): Dragon years include 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036. The dragon also corresponds to a specific month in Year. The Hours of the Dragon are 7 am – 9 am 巳 Snake (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Snake years include 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037. The snake also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The line hours of operation are 9:00 – 11:00.午 Horse (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Horse years include 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038. The horse also corresponds to a specific month of the year. Horse hours are 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. 未 Goat (Yin, 4th Trine, Solid Element Earth[52]): Goat years include 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 , 2015, 2027, 2039. The goat also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The hours of the Goat are 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. 申 Monkey (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): The Monkey years include 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040. The monkey also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The opening hours of the monkey are 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.酉 Rooster (Yin, 2nd trine, fixed element metal): Rooster years include 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041. The rooster also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The Rooster’s hours of operation are 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. 戌 Dog (Yang, 3rd Trine, Solid Element Earth[52]): The Dog years include 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042. The dog also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The hours of the Dog are from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.亥 Pig (Yin, 4th trine, fixed element Water): Pig years include 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 , 2031, 2043. The pig also corresponds to a specific month of the year. The opening hours of the pig are 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

The five elements[edit]

Wood: The wood person has high morals, is confident, expansive, and cooperative, with broad and diverse interests and idealistic goals. The cardinal point associated with wood is east and the season is spring, making it an integral part of the tiger and rabbit zodiac signs. [52]

: The Woodman has high morals, is confident, expansive, and cooperative, with broad and diverse interests and idealistic goals. The cardinal point associated with wood is east and the season is spring, making it an integral part of the tiger and rabbit zodiac signs. Fire: The Fire person has leadership qualities, dynamic passion and is decisive, confident, positive and assertive. The cardinal point of fire is south and the season is summer, making it an integral part of the zodiac signs Snake and Horse. [52]

: The Fire person has leadership qualities, dynamic passion and is decisive, confident, positive and assertive. The cardinal point of fire is south and the season is summer, making it an integral part of the zodiac signs Snake and Horse. Earth: The Earth person is serious, logical and methodical, intelligent, objective and good at planning. The direction associated with the earth is center. The season for Earth is the transition point of the four seasons. It is the fixed element for the zodiac signs Ox, Dragon, Goat and Dog. [52]

: Earthling is serious, logical and methodical, intelligent, objective and good at planning. The direction associated with the earth is center. The season for Earth is the transition point of the four seasons. It is the fixed element for the zodiac signs Ox, Dragon, Goat and Dog. Metal: The metal person is sincere, has firm values ​​and opinions, is strong-willed and uses eloquel language. The direction associated with Metal is west. The season for metal is fall. It is the fixed element for the zodiac signs Monkey and Rooster. [52]

: The Metal person is sincere, has firm values ​​and opinions, is strong-willed and speaks eloquently. The direction associated with Metal is West. The season for metal is fall. It is the fixed element for the zodiac signs Monkey and Rooster. Water: The merman is persuasive, intuitive, and empathetic. The water person is objective and is often asked for advice. The direction associated with the water is north. The season for water is winter. It is the fixed element for the rat and pig zodiac signs.[52]

The five elements work together with the twelve zodiac signs in a 60-year calendar. The five elements appear in both their yin and yang forms on the calendar and are known as the ten celestial stems. The yin/yang split in the Gregorian calendar means that years ending in an even number are yang (representing masculine, active, and bright), those ending in an odd number are yin (representing feminine, passive, and darkness ). The Chinese New Year is over.[52]

Notes [edit]

What is the rarest star sign?

Ophiuchus (astrology) – Wikipedia.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Proposed thirteenth astrological sign

Ophiuchus ( ; Ancient Greek: Ὀφιοῦχος, lit. ‘snake bearer’) (⛎︎) has sometimes been suggested in sidereal astrology as the thirteenth astrological sign in addition to the twelve signs of the tropical zodiac. The constellation Ophiuchus, as defined by the 1930 International Astronomical Union constellation boundaries, is behind the Sun from November 29 to December 18.[1]

The idea appears to have originated in 1970 with Steven Schmidt’s proposal for a 14-sign zodiac that also included Cetus as a sign. A 13-sign zodiac was published by Walter Berg and Mark Yazaki in 1995, a proposal that gained some popularity in Japan, where Ophiuchus is known as Hebitsukai-za (蛇遣座 (へびつかいざ), “The Serpent Bearer”) . ).

However, astrology and astronomy are two different fields of study, and sidereal and tropical astrology (including sun sign astrology) use a 12-sign zodiac based on dividing the ecliptic into 12 equal parts rather than the IAU constellation boundaries . That is, astrological signs do not correspond to the constellations that are their namesakes, particularly in the case of the tropical system where the subdivisions are fixed relative to the equinox and move relative to the constellations.[2][3]

history [edit]

The constellation is described in the astrological poem by Marcus Manilius as the one that coils in loops: “But flexing its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other’s hands slide over the loosened coils. The battle will last forever , as they lead it on an equal footing with equal authority.”[4] Later in his poem he describes the astrological influence of Ophiuchus when the constellation is in its ascending phase as one offering an affinity for serpents and protection from poisons , and says: “He renders the forms of serpents harmless to those born under him. They will take up serpents in the folds of their flowing robes and exchange kisses with these poisonous monsters and suffer no harm.”[5] A later astrologer from the 4th century, known as Anonymous of 379, connected “the bright star of Ophiuchus”, Ras Alhague (α Ophiuchi), with physicians, Hei lern or physicians (ἰατρῶν), which may have been due to the connection between poisons and medicines.[6]

Based on the 1930 IAU constellation boundaries, proposals have been published since at least the 1970s that there are “13 astrological signs” because “the Sun is in the sign of Ophiuchus between November 30th and December 18th”.

In 1970, Steven Schmidt advocated a 14-sign zodiac in his Astrology 14, introducing Ophiuchus (December 6 to December 31) and Cetus (May 12 to June 6) as new signs. Within 20th century sidereal astrology, the idea was taken up by Walter Berg in the form of his book The 13 Signs of the Zodiac (1995).

In January 2011, a statement by Parke Kunkle, an astronomer with the Minnesota Planetarium Society,[10] reiterated the idea of ​​the “13th Zodiac Ophiuchus,” which made some headlines in the tabloids.[11]

What is an example of ambiguous?

We saw her duck is a paraphrase of We saw her lower her head and of We saw the duck belonging to her, and these last two sentences are not paraphrases of each other. Therefore We saw her duck is ambiguous.”

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Ambiguity (pronounced am-big-YOU-it-tee) is the presence of two or more possible meanings in a single passage. The word comes from a Latin term meaning “to stray,” and the adjective form of the word is ambiguous. Other terms used for ambiguity are amphibologia, amphibolia, and semantic ambiguity. Additionally, ambiguity is sometimes considered a fallacy (commonly known as equivocation), where the same term is used in more than one way.

There are two basic types of ambiguity in speaking and writing:

Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings in a single word. Syntactic ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings in a single sentence or phrase

examples and observations

“There are courageous men in my family.”

– Bob Hope as “painless” Peter Potter in The Paleface, 1948

– Bob Hope as “painless” Peter Potter in The Paleface, 1948 “As I left this morning I said to myself, ‘The last thing you have to do is forget your speech.’ In fact, when I left the house this morning, the last thing I did was forget my speech.”

– Rowan Atkinson

– Rowan Atkinson “I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed meeting your husband.”

– William Empson, Seven Kinds of Ambiguity, 1947

– William Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity, 1947 “We saw her duck is a paraphrase of We saw her lowering her head and We saw the duck that was hers, and these last two sentences are not paraphrases of each other. So we saw her duck is ambiguous.”

– James R Hurford, Brendan Heasley and Michael B Smith, Semantics: A Coursebook, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2007

– James R. Hurford, Brendan Heasley and Michael B. Smith, Semantics: A Coursebook, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2007 Roy Rogers: More Hay, Trigger?

Trigger: No thanks Roy, I’m fed up!

Trigger: No thanks Roy, I’m fed up! Pentagon plans threshold deficit

– Newspaper headline

– Newspaper headline I highly recommend this book.

“Leahy wants FBI to help corrupt Iraqi police force”

– Headline on, December 2006

– Headline on, December 2006 Prostitutes Appeal to Pope

– Newspaper headline

– Newspaper headline Union calls for more unemployment

– Newspaper headline

– Newspaper headline “Thanks for dinner. I’ve never seen potatoes cooked like that.”

– Jonah Baldwin in the movie Sleepless in Seattle, 1993


“Weil can be ambiguous. ‘I didn’t go to the party because Mary was there’ can mean that Mary’s presence prevented me from going, or that I went to try the canapés.”

