Baptism Photographer Near Me? Trust The Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “baptism photographer near me“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

How much does baptism photography cost?

Our baptism pricing starts at $595. Our baptism photography collections include an online gallery that can be shared with family and friends.

Should I get a photographer for baptism?

Professional photography is not reserved for your wedding day only. It’s actually a great idea to hire a professional for such an important day like a baptism, a birthday party, or any other special occasion that you want to be a part of.

Can you take pictures at a baptism?

Ask the parents to mention to the priest they’re planning to have a baptism photographer present for capturing photos. Some don’t allow it. That being said, these days it’s much more uncommon for priests to ban photographers.

What should a photographer wear to a christening?

  • I make sure my shoulders are covered and my clothes are appropriate for a church.
  • Photographing christenings and baptism can be a chilly experience, so I opt for thick layers that will keep me cosy.
  • I wear quiet shoes so I can move around the church without distracting anyone.

Baptism Photography: 7 Essential Tips

First I pack my camera bag.

I take two cameras (Canon 5D Mk IV). This partially serves as a backup camera in case one camera fails. This is mainly because I can have two lenses with different focal lengths on each camera to get a good variety of shots (one close-up, one wide-angle).

I take 6 fully charged batteries with me so I never run out of battery power.

I also pack 6 memory cards: 2 for each camera and 2 spares.

The next step is to format the camera cards for the day – this will help minimize the risk of card corruption. I have two cards in each camera, so each photo is instantly backed up to two cards.

I carry a lens pouch that I wear around my waist so I have spare lenses on hand should I need them while on duty.

Depending on the church, I usually use the following lenses:

How much should a photographer charge for prints?

The 33% of photographers who are pricing their photography prints at $51 – $100 are likely somewhat profitable. The top 7% of survey respondents report that they are pricing their portrait photography at more than $100 for an 8” x 10”.

Baptism Photography: 7 Essential Tips

When starting a new photography business, one of the biggest hurdles is deciding the price of your photography.

That’s why we asked 1,828 professional photographers about photography pricing at Joy of Marketing, an educational resource for over 90,000 professional photographers.

Respondents hail from 15 countries and specialize in portrait and/or wedding photography.

How does your photography pricing compare to our survey respondents?

Here are the results of the Joy of Marketing Photography Pricing Survey:


53% of the surveyed photographers stated that their photography is too cheap.

And we are not surprised by this result.

Many photographers find that being able to do what they love in their free time outweighs their lower earning potential.

And the average photographer in the United States makes $38,350 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That’s over $6,000 less per year than the national median wage of $44,888.

Raising prices and learning how to price photography profitably could help fill this gap.

An overwhelming 95% of respondents think their photography is not priced too high, indicating a potential trend for rising photography prices in the years to come.


75% of respondents offer both digital and printed products. And only 18% only sell digital photo products.

For those who sell photo prints, 60% of respondents charge less than $50 for an 8″ x 10″ print.

This is a worrying indicator for photographers trying to build a profitable business. Here’s why:

According to Professional Photographers of America, the non-profit association for professional photographers in the United States, a photographer must pay $51 for an 8″ x 10″ photo print to cover their costs. This is based on a photographer pricing his time at $30/hour.

Most photographers who took part in our survey lose money when they advertise their 8″ x 10″ print at $50 or less.

The 33% of photographers who price their prints at $51-$100 are likely to be reasonably profitable.

The top 7% of survey respondents say they price their portrait photography at over $100 for an 8″ x 10″ size.

In terms of session fees, Smartshoot conducted a similar survey and found that the average portrait photographer charges between $230 and $954 per session, depending on the length of the session, studio time needed, and equipment required.


82% of photographers surveyed said they had no idea or had only a slight belief that their prices were viable.

And only 18% of photographers surveyed are confident they know how to price photography and that their current photo prices are profitable.

Many photographers doubt their math skills and use competitor pricing as a basis for their pricing, leading to doubt and uncertainty as to their profitability.

Price guide and tips for photography

For more information on photo pricing, here are some of our top resources:

5 price tips for photography

Podcast: Why it doesn’t matter if another photographer is cheaper

4 steps to photography pricing for an 8×10

How to raise photography prices when you’re already losing clients

How to value photography for profit

Now it’s your turn. How does your photography pricing compare to our survey results?

Would you like to find out more?

What are the baptism symbols?

