Basenji And Rat Terrier Mix? The 87 Top Answers

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Corgi and rat terrier mix basenji
Corgi and rat terrier mix basenji

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Basenji Rat Terrier Mix | Shop for your Cause

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What’s It Like To Own Basenji Rat Terrier Mix?

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Mixed breed dogs are more popular now than ever. It’s easy to see why. By mixing, you essentially get two dogs in one.

For those of us who like two dog breeds but can’t have both, a crossbreed is the best of both worlds.

Mixed breeds are also budget friendly, disease resistant, offer genetic diversity, and exhibit balanced traits.

Today I’m looking at the Basenji Rat Terrier mix. If you love both breeds and are looking for a crossbreed of the two, this guide will come in handy.

I’ll tell you everything you need to know about owning this crossbreed including temperament, grooming, health issues, grooming and more.


First things first, it would be great to know what your dog will look like. This is based on the appearance of both parents.

Here is a brief description of the Basenji and the Rat Terrier.

A. Basenji

Also known as the African barking dog, the Basenji is a medium-sized, graceful dog, weighing about 10-11 kg and standing 16-17 inches at the shoulder.

With a cute short polished coat, a tightly curled tail, expressive almond eyes and a wrinkled forehead, she is a true beauty in the canine world.

The coat can come in a variety of colors such as chestnut, brindle, black, and tri-color, all with white tips of the tail, chest, and feet.

The Basenji is an even-tempered and even-tempered dog. Their gait resembles that of a racehorse trotting at full speed.

Everything about the breed’s build allows it to move with relative ease and agility.

B. Rat Terrier

The Rat Terrier is a toy breed in the terrier family. She weighs 3-4 kg and has a shoulder height of 7-18 inches.

The breed has a single, smooth, and short coat that comes in many colors such as chocolate, gray, tan, tricolor, white, and black.

The ears are erect or semi-erect/semi-floppy while the tail is nicely docked to give it an elegant, distinctive look.

Today, Rat Terrier owners leave their tails open. In any case, this breed is a real feast for the eyes.

From the above you can see that a Basenji Rat Terrier mix is ​​a fairly small dog at no more than 24 pounds.

Depending on what genes are passed, she may weigh as little as 10 pounds, or inches towards the 24-pound mark.

The height also ranges from 7 to 18 inches at the shoulder.

Both peoples have short smooth coats and the resulting cross will be no different.

Other physical traits depend on inherited genes.


The Basenji Rat Terrier mix is ​​generally a friendly dog. Both parent breeds make great family dogs with a tendency to get along with children, adults, and other pets.

The Rat Terrier is a little antisocial towards other pets and aloof around strangers in the home, but early socialization and training will always do the trick.

The Basenji, on the other hand, can be shy around children, but her high energy levels make her a great playmate.

Expect your mix to be loyal, cautious, intelligent, playful, independent, and stubborn at times.

If she comes by her Basenji side of the family, she has a rather primitive facial expression, confident looks, and good manners.

Regardless of the resulting genes, the Basenji Rat Terrier dog makes a great family pet. She will play with the kids in the yard, accompany you on your hiking trips and is just fun to hang out with.

Basenjis are known not to bark, but instead to yodel, screech, and howl. However, when mixed with other dogs, the resulting cross is likely to bark.

Rat Terriers can be very noisy, so keep that in mind.


With a single short coat, this cross is one of the easiest to care for.

The coat sheds minimally and a weekly grooming schedule takes care of any loose hair.

Brushing also stimulates the natural oils in the skin and brings out the shiny appearance of the coat.

You would be happy to know that if the mix is ​​like her Basenji side of the parents, she will be a dedicated groomer.

Basenjis are said to have cat-like tendencies as they are fairly independent – perhaps more so than other dog breeds out there.

They are also very clean. Unlike other dogs that have bad smells, Basenjis don’t have typical smells. They always lick their coats to keep them neat and clean.

Grooming your Rat Terrier Basenji mix is ​​as simple as brushing their coat weekly, bathing them every few months, brushing their teeth twice or thrice a week, and trimming their nails regularly.