– David Marsh and Amelia Hodsdon, Guardian Style. Guardian Books, 2010

pun and irony

“Quintilian uses Amphibolia ( to mean ‘ambiguity’ and tells us (Vii.ix.1) that its species are innumerable; among them are probably puns and irony.”

– Richard Lanham, A hand list of rhetorical terms. University of California Press, 1991

– Richard Lanham, A hand list of rhetorical terms. University of California Press, 1991 “An ambiguity in ordinary language means something very pronounced and usually witty or devious. I propose to use the word in a broader sense: any verbal nuance, however slight, that leaves room for alternative responses to the same expression… I think we call it ambiguous when we recognize that there is a There could be enigma as to what the author meant, since alternative views could be taken without mere misunderstanding. Obviously, one would not call them ambiguous because there is no room for enigma. But if an irony is calculated to deceive a proportion of its readers, I think it would normally be called ambiguous.

– William Empson, Seven Kinds of Ambiguity, 1947

What is an ambiguous person?

The definition of ambiguous is something that is unclear or not easily describable. An example of someone who might give an ambiguous answer to a question is a politician who is talking to his constituents.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

The definition of ambiguous is something that is unclear or not easy to describe.

An example of someone who might ambiguously answer a question is a politician speaking to his constituents.

Are mutable signs the strongest?

This can make the mutable signs sometimes frustratingly hard to pin down, but it’s also their strongest talent and greatest strength – these zodiac signs are a godsend in a crisis, because they don’t panic, they don’t stall and they don’t freeze – they work out what needs to happen and they change in order to find a …

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Annoyingly indecisive or amazingly adaptable? If you are a Variable Zodiac sign, or if you know and love someone who is, you will know that these Mercury zodiac signs have many facets to their personalities. But what exactly is a mutable sign in astrology and why do these zodiac signs have such special characteristics?

What are the mutable signs in astrology?

The four mutable signs in astrology are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Gemini is a variable air sign, Virgo is a variable earth sign, Sagittarius is a variable fire sign, and Pisces is a variable water sign.

Note that each of the mutable signs corresponds to a different astrological element. That’s key to understanding how they work, but we’ll get to that a little later.

What does mutable mean in astrology?

The word changeable comes from the Latin mutare and means to change – and that’s actually it when it comes to the astrological signs.

The convertible signs are flexible, changeable and adaptable. They react fluently to the circumstances around them and are able to change either themselves or the situation accordingly. This makes the mutable zodiac signs frustratingly elusive at times, but it is also their greatest talent and greatest strength – these zodiac signs are a godsend in a crisis because they don’t panic, don’t falter, and don’t freeze – they figure out what needs to happen and they change to find a way.

In general, the changeable signs of the zodiac are also rather restless and constantly on the move. They are never satisfied with the status quo, instead trying to make things better in some way. You have a good understanding of details, which is essential if you want to make decisions on the fly. The Variable Zodiac Signs instinctively pick up on things that other Zodiac Signs might overlook, which helps them stay one step ahead. As they pick up on both emotions and physical details, these zodiac signs are also empathetic, compassionate, and usually kind to others.

Extremely imaginative and capable of quick and unconventional thinking, mutable signs are able to make the most of any situation they find themselves in and are almost never in search of a solution.

What is the significance of the mutable signs in spiritual astrology?

Spiritual astrology sees in the signs of the zodiac a soul’s path on this earthly plane – a kind of heroic journey, if you will, from birth to death and the return to the divine.

The mutable signs, together with the cardinal signs and the fixed signs, play a key symbolic role on this path.

The four mutable signs occur in months that we associate with the end of the four seasons. Gemini occurs at the end of spring in the northern hemisphere, Virgo arrives at the end of summer, Sagittarius marks the end of autumn, and Pisces heralds the end of winter. Reflecting this, the four mutable signs each mark the end of a phase in the spiritual journey.

In spiritual astrology, the mutable signs are known as destroyers; sounds scary, but these signs only destroy to allow for re-creation. Instead of destroying, think of the phrases “transform” or “terminate”. As the planets cycle through each mutable sign, we are morphing according to the lessons we have learned this season, bringing an end to some parts of our lives that have not served us well to allow for a fresh start as the cycle begins anew a cardinal sign.

How is each of the mutable characters different?

Although Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are all mutable signs, they each belong to a different element and that means they all function slightly differently.

Gemini is a mutable air sign and expresses mutability through ideas and communication. Geminis are talkative, sociable and interested in everything. You are an extremely flexible sign – some might say too flexible, as this sign has a reputation for being fickle and a bit shallow. Geminis excel at communication, but often their downfall is their shallowness.

Virgo, on the other hand, is a mutable earth sign that expresses change and transformation in a more practical way. Unlike Gemini, who are likely to spread their energies too far, Virgo focuses on the detail, always the detail. Hardworking and demanding, Virgo’s greatest strength is analysis, but perfectionism can be taken to the extreme and become paralyzing.

Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign, is a different kettle of fish altogether. It expresses its mutable, transformative nature through high-energy adventures. Sagittarius needs challenges, both physical and intellectual, but holds us all to high ethical standards. Sagittarius’ greatest strength is tolerance, but this most troubled sign of the zodiac can have trouble taking root.

Pisces is a mutable water sign that expresses mutability through emotions. Highly sensitive and often overwhelmed by emotion, Pisces adapts to other people so efficiently that they run the risk of losing their own confidence. Extremely compassionate and intuitive, this gentle sign needs to guard against gullibility and overly easy leadership.

Are mutable characters compatible with cardinals?

There is much more to astrological compatibility than sun signs or what quality those sun signs possess.

However, at a very basic level, there can be compatibility here. Cardinals like to be in charge, but mutable signs are good at adapting and supporting others, so it works. Over the long term, however, cardinals may grow weary of mutable signs’ indecisiveness or need to discuss things before acting. Likewise, the mutable signs may frown on the stubborn behavior of the cardinals.

Are variable signs compatible with fixed signs?

Again, there’s a lot more to love and compatibility astrology than just that, but on a fundamental level, this match holds promise.

Fixed signs can be very rigid in their opinions, but mutable signs don’t mind and are flexible enough to adapt to their wayward partner. Meanwhile, mutable signs can help bring some flexibility into the lives of fixed signs, showing them the value of spontaneity and risk. Problems can arise when the fixed character tries to control the mutable character, as mutable characters are very independent – but overall this combination can work well.

Can You Have Too Much Variable Quality in Your Astrology Chart?

Just like the astrological elements, it is ideal if the astrological properties are balanced in your natal chart. A rough and simple way to do this is to note the signs for your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, as well as the sign your ruling planet is in.

If any of these are in a mutable sign, you are probably fed up with the mutable quality. If you don’t, you may be missing some variable energy, although an astrologer would need to see your full natal chart to be sure.

If you lack shifting energy, you may have difficulty making changes in your life and often find yourself at a dead end. To counteract this, you must force yourself to change one tiny step at a time until coping and adapting to change becomes a positive habit for you.

On the other hand, if you have too much changeable energy, you may not be able to commit to a specific project or task, always wanting to keep going and leaving things unfinished. This is about practicing perseverance and forcing yourself to complete one task before moving on to the next. It gets easier with practice, honestly!

Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable

The fixed signs

The cardinal signs

The Changing Signs

What are the 3 main zodiac signs?

Your sun, moon, and rising signs are known as your “big three” signs in astrology — think of them as your most significant astrological stats. These three signs are super important in your birth chart, and each rules over its own part of your personality and overall self.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

When most people think of astrology, the first thing they probably think of is their sun sign. After all, this is usually the sign you refer to when reading your horoscope or looking up the cosmic compatibility between you and your crush. But when you’re ready to delve deeper into your personal astrology, understanding the difference between the Sun, Moon, and rising signs is an important place to start.

Your sun, moon and rising signs are known in astrology as your “big three” signs – consider them your most important astrological statistics. These three signs are extremely important in your natal chart, and each rules their own part of your personality and your entire self. While the sun represents your core and the moon represents your inner self, you can think of your rising sign as representative of your outer self.

“When you get to know someone, you will most likely peel off the layers of their personality by meeting their rising, sun, and moon signs at different stages,” astrologer Renée Watt tells Bustle. “You usually discover your ascending sign first, which acts a bit like a social guard, followed by your sun sign persona — and once you gain their trust, their moon sign will come out to greet you.”