Familiar Symbols Used in Baptism. There are five universal symbols of baptism: the cross, a white garment, oil, water, and light. Other familiar symbols include the baptismal font, scriptural readings and prayers, and godparents.

Baptism Photography: 7 Essential Tips

As your child or a close family member prepares for an upcoming baptism, you should familiarize yourself with the most common baptismal symbols. This will allow you to celebrate baptism, choose an appropriate gift, and help older children understand the symbolism of the items.

Well-Known Symbols Used in Baptism There are five universal symbols of baptism: the cross, a white robe, oil, water, and light. Other well-known symbols are the baptismal font, scripture readings and prayers, and godparents. These symbols represent the philosophies and teachings of the Christian religion, as well as the traditions and rituals of an individual church and its congregation. Baptism is one of the sacraments of the Church, and baptized babies are welcome as members of the Christian community. It is part of the Christian faith that once a baby is baptized, it becomes a member of God’s family. Related Articles Steps of the Catholic Baptism Ceremony and What to Expect

Understand the Catholic Rite of Baptism

70+ Christian Baby Names and Their Biblical Meanings

The Cross The cross is a universal symbol of Christianity. Crossing a child during baptism invokes God’s protection and requests admission into the body of the Christian church. You can find this symbol in many Christian rituals, as well as in Christian churches. The cross is also a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus’ death was His sacrifice to cleanse the sins of all mankind. The cross is one of the most well-known Christian symbols.

White Clothing White is the color of purity and wearing a white dress during baptism symbolizes that the person being baptized now has a clean slate in the eyes of God. Christians believe that everyone is born with “original sin,” which is only washed away by baptism. The white robe symbolizes that the baptized person is now clothed in the mantle of God and will begin to live a pure life in His eyes and in the eyes of the church.

The Oil Oil is another baptismal symbol of the Holy Spirit. Of course, oil also symbolizes the Holy Spirit in other sacraments and religious gatherings. During a baptism, the baby is anointed with oil, and oil is mentioned several times in the Bible as a symbol of bringing the person and the Holy Spirit together. Holy oils are used during baptism to strengthen the faith of the anointed. They also symbolize the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Baptismal Water Water is the Christian symbol of divine life and a sign of purity and cleansing from sin. The outward sign of baptism is the actual pouring of water on the head while reciting the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” The cleansing quality of water is seen as something that a person can cleanse from the outside. The holy water means that God gave life to man and is a symbol of his grace. Water also recalls the Gospel, John 3: these 1-6, “…unless a man is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God…”

The baptismal light as a symbol of baptism is represented by the handing over of a burning candle by the celebrant to the godparents. The candle represents the transition from death to life in Christ. Light, like water, is essential to life because without the light of the sun there would be nothing on earth. The candle is not only a symbol of the emergence and vitality of life, but also a symbol of Christ as the “light of the world” and the Christian faith. When this candle is burning, religious belief is present.

The Dove At baptism, the dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. According to the Bible, when Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened, God spoke, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. The dove confirmed Jesus as the chosen one. This wondrous event demonstrates the loving union between the three aspects of the Christian Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The dove also symbolizes peace between God and man. When the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove at Jesus’ baptism, it showed that God (through Jesus) would pay the price for mankind’s sins so that mankind could ultimately be reconciled to God.

Other Symbolism in Baptismal Ceremonies Baptismal ceremonies are not identical from one church to another. For example, the symbols and procedures in a Lutheran church are not the same as in a Catholic church. The ceremony is generally full of symbolism, regardless of denomination.

The baptismal font The traditional baptismal font contains the water used for baptism. It symbolizes the baptismal streams, rivers or pools of past centuries, such as the Jordan River, where Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. According to the tradition of a particular denomination, the child is either immersed or immersed in the water in the baptismal font, or water from the baptismal font is sprinkled or poured over the baby’s head. Baptismal fonts are made of stone, metal, wood or marble and have usually been present in the church for generations.

Scripture Readings and Prayers The Scripture readings during a baptism are taken from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. They celebrate God’s Word and call for renewal and confession of faith. The readings also recall the baptism of Christ and the symbolic meaning of dying to oneself and rising from that death, as Christ rose from the dead after crucifixion. The prayers during the baptismal ceremony invoke freedom from sin for the child and ask for the protection, blessings, mercy and grace of Christ for the child, parents, godparents, family and community.