That’s all. No need for detangling tools, special shampoos, conditioners and all that fancy stuff.

exercise requirements

Basenjis are super active dogs. Bred for hunting, they are always on their feet.

You must offer plenty of daily walks and other intense activities to keep the dog happy.

The Rat Terrier is not the most active of breeds, but even they do need plenty of physical stimulation for their overall health and well-being.

If you have children at home, they will tire the dog and vice versa. Still, consider taking the dog with you on your runs, jogs, walks, and hikes.

Without walking at least 30 minutes each day, your dog can become bored.

If you know a thing or two about Basenjis, you probably understand that they are escape artists. Even a strong fence cannot withstand the breed when bored and in need of some entertainment and stimulation.

Therefore, always keep the dog on a leash and let it use up energy every day.


The mix of a Basenji and a Rat Terrier is an intelligent dog that learns commands easily.

Unfortunately, she can also be stubborn and strong-willed. You have to work hard to get their attention and get them to be present.

A solid alpha leader is also necessary to keep the dog focused during training.

To get a high score, make the workouts short so she stays alert and present.

If possible, tire them out before training to get their head in the game. She may have a strong prey drive and want to hunt anything that moves.

Also, positive reinforcement goes a long way in making training effective.

health concerns

When it comes to a dog’s health, there are a few factors that come into play. These include caring for the dog, parental health, and diet to name a few.

One Basenji Rat Terrier mix may enjoy a long healthy life while another may take the opposite direction. However, some health complications are specific to certain breeds.

Rat terriers are prone to Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, luxating patella, heart and eye diseases.

On the other hand, Basenjis are prone to hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, corneal atrophy, Basenji enteropathy, Fanconi syndrome, and progressive retinal atrophy, among others.

Final Thoughts

That’s about all you need to know about a Basenji Rat Terrier mix.

Like all breeds, the Mix comes with good and challenging traits.

If you can handle the challenges, you will enjoy the good.

Make the right decision!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3

Basenji Rat Terrier Mix | Shop for your Cause

The Basenji Rat Terrier Mix is ​​a mixed breed dog that emerged from the breeding of the Basenji and the Rat Terrier. Both dogs can be friendly, but personalities are different, so you never know. The Basenji is affectionate, energetic, and intelligent. All dogs need proper socialization and this will be a big factor in how they interact with others. How does this mixed breed breed look and behave? Is it more like the Basenji or the Rat Terrier? These are the questions we will try to answer below. Read below to see pictures, videos and learn more about the beautiful Basenji Rat Terrier Mix.

While we highly recommend that you acquire all animals through a rescue, we understand that some people may have to go through a breeder to get their Basenji Rat Terrier Mix puppy. That is if they have Basenji Rat Terrier mix puppies for sale.

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Basenji Rat Terrier Mix History

All hybrid or designer dogs are difficult to understand because they don’t have much history. Breeding specific dogs like this has become common over the past twenty years, although I’m sure this mixed breed has found its share of dogs in shelters due to accidental breeding. Below we will take a closer look at the history of the two parent breeds. If you are breeders looking for new designer dogs, please pay attention to Puppy Mills. These are places that mass produce puppies specifically for profit and don’t care about the dogs at all. If you have a few minutes, please sign our petition to stop puppy mills.

Basenji Story

The Basenji is an African hunting dog that people still use to hunt today. Basenji lovers describe their dogs as “nature’s masterpieces” due to their striking looks, ability to hunt, desire for company, and relative calm.

The most well-known characteristic of the Basenji is that it does not bark; Early literature on the breed describes them as the “African barkless dog”. However, she is not without vocal cords. Instead of a bark, the basenji produces a series of distinctive sounds that have been described as yodeling, crowing, and chuckling. She may also emit a warning growl. Wailing unhappily is another part of her singing repertoire.

Although kennel clubs classify the Basenji as a sighthound, she actually uses both her eyes and ears when hunting.