Even if you’re not interested in astrology, it’s only a matter of time before someone asks you about your big three – so it’s time to get yours under control. Let’s take a journey through the basic meanings and differences between the sun, moon and rising signs so you can start researching your natal chart and making the most of astrology. Read on to learn more about this important astrological triad.

Sun Sign Meaning: The core of your personal solar system

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Sun signs are by far the most recognizable part of the natal chart when it comes to mainstream astrology. For some people, it’s the only sign they’re familiar with! Most horoscopes are based on sun signs, so someone will usually refer to that when they ask you about your zodiac sign or tell you their own. In most cases, when you want to confirm your sun sign, all you need is the month and date of your birth – you can plug your details into an online sun sign calculator to find out for sure.

There’s a reason the sun sign is so celebrated in astrology. Just as the sun is the center of our solar system, your sun sign represents the core of who you are. “Astrologically, the Sun in a natal chart is the luminary that symbolizes a person’s vital life force, spirit, intellect and identity,” astrologer Ashley Otero tells Bustle. “As the only star among the other nine spheres that our Earth blends with in space, the Sun is the symbol of centeredness, enlightenment and life – for without it we would cease to exist!”

Your sun sign rules your ego and confidence, as well as your sense of creativity, vitality, and drive. It speaks to the grand goals of your life and the motivations of the grand scheme. “The sun is our ego and will. It shows what motivates and drives us, what drives us to succeed,” astrologer Lisa Stardust told Bustle. “Our sun sign determines our passions.”

In his book Astrology For The Millions, author Grant Lewi wrote:

You can think, dream, imagine, hope to be a thousand things depending on your moon and your other planets: but the sun is what you are and being your best self in relation to your sun means your energies to work on the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary vibrations.

The sun sign in astrology is ultimately viewed as our highest expression of self, so it makes sense that this part of our natal chart should be given special emphasis. “Your sun sign is an indication of how you present yourself to the world and is associated with your unique identity,” says Watt. “The placement of the Sun in a horoscope often tells us how to express ourselves and can often impact creativity.”

Moon sign meaning: Your shadow side

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Let’s step out of the sunshine and journey into the sensibilities of the moon ruled night. Just as the moon rules the sky over the night and all that lurks in the shadows, so does your moon sign in astrology. It relates to the more private and emotional parts of us. To find out your moon sign, you need your date of birth, year, and in most cases exact time of birth (including time zone). If you have, you can either consult an astrologer or use an online moon sign calculator to find out which zodiac sign your Moon self rules.

“The moon represents the mother/maternal energy in our charts,” says Stardust. “It represents our desires and emotions, our memories – everything we internalize and don’t show to others.” In other words, the Moon in astrology rules your intimate side – think of vulnerable things like emotional intimacy, deep-rooted feelings, and Sentimentality. It rules the more shadowy parts of your personality that only the people closest to you can see.

“Moon signs tell us a lot about how we process emotions and can shed a lot of light on how someone functions intuitively,” says Watt. And the energy of the lunar zodiac can manifest in very different ways depending on which element your moon sign rules. “Water moons are often very empathetic and in need of emotional validation, while Earth moons generally find solace in financial security,” says Watt. “On the other hand, fire and air signs generally feel happiest when they are free from responsibility and able to be their true selves.”

Your moon sign’s energy is much more internal than your sun sign’s. It is connected to the more private side of your personality that wants to feel comfortable and secure before revealing it to others.

“The moon symbolizes the soul, our emotional reflexes, and our sense of belonging,” says Otero. “It corresponds to the many stages of life, particularly early life when our existence depends on nurturing of significant others. Therefore, the moon also symbolizes our past, our home and our comfort zone.”

Rising Sign Meaning: You at first sight

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Also known as the ascendant, your rising sign is always the sign that rules the first house of your zodiac chart (where your natal chart begins). “As the first of the four angles of the diagram, this dot symbolizes the merging of mind and body,” says Otero. “The rising sign is the sign that was on the horizon the moment you took your first breath [and it’s] one of the most important areas of a chart.” But unlike your sun and moon signs, your rising sign is not associated with a planet or luminary. “The ascendant is the point where heaven meets earth and where the sun rises each day, hence the interchangeable term ‘rising sign,'” says Otero.

To find out your rising sign you need your exact birth date, time and place as the rising signs change about every two hours. This means that even people born on the same day can have many different ascendants. Dig up your birth certificate or text your mother, then either consult an astrologer or use an online rising signs calculator to find yours.

Your ascending sign symbolizes the parts of you that surface immediately on a superficial level – how you come across to others, how you react spontaneously to things, how you relate to other people, and how you behave overall. According to Otero, it symbolizes “the body, its looks and personality,” so you may find that you look or dress more like your rising sign energy than your sun or moon signs. Consider it a sign of your first impression. “Rising signs can be the mask we wear when we first meet someone to protect our insides,” says Watt. “There is also information about self-confidence and how to adapt to a new environment.”

Our sun sign is certainly a visible and important aspect of our personality, but the version of you that people see at first glance is more likely to be explained by your ascendant. “The rising sign, or ascendant, is that part of ourselves that we show the world. It’s the face we wear for others to see and see,” says Stardust. “We’re showing more of ourselves through our rising sign, which means people are noticing the traits of that sign more than the other elements of our chart.” If people don’t mistake you for your sun sign very often, it’s probably because they read the energy of your rising sign instead.

So you know your big 3 zodiac signs – now what?

It can take a lifetime to explore our unique astrological makeup as there are so many different combinations of planets, signs and connections to consider. But bringing your sun, moon, and rising signs down is a great way to make sense of it all. Consulting a professional astrologer can give you a comprehensive look at your horoscope, but you can also start reading your natal chart at home if you’re willing to do a little extra research. By harnessing the power of your big three, you will lay a solid foundation when it comes to exploring astrology and learning about your cosmic self.

Do mutable signs get along?

Mutable signs often get along well with one another. The twins do note that because the signs are all either square or opposite from each other on the zodiac wheel, which can be a challenging angle, these signs can get into power struggles if they don’t play to their own strengths and “stay on their turf,” so to speak.

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What is a mutable sign?

Mutable characters come at the end of each season. Gemini represents the end of spring, Virgo summer, Sagittarius autumn and Pisces the end of winter. This “final energy,” Gemini explains, makes mutable signs adaptable, good with change, and almost like the “Editors of the Zodiac.” They add that mutable signs “take all the ideas, systems, and information that other signs have built and perfect them to prepare them for prime time.” They are highly adaptable and can go with the flow, so they have no problem with that have to find a compromise that everyone can agree on. You’re solution-oriented and spontaneous, but Gemini finds that too much shifting energy can lead to slackness or a non-committal attitude.

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A deeper dive into each mutable sign.

Compared to the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) who start each season and are the leaders and trendsetters of the zodiac, and the fixed zodiac signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) who are midway through each season and distinguished moving things forward and giving structure to plans, mutable signs are all about adaptability. Here’s a look at how this transitional energy affects the personality of each of the mutable signs:

1. Gemini

Each of the three classifications, cardinal, fixed, and variable, includes a character for each element. In the case of Gemini, they embody changeable air. This, the twins explain, shows their versatility in conversations and ways of thinking. In fact, Geminis have a knack for chatting and are known to be witty and humorous. This dynamic communication style makes Gemini excellent “journalists, provocative writers, thought leaders and wordsmiths,” say the twins.

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2. Virgo

Virgo is a shifting earth, say Gemini, so they bring their adaptability and refinement skills to the planning and organization (think spreadsheet). Virgos also make great coaches as they are particularly good at helping people create structures that will help them maintain good habits. Earth energy encompasses “the pillars of our lives,” Gemini add, and Virgos are always happy to enhance those pillars.

3. Sagittarius

The fire of the mutable sign, Sagittarius, according to Gemini, is about action and more specifically getting other people to act. Of all the mutable signs, Sag is the best at activating and moving a project forward—especially when it’s stuck. While it’s not quite the same “leadership quality” we see in cardinal signs, Sag definitely has a go-getter spirit that helps them keep things moving.

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4. Pisces

If Sagittarius is good at getting projects out of the way, Pisces, the shifting waters, can get people’s emotions out of the way. “Sometimes to their own detriment,” the twins add, “because they can walk into a situation as an empath and suddenly trigger all these dormant feelings in people.” Despite this, they are often healers because they “really know how to deal with the energy of difficult, charged emotions that may arise in relationships or group situations,” say the twins.

Do Mutable Signs Understand Each Other?