Membership in the Church Communion Baptism represents a new birth and union with Christ, and thereby the child gains entry into Church membership. The members of the congregation represent the sacred body of Christ. The assembled congregation witnesses to the baptism of the child and welcomes the baptized into the holy church of Christ and the company of God.

The Godparents The tradition of the godparents consists in helping the parents to bring up the godchild in the Christian faith. The godparents are chosen by the parents, and their role in a baptism ceremony varies. In some churches a godfather holds the baby during the baptismal ritual, but in others the godparents stand with the parents to support them and witness the ceremony. In some cultures godparents hold an honorary title, while in others godparents take their role seriously and are involved in many aspects of the child’s life.

Use of Symbols in Baptism All symbols are important in traditional church baptismal ceremonies, although the details of their use may vary. The only symbol for which a parent or relative is responsible is to dress the child in a white garment before baptism or to provide such a garment for use after baptism. Of course, your child can receive multiple crosses or pieces of jewelry from family and friends, but you may want one that your baby can wear himself during the religious ceremony. You can use these items to teach older children the symbolism surrounding the sacrament of baptism. A baptism symbol worksheet can be helpful for this type of teaching. Alternatively, you can make a scrapbook of all the symbols and images from the baptism ceremony to teach the child who will be baptized a few years later.

What does it mean when you are baptized?

Definition of baptism

1a : a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community. b : a non-Christian rite using water for ritual purification. c Christian Science : purification by or submergence in Spirit.

Baptism Photography: 7 Essential Tips

In the past year there have been over 100 baptisms in our church. As an infant he received the sacrament of baptism.

Current examples on the web

The cover photo by Mr. Wilkins evokes the rituals of southern baptism. – Larry Blumenfeld, WSJ, January 22, 2022

As an article on The Bump explains, not every baptism occasion calls for gifts. — Annie O’sullivan, Women’s Day, May 6, 2022

The designation is critical as it is believed that the priest speaks directly for Christ during baptismal ceremonies. – Jeff Mcdonald, San Diego Union-Tribune, February 15, 2022

The baptismal error could pose further problems for those affected, according to the diocese. — Jason Duaine Hahn,, February 15, 2022

Keepsakes include her christening waters, a small pink and white knitted hat, final photos and a card with Everleigh’s birth details inked with her miniature footprints. — Globe Staff,, June 23, 2022

And one of the references was actually that christening scene from The Godfather. — Kristen Baldwin,, June 1, 2022

Vladimir Putin says because of a baptism a thousand years ago or because of bloodshed during World War II. – New York Times, April 22, 2022

The LDS Church issued a public apology on behalf of a member who performed surrogate baptismal rituals for the parents of Simon Wiesenthal, a Holocaust survivor and Jewish rights advocate. – The Salt Lake Tribune, March 31, 2022

See more

What do you wear to a christening?

Christenings are still a formal occasion, like a wedding, but slightly more relaxed, so you can opt for soft silhouettes, more playful with colours and prints, and styles, although floaty midi and maxi dresses are most popular.

Baptism Photography: 7 Essential Tips

We may earn a commission on products purchased through links in this article

Have you had many christening invitations but nothing to wear? You’re not alone.

Baptisms are most popular during the spring and summer months, although they can also take place at other times of the year.

While some prefer to wear a dress, others may be looking for a dressy, casual combo, a pants and blazer combo, or a skirt and blouse ensemble.

RELATED: Best mother of the bride dresses for a 2022 wedding

What do christening guests wear?

The difference between buying a wedding guest outfit or mother of the bride ensemble and having a christening is usually the structure of the dresses.

“What does that mean?” we hear you ask. Baptisms are still a formal occasion, like a wedding, but a little more relaxed so you can opt for soft silhouettes, more playful with colors and prints and styles, although floating midi and maxi dresses are the most popular.

READ MORE: Holly Willoughby’s new £39.50 Marks & Spencer dress WILL sell out

Can you wear white or cream to a christening?

Yes! The Duchess of Cambridge usually opts for a cream dress that is tailored at the top, with either lapels or puff shoulders, but the bottom part of the dress is slightly shorter as her outfits have fallen to the knees and have an A-line or loose fit for movement and comfort.

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The best outfits for a baptism


M&S is our shopping destination for everything. From grocery to housewares, fashion, shoes and much more.

The stationary retailer not only stocks M&S own brands like Autograph, but also other fashion labels like Phase Eight, Joules, Nobody’s Child and many more, so you are guaranteed to find the perfect outfit for all occasions.