Paleontologists have scientific reason to believe that the Basenji is a descendant of the earliest known dogs. It lived and thrived in isolated Africa for thousands of years and was not known in Europe until about 1895. As a result, today’s Basenji has so far been relatively untouched by the human impulse to breed dogs. Their size, shape, colors, coat texture, and temperament are all as they have been for thousands of years.

Attempts to bring the breed to England failed until around 1937, when a successful breeding stock was finally established there. Shortly thereafter, the Basenji arrived in America. The American Kennel Club officially adopted the breed in 1943.

History of the Rat Terrier

This is an American breed dog that was bred to be a working dog. Because they are so small, they were bred to be hunters and guard dogs, to hunt down pests like rats and other vermin. They had to be fast and be able to catch animals as fast as rabbits. Today, the Rat Terrier is a stubborn but intelligent dog that is suspicious of strangers. While they can do well with a family even if not properly socialized, they can be aggressive towards other pets and strangers. You have a lot of courage and are very good at reading your mood. They want to please and are clingy, but he needs a lot of exercise or he may misbehave.

Basenji Rat Terrier Mix Size and Weight


Height: 17 inches at shoulder

Weight: 22 – 24 pounds.

Lifespan: 12 – 16 years

Rat Terrier

Height: 10 – 18 inches at shoulder

Weight: 10 – 24 pounds.

Lifespan: 15 – 18 years

Basenji Rat Terrier Mix Personality

The Basenji and Rat Terrier might be a bit spunky. They can be a curious little fellow, so keep an eye out for this behavior! All dogs need attention and do not want to be left alone. That’s why you have a pet, right? Plan efforts to socialize them as this will pay off in the long run. Please always use positive reinforcement, even though they may have a mind of their own. Enjoy being with your new mixed breed and love the relationship you will have with them.

Basenji Rat Terrier Mix Health

All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health issues as all breeds are more prone to some things than others. However, the only positive thing about getting a puppy is that you can avoid it as much as possible. A breeder should definitely give a health guarantee on puppies. If they don’t, then look no further and don’t consider this breeder at all. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about health issues in the breed and the frequency with which they occur. Of course, we encourage you to look around for a reputable animal rescue in your area to find your new mixed breed. Health clearances show that a dog has been tested for and cleared of a specific condition.

The Basenji mixed with the Rat Terrier could be prone to joint dysplasia, corneal dystrophy, and patellar luxation, among others.

Note that these are just common issues in both breeds.

Basenji Rat Terrier Mix Grooming

What are the care requirements?

Even if you know the breed, it’s sometimes hard to tell if it’s severe or mild shedding. Either way, get ready to invest in a good vacuum cleaner if you want to keep your floors clean! Give them baths as needed, but not so much that you dry out their skin.

What are the practice requirements?

Schedule extremely long walks and hikes to keep their energy levels down. This mix will most likely have high energy levels. This practice will keep them from being destructive. A tired dog is a good dog. However, a tired dog is a good dog. Never tie your dog outside – this is inhumane and not fair to him.

What are the training requirements?

This is an intelligent dog that will be a little difficult to train. They’re going to want to be alpha and need someone with a firm, strong hand to show them their place. The best thing you can do is break up the sessions into shorter daily sessions to keep their attention spans higher. It may have a prey drive and be prone to running after and chasing small prey, but if managed properly this can be managed. All dogs respond best to positive reinforcement. So make sure to praise her when she does well. She is an intelligent female who loves to please and loves a physical challenge. The more exercise she gets, the easier she will be to train. Proper socialization is essential for all dogs and puppies. Make sure you take them to the park and dog daycare to socialize them with as many people and dogs as possible.

Basenji Rat Terrier Mix Feed

“Often the diet is done per dog. Everyone is unique and has different nutritional requirements. Most dogs in the US are overweight. A mix like this prone to hip and elbow dysplasia really should be used Fish oil and glucosamine and chondroitin supplements ASAP A good diet to look at is the raw food diet A raw food diet is special good for wolf background.

It’s not a good idea to overfeed a dog as it can really aggravate health issues like elbow and hip dysplasia.

A good diet to look at is the raw food diet. A raw food diet will do the wolf background particularly well.”

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Basenji vs Rat Terrier

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