Mutable signs often get along well with each other. Gemini realizes that if these zodiac signs don’t play to their own strengths and “move on,” these zodiac signs can get into power struggles because the signs on the zodiac wheel are either square or opposite each other, which can be a challenging angle to their territory,” so to speak. But when they get along, they make incredible duos; they can be very complementary,” says Gemini. Since all mutable signs enjoy engaging in stimulating conversations, they can share great ideas and have very productive brainstorming sessions. It may just take a bit of patience until those meetings happen, since mutable signs are known for being a bit scaly.Gemini notes, “It’s easier for mutable signs to get along than the others because they know how to blend in.” to heated arguments, “because they’re all verbally gifted,” the twins add o there is an argument and harsh words are used, consider them verbally armed and dangerous.”

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How mutable signs can find balance.

While it’s great to be an adaptable, changeable sign, it can also come with its own set of challenges. First off, the Gemini says mutable signs need to be aware of their tendency to “bite off more than they can chew.” They should be wary of taking on too many projects and becoming overwhelmed, and know where their limits lie. Just because you’re good at multitasking doesn’t mean you should always do it! It also never hurts to keep a balance between cardinal and fixed signs in your life, Gemini add. “Fixed signs can be very grounding,” they explain, noting that they’re good at “breaking through the BS and fluff of indecision.” (Mutable signs are known to talk themselves in or out, which can lead to a lot of doubting.) And in the case of cardinals, they can help bring that “leading” energy that mutable signs can sometimes lack, which helps them get projects done.

The final result.

Is Libra odd or even sign?

According to Indian astrology, there are six positive zodiac signs. These signs are the odd signs numbered as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. These positive signs as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

According to Indian astrology, there are six positive signs of the zodiac. These signs are the odd signs numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. These positive signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They are also referred to as male signs. A person born under one of these zodiac signs inherits the traits of the male zodiac sign.

A native born with positive signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. He will be brave, active, assertive, determined, offensive and dominant.

Astrology classifies the remaining six signs of the zodiac as negative signs. These are the even characters and are counted as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. These negative signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

If you were born under one of these negative zodiac signs. You will be very passive and receptive. You will be very defensive. You will always be anxious and will be more repressive of your emotions compared to positive sign natives.

For women, if the ascendant and moon sign fall in the odd sign or masculine sign, she will look more masculine and could be out of luck. When men with ascendant and moon sign are born in odd signs or in masculine sign, he appears more masculine. If both of his signs fall within the even sign or the feminine sign, he has a feminine appearance.

Strength acquired through passing even and odd zodiac signs in both Rashi and Navamsa is referred to as Ojayugma Rasyamsa Bala. Certain planets gain strength in odd signs, while others gain strength in even signs. Certain mathematical values ​​are assigned to planets that become powerful in both even and odd signs.

The values ​​given are in 1/60 units, called Shashtiyanshas. The Moon and Venus in even signs in both Rasi and Navamsa reach a strength of 15 Shashtiyanshas. While in odd signs Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn receive strength of similar value in both Rashi and Navamsha.

The characteristics of various odd characters are:


This is the first zodiac sign ranging from 0 to 30 degrees and is known as Aries or Mesha. It is a stellar constellation that appears like an Aries from Earth. The ruler of Aries is Mars and the gender is male. This fiery sign has Phelgm (Kapha) prakarti. The direction suitable for this rashi is east. The compatible stone for the Aries sign is red coral, copper and gold.


This is the third zodiac sign in the 61 to 90 degree range called Gemini or Mithun. It is a constellation of stars that appear like the twins from Earth. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury. The gender is male. This airy sign has wind (wata) prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is north. The healing stone for Gemini is green emerald, silver and sapphire.


This is the fifth zodiac sign ranging from 121 to 150 degrees and is called Leo. It is a constellation of stars that appear like lions from Earth. The ruler of Leo is Moon. The gender is male. This earthy sign has Galle (Pitta) Prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is east. The healing stone for the Leo sign is ruby, gold, and red stone.


This is the seventh zodiac sign in the range of 181 to 210 degrees. It is a constellation of stars that appear like a scale from Earth. The ruler of Libra is Venus. The gender is female. This earthy sign has Phelgma (Pitta) Prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is south. The healing stone for the Libra sign is Diamond and Zarkin.


This is the ninth zodiac sign in the range of 241 to 270 degrees. It’s called Sagittarius. It is a constellation of stars that appears like the centaur from Earth. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter. The gender of this sign is male. This fiery sign has windy (vaath) prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is east. The healing stone for Sagittarius is topaz, yellow sapphire, and gold.


This is the eleventh zodiac sign in the range of 301 to 330 degrees. It’s called Aquarius/Kumbh. It is a constellation of stars that appear like water jars from Earth. The ruler of Aquarius is Saturn. Its gender is male. This airy sign has Galle (Pitta) Prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is north. The healing stones for the afflicted Aquarius are blue sapphire, gunmetal, and iron.

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What is Rashi in Vedic Astrology?

Is Taurus an even sign?

As per Indian astrology, there are six positive zodiac signs and six negative zodiac signs. The negative signs are the even signs counted as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. These negative signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

According to Indian astrology, there are six positive zodiac signs and six negative zodiac signs. The negative characters are the even characters, counted as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. These negative signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

The six positive zodiac signs are odd signs numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. These positive signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They are also referred to as male signs. A person born under one of these zodiac signs inherits the traits of a male zodiac sign.

A native born under one of the negative zodiac signs is very passive and receptive. You will be very defensive. You will always be anxious and will be more repressive of your emotions compared to positive sign natives.

If a woman’s Ascendant and Moon sign fall in even signs or a feminine sign, she’s lucky. On the other hand, when men are born with the Ascendant and Moon sign in the even sign or in the feminine sign, he appears more feminine. If both of his signs fall within the even sign, he has a feminine appearance.

Strength acquired by passing even and odd zodiac signs in both Rasi and Navamsa is referred to as Ojayugma Rasyamsa Bala. Certain planets gain strength in odd signs, while others gain strength in even signs. Planets that become strong in even or odd signs are assigned specific mathematical values.

The values ​​given are in 1/60 units, called Shashtiyansha. The Moon and Venus in even signs in both Rashi and Navamsha reach a strength of 15 Shashtiyansha. While the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn are in an odd sign, they are given a strength of a similar value in both Rasi and Navamsa.

The characteristics of various characters are given below.


This is the second sign of the zodiac and the first even sign ranging from 31 to 60 degrees and is called Taurus or Vrishabha. It is a constellation of stars that appears like Taurus from Earth. The ruler of Taurus is Venus. The gender is female. This earthy sign has Galle (Pitta) Prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is south. They are medium or short in height and often tend to be corpulent. Women born under this sign are generally good looking. The healing stone for Taurus is diamond, silver, or zarkin.


This is the fourth zodiac sign and the second even zodiac sign in the 91 to 120 degree range is called Cancer or Karka. It is a constellation of stars that appears like Cancer from Earth. They are of medium sized body, full face, snub nose and white complexion. The ruler of Cancer is the moon. Its gender is female. This watery sign has Phlegm (Pitta) Prakriti. The direction suitable for this rashi is west. The healing stone for Cancer is moonstone, silver and pearl.


This is the sixth astrological sign and the third even astrological sign in the 151 to 180 degree range and is called Virgo or Kanya. It is a constellation of stars that appears like a terrestrial virgo. The ruler of Virgo is Mercury. The gender is female. This earth sign has wind (vatha) prakriti. They are of medium height and show their intelligence at a very young age. The direction suitable for this rashi is south. The healing stone for the Virgo sign is green emerald, silver and akeek.


This is the eighth sign of the zodiac and the fourth even sign in the range of 211 to 240 degrees. It’s called Scorpio. It is a constellation of stars that appear like a scorpio from earth. The ruler of Scorpio is Mars. The gender is female. This watery sign has bile (pitta) prakriti. Scorpios have youthful looks, generous dispositions, and wild eyes. The direction suitable for this rashi is west. The healing stone for the Scorpio sign is red coral, copper, and gold.


This is the tenth sign of the zodiac and the fifth even sign in the range of 271o to 300 degrees. It’s called Capricorn/Makar. It is a constellation of stars that appears like a crocodile from Earth. The ruler of the Capricorn sign is Saturn. The gender is female. This earthy sign has Phelgm (Kaph) prakriti. They are tall, reddish brown with noticeable hairs on their eyebrows and chest. Women will look beautiful and young. The direction suitable for this rashi is south. The healing stone for Capricorn is blue sapphire, iron and yellow sapphire.