Pure cotton broderie dress, £45, M&S

Daily sleeper

Daily Sleeper is one of our favorite brands, especially when it comes to spring clothing.

Celebrities including Millie Mackintosh, Leona Lewis and many other A-listers are fans of the label. While we love the pajama to evening combo, we’re desperate for an event to wear the iconic Atlanta midi dress, which you can wear off the shoulder or with puff sleeves on the shoulders.

SLEEPER Atlanta, off the shoulder ruched linen midi dress, £245, Net-A-Porter

John Lewis & Associates

Similar to M&S, John Lewis carries a variety of brands from Whistles to Phase Eight, Alice Temperley, Nobody’s Child and many more.

Whether you are looking for an easy wrap dress or a more formal design, perhaps a two piece suit or a casual jumpsuit, you are spoiled for choice.

Esme dress from Nobody’s Child, £75, John Lewis

Ted Baker

Ted Baker is a long-standing retailer that shoppers often flock to when shopping for formal wear.

What we love about Ted Baker is that the brand doesn’t shy away from flattering silhouettes and feminine prints, patterns or details.

Ted Baker Leyona floral ruffle maxi dress, £206.50, John Lewis & Partners


Boden is a firm favorite retailer for the royal family – we’re looking forward to seeing you, Kate Middleton.

Anyone wanting to take a leaf out of the Duchess’s style book can do so, as there are plenty of dresses, chic trousers and combinations to wear for your next christening.

Boden may have stunning dresses, but for those who want to dress a little bolder, the Kitty Dress bears her name and gives us major Sixties vibes.

Kitty midi shirt dress, £84, Boden

river island

River Island is the shopping destination for travelers on a budget.

Whilst they have stunning dresses for both formal and casual occasions, they also stock suits and one that we have a particular eye on is this pale pink pant suit which you can dress up or down, wear together or separately depending on the event. We know you will get your cost per wear out of this purchase.

River Island blazer and trousers combo in pink £101, River Island

& Other Stories

& Other Stories is the sister brand of H&M and Arket. So if you are looking for classy looking and high quality fabrics that are still affordable, this is the place to be.

& Other Stories has chic evening dresses, on-trend casual pieces as well as statement designs, maxi creations, midi length alternatives and mini styles, and that’s before we get to the style.

Printed midi dress in navy £85 & other stories


H&M is another firm favorite of ours when it comes to affordable casual wear.

The label has an eco-friendly and sustainable collection called Conscious, as well as an impressive selection of other garments to see you through any event, whatever the season – what more could we ask for.

What we love about H&M is that the pieces look classic, timeless and chic without breaking the bank.

Pleated dress, £59.99, H&M


Mango is another popular high street store that even Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner and Irina Shayk swear by.

Whether you’re looking for an elegant blazer to wear over tailored pants for your next christening, or a dress, Mango has you covered.

Polka dot ruffle dress, £69.99, Mango


Let’s face it, we all crave a Rixo dress and only dream of having an eye-catching dress in our closets.

If you’re looking to break the bank and invest in a head-turning dress, head straight to Rixo.



For many years, Warehouse has been a traditional fashion house that has trendy pieces for every shopper.

What we love is that they are currently on sale and with hundreds of discounted chic items this is the perfect time to grab a bargain and maybe refresh your wardrobe.

Cotton poplin V-neck midi dress with puff sleeves, £45, Warehouse


ASOS is the leading affordable online retailer and is often the first place we go when invited to find an outfit to match.

While there are hundreds of dresses to choose from, you can also shop for blazers, co-ord sets, pant suits, skirts and beautiful top combos and more.

4th & Reckless Blazer Koord, £50, ASOS

nobody’s child

Nobody’s Child is an environmentally conscious label that This Morning presenter Holly Willoughby often relies on when she hosts the ITV daytime show.

The brand not only supports a good cause, but also creates stylish designs that wardrobes are screaming for.

Felicia midi dress, £49, no man’s child

Never fully dressed

Never Fully Dressed meets the needs of every shopper. Whether you’re looking for a dress, skirt, co-ord or accessories, it’s your one-stop shop.

What we love about Never Fully Dressed is that most dresses can be styled multiple ways, which is great value for money and ideal for those who may only wear one outfit once and never again.

We couldn’t just pick one of our favorite dresses from the retailer as we love them all, so instead we’re taking a look at the plaid blazer and pant combo that you can wear to all events and even to the office after your christening.