This is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and the sixth even sign ranging from 331° to 360° and is called Pisces/Meen. It is a constellation of stars that appear like an inverted pair of fish from Earth. The ruler of Pisces is Jupiter. Its gender is female. This watery sign has windy (waat) prakriti. They are light, strong and moderately large. The direction suitable for this Rashi is West. The healing stones for Pisces are topaz, yellow sapphire, and gold.

What is Rashi in Vedic Astrology?

What are the movable signs?

The movable signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These depict being industrious, exuberant, ambitious and prevalent. Natives having dominance of movable signs in there horoscope experience love changes and reforms in life.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Each zodiac sign has specific characteristics attributed to it by ancient Maharishis and astrologers. Each sign represents an element in nature such as fire, air, earth and water. All zodiac signs can be categorized into nature, gender, caste, direction, element and behavior.

Based on the nature of the signs, all 12 zodiac signs can be grouped into three main categories: mobile (Char), fixed (Sthir), and dual (Dwiswabhav).

The fixed characters are:

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

The dual characters are:

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

The moving characters are:

Aries: Ruled by Mars. A mobile sign, they are independent, bold, enterprising, and vehement when excited.

Cancer: Ruled by the moon. As a mobile sign, they are curious, nervous, and restless. They are extremely frugal and just as hardworking.

Libra: Ruled by Venus. You are idealistic, quick-witted, vindictive, energetic and positive. As a moving sign, they exert enormous influence over the masses.

Capricorn: Ruled by Saturn. They are generous, compassionate, secretive and vengeful. You have a knack for adapting to circumstances.

The three categories can be compared to the three gunas of Hinduism: Satvik, Rajsi and Tamsik. The moving signs represent Rajsi activities. These zodiac signs represent movement from one place to another. These are similar to the water in the river flowing from top to bottom. The moving signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These show that they are hardworking, exuberant, ambitious and widespread.

Natives who dominate moving signs in their horoscope experience changes in love and reforms in life. People born under the flexible sign rise in their lives on their own, overcoming whatever obstacles and hurdles come their way. They have a fighting spirit and rise in life on their own. You are independent by nature and dislike dependence on others. They are the last to accept submission.

As a mobile sign, they are prone to movement or functional disorders, i.e. ailments affecting the stomach, kidneys, bones, blood circulation, etc.

Movable signs in the 2nd house help the local earn money through name, fame and recognition. Native can benefit from an ambitious attitude, benefit from various activities including adventurous activities.

Mobile sign in the 3rd house means ambitious and industrious spirit.

Movable sign in 4th house shows rapid mood swings. They are dissatisfied with their growth and wealth.

Movable signs in the 5th house indicate that natives enjoy engaging in speculative activity. They are fiery in everything they undertake. With their verve and their energy, they are successful in their jobs.

The ideal jobs for these people are those that involve speed and quick returns. You’re fit for a 100 meter sprint, not a marathon. So you should approach accordingly. They show their dynamism and act everywhere as authorities.

When planets are more in mobile signs in the horoscope, the person is more inclined towards commerce, business politics or social service.

The biggest advantage and disadvantage of this sign is that there is always a dissatisfaction among its natives. Dissatisfaction keeps growing into the urge to get more and dissatisfaction increases.

What are the 3 rare zodiac signs?

After Aquarians, Aries and Sagittarius are the rarest zodiac signs. What all three of these signs lack in numbers, however, they make up for in spunk.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Have you ever met someone who shares your zodiac sign?

If you are a Virgo or a Libra, this is probably a common experience for you.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) is believed to be the most common zodiac sign, as studies confirm that the most common birth month is September, with many of the most shared dates falling at the beginning of that month.

What is the rarest zodiac sign?

Following the same logic, the rarest zodiac sign is Aquarius.

The least common month for birthdays is February, probably because it’s the shortest month of the year, resulting in fewer birthdays.

Aquarius season runs from January 20th to February 18th. So water bearers are not only the most idealistic, but are also born under the rarest zodiac sign.

Some refer to Ophiuchus as the rarest sign of the zodiac, but this is somewhat misleading.

Those who follow sidereal astrology sometimes include Ophiuchus as the 13th sign of the zodiac in addition to the 12 signs found in tropical astrology.

Under sidereal astrology, those born between November 29 and December 17 (or November 30 and December 18, depending on who you ask) have their sun sign in Ophiuchus.

Because this sign is rarely used, some might call it the rarest sign, but when most people ask which are the most common and least common signs, they really mean within the realm of the 12 zodiac signs we usually think of.

Although Aquarius is the rarest zodiac sign, there are many famous Aquarians – Alicia Keys, Paul Newman, Jackie Robinson, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Galileo Galilei, Shakira, Corazon Aquino, Toni Morrison, Laura Dern and more…

After Aquarius, Aries and Sagittarius are the rarest zodiac signs.

What all three characters lack in numbers, however, they make up for in spunk.

Never cross an Aquarius, Aries or Sagittarius. They hug the people they love but are a little less compassionate towards their enemies.

In case you haven’t noticed, Scorpios are ubiquitous and not one of the rarest zodiac signs. Not only are they the most common, they are also the most likely to announce their sign in a given context. Scorpios just can’t help but brag about being Scorpios.

Aquarians, on the other hand, keep their mouths shut. Despite being the rarest of them all, there are probably more Aquarians in your inner circle than you realize.

Aquarians are driven by their own compassion.

Aquarians are obsessive about putting others ahead of themselves.

Driven by her sparkling compassion, her greatest hope is to save the world. It’s not so much that they’ve forgotten to put themselves first, but rather have actively chosen not to. Most of the people we meet in life have no trouble thinking of themselves.

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They’re known for consistently cheering on the misfits, and toss their kindness like confetti. What’s the point of making assumptions? The world is a better place when people are free to truly be themselves.

Despite this, they tend to erect walls.

Privacy is important to them. If you’re struggling with which of your friends to reveal your crush to, an Aquarius could be a powerful confidant. You are also not one to be curious.

The best thing about borders is that you don’t have to explain them. And an Aquarius always respects that.

Crush: I like your mask

Aquarius: Thanks, it fits the emotional walls I’ve put up – Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) August 23, 2020

We could all learn a thing or two from this Aquarian mindset.

If you are transparent about everything, you will start to disappear. Secrets keep your intuition alive.

Easygoing and intellectual, Aquarians are the perfect balance of emotionally available and self-sufficient.

Not only are they generous with their time, they also make sure to respect people’s personal space. Maybe because they also need quite a bit of “me time” to survive.

Aquarians practice what they tweet.

Social media is like a magical act. Any troubled Polly can create the illusion that she’s “waking up to awakening.”

It’s so easy to keep your personal truth away from them on social media.

However, an Aquarius knows that true activism comes from inner consistency.

Izzy Casey is a writer specializing in pop culture and body positivity.

Which zodiac is smartest?

The number one smartest sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. They are governed by Uranus—the planet of innovation, creativity, and expanded consciousness.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

The smartest people in the world share many traits: they are naturally smart, they come up with ideas easily, and they often have a strong work ethic that drives them to success. These qualities can help them create new inventions, write audio or visual masterpieces, or start world-changing companies. But have you ever wondered why some people are more brilliant than others? Astrology might just have something to do with it. Read on to discover the six smartest characters, from naturally glowing to full grown rocket scientists.

RELATED: The most snooty zodiac sign, according to astrologers.

6 Cancer

Nurturing, compassionate and caring Cancers have a unique type of intelligence. “People born under the sign of Cancer combine intuition and emotional sensitivity with a cunning nature,” says relationship astrologer Anna Kovach. This serves them not only in their personal relationships. “They can be successful in business because they understand how to provide a nurturing response that others can’t resist,” she adds. “You are excellent at reading people and attuning to the feelings of others.” Expect your Cancer friend to be a master at addressing everyone’s emotional needs without batting an eyelid; It is an indication of a high level of emotional intelligence that few other signs can replicate.

5 Libra

Your Libra pal is probably always in a book or visiting the local museum, movie theater, or concert hall. Because of this, they have a knowledge base on a range of subjects. However, Kovach notes that her intelligence doesn’t stop there. “It’s also the mark associated with art and music,” she says. “They may have a gift for intelligence that manifests through creativity, such as grasping music theory or fine arts easily.” Not to mention that this zodiac sign is a talented conversationalist – which means they are constantly chatting with others, which in turn expands their intellect.

RELATED: The most power-hungry zodiac sign, according to astrologers.