Check tie blazer £99 and coordinating trousers £99 never fully worn

Pretty lush

Pretty Lavish often goes under the radar, but it’s a popular brand for those looking for chic and feminine designs at an affordable price.

Not only can you shop online at Pretty Lavish, but you can also shop at other specialty retailers including Selfridges. You’re going pretty wastefully.

Pretty Lavish Ashton, tiered abstract midi dress, £72, Selfridges


Oasis is a long-standing fashion retailer that has stood the test of time. But it’s no surprise as they have a wide range of clothing items; from trousers and jeans to skirts, dresses, overalls and combinations.

We challenge you, not finding something you love online – it’s impossible.

Ivory Scallop Floral Bardot Jumpsuit, £71.20 (was £89), Oasis

sister Jane

Sister Jane is famous for her signature puff sleeves or puffball dresses, whether midi or mini.

For those who want something feminine and flattering, but also comfortable and super chic, Sister Jane is your go-to.

The label is also available at Zalando, Selfridges and ASOS. So if you are looking for a specific Sister Jane dress, you have many stockists to shop from.

Sister Jane Barn Heart Mini Dress, £95, ASOS


Aspiga might not be the first shopping destination that springs to mind when shopping for an event, wedding or christening, but it should be.

With a variety of stylish and on-trend pieces to choose from, you’re guaranteed to feature at all the upcoming events in your diary this year – and every year to come.

Nancy smocked midi dress with puff sleeves, £70, Aspiga

The selection of HELLO! is editorially and independently selected – we only feature articles our editors love and approve. HELLO! may collect a percentage of sales or other compensation through the links on this page. To learn more, visit our FAQ page.

How To Shoot Baptism Photography – 7 Effective Tips

How To Shoot Baptism Photography – 7 Effective Tips
How To Shoot Baptism Photography – 7 Effective Tips

See some more details on the topic baptism photographer near me here:


As your dedicated Christening Photographer, I’ll capture all the important and impromptu moments so you can relax and enjoy the entire day!

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Date Published: 8/9/2022

View: 9325

A day in the life of a christening / baptism photographer

Photographing christenings and baptism can be a chilly experience, so I opt for thick layers that will keep me cosy. I wear quiet shoes so I can move around …

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Date Published: 9/14/2022

View: 7950

Baby Christening – Timothy Andrew Photography

$175.00. $250.00. $325.00. What’s Covered. On The Day: Arrival at the Church approx 30minutes before the Ceremony. Christening Ceremony (if. permitted).

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Date Published: 8/9/2021

View: 4658

Christening/Baptism Photo Packages

Dont miss the special time of your child’s Christening or Baptism. … Shawn Alan Photography can customize a package to suit your needs as well as your …

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Christening Photography | Gallery – Blossom Brook Studio

Professional Christening photography in Sydney. Photography service includes Christening, Baptism, Orthodox christenings, Serbian Orthodox Christening…

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Date Published: 1/6/2022

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Melbourne Christening Photography | Premiere Service

Melbourne’s premiere Christening photographer. … You can contact me via the form below for a full pricing list. what is your name? *. First Name.

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Baptism – Mini Anna Photography

celebrating baptism milestone & capturing k’s personality k only or with sibling and parents … *discount on studio + event coverage combo. Book me …

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Baptism Christening Photographer Bay Area

Photographs made during Christening ceremony in the Bay Area churches, … would like to keep forever every moment of this amazing day, please contact me.

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Date Published: 4/18/2022

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Baptism Photographer Los Angeles / Our Lady of Angels

Photographer for baptism

Heidi Garcia is a photographer who documents all special occasions, from baptisms to weddings. Heidi’s approach to documenting special occasions is to be discreet while capturing creative photos. Heidi Garcia Photography serves the Los Angeles area and all of Southern California. Our baptism prices start at $595. Our christening photography collections include an online gallery to share with family and friends. If you would like to book me for your child’s christening or other special occasion please visit here.

Photos taken at the Our Lady of Angels in Los Angeles.

Why Hiring a Professional Photographer for Baptism Is a Good Idea

Why it’s a good idea to hire a professional photographer for the baptism

On the day of the long-awaited baptism, you’re all dressed to impress, and the kids already know they’re on their best behavior. So why not snap some quick snaps of your gorgeous angels?