4 shooters

Sagittarius prefers to acquire knowledge through immersive experiences. “This zodiac sign tends to be independent, free thinkers — but they don’t reject inquiry and rationality,” says Kovach. “Indeed, their desire to seek the truth often leads them to go to great lengths to educate themselves.” For example, a Sagittarius who wants to learn a new language or cuisine may travel to another country to learn from the to learn from locals. Because of this, people born in this zodiac sign are not just literate – although they love to read – they take what they learn and apply it to their lives in ways that go beyond the academic.

3 twins

This zodiac sign is always soaking up new information, whether it’s digging into an internet rabbit hole on a topic that was briefly touched upon at the office, or finding out everything there is to know about a company they’re considering applying to. “They have strong awareness and communication skills, which makes them very smart,” says coach and astrologer Linda Berry. “A Gemini has a basic personality that is adaptable and alert, which contributes to their experimental and inquisitive ability to reason and learn.”

Why aren’t they higher up on our list? According to Kovach, “People born under this sign are so easily distracted that they tend to delve into interesting subjects rather than delve in enough to develop expertise.” In other words, they are all-rounders and masters of their craft.

RELATED: To get more astrology delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

2 virgin

This hardworking, reliable and perfectionist zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and thinking. Virgos tend to be easy learners in academics and have a practical level of intelligence that makes them great at providing advice. It doesn’t end there either. “I always tell my clients that the Virgo energy is very similar to obtaining a primary resource,” says Crescent, professional tarot reader and astrologer at Crescent Divination. “Anything they learn, they must find out for themselves or know the why behind it.” Expect a Virgo to know every danger! answer or be the leader of their local trivia night.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

1 Aquarius

The number one smartest zodiac sign is Aquarius. They are ruled by Uranus – the planet of innovation, creativity and expanded consciousness. Because of this, this air sign can do more than just process and spit out facts: they analyze, understand, and build on that information. “They are innovative, eccentric and often ahead of their time,” says Kovach. “They understand how trends work on the horizon and may see a vision of the future that others can’t immediately see.”

Also, don’t expect this sign to hold back their forward thinking. “Not only are they geniuses when it comes to brilliant ideas and revelation, but they are also brave enough to take risks, which often leads to breakthroughs long before others know what to expect,” says Kovach. The sign also has a strong moral compass and uses these intellectual talents to help others and change society for the better. So if you find an Aquarius friend, keep them close.

RELATED: The Most Manipulative Zodiac Sign According to Astrologers.

What is the zodiac sign everyone hates?

Gemini is the most hated sign.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

By Astrofame


Gemini is the most hated sign

Gemini is an intriguing sign and being represented by Gemini, they combine two extremes which consequently make for a tumultuous personality. The truth is, you never know what to expect with twins. This Air sign personality is just so unpredictable that people regularly walk around Gemini on eggshells. Their unstable nature and constant mood swings mean that twins are regularly hard to find and really make unreliable friends. If you ever need a favor, be sure to call someone else, e.g. B. Cancer!

What is a ambiguous word?

In general terms, a word is ambiguous if its intended meaning is in some way unclear to the reader. There are three main reasons why this can happen: The meaning of the word is imprecise or open to more than one interpretation.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Essay on Editing Wikipedia

“WP:Ambiguous” redirects here. For article disambiguation, see Wikipedia:disambiguation

Can you tell what that picture is?

In general, a word is ambiguous when its intended meaning is in any way unclear to the reader. There are three main reasons why this can happen:

The meaning of the word is imprecise or open to more than one interpretation. For example, “bright” in “the sun is bright” is a relative term that does not inform the reader how bright the sun actually is, nor how bright it is in comparison to other celestial bodies. Editors should always avoid such terms, except in quotations.

Some words have multiple interpretations and have different meanings depending on one’s perspective. What one source calls “war” may be called “invasion” by the other. The use of such words tends to be seen as endorsing the views of one side over the other, unless clearly attributed to the correct side. Instead of “This is a war,” indicate that it is considered a war and who considers it as such, and provide appropriate references. For the sake of complete impartiality, the opposing view should also be mentioned and quoted, giving due weight to each side.

Words with multiple definitions tend to cause the most problems because each definition may not be ambiguous. The ambiguity arises because the reader may not be sure which definition is intended by the editor. In such cases, always provide sufficient context or explanation to make it clear to any reader what definition is intended.

In some cases, the wording can be ambiguous even though the words are not. For example, it is common to explain an unfamiliar term with “or” and a known synonym in parentheses: “the orca (or killer whale)…”. For someone unfamiliar with the topic, this may be ambiguous and suggest an alternative; Compare the valid sentences “A seal pup can be eaten by an orca (or killer whale).” and “A seal pup can be eaten by an orca (or polar bear).” A clearer alternative is to omit “or”: “A seal pup may be eaten by an orca (killer whale).”

What is an ambiguous situation?

You are dealing with ambiguous situations when you see that there is more than one solution to a problem, but you aren’t sure which one to do. Or, it might be when you come to a conclusion about a situation, but before you can act on it, the situation has already changed.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Posted on 01/18/2022

Dealing with ambiguity: guidelines and resources

Copyright Carter McNamara, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

Sections in this topic include

Also consider

What is ambiguity?

One of the biggest challenges for today’s leaders and managers is dealing with the increasing ambiguity in their job. Wikipedia nicely defines what this ambiguity is:

“Ambiguity is a type of meaning in which a sentence, statement, or solution is not explicitly defined, making multiple interpretations plausible. A common aspect of ambiguity is uncertainty.”

You are dealing with ambiguous situations when you see that there is more than one solution to a problem but you are not sure which one to do. Or it could be that you come to a conclusion about a situation, but before you can act on it, the situation has already changed.

Causes of increasing ambiguity in life and work

Words can have different meanings

One of the biggest reasons for the increasing ambiguity is the increasing diversity of today’s workforce. In different cultures and personalities, the same word or phrase can have very different meanings. For example, what used to be considered “bad” can now be interpreted as “very cool”. What used to be criticism can now be a compliment.

Likewise, behavior that is appropriate in some cultures can be very offensive in others. For example, in some cultures, direct eye contact can be a means of showing active listening and deep respect. In others it can be intimidating.

Therefore, it is important not only to recognize which words and gestures to use, but also to tactfully explain one’s choices when necessary.

What worked in the past may not work today

Today there is increasing competition among organizations as they expand their markets around the globe. As a result, organizations must become more effective and efficient in their operations than ever before. You cannot languish in the often very reactive and chaotic early stages of development. Instead, they need to progress faster through the growth phase, with its heavy focus on internal development, and then into the maturity phase, where they can be much more competitive.

As a result, today’s leaders and managers are faced with a choice between different leadership styles and growth strategies. You are dealing with driving forces that are creating change like never before.

Test – How well do you deal with ambiguity/uncertainty?

Here’s an online test to help you decide how well you handle ambiguity and uncertainty yourself.

What do you intend to do with the test results? Consider some of the strategies below.

Strategies for dealing with ambiguity in life and work

Fortunately, there are a growing number of guidelines and tools for dealing with ambiguity.

Strategies for self-management

Improve your interpersonal skills so you can have more patience with others and be able to have them

more patience with you. Strengthen your communication skills so you can say what you mean more clearly without others accidentally hearing otherwise. Manage your time and stress so you can be more patient with the confusion and frustration that can often arise when dealing with ambiguity. Aim for a growth mindset rather than a rigid mindset so you can see ambiguity as an opportunity

for learning. Practice mindfulness so you can be more present in the moment and not focus on your confusion and frustrations.

Strategies for leading others

Get to know strategies for leading in uncertainty, for example the VUCA leadership style. Explain the ambiguity and its causes to others so they can be more patient with themselves and others. Share this article with them.

Strategies for understanding other cultures and points of view

Learn to value diversity and inclusion so you can be even more sensitive to how others may interpret things very differently than you do. As much as possible, adapt the activities to the needs of the different cultures involved in your life and work.

Strategies for decision making and problem solving

Learn creative ways to make decisions and solve problems, such as design thinking and organic problem solving. In your decision-making, strive for a consensus style that allows others to contribute. The more perspectives included in a decision, the more likely the decision will be accurate and useful—or at least, the more patient those involved will be with the outcome. Use the Pareto Principle to do the first 20% of the effort that generates the first 80% of the results. Be realistic in expectations and deadlines. Integrate means that changes can be made to plans as needed. See ambiguity as a vehicle for creativity and innovation, as it challenges the mind to see things differently. Understand principles for successful change, as there is likely to be increasing change in how you respond to life and work.