Well… because in reality it’s usually much more chaotic, isn’t it? You’re in a hurry to get to the venue on time, there are always last-minute changes to the plan (like accidents with defecation when you buckle your child in the car seat), you’re busy taking care of everything else and I’m praying for one Moment of peace and the kids are already covered in sugar from all those please be good treats you gave them this morning…

Okay, taking beautiful portraits of your kids might not be on your priority list anymore… but it should be!

Professional photography isn’t just reserved for your wedding day. It’s actually a great idea to hire a professional for such an important day as a christening, birthday party or any other special occasion you wish to attend.

Of course you want to enjoy what you have so selflessly devoted so much of your precious time to. This is exactly why you need a professional photographer at your next special event. And no, I don’t mean that you should ask Uncle Bob to bring his new camera, which he may or may not be able to use. I mean someone who is an experienced photographer who knows the rules of the church (where they can and can’t stand). Someone who doesn’t have friends around to distract them. And finally, someone dedicated to capturing those beautiful moments and the joy your family feels on this very special day.

But it’s one thing to hire a professional photographer, it’s another to actually do something with those images.

When you hire Ana Pascos Photography I will help you plan a beautiful portrayal of your little one and family that you will cherish for years to come!

Each booking customer receives a fixed order date about a week after their session. This appointment is booked to design a custom plan on how to display your beautiful portraits in your home (not your neighbor’s home, not my home – your unique home).

We go through your home and determine where to display your favorite images and what is the best medium to match your current decor.

Using advanced software, I design your wall decor right in front of you so together we can create a display that’s just right for you and your family.

The best part is that using your imagination is no longer part of the process. You will actually see how your portraits will look on your walls before committing to purchase (size, orientation and medium).

Call me today for a free consultation.


Baptism Photography: 7 Essential Tips

Be prepared and nail your christening photos!

So you were asked to do the christening photography. Exciting!

Until you start thinking about the challenges… a dark church is the dominant fear!

Then come the questions many of you are asking. “How do you take the best pictures of a christening” or “How do you photograph a baby’s christening” is what we hear most often.

Photographically speaking, a baptism or baptism presents more unique challenges than any other type of photoshoot. A dark church is just one of them.

There are rules to follow and ceremonial moments to keep in mind so you don’t miss them. In addition, you may not be able to stand in the most ideal position.

But don’t be put off! We have help from our CLG graduate and professional photographer, Claire Eastman. She recently captured a friend’s christening and her beautiful photos will help us tell you everything you need to know to make your christening photography perfect.

1. Rules – what to ask

That’s really important, and the rest doesn’t matter if you can’t even shoot inside!

Invite the parents to mention to the priest that they plan to have a baptismal photographer present to take photos. Some don’t allow it.

However, it is much more unusual these days for priests to ban photographers.

There are no general rules for how much freedom you have when shooting – it all depends on the priest. So ask them to clarify the following specifically:

Where you can and cannot stand

What you can and cannot shoot

Whether the priest is happy to be in the christening pictures or not

Can you use the flash and if so when (some will be happy if you use the flash at all times except during certain aspects of the ceremony)

2nd light

Light is the biggest challenge when taking christening photos.

The availability of light in most churches is such that it can be quite dark and gloomy! Don’t expect to capture perfectly bright, sharp, and creamy images. This is not your normal portrait session captured in nice light.

Instead, focus on the moments, embrace the moody light and shadows, and befriend the black sheep of the three elements of exposure – ISO!

3. Gear & Settings


We mention ISO first because it’s the element you need to rely on the most to take advantage of any ambient light you can.

Don’t sacrifice shutter speed instead of bumping up your ISO…give me grainy over blurry photos every day.

But capturing ISO also means capturing grain, since a high ISO causes grain. But a baptism is the kind of session where grainy images are forgiven. Plus, you can always convert to black and white, which is even more forgiving.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to ISO and low-light situations is resisting increasing your ISO and thinking, “I’ll just fix it later in the post.” . This article explains why you shouldn’t and what you can do instead (no jargon, I promise!).

Related: Embrace ISO

Aperture f/2 SS 1/250 ISO 2000

A good quality camera

That being said…there are limits, and they’re entirely determined by your gear. A Canon 5d or 6d can shoot at around 4000 ISO without the grain affecting sharpness and clarity to an unacceptable degree as long as I expose correctly.

Now think about it… I wouldn’t shoot at 4000 ISO if I were shooting a normal portrait session. That’s because I want a crisp and creamy result and at 4000 ISO you can’t get crisp and creamy.