Example of an ambiguity tool: Polarity Management

A typical example of an ambiguous situation is when there appear to be two solutions that appear to contradict each other. For example, you believe a problem would be solved if people had more self-empowerment—but you also believe it could be solved with the opposite: more teamwork. Or you think that communication could be better if people listened more – but also if people spoke more clearly. These situations are called polarities. Here’s an article that explains how you can use polarity management to address these ambiguous situations.

Additional Perspectives

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Also scan the recommended books listed below. They have been chosen for their relevance and highly practical nature.

What is the opposite of ambiguous?

Opposite of having a meaning that is open to several interpretations. clear. nonambiguous. obvious. unambiguous.

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

Opposite of a meaning open to multiple interpretations

“The agency stressed that the information contained on food labels should be clear and not make misleading or false claims.”

Opposite of not quite sure or sure of something

Opposite of deceiving or tending to mislead or give the wrong impression

Opposite of approximately or nearly right in accuracy

“A platform and offset handle are designed to provide additional leverage to ensure a quality, precise cut.”

Opposite of difficult to understand or understand

“The player’s menu system is easy to use, with a scroll wheel to quickly navigate through tracks.”

Opposite of evasive or intentionally ambiguous nature

Opposite of in the form of a cloud or veil

Opposite of not fixed or certain

“Fixed rates began creeping up late last summer in anticipation of interest rate hikes.”

The opposite of this is somewhat diametrically opposed

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Dominant/signature sign:Leo

Dominant/signature sign:Leo
Dominant/signature sign:Leo

See some more details on the topic ambiguous signature sign astrology here:

Signature Sign in Astrology and Its Meaning in Your Chart

Ambiguous Signature Sign. It can happen that you have an equal number of planets in two elements or qualities. For example, you both water and …

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Date Published: 8/13/2022

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What does Ambiguous Signature Sign mean my dear friends?

4x Fire (4x Earth) + 6x Mutable = Ambiguous Signature Sign. What does this exactly mean and how can I work with it in further studies?

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Date Published: 2/30/2022

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Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – astro-seek forum

Ambiguity is certainly noted by the shape of your chart, hinting that you frequently feel like you are being pulled in 2 different directions.

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Date Published: 2/29/2022

View: 890

Astrology: Your Signature Sign – Smurf is a Lifestyle

If you have an equal number of planets in two elements or qualities, you have an ambiguous signature sign. To break this tie, leave out your …

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Date Published: 9/30/2021

View: 8041

Signature signs in astrology | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs

When this occurs, an indivual has an Ambiguous Signature. Ex. 2 Let’s say you are a Taurus Sun, a fixed earth sign. But many planets in mutable signs take up …

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Date Published: 10/1/2022

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Each zodiac sign is a unique combination of an element and a modality. Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; Air …

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Date Published: 11/3/2021

View: 2184

#Signature signs in astrology on Tumblr

An Ambiguous Signature Sign in Astrology. Happens typically when you’ve calculated each of your planet’s elements and modalities and totaled an equal number of …

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Date Published: 10/14/2021

View: 4168

Chart Dominants and Signature Sign – Online Calculator … Ambiguous Signature Sign “means” it might be either:

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Date Published: 5/18/2022

View: 3426

Signature Sign in Astrology and Its Meaning in Your Chart

If you’ve been into astrology for a while, you may have heard the term signature sign. This is a lesser-known concept, but it reveals a lot of information about you.

What is a sign sign in astrology?

And why is it useful?

In short, the astrological signature sign is the zodiac sign that is most specific to you.

The characteristics of this sign are often repeated in your natal chart. To find it, add up the modality and element of your planets. It is the most common modality and element in your natal chart.

Let’s say you are a Taurus Sun, a solid Earth sign. But you also have a lot of planets in variable signs, and you have a lot of planets in water. This makes you feel like a Pisces, the mutable water sign in astrology. You may not have important placements in Pisces in your natal chart, but you can still identify strongly with its qualities.

If you want to find your own signature sign, there is an example to show you how.

You weigh the elements and modalities of the sign where a planet is in your chart. You start with your sun, continue with your moon, and so on. Again, the Ascendant and Midheaven are to be considered.

This sign is not necessarily the same as your sun sign or ascendant sign. Sometimes people don’t even have planets in their signature sign! However, chances are good that you can identify with the characteristics of this zodiac sign very well.

If this is completely new to you, it might sound confusing. But in a second you will see what the signature sign in astrology is all about. To help you better understand this concept, below is a sample calculation.

Do you want to learn astrology? Check out these FREE astrology resources!

The four elements and three modalities

If you are familiar with astrology, you know that each zodiac sign has its element and modality. They are the key to calculating your astrological signature sign.

There are four elements: fire, earth, air and water. And there are three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Each zodiac sign is a unique combination of an element and a modality.


Zodiac signs grouped by elements:

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Fire signs are enthusiastic, optimistic, and outgoing. You have a lot of energy. Fire signs are very inspirational and they have good leadership qualities.

Earth signs, on the other hand, focus on the reality of the physical world. They want to get the job done and get it done. Earth signs are considered hardworking, persistent, organized, and realistic.

Air signs represent the intellect. You have a mental approach to life and are fascinated by a good conversation, an overwhelming book. They are usually very smart. Air signs tend to rationalize feelings.

Water signs are associated with emotions and intuition. There is something mysterious about the element water. When this element dominates in your chart, you are intuitive, friendly, personable, and process information at a rather unconscious level.


Here is a list of which zodiac sign belongs to which modality:

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Alternating signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Zodiac signs are active and like to act. You love change and like to initiate it. They want to take their lives into their own hands and have the courage and motivation to do so.

Solid Signs are here to finish what Cardinal Signs started. They are persistent and hardworking and keep their word. Fixed signs don’t like change, except maybe when it was their own choice to do something differently. It’s hard to change the mind of a person whose natal chart emphasizes fixed signs.

Mutable signs welcome change. They need versatility but often lack assertiveness. The role of mutable signs is to explore and find alternative ways to do something. You get bored easily.

Each zodiac sign has its unique corresponding element and modality. There are three marks for each element and four marks for each quality or modality. However, there are no two signs of the same element and quality.

Aries: Cardinal Fire

Taurus: solid earth

Gemini: changing air

Cancer: cardinal water

Leo: Solid fire

Virgo: changing earth

Libra: cardinal air

Scorpio: solid water

Sagittarius: Variable Fire

Capricorn: Cardinal Earth

Aquarius: solid air

Pisces: changing waters

Here’s a handy overview of each zodiac sign’s element and modality:

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, click here for an article on element and modality in astrology.

And now let’s move on to determining your signature mark!

How to calculate your astrological signature sign?

To calculate your signature sign in astrology, you need to add up the element and modality of the signs your planets are in in your natal chart.

First look at your Sun, one of the most important signs of the horoscope. Find the element and modality of your sun sign. Let’s say you have your Sun in Virgo. In this case both earth and mutable count one point.

Next, find your moon. Find again the element and the modality of it. If you have your Moon in Cancer, the element of water and the cardinal modality each get a point.

Repeat this process for all the planets in your natal chart: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

After completing this, move on to the Ascendant and the middle sky. These two angles are very important in astrology and have a huge impact on your personality. Find their element and modality and add them to your list.

Find the element in which you have most of your planets. Let’s say you have a ton of planets in the water. Next, find the modality. In this case, let’s take the fixed quality for example.

So this person has most of their planets in water and in fixed signs. We will combine them into one zodiac sign. Here comes the step where we actually calculate the signature sign in astrology! There is one zodiac sign that defines water by element and by modality: Scorpio.

In this case, the person’s signature sign is Scorpio.

They may not even have a planet in Scorpio, but it’s still an important influence in their lives. Some people identify more with their signature sign than their sun sign.

If you are short on time, there is free software that can quickly do this calculation for you. You can find it here.

Ambiguous Signature Sign

It can happen that you have the same number of planets in two elements or qualities. For example, you rated both water and earth 5-5 in your chart.

In this case you don’t have a signature. It is called an ambiguous signature sign when there is no distinct astrological signature.

To break this bond, only calculate your ascendant when it comes to adding the house cusps.

Example signature calculation

Let’s find Pablo Picasso’s astrological signature sign. He was born on

October 25, 1881 at 11:15 p.m. in Malaga, Spain. Here is his natal chart from the Astro database:

As you can see, he was a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Leo ascendant. His Taurus Stellium in the 10th house of career is a strong indicator of his artistic path. Let’s calculate his signature sign!