If your camera can’t record at very high ISO values ​​without significant loss of quality, you should consider renting a high-end camera. It’s not as expensive as you think and you would just include it as a cost of the shoot.


Claire says, “I use a 35mm f/1.4 lens, partly because it’s my favorite lens and almost never leaves my camera. But for christening photos it’s a great focal length because I can fit so much in the frame.

I have to move a lot to get closer illustrations, but I like to zoom with my feet. If you prefer zoom, a 24-70mm f/2.8 lens would be a really versatile focal range for an event like a christening.”

Keep in mind that in very low light, a fast prime lens like the 35mm can give you an extra little burst of light over a zoom.

35mm – allows you to include the environment = context!

CLG photo tip

What is a fast lens? A lens with a maximum aperture of f/1.4 lets in more light than a lens with an aperture of f/2.8.

Why is it called fast?

Because it allows using a faster shutter speed when needed. But in a low-light situation, like photographing baptisms, you would just take advantage of that extra light and leave your shutter speed unchanged.

See also: Which lens should I use?

speed light

At this point you may be wondering why you don’t pull out your flash. Well, you have to ask the person in charge what is usually the priest.

But honestly? I once photographed a baptism with a relaxed priest saluting flash, but I still chose not to use it as I wanted to be unobtrusive. And sometimes it even makes babies cry… I didn’t mean to be that person!

Ok, I’m only half joking…if you get to use flash, and if you love using your flash, and assuming you rock flashes…go for it!

Just make sure you use a diffuser to lessen the impact on everyone around you and give a more natural light result.

4. Ceremonial Formalities

To ensure you take good photos of all baptismal formalities, ask the parents to describe the process of the event. In particular with regard to certain formalities that you may not be aware of.

I once photographed an Orthodox baptism and part of the ceremony consisted of the priest meeting the baby at the front door of the church and saying a prayer. Then the priest, mother, father and baby formed a procession down the aisle to the front of the church.

If I hadn’t known that beforehand, I wouldn’t have known how to position myself there to capture it from the right angle. Anticipating also gave me a chance to get my settings right first. It happened in a darker part of the church, and it happened quickly.

There was no time for test shots!

5. Formal Baptism Photography

Claire chatted with her friend before the event and discussed aspects of the day that were important to her. They also discussed the christening photoshoot she had hoped to do. Together they made a list of what Claire needed to capture and the combinations of people they wanted in formal photos. This included the pastor, family, guests and of course godparents.

Don’t assume the parents will remind you who to catch that day. Most of them are so in the moment and distracted that they forget to do some combos. So, even if you have a really great memory (go for it!)… write it down and put it in your pocket.


I took formal photos outside of the church because the light inside was far too cavernous for group shots. But Claire shot the formal christening photos for this event at the church, and it’s a great way to provide context.

But there are a few things you need to consider when making your decision.

First, there could be another christening very soon and you could be walked out before you have time for the formal christening photos. However, the parents should find this out for you in advance.

The second reason would be light. If you’re photographing larger groups of people, you’ll need to shoot with narrower apertures to get everyone in focus. So if the light doesn’t allow you to take the formal photos indoors, go outside and if you can, use the church as a backdrop for the photos.

CLG photo tip

A narrow aperture is the higher f-numbers (e.g. f/7.2). It gives you more depth of field that you need for photographing larger groups. But it also blocks light. So if you already have a low-light situation, this can be a problem.

See also: How to choose your aperture for large groups

6. Open Moments

For Claire, candid shots of friends and family are a must, and she loves photographing moments as they unfold. She wanders around as people arrive, capturing different perspectives, such as everyone watching the baptism.

She also loves capturing footage of the children interacting with each other during the event and makes sure to capture special family members like grandparents, aunts and uncles watching.

7. The must-get shots

Be ready for those crucial christening photos that you don’t get a chance for. If you know they’re imminent, get in position and make sure your settings are ready to go. Otherwise, take some test shots to be sure. Take lots of shots just in case.

Even if the family doesn’t want formal photos, there are other important photos from the baptism that you need to obtain. These are the christening pictures, babies with parents, grandparents, siblings and godparents.

Take every opportunity to photograph this baby in multiple images and different situations, even if there is no specific moment dedicated to baptism.

Big love to the talented and generous Claire Eastman for contributing to this post and for her beautiful christening photos! If you want more photography inspo and ideas, check them out here…

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