First of all, here is a list of its planets in signs:

Sun in Scorpio (solid water)

Moon in Sagittarius (mutable fire)

Mercury in Scorpio (solid water)

Venus in Libra (Cardinal Air)

Mars in Cancer (Cardinal Water)

Jupiter in Taurus (Solid Earth)

Saturn in Taurus (Solid Earth)

Uranus in Virgo (Variable Earth)

Neptune in Taurus (Solid Earth)

Pluto in Taurus (Solid Earth)

Leo Rising (Fixed Fire)

Aries Midheaven (Cardinal Fire)

Let’s find the most common element in his natal chart. There are 5 planets in earth signs (the Taurus Stellium plus its Uranus in Virgo), 3 planets in water signs (Sun, Mercury and its Mars), one planet (the Sagittarius Moon) and its Ascendant and Midheaven in fire signs and one planet, its Venus in an air sign, Libra.

As you can see, the most common element in Picasso’s birth chart is Earth.

You will also need the most common modality.

There are six planets in fixed signs, plus its ascendant Leo. Fixed characters scored 7 points. He has two planets, his Venus in Libra and Mars in Capricorn in cardinal signs and his Aries in the center of the sky. And finally, there are two planets in mutable signs, Mercury and Uranus.

The modality that occurs most frequently is fixed.

Now all we have to do is combine the element of earth and the fixed modality into one zodiac sign. There is only one sign that equals this, and that is Taurus. This means that the bull is Picasso’s trademark in astrology.

Signature sign through the zodiac

Once you’ve found your signature sign, read what it reveals about your personality.

Aries signature sign:

If Aries is your hallmark, you are ambitious and strong-willed. Sometimes hot-headed and impulsive, it happens that you act before you think. You are a born leader and like to set things in motion. Action is your second nature.

Aries is a no-nonsense sign, which sometimes gets blunt. Being independent is very important to you. You are competitive and bold, someone who loves new challenges. you love to win Aries is always looking for new opportunities to conquer.

Taurus Signature Sign:

If Taurus is your astrological signature sign, you can likely identify with its traits to a large extent. You like to think before you act. It often takes a lot of time to make a decision, but once you’ve made it, you can’t change your mind. You are incredibly stubborn and persistent.

Taurus is the sign of hedonism. If this is your signature sign in astrology, you know how to enjoy life. They appreciate good food, beautiful clothes and all things luxurious. Taurus craves stability, both financially and emotionally. You are reliable and passionate.

Gemini signature sign:

If Gemini is your trademark, you are curious, witty, and talkative. You’re a great observer, someone who notices every detail and then puns about it. Gemini are incredibly smart. They love to read and write and are usually talented when it comes to expressing themselves.

However, Geminis lack focus and are superficial at times. You get bored easily. Because of this, you need a lot of mental stimulation. Gemini are lifelong learners, they are just in love with knowledge.

Cancer Signature Sign:

If Cancer is your signature sign in astrology, you are a gentle soul. However, you get easily overwhelmed by all the noise out there. You need a lot of alone time, in the safety of your home, surrounded by your family members.

You are soft and caring. Cancers can sense the emotions of others. They are extremely protective of their loved ones. Cancers have incredible intuition, sometimes they don’t understand themselves. Sometimes you overreact. Cancers are extremely sensitive.

Leo Signature Sign:

If your signature sign is Leo, you have a big heart. This zodiac sign is famous for its generosity. you like to give Leos need luxury around them. You enjoy being with others, making people laugh and cheering them up. You are optimistic and have a lot of energy. You can infect others with your enthusiasm.

When you live the negative manifestation of Leo, you can become arrogant and boastful. Leos tend to have big egos, but it’s important to realize that this hurts those around you. You can be dominant and bossy. If you show your gentle side to others, they will give you all the love you crave.

Virgo signature sign:

If Virgo is your signature sign, you are humble, effective, and helpful. you work hard Being productive is very important to you. Virgos pay attention to detail and solve problems by analyzing them. Rational thinking is one of your greatest strengths.

Virgos are reliable and have a strong sense of duty. This sign has a very powerful brain. They prefer to think rather than feel, which can sometimes be challenging for them.

Libra signature sign:

When your signature sign is Libra, you are always elegant no matter what you do. Libras are graceful and charming. They have great social skills and get along with everyone. However, sometimes they don’t stand up for themselves when they should because they want to avoid conflict at all costs.

If you are a Libra, you have very good taste. They often have artistic talent. This sign strives to create harmony, both visually and in interpersonal relationships.

Scorpio Signature Sign:

Scorpios are intense and mysterious. If your signature sign is Scorpio, you possess these traits as well. Scorpios have deep minds and are perfect detectives. Nothing is hidden from them.

If Scorpio is your signature sign, you are passionate and have intense emotions. Your intuition is excellent, but at the same time you are very sensitive. Scorpios can become obsessed with the object of their love.

Sagittarius Signature Sign:

In astrology, Sagittarius is a representative of expansion. This zodiac sign is always looking for new experiences that will help them understand the world better. Optimistic and with a great sense of humor, people love to be around her. They have high energy levels and are always on the go.

If your signature sign is Sagittarius, you have an unwavering faith in the universe. This zodiac sign is the sign of philosophy and you believe that everything will make sense in the end. Maybe that’s why you’re so optimistic.

Capricorn Signature Sign:

If Capricorn is your signature sign, you have an earthy vibe regardless of your actual zodiac sign. They are reliable, efficient and incredibly ambitious. You will be strengthened by your achievements. Order and discipline are very important to you.

Capricorns are known to be hard workers who work hard to achieve their goals. They usually become successful in life. Sometimes you are accused of being cold. While you are reserved, you need love and devotion. A relationship takes you a lot of time, but once you’re in, your partner can always count on you.

Aquarius Signature Sign:

Unique and eccentric, you always notice that when you meet an Aquarius. If Aquarius is your hallmark, you prefer to live your life on your own terms. Freedom is your most important value in life. You enjoy being with like-minded people, even if your relationships are not usually emotional in nature.

Aquarius is the sign of brilliance in astrology. You have great ideas and are fascinated by everything new and modern. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarian ideals. If you have this sign strongly in your horoscope, you have a strong sense of justice.

Pisces signature sign:

If Pisces is your signature sign, you have very strong intuition. You are also very sensitive and easily overwhelmed. Pisces need to spend a lot of time alone. They are compassionate and have a strong compassion for those who suffer. If you can, work to help them ease their pain.

They are very musical and often artistically gifted. They also have a vivid imagination and are very creative. However, make sure you don’t escape reality. Pisces tend to escapism and illusions.

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What does Ambiguous Signature Sign mean my dear friends? : AskAstrologers

4x Fire (4x Earth) + 6x Mutable = Ambiguous Signature Sign

What does that mean exactly and how can I work with it in my further studies? Is it relevant for interpretations? In which areas and how should this be taken into account?

I’ve never heard of summarizing the elements in detail, so I’d appreciate any approach that would help me clarify this question.

Thanks in advance!!

Ambiguous Signature Sign? Please Interprete – Discussions, questions

January 26, 2020 at 8:38 p.m


Ambiguity is certainly noticed by the shape of your chart, suggesting that you often feel like you’re being pulled in two different directions. Conflicting factors create tensions that start from within and then project outward into your outer reality. In general, we view your personality as an integration of the energies of the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign [ASC]; further delineated by the aspects related to the other planets. The Sun: Your Personal Identity/Soul Essence: Your Cancer Sun’s expression is modified by a conjunction with Venus and Lilith – sxt ASC, and can be hindered by the squares of Jupiter and Pluto and in opposition to the MC. We also find that the Sun is astride the apex of the nadir, indicating that your genetic/karmic lineage has a powerful influence on the issues and patterns you carry within you. Having recently undergone your Saturn return, you may have felt the need to regenerate/rebuild your sense of identity to be different from your father’s traits. In contemplating the Moon [the mother and emotional imprint], the Gemini nature is apt to be modified by opposition to your Saturn/Uranus conjunction. Placement in the 1st house suggests that your “outer personality” is further defined by sensitivity and self-control [Saturn], but can also be changeable and restless [Uranus]. Do you feel easily influenced by the opinions of others? Therefore, your personal signature is dominated by the Sun in Cancer, the core of your being + the Moon/ASC in Gemini. You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve as your emotions play a large part in the “self-expression” you express to the outside world. The integration of these different energies will require an inner balance to create more stability and security for yourself. Elementally you seem fairly balanced, indicating no apparent deficit: the combination of Fire and Air relates to a more open-minded nature as in “the inspired intellect”, while Earth and Water are more receptive and sensitive, with a stronger need for security and stability. Astrology is inherently quite complex, with so many variables to consider. Feel free to message me if you would like more input on analyzing your chart.